Patient Safety Demands Flu Shot
Patient Safety Demands Flu Shot
A Weekly Publication for the People of Queen’s | Volume 20 | Number 35 | August 22, 2011 Patient Safety Demands Flu Shot “There is no simpler way for a health care professional to demonstrate their commitment to quality and the care of their patients and their families than to get an annual flu shot,” says Robert Sussman, MD, medical director of Queen’s Employee Health. “The shot is safe and prevents the spread of disease while keeping staff healthy and able to continue working and caring for others.” The annual employee Flu (vaccine) Clinics will begin this Thursday at Employee Health, as always kicking off with direct patient care staff. (See box below for complete schedule.) Flu Clinics at Employee Health Direct Patient Care Employees Thursday, August 25 7:00 – 10:00 am & 1:00 – 3:00 pm. All Queen’s Employees Friday, August 26 7:00 – 10:00 am & 1:00 – 3:00 pm. Employee Health will then continue to administer the flu vaccine to all Queen’s Employees on Thursdays, September 8, 15, 22 and 29, from 7:0010:00 am and 1:00-3:00 pm, until supplies are depleted. The flu is a contagious respiratory illness caused by viruses that infect the nose, throat, and lungs. Unlike many other viral respiratory infections, such as the common cold, the flu can cause severe illness and life-threatening com(Continued on page 3.) Arch with a view: The Harkness Building frames Queen’s lush front lawn, which a patient (center) enjoys from the entrance to the courtyard. An Epic Agreement Helps Patient Care The Queen’s Medical Center and Hawai‘i Pacific Health have entered into an agreement to work together to improve patient care through the electronic sharing of patient health information between hospitals. Both organizations use an electronic medical record system developed by the Epic Systems Corp. Through the use of this technology, doctors at Queen’s and the HPH hospitals (Kapi‘olani Medical Center for Women and Children, Straub Clinic & Hospital, Pali Momi Medical Center and Wilcox Memorial Hospital) are now able to collaborate electronically to provide better coordinated patient care. Physicians from any of these hospitals Service A W A R D S In acknowledgment of many years of continued service, the Queen’s ‘ohana congratulates those who are marking an anniversary. Mahalo to all for your dedicated service. Employees work at QMC unless noted. July & August 2011 (August awardees are in italics) 5 years Kenneth Abe Pamela Adena Jennifer Alejandro Nicole Anderson Kelly Ashburn Mona Baggett Todd Banez Jocelyn Baniaga Merle Bland Shirley Bonilla Maryanne Bowden Maydene Butay Elizabeth Cabuloy Loreta Cadiz Hui-I Chen Brenda Clevenger Maxelyn Corpuz Christopher Cortes Rachel Cortez Kristen Croom Hetevesey Danford Michael Dang Andrea Dietz Brenda Ermitanio Jason Espiritu Mai Linh Frascarelli Jesse Gamiao 2 Kristyn Green Star Hallock Jasmine Heresa Kara Izumi Coco Jones Lori Kawamoto Gladys Lau Melissa Lee Lawson Lene Angela Lin Jennifer Mafua Roel Maldonado Daniel Manley Leslie Martin Leslie McClendon David Medina Natalie Morimoto Shawn Murphy Chris Nakasato Diane Nakashima Clifford Nene Kelli Obrey Mercedes Ocon Antonia Ramiro Norma Saito Maylee Satterfield Elizabeth Seymour Pouesi Siatafu can electronically share important patient health information for treatment purposes via a secure, virtual electronic medical record. Crucial information, such as medical history, medications, and allergies, can be quickly available for timely, appropriate care. “We are already seeing positive results,” said Jonathan Kaufmann, MD, QMC hospitalist. “By working together and utilizing this new technology, we save time and improve our ability to provide quality care while decreasing repeat testing for our patients.” “Health information may be stored at many different locations,” said Hunter Praywell, vice president and chief information officer of The Queen’s Health Systems. “Immediate access to health information saves patients and their health care team time and money and improves the quality of care.” Shelley Soga Amanda Startup Jason Swanson Pat Takenishi, QDC Anny Titus Jessica Tomas Aaron Townsend Hoang Trinh Lisa Uemura Cari Uesugi Michael Vinca Karri Wright Clinton Yee Vernon Yogi Jadeen Yoshino, QDC Kanani Young 10 years Jeanette Bince, MGH Paul Bogden Suzette Bolster Tricia Buchanan Chelsea Cabral Susanna Chak Maricel Cotter Jimmy Fonseca T. Scott Gallacher Lorryan Hauki Miles Ichida Grace Iahashi Corie Jack Sandee Keanini Ray-Joy Keller Annabelle Manamtam Ann Narimatsu Amy Portugal Trina Rivers Lisa Robertson Hester Suetsugu Kristin Une Roxanne Yanke Barak Younoszai Sharon Zukeran 15 years Sonia Galvez Marcella Hunkin Jane McDonald Mila Pena 3. Melinda Salcedo Lyndell Shunk Dwayne Uehara Diana Wendt 20 years Isabelo Agtang Susan Becker Brian Bocobo Mark Chai David Chock Juanita Fines Edgar Gamata Timothy Haehnlen Patient privacy is a priority, and controls are in place to limit access to the shared electronic health information. In addition, patients may choose to opt out of the process or require consent be obtained for each release of information. This is a first step toward a statewide effort to link all hospitals so that wherever a patient may receive treatment in Hawai‘i, their pertinent information is available. The Hawai‘i Health Information Exchange is tasked with the effort and recently received a $5.6 million grant to develop the system beginning in 2012. QHS Annual System-Wide Employee Forums Wednesday, August 24 7:30-8:30am Thursday, August 25 11:30am - 12:30pm & 2:30 - 3:30pm Friday, August 26 11:30am - 12:30pm Employee Forums will be held in the Kamehameha Auditorium. All employees are encouraged to attend. Mary Idica Iris Ishii Brad Kim Wendy Kodama Mona Kushimaejo Elmer Laciste Cheolpin Lee Y Nhi Tran Liu Mung Trong Luong Rochelle Masutani Marcella Miller Laraine Peterson Amalia Ralar Calvin Sheu Lorna Wong Eric Yamanoha 25 years Esther Kamemoto Claire Kamimura Patrick McGuigan Gwendolyn Mihara Cathy Nonaka Velma Quackenbush 30 years Edwina Gosnell Laura Greer Stephen Kaya Antonio Magaoay Wendi Nakagawa Beverly Sakuda 35 years Rose Clute Judy Kusaka, QHS Virginia Salacup Bill Watts Bing-Chung Wong Queen’s ‘Ohana Shows Big Heart at AHA Walk The American Heart Association’s 2011 Heart Walk was held on Saturday, August 8 at Kapi‘olani Park. Queen’s had the third largest presence at the event with 330 registered participants, and was the second largest fundraiser with $16,423. Jackie Leonard of the Neuroscience Institute was once again the first place fundraiser with a whopping total of $11,902. Jackie modestly and sincerely thanks each and every one of her contributors for their donations. A special thank you goes out to all participants for the largest Queen’s ‘ohana turnout to date. Team captains were: Dawn Sanderson, Melanie Mangrobang, Raymond Rios, Ashley Thornton, Jackie Leonard, Gina Timoteo, Pam MacChlerie, Cary Yokoo, and Eleanor Huey. Health Service With C.A.R.E. The Queen’s Medical Center delivers high quality, evidence-based practice. But there is another essential piece to care: Patient Satisfaction. Learn how we are accountable to patients’ perception of HOW they received care in six modules: Module 1: Why Service is Important Module 2: Defining QMC Service Success Module 3: Delivering Excellence Through Service Standards Module 4: Taking Care of Internal Relationships Module 5: Critical Service Skills Module 6: The Importance of Successful Service Recovery For all QHS employees. Register by visiting the Queen’s Intranet at eww. queens under Staff> Education>Training & Development>Service With C.A.R.E. Or, enter reg/ special.asp. For more information, call 537-7673 or email Felice Tolentino at DATE TIME LOCATION Aug 25 Sept 15 Oct 20 Nov 22 Dec 12 8:00 – 11:00am 8:00 – 11:00am 8:00 – 11:00am 8:00 – 11:00am 8:00 – 11:00am QCC 200 QCC 200 QCC 200 QCC 200 QCC 200 Fair participants were: Mel Komatsu, Mandi Benton-Cummings, Brittney Patterson-Lazzaro, Morgan Boyle, Jennifer Davis, Terri Jones, Pam MacChlerie, Valerie Kauhane, Dana Monday, Mona Valentin, Karen Seth, and Coraleen Grothaus. Behind the scenes staff included: Cathy Young, Alexis Hartford, Ginny Dunn, and Makana Shook. Photos are courtesy of John Scherry. More photos of the event can be found on the QMC Facebook page at If you have pictures to share, please email them to Flu Shot (Continued from page 1.) plications in many people. The best way to prevent the flu is by getting a flu vaccine each year. The flu usually comes on suddenly and can cause mild to severe illness. Flu symptoms may include: fever, cough, sore throat, runny or stuffy nose, muscle or body aches, headache, fatigue, and possibly vomiting and diarrhea, though this is more common in children than adults. It is important to note that not everyone with the flu will have a fever. The flu is mainly spread from person to person via respiratory droplets expressed though sneezing, coughing, and even talking. Touching a surface or object that has the virus on it and then touching your mouth, eyes, or nose may also spread the flu virus. A person can infect others beginning one day before symptoms develop and up to five to sev- en days after becoming sick. The flu season is unpredictable and can be severe. It is estimated that on average, approximately 5% to 20% of U.S. residents get the flu, and more than 20,000 people are hospitalized for flurelated complications each year. Complications can include bacterial pneumonia, ear infection, sinus infection, dehydration, and the worsening of chronic medical conditions, such as congestive heart failure, asthma, and diabetes. 3 Headboard: Queen, incl metal frame. $35. Call 489-2088. Help put an end to Alzheimer’s disease by joining The Queen’s Walk team on Saturday, September 10, at Ala Moana Beach Park. The Walk to End Alzheimer’s starts at 7:30 am with onsite registration from 6:30 to 7:30 am. Queen’s T-shirts will be given to the first 40 people to join The Queen’s Walk team. Those who donate $100 or more will receive a free Alzheimer’s Association Tshirt. Every dollar is a step in the right direction! To join or donate, go to www., click on Hawai‘i on the map, and follow the links. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Social Security Benefits is the topic of a free retirement presentation by Fidelity Investments on Thursday, September 15, from 11:00 am to 12:00 pm in the Kamehameha Auditorium. Class size is limited and registrations will be taken on a first come, first served basis. Register at http://eww1.queens. org/traindev/reg/retirement.asp. If you have any questions, please contact Leslie Kawamoto via email at lekawamoto@ or at 691-5131. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Ruth E. Black Nursing Scholarship Program will award a $2,000 scholarship to three Queen’s employees enrolled in a BSN nursing degree program. Applicants must meet selection criteria requirements. The application deadline is September 21. Please contact Linda Propane torches: (2) Coleman Firelight, never used. $25ea obo. Exercise bike: Lifefitness C1. $350 (pd $1,000). Call 381-5792. kids under 6 free w/parent) @ pvs.hawaii. org or @ Student Activities Office, KCC. Welcome to the following new providers: Ramona G. Chinn, APRN; Jean-Paul Clark, MD; Li-Duen Clark, MD; Brian T. Garcia, MD; Miki S. Garcia, MD; Veronica A. Gomez, PA-C; Dean L. Knoll, MD (Locum Tenens 9/19/11-9/23/11); John L. Lamberti, MD; William T. Lau, MD; Kuo-Chiang Lian, MD; James M. Michino, DM; Choung Nguyen, MD; Eliza C. Olaru, MD; Nisha I. Parikh, MD; Paul C. Robinson, DO; Yukako Tachibana, MD; Roger T. Tomihama, MD; and Kalani T. Yamamoto, MD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sell: Rent: Kapiolani/Date: 2/1/1, 8th flr, Diamond Hd/Waikiki vw. 1yr lease, N/S, no pets. $1,650. 489-2088 or 389-4756 (lv msg). Kalihi Valley: Lg 1/1/1, BBQ patio, ocn/ mtn/city vw, storage, w/d on unit, 10 min to QMC. Sm pet OK. $1,100 incl utils/cable. Call/text 221-2381. Misc: Fundraiser: Malama Hokule‘a, moonlight concert on the lawn w/showings of documentary Papa Mau, The Wayfinder. 9/10, 5-9 pm at KCC Great Lawn & Caf. Chant and hula by Kawika Napoleon and others; music by Weldon Kekauoha and Ernie Cruz, Jr. Buy tix online ($25 or $27 online, 4 Project Hope & the Samoan Gospel Heralds, Inc.: Donations are being accepted for a comm. learning ctr in Waipahu to provide free computer classes for the community. All donations are tax deductible. Lori Laupola @ 808-342-8370 or email Got Poo? Let us scoop da poo for you! Ali-Mathews-Bacon. 808-497-9273 or ali@ or Placing an ad: Queen’s employees only. Include name, phone and Employee ID number. Mail to Creative Services—Print Connection, fax to 547-4002 or e-mail to by Wednesday. The Print Connection reserves the right to edit or refuse any ad. The Print Connection does not make any warranty about the fitness of any product or service listed in Q-Mart. James at 691-5175 or at lijames@queens. org for more information. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hospital Ministry chaplains can be reached 24/7 by paging 578-8135 or through the Queen’s operator. If a request for spiritual care is not urgent, please leave a voice message at 691-4463. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . On Wednesday and Friday mornings, there may be next day mammogram screening appointments available at the Queen’s Women’s Health Center for employees only. Please call the scheduling office at 691-7555 one day prior. Be prepared to pre-register with your insurance information and the date and location of your last mammogram. Walkins will not be accepted; appointments and pre-registration are required. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Body Shaping class will help you get into shape and improve strength and endurance. New sessions begin on August 31 (Monday/Wednesday classes) and September 13 (Tuesday/Thursday classes.) Both sessions are held in the Women’s Health Center classroom from 5:30 to 6:30 pm. The employee rate for the 10-class sessions is $55. Register with The Queen’s Referral Line at 691-7117 or with Health Education & Wellness at 691-4823. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Hospital Gift Shop is now featuring Marc Chantel small leather goods for just $12.99 each. Weekly The Queen’s Print Connection is published by Creative Services. If you have news or wish to opine, call us at 537-7532 or e-mail News deadline is the Monday prior to publication. QHS/QMC President. . . . . Art Ushijima Publisher. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Roy Cameron Editor/Writer. . . . . . . . . . . . Jason Kimura Assist. Ed./Writer. . . . . . Glee Stormont The Queen’s Medical Center is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation. Please recycle
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