
April 25, 2005
Szechuan Chinese Restaurant
4750 Bryant Irvin Road
Board and General Meeting beginning at 6:30 p.m.
Always the 4th Monday of the Month
Always informative, good food and good fun!
Dyanna Lawson
8590 Bear Creek Road
Aledo, Texas 76008
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Newsletter of the Fort Worth Dressage Club— February, March and April, 2005
Presidents Message
by Barb Harty
Barbara is in Las Vegas as I write this, attending
the World Cup. She worked so hard organizing
the show that I didn’t want to ask her for a column so, you are getting me, your editor instead.
Our show was a huge success! Thanks to a lot of
hard work by our dedicated volunteers. You all
came through with flying colors again. All the
slots were manned and every duty taken care of.
Best of all, you did those jobs with smiles and
don’t think for a minute that goes unnoticed. Our
judges told us over and over what a nice group of
people we are…. how well organized and efficient
and how we work together so seamlessly and we
all get along so well! From the Susan our show
secretary to Ed the show manager to Sarah Jane
Martin the show TD, we got great reviews. All of
them including our judges, Natalie Lamping from
Illinois and Kem Barbosa from Maryland, said
they would LOVE to work with us on another
show! I don’t know how you can do better than
Unlike some past years, the weather cooperated
wonderfully. The temperatures were just right and
no rain to blow in under the
covered arena.
The crew at Glen Rose worked hard to make
sure that the footing was just right in the arenas.
It had to be conditioned several times before it
was right for dressage.
The hospitality table in the barn was a big hit as
it has been in the past. Many dozen cookies, a
cake or two and chocolates by the bag seemed
to disappear as soon as they were set out. The
club purchased a new large coffee pot as the old
one had ceased to work. We made two big pots
of coffee each day and the first one of the day
was gone rather quickly. Thanks to the ladies
who donated baked goodies. We didn’t have a
single rider faint from hunger!
With uneven amounts of time for judges
lunches, we needed something fast and nearby. I
suggested Sonic….neither of the judges had ever
eaten at a Sonic! They loved it!! They even requested to go back on Sunday for lunch there. I
wound up taking orders and bringing it back to
the facility on Sunday because there was so little
time in the schedule for lunch. I even got a note
from Kem Barbosa a few days later thanking me
for introducing her to Sonic’s food. Gee, we
kind of take it for granted around here.
We had some nice vendors this year. Beyond the
Barn and Bridal Suite both were selling a lot of
clothes both days. Tom Little was our ever congenial farrier
We will have a treasurer’s report at the next
meeting that will tell us just how well we did this
time. I have heard that the chances are looking
really good for a new trailer for the club as well
as more money to do some of the projects we
have been talking about for some time. Come
here Barb talk about the World Cup and find out
the details.
The Fort Worth Dressage Club is a Group Member Organization of the United States Dressage
Federation, Inc. and this organizations’ members are automatically USDF Group Members.
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2001 Fort Worth Dressage Club
Board of Directors
Barbara Harty—817-441-7820
Peggy Meeker —817-738-6207
Corresponding Secretary
Chris Juhasz—940-682-9433
Paula Sutton—817– 477-2714
Teresa Deeter—817-346-1551
Dyanna Lawson—817-596-9501
Peggy Meeker—817-738-6207
Shannon Sutton—817-453-4043
Video Librarian
Cathy Alexander—817-467-5528
Awards & Region 9 Liaison
Carol Sewell—817-443-1400
Sites and Sounds
If you have never checked on The Horse website,
I highly recommend it. They have some of the
best information available on the web on diseases
and wound care. They also seem to have their
thumb on the pulse of the horse world and what
is going on around the country. If you sign up
with them, it’s free, they will send an email with
articles to you on a regular basis. At the end of
the ezine each time, there is an adoptable horse.
Just in case…..
I am receiving a ton of stuff from the USDF. I
would be interested to know if all of our members
are getting this. If you are, then there is no need
for me to put it into the newsletter. If not, I will
make a digest of it for you and insert a page for it
in a recurring spot in this newsletter. Just drop me
an email at and let me know.
Ok, I couldn’t resist…..the bluebonnets are just
so pretty this year that I had to take a picture of
my horses in them….Irish is probably wondering
what all the fuss is about.
Don’t forget to smell the flowers this spring!
Vicky Ferrer—817-220-0937
Sandy Humphrey —817-237-6244
On Dreams:
“So many of our dreams at first seem impossible, then they seem improbable, and then,
when we summon the will, they soon become
Christopher Reeve
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Our People and Places—
News For & About Our Members
You have been a busy bunch of people lately!
Teresa Deeter has been taking her big, black
Fresian gelding, Lladro, to some schooling shows.
They went to the DDC schooling show in March
and came away with two first places out of two
classes. He received a 64% in Tr I and 70% in Tr.
II. When they left he had the top two scores of
the day…..way to go there!
And then, the weekend after our show, Teresa and
Lladro went to the schooling show at Curragh and
did another super ride, scoring 64% on Tr I and
then as they were warming up for their second
test, Lladro slipped on wet grass and fell at the
canter, dumping Teresa onto her arm with her
hands twisted in the reins. Lladro got up and
shook like a dog and stood and waited for Teresa
to get to her feet. What a good boy! They rode the
second test and scored a 58% but Teresa couldn’t
close her fingers on the reins as they were already
swollen. I am happy to report that she is recovered with only a bruise and completely operative
fingers once more. Husband Jim took this photo
of the pair right before the accident.
World Cup Draws Many Area Riders
President Barb Harty, Kathy Alexander and Diane
Richey are only a few of the folks from this area
who are attending the World Cup competition in
Las Vegas this week. I expect that some world
class shopping opportunities are there also. We
will want to get a full report when they return.
Tack For Iraq
Recently the club voted to send a $50 check to the
group working to save the Arabian horses in Iraq.
I received a very nice letter from them. It follows:
Hi Dyanna,
Thank you and your club and please pass that to
them--we mean it and deeply.
Since Dr. Kathy, (CPT Knake) is back from the
further reaches of Iraq, we are shipping supplies
and tack almost on a daily basis. The first things
going over, of course, are the more critical vet.
drugs, vax and supplies. The drugs that must be
kept cold are going over via FedEx Next Day Priority, and though they are giving us a pretty good
discount, it is still not cheap—but it is the only
way we have to be sure the drugs stay refrigerated.
For what it’s worth, VetWrap makes great packing
for fragile items.
Again, Dyanna, we appreciate your efforts to help
the INH Horses; your own and everyone associated with the FWDC. Hug your horses for us and
we wish you a great season this year.
Ed Littlefox Copeland
Director, Tack For Iraq
Editors Note:
In previous emails, Ed mentioned that one of the
major news channels had been to Iraq and interviewed him and the others involved with the program. I turned on the television on a Saturday evening recently a few minutes before six p.m. and
there it was. It was a nice show with before and
after shots of the herd. Soldiers were riding some
of the horses. A lady veterinarian explained how
they were recovering daily with the care and generosity of horse people from other countries. The
photos of the new foals romping with their moms
gave an indication of a bright future for the herd.
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Quadrille Group Having a Great Time!
Eckart Meyners and Hannes Muller Seat
Symposium & Trainers Clinic
Some of our members attended as riders and other
were auditors and grooms. All that have reported to
me about this learning opportunity had rave reviews.
Donna and John Wright are to be commended for
continuing to bring this level of expertise to our area.
We are really lucky to have such dedicated and willing
dressage enthusiasts among us. We will be getting a
report on this soon and Carrie Ferrer has offered to
give the club a clinic on these methods in return for
our sponsorship of her lessons. Don’t miss this one!
News From USDF
From left to right:
Libby Aflerbach on Doc, Teresa Deeter on Lladro,
Barb Harty on Lobo and Terry Olsen on Arwen.
On this particular Sunday at Wills Ranch, there were
several of the regulars absent but this four went
through their paces and is getting better every practice.
Meg Flemming will be working with the group this
next practice. All of the participants have said that this
is a great deal of fun and the horses seem to enjoy doing something different too. There are still openings if
you are interested. Contact one of the members to find
out where and when they will practice next.
Give A Dog A Home?
Nettie Olsen wrote that a friend is looking for a good
home for a 13 month old registered Austrailian
Shepard. The dog belongs to a friend’s daughter in law,
who works all the time, so the friend has ended up taking care of him. His is housebroken and believed to
hve been to doggy training. He is very sweet and well
bred. Netties’ friend owns the sister of this dog.
If you are interested or know someone who is, contact
Nettie and she can put you in touch with the friend.
Call Nettie at 817-929-0052, 817-313-0981 or email her
Illness Among Us
Donna Ray had volunteered to scribe at our show but
was unable to because she had developed pneumonia
and was confined to bed. Hopefully, she is recovered
by now.
Vicky Ferrer is still pretty much housebound with her
illness. She now has an email address… and I bet that she would
love to get something cheerful in her inbox. She is able
to get out some but not for long or far.
The national organization sends out emails almost
daily and these are some that have recently crossed my
screen. If you need further information, contact the
USDF directly. They are very good about answering
Kathy Connelly to Conduct USDF/Region 9 Adult
Clinic on July 9-10 in Folsom, Louisiana. Rider applications are being accepted through June 3. Riders must
be current USDF participating, group or intercollegiate/interscholastic members. Auditing is available.
Gail Abele, Highland Village, TX was named 2004
USDF/Dover Adult Medal National Champion. She is
a retired computer programmer and rides with Sue Casey at Saddlebrook in Argyle. She rode in our 2004
Winners of the 2004 Ruth Arvanette Memorial Fund
Grants were: Ellen Corob of San Luis Obispo, CA,
Lenore Kremen of Scottsdale, AZ, and Tilsa Hale of
Afton, TX
New High School Dressage Program announced for
students to have their work in dressage recognized by
their schools as an athletic endeavor. Riders may earn
high school athletic achievement awards through involvement and activities sponsored by their supporting
USDF All -Breed Awards rules change. Now owners
must declare their horses breed for the association that
they want the award to be counted for.
Volunteer of the Year nominations are being accepted
through August 31, 2005 Forms are available at USDF
website. Volunteers must have served at least 25 hours
on local, state or national dressage efforts.
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Showtime!! April 9 & 10, 2005...FWDC Spring Fling I & II
Glen Rose Equestrian Center, Glen Rose, Texas
Some photos of the sights and people…..
Our hard working judges and scribes: L to R. Jill Van Hoy and
Kem Barbosa and Natalie Lamping and Amy Talley .
Other scribes were Susannah Cord, Connie Goad and Dyanna
Lawson. Thanks for all your work ladies!
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Our TD, Sarah Jane Martin. She came despite the fact she is recovering from a broken neck! Thanks again, Sarah!!
Scorers on Sunday were Teresa Deeter, Peggy
Meeker and Leslie Covington. They were assisted by Peggy’s Corgi puppy, Sophie.
Tom Little , our farrier, had
a quiet day on Sunday.
It takes a lot of work to put on a recognized show. Ours wouldn’t happen without the work of our dedicated
Two of our vendors, Bridle Suite and Beyond the Barn, donated $150 gift certificates each to be awarded to two
of the volunteers who worked our show. The drawing will be held at the next meeting. Special thanks to those
volunteers who drove a long way to work for us. Amy Talley scribed both days and she drove from Austin.
Susannah Cord drove from Gainesville to scribe on Saturday. Carol Chapman drove from Paradise to gate keep
on Saturday morning. Some of members who rode in the show also donated time as volunteers. Congratulations
and thanks! You are the ones who made it happen!
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More about EPM….thought you’d like to have this for your files.
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Minutes of FWDC Meeting
January 24, 2005
Szechuan Restaurant
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Respectfully submitted,
Peggy Meeker, Secretary
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Minutes of FWDC Meeting
February 28, 2005
Szechuan Restaurant
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Offering a Once in a Lifetime
Discount Breeding to
Proven Sire—Holsteiner Stallion
This offer ends June 1st, 2005
Breeding fees: $850 plus a $500 booking fee which includes
Equitainer deposit and a refund of $250 will be granted back to
mare owner when Equitainer is returned.
Mare owner must follow all conditions of breeding contract.
Breeding contract can be found at under Le Santo
For more infomration please contact Ncsporthorses at 972-274-5861
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Minutes of FWDC Meeting
March 28, 2005
Szechuan Restaurant
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Don’t we all have beautiful horses??? Nominate them!!!
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The Clinic Corner
Please send me information as you have in the past on the who, when and where
and I will make sure it is included. Here is what I have to date.
Bob Cooper Saddle Fiting Clinic—April 30 at noon at the Horseshoe Club in Fort Worth
No charge to audit. Contact Teresa Deeter for more details. 817-346-1551 or
Beverly Rogers Clinic—Wild Oaks Ranch, Paradise, TX. USDF Gold medalist and R judge from Phoenix
Contact Jackie Nixon-Fulton at 940-433-3082 or
Loma Fowler Clinic—May 6-8, Silver Oaks Farm, Kerrville, TX Auditors welcome.
Contact Cindy Dix Weathersbee, 830-792-3414 or
Anne Gribbons Clinic—June 3-5 Wild Oaks Ranch, Paradise, TX. Limited rides available. First time in TX
Contact Jackie Nixon-Fulton at 940-433-3082 or www.
Nancy Hinz Clinic—June 4 & 5. Call to get location. Private and semi available.
Contact Gayle Finster at 940-686-5667, 940-300-1536 cell or
Loma Fowler Clinic—July 8-10, Silver Oaks Farm, Kerrville, TX. Auditors welcome.
Contact Cindy Dix Weathersbee, 830-792-3414 or
Nancy Hinz Clinic—September 10 & 11. Call for location. Private and semi private available
Contact Gayle Finster at 940-686-5667, 940-300-1536 cell or
Loma Fowler Clinic—September 16-18, Silver Oaks Farm, Kerrville, TX. Auditors welcome.
Contact Cindy Dix Weathersbee, 830-792-3414 or
Walter Zettl Clinic—September 23-25, Combined Dressage/Reiner Clinic, a first of it’s kind!
Location to be announced in North Texas. Contact Susannah Cord at
Nancy Hinz Clinic—November 19 & 20. Call for location. Private and semi available.
Contact Gayle Finster at 940-686-5667, 940-300-1536 cell or
Nancy Hinz Clinic—December 17 & 18. Call for location. Private and semi available
Contact Gayle Finster at 940-686-5667, 940-300-1536 or
I know there are a number of clinics that come to our area frequently….please forward that information so they
can be listed here.
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4011-E, Hwy 377 South
Fort Worth, Texas 76116
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Ray & Barbara Torres
Full page $25
Qtr. Page $7
Half-page $15
Business Card $5
Classified Ads: Members, first 25 word free, .25/wor d remaining
Non -members, first 25 words $5.00, .25 word remaining
Classifieds run 3 months for one charge
Send to: Dyanna Lawson, 8590 Bear Creek Road, Aledo, TX 76008 817-596-9501 Email—
Horses For Sale
1991 16.1 Gray TB gelding. Shown
in hunter and first level dressage.
Easy, intelligent and sensitive ride.
Just took rider to C1 in Pony Club.
A real sweetheart of a horse.
Contact Patty at 214-55704751 or
email at davidlandgren@comcast.
net (3)
Faux Friesian. Wish you could afford a Friesian? Chaco is an 8 year
old, super cute, jet black
Percheron/Morgan cross. He is fun
to ride, with lots of charm, a great
work ethic and forward gaits. In
professional training three moths
with Collette Sossaman. Friendly
and talkative, he is looking for his
own person. $5000 to a good home.
Call Rhonda at 817-233-33127 or
email (3)
For sale, lease or half-lease nice
trained Arab mare $5K/OBO Call
Sabrina 817-535-0506 (1)
1999 AQHA Appendix Gelding:
chestnut w/ star and snip, 16.1 hh.
Nice mover, good ground manners,
started O/F, numerous dressage
clinics w/Lyndon Rife, $7K
2001 Holsteiner/TB gelding by
Lordship. 17.2 hh, bay w/stripe and
snip. Lovely mover, started U/S,
superb prospect, $15K See pictures
and more info. on these two horses
4 YO Trakehner filly by Onassis out
of Martini daughter. Sapphire is going well U/S, bold and has a “look
at me” persona. Has 3 good gaits,
forward, uncomplicated, responsive
to rider aids and has a great work
ethic. She has been trail ridden and
is being started over jumps. A perfect mount for smaller rider, probably maturing to 15.3. Definite upper
level dressage potential, but could
also go hunter. $14K
2YO gray anglo/Trakehner filly by
Never Bend Better out of Martini
daughter. Bonita has a wonderful
character, quiet with 3 good gaits….
will look like her sire. Should mature at 16.2. Great event or hunter
prospect. $8K
Spectacular bay yearling colt by
Rosenthal (Rubenstein/Karon) out
of SPS Whitney by Wokenstein II/
Matcho/Pik Koenig. Rolex has a
dressage pedigree that reads like a
“Who’s Who” in dressage. Great
temperament, beautiful head and
neck and an excellent mover. An
outstanding dressage prospect!
$10K To see pictures go to www. or call Jackie
at 940-433-3082 (1)
Tack For Sale
Saddles for Sale:
17” Black Country, wide tree.
Beautiful and basically brand new.
Comfortable deep seat. New $2200.
Sacrifice $1400.
17.5” Stubben Parzival. Older saddle but in really good condition and
quite comfy! Comes with leathers,
stirrups and long girth. $500. Call
Sue at 512-746-2836 or (1)
Used 1.5 years, horse outgrew.
$1000 OBO
Black Country 17” Riley Dressage
Saddle, Very good condition, used 2
years. Medium Twist, Wide Tree,
$1000 OBO
16.5 Beval Natural Close Contact
Saddle, Like new! $1000 OBO.
Contact: Nettie at 817-428-7164 or
email at (3)
Used Stubben Scandica DL Dressage Saddle, 18”, medium tree,
Black, long billets, moderate knee
roll. Good condition. $800. Contact
Hollie Carron at 817-992-8468 (3)
Used Dressage Saddles at Horse
Cents. Courbette de Kunffy II
171/2” medium tree, $539. Courbette de Kunffy Grand Prix, medium tree , 18” $695. To see or take
a test ride call Ray or Barbara at
Horse Cents, 817-249-2785 M-F 197 pm and Sat. 12-5 p.m. (3)
Trailer for Sale
Exiss 2001 4-horse GN aluminum trailer with finished out
daytime LQ (sink w/ hot and
cold water, stereo with CD
player, cabinets, refrigerator,
closet, bed). Lightly used and
very clean. Rear tack. $18K Call
Sue at 512-746-2836 or at (1)
Passier 16.5 Grand Gilbert, Brown,
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