Epiphany of Our Lord Church


Epiphany of Our Lord Church
Epiphany of Our Lord Church
March 10, 2013
Epiphany of Our Lord Church - February 17, 2013 Page 1
How Is a New Pope Chosen?
When a pope dies or resigns, the governance of the Catholic Church passes to the College of
Cardinals. Cardinals are bishops and Vatican officials from all over the world, personally
chosen by the pope, recognizable by their distinctive red vestments. Their primary responsibility
is to elect a new pope.
Following a vacancy in the papacy, the cardinals hold a series of meetings at the Vatican
called general congregations. They discuss the needs and the challenges facing the Catholic
Church globally. They will also prepare for the upcoming papal election, called a conclave.
Decisions that only the pope can make, such as appointing a bishop or convening the Synod of
Bishops, must wait till after the election. In the past, they made arrangements for the funeral
and burial of the deceased pope.
In the past, 15 to 20 days after a papal vacancy, the cardinals gathered in St. Peter's
Basilica for a Mass invoking the guidance of the Holy Spirit in electing a new pope. Only
cardinals under the age of 80 are eligible to vote in a conclave. They are known as the
cardinal electors, and their number is limited to 120. For the conclave itself, the cardinal
electors process to the Sistine Chapel and take an oath of absolute secrecy before sealing the
The cardinals vote by secret ballot, processing one by one up to Michelangelo's fresco of the
Last Judgment, saying a prayer and dropping the twice-folded ballot in a large chalice. Four
rounds of balloting are taken every day until a candidate receives two-thirds of the vote. The
result of each ballot are counted aloud and recorded by three cardinals designated as recorders.
If no one receives the necessary two-thirds of the vote, the ballots are burned in a stove near the
chapel with a mixture of chemicals to produce black smoke.
When a cardinal receives the necessary two-thirds vote, the dean of the College of Cardinals
asks him if he accepts his election. If he accepts, he chooses a papal name and is dressed in papal
vestments before processing out to the balcony of St. Peter's Basilica. The ballots of the final
round are burned with chemicals producing white smoke to signal to the world the election of
a new pope.
The senior cardinal deacon, currently French Cardinal Jean-Louis Tauran, announces from
the balcony of St. Peter's "Habemus Papam" ("We have a pope") before the new pope processes
out and imparts his blessing on the city of Rome and the entire world.
Epiphany of Our Lord Church - February 17, 2013 Page 2
A Reflection on Lent
EOL Youth Ministry
“During Lent, penance should not be
only internal and individual but also
external and social. The practice of
penance should be fostered according
to the possibilities of the present day
and of a given area, as well as of
individual circumstances.
In any event, let the paschal fast be
kept sacred. It should be observed
everywhere on Good Friday and,
where possible, prolonged throughout Holy Saturday, so
that the joys of the Sunday of the resurrection may be
visited on uplifted and responsive spirits” (Constitution
on the Sacred Liturgy, 110).
Do you have white or red Confirmation robes in
your closet or stuffed in a drawer that you will never use
Would you be willing to donate to a parish that
does not have funds for robes? If it's a yes, bring them to
Church this weekend, Mar. 9-10.
There will be a box in the vestibule to drop them off.
EOL Youth Ministry will take care of folding and
packaging those robes and giving them to those
Confirmation Candidates that can't afford to buy them.
Lenten Schedule
Those who are planning to attend this summer to
rebuild after Hurricane Sandy must hand in a $200
deposit asap. Checks payable to Corpus Christi Parish.
Lenten Masses
Feb. 14 – Mar. 27
Monday through Saturday 8:30 A.M.
Stations of the Cross
Thursdays, Feb. 14 – Mar. 21
7 P.M. (Parish)
Fridays, Feb. 15-Mar. 22
1:45 P.M. (School Children)
Lenten Confessions
Wednesdays, Feb. 20 – Mar. 27
7 P.M. – 8 P.M.
No Confessions onHoly Saturday Mar. 30
Morning Prayer
During Lent, the daily recitation of the Rosary will
begin at 7:50 a.m. followed by Morning Prayer from the
Liturgy of the Hours and Mass at 8:30 a.m.
Lent is Our Time of Preparation
Make a Lenten Plan
including prayer, fasting,
and almsgiving.
set aside a time each week
for prayer and reflection
consider what you
will give up for Lent
set a goal for your
CRS Rice Bowl offering
High School and Junior High Youth Groups
Sixth to 12th graders are invited to come to a Saint
Patrick's Party next Sunday, Mar. 17, from 7-9 p.m. in
the parish center. Wear green for an extra raffle chance.
Catholic Heart Work Camp
In Need of Prayers?
Know Someone Who Does?
There are two life changing trips that the youth group
will be participating in this summer. The youth will
promise to pray for you and your intentions while on
these pilgrimages. Donations for any amount will put
you and your intentions on the prayer list. Please
consider contributing to the spiritual welfare of the
youth of our parish this LENT.
Put cash or checks
payable to Epiphany of Our Lord Parish in an envelope
Attn: Toto on the front. Make sure you put your name
and information as well as your intentions with the
donation. The youth group is offering FREE
ADVERTISEMENT on the back of their t-shirts for any
donors with businesses.
Religious Education Program (REP) Registration
Registration for REP 2013-14 for grades 1-6 will begin
on Monday, Mar. 11, with an open registration in the
school gym from 7-7:45 p.m.
Registration and
payment are due by Monday, Apr. 15.
must be registered in the parish to participate in REP, or
have permission from the parish in which the family is
registered. Please contact the rectory if you need to
register in the parish.
A Baptismal Certificate is
required for all new students. New families registering
for the first time will need to attend a new family parent
meeting on Thursday, Sept. 5. Visit the website for
registration forms and more information:
Contact Stephanie
Quigley at (215) 367-5853 with any questions or
Epiphany 55 Club
NOTICE: We are moving our meetings to St. Titus
auditorium beginning Tuesday, Mar. 12, at 11 a.m.
Board will meet at 10 a.m. Chick Fil-A will be served.
Epiphany of Our Lord Church - February 17, 2013 Page 3
Monthly Vigil for life
This vigil will start with Mass on Saturday, Mar. 16,
at 7 a.m. at St. John Evangelist Church, 13th and Market
Sts., Philadelphia, followed by clergy-led prayerful
presence at a nearby abortion center. Participants pray
the rosary for the unborn. Sponsored by The Helpers of
God's precious Infants. We will carpool from the
Epiphany parking lot leaving at 6:15 a.m. and returning
shortly after 10 a.m. Questions, please contact Bernie
Toth at (610) 279-2788.
Food Drive for Food Cupboard
The next food drive collection will take place before
and after all Masses on the weekend of Mar. 16.-17.
Unlike previous years, we will not be handing out bags
the previous weekend. Contributions of bagged nonperishable food items will be greatly appreciated. Find
us in the church parking lot—car trunks open. This year
the need is grater than ever due to drastic cuts in
government aid, and the number of families needing
support continues to grow.
For further information,
contact SON Committee member Ray Marcil at (610) 2773391.
Most Rev. Louis A. DeSimone, Auxiliary Bishop
Emeritus of Philadelphia, will administer the sacrament of
Confirmation on Tuesday, Mar. 19, at 4 p.m.
Day of Recollection
You are invited to a half Day of Recollection on
Saturday, Mar. 16, at St. Genevieve Parish on
Bethlehem Pike in Flourtown.
Norbertine Father
Domenic Rossi, O.Praem., Founder and Director of
Bethesda Project, will preside at 8:30 a.m. Mass. The
homily, Does God Still Speak To Us? will be followed by
two talks, also by Father Rossi—Encountering Jesus In The
Midst Of Human Brokenness, and Learning To Listen To
God’s Whispers. The service will end at 11:30 a.m. Further
information may be found in flyers on your parish’s
bulletin board or by calling Joe Manta at (215) 353-7577.
Spiritual Baby Shower
The Respect Life
committee is continuing its
annual Spiritual Baby Shower
the weekends of Apr. 13-14
and Apr. 20-21. We will
collect the gifts the weekend
of Apr. 27-28. Baskets containing colorful Easter
eggs will be at the church doors as well as in the
vestibule. Enclosed in the eggs are gift suggestions.
Please do not wrap gifts. All financial gifts should be
placed in an envelope. Checks may be made payable
to Respect Life Epiphany of Our Lord.
Bereavement Support
For those grieving the death of a loved one, Mercy
Suburban Hospital is offering a session on Thursday,
Mar. 21, at 6 p.m. If interested, call Sister Joan at (610)
292-6829. Sister Maureen Roe, RSM, Outreach Activities
Knights of Columbus &
Capt’n Chucky’s
The Captain Chucky’s order forms
are available at the doors of the church
today! Please help us with this great
Order by Thursday, Mar. 21, and pick up your food
on Friday, Mar. 29, just in time to impress your family
and friends at Easter dinner or anytime.
Epiphany Knights of Columbus recently donated
statues, crucifixes and American flags to Holy Rosary
Regional School to promote a religious environment for
our students. We sponsor seminarians at Saint Charles,
help the local nuns with their Christmas party and
donate to many other Catholic charities. Please help us
continue our charitable work by participating in this
great fundraiser. Captain Chucky’s has great seafood and
it is all fresh. All of the information is on the order
form. Contact Frank McCreesh (610) 322-7119, Steve
Charnitski (215) 317-8412, or Eric Trefz (856) 465-2366
for additional information. Thank you for your support.
Giver of Life-Donate Blood
Our next parish Blood Drive will be
held Friday, Apr. 19, from 2-7 p.m. in
Grady Hall. All who are able (at least 17
years old, weigh 110 pounds or more, and
are healthy) are encouraged to donate
blood frequently (56 days minimum
between donations). If you have specific questions about
your eligibility, you may call the Red Cross toll free at 1800-GIVE LIFE. If you have been told that you are anemic
(low iron) you can increase your red cell count by eating
more high-iron foods such as red meat, fish, poultry,
liver, iron-fortified cereals, beans, raisins, and prunes.
Epiphany of Our Lord Church
Blood Drive - Friday, Apr. 19
2-7 p.m. – Grady Hall
Please place in the collection basket or
return to the rectory.
Phone No.
Address: __________________________________
Preferred time: _____________________________
Please bring some form of I.D.
Bernie Toth (610)
Epiphany of Our Lord Church - February 17, 2013 Page 4
From the Pastor
The priests of Pastoral
Planning Area (PPA) 430 met
25 October 2012 with
Monsignor Joseph J. Nicolo,
pastor of St. Helena Church,
Blue Bell, and Dean of
Western Montgomery
County, to commence
dialogue as directed by
Monsignor Arthur E. Rodgers, Coordinator of
Archdiocesan Planning Initiatives, in his 13 September
2012 memorandum to priests of the Archdiocese of
“Beginning Sept. 18, seven Pastoral Planning
Areas will begin detailed studies evaluating the
parishes in order to establish long-term viable
parishes within the area of study,” Monsignor
Rodgers wrote.
In addition, Parish Planning Area 430 “will begin
a dialogue to evaluate the future viability of the
stable parishes looking forward to 2020,” the
memorandum concluded.
“The purpose of restructuring and dialogue is
to establish viable parishes which will be better
able to carry out their mission of evangelization,”
according to Monsignor Rodgers.
On Oct. 25, at our first meeting, we priests of
PPA 430 discussed Pre-Cana Groups, Youth
Ministers and Youth Ministry, the use of vacant
parish buildings, and informing the Dean of any
Mass schedule changes that may need to take
place in the future.
On Mar. 13, we priests will discuss topics
suggested by our respective Parish Pastoral
The parishes of Pastoral Planning Area 430 are:
St. Helena - Blue Bell
St. Maria Goretti - Hatfield
St. Stanislaus - Lansdale
Epiphany of Our Lord - Plymouth Meeting
Mary, Mother of the Redeemer - North Wales
St. Rose of Lima - North Wales
Corpus Christi - Lansdale
Holy Rosary Regional School
Lenten Friday Family Pizza
Friday, Mar. 15 at
Chuck E. Cheese in
Montgomeryville from 3-9 p.
m. Holy Rosary will get 15%
of ALL proceeds, including
token sales. No coupon
necessary. Just come in and mention you are there to
support Holy Rosary Regional School.
MaGerks Adult Social
Saturday, Mar. 23
Time is running out to get your discounted tickets
to this all you can eat, fun filled evening with a live band
and exciting guest bartenders. Tickets are only $25
each if you purchase prior to Mar. 15 and $35
thereafter. Don't miss out on this opportunity to
further get to know one another.
For ticket
information please contact Jen Fuchs at (267) 2052358.
Ladies Basket Bingo and Home Business
Ladies save the Date! Friday, Apr. 26. Come play
ten games of Bingo where every prize basket will be
worth more than $100 with a fantastic theme. Shop for
products and book parties from over 15 vendors like
Tastefully Simple, Pampered Chef, and Silpada. A
number of raffles to be won as well. Flat screen TV
door prize. Bring your gold, silver, and platinum items
you no longer wear or use since WE BUY GOLD has
promised to offer you top dollar. Advanced Tickets
$25. $30 at the Door. Coffee/Tea and light desserts
included. Bring Your Own Cocktails. Doors open at
6:30 p.m. Games start at 7:30. p.m.
Read one-on-one with Holy Rosary students
We invite retired, senior-citizen, and interested
parishioners to come to the school on a weekly basis
to read one-on-one with Holy Rosary students in
grades one through three. Studies show that students
benefit greatly when they have the chance to both read
to and be read to on a one-on-one basis.
Volunteers do need to have a Pennsylvania Criminal
Record Check and Child Abuse History Clearance.
Holy Rosary staff will assist volunteers with the
clearance process.
If you are interested, please contact Lisa Moran in
the Holy Rosary Regional School office at
lmoran@holyrosaryregional.com, (610) 825-0160.
Epiphany of Our Lord Church - February 17, 2013 Page 5
Monday, Mar. 11
8:30 A.M. – Audrey Reinhart
16th Anniversary
Tuesday, Mar. 12
8:30 A.M. – Jack & Kathleen Minutella
Wednesday, Mar. 13
8:30 A.M. – Antoinette Rosselli Myers
Respect Life Rose
Is for the intention of
Celia V. Landero
Mario Landero
Birthday Memory
This rose will remain on the
Altar in front of
The Blessed Mother
Thursday, Mar. 14
8:30 A.M. – Joseph Lashinger
Friday, Mar. 15
8:30 A.M. – Kathy Sincavage
We welcome to our parish family
Abigail June Sebeck
Saturday, Mar. 16
8:30 A.M. – The Barton Family
Baptized Mar. 3
Living & deceased members
Church in Africa Appeal
Our annual appeal for the Church in Africa will be taken
up next weekend, Mar. 16-17.
This Pastoral Solidarity Fund assists in the delivery of
basic pastoral care which includes religious education,
seminary formation and youth ministry. It also supports
important projects such as pastoral care for the sick. It
will not duplicate the humanitarian or development
assistance provided by Catholic Relief Services.
Lord, We pray
for the safety of
our troops !
Stewardship is a way of life.
Tithing is God’s Plan for Giving.
This Week’s Tithe
$ 18,639
Last Year’s Tithe
$ 13,023
Children's Tithe
From the Pastor:
The Fourth Sunday of Lent is traditionally known
as Laetare (“Rejoice”) Sunday, so-called from the first
word of entrance antiphon. Laetare, taken from the
Latin translation of Is 66:10-11, sets a tone of joyful
anticipation of the Easter mystery, as does the
permitted use of rose-colored vestments.
From the Children:
I helped unpack boxes. I was patient to my parents. I
cared for my pet.
Church in Europe Appeal
$ 1,208
Please remember in
your prayers
Jane Martin
Who died Feb. 27
Mother of Larry Martin
Terri Schiavo Memorial Mass
Archbishop Chaput will celebrate a second
anniversary Memorial Mass for Terri Schiavo on Friday,
Apr. 5, at 5 p.m. at the Cathedral Basilica of SS. Peter and
The Terri Schiavo Life and Hope Network will hold
its first award Gala at the Marriott Downtown,
immediately following Mass. Speakers include Father
Frank Pavone, director of Priests for Life, and Sarah Palin.
For more information, view the website at
www.lifeandhope.com, or call Mary Foley at (484) 2784287.
Please Pray For The Sick
Peter Anthony
Joan Gibson*
Mary Givings
Joseph Hreha
Bill Keenan*
Mary Lauer
Hellen Miller*
Michael O’Kane
Anthony Pellechio*
Pat Reiff*
Joseph Rozecki
Gloria Wasco Schiavone
If you wish to have your family member on the prayer list,
please call Lydia Hayward at (610) 828-8634 or email
lydiahayward@comcast.net with your request.
Epiphany of Our Lord Church - February 17, 2013 Page 6
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Epiphany of Our Lord Church
3050 Walton Road, Plymouth Meeting, Pennsylvania 19462
Phone: (610) 828-8634 Fax: (610) 828-1802
♦E-Mail: epiphanych@comcast.net -♦www.epiphanyofourlord.com
Pastoral Staff
Rev. Joseph J. Quindlen, Pastor
Rev. James J. Kelly, In Residence (Retired)
Permanent Deacons
Kenneth P. Clancy, Emil J. Wernert, Michael Pascarella, Jr.
William R. Radetzky (Retired), Joel M. Ziff, (Retired)
Saturday: 3:30-4:30 p.m. and by appointment
Wednesday during Lent: 7-8 p.m.
Parish Staff
Paris A. DiPietro: Business Manager
Constance M. Steuer: Director of Music
Lydia Hayward: Business Secretary
Anthony R. Mashaintonio: Maintenance Supervisor
John F. Phipps: Church Sacristan; Cecilia T. Dadario &
JoAnn O’Connor: Administrative Assistants
Holy Rosary Regional Catholic School
Lisa S. Hoban: Principal, (610) 825-0160
E-mail: lhoban@holyrosaryregional.com
Beth Sheldon, Administrative Assistant
Office of Religious Education
Stephanie Quigley, Coordinator, part-time,
Nicole Zimmerman, Adm. Assistant, part-time
www.epiphanyofourlord.com (215) 367-5853
E-mail: rep@eol.comcastbiz.net
Office of Youth Ministry
Gail Toto, Coordinator, part-time (610) 943-6627)
Perpetual Adoration Chapel
In order to keep our Perpetual Adoration
Chapel open 24/7, we need your help. Please ASK
a family member or friend to consider spending
time with our Eucharistic Lord Jesus. You can
come to HIM, to praise and adore HIM or to pour
out one’s heart to HIM, to ask for inspiration, to be
consoled and comforted, to ask for favors and guidance, and to
give thanks. If you can commit to any of these times, please
call Elaine Thorpe at (610) 828-6925.
SUNDAY: 12-1PM, 1-2PM, 3-4PM, 8-9PM
MONDAY: 5-6AM, 11AM-12PM, 11PM-12:30AM
TUESDAY: 5-6AM, 4-5PM, 12:30-2AM, 2-3:30AM,
WEDNESDAY:5-6 AM, 4-5 PM, 5-6 PM, 11PM-12:30AM,
12:30-2AM, 2-3:30AM, 3:30-5AM
THURSDAY:5-6 AM, 11-12 PM, 6-7PM, 7-8PM, 10-11PM
FRIDAY: 5-6AM, 7-8PM, 9-10PM, 10-11PM, 3:30-5AM
SATURDAY:11-12PM, 12-1PM, 1-2PM,
3-4PM, 9-10PM, 2-3:30AM, 3:30-5AM
5 p.m. Vigil
(fulfills the Sunday Obligation)
7:30 a.m., 9:30 a.m., & 11:30 a.m.
8:30 a.m. Monday to Saturday
Vigil at 7 p.m., 8:30 a.m., 12 & 7 p.m.
8:30 a.m. - 8:30 p.m.
8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Closed for lunch: 12 p. m. - 1 p.m.
9 a.m. - 1 p.m.
9 a.m. - 1 p.m.
A mail slot is located in the rectory front door.
To register in the parish, arrange
for a baptism, or request a
Certificate of Eligibility for
sponsorship at baptism or
confirmation, contact the rectory Monday through Friday,
8:30 a.m. to 12 p.m. and 1 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. (email is
preferable). Also, please advise our office of any change of
address, telephone number or family status. Thank you.
Baptisms are celebrated after the
11:30 a.m. Mass every Sunday, with the
option of baptism during the 11:30 a.m.
Mass on the fifth Sunday of the month.
Both parents must attend a Pre-Jordan
class, which is held the first Wednesday
of every month. Pre-Registration for
the class is required by contacting the
rectory. Sponsors are required to submit a Certificate of
Eligibility from their parish two weeks prior to the baptism.
Notify the priest of your
intention to marry at least six
months before the date of the
wedding to assure sufficient
preparation and to arrange for Pre
-Cana sessions. Pre-Cana Days are
held in April and October.
First Saturday of the month during 8:30 a.m. Mass or by
special request. Please notify the rectory as soon as
possible when any parishioner becomes seriously ill or is
admitted to the hospital.
After 8:30 am Mass every Saturday
Epiphany of Our Lord Church - February 17, 2013 Page 7