Honey Grove Homecoming Court
Honey Grove Homecoming Court
The Weekly Gazette 50c Serving Honey Grove, Ladonia, Pecan Gap, Windom, Petty & Surrounding Areas For All Emergencies.... Please Dial 9-1-1 For Assistance Established September 16, 1999 Phone: (903) 378-3558 Email: hgwcnews@yahoo.com New Website: www.honeygroveweeklygazette.com Volume 17 Number 17, October 23, 2014 Honey Grove Homecoming Court Alex Renee Gibbons, Natalie Ferguson, Jadah Finney, and Raeli Motley, seniors at Honey grove High School, have recently been nominated by the student body as the 2014 Homecoming Court. On member of Beta Club three years, SADD four years, Student Council one year, and FFA four years, holding the office of FFA secretary. She has also served as a class officer two years and as a Natalie Ferguson Friday, October 24, the mentor one year. Alex Warrior battle with the has shown her Warrior Como-Pickton Eagles spirit by representing will commence, and dur- Honey Grove as a Lady ing halftime festivities, Warrior basketball and one of these four young softball player for four ladies will be crowned years, being recognized as the 2014 Homecoming Academic All District and Queen. 2nd Team All District in The first nominee, Alex basketball. She has also Gibbons, is the daughter been a member of the of Dorinda Gibbons and cross-country, track, tenMike Archer of Honey nis, and golf teams, as Grove. Alex has been a well. Alex has participat- Alex Gibbons Pam Lochridge ed in UIL One-Act Play for three years and has been actively involved in several local church congregations, including Direct Baptist Church and Honey Grove Cowboy Church. Enjoying being with others, she has participated in Camp Wohalito, Hoop Camp and TCB Camp. Alex’s future plans include attending a university to major in athletic training. After college, she plans to start a beautiful family and pursue Christ’s plan for her life. She will be escorted at the pep rally by senior football player Drew Rhodes and in the Homecoming coronation by her brother Derrick Recer. Nominee Natalie Ferguson is the daughter of Jamie Ferguson of Honey Grove. As a threeyear Beta member and Beta vice president, Natalie excels in her academics. She has participated in academic UIL four years and One-Act Play three years, receiving UIL Newcomer of the Year in 2011 and Most Improved in 2014. Natalie has also served as a class officer four years, three of those as president; a SADD Council member four years, and a Warrior band member five years, serving as Drum Major this year. A very athletic young lady as well, she has been a member of the Lady Warrior basketball, crosscountry, and track teams, winning numerous awards including basketball recognition as 2013 District Defensive Player of the Year, and 2012 First Team All-District. Upon graduation, Natalie plans on attending college to become a nurse and live a happy life. She will be escorted by senior football player Justin Clem at the pep rally and by her mother during the coronation ceremony. The third nominee is 1502 West Main Honey Grove 903-378-7104 also participated inbasketball, softball, and golf multiple years. Her compassion for others has taken her on six youth mission trips, as well as brought her to participate in Big Brother, Big Sister October 24, during the downtown parade at 1:15 P.M. and at the community pep rally immediately following the parade at approximately 2 P.M. in the high school gymnasium. Congratulations to Jadah Finney and serve as a mentor one year. After graduation, Raeli plans to attend college, become a nurse practitioner, and live life according to God’s plan. Raeli will be escorted at the pep rally by senior football player Carter Patrick and in the Homecoming Coronation by her father. The Homecoming Court will first be present- ed Friday each of these girls. Come celebrate our 2014 Homecoming, “Warrior Games.” Results of all the student body activities for the week—dress-up competition, Warrior Games night, spirit signs, and the float participation—will be announced during the halftime festivities at the game; alumni classes will also be recognized. afternoon, Raeli Motley Honey Grove 1950’s Class Reunion Oct. 25, 2014 Excitement is building and plans are bring finalized for the Great Reunion of Honey Grove High School Classes of the 1950’s. The date is Saturday, October 25; the time 10:00 a.m. and the location: HG Elementary Cafeteria. There are two requests for those planning to attend; bring addresses of fellow classmates that may have moved and be thinking about who to select to lead the next reunion. There are names of many students with whom we have lost contact. There will be a large poster available to write in addresses and/or phone numbers of your friends whose information may have slipped through the cracks. Better yet, you could bring with you a piece of paper or a file card with names and addresses o classmates about whom you know-to give to Patsy Milton. Doc’s Corner Jadah Finney, daughter of Rebecka Lewis and Kim Finney of Honey Grove. Jadah has been involved with SADD for four years and the mentor program for one year. She has also supported the Warriors by cheering them on as mascot this year as well as participating in basketball and track. In addition, Jadah has been an active part of the Warrior band for four years, participating in the 2014 State Finalist Sweepstakes. Jadah’s future plans include attending Prairie View A & M University to pursue a degree in nursing, and after graduating college, marry the love of her life, have two children and live her life to the fullest. Escorting her at the pep rally will be senior football player Johnathan Clark, and at the game, her sister Adrian Gardner. Fourth nominee Raeli Motley is the daughter of Carla and Bobby Motley of Honey Grove, Texas. A very active five-year member of FFA, Raeli currently serves as FFA president and has received the Greenhand Degree in 2012 and the Top Hand award in 2013. She has also been a three-year member of Beta Club, serving as secretary this year, SADD four years, and Student Council one year. Her leadership skills also include being Senior Class secretary as well. Definitely a Warrior at heart, she has participated in the Warrior Band five years, served as a Varsity cheerleader this year, and also participated in Beta Club, serving as secretary this year, SADD four years, and Student Council one year. Her leadership skills also include being Senior Class secretary as well. Definitely a Warrior at heart, she has participated in the Warrior Band five years, served as a Varsity cheerleader this year, and Please, give some thought to who would be good leaders for the next Reunion. One person suggested that this idea of Co-Chairs is excellent because at our age, good health is not guaranteed. Another mentioned that it is easier to do the job if you have participated in the past and know a bit about how the machinery of planning and carrying out tasks works. Whereas it might be possible to be the chief leader from a long distance, by and large workers have been those in Fannin County and the Paris area. Though with easy travel now days, one or two from the MetroPlex could do the top job. It is also highly recommended that leaders are chosen from the Classes of 1955 through 1959. So, come with addresses, ideas and anticipation of visiting with friends from our youth. DOC’S COUNTRY COOKING Welcome to Honey Grove! COME SEE US AT DOC’S! 378-7104 Thanks for giving us this opportunity! Doc & judy witcher Doc’s Corner 1502 West Main Honey Grove 903-378-7104 PAGE 8, OCTOBER 23, 2014 WEEKLY GAZETTE WRITE IN BILL CAREY for FANNIN COUNTY JUDGE TRANSPARENCY IN GOVERNMENT OPENNESS OF ACTIONS - COMMUNICATION WITH THE PEOPLE ACCOUNTABILITY As COUNTY JUDGE Bill Carey will: 1) WORK to ELIMINATE COUNTY PROPERTY TAXES through REVENUE GAINED FROM COUNTY WATER ALLOCATIONS 2) SUPPORT Fannin County water allocations negotiations to be conducted by the Fannin County Water Supply Agency - the ONLY AUTHORIZED COUNTY ENTITY TO NEGOTIATE on behalf of all the cities & water districts in Fannin County 3) APPOINT CONCERNED CITIZENS to ZONE THE LAND AROUND OUR RESERVOIRS AS REQUIRED BY STATE LAW 4) FIGHT FOR THE RETURN OF OUR $1.75 MILLION PAID TO IRS CAUSE BY BAD ADVICE FROM OUR COUNTY JAIL BOND COUNSEL 5) VOTE to ACCEPT HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS DONATED to BUILD a COUNTY ANIMAL FACILITY >>>>> Texas Silver-Haired Legislator (TSHL) for Fannin County, State Chairperson of the Retirement & Aging Committee, and member of the Executive Committee. >>>>> Business background in real estate, finance, insurance, securities, and taxes; published author of 13 books in the real estate investment, industry, consumer, and college textbook arena. >>>>> Lives with his wife Chantal and their Great Pyrenees pups in Fannin County for past three years, are restoring the Smith Moore Williams building on Main Street in Bonham, & attends 1st Presbyterian Church. The current county judge: 1) says he “lowered our tax rates” but PROPERTY TAXES HAVE INCREASED. 2) is conducting Fannin County water negotiations by himself that may leave our county having “water, water everywhere and not a drop to drink.” 3) has FAILED TO IMPLEMENT the SPECIAL LAKE ZONING LAW effective 4/29/2011 for Lower Bois d’Arc Creek Reservoir & Lake Ralph Hall. 4) HID the Fannin County Jail $1.75 MILLION I.R.S. BILL FROM CITIZENS FOR NEARLY 3 YEARS! 5) was THE DECIDING VOTE in May 2011 that threw $230,000.00 of Fannin County resident’s animal facility donations down the drain. Nearly 4 years later Fannin County is still without a county animal facility. www.votebillcarey.com HOW TO VOTE BILL CAREY for FANNIN COUNTY JUDGE >>>>> On your ballot mark the Write-In Spot for Fannin County Judge. When the keyboard appears, DIAL IN BILL CAREY and Press Enter. Early voting begins October 20th. Election day is November 4. Thank you for your support. PD BY BILL CAREY CAMPAIGN FUND Honey Grove Heartbeats PAGE 7, OCTOBER 23, 2014 WEEKLY GAZETTE Hello, Honey Grove folks!!! A lecture series has began at the Vietnam War Heroes Exhibit in Honey Grove. The War Heroes’ Exhibit will be in Honey Grove until November 15. In conjunction with this fascinating and educational exhibit is a series of guest speakers. On Tuesday, October 21, Jerry Suitor Vietnam war veteran and a member of the K-9 unit, spoke about the use of dogs in war time and how important they are in saving lives of our troops. The exhibit will be kept open from 10:00 – 7:00 on this evening so that visitors will have time to hear him and spend time looking at the exhibit. Gary Fernandes, also a veteran, will speak on the evening of October 28 about the topic “An Historical Perspective of the Vietnam War”. On November 4 at 6:00 we will have Vietnam veteran Bud Roach speak about conditions for medics during that era. Admission to exhibit and lecture series is free. Saturday!!! Don’t forget the Bonham Festival of Flight... It’s coming this Saturday. If you’ve never took your lawn chairs and enjoyed the many airplanes flying, the stunt planes showing their maneuvers, the skydivers....AND let your children fly FREE.... IT’S COMING SATURDAY!!! It’s a must see, incredible show!! Bonham Festival of Flight will be held on October 25th at Jones Field (KF00) in Bonham, TX, about 100 miles northeast of DFW. The festival begins at 10:00-4:00; gates open at 9:00am. Find them on Facebook at BONHAM FESTIVAL OF FLIGHT. In keeping with my promise of “Prayer Chain” in my Heartbeats story, let’s all pray for our blessings of today, as tomorrow is not promised. Let’s all pray for all the unknown needs others may have; whether it’s sickness, loss, or a simple unspoken request. Just know, “The Sweetest Town in Texas” is praying for you! Found on the LadoniaYahooGroup site this morning, something that made my heart skip a beat. Sharon Banister passed away yes- Walker Construction Local, Dependable For all your ROOFING, Painting, Add-on’s or General Construction Work Call 903-623-4072 Granny's Place on the square By: Lorrie Page terday. Sharon was one of the most respected, intelligent, pet loving women I’ve ever known. She lost her battle to that ugly six letter word yesterday... cancer. Big, big prayers to her husband John, their families, and their many friends in and around their little hometown of Ladonia. On a lighter note, with this beautiful Fall weather that Texans have been fortunate to enjoy this year, there are lots and lots of happenings throughout the Lamar, Fannin, Delta and Hunt Counties..... let me see if I can get them all listed and hope I don’t miss anyone..... DMS MUDFEST would like to thank everyone for coming out and watching the races and thanks to the drivers for putting on a show. ....we would also like to thank everyone for the donations for the family in need it is going to help them alot...thanks to Bk Moody for the music and awesome announcing. ...thanks DMS MUDFEST CREW yall are awesome. ...dont forget November 15th is Toys for Tots event there will be 2 bands SONS OF FANNIN AND WRECK RD lll....there will also be some vendors set up and Santa will be there to visit with all the children.....If anyone would like to sponsor the event or set up a vendor spot feel free to contact us on facebook...there will also be a silent auction aswell as some big time mud racing and much much more.... help us make it the biggest event Fannin County has ever seen and help the Fannin and Lamar children and their families! $10 per person and children 10 and under are FREE. October 24-31: The Haunted Forest is still going strong.... 8th Annual Haunted Forest. Come to the Ladonia City Square, October 24th, 25th or 31st or all nights if you like. Take a ride on the trailer down to the forest (about a 20 min ride). Rides will start at 8pm. We can’t start before dark. If it is raining, sorry, we will not be able to have it in the rain. $3.00 per person. October 25: DON’T FORGET.... HG 50's Reunion October 25, 2014. The committee is hoping for a record turnout for this year’s reunion. November 1: Did you see the article about Trick or Treating being on October 31st; but Trunk-or-Treating and Movie in the Park being held on Saturday, November 1st. COME ON DOWNTOWN.... Ya’ll know I love to see Honey Grove hometown folks together downtown! Bring your lawn chairs, visit, watch a movie in the park, or simply watch the little princesses, ghosts, goblins and ghouls run through the streets Trunk-or-Treating. October 25: Let the praises begin!!!! A PRAISE GATHERING will be held at the Honey Grove Cowboy Church. Everyone is welcome so y’all come on out. Invited guests are: THE BAND OF FAITH, JO COFER, LLOYD ROBERSON, ROYCE SMITHEY, McFARLAND FAMILY AND THE JOYFUL NOISE BAND. Oct 25. Music starts at 6pm. 3050 Hwy North in Honey Grove. October 24: Let’s join together and root for the Warriors during their Homecoming Game against Como-Pickton on Friday night, October 24th. October 24: October 24th and 25th has also been set as the weekend for the Hopkins County Fall Festival in Sulphur Springs. October 31: Trunk or Treating on the Ladonia Square. Ladonia opted for Friday evening. November 1: Ready for Trunk-or Treating downtown Honey Grove? Due to out-of-town football game, It’s Saturday! November 8: A Fall Carnival will be held November 8th from 3pm-8pm at Honey Grove Cowboy Church. There will be face painting, carnival games, music, photo booth, hot dogs, pumpkin decorating contest, LOTS of candy and fun for all. This event is open to the public and totally free. Donations are greatly appreciated November 2: Was just checking my calendar and noticed that the annual Time Change of “Fall Back” one hour is Sunday, November 2. OH, HOW I LOVE THIS!! Happenings in every city, town and community around us. I’m trying to keep up with them all. If I’ve missed your event, drop me an email at hgwcnews@yahoo.com, look me up on Facebook at “Lorrie Page”, text me at 903-449-0593. I would love to hear from you and let my readers know of what’s happening! Well, we at the local newspaper are moving into the 2000’s, finally! We are now set up to accept credit/debit cards... on the go! If ever you think, I should get a subscription to my little local newspaper to keep up with all my local happenings..... or if you just see ME around town and realize you need to renew your annual subscription... now you can, in only a moments time. Just ask, I’ll show you how it works. Hope to hear from everyone soon! Send that local news in... to keep your newspaper local!!! Warriors Come Up Short Against Rivercrest Tricia Stoltenberg Come on in... See what we have to offer! Granny’s Place Cl sed & 10 S. Plaza Ladonia, Texas Su osed o l n C day y Downtown Ladonia Mo day & n u nda S nda y Mo 903-367-7095 FREE LOCK WITH EACH NEW CUSTOMER Honey Grove Self Storage Now with 24-Hour Surveillance Cameras!!! 903-449-0378 903. 815. 4723 903. 587. 2004 SALE * SALE!!!! Isaac’s Emporium Sue Reel’s Antiques & Collectibles Shirley Wright’s Scentsy BOOTH SPACES AVAILABLE!! 101 W. Main, Ladonia, Texas (903) 367-7095 Jones ~ Walker & Son Funeral Home, Inc. “Caring Service Since 1942” DIGNIFIED CREMATION... $895 Affordable Graveside Services We will honor all pre-paid plans & insurance policies from other funeral homes. 1-800-809-5079 1209 Live Oak, Commerce, TX 39th Annual Orr Family Reunion By: Roy Perry The 39th Orr Family Reunion was held on October 12, 2014, at the Windom Senior Center. Attendees were: Aaron, Heather, Brooke & Brynlee Bridges and Louise Smallwood from Paris, Tim, Kimberly, Ashton & Riley Crump, Tim & Brenda Houston from Pecan Gap, Raymond & Suzie Lackey from Dodd City, Tonya Kelton & Linda Wilson from Ector, Shelly Kirby, Jean Nichols, Keith Daniels, Nick Nichols, Nikki & Ethan Bowman, Victor, Jessica & Emily Zavala & June Brewer from Windom, Bertha Allen, Brianna Cravens, J.C. Robison, Milton & Travis Robison, Mike, Cindy, Rachel & John Charles Yarborough & Bobby Newman from Honey Grove, Jim & Shirley Bingham, Betty Brown, Jeff Robison, David, Ame & Mackenzie Fritts, Ted, Jerri, Aaron & Amy Lane, Billy & Sue Orr, Stan, Tammy & Colton Raper, Roby & Phyllis Robison, Stephanie, Avery & Ayden Robison, Arron Robison & Family, Chad, Amy, Lexie, Jake, Parker, Creed & Drew Whisenhunt, Marla, Olivia & Celine White from Bonham, Allie & Gates Cope from Bells, Jeremy Lane, Hokulani & Beano Church from Euless, Earl & Lylene Orr from Hope, AR, Bob & Anita Orr from Garland, David & Susie Orr from Rockwall. The Honey Grove Warriors lost their 2nd district game Friday night, against the Rivercrest Rebels, 31-15. Offensively the Warriors put up a total of 229 yds. Bobbie Newman was 1 of 8 passes for 64 yds and Rylee Stoltenberg was 1 of 2 for 14 yds. Kris Leftrick was 2 of 3 on receiving for 75 yds. Rushing Hoss McElroy had 16 carries for 86 yds; Kris Leftrick had 3 carries for 16 yds; Rylee Stoltenberg had 6 carries for 8 yds; Xza Epps had 12 carries for45yds. Josue Coronado was 1 for 1 on extra point kicks. Defensively, Newman and Stoltenberg each had 4 assisted tackles; Carter Patrick and TK Williams each had 3. Johnathan Clark, Izaiah Epps, Hunter McQuaters and Mark Gidney each had 2. Xza Epps had 4 unassisted tackles; Stoltenberg had 3; Clark, Newman, McQuatters and Drew Rhodes each had 2. Friday night the Warriors will play Como-Pickton for Homecoming. Come out Friday night at 7:30 and show your support for the Warriors. Advertising for 2,500 paid readers to see... For only $5.00 per week!! Windom SNAP Center Menu Call 903-378-3558 !!! -----------------------------------------Monday, Oct 27 Bar B Q , Potato Salad, Baked Beans, Peanut Butter Cookies Tuesday, Oct 28 Hamburger Steak, Baked Potatoes, Pinto Beans, Squash Casserole, Cornbread, Dessert Thursday, Oct 30 Fried Chicken, Creamed Potatoes / Gravy, Layered Salad, English Peas/Carrots/Onions, Hot Rolls, Honey Fannindel High School Honor Roll 1st Six Weeks 2014-15 All A”s Victor Cralley Grant Childress Zoey Fields Sabershia King Uni Reed Dylan St.Clair A’s and B’s Keyon Braxton Lari Gilmer Tynaelen Braxton Chelsey Gonzales Tanner Boggess Grady Howard Cierra Campbell Avren Lee Jeremiah Carino Colton Landers Robert Milton Elizabeth Chesson Wesely Kant Amber Childress Brenden Morrow Brayden Combs Britt Moody Cierra Crosby Paula Moody Keyona Cook Kimberly Ragains Hannah Davis Summer Smart Chris Day Chasity Scott Courtney Earles Deandrae Tinnell Robert Erwin PAGE 6, OCTOBER 23, 2014 WEEKLY GAZETTE & WOLFE CITY MIRROR Fannindel Beta Joins Fall Festival Robert Milton The Fannindel Jr. & Sr. Beta Clubs joined forces to help the Ladonia Chamber of Commerce at the Fall Festival held on October 18th. Several members helped set up games and activities before the Fall Festival began. The Beta Club members also ran the games for the kids during the Fall Festival. Some of the games included a slime bucket, dig- ging for dinosaur’s bones, fishing, candy tree, toilet paper toss, put-put golf and many more activates through the day. Sixteen students volunteered on Saturday. The Fall Festival had a great turn out and was a lot of fun. The Fannindel Jr. and Sr. Beta Clubs are sponsored by Robert Milton and Mandy Fine. One Call... One Low Price 903-378-3558 Advertise in the H.G. Paper * W.C. Paper * Statewide * Districtwide Windom Citizens Greet The Arriving Veterans Memorial Photos by: Larry Standlee Got An Upcoming Event? Call us!!! 903-378-3558 We’ll put it in our Heartbeats...FREE! Fannin Bank P.O. Box 160 Bonham, TX 75418 (903) 583-5522 901 East Main Honey Grove, TX 75446 (903) 378-2200 Member FDIC Memorial greeters awaiting it’s arrival www.fanninbank.com Delta Funeral Home “Serving Area Since 1939” 451 SW First St. Cooper, Texas 75432 (903) 395-2165 Senior Citizen {June Brewer} waves her flag as the Memorial passes by Windom Windom residents proudly lined hwy 56 and waved flags to honor the Memorial as it passed by on its way to Honey Grove from Bonham on Oct 9th. PAGE 5, OCTOBER 23, 2014 WEEKLY GAZETTE & WOLFE CITY MIRROR DO THIS FIRST! By: Reuben Trussell, Pecan Gap Mary Jo and June were chatting one day. Mary Jo lived in a retirement home. June asked, “Mary Jo, how do like where you live? “Oh, I love it,” answered Mary Jo, “there’s so much to do, and no burdens of cooking a cleaning.” “I’m not sure I’d like it,” June said. “I understand there are hardly any men at these places.” “Oh, indeed there are,” said Mary Jo. “There’s Will Power, and Charlie Horse, and (whispering) you can even go to bed with Arthur Itis. And, if you don’t like them, there’s Ben Gay An 85-year-old Honey Grove widow went on a blind date with a 90-year-old man. When she returned to her daughter's house later that night, she seemed upset. "What happened, Mother?" the daughter asked. "I had to slap his face three times!" "You mean he got fresh?" "No," she answered. "I thought he was dead!" Do This First Have you ever needed to talk to someone. Perhaps you needed to ask an opinion … or, needed some encouragement … an answer to a question … or, just share a problem. Someone once said that you can count your “close” friends on the fingers of one hand … and have a finger or two left over. Who do you seek out in those moments. It must be someone to keep the conversation confidential. You need to know that it will not be spread to others. My wife’s husband is a clergyman. Wow! That must make him my “husband in law”! Anyway, he burdens the same person every time he needs someone to talk to. He goes to the Lord Jesus Christ. After all, Romans 8:34, Hebrews 7:25 and John 17:11-25 are all scriptures that assure us of Jesus caring and praying for us. More could be listed but these should be sufficient. In addition, Romans 8:26 we learn that the very Spirit of God and Christ, the Holy Spirit, interceded in prayer on our behalf. Find a place … a place of serenity and beauty. A place with few distractions. A place of quiet and calm peacefulness. My wife’s husband has previously a local cemetery as one of his favorite places. Every community has a cemetery and many will fit the description above. Pecan Gap, Ladonia, Wolfe City, Honey Grove, along with many country cemeteries provide a prayer zone. The early Christians would go to the graves of family and church leaders to pray. Once more, my wife’s husband would have me mention his favorite spots .. the first is Commerce, in the midst of the college campus. It is on Stonewall Street, about three blocks west of Monroe Street. Turn on to Bois d’Arc Street from Culver Street (just west of Brookshires) and you will come straight to the little garden, next Justice is Served November 8 Sandy Barber Rosa Gomez donated this beautiful cross is made of wood and metal. It will be auctioned off at Justice Is Served on Nov 8 to benefit the abused and neglected children served by the Fannin County Children’s Center. Live jazz, tasty food, fun photo booth, fellowship and more are in the plans for the evening of Nov 8 for Justice Is Served. Tickets and tables are on sale now for this tenth annual event. Doors of the multi-purpose complex will open at 6 pm. Proceeds from this “Black and White Gala” will benefit the Fannin County Children’s Center. Guests are encouraged to wear only black and/or white in accordance with the event’s theme. Dinner will be prepared by Bubba and Teri Daniel and served up by local judges, police chiefs and others in the justice field. The James Dering band will be back again this year to play live jazz and entertain guests as they bid on a wide selection of silent auction items before the live auction begins. Foster care alumni Jackie Davis will share his inspiring story of how he has beaten the odds, with support from his CASA volunteer. Many wonderful auction items have already been lined up. Eugene and Becky Kegans have donated four tickets and a parking pass for the Thanksgiving day football game between University of Texas and TCU in Austin. Warrior Tire is once again donating a 10 lap NASCAR driving school for the auction. Diamond G Cedar has given several beautiful handcrafted pieces, including a cedar trunk and bird house. Many handcrafted and home baked goods will also be in the auction. Other items include gift baskets, gift certificates and other unique treasures. A preview list of auction items is posted on the agency website (www.fanninccc.org) and is being updated frequently. Texas Firearms Training Academy will once again be to Heritage House. A fountain, benches, flowers, trees and a walking path will greet you. And, like Jesus withdrew to the garden to pray, so can you. One other spot just south of Commerce and to the west of Hwy 24 is Brigham Cemetery. As you drive toward I-30 look for the sign that reads, “Brigham Cemetery” with an arrow directing you. Let’s meet the Lord in the quiet place wherever you are. Give Him your problems, your requests and your needs. Give Him the needs of others you are praying for with the confidence that He hears and He answers. PRAYER OF SAINT FRANCIS Lord, make me an instrument of Your peace. Where there is hatred, let me sow love. Where there is discord, union. Where there is doubt, faith. Where there is darkness, light. And where there is sadness, joy. O Master, grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled, as to console; to be understood, as to understand; to be loved, as to love; for it is in giving that we receive. It is in pardoning that we are pardoned. And it is in dying that we are born to eternal life. AN UNKNOWN PRAYER I knelt to pray, but not for long, I had too much to do, Must hurry off and get to work, For bills would soon be due, All through the day, I had no time To speak a word of cheer, No time to speak of Christ to friends, They'd laugh at me, I feared. No time...no time...too much to do. That was my constant cry. No time to give to those in need, At last 'twas time to die. And when before the Lord I came, I stood with downcast eyes, Within His hands He had a book, It was the "Book of Life.” God looked into His book and said, “Your name I cannot find, I once was going to write it down, But never found the time." Author unknown And, Here would be a Brother we need to pray for! And, this just in from Wolfe City. Three Senior couples eating together at Sunshine’s Café and drinking hot tea. They were all chatting and whatnot when one of the men, trying to get a chuckle, said to his wife, "Pass the honey, honey!” Getting the chuckle he expected, he carried on. A moment later, the second man said, "Pass the sugar, sugar!" This got a bit of a bigger laugh, so the third man, although not quite as clever or quick-witted as the other two, decided to join in the fun. He waited for the perfect opportunity, cleared his throat and then confidently said, "Pass the tea, bag!" Dot’s Happy Notes The Sunday School lesson, Defiant Faithfulness, concerning “Job” was taught by Bro. Fritz Nelson. Job wanted to know why God sometimes chooses not to judge and punish the wicked in this life for the evil that they commit. We fail to remember that God remains sovereign and in control of all things. God governs the world and bad times are not hidden from Him. He will return to judge the righteous and the wicked. The 11:00 a.m. services began with the devotion led by Juanita Brown, Wanda Fields, Willie Price and Fritz Nelson. Willie Price led an awesome prayer. Izella Randall conducted the Praise and Worship services. Sister Elendora Denson led the first choir selection, The Lord Is Blessing Me. Visitors included Sis. Felicia Patterson. Other selections for the choir, Deborah Gaffney singing lead on, If You Can’t Help Me, Kenyan Cook, Get Ready For Your Blessing and lastly Fritz Nelson leading on Heaven Is My Goal. Rev. Martin Gant’s topic, The Lord’s Supper, was taken from 1st Cor. 11:23-32. Focus: Jesus was wounded for us and with His strips we are healed. Call to discipleship selection, 3 part harmony, A change Is Gonna Come, by Keyona, Christy and T.T. Crosby. by: Dorothy Harrison sponsoring a BB gun shooting contest. Guests can purchase five shots for five dollars to try to win prizes and bragging rights. A Kindle Fire, $100 Amazon Gift Card and $100 Best Buy gift card will be given away at the event. Chance to win these prizes are being sold now and will also be available at the event. Need not be present to win. Tickets are $5 each or 3 for $10 or 7 for $20. Proceeds from the event will provide wide array services designed to promote safety and improve the lives of abused and neglected children. CASA provides abused children in foster care with trained volunteer advocates to speak up for them. The Children’s Advocacy Center works with local prosecutors, CPS, law enforcement, medical personnel, mental health professionals and others to provide a coordinated, multidisciplinary approach to working cases involving crimes against children. The Children’s Advocacy Center provides forensic interviews, counseling, court accompaniment and other support services to children and their protective family members. Open seating tickets are $35 per person in advance and $40 at the door. They are available at the Children’s Center and from board members. Reserved table sponsorships are also available for two, four or ten people. For more information, call (903) 583-4339 or visit www.fanninccc.org. Oct. 31st - Halloween on the Square, Commerce, Tx. Nov. 23rd - Thanksgiving Program sponsor, Sis. Fannie Harris of Commerce, Tx. Up-Coming Events Tit Tat Trivia Answers (Halloween) 1. Freddie 2. George & Miraim 3. Shadow dancing 4. St. Bernard 5. Lilly 6. Four leaf clover 7. Horse shoe 8. Endora - Agnes Moorehead 9. Halloween 10. Pumpkin 11. Eclipse 12. Motorcycle 13. Ladder 14. Wishbone 15. Black Cat The Guinness Book of World Records lists a man has the most operations ever. Most of the surgeries were to remove tumors on his face. To see how many operations fill in the blank with a number from the clue. Then add. Be ready for a BIG answer. A decade is ? years.________ Cards in a deck._________ A score is ? years._______ Twelve pairs of shoes.______ Fingers on two hands.________ A gross equals ? items.________ Eighty quarters is ? dollars.___ An egg carton holds ? eggs.____ Two cups of butter is ? sticks.__ There are ? days in a year.____ There are ? keys on the piano.__ Number of pennies in a dollar.__ Ten Gallons of milk is ? quarts._____ An octogenarian is ? years old.___ Number of pits in an avocado.__ Total___________ Math Trivia Governor Perry Calls for Travel Ban From Ebola Outbreak Countries Gov. Rick Perry today announced the first recommendations issued by the Texas Task Force on Infectious Disease Preparedness and Response. Gov. Perry created the task force, headed by Dr. Brett P. Giroir, earlier this month to assess the state’s readiness and ability to respond to Ebola and other infectious diseases. Citing the need to stop Ebola before it comes to the United States, Gov. Perry also called on President Obama to enact an air travel ban from countries affected by Ebola outbreak, a message he conveyed directly to the President yesterday during a telephone call. “Air travel is how this disease crosses borders, and it’s certainly how it got here to Texas,” said Gov. Perry “Based on recent and ongoing developments, I believe it is the right policy to ban air travel from countries that have been hit hardest by the Ebola outbreak, provided there’s an exception for aid workers to continue their important work fighting this disease.” Among the initial recommendations being made by the task force to enhance our state’s pre- Office of Governor Rick Perry paredness and response to infectious disease are: • Establishment of two Ebola Treatment Centers in Texas; • Establishment of specialized patient transport teams; • Expanded training of infectious disease protocols for health care workers; • More testing labs for infectious disease; and Gov. Rick Perry also announced the creation of a state-of-the-art Ebola treatment and infectious disease bio containment facility in North Texas. Creation of such facilities was among the first recommendations made by the governor’s recently named Texas Task Force on Infectious Disease Preparedness and Response in order to better protect health care workers and the public from the spread of pandemic diseases. In addition to the North Texas facility, The University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston has also been designated an Ebola treatment and infectious disease bio containment facility. “In the event of another diagnosis this facility will allow us to act quickly to limit the virus’ reach and give patients the care they need in an environment where health care workers are specially trained and equipped to deal with the unique requirements of this disease,” said Gov. Perry. Three of the region’s leading health care providers, UT Southwestern Medical Center, Methodist Hospital System and Parkland Hospital System, will partner to set up and operate the North Texas facility. The facility and equipment are being provided by partner hospitals, and staffing will be moved to the facility on an asneeded basis if the unit is activated. • UT Southwestern Medical Center is contributing the expertise of physicians experienced in infectious disease, critical care and other specialties, and some nursing professionals as staffing requires. • Methodist Health System is allowing the use of an entire floor of the Methodist Campus for Continuing Care in Richardson, including an ICU wing well suited for the care of infectious disease patients. They will provide some modifications for the critical steps of decontamination, laboratory equipment and other dedicated personnel for IT and biomedical support. Ebola and/or other infectious disease patients can be safely isolated • Parkland Hospital has already begun transferring critical equipment such as personal protective equipment, IV fluids and laboratory supplies to the Methodist facility. In addition, Parkland will provide nurses, pharmacists, respiratory therapists and lab technicians. “UT Southwestern is proud that its expert faculty physicians and nurses are ready to lead in providing the very best care possible while safeguarding the safety of staff and the public. UTSW is also committed to advancing the other important longer term goals identified by the Governor’s Task Force,” said Dr. Daniel K. Podolsky, President, UT Southwestern Medical Center Building on the foundations that have made it an academic medical center that is respected worldwide, There is no mission greater than serving the public good.” PAGE 4, OCTOBER 23, 2014 WEEKLY GAZETTE * WOLFE CITY MIRROR CLASSIFIED/LEGAL SECTION -------------------------------------FALL CLEANING? Getting home ready for the holidays? Just need a break from house cleaning? Call today for a free quote, by honest, local citizens. Local references/referrals given upon request. Fannin, Lamar & Hunt Counties. Call Bev today at (903) 268-8775. -------------------------------------- City of Honey Grove 633 N. 6th Street Honey Grove, Texas 75446 (903) 378-3033 The most inexpensive way to let the public know of your Garage Sales/ Items for Sale Lost or Found Pets, Small Business CALL US TODAY, 903-378-3558 ADVERTISEMENT AND INVITATION FOR BIDS CITY OF HONEY GROVE RSP Contract # 2012-0101 HRA # 1001932 Wolfe City (across the street from the Post Office). Call 903-227-7683 for info. The City of Honey Grove is soliciting proposals for the construction of single-family homes within the city limits of Honey Grove. One (1) to ten (10) homes, may be constructed under a HOME Program grant received from the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs (TDHCA) under the RSP Contract # 2012-0101including HRA # 1001932. These homes will average 1200 square feet. FOR SALE - Office Building at 209 West Main Street in Golden West Apartments: Now Accepting Applications for 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments. Water, sewer, garbage, appliances, lawn maintenance provided. Laundry facility. Rent is based on your income. 62 years of age or older, handicap/disabled, regardless of age. Call (903) 496-2320. “This Institution is an equal opportunity provider and employer” Honey Grove Barber Shop 105 S. First (34 N. Ladonia Hwy.) (903) 450-6516 Vicki Hill Thu &Fri 9-5:30 Sat 9-1 Haircuts: $10 Leonard Pharmacy Jose Maldonado www.leonardpharmacy.net 903-227-6940 Abraham Maldonado 903-227-8369 Pharmacists Eugene Kegans & Kacey Blackerby Insured and Experienced We cut, trim, and climb trees (whatever size). We also build fences, do lawn maintenance, make concrete driveways and sell firewood. Free Estimate. 122 W. Collin, Leonard, Tx 587-3363 Owens Funeral Home CALL TODAY FOR APPOINTMENT Prompt - Courteous Understanding Prearranged & Prepaid Plans Available 903-496-2331 200 Santa Fe, W.C. Contract documents, including house plans are on file for review at the following places: City of Honey Grove, 633 N. 6th St., Honey Grove, TX 75446 and Resource Management & Consulting Co. 3729 Lamar Avenue, Paris, TX 75460. Copies of the contract documents may be obtained from Resource Management & Consulting Co., 3729 Lamar Avenue, Paris, TX 75460 upon the payment of $25.00 payable to Resource Management & Consulting Co. or a disk containing the bid documents can be obtained at no charge. Proposals may be delivered to the City of Honey Grove City Hall, 633 N. 6th St., Honey Grove, TX 75446. All proposals must be sealed and submitted by the bidder to the City of Honey Grove on or before 2:00 p.m. on the 18th day of November, 2014, where bids will be publicly opened and read aloud. The Contractor must ensure employees/applicants for employment are not discriminated against because of race, color, religion, sex or national origin. Section 3 of the HUD Act of 1968 (12 U.S.C. 1701u) as amended, and implementing regulations at 24 CFR Part 135 is applicable to this project. The City of Honey Grove reserves the right to reject any and/or to waive any informality in the bidding. Bids may be held by City for a period not to exceed thirty (30) days from the date of the opening of bids for the purpose of reviewing the bids and investigating the qualifications of bidders, prior to awarding the Contract. The City of Honey Grove subscribes to Equal Housing Opportunities. Fannindel I.S.D. 601 West Main, Ladonia, Texas 75449 (903) 367-7251 (Fax) 367-7252 NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING TO DISCUSS FANNINDEL INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICTS FINANCIAL INTEGRITY RATING The Fannindel Independent School District will hold a public meeting at 6:30 PM on November 17, 2014, in the Cafeteria at Fannindel High School located at 601 West Main Street, Ladonia, Texas. The purpose of this meeting is to discuss the school district’s rating of “Superior” by the Financial Integrity Rating System of Texas. Public participation in the discussion in invited. Questions may be directed to H.L. Milton, Superintendent, at 903367-7251. Mahan’s Welding Service 1306 East Main St. Honey Grove, Tx (903) 378-3977 (903) 249-5990 Metal Buildings Metal Roofs ONSITE & PORTABLE WELDING Cattlemen’s Livestock Commission Co. 1354 Clement Road, Paris, Texas Sale Begins at 11:00 A.M. For More Information Call: Charles Mallicote (903)785-7191 Charles’ Mobile (903) 739-0682 Barn (903)784-7800 Barn (903)784-2238 Sale Date Saturday, October 18, 2014 Head Count 1625 Sale Every Sat. at 11 a.m. Under 300 lbs 300-400 lbs 400-500 lbs 500-600 lbs 2.75 2.50 2.40 2.10 Under-300lbs 300-400 lbs 400-500 lbs 500-600 lbs 2.50 2.40 2.15 2.00 Cows Bulls Slaughter .60 - 1.21 1.00 - 1.47 Steers 2.85 3.55 3.20 2.75 600-700 lbs 700-800 lbs 800-900 lbs 1.90 1.70 1.60 2.40 2.26 2.15 600-700 lbs 700-800 lbs 800-900 lbs 1.80 1.70 1.50 2.25 2.15 2.00 Heifers 3.70 3.35 2.90 2.65 Stocker Pairs Stockers 750.00 2850.00 1200.00 2900.00 Baby Calves 300-500 Holstein Steers 1.30 2.00 Goats and Sheep - 7 Head $40-220 Leather Co. Grim Reaper Motorcycle Leather & Tattoo Downtown Ladonia (903) 227-6649 No. PR-2014-12204 IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF: JIMMIE DON BAUGH, DECEASED IN THE COUNTY COURT OF FANNIN COUNTY, TEXAS NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that original Letters Testementary for the Estate of JIMMIE DON BAUGH, Deceased, were issued on the 14th day of October, 2014, in Cause No. PR-201412204, pending in the County Court of FANNIN, Texas to KARLA BAUGH HACKETT. Claims may be presented in care of the Administrator of the Estate addressed as follows: KARLA RENAE HACKETT, Executor Estate of JIMMIE DON BAUGH, Deceased 605 HICKORY ST. HONEY GROVE, TX 75446 All persons having claims against this Estate which is currently being administered are required to present them within the time and the manner prescribed by law. DATED the 13th day of October, 2014. by: KARLA RENAE HACKETT EXECUTOR Advertising for 2,500 paid readers to see... For only $5.00 per week!! Call 903-378-3558 Ü É â |Ö _ à x x àÜ f |Ç t ` Street 100 West Main Wolfe City Now anagement Under New M Beer is Back á bâà VÉÅx V{xv~ h LCF GLI LKCC PAGE 3, OCTOBER 23, 2014 WEEKLY GAZETTE & WOLFE CITY MIRROR Bonham’s Festival of Flight Coming Saturday Kate Kyer Joe Joe’s Barber Shop Tina Johnson Sanders Hairstylist East Main Street Wolfe City, Tx (903) 461-8552 (903) 413-5913 Bonham Festival of Flight will be held on October 25th at Jones Field (KF00) in Bonham, TX, about 100 miles northeast of DFW. The festival begins at 10:00-4:00; gates open at 9:00am. It'll be an action-packed day with activities for the entire family. We will hold a Young Eagles rally again, where kids ages 8-17 are introduced to aviation, and fly free! Opening ceremonies begin at 11:30 with a veterans' tribute. The show will open at noon with the Blue Skies parachute team. A topnotch group of aerobatic pilots will perform in our air show from noon until 3:30! Helicopter rides and rides in the historic WWII T-6 Texan will be available for purchase as well. Fly in, and receive a discount on 100LL aviation fuel. Bring a lawn chair and enjoy the show. There will be food vendors and souvenirs. We invite any pilots who belong to EAA to volunteer and participate in the Young Eagles rally. We flew 101 kids last year with only 4 airplanes! Ramblings By: Lena Shaw Saturday October 18th was a triple celebration for Ladonia, and provided both educational and entertaining programs for all ages. It began with a program by a paleontologist who spoke of fossils and how to identify them, and then a jaunt out to North Sulphur to search for the fossils. North Sulphur is a treasure trove of artifacts and attracts schools and colleges to search for different kinds of fossils. Chamber of Commerce vice president Jan Cooper reported that there were some good finds in the search on Saturday. The Fall Festival provided entertainment for adults and children alike. There was a pie and chili cook-off and games for all ages. Following the events on the square a movie was shown. Many of these entertainments were free. Last, but not least, Cliff and Rita Isaacs began their rides through the “Haunted Forest” which will be held on weekends, 17th and 18th, 24th and 25th and 31st through the remainder of October, unless it rains. This has been held for several years now and has received praise for a job well done. The Fire Department also has a Haunted House at the Fire Station around Halloween and the dates this year are October 25th, 26th and 31st. Tom and Oma Hulsey of Ladonia and good friends Harold and Jo Nan Miller attended the State Fair of Texas October 16th. The State Fair corny dogs are just as good as they are said to be. And of course, who doesn’t enjoy being greeted by Big Tex? Tom, Oma and Jo Nan Mills Miller are graduates of LHS and Harold Miller is a graduate of HGHS. Harold and Jo Nan plan to attend the Honey Grove school reunion. Freddie and Janie Hulsey of Wylie returned Sunday October 12th from a twelve state, twelve day road trip through the great southwest. They shared pictures of many of the places they visited on Facebook. The TAMUC Lion Football team has done well in play this season and won their game Saturday night over West Texas A & M 48 – 21, giving them a share of the Lone Star Conference title. Good news, young Triston Wynne, seven year old grandson of Kim Corbin, who had been missing for several days, has been found and is safely home. Gail Levey flew to the wedding of her son Niles, and his bride during the week end and had a wonderful time. She learned to love her beautiful daughter-in-law and her parents. Jacky and June Drawbond watched after her place while she was gone. Grandparents love to attend activities in which their family participates. Saturday afternoon Rickey and Martha Crews of Pecan Gap were in Commerce to see their precious granddaughter as she enjoyed cheerleader camp. Allyson also plays soccer. Chris Crumb drove in from San Marcos to attend the wedding of his brother, Casey in Plano. Casey is in the Marine Corps and will soon be deployed to the South Pacific. Chris was always a faithful member of First Baptist Church and he and his mother, Audie were present for worship services Sunday morning. It was good to see them and also Donna Davenport and her son Jarrod and his family. Joseph Hoover and his wife are visiting his parents Thomas and Nancy Hoover and Joseph also attended worship service at First Baptist with them. We wish God speed to Ollie Smith who has joined the army and will be stationed in Missouri. Along with the good news there is always news that we don’t want to hear. Our sympathy goes out to Gary Hobbs of Cooper (Delta Funeral Home) and family in the loss of his lovely wife, who lost her battle with cancer last weekend. This weekend a tender hearted, animal loving person, Sharon Bannister, also lost her battle with cancer and passed away at home, the Wild Rose Ranch. Condolences also go out to John Banister and his two daughters, Bethany and Hannah Kate, in her passing. She will be missed by many. Beddie Maxwell lost her sister and sympathy is extended to her and the family. Scott Trussell, son of Brother Rueben Trussell of Pecan Gap is seriously ill and needs our cxvtÇ ZtÑ axãá prayers. Since most of us love animals and grieve for them when they leave us, we will remember the Lawhon family in Honey Grove who lost a much loved older horse, Smokey Joe, who died last week. A long time companion, a dog, of the Hill family on 2990 was run over and killed. There are so many who have family members who are critically ill, those who have lost loved ones, and those with pain and problems we don’t know about, it would behoove us to ‘pray without ceasing.’ Sadly, Monday morning October 20th we learned on Facebook that Clint Collard, ’77 graduate of FHS, has passed away. Our deepest sympathy goes out to the family of this young man. Oh, and by the way, I have a new great grandanimal, a hedge hog, who belongs to my great granddaughter Madison Shaw. He is a fluffy little thing. Birthday greetings on Oct 24th to Amy Prado, David Duncan, Donnie Savage, Jr., Susie Hayes Mulder, Paulette Andrew; on Oct. 25th to Joy Kay Fields; on Oct 26th to Jerry Jones, Cierra Erwin, Matthew Cunningham, and Jonathan Debord; on Oct. 27th to Michael Owens and Patti Bartruff; on Oct. 28th to Callie Singleton and Cynthia Verner Brock; on Oct. 29th to Mitzi Gill and on Oct. 31st to Kevin Braley. Happy Wedding Anniversary on October 25th to Marty and Cynthia Smith Kueckelhan. You might not even be aware of just how cheaply you can do just that! 5 DAY CRUISES FROM $289 PER PERSON... By Nelda Campbell Reminder: Saturday, November 1, is the annual United Methodist Church Lord's Acre Luncheon, from 11:30 – 1:00 at the Pecan Gap Community Center. Everyone is welcome to come and enjoy all the delicious food. Commissioner Pct. 3, Lloyd Vandegriff, would like the folks in this area to know that the reason that folks cannot bring their tree limbs to the county barn to be burned is: the lot that had previously been used for the burn pile does not belong to the County, but is owned by Mr. Barry Sandlin and he has requested that the lot be cleared of all the rubbish. Visiting Jerry and Helen Park on Thursday was Jerry's sister Judy Gibbs from Arkansas. Friday, they all went to visit and spend the night with another sister Bitsy Wringle in Bedford. On Sunday, they attended the 50th Wedding Anniversary Celebration for a cousin and wife, Bob and Jeanine Park. The Anniversary Celebration took place at the home of a great cousin, Darrell Park. They all had a great time. Ronnie and Nan Beeler were delighted to host Ronnie's Viet Nam buddy, Reggie Langford and his wife Marilyn, from Port Clinton, Ohio, over these last two weeks. They didn't have the necessary hook ups for their big RV bus here at the Beeler house, but they were able to stay at Cooper Lake State Park and drive back and forth in their towed car. Ronnie and Reggie served in the Army together in Pleiku, Viet Nam, in helicopter maintenance, and they were injured at the same time in the Camp Holloway attack of 1965, the first attack on an American base by the Viet Cong in the Viet Nam War. After his discharge from the Army, Reggie spent over 30 years as a Park Ranger on the islands of Lake Erie near Port Clinton. They became reacquainted in 1985 when he contacted Ronnie, and he has visited several times over the years. We're still looking for his cap that he lost while helping Ronnie bale hay in 1985! We think that it's gone for good now. In addition, Ronnie and Nan's weanling (2014) filly, CMF Gold in My Brandy, won her halter futurity class at the Hunt County Horseman's Association show 10-11-14, and at the Red River Horse Club show and futurities 10-18-14 she won two weanling halter futurities and was Reserve Grand Champion Mare overall! Visiting Nelda Campbell Thursday and Thursday night were sister-in-law Vernell Harbin and niece Pam Lewis from Canyon, Texas. On Friday, they all went to the home of Vernell's son David Ready for a Vacation? Just like to get away? and Libby Harbin in Colleyville. They spent the the weekend with them and enjoyed having dinner at South Lake Town Square and also was able to visit the App store where Nelda purchased an I-Pad (quite an experience). On Saturday they all attended a Home Show with beautiful homes built by a variety of Building Companies. One of the homes that they especially enjoyed seeing was a home built by Drees Custom Homes. David Harbin is the Regional President of Drees Homes and we are especially proud of him. Lois Amundson assisted in getting Nelda back to Pecan Gap by meeting Nelda and the Harbins in McKinney on Sunday and they all enjoyed lunch at the Cotton Patch Restaurant there before heading home. (I had a great time) Ports of Call: Galveston, Progreso, Cozumel, Galveston See our site for more offers! The BEST, cheapest vacation cruises!! Happy Halloween Trunk of Treat WEEKLY GAZETTE, PAGE 2, OCTOBER 23, 2014 Nov. 1, 2014 Our Honey Grove Trunk or Treat will be held November 1, 2014. Our High School football team has a ball game on Friday night so the date has been changed and hopefully more kids will be able to participate in fun and games. Trunk or Treat will start at 6:00 p.m. so those of you wanting to pass out candy should be there around 5:30. This year it is going to be a little different. We are going to have games, a hayride, live music, costume contest, pumpkin decorating contest, and a movie in the park. The Trunk or Treat and live music will start at 6:00 p.m., costume contest and decorated pumpkin contest will be on the stage at 7:00 and the movie Monsters University starting at 7:30. We would like to have you on the square that night passing out candy if you and/or your business are able to do so. If you are unable to make it, we are accepting candy and money donation to be used for prizes. You can drop these off at the Honey Grove City Hall or at Fannin Bank (Honey Grove location). Thank you for your time and I hope to see you at our Honey Grove Trunk or Treat!!!!! Letter to the Editor I wish the late Robert Shelton, Sr. and Robert Shelton, Jr., Earl Roberts, Sam Reece, William Rogers and all the old timers could see the cotton patch of Wayne Ryser in Allens Chapel. I have never seen cotton like that and I grew up in a cotton patch. Bill Stephens, Sr. IMMUNIZATION CLINIC, October 20, 2014 The Department of State Health Services will hold an Immunization Clinic on October 20, 2014 from 9:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. and 1:00 2:30 p.m. at the Bonham Housing Authority, 810 W. 16th Obituaries Joyce Ann Wolf Joyce Ann (Bohnert) Wolf,78, of Honey Grove,TX passed away October 19, 2014 at Red River Regional Hospital in Bonham,TX. Services are scheduled for 2:00 PM, Thursday, October 23, 2014 at Landmark Missionary Church. Visitation will be one hour prior to the service at the church. Pastor Jerry Richardson will officiate the service. Joyce Ann Wolf was born September 24, 1936 to Joseph George Bohnert & Gertrude Mae (Bice) Bohnert of Detroit, Michigan. She was a homemaker. She married Henry Abrey Wolf on July 31, 1976 . Mrs. Wolf is survived by her son-in-law, Auther Bright of Honey Grove, TX ,6 Grandchildren, 11 Great Grandchildren, 8 Great, Great Grandchildren, an uncle, Harold Bice & wife, Dot of Port Huron, Mi., a niece, Melinda Szezygiel & husband, Mark of Clinton, Tennessee. She was preceded in death by her parents, husband, 1 sister, 1 daughter and 2 grandchildren. For online condolences please go to www.coopersorrells.com Clinton Burl Collard, age 56 of Wolfe City, passed away Monday, October 20, 2014 at Greenville Health and Rehabilitation. He was born in Orange County California on October 17, 1958 to Royce and Betty Burns Collard. Clinton attended First Baptist Church in Ladonia and worked as a butcher. He is survived by his fiancé, Cynthia Lowery; sons, Ranger and Mason Collard; and daughter, Zabrina Allemang, granddaughter, Samantha Allemang, and parents Michael and Linda Mann, sister Stephenia Erwin, and brother Bart Collard. A memorial service will be held Saturday, October 25, at 10:00 AM at R. W. Owens & Funeral Home in Wolfe City with Brother Eddy Carder officiating. Visitation will be held one hour prior to the service. Mattie Taylor Cooper-Sorrells Funeral Home 803 East Main Street Honey Grove, Texas Family Owned and Operated Gerald & Judy Howard, Owners Mack Larkin’s 100! Clinton Collard Street, Bonham, Tx. Please bring shot record, parents must be present. Must by VFC ELIGIBLE. $10.00 per child/$20.00 per family. For more info call 940-665-9315 option 5. (903) 378-2291 100th Birthday Party Mattie L. Taylor, 94, of Dallas, TX (formerly of Sash Community), passed away October 13, 2014 at her residence in Dallas. Graveside services were scheduled for 11:00 AM, Thursday October 16, 2014 at Forest Grove Cemetery in Telephone, TX. Mr. Paul Taylor officiated the service. Mattie Lue (Bonner) Taylor was born June 24, 1920 in the Selfs Community of Fannin County, TX to Paul Isaac and Minnie (Fox) Bonner. She was a talented seamstress and homemaker. She married Rev. Bob Taylor in 1940 in the Sash community. She was a faithful member of the Assembly of God Church. Mrs. Taylor is survived by 4 daughters: Betty Taylor Brown and husband Buck of Dallas, Peggy Brown of Celeste, TX, Candy Taylor of Dallas, TX, Letha Stalls and husband James of Mesquite, TX; one son: Jerry Taylor of Wolfe City, TX; 9 Grandchildren, 18 Great Grandchildren and 4 GreatGreat Grandchildren. She is further survived by one sister, Leona Taylor of Goldstone, TX. She was preceded in death by her parents, husband, 1 grandson and several brothers and sisters. She wants everyone to know... So, don’t be a NO show! Come celebrate with her Saturday, October 25, 2014 11 a.m. till ??? Event Center @ RRV Fairgrounds On the corner of Fitzhugh & Clement Rd Paris, Texas No Gifts Please Given by: Phyllis, Billy and Families Letter to the Editor On October 11, 2014 we had the honor to attend the Texas Viet Nam War Heroes Exhibit at the Bertha Voyer Memorial Library. It was so wonderful to know all of you cared enough to recognize our Viet Nam Veterans, those who are living and those who gave their lives for our country. My brother, Philip Wooten lost his life in Viet Nam on May 12th 1968 at the age of 28. He was killed on Mother’s Day. I was a sophomore in High School when this tragedy occurred, but I will never forget the evening the two chaplains showed up to tell us the terrible news. But we really appreciate all the work all of you did to get this brought to Honey Grove. May God bless all of you. Sincerely Yours, James & Linda (Wooten) Eilers THANKSGIVING FOOD DRIVE & PROJECT SANTA APPLICATION INFORMATION Now’s Your Chance... $15.00 LESS THAN HALF PRICE (New Subscribers Only) Want to buy that perfect Christmas present FOR SOMEONE WHO HAS EVERYTHING? Send them a gift that will last all year long! A Gift Card will be sent to your loved one, letting them know you are sending them the local, hometown news (Upon Request) This can be done several ways: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Drop by the office: 10 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. Call the office: 903-378-3558 Email: hgwcnews@yahoo.com Facebook: Lorrie Page Mail This Offer, names of Purchaser/Receiver and Check ($15) to: P.O. Box 165, Honey Grove, Texas 75446 NAME OF PURCHASER: _____________________________ ADDRESS OF PURCHASER: _____________________________ NAME OF RECEIVER: _____________________________ ADDRESS OF RECEIVER: _____________________________ 6) We can even take debit/credit cards, on the go! OFFER EXPIRES OCTOBER 31, 2014 It is time for the annual Honey Grove High School Food Drive/Project Santa drive to begin. Applications are now being accepted for the program. If you would like to apply or know someone who is in need of assistance, please fill out an enrollment form (one form per family—no duplications please). Applications will be available in each campus office until November 4 and must be returned by November 4 to be considered. No application will be accepted after November 4. Please return to a campus office or to Ruth Ann Jones, high school campus, room 105, by November 4! If you have questions, call 903378-2263, Ext. 305. Again no applications will be accepted after November 4. YOUR LOCAL NEWSPAPER welcomes all “Letters to the Editor” from individuals, although they do not reflect the opinion of the newspaper, editor, or employees. All letters MUST include the signature, address and telephone number of the author for verification. NO unsigned or anonymous letters will be published. If you would like your “Letter to the Editor” to appear in the newspaper, please follow the above guidelines. Letters may be sent to: P.O. Box F, Wolfe City, Tx 75496; P.O. Box 165, Honey Grove, Tx 75446; or emailed to: hgwcnews@yahoo.com
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