New Zealand - CRC Missions International
New Zealand - CRC Missions International
pulse missions, not something we do, but who we are! d n a l a e Z w e N CRC FIELDS ct e j o r P u n i s a N FIJI from the Australian Missions Director pulse David said, “Behold how good and pleasant it is when brothers dwell in unity”. In a fractured world, the church in unity is a powerful force. We each have our own strengths, and as different nations come together to minister, there is a greater effectiveness. The above photo shows Cambodians and Australians coming together to minister more effectively, as part of the trip reported in the Cambodia article. Unity within the church in New Zealand has brought the hope of the gospel to the people around them recovering from a natural disaster. Unity in the CRC across the world makes our vision of “a presence in every nation by 2045” possible. What mission are you in unity with today? Katelyn Fowler Editor of Pulse If you would like a printed copy of Pulse, they are available via the CRC missions office at $1.20 each plus postage. CONTENTS 02 Pulse Editorial 03 Message from Mike Cronin 04 Field Facilitators 06 Solomon Islands 07 Colombo Project 08 Updates Around the World 10 New Zealand 12 USA 13 Cambodia 14 Fiji Pulse is the voice of CRC Missions International Contact us at: Ps Mike Cronin Australian Missions Director CRC Churches International PO Box 198 Endeavour Hills Victoria 3802 Australia e: p: +61 3 9700 2314 02 pulse Ps Mike Cronin CRC Missions has taken a major step forward since accepting the International Vision of “A presence in every nation by 2045”. However what is a presence in every nation? This has now been defined as “An active ongoing ministry involvement in a nation”. The purpose of this being aimed toward fulfilling the Great Commussion of Jesus (see CRC Missions Policy 1.0). Such a massive vision cannot be fulfilled by just a few people. Our concepts for global mission have had to expand. We now recognise the pioneering apostolic thrust of all our churches and all the nations in which CRC churches are already established. Furthermore, wherever CRC ministers and churches are involved in global mission, that is also part of our International Vision. We now recognise three types of mission fields: issue 1 2013 Member Fields - where a National, CRC Churches International movement is established in a nation Affiliated fields - a field established and supported by a sponsoring local church with the anticipated intention of it becoming a CRC member field in time Partner fields - where CRC churches or ministers are working with other organisations in a ministry that we would never expect to become part of CRC (these concepts are developed further in CRC Missions Policy 2.0, available from the CRC Missions Office). Currently we have 12 member nations and 37 affiliate or partner fields. There are a further 52 nations that are at various stages in the process of being adopted by our existing churches. God has indeed given us many open doors of opportunity. 03 CRC Fields International Leaders’ Gathering October 2012 CRC Churches International is truly an international movement. One of the ways this is expressed is through the annual gathering of the CRC International leadership. Last October, following the International People’s Convention in Adelaide, all the CRC National Chairmen from the nations in which the CRC is established together with the field facilitators and leaders of sponsoring churches met over three days in the Adelaide Hills. This gathering included discussion on how the International Vision was being outworked in various nations, fellowship together and powerful prayer for one another and for the nations. The sense of unity of purpose around our International Vision of “A presence in every nation by 2045” was powerful. The awareness that we are not alone but are working together in this great purpose gave encouragement and strength to one another. It was also exciting to hear of the progress taking place in various nations. Our current member nations are Australia, Canada, Fiji, India, Myanmar, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands, Sri Lanka, the Phillipines, United States of America and Vanuatu. 04 pulse Front row: Ps Alipate (Fiji), Ps James (India), Ps Gwaibo Badira (PNG), Ps Somanathan (Sri Lanka) Ps Andrew (Myanmar) Second row:Ps Danny Parker (Aust), Ps Mike Cronin (Aust), Ps Hans Voortman (Aust), Ps Geua Wari (PNG), Ps Neil Milne (Aust) Third row: Ps Kevin Hughes (Aust), Ps Peter Hauje (Phil), Ps Mark Tobias (NZ) Fourth row: Ps Fuwe Hageyo (PNG), Ps Greg Crome (Aust) Fifth row: Ps Remy Adams (Vanuatu), Ps Jean Leak (Aust), Ps Allan Manzanilla (Phil) Sixth row: Ps Mike Groom (Aust), Ps John Leak (Aust), Ps Bill Osborne (Aust) Seventh row: Ps Peter Igarobae (PNG), Ps Barnabas Tabara (PNG) Back row: Ps Barry Silverback (Aust), Ps Bill Vasilakis (Aust), Ps Bruce Sharman (Aust), Ps Ai Wari (PNG) issue 1 2013 05 it leaders w y ve alread a h y munit light the green given us t- sh our ou to establi . e r e se th reach ba Solomon Islands I M L U ISE O CHIslands Solomon AA Colombo Project OTOS IP PH R T N O SSI Honiara, is home to Gateway Tabernacle of Worship and Gateway Missions School. The Colombo Project was One d Kelly, n a is n launched in n De - ions stu s is m r u f o churchais September 2010 oThe ated ho gr dulooking at establishing dents w as a project ns in Qome, Choiseul an outreach base On the 2n r missio d of Decem from ou d le , r to build a a e ber 2012Province. st y 34 youth from the heooblala s,cw ptizedr 1y5ouths to multifunctional young visited ou this area p ome of recently schurch a man eople who have the k ic s r ministry centre fo d yaermission dposesby Above on trip, p . the youthesire to follow Jes healeled :raare The wate y ll s a us and to o t m o t e r baptism photos of in Colombo, servSri nd God Dennis e his pur- th took place a pastors and ose wMargret ho were b Etua. at O e in 1 or 2 g Lanka. u b im h a tr h c p e a ti a z e ch ed in More than Be70 eB ach. Offic Kelly people gave their lives to the Lord on this trip, sick people were healed and lame walked. Children's Qome wate art Qom iated by P ain vil- astoSr.wJiim mming Qome m m o my w r f V ula and a s aaslk Money was ted bborrowed minute lages.sis y Pastor Game at G a teway Cen illage v r n i e a v m i ROn the first Saturday me Qoin December, children’s time leaders ministry our full f o e n o t also wen a kids event. Amasiah ho organised w r e k r o lead- ul, e is o church w h Over 120 children C o at youths t serviceup with our ship turned for the r o w t h ig n ge. ing a la il v i u r games day. Pano Current photo of site to secure the purchase of land at the me March 2012 $143,000 had start of the project, and bysolate with Dennis ity key commun $85,000 been received with needed to completely t Qomeanother e is mos m o Q . s own the land. leader CRC r new likely ou Choi- base in h c a e r t ou Drawing of final vince. seul Pro me key building f and so The chie he com- within t leaders eady have alr y it n u m n light the gree s u n e Water Ba giv tablish our out- ptoteissm there. se reach ba tre At March 2013, there is now only $22,600 left owing on the land and some of the permits have begun to be processed. 15 young people were baptised at the start of December, at Mahu Outreach Saturday Beach. 1st D 06 ecember 2 way Child 012, the G ren Minis ate- try Leade a Kids ga rs Organiz me for kid ed s age 9 to About 120 n the 2nd 12 yearsO kids plus of Decemb . issue tu and fund rn er 2pulse e d 012, we b u p for play at Gatewa aptized y 1 2013 07 ecious name, it’s a start of anothernew year as we once again plan our schedules or our lives and churches. Whatever it is that you desire to accomplish it is my prayer that the Lord o touch the lives of people you minister to. Uganda Jono Osbourne from Australian Hope International has been w Year celebration with her immediate family on involved in a conference in northwest Uganda where many r first New Year celebration as a married couple. people came to Christ. Many were also healed, including decided to plant a tree (seedling) near her elder three deaf people who can now hear. Pastors were greatly of our love and commitment to one another. encouraged as many have been praying for someone to Lord for giving me such a lovely wife to be with visit them out in the bush. y to be with each day. For me personally, e best decisions that I have made because of s I have found being with her. Since coming to ionary on the month of May of 2006 until the Poloso Family Update e often sent you report’s of my missionary work Nathan Poloso’s wife we will continue to write to you all about the Planting a tree (seedling) on the first day of Lydia and their two rontlines of the mission field. January 2013 boys, Trent and JD, Vanuatu Seventeen people graduated the Prison Bible School in Vanuatu at the end of last year. This ministry has brought unity to the local churches as they work together with the prison ministry, which runs six weeks of teaching. Updates around the world e have been granted urch as early as 4.00pm in the afternoon on the their permanent th residency status. hurches 5 anniversary. By 6.00pm the narrow ere occupying for the event was packed with upbeat tempo as the tambourine dancer’s hile the people started singing and clapping. ministered in songs and musical dance during Philippines uje delivered the message on the theme CRC Balut church in the Philippines celebrated its fifth ulness”. anniversary in January. The narrow street beside the e responded to the alter call to accept Jesus Pastor Nelia Hauje praying for people church was packed with people during the service, me for prayer for various needs. which included singing, dancing and a message from ear is “The Year of Harvest”. The Pastor Neila Hauje. Several people responded to the call to accept Jesus into their lives and hearts to get back into soul others had prayer for various needs. or the past two Sunday services and Wednesday The church’s theme this year is asised to our congregation members to reach “The Year of Harvest” and they are on. Please continue to uphold us in your prayers focusing on reaching out to the esumed most of our programs again after the lost with greater passion. Tanzania Kenneth Maop is a missionary teaching English to students who are looking to continue their education but need English-speaking skills. Kenneth is learning Swahili as he teaches. During the October to January period he was teaching about fifteen students in preparation for the normal school term resuming. Kenneth also teaches and preaches from time to time in the church with a translator. all updated throughout the year. 08 Part of the crowd during our anniversary pulse issue 1 2013 09 New Zealand Christchurch THE NATURAL After the earthquakes that rattled Christchurch on September 4th 2010, another that devastated the city on Feb 22 2011 and the 10,000 other aftershocks - the city is starting to rebuild and redefine itself. The rebuild will cost over NZ$30 billion with 80% of the CBD buildings coming down. The impact on the small city has been huge. 180 people died in the quakes, many more were injured and mental health and psychologial disorders have all doubled from normal rates in the past year. However confidence is growing as there have been few tremors in the last six months. New networks and relationships have grown in a way that only God could create and direct. Destroyed church buildings are being rebuilt in a way to serve the real needs of the community, not just on the basis of how they were before. Churches are redefining their mission as they rebuild or merge with other congregations. There is a greater sense of God’s presence in many churches these days - a real hunger for the presence of God, that is being met and experienced in many different ways. The church in Christchurch is now far more generous and responsive to human suffering than ever before. The gospel is now communicated from a new depth of experience by many. “The silver lining is starting to get bigger than the cloud” Ps Dave Wallace, City East Church, Christchurch NZ THE SPIRITUAL During and following the disasters, the churches of the city came together and served the community in crisis, making a huge difference from the ground up in many communities. This has resulted in greatly improved relationship between the church and the government. The perception of the church has improved and is continuing to do so. Church leaders now meet regularly across the city and a new sense of mission and synergy has grown through the crisis. 10 pulse Specifically to the CRC, City East Church is appreciative of the support it has received from across the nations. Practical, financial and prayer support has made a real difference. There are still some big hurdles ahead but the church is growing numerically and their impact in the community has significantly expanded. The silver lining of the cloud is turning into a treasure, and the church is finding spiritual resources from unexpected places God’s hidden stockpiles. Isaiah 45:3 - “I will give you treasures from dark places and hidden stockpiles. Then you will know that I, the LORD God of Israel, have called you by name.” issue 1 2013 11 Cambodia Graeme & Moya Enright USA As the natural season changes, so there is a change in the spiritual season in Walhalla. The church is united and growing. Sunday services have seen special times of rich worship. Prayer walks around the town and the property have unearthed many prophecies and promises. Visitors have been coming every week and there is now a regular congregation of over 55. Lives are being changed. The church leadership went on a retreat last August for two days in the mountains to pray and plan for the future. The men have enjoyed meeting for breakfast from time to time. Some have also stepped up to assist with the upkeep of the property - with fifty acres of grass and multiple buildings, there is continual need for mowing and maintenance. The bill for the pipe that burst March last year leaking 2.8 million gallons has been paid as a testimony to God’s goodness and provision. In Faith Christian School, the last school year finished with six students, and the new year has started with twelve. The leadership are believing for another eight to join the current students. The school has an exciting and impacting future ahead. 12 pulse In February 2013 a leadership school was held in Moung Rossey, Cambodia. Three members of South Eastern Christian Centre, Endeavour Hills ran the course. After the personal evangelism session, leaders were sent out to witness. This was very successful with one man who had been Buddhist all his life asking Jesus to be his saviour. There were great testimonies at the end of the course, and the following Sunday three new people were brought to church and were born again. Heng Buntheoun: “The training this week has made God’s way clearer and the need to obey so we can receive God’s answers and promises...All this has confirmed to me that my church will surely grow and the victory of this activity has made me feel the fire of the Holy Spirit fuelling my will and mind and pushes me to serve God in Holistic ministry. This gives me more hope that God will continue to answer my prayer and vision.” In Kampong Chhnang a block of land has been provided, however graves on part of the land needed to be removed. The graves were dug up and a ceremony was held to burn the bones, and a Chanthorn: feast was held “During the this week of study I have come to the following understand much from the Word of God. This has day with over given me strength to go out and share the good news to others. May the Lord bless me and use me to one hundred minister in His Kingdom, to reach out to the children, guests. This is disabled, poor and orphaned. May I learn to have the first time in courage and not fear in sharing and teaching His word, this area this and follow Him the rest of my life.” ceremony has been done as a Christian ceremony and was a great witness to the community. issue 1 2013 13 Fiji Our Vision in Fiji is to establish Local Community Development Centres (LCDC) that “Empower and equip the poor and disadvantaged by providing hope, education, vocational training, relief and quality of life.” The CRC seeks to help improve living conditions, provide emergency relief services, and educate communities in areas including construction, farming and health. The CRC also partners with local churches to help children living in poverty. The CRC provides early childhood Christian education to ensure students receive a firm foundation for life and further education. We also maintain seven pre-schools and seek to establish more. Over the last few years we have also held annual workshops for pre-school teachers to provide ongoing training. This has been very effective and beneficial and these workshops will continue to run. The Nasinu Project aims to build a Local Community Development Centre in Suva. This will be a modern facility for the pre-school in Suva and will double as a vocational training centre for teachers. This centre will also come alongside the families of the enrolled children to assist with education in health and parenting. In the next few years, we seek to upgrade the existing pre-school facilities in our seven pres-chools, and increase the amount of children involved in our program by 50% through establishing new preschools. The pre-school program commenced operation in Suva in 1994. Since then the program has established pre-schools in Savusavu, Labasa, Lakena, Sigatoka, Daku and Nacavanadi. The number of children enrolling in the pre-schools continue to increase each year. Over the seven pre-schools, 190 children from many different backgrounds are enrolled in 2013. We have a tremendous team of 22 teachers and staff whom we support financially. 14 pulse issue 1 2013 15 40th Anniversary Celebration of Bethel Centre, Port Moresby and CRC in Papua New Guinea Thursday 4th to Monday 8th July 2013 Plan for a team from your church to visit Port Moresby for this grand celebration. Ministry of God’s Word Cultural Celebrations PNG Feast For further details contact: CRC Missions Office
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