February 28, 2016 - St. Malachy Parish
February 28, 2016 - St. Malachy Parish
St. Malachy Catholic Church February 28, 2016 Mass Schedule For the week of February 29 –March 6 Monday 8:15am, Tuesday 8:15am/6pm, Wednesday 8:15am/6pm, Thursday 8:15am/6pm, Friday 8:15am, Saturday 8:15am/5:30pm, Sunday - 8am/10am/12noon Sacrament of Reconciliation ST. MALACHY CATHOLIC CHURCH February 28, 2016 Saturday 8:45am-10am or by appointment. Ministry to the Sick If you experience an emergency, are hospitalized or are confined to your home, please call the Church Office (317-8523195) to arrange for visits or the sacraments. If you are calling after hours, please call the Church Office (317-852-3195) and press 5. Sacrament of Baptism Baptisms are celebrated after 12noon Mass each weekend. Please call the Parish Office for more information. Parents having their first child are asked to attend the Baptism Preparation Class which is held the second Saturday of every even month at 10am in the St. Francis Room. Parents are required to be registered parishioners. St. Malachy Cemeteries For information concerning burial needs at St. Malachy North or West Cemetery call Joni Groover, 538-2957. Both St. Malachy Cemeteries are maintained/managed by Flanner Buchanan. Sacrament of Marriage Contact the priest 6 months in advance and be a registered parishioner. Pastoral Staff 852-3195 9833 E County Road 750 N Brownsburg, IN www.stmalachy.org Fax: 852-8939 Email - first initial, last name @stmalachy.org unless otherwise noted Pastor - Rev Vince Lampert x7005 Assoc. Pastor - Rev Dave Marcotte x7104 Permanent Deacon - Daniel Collier Permanent Deacon - Richard Renzi Business Manager - John Kiefer x7101 Bookkeeper - Denise Bullock x7105 Administrative Assistant - Jeanine Cooper x7004 Childcare - Tara Sheringer Music Director - Lauren Lawson x7003 Director of Faith Formation and Evangelization - Marian Knueven x7108 Faith Formation Coordinator - Jean McCorkhill x7102 Parish Ministry Assistant - Mary Myers x7107 Communications/Volunteer CoordinatorStephanie Gutzweiler x7001 Principal - Angela Bostrom x7200 Asst. Principal - Saundra Kennison Facility Manager - Doug Tapscott New Parishioners Welcome to St. Malachy. You may register at the Church Office M-F from 8am-3:30pm. Interested in the Faith You are welcome to participate in the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA); please call the Faith Formation Office, 852-3195 x7108. Bulletin Deadline Monday 12noon (6 days before publication) bulletin@stmalachy.org Praying the Rosary We pray the rosary as a community before every noon Mass at 11:30am for the respect of all human life, 5pm before 5:30pm Saturday Mass, 7:30am before 8am Sunday Mass, 1st Friday of the month 6:30pm in front of Church near the pro-life garden. Eucharistic Adoration We celebrate Eucharistic Adoration every first Friday of the month after daily Mass. Eucharistic Adoration is celebrated before the 6pm Mass on Tuesday. Holy Orders Those considering entering the Priesthood or Religious Life may contact our Pastor, Pastoral Associate or the Archdiocesan Vocation Office, 236-1490. ST. MALACHY CATHOLIC CHURCH Please Pray for Our Parishioners - February 28, 2016 Please Pray for Our Military - Email prayers@stmalachy.org or call the Parish Office at 852-3195 with new prayer requests. Sharon and Dan Hildegard Bacon Robert Bramble Jr. Liz Bunn Paul Carr Clarence Collisi Betty Dee John Detmer Jim Dezelan Martha Elliott Ray Engelman Michael Estridge Stephanie Evans Jerry and Kelly Fenzel Kathleen Fierek Kayla Fizgerald Natalie Floreancig Shirley Fork Jane Goble Mary Grewe Betty Hession DJ Huffer Keith Huffer Kala Kehrer Peggy Kiefer Susie Kingery Melissa Klein-Schmidt Steve Longsworth Debbie McCarty Brenda McGill Lindsey McGuire Josh McKay Tom Miskowiec Anna Mohr Jeanne Mohr Melissa Ndoye Doris Nelson Dawn Nolan James Norris Angela Parelius Dee Patterson Tristan Platz Kathy Pompa Keith Ron Mark Rothenberger Bill Schapker Jane Sharpe Rita Snoddy Susan Spellacy Donna Staab Jim Stone Don Surber Linda Tyler Tom Uthe Beverly Viehe Mark Wagner Maria West Annilyn Wilgus David Williams Defenders of Freedom CPL Jacob Carr PFC Steven Bauer SPC Ryan Radez SPC John M Young IV Mass Intentions for the Week Monday, February 29 8:15am - Paul Adams by Gerri and Herb Rainbolt Tuesday, March 1 8:15am - William Marcotte by St. Malachy Staff 6pm- Barbara Harlett by John & Chris Harlett Wednesday, March 2 8:15am - Bonnie Jones by Dave & Linda Adler 6pm - In honor of Sr. Barbara Reder by James Terry Thursday, March 3 8:15am - Ruth Thieman by Joe & Marian Knueven 6pm - Glenda Norris by Robin Groth Friday, March 4 8:15am - In honor of Sr. Barbara Reder by James Terry The Knights of Columbus are once again praying the Patriotic Rosary. We plan to make this a reoccurring event. Please join us after the noon Mass, on Sunday the 28th of February. If you didn't attend the last Patriotic Rosary you should make a point to attend. It is the Rosary with added prayers for each state and patriotic music and song. It is to honor the states and for the consecration of our nation. We would like to invite everyone to attend and pray this tribute with us. Saturday, March 5 8:15am -In honor of James Terry by Ellen Kerrigan 5:30pm- Bill Collier by Frank & Joan Collier Sunday, March 6 8am - Our Parish Family 10am - Patrick Kiefer by Angela Bostrom 12noon-In Honor of the Fisher & Capps Families by Ann Lees **Extended Day Now Hiring** Extended Day is our afterschool care for children. Please contact Bonita Wheeler at bwheeler@stmalachy.org to find out more information Third Sunday of Lent February 28, 2016 Ex 3:1-8a, 13-15 Ps 103:1-4,6-8,11 1 Cor 10:1-6, 10-12 Lk 13:1-9 Meditation: During Lent we have a special opportunity to take a close look at whether we are living as disciples of Christ. Traditionally, we concentrate on those aspects of our lives that are interfering with our relationship with God. What sins, addictions, or distractions keep you from following Jesus? What should you cut out of your life so that you may bear fruit? What are you to give up? Another approach is to nurse and cultivate those areas of our lives that seem to be bearing fruit already. How are you already following Jesus? Do you feel close to him when you pray but don't make much time for it? Do you appreciate God's presence in nature but hardly ever go outside? Do you experience God's love when you spend time with family but find yourself spending more time working instead? How can we be more responsive to God? Karla Manternach Adult Question for Discussion: What important work could bear fruit in your life right now if you have more confidence in God’s loving care? Children’s Question for Discussion: What great work would you like to do as you grow older? What can you do to begin now? Cathedral Soup Kitchen Volunteers March 4, Team 5 Marilyn Webb* Mary Jo Engleton Pat Wesley Sherlee Wilson Jerry Hastings Deborah McGoun Bill and Karen Murray ST. MALACHY CATHOLIC CHURCH February 28, 2016 Dear Parish Family, The Mardi Gras celebration on February 20 for the benefit of our School Ministry was a huge success. $155,000 was raised to invest in our school and help us maintain the quality of Catholic education that has been a part of our parish for the past 60 years. Thanks to everyone who participated in this event. Your hard work, dedication, and generosity is greatly appreciated. This Sunday we are conducting our first ever Blessing Cup Meal for the children who will be making their First Holy Communion in April. This is an opportunity for prayer, food, fellowship, and also a time when the children will be able to taste unconsecrated hosts and wine to acclimate them to the taste of these items. I can tell you from past experiences the looks on their faces will be priceless! Next Saturday there will be a Seder Supper at the parish. This is an opportunity to experience the Jewish roots of our Christian faith. Tickets are still available so please contact the parish office if you would like to participate in this event. A reminder that next Sunday at 2:00 I will be celebrating a special Mass for our parish at the Cathedral in Indianapolis for the Jubilee Year of Mercy. This will be an opportunity to pass through the Holy Door and visit the Mother Church of the Archdiocese of Indianapolis. If you plan to attend please sign up at the Information Desk in the narthex so we will know how to plan. This Mass will be for the Fourth Sunday of Lent and will fulfill your Sunday obligation. Please continue to pray for the men and women in the RCIA process who will be received into the Church at the Easter Vigil Mass on March 26. Through the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist they will become fully initiated members of the Catholic Church. Many of our youth are currently in the Confirmation class and have been on or soon will be on retreat. Please pray for them as they approach this important sacramental point in their lives. They will be confirmed at the Cathedral on May 12. A special word of thanks to our adult leaders for working with the youth and helping to deepen their faith. God’s blessing be upon all of you. Fr. Vince ST. MALACHY CATHOLIC CHURCH February 28, 2016 Father Vince invites you, your family and friends to participate in the Church’s Holy Year of Mercy Mass for our St. Malachy Catholic Community on Sunday, March 6, 2016 at two o’clock in the afternoon at Saints Peter and Paul Cathedral, 1347 North Meridian Street, Indianapolis, Indiana Communally we shall celebrate the Eucharist, walk as a group through the holy door of Saints Peter and Paul Cathedral, say the prayers required to receive the holy year’s plenary indulgence, and tour the cathedral. To receive the indulgence, each person is invited to celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation twenty days before or after March 6. If you plan to participate, please respond by March 3 to http://www.stmalachy.org/holy-year-of-mercymass/ or stop by the office and add your name to the list by March 3 so we can plan accordingly; thank you! Cardinal Ritter High School’s Spring Fundraiser is just a few weeks away– Saturday, March 12. This St. Patrick’s Day themed event is complete with live and silent auctions, dinner, dancing and Monte Carlo gaming! Become a Table Sponsor to secure reserved seating and seating for eight. Visit CardinalRitter.org/RNOC to book your tickets today! “IN LOVING MEMORY” Starting in March 2016, a section on the back of the bulletin will be available to list the names of deceased loved ones. The cost is $75.00 per name, and their name will remain in the bulletin for 1 year. This will help defray the cost of printing our bulletin for the entire year. If interested, please cut and fill out the slip below, and put it in the collection basket OR mail it to the parish office: St Malachy Parish, 9833 E. County Rd 750N Brownsburg IN 46112 Fourth Sunday of Lent March 6, 2016 ST. MALACHY CATHOLIC CHURCH Jos 5:9a, 10-12 Ps 34:2-7 2 Cor 5:17-21 Lk 15:1-3, 11-32 Having arrived in the promised land, the Hebrews celebrated their deliverance from affliction and distress in the Passover. Christ, our Passover, has entrusted to us the message of reconciliation: let us forgive one another and celebrate the unconditional and abundant love of God our Father. Adult Question for Discussion: When have you been generous enough to forgive someone who has hurt you deeply? Children’s Question for Discussion: Is there someone you need to forgive or ask forgiveness of? This week at St. Malachy: Sunday, February 28 9:15 am Grades 1-5 Religious Education 9:45am JAM preK/K program 10am RCIA/RCIC Winter Program 1:30 pm Blessing Cup Dinner 4pm CRHP Women’s Team 9 6:30 pm Confirmation 8pm Men’s 35+ Basketball Monday, February 29 7:30 pm Rosary w/ the Blessed Sacrament Tuesday, March 1 9:30am Women’s Spirituality 5:00 pm Eucharistic Adoration 6:30pm Rosary Makers Wednesday, March 2 6am That Man Is You Program 9:30am Morning for Moms 7pm Adult Choir 7pm Daniel and Ezekiel Bible Study Thursday, March 3 2:30pm Hazel Tree Bible Study 7pm Timeline Bible Study 7pm Financial Peace Friday, March 4 9am Eucharistic Adoration 9am Catholicism Series 5pm K of C Lenten Dinners in the gym 7:30 pm Stations of the Cross Saturday, March 5 8:30 am Men of Christ Prayer Group 10am Confirmation Retreat 7pm Seder Meal Sunday, March 6 - Food Pantry Collection 8:30 am K of C Breakfast 9:45am - JAM preK/K program 10am RCIA/RCIC Winter Program 1pm IMPACT 2pm Year of Mercy Mass, Ss. Peter & Paul 4pm CRHP Women’s Team 9 6:30 pm Jr. High Faith Groups 8pm Men’s 35+ Basketball February 28, 2016 It's Almost Here... The St. Malachy K of C Pancake Breakfast. This next breakfast fundraiser will benefit the Little Sisters of the Poor. For over 150 years the Little Sisters have depended on the charity of people like those of our parish to help fund their work in caring for the elderly. The Little Sisters have been at work here in Indianapolis since the early 1870s, and currently operate the St. Augustine Home.. Please plan to feed your body and your soul on Sunday, March 6th in the St Malachy School cafeteria from 8:30 AM to Noon. All your breakfast favorites and good conversations for a free will offering. We'll see you there ! Catholic Men’s Conference The tri-state’s only Catholic Men’s Conference of 2016 is coming soon, featuring keynote speaker Christopher West! Other speakers include Mark Houck, Fr. John Hollowell, and Fr. Johnathan Meyer, with Holy Mass celebrated by Archbishop Joseph Tobin. Please join us for the E6 Catholic Men’s Conference, which will be taking place on Saturday, March 5th 2016, at the East Central High School Performing Arts Center in St. Leon, IN (only 35 minutes northwest of Cincinnati). We cordially invite every man to attend this inaugural event. Tickets are on sale now at www.e6catholicmensconference.com. ST. MALACHY CATHOLIC CHURCH February 28, 2016 Religious Medals are emblems presented to our Catholic Scouts in recognition for advancement in their Religious knowledge and faith formation. The purpose of these programs is to help our Scouts become more aware of God’s presence in our everyday lives. Our Scouting Program is an investment in the future of our youth. This investment will help our young people become better youth today and stronger leaders for tomorrow. Parvuli Dei: Andrew Kendall, Owen Sulecki, and Noah Miller Light of Christ: Dallas Stader, Eli Knipe, Aaron Wilke, Joshua Nugent, Jackson Zumer, and Alex Sulecki Duty to God Patch: Andrew Hostetler, Sean Kiel, Eli Knipe, Liam Bell, Sebastian Carbajal, Isaac DeCesare, Gabe Mariano, Patrick McCluskey, Joshua Nugent, Matthew Riley, Dallas Stader, Alex Sulecki, Ronan Sullivan, Daniel VanGheem, Aaron Wilke, Jackson Zumer, Owen Sulecki, Noah Miller, Aaron Hanny, Aidan Kiel, Cooper Higgens, Aaron Marcou, Cole Davidson, and Andrew Kendall St. George Patch: Luke Illingsworth, Aaron Anderson, Owen Sulecki, Noah Miller, Aaron Hanny , Aidan Kiel, and Sean Kiel Footsteps of American Saints—St. Juan Diego--7thGrade: Jillian Conway and Audrey Odier My Promise, My Faith Pin-6th Grade: Sarah Jacob, Rebecca Scott, Josie Prahl, Maddy Donald, Rachel Wilkins, Heather VanNoy, Kate Carlson, Jillian Pierce, Katie Lynn, and Cara Ploughe Women in Scripture--Mary and Martha Patch—5th Grade: Sophia Danielson, Vivian Bell, Chloe Davis, Katie Rusie, Jenni Lively and Abi Villarius Footsteps of American Saints—4th Grade: Evelyn Buck--St Damien of Molokat, Lucy Darrow—St. Isaac Jogues, Isabella DeCesare—St. Rose Phiolippine Duchesne, Megan Eck—St. Peter Claver, Riley Egan—St Andre Bessette, Audrey Wilke— St Juan Diego, Danielle Gabriel—St. Francis Xavier Cabrini, Taylor Maupin—St. Katherine Drexel, Hannah May—St. Michael McGivney, Katie Moss--St Kateri Tekakwitha, Mary McCluskey—St. Marie Rose Durocher, Elizabeth Nugent—St Mother Theodore Guerin, Molly VanGheem—St Katherine Drexel, Jenna Ettenberger—St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, Savannah Tryan—St Carlos Rodriguez, Grace Rogers—St. Isadore the Farmer Women in Scripture--Mary and Martha Patch—3rd Grade: Emma Kate Townsend, Caitie Tune, Megan Tuttle, Aubree Jehl, McKenna Kevlin, Lauren May, Scarlet Stader, Marina Villarias, and Amelia Voglewede 2nd Grade—St. Mother Theodore Guerin: Zoe Brenner, Kate Vrabel, Kara May, Ginny Kuliesis, Isabella Briceno, Claire Maupin, Lexi Baldini , Sami Eck, Tatum Hunt, Maddie Dalton, Audra Kendall, Kelsey Beres, Robyn Buck, Mylee Courtney, Becca Rogers, Nora Waning, Caitlyn O’Hara, Reece Hovermale, and Ella Eberts St. Juan Diego--1st Grade: Bella Knies, Lauren Fernandez, Annalise Bell, Alexis Lathrop, Gwyneth Pritchard, Josie Rogers Kate Rogers, Emma Townsend, Harper Hayworth, Caroline Tune, and Becca Rogers Joyful Mysteries Patch—Kindergarten: Scarlett Adler, Abby Hernandez, Addie Holt, Gracie Waddell, Ava Selby, Caitlyn Egan, Lara Kendall, Izzy Romero, Alexa Moore, Mary Buck, Lanie Dalton, Lucy Stauffer, Chloe O’Hara, and Alecia Cipola Easter Flower and Decoration Donation In Memory of: In Honor of: My Name: _____Please publish my name _____Do not publish my name *Return forms to the parish office by March 20 School Ministry St. Malachy School Spot “Learning, Loving and Living with Christ” February 28, 2016 Upcoming Events March 2- Daily Mass– 8:15am March 4 $1.00 (Punch Card) Casual Day March 18- Last Friday Casual Day March 21-25- No Brownsburg Transportation Students wore masks and enjoyed a parade to begin the games! Is that Anna and Ryleigh? That has to be Lilly and Laney! REGISTER NOW! ST. MALACHY SCHOOL’S Avery, Audrey, and Megan! Shamrock Summertime Camps! That is definitely 7:00 am—6:00 pm Sophie, Ella, and Eli! Latrail lands For more information about a strike! our Shamrock Summertime Camps, please contact the school office or visit our web- Ginny hits a tic tac toe! site at www.stmalachy.org/school/ Amy, Belle, and Sara have prizes to share! Kara is the winner! Principal— Angela Bostrom x7200 Vice Principal— Saundra Kennison x7208 Ava, Jordan, Matthew, Vivian, and Chloe hope Mrs. Kennison calls their number! ST. MALACHY CATHOLIC CHURCH March 5, 5:30 PM Deby Atkins Ruth Boberg Victor Breckler Janet Buss Kristen Buss Debbie Copeland Tricia Diagostino Dawn Hostetler Eucharistic Charri Vorndran Jones Steven Koch Deborah McGoun Minister Julie Norman Debbie Potts Tracy Prahl Katie Waters Linda Waters Mike Waters Cathy Weidenbener Sheila Zielinski Carole Ruse - Set-up Francine Breckler (1) Lector Jim Diagostino (2) Samuel Hostetler Tony Jones Ed Lampa Roger Lanie Usher Joseph Lanie Mark Meunier Michael Milner Dan Stephens Deby Atkins Larry Bollman Greeter Avery Prahl Connie Shonk Jason Burks Grace Gliva Altar Server Simon Hensley Anna Hostetler - MC Adult Choir Music Ministers Childcare February 28, 2016 March 6, 8:00 AM March 6, 10:00 AM March 6, 12noon Anthony Armbruster Jerry Bessler Ruth Dean Mike Griffin Shannon Gruber Chris Kaiser Bridget McGill Maurice Nickels Brian / Laura Petraits Faith Sadtler Fritz Sadtler Kaaren Sadtler Sherlee Wilson Bill Coan - Set-up Richard Batchelor Ellie Copeland Maureen Ferguson Lauren Ferguson Kyle Hassler Matt Hinkle Justin Hussey Diana Jacob Reid Kippenbrock Cathy Klemeyer Leons Liepa Darlene Marksberry John Martin Natalie Odier Paula Owen Curt Parrott Lori VanNoy Marilyn Webb Melissa Yetter Mark Conway - Set-up Larry Garetto (1) Virginia Brauer (2) Glenn Adams Cathy Brinkerhoff Frances Denson Mike Doades Kevin Hinkle Trey Hunt Mary Myers Jay Ouellette Cindy Percival Rachael Rasp Audry Wolfcale Erika Wolfcale Kathryn Woods Dave/ Judy Gansert Set-up Jack Adams Thomas Hood Samuel Hood Steve Johnson Kevin Johnson Sophie Rasp Victoria Johnson Jeff Miller Debra Northard Tim Dobbs Anna Flood Cathy Flood Maura Flood Rich Lively Monica Lively Jeffrey Scott William Scott Suzanne Batchelor Paul Warner David Warner Alex Canales Connor Gianoli Quinn Romie Jenna Gruber - MC Arias Martinez-Betancourt Ziska Tuttle Sara Wheeler Josh Renzi - MC Maria Gutzweiler Chase Johnson Amy Loberger Zoe Rasp - MC Frankie Clark (1) David A. Clark (2) Aaron Hanny Scott Hanny Bob Kasnak Vasco Kirby Dave Romie Cameron Walton Bobbie Hanny, Linda Lauren Lawson and Melody Osborn, Bill Pierce, and Brand Gina Oliger Sarah Riley 2nd Adult Needed 40 Days for Life began Ash Wednesday. Angie Cullin (1) Cathy Strole (2) Kathleen Ouellette Kathryn Woods Kathy Holmes, Lauren Lawson, Nichole Bernhardt, and Lisa Hannon Tara Sheringer 2nd Adult Needed TAKE A STAND FOR LIFE From February 10 to March 20, our community will take part in 40 Days for Life … a groundbreaking, coordinated international mobilization. We pray that, with God’s help, this will mark the beginning of the end of abortion in our city — and beyond. Our Prayer Vigil Hours are 7 AM to 7 PM Monday through Saturday. The Vigil Hours for Sunday are 12 PM to 7 PM . To participate or learn more visit the attached link: https://40daysforlife.com/localcampaigns/indianapolis/calendar/?start_date=20160215 Faith Formation Current and Upcoming Events February 28-March 26 Winter RCIA/RCIC February 28-May 22 JAM Class (PreK-K Religious Ed) February 28-March 20 Winter Religious Education March 2 THAT MAN IS YOU! Program March 2- Lent Daniel Bible Study with Father Vince March 3 Timeline Bible Study March 4- March 11 Catholicism Series March 5 Seder Meal March 6 St. Malachy Holy Year of Mercy Mass at Cathedral March 14 First Communion Pictures 6:30pm-Church March 18-20 Men’s Offsite Retreat April 15-17 Women’s Offsite Retreat October 9-11 Parish Mission with retired Benedictine Archabbot Lambert Reilly,OSB as presenter Contact Information: Marian Knueven mknueven@stmalachy.org 852-3195 x7108 Jean McCorkhill jmccorkhill@stmalachy.org 852-3195 x7102 Web: stmalachy.org/church/ growing-in-the-faith ST. MALACHY CATHOLIC CHURCH Daniel and Ezekiel Bible Study Continuing this Wednesday, Father Vince invites you to continue studying the Word of God on Wednesdays from 78 pm as he shall lead us through the book of Daniel. BYOB: Bring Your Own Bible! All are welcome to one, all or as many sessions as your time and interest allows! No registration is requested! All parishioners and guests are welcome to come to one, many or all of the RCIA sessions. We meet weekly from 10:00-11:30 am in the St. Malachy Holy Family Room on Sundays through March 20. Please join Mike Nygra next Sunday, March 6, as he explains the Sacrament of Confirmation. MARK YOUR CALENDARS: Retired Archabbot Lambert Reilly, O.S.B. of Saint Meinrad Archabbey and one of Pope Francis’ “Missionaries of Mercy” will Explore, Explain and Experience Mercy on October 8/9, 10, 11 for our St. Malachy Parish Mission Watch for details! All are welcome! February 28, 2016 Seder Meal, March 5, 7 PM, Shamrock Café The Seder Meal is a Jewish tradition that is a fun yet solemn way to gain more understanding of the beginnings of our faith. Its rituals are very important to our faith and should be experienced at least once in every Christian's life, because Jesus took it very seriously. It was at his "last Passover Meal" ("Last Supper") that he instituted the Sacrament of the Eucharist. The Seder is a meal of remembrance and thanksgiving, and our word "Eucharist" comes from the Greek word for giving thanks. Tickets are $20; you can purchase online at http://www.stmalachy.org/seder-mealregistration/ or stop by the parish office. Walk Through Holy Week Join Father Dave on Wednesday, March 16 from 7-8 pm in church as he walks us through Holy Week. Prepare to more fully participate and understand the Triduum, the three-day period of prayer leading to Easter, the fulfillment of the whole liturgical year! All are welcome; no registration is required! ST. MALACHY CATHOLIC CHURCH Bishop Robert Barron Catholicism Series Join us on Fridays through March 11 from 9:30-11:00 AM in the Holy Family Room to learn more about our Catholic faith with Bishop Robert Barron in settings around the world. The next session is Friday, March 4 and the topic will be “The Life of His Love: Prayer and the Life of the Spirit.” All are welcome! 16th ANNUAL MEN'S WEEKEND The 16th Annual Men's Weekend will be on March 18th, 19th, and 20th, at Mount St Francis Monastery in Jeffersonville with Friar Bob Baxter as facilitator. Cost will be just $200 for a private room and all meals. The weekend will begin on Friday, March 18 and end Sunday, March 20 around noon. This years theme is "St Malachy Men of the Passion" and Friar Bob's presentations will focus on Christ's Passion, on this Palm Sunday weekend. As usual, the weekend will allow you to participate as much or as little as you want. There will be plenty of time for you to relax, enjoy the beautiful acreage, bond with other men of the parish, and generally recharge your spiritual batteries. Signup may be done on the Parish web site or after all Masses the weekends of February 27/28, and March 5/6. Please contact John Mullen 317-225-1583, mullen_j@sbcglobal.net; Joe Knueven 317-989-8891, jmknueven@gmail.com; or John Martin 317-753-0394 jmartin1112@att.net for questions. Women’s Retreat Is being planned for the weekend of April 15-17, 2016 at the Monastery of the Immaculate Conception in Ferdinand, Indiana. In response to a suggestion from last fall’s women’s retreat, we are planning this year’s offsite retreat for the spring. Please mark you calendar now; details will follow! February 28, 2016 FIRST HOLY COMMUNION Please mark these important dates on your calendar: February 28-Blessing Cup Meal; 1:30pm School Gym March 14– First Communion Pictures 6:30pm Church April 18– First Communion Practice 6-7pm for April 23 Mass; 7:15-8:15pm for April 24 Mass Winter Religious Education Classes continue to meet on the following dates: February 28, March 13, March 20 from 9:15-11:45 am at St. Malachy School JAM Class (Jesus and Me). Classes have begun!: Classes meet at school on the following days: February 28; March 6, 13, 20; April 3, 10, 17, 24; May 1, 8, 15, 22 during the 10:00 Mass with drop off beginning at 9:45am. For more information, please contact Jean McCorkhill 317-504-0149 (jmccorkhill@stmalachy.org), Megan Hassler 317-614-5288 (megan.hassler@gmail.com), or Tiffany Stahl 317-797-6886 (tstahl17@yahoo.com ) PARISHIONERS, please look for the children who have recently celebrated their First Reconciliation and may be wearing a green ribbon with gold crosses around their necks. You are encouraged to congratulate these students on celebrating their First Reconciliation. In addition, we ask you to pray for them as they prepare to receive their First Holy Communion after Easter. Youth Youth Ministry Ministry Upcoming Events Middle School March 6 Gathering 6:30-8 pm School IMPACT March 6, 1-3 pm Gathering Holy Family Room/Gym ST. MALACHY CATHOLIC CHURCH Confirmation Candidates & Parents Confirmation is less than three months away. To complete all the paperwork required — baptismal, sponsor information, and Confirmation Name — Mary Myers needs a copy of the Confirmation Information Sheet and Reflection # 4 which acknowledge the Candidates choice of Confirmation Name. Confirmation Parents — If you have not completed the Confirmation Information Sheet for your child(ren), please do so as soon as you can. Confirmation Candidates — Have you submitted your Reflection #3 Interview due 2/2016? As soon as you know your Confirmation name, please submit Reflection #4. Confirmation February 28 Gathering 9:30-11am/6:30-8pm School March 9 Gathering 6:30-8pm Holy Family Room March 13 Gathering 9:30-11am/6:30-8pm School Drug Free Family Night Monster Mini Golf Feb 28 3-5pm YM Stations of the Cross March 11 7-8 pm Stations of the Cross/Church Beggars for the Poor April 30 Trip 7:30-11 am St. Vincent de Paul Contact Information: Mary Myers Parish Ministry Assistant mmyers@stmalachy.org 852-3195 x7107 Twitter: @StMalachyYM Facebook: St.MalachyYM Web: stmalachy.org/church/ growing-in-the-faith/youth February 28, 2016 Drug Free Family Night—Come out for a Drug Free Family Event of Mini Golf. Meet the organizations that are helping to keep your family and friends & neighbors DRUG FREE! The event will take place at Monster Mini Golf, 7591 East US Highway 36 (1/4 mile west of Lowes on Rockville Road) in Avon. The date is Sunday, February 28th from 3pm-5pm. All minors must have an adult present. 2016 Right to Life Essay Right to Life of Indianapolis will again offer prize money totaling $4,000 for winners and their sponsoring organization in six student contests and a scholarship this year. 1. An Essay Contest for 7th grade. 2. An Essay Contest for 8th grade. 3. An Essay Contest for 9th & 10th grade. 4. An Essay Contest for 11th & 12th grade. 5. An Art Contest for 9th-12th grade. 6. A Speech Contest for 10th-12th grade. 7. The Joan Byrum Pro-Life College Scholarship for $1000. Entries due by April 1, 2016 (art contest deadline April 15, 2016). For more details on the essay contests and all other contest information, including applications and rules, go to www.rtliny.org, or call 315-582-1526. IMPACT — The March 6th gathering will begin in the Holy Family Room for some nourishment then head over to the school gym for some fun activities. What will it be — basketball, dodgeball, volleyball ?!!?!?! Bring a friend or two. Friends do not need to be Catholic to participate. ST. MALACHY CATHOLIC CHURCH February 28, 2016 Please use this map to “map” out your Lenten journey! March 4, 11, 18 Lenten Dinners in the gym from 5pm-7pm followed by Stations of the Cross at Church March 5 - Seder Meal in the Shamrock Café at 7pm March 6 - Year of Mercy Mass celebrated at the Cathedral at 2pm March 18-20 Men’s Retreat at Mt. St. Francis Retreat Center March 24 - Mary’s Way of the Cross at 1:15pm in Church
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