June 14,2015 - Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary


June 14,2015 - Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary
“God’s Plan for Giving”
At Visitation, we are fortunate to have an Adoration Chapel that
is open 24/7. You are welcome to visit your Lord and Savior
exposed in the Blessed Sacrament on the altar any time, any
day, and stay as long or short as you wish. Maybe you can
make an even greater sacrifice and commit to a specific hour
each week. Pray about that. Any hour is fine. Most helpful are:
Sun @ 3am
Mon @ 1am, 4pm, 5pm
Wed @ 1am, 4am, 10am
Thu @ 1am
Fri @ 7pm
Sat @ 1am, 8am, 10am, Noon, 4pm, 5pm.
Striving to be good stewards, please be generous in your
“Thank you back to God” for all His blessings, and
remember to use your church envelopes accordingly.
Weekend of June 7, 2015:
Previous Year:
In true Stewardship, each person begins each day by simply
praying, “Lord, what do You want me to do today with all the
gifts You have given me?” Then be sure to listen for His
response throughout each day.
Log on to the Visitation Blessed Virgin Mary website (http://
www.visitationbvm.org/) and click on the Parish Giving Logo,
and follow the easy registration instructions. Volunteer to be a substitute. For more information or to sign-up,
please contact Jim/Pat Welsh at 610-584-5298.
LADY OF FATIMA: If you are interested in hosting Our
Lady of Fatima statue for a week in your home, please contact Bob or Rosa Quaglia at 610-489-7427.
Especially Monica Johnson, Vincent Lezoche and all those who
have lost their lives in service to our country.
ST. RITA OF CASCIA NOVENA: The Novena is prayed
on Tuesday mornings after the 8AM Mass. Favors already
received will be announced beforehand. Come join us.
LEGION OF MARY PRAYER MEETING is every Monday from 1pm to 2pm in the Lower Conference Room of the
Rectory. The Mother of God invites you to attend! Come and
pray with us. Blessings and graces for you and your family!
ROSARY: Please join us as we pray the rosary for the special intentions of our parish family each Wednesday at 7PM
in front of Our Lady of Life Statue.
THE SECULAR FRANCISCANS will not be having their
monthly meeting in June. The next meeting will be on July
12th. Call Helene for more information at 484-679-1809 after
June 19th.
are grieving the loss of a loved one or
helping someone through their grief, you
are invited to our parish support group
meeting on Sunday, June 14, 2015 from 2-3:30PM in the lower rectory conference room. Please call Peg McDonough at
610-584-5514 for more information.
Kathleen Guziewicz, Julia Causak, Ken Kirkpatrick, Frank
Pizzi, Dan Aversano, Joseph Lupo, Mrika Nikollaj, Michelle
Banmiller, Denise Garrity, Mary Bianco, James Dugan, Marisa
Perseo, Janice Davey, Dolores Freni, Liam Marino, Crystal
Fiorentino, Bart Cahan, Maureen Cahan, Nancy Cantrell, Anne
Mirable, Steve Hedrick, Patricia Kurtz, Marie Schodle,
Kimberly Ann O’Connor, Kathryn Kaniuka, Kathleen Stauffer,
Helen Hickey, Kay Bolger, Pete Melle, Baby Eleanor Brooks,
Michael Kohl, Colleen MacDonald, Robert Fulmer, Dan
Massino, Marian Murray, Marianne MacDunna, Thomas
Tuwalski, Agnes Ventura, Jane Wilson, Melanie Moletsky,
Janet McCoy, Deacon Pat Diamond, Joseph Sortino, Baby
Gemma Glantz, Abbie Reina, Anne Lesher, Monica Johnson,
Joseph Bruno, Greg Metusec, Ronald Greenwell, Martha
Biddy, Marcy Vinciguerra, Teresa Witiak, Ronald Burns, Paul
C. DiLorenzo, Jr., Mary Jane Pleva, Bernie Kozikowski,
Edward Gilliam, Mark Bonitatis, Al Fitzgerald, Jessica Sidorick,
Dorie Woy
If you would like to have a loved one’s name placed on the
Prayer List, please call the Rectory – 610-539-5572. Page 1 • 008 Visitation BVM
Please remember in your prayers all those from our parish
community who are currently serving in the military, Jared
Specht, Chris Holcomb, Nicole Scherer, David Tampanello, Lt.
(J.B.) Eric Leis, Haydon Wyatt, Captain Michael J. Foley, Jr.,
Johnathan Pearson, Airmen, Alyssa Rose Sauers, Corporal
Ryan Kiely, Sgt. Peter McCallen, Lieutenant Rory O’Boyle,
Joseph C. Pawko, Lieutenant Colonel David Doman, Pvt.
Michael Bergen, Airman Justin Hart, Salvatore DeGrazio, US
Army, Prvt. Eric D. Pearson, US Army, Anthony Chiaravalloti,
US Army
MONDAY, June 15, 2015
Sister Jane Anne Molinaro
Fran Miller - 15th Anniversary
next Baptism Preparation Class for expectant
parents is scheduled for Thursday, July 9,
2015, 7PM to 8PM in the Larkin Center.
Please call the Rectory to register, 610-5395572.
TUESDAY, June 16, 2015
William Weyman
Deceased Members of the
Harris & McAvoy Families
WEDNESDAY, June 17, 2015
Sophie Pasquini
Deceased Members of the
Cameron Family
THURSDAY, June 18, 2015
Charles H. Wernersbach - 19th
Dorothy Welsh
FRIDAY, June 19, 2015 - St. Romuald, Abbot
Frank Graffeo
Emanuel Gallagher
SATURDAY, June 20, 2015
Barbara Duva
Lena & John Duliah
Congratulations to the following children who were
recently baptized at Visitation B.V.M. Church:
Mason Orlowski Cook
Nova Ryne Davis
Ivy Erin Ksenak
Julian Grey Schifrin
Luke Alexander Schill
Each month papal prayer intentions are announced that are intended to unite each of us in prayer with the Holy Father for
specific intentions. Pope Francis' apostolic (evangelization) prayer intention for June is: "That the personal encounter with
Jesus may arouse in many young people the desire to offer their own lives in priesthood or consecrated life."
As Jesus Christ is the Head of His Church, the Body of Christ, priests and religious are the lifeblood of the Church. The decline in vocations during the past few decades, along with the growing secularism, moral relativism, and "eclipse of
God" (Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI) in the world, has in many ways strained the spiritual vitality of the Church. Praying for
vocations and supporting "the personal encounter with Jesus" of our youth so they may be open to the call of Jesus, is a
responsibility and a privilege of the laity as members of the Body of Christ. Please include vocations in your daily prayers.
Prayer for Vocations
God our Father, we thank you for calling men and women to serve in your Son's Kingdom as priests, deacons, religious and
consecrated persons. Send your Holy Spirit to help us respond generously and courageously to your call. May our community of faith support vocations of sacrificial love in our youth. We ask this through Our Lord Jesus Christ, who lives and
reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God for ever and ever. Amen.
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As usual at this me of year, we congratulate all parishioners who are gradua ng and moving on to new phases of their growth and lives. We are so very grateful to all parents, teachers, benefactors and others who contribute to parish efforts at Catechesis, Evangeliza on and Educa on. One "change in phase" merits par cular a en on! A er some twenty six years, our Principal, Sister Diane Marie, is "gradua ng" from Visita on School to accept a new challenge as Director of Religious Educa on for our parish. I could not begin to recount all that Sister has done for, and meant to, our school and parish over the years. What a blessing she has been to me as Pastor and to Msgr. Clemins before me! What a comfort and source of pride to know, over the years, that our parish has had an awesomely excellent school, constantly making every possible effort to assist parents in sharing not only knowledge, but Christ‐centered values, with their children. This, due in large measure, to the dedica on, competence and goodness of Sister Diane. We want to con nue the great spirit that Sister has encouraged. We want to honor Sister fi ngly in usual ways. Ideas and support will be sought for a Scholarship to be established in her name. How fortunate we are, however, that while tles and responsibili es are changing, as Director of Religious Educa on, Sister will remain very much at the heart of the Visita on Parish Community. She will con nue to be responsible for what she loves most; teaching and sharing the Good News about Jesus! Most importantly, her influence will con nue in the lives of the countless children, teachers, parents and others that have been, and will con nue to be, the fortunate beneficiaries of her ministry, her witness, her love! May God bless and reward, as only He can, Sister Diane Marie! Peace always, Msgr. Murray GRADUATION DAY!!
Don’t Forget The Gift Cards
Food and party supplies from ACME &
MACY GIFT CARDS are always
consider volunteering to become an Usher/
Greeter at one of our weekend Masses. If
interested or for more information, contact Chris
Diliberto at 610-584-6901.
Purchase your gift cards before you go shopping at the Rectory
Monday-Friday. Thank you for your support!!
Host a Family for the World Meeting of Families
Two million visitors from all over the world are expected to
visit Philadelphia for the World Meeting of Families congress
and visit by Pope Francis on Sept 22-27, 2015. To learn more
about hosting a family, visit http://www.worldmeeting2015.org/
Registration, Hotels, Travel: The online registration and
housing site is open and can be accessed through http://
www.worldmeeting2015.org/plan-your-visit/register. This site
will allow you to register and make hotel reservations for the
To search, to belong, to mature, to love and be loved:
these and other quests are fundamental hungers of the
human heart. Our lives are continuous attempts to fill
these very deep hungers. Very often these hungers lead
to an experience of God and the desire to commit to a
relationship with God. You are one of thousands of
persons worldwide who ask this question: How can I
become a Catholic? Simply put, the Rite of Christian
Initiation of Adults (R.C.I.A.) is the normal way for
unbaptized persons and those who have been baptized
in another Christian denomination to become a Catholic.
If you have been baptized in the Catholic Faith and need
to complete your sacraments of initiation, (Confirmation
and/or Holy Eucharist) RCIA will provide the necessary
foundation to become fully initiated into the Catholic
Faith. To find out more about the R.C.I.A., contact
Colleen Lindsey, Coordinator, at 610-539-6211 (ext.
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Respect Life
“Society does not invent or found the family; rather, the family is the
foundation of society…Public authority thus has a duty to protect and
serve the family.” Love Is Our Mission, The Family Fully Alive,
Chap. VII
The challenges facing Catholics if the courts legally change the
definition of marriage are numerous. Already the religious
freedom to speak in the public square, the closure of vital work
by Catholic Charities, the penalties and “re-education”
experienced by faith-based businesses, and legal procedures
against Catholic education have been experienced. All cultures,
religions and legal systems throughout human history have
based the fundamental social institutions of marriage and family
on the complementarity of the “one flesh” union of man and
woman. Redefinition of marriage, “would legally endorse an
understanding of marriage that prioritizes the often transient
emotional desires of adults over the needs of the next
generation. It would send the message that children can do
without a mom and a dad, not by unfortunate circumstance but
by the deliberate choice of adults…it would further reduce
children to mere commodities that someone has a legal right to
acquire through means such as assisted reproductive
technologies.” The question is raised--“What is next?” The
answer can only be—“We are charged with nothing less than
the renewal of a culture of life and love…proclaiming of the risen
Christ, never afraid, never tiring in His service.” Please pray for
justice, freedom and wisdom of the Supreme Court to execute
their “ duty to protect and serve the family.” Sources: Knights of
Columbus June 2015 issue COLUMBIA, Marriage in the
Balance, by Matthew J. Franck, Director of William E. and Carol
G. Simon Center on Religion and the Constitution at the
Witherspoon Institute; www.WeAreSaltAndLight.org
The Fourth Fortnight for Freedom, June 21-July 4, 2015,
focuses on “Freedom to Bear Witness”. Archbishop William Lori
explains, “Keeping the spirit of the Gospel means that Catholic
institutions are to bear witness in love to the full truth about the
human person by providing social, charitable and educational
services in a manner that fully reflects the God-given dignity of
the human person. www.fortnight4freedom.org, www.usccb.org/
Attendees to the WMOF events from
Tuesday, September 22nd through Sunday,
September 27th will have a wonderful
opportunity to get special graces (plenary indulgence) during
this upcoming pilgrimage into Philadelphia. To obtain a
plenary indulgence, one must pray for the Pope and receive the
Sacraments of Reconciliation and Holy Communion in a
reasonable time frame. A plenary indulgence wipes away all of
the temporal punishment due to sin. How comforting is that? If
you are going, get ready to receive these special graces.
Volunteer Positions Available: Visitation Parish is seeking
innovative and creative individuals with a passion for their faith
to staff available volunteer positions in its Parish Religious
Education Program (PREP). Volunteers will be responsible for
teaching the Catholic faith to students and helping them to
cultivate their relationship with God. Prior teaching experience
is helpful, but not required, as full training and support will be
provided to help volunteers succeed in this exciting and rewarding ministry. The position requires a weekly commitment
of 1.25 hours on Monday evenings from September through
May. If you are interested in specific details or would like to
apply, please contact Colleen Lindsey at 610-539-6211 ext.
112 or Colleen.Lindsey@visitationbvmschool.org.
PREP Registration 2015-2016
This curriculum-based program is designed to teach the foundations of the Catholic faith, prepare students for their sacraments, and deepen their relationship with Christ. Students entering into kindergarten through eighth grade (K-8) are eligible.
Religious Education classes are held Monday evenings from
6:45 to 8:00PM beginning in September. Registration forms
will be available at the rectory and were sent to all families
currently enrolled in the program.
If your child is not baptized or has missed previous years of
his/her religious education, it is not too late to complete his/her
catechetical instruction and sacramental preparation. For more
information or inquiries, please contact Colleen Lindsey at 610539-6211 ext. 112 or
Often people attend Mass at Visitation B.V.M. Church for
several years, but do not register with the parish. Others
delay registering until they are asked to be a godparent or
Confirmation sponsor, would like to have their own child
baptized, or would like to schedule a wedding or a funeral
at the parish. Registering in a parish is a declaration of
your desire to be part of a Catholic community. If you are
not currently a member of our parish and live within the
parish boundaries, we invite you to consider registering
with us and making a commitment to the life of Visitation
B.V.M. Church. Register at the Rectory, Monday-Friday,
from 9am to 8pm.
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Very Important Note At The Conclusion of the
School Year: Parents are reminded to look for the important
packet of information which was sent home on the last day of
school, June 12, 2015. The packet has many pertinent pieces
of information and helpful hints for the Summer and for
planning for the next school year. There will be a letter from
the principal’s office, suggestions for Summer review and work
which are easy ways to keep the students’ minds fresh and
active, the stationery needs list for the next school year, a flyer
from Flocco’s Shoe store with discount coupons, the Summer
reading list with the requirements for this task and a letter from
our school nurses. The student’s report card was also with the
packet that each student is handed on Friday, June 12, 2015.
Shoe Requirement for 2015-2016: Please note that the
required shoe for the next school year is the brown bass buck
and the few variations of this type. The Sperries will not be
permitted with any uniform version in the next year. This
information was sent home to you via One Call and will be part
of the handbook.
Congratulations to the following Eighth Grade Students
who received distinguished awards at Graduation on June
10, 2015:
Monsignor Thomas Murray Award for Stewardship Sydney Doll
Principal’s Award for academic achievement, participation
in all school activities, service & participation in the life of
the Church Francesca Lucchesi
Faculty Award Carly Roberts
Monsignor Clemins Award for General Excellence Danielle Burkholder
Monsignor Larkin Awards for Excellence Julia Bentz & Michael Mascaro
First in Class Rank Nicole Sonet
Second in Class Rank Danielle Burkholder
Third in Class Rank Jillian Williamson
Our Lady of Life Award for Respect Life Olivia Diesel
Knights of Columbus Awards Scholarship - Reese Soda & Angelina Mazza
Demonstration of Respect - Caitlin Hughes & Sanh Vu
Altar Server Awards by the Knight of Columbus
Organization - Nocole Sonet & Geordy Kweder
Registration Update: Parents and Guardians may still
register a student for Visitation School for 2015-2016 by
calling our school to make arrangements. Please call 610539-6080, ext. 111 for information. You may also visit our
website at www.visitationbvm.org and click the school link.
The required documents for registration are as follows:
State-Issued Birth Certificate
Baptismal Certificate
Complete proof of all required immunizations
Visitation B.V.M. School is fully accredited by the Middle
States Association of Schools and Colleges & holds an
existing certificate which is valid until December 1, 1021.
Visitation recently completed the fourth Middle States
study in its history. The team of professional evaluators
visited in March, 2014. All ratings for our school were outstanding; and the twelve Middle States Standards have
been met with distinction. Spiritual formation is paramount at Visitation; academics follow the spiritual program and are outstanding and recognized in the community. The school is also strong in extracurricular offerings.
For more information, please visit our website through the
address in the Parish Bulletin or call the school at 610-539
-6080, ext. 111.
CARES Registration
CARES is Visitation’s afterschool program. We are currently
accepting children for the afterschool program which runs from
11:15AM (after pre-school), until 5:30PM. Please visit the
school website for an application and handbook or call Ellen
Giammarco at 610-539-1796.
Visitation Gladiators Football 2015 Season: The Visitation
Gladiators are gearing up for the 2015 Football season. We
are asking all Visitation and Partner School students and
registered PREP students, who are interested in playing
football for the Gladiators in the fall, to please log into your
account on Sports Sign Up and register your intent to play.
Intent Registration is available on Sports Sign Up. The intent
registration helps us anticipate our needs for the coming
season. The registered intents assist us in determining the
number of coaches, uniforms, and equipment needed. All
boys grades 5 & 6, please register your intent for JV
Football. All 7th & 8th grade boys, please register your intent
for Varsity. Those that register their intents will receive email
updates and communications. Please make sure your account
is updated with current information. Sports Sign Up is
Visitation BVM’s system of record for all CYO activities. If you
already have an account on our system, please log in and
register your son. First time users, please follow the detailed
instructions below.
There are no fees associated with
registering your intent to participate.
FIRST TIME USERS: If this is your first time using the on-line
registration system, log into Visitationbvm.org; select Catholic
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Youth Organization on the left hand side menu; select registrar,
and please click on Create an Account. Simply follow all of the
system prompts. Be sure to check the summary of your
registration after you hit Check Out.
FALL SPORTS: THE 2015 Fall Sports Season will be here
before we know it. Please keep an eye out for announcements
in the bulletin and for email notifications. Most of our fall sports
require an Intent registration.
Many of the fall intent
registrations will open Mid-June. It is extremely important to
register your intent to play a fall sport. There is no fee to
register your intent. Intent registration assists us with the
planning of our upcoming sports season. Intent Registration is
done online via Sports Sign Up.
Father’s Day Retreat: This year,
restore balance in your life and make a
retreat at St. Joseph’s in the Hills with the
Six Three Group - Malvern Retreat House. Register today at
www.SixThreeGroup.com or call Don McAvoy 610-539-7881.
Annual Family Communion Breakfast June 14, 2015, 10:30 Mass: Visita on Church Buffet Breakfast to follow @ Chadwick’s Restaurant, Audubon. Scrambled Eggs w/Herbs & Cheese, French Toast w/ Syrup, Country Sausage w/ Applewood Bacon, Potatoes, Sliced Fruit, Muffins, Assorted Juices, Coffee, Tea. Guest Speaker: Patrick Benner, Recruitment Manager, Malvern Retreat House. Door Prizes. Proceeds benefit “A Baby’s Breath”. Adults: $20.00 Chil‐
dren: $10. For Tickets Contact: Mike DiNatale 484‐831‐5738 or Mark McGovern 484‐686‐4955. GIVING HOPE
The Catholic Charities Appeal is the Archdiocese of Philadelphia’s single most important fundraising initiative. The 2015
Catholic Charities Appeal: GIVING HOPE
continues to build on last year’s success
and reaches out to the entire Catholic community in the Archdiocese of Philadelphia. Make your secure payment, pledge or gift online today at: catholiccharitiesappeal.org. or send back the envelope that was mailed
to your home.
St. Mary of the Assumption, Phoenixville, is looking for “a
few good men and women” to help with our Summer PREP
Program. Teachers and Assistant Teachers are needed and the
schedule is as follows: Session One - Week 1, 6/15 to 19; Week
2, 6/22 to 26; Session Two - Week 1, 7/27 to 31, Week 2, 8/3 to
7. Could you find time to help with our summer program? Call
610-933-2525 or email parishoffice@stmaryassumption.org for
further information.
Catholic Singles Retreat: Singles of all
ages are welcome to gather at Malvern Retreat
House June 26-28 for an inspirational weekend
retreat. Directors Msgr. Joseph Marino, Sister
Emily Vincent & Denise Rose will focus on the
retreat theme “Have You Heard the Voice of
Jesus?” Conference titles will include: Discipleship in a Secular
World & Vocation and the Single State. Please visit
malvernretreat.com to register or call 610-644-0400.
Courage/Encourage Ministry: Are you or a loved one
struggling with unwanted same-sex attractions and looking for
answers? Courage, an apostolate of the Roman Catholic
Church, ministers to those with same-sex attractions and their
loved ones, focusing on chastity, prayer, fellowship, support and
good example. For more information, call 215-587-4505 to leave
a message, email courage.philadelphia@gmail.com or visit:
phillycourage.com. Confidentiality is assured.
International Education has currently partnered with Villa Maria Academy High
School and will have four new exchange
students attending the school from China.
We are seeking interested host families to
provide an inclusive, loving home for them throughout the
school year. A New Host Family Info Session will be held on
June 22nd at 7PM at Villa Maria Academy. Homestay Coordinator Susan Wysor Nguema will be speaking to potential host
families and answering questions about the benefits of hosting
with New Oasis, the support provided and the process of hosting a student. For more information and to RSVP, please contact Susan at swysornguema@newoasisedu.com or 267-3343843.
Norristown High School Class of ‘70 - 45th Reunion:
Date: September 18, 2015. Time: 7-11PM at Center Square
Golf Club. Dinner Buffet & Cash Bar. Music by John Salamone.
$35 per person. Pay via Paypal Joannerosini70@gmail.com
(Friends & Family) or mail checks to: NHS Call of 1970 c/o Talone Insurance, 3953 Ridge Pike, Ste 201, Collegeville, 19426.
Bulletin Deadline: All information for
the weekly bulletin must be submitted
by 12 Noon on the Monday prior to
emailed: jafvisi@comcast.net or fax – 610-539-3240. Thank
you, Judy Fleming. Please note: Information for the
July 5th bulletin is due by 9AM on Wednesday, June
24th due to early deadline by the printer.
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Join the Prayer Walk for the 2015 World Mee ng of Families and Papal Visit: On Wednesday, June 24th at 10AM, Walking With Purpose, a Catholic faith study group, will lead a prayer walk around the World Mee ng of Families and Papal events sites. Men, women, and children are welcome to join us as we pray and ask our heavenly Father to shower His blessings of love and protec on on all those who a end. Bring your rosaries! Please meet outside the Conven on Center (corner of Broad and Cherry Sts.) at 10AM. For a shorter walk, meet them at the Cathedral on the way to the Art Museum steps. Any ques ons, please call Jillian Buhl, 215‐287‐7069. Historic Exhibi on: Va can Splendors makes exclusive East Coast stop in Philadelphia at the Franklin Ins tute in September. The Exhibit coincides with the momentous Papal visit and the World Mee ng of Families ‐ Philadelphia 2015 Congress. The exhibit explores the historical and cultural impact of he Va can over the span of 2,000 years through significantly relevant objects straight from the Va can in Rome, Italy. Highlights of the nearly 10,000 square‐foot exhibi on include artwork by Michelangelo; works by masters including Bernini and Guercino, artwork da ng back to the first century, venerated remains (bone fragments) of Saints Peter and Paul, relics discovered at the tombs of Saints Peter and Paul, and historical objects from the modern and ancient basilicas of Saint Peter’s in Rome. Ticket Informa on: Va can Splendors ‐ September 19, 2015‐February 15, 2016. Day me ckets (Includes General Admission to the Franklin Ins tute) Adults $34.95; Children (ages 3‐11) $28.95. Evening Tickets (5pm‐close) Adults: $22.95; Children (ages 3‐11) $14.95. Tickets on sale now. Page 9 • 008 Visitation BVM
Join the Pilgrimage from the Archdiocese of Philadelphia to the
National Catholic Youth Conference
November 18-22, 2015 • Estimated Cost: $675
Archdiocesan Pilgrimage Includes:
Bus Transportation • Hotel (3 Nights) • Breakfast & Lunch
Conference Registration/Credentials • T-shirt/Hat
Contact your Youth Minister for more info!
Elizabeth Riordan, Director
An Evening of Peace & Reflection
Parents Who Have
Lost a Child