August 2014 - Ormond Beach Elks Lodge 2193
August 2014 - Ormond Beach Elks Lodge 2193
B.P.O.E. ORMOND BEACH LODGE #2193 PO BOX 1355 ORMOND BEACH, FL 32175 (386) 677-7180 AUGUST 2014 We are Now a "Smoke Free Lodge" BENEVOLENT AND PROTECTIVE ORDER OF ELKS Elks Bellows 53nd Year ~ Volume 54 The Elks Bellows is published monthly by the Ormond Beach Elks Lodge #2193 285 Wilmette Avenue Ormond Beach, FL 32174 Subscription is paid automatically as a part of annual membership dues Lounge (386) 677-7180 Office (386) 677-6367 OFFICERS EXALTED RULER Maria De Armon (386) 307-1049 LEADING KNIGHT Erika Barger LOYAL KNIGHT Brian Roney COME AND CELEBRATE LABOR DAY MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 1ST 1 – 5 PM RIBS & CHICKEN - $10 TICKETS AT THE DOOR COUPONS! COUPONS! COUPONS! MEMBERS SPEND A DELIGHTFUL AFTERNOON AND GOOD FELLOWSHIP WITH OUR WEEKLY “CLIPPERS” TO HELP SORT COUPONS FOR OUR MILITARY MEN AND WOMEN SERVING IN THE ARMED FORCES WHO GIVE SO MUCH TO KEEP US FREE COME AND JOIN US EVERY MONDAY AT 2 PM IN OUR BANQUET DINING AREA From the Kitchen... We made some changes to our regular Wednesday and Friday dinner menus; we hope you enjoy the new food choices. We look forward to seeing parents and grandparents bring their children and grandchildren in to enjoy our new kids menu. We had a great 4th of July celebration thanks to our members, guests and visiting Elks. I would like to extend a special thank you to Linda for volunteering for breakfast on the 6th of July. Don’t forget to celebrate your upcoming anniversary, birthday, baby or bridal shower, wedding party, kids’ graduation in our fabulous banquet room. Call the lodge for details. Your continued support and comments of the food service we provide, is always appreciated. Fraternally, Rich & Ida LECTURING KNIGHT Catherine Hickey SECRETARY Karen Gleason TREASURER John Andrews, PER TILER Jaques Lauzon ESQUIRE Bertrand Wakem CHAPLAIN Marilyn Lauzon INNER GUARD Mike Rankin PRESIDING JUSTICE John Barger, PER LODGE ADVISOR Mike Chandler • (386) 673-0401 TRUSTEES 1 YEAR TRUSTEE Pat Hubert 2 YEAR TRUSTEE John Nuccetelli 3 YEAR TRUSTEE Anthony Lasalandra 4 YEAR TRUSTEE Thomas Alexon, PER 5 YEAR TRUSTEE Jackie Curtis, PER ORMOND BEACH ELKS LODGE #2193 BELLOWS AUGUST 2014 MESSAGE FROM THE EXALTED RULER Dear Members All, Mike and I had a great time at the National Convention in New Orleans representing our lodge, last month. We enjoyed attending the sessions and all that New Orleans had to offer. Bourbon Street was great to see and so was the dinner at the National WWII Museum. We had a good time at all the hospitality rooms and met a lot of nice people from all the different lodges. I got to hear some new ideas from some of the lodges; hopefully we can start some of them at our own lodge. Just a reminder, on Saturday, August 9th, members from the Mandarin-St. Johns Lodge will be coming to visit. Please be on hand to greet them. The House Committee has planned a summer menu which we hope you will enjoy, and for the first time, we will have a menu for kids 10 and under. Please keep in mind, all kids need to be supervised by their parents and/or guardians, and under no circumstance, are they permitted to sit at the bar. I am naming Tony Lasalandra as Elk of the Mouth because he calls bingo for us on Thursday nights and helps out around the lodge. He serves as one of our Saturday night bartenders, to the enjoyment of our members. Tony is our Lodge Safety Chairperson, and is currently serving as our 3-year Trustee. My thanks for all you do for our lodge. Sincerely and Fraternally, Maria DeArmon, Exalted Ruler ORMOND BEACH ELKS LODGE 2193 MAJOR BENEFIT FOR FLORIDA ELKS CHARITIES 25th ANNUAL GOLF TOURNAMENT• RIVERBEND GOLF CLUB 8:30 AM SHOTGUN • SATURDAY, AUGUST 30, 2014 LODGE PHONE: (386) 677-7180 or (386) 677-6367 TOURNAMENT FORMAT: 4 Men / Women Scramble PRIZES AWARDED TO: Top 4 teams closet to the pin on the front and back 9 ENTRY FEE: Donation of $55.00 per player includes: golf cart, green fees, roving beverage cart, and lunch at the Ormond Beach Elks Lodge All proceeds to benefit Elks and local charities OPEN TO ALL GOLFERS - ONLY (1) PRO PER FOURSOME The number of players is limited. Please pay when registering. You will not be guaranteed entry into the tournament until fee is paid. MAKE UP YOUR OWN TEAM Partial team entries accepted. Unfilled slots will be held one week prior to the tournament date. MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE AND MAIL TO: Elks Benefit Golf Tournament PO Box 1355, Ormond Beach, FL 32175 • Attention: Golf Committee Page 2 2/2013 ORMOND BEACH ELKS LODGE #2193 ~ AUGUST 2014 Lodge Committee Chairpersons 2014-2015 AUDITING & ACCOUNTING Michael Chandler, PDDGER COMMUNITY PROJECTS John Andrews, PER ELKS NATIONAL FOUNDATION Karen Gleason LODGE ACTIVITIES Teri Eckenrode AMERICANISM Patricia Gehring, PER FLAG DAY Angela Schnell GOVERNMENT RELATIONS Erika Barger NATIONAL VETERANS SERVICES William Webley PUBLICITY/PUBLIC RELATIONS Mary Ann Bucci LODGE VISITATIONS Karen Gleason ORIENTATION Erika Barger INVESTIGATION/INTERVIEW Elaine Schutte, PER MEMBERSHIP/LAPSATION Karen Gleason YOUTH ACTIVITIES Pat Hubert DRUG AWARNESS Pat Hubert HOOP SHOOT Dwayne Rossi and Sue Holloway HOUSE COMMITTEE Sandy Rice MOTHER’S DAY Ida Dennison RELIEF All Officers SCHOLARSHIP Erika Barger BELLOWS EDITOR Mary Ann Bucci SOCCER SHOOT Pat Hubert DICTIONARY PROJECT Mary Ann Bucci HARRY ANNA TRUST FUND John Andrews, PER SECRETARY’S REPORT Summer Hours: June - August Monday – Thursday: 10:00 am to 2:00 pm Friday: 2:00 - 5:00 pm Office Telephone - (386) 677-6367 Happy August everyone! Carol 386-492-6553 570-470-0972 Cell I am happy to report that our amount of delinquent members’ list is dwindling fast. We will continue to send reminder statements out to past due members. Please remember if you are having trouble paying your dues. please do not hesitate to give my office a call. Thanks Fraternally Yours, Karen Gleason, Secretary UPCOMING LODGE EVENTS R. E. 386-677-5742 BULL RUN FARM SUPPLY, INC. Pet Supplies • Animal Health Products • Food For All Pets TODD ZIPPERER September 27 October 25 October 31 November 1 Chip ‘n Elks Oktoberfest Celebration Halloween "Monster Mash" Party Chinese Auction CHECK BELLOWS & LOBBY BOARD FOR MORE INFORMATION ON THESE EVENTS WE GOT 40!...... DO WE HEAR….*!*!* THE LODGE NEEDS YOUR SUPPORT AND ENCOURAGES YOU TO SIGN UP TO RECEIVE YOUR MONTHLY BULLETIN ELECTRONICALLY. BY THIS ACTION, WE HOPE TO REDUCE THE COST OF POSTAGE, DRAMATICALLY. JUST FILL OUT THIS COUPON AND RETURN IT TO THE LODGE SECRETARY. PRINT YOUR NAME:________________________________________ EMAIL ADDRESS:__________________________________________ Carol Sloat Realtor® 5889 S. Williamson Blvd Suite 201 Port Orange, FL 32128 386-761-9200 Office Manager 1020 N. U.S. 1 Ormond Beach, FL 32174 (386) 672-2735 Fax (386) 672-7473 Royal Caribbean Fall Getaway 3 Night Bahamas Cruise sailing from Port Canaveral Nov 14th, 2014 Inside Cabins $360pp Dbl Occ Ocean View $400 pp Dbl Occ Visit us: & DISCOVERY TRAVEL 661 Beville Road South Daytona, FL 32119 (between US1 & Nova Road) • E-mail: 386-788-8201 for discounted specials SE DAY RVING T TRAONA’S NEEVEL DS F 28 Y OR EAR S! R.E. Tonkinson Realtor® Serving the Daytona Beach – Ormond – Port Orange areas Full-time agents marketing & selling Residential – Commercial Over 25 years We don’t disappear when the ink dries THE REALTORS® WITH INTEGRITY Carol Sloat, Realtor® R. E. Tonkinson, Realtor® Executive Realty Group, Inc. 386-492-6553 H 386-677-5742 LINE DANCE CLASSES “Good for the Body, Good for the Mind” Every Friday from 10:30 am to 12:00 pm and LINE DANCE PARTY / SOCIAL Every second Monday from 7:00 pm – 9:30 pm $6.00 fee for each social Contact: Barbara at (386) 671-2600 for details (386) 252-6571 735 N. Ridgewood Avenue Daytona Beach, FL 32114 • • • • • • • • • • • • HOA Coupons Business Cards Letterhead Envelopes Brochures Doorhangers Die Cutting Invoices Newsletters Menus Typesetting Design ORMOND BEACH ELKS LODGE #2193 ~ AUGUST 2014 Page 6 ELKS PATRON BOOSTERS $50 Michael Stickney . . . . . . . . .8/14 Fran & Joe Gruber . . . . . . . .12/14 Earle & Luella Brittingham . .6/15 HOUSE COMMITTEE REPORT Gisela Ritter . . . . . . . . . . . .12/14 Sue & Harvey Woodham . . . .6/15 George Cowdrick . . . . . . . . .1/15 John & Erika Faile, Jr. for the birth of their son John L. Faile, III . . . . . . . . .7/15 We had another successful BBQ on Independence Day and Sunday All-U-Can Eat Breakfast on July 6th. Thanks to all of our volunteers, as well as our members and guests for their continued support of our lodge. Our New Orleans – “Not Going to the Grand Lodge Convention” - Party turned out to be quite an event. Everyone enjoyed listening to Cajun music, and sampling a New Orleans style menu that included clams, shrimp, chicken, gumbo (oh-so-good), black eyed peas and desserts. Members from the Edgewater / New Smyrna Beach Lodge #1557 joined us for an evening of good food and fellowship. Thanks to all the members who donated the food items for us to enjoy. Tom Nix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .02/15 n Memory of Charles (Tom) Napier By Marie Napier . . . . . . . .11/14 Jeanette Hernandez . . . . . .02/15 Tues-Thurs Poker Players . .11/14 In Loving Memory of Dick and Barbara By the Albert Family . . . . .3/15 In Memory of William A. Smith By Bertha Smith . . . . . . . . .11/14 In Memory of Jack Mauzy By Alice Mauzy . . . . . . . . .11/14 Margery Russell . . . . . . . . .11/14 In Memory of Cookie & John Yungk, Jr. By Rosie Bahr . . . . . . . . . .11/14 ELKS SUPER BOOSTERS $25 Ms. Anna E. Pallante . . . . . . .4/15 William F. McCarthy . . . . . . . 4/15 Nancy Chevalier . . . . . . . . . .7/15 In Memory of Janet Schroder By David Schroder . . . . . .7/15 In Memory of Edmund L. Wood . . . . . . . .3/16 Jack & Mary O'Neill . . . . . . .4/15 In Memory of Bill Schmidtke By Jean Schmidtke . . . . . . .7/16 In Memory of Clyde Dittbenner . . . . . . . .1/16 William T. Moore . . . . . . . . .11/16 In Loving Memory of Gwy Morris By Marlene Morris . . . . . . .5/15 In Memory of Tony and Eileen Triggiani .11/20 Bob & Lucy Jackman . . . . . . .1/15 Edward & Helen Kuhel . . . . . .4/15 ELKS BOOSTERS $10 In Memory of Richard Schutte 4/15 Tom & Barbara Mooney . . . . .6/15 James Bisher . . . . . . . . . . . .12/14 Patty, Ed, Rambo Bogan . . . . 8/14 Peter & Bonnie Krajc . . . . . . .6/15 Betty L. Holbert . . . . . . . . . . .12/15 In Memory of Al Lavoie by Roxanne Lavoie . . . . . . .11/14 John Brinkley . . . . . . . . . . . . .8/15 Susan Cook . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4/15 Jane N. Allen . . . . . . . . . . . . .9/15 Support Your Lodge Be A Bulletin Booster BE A BULLETIN BOOSTER! Ormond Beach Elks Lodge #2193 needs your help with the monthly issues of the Bellows. As you may be aware, the bulletin costs the lodge over $7,000 per year to produce and mail. We are asking for “voluntary” contributions to help cover these publication costs. “Elks Bellows Boosters” is the name we have developed. Those of you who have contributed, will be recognized in upcoming issues of the Bellows. There are three (3) levels of participation. Clip out this coupon and mail it to the address below or leave it with the Secretary. Please include your name as a supporter of the Bellows. o BOOSTER $10.00 o SUPER BOOSTER $25.00 o PATRON $50.00 Name: _______________________________________________________________________________________ Address: ___________________________________________ City _________________________ State ______ Phone Number: __________________________________________________ Date: ______________________ Mail to : B.P.O.E. #2193 • 285 Wilmette Avenue, Ormond Beach, FL 32174 Page 3 ORMOND BEACH ELKS LODGE #2193 ~ AUGUST 2014 We have got some great things going on in August. On the 2nd there will be a Victory Casino Bus, on the 3rd our All-U-Can Eat Sunday Breakfast and on the 30th our 25th Annual Golf Tournament. Check your bulletin and lobby board for details on these events. I would like to thank everyone for their warm welcome and assistance offered to me in this new position as House Committee Chairman. I look forward to working with everyone, and thanks to all our members for their continued support. Hope to see you all at our upcoming events. CHAPLAIN’S CORNER SICKNESS & DISTRESS It takes a village… matter how each of us fit into the village and no matter what role we play in the ongoing process, may we strive to be especially patient and kind to one another. As we all are striving for a common goal, making our lodge the best it can be, we must hold fast to the principles of Charity, Justice, Brotherly Love and Fidelity to guide us in this process. Please keep in your thoughts and prayers, our members who are ill, Joe Cirillo, Bertie Robinson, John Geiser, George Melanson, Marlene Morris and Dow Boykin. If you know of anyone who has not been included in this Bellows, please let me know at Respectfully, Marilyn Lauzon, Chaplain Your comments and suggestions are always welcomed. Fraternally, Sandy Rice House Committee Chairman Thank You Note To the Elks, members and officers, Thank you so much for helping us to have such a nice tribute to Don, and, for such a nice celebration. I know Don would have been pleased. My whole family loved it. Having a drink with Don was just a little extra. Don always said, when he died, he wanted everyone to have a drink with him. You know Don loved you all – as I do. The Elks is such a welcoming place. Thank you so much, again, for everything. Peggy Haus and Family ! Page 4 ORMOND BEACH ELKS LODGE #2193 ~ AUGUST 2014 SCHOLARSHIPS Thank You Note to Erika Barger I would like to thank you very much for awarding me this scholarship. It means a lot to me and will be put to good use. I plan to use the money towards my education at Monroe Community College in Rochester, New York. I wish to study radiology after I receive my Associates Degree. I plan to further my education and get my Bachelor’s Degree in either in radiology or a field close to it. I plan to use these degrees to help me become a radiation therapist. Once again, I would like to personally thank you for this scholarship. Sincerely, Dannielle Zimbrich Mark Thompson, ECD VP Visitation Schedule 2014-2015 August 9th – Edgewater/New Smyrna Beach August 16th – DeLand - VP Homecoming September 6th – DeLand – DD Clinic October 17th & 18th – DeLand Lodge Hosts - State President’s Visit ORMOND BEACH ELKS LODGE #2193 ~ AUGUST 2014 A VIEW FROM THE SOCIAL QUARTERS Please come out and support our 25th Annual Golf Tournament fundraiser for children’s charities on Saturday, August 30th. We need donations and your help in putting this together. Please contact the lodge. UPCOMING EVENTS Fri, Aug 1st - $5.00 Monthly Drawing – 7 pm Sat, Aug 2nd – Victory Casino Bus to Ship 8:30 am Sun, Aug 3rd – All-U-Can Eat Breakfast 9 am – 12 pm Sat, Aug 23rd – Poker Tournament Sat, Aug 30th – 25th Annual Golf Tournament Page 5 The Golden Girls The Golden Girls will be going to dinner at Mario’s on August 12th. Please let me know if you are going. Elaine Schutte (386) 672-2305 or (386) 212-6979 And as always Lunch – Monday – Friday 11:00 am to 2:00 pm Dinners – Wed & Friday night 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm Lodge Meetings – 1st and 3rd Thursday 7:30 pm Bar Bingo – 2nd & 4th Thursday 6:30 pm Well, guess that’s all ‘til next month. Luv ya, Teri ! Send Checks to: Elks Lodge #2193 • 285 Wilmette • Ormond Beach, FL 32174 ! ! ENF REPORT - JUNE 2014 We would like to thank the following members for their donations to ENF from JUNE 1, 2014 to JUNE 30, 2014 1- DONALD G. GEHRING ** 3- CATHERINE L. HICKEY 5- GERALDINE MADDEN 7- ORMOND BEACH LODGE ** Honorary Donor 2- KAREN GLEASON 4- JACQUES LAUZON 6 - MARK MADDEN, PER 8- MICHAEL A. STICKNEY - $1,000 Memorial Gift LODGE MEETING NIGHT MEETING SOCIAL SOCIALNIGHT QUARTERS CLOSE AT 7:25 pm QUARTERS CLOSE AT 7:25 PM NON-ELK SPOUSES MAY MAY ONLY ONLY NON-ELK SPOUSES REMAIN ON PREMISES (provided their REMAIN PREMISES spouse isON attending the meeting) ALL ELKS MUST EITHER LEAVE THE PREMISES (including the porch area) OR ALL ELKS ATTEND MUSTTHE EITHER LEAVE MEETING (PROVIDING THEIR SPOUSE IS ATTENDING THE MEETING) TOTAL DONATIONS FOR JUNE = $1,085.00 PER CAPITA BASED ON 847 MEMBERS = $1.67 GRAND LODGE PER CAPITA SET AT = $4.60 *********************************** WE HAVE BEEN AWARDED OUR $ 2,000 PROMISE GRANT! PLEASE CONTINUE TO DONATE SO WE CAN HELP OUR COMMUNITY WITH GRANTS *********************************** Karen Gleason, ENF Chairman, 386-852-2304 ! THE PREMISES (INCLUDING THE PORCH) SOCIAL QUARTERS WILL RE-OPEN AT OR ATTEND MEETING THE CLOSETHE OF THE MEEING... NO EXCEPTIONS SOCIAL QUARTERS PER SECTION 16.090 WILL OF THE REOPEN UPONSTATUTES THE CLOSING OF THE MEETING NO EXCEPTIONS Thank You Note Dear Elks Members, I want to thank all of you who sent cards on the death of my husband Don Boyles. He had wonderful friends and shared many good times in his fourteen years in Florida, especially with his golfing friends and on their trips. He is survived by his bride Joyce, daughter Dawn and husband Edward , his wonderful brother Francis and his wife Rosie. May all of you love your family and friends the way he did. If so, would be a wonderful world. My groom will always be missed. Your bride always, Joyce Boyles DS Cleaning Services Interior and Exterior House Cleaning / Lawn and Landscape Gutters • Pressure Washing Mulch and Stone • Fencing Sprinkler System Repair Contact: Rocket Sue Holloway & Dwayne Rossi Tel. (386) 290-5711 OFFICE: 677-6367 AUGUST 2014 WEDNESDAY NIGHT MENU • SPECIALS $7.00 Aug 6 Blackened Baked Salmon with Stir Fried Veggies MON Sunday Night SINGLES DANCE (50+ SINGLES) 7:30 - 10:30 PM EVERY SUNDAY $8.00 AT THE DOOR Dress Casual For more info call: Russ, Manager (386) 492-7011 3 All you can eat Breakfast 9 am -12 pm $5.00 Bloody Mary’s $1.50 Screw Drivers $1.50 10 17 4 Lunch Special TBA 11 Lunch Special Liver & Onions Line Dancing Social Every 2nd Monday 7:00-9:30 p.m. 18 Lunch Special TBA 24 31 25 Lunch Special TBA TUE Prime Rib (available August 1st, 15th, 29th) . . . . . . .$13.00 Fish: Fried, broiled, blackened . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$ 9.00 Shrimp: Fried, broiled . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$10.00 Fish / Shrimp Combo: Fried, broiled . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$10.00 Shrimp Scampi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $11.00 Steak . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $11.00 Crispy, grilled chicken salads . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 8.50 Baked chicken split breast . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$ 8.00 Onion Rings Basket $2.50, Sweet Potato Fries sub for Fries $1.00, Sweet Potato Basket $2.50, Coffe or Tea $1.00 Dinners include your choice of: Salad or Slaw • Baked Potato or Fries FRIDAY NIGHT MENU 6:00 - 7:30 PM Aug 13 Open Face Turkey with Mashed Potatoes & Gravy or Shrimp Scampi Aug 20 Beef Tips with Mushroom Gravy over Noodles Aug 27 Baked Chicken Bruschetta (chicken stuffing & Swiss cheese) or Shrimp Scampi Crispy Chicken Salad Available Every Wednesday Night SUN LOUNGE: 677-7180 WED THU NEW! Kids’ Menu (10 and under) LUNCH IS SERVED $4.00 (every day) MON - FRI 11A - 2P DAILY SPECIALS 5 Lunch Special TBA House Committee 6:00 p.m. 12 Lunch Special TBA Golden Girls Mario’s 6 p.m. 19 Lunch Special TBA 26 Lunch Special TBA Hamburger or Cheeseburger & Fries Chicken Fingers & Fries Hot Dog & Fries 6 Dinner 6 - 7:30 p.m. ORIENTATION 7:30 p.m. 13 Dinner 6 - 7:30 p.m. NO 7 PER MEETING BOD MEETING 6:30 p.m. LODGE MEETING INITIATION 7:30 p.m. Bar Bingo 6:30 p.m. 20 Dinner 6 - 7:30 p.m. Music Hot Damn (K) 27 Dinner 6 - 7:30 p.m. 14 21 LODGE MEETING 7:30 PM 28 Bar Bingo 6:30 p.m. FRI 1 Monthly Drawing 7:00 pm - Regular Friday Menu Music Hot Damn (K) O.D Maria De Armon, ER Dinner 6 - 7:30 p.m. 8 Music Wally & Scott (M) O.D Erika Barger Dinner 15 6 - 7:30 p.m. Music Hot Damn (K) O.D Tony Lasalandra 22 Dinner 6 - 7:30 p.m. Music Kevin (K) O.D Bert Wakem 29 Dinner 6 - 7:30 p.m. Music Alex (M) O.D Jackie Curtis, PER SAT $2 HOT DOG DINE IN ONLY 2 Victory Casino Bus 8:30 am $2 HOT DOG 9 DINE IN ONLY Bus arriving St. Johns Elks 2:30 pm VP Visitation Edgewater/NSB Lodge 16 AUGUST BIRTHDAYS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 09 10 12 13 14 15 16 17 $2 HOT DOG 18 VP Homecoming DeLand Lodge 21 22 DINE IN ONLY $2 HOT DOG DINE IN ONLY Poker Tournament 2 pm 23 30 25th Annual Golf Tournament 8:30 am Shotgun Start at Riverbend Golf Club 20 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Mel Anderson John L Geiser William Gruber Steven Breitmaier Ronald Carver Kathleen Patterson Richard Wolff Charles Carter Tommy Cook James Doyle Leslie Harris Bertha Robinson Peter Sanca William Thiener Dorothy Dullea Greg Forrest Laura Pacheco Mario Nicoletti Edward Smith Patrica Deitrich Dorothy Kinney Dallas Ward Rose Dattilo Warren Day Donald Jones Frank Lowd George Nagel Louis Silvestri George Adams Ronald Bumpus Donald Parrillo Sandy Rice Geraldine Madden Timothy Fryar Herbie Blum Harold Briley Jerald Thompson Christina Bello Margaret Burns Donald Pittsley Patrick Ward Inga Logan Carolyn McClure Bertrand Wakem Frank White Donna Dala Patricia Maudlin Rosemary Rocco William Walsh Joanne Kunz William Salomone Edward Kuhel Harold Wintz Stanton Gould Win Burgess William Maloney R Barger George Cowdrick Ken Kerfoot Samara Kramer Mary Ann Bucci Grant Peddle John Everts Stephanie Raymond Alois Trey Rick Mayes Rebecca Anderson John Dwyer Ben Reihl Terrie Campbell Joseph Deckelman James Dorsey Ralph Faircloth William Loudon John Reynolds William Richter J Charles Richard Cheney Jerome Curiale Sandra O'Rourke AUGUST 02 Gene & Sylvia Schroader 08 Phillip & Lucy Hudgins 11 Patrick & Susan Ward John & Pat Graver Our “Wedding Anniversary” column will serve as a reminder to all, the date listed, is your special day. When visiting the Lodge, accompanied by your spouse, if you see your names in the Bellows, both of you will be treated to a complimentary drink. Please take the time to fill out the form below, return it to the Secretary’s Office or leave it with one of our bartenders. The form will be kept permanently on file; you will not have to fill out a new one each year. Member _______________________ & _________________________ Last Name ________________________________________________ Were united in marriage the _____ day / month__________________
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