2016 - Divine Mercy of Our Lord Catholic Church
2016 - Divine Mercy of Our Lord Catholic Church
DIVINE MERCY OF OUR LORD CATHOLIC CHURCH MESQUITE, TX March 6, 2016 Fourth Sunday of Lent / Cuarto Domingo de Cuaresma Fifth Sunday of Lent / Tercer Domingo de Cuaresma Jos 5:9a, 10-12-12 2 Cor 5:17-21__ Lk 15:1-3, 11-32 (30) Having arrived in the promised land, the Hebrews celebrated their deliverance from affliction and distress (Ps) in the Passover (1). Christ, our Passover, has entrusted to us the message of reconciliation (2): let us forgive one another and celebrate the unconditional and abundant love of God our Father (3). Gn 15:5-12, 17-18 Phil 3:17-4:1__ Lk 9:28b-36 (36) To the exiles in Babylon, Isaiah foretells a new exodus (1), when the Lord will lead his people from captivity to freedom (Ps), True freedom is rooted in the person of Jesus, not in observance of the Law (2). It is he who challenges us to examine our own hearts before self-righteously judging others (3). SATURDAY, March 5, 2016 SATURDAY, March 12, 2016 This weekend Deacons are Preaching / Predicaran los Diáconos esta Semana Priests are preaching this weekend /Los sacerdotes predicaran este Domingo 6:00 PM 7:30 PM Ricardo Castro † …………………………………….. Cynthia Chaparro (Birthday) ………………………... Bishop DD Fr. GM 5:00 PM 7:00 PM People of God…………………………………………. Fr. JG José Luis Narváez (Birthday)………………………… Fr. GM SUNDAY, March 13, 2016 SUNDAY, March 6, 2016 8:00 10:00 12:00 2:00 4:00 6:00 7:30 AM AM PM PM PM PM PM Msgr. Thomas Weinzapfel † …………………………. Ricky Queaño † ………………………………………. Alejandro Meneses † …………………………………. Nicolas Sierra † ………………………………………. English Agape (Jane Eberhardt †) ………………….. Ma. Del Refugio Narváez (Healing) …………………. Pueblo de Dios ………………………………………... March 7, Monday Is 65:17-21 8:00 AM Church EN 6:00 PM Church EN 7:00 PM Church EN March 8, Tuesday Ez 47:1-9, 12 8:00 AM Church EN 6:00 PM Church EN 7:00 PM Iglesia SP March 9, Wednesday Is 49:8-15 8:00 AM Church EN 6:00 PM Church EN 7:00 PM Iglesia SP March 10, Thursday Ex 32:7-14 8:00 AM Church EN 6:00 PM Church EN 7:00 PM Iglesia SP March 11, Friday Wis 2:1a, 12-22 8:00 AM Church EN 6:00 PM Chapel EN 7:00 PM Iglesia SP March 12, Saturday Jer 11:18-20 8:00 AM Church EN Sts. Perpetua and Felicity, Martyrs (4) Jn 4:43-54 Fr. ET Fr. JG Fr. JG Fr. JG Fr. GM Fr. GM Fr. GM Pss IV (244) Bong & Nora Laquian (Thanksgiving)….…. Fr. JG Pedro N. Villavicnecio †……………………. Fr. JG Jovita Peña (Sanación) …………………….. Fr. GM 8:00 10:00 12:00 2:00 4:00 6:00 7:00 AM AM PM PM PM PM PM Msgr. Thomas Weinzapfel † …………………………. Romeo Encallado (Thanksgiving)……………………. Familias de la Divina Misericordia…………………… María del Refugio Narváez (Sanación)………………. Filipino Mass (Rebeca Spencer—Healing) …………. Bulletin Sponsors (Thanksgiving) …………………… María del Refugio Narváez (Birthday)……………….. ATTENDANCE: Saturday, February 27, and Sunday, February 28, 2016 5:00 PM 7:00 PM 155 383 8:00 AM.….…..………..254 10:00 AM …..…..……....520 12:00 PM…...……...…1,020 2:00 PM………………..950 4:00 PM ……………….062 6:00 PM………………..205 7:30 PM………………..375 St. John of God, Religious (4) Jn 5:1-16 Pss IV (245) Migo Echiverri (Birthday)………………… Andrew Foster (Healing) ………...………... Genesis Chaparro (Birthday)……………… Fr. GM Fr. GM Fr. ET St. Francis of Rome, Religious (4) Jn 5:17-30 Pss IV (246) Isela Martínez (Birthday)………………….. Gregoria Castillo (Thanksgiving)…………. Lupita Galindo (Sanación) ………………… Fr. GM Fr. JG Fr. ET Regular Collection: Building Debt Reduction: Ladies Altar/ Easter Flowers: $ 17,672.46 $ 409.00 $ 3,680.70 Lenten Weekday (4) Jn 5:31-47 Pss IV (247) Total of Collections : $ 21,762.16 Meling Panganban †………………………… Fr. JG Ramon & Guadalupe Tamallo ††……..……. Fr. JG Gregoria Castillo (Thansgiving)…………… Fr. ET Lenten Weekday (4) Jn 7:1-2, 10, 25-30 Pss IV (248) Stephanie Aguilar (Birthday)……………… Fr. ET Raymond Estrella (Birthday)……………… Fr. GM Alicia Mejía (Sanación) ……………………. Fr. JG Lenten Weekday (4) Jn 7:40-53 Pss IV (249) María Del Refugio Narváez (Healing)…….. Fr. ET As of April 1, 2016 Father Oscar Mora will be assigned as Vicar at Divine Mercy. We welcome Father Mora who comes to us from Columbia. Fr. ET Fr. ET Fr. ET Fr. GM Fr. GM Fr. JG Fr. JG TOTAL ………………………….3,924 Please make out checks in Black or Blue ink only. Favor de escribir cheques con tinta negra o azul solamente. Loan Balance: $ 688,649.93 $666.20 collection reported on February 7 for the bereavement fund was actually for candles. We are still waiting to raise $750,000 in cash in our capital campaign before we can begin the process of building our new faith formation center. We encourage everyone to continue fulfilling their pledges. Todavía estamos esperando recaudar $750,000 en efectivo en nuestra campaña capital antes de poder empezar el proceso de construcción de nuestro nuevo centro de formación de fe. Animamos a todos a A partir del 1º de abril de 2016 el Padre Oscar Mora, quien viene de Colombia, será asignado como Vicario en nuestra parroquia la Divina seguir cumpliendo con sus promesas. Father Jet Garcia will be moving to St. Ann in Kaufmann. Father Jet will always be held close to our hearts and will be missed. We thank him for his service at Divine Mercy. Misericordia. Padre Jet García será asignado a la parroquia Santa Ann en Kaufmann. Siempre tendremos un lugar especial en nuestros corazones para el Padre Jet, y se le extrañará. Le agradecemos su servicio aquí en la Divina Misericordia. Did you know? That Divine Mercy medals were planted on our property before we even owned it. And prayers were prayed that the Lord might place our church on this spot. FOURTH WEEK OF LENT / CUARTO DOMINGO DE CUARESMA SATURDAY, March 12 10:00 10:00 11:30 1:00 3:30 5:00 5:00 SUNDAY, March 6 7:45 8:00 9:45 9:45 10:00 11:45 2:00 2:00 4:00 4:00 6:30 6:30 AM AM AM AM AM AM PM PM PM PM PM PM NO Faith Formation—(FF Center & Portables) Toddlers (Genesis) NO Faith Formation–(FF Center & Potables) Sunday Concessions– DM Conference Volunteers Toddlers (Genesis) NO Formación de Fe—(Centro de FF & Portables) NO Pre Confirmation—(Nazareth) NO Confirmation—(Capernaum) Youth Ministry (Nazareth) English Community Fellowship (SFH) NO Coro del PREP (Capernaum) African Community Meeting (SFH) MONDAY, March 7 5:30 5:30 6:30 7:00 7:00 7:30 7:30 7:30 7:30 7:30 PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM Church Office Closed Sport Group—Chelsea (Fields) Devotion to Saint Joseph (Church) Youth Group (9-12 grade) (Nazareth) Cenaculos de la DM (Capernaum) Coro de Jovenes (Exodus) Confessions (Church) English Intercessory (Altar Room) Renovación—Seminario (Iglesia) Cuidados de Niño's de Renovacion (Pentateuch, Genesis, Exodus) LCSC Assembly (Emmaus) TUESDAY, March 8 5:30 5:30 7:30 7:30 7:30 7:30 7:30 7:30 PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM Sport Groups– U-90, Inter and Dynamos (Fields) Devotion to Saint Anthony (Church) K o C Meeting (Emmaus) Practica de Coro de Niños (Exodus) Renovacion– Todo Lo Puedo en Cristo (Capernaum) Renovacion– Caminando con Jesus (Nazareth) Alianza Juvenil (Bethany) Cuidados de Ninos de Renovacion (Pentateuch, Genesis) WEDNESDAY, March 9 5:15 6:30 7:00 7:00 7:30 7:30 7:30 PM PM PM PM PM PM PM Holy Rosary and Devotion to Our Lady of Perpetual Help (Church) Youth Group (6-8th grade)- (SFH) Pre—Confirmation—(Nazareth) Confirmation—(Capernaum) Jóvenes de Renovación (Bethany) Practica de Lectores (Leviticus) Confessions (Church) THURSDAY, March 10 10:00 10:00 5:30 5:30 6:00 7:30 7:30 7:30 AM AM PM PM PM PM PM PM Cenáculo DM (Nazareth) Jubilee Planning (Pentateuch) Sport Groups –Chelsea, U-90, Inter and Dynamos (Fields) Devotion to Saint Jude (Church) RCIA / RICA (FF Center, Nazareth, Bethany & SFH) Ministerio Jesed (Iglesia) Practica del Coro Shalom (Capernaum) Portadores de Misericordia I (Emmaus) FRIDAY, March 11 9:00 5:45 6:00 6:45 7:30 7:30 7:30 7:30 7:30 AM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament (Church and Chapel) until 3:30 PM Stations of the Cross (church) Knights of Columbus Fish Fry / Venta de Pescado Frito (SFH) Estaciones de la Cruz (Iglesia) Renovacion— Sagrada Familia (Nazareth) Hora Santa Del Jubileo (Iglesia) Cuidado de Ninos de Renovacion (Pentateuch, Genesis) Divine Mercy Cenacle (Emmaus) Cenaculos (Exodus, Leviticus) AM AM AM PM PM PM PM Pilgrimage Meeting (SFH, Kitchen) Bible Class (Bethany) DM Cenacle (Bethany) Junta de la Peregrinacion (SFH, Kitchen) Confessions (Church) Formación de Fe—(Centro de FF & Portables) Comunidad Nazaret (Nazareth) SUNDAY, March 13 7:45 8:00 9:45 9:45 10:00 11:45 2:00 2:00 4:00 4:00 6:00 6:30 AM AM AM AM AM AM PM PM PM PM PM PM Faith Formation—(FF Center & Portables) Toddlers (Genesis) Faith Formation–(FF Center & Potables) Sunday Concessions– Sagrada Familia Toddlers (Genesis) Formación de Fe—(Centro de FF & Portables) Pre Confirmation—(Nazareth) Confirmation—(Capernaum) Youth Ministry (Nazareth) Filipino Community Fellowship (SFH) Fr. Jet Farewell Fellowship (SFH, Kitchen) Coro del PREP (Capernaum) Please support our Sunday Concessions Concessions for this Sunday March 6, Concessions by the DM Conference Volunteers, and on Sunday March 13, Concessions by the Sagrada Familia. Please continue supporting our Sunday Concessions and help our church. Going forward concession proceeds now go to help with our church operations. Anointing of the Sick If you or a member of your family are in the hospital, and need a priest URGENTLY, please contact the hospital’s Pastoral Care Department or the Catholic Hospital Chaplain to call a minister or priest. Otherwise call the Church office for one of our priests to visit your loved one in the hospital. Also call to schedule a Lay Eucharistic Minister to visit and give communion to your sick loved one at home on a regular basis. Please call the parish office during office hours for any emergency. Or call the parish office number after office hours to obtain our emergency numbers. Please use church after hours emergency numbers for urgent pastoral needs only. Unción de Enfermos Si por alguna razón usted o algún miembro de su familia se encuentra internado en el hospital, y necesitan ver a un sacerdote inmediatamente, le pedimos que notifique al departamento de Cuidado Pastoral o el Capellán del Hospital. También pueden hablar a la oficina de la parroquia si gusta que uno de los sacerdotes vaya a visitar a sus enfermos en el Hospital. Después de las horas de trabajo, llamen al numero de la iglesia para obtener el numero de emergencia de la parroquia por cualquier necesidad urgente. Favor de usar estos números solo para EMERGENCIAS! Hay ministros de Eucaristía asignados para visitar y dar comunión a los enfermos en las casas. Solo llamen a la oficina para que uno de ellos visite a sus enfermos en los hogares. DIVINE MERCY OF OUR LORD CATHOLIC CHURCH MESQUITE, TX SCAP Prayer Leaders / CDAS Líderes de la Oración PARISH RENEWAL COMMUNITIES For Next Weekend / Próximo Fin de Semana The New Hope Covenant Community is now receiving a series of community teachings On Christian Maturity. Fifth Sunday of Lent / Quinto Domingo de Cuaresma March 12 and 13, 2016 Mass Prayer Leaders Sat. 5:00 PM Jose and Sylvia-Sandoval Baez Sun. 8:00 AM Stephen and Della Foster Sun. 10:00 AM Steve and Rebecca Laramay Sun. 6:00 PM Lito and Luisa Dancel Sab. 7:00 PM Casiano Juárez y Carmen Boccheciamp Dom. 12:00PM Danny y Yanira García Dom. 2:00 PM José Chavira y Flor Chavira Dom. 7:30 PM Alfredo Trejo y Dolores Trejo There will be a Holy Hour of Mercy with Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament until midnight on Friday February 26, 2016. COMUNIDADES CRISTIANAS DEL PREP Quinto Domingo de Cuaresma 12 de Marzo de 13 de Marzo de, 2016 Misa Dom. 12:00 PM Dom. 2:00 PM Dom. 7:30 PM Lectores/Comentaristas Monaguillos 2. Yanira García 1. C. Edwin Herrera 2. 1. Liliana García t. Liturgia de las Horas Liturgy of the Hours 2. Rosy García 1. Iniciando la Semana del For the week beginning C. Danny García 2. 1. Triny Ávila t. 6 de Marzo , 2015 Pss IV March 6, 2015 Pss IV 2. Arturo Ávila 1. C. María Esquivel 2. 1. Daniel Flores t. 2. María Jaramillo 1. C. Francisco Morillo 2. MISA AGAPE - Domingo de Ramos—20 de Marzo Oramos Lunes-Viernes a las 5:30am y 6:15pm Sun. 10:00 AM Sun. 6:00 PM Lectors/Commentators Liturgy prayed 6:00 am and 7:00 pm weekdays 7:00 am Sundays The following devotions are being prayed before the evening mass each day following the Holy Rosary. We invite everyone to participate. Fifth Sunday of Lent Sun. 8:00 AM Próxima Hora Santa de Jubileo de la Misericordia es el 11 de Marzo de 2016. t. March 12 and March 13, 2016 Sat. 5:00 PM A todos los hermanos del PREP se les recuerda que hablen a sus dirigentes para que les proporcionen el calendario del mes de Marzo 2016. Se les pide a todos que cumplan con las actividades del Año de Jubileo Extraordinario de Misericordia. Favor de revisar los pizarrones para los horarios de actividades. 1. Zaida Esquivel Altar Ministers for Next Weekend Mass Remember the next English Agape Mass is Sunday, March 6, 2016. All Basic Christian Communities are encouraged to attend. Everyone is strongly exhorted to participate in the next Praise and Worship Assembly with healing on Friday, March 18. Ministros del Altar para el Próximo Fin de Semana Sab. 7:00 PM March 6, 2016 Altar Servers Monday-for St. Joseph at 5:30 PM Tuesdays-St. Anthony of Padua at 5:30 PM Wednesday– Our Lady of Perpetual Help 5:15PM Thursdays-St. Jude at 5:30 PM Fridays—Stations of the Cross 5:45 PM 1. Hazel Gonzalez 1. Jack Jochum 2. Melissa Villarreal 2. Samantha Suante C. Barbara Jasmin 3. Sophia Suante 1. Harry Engle 1. Placido Isaac 2. Melissa Inmon 2. Yari Elias C. Margaret Adobaw 3. Stephen Martinez 1. Reckson Enero 1. Brent Dancel 2. Marietta Enero 2. Hans Dancel C. Venus Munoz 3. Giselle Aquino 1. Adamari Zamora 1. April Okafor Prayers for the Deceased / Oraciones Por los Difuntos 2. Melanie Rico 2. Buka Okafor C. Yamil Valero 3. Chiamaka Okafor Let us also pray for those who recently passed away. Tambien, remos por las personas que recientemente han fallecido. Prayers for the Sick / Oraciones Por los Enfermos Let us pray for all the sick in our Parish and for their families who are caring for them presently, Oremos por los enfermos de nuestra parroquia, en especial por /especially Phelana Foster, Lupita Galindo, Dulce Silva, Martha García, Raquel Martínez, Jen Smith, Vanessa Martínez, Andrew Foster, Richard Shultz, Pat Alms, Luke Alms and Guadalupe Luis. God bless and heal all our sick. May He strengthen them in their weakness, and may He bear with them their infirmities. Amen Fr. Ernie FOURTH WEEK OF LENT / CUARTO DOMINGO DE CUARESMA Live Christ Share Christ Assembly meets on Monday March 7, 2016 in Saint Faustina Hall At 7:30 PM Divine Mercy of Our Lord African Catholic Community Mesquite, Texas PRESENTS Rev. Fr. Emmanuel OBIMMA (EBUBEMUONSO) HOST You're invited to the Catholic Pro-Life Committee's A 4 DAY POWER PACKED CRUSADE Open House -St. Thalassios the Libyan We've moved and our doors are open for a visit! Please stop in to see our new offices and enjoy a glass of wine and light hors-d'oeuvres. When THURSDAY March 10, 2016 From 5pm to 7pm Dates: APRIL 21ST, 22ND, 23RD & 24TH 2016 Time: THURSDAY 21st & FRIDAY 22ND 5:00PM SATURDAY 23RD—10:00 AM SUNDAY 24TH 2:00 PM Where CONTACTS 14675 Midway Road, Suite 121 Bro. Sylvester Odigie 469-955-8890 Dallas, TX 75001 Pres. African Community (red brick colonial building, couple blocks north of our PLANNING COMMITTEE MEMBERS prior location) Bro. Joe Pokawa 972-948-7684 Financial Sec. Handicap parking and access at rear of building. Sis Caroline Izukamma 469-671-1296 Bro. Micheal Asuguor 214-232-2651 Sis Edith Agbor 832-853-7308 The Jubilee Year of Mercy Sis Oge Nwitor 214-434-2481 Moderator Sis Chika Atuchukwu 972-352-9988 Bro. Patrick Okoye 214-552-4621 El Año de Jubileo de Misericordia Sis Nuideka Obi 972-836-4860 Sis Maurine Ch. Achilike 469-544-9013 MESSAGE FROM JESUS Sis Titan Chuioke 469-268-5633 “Know that as often as you come to Me, humbling Sis Chonwe Udoyemorah 214-909-2360 yourself and asking My forgiveness, I pour out a Sis Onyinye Iwunnah 214-208-6113 superabundance of graces on your soul, and your Rachel’s Vineyard™ Retreats imperfection vanishes before My eyes, and I see only your love and your humility. You lose noth- Healing after Abortion Ministry ing but gain much…” 2016 Retreats in English March 11-13, August 26-28, November 11-13 ( Diary 1293 Servants of the Divine Mercy Are you suffering from a past abortion experience? Don’t wait any longer to experience Christ’s mercy. Knights of Columbus Friday Lenten Fish Fry This is the year. This is the time. It’s that time again Wednes- We can help. day February 10 is Ash English: 214-544-CARE (2273) healWednesday. The Annual ing@racheldallas.org Friday Fish Fry begins on Retiros de Viñedo de Raquel™ Friday February 12 and conMinisterio de Sanación después del Aborto tinues through Friday March 18 (not including March 25 ) Retiros de 2016 en español 1-3 de abril, 5-7 de agosto, 2-4 de diciembre in Saint Faustina Hall. ¿Está sufriendo debido a una experiencia de aborto Dinner includes: Fried fish, provocado? French fries, hushpuppies, Cole slaw, and beans. No espere más y viva la misericordia de Cristo. Ice tea and coffee included. Soda, water, and de- Este es el año. Este es el tiempo justo. serts sold separately. Cost $9.00 for adults— Podemos ayudar. children 12 and under $6.00. Español: 972-679-4760 sanacion@racheldallas.org 2016 FOOD FOR THOUGHT 'Forgiveness of sins is betokened by freedom from the passions; he who has not yet been granted freedom from the passions has not yet received forgiveness.' 'That your enemies have been created is God's doing; that they hate you and wish to ruin you is their own doing. What should you say about them in your mind? "Lord be merciful to them, forgive them their sins, put the fear of God in them, change them!" You are loving in them not what they are, but what you would have them to become.' -St. Augustine 'Forgetting offences is a sign of sincere repentance. If you keep the memory of them, you may believe you have repented but you are like someone running in his sleep. Let no one consider it a minor defect, this darkness that often clouds the eyes even of spiritual people.' -St. John Climacus 'He who seeks forgiveness of his sins loves humility, but if he condemns another he seals his own wickedness.' -St. Mark the Ascetic 'Will not God, who has commanded men to act thus, do as much himself and even more? For God commanded Peter to forgive till seventy times seven.' -St. Poemen DIVINE MERCY OF OUR LORD CATHOLIC MESQUITE, TX SABADO 5 de Marzo, 2016 8:00 AM-7:00 PM DOMINGO 6 de Marzo, 2016 8:00 AM-6:00PM Centro de Convención de Mesquite 1818 Rodeo Dr. Mesquite, Texas 75149 March 6, 2016 Conferencistas: Padre Juan Diaz –Sacerdote de la compañía de Jesús Padre Ricardo Giraldo—Sacerdote misionero de la Sociedad del espíritu Santo en Colombia. Hablando sobre la Misericordia del Señor. Padre Ernesto Torres –Director espiritual del Congreso y Pastor de la Iglesia Católica Divina Misericordia de Nuestro Señor en Mesquite, Tx. Hermano Pedro de Acevedo– Un misionero católico que tiene su programa de radio diariamente con la oración de la coronilla a la Divina Misericordia. “El que me ve a mi, ve también al Padre” (Juan14:9) Alabanza: Hermana Gladys Garcete –Una cantante católica que evangeliza a través de sus cantos a la Divina Misericordia y oraciones de sanación interior. Sábado, 5 de Marzo 20 16 de 8:00 AM a 7:30 PM Alabanzas—Platicas—Santa Misa—Coronilla a la Divina Misericordia—Hora Santa Domingo, 6 de Marzo 2016 de 8:00AM a 7:00 PM Alabanzas—Platicas—Estaciones de la cruz—Coronilla a la Divina Misericordia—Santa Misa Donación: Niños 5-12 anos $5—Jovenes 13-17 $10—Adultos $20 ($25 el día del evento) Para mas información: Oficina 972-591-5294 Otros Contactos: 214-463-1320 / The Heart of Mercy Felicidades y Gracias a todos los que ayudaron Congratulations and Thanks to all those who hacer el Congreso de la Divina Misericordia de este helped to make this years Divine Mercy Congress año un gran éxito. a success. Ningún evento como este se lleva a cabo por sí solo, No event such as this one comes together by itself, se necesita cooperación y dedicación al proyecto en it takes cooperation and dedication to the task at hand. mano. Jesus, I Trust In You!