Dear Marist Family


Dear Marist Family
Marist College Canberra
December 5 2013
Important Dates
Monday 2 December Tuesday 10 December
Year 7 and 8 Examination period
Tuesday 3 December Friday 6 December
Year 9 Examination period
Friday 6 December
Junior School Activity Day
End of Term Year 9
6i Evening BBQ
Monday 9 December
Year 6 End of Year Presentation
1.30pm Senior School
Year 6 End of Term
Tuesday 10 December
Years 4 and 5 Semester Awards
Presentation, 12.00pm Senior
School Gymnasium
End of Term: Years 4, 5, 7 and 8
Wednesday 18 December
Year 12 Certificates issued
College Office closes
2014 Term Dates click here
Dear Marist Family,
As I sit to write this final reflection for the year I can’t help but
think how quickly the year has passed. It seems like only a few
days ago that I was writing the welcome back to school letter
which you received in late January. Where has the year gone?
The year at Marist has been a productive and successful one.
While we have experienced the occasional drama, the year has
been overwhelmingly a positive one for the College. I believe
we have the right to finish the year as a College family feeling
satisfied with what has been and grateful that so many people,
boys, staff, parents and Marists, have generously contributed to
ensuring Marist has had a good year.
At the end of year Mass for the Junior School last week Mr Moore focussed his address on the
theme of ‘thanks’. I liked what he said and thought it appropriate to include here:
“Today we gather to give thanks. At this time of the year it is easy to forget to take some
time to be grateful as we become fixed on preparing for the future or thinking about
Christmas and New Year. Being grateful is important, in fact in the United States of
America a whole day is dedicated to Thanksgiving. So at this Mass let’s take some time to
pause and be thankful for the many blessings we have enjoyed at the school this year.”
As the year ends I want to thank:
The boys, for their cooperation during the year and for doing well in their efforts to be
good Marist boys, living out our core values. My thanks especially to those many boys
who daily go about doing the ordinary things so extraordinarily well.
The staff. We have a great staff here at Marist: hard-working, focussed on the boys and
committed to ensuring our Marist school stays faithful to the Marist ethos.
The parents. I am grateful to the many parents who have been supportive of the College
and the staff. We have very high levels of involvement by parents in the life of the College,
especially in the Sporting Clubs. To the many parents who gave so generously, my sincere
At the end of year a number of staff will be leaving the College or taking leave. Details of
those people are outlined elsewhere in this Enews. However I would like to acknowledge
the resignation of Anne Fulton from the College after 15 years as teacher and Assistant Head
of Maths. Anne leaves us to move to Brisbane. Many boys have been taught by Anne and
benefitted from her thoroughness and dedication.
Glen Seivers takes a year’s leave to move to Cairns to work at St Augustine’s College. Glen will
be missed by the boys and families of Mark House as well as the Hockey Club he has worked
closely with these last six years.
Best wishes also to Anne Beyers who is resigning from Marist and has devoted many years of
service to the College, particularly working with boys in Enrichment and Learning Support.
After long service on the College Executive, Christine Robertson steps down to take a
year’s leave. Christine has been a loyal and hard-working Marist, teacher and Assistant Dean
of Studies. I will miss her involvement on the Executive and look forward to her continued
assistance with College related activities in the year ahead.
During Term 1 next year I will be away on leave and Mr Morrissey will be Acting Headmaster.
Mr Folan will be Acting Deputy Headmaster and Mr Slater will be taking on the role of Acting
Dean of Students.
Finally, on behalf of the Brothers community and the staff of the College I would like to wish
each Marist family a very happy, safe and peaceful Christmas and a restful holiday break.
Best wishes and may St Marcellin continue to watch over our boys and their families.
Yours sincerely
Follow Marist College on
Facebook and Twitter!
Mr Richard Sidorko
Enquiries: (02) 6298 7200
Marist college enews - December 5 2013
Year 12 Graduation
Graduation is the culmination of 13 years
of schooling for our boys in Year12. This
marks the completion of up to nine years
of formal schooling at Marist College
and so the academic, service, cultural
and sporting achievements of the 178
graduates is of special significance. The
list of prize and award winners here is
testament to their achievement and is a
reflection of the hard work and generosity
of the Graduating Class of 2013.
John Folan - Dean of Studies
Click here to
access more
photos of the day
Special Thank You
Year 12 Graduation - Year 11 Volunteer Parents
Marist College Canberra would like to express our sincere thanks to the
wonderful Year 11 Parent Volunteers who helped with various aspects
leading up to the Year 12 Graduation Morning Tea held on Friday 28
November and Graduation Dinner held on Saturday 30 November 2013.
We were extremely grateful for the large number of responses received
when our Year 11 Parent Committee co-ordinators sent out requests for
help in early November.
We would also like to thank all those wonderful families who sent in
plates of food for the Year 12 Graduation Morning Tea.
Please remember to come and collect any plates from the Senior
College Reception.
A special thanks to the Year 11 Parent Co-ordinators; Rachel Byles,
Mellisa Bowers, Kerry-Anne Kwong and Cathy Oswald for all their hard
work co-ordinating and contacting other Year 11 volunteers. It was a
wonderful, collaborative effort and greatly appreciated by the Year 12
students, their families and the College organisers.
Enquiries: (02) 6298 7200
Marist college enews - December 5 2013
Year 7 Orientation Day
Last Wednesday, Marist welcomed 215 Year 6 boys to the Senior School
for an Orientation Day in preparation for Year 7 2014. The boys came from
many primary schools throughout Canberra as well as our Marist Junior
School. They spent the day meeting their House Deans, House Group
Leaders and other Year 7 boys in their House, as well as spending House
group time with the Year 7, 8 and 9 boys in their House group rooms. The
Year 6 boys, the 35 Year 12 2014 College and House leaders led activities
to assist the younger boys to introduce them to daily routines of Senior
School and other games to help them get to know each other. The Year 6
boys enjoyed a BBQ lunch cooked by the College leaders. We look forward
to welcoming the Year 6 boys as our Year 7 2014 on Day 1 next year.
Big Day Off - Jamberoo Action Park
Congratulations to the boys listed who attended the
Big Day Off on Thursday 28 November 2014. The boys
had a fun filled adventurous day at Jamberoo Action
Park. The Big Day Off recognises those boys who have
received a Headmaster’s Certificate after obtaining
over 32 merits, and those who have achieved 100%
attendance in 2013.
It seemed a bit unfair to “reward” these boys by
making them be at school at 6.30 am, but they
stumbled in and hopped on to the minibuses driven
by Mr ‘Sebastian Vettel’ Barclay and Mr ‘Mark Webber’
Stinziani. Arriving at Jamberoo, the boys did a quick
swim test, stashed their bags and were off to test
themselves on the Funnel Web, The Taipan, Rapid River,
The Rock and the other attractions. Some squealing
was heard as they descended these exciting rides, but
these were mainly from Mr Barclay as he closed his
eyes when the speed hotted up.
It was a perfect day for being in the water: not too hot,
but warm and sunny. The boys all had a great time,
and their behaviour was exemplary. Some remarked it
was worth coming to school every day just to get this
day out!
Kelvin Abraham
Kevin Abraham
Connor Brice
Ronan Busing
Isaac Ciesiolka
Jeremy de Kleuver
Pranesh De Silva
Brendan Edwards
Lachlan Edwards
Tim Garrett
Luke Gaynor
William Gibbs
Doug Gordon
Ethan Harper
Max Hawley
Akshay John
Manav Khanna
Daniel Lowe
Joshua Martin
Murray McGirr
Enquiries: (02) 6298 7200
Declan McInerney
Hugo Mills
Lochlan Morrison
Joyal Moses
Jason Nguyen
Nathan Nguyen
Lachlan Rainey
Joshua Reis
Hamish Scott
Joseph Sergi
Tanishq Sharma
Christopher Stilling
Sungi Suhirthanathan
Taylor Thomas
Toby Whalen
Jakob Winkler
Jordan Wood
Jack Wyeth
James Yap
Marist college enews - December 5 2013
Careers News
Mrs Cattanach
Mrs Williamson
Working days:
Monday – Day 1, Tuesday – Day 2
Monday – Day 6, Tuesday – Day 7
Wednesday – Day 8
Working days:
Wednesday – Day 3, Thursday – Day 4
Friday – Day 5, Thursday – Day 9
Friday – Day 10
Online ATAR release: Thursday 19 December –
you will need your UAC PIN (and BSSS student number
or UAC number) to access your ATAR.
4 January 2014 – FINAL DATE to make changes for the
(ie check the order of your courses or add or delete on
UAC). Dates may differ for closing dates of university
admission centres in other states.
Year 12 Leavers - Please read the information in “Click
here” for reminders about: Employability skills, cover
letters, resumes and Centrelink.
UAC applications close
13 December
(last day for consideration in main round offer)
VTAC applications close 16 December 5.00pm
SATAC (SA) close
2 December
QTAC (QLD) close
11 December
(last day for consideration in main round offer)
TISC (WA & NT) close
3 January
ANU - Walk-In Wednesdays - no appointment
needed - talk to Advisors
Don’t forget ANU College – Associate Degree ADD TO UAC NOW
Back-up plan – check extra docs to be submitted
through UAC when you add it to your UAC list
Click here to read more careers news
Congratulations Ethan
Staff FArewells
As is always the case the end of the school year is also a time
to acknowledge staff who are retiring, moving to new career
paths, moving to new teaching positions in other schools or
have completed extended contracts replacing staff on leave.
We say a fond farewell to the following teaching and support
staff, thank them for what they have given to Marist and wish
them well for new challenges and happy times in 2014 and
beyond. Please read the Blue and Blue for more comprehensive
farewells on many of these people who have given so much to
the College over many years.
From the Senior School….
Anne Beyers
Anne Fulton
Alistair McDonald
Nathan Irvine
Nick Pinkerton
Larinda Knight
Liam Stakelum
Stefan Kussy
Rob Milne
Justin Werner
Georgia Wemyss
Support Staff…
Kerry Woods
Sandy Dixon
Nicole Nijskens
Mitch Bowden
From the Junior School…
Rob Whyte
Jeanell Peston
Sonia Brown
Simon Brown
Monica Simpson
Lyn Andrews
We also wish the following
staff well as they look
forward to leave in 2014…
Christine Robertson
Geraldine McNulty
Glen Seivers
Cecilia Carlill
Kyla Burch
Glenn Slater - Acting Assistant
Head of School - Staff
Please remember Michael Lenarcic (2012) who was
seriously injured in a motor vehicle accident earlier this
week, and Matt Pridham (2006) seriously injured earlier
this year who is rehabilitating in hospital in Sydney and
with the care of his family.
RIP Jim Harkins
Please remember Jim Harkins in your prayers.
Jim, the father of Peter Harkins (former Marist parent and
Chair of the College Finance Committee) and grandfather
of his sons Chris and Michael, died in Foster last week.
The College offers condolences to the Harkins family.
Winner of the M&Ms
Competition 2013
Reminder to Year 11 Parents
Can all parents who kindly donated food for the Year 12
Graduation morning tea, please remember to collect
your plate from the Front Office.
Enquiries: (02) 6298 7200
Marist college enews - December 5 2013
Thanksgiving mass
A well-known theologian called Meister Eckhardt once wrote… “If
the only prayer you said was thank you… that would be enough…”
So we give thanks… for the vision and hard work of our founder
St Marcellin Champagnat. A man who believed in the power of
education, who knew that schools should appeal to the time and
the place, are progressive and produce well rounded, fine young
We give thanks… to Mary our Good Mother who watches over all
of us in all we do, who supports us in our challenges, who helps us
to be strong, who helps us to be gentle.
We give thanks… for our teachers. For their dedication and hard
work. For their leadership, for their challenge and their support,
for their care for all of us. Year 4 – Mr Donovan, Mr Pezzella, Ms
Brown, Mrs Bell and Mrs Croker we say thank you.
For Mr Brown, Mr Morwitch, Mrs Thompson, Mr Warnes and Mr
Whyte – we say thank you.
Our Year 6 team – Mrs Izzard, Ms Skvorc, Mrs Rolfe, Mr Hicks, Mr
Lloyd thank you…
Sensai Hutchison, Mrs Fittler, Br Anthony, Br Cletus, Mrs Noonan,
Mrs Nulley, Mrs McNally, Mrs Simpson, Mrs Dickson, Ms Andrews,
Mrs Collins, Mrs Fuller & Mrs Ingold we say thank you.
Mrs Vercoe… thank you. Canteen staff, grounds staff, College
Executive, and all who do those many unsung and ordinary,
everyday tasks we say thank you. And to those who I’m sure I’ve
missed off this list which is a danger when you name people.
Thank you.
To our mums and dads, relations and friends who help in the
canteen, read in the hallways, assist in the classrooms, coach and
manage our teams, who drive us to do well and who dream with
us of the people we might be… thank you.
Boys to each and every one of you – thank you. Each special, loved
and unique I thank you for the many gifts and qualities you bring
to our Marist family. Well done to you on your learning and your
achievements, on your successes and your trials. Thank you for
the part you each played in the many events that have shaped
this year.
Thank you for making the most of the many opportunities your
family and this school works so hard to provide you with…
Thank you for your contributions to the swimming carnival,
camps at Birrigai, Long Beach and Narrabeen. Cross country
carnival, Mother’s Day Mass, Author visit, Book Fair, Indigenous
performances, semester awards, monthly awards, walkathon,
big brothers, little brothers, brothers together, open classrooms,
athletics carnival, elective sport, rugby union, football, hockey,
basketball, drawing club, ipad club, computer club, Lego club…
and I can’t go on…
It seems sometimes saying thank you is not enough… but if we
practice gratitude and work to be people who are grateful and
thankful, people who are committed to this fine College then this
attitude will spread and add a special influence to those words of
thanks… they will become meaningful… and powerful.
Enquiries: (02) 6298 7200
Click here for more photos from the
Thanksgiving Mass
Marist college enews - December 5 2013
Junior School Awards 2013
Congratulations to the Junior School End of Year Major Awards
winners for 2013.
Champagnat Medal
Sam Spain
The Brother Mark Award for Character and Leadership
Joseph Kettle
Nick Anastasi
Thomas Gellatly
The Brother Anthony Atkinson Academic Award
Brendan Huynh
The Doctor Reg Fetterplace Award for Sportsman of the Year
Jack Castles
Class Marcellin Prize Academic Award
John BrennanRemy Stroud
4KBMarcus SmithRyan Fraser
Ben Keogh
Pierce Brennan
Travis Grady
Jacob Bauer
5CWMatt Toohey
Lesh Samaranayake
Liam Bowron
Joshua Green
Patrick Barton
Will Taylor
Will Adam
Sanjai Lakshmanan
William EllisMarlon Taylor
Aniket Dhawan
Lachey Smith
Aiden Kelly
Oliver Austin
Akilan Vigneswaran
6RMinh Truong
Samuel Riedl
Thomas Gellatly Ted Jenkins
Box of boots - thank you
Australia Post
The Box of Boots project was aimed at collecting pre-loved sporting
boots and donating them to the boys and girls of another Marist
school, Sacred Heart College in Alice Springs. Throughout Term
Three, the boys in the Junior School were asked to generously donate
once loved, good quality sporting boots of any size to the students
of Sacred Heart College and the response was overwhelming. Each
week more and more boots came in with a large number of jerseys
as well. The project was a
huge success due to the
generosity of our Canberra
Marist families.
When Term Three came to
an end our task was then
to ship the boots to Alice
Springs. We were incredibly
fortunate to have the
total support of Australia
Post. As soon as they were
contacted and asked if they
could help in any way, they
stepped up immediately
by providing free freight of
the 13 boxes weighing in
at over 120 kilograms. Australia Post are committed to providing
excellent service both locally and on a national level.
Congratulations to the following Junior School Boys who were
awarded Headmaster’s Awards this week from Mr Sidorko.
Marist College Canberra Junior School is grateful and thankful to
Mr Alberto Teixeira, South Canberra Business Hub Manager, and
Mr John King (father of Thomas King Year 9), Delivery Manager
Tuggeranong at Australia Post for their generosity in transporting
the boots and jerseys to Alice Springs free of charge. By doing so
Australia Post and our Marist families have enabled boys and girls
who are less fortunate than ourselves an opportunity to put on a
pair of boots and a jersey and play sport.
To receive a Headmaster’s Award the boys must gain 16 merit slips
which equate to 4 Merit Certificates awarded by Mr Moore. After
gaining 4 Merit Certificates the boys then hand in their 4 certificates
for their Headmaster’s award. Congratulations to these boys for their
achievements this year.
Will Ellis (6H) and Ashen Gamage (6H) happily gave up their time
to label and set up the boxes ready for transport. Both Alberto
and John were excited to have the boys help hand over the boxes
as they loaded up the Australia Post van for the long trip to Alice
Headmaster’s Awards
Jack Kelly, Jack Bell, Hamish Morrison
4KBMatt Grace, William Hansen, Ethan Kirk, Ben Lanzon,
Fin Grimmond, Patrick Nangle, Brynn Hart, Samuel Wilsmore
Angus Campbell, Luuk Bannister
Joshua Petrovic
5CWRyan Maguire, Matt Toohey, Lewis Rogic, Cormac Hayes
5MRobert Weardon, Damien Cusack, Ryan Tobler
Hugh McCormack, Braeden Spencer, Christian Fatiaki,
Seth Arnould
Christopher Kay, Alexander Trewartha
Liam Howard
Thank you very much Australia Post for helping to bring our project
to fruition.
Maree Rolfe
Book Packs and Bibles
A reminder that Year 5 students need to keep their Bible for use
in the classroom in Year 6 2014.
All boys, Years 4, 5 and 6, will be issued book packs on the first
day of school that include text books and exercise books. Please
ensure however that you have a large pencil case.
Enquiries: (02) 6298 7200
Marist college enews - December 5 2013
6s Snippets
This term in the brilliant class of 6S we have overcome many different
obstacles physically and mentally. When we say physically we mean working
our rear ends off at all of the Year 6 external sport rotations which include:
water aerobics, mpowerdome, bowling and boot camp. Boot camp was
the hardest rotation by far. We endured 60 minutes of pain and by the
end everyone’s limbs felt dead. It was a close competition when it came to
choosing the best rotation but there was still lots of different opinions. This
term was definitely fun sports wise and everyone seemed to be enjoying
themselves. We can’t wait for the different variety of activities to come next
year in Year 7.
Mentally we survived countless tests including: Maths, English, Spelling and
even soil! Everyone in our class is looking forward to the challenges and
privileges we face in Year 7. The majority of the class has learnt that tests
are hard but once we put our minds to it anything can be achieved. We all
look forward to the Year 6 Presentation where we will finally advance into
the senior school. Most of the class have heard scary things about the senior
school such as homework and exams but there are also plenty of things to
be excited about such as dragsters and working in the science labs.
William Ryan and George Nelson in class 6S
ACT Primary Schools Japanese Speech Contest
On Saturday 9 November, seven Marist Junior School students
participated in the ACT Primary Schools Japanese Speech Contest at
Farrer Primary School.
performed a short play in the Open Division. The play was set in a
restaurant and involved a young couple and a restaurant critic. It was
really witty and well received by the audience and the judges.
Jackson Scott (4D) and Pierce Brennan (4P) both gave excellent
speeches introducing themselves.
Congratulations to all of these students. Speaking in front of an
audience in another language is difficult and all of the boys acquitted
themselves very well indeed.
Max Lester (5RW) spoke about his cat, Kiki. Max gained third place in
his Division.
I hope that more Marist Junior School Japanese students will be
inspired to compete next year.
Jan Hutchison - Junior School Japanese Teacher
Joseph Kettle, Andre Le, Jakob Gilmayer and Christian de Cos (6L)
Japan Club Report
This year the Japan Club has met most Thursday lunchtimes. We
have watched Japanese films, played games, made origami and
learnt some Japanese calligraphy.
This club is new to the Junior School and we hope to continue
with a greater variety of activities next year.
It is a good chance for students with a real interest to spend time
pursuing their interests in the Japanese Room.
Enquiries: (02) 6298 7200
Marist college enews - December 5 2013
dodge ball competition
Over the last five weeks the Leadership Team in the Junior
School have been fighting it out to see who would walk away
as Dodge Ball Champions for 2013. The four Houses went into
battle each week and fought the good fight. The teams consisted
of members from Years 4, 5 and 6 with the boys proving that
their Dodge Ball skills were simply the best! After intense battle,
O’Donoghue walked away the champions!
The competition culminated in a Teachers versus Leaders game,
best of three, on Friday with the whole school convinced that the
boys would take the title of ‘Junior School Dodge Ball Champions
2013’ easily. The game was close. The teachers took out the first
game with Mr Lloyd strutting his stuff in an undersized pink shirt
and cap. Mr Brown aimed and fired with intense accuracy and
Mr Pezzella was a force to be reckoned with. Mrs Croker was the
only female member of the team and proved to be tougher than
most. The boys aimed at Mr Donovan but his side steps were fast
and furious. Mr Whyte was skilled up with his ability to knock out
two boys at a time. As the game progressed the boys started to
drop like flies with the teachers winning the first game easily.
After the break however, the boys came back fighting. They
debriefed and were determined to regain their dignity. They
aimed and fired and one by one they knocked out each of the
teachers. They combined their leadership skills and came up
with a plan that proved successful in game two. It was now one
game all and the decider was to be played immediately. Tensions
were high and both the teachers and leaders were determined
to walk away champions. It took the boys just six minutes to take
out the teachers and walk away victorious! They were gracious
in winning as they bellowed at the top of their voices that they
were ‘The Champions’.
I would like to congratulate the Leadership team: Joseph Kettle,
Nick Anastasi (out due to injury), Isaac Males, Thomas Gellatly,
Oliver Austin, Ed Murphy, Braeden Spencer, Zach Johnston,
Tom McLean and Ted Jenkins for their true and fair play and
commitment to their leadership roles.
Congratulations boys and let’s hope the Leadership Team of
2014 can defend the title.
Maree Rolfe
R.E. News
Speech and drama
Speech & Drama exams were held by the Australian Speech &
Communication Association (ASCA) in Canberra on Sunday 24
November. Four Junior School boys gained extremely good
results and are to be congratulated.
Kesavan Srirangan
High Distinction
Aden Power
High Distinction
Marcus Smith
High Distinction
Pierce BrennanDistinction
Well done boys.
The following is for interested parents of boys intending to receive
the Sacrament of Confirmation next year. It is not compulsory or a
College initiative.
Confirmation Preparation retreat series in the Catechesis of the
Good Shepherd.
Introductory Atrium Session Monday 9 December 2013,
Come with your child.and get a taste of what the retreat sessions
will look like. Suitable for year 5, 6 or 7 in 2014. Preparation
for the Sacrament of Confirmation. Fridays term 1 2014 at the
atrium, St John Vianney Primary School, Waramanga. Fees apply
for the term program.
Enquiries or RSVP: Camille Corson 62887507 M: 0402 201 251 or
Enquiries: (02) 6298 7200
Marist college enews - December 5 2013
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Carols bring the Marist Spirit Alive
The Canberra Marists community gathered together to
celebrate the season of Advent at the Community Carols
held at the College on Tuesday evening this week. Being the
first time that Marist has put on a Carols in recent years, the
organisers Tara Blacker and Kate Lofthouse were keen to start
off on the right foot. From handmade bows, to Christmas
lights, tinsel and garlands, they transformed the Forum into a
Christmas wonderland with decorations generously supplied
by the Marist Parents and Friends community. The event was
well attended with over 260 people coming together to listen
to a full program of talented singers and artists, ranging from
Sarah Darnley-Stuart’s beautiful soprano notes, the rocking
Year 10 group, through to some beautiful instrumental solo
possible, especially the Music Department for their support
helping students rehearse, Chris Walker for helping to secure
affordable equipment and to Jarrod Schindler and Margaret
Smith for their advice and wisdom. Thanks to the Marron
photography and videography team and sound equipment
which was generously supplied by FX Group and Eclipse
Sound and Lighting.
It was a terrific family friendly affair with picnic dinners, and
lots of kids having a great time throughout the evening. This
family spirit really epitomises the purpose of Canberra Marists
gathering, from Commencement Mass, Way of the Cross, to
Champagnat Day, Mothers Prayers and Young Marists, the
focus of family spirit is always present.
Frugii ice-cream and sorbet and the warm weather was an
excellent combination and the owners (Marshall’s Marist
family) have generously offered to make a donation to the
Vinnies appeal.
Vinnies will also receive $400 from donations on the evening
and many people also brought gifts for the giving tree.
Santa Claus was a huge hit, getting bombarded by a gaggle of
children who were so excited to see him, he almost didn’t make
it to his chair! A big thanks to Andy Lofthouse for donning the
red suit.
We would like to thank everyone who made this evening
The evening was MC’d brilliantly by James Dimmock and Joe
Whyte, who really stole the show with their jokes and one liners.
Well done to the performers, you were brilliant: the Marist
Junior School Choir, Sam Jeacle, Daniel Krizan, Josh Freeman,
Hugo Webster, Charlie Kurthi, Sarah Darnley-Stuart, Rhys Coles,
Christen Fernando, Josh Knol, Josh Walsh, Alison Ahearne and
Daniel Brinsmead for his accompaniment on the piano and
rehearsals with all of the performers. A final and special thanks
must go to Tara Blacker for her amazing coordination of the
Carols and to Kate Lofthouse for her creativity which made the
evening such a success. We look forward to decking the halls
in 2014!
Photos with Santa can be collected from the Senior School
Front Office.
Enquiries: (02) 6298 7200
Marist college enews - December 5 2013
‘like’ the Marist
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I-Day 2013
Order of Australia association
Last Saturday ENGAGE Sports was featured at the I-Day Expo
and Market hosted at the National Museum of Australia. I-Day
seeks to promote all of the excellent work being done in the
community for people with a disability. The ENGAGE Sports team
setup an informative and interactive display under the direction
of Ms Loretta McNaught. The team received a lot of supportive
comments about the program and had some parents sign up for
the 2014 season. I-Day was an excellent opportunity to network
with other organisations in the community and gave our students
an opportunity to understand what is on offer for people with a
disability. Well done to everyone involved in getting the word out
about ENGAGE Sports.
Last Wednesday Marist received recognition from the Order of
Australia Association for its contribution to Service through the
MATES Service Program. The ceremony was held at the picturesque
Royal Golf Course and the awards were presented by Mr Mark
Sullivan the CEO of ACTEW. The 2013 Platinum MATES Award
recipients accepted the plaque on behalf of the College with Mr
Richard Sidorko and Mr Ahearne. Congratulations to the Marist
community for this great honour and we hope it encourages you
to keep putting your faith into action.
Year 10 Marist boys Serving in the
Since finishing their exams last
Tuesday, Jeremy Manuelpillai, Josh
Freeman, Stefhan Myer and Darcy
Sheahan have been volunteering at
the Malkara primary school, working
alongside the teachers and assisting
the children with disabilities. It is
inspiring to see these four young
men getting involved in Service
during their holidays. The Assistant
Principal at Malkara has indicated
that they are very grateful for the
boys’ time and energy that they
bring to the classroom. Well done to
all involved in this fantastic Service
initiative. Do you have a Service project that some students
could work on over the Summer holidays? Let us know at
ENGAGE Sports End of
Year Presentations
Last Wednesday was the final round of ENGAGE Sports for 2013,
and they celebrated the achievements of everyone involved in
style. The afternoon included presentations by the students. Ms
McNaught and everyone was presented with a certificate for their
efforts. The Malkara students were presented with a medal to
acknowledge their participation in the ENGAGE Sports program.
The afternoon concluded with the parents and students enjoying
an afternoon tea prepared by the Marist students. A huge thanks
to Larinda Knight and Loretta McNaught for their preparation for
the afternoon, and the tremendous leadership of the Year 7-9
ENGAGE Sports team in 2013. The program continues to go from
strength to strength and we are looking forward to welcoming
more students in 2014.
Vinnies Christmas gifts
Thank you to all the Marist families who have brought in Christmas
gifts for the neediest families in Canberra this Christmas. Each
House Group has been asked if they would consider ‘adopting’ a
family to support. Presents can still be handed into the Front Office
and will be presented to Vinnies next Tuesday afternoon. For more
information please contact
Enquiries: (02) 6298 7200
Marist college enews - December 5 2013
Vinnies’ Request
for volunteers
Volunteer needed for the Uniform shop
Monday Mornings in 2014: 8.00am - 9.30am
Please contact the Uniform Shop for more information.
Vinnies is looking for volunteers to help in our retail
centres and/or warehouse over our very busy holiday
period. We get a large volume of donations and are
looking for people to help us out with the sorting and/
or centre duties. All the money raised in our centres
goes to supporting the homeless in our community.
Click here for information about the
Uniform Shop’s additional opening hours
If you are interested, please email Katherine at or call 6234 7348.
6287 3833
Being a parent is the hardest job we’ll ever have.
All parents at some time
experience difficulties and stress.
Parentline ACT
is a confidential, anonymousPRESENT
and information
service. Phone
if you
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Help with some ideas on raising children.
Support in the important job you are doing.
To know what is available for parents, teenagers and children in Canberra.
To build better relationships in your family.
Help to understand your child or teenager’s
kids $11995 adults $18995
kids $11995
Have you ever felt that nothing seems to work anymore? That you’ve tried everything?
Try phoning us.
Parentline ACT.
Monday to Friday (except on public
9am to 5pm.
kids $99
kids $11995 adults $17995
(Please leave a message if we are busy, and we will return your call within 24 hours)
For Peaceful
and Resilient
by Parentline
ACTwebsite to donate and help keep
Parentline Christmas Appeal:
visit our
to the
of Canberra:
• helps youthis
less - stop those
• enhances your relationship with
your children, to last a lifetime
• offers you an alternative to using rewards
punishment - to help CANBERRA
your child
Phone: (02) 6262 8344
Phone: (02) 6251 6993
inner discipline.
• helps you raise confident, considerateWESTFIELD
children WODEN
in an atmosphere
of mutual respect
(02) 6282
1178 resilient and emotionally
Phone: (02) 6293 1137
• offers you the “how to” of helping yourPhone:
• is evidence based and extensively researched
20-21st January
The Athlete’s
Foot will be at
the uniform shop
selling school
The course consists of three-hour sessions, once per week, for eight weeks. Booking is essential.
$290 pp for the course (investment includes a workbook and textbook).
Course begins: Tuesday, 11th February, 2014
Time: 6.30 pm to 9.45 pm
Place: Weston, ACT.
For more information, phone Canberra’s most experienced accredited P.E.T. instructor:
Larissa on 0413 451 607 or email
Enquiries: (02) 6298 7200
Marist college enews - December 5 2013
Basketball Club
Cricket Club
Hockey Club
Rugby Club
Rowing Club
Marist Canberra Marist Australian
Football Club
Football Club
Congratulations to...
Hugh McKenzie and Benjamin O’Rourke who will be
representing the ACT in the Australian All Schools Track and
Field Championships in Townsville from 5 - 9 December.
U13 Div 1 celebrate a Joe Sidorko wicket
Congratulations to Tom Iles for taking 6 wickets for a miserly 9 runs in U15
Div 1’s match against Radford.
Angus Dryburgh (U16d2) and Tom Henry (First XI) each narrowly missed
out on a ‘ton’ after being dismissed for 99. Tom is having a (hopefully brief )
run of close shaves, having recently scored 98.
Greater western Sydney
AFL Players visit Marist
You can follow the progress of the First XI at the Marist carnival in Adelaide
on MyCricket.
2nd XI/Colts
U18 Royal
Div 2
U18 Royal
U18 Sky
U18 Sky
Div 2
Div 2
Div 2
Div 2
T20 - Norths Red
Northern Districts
Div 2
Div 1
T20 - Weston Creek
U14 Sky
U14 Royal
U13 Blue
U13 Sky
U13 Royal
Div 2
Div 1
Div 1
Div 1
Div 2
Div 2
Div 2
Div 1
Div 2
Div 1
Weston Creek Molonglo
T20 - Tuggeranong
T20 - Wests
T20 - Tuggeranong
Norths Yellow
Norths Blue
Burgmann Blue
Ginninderra Siberian
St Edmunds White
Grammar White
Weston Creek Molonglo
First XI
U10 Sunday
U10 Blue
U10 Royal
U10 Sky
Won on 1st
Lost on 1st
Lost on 1st
Won on 1st
On Monday 2 December, Greater Western Sydney AFL players
Phil Davis (current Co-captain and Marist Old Boy) and Jacob
Townsend conducted an AFL skills clinic at the College.
Despite the 30 degree heat, it was well attended by over 40
Marist players from all age brackets.
Key Sporting club dates
Saturday 7 December
Marist Rowing Club: Family Christmas BBQ
Time to be advised
Enquiries: (02) 6298 7200
Marist college enews - December 5 2013
Marist Basketball - Round 7 Results
U12 Div 1 MCC
U12 Div 2 MCC
U12 Div 3 MCC
U12 Div 4 Sky
U12 Div 5 Royal
U12 Div 5 Blue
U12 Div 5 Navy
Division 1
Division 2
Division 3
Division 4
Division 5
Division 5
Division 5
Norths Satellites
Canberra Grammar
Tuggeranong Southern Cross
Ginninderra Lake Rats
Loss 27 – 33
Loss 4 – 44
U14 Div 1 MCC
U14 Div 2 MCC
U14 Div 3 Sky
U14 Div 3 Blue
U14 Div 4 Royal
U14 Div 5 Sky
U14 Div 5 Royal
U14 Div 6 Navy
U14 Div 6 Marine
U14 Div 6 Blue
Division 1
Division 2
Division 3
Division 3
Division 4
Division 5
Division 5
Division 6
Division 6
Division 6
Ginninderra Rats
Belconnen Ramblers
Ginninderra Rats
Canberra Grammar
St Edmunds Gold
WCW Dodgers Dunkers
Radford Pacers
Norths Storm
Canberra Grammar
Loss 51 – 54
Loss 26 – 29
Win 51 – 26
Win 44 – 22
Win 38 – 2
U16 Div 1 MCC
U16 Div 2 MCC
U16 Div 3 Blue
U16 Div 3 Sky
U16 Div 4 Sky
U16 Div 4 Royal
U16 Div 4 Blue
U16 Div 4 Navy
U16 Div 5 Sky
U16 Div 5 Royal
U16 Div 5 Marine
U16 Div 6 Royal
U16 Div 6 Blue
Division 1
Division 2
Division 3
Division 3
Division 4
Division 4
Division 4
Division 4
Division 5
Division 5
Division 5
Division 6
Division 6
Wests Magpies
Tuggeranong Southern Cross
Tuggeranong Vikings
TSC Tigers
Marist Royal
Marist Sky
Daramalan Red
Radford Taipans
Canberra Grammar
Tuggeranong Vikings
Norths Storm
Loss 50 – 87
Win 52 – 38
Loss 27 – 44
Win 49 – 6
Loss 4 – 54
Win 54 – 4
Win 29 – 10
Win 50 – 10
Loss 13 – 31
Win 31– 19
Win 53 – 22
U19 Div 1 MCC
U19 Div 2 MCC
U19 Div 3 MCC
U19 Div 4 Sky
U19 Div 5 Royal
U19 Div 6 Navy
U19 Div 6 Marine
Division 1
Division 2
Division 3
Division 4
Division 5
Division 6
Division 6
Wests Magpies
Tuggeranong Southern Cross
St Edmunds College
Tuggeranong Southern Cross
Ginninderra Rats
Marist Marine
Marist Navy
Loss 67 – 78
Loss 45 – 54
Win 42 – 37
Draw 21 – 21
Win 34 – 32
Win 22 – 21
Loss 21 – 22
Enquiries: (02) 6298 7200
Win 13 – 7
Win 70 – 0
Loss 2 – 8
Win 17 – 4
Win 30 – 28
Win 26 – 11
Win 23 – 4
Loss 18 – 24
Win 26 – 14