January 31, 2016 - St. Malachy Parish
January 31, 2016 - St. Malachy Parish
ST. MALACHY PARISH CHURCH January 31, 2016 Mass Schedule For the week of February 1-February 7 Monday 8:15am, Tuesday 8:15am/6pm, Wednesday 8:15am/6pm, Thursday 8:15am/6pm, Friday 8:15am, Saturday 8:15am/5:30pm, Sunday - 8am/10am/12noon Sacrament of Reconciliation ST. MALACHY PARISH CHURCH JANUARY 31, 2016 Saturday 8:45am-10am or by appointment. Ministry to the Sick If you experience an emergency, are hospitalized or are confined to your home, please call the Church Office (317-8523195) to arrange for visits or the sacraments. If you are calling after hours, please call the Church Office (317-852-3195) and press 5. Sacrament of Baptism Baptisms are celebrated after 12noon Mass each weekend. Please call the Parish Office for more information. Parents having their first child are asked to attend the Baptism Preparation Class which is held the second Saturday of every even month at 10am in the St. Francis Room. Parents are required to be registered parishioners. St. Malachy Cemeteries For information concerning burial needs at St. Malachy North or West Cemetery call Joni Groover, 538-2957. Both St. Malachy Cemeteries are maintained/managed by Flanner Buchanan. Sacrament of Marriage Contact the priest 6 months in advance and be a registered parishioner. Pastoral Staff 852-3195 9833 E County Road 750 N Brownsburg, IN www.stmalachy.org Fax: 852-8939 Email - first initial, last name @stmalachy.org unless otherwise noted Pastor - Rev Vince Lampert x7005 Assoc. Pastor - Rev Dave Marcotte x7104 Permanent Deacon - Daniel Collier Permanent Deacon - Richard Renzi Business Manager - John Kiefer x7101 Bookkeeper - Denise Bullock x7105 Administrative Assistant - Jeanine Cooper x7004 Childcare - Tara Sheringer Music Director - Lauren Lawson x7003 Director of Faith Formation and Evangelization - Marian Knueven x7108 Faith Formation Coordinator - Jean McCorkhill x7102 Parish Ministry Assistant - Mary Myers x7107 Communications/Volunteer CoordinatorStephanie Gutzweiler x7001 Principal - Angela Bostrom x7200 Asst. Principal - Saundra Kennison Facility Manager - Doug Tapscott New Parishioners Welcome to St. Malachy. You may register at the Church Office M-F from 8am-3:30pm. Interested in the Faith You are welcome to participate in the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA); please call the Faith Formation Office, 852-3195 x7108. Bulletin Deadline Monday 12noon (6 days before publication) bulletin@stmalachy.org Praying the Rosary We pray the rosary as a community before every noon Mass at 11:30am for the respect of all human life, 5pm before 5:30pm Saturday Mass, 7:30am before 8am Sunday Mass, 1st Friday of the month 6:30pm in front of Church near the pro-life garden. Eucharistic Adoration We celebrate Eucharistic Adoration every first Friday of the month after daily Mass. Eucharistic Adoration is celebrated before the 6pm Mass on Tuesday. Holy Orders Those considering entering the Priesthood or Religious Life may contact our Pastor, Pastoral Associate or the Archdiocesan Vocation Office, 236-1490. St. Malachy Trash Bag Sales Trash bag sales occur the 2nd Saturday morning of each month, 8am-12noon at our new school. ST. MALACHY PARISH SCHOOL'S 17th ANNUAL MARDI GRAS CELEBRATION Saturday February 20, 2016 $10,000.00 Grand Prize only 200 tickets will be sold For additional information, please call 317-372-3589 or kkeers@keers.biz. Tickets and sponsorships may be purchased via credit card through our website http://qtego.net/qlink/stmalachy IN Gaming License 139392 ST. MALACHY PARISH CHURCH JANUARY 31, 2016 Dear Parish Family, It is hard to believe the holy season of Lent is just around the corner. A few Christmas decorations can still be seen here and there as the Church calls for us to enter a period of intense preparation for the Passion, Death, and Resurrection of Christ. Lent will kick-off with Ash Wednesday Masses on February 10. The main disciplines of the Lenten season are prayer, fasting, and alms-giving. Prayer will take on a greater emphasis as we offer Stations of the Cross following the Friday fish frys. We fast on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday and many people will elect to give something up or focus on doing something to help them grow in holiness. In the area of alms-giving I am asking all of us to support a parish-wide special collection to provide funding for four important areas: Catholic Charities, St. Vincent DePaul, Hendricks County Outreach, and our Haiti Ministry. On Ash Wednesday special envelopes will be distributed in which you are asked to make a financial contribution to support these areas of outreach. They can be returned to the Parish Office or dropped in any weekend regular collection through Palm Sunday on March 20. Each of these four areas will receive a percentage of the total amount collected. During this Jubilee Year of Mercy Pope Francis has called for all of us to better respond to the needs of the poor. Please support this year’s Parish Alms-giving Project. This coming Friday and Saturday will be the Men’s Christ Renews His Parish (CHRP) retreat. The women’s weekend will be February 20-21. Don’t miss out on these opportunities to deepen your relationship with Christ. Sign-up today after Mass. Remember God wants commitment and not excuses when it comes to giving Him His rightful place in our lives. Blessings to all of you throughout this week. Fr. Vince For the first time, St. Malachy served as a host congregation during the week of January 10-17, helping to feed, house and provide companionship for two temporarily homeless families, Brittany and her four sons (ages 4-13) & Cathy and her 9-year-old twins. A total of 47 parishioners were engaged in making the week a resounding success. Feedback from all involved was overwhelmingly positive and we truly believe this to be a ministry reaching out to those “on the margins” as Pope Francis is encouraging us to do. There are plenty of opportunities for volunteers in a variety of capacities. If you are interested, please e-mail Mike Nygra at nygra@sbcglobal.net or look for our table at the Knights of Columbus breakfast on February 7th. The Race for Vocations welcomes people of all ages to run/walk in the mini or 5k to both promote and pray for vocations to the priesthood, consecrated life, sacred married life and sacred single life. Hundreds of participants pray while they train, attend the Mass for Vocations the Friday night before the race and then run/walk in the mini or 5K. Participants wear vocations runner-shirts that create a greater awareness of Catholic vocations. The race began in 2008 and since then literally thousands of prayers have been offered and hundreds of runners have participated. Please join the Archdiocese of Indianapolis and the Diocese of Lafayette this year as we Race for Vocations by, “competing well, finishing the race and keeping the faith.” II Timothy 4:7! Register for the Race for Vocations at http://raceforvocations.org/. Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time January 31, 2016 Jer 1:4-5, 17-19 Ps 71:1-6, 15, 17 1 Cor 12:31—13:13 Lk 4:21-30 Meditation: Jesus's words amazed the people in the synagogue; they are gracious, filled with God's life and light. But amazement gives way to skepticism as those who hear him begin to doubt. When Jesus reacts to their murmuring, they are insulted and turn murderous. God speaks to us through others all day. We bristle at words that criticize, but God can speak to us through those words too. If we are attuned to God’s voice we can recognize gracious words even when they challenge rather than flatter us. Celebrating Sunday for Catholic Families Adult Question for Discussion: What do you do when a message you are trying to deliver “falls on deaf ears”? Children’s Question for Discussion: Are there times when you have not listened as well as you could to what someone was telling you? Why didn’t you? ST. MALACHY PARISH CHURCH Please Pray for Our Parishioners - JANUARY 31, 2016 Please Pray for Our Military - Email prayers@stmalachy.org or call the Parish Office at 852-3195 with new prayer requests. Sharon and Dan Hildegard Bacon Robert Bramble Liz Bunn Paul Carr Clarence Collisi Betty Dee John Detmer Jim Dezelan Martha Elliott Ray Engelman Michael Estridge Stephanie Evans Jerry and Kelly Fenzel Kathleen Fierek Mary Fon Shirley Fork Jane Goble Mary Grewe Betty Hession DJ Huffer Keith Huffer Kala Kehrer Susie Kingery Melissa KleinSchmidt Steve Longsworth Debbie McCarty Brenda McGill Lindsey McGuire Tom Miskowiec Anna Mohr Jeanne Mohr Melissa Ndoye Dawn Nolan James Norris Dee Patterson Tristan Platz Kathy Pompa Keith Ron Mark Rothenberger Jane Sharpe Rita Snoddy Susan Spellacy Donna Staab Don Surber Linda Tyler Tom Uthe Mark Wagner Maria West Annilyn Wilgus David Williams Mass Intentions for the Week Monday, February 1 8:15am- Mary Callahan by Joe & Jeanine Cooper Tuesday, February 2 8:15am - William Marcotte by St. Malachy Staff 6pm- Betty Holland by Tom & Kim Dillon Wednesday, February 3 8:15am- Patricia Quinnette by Prayer Shawl Ministry 6pm - James Panek by Theresa Manninen Thursday, February 4 8:15am- Donald McCullough by Terri Vallillo 6pm - Chuck Nichols by Yvonne Nichols Friday, February 5 8:15am - Patricia Quinnette by Scott & Jill DuVall Saturday, February 6 8:15am-Paul Adams by Gerri & Herb Rainbolt 5:30pm- Parish Family Sunday, February 7 8am-Mary L Osborn by Sally Jo Gibson 10am- Rita Dyer by Gary Dyer 12noon-Annie Hoth by Mary Myers Defenders of Freedom CPL Jacob Carr PFC Steven Bauer SPC Ryan Radez SPC John M Young IV Haiti Sponsor a Child Update The mission team is going to Haiti in February. Anyone who would like to send a card to their sponsored child with the team, there will be a collection box in the Holy Family Room. Please limit the items you send to your child to the envelope (gum, stickers, a photo of you and your family, pictures that you draw, or a note) and be sure to put your child’s name on the envelope. Please have the cards in the box in the Holy Family Room by the weekend of JANUARY 30th/31st. If you have any questions, please contact Rene Behrend at 317.858.8869. Thank you! ST. MALACHY PARISH CHURCH JANUARY 31, 2016 Have you dropped your landline? Has your email address changed? Have you moved? Please contact the parish office or drop a note in the collection basket to let us know! Annual Men’s Weekend Men of the Parish, be sure and mark your calendar for March 18, 19, 20, 2016 for the Annual Men's Weekend. We will be at Mount St. Francis Retreat Center in Jeffersonville on those dates for another spiritual weekend with other men of the Parish. Friar Bob Baxter will facilitate the weekend. More details will follow as we get closer to the date. If you have any questions, please contact: John Mullen (317-225-1583), Joe Knueven (317-989-8891), or John Martin (317-753-0394). St. Malachy Parishioners, The Parish will be hosting its 1st Blood Drive for 2016 on Sunday, February 7th from 9 AM to 2 PM The Bloodmobile will be parked outside the Church doors to take your donation for the Blood Center. If you are interested in donating, please sign-up on-line at https://www.donorpoint.org and create a new account or login to your existing account to reserve a time between 9:00 AM & 1:45 PM. Walk-ins are welcome on the day of the drive but it is best to Reserve a time and it will be over 56 days since the last Blood Drive back on December 6th. On the behalf of the Indiana Blood Center & Knights of Columbus, we thank you in advance for your gift of life. If you need assistance or have questions, please contact Brent Stutzman (Blood Drive Coordinator for the Knights of Columbus) at brentstutzman24@gmail.com. Cardinal Ritter High Honors 3.75+ gpa Jack Adams Elizabeth Adolay Grace Armbruster Robyn Arnould Brooke Belloni Jacob Boberg Zachary Burggen Griffin Bruns Nathan Bullock Rebecca Collester Jack Cooper Amaya Crockett Zachary Feltz Lauren Ferguson Chelsea Flora Matthew Gangwer Grant Glaze Joseph Gruber Kristen Hiskes Aaron Hofer Jason Hofer Ryan Hofer Emma Houston Cam Houston Trey Hunt Bryce Hurrle Madison Hurrle Mitchell Jacob Kevin Johnson Elizabeth Knight Kathryn Knight Nathanial Konger Nicole Krumm Matthew Mark Cade Merrill Taylor Merrill Lauren Metallic Natalie Odier Keith Owen Shelby Poore Myka Radecki William Roberts Connor Schepers Grace Smith Samuel Smith Caroline Troll Christina Troll Katherine Waters Abbey Webb Emily Wilkinson Zachary Yetter Honors 3.250-3.749 gpa Samuel Adams John Adolay Sarah Adolay Luke Armbruster Rachel Atkinson Matthew Boberg Konrad Bursten Alec Frazee Elisabeth Gangwer Andrew Harvey Eric Krumm Joshua Majors Samantha Martin Kylie Nagy Chloe Rooney Samantha Soltis Manolo Suazo Robert Sulecki Max Wehrle Anthony Worden Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time February 7, 2016 Is 6:1-2a, 3-8 Ps 138:1-5, 7-8 1Cor 15: 1-11 Lk 5:1-11 Isaiah, a man of unclean lips, beholds the Lord’s glory in the temple and is sent on mission. Simon, a sinner, responds to the mission of Jesus by becoming a disciple. Paul, the persecutor, speaks of his call to preach nothing but Christ crucified and risen. Adult Question for Discussion: When have you felt inadequate to a task or role you were given? How did you respond? Children’s Question for Discussion: When have you been asked to do something you felt might be too hard for you? What did you do? Cathedral Soup Kitchen Volunteers February 5 Team 1 Mary Schopper*, Teresa Harvey, Jill Houston, Cathy Flood, Tom Kearns, Mary Pat Torback, Jennine Hill, Mike Tolley ST. MALACHY PARISH CHURCH This week at St. Malachy: Sunday, January 31 Confirmation Gatherings 9:15am - Grades 1-5 Religious Ed 10am - JAM Program for Preschool Children 10am - RCIA/RCIC 4:30pm - Children’s Choir Monday, February 1 Beginning of Catholic Schools Week Tuesday, February 2 9:30am - Women’s Spirituality 6:30pm - Rosary Makers 7pm - Catholics Returning Home Wednesday, February 3 6am - That Man Is You Program 9:30am - Morning for Moms 6pm - Little Flowers 7pm - Adult Choir 7pm - Daniel & Ezekiel Bible Study Thursday, February 4 2:30pm - Hazel Tree Bible Study 7pm - Timeline Bible Study 7pm - Financial Peace Friday, February 5 1st Friday Adoration after Daily Mass 9am - Catholicism Series Saturday, February 6 Food Pantry Collection all Weekend Christ Renews His Parish Men’s Retreat 8am - St. Vincent DePaul Food Pantry 8:30am - Men of Christ Prayer Group Sunday, February 7 Christ Renews His Parish Men’s Retreat K of C Pancake Breakfast K of C Blood Drive 9:45am - JAM preK/K program 10am RCIA/RCIC Winter Program 1pm IMPACT 4:30pm Children’s Choir JANUARY 31, 2016 Spring CYO sports registration is now open. Spring sports are Track (3-8), Co-Ed Soccer (5-8), Baseball (7-8), Softball (7-8) and Kickball (4-8). Please go to cyoarchindy.org to register. Registration closes on February 21st. Please do not delay. Late registration may not be accepted. Help Needed Haiti Mission Next mission trip is June 18 – 25th, 2016 If you are interested in the June Haiti mission, please let me know. Deadline for registration is March 15th. If interested please email Sheila @pzielinski@iquest.net Mark Mazza representing Diocesan Publications (our Bulletin Publisher) is here. He will be renewing present advertisements and seeking new ones. If interested, please call the parish office, or you may contact Mark directly at or mmazza@diocesan.com. We feel 513-392-6768 this is an excellent service and that the sponsors get good coverage with their ads. THANKS TO YOU and DIOCESAN PUBLICATIONS, the bulletin is published weekly at no cost to the parish. ST. MALACHY PARISH CHURCH Food , Fellowship , and Fundraising The St Malachy Knights of Columbus are pleased to announce our next breakfast fundraiser will be held on Sunday, February 7th in the Shamrock Cafe from 8:30 AM till Noon. This fundraiser is aimed at providing support for the Family Promise Ministry. Family Promise is a nationwide group whose goal is to provide a path for homeless families to get a new start. The group brings together churches and social service agencies to accomplish the work that each cannot do by themselves. St Malachy's involvement in this ministry is being led by fellow parishoner Mike Nygra who is also the Director for Hendricks County Family Promise. You have no doubt seen other articles in previous bulletins that explains the mission and it's needs, and Mike Nygra expects to be at the breakfast on the 7th to provide more information and present opportunities for interested parishioners to become involved. So don’t buy any groceries for next Sunday’s family breakfast… come to the St Malachy School Cafeteria instead and enjoy a breakfast that has been lovingly cooked by a group of caring men of our parish. JANUARY 31, 2016 A Note from the Music Ministers: As a way of recognizing the Year of Mercy, the musicians will be singing a special prelude before each Mass throughout the season of Lent. The words of this piece are a prayer that we may extend mercy and compassion to those around us, and accept the loving mercy of our heavenly Father. Because the hymn cannot be found in our congregational songbooks, the lyrics are printed here. Please pray along with us this Lent. Come now, O God of second chances; open our lives to heal. Remove our hate, and melt our rage. Save us from ourselves. Come now, O God, release our demons; open our eyes to see the shame within, our guilt and pain. Mend us; make us whole. Come now, O God, and still our anger; open our minds to peace. Embrace our fear, and hold us close. Calm the storm within. Come now, O God, shake our resentment; open our way to choose the way of love over revenge. Show us a new way. Come now, O God, and grant compassion; open our hearts to love. May we let go of all our hurt. Help us to move on. Come now, O God, of second chances; may we forgive ourselves, May we become your living sign: Children of God’s love. (David Haas) We hope to see you there ! Here is the current list of OPEN hours at the Divine Mercy 24 Hour Adoration Chapel, which is located between St. Michael's and Cardinal Ritter HS off W30th St. We need new volunteers to take the responsibility of one hour of adoration EACH WEEK to fill these openings. This is WONDERFUL way to tap into the Divine Mercy in this year of Mercy! Please pray and consider if you can afford the Lord an hour of your time to keep Him company. I promise He will bless you abundantly! OPEN HOURS NEEDING A PERMANENT ADORER (can take more than one hour if you desire to remain longer) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. WEDS MIDNIGHT - 6 AM (any part of that helps) WEDS 10am - 11 am WEDS NOON - 1:00pm WEDS 4pm-5pm FRIDAYS 10pm - 11 pm This is a commitment. The Blessed Sacrament is NEVER to be If you are interested, please call or email Dyan Huey (627-2658 left alone, unattended. Please consider and pray about embracing this most efficacious devotion of Holy Mother dyanhuey@gmail.com). Church!!! School Ministry Upcoming Events February 1 — 5 February 1 “Community of Service” Students participate in service projects. February 2 “Community of History” Dress in clothes from your favorite decade. February 3 “Community of Faith” Dress in your “Sunday-best”. All-school Mass at 8:15 am. February 4 “Community of Knowledge” Dress in Spirit Wear! February 5 “Community of Family” Green and White Volleyball $1.00 Casual Day Principal— Angela Bostrom x7200 Vice Principal— Saundra Kennison x7208 St. Malachy School Spot “Learning, Loving and Living with Christ” Thank you to our students, families, alumni, and staff for a successful Open House! January 31, 2016 ST. MALACHY PARISH CHURCH February 6, 5:30 PM Annette Darrow Carol Evans Marty Feeney Larry Garetto Jacqui Huber Daniel Huber Marian Knueven Joe Knueven Steven Koch Eucharistic Ruth Lambrecht Beth Lewis Minister Leslie Miskowiec Curt Parrott Tracy Prahl Barbara Reder Kriss Streblow Mike Waters Linda Waters Katie Waters Carole Ruse - Set-up JANUARY 31, 2016 February 7, 8:00 AM February 7, 10:00 AM February 7, 12noon Gordon Becker Jerry Bessler Tammy Czerniakowski Mike Griffin Adam Jasiak Charri Vorndran Jones Colletta Kosiba Deborah McGoun Erin Roy Lauren Roy Joan Swope Leonard Swope Sherlee Wilson Ruth Dean - Set-up Carol Alvernaz Ida Andres Kim Austill Victor Breckler Ellie Copeland Jim Diagostino Cathy Flood Ellen Flood Mary Green Shannon Gruber Kyle Hassler Dawn Hostetler Marisa Hughes Diana Jacob Natalie Odier Bob Uhrick Peggy Uhrick Melissa Yetter Sheila Zielinski Dave/ Judy Gansert - Set-up Kathy Coleman Frances Denson Kevin Hinkle Trey Hunt Mark Keisler Jenna Keisler Lauren Keisler Rose Prairie Dolores Scardine Grace Smith Audry Wolfcale Erika Wolfcale Vicki Young Rich Lively - Set-up Lector Mary Feeney (1) Rob Damler (2) Mike Nygra (1) Maurice Nickels (2) Francine Breckler (1) Kevin Czerniakowski (2) Cathy Strole (1) Kathy Walton (2) Usher Jack Adams Bill Behrend Cathy Brinkerhoff Kevin Johnson Steve Johnson Mark Meunier Tommy Miskowiec Dan Ruse Michael Balensiefer Richard Griffith Vasco Kirby Bryon Meunier Dermot Nolan Mark Stanley Dennis Austill Ed Lampa Jerry Lynch Matthew Mark Michael Mark Robert Mark Jeffrey Scott William Scott Aaron Hanny Scott Hanny Roger Lanie Joseph Lanie Sophie Rasp Rachael Rasp Jill Houston Debra Northard Kathleen Ouellette Suzanne Batchelor David Warner Paul Warner Olivia Houston Kaylor Jasiak Lauren VanMeighem Pete Nygra - MC Bryce Dixon Sarah Jacob Kylie Nagy Ben Yetter - MC Michael Jasiak Chris Roberts Jamie Clark Adult Choir Tim Dobbs Jeff Miller Greeter Connie Shonk Kathryn Woods Olivia Brown Grace Gliva Altar Server Chase Johnson Jonathan Tune - MC Music Ministers Childcare Mike and Lauren Acquaviva Lauren Lawson Anna Scott Stephanie Williams and Sarah Riley Isabella Fenzel Arias MartinezBetancourt Erin Wolfcale Zoe Rasp - MC Bobbie Hanny Lauren Lawson Nichole Bernhardt Lisa Hannon Kathy Holmes Deb & Sophie Konger and Christa Dixon The Relay for Life of Brownsburg is now forming teams for the event happening May 21st at the Brownsburg Town Hall Green. If you or someone you know and love has been affected by cancer, this is an amazing opportunity to fight this horrible disease. The next meeting will be Monday, February 8th at 6:30pm at the Brownsburg Library. For more information or if you have general questions, please contact Peggy Davis of the American Cancer Society at (317) 344-7835. Faith Formation Current Upcoming Events January 31-March 26 Winter RCIA/RCIC February 2 Catholics Returning Home February 3- Lent Daniel Bible Study February 3 THAT MAN IS YOU! Program February 4 Great Adventure Timeline Study February 5- March 11 Catholicism Series January 31-March 20 Winter Religious Education February 6 and 20 Christ Renews His Parish retreat weekends (Men’s – 6th; Women’s 20th) March 5 Seder Meal March 18-20 Men’s Offsite Retreat April 15-17 Women’s Offsite Retreat Contact Information: Marian Knueven mknueven@stmalachy.org 852-3195 x7108 Jean McCorkhill jmccorkhill@stmalachy.org 852-3195 x7102 Web: stmalachy.org/church/ growing-in-the-faith ST. MALACHY PARISH CHURCH JANUARY 31, 2016 We meet on Fridays through March 11 from 9:30-11:00 AM in the Holy Family Room with coffee, snacks and conversation! The topic for Friday, February 5 is: “The Indispensable Men: Peter, Paul, and the Missionary Adventure. PARISHIONERS, please look for the children who have recently celebrated their First Reconciliation and may be wearing a green ribbon with gold crosses around their necks. You are encouraged to congratulate these students on celebrating their First Reconciliation. In addition, we ask you to pray for them as they prepare to receive their First Holy Communion after Easter. Winter Religious Education Classes continues to meet on the following dates: TODAY!; February 28th; FIRST HOLY March 13th, COMMUNION 20th from 9:15Please mark 11:45 AM at St. these Malachy important School. dates on your calendar: February 28-Blessing Cup Meal; 1:30pm School Gym March 14– First Communion Pictures 6:30pm Church JAM Class April 18– First Communion (Jesus and Me). Practice 6-7pm for April 23 Classes have Mass; 7:15-8:15pm for April begun!: You may reg24 Mass ister onlinehttp://www.stmalachy.org/sunday-pre-kk-religiouseducation-program/ This program is offered at no charge, but we ask for regular attendance as books must be purchased. Where: St. Malachy School When: January 31; February 7, 14, 21, 28; March 6, 13, 20; April 3, 10, 17, 24; May 1, 8, 15, 22 during the 10am Mass with drop off beginning at 9:45am. Please contact Jean McCorkhill 317-504-0149 or jmccorkhill@stmalachy.org, Megan Hassler 317-614-5288 or megan.hassler@gmail.com, or Tiffany Stahl 317-797-6886 or tstahl17@yahoo.com for more information or questions. ST. MALACHY PARISH CHURCH JANUARY 31, 2016 Seder Meal, March 5, 7 PM, Shamrock Café The Jewish Seder Meal is the root of our Catholic Mass. Passover celebrates the liberation of the Israelite people from slavery. Its story is told in Exodus, chapters 12 and following. Today, the Passover meal still commemorates this event and the covenant that God made with his people. The Seder (or "Passover Meal") is a fun yet solemn way to gain more understanding of the beginnings of our faith. Its rituals are very important to our faith and should be experienced at least once in every Christian's life, because Jesus took it very seriously. It was at his "last Seder" ("Last Supper") that he instituted the Sacrament of the Eucharist. We use unleavened bread during the Mass because only un-leavened bread (matzo) is allowed at the Seder in honor of what happened in the historic Passover event. And the wine, which during the consecration prayers of Mass becomes the blood of Jesus, has always been an integral part of the Seder. The Seder is a meal of remembrance and thanksgiving, and our word "Eucharist" comes from the Greek word for giving thanks. Tickets are $20; you can purchase online at http://www.stmalachy.org/seder-meal-registration/or stop by the parish office. Last year’s Seder Meal was a sellout celebration, so please purchase tickets early! All parishioners and guests are welcome to come to one, many or all of the RCIA sessions. We meet weekly from 10:00-11:30 am in the St. Malachy Holy Family Room on Sundays through March 20. Please join Denny Edmonds next Sunday, February 7 as he shares 2,000 years of Church History in less than 90 minutes! Daniel and Ezekiel Bible Study Continuing this Wednesday, Father Vince invites you to continue studying the Word of God on Wednesdays from 7-8 pm as he shall lead us through the book of Daniel. BYOB: Bring Your Own Bible! All are welcome to one, all or as many sessions as your time and interest allows! No registration is requested! The next Christ Renews His Parish retreats are planned for the following dates: Men’s retreat will take place February 5-6 Women’s retreat will take place February 20-21. The retreats take place at St. Malachy School and there is no cost to the participants. If you are interested in growing closer to Jesus and meeting other parishioners, please plan to participate. Registration forms are available at the parish office. Watch for your 2015 Contribution Statements in your email box or mailbox! Youth Youth Ministry Ministry Upcoming Events ST. MALACHY PARISH CHURCH JANUARY 24, 2016 Vigil for Life — Thursday, January 21, at 6 pm many of our youth and families climbed aboard the bus and attended the prayer service at Ss. Peter & Paul Cathedral. Archbishop Tobin was the keynote speaker and Matt Faley and group provided the music. Middle School Feb 21 Gathering 6:30-8 pm School IMPACT February 21 Gathering 1-3 pm Holy Family Room Confirmation Jan 31 Gathering 6:30-8 pm School Feb 6 ArchIndy Retreat* Camp Rancho Framasa Feb 14 Fr. Dave’s Explanation of the Mass Church Feb 20 Retreat* Holy Family Room Archdiocese Programs High School Senior Retreat* Feb 12-15, 2016 Camp Rancho Framasa Feb 28, 2016 Contact Information: Mary Myers Parish Ministry Assistant mmyers@stmalachy.org 852-3195 x7107 Twitter: @StMalachyYM Facebook: St.MalachyYM Web: stmalachy.org/church/ growing-in-the-faith/youth *Require registration Beggars for the Poor — Many thanks to the wonderful, generous and caring individuals who shopped, cooked, and extended a loving hand and a smile to those in need. St. Malachy’s next scheduled time to serve is April 30th. Please mark your calendars. Confirmation Candidates Checklist Confirmation Info Sheet — Due 12/2015 Reflection #1 Why — Due 11/2015 Reflection #2 Relationship — Due 1/2016 Reflection #3 Interview — Due 2/2016 Reflection #4 Confirmation Name — Due 4/2016 or as soon at determined. Retreat — If not already attended, options are 2/6 at Camp Rancho Framasa, 2/20 or 3/5 at St. Malachy Service Hours — Due5/2016 Youth Ministry Parents’ Checklist Attend Sunday and Holy Day of Obligation Masses with your child(ren). Encourage (prod as needed) your child(ren) to complete the necessary requirements for their continued faith formation. Make attendance of Faith Formation gatherings a priority. Make payment for your child(ren)'s program fees, if able.
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