Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy Welcome to the Cathedral Parish of
Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy Welcome to the Cathedral Parish of
CONFIRMATION 2016 Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy December 8, 2015 – November 20, 2016. “A little bit of mercy makes the world less cold and more just.” Pope Francis Lessons will continue this SUNDAY 8TH MAY. The candidates will attend a retreat day, 9am – 3pm, in the Cathedral Precinct on Friday 13th May followed by a rehearsal in the Cathedral 3.30pm – 4.30pm. The sacrament will take place during the 10am Mass next weekend on Pentecost Sunday, 15th May. All children in Yr 6 who wish to be confirmed must be enrolled at the Parish Office. For more information please ph 67722218. Making Church matter …….. LITURGY THIS WEEK SATURDAY: SUNDAY: We pray God's richest blessings on all our mothers – on this their special day. Welcome to the Cathedral Parish of SAINTS MARY & JOSEPH 132 DANGAR St (PO Box 2025) ARMIDALE 2350 PH 6772 2218 office@smjcathedral.org.au www.smjcathedral.org.au The ASCENSION of the LORD (C/2) Sunday 8th May 2016 Psalter Week 3 9.15AM; 6PM VIGIL MASS The ASCENSION of the LORD 8AM; 10AM; 5.30PM MONDAY: 7AM; 12.30PM Cathedral TUESDAY: 7AM; 9.15AM; Cathedral WEDNESDAY: 9.15AM De la Salle Chapel; 12.30PM Cathedral; THURSDAY: 7AM Cathedral; 11AM Autumn Lodge FRIDAY: 9.15AM; 5.40PM SATURDAY: St Matthias 9.15AM; 6PM VIGIL MASS SUNDAY: PENTECOST SUNDAY 8AM; 10AM CONFIRMATION; 5.30PM SACRAMENT of PENANCE FRIDAY: SATURDAY: 5-5.30PM 11.30AM-12NOON; 4.30-5.30PM ROSARIES THIS WEEK: Tuesday 10th May, in the home of Tony Zagami, 6 Kathleen Cres at 4pm. Wednesday 11th May, Autumn Lodge at 2.30pm. Friday 13th May, prior to the 9.15am Mass for the Feast of Our Lady of Fatima. All welcome. Viewpoint…latest edition now available in the Cathedral foyer. Across the Generations……. Parish Pastoral Council…Tuesday 10th May at 5.30pm in the Holy Family Parish Centre. CWL Coffee morning at Altitude Coffee Shop on Thursday 12th May at 9. 30 am and Mass to follow at Autumn Lodge. WUCWO (World Union of Catholic Women’s Organisations) day will be celebrated at the 9.15 a.m. Mass on Thursday, 19th May followed by morning tea at Rene’ on the Mews. There will be a collection at Mass to support the work of WUCWO. All are welcome to join with the CWL in celebrating this important day. Enquiries to Margaret on 6772 3790 or Robyn on 6772 2434. Seeking Out those who Belong……. CODE OF CONDUCT FOR CARING FOR CHILDREN IN OUR PARISH General Principles • Provide children with guidance about acceptable behaviour and give directions to manage behaviour which is disruptive or unacceptable. • The use of tobacco and illicit drugs is unacceptable as is the provision of these substances to a child. The misuse of medication is also unacceptable. • Avoid inappropriate physical conduct and language. • Take care not to form inappropriate relationships with children in your activities. It is always the responsibility of the adult, not the child or young person, to set appropriate boundaries. • Avoid favouritism. • Always maintain an open and transparent environment when you are with children. It is best practice to always have another adult with you and in activities where you must work one on one you should remain in view of other people at all times. • Overnight stays involve additional responsibilities with feeding and supervised sleeping arrangements. • Report any situation which causes you concern. • Call 000 for any emergencies. • Ask for guidance if you are not sure what to do. • The Code of Conduct sets out how you may report a matter and the procedure which will be followed. 50TH WORLD COMMUNICATIONS DAY This Sunday 8th May. Some copies of Pope Francis’ message, ‘Communication and Mercy’, available in the Cathedral foyer. MASS: Action of Christ. The celebration of Mass, as the action of Christ and of the People of God arrayed hierarchically, is the centre of the whole of Christian life for the Church both universal and local, as well as for each of the faithful individually. For in it is found the high point both of the action by which God sanctifies the world in Christ and of the worship that the human race offers to the Father, adoring him through Christ, the Son of God, in the Holy Spirit. GIRM 16 CENTACARE PARENTING COURSES…see notice board for details REMEMBER IN YOUR PRAYERS THIS WEEK: RECENTLY DECEASED: David St Clair Swan (UK), Bishop John Satterthwaite, Fr Geoff Dickinson (Parramatta), Fr Terence Hogan (Parramatta), Concepcion Llave (Philippines), Roy Wright, Campbell Fleming, Allan Cooper, Lyn Wakeling (Mudgee), Baby Frankie Cuskelly (Maitland), George Rohde, Norma Olive Burns (QLD), Sr Ella Mangan RSM (Brisbane), Baby Jessica Philomena Jose, Veronica Ukpong (Nigeria), Lorna Moran ANNIVERSARIES: Maureen Halloway, Bernard Burton, Ruby Burton, Roy Johnston, Veronica Irving, Estelle Cormack, Mary Partridge, Gerhard Schmiga, Lurline Butler SICK: Ghodsi Amini, Mark Norman, Geraldine Giannikas, Susan Maye, Michael Zhu, Michael Moloney, Aeron Ryan, Helen Hesketh, John Fleming, Laurie Fahy, Blake Ross, Gemma Milliken, Joseph O’Brien, Lorraine Gray, Deacon Peter Harrison, Frederic Koelmeyer, Kay Robertson, Sandra Devine, Maureen Veitch, Maria Selvey, Russell Wicks, Eleanor Pankhurst, Kay Goodwin, Norma O’Brien, Anne Simpson, Ellen Snell, Michael Hartmann, Silvia & Ralph Bowles CATHOLIC WOMEN CONNECTING…our next meeting will be held on Saturday 21st of May, at 5pm in the Holy Family Parish Centre. Please note the change of time, it’s getting darker and cooler so we thought it will nicer to get together a bit earlier. Also, this coming meeting we will be having a pot luck dinner! So bring a plate to share. We will have some time in prayer and then enjoy a lovely dinner together !! All women welcome ! ROSTERS THIS WEEKEND 8th MAY Awakening the Faithful……. WELCOMERS: 6pm Vigil: R Davis 8am: P Spilsbury 10am: McGrath Family 5.30pm: P Robinson READERS: 6pm Vigil: M Atchison, N Brennan 8am: G Burton, S Fleming 10am: L Herden, L Quast 5.30pm: S Frazier, R Menz PRAYERS OF THE FAITHFUL: 6pm Vigil: I Clark 8am: F Miron 10am: L Tindale 5.30pm: J Roff EM's: 6pm Vigil: T Dubois 8am: B Burton 10am: C Allen 5.30pm: L Turley COUNTERS: K McCartney, K Nixon, K De Souza CLEANERS: LOM SUPPORT YOUR PRIESTS AND YOUR PARISH: 1ST COLLECTION (supports the clergy): BSB: 082-105 Acc. No: 001023527 2ND COLLECTION (supports the Cathedral and parish): BSB: 082-105 Acc. No: 001006225 (Reference with your Planned Giving Number and your name) WELCOMERS: 6pm Vigil: K McMahon 8am: J Miller 10am: Driscoll Family 5.30pm: D Steller READERS: 6pm Vigil: D Fittler, K McMahon 8am: J Cugley, A Rogers 10am: M Allen, M Edgley 5.30pm: M Beeby, P Boston PRAYERS OF THE FAITHFUL: 6pm Vigil: J Atchison 8am: B Swan 10am: A Herden 5.30pm: T Frazier EM's: 6pm Vigil: P Elliott 8am: M Howie 10am: D Schmude 5.30pm: S Hanson COUNTERS: H Bartlett, A Murphy, F & S Nano CLEANERS: YCAG ROSTERS NEXT WEEKEND 15th MAY
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