July 12,2015 - Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary


July 12,2015 - Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Often people attend Mass at Visitation B.V.M. Church for several years, but do not register with the parish. Others delay
registering until they are asked to be a godparent or Confirmation sponsor, would like to have their own child baptized,
or would like to schedule a wedding or a funeral at the parish. Registering in a parish is a declaration of your desire to
be part of a Catholic community. If you are not currently a member of our parish and live within the parish boundaries,
we invite you to consider registering with us and making a commitment to the life of Visitation B.V.M. Church. Register
at the Rectory, Monday-Friday, from 9am to 8pm.
Many of our regular Adorers take their vacation in the summertime, so we have a great need for substitutes. Perhaps you
could take a regular specific summer hour or sign-up as a substitute. As you can see below, there are far too many vacant/
open hours anyway. So please pray that you or others will
come forward to help out. That’s the way this Chapel is able to
stay open 24/7.
Sun @ 3am, 4am
Mon @ 1am
Wed @ 1am, 4am, 10am
Thu @ 1am
Fri @ 7pm
Sat @ 1am, 8am, 10am, Noon, 4pm, 5pm.
Volunteer to be a substitute. For more information or to
sign-up, please contact Jim/Pat Welsh at 610-584-5298.
Please remember in your prayers all
those from our parish community
who are currently serving in the
military, Jared Specht, Chris Holcomb,
Nicole Scherer, David Tampanello, Lt.
(J.B.) Eric Leis, Haydon Wyatt, Captain
Michael J. Foley, Jr., Johnathan
Pearson, Airmen, Alyssa Rose Sauers,
Corporal Ryan Kiely, Sgt. Peter
McCallen, Lieutenant Rory O’Boyle, Joseph C. Pawko,
Lieutenant Colonel David Doman, Pvt. Michael Bergen, Airman
Justin Hart, Salvatore DeGrazio, US Army, Prvt. Eric D.
Pearson, US Army, Anthony Chiaravalloti, US Army
Especially Kathleen Stauffer and all those who have lost their
lives in service to our country.
Kathleen Guziewicz, Julia Causak, Ken Kirkpatrick, Frank
Pizzi, Dan Aversano, Joseph Lupo, Mrika Nikollaj, Michelle
Banmiller, Denise Garrity, Mary Bianco, James Dugan, Marisa
Perseo, Janice Davey, Dolores Freni, Liam Marino, Crystal
Fiorentino, Bart Cahan, Maureen Cahan, Nancy Cantrell, Anne
Mirable, Steve Hedrick, Patricia Kurtz, Marie Schodle,
Kimberly Ann O’Connor, Kathryn Kaniuka, Kathleen Stauffer,
Helen Hickey, Kay Bolger, Pete Melle, Baby Eleanor Brooks,
Michael Kohl, Colleen MacDonald, Robert Fulmer, Dan
Massino, Marian Murray, Marianne MacDunna, Thomas
Tuwalski, Agnes Ventura, Jane Wilson, Melanie Moletsky,
Janet McCoy, Joseph Sortino, Baby Gemma Glantz, Abbie
Reina, Anne Lesher, Joseph Bruno, Greg Metusec, Ronald
Greenwell, Marcy Vinciguerra, Teresa Witiak, Ronald Burns,
Paul C. DiLorenzo, Jr., Mary Jane Pleva, Bernie Kozikowski,
Edward Gilliam, Al Fitzgerald, Jessica Sidorick, Dorie Woy,
Roseann Hammond, Bryan Koch, The Monday Family, Julie
Hlebik, John Mitros, Judy Coughlin
If you would like to have a loved one’s name placed on the
Prayer List, please call the Rectory – 610-539-5572. The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops sponsors an
annual collection to support the Church’s efforts to reduce
poverty through the work of the Catholic Campaign for
Human Development. In the Archdiocese of Philadelphia,
this collection will take place this weekend, July 11 & 12,
2015. Your donations will support anti-poverty projects in
communities across the country and right here in our own
region. To learn more about the good work that the CCHD
funds, visit the USCCB website at: www.povertyusa.org.
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“God’s Plan for Giving”
MONDAY, July 13, 2015 - St. Henry
Anne Genuardi Raffeo
Charles Sardo, Sr.
TUESDAY, July 14, 2015 - St. Kateri Tekakwitha,
Connie D’Ippolito
Nicholas Pupillo
Striving to be good stewards, please be generous in your
“Thank you back to God” for all His blessings, and
remember to use your church envelopes accordingly.
Weekend of June 28, 2015:
Previous Year:
Weekend of July 5, 2015:
Previous Year:
WEDNESDAY, July 15, 2015 - St. Bonaventure,
Bishop & Doctor of the Church
Geraldine Bruno
M. Kathleen Centurioni
In true Stewardship, each person begins each day by simply
praying, “Lord, what do You want me to do today with all the
gifts You have given me?” Then be sure to listen for His
response throughout each day.
THURSDAY, July 16, 2015 - Our Lady of Mount
Karen Abriaad
James Harty
Log on to the Visitation Blessed Virgin Mary website (http://
www.visitationbvm.org/) and click on the Parish Giving Logo,
and follow the easy registration instructions. FRIDAY, July 17, 2015
Joseph McMonagle, Sr.
Ray Delaney
SATURDAY, July 18, 2015 - St. Camillus de Lellis,
Steven Vereb
Umberto Molinaro
Preparation Class for expectant parents is scheduled for
Thursday, August 13, 2015, 7PM to 8PM in the Larkin Center.
Please call the Rectory to register, 610-539-5572.
World Meeting of Families Speaker Presentation
Visitation B.V.M. Church will host a World Meeting of Families
Speaker Presentation on Tuesday, July 28th at 7pm in the
Lower Church. The presentation will consist of a talk by
Meghan Cokeley, Director of the Archdiocese Office for New
Evangelization. There will also be a video presentation and
information session on the World Meeting of Families and the
Papal visit. All are most welcome to attend!
are grieving the loss of a loved one or
helping someone through their grief, you
are invited to our parish support group
meeting on Sunday, July 12, 2015 from 2-3:30PM in the
lower rectory conference room.
Please call Peg
McDonough at 610-584-5514 for more information.
Congratulations to the following children who were
recently baptized at Visitation B.V.M. Church:
Cassidy Ann Bruno
Lorelei Dannie Jank
Nathan Michael Judge
Molly Grace Martin
John Stephen Nikollaj
Joseph Nue Nikollaj
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Host a Family for the World Meeting of Families
Two million visitors from all over the world are expected to visit Philadelphia for the World Meeting of Families congress and visit by
Pope Francis on Sept 22-27, 2015. To learn more about hosting a family, visit http://www.worldmeeting2015.org/get-involved/host-afamily/.
Registration, Hotels, Travel: The online registration and housing site is open and can be accessed through http://
www.worldmeeting2015.org/plan-your-visit/register. This site will allow you to register and make hotel reservations for the Congress.
Historic Exhibition: Vatican Splendors makes exclusive East Coast stop in Philadelphia at the Franklin Institute in September. The Exhibit coincides with the momentous Papal visit and the World Meeting of Families - Philadelphia 2015 Congress. The
exhibit explores the historical and cultural impact of he Vatican over the span of 2,000 years through significantly relevant objects
straight from the Vatican in Rome, Italy. Highlights of the nearly 10,000 square-foot exhibition include artwork by Michelangelo;
works by masters including Bernini and Guercino, artwork dating back to the first century, venerated remains (bone fragments) of
Saints Peter and Paul, relics discovered at the tombs of Saints Peter and Paul, and historical objects from the modern and ancient
basilicas of Saint Peter’s in Rome. Ticket Information: Vatican Splendors - September 19, 2015-February 15, 2016. Daytime ckets (Includes General Admission to the Franklin Ins tute) Adults $34.95; Children (ages 3‐11) $28.95. Evening Tickets (5pm‐close) Adults: $22.95; Children (ages 3‐11) $14.95. Tickets on sale now. Militia
members! The mission of the Militia Immaculata (MI) is
simply, “through Mary bring all to the
Sacred Heart of Jesus”. Some of the
spiritual activities of our members include:
Distribution of miraculous medals, Visiting
the sick and dying in local hospitals, Prison
ministry, Feeding the poor in Norristown. At this time, our
MI group is welcoming new members. Prayerfully
consider doing something special for Our Lady. Don’t
procrastinate; do something spiritual today to make your
tomorrows more joyful. For more information, contact Joe
Valovage at 610-630-6070 or at jrvjmj@verizon.net.
are urgently needed for our
Wednesday, August 12, 2015
Blood Drive to be held at
Jeffersonville Golf Club from 2PM –7PM. Please call
Parish Red Cross Chairperson, Theresa Weldie, 610-630
-8414 to schedule an appointment.
Thank you for your continued
support of our Parish Voucher
Gift Cards are available Monday through Friday at the
Volunteer Posi ons for Children’s Liturgy of the Word and
PREP: Visita on Parish and the Religious Educa on Office are seeking individuals who have a dedica on to and passion for their Faith. Those parishioners who feel called by the Holy Spirit to respond to this invita on may want to par cipate as a catechist for Children’s Liturgy of the Word for the 9:00 A.M. or 11:00 A.M. Masses on Sundays (September through June each year) or to serve as a catechist or aide for the Monday night Religious Educa on program. The Monday evening sessions serve our young people in Grades K through 8 (September through May each year.) Prior teaching experience is helpful but not required as full training and support will be provided to help volunteers succeed in either of these rewarding ministries. Anyone who is interested in either of these ministries or if you would like addi onal details, please contact Sister Diane Marie at 610‐539‐6211, ext. 112 or via e‐mail, sister.diane@visita onbvmschool.org. PREP Registration 2015-2016
This curriculum-based program is designed to teach the
foundations of the Catholic faith, prepare students for their
sacraments, and deepen their relationship with Christ.
Students entering into kindergarten through eighth grade
(K-8) are eligible. Religious Education classes are held
Monday evenings from 6:45 to 8:00PM beginning in
September. Registration forms may be obtained by calling
the Religious Education Office (Sister Diane) at 610-5396211, ext. 112 or by e-mailing, sister.diane@visita onbvmschool.org.
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Respect Life
Our book for scheduling Mass
Intentions for the year 2016 will
open on Monday, July 20, 2015.
““Kindness and truth shall meet; justice and peace shall kiss. Truth
shall spring out of the earth, and justice shall look down from
heaven.”PSALM 85:5-8
Sadly, the Supreme Court’s decision interpreting the U.S.
Constitution as recognizing same-sex unions as “marriage” does not
resonate with truth or justice (i.e., basic Christian teaching). In the
words of Archbishop Joseph E. Kurtz, President of the US
Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) the decision, “is a tragic
error that harms the common good and most vulnerable among us…
Regardless of what a narrow majority of the Supreme Court may
declare at this moment in history, the nature of the human person and
marriage remains unchanged and unchangeable.”
Pope Francis will be coming to Philadelphia for the World Meeting of
Families in September. Despite misinterpretation of basic Christian
teaching by the media, Supreme Court and others, the Pope’s mission
is to reaffirm the clear teachings of the Church on the sanctity of life,
marriage and family. As he has written in his apostolic exhortation
“Evangelii Gaudium (The Joy of the Gospel), “Today’s vast and
rapid cultural changes demand that we constantly seek ways of
expressing unchanging truths in a language which brings out their
abiding newness.”
He has no difficulty in recognizing and
following the faith Christ entrusted to Peter and his successors. Pope
Francis knows within the depths of his heart and prays that we, too,
will know that our witness can, and will, demonstrate to the world
that kindness and truth can meet. Justice and peace can kiss. Sources:
the WORD among us, July 2015; for Archbishop Kurtz’s Statement–
http://www.usccb.org/news/2015/15-103.cfm; Knights of Columbus
Columbia, July 2015.
As has been the practice, no more than three announced Masses may be
scheduled by any given individual. We also will not
schedule the same intention more than once in any
given month.
How blest we are to be able to pray for deceased
loved ones and having a Mass offered is a beautiful way
to remember and pray for loved ones who have gone
before us. We are happy that Visitation people understand this and so widely practice it, but like so many good
things, it causes a small problem. The number of time
slots available cannot begin to meet the demand! We
want to do all that we can to be fair in distribution.
Announced Masses are scheduled in our Church
at specific times. The Mass, no matter when or where
celebrated or by whichever valid priest, is of infinite value!
The unannounced Masses are celebrated by priests, perhaps missionaries or retired, who are in situations with
less demand for such scheduling. They may often be celebrated before the announced. We encourage folks to
have the unannounced said when the date is not of importance and when family and friends are not likely to be
able to attend. This will allow more of the limited number
of slots to be available for parishioners who may want to
schedule a Mass at an anniversary or birthday, etc.,
when they can be present.
Your consideration is greatly appreciated.
Peace always,
Msgr. Murray
“Do not accept anything as the truth if it lacks love, and do not accept anything
as love which lacks truth! One wihout the other becomes a destructive lie.” St.
Teresa Benedicta of the Cross (Edith Stein)
Attendees to the WMOF events from
Tuesday, September 22nd through Sunday,
September 27th will have a wonderful
opportunity to get special graces (plenary
indulgence) during this upcoming pilgrimage
into Philadelphia. To obtain a plenary
indulgence, one must pray for the Pope and receive the
Sacraments of Reconciliation and Holy Communion in a
reasonable time frame. A plenary indulgence wipes away all of
the temporal punishment due to sin. How comforting is that? If
you are going, get ready to receive these special graces.
Listen to Archbishop Chaput’s Sunday homilies
anytime at http://archphila.org/archbishopchaput/
The Archbishop’s homilies are also available as
Podcasts on iTunes.
To search, to find, to belong to a community, to seek meaning, to share reflec ons on life with others. Our daily living is a con nuous a empt to fill the hungers of the human soul. Very o en these hungers lead to an experience of God and the desire to commit to a rela onship with God. Are you one of thousands of persons worldwide who ask this ques on: How can I become a Catholic? Simply put, the Rite of Chris an Ini a on of Adults (R.C.I. A. ) is the process for unbap zed persons and those who have been bap zed in another Chris an denomina on to become a Catholic. If you have been bap zed in the Catholic Faith and need to complete your sacraments of ini a on, (Confirma on and/or Holy Eucharist) R.C.I.A will provide the necessary founda on to become fully ini ated into the Catholic Faith. To find out more about the R.C.I.A Process, contact Sister Diane Marie, Coordinator, at 610‐539‐6211, ext. 112. Page 4 • 008 Visitation BVM
Visitation BVM School Administration for 2015-2016
Mrs. Darlene Adams, School Principal
Mrs. Deborah A. Pekula, Director of Student Administration
July 2015: Mother, Teacher, Family: The Nature and
Role of the Church
To prepare for the World Meeting of Families and Pope Francis’s
visit, we are studying a catechesis on family life called Love is
Our Mission: The Family Fully Alive. Each month, our parish is
reflecting on one chapter. Previous monthly reflections are online
at PhillyEvang.org/wmof. You can order the catechesis as a paperback or e-book, and learn more about next year’s big event, at
Chapter 9: Mother, Teacher, Family: The Nature and
Role of the Church
From its opening paragraphs, this catechism has explained how
we were created for communion with God and one another. The
Church has institutional forms because this communion must be
visible and tangible, and active in the world. The Church’s earthen
vessels are necessary for proclaiming a spiritual reality: the
Church is the Bride of Christ, a “she,” not an “it.” In the words of
Saint John XXIII, the Church is our mother and teacher, our comforter and guide, our family of faith. All the baptized are the
Church’s sons and daughters, giving Christians our most fundamental and authentic identity. As members of the Church, we are
members of the “one body” that is not defined by any human qualification, such as age, nationality, or intelligence, or by any human
achievement, such as efficiency, organization, or moral virtue.
Even when her people and leaders sin, we still need the Church’s
wisdom, sacraments, support, and proclamation of the truth. Just
as our own sinfulness never erases our creation in God’s image,
when Catholics sin, that does not erase the Church’s holiness.
The Church’s essence depends on Jesus, a foundation which
holds us accountable, but which is also deeper and more secure
than any human achievement or failure. God never abandons us.
Despite her many failures, the Church cannot shirk the responsibility to preach and live the Gospel. “Love is our mission,” and the
Church is the family that teaches and embodies this love. - Christopher C. Roberts, catechism editor.
Did you know? Many family-centered cultural experiences will be
taking place in the city of Philadelphia throughout the week of the
World Meeting of Families. The Franklin Institute will be welcoming an exhibit from the Vatican Museums and St. Malachy’s
School will be the home of a large mural through the City of Philadelphia Mural Arts Program. Learn more about the many WMOFrelated events for locals and visitors alike at WorldMeeting2015.org.
There has never been a better time to consider a Catholic
education for your children. A Catholic Education at Visitation
BVM School offers time-honored traditions, growth of the
individual and development of the whole person centered in a
faith community.
Visitation BVM School offers a well-rounded curriculum in a
warm and welcoming environment. We, at Visitation BVM
School, pledge to Keep it Catholic for our students in Prayer,
Environment and Practice.
For Registration, please call Visitation BVM School, 610-5396080 Ext 110 or Ext 111 for details.
We sincerely welcome you to our outstanding School and
invite you to join one of our PreK - 8th grade classrooms for
the 2015-16 school year.
The book, "The Excellent 11: Qualities Teachers and Parents
Use to Motivate, Inspire, and Educate Children" by Ron
Clark is recommended reading for parents and teachers. The
book explains eleven characteristics: Enthusiasm,
Adventure, Creativity, Reflection, Balance, Compassion,
Confidence, Humor, Common Sense, Appreciation, and
Resilience as qualities we seek to model and teach our
students each day in Visitation BVM School.
Registration Update: Parents and Guardians may still
register a student for Visitation School for 2015-2016 by
calling our school to make arrangements. Please call 610539-6080, ext. 111 for information. You may also visit our
website at www.visitationbvm.org and click the school link.
The required documents for registration are as follows:
State-Issued Birth Certificate
Baptismal Certificate
Complete proof of all required immunizations
CARES is Visitation’s afterschool program. We are
currently accepting children for the afterschool program which
runs from 11:15AM (after pre-school), until 5:30PM. Please
visit the school website for an application and handbook or
call Ellen Giammarco at 610-539-1796.
Shoe Requirement for 2015-2016:
Please note that the required shoe for the next school year is
the brown bass buc and the few variations of this type. The
Sperries will not be permitted with any uniform version in the
next year. This information was sent home to you via One
Call and will be part of the handbook.
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Congratula ons to the following students who achieved Dis nguished
and First Honors for the third trimester of the 2014‐2015 school year:
are below. There is no cost to register your child’s intent to play
a fall sport. If you need any assistance, please contact Cheryll
Fisher, Registrar, at visiregistrar@gmail.com.
 Grade 4—DisƟnguished Honors—Ashlyn Bono, Jus n Cockerham, Sarah Murphy, Connor O’Brien, , Michael Rebar, Devon Yosua First
Honors—Chris an Bourbon, Caroline Cleary, Allison Croushore, Patrick Doyle, Jack Filograna, Annie Greek, Mason Grimley, Nicholas Hammond, Aidan Higgins, Daniel Johnson, Olivia Johnson, Maddie Kiester, Cassidy Kropp, John Markowiski, Sofia Owen, Charlo e Peacock, Ella Pergine, Marissa Sala, Ava Santangelo, Evan Sciarabba, Kenneth Stanko, Sofia Vernacchio, Abigail Winters, Connor Yosua, Logan Yosua  Grade 5—DisƟnguished Honors—Mary Grace Murphy First
Honors—Lily Ahmad, Alyssa Brachelli, Layla Charaaoui, Mia Delmoro, Jacob Dobrowolski, Grace Fergione, Allison Hourigan, Sofia La anze, Sydney Peacock, Connor Petrei, Devon Petrei, Angelina Raffanello, Madeline Newell, Tyler Niwinski, Shannon Peters, Allison Porta, Joseph Rullo, Caleigh Segaline, Alex Sorgini, Amilyn Thomas Abbie Zarkoski FIRST TIME SYSTEM USERS: If this is your first time using
the on-line registration system, log into Visitationbvm.org; select Catholic Youth Organization on the left hand side menu;
select registrar, and please click on Create an Account. Simply
follow all of the system prompts. Be sure to check the summary
of your registration after you hit Check Out.
individual interested in coaching a JV or Varsity fall sport including football, field hockey, soccer, and volleyball are asked
to submit their application by July 17. Applications can be
found at http://www.visitationcyo.com/f/
VisitationCoachingApplicationForm-Print.pdf or via the Visitation CYO website under Athlete, Coaching Application
Form. All interested candidates should forward their completed
applications to Fran Greek, Athletic Director, at
fcg623@yahoo.com. All applicants must have the mandatory
clearances. Details on the required clearances are available on
our school website.
 Grade 6—DisƟnguished Honors—Julia Masterson, William Welsh First Honors—Kallan Bustynowicz, Judie Butler, Charles D’Orazio, Lawrence (Trey) Doyle, John Esmonde, Gianna Frangiosa, Elizabeth Fry, Taylor Garber, Riley Grimley, Delaney Harty, Clare Kiester, Aidan Kilcoyne, Mia Lucchesi, Sarah Mash, Kerry Anne Moser, Kaitlyn Porta, Maeve Quinn, Cooper Snyder, Kaylee Snyder, Sophia Spurio, Grace Viglio a  Grade 7—DisƟnguished Honors—Hailee Weiss First Honors—
Robert Burdick, Amanda Burkholder, Mackenzie Cane, Jack Goehringer, Steven Kaelin, Chris na Kilcoyne, Gianna Mehl, Maria Morello, Kayleigh Niwinski, Leah O’Brien, Luke Opielski, Tea Pasquale, Zachary Sorgini, Brendan Sowa, Andrew Talone  Grade 8—DisƟnguished Honors—Francesca Lucchesi First
Honors—Julia Bentz, Danielle Burkholder, Zachariah Butler, Olivia Diesel, Lily Doyle, Kaitlyn Estright, Erin Holly, Luke House, Caitlin Hughes, Tess Humes, Sean Keaveney, Katherine Kiester, Abigail Knobler, Dalila Layos, Angelina Mazza, Giavanna Pisano, Reese Soda, Nicole Sonet, Sanh Vu, Jillian Williamson
FALL SPORTS: Intent Registration for the 2015 JV and Varsity
fall sports season opened on July 1. Any 5th or 6th grader (JV) or
7th or 8th grader (Varsity) interested in playing soccer, football,
field hockey, and volleyball is asked to please register his/her
intent to play a fall sport. Intent registration assists us with the
planning of our upcoming sports season. Intent Registration is
done via our system of record, Sports Sign Up. Instructions
Visitation Gladiators Football 2015 Season: The Visitation
Gladiators are gearing up for the 2015 Football season. We
are asking all Visitation and Partner School students and registered PREP students that are interested in playing football for
the Gladiators in the fall to register your intent to play.
Intent Registration is available on Sports Sign Up. The intent
registration helps us anticipate our needs for the coming season. The registered intents assist us in determining the number
of coaches, uniforms, and equipment needed. All boys grades
5 & 6, please register your intent for JV Football. All 7th & 8th
grade boys, please register your intent for Varsity. Those that
register their intents will receive email updates and communications. Please make sure your account is updated with current
information. Sports Sign Up is Visitation BVM’s system of record for all CYO activities. If you already have an account on
our system, please log in and register your son. First time users please follow the detailed instructions above. There are no
fees associated with registering your intent to participate.
Stay up to date with local Catholic news from
CatholicPhilly.com. Use your computer or smart phone to
read about parish news, Archbishop Chaput’s column
and information on activities throughout the Archdiocese
of Philadelphia. Sign up for a free newsletter sent by
email twice a week at www.catholicphilly.com/newsletter.
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Prayer for Vocations
SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM? “A person to be baptized is to
be given a sponsor who assists as an adult in Christian
initiation or together with the parents presents an infant for
baptism. A sponsor also helps the baptized person to lead a
Christian life in keeping with their baptism and to fulfill faithfully
the obligations inherent in it” (Code of Canon Law, 872).
Listed below are a few of the requirements to be a Godparent:
I am at least sixteen (16) years of age.
I have received the Sacraments of Christian Initiation
(Baptism, Confirmation, and Holy Eucharist) in the Catholic
I am living – and intend to live in conformity with the laws of
the Catholic Church regarding marriage. For instance: If I
am divorced and have remarried, my previous marriage has
been annulled and I am remarried in the Catholic Church. If I
am divorced and have not remarried, I am living the vocation
of the single life in conformity with the Catholic Church.
I am not cohabitating with someone outside the Sacrament
of Marriage.
I attend Mass on Sundays and Holydays of Obligation and
receive the sacraments of the church (Holy Eucharist and
Penance) regularly.
I understand and accept these responsibilities which I
undertake and promise to pay special attention to the person
to be baptized.
King of Prussia Players Present Gypsy: The life and times of
American legend Gypsy Rose Lee
and her infamous stage mother, Mama Rose, will be presented by the
King of Prussia Players on July 17, 18, 24, 25 at 7:30pm &
July 19, 26 at 2pm. All performances at Shannondell Performing Arts Theater. Directed by Christen Mandracchia and produced by Laura Clattenburg, both Visitation B.V.M. parishioners. For tickets, please call 610-277-9505 or visit
God our Father, we thank you for calling men and
women to serve in your Son's Kingdom as priests,
deacons, religious and consecrated persons. Send
your Holy Spirit to help us respond generously and
courageously to your call. May our community of
faith support vocations of sacrificial love in our
youth. We ask this through Our Lord Jesus Christ,
who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one
God for ever and ever. Amen.
Later this year after Pope Francis' visit to the United States,
the Archdiocese of Philadelphia will launch an initiative to
promote priesthood vocations titled "Called by Name". The
program will invite men, 16 years of age or older, to consider
a vocation as a priest. Parishioners throughout the archdiocese will be encouraged to recommend young men they consider potential candidates for the priesthood by submitting
their names to their local parish. Approved nominated individuals will be contacted by their parish and the Archdiocesan Vocations Office to invite them to consider a call to the
priesthood and to attend an upcoming discernment event.
Despite the continuing decline in vocations to the priesthood
and the consequent shortage of priests, we can still trust that
God calls sufficient laborers to his vineyard. But the noise
and distractions of the world often drown out or mask God's
call. Also, the deteriorating spirituality in the world provides a
less fertile environment for the call to germinate and take
Priests, religious, and the laity have the responsibility to support and promote a future generation of priests by helping to
identify and invite those called. Prayer is the first and foremost activity in fostering vocations to the priesthood. Pope
St. John Paul II declared, "The entire people of God is responsible for promoting vocations, and does so chiefly by
persistent and humble prayer for vocations." (Ecclesia in
America, #40)
Bulletin Deadline: All information for the weekly bulletin
must be submitted by 12 Noon on the
Monday prior to publication. Information
may be emailed: jafvisi@comcast.net or fax
610-539-3240. Thank you, Judy Fleming.
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LADY OF FATIMA: If you are interested in hosting Our Lady of Fatima statue for a week in your home, please
contact Bob or Rosa Quaglia at 610-489-7427.
ST. RITA OF CASCIA NOVENA: The Novena is prayed on Tuesday mornings after the 8AM Mass. Favors
already received will be announced beforehand. Come join us.
LEGION OF MARY PRAYER MEETING is every Monday from 1pm to 2pm in the Lower Conference Room of the
Rectory. The Mother of God invites you to attend! Come and pray with us. Blessings and graces for you and your
ROSARY: Please join us as we pray the rosary for the special intentions of our parish family each Wednesday at 7PM
in front of Our Lady of Life Statue.
THE SECULAR FRANCISCANS: Attention Parishioners - Would you like to model your life with the simplicity of St.
Francis? The Lay Franciscans meet on the 2nd Sunday of every month at 1pm in the Larkin Center. We would love to
have you join us as we pray and study the Gospel way of living. For information, call Helene at 484-679-1809 or just
show up. All are welcome.
Page 9 • 008 Visitation BVM
Join the Pilgrimage from the Archdiocese of Philadelphia to the
National Catholic Youth Conference
November 18-22, 2015 • Estimated Cost: $675
Archdiocesan Pilgrimage Includes:
Bus Transportation • Hotel (3 Nights) • Breakfast & Lunch
Conference Registration/Credentials • T-shirt/Hat
Contact your Youth Minister for more info!
Elizabeth Riordan, Director