jueves 19 de noviembre de 2009 - Gran Fratervidad Tao Gnóstica


jueves 19 de noviembre de 2009 - Gran Fratervidad Tao Gnóstica
JUAN 3:17 Porque no envió Dios a su Hijo al mundo para condenar al mundo, sino para que el mundo sea
salvo por él.
jueves 19 de noviembre de 2009
Es el Microchip la marca de la bestia
revelacion | 20:12 | |
Estimado visitante, no sabemos a ciencia cierta, si este
"metodo sea la marca de la bestia", pero si podemos decirles, que este metodo ya esta estableciendo
en varias partes del mundo y se esta utilizando, por personas influyentes, poderosas economicamente
tanto politicos, empresarios,uno de sus metodos ventajosas es para eliminar cualquier necesidad de
documentos, como identificaciones, hacer transferencias de dinero en cualquier parte del mundo, asi
como comprar o vender y como historial medico. y tambien es usado como inhibidor de secuestros por
empresarios de todo el mundo. y puede ser leido el microchip por cualquier escaner. pero lo que si
estamos seguros, es de que es el chip, se esta implantando en el lugar indicado, donde dios establecio
en su palabra de donde se implantaria, en apocalipsis 13:16-17 entonces si este es el metodo para
controlar todo el mundo entero, entonces llegamos a la conclusion que esta es la marca de la bestia.
la empresa motorola es la que esta produciendo el microchip para la empresa
" Mondex Smartcard" que se desarrollo en varios implantes humanos usando el bio - chip.
una de las componentes del chip son: Transponder: es un sistema de almacenamiento y lectura de
informacion en un microchip, cuya lectura en ondas similares a las de un control remoto, y se controla
tambien por medio satelital
El bio-chip mide 7mm de largo y 0.75mm de ancho, es como un (grano de arroz). Contiene un tambien
un termopar: es una batería de Litio recargable. La batería es recargada por un circuito de que produce
una corriente eléctrica con fluctuaciones de la t
cuerpo. .
emperatura del
Muchisimas corporaciones en diferentes paises de todo el mundo ya lo estan utilizando, y estan
involucradas distribuyendo este sistema, Están siendo usados por otros sistemas de Smartcard en favor
de Mondex, especialmente desde que Mastercard compró una participación del 51% apostando a la
Estas empresas gastaron más de 1,5 millones de dólares en estudios, sólo para saber cuál era el mejor
lugar para colocar este bio-chip en el cuerpo humano. Y sólo encontraron dos lugares satisfactorios y
eficientes LA CABEZA, debajo del cuero cabelludo, y la parte detrás de la mano, específicamente la
La palabra de Dios e
stablece que la marca bestia se colocara en
mano derecha o frente
13:16 Y hacía que a todos, pequeños y grandes, ricos y pobres, libres y esclavos, se les pusiese una
marca en la mano derecha, o en la frente;
13:17 y que ninguno pudiese comprar ni vender, sino el que tuviese la marca o el nombre de la bestia, o
el número de su nombre.
la palabra de Dios declara que va ser obligatorio, para todo ser humano y sea niños o adultos, con la
marca podras hacer cualquier compra, o transferencias bancarias o pagar cualquier alquiler, tambien va
ser utilizada como identificacion para realizar cualquier tramite, legal, entonces el dinero va ser suplido
por esta marca, el dinero pasa hacer electronico, hoy en dia las personas pueden depositar dinero, y
llega en minutos a cualquier parte del mundo, la marca tambien desplazara las tarjetas bancarias o
cualquier tarjeta, por que se descubrio que si el chip estuviese en la tarjeta habria grandes problemas, el
chip puede ser cortado, o informaciones seria cambiadas, o falsificadas, los valores podrian ser
alterados, robados o perdidos.
pero la empresa motorola encontro una solucion para este problema el implante del chip se realizara en
la mano derecha o en la cabeza, donde no podra ser estraido despues de realizar el implante, si fuese
extraido quirurgicamente, la pequeña capsula, se quebraria o se dañaria, y la persona se le contaminaria
toda la sangre por el lition , contenido quimico, en la micro bacteria, y luego el sistema de
posicionamiento, ( Global por satelite) detectaria si fuera extraida inmeditamente la policia se daria
cuenta. y estaria en alerta.
hace 20 años atras no habia esta tecnologia hoy, ya se puede contar con esta tecnologia, y llevarla
acabo, la biblia establece, que cualquiera que tenga la marca de la bestia, bebera de la ira de Dios
y sera condenada al infierno.
en libro de apocalipsis vemos como Dios condena a las
personas que tengan implantada la marca de la bestia
16:1 Oí una gran voz que decía desde el templo a los siete ángeles: Id y derramad sobre la tierra las
siete copas de la ira de Dios.
16:2 Fue el primero, y derramó su copa sobre la tierra, y vino una úlcera maligna y pestilente sobre los
hombres que tenían la marca de la bestia, y que adoraban su imagen.
Vemos en esta pasaje con la biblia que Dios recompensara a todas aquellas personas que se
implantaron la marca de la bestia, sufriran la ira de Dios, por que al aceptar este nuevo sistema de
identidad, quiere decir que estan apoyando a la bestia y a su gobierno.
Conclusion: hoy en la actualidad todos los gobiernos de todo el mundo, han aprovado este sistema, y
muy pronto en un futuro muy cercano, todo el mundo, estara sujeto y controlado por via satelital,
entonces este es el sistema de la marca de la bestia, en apocalipsis 13:16-7 la palabra de Dios, se esta
cumpliendo a la perfeccion y esto nos indica, que esta generacion va ver el tiempo del fin.
Enlaces para verificar la informacion del chip.
Javier Reyes
Final Eventos.
Profecia de Iran del tiempo final. Jesucristo esta a las puertas
La Gran Babilonia
Jesucristo es la Verdad
La Batalla Cosmica
La Señal del Dragon
Personajes Biblicos
El Rey David
El Rey Salomon
El Profeta Elias
Temas Biblicos de Interes
Mensaje de Advertencia contra el G12
Gobierno Mundial
Hacia el Nuevo Orden Mundial
EL Rapto ? Mito o Realidad
El G12 la vision que ha dividido el cuerpo de Cristo
La Ultima Generacion
Apocalipsis 3:20
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Bueno como recomendaron hacer un post sobre esto, me adelante y lo hago
Bueno, como todos sabemos, el "apocalipsis" es principalmente un libro de la biblia escrito por Juan,
que en realidad el, al escribir el libro, se refirio a una "revelacion, q el haia tenido en un sueño posterior
a este libro.
Antes de detallar me gustaria redactar el intro del libro.
capitulo 1, versiculo 1. El apocalipsis, de San Juan.
La revelacion de jesucristo, que diso le dio, para manifestar a sus siervos las cosas q deben suceder
pronto; y la declarò enviandola por medio de un angel a Juan.
capitulo 1, versiculo 2. El apocalipsis, de San Juan.
Que ha dado testimonio de la palabra de Dios, y del testimonio de jesucristo, y de todas las cosas q ha
Bue, para seguir, unos resumenes del libro, apocalipsis.
Los Siete Sellos
Y ví en la mano derecha del que estaba sentado
en el trono un libro escrito por dentro y por fuera
sellado con siete sellos...
Apocalipsis 5:1
A través de Roque Rojas os hice comprender que estabais presenciando la apertura del Sexto Sello, que
se abría para vosotros el libro en su sexto capítulo, en su sexta parte.
El hombre ha vivido cinco etapas en la Tierra, alentado por el soplo divino del espíritu, a pesar de lo
cual no ha comprendido el sentido espiritual de la vida, la finalidad de su existencia, su destino y su
esencia; todo era un arcano impenetrable tanto para su mente como para su espíritu, un libro sellado,
cuyo contenido no llegaba a interpretar.
Vagamente presentía la vida espiritual, pero sin conocer verdaderamente la escala de elevación que
acerca a los seres a Dios; ignoraba su misión más alta en la Tierra y las virtudes y dones que forman
parte de su espíritu, para poder vencer en las luchas, elevarse sobre las miserias humanas y
perfeccionarse espiritualmente para habitar en la luz eterna.
Ese Libro de los Siete Sellos es la historia anticipada de la existencia de la humanidad, porque
solamente Dios podía escribir la historia de los hombres antes de que ellos la vivieran, y estando ese
libro encerrado en el misterio, para ser revelado su contenido a la Humanidad, solamente una mano
podía abrirlo, una mano santa y pura, una mano perfecta, y ésa fue la del Cordero, la del mismo Dios,
que conocisteis a través de su enseñanza y su sacrificio en el Segundo Tiempo, sacrificio sublime de
amor; era la única digna de abrir aquel libro, porque no hubo en la Tierra, ni en el Cielo, ni en el
espacio, ni en ningún mundo, espíritu que fuera digno de abrir y revelar el libro y su contenido a los
Los Siete Sellos son vuestra vida, son vuestra historia, vuestras luchas, vuestros triunfos y caídas,
vuestros sufrimientos, combates y, al final, vuestra redención, llena de gloria, llena de himnos, llena de
festín espiritual a la diestra de vuestro Señor, en su propio seno; pero ha habido confusiones entre mi
pueblo, y después de esas confusiones no he encontrado la verdadera preparación en mis portavoces,
para que Yo como Maestro, como Espíritu Santo, os saque de ellas.
Elías en el Tercer Tiempo y los 144,000 marcados.
Vi también a otro ángel que subía
de donde sale el sol y tenía el sello del Dios vivo;
y clamó a gran voz a los cuatro ángeles a quienes
se les había dado el poder de hacer daño a la tierra
y al mar, diciendo: No hagais daño a la tierra,
ni al mar, ni a los árboles, hasta que hayamos
sellado en sus frentes a los siervos de nuestro Señor.
Y oí el numero de los sellados: 144,000.
Apocalipsis 7:2-4
Hice volver a Elías en el Tercer Tiempo y así lo había Yo anunciado como Maestro en aquel Segundo
Tiempo, diciendo: -En verdad, Elías ha estado entre vosotros y no lo habéis sentido. Yo volveré al
mundo, pero en verdad os digo: Antes que Yo, vendrá Elías.
Y como toda palabra del Maestro se cumple, en el Tercer Tiempo Elías ha sido antes que Yo para venir
a despertar a los espíritus, a hacerles presentir que la hora del Espíritu Santo abría sus puertas; para
decir a todo espíritu que abriera sus ojos, que preparara su calza para traspasar el umbral de la Segunda
Era hacia la Tercera y para que fuese más palpable la manifestación de Elías en este Tercer Tiempo, Yo
le hice comunicarse a través de un varón recto: Roque Rojas.
Fue la luz de Elías quien preparó a Roque Rojas, quien le iluminó y le dio certeza delante de los
presentes, quien dio testimonio diciendo: -Yo soy el profeta Elías, el de la transfiguración sobre el
monte Tabor-. Habló de justicia, de cargos y de muerte y se estremecieron los presentes en verdad, y
aquel estremecimiento fue de fe, de confianza y de entrega para el Señor.
Mas después de que Elías hubo preparado ese camino de la nueva comunicación para que fuese la
presencia del Padre en el Tercer Tiempo, una vez que hubo preparado esa senda para que el Señor
llegara a este mundo por el conducto humano, y preparó el oído, el corazón y todo el ser del hombre
para escuchar con atención al Verbo del Espíritu Santo, Elías quedó presente espiritualmente entre la
Humanidad, para despertar a todos los dormidos, para purificar a todos los manchados, para envolver
en el fuego de su espíritu a todos los fríos, para trazar sendas, veredas y caminos que atrajeran a todos
los espíritus hacia el camino de verdad.
Porque Elías no solamente trabaja en este pueblo; su espíritu en su lucha abarca a toda la Humanidad; y
cuando él se hubo manifestado a través de Roque Rojas, se abrieron las puertas del Tercer Tiempo para
el mundo, porque es el tiempo en que comenzaron a llegar aquellos espíritus de los 144,000 que
habrían de encarnar.
Roque Rojas fue el primer marcado. De espíritu a espíritu le hablé diciéndole: En verdad, en torno a mi
palabra vendrán las grandes multitudes a recrearse, mas como son pequeños todavía, tendré que
manifestar mi palabra y mis obras a través de los portavoces, quienes, por mi mandato, señalarán en su
frontal material un triángulo para hacerles reconocer que son de los 144,000, que son de aquéllos que
Yo anuncié a través de otro profeta desde el Segundo Tiempo, para venir a cumplir en este tiempo una
delicada y gran misión entre la humanidad, misión de redención, de espiritualidad y de elevación.
En el Segundo Tiempo fueron doce los discípulos que esparcieron mi Doctrina por el mundo. En el
Tercero doce mil de cada tribu serán los que hagan conocer mi enseñanza de verdad y de amor a toda la
¿En dónde están esos ciento cuarenta y cuatro mil? Elías los está reuniendo sin que sea obstáculo que
unos se encuentren en espíritu y otros encarnados. Todos estarán unidos espiritualmente en esta Obra
Grandes acontecimientos contemplaréis, muchos de ellos os sorprenderán, mas Yo os daré la luz con
mis lecciones, para que nunca os confundáis. Estudiad mi palabra, que ella os inspirará amor a vuestro
Padre y a vuestros hermanos. No es necesario formar parte de los ciento cuarenta y cuatro mil, para
poder servir al Padre o nombrarse discípulos del Maestro. Los que forman parte de ese número, sólo
son los que tienen que abrir el camino y ser como guardianes de mi Obra.
A través de Roque Rojas os hice comprender que estabais presenciando la apertura del Sexto Sello, que
se abría para vosotros el libro en su sexto capítulo, en su sexta parte.
Elías no desató los Siete Sellos, ni vino a implantarlos a vuestra nación. Roque Rojas no desató los
Siete Sellos. El Libro de los Siete Sellos lo desaté Yo mismo. Solamente Dios podía revelar a sus hijos
las intimidades, los arcanos de El mismo; bien está que a través de mis profetas y de mis apóstoles, el
Espíritu Santo os reveló grandes lecciones, pero solamente vuestro Señor es Aquél que puede abrir su
corazón para que vosotros contempléis su interior. Los profetas os han hablado en sentido figurado y el
Padre ha traído para vosotros la realización y el cumplimiento de las profecías.
María, la mujer vestida de sol
Apareció en cielo una gran señal:
una mujer vestida del sol, con la luna
debajo de sus pies, y sobre su cabeza
una corona de doce estrellas
Apocalipsis 12:1
Cuando Juan, mi discípulo, se encontraba en su retiro solitario en la isla de Patmos donde recibió las
grandes revelaciones de los tiempos venideros, donde penetró espiritualmente en el Más Allá,
contemplando los grandes misterios del Señor encerrados en símbolos, representados por figuras, allí
también contempló la figura de María.
En esa gran revelación confiada por el Padre a Juan para los hombres de las eras venideras, ahí el
profeta, después de una gran señal, contempló a una mujer vestida de sol y la luna debajo de sus pies y
una corona formada sobre su sien por doce estrellas. Aquella mujer sentía dolores de parto, y cuando
aquel dolor era más intenso vio Juan a la maldad en forma de dragón acechándola, esperando
solamente el nacimiento del hijo para devorarlo.
Y el Maestro os dice: Si esa revelación, dada por el Padre a Juan, hablaba de los tiempos venideros, Yo
os digo: Él vio a María en el Tercer Tiempo próxima a dar a luz al pueblo mariano y a la maldad
acechando al pueblo del Señor.
Juan contempló también que en el instante del nacimiento se entablaba una gran batalla de ángeles
contra el dragón que simbolizaba la maldad humana, una batalla que es la que ahora tenéis, porque el
pueblo mariano ha nacido, ya ha surgido sobre el haz de la Tierra y hoy se encuentra recibiendo su
escudo y su espada de amor para penetrar en la gran batalla final.
Eso significa esta revelación, oh pueblo amado. Por eso el Padre os ha dicho en este día: Los que dicen
conocer a María, no la conocen en su verdad, la miran solamente como mujer, la contemplan solamente
como madre humana y en torno a Ella han creado cultos, ritos, festines y fanatismos. Por esa adoración
idolátrica se han olvidado del cumplimiento de las leyes del Señor, de la palabra del Maestro y de
amarse losunos a los otros.
No es así como el Padre quiere que el mundo conozca a María, ni es así como quiere que la amen. No
es María solamente la mujer, ya os lo he dicho: María es la esencia maternal que existe en lo divino y
que se manifiesta en todo lo creado.
Si la buscáis vosotros en la soledad de la noche, en el silencia que nada perturba, allí en el Cosmos, su
imagen encontraréis, y si la buscáis en la fragancia de las flores también la encontraréis, y si la buscáis
en el corazón de vuestra madre, allí la tendréis.
Si vosotros la queréis encontrar en la pureza de la doncella, allí la miraréis también, y así como en ella,
en tantas y tantas obras donde se refleja la imagen del eterno femenino que existe en Dios y está en
toda la Creación.
Cuando vosotros levantéis vuestra envoltura por los caminos del cumplimiento, de la predicación de la
enseñanza, tropezaréis con los duros corazones, con aquéllos que han puesto una puerta hermética para
no dejar penetrar la esencia del amor de María ni su nombre; para muchos, esa esencia no existe.
El Sexto Sello en que vivimos.
Miré cuando abrió el Sexto Sello
y he aquí que hubo un gran terremoto
y el sol se puso negro como tela de cilicio,
y la luna se volvió toda como de sangre...
Apocalipsis 6:12
Este tiempo, cuya aurora admiráis en el infinito, es la sexta etapa que se inicia en la vida espiritual de la
Humanidad, era de luz, de revelaciones, de cumplimiento de antiguas profecías y olvidadas promesas.
Es el Sexto Sello que al desatarse desborda su contenido de sabiduría en vuestro espíritu, en un mensaje
lleno de justicia, de esclarecimiento y de revelaciones.
Para vosotros es la sexta etapa, es el Tercer Tiempo en que os he hablado más de cerca, como en aquel
Primer Tiempo en que materialicé en múltiples formas mi presencia y mi palabra, como aquel Segundo
Tiempo en que humanicé mi Verbo para hablaros al corazón.
Hoy me hago oir nuevamente, pero ya no es a los sentidos a quienes me manifiesto, ni siquiera es a
vuestro co razón a quien le hablo; es vuestro espíritu con el que vengo a comunicarme para enseñarle el
camino de la elevación que conduce al Reino de la luz, al Reino eterno y venturoso del Espíritu.
¿Qué guarda en su seno el Sexto Sello desatado del libro de Dios, donde están escritos vuestros
nombres y vuestros destinos? Encierra enseñanzas, pruebas muy grandes, revelaciones de sabiduría.
¿Cuál es la misión de mis siervos dentro de esta etapa? Orar, meditar, regenerarse, sembrar unión, paz
y luz espiritual, desarrollar vuestras facultades y potencias, luchar por vuestra elevación, destruyendo la
ignorancia, el vicio, el fanatismo: en una palabra, el mal que en tantas formas se manifiesta entre la
El Séptimo Sello, la etapa final de la humanidad.
Cuando abrió (el Cordero) el séptimo sello
se hizo silencio en el cielo como por media hora
Apocalipsis 8:1
¿Cuáles señales os daré para que podáis mundialmente reconocer que el Séptimo Sello se abre para el
hombre? Cuando se haya hecho un gran silencio en el Universo, ésa será mi señal.
Y ¿cómo será ese gran silencio, oh pueblo, con el cual podáis vosotros testificar ante la Humanidad
asombrada que es el final de una etapa y el principio de otra?
Cuando hayan cesado por un momento las guerras, cuando los elementos se hayan apaciguado, cuando
la persecución de mis leyes y mi Doctrina se haya detenido; entonces, habrá como un gran silencio
entre la Humanidad y ese silencio será el anuncio de que el Séptimo Sello se abre para revelar sus
misterios a esta Humanidad. Es la última parte del Libro que habréis de conocer, que ha de poseer
vuestro espíritu para que conozca al Padre y se conozca a sí mismo.
A grandes pasos se acerca la Humanidad hacia el fin de ese mundo creado por la ciencia del hombre, de
ese mundo falso y superficial; y será el hombre quien por propia mano destruya la obra que su orgullo
y su codicia construyeron. Luego vendrá el silencio, la meditación y con ello la regeneración, los
propósitos y los ideales elevados.
Ante los hombres se abrirá una nueva era, y en ella penetrará una Humanidad purificada en el dolor y
acrisolada en la experiencia. Un nuevo mundo levantarán los hombres, pero será un mundo guiado por
el espíritu, iluminado por la conciencia, encauzado por el camino de mi Ley.
Cuando los hombres hayan dejado de odiarse, de matarse y de traicionarse, cuando el perdón y la
caridad se hayan extendido de corazón en corazón, de pueblo en pueblo, y la sangre y las lágrimas ya
no corran, entonces se hará el gran silencio que significa la comunicación de espíritu a Espíritu;
entonces Yo habré desatado el último sello, el Séptimo, en cuya etapa los hombres se amarán como os
enseñé cuando vine a la Tierra.
Las transformaciones que la vida humana sufra serán grandes, tanto, que os parecerá como si un mundo
se acabara y otro naciera.
Esta Tierra que siempre ha enviado al Más Allá una cosecha de espíritus enfermos, cansados, turbados,
confundidos o con escaso adelanto, pronto podrá ofrecerme frutos dignos de mi amor.
La enfermedad y el dolor se irán desterrando de vuestra vida al llevar una existencia sana y elevada, y
cuando llegue la muerte os encontrará preparados para el viaje hacia la mansión espiritual.
Ahora os parece inalcanzable tanta paz y tanto bien, y es porque miráis toda la confusión que reina en
torno a vosotros, confusión que sabéis irá aumentando en todos los órdenes de la vida humana.
Mas Yo os digo que confiéis en Mí, que veléis, oréis y seáis los sembradores incansables, para que esta
noche tempestuosa deje asomar la luz de la nueva aurora y la Tierra sienta cómo sus nuevos moradores
vienen a sembrarla con obras nobles, restaurando y reconstruyendo cuanto los insensatos y profanos
destruyeron y mancharon.
Sobre las ruinas de un mundo creado y destruido por una Humanidad materialista, se levantará un
nuevo mundo cuyos cimientos serán la experiencia y tendrá por finalidad el ideal de su elevación
Pensad en el adelanto de una Humanidad cuya moral proceda de la espiritualidad, imaginad una
Humanidad sin límites ni fronteras, compartiendo fraternalmente todos los medios de vida que la tierra
ofrece a sus hijos.
Tratad de imaginar lo que será la ciencia humana cuando ella tenga por ideal el amor de los unos a los
otros, cuando el hombre obtenga a través de la oración los conocimientos que busca.
Pensad en lo grato que será para Mí recibir de los hombres el culto del amor, de la fe, de la obediencia
y la humildad a través de su vida, sin que tengan que recurrir a ritos ni a cultos externos.
Ésa sí será vida para los hombres, porque dentro de ella respirarán paz, gozarán de libertad y se
sustentarán solamente con aquello que encierre verdad.
¿Cómo medir el tiempo de Dios?
Esta generación se aproxima al final del sexto y al inicio del séptimo milenio, y la mayoría de los
doctos en asuntos bíblicos están de acuerdo con que el SÉPTIMO MILENIO es nada más y nada
menos que el milenio prometido por la Biblia - EL MILENIO DE DOMINIO DE JESUCRISTO
SOBRE LA TIERRA. Este período de mil años se caracterizará por la paz y la justicia con que su líder
gobernará. Durante este período, Satanás será encadenado. Las Sagradas Escrituras se refieren a este
período como un período de descanso ante la tentación para el mundo.
En hebreos 4:3, Pablo nos dice, "Por que sólo nosotros los que creemos en Dios podremos entrar en el
lugar de su descanso. Por que Él ha dicho: "Yo he jurado en mi enojo que aquellos que no creen en mi
no entrarán nunca", no obstante a que Él ha estado preparado y esperándolos desde que Él creó al
mundo. Nosotros sabemos que Él está listo y esperando porque está escrito que Dios descansó el
séptimo día de la creación, habiendo terminado todo lo que él había planeado hacer."
Es evidente que el Apóstol Pablo se refiere al recuento de Génesis, ya que es ahí donde Él comenzó
todo y fue el Séptimo Día de los 7 en total de la creación en el que Él descansó.
Existen tres pasajes bíblicos que nos traen luz para entender la secuencia y el tiempo de los eventos que
han ocurrido, están ocurriendo y ocurrirán en los últimos días de la humanidad.
(1) La primera clave se encuentra en 2da de Pedro 3:8 "…un día para el Señor es como mil años, y mil
años como un día."
(2) La segunda clave en Eclesiastés 1:9-10: "¿Qué es lo que fue? Lo mismo que será. ¿Qué es lo que ha
sido hecho? Lo mismo que se hará; y nada hay nuevo debajo del sol."
(3) Y la última y tercera clave la podemos encontrar en Isaías 46:9-10 "Acuérdense de las cosas
pasadas desde los tiempos antiguos; porque yo soy Dios, y no hay otro Dios, y nada hay semejante a
mí. Yo anuncio lo por venir desde el principio, y desde la antigüedad lo que aun no era hecho…"
Estas son las tres escrituras bíblicas o claves que nos dan el acceso al entendimiento de la revelación en
relación con la determinación del tiempo del fin.
El primer capítulo de Génesis nos revela que, al final del sexto día de la creación, el hombre fue hecho
a la imagen y semejanza de Dios. Entonces las Sagradas Escrituras nos declaran que Dios terminó Su
trabajo al término de seis días. El séptimo día fue bautizado como un día para el descanso porque Él
había terminado Su trabajo. Esto, amigo mío es un plano básico del trato de Dios con la humanidad.
Los seis días de la creación fueron de 24 horas cada uno, pero los mismos representan 6,000 años de
historia humana en los cuales Dios terminará, o mejor dicho, terminó su trabajo con respecto a la
humanidad. Cuando estos 6,000 años transcurran ¡LA HUMANIDAD MEJOR QUE SE PREPARE
Génesis 6:3 parecería confirmar que los seis días del Génesis representan 6,000 años, al final de los
cuales Dios habrá de terminar la PRIMERA ETAPA de su plan para con la humanidad y la creación en
Es importante que nuestros lectores recuerden que en Génesis 6:3 "Mi Espíritu no contenderá con el
hombre para siempre; porque ciertamente el hombre carne es; sus días serán solamente 120 años".
Jesús dijo que así como había ocurrido en los días de Noé, igualmente ocurriría en los días de su
Tal y como Noé advirtió a los malvados de la tierra por 120 años naturales de la inminencia del castigo
de Dios a través de un diluvio, de igual manera parece que Dios nos está diciendo que pasarán 120 años
jubileos antes de la inminente llegada del último y definitivo castigo para el planeta tierra. Cada año
jubileo equivale a un período de 50 años de 360 días cada uno. En otras palabras, 120 años jubileos
¡son 6,000 años!
Después de que Israel fue liberado del yugo de los egipcios, en Levíticos nos enteramos de que Dios le
ordenó a su pueblo que cada período de 50 años celebraran un año jubileo. Este era un año en el cual
todas las deudas eran canceladas y todos los sirvientes esclavos eran liberados, en otras palabras,
TODO COMENZABA DE NUEVO. Parece ser que esto es profético; que después de 120 años de 50
jubileos (6,000 años) TODO COMENZARÁ DE NUEVO!
Si aplicamos la clave de que "para Dios un día es como mil años y que mil años son como un día" (por
favor, refiérase al Salmo 90:4 y 2da de Pedro 3:8) podemos ver que después de transcurridos 6,000
años de historia humana ocurrirán cambios significativos cuando hagamos la transición hacia el
Séptimo Milenio.
Un antes y un después
<<Y hacía que a todos, pequeños y grandes, ricos y pobres, libres y esclavos, se les pusiese una marca
en la mano derecha, o en la frente; y que ninguno pudiese comprar ni vender, sino el que tuviese la
marca o el nombre de la bestia, o el número de su nombre. Aquí hay sabiduría. El que tiene
entendimiento, cuente el número de la bestia, pues es número de hombre. Y su número es seiscientos
sesenta y seis>> (Apocalipsis 13: 16-18)
Esta es la razón por la cual, espiritualmente hablando, existe un antes y un después de Jesucristo,
aunque una gran mayoría no se beneficie de ello, a causa de su actualismo incrédulo.
Esta es la razón por la cual, incluso muchos de los que se dicen creyentes, no creen que el
Arrebatamiento de la Iglesia pueda producirse (1 Ts. 4: 13-18), al verlo imposible ante sus famélicos
ojos de la fe; y sin embargo va a haber un antes y un después del Rapto en este mundo.
Por ello, se les hace muy cuesta arriba creer que está por surgir una Bestia Anticristo (Ap. 13: 1) que
dominará el mundo por un espacio limitado de tiempo; y un Falso Profeta (Ap. 13: 11) que obligará a
todos, a pequeños y grandes, a ricos y a pobres, a libres y a esclavos, a que se les ponga una marca en
la mano derecha, o en la frente…y sin embargo, todo ello está a las puertas.
Para el hombre occidental acomodado, las sorpresas no son bienvenidas, y siempre la mera insinuación
acerca de ellas, es alejada de sus pensamientos, ya que atentan contra su sentido egocéntrico de la paz y
de la seguridad personales.
Hace poco hablaba con una persona muy cercana a mí, pero que no es cristiana (aunque diga que lo es),
y sí muy apegada a las cosas agradables y placenteras de esta vida. Le comentaba acerca de lo que
viene sobre este mundo que le ha dado la espalda a Dios. Su propio apego a la comodidad y a la
presunta seguridad que concede, le hacía negar lo que oía, y con una expresión algo burlona, me
respondía diciendo que “al final todo irá bien”, que, “en el fondo el hombre no es malo”, y que,
“siempre se sale adelante”. Es el necio optimismo humanista.
Lamentablemente, y como ya vengo diciendo, esa postura no sólo se corresponde con los no creyentes.
Una inmensa mayoría de creyentes, influenciados por las doctrinas dominionistas de los actuales falsos
apóstoles y profetas, aquellas que aseguran que a la postre la Iglesia conquistará las naciones “para
Cristo”, y paulatinamente irá estableciendo el Reino visible, por lo tanto, implícitamente negando la
profecía de la Escritura, piensan y dicen que las cosas irán a mejor en este mundo decrépito,
trasnochado, pasado de rosca, y peor aún, condenado.
Y no obstante, lo que en la actualidad este mundo espera, aun y sin ser consciente de ello, estando
determinado para todos los habitantes rebeldes a Cristo, es la MARCA DE LA BESTIA (Ap. 13: 1618). Porque recordemos, siempre hay un antes, y siempre hay un después.
La Marca; asunto en lo natural y en lo espiritual
Esa marca tendrá un componente en lo natural, y en lo espiritual. En lo natural podría ser un chip en el
cual estarían todos los datos del individuo, y que les será imprescindible para poder “comprar y
vender” (Ap. 13: 17); es decir, realizar cualquier tipo de transacción económica. En ese tiempo, el
dinero en metálico habría desaparecido, y sólo funcionaría el llamado “dinero electrónico”.
Antecedente de esto último lo tenemos hoy en día con el apogeo de las tarjetas de crédito. Un banquero
de Medford, Oregón, dijo lo siguiente: <<Todas las tarjetas de crédito se van a fundir en una sola. Esta
será la tarjeta VISA, y los primeros tres dígitos que activarán la tarjeta serán 666>>
Tarjetas de crédito
Curiosamente, la palabra VISA deletreada en tres lenguas de la antigüedad, aporta el valor numérico
666. Veámoslo:
VI: Es seis en latín.
S: Corresponde a seis en griego.
A: En la lengua de los caldeos corresponde también con el valor numérico seis.
Así que VISA sería 666. No cabe duda de que esto ya fue planeado de antemano.
Larry Gosshorn, uno de los líderes mundiales en materia de computadoras, reveló que cualquiera que
tenga y utilice alguna de las tarjetas de crédito tipo 24 horas, instantáneamente está controlado por la
supercomputadora apodada la Bestia, la cual está ubicada en Bruselas.
Pero la tarjeta, en cierto modo, es un paso intermedio hacia la marca, porque por todos es sabido que
aquélla tiene varios problemas irresolubles: Se extravía, se puede robar, se puede duplicar, doblar,
romper, falsificar. La “solución” sería la implantación de un minúsculo “chip” con toda la información
del individuo. A no ser que a éste se le corte la cabeza o la mano derecha, ese sistema es ideal.
Como claro precursor, tenemos ya para España el nuevo D.N.I. (Documento Nacional de Identidad)
electrónico, que estará para todos los españoles disponible para el 2008.
Fuentes: http://144000.net/castel/juan.htm
No lo hago con motivos "religiosos" , ni nada por el estilo, ni siquiera yo creo en la religion, pero hago
este para ampliar nuestra cultura general, y conocer las dos caras de la moneda, como por decir.
Y para terminar un videito:
link: http://www.videos-star.com/watch.php?video=<object width="425" height="344"><param
name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/J8g0LYSwn1Y&hl=es&fs=1"></param><param
name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed
src="http://www.youtube.com/v/J8g0LYSwn1Y&hl=es&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"
allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>
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Empezamos con el tan controversial chip que se puede utilizar!
cualquier intercambio monetario utilizando la tecnología de los microchips y la moneda electrónica. La
principal companía que adoptó esta manera de realizar transacciones es la empresa americana
MONDEX, que junto a otras 20 asociadas en diferentes naciones, tiene el mayor número de
Las tarjetas con microchips permiten el control mundial de cada individuo y ahora estamos en la etapa
que precede al implante de microchips bajo la piel, es "la marca de la bestia" sin la cual nadie podrá
comprar ni vender.
Si todo sigue de acuerdo al plan de los financieros internacionales, el dinero líquido (el papel moneda y
la moneda en metal) desaparecerán pronto, sustituidos por el dinero electrónico, primero por medio de
las tarjetas de crédito y de débito con microchip, serán velozmente sustituidas por el microchip
implantado bajo la piel de los individuos. Esta tecnología estuvo siendo probada en animales durante
decenios y pronto empezarán a aplicarse en humanos. ¿Por qué los grandes financieros del planeta
quieren instalar este sistema?. Estos magnates de las finanzas están tan ciegos por su sed de poder que
se creen los únicos capaces de guiar a la humanidad correctamente. Estos mismos financieros saben
muy bien que la gente no abandonará fácilmente el papel moneda, aceptando implantarse un chip bajo
la piel, a menos que una crisis financiera convenza a la población de que la única forma de no perder
todo es aceptar el microchip. Existen muchas posibilidades de una crisis financiera grave a nivel
mundial: la caducidad de los mercados bursátiles, la devaluación de la moneda, un conflicto militar
internacional, etc. Pero uno de los medios mas importantes sería el "virus del año 2000", que podría
causar un caos general en los sistemas bancarios, y no sólo bancarios, a nivel mundial.
Nadie niega la existencia de este problema en las computadoras, y que podría ser muy grave. Todos los
sectores de la actividad humana que funcionan utilizando computadores podrían ser golpeados: los
sistemas de distribución de energía, las telecominicaciones, los trenes y los aviones, las distribuciones
de mercancías, las compañías de seguros, los servicios públicos y los hospitales. Algunos de estos
sectores podrían quedar completamente paralizados. Si las personas no pudieran acceder a su propia
cuenta bancaria, será ciertamente la causa de no pocos problemas, y ciertamente el riesgo de perder
todo hará que la gente acepte cualquier solución propuesta por el gobierno de turno, en este caso, la
sustitución del dinero líquido por el electrónico, y como consecuencia la implantación de un chip que
cualquiera de nosotros deberá aceptar; se quiere utilizar esta forma de moneda electrónica para adquirir
o vender cualquier cosa.
Veamos en breve, qué son estos microchips y que es la MONDEX.
A diferencia de la actual tarjeta de crédito, con la cual es necesario digitar un código personal, la tarjeta
a microchip es como un cuadradito dorado pegado en la superficie posicionado en la parte izquierda de
la tarjeta generalmente bajo una cubierta de plástico y contiene toda la información necesaria. Debemos
saber que la carta bancaria tradicional, puede contener una sola línea de caracteres informativos,
mientras que con los microchips se puede tener 500 veces más información, permitiendo aceptar
inmediatamente un pago, sin hacer necesaria la confirmación bancaria de la disponibilidad de dinero.
Con este sistema se puede transferir el dinero a un amigo, a una sociedad, o a una banca utilizando
instrumentos telefónicos especiales producidos por la misma MONDEX y que pueden ser utilizados
también en computadores con un modem vía Internet.
Otros veinte países están asociados en el desarrollo de este programa, y se espera que también la Unión
Europea, todavía excluida, adopte el sistema MONDEX como solución para la moneda única.
Como se mencionó precedentemente, una de las principales en este campo es MONDEX, la cual es
propietaria del 51% de otra gran sociedad del sector: MASTERCARD, y mientras tanto su directo
competidor, VISA INTERNATIONAL, formó en julio de 1998 una empresa conjunta con
AMERICAN EXPRESS para poner a punto una estrategia universal para la tarjeta microchip, pero por
ahora MONDEX tiene la prioridad absoluta en este campo.
Para entusiasmar a la gente con el comercio electrónico por Internet, esta sociedad produjo el hardware
que puede transformar la computadora en cajero automático, de modo de permitir tranferir el dinero a
una tarjeta de microchip desde la casa, sin necesidad de ir a un banco o a un cajero automático.
MICROSOFT tambien anunció que un lector de tarjetas de microchip podría ser parte integral de la
próxima generación de computadoras.
En las campañas publicitarias, la sociedad de tarjetas de microchip, explica en síntesis que las tarjetas
son más prácticas que el papel moneda, y que no tendrán que preocuparse con las pequeñas monedas en
el futuro.
Estamos viviendo un momento de gran importancia en la historia del planeta, constantemente en
camino de la digitalización total. Nueva tecnología, siempre más avanzada y con productos y servicios
siempre innovadores. En proporción al desarrollo tecnológico y en la medida en que las masas
responden a estas innovaciones, las industrias y las instituciones financieras se esfuerzan en construir el
futuro de sus servicios financieros. Representando más o menos así el slogan de las multinacionales
financieras titulares de sistemas de transferencia de dinero. El último es el SET, o Secure Electronic
Transaction (Transerencia Electrónica Segura).
Este tipo de procedimiento fue adoptado también por MONDEX, VISA y MASTERCARD, y
probablemente también por otras sociedades. En definitiva, se trata de un sistema desarrollado con el
propósito de asegurar y autenticar la identidad del adquirente, en la práctica la banca sabrá en forma
inmediata si eres tú verdaderamente el que está haciendo la compra o si algún otro lo está tratando de
hacer en tu lugar. En este caso, la operación será inmediatamente anulada. No debemos olvidar que este
tipo de operaciones la podremos hacer desde nuestra casa, frente a nuestro computador, utilizando la
red telemática de Internet. El sistema SET fue desarrollado e ideado por VISA y MASTERCARD con
la colaboración de otra sociedad más o menos conocidas como MICROSOFT, IBM, NETSCAPE,
SAIC, GTE, RSA, Terisa Systems, VeriSign y otras empresas, todas importantes en el sector de la
tecnología moderna y el desarrollo de software.
Utilizando sofisticadas técnicas criptográficas, el sistema SET podría transformar el universo del
ciberespacio en el lugar más seguro para poder efectuar todo tipo de transacciones esperando así
estimular la fe del consumidor en el comercio elctrónico. El objetivo primordial del SET es tener una
forma extremadamente confidencial de la información, garantizando la integridad del mensaje y
autenticar la legitimidad de la sociedad o de la persona que participa en la transacción. Aparte del SET,
existe también una segunda posibilidad de hacer transacciones sin la tarjeta de crédito u otra moneda
"líquida", este sistema se llama PET, y no tiene nada que ver con los animales (en inglés, significa
"mascota" y se presenta como una muy normal calculadora, sólo que esta calculadora se conecta
directamente al NORTEL/BELL VISTA 360 PHONE. Siempre utilizando la computadora de la casa, o
de la oficina, con esta pequeña calculadora se pueden tranquilamente transferir dinero u otros valores a
otros poseedores de este sistema. Este sistema fue experimentado en la ciudad de Guelph, en el estado
de Ontario en Canadá, fue experimentado también en Gran Bretaña y en EE.UU., y es interesante saber
que la mayor parte de los 17 principales financiadores de MONDEX son del distrito bancario de
Londres, perteneciente al CLUB OF THE ISLES, una cadena bancaria perteneciente a la cadena
WINDSOR que juega un rol importante en la economía internacional. Es también interesante que en
Canadá, el efecto fue tal que todos los bancos se han adherido inmediatamente a la MONDEX. La
CIBC (Canadian International Bank of Commerce) instituyó un modelo similar de transferencia de
dinero sin contar con NORTEL.
El Sr. Robin O'Kelly, representante de MONDEX INTERNATIONAL declaró recientemente que "con
la cobertura financiera de MasterCard, no hay nada que pueda detener al advenimiento de Mondex
como standard global".
Por más prácticas que sean, las tarjetas comunes a microchip pueden ser siempre robadas, perdidas o
dañadas. Ahora los grandes financieros presentaron la última solución: ligar físicamente a la persona
con su carta, de modo que no haya posibilidad alguna de perderla.
El microchip no estará más inserto en una tarjeta plástica, sino implantado directamente en el cuerpo
humano, bajo la piel, como se hace actualmente con los animales con fines identificatorios. Se puede
así saber a cada momento dónde se encuentra el animal, gracias a los satélites y a las antenas celulares.
MOTOROLA, que produce el chip para MONDEX, ha desarrollado un chip similar para ser
implantado bajo la piel humana.
Este microchip tiene entre 5 y 7 mm de largo y 0.75 mm de ancho, es equivalente a un grano de arroz.
En caso de rotura, el litio contenido produciría una llaga dolorosa y llena de pus. Los ingenieros que
desarrollaron el microchip intentan introducir en el chip el nombre de la persona, el número de la
seguridad social (incluso un código internacional), la firma digital, la descripción física, la genealogía
de la familia, la dirección, la ocupación, la religión y la certificación penal. Estos chips pueden tener 34
billones de combinaciones únicas de códigos de identificación individual, más que suficiente para
permitir asignar un código único a cada ser humano sobre la Tierra, utilizando tres entradas de seis
cifras (666).
Con tales informaciones, el microchip podría sustituir la tarjeta de plástico utilizada hoy: tarjeta de
identidad, pasaporte, patente, aseguración social, etc. Nadie podría retirar el dinero del banco, recibir
las prestaciones del gobierno (pensiones, subsidios...) ni comprar ni vender cualquier cosa sin tener
implantado el microchip bajo la piel. Este microchip tiene un tansmisor con una pila recargable de litio.
Por lo tanto sirve no sólo de portafolio electrónico, sino también como un mecanismo que permite
saber a cada momento dónde se encuentra cada ser humano. Este emite una señal contínua que puede
ser captado vía satélite. Una red de 66 satélites de baja altura, así como las antenas de teléfonos
celulares, permitirán seguir a cualquiera en cualquier lugar del planeta con un margen de error de un
metro solamente. Una vez que este microchip sea implantado en una persona, es imposible esconderse
en ningún lugar: la autoridad sabrá siempre dónde se encuentra.
Además, para poder emitir la señal, el microchip debe estar provisto de una pila de litio especial,
constantemente recargada por las variaciones de temperatura del cuerpo humano. Más de un millon y
medio de dólares se invirtieron en averiguar en qué lugar del cuerpo la temperatura varía más
rápidamente. Se hallaron dos lugares posibles propicios para implantar el chip y recargar la pila: la
frente, en la raíz del cabello, y en el dorso de la mano derecha. En efecto, cuanto más conocemos sobre
la instalación del chip bajo la piel, más correspondencia hay con la descripción que dió San Juan sobre
"la marca de la bestia" en el Apocalipsis.
Hace poco tiempo atrás nadie podría entender cómo esta profecía se cumpliría, porque no existía forma
alguna de controlar lo que se compra o vende a gran escala. Ahora es técnicamente posible con el chip
implantado bajo la piel.
El microchip será introducido con argumentos como: "Para pagar su adquisición, sólo tiene que pasar
su mano sobre el escaner de la farmacia o cualquier otro comercio. El importe será debitado
automáticamente de su cuenta". ¡No será necesario portar dinero ni tarjeta de crédito!. ¿Su hijo
desapareció?. ¿Debe contactar a alguien con urgencia y quiere saber dónde está?. ¡Ningún problema!
Sólo tiene que dar el nombre de la persona a la policia, y por medio de los satélites y las antenas de los
celulares, la persona será encontrada en un abrir y cerrar de ojos gracias al chip que porta.
Poseyendo toda esta información, no se puede no ver la relación de aquello que hemos visto en los
pasajes escritos en el Apocalipsis de San Juan:
"...Obligó a todos, chicos y grandes, ricos y pobres, libres y esclavos, a hacerse poner la marca sobre la
mano o en la frente...". (Apocalipsis 13:16,17)
"...El primero vació su copa sobre la tierra, y una úlcera maligna y dolorosa golpeó a los hombres que
tienen la marca de la bestia y que adoran su imagen...". (Apocalipsis 16:2)
"...Le fue concedido de dar espíritu a la imagen de la bestia a fin de que la imagen pueda hablar...".
(Apocalipsis 13:5)
"...Aquí hay sabiduría. Quien tenga inteligencia calcule el número de la bestia, porque es número de
hombre, y el número es el 666." (Apocalipsis 13: 18)
"...Cualquiera que adore la bestia o a su imagen, y lleve la marca sobre la frente o sobre la mano,
beberá el puro vino de la ira de Dios del puro cáliz de su ira... cualquiera que adore a la bestia o a su
imagen y porte la marca no tendrá reposo ni de día ni de noche...". (Apocalipsis 14: 9-11).
Esta última frase nos deja un "ligero" sentido de inquietud, sin embargo si nosotros nos preocupamos
con el Apocalipsis de San Juan esto no es extraño tampoco a la Masonería. En efecto, parecería que el
grupo bancario denominado CLUB OF THE ISLES, previamente mencionado como uno de los más
grandes financistas de MONDEX, tiene un fundamental rol en la economía internacional y no son
infrecuentes las reuniones secretas y las alianzas entre esta sociedad y personas poderosas de
instituciones masónicas con influencias políticas, sociales y del mundo de las finanzas. Su propósito
podría ser el establecimiento de un nuevo tipo de Orden Mundial, basado en un gobierno global, una
religion global y naturalmente una economía global. Pero las conexiones entre MONDEX y la
masonería no terminan aquí, el logotipo usado por MONDEX representa a tres anillos unidos; este
símbolo sólo se encuentra en el mundo del ocultismo, ligado a la argumentación masónica cuyo
significado tiene que ver con los tres dioses(1), o la trinidad egipcio/pagana. Se encuentra en particular
modo en el Templo Mágico de Enoc, y en los rituales de la Orden Hermética del Triángulo Dorado.
Tiene similitud también con el símbolo usado por la "Gran Logia de Inglaterra" y por la "Orden de Odd
Fellows", esta última fundada por Nerón en el 55 A.C.
La figura de los tres anillos concatenados es aplicado frecuentemente en representaciones masónicas,
originalmente se identifica con una situación de esclavitud, encarcelamiento o confinamiento. La
cadena dorada tiene relación con la antigüedad como una unión entre el cielo y la tierra, como la Torre
de Babel en Babilonia. En el simbolismo de la Fremasonry, la caden fraterna, y la unión entre hemanos
masones, los anillos concatenados de la cadena simbolizan también el poder y la unidad perdurable, o
en la guerra como fortaleza.
Otro símbolo utilizado por MONDEX es la mariposa, esta figura posee numerosos significados
"místicos", pero el más importante es el de la "captura del alma". En griego la palabra se traduce como
(1) A diferencia de la Trinidad Cristiana que considera un Dios manifestado en tres modos, la EgipcioPagana consideraba a tres
DVD's: Seminario Revelaciones del Apocalipsis
1. El Apocalipsis un libro abierto
2. El personaje central del Apocalipsis
3. El gran traidor desenmascarado en el Apocalipsis
4. Las buenas nuevas del Apocalipsis
5. Las 7 cartas de Jesus con mensajes olvidados
6. Apocalipsis dice que Jesus volvera
Datos tecnicos
19 partes comprimidas
18 partes de 95.7 mb
1 parte de 24.9 mb
total dvd descomprimido 1.76 gb ( Imagen ISO )
7. Satanas encadenado en el fondo del abismo
8. Las promesas del Apocalipsis
9. Los siete sellos del Apocalipsis
10. El sello de Dios en el Apocalipsis
11. -Porque se observa el domingo?
12. El Apocalipsis revela el secreto del la muerte
Datos tecnicos
24 partes comprimidas
23 partes de 95.7 mb
1 parte de 37.8 mb
Total DVD descomprimido 2.26 gb ( Imagen ISO )
13. Apocalipsis habla de un santuario en el cielo
14. La hora de su juicio ha llegado
15. La profecia que revela la hora del juicio
16. Apocalipsis, visiones y profetas modernos
17. Una mujer vestida de sol
18. La bestia de Apocalipsis 13 y el 666
Datos tecnicos
21 partes comprimidas
20 partes de 95.7 mb
1 parte de 13.3 mb
Total Dvd descomprimido 1.94 gb ( Imagen ISO )
19. LA señal de la bestia y la union de las iglesias
20. Cuando el Dios de amor castiga
21. El misterio de Babilonia, la gran ramera
22. Quien entrara en la santa ciudad?
23. Los dos testigos y el mensaje de los tres angeles
24. Al sonar la septima trompeta
Datos tecnicos
26 partes comprimidas con WinRar
25 partes de 95.7 mb
1 parte de 49.0 mb
Total dvd descomprimido 2.45 gb ( Imagen ISO )
Calentamiento Global: El clima del miedo
Los dirigentes del país más poderoso del mundo están acusados de falsificar documentación sobre el
calentamiento global. Este documental investiga si realmente este gobierno ha ocultado pruebas que
apuntan a que el efecto invernadero es más grave de lo que dicen.
Idioma: Español
Duración: 38 minutos
Peso: 346MB
Formato: .avi
2012 Ciencia O Supertición - (2008) Documental DVDRiP XViD
21 de diciembre de 2012: la fecha de finalización de la Cuenta del Calendario sofisticado creado por los
antiguos Mayas, en Centro América. Innumerables libros y sitios web, artículos de revistas y los
titulares de los periódicos debaten su significado, con aficionados en dos bandos: los que predicen el
apocalipsis final de los tiempos y los que ven venir una renovación, un renacimiento de la conciencia.
Añadiendo combustible al debate, algunos científicos ven el número cada vez mayor de los desastres
naturales en los últimos años como prueba de un punto culminante de los eventos catastróficos en
2012. ¿Cuánto es lciencia y cuánto es superstición? En esta película los investigadores, escritores y
científicos en el campo nos dicen exactamente lo que esta fecha significa para ellos, por qué es
importante, y lo que deberíamos esperar. Aparecen en la película Graham Hancock, John Major
Jenkins, Daniel Pinchbeck, Alberto Villoldo, Anthony Aveni, Robert Bauval, Jim Marrs, Walter
Cruttenden, Lawrence E. Joseph, Douglas Rushkoff, John Anthony West y Benito Vegas Durán.
Genero: Documentary
IMDB rating: 6.9/10 1,598 votes
Director: Nimrod Erez
Protagonistas: Graham Hancock, Daniel Pinchbeck
Release Name: 2012.Science.Or.Superstition.2008.DOCU.DVDRiP.XViD-DOCUMENT
Tamaño: 700mb
Calidad: DVDRip - XViD | 512×38 - 29 frm/s - 808 kbit/s | MP3 - 125.664 kbit/s
Duracion: 78 mins
Idioma: Ingles
La mejor pelicula para explicar nuestro final
¿Y si estuviéramos al borde de una nueva era glacial? Éste es el asunto que obsesiona al climatólogo
Jack Hall (Dennis Quaid). Las in-vestigaciones llevadas a cabo por Hall indican que el calentamiento
global del planeta podría desencadenar un repentino y catastrófico cambio climático de la Tierra. Las
perforaciones realizadas en la Antártida muestran que es algo que ya ha ocurrido con anterioridad, hace
diez mil años. Y ahora está alertando a los dirigentes de que podría ocurrir de nuevo si no se adoptan
medidas de forma inmediata. Pero sus adverten-cias llegan demasiado tarde. Todo empieza cuando
Hall presencia cómo un bloque de hielo del tamaño de Rhode Island se desgaja completamente de la
masa de hielo antártica. Posteriormente, una serie de fenómenos climatológicos cada vez más drásticos
empie-zan a ocurrir en distintas partes del globo: granizos del tamaño de un pomelo destrozan Tokio,
vientos huracanados que rompen todos los récords machacan Hawaii; la nieve cae en Nueva Delhi, y
luego una serie de devastadores tornados azotan la ciudad de Los Ánge-les. Una llamada de teléfono de
un colega suyo en Escocia, el pro-fesor Rapson (Ian Holm), confirma los peores temores de Jack: es-tos
intensos fenómenos meteorológicos son síntomas de un cam-bio climatológico masivo.
El derretimiento de la capa de hielo polar ha vertido recientemente demasiada agua a los océanos y ha
afec-tado a las corrientes que dan estabilidad a nuestro sistema climáti-co. El calentamiento global ha
puesto el planeta al borde del preci-picio y al filo de una nueva era glacial. Y todo ocurrirá durante una
supertormenta de carácter global. Mientras Jack advierte a la Casa Blanca del inminente cambio
climático, su hijo Sam, de diecisiete años, (Jake Gyllenhaal) se encuentra atrapado en la ciudad de
Nueva York donde él y algunos amigos han estado compitiendo en un concurso académico entre
institutos. Ahora debe hacer frente a las grandes inundaciones y a las temperaturas que caen en picado
en Manhattan. Tras refugiarse dentro de la biblioteca pública de Manhattan, Sam consigue hablar con
su padre por teléfono. Jack sólo tiene tiempo de hacerle una advertencia: que se quede dentro a toda
costa. Cuando comienza una masiva evacuación a gran es-cala hacia el sur, Jack se encamina en
dirección norte, hacia la ciudad de Nueva York, con el fin de salvar a Sam. Pero ni siquiera Jack está
suficientemente preparado para lo que está a punto de ocurrir; a él, a su hijo y a su planeta.
Para unir las partes:::
Tags: Nostradamus - apocalipsis - seminario - 666 - 2012 - mondex - El Dia Despues De Mañana
Categoría: TV, Peliculas y series
Creado: 01.07.2009 a las 10:00 hs.
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You are here: Greater Things > News > Chip Implants for Humans Already Here and in Use
Chip Implants Already Here
Reporting technology currently in place which eventually could be used when the edict is issued to
take the mark of the beast in the right hand or in the forehead in order to buy or sell or be
Are you ready to "Get Chipped"?
Story: Driver's License to be the Next Debit Card (Slashdot; May 18, 2007)
Story: Health-care chips could get under your skin (PhysOrg; June 12, 2006)
Story: Computer chips get under skin of US enthusiasts (Reuters; Jan. 5, 2006)
Story: Under-the-skin ID chips move toward U.S. hospitals (CNet; July 27, 2004)
Story: ATM chip implant available [back-up] (MSMBC; Nov. 25, 2003)
Story: Chips to be Implanted in Humans (LATimes, May 10, 2002)
Story: They're standing in line to get their chips now (Wired News. Feb. 6, 2002)
Story: Meet the Chipsons (Time, Mar. 11, 2002, pp.56,57)
Story: I, chip (ABC News, Feb. 25, 2002)
Chips Ahoy!! -- New Meaning of "Micro-Management"
RFID tags: Big Brother in small packages - Could we be constantly tracked through
our clothes, shoes or even our cash in the future?
Mondex (PPS 411 kb) - mon = money; dex = hand: money implanted in your hand. They won't
admit it now, but the name says it all. See: mondex.com (owned by Master Card.)
Index Contents:
Microchip Implants • Tracking Devices • Government Snooping • TIPS - Citizen Spy
Program • Social Security Number • Bar Code • RFID • Smart Cards • Biometric Devices •
Government Going Digital • Fighting Back • Articles • See also
" . . . and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast
should be killed. And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and
poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in
their foreheads: and that no man might buy or sell, save he that had
the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name."
Will you take it?
-- Revelation 13:15-17
Illustration only
The actual implant is invisible on the surface,
being the size of a grain of rice but much more
thin and injected subdermally
mark: charagma; from Greek charax
meaning to stake down into or
"stick into"
Sign Petition Against National ID
Microchip Implants
Digital Angel
Miniaturized, Implantable Identification Technology
With Multiple Medical, Security and Emergency
Yahoo! > Identification Systems > Verichip - directory listing
Company to Sell ID-Only Computer Chip Implant (AP) - FDA Approves VeriChip so long as
medical data is not included. April 4, 2002
911 Provides Green Light for Chip Implant Go-Ahead [back-up copy](LA Times) - "Other potential
applications would put the chips in the role of an ultimate ID, capable of performing many of
the roles that are performed by keys and ATM cards." (Dec. 19, 2001)
Meet the Chipsons (Time) - "In the next few years, it wants to add sensors that will read your vital
signs . . . and a satellite receiver that can track where you are." (March 11, 2002, pp. 56,57)
[back-up copy]
U.S. to Weigh Computer Chip Implant (AP News, Excite.com) - A Florida technology company is
poised to ask the government to market a first-ever computer ID chip that could be
embedded beneath a person's skin. (Feb. 26, 2002) [also at Yahoo! News] [also at Salt Lake Tribune]
DigitalAngel.net - Presenting a microchip that can be either implanted in or closely bonded to the
body. $200 billion market expected.
Digital Angel Unveiled Nov. 1, 2000 (WND) "...will be a connection from yourself to the electronic
world. It will be your guardian, protector." "[Humans] will be a hybrid of electronic
intelligence and our own soul."
Digital Angels Beta Testing on Humans (WND) - beginning June 14, 2001
Digital Angel Abandons Under Skin Human Implants (WND) - public wariness spurs backtrack
(June 16, 2001)
Digital Angel's Latest Press Releases
Implanted Electronic Tag Can Track Terrorist Suspects (AFP) - A tiny chip, implanted under the
skin, that can track the location of terrorist suspects; "Big Brother" device raises serious
questions for civil liberties, as governments could use it to track innocent people. (9/21/01)
British Army to be Microchipped (Soldier Magazine, April, 2001) - test phase underway.
Will Terrorism Spawn the Mark of the Beast? (RaiderNews)
Denunciation of Technology and Beastly Ramifications - by Chip's Primary Inventor, Carl W.
PALM - Technology to Place Chip in Hand - reported on the Bloomberg report on WLS radio in
Chicago, 4:30 AM, Jan. 12, 2001.
Humor > BBspot - Latest Executive Craze: Palm Pilot Implants (BBspot)
Spoof (Hoax) > IDChip.com claims to offer $250 to give you an implant and set up your computer
for you. (confession of spoof | funny?)
PC Computing Article about Human Implants in Use
Researchers develop 'bionic chip' for human use
4mm x 4mm chips for tracking pets, vehicles, children, VIPs - Sky-Eye, Gen-Etics
Microchips of the Rich and Famous! - Computer chip surgery for 'kidnapping targets'
e-purse in European Transit
Palm Pilot to Integrate e-Wallet Features (CNET) Jan. 7, 2001
Related WorldNetDaily articles
Big Brother gets under your skin
Meet the 'Digital Angel' -- from Hell
Revelation about 'Digital Angels'
Microchips Required for Adopted Animals - L.A. requires electronic implants for pets leaving
shelters (8/7/00)
Retinal implants to record a person's life's experiences (UK Telegraph, July 18, 1996) - "Soul Catcher
Tracking Devices
WhereWare - Summary of existing location pin-pointing technologies in use as well as those under
development. (MIT's Technology Review; Sept. 2003)
Spy Technology for the Layman - 'SAME' enables users to see any place on the planet in real time.
York University Prof. Vincent Tao has developed groundbreaking satellite mapping technology that enables
users to visually zoom in on - or fly over - any place on the planet in real time. Called SAME (an acronym for
'See Anywhere - Map Everywhere'), it is an Internet-based technology that provides 3-D imagery with ground
resolution of a half-metre to one metre - close enough to identify automobile makes, for example, but not the
human face. (PhysOrg; Nov. 30, 2004)
RFID tags: Big Brother in small packages - Could we be constantly tracked through our clothes,
shoes or even our cash in the future? (1/13/03)
New Device Tracks Kids - child locator watch/bracelet is linked to GPS satellites,
incorporates pager and 911 calling; locked and unlocked by code held by parents.
Wherify Website
GPS Vehicle Locator - also by Wherify.
Government Snooping
See also: Global Conspiracy - secret combination seeks to overthrow freedom of all lands, nations
and countries.
Identity Chip to be Woven into Money (ZDNet) - technology now under development to be
implemented next Spring. (7/3/01)
Echelon Eavesdropping (GreaterThings) - Worldwide Espionage Network , under U.S.'s NSA and
other world superpowers, can intercept two billion phone calls per day, along with faxes and
e-mails and other electronic communications.
China to Have Over 100 Eyes in the Sky - A "large surveying network" to be in place by 2020 to
monitor water reserves, forests, farmland, city construction and "various activities of society."
(SlashDot; Nov. 18, 2004)
ACLU Ads Warn Of 'Massive' Government Cyber-Snooping (Wash. Post) decries abuse of 4th
amendment privacy. (4/10/01)
Postal Service Has Eye on You (Insight Mag.) Reporting 'suspicious' transactions. (July, 2001)
California Considers Tracking Your Car - California is now proposing to put GPS devices on all new
cars to track how far people drive and tax them accordingly." (SlashDot; Nov. 18, 2004)
All 50 States Agree To Upgrade Driver's Licenses Into De Facto National ID (Boston Globe) - State
officials may also seek $70 million to study issues on how to include data such as fingerprints
or digital photographs on the driver's licenses. (1/14/2002)
The Feds'll Come A-Snoopin' (Wired) - increased leeway in search guidelines.
WebDetective - 'find the truth about anyone' - Sample of the culture of snooping among the U.S.
Social Security Number
Index > Social Security Number (SSN) and the Mark of the Beast (666) - How the U.S. Social
Security System prepares society for the tyrannical mark of the beast, both because of its
socialist nature as well as the conditioning it engenders for a Big Brother numbering system.
Bar Code
How 666 is encoded in each and every Universal Product Code bar code
RFID (Radio Frequency ID)
Chip-Embedded Paper with Wireless Transmission - 0.5x0.5mm Chip is embedded in paper
during papermaking processes and comes with a built-in antenna for wireless transmission at
frequencies of between 13.56MHz to 2.45GHz. Enables mass production of chip-embedded
paper. (PhysOrg; Nov. 10, 2004)
Students Tracked By RFID - Sprint, Texas School District has adopted RFID as a way to track
students' arrival and departure. Info transmitted to both the school administrators, as well as
city police. (Slashdot; Nov. 17, 2004)
NoCards.org - by CASPIAN: Consumers Against Supermarket Privacy Invasion and
Numbering. "Is Big Brother in your grocery cart?" How data from grocery cards is used in
unscrupulous ways.
Big Brother Comes to Wal-Mart - Action item: get your congressperson to co-sponsor legislation to
require conspicuous labeling of RFID-tracked items. (NewWithViews; June 11, 2003)
RFID tags: Big Brother in small packages | CNET News.com - "Could we be constantly tracked
through our clothes, shoes or even our cash in the future?" (January 13, 2003)
Google > RFID - internet sites about RFID (
Euro bank notes to embed RFID chips by 2005 (EETimes.com 12/19/01)
RFID Changes Everything - says RFID will revolutionize supply chain as much as bar coding did.
(Sept. 19, 2001)
RFID.org (AimGlobal.com) - Radio Frequency Identification sponsoring site.
Smart Cards
A SMART CARD REVOLUTION ! - actual advertisement (Mar. 9, 2002)
Military Shows Off Smart ID Card - The Defense Department said it expected to issue the chip-based
"common access cards" to 4.3 million military personnel within the next 15 months.
(Wired.com, Oct. 29, 2001)
All About National ID Cards (EPIC.org) - Index by Electronic Privacy Information Center.
China to Issue High-Tech ID Cards - full implementation within five years (Washington Post, June 12,
Smart.Gov (Pro-card official site) - "Creating a community of interest in Smart Card Technology to
benefit government, business, education, and citizens."
Smart Card Going Mainstream - U.S. lags behind other countries in fully embracing it [back-up]
(Salt Lake Tribune, 11/5/00)
"People are willing to give away their privacy for convenience."
Research.IBM.com - "IBM is in the forefront of developing smart card technology and standards that
will help make this technology a universal medium for storing and transferring all kinds of
BYU Students Develop Medical Smart Card (SL Tribune, 6/25/01) [comment and back-up copy]
Three-in-one smart card announced (SL Tribune, 10/9/00, p. D-1)
Oberthur card systems - the keys to an open world - "The very first in the manufacturing and
personalization of microchip bank cards."
"It is our vision that smart cards will be the universal tool for authentication and remote
loading allowing transactions and access to services for the global citizen. In the future,
plastic cards contained within your wallet will carry a multitude of functions. Smart cards are
driving forward what perhaps you never thought possible - the convergence of markets such
as banking, mobile telecoms and electronic commerce on a single card."
My Smart Card @ Mastercard.com
Open Platform @ Visa.com - "comprehensive system architecture that enables the fast and easy
development of globally interoperable smart card systems."
Visa Smart Path - "Visa is paving the path toward smart cards on a worldwide basis."
SmartCardCentral.com - "SmartCard Industry's Premier Portal For News & Info On SmartCards."
Directory - "the most comprehensive on-line guide to [over 100] companies in the smart card
Gemplus Smart Cards - "Microprocessor cards offer built-in processing power and security features
with a special card-based operating system."
Basics - "Learn how Smart Cards work, how advanced security features can be implemented and
how applications are developed for specific needs."
Smart Cards, Bright Future -- Sun Microsystems
Pentagon gets 'smart' (9/21/99)
Multos, the multi-application operating system for smart cards - "The only platform in the market
today offering a complete infrastructure for smart card issuers."
Smart Card Security
The Birth of Smart Cards - 1974-1989 history of TMR cards (take the money and run)
Biometric Devices
All About Biometrics (EPIC.org) - Index by Electronic Privacy Information Center.
LiveGrip.com - your hand is the key; applications in timecards, computer access, door entry,
gun locks. "Tested by the military - they wanted tons of them, didn't even ask the
Biometrics at the Statue of Liberty (CBS) (also CNN) - using fingerprint machines for guest
Face ID Technology Could Be Part of Security Solution (CNS News) - Twenty-first century
technology could play a major role in combating any future terrorist
attacks. (9/18/01)
High School get retina scanning device (CNN) - for school lunch line, to make the entire London
school 'cashless.' (1/9/03)
Fingerprint May Soon Be Needed to Buy Groceries (NewsMax) - Year old successful pilot project in
Houston paving way for use elsewhere. "Customer acceptance is one of the challenges that
must be overcome."
Professor to wire chip to his nervous system (CNN) - taking a step closer to becoming a cyborg -part human, part computer -- by implanting a silicon chip that communicates with his brain.
(Dec. 7, 2000)
BioID.com - "a revolutionary biometric technology that uses face, voice and lip movement to
identify a person."
Biodata.com - communications security
AppliedBiometrics.net - "World's only battery operated, low cost, standalone, fingerprint
Microsoft Corp. has agreed to include in future versions of its Windows operating system a type of
software that uses "biometric" devices such as fingerprint or eye scanners to boost online
security. (Wall Street Journal, May 2, 2000.)
The eyes have it
Book > Biometrics: Advanced Identity Verification: The Complete Guide
Government Going Digital
Washington State Digital Government Plan - "State's approach for supplying new web-based
services that promise to take citizens from 'in line' to online for one stop services"
Fighting Back
MIT project lets citizens 'Google' feds - Reverse Orwell site lets public track government officials.
(CNN, July 6, 2003)
PC Computing Article: Human Implants in Use
PC Computing
October 1999 (08-31-1999)
Opinion piece by Paul Somerson describes how computer chip implants are already in use by
humans, such as kidnap prone executives.
click here for the rest of the article
Researchers develop 'bionic chip' for human use
Melbourne Age
Source: AP | Published: Saturday February 26, 8:03 AM
San Francisco - Researchers say they have found a way to combine human cells with circuitry in a
'bionic chip' that could play a key role in medicine and genetic engineering.
click here to read the article
S.A. Comment: Proves existence of more than adequate technology for Rev. 13 "mark of the beast"
Big Brother gets under your skin
Julie Foster: Monday March 20, 2000
New implant technology currently used to locate lost pets has been adapted
for use in humans, allowing implant wearers to emit a homing beacon,
have vital bodily functions monitored and confirm identity when
making e-commerce transactions.
click here to read the article
See also managing editor David Kupelin's commentary, Revelation about 'Digital Angels'
Meet the 'Digital Angel' -- from Hell
Joseph Farah Column: Monday February 14, 2000
The application is buying and selling. The technology is implantable. The plans are global. This
sounds remarkably like something I read in Revelation 16-18
click here to read the article
See also:
click here to see other Studies on 666 and the Mark of the Beast
click here for index on Echelon Eavesdropping
click here for Concentration Camps in U.S.
click here for News Trends toward NWO Police State
Places of Refuge for Remnant Saints - Where peaceful people who love liberty and uprightness can
gather before and during the coming calamities for survival and a little slice of heaven on
what can otherwise be a hellish earth.
PRIVACY (EPIC.org) - Index by Electronic Privacy Information Center.
ChipResistance.com | news
Light1998.com Implant Site Links
CountDown.org: The Mark of the Beast - collection of articles on ID microchips, smart cards,
biometrics, DNA database, brain-computer connection.
Big Brother & Mark of the Beast Technology - All About Digital Angels - Global Monitoring of
YellowstoneInfo.com on Biochips and the Mark of the Beast
This page created by Sterling D. Allan November 18, 1999
Last updated on
Ring of Conservative Sites
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Precursors of the Mark
"...That no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, ...Six
hundred threescore and six."
--Revelation 13:17,18.
*A smaller version of this code places one six at the beginning and two
sixes at the end, using three thin lines, sharing the middle
click here for more (along with rebuttal to "no hidden 666"
The Mark of the Beast
*A smaller version of this code places one six at the beginning
and two sixes at the end, using three thin lines,
sharing the middle lines.
click here for more
ohn revealed that the number of the beast -- the earthly establishment of Satan's kingdom -- which
will tread down all the earth and make war with the saints will be 666. (Rev. 13:18.) Sadly, signs
of the times ahead seem to be staring at us already. To a certain extent we already live in a
day when "no man might buy or sell" without "the number of [the beast]...." (13:17.) Today,
nearly every product we buy from the store has a UPC (Universal Product Code) symbol-commonly called a "bar code." All UPC codes have the number 666 encoded in them. Bar
codes, in general, are made up of lines of various widths and distances apart. Each numeral
has a two-line code--sometimes more than just one code per number.(1) One of the codes for a
six is two thin lines, a short distance apart. There are basically two forms of UPC symbols:
those that have two sets of five numerals written at the base and those that have one set of six
numerals written at the base. Every UPC symbol of the first type begins with a six (in the bar
code, not the numbers underneath), has a six in the center, and ends with a six: 6,6,6. The
UPC symbol of the latter type also begins with a six, but it ends with two sixes (three thin
lines encode two sixes, sharing the middle line): 6,66.
666 In The Universal Product
Is The UPC Code The Forerunner Of The "Mark of the Beast"?
Eric Jewell (sum14hizwrd@tcworks.net)
Comments welcome
email to: webmaster@rense.com
Rev.13 [16] And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor,
free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in
their foreheads: [17] And that no man might buy or sell,
save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or
the number of his name. [18] Here is wisdom. Let him that
hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is
the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred
threescore and six.
This particular passage has intrigued man since the day it was prophesied. For
centuries man has tried to understand this passage, but I believe that until
this latter day, we weren't able to understand it. Even today, many have tried
to use different numerological methods to calculate and manipulate numbers
in a way as to designate this number to particular men, whose names
somehow add up to 666. I don't believe that the truth will ever be found in
such a manner. We do however have the technology today that can
eventually fulfill every part of this prophecy.
In this day of terror, we have many calling for national, or even world
identification numbers. We also have a great number of people calling for a
more sure method of identification. Certain methods being considered can
fulfill these requirements and possibly have many other seeming benefits as
well, such as greatly reducing black market trade such as drugs, prostitution,
as well as muggings, robberies, etc. One of these methods, surprisingly or
not, will also fulfill every part of the prophecy concerning the "mark of the
1. it will be a man's number
2. no one will be able to buy anything without it
3. no one will be able to sell without it
4. those refusing it will be seen "enemies of mankind"
5. it can be implanted in the right hand or the forehead
Many are familiar with the concept that this is possibly a computer chip
identification code. Many have heard for instance of the "digital angel".
With all my heart I believe this scenario to be true, and this is intended to
show how and why.
So how is it that a computer chip identification implant will fulfill these
things? Is the "666" the number of a single man?... or will it be the number
of "mankind"? Is it literal?... figurative? We hope to show that it is indeed
very literal. We are all familiar with computer chips, but are we all aware
that these chips can actually be bar-coded? We are all familiar with the UPC
code. We see the bar-code on nearly every product we buy, but many are not
aware that the bar-code operates on a "666" system. Yes, perhaps not
surprisingly, the products we buy contain a "666" on their bar-code.
One good way to verify that the following is true is to go to the kitchen cupboard
and pull out several items and look at the bar-codes. Pick several which have
recurring numbers. The code is divided into 2 halves so look for repeating
numbers in the first half, then choose a few with repeating numbers in the
2nd half. You will be able to see a very important pattern in the end. Its very
simple, I just pray I don't complicate the explanation.
First let's look at the construction of the barcode. There are 2 types, both containing
3 sixes, but we will only concentrate on one type. We will call it the long
type. Notice in the figure below that the barcode is "bracketed". The 3 sets
of long double lines we will call the brackets. One set of thin double lines at
the very beginning, one set in the exact center, and one set at the end. The
brackets actually separate the code into 2 halves, the right half and the left
half. The set of double lines in the center separate the 2 halves of the code.
These brackets are also numbers and serve specific functions when scanned.
(We have dimmed the internal numbers to emphasize the 'bracketing' system)
Notice also the numbers at the bottom of the bars. Each of these numbers
will be represented by 2 bars and the spaced distance between the 2 bars.
The width of the 2 bars and the distance between them determine which
number they represent. Most bar-codes will have a number outside and to
the left of of the first bracket. This number will be represented inside the
code by the first 2 bars just to the right of the first bracket. From this point,
the next 2 bars will represent the 1st number inside the code, just above the
number, but not necessarily centered over it. Then the next 2 bars will
represent the next number and so on until you get to the center bracket... Do
not go past the center bracket though. Below is the code for the first half of
the barcode, from the first to the center bracket. The reason it seems difficult
to decode the barcode is that the bars and space between them, which
represent the numbers below them, change for the second half of the code.
Next we have below the decoding for the 2nd half of the code. The 2nd half begins
with the first 2 bars just to the right of the center bracket. The first 2 bars to
the right of the center bracket represents the first number to the immediate
right of the bracket in the 2nd half. Again 2 bars and the space between
represent the number below them. To the right and outside of the barcode
there is usually another number, which is represented by the last 2 bars just
to the left of the last bracket.
Now... look for a product whose barcode contains at least 1 "6" in the second half.
Examine the bars and the space between. Now look at the chart of the 2nd
half of the code.... Wow! Bingo! What we can see from this is that the 2nd
code representation for the "6" matches the bars which make up the 3
brackets. This means that each barcode contains a "6, 6, 6"!!!
Note: in the above code there are two 1's and two 2's side by side, which we have not split apart.
These do not represent 11 and 22.
The above illustration depicts the "0" outside the barcode represented by the first
two lines inside the first bracket (see 'Bar Code Brackets' above). Also
depicted is how the "6" outside the barcode and to the right is represented by
the last two lines before the last bracket. As you can see, each number
corresponds to its exampled line based equivalent, depending on if it is on
the left or right side of the center bracket (see Left and Right numerical/line
examples above, A and B).
Is the barcode the mark of the beast? Of course not... but... it is my honest belief
that a bar-coded, implantable computer chip will be. The evidence is
overwhelming, and technologically speaking it is the only thing that will
completely fulfill everything we are told about it. Technologically it is the
only thing we have that even comes close. Biblically its an exact hit. As far
as current events, and the direction we as a world are heading, it is inevitable
in time.
Additional Material
The following links have very interesting reading about microchip
technology for ID.
Microchip Technology - SCAN FAQ
Further Clarifications
Is the number 666 "hidden" in the UPC barcode?
from http://www.av1611.org/666/barcode.html
One of the most popular and shocking accusations concerning the number "666" is
that the number "666" is quietly "hidden" in every UPC barcode. Mary
Stewart Relfe's book, "The New Money System 666", published in 1982, is
the "pioneer" of the "666 in the UPC barcode" teaching. Relfe's book
contains over 50 pages of excellant doumentation on the UPC barcodes.
Relfe's discovery is repeated in many publications touching the mark of the
beast, within the last fifteen years. Including tracts published by this author.
Here's a few samples:
Terry Cook, The Mark of the New World Order, 1996:
". . . the entire system [UPC barcode] is very deceptively designed around the
infamous numerical configuration, Biblically known as 666, the mark of the
Antichrist or devil (Revelation 13:16-18). . ." (Terry Cook, The Mark of the
New World Order, 1996, p. 376)
Bob Fraley, The Last Days in America, 1984:
"The interpretation of the Universal Product Code marks is most revealing in that
the three numbers '666' are the key working numbers for every designed
Universal Product Code. Every group of Universal Product Code marks has
in it three unidentified numbers. All three of these numbers are 6, making
the use of the numbers '666' the key to using this identifying marking
system. . .
There is no deviation. Every Universal Product Code has three unidentified marks
whose number equivalent '6' encoding it with the code number '666'. " (Bob
Fraley, The Last Days in America, 1984, p. 225, 228)
Here's how to "discover" the "hidden 666 in the UPC barcode"
Notice the three "guard bars" (colored RED) at the beginning, middle and end.
Now, notice the same bar pattern ("bar-space-bar" or "101") for the number
6 (colored BLUE).
By "looking" at the above barcode, the number "666" clearly, appears to be there. .
But is it?
Is the number 666 TRUTHFULLY "hidden" in the UPC barcode?
Technically, no it is not.
Here's the "technical" truth. . .
The number 6 and the three guard bars are NOT the same. They do "appear" to be
identical, but they are different.
Notice. The beginning and ending guard bars are "bar-space-bar" or "101" (the B in
the above table). The middle guard bar is "space-bar-space-bar-space" or
"01010" (the M in the above table). The number six is "1010000" (the 6 in
the above table). Remember, technically a barcode number consists of seven
units. The beginning and ending guard bars are only three units, and middle
guard bar is only five units.
So, technically, from a computer's perspective the number "666" is NOT in the
UPC barcode.
But. . .
Look again. . . All three guard bars contain the pattern "bar-space-bar" or "101".
There is only ONE number, in TWENTY numbers (remember right and left
numbers have different patterns) that contains the "101" pattern and that
number is the right code SIX. Not the number one, or two, or three, etc. - but
ONLY the right code SIX. I do seem to remember something about a mark
on the RIGHT hand (Rev. 13:16).
Technically, from a computer's perspective the number "666" is NOT in the UPC
barcode. . . but from a human's perspective - YES, the "appearance" of 666
is there!
What does the inventor of the UPC barcode say about the number "666" in the
UPC barcode?
The inventor of the UPC barcode is George J. Laurer. In 1971, while Mr. Laurer
was an employee with IBM, he was assigned the task "to design the best
code and symbol suitable for the grocery industry". In 1973, Mr. Laurer's
UPC barcode entered the world, and the rest is history.
On Mr. Laurer's web site, he has a "Questions" page, where he answers various
questions about the UPC barcode. On the "Questions" page, Mr. Laurer
answers the "666" question, as follows:
Question #8 - Rumor has it that the lines (left, middle, and right) that protrude
below the U.P.C. code are the numbers 6,6,6... and that this is the
international money code. I typed a code with all sixes and this seems to be
true. At least they all resemble sixes. What's up with that?
Answer- Yes, they do RESEMBLE the code for a six. An even parity 6 is:
1 module wide black bar 1 module wide white space 1 module wide black bar
4 module wide white space
There is nothing sinister about this nor does it have anything to do with the Bible's
"mark of the beast" (The New Testament, The Revelation, Chapter 13,
paragraph 18). It is simply a coincidence like the fact that my first, middle,
and last name all have 6 letters. There is no connection with an international
money code either. (From Mr. Laurer's web site)
I'm writing this concerning the article at Rense.com on 666.
I quote from George J. Laurer, founder of the UPC (as above)
"There is nothing sinister about this nor does it have anything to do with the Bible's
"mark of the beast" (The New Testament, The Revelation, Chapter 13,
paragraph 18). It is simply a coincidence like the fact that my first, middle,
and last name all have 6 letters. There is no connection with an
international money code either."
Maybe that's why he thought it would be cool to have 6 represented in the 3
primary symbols it would be like a metaphor for the 6, 6, 6 in his name,
leaving his legacy on every grocery product on earth. Just maybe I mean he
makes that correlation himself, evidently having pondered it before. Seems I
recall something about 666 also being the "number of a man."
Funny, isn't it?
- Mark Shamus
Even, Mr. Laurer, the inventor of the UPC barcode admits,
"Yes, they do RESEMBLE the code for a six."
In fact, as we've documented - SIX is the ONLY number they
You would certainly think because of the "antichrist connections" to "666" they
would have picked another number besides '6' to pattern the three 'guard
bars' after? Why not 1 or 3, or 5, etc. - any number but '666'. Surely they
knew Christians would, sooner or later, "discover" the clear "appearance" of
666 in the UPC bar code.
More Corroboration of the 6 factor
Information from http://iraklios.ath.cx/bar.code/3tech.anal%20_EGL.htm
"For the control characters (see table:II), which have the same T-distances;
No further calculation is required to differentiate them from the number 6.
Obviously because they are identical with that number!
There are those who claim that because the number Co differs between the number
6 and that of the bar-guards; that they are therefore essentially different. But
the simple fact is that the number is (Co) used only to determine a
correlation between To1 and T1, and To2 and T2 and not used to recognize
the characters. It is therefore evident that To1 and To2 for the left, center,
and right guard-bar and the number 6 are the same. They therefore take the
same value and are synonymous with the number 6. "
Dan Rardon
Hey Jeff,
Just wanted to let you know, on Sunday 2-10-02, when Andy Rooney was doing
his thing on '60 Minutes' (I wasn't paying too much attention as I don't take
those shows too seriously). He was rambling on about how security is too
tight at airports and sporting events like the Superbowl and the Olympics.
He was saying that if it doesn't get any better, people will quit going out.
Then he went on to say basically, "Something must be done to fix this
'problem'". I was paying attention when I heard what he said next. He said
(not an exact quote, but very close), "Maybe we could get tattoos (I'm sure
he mentioned 'tattoos'), or maybe a computer chip implant under the
skin. I would be willing to have a chip implant so that I could go
through security and just wave my hand through a scanner to indentify
I know, this is no surprise to you or I, but I never figured they would be so
blatant as to mention 'tattoos'. We need 'tattoos' to secure the 'homeland'.
How long until we see swastikas all over again? Will a chip implant really
prevent someone from entering a stadium and blowing up a bomb? Will it
keep someone from spreading a biological agent around an airport? Just
thought you might find this interesting, if you haven't heard it already. The
old 'problem-reaction-solution' scenario, that we hear so much about on your
show. Thank-you for all your good work.
A loyal fan,
Dan Rardon
P.S. As I'm sure you realize, my questions are rhetorical.
Alton Raines
I want to commend Eric Jewell for breaking down and explaining in very
plain terms what others have touched on, but never quite gotten across
without complicating it. Those "6" brackets which act as primary functions
when a barcode is scanned, in three specific places, is simply too obvious to
blow off as mere coincidence. Why 6? Why not 333? Why not 888? Who
determined 6 to be a functionary element for the barcode? Granted, 6 is not
the only functionary number in a barcode, every number has significance
and purpose, all rational and all legitimate. But the 666 bracketing stands as
an indentity, as a distinct super-code over the whole code. I know that the
prophet Daniel was told that near the end times, knowledge would increase
and that the revelation of prophecy would come to light (or be revealed).
This appears to be coming to pass.
Craig Michael Uhl, MD
The technology of allowing a foreign substance under the skin for medical
purposes is not new. We have implanted contraceptives, knee/hip joints,
pacemakers, and prosthesis of all kinds; yet that doesn't mean we have sold
our souls to the devil. In fact, by allowing a chip to be inserted under one's
skin may soon be developed so as to allow for rapid diagnosis of a possible
exposure to chemical, biological, or nuclear component upon entry into the
emergency medical department at your local hospital. Digital Angel and the
other chips under development at Advanced Digital (ADSX) can be of
enormous benefit to the medical community in quickly assessing and
treating victims of terrorism.
As a physician, I know that such a tool could have prevented the deaths of those
exposed to Anthrax several months ago. By empowering our citizens with
the knowledge that they have an implantable detector that could quickly be
used by medical personnel of such exposure would provide for rapid
detection and treatment. This is clearly not the mark of the beast; if such a
unit required me to put aside my spiritual beliefs, I would be the first to
remove it. This is not the time to 'throw out the baby with the bathwater.'
Instead, we should work together so that proper safeguards are put in place
to prevent such use that many fear, and embrace the technology that would
save many lives, and prevent early death.
Craig Michael Uhl, MD, CPA
Monarch Beach, CA
Dr Michael,
I agree that technology can be used for good. If I entered into a hospital, not
knowing what was wrong, and an insertable chip could be used to save a
life, but then it would be removed, then by all means let it be used for good.
If however, the law stated that I MUST receive an implantable chip to
conduct e-commerce, or I would lose my "privilege" of conducting business;
and if it were used for the purpose of identification, then I say at that point
prophecy will be fulfilled, and I for one would certainly reject it. I would do
all I could as well at that point to encourage everyone to reject it despite the
consequences... at least I pray for the strength to do so.
Eric Jewell
No one is saying these things are "the antichrist." The issue is, how might these
technologies be MISUSED by evil people, and how some of these have
clearly been forewarned in prophecy. Can it be denied that the technology of
man intended for good is always also used for evil? - ed
Dan Nichols
This URL was submitted by Dan suggesting there is no 666 in the UPC
In response to the site/info submitted by Mr. Nichols,
Mr. Nichols,
As far as I'm concerned, this is technical, complicated disinformation. First of all,
the difference between the "6" on the left half of the code, and the "6" on the
right side of the code is explained in the above article. The barcode is
divided into 2 halves, each coded differently. If you notice the "1" on the left
is represented by a thin bar, thin space and then the thinnest bar. (See the
decoded chart in the article for the left half of the code) However on the
right side of a barcode, the "1" is represented by 2 wider bars with the space
between the same width of the bars. This is true throughout the code. Each
number on the left side is represented by a completely different code than
the numbers on the right side of the code.
Mathematically you are correct that you can make 4 lines and spaces from 1
number to the other, but this would be consistent with each number
appearing as 2 lines and a space now wouldn't it?
Also we cannot forget the barcode is "digital". Each "digit" or set of bars represent
a number, and these numbers have a specific function in the code. Go
beyond just looking... put a micrometer to it. You will find that the 3 double
lined brackets are the same width, and the same distance apart as the "6"
depicted in the second half of the code. It doesn't matter that the bars in the
first half is different. What matters is that in the 2nd half of the code, the
bars and space representing the "6" are exactly the same as the bars and
space of the 3 brackets.
Imagine a code where each number is actually represented in 2 different ways. One
way in the first half on the left, another way when depicted on the right. Are
we to believe that the "6s" on the right side of the code are represented by
the same bars and space between, that they are the same width and distance
apart as the "brackets", and yet the brackets are not sixes?
Sorry my friends, I will believe my eyes and the prophecies over a disinformation
campaign designed to make me not believe what I can see and measure.
Eric Jewell
With regards to the story on the barcode. Check out the attached barcode
jpeg I ran through a barcode program.
Keep up the great work.
Regards from Down Under - George
Jeff Cobb
Your analysis really scard the bejeebers out of me. I always thought God
would make it plainer than this. I assumed taking the "Mark of the Beast"
would be an obviously evil choice which I would recognize as such and act
accordingly. Bar codes, in and of themselves, are not evil. If bar codes are
evil, then anyone who shops at Walmart is damned!
So are you saying that if the government passed a law requiring all citizens to have
a bar code implanted in or tattoed on our bodies, you wouldn't do it? Is the
Anti-Christ a person or a government or a system or what?
I love the Lord and believe Jesus died for my sins. Why would God play mind
games like this? I always thought I'd make the right choices when the time
came, but what if it's so low key that I miss it? Should I be living among the
Amish or perhaps join a militia group and live in a compound where they
grow their own food and refuse to pay taxes. If I am a law-abiding citizen
who plays by the rules, am I worshiping the Beast?
Jeff Cobb
Lewisburg, WV
From Eric Jewell
Hello my friend, and God bless you in Jesus name!!!
My wonderful friend, its not God playing mindgames... Satan is a deceiver of
masses though, and his deceptions are sometimes extremely well
camouflaged. He sometimes even appears as an angel of light.
The barcode itself of course isn't the mark, but, if a bar coded chip is put into the
body then it fills all the requirements... if we move to e-commerce and ID,
then who can survive in this society? We will be seen as rebellious, even if
otherwise law abiding... perhaps in time even peaceful people will be
regarded as "terroristic" against society.
The beast is explained as a nation is Rev 17 and 18. In 17:9-13 we see the 7 heads
are 6 past empires with 1 to come. For various reasons i see how our nation
can fulfill all prophecies concerning the Harlot who rides and therefore
guides the beast.
The beast is described as a man in Rev 13. It is likely that both the individual man
and the world empire are the beast, for it is his brainchild... of course its
Satans first.
As far as paramilitary activity is concerned, we must remember that he who "lives
by the sword shall die by the sword." The Christians of the old Roman
empire who were slaughtered by the thousands all went willingly and God
had great grace.
In Daniel 7, 11, and Rev 13, we are told Antichrist receives power to overcome us,
but we are the overcomers in the end.
"I beheld, and the same horn made war with the saints, and prevailed against
them; Until the Ancient of Days came, and judgment was given to the saints
of the most High; and the time came that the saints possessed the kingdom"
Dan 7:21-22 -- "And he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God, to
blaspheme his name, and his tabernacle, and them that dwell in heaven. And
it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them:
and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations." Rev.
Rev 6:9-11 shows the martyrs under the altar of God in the heavenly temple.
Rev 20:1-4 shows these same martyrs receiving great recognition and
reward from God Himself.
As far as stocking up, I see nothing wrong with making some material preparation,
but in that day we are better off just living by faith, and God will provide.
Even if called to die in that day, God will give all who are faithful, the grace
and courage to not just endure, but also be an example of endurance.
God bless you richly Jeff
your brother and sister
eric and lee
Perhaps the following will help to shed a little light on this subject.
Anyone studying the Book of Revelation the Bible must realize that there was no
way a first century citizen could accurately describe the technology he was
being shown in his present day vernacular.
The apostle John spoke of a "mark". The Greek rendering for this word in the
King James Bible translates to our word for "etching". I'm sure we can all
agree that the production of computer chips involves this process for the
The apostle goes on to say that if any man has wisdom, let him count the number.
He tells us what the number is, but also challenges us to 'count' it. If you
take the English alphabet and assign each letter an increasing value of '6',
with A = '6', B = '12', C = '18', and add up all the values of each letter found
in the word "COMPUTER", it all adds up to ! 666. I don't think this is a
This is not to say that we should run in abject fear from computers, purchase no
products from retailers using product codes and scanners, or disdain medical
technology that can save lives and enable people to be productive rather than
crippled and incapacitated. But we should keep a heads up for any
government mandated imposition of such embedded technology, for
eventually that can only lead to the prophesied restrictions on the
transactions which make up a large portion of our existence in this society,
far beyond the purchase of food and basic shelter, to the ability to hold down
a job and operate a motor vehicle, etc. I believe this is the most balanced
approach to take. The 'wisdom', I feel, is to realize that it will be the
incorporation of this technology into man, much more refined and developed
than is at present, to the po! int where the operation of such a chip will be
able not only to track the individual, but to influence the thought processes
and decisions.
Feel free to write back.
In His service...
Trenet Worlds
Actually there is much evidence that the technology indeed exists to accomplish all
the things you speak of concerning the implantable chips. Certain electronic
impulses can indeed influence mood.
We can be assured that the technology actually released into the public, is far
behind the technology already perfected and covertly used, especially since
our knowledge database doubles frequently.
We can also be assured that we will never be told of such capabilities. To the
average citizen, all that will most likely be known is that we are able to
interact personally with computers, which in itself is amazing, and that it
will "cure" many of the worlds present woes. It is also probable that many of
these woes are artificially created in order for the average citizen to desire
this technology be used.
Thank you for your response
Eric Jewell
Bob McNamara
The black and white spaces of a UPC symbol of nominal size are made up of
a combination of elements that are 0.013" wide to represent each digit. The
left set of numbers of a bar code represent the manufacturer and the set of
numbers on the right side represent the product. Look at Green Giant for
example in a store you will see that each Green Giant product has the same
left side number whereas the numbers on the right side will vary with the
product. Note there are five numbers on each side, therefore, there can be
almost 100,000 manufacturers. Also each manufacturer can have almost
100,000 different products. In other stores such as clothing stores there are
many more digits for for labeling both the manufacturer and also the item,
size, color, etc. These codes are very useful for many determinations in
inventory control and many other uses. The UPC system was never set up
for any other purpose other than to keep tract of items in a store and
facilitate throughput at the checkstand. Can you imagine how difficult it
would be in any store if the cashier had to punch in all the numbers for each
item as it was done years ago espicially with the literacy rate much lower
than that of 1900. I had worked on quality control of UPC film masters for a
large printer in 1974 who had a library of 8,000 customer/product symbols.
Each film master had to be made to a tolerance of about 1 or 2/10,000 of an
inch and the printed nominal symbol had to be about +&- 1.5 thsoundanths
of an inch. This was the first time any numerical value was ever established
for the resolution of printing of anything. The UPC system will never be
used for marking people. There is a newer radio system for marking
products that will probably replace the UPC system. The radio system is
muchmore versitle and I think it can read items in boxes in a warehouse.
Already people have the Federal Governments social security number that is
used for identification for many purposes. Now that is a real police state
identification number that we all now have to have. Even newborns are
required to get a social security number as of at least 10 years ago. That
number appears on every government form such as prescriptions, etc. Wake
up, the police state ID number is here already.True it is also useful for our
own use, but, criminals have been able to steal once a number is found out.
Bob McNamara
Reply from Eric Jewell -- Research returns:
Mr. McNamara....
United States Patent Application 20010048027 Kind Code A1 Walsh,
Christopher S. December 6, 2001
Record and verification method, apparatus and system
A method and apparatus are provided for verification of the identity of a patient
undergoing treatment administered by a medical treatment practitioner in a
treatment room.
24. A method according to claim 1 wherein said scanning is carried out using a
scanning device selected from the group consisting of a coded marking
scanner, a retinal scanner, a fingerprint scanner, an iris scanner and a
scanner for a subcutaneous microchip.
25. A method according to claim 24 wherein said patient identifier comprises a
barcode and scanning of said barcode is carried out using a coded marking
scanner comprising a barcode reader.
Politician Wants to 'Get Chipped'
By Julia Scheeres
2:00 a.m. Feb. 15, 2002 PST A Brazilian legislator wants to become the first
politician to be implanted with a controversial microchip that would contain
his personal information.
"I want to demonstrate to the citizens of Brazil and the world that this technology is
safe," Antonio de Cunha Lima, a federal minister from the state of São
Paulo, said Thursday. "I believe in supporting the advance of science and
technology. I want to be the first Brazilian to be chipped. I want to be the
first politician to be chipped."
Cunha Lima said he plans be implanted with the VeriChip as soon as it is approved
for use in Brazil. He added that he is interested in pursuing a joint venture
between the chip's manufacturer, Applied Digital Solutions, and the
company he presides over, Central Brasileira de Negocios.
The microchip, which is slightly larger than a grain of rice, stores six lines of text
and 128 characters and emits a 125-kHz radio frequency signal that is
detected by a special scanner up to four feet away. It is similar to the
biochips that are used to identify pets and livestock.
Last week, a Florida family announced its desire to become the first family in the
world to be implanted with the VeriChip once it is greenlighted by the Food
and Drug Administration.
The chip maker, based in Palm Beach, Florida, is marketing the VeriChip as a
medical and a security device.
People with chronic diseases, for example, could have chips encoded with their
health histories and the name of their primary physician so hospital workers
could simply scan their bodies in an emergency and access their medical
In South America, the chip is being commercialized as a way to identify
kidnapping victims who are drugged, unconscious or dead. In that market,
the chip is being bundled with the company's personal GPS device, Digital
Angel, so police are able to track the abduction victim's location as well.
Cunha Lima, a veteran politician who has served in public office for more than 22
years, said he is interested in the VeriChip for its potential as a kidnapping
"I believe this technology will contribute to the public safety and security of
Brazilians," he said. "I believe this technology will act to deter the shocking
rise of kidnapping in our cities and particularly the abhorrent kidnapping of
the children of businessmen."
Abductions in Brazil have soared in recent years, according to the Brazilian media,
and bands of young men roam the streets of major cities targeting drivers of
luxury cars and business owners.
The city of São Paulo, the capital of the state of São Paulo and home to 17 million,
is the kidnapping capital of Brazil. Last year, 251 people were kidnapped
compared to 39 in 2000 and 13 in 1999, according to the secretary of public
Since its announcement last December, the VeriChip has stirred the public's
imagination. While company officials have been bombarded with e-mails
from teenagers who think the device is cool and want to get chipped, others
worry that the device will someday be required identification.
Additionally, some Christians believe the technology could be the feared "mark of
the beast" warned of in the Bible.
Applied Digital Solutions has lobbied to assuage the concerns of privacy advocates
and Christians by appearing on the Christian talk show The 700 Club and by
emphasizing the benefits of the device.
"People are crying for security and safety. This chip could help save lives," said
Keith Bolton, the company's chief of technology. He added that privacy
concerns are a moot point: "You turn the (GPS) device off; you elect to have
Cunha Lima coincided: "While I am concerned with a potential invasion of
privacy, the use of this new technology is voluntary and not mandatory. If
one chooses to 'be chipped,' then one has considered the consequences of
that action."
Last week, Applied Digital Solutions applied for a trademark for the terms "get
chipped" and "The Chipsons" -- the latter in reference to the Florida family.
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No Hidden Sixes in the UPC Barcode
Robert Harris
Version Date: March 9, 2005
Original: September 14, 1999
Summary. Circulating on the Internet and elsewhere is the erroneous claim that every barcode in the
Universal Product Code (UPC-A) has the number 666 embedded in it. A look at how the numbers in
the UPC barcode are constructed will show why this claim is wrong.
How the error may have occurred. Someone glancing casually and a bit carelessly at a UPC barcode
containing the number six will note that there are two thin vertical bars almost directly above the
number six. Here, for example, is the barcode from a box of After Eight dinner mints. Note the two thin
bars above the six in the 48600:
The casual glancer may therefore assume that the number six is represented by two thin vertical bars. Noticing
that there are two thin vertical bars at each end of the barcode might then convince the glancer that
these must be sixes also. The glancer then may finally note that in the confusing middle of the barcode
there are also (at least) two thin vertical bars. Hence the hasty conclusion: the barcode pattern contains
a six on each end and a six in the middle.(In this particular example, the little check digit six on the far
right may also be confusing. But read on for clarification.)
Reading between the lines. By looking more carefully at a barcode, you can see that not only are the bars of
different widths, but the spaces between the bars vary also. This is the key: each number in the barcode
is represented not by two lines, but by four elements, which include two lines and two spaces. Further,
if you look even more closely, you will see that for a given number (such as a six), what is a line on the
right side of the barcode is a space on the left side and what is a space on the right side of the barcode is
a line on the left side. (The different representations allow the barcode scanner to differentiate between
the manufacturer's number and the item number even if the barcode is scanned upside down or
sideways.) Here, for example, is the barcode from a Master Locks combination padlock:
Note that on the right there might appear to be two thin bars just above the six, but on the left, the pattern
above the six looks like a thin bar and a very wide bar. What is actually there, however, are the four
elements of the number six, represented on the right side of the barcode by a thin line, a thin space, a
thin line, and a very wide space, and on the left side by a thin space, a thin bar, a thin space, and a very
wide bar.
To make this even plainer, here is a barcode containing all sixes:
Note that the sixes on the right are all made up of a thin line, a thin space, a thin line, and a very wide space,
and those on the left are made up of a thin space, a thin bar, a thin space, and a very wide bar.
Guarding the edge. The lines at each end of the barcode are guard bars, consisting of a thin line, a thin space,
and a thin line. Since there are only three elements instead of four, no number of any kind is
represented. (No very wide space or very wide bar is there to complete the number six, for example.)
And the middle. In between the first five numbers (which represent the manufacturer's identifying number-who made the product) and the last five numbers (which represent the specific product code--such as a
blue, medium ball-point pen) is another set of guard bars, consisting of a thin space, a thin line, a thin
space, a thin line, and a thin space. Here, even though there are five elements (two bars and three
spaces), they do not represent a number because none of the numbers are made up of all thin elements
(see below).
Breaking the code. Since the lines and spaces appear in four different widths, we could use the words thin,
medium, wide, and very wide to represent them. We can also use numbers, though, with 1 representing
thin, 2 representing medium, 3 representing wide, and 4 representing very wide. That plan allows us to
represent each number this way:
0 is formed by alternating bars and spaces of width 3-2-1-1
1 is formed by alternating bars and spaces of width 2-2-2-1
2 is formed by alternating bars and spaces of width 2-1-2-2
3 is formed by alternating bars and spaces of width 1-4-1-1
4 is formed by alternating bars and spaces of width 1-1-3-2
5 is formed by alternating bars and spaces of width 1-2-3-1
6 is formed by alternating bars and spaces of width 1-1-1-4
7 is formed by alternating bars and spaces of width 1-3-1-2
8 is formed by alternating bars and spaces of width 1-2-1-3
9 is formed by alternating bars and spaces of width 3-1-1-2
An end guard bar is formed by two bars and a space 1-1-1
A middle guard bar is formed by two bars and three spaces 1-1-1-1-1
Putting it all together. Let's return to the padlock barcode, enlarged and detailed here. Note that the barcode
contains two sixes, one on each side of the middle guard bars. As mentioned above, you can see the
difference in representation of the same 1-1-1-4 code for a left-hand six, where the very wide segment
is a bar instead of a space, and the right hand six, where the very wide segment is a space rather than a
bar. Yet you are looking at the same number.
Note also that every bar and every space in the barcode is accounted for, and that there are no extra sixes
anywhere to be found. (The first number, on the left next to the barcode, is the barcode type, such as a
regular item, a coupon, etc., and the last number, on the right after the barcode, is a check digit,
calculated from the barcode numbers and helping to insure accuracy of scanning. In both cases the
numbers themselves are encoded inside the guard bars, making the barcode twelve digits overall.)
Further Issues About the Mark of the Beast, 666, Barcodes, and the Bible
Since the only information we have about the Mark of the Beast and the number 666 comes from the Bible, we
should look at the Bible to see the context of these things. The Mark of the Beast is discussed in
Revelation 13 and 14.
Who is the Beast? The Mark is ordered to be put on people by the False Prophet (the "second beast"), who
serves the Antichrist (the "first beast"). The False Prophet is evidently a human being, not a system of
commerce. So, who is this person? Before we say that barcodes are the Mark of the Beast, we should
identify the Beast whose mark they supposedly are.
Are we in the Great Tribulation? The Mark of the Beast is not put on people until a little past halfway
through the Great Tribulation, that is, more than three and a half years into the tribulation. Are we in
such a tribulation now? In the first half of the tribulation, a third of mankind will be killed. Did this
Did the World End? From the time of the Mark of the Beast until Armageddon, which pretty much ends the
world, less than three and a half years pass. The UPC barcode has been around for twenty years.
Pre- Mid- or Post-trib? Of the three schools of interpretation for Revelation end times, pretribulationists and
midtribulationists both believe that the church will be raptured before the beast and the false prophet
arrive and put their mark on people. Only posttribulationists believe that Christians will be around
during marking time. Thus, is you believe that the UPC barcode is the mark of the beast, you are a
posttribulationist. Since most of the evangelical world is pretribulationist, what evidence do you
provide to argue that you are correct and most other interpreters are wrong?
It's on You. The Mark of the Beast is clearly described as being either on the forehead or on the hand, not on
commercial products. Explain this discrepancy.
Can we pick and choose the numbers? The Mark of the Beast is 666, but this barcode I'm looking at is
045342987531. If the guide bars are really sixes, then the number I'm looking at is
604534269875316. How is that the same as 666 any more than 16066 Jones Street is the same as 666?
Just because we can pick three sixes out of a string of numbers, we cannot really say that those are the
same as the single number 666.
Why the UPC and not another bar code? There are many barcode symbologies. In fact, the UPC may be on
the way out, to be replaced by newer, more informatoin rich schemes such as the EPC. In the
meantime, why should the UPC be singled out? Here are some of the other common barcodes:
2 of 5
3 of 9
Australia Post
Code 11
Code 39 and extended (full ASCII) Code 39
Code 93
Code 128
Code B
Deutschen Post
EAN 8*
EAN 128
Interleaved 2 of 5
Matrix 2 of 5
MSI (Modified Plessy)
PostNet & FIM
Royal Mail 4 State
Swiss Post
Telepen (numeric and ASCII).
(* including 2 and 5 digit supplementaries)
For further reading:
How UPC Barcodes Work
Barcode Server
Uniform Code Council ID Numbers and Bar Codes
Bar Codes (See how the lines and spaces represent seven-digit binary coded numbers.)
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Copyright 1999 by Robert Harris | How to cite this page
About the author:
Robert Harris is a writer and educator with more than 25 years of teaching experience at the college and university level.
RHarris at virtualsalt.com
Coincidentally Related Scriptural Word and
Page Numbers.
Prophecy from word 666 in the Greek & Hebrew New & Old Testament lexicons; page
666 in the Bible, L.D.S. Bible Dictionary, Talmage's Jesus The Christ, Old and
New Testament Lexicons, English Dictionary, Biography of Gordon B. Hinckley;
chapter 666 in the Bible; word for 666 in Greek.
[editorial comments in brackets]
Many of the following coinciding matches point especially to the LDS community. The members of
the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (though this is certainly also true of the
Christian community in general) play prominently both in building up and in defeating
Satan's kingdom (known in the temporal realm most blatantly as the New World
Order). From their ranks will come those (foolish virgins) who stand in opposition to the
government of God, as well as those (wise virgins) who will awake, put on strength and build
up the kingdom of God on earth in majesty.
Unexpected and Very Insightful 666's
666 x 3 = 1998
Antonym of Word 2015 (coming of the Lord) is word 666
Word 2015 in Zodhiates New Testament lexicon (James Strong's numbering) means, "An appearing,
appearance; spoken of the first advent of the Lord Jesus; used only by Paul for the second
and future appearance of the Lord."
One antonym is listed for the word: "Ant.: apousia (666), absence."
See Alphabetics Study: They Shall Say, "The Lord Delayeth His Coming"
See Alphabetics Study: Words 2000-2020 in the New Testament Lexicon Correlate Chronologically
to Prophecies of That Which is to Come
Number of Chapters in the Bible:
There are 1189 chapters in the Bible. 1189 = 66 x 18 + 1. Eighteen is the same as 6 + 6 + 6. Hence
the total number of chapters in the Bible is just one removed from this line-up of 6 6 6,
illustrating an immediate juxtaposition of exact opposites: the Word of God versus the
Page 666 in the Book of Mormon = Page 122 D&C
There are 531 pages in the text of the current LDS Book of Mormon. When included with the
Doctrine & Covenants and PGP, the Book of Mormon comes first. So if we keep numbering
the pages going forward from the Book of Mormon, page 666 corresponds to page 122 of the
Doctrine and Covenants in its current (since 1981) publication by the LDS Church.
Click here to see Page 122 of the D&C (Page 666 of the BofM)
Includes the phrases:
the nations of the earth shall tremble because of her, and shall fear because of her terrible ones
as the stone which is cut out of the mountain without hands
make ready for the Bridegroom.
that this kingdom may go forth
the Son of Man shall come down in heaven,
kingdom of God which is set up on the earth
may the kingdom of God go forth, that the kingdom of heaven may come
that thine enemies may be subdued
The last verse on the page is 6, followed by the next section, 66.
Chapter 666 in the Bible is Ecclesiastics 7
v1 "A good name is better than precious ointment...."
v27 "Behold, this have I found, saith the preacher, counting one by one, to find out the account."
v24 "that which is far off, and exceeding deep, who can find it out?"
v20 "there is not a just man upon the earth, that doeth good, and sinneth not."
v26 "I find more bitter than death the woman, whose heart is snares and nets, and her hands as
bands: whoso pleaseth God shall escape from her; but the sinner shall be taken by her."
v29 "Lo, this only have I found, that God hath made man upright; but they have sought out many
Word 666 (numbered alphabetically) in the New Testament Greek
"absence" [e.g. of the indwelling of the Holy Ghost]
Antonym: "Coming. (II) used of the coming of Christ; (II) used of the coming of the man of sin."
www in Hebrew = 666
www is the equivalent of vaw, vaw, vaw in Hebrew. Vaw is the sixth letter of the Hebrew alphabet
and represents six in their numbering. Hence, www is equivalent to "666."
Incidentally, the word just after the word for "web" in Hebrew means "highway," as in the
information super-highway! See, God knew this stuff was coming. Our question is how are
we going to use these resources: for good or for evil? Obviously Satan is taking his share of
the market. Yet God has his work to do too. I find it personally motivating to see that the
word for "web" in Hebrew is on page 489, which is the primary Mapleton phone prefix here
where I am living and doing this website.
Word 666 in the Old Testament Hebrew
#665 "ashes; denotes dust and earth: 'he put on sackcloth and ashes'" [broken heart and contrite
spirit: ye are less than the dust without God; compare the word immediately following the
Greek word for 666 below.]
#666 "a covering of the head; a mitre." ["And thou, profane wicked prince of Israel, whose day is come, when
iniquity shall have an end, thus saith the Lord GOD; Remove the diadem, and take off the crown: this shall not
be the same: exalt him that is low, and abase him that is high. I will overturn, overturn, overturn, it: and it shall
be no more, until he come whose right it is; and I will give it him." (Ezekiel 21:25-27.)]
#669 "Ephraim" [See Isaiah 28 regarding the "drunkards of Ephraim in the head of the fat
valleys." Isaiah 28 is parallel to II Nephi 28.]
Page 666 of the L.D.S. Bible Dictionary
Ephod "part of the dress of the high priest..."
Ephraim (six headings) [this is either really good or really bad, depending on whether it is referring to a wise or a
foolish virgin. The Mormons consider themselves the stock of Ephraim for the most part, the chosen seed. The
Book of Mormon prophesies that at least a significant portion will become as salt hath has lost its savor.]
Ephraim, Gate of
Ephraim, Mount
Ephraim, Stick of
Ephraim, Wood of
Epicurean; Epistle
Page 666 in Gesenius' the Old Testament lexicon [Note the opposites juxtaposed: good vs. evil]
first word definition (#6293)
"(2) to strike a covenant; to make peace" [with whom? God or Satan? See page 666 of 1966 LDS Bible
(KJV) below.]
The sixth letter of Hebrew alphabet is vaw, which stands for "covenant."
H(1) "to cause anything to fall upon anyone. Isa. 53:6 "he caused to fall upon him the iniquity of us
H(3) "to invade. Assailant, enemy."
"to be exhausted, void of strength"
"at ease" [2 Ne. 28 "woe to those who are at ease in Zion, who say all is well"]
"a carcass, dead body" [last verse in last chapter of Isaiah: "And they shall go forth, and look upon
the carcases of the men that have transgressed against me: for their worm shall not die,
neither shall their fire be quenched; and they shall be an abhorring unto all flesh." (Isaiah
66:24.) Compare this wording to JST-Mark 9:40-48.]
"ruins of your idols."
#6298 "to rush upon; to attack."
u.r. (peh, daleth, daleth)
"(1) to be alone, separated." ["When I called again, there was none to answer" (D&C 133:66,67; etc.)]
"(2) to plow; whence a plough-ox; a yoke of oxen." [ox stands for aleph in Hebrew, which is code for
#6299 "to loose; (1) to redeem by paying a price; (2) to let go; (3) to set free; preserve; to deliver (in
#6300 "whom God preserved (redeemed)"
#6301 "whom the rock (i.e. God) preserved.
#6302 "the price of redemption."
Page 666 in Gesenius' OT lexicon lines up in close proximity to page 801 of Brown's OT
[Background] Words 800-803 in Hebrew are spelled with the same three consonant letters (different
vowel points).
Word 800 (U.S. toll-free prefix) means "fire," which can be seen either as a mode of destruction of the
wicked or of purification of the righteous.
Word 801 (area code of Wasatch Front, Utah) means "a sacrifice" [e.g. broken heart contrite spirit
when we realize what fools we have made of ourselves before the Lord. See write-up on
Mormons & 801].
The big punch line is that word 802 means "a woman," which ties in well with the idea of the LDS
community being the intended bride (albeit one that has played the whore with the suitors of
Babylon, and must be cleansed).
Word 803 means "support, columns" which matches the idea of "foundation" which we will seen two
other places below in this 666 study.
Word 804, by the way, is "Assyria," which is a major O.T. metaphor for the chastening arm of God
via a rampaging tyrranical regime against a hypocritical nation (i.e. the feet of the bear by
which the beast treads down all the earth).
The words found on page 666 of Gesenius begin about half way through page 803 of Brown.
The insertion point is just after the word (peh, gimel, ayin) which means, "happen to, meet,
encounter" or "chance, evil occurrence," or "thing hit, mark," [as in this coincident of pages
and word numbers which perting to the mark of the beast, which portrays the people of God
as being the primary promulgators because they look beyond the mark; and that these
parables found in the divine riddles of the words, are designed to enlighten them and wake
them from their stupor that they might put on strength and stand with the Lord in the
defining hours that are ahead.]
Page 666 in the Current (1979 copyright) LDS Bible
Nehemiah 12:39b - 13:8
Neh. 12:45 mentions the word "ward" twice. The footnote interprets the word "ward" as meaning
"guard, watch;" which, judging by their absence of discussion of the mark of the beast, they
are not doing too well.
Neh. 13:2 includes the phrase "howbeit our god turned the curse into a blessing," which captures the
idea of overturning, which is a connotation of the name Shiloh (Ezek. 21:27 [see LDS
Neh. 12:41 mentions the word "Maaseiah" which sounds similar to "Massiah" in English, and is
word 4641 in the Old Testament Hebrew lexicon. 4641 is exactly half the total number of
words in the OT lexicon (8674). The verse prior (Neh. 12:40) includes the word "half."
The last verse on the page (Neh. 13:8) reads, "...therefore I cast forth all the household stuff of Tobiah
out of the chamber," which chamber, according to the verse prior, is "of the house of God;"
hence alluding the setting in order of the polluted house of God.
Page 666 of the 1966 L.D.S. Bible
Nehemiah 1:5b through 2:9a.
First words on the page: "covenant and mercy for them that love him and observe his
First word on page 666 in Gesenius (Hebrew OT) "covenant"
Page 666 in Thayer's New Testament Greek lexicon [portraying the epitome antonym]
word 5485 [fills the page] "Grace... (2) good-will, lovingkindness, favor; (4) kindness which bestows
upon one what he has not deserved; a gift."
The very last word in Hebrew (OT lexicon) means "gift."
The very last word in Greek (NT lexicon) means "helpful."
Contrast: us, U.S., usury, usurp, Utah (vicinity words in English)
Page 666 in Zodhiates New Testament Greek lexicon
First phrase onto the page: "(A) Spoken of the present time." Then is "(B) Of the future, yet still, still
further, longer."
Next word: #2090 "To prepare, make ready; (I) particularly the way of a king; metaphorically of the
Messiah; (II) Of God as having in His counsels prepared good or evil for me, i.e., to destine,
#2091 "Preparation or a basis, foundation, firm footing." (Namely Christ and his teachings through
the Holy Ghost, upon which the wise man builds, in contrast to the foolish, who build upon
the sandy foundations of the philosophies of men.)
Page 666 in James E. Talmage's Jesus the Christ
First sentence coming onto the page "It is evident that the most inveterate of the human enemies of
Christ remembered His predictions of an assured resurrection on the third day after his
Page 666 in Webster's' 1961 New International Dictionary
page 666
"doctoral; doctorate"
"doctrinal; doctrine"
"document; documentable; documentary; documentation"
e.g. they draw near me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me.
page 665 "do"
page 667 "doer"
Page 666 in the Book of Mormon/Doctrine & Covenants
= p. 122 in the current Doctrine & Covenants
There are 531 pages in the Book of Mormon, with 13 pages before D&C page 1 begins.
531 + 13 + 122 = 666
Page 122 D&C is 64:42b through 66-heading, including all of D&C 65, which speaks of the kingdom
cut out the mountain without hands and filling the whole earth, as prophesied by Daniel
2:44,45. How ironic that this page that addresses the kingdom of God so specifically and
quintessentially would be found on the 666th page in the BofM/D&C portion of the LDS
quad. Daniel 7 likewise reflects this irony as he describes very clearly that Satan's kingdom
prevails against the saints for a short season before the saints triumph. D&C 103 explains the
reason for this as being that the saints become as salt that has lost its savor. Instead of
building up the kingdom of God, they actually build up the kingdom of the Devil. The
typical Mormon has no aversion to the New World Order.
The first verse on the page reads, "And the day shall come when the nations of the earth shall
tremble because of her, and shall fear because of her terrible ones." (64:43.) [At present, the
righteous tremble because of the ascendancy of Satan's kingdom, not the other way around.
The tendency is to fear man and what he might do, rather than God. But this will not always
be so.]
See chiasm of D&C 64:31-43
See write-up on 66 and the word, specifically as it pertains to D&C 66.
Page 666 in the Biography of Gordon B. Hinckley (Sheri Dew)
= very last page of text.
Pagination to 653 + intro pages to xviii - blank pages (ii, vi, 562) - 2 cover pages (not part of text).
p.s. spelled "Hinkley," all three names have six letters. [The question is where our heart is: with the
arm of flesh or with the Lord? Christ is the only sure rock upon men might build and have
safe foundation. There is none other. None. Period. For men thus rooted, prophets, among
other inspired mortals, provide a welcome source of truth to bring them closer to the Lord.
As for those who do not have this foundation, a damning substitute is to rely in the arm of
flesh, especially when it is culturally acceptable (within a religious environment) to revere
that man as holy. However, to place this level of trust in man, which belongs in God alone, is
idolatry. Mormon doctrine clearly states that we are to place our trust foremost in the Lord,
and that the role of the prophet is to direct us to Christ, not to stand in his place.]
HOLY BIBLE in ASCII number equivalents = 666
By assigning numbers to the ASCII alphabet, HOLY BIBLE in all caps totals 666.
H (72) + O (79) + L (78) + Y (89) + B(66) + I (73) + B(66) + L (78) + E (69) = 666
Putting the Bible before God (e.g. all caps), making its black and white words more authoritative
than the whisperings of the Spirit which are required to understand its meaning, is
idolatry. Ironic, yes; but oh so true. How many attrocities through time have been done in
the name of the Bible and religion?
"They draw near me with their mouth, and with their lips do honour me, but have removed their
heart far from me." (Isa. 29:13.)
"You diligently study the Scriptures because you think that by them you possess eternal life. These
are the Scriptures that testify about me, yet you refuse to come to me to have life." (NIV-John
The Bible is not God. God is God. To place the Bible before God is to set up the Bible as God, which
is the spirit of antichrist.
Compare "Jesus Christ" in ASCII. He alone is both necessary and sufficient.
H (72) + O (79) + L (78) + Y (89) + B(66) + I (73) + B(66) + L (78) + E (69) = 666
The word 666 (chi, ksi, sigma) in Greek
#5516 chi = 600, ksi = 60; sigma = 6. "The number six, being the number of man may indicate that
666 symbolizes the zenith of man's power."
word 5516 is on page 1477. Word 1477 in Greek (NT lexicon) is "rock, foundation" [see p. 666
Zodhiates above.]
The header on page 1477 is 5516. On the opposite page, 1476, the header is word 5505, which means
"One thousand," which is the number of aleph, which is code for God. In fact, the first three
words all mean "A thousand."
#5517 [just after #5516 - "666"] "Earthy, made of earth or dust" [see the word immediately before
word 666 in Hebrew: "dust."]
#5519 "a hog; swine" [the last four digits of my phone number in reverse]
Page 666 in ________
Go ahead, try it. Look it up in some significant book.
by Sterling D. Allan; Mapleton, Utah; October 16,1998
See also:
Index of Studies on 666
Essay: 666-Related Studies & Ramifications: Why aren't we talking about it?
Does your name add up to 666? Try any name/word converted to ascii code numbering at
Try "HOLY BIBLE"; or "Jesus Christ
Documents on 666
Essay: 666-Related Studies & Ramifications: Why aren't we talking about it?
Precursors to the Mark -- 666 in every UPC bar code
Related Scriptures in the Book of Revelation
Key Sister Prophecies in Daniel 7, Revelation13, III Nephi 16,20,21 and Doctrine and
Covenants 103
Synonyms for BEAST
Some Points to Ponder
Some Pertinent Questions
Alphabetics > My Social Security Number in the Alphabetics Bible Code
Featured > Jesus E. Moses' ministry on Social Security Number = 666
Alphabetics > My Voter ID# 13864 Foretells and Exposes the Conspiratorial Maritime Lobby
Section 666 of Title 42 (the Social Security Act) (42 USC Sec. 666)
now requires every state, as a condition of Federal Revenue Sharing, to obtain "the number of your
name" before you can receive any state services (e.g., a license to work, a license to drive, a
license to marry).
Alphabetics Prophecy: 666: Coincidentally Related Scriptural Word and Page Numbers
Prophecy from word 666 in the Greek & Hebrew New & Old Testament lexicons; page 666 in the Bible, L.D.S. Bible
Dictionary, Talmage's Jesus The Christ, Old and New Testament Lexicons, English Dictionary, Biography of
Gordon B. Hinckley; chapter 666 in the Bible; word for 666 in Greek.
Page "666" of the Book of Mormon is p. 211 of the D&C, which is section 65: the Kingdom of God
vs. Enemies of God
Commentary: Why "HOLY BIBLE" in ASCII Code = 666
Alphabetics: Christmas' Pagan Roots and 666 - "CHRISTMAS IS A PAGAN S HOLIDAY" = 666;
Index: How/why "Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints" = 666
666 Talk is Taboo in LDS Mainstream
Feedback: Non-Christians Using 666 "as a Joke" is Serious Business
Book (on-line): Man of Sin Revealed (II Thessalonians 2; Isaiah 66)
Ch 7: "Corruption of Government; Rise of Secret Combinations" (From Vision of All : Our
Past, Present and Future as Foretold in Book of Mormon History)
Alphabetics: I.O.U. and 666 Counting Backward in the Alphabet
Counting backward from Z in the Alphabet, 1,2,3 4,5,6 three times gives the letters I.O.U., the idea of debt.
Search Web Site: look up: 666; Mark of Beast; Conspiracy; Social Security; UPC; Socialism; New
World Order; Man of Sin; Son of Perdition; Anti-Christ
Miscellaneous Items
'Prince Charles of Wales' = 666 in Hebrew & English
Information Technology a 666 Billion Market (Salt Lake Tribune 9/10/01) [one day prior to 911]
666 is on all business licenses obtained in Jerusalem. (Scott Anderson, Feb. 8, 2003)
2/3 and 666 - Two-thirds, represented decimally is 0.666. Other 2/3 of interest: those left in heaven,
sealed portion of Book of Mormon.
The Pentagon uses about 666 rolls of toilet paper a day (ScottPaper)
King Solomon and his 666 Gold by Harvey Freilich
Earth is Carbon based: 6 protons, 6 neutrons and 6
The Pope has on his hat (which looks like a crown) the Name: VICARIVS FILII DEI. This Latin
translates to "In the place of the Son of God" and the Roman numerals of the name add up to
John 6:66 "From this time on, many of his disciples broke away and would not remain in his
company any longer." (contributed by Cookie Monster)
Kissenger = 666 by John Prewett
Barney as 666 - dumbing down of America?
666 pages between covers in Windswept House, a Vatican Novel by Malachi Martin
HITLER = H (107) + I (108) + T (119) + L (111) + E (104) + R (117) = 666
With A=100 , B=101, ..., Z=125; by Gabriel
Saddam = 666 (by Razunil)
Bill Gates = 666?
Post number 666 at David's Outcasts Discussion Group "Lawyer-priests and other end-time
650 + UN-white vehicles stockpiling near Texas Pen.
Unmarked Tanks moving through Vancouver WA
Federal Police badges ready -- FEMA and GSA Preparing for Marshall Law
UPC bar code and 666
Related Sites
Spiritual Mark of the Beast - Series by J.J. Dewey
More important than the physical mark is the spiritual principle of the mark -- letting others exercise unearned
authority over us.
666 Watch
Premier mark of the beast site.
Microchip and Mark of the Beast
Places of Refuge for Remnant Saints
Where peaceful people who love liberty and uprightness can gather before and during the coming calamities for
survival and a little slice of heaven on what can otherwise be a hellish earth.
Is America Babylon?
Prophetic fulfillment in Britain (Lion) and United States (wings of eagle). Shows 666 in great seal.
666 and All That
the mathematical and spiritual properties of the number
Top Man in NWO Exposed
Who calls the shots behind the New World Order? [back-up copy]
666, the Number of the Beast
A large collection of mathematical facts about 666.
666 Name-Check
Calculate the numerical value of a name or word or phrase. Find out if it totals 666 or some other interesting