TNT CEO Vacancy - Nazareth Trust • nazareth trust
TNT CEO Vacancy - Nazareth Trust • nazareth trust
THE NAZARETH TRUST CHIEF EXECUTIVE RECRUITMENT CANDIDATE BRIEF WWW.NAZARETHTRUST.ORG HEALING IN THE NAME OF JESUS SINCE 1861 - AT THE HEART OF CHRISTIANITY INTRODUCTION FOr OvEr 150 yEArS JESUS’ HOME TOwN HAS SEEN THE rEMArkAbLE UNFOLdING OF A STOry OF qUIET, EFFECTIvE ANd prACTICAL SErvICE TO ANyONE IN NEEd. HISTORY The Nazareth Hospital was started in 1861 by Dr Kaloost Vartan, Dr. Vartan was an Armenian who had grown up in Constantinople (Istanbul), received his medical training in Edinburgh, and was supported by the Edinburgh Medical Missionary Society (EMMS) which was founded in 1841. Immediately after graduation Dr Vartan left for the Middle East and eventually settled in Nazareth where he established a clinic which included a 4-bed hospital ‘ward’. At the time this was the only hospital, and Dr Vartan the only registered physician, between Jerusalem and Beirut. In 1866 the Directors of EMMS agreed to take on the support of the work in Nazareth, a commitment that continues to the present day. The history of the Hospital and its Nursing School is interwoven with periods of international conflict, social upheaval and political change. Throughout all of this the work has experienced God’s grace, protection and provision. In 2000 EMMS reorganised as two separate charities - EMMS International, which supports a range of healthcare projects in Africa, India and Nepal, and EMMS Nazareth, which owns, operates and supports the expanding work of the hospital and allied ministries in Nazareth. EMMS Nazareth, which operates under the name The Nazareth Trust, is a registered Scottish company (SC225661) and charity (SC032510) and is also registered in Israel as a foreign owned company and not-for-profit organisation (No:560019945). CONTEXT Nazareth lies in the Galilee region in the north of the modern-day State of Israel. Following World War II, United Nations’ proposals for the division of Palestine suggested that three areas - Gaza, the West Bank of the Jordan and a northern enclave abutting on Lebanon and including Nazareth - should be under Palestinian Arab rule with the remaining territory constituting the new State of Israel. These proposals were overtaken by the First Arab Israeli war (1948), and while the West Bank and Gaza remained under Arab rule, the northern enclave was incorporated into Israel. As a result Nazareth and the surrounding region are home to the main concentration of Palestinian Arabs with Israeli citizenship. Nazareth is a rapidly growing city that has doubled its population to around 80,000 in the last 40 years. The demographic has also shifted from a predominantly Arab Christian community to the present pattern where around 70% of the local population are Arab Muslim. In addition, the more recently established town of Nazareth Illit is predominantly Jewish. These changes are reflected in the demographics of the staff and service-users of the Trust. NAZARETH TRUST CEO APPLICATION PACK APRIL 2015 02 VISION In and through the name of Jesus of Nazareth we aim to: n Be known globally as a place where peace and reconciliation, possible through Jesus, become a reality – in families, in work teams, across communities and across the country. n Be recognized as a hospital which provides healing through excellence in the quality of holistic care, value for money, integrated local services and effective outreach to the surrounding area. n Be a place of learning and personal development where all staff are encouraged to reach their full potential. n Provide a Christian volunteer programme, known for its quality, with an extended network of alumni who will be advocates for the work of the Trust across the world. n Attract and retain talented professionals, and encourage all staff to give their best in the furtherance of the overall mission of the Trust. SERVICES The Nazareth Trust (the Trust) incorporates four distinct but interrelated activities. n n n n the Nazareth Hospital EMMS (NHE), the School of Nursing (SoN), SERVE Nazareth. the Nazareth Village - all based on an extensive site overlooking the main town to which the hospital moved in 1911. In addition The Trust maintains a Head Office in the UK. THE HOSPITAL The NHE operates as a private ‘not for profit’ organization, and regional general hospital operating within the Israeli healthcare system. It has 146 beds, around 500 staff, offers 24 hour emergency access and provides a wide range of services including medicine, surgery, maternity, paediatrics, psychiatry and intensive care. There is a busy renal dialysis service, a neonatal unit and a recently opened (2014) cardiac catheterisation suite. The hospital, which is affiliated with the Bar Ilan medical school, maintains education, training and research programmes and takes an active role in regional and national healthcare programmes and activities. For much of its history the NHE operated as a traditional ‘mission’ hospital with most senior posts being occupied by short or long-term expatriate staff. Changes in the regulatory arrangements within Israel over recent decades significantly limit such arrangements and the hospital is now staffed by recruitment within Israel, largely from the local Palestinian Arab community. The hospital has always made its services available, where needed, to the relatively underprivileged Palestinian population of the neighbouring northern West Bank. In the last year regular medical ‘outreach’ clinics have been undertaken to a specific area of the West Bank, in the field of primary care paediatrics. It is hoped this work will develop further. SCHOOL OF NURSING The School of Nursing was established in 1924, the only Arab Nursing School in Israel. Today more than 200 Jewish and Arab students are being trained. The School has a strong record of academic excellence as reflected in its students’ performance in national examinations. SERVE NAZARETH Set up in 2010, SERVE is a ministry which facilitates short and longer-term volunteers from around the world to engage with local ministries both within and beyond the Trust’s activities. Its emphasis is not simply on the placement and organisation of voluntary activity but on providing a formative personal and faith development experience for volunteers. NAZARETH TRUST CEO APPLICATION PACK APRIL 2015 03 THE NAZARETH VILLAGE Following the retrieval of 1st Century archaeological remains found on an unused area of the Trust’s campus, the Nazareth Village opened in 2000 as an authentic recreation of local life in the time of Jesus. It is now regularly visited by tour groups and local schools. The Village was enabled, funded and run by dedicated charities in the USA and Israel but management has very recently been passed to the Trust (2015). HEAD OFFICE The Trust’s Head Office is based in the UK and has a staff of three in addition to the current CEO. This team support various aspects of the work in Nazareth, facilitate the work of the Trust Board and have an active role in encouraging donation and prayer support, principally in the UK. GOVERNANCE The Trust is constituted as a Christian charity. Its primary objective, as expressed in the Memorandum of Association under the Companies Acts, is “THE RELIEF OF SICKNESS, POVERTY OR SUFFERING BY THE ESTABLISHMENT, MAINTENANCE ETC OF MEDICAL MISSIONS IN ACCORDANCE WITH CHRISTIAN PRINCIPLES AND IN CONFORMITY WITH CHRIST’S OWN ExAMPLE AND COMMAND “HEAL THE SICK, AND SAY TO THEM, ‘THE KINGDOM OF GOD IS COME NIGH TO YOU IN ISRAEL AND/OR ELSEWHERE.” Oversight of the Trust resides with a duly constituted Board of Trustees who are appointed for three year terms with the potential for serving up to three consecutive terms. The current Board comprises nine members who represent a range of professional backgrounds and are based either in the UK, USA or Israel. The Board meets three or four times per annum, either in Nazareth or the UK. FINANCE The School of Nursing, SERVE and the Nazareth Village are principally resourced through income from their respective service users. The NHE operates within the Israeli health service which is essentially funded through taxation and free at the point of delivery. Ministry of Health funding is distributed to four healthcare organisations (Kopat Holim) with whom the NHE makes individual activity-based contractual agreements. A few services, particularly maternity and psychiatry, are funded directly without these contractual arrangements. The Trust also benefits from, and depends on, the support of a range of individual and organisational donors, principally in the UK, USA and Israel. The total turnover of the Trust (excluding Nazareth Village) for the year ended 31 December 2014 was NIS 157m (approximately £27m). Some 97% of this income comes from the provision of clinical services with the balance from nursing student fees, donations and other sources. The national healthcare budget in Israel, as in most developed countries, has not kept pace with increased demand and rising costs and as a result the financial position of the NHE is under significant pressure. In 2014 total operating costs exceeded income with the result that a small operating deficit was reported. NAZARETH TRUST CEO APPLICATION PACK APRIL 2015 04 THE KEY CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES AHEAD ACAdEMISATION OF NUrSE EdUCATION Israel is moving towards requiring all newly registered nurses to have a primary degree. The SoN cannot independently achieve degree-granting status and in order to sustain its current programme would require some pattern of affiliation with a larger college or university, a move that would potentially involve transfer of oversight of the SoN and the consequent loss of its explicit Christian ethos. Active discussions are underway regarding potential academic partners; the nature of the relationship that might be agreed with such partners and the possibility of alternative approaches such as the provision of transition nursing courses for students with existing primary degree qualifications. FINANCE AND FUND-RAISING The NHE financial settlements are tightly negotiated and securing funds for the replacement and addition of equipment and the development of the hospital estate is a constant challenge. The Trust therefore has a significant dependence on donor support and there is a recognised imperative to enhance current fund-raising strategies, both in regard to direct donations and the development and consolidation of links with partner organisations supportive of the Trust’s activities. The Trust is currently working towards International Aid Agency status which, it is hoped, will give access to new sources of funding. ORGANISATIONAL CHANGE Following its recent transition there is a requirement to consolidate the management and activities of the Nazareth Village into the work of the Trust. The NHE is currently moving to a devolved management structure based on clinical ‘Divisions’ (Directorates in the UK). This represents a significant change with regard to staff and financial governance, policy-making and strategic decision-making. ACCREDITATION In keeping with other Israeli hospitals the NHE is currently pursuing JCI accreditation. This involves an extensive and time-consuming review of policies, practices and services. This has, and will continue to have, organisational and cost implications, at least into 2016. CHRISTIAN WITNESS The Trust operates in a complex cultural, political and regulatory environment with constraints, particularly in regard to the NHE and the SoN, regarding activities which may be seen as proselytising. The SERVE programme, the Nazareth Village and the NHE chaplaincy services offer opportunities for explicit expression of belief but there is a recognised challenge to find enhanced, credible approaches to demonstrate the Christian gospel, and to enhance and maintain the Christian ethos of the work. The recent (2015) appointment of a Spiritual Director is, in part, intended to support such efforts. SERVICE DEVELOPMENT There are a number of areas of actual and potential service development in the immediate future: n n n n extension of existing outreach work within the West Bank; increased cooperation with the other two hospitals in Nazareth (both run by Catholic orders and smaller than NHE); enhanced paediatric services in partnership with CURE International. The Trust is also exploring a long-term capital investment programme, along with partner organisations, to enhance the Nazareth Village facilities and extend the existing hospital buildings. NAZARETH TRUST CEO APPLICATION PACK APRIL 2015 05 JOB DESCRIPTION JOB TITLE - CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER – The Nazareth Trust (TNT) OVERALL JOB PURPOSE To provide effective and Godly leadership in the development and delivery of an agreed strategy and the organisational objectives for the Trust and its various ministries (The Nazareth Hospital, the School of Nursing, SERVE Nazareth and the Nazareth Village). LOCATION Nazareth, Israel. The CEO may choose to live anywhere within a reasonable commuting distance of Nazareth and will need to travel internationally on a regular basis. KEY RELATIONSHIPS Accountable to the Board of Trustees and line managed by the Chair of Trustees. Line manages Executive staff team in Israel (currently 6 people) and staff team in the UK office (3 people). Government and key health care leaders both within the Nazareth and Galilee area and nationally. Community and faith group leaders locally and nationally. Leaders of key Christian organisations and major churches who have an interest in the Arab world, health care provision and the maintaining of Christian witness in Israel. The Scottish Charities regulator (OSCR) and other statutory bodies both in the UK and Israel as required. Key supporters both locally and internationally. KEY RESPONSIBILITY AREA 1. SpIrITUAL LEAdErSHIp - To provide spiritual leadership, together with the Spiritual Director, for the Executive team and the wider Trust by personally living out the Trust’s statement of faith and values. - To enhance and maintain the Christian ethos of the work. - To develop the Christian witness of the Trust particularly within the local community and in conjunction with partner organisations and churches. - To represent the Trust as appropriate at Christian network events/conferences and to profile its work. 2. STrATEGIC LEAdErSHIp - To lead the Trust with vision and integrity, setting a clear direction to ensure it achieves its mission strategy with measurable objectives. - To build a robust and effective organisation in accordance with its aims and purpose. - To work with the Board of Trustees to develop a strategic plan that seeks to achieve the Trust’s aims, ensuring (together with the executive staff) the effective delivery of strategic goals and plans. - To maintain a business plan for ensuring growth and the long-term financial viability of the Trust. - To model and encourage a style of relational leadership that enables staff and stakeholders to engage wholeheartedly with the Trust. - To ensure the Trust’s ethos is consistently upheld and implemented. NAZARETH TRUST CEO APPLICATION PACK APRIL 2015 06 3. OpErATIONAL LEAdErSHIp - To keep the Board well informed, providing regular reports and liaising closely with the Chair. - To lead, encourage and motivate the executive team in delivering the Trust’s key performance indicators, - To provide a high level of professionalism and establish a culture of accountability, effective stewardship and good governance. - To develop sound budgetary policies and best practice management (structures and systems) to ensure the efficient and effective operation of the Trust and the development of its staff. - To ensure full compliance with Israeli government regulations and Scottish charity law. - To lead and develop an effective fundraising strategy and income generation plan that secures the financial sustainability of the Trust. - To ensure financial and other reporting systems are maintained to a high standard to satisfy the needs and requirements of the Israeli government, the Charity regulators, supporters and other relevant stakeholders. 4. rELATIONAL LEAdErSHIp - To strengthen and enhance the reputation of the Trust within the Christian community internationally and within the UK. - To promote the Trust locally and internationally, acting as spokesperson and ambassador for the organisation, engaging with appropriate forums and networks. - To build strong and trusting relationships with the trustees, staff, supporters, key stakeholders and other likeminded organisations. - To establish and sustain healthy, collaborative, and operational relationships between the Trust and other organisations/networks/churches and individuals. NAZARETH TRUST CEO APPLICATION PACK APRIL 2015 07 PERSON SPECIFICATION An inspiring, relational and diplomatic leader is sought to engage with the vision and values of The Nazareth Trust and to work relationally to promote and develop the ministry. The successful applicant must have a heart-commitment to the Christian faith and share the vision and ethos of The Nazareth Trust. This is an occupational requirement under the UK Equality Act 2010. JOB ROLE - CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER EDUCATION n Relevant degree or equivalent professional experience ESSENTIAL EXPERIENCE Minimum of 5 years demonstrable experience in the following is required: n n n n n Leadership of teams Strategic thinking and planning Managing organisational change Management experience in a large and complex organisation Previous cross-cultural experience at a senior level DESIRABLE EXPERIENCE n n n n Previous work in the Christian Sector Previous work in the healthcare sector Previous experience in the Middle East Knowledge of Arabic/Hebrew ESSENTIAL COMPETENCIES n Spiritually mature – has a passion for God and a passion for people, combined with a strong sense of vocation. n High standards of integrity – is consistently fair, honest, tolerant, dependable, caring, open and loyal. n Trust builder – reflects the values and aspirations of followers and accepts that leadership is a responsibility, not a privilege. Seeks to serve others first. n Discernment – able to demonstrate insight, wisdom and judgement in work situations, ensuring justice is carried out and sound decisions are made. n Relationship builder/networker – puts a high priority on the development of healthy relationships where people feel empowered, enabled and released to achieve their full potential. n Emotional and social intelligence – highly self-aware, empathetic listener, and is able to read others. n Resilience – constructively tough-minded and flexible in the face of stress or conflict. n Facilitative team leader – able to inspire and lead an effective team in a wide variety of situations, under pressure as well as at less fraught times. n n n n Cross-cultural awareness– able to see things from a different perspective and manage own attitudes and reactions. Consequential thinker: able to understand processes, logical flows and the impact of decisions and outcomes. Sharp-minded – able to think clearly and quickly and offer astute resourceful judgement. Diplomatic – able to skilfully deal with a wide range of people and cultures with ease and tact and without giving offence. n Efficient organiser – able to plan, prioritise, delegate, implement, monitor and evaluate strategies and tactics, in a calm and well organised manner. NAZARETH TRUST CEO APPLICATION PACK APRIL 2015 08 n Operational overseer – able to ensure operational efficiency across all areas of the organisation, balancing big picture thinking with operational progress. n Efficient implementer – able to get things done and achieve targets and goals. n Problem-solver – with a constructive attitude towards risk, able to use limited resources creatively to maximum effect. n Creative communicator – able to communicate effectively face to face and in writing with up to date knowledge of social networking technology. n Public speaker – able to communicate publicly in a manner which is confident, skilful and articulate. n Negotiator/influencer – able to use the understanding of others to influence outcomes and to negotiate to resolve differences while maintaining support. n Relationship management – able to manage high value relationships effectively in ways that maximise benefit to the Trust. PERSONAL QUALITIES n A passionate and devoted Christian who has a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and is a consistent witness in maintaining a courteous, Christ-like attitude when connecting with people both internally and externally. n Able to agree and be committed to the Trust’s vision and ethos. n A heart for, and understanding of, the Middle East and its multi-faith culture. NAZARETH TRUST CEO APPLICATION PACK APRIL 2015 09 REMUNERATION SALARY In the region of £75k depending on experience. HOLIDAY 25 days per year, plus 10 public holidays in Israel. BENEFITS Contributory Pension Plan. LOCATION The job will be based in Nazareth, Israel and the expectation is that the appointee may choose to live within a reasonable distance of Nazareth. There will be significant travel nationally and internationally. CAREER CHALLENGE This is an exciting and challenging opportunity for the right person with a heart to serve in the Middle East and the right experience and competencies. The Nazareth Trust has grown considerably over the last few years and needs a CEO who will model wise, relational and inspirational leadership to the team and provide effective management of the Trust as well as very ably profiling the heart of the work to an international audience. APPOINTMENT PROCESS The Chief Executive Officer will be appointed by a selection committee consisting of members of the Board of Trustees of The Nazareth Trust. As well as advertising the post, an executive search exercise is being undertaken by an external consultant who will support the selection committee in the discharge of its duties, both to assist in the assessment of candidates against the requirements for the role and to identify the widest possible field of qualified candidates. Applicants are invited to submit a Cv with a covering letter, which must include answers to the following job-specific questions: 1. Describe how you have worked cross-culturally and diplomatically across a wide variety of people and cultures? 2. Your ability to build a positive, high-performing and empowered executive team will be critical to this role. Describe a time when you have done this effectively and outline the outcome. 3. Explain how you have managed high value relationships effectively in ways that have maximised the benefit to an organisation. What did you do? What was the outcome? 4. Which elements of this role at The Nazareth Trust most excite you and where would you want to focus your efforts? CLOSING DATE FOR SUBMISSIONS IS ON 19 JUNE 2015. For further enquiries or an opportunity to discuss this post with someone, please use this email address: First interviews will take place week beginning 27th July 2015 in Edinburgh, Scotland. The appointment will be made subject to the receipt of satisfactory references and a medical examination. NAZARETH TRUST CEO APPLICATION PACK APRIL 2015 10