2015 race guide - Tarawera Trail Marathon and 50k
2015 race guide - Tarawera Trail Marathon and 50k
2015 2015 TARAWE RA T RAIL M ARAT HON & 5 0K 1 The Rotorua Energy Charitable Trust is proud to support this event and the local volunteer groups helping the runners and walkers every step of the way. Volunteer Groups • The Rotorua Trail Running Club • Jogging The Powerpoles • Lynmore Playcentre • 75th Squadron Air Training Corp • Rotorua Group Challenge • Te Arawa Swimming • Triathlon Tauranga Thank you to our Aid Station Captains Puarenga - Pauline Tatana Pondy Vista - Andrea Fluhler Green Lake - Mike Tennent Woodstock - David Massey Buried Village - Steven & Katrina Gray Twin Streams - Henk Greupink Wairua - Paul Miller Hot Water Beach - Fiona Sandford & Kelly Mitchell 2 20 15 TA R AW E RA T RAI L M ARAT H O N & 50K contents Welcome to the Tarawera Trail Marathon & 50k 5 Kia Ora, Welcome 7 Transport 8 Event Information 9 Race Day 13 Course Map 14 Spectator & Crew Information 15 Safety in the Forest 16Guiding Principals & Performance Rules 17 Hazards and Risks 20 Photo Gallery Athlete Entrants 2015 22 Marathon - Run 26 Marathon - Walk 26 50k - Run 33 50k - Walk BUFF® is a registered trademark property of Original Buff, S.A. (Spain) icka U FF nd B ton Krup a b d -trail Hea by An ultra t n s r e o W eb rld. of t h f t h e wo e n O ers o runn ® 2015 TARAWE RA T RAIL M ARAT HON & 5 0K 3 www.buff.eu www.outwear.co.nz New Zealand’s centre for Māori culture and geothermal wonder, including the world-famous Pōhutu geyser GEOTHERMAL ARCHITECTURE PEOPLE NZMACI TE PŌ TE RĀ HIGHLIGHTS INCLUDE HIGHLIGHTS INCLUDE – Te Whakarewarewa Geothermal Valley – Pōhutu geyser evening viewing – Kiwi bird house – Māori hāngi feast – National Schools of Carving and Weaving – Traditional pōwhiri (welcoming ceremony) – Rotowhio marae – Cultural performance EVENING EXPERIENCE 4 KIWI 20 15 TA R AW E RA T RAI L M ARAT H O N & 50K OPEN EVERY DAY / HEMO ROAD, ROTORUA DAYTIME EXPERIENCE / 0800 83 7842 / WWW.TEPUIA.COM Kia Ora. Welcome. Dear runners, walkers, supporters and friends, From all of us, welcome to the second annual Tarawera Trail Marathon and 50k. This race programme has all the information you should need to navigate this year’s event. we recognise and respect the cultural and environmental heritage of this area. Thank you to all of those people and organisations that have made this event possible. What a difference from just a year ago when 200 runners and walkers lined up for the inaugural event. This year more than 980 (and counting) runners and walkers have set themselves the challenge of completing the marathon or 50km distance. For many of you (in fact – the majority), this will be the furthest you have ever walked or run in an event. You should be proud of yourselves, very proud. Kia ora and thank you to Te Puia, Department of Conservation, Rotorua Lakes Council, Timberland Ltd, Central North Island Iwi Holdings Ltd, Ngati Whakaue and Tuhourangi Tribal Authority, the Farm Manager and the Ford Family of Woodstock Farm, Rotorua and Woodstock Cottage. Eight years ago when our other event, the Tarawera Ultra, began, we wanted to create a truly great marathon run – but the route did not exist. Similarly with the Tarawera Trail Marathon and 50k. The efforts of Rotorua’s Department of Conservation and The Rotorua Redwoods team have created the wonderful new Tarawera Trail, the Puarenga Stream Track and the Hemo Gorge track – developments that have enabled this event to exist. We have forged great partnerships with private landowners at Te Puia, Woodstock Farm and The Buried Village allowing participants to experience some of the very best of what Rotorua has to offer. Placing all these elements together, we have a course we consider to be truly world-class. An all-day adventure rather than a race route. Much like your own athletic endeavours, the Tarawera Trail Marathon and 50km event itself is simply part of a larger journey. We were secretly pleased last year’s race had only 200 participants. Starting small, it allowed us to test things out to make this year’s event much bigger and better. This growth comes with support from our amazing volunteer army, our staff, the landowners and Rotorua Lakes Council in addition to our sponsors and suppliers. It also comes with challenges, so please be patient on race day and always plan ahead. Because of the significance of these lands to the people of Tuhourangi, private land owners and forestry operators, Kia Ora to the Tarawera Trail Trust comprising private Iwi landowners and the Department of Conservation. Thanks in particular to Karen Walmsley, Anaru Rangiheuea, Manu Rangiheuea and Bella Tait. Special thanks to the trustees of Rotomahana Parekarangi 6J2B4, Rotomahana Parekarangi 6k2b, Rotomahana Parekarangi 6J2B74, Rotomahana Parekarangi 602B and Rotomahana Parekarangi 6Q2B. We acknowledge that we have privileged access on these lands. This event is made possible with the support of our volunteers who help make this day so special. Thanks to Nic Muggeridge for organising us all. Thanks to Christine and Kylie who have had to put up with two stressed-out, and at times, grumpy organisers! This document is your guide to the event. Please read it closely. Paul Charteris Organiser Tim Day Race Director wwww.taraweramarathon.co.nz M facebook.com/taraweramarathon N twitter.com/taraweraultra P instagram.com/taraweraultramarathon Event permission has been granted by the land owners and forest managers. Please embrace the generosity and spirit - manaakitanga - extended to you by treating the Whakarewarewa Forest and others who visit it with care and respect. 2015 TARAWE RA T RAIL M ARAT HON & 5 0K 5 The Buried Village is the perfect supporters zone Our outdoor dining area gives you the ability to be serenaded by native bird life, all with a drink in hand and your feet up in our tranquil native bush setting. What better way to relax and unwind while you wait for runners to return! While you’re here, take in the relics and interactive stories of The Buried Village Museum, walk the archaeological site or waterfall trail, or start your Christmas shopping in our gift shop – we’ve got activities to suit all ages, tastes and interests. FREE DEVONSHIRE TEA FOR ALL RUNNERS. www.buriedvillage.co.nz Phone: +64 7 362 8287 Email: discover@buriedvillage.co.nz Address: 1180 Tarawera Road, RD 5, Rotorua 6 2 0 1 5 under T A R A W E R12 A T Rgo A I L FREE M ARAT H O N Kids & 50K 1. Free entry to the Buried Village for 12 months.* 2. 10% off entry to the Buried Village for guests accompanying cardholder. 3. 10% off full retail in Vi’s Teahouse. 4. 10% off full retail price in gift store (excludes carvings and greenstone). 5. First to know about special events and offers. *Heritage Card available for $16.00 for Rotorua locals, Tarawera Trail runners and friends and family on November 14th 2015 only. Regular price for New Zealand Residents outside Rotorua is $32.50. transport Getting to Rotorua Travel to New Zealand by air Travelling to the event in New Zealand is easy with flights available from many international destinations. The nearest international airport to Rotorua is the North Island’s Auckland International Airport. International flights can also arrive in Christchurch, Wellington, Queenstown and Dunedin airports. Travel to Rotorua by air Domestic flights to Rotorua operate daily from Auckland, Wellington, Christchurch and Queenstown (via Christchurch or Wellington). Flights from Auckland to Rotorua are quick and easy – only 40 minutes. Rotorua Airport to town centre From Wellington the driving time to Rotorua is approximately five and a half hours. Both rental cars and campervans are available to pick up from Auckland Airport. We recommend booking your rental vehicle prior to arriving in New Zealand. Shuttle buses operate from Auckland Airport to Rotorua. The shuttles will drop you door-to-door so this is a very convenient and efficient service. Buses from Auckland Airport to Rotorua tend to be cheap – but not always the most direct route and you may have to stop at inconvenient places along the way. Auckland commuters should allow plenty of time to depart Auckland on Friday 13 November. If you are taking part, you must be signed up at our registration desk at or before 7.00pm on Friday evening. From Rotorua Airport the town centre is 9.5kms away – easily accessible via a short taxi ride. Travel by car or campervan From Auckland, the easiest and most flexible option is to rent a car or campervan and drive approximately three hours south to Rotorua. The Quick Checklist • The race registration is at the Rotorua Holiday Inn, 10 Tryon St between 3.00pm and 7.00pm on Friday 13 November and is where you’ll pick up your race pack (includes a race programme, race number and goodies). • If you cannot make it to registration someone must pick up your race pack on your behalf (including race number) between 3.00pm and 7.00pm on Friday 13 November. • There will be an Expo at the Rotorua Holiday Inn on Friday with all sorts of cool stuff including merchandise and info stands. • The boat ride (from the finish line at Hot Water Beach to Boatshed Bay on Lake Tarawera) is included in your race entry. Spectators can purchase boat tickets ($40 adults and $20 for 5-12 year olds) at the Expo on Friday 13 November. • Leave your finish line and drop bags with us at the Expo at the Rotorua Holiday Inn on Friday 13 November between 3.00pm and 7.00pm. • Bus tickets back to Rotorua can be purchased at the Expo if you did not buy one when you signed up online ($20). • Race start is 8.00am for 50km walkers and 8.30am for everyone else. Make sure you arrive at Te Puia in time. • Spectators / crew can access the Green Lake Aid Station by hopping on the shuttle bus from the Puarenga Nice aid station. The bus is free. • Park at The Buried Village or the Tarawera Trailhead and get the free shuttle bus to the boats. Shuttle buses return you to your cars. • Be safe and courteous on the trails. Have fun! 2015 TARAWE RA T RAIL M ARAT HON & 5 0K 7 Event Information Registration and Expo Friday 13 November 2015, 3pm-7pm Rotorua Holiday Inn, 10 Tryon Street, Rotorua • Pick up your race packs, race programmes and race numbers during this time. No race numbers or timing chips will be handed out on race day morning. If you cannot make it on Friday please make sure someone else picks up your race pack for you between 3.00pm and 7.00pm. • Emergency contact We will check the phone number of your emergency contact at race registration. This must be a contact who can be reached on race day. • Make sure you queue up in the right line (arranged in alphabetical order of lastname). There will be signs above the registration desk. • Make sure you have your race number in your race pack before you leave the registration area. • Make sure a volunteer records that you have received your race pack. • If you have a drop bag, please ensure it is labeled and leave it in the appropriate area at registration. Your drop • bag will be taken to either the Green Lake or Buried Village aid station or Hot Water Beach finish line. • You must indicate if you have decided to change your race distance (and pay the difference). • You’ll be given detailed maps. Volunteers, as well as Tim and Paul, will be on hand to answer questions during the race check-in on Friday afternoon and during the pre-race briefing. Ask lots of questions! • Hammer Nutrition products will be available to purchase. Make sure to stock up on supplies at a great rate for your upcoming summer training. The Tarawera Store selling Tarawera-branded Asics race shirts, t-shirts, wall art, medal holders and wall planners will be open at the Expo. Eftpos available. There will be a race briefing at 3.00pm and again at 6.00pm. This is not mandatory but will give you a good overview of the event and a chance to ask questions. There are NO RACE DAY REGISTRATIONS on Saturday. You MUST pick up your race pack on Friday. ROTORUA 8 We will leave the hard work up to you but join us at Holiday Inn Rotorua 2 0 1 5 outdoor T A R A W E R A Tpool. RAI L M ARAT H O N our heated & 50K holidayinnrotorua.co.nz Race day the Te Puia cafe and several toilets at the Te Puia entrance – Saturday 14 November 2015 8:00am or 8:30am start but not at the start line. Start line Race start Make sure you have your race numbers facing the front. This Te Puia, Rotorua is essential. Race numbers must be visible because they are Start venue recorded throughout the day. If numbers are not visible, we Pohutu Geyser, Te Puia, Hemo Road, Rotorua. Allow time to will need to stop you to check your number. In this event we walk 800 metres from the Te Puia entranceway to Pohutu will have a ‘sin bin’ where you will serve a one minute penalty Geyser. for failing to display your race number. You do not want to be Entry to Te Puia is free for all runners and walkers (identified in the sin bin of shame! by your race number). For spectators, supporters and crew All of your event photos will be free and made available to there is a $5 entry fee. Eftpos will be available, however we you online – to receive your photos your number must be recommend you bring cash to help speed things along. visible. Park at the top carpark at Te Puia. If you are staying at the Cellphone coverage Rotorua Holiday Inn or nearby please walk to the race start. It will be faster for you and will ease congestion. Much of the course is a cellphone deadzone. There is patchy coverage at various points, particularly on hilltops. You are 8am start (50km walkers): Event briefing at 7:45am at most welcome to bring your phone but it may not always Pohutu Geyser. Please be at Te Puia no later than 7:35am. work. Bring your camera! 8:30 am start (marathon runners, marathon walkers, 50km Course markings runners): Event briefing at 8:15am at Pohutu Geyser. Please Stay on the tracks at all times. Only follow the fluro pink/ be at Te Puia no later than 7:55am. Xc orange ribbons in the trees and the red arrows on white corflutes. There should be no other markings. Any turns will There is hot tea, coffee and espresso for sale at Te Puia ROTORUA NEW ZEALAND Aid Station times and distances Aid Station Marathon 50km Expected time first runner Start: Te Puia 0 0 8am / 8:30 Yes Puarenga Nice! 7 7 9am Yes 12.5 12.5 9:20 Green Lake Picnic 14 14 9:25 Woodstock Woolshed* _ 21 9:50* Green Lake Picnic return 20 28 9:35 Yes Yes Buried Village 27 35 10:05 Yes Yes Twin Streams 34 42 10:35 Private boat only Wairua 38 46 10:50 Private boat only Finish: Hot Water Beach 42 50 11:20 YesAccess Runner/Spectator Yes – Coffee/Tea with boat ticket Pondy Vista START Drop bags Crew / spectator access Yes Cutoff time Yes Tunnel Yes Race Route P 4pm Toilets P Parking * 50km only 2015 TARAWE RA T RAIL M ARAT HON & 5 0K 9 be clearly marked with these pink/orange ribbons and/or red arrows. The wrong way will be indicated with hazard or warning tape. Aid Station locations and distances The Aid Stations are very generously stocked with food: bacon and egg pies, endurolytes, lollies, chips (chicken, plain and salt and vinegar), pretzels, sandwiches (peanut butter, jam, Nutella and honey), fruit (bananas, watermelon (if in-season), oranges and apples), ice, water, Coke, Mountain Dew, ginger beer and Heed. The Pondy Vista Summit and Wairua Watering Hole are water stops only. The order of the aid station offerings will be: drinks in cups > food > fruit > drink containers to fill your bottles > Vaseline and sunblock etc. Finish Hot Water Beach, Lake Tarawera. There is no road access to this location. It can only be reached on foot or by boat. Toilets There are toilets at Te Puia about 400 metres before the race start line (you do not run past these later). There are portaloos at the Te Puia carpark – you will run past these as you exit Te Puia a few hundred metres into your run. Approximately 3km into the run, the Waipa Mountain Bike carpark has six toilets just 30 metres (to the right) away from the trail. There will be portaloos at the Green Lake Picnic Aid Station, Woodstock Woolshed and there is a toilet at Tarawera Trailhead. There is also a toilet at The Buried Village a few metres off the course. There are additional toilets on the Tarawera Trail before Twin Streams, at Wairua Watering Hole and at the finish line at Hot Water Beach. If you need to poo in the bush, walk at least 25 metres off the track. If you are near the end of the pack, leave your drink bottle on the side of the trail so the tail-end Charlies do not head off without you. Dig a hole with the heel of your foot and bury everything. Leave no trace. Rubbish Anyone caught deliberately littering will be severely penalised. You will be disqualified from this and future events. Do not place any items on the trails. Dispose of all rubbish in the bins at aid stations. If you think you will generate waste on the run, please use a ziplock bag or similar bags to stash your trash. Leave no trace. Running extra (or less) distance If you have entered the marathon and you decide to run the 50k on the day – that is ok. The Woodstock woolshed timing mat will pick up that you have done the 50k course. To be fair, please pay the difference at the finish line (or on Sunday morning) if you ran further. Comparing the entry form to the results – we’ll know who you are. If you entered the 50k and you finish the marathon on the day instead, your result will not show as a DNF. Your results will be your place (and time) for the marathon. If you drop at any point during the race, you must let the nearest Aid Station or a course marshal know that you have pulled out of the race. Make sure a volunteer records your race number. Keeping right running on the road. The only road section of the course is between the Blue/ Green Lake carpark and the start of the Tarawera Trail (just Aid Station locations and distances 10 Aid Station Marathon 50km Expected time first runner Start: Te Puia 0 0 8am / 8:30 Yes Puarenga Nice! 7 7 9am Yes Pondy Vista 12.5 12.5 9:20 Green Lake Picnic 14 14 9:25 Woodstock Woolshed* _ 21 9:50* Green Lake Picnic return 20 28 9:35 Yes Yes Buried Village 27 35 10:05 Yes Yes Twin Streams 34 42 10:35 Private boat only Wairua 38 46 10:50 Private boat only Finish: Hot Water Beach 42 50 11:20 * 50km only 20 15 TA R AW E RA T RAI L M ARAT H O N & 50K Drop bags Yes Crew / spectator access Cutoff time Yes Yes Yes Yes – with boat ticket 4pm before The Buried Village). For your safety, please/walk run inside the cones and please listen to the race marshals. Compulsory gear In the week prior to the race, competitors will be advised what compulsory clothing and equipment items they must carry (based on the expected weather conditions). If there is little risk of bad weather, the Compulsory Gear list will be A. There are three compulsory gear levels: A No compulsory equipment. B Waterproof seam-sealed jacket. C Base layer long top wool/polypropylene, base layer long pants wool/polypropylene, waterproof jacket (seam-sealed), thermal hat (Buff accepted), thermal gloves. food, change of socks, shoes, shorts, bodyglide etc.). Put your filled and labelled drop bags and finish line bags in the pile for the correct Aid Station. These bags must be a reasonable size – do not pack the kitchen sink. Leave your drop bags with us at race registration before 7pm on Friday evening. We’ll take your drop bags to the appropriate Aid Stations or finish line. We will deliver them back to the Rotorua Holiday Inn when Aid Stations close. Label your drop bags with your name and the appropriate Aid Station. GRE Green Lake BVL Buried Village HWB Finish Line at Hot Beach* INSPECTION OF COMPULSORY ITEMS: If compulsory items are required for the race, the Race Director may choose to randomly spot check a sample of competitor items on the morning of the event at the race start. At least one random inspection of one or more item(s) will be undertaken along the course for all competitors. At GRE (when you return) and BVL – please move your drop bag from the unused pile into the used pile. We will transport these back to the Rotorua Holiday Inn. *Pack a change of clothes, comfy shoes/jandals, towel etc. for when you finish. There are beautiful places in the river for a swim and a soak in the natural hotpool after the race. Pack some money for hot food, drinks etc. at the finish line. Remember to take your bus ticket with you. Extra bus tickets will be available at registration ($20). We strongly recommend you carry water between Aid Stations. Optionally (but recommended) you should carry any gels or other form of calories with you between Aid Stations. We recommend you plan ahead and have all items in gear levels B and C available to bring to Rotorua. Lost gear (from all locations) and drop bags from Green Lake and Buried Village are taken down to the Holiday Inn. You can pick them up from there. On Sunday, all leftover gear will be at 2 Pukehangi Road, Rotorua. Please call around and pick up your stuff before you leave town. Weather forecast See www.metservice.com/towns-cities/rotorua Race safety Please take care of both yourselves and the other competitors on the course. If someone needs help, please stop and help them. Some volunteers hold First Aid qualifications. Most will have radio communication with the Safety Director and Race Director in case of an emergency. Mountain bike safety patrol will be on hand to help you out and medical support will also be available on race day. Any competitor leaving the Buried Village Aid Station after 3pm will be required to carry items B or C at the discretion of the Race Director on Race Day. iPods Yes, you may listen to music during the run. For your safety, don’t use headphones on the public road between the Blue Lake/Green Lake lookout and Tarawera Trailhead as you will be running with cars. Race numbers Runners of each distance are clearly recognised by their race number and the colour of the numbers. 1-900s 50km runners and walkers white numbers, blue names Known hazards include: The race start occurs in an active thermal field. Do not climb fences for that ‘killer race photo of all time’ – you do not want to fall into boiling hot water. 1000+ Marathon runners and walkers white numbers, white names The first few hundred metres of the run contains a gutter to the left and right of the main track. Stay away from the extreme outside of the footpath and try and run in the middle. All early entrants have their name and country flag on their race numbers. This will help you recognise and cheer on the competitors. The finish line at Hot Water Beach contains a section where boiling hot water trickles into a rock pool. Do not linger in this hot water with bare feet. It will burn. Timing chips Timing chips are on the back of your race numbers. Run / walk over the timing mats at Green Lake Picnic, (both in and out), Woodstock, Buried Village and the finish line at Hot Water Beach. Drop bags and lost gear These are OPTIONAL and contain your own goodies (gels, Hot Water Beach finish line There are NO ROADS to the finish line. You (or your crew) can only access this area on foot or by boat. There is sensitive geothermal activity and vegetation surrounding Hot Water Beach which will be clearly marked and taped off. Please stay out of these areas. 2015 TARAWE RA T RAIL M ARAT HON & 5 0K 11 Every finisher will receive a wooden finisher’s medal. so it will be easy to grab a ride. There will be fruit and drink at the Hot Water Beach finish line for runners and walkers. We will have limited food for sale. Bring cash. There are toilets at the finish line. Boats will transport you back from the finish line to the Boatshed Bay. The boat ride takes 20 minutes. 2. Catch a shuttle bus to transport you from Buried Village back to Te Puia in Rotorua. You will need to show your bus ticket so make sure you have it with you. If you have not bought a bus ticket prior to the race, you can buy one at registration for $20. Hot Water Beach camping A few campsites are available at Hot Water Beach. You can buy a camping pass at the Race Expo. Boats will pick you up from Hot Water Beach and take you back to Boatshed Bay on Lake Tarawera. Croucher Brewing: The recovery drink of champions Participants’ boat and shuttle bus transport All finishers at Hot Water Beach will get a free boat ride back across Lake Tarawera to Boatshed Bay. From Boatshed Bay, shuttles will take you back to Buried Village or the Tarawera Trailhead parking area where cars are parked. If you do not have friends and family picking you up to go back to Rotorua, you can either: www.croucherbrewing.co.nz 1. Grab a ride with other spectators and crew. There are plenty of cars heading out in the same direction as you, Viewing the course 0 5 5 10 Puarenga Nice! 15 20 25 Green Lake Picnic DISTANCE (km) Green Lake Picnic Pondy Vista marathon elevation Profile Te Puia, Rotorua 300 350 400 450 500 550 30 ELEVATION (m) 2015 TARAWE RA T RAIL M ARAT HON & 5 0K 13 30 35 Tarawera Trailhead Twin Streams 40 42.2 5 0 5 10 Puarenga Nice! 15 20 Green Lake Picnic Pondy Vista 50k elevation Profile Te Puia, Rotorua 300 350 400 450 500 550 Hot Water Beach, Lake Tarawera Wairua ELEVATION (m) DISTANCE (km) 25 Woodstock Woolshed 30 35 Lake Okataina Green Lake Picnic 40 45 Tarawera Trailhead Twin Streams 50 Hot Water Beach, Lake Tarawera Wairua spectator & crew information The race start at Te Puia spectators should park at either the Buried Village Carpark or the nearby Tarawera Trailhead. Free shuttle buses will take you to Boatshed Bay on Lake Tarawera for your boat ride to Hot Water Beach. XcF Hemo Road, Rotorua. Admission is $5 per person (free for runners and walkers) Note: shuttles will pick you up and drop you of from The Buried Village and the Tarawera Trailhead. XcF Buried Village This event is very friendly for spectators and crew following the event. There are many places to see and support your runner or walker. These are: At the bridge just 50 metres from the Waipa Mountain Bike carpark: Waipa State Mill Road, Rotorua. Xc F If the Buried Village carpark is full, it’s only a 400 metre walk to the Tarawera Trailhead carpark. Walk on the trail not on the main road. At Puarenga Nice Aid Station X Travel down the road past the Waipa Mountain Bike carpark, turn right at the intersection (straight ahead takes you into the mill and a dead-end) and follow your nose to the mountain bike parking area. It is a 100 metre walk to the Aid Station. Boatshed Bay P Due to congestion, no cars can park at The Landing or Boatshed Bay unless you are loading or unloading a private boat. This area is reserved for boaties, key staff and emergency vehicles only. Cars must park at the Buried Village carpark or at the Tarawera Trailhead carpark. Green Lake Picnic X This is accessible via shuttles from the Puarenga Nice aid station. This is a private road and is accessible only with buses on race day. The Aid Station will be signposted. It will be a 500 metre walk from the parking area. Hot Water Beach finish line XcFP Access the finish line on one of the boats provided. The cost of a boat ticket will be $40 and can be purchased when you sign-up online or at race registration. Bring your togs if you feel like a soak while you wait for your runner/walker!! Bring cash for food and drinks. The boat ride is 20 minutes each way. If you have a private boat you can access the event at various landing points along the Tarawera Trail. Prepare for heavy boat traffic on race day. Woodstock Woolshed (50km route only) X You will be able to park on Highlands Loop Road, Rotorua. Follow the signs. Shuttles There is no parking at Boatshed Bay by Lake Tarawera (where the boats pick you up and drop you off). All crew and Too much congestion at Boatshed Bay or The Landing, may lead to denied permission to run this race again. Please take the bus. Travel Route and Parking Lake Rotorua Buses may be boarded from either carpark Lake Okataina P 5 P SALA ST Tarawera Trailhead P Pedestrian Access P Please do not use Tarawera Road for pedestrian access to Buried Village P Boatshed Bay 5 P P Runners’ Course Vehicle Route Vehicle Route with Permit Buses only 14 P Vehicle Parking 20 15 TA R AW E RA T RAI L M ARAT H O N & 50K P MAHIA TE MAHI WHAKARURUTANGA O TE NGAHERE Strive for Safety in the Forest • Fires and smoking are NOT permitted. • In case of emergency call 111. • Unless authorised, do not cut, fell or remove any live or dead trees, shrubs or other vegetation. • If you observe any unsafe or suspicious activity (such as smoking) contact a race official. • All people using the forests must comply with New Zealand law. • Keep within the forest boundaries. • Always be courteous to other forest users. • Always follow instructions of any forestry security staff – Cars will encounter runners and walkers for 2km from the be courteous. Blue/Green Lake carpark to the Tarawera Trailhead. Event permission has been granted by the land owners and forest managers. Please embrace the generosity and spirit - manaakitanga - extended to you by treating the Whakarewarewa Forest and others who visit it with care and respect. Contacts and questions In case of emergency on the day, contact a volunteer or medical staff member. If there is cellphone coverage dial 111. Organiser- Paul Charteris M: 027 600 0397 E: paul@taraweramarathon.co.nz Race Director - Tim Day M: 027 255 2994 E: tim@taraweramarathon.co.nz Volunteers If you would like to volunteer, details are here: www.taraweramarathon.co.nz/volunteer or contact Nicola at volunteer@taraweramarathon.co.nz WOODSTOCK FARM VACATION We wish the participants all the best as you race! Enjoy the event, especially the beauty of our farm. Donna & Dick Ford, Woodstock Farm Vacation www.nzfarmvacation.com guiding principals & performance rules The purpose of the performance rules for this event is to ensure the run’s integrity as a test of individual performance, providing equal conditions for all. The guiding principles of the Performance Rules are as simple as: play fair, be safe, and respect the land. Violations of any rules may be grounds for disqualification for one or more years, or other sanctions such as time penalties, fines, and/or disqualification from awards. In the case of very serious breach of these rules, Race Directors of the Ultra-Trail World Tour will be informed of the misconduct with possible sanctions across a number of events. • There will be no unofficial runners. • Each runner’s official race number must be worn prominently on the front of the body and must be easily visible at all times. • Runners must follow the marked trail at all times. Any runner departing from the official trail must return to the point of departure on foot before continuing. • Each runner must complete the entire course under his own power. No mountain bikes (or skateboards) or boats! • Except in case of injury, distress or medical emergency, runners may not accept material aid or assistance in any form from anyone between checkpoints. • Runners may not store supplies of any kind along the trail. • Littering of any kind is prohibited. Please respect the natural beauty of our trails and the right of everyone to enjoy them. • Runners must refrain from any act of bad sportsmanship. • Smoking (yukky) is not permitted at any of the checkpoints or along the trail. • Any runner who is unable to finish the run must personally inform the nearest Aid Station captain of the nearest checkpoint of their decision to withdraw and make sure their race number is recorded. • Runners who leave the course without turning in their race number will be classified as lost. The runner will be contacted on their cellphone and their emergency contact will be called. If there is no response from either party or the emergency contact does not know the status of the runner, a search will be activated. Time spent searching for any such runner will be billed to the runner. • Be respectful of other users such as recreational walkers. When approaching a walker from behind please announce that you are there so you do not startle other trail users. Anti-Doping Policy and Statement As a privately-owned event and a major event in the sport of trail ultra-running globally, we are working hard to ensure our sport remains clean of performance enhancing drugs. To this end, race management is in regular communication with 16 20 15 TA R AW E RA T RAI L M ARAT H O N & 50K Drug Free Sport NZ regarding anti-doping programmes. From these communications, we have taken the following steps: Race management reserves the right to drug test any athlete competing in this event – from the time of registration to the completion of the event. Agreement to submit to drug testing is a condition of entry. Any testing will be conducted in a manner consistent with the requirements of the World Anti-Doping Code including the WADA Prohibited List. No athlete that is currently serving a sanction for violating sports anti-doping rules may enter the Tarawera Ultramarathon or Tarawera Trail Marathon & 50km. No athlete that was issued a sanction between 1 January 2013 and 31 Dec. 2014 for violating sports anti-doping rules may enter the Tarawera Ultramarathon or Tarawera Trail Marathon &50km until 1 Jan. 2017. Race management will disqualify the entry of any athlete violating (2) or (3) who attempts to enter these events. Race management will provide anti-doping education to our participants, in conjunction with Drug Free Sport NZ. Resources for athletes, coaches and support staff is on the Drug Free Sport NZ website: drugfreesport.org.nz Podium spots and race records Runners or walkers who switch distances on race day and finish in the top five (men or women) for that distance will still be recorded for their time and place in that distance on the website. However, for all media, prizegiving, placegetter medals, and official Tarawera Trail Marathon and 50km communications, only those who entered that distance will be acknowledged as being in the top five per distance/ gender. Course records will be set by any runner who completes the distance in the fastest ever recorded time on race day. For example, it may be possible for a marathon entrant to break the 50km course record (and vice-versa). Walking Walking is allowed and is encouraged. Most runners will walk the course at times – especially the uphills. Runners will probably walk more later in the event as fatigue sets in. If you are entered in the walking event you must not run. Cut-off times There is only one cut-off. All runners and walkers must pass through The Buried Village before 4:00pm to be eligible to continue. For 50km walkers, this gives you eight hours to cover approximately 35km. For 50km runners: 7.5 hours to cover approximately 35km. Marathon runners/walkers:7.5 hours for approximately 27km. HARZARDS & RISKS If an incident occurs, please contact one of the Aid Station staff or a mountain bike safety volunteer, a medical/safety officer or a marshal on the course. They will radio one of the safety personnel to respond, or will call in an ambulance or helicopter. The Tarawera Trail Marathon and 50km is a physically challenging event. Participation presents potential medical risks, many of which can be extremely serious or fatal. Participation in this event is at the runner’s own risk. Although Run Management has medical personnel at various points along the course, the inaccessibility of much of the trail will make it difficult or impossible for medical assistance to reach the runner immediately. Participants are encouraged to see their own medical doctor prior to the event. Runners should be knowledgeable about the stress effects linked to participation in ultra events. It is important for each entrant to recognise the potential physical and mental stresses that may evolve from participation in this event. Runners may be subject to extremes of heat and cold, hypothermia, hyperthermia, dehydration, hypoglycemia, hyponatremia, disorientation and mental and physical exhaustion. Run Management and the medical staff strive to work with runners. They will do all they reasonably can to ensure safe passage to Hot Water Beach but ultimately runners must understand their own limitations. This is one event where it is better to follow the dictates of your body, not your ambitions! Adequate physical and mental conditioning prior to the event is mandatory. If you have not been able to prepare properly, do not attempt to run! Runners should appreciate the risks associated with participation in this event. Actions may have to be taken on your behalf under extreme time constraints and adverse circumstances. We will make reasonable efforts to give assistance whenever possible. Ultimately and primarily you are in charge. Be careful, be responsible and do not exceed your own abilities and limitations. Some of the main risks of the run, but certainly not all of them, are listed. These should be understood and remembered by all runners before and during the event. Please note that death can result from several of the risk conditions discussed below or from other aspects of participation in the Tarawera Trail Marathon or 50km event. Cars There will be vehicle traffic on limited parts of the course. You should be well aware of this when running on roads. Make sure you look both ways when crossing any roads. Areas with cars will be signposted. Renal Shutdown Cases of renal shutdown (acute renal failure) have been reported in similar events. Renal shutdown occurs from muscle tissue injury which causes the release of myoglobin, a protein material, into the blood plasma. Myoglobin is cleared from the blood stream by the kidneys and will look brownish-colored in the urine. Adequate hydration will help flush myoglobin through the kidneys. Overwhelming amounts of myoglobin may clog the filtering system of the kidneys either partially or totally. If not treated, renal shutdown can cause permanent impairment of kidney function. It is crucial to continue hydrating using electrolyte fluids during the final hours of the run and for several days following the run or until the urine is light yellow and of normal frequency. Do NOT take any NSAIDs – especially Ibuprofen during this event. It will greatly increase your risk of renal failure. Runners have been hospitalised for taking these drugs in this event. There is a very fine line between hospitalisation / permanent kidney damage and death. Heat Stroke/Hyperthermia Heat exhaustion and heat stroke are risks. Temperatures may approach 30 degrees C on race day. These conditions can cause death, kidney failure and brain damage. It is important that runners be aware of the symptoms of impending heat injury. These include but are not limited to: nausea, vomiting, headache, dizziness, faintness, irritability, confusion, weakness, and rapid heart rate. Impending heat stroke may be preceded by a decrease in sweating and the appearance of goose bumps on the skin, especially over the chest. Heat stroke may progress from minimal symptoms to complete collapse, in a very short period of time. Remember that your muscles produce tremendous amounts of heat when running up and down hills. The faster the pace, the more heat is produced. A light-coloured shirt and cap, particularly if kept wet during the race, can help. Acclimatisation to heat requires approximately two weeks. It is recommend you train for periods of at least 90 minutes in 25 degree C. heat or hotter, for at least two weeks prior to the event. If signs of heat exhaustion occur, we recommend rapid cooling by applying ice to the groin, neck and armpits. Runners may drink approximately one-quarter or more of their body weight in fluids during this event. This means that an average 68kg runner could possibly drink 17 litres or more of fluid, depending on the heat factor and individual differences. In addition to drinking at checkpoints, runners 2015 TARAWE RA T RAIL M ARAT HON & 5 0K 17 will be encouraged to carry fluids between checkpoints. To accurately measure fluid intake and output balance, weigh yourself before and after your training runs. This will help you establish your personal fluid requirements (especially during the heat of the day). Remember to replace electrolytes lost from sweat and fluids. Every runner has different needs that should be determined during training. Risks Associated with low Sodium and Chloride Counts Low sodium levels (hyponatremia) in ultramarathon runners have been associated with severe illness requiring hospitalization. It is important for long-distance athletes to use fluids containing electrolytes to replace the water and salts lost during exercise. WATER INTAKE ALONE IS NOT SUFFICIENT, as water intoxication and possibly death may result. This problem may in fact worsen after the race, as the non-electrolyte-containing fluid, which has been accumulating in the stomach, is absorbed. Potassium and calcium replacement may also be important, although these levels change less with fluid loss and replenishment. Signs and symptoms of hyponatremia include: weight gain, bloating, nausea, vomiting, headache, confusion, lack of coordination, dizziness, muscle twitching/cramping and fatigue. There are two ways to put oneself at risk of hyponatremia: 1) over-hydration (with water or even electrolyte-containing sports drinks); and 2) replacing sweat with hypotonic fluids. You should use the salt tablets provided on race day and other salty foods such as chips. Those at greater risk of hyponatremia include: female runners, smaller runners, slower runners, and runners with a low sweat rate. Risks of hyponatremia can be minimised by acclimatising to the heat, training the endocrine system, salting foods a few days prior to the run, matching fluid and electrolyte intake to sweat losses and monitoring weight. The best way to achieve proper electrolyte and fluid balance is to hydrate with fluids containing proper amounts of electrolytes and to replace with sodium-containing foods or supplements, if required, and as determined during your training. Potassium, while present in many electrolyte-replacement solutions, may also be replaced with fruit, such as bananas or oranges. Beer or other alcoholic beverages should not be taken at any time during the event. Electrolyte-containing fluids should be continued after finishing until the gastrointestinal tract is fully functional, which may take several hours. Once the gut is working and adequate hydration has occurred, the normal balance of thirst, hunger, digestion and kidney filtration will maintain the proper balance of fluids and electrolytes. 18 Effects of Cold/Hypothermia Temperatures will likely be warm during the run, but be prepared for changeable cold weather, even during the middle of the race. Hypothermia is a potentially serious risk, especially running late in the evening through to early nightfall since one’s energy reserves will have been 20 15 TA R AW E RA T RAI L M ARAT H O N & 50K depleted from 14-16 or more hours of running. Hypothermia can strike very quickly, particularly when pace slows from exhaustion or injury. The initial warning signs of hypothermia often include lethargy, disorientation and confusion. The runner will feel very cold with uncontrolled shivering and may become confused, unaware of the surroundings, and may possibly be an immediate danger to him or herself. Staying well nourished, adequately hydrated and appropriately clothed will help avoid hypothermia. It is important that runners have access to warm clothing through their support crews, drop bags, or both. Use of Drugs: No drugs of any kind should be taken before, during or immediately after the event! Many drugs can increase the risk of heat stroke. A partial list of problem drugs include NSAIDS (including Ibuprofen), amphetamines, tranquilizers, and diuretics. Injuries from Falling Falling is an ever-present danger on the Tarawera Trail Marathon and 50km, with potentially serious consequences. Much of the trail is narrow, some uneven and rutted patches occur. Muscle Necrosis It has been found that some degree of muscle cell death in the legs occurs from participation in the run. The recovery can take several months. This seems to be a bigger problem in runners who become dehydrated or have overexerted themselves. Medical analysis of blood samples taken from ultra runners shows that this occurs to some degree in all runners. Overuse Injuries Obviously, innumerable overuse injuries can occur, especially in the knee and the ankle. Sprains and fractures can easily occur on these rough trails. Blisters may cause you to have a sore day, or in severe circumstances may prevent you from finishing. Common Fatigue One of the dangers you will encounter is fatigue. Fatigue, combined with the effects of dehydration, hypothermia, hyperthermia, hyponatremia, hypoglycemia and other debilitating conditions can produce disorientation and irrationality. Getting Lost Although Run Management endeavors to mark the Tarawera Trail Marathon and 50km course, it is definitely possible to lose the trail. If you believe at any time that you may not be on the correct trail, do not attempt to find your way crosscountry. If you are sure of your route, backtrack to where you last saw a trail marker and try to find other markers showing the direction of the trail. If you are unable to find your way, stay where you are! Wandering randomly will take you farther from the trail and reduce your chances of being found. If you do become injured, exhausted or ill, STAY ON THE TRAIL. You will be found there either by another runner, or the mountain bike safety patrol that monitor the progress of runners during the event. If you feel dizzy, disoriented or confused, do not risk falling. Sit or lie down on the trail until you recover or are found. An unconscious runner even a few feet off the trail could be impossible to find until it is too late. If you are assisted by individuals who are not associated with Run Management, and you elect to leave the trail, you MUST notify the official at the nearest aid station of your decision to withdraw. Difficulty in Gaining Access to or Locating Injured Participants Much of the Tarawera Trail Marathon and 50km is remote and inaccessible by motor vehicle. Accordingly, in spite of the many layers of safety precautions instituted by Run E D A M IS TH ENT EV IBLE VIS Management (including radio communications, rescue helicopters on standby, mountain bike search and rescue personnel and other emergency services and medical personnel at many checkpoints), there is absolutely no assurance that aid or rescue assistance will arrive in time to give you effective assistance should you become sick, incapacitated or injured. Although medical and other personnel will assist you when possible, remember that you are ultimately responsible for your own wellbeing on the trail. Only you will know how your body and mind feel at any given time. Monitor yourself during the entire run, and prepare yourself to drop out at the nearest checkpoint if you find it just isn’t your day. As you continue past each medical checkpoint, be aware of the number of kilometres to the next one, realising that getting rescue vehicles into these areas can be difficult, if not impossible. Aside from all that – have fun! NZ’S POR NO 1 T SIG ABLE 2 YEAR NAG RAN E HARDWARE GE WARRANTY EXP ER ADV T ICE www.expandasign.co.nz 0508 226 6377 sales@expandasign.co.nz Photos: Graeme Murray graememurray.com Athlete entries 2015 Marathon - Run 1000 Clive Start Lower Hutt, NZ 1016 Karl Murton Rotorua, NZ 1001 Raewynne Blommerde Whakatane, NZ 1017 Sandra Jensen Hamilton, NZ 1002 Nat Thompson Tauranga, NZ 1018 Rob Hammington Hamilton, NZ 1003 Landy Darrow Auburn, CA, USA 1019 Rebecca Edgecombe Auckland, NZ 1004 Karen Rolleston Palmerston North, NZ 1020 Amanda Wheeler Auckland, NZ 1005 Tim Youle NSW, Australia 1021 Carol Coleman Auburn, USA 1006 Kimberley Chan Auckland, NZ 1022 Glenn Marvin Remuera, NZ 1007 Chris Wilson Auckland, NZ 1023 Katherine Samplonius Auckland, NZ 1008 Glenn Larsen Hamilton, NZ 1024 Simon Clendon Auckland, NZ 1009 Andy Darrow Auburn, USA 1025 Huguette Dall’Armi Auckland, NZ 1010 Sarah Fryer Auckland, NZ 1026 Brendon Angell Auckland, NZ 1011 Rebekah Rolleston Palmerston North, NZ 1027 Roxana Johnson Carterton, NZ 1012 Christine Stucki Rotorua, NZ 1028 Jeff Buxton Newcastle, Australia 1013 Caroline Kwok Auckland, NZ 1029 Gunnar Lindermann Singapore, Singapore 1014 Linda Hopper Auckland, NZ 1030 Liz Palmer Auckland, NZ 1015 Derek Mc Goldrick Christchurch, NZ 1031 Edmund Nockolds Sydney, Australia 1032 Lisa Joblin Ohaupo, NZ 1078 Louise Oliver Auckland, NZ 1033 Reti Hick Whangaparoa, NZ 1079 Michelle Davis Whangarei, NZ 1034 Fred Schipper Tokoroa, NZ 1080 Irene Lindsay Whangarei, NZ 1035 Graeme Tindall Masterton, NZ 1081 Boris Fejzagic Wellington, NZ 1036 Karen Shaw Tokoroa, NZ 1082 Chris Archer Auckland, NZ 1037 Olivia Goh Tokoroa, NZ 1083 Greg Dobrin Sydney, Australia 1038 Steve Wickham Tauranga, NZ 1084 Paul Miller Ross Creek, Australia 1039 Sarah Jackson Auckland, NZ 1085 Janelle Miller Victoria, Australia 1040 Karen Howe Whakatane, NZ 1086 Cheryl Baker Auckland , NZ 1041 Darryn Osborn Sydney, Australia 1087 Jennifer Davis Auckland, NZ 1042 Sara Hamilton Sydney, Australia 1088 Emma Williams Auckland, NZ 1043 Fran Mortell Mount Maunganui, NZ 1089 Carolyn Wood Sydney, Australia 1044 Dennis Hunt Rotorua, NZ 1090 Chris Lane Auckland, NZ 1045 Chris Howard Wellington, NZ 1091 Tanya Lane Auckland, NZ 1046 Gillian Green Auckland, NZ 1092 Greg Shaw Auckland, NZ 1047 David Kayes Auckland , NZ 1093 Brett Laurent Auckland, NZ 1048 Claire Macky Auckland, NZ 1094 Camille Stranks Hamilton, NZ 1049 Malcolm Graham Auckland, NZ 1095 Sarah Lincoln Gisborne, NZ 1050 Mandy Russell Tawa, NZ 1096 Martin Kostrewa Rotorua, NZ 1051 Phillip Hartley Rotorua, NZ 1097 Bieke Kostrewa Rotorua, Belgium 1052 Cheryl Symons Melbourne, Australia 1098 Leah Shallcrass Hamilton, NZ 1053 Mike Duckett Auckland, NZ 1099 Antonia Davies Northland, NZ 1054 Andrea Pollard Rotorua, NZ 1100 Anna Burke Hamilton, NZ 1055 Tui Hambrook Tauranga , NZ 1101 Simon Fisher Auckland, NZ 1056 Ian Hoad Victoria, Australia 1102 Dennis Monks Warkworth, NZ 1057 Rachael Hofmann Rotorua, NZ 1103 Jake Jacobs Napier, NZ 1058 Katrina Walter Wellington, NZ 1104 Aimee Whitcroft Wellington, NZ 1059 Tom Wellby Raglan, NZ 1105 Nan Baker Gisborne, NZ 1060 Rob Smail Rotorua, NZ 1106 Robyn Wilkie Gisborne, NZ 1061 Sue Moore Christchurch , NZ 1107 Kath Wilkie Gisborne, NZ 1062 Darren Diprose Te Aroha, NZ 1108 Wayne Bowler Auckland, NZ 1063 Gildas Lebrun Rotorua, NZ 1109 Silke Noll Wellington, NZ 1064 Gemma Towersey Wellington, NZ 1110 Catherine Wallace Auckland, NZ 1065 Antonio Stanley Auckland, NZ 1111 Anthony Lyall Auckland, NZ 1066 Joce Jones Lower Hutt, NZ 1112 Sally Law Wanaka, NZ 1067 Heidi Litchwark Te Puke, NZ 1113 Joy Connolly Auckland, NZ 1068 Suzanne Roberts Auckland, NZ 1114 Jane Barnett Papamoa, NZ 1069 Kirsty Bullard Lower Hutt, NZ 1115 Barbara Scarfe Auckland, NZ 1070 Christine Lear Gisborne, NZ 1116 Leanne Erceg Auckland, NZ 1071 Steve Alden Uckfield, UK 1117 Amy Larsen Auckland, NZ 1072 Emma Alden Uckfield, UK 1118 Raewyn Proudfoot Paraparaumu, NZ 1073 James Espie Auckland, NZ 1119 Rachel Middlemiss Edinburgh, UK 1074 Holly Howes Walton, NZ 1120 Megan Stallard Lower Hutt, NZ 1075 Olivia Bootten Rotorua, NZ 1121 Lex Chalmers Hamilton, NZ 1076 Kirsty Nelson Waiotira, NZ 1122 Glenn Muir Auckland, NZ 1077 Leroy Jurisich Waiotira, NZ 1123 Keith Scholes Gisborne, NZ 23 24 1124 Dee Williams Auckland, NZ 1170 Nick Smith Hamilton, NZ 1125 James Walsh Auckland, NZ 1171 John Robertson Lower Hutt, NZ 1126 Cyril Clement Wellington, NZ 1172 Andrew Butler Auckland, NZ 1127 Brendon Smith Auckland, NZ 1173 Mike Groves Tauranga, NZ 1128 Tracy Smith Auckland, NZ 1174 Claire Mander Te Awamutu, NZ 1129 Doug Gordon Auckland, NZ 1175 Cherie Waterhouse Hamilton, NZ 1130 Rod Dick Auckland, NZ 1176 Janine van der Vegte Rotorua, NZ 1131 Paul Smith Rotorua, NZ 1177 Angelique Jansen Hamilton, NZ 1132 Ben Shaw Auckland, NZ 1178 Fritz Jansen Hamilton, NZ 1133 Michael Butler Lower Hutt, NZ 1179 Glenn Pearce Auckland, NZ 1134 Isobel Franklin Lower Hutt, NZ 1180 Quona Young Bushland Beach, Australia 1135 Chris Ryan Mount Maunganui, NZ 1181 Cameron Atkinson Bushland Beach, Australia 1136 Jo Tisch Tauranga, NZ 1182 Helen Macemon Hamilton, NZ 1137 James Short Botany, Australia 1183 Kate Miller Christchurch, NZ 1138 Simon Mortell Mount Maunganui, NZ 1184 Kirsti Hansen Auckland, NZ 1139 Penny Barrett Levin, NZ 1185 Cam McKenzie Wellington, NZ 1140 Lisa Napier Auckland, NZ 1186 Nikola Fisken Rotorua, NZ 1141 Paul Cadogan Hamilton, NZ 1187 Louise Ayrey Auckland, NZ 1142 Karla Morgan Kawerau, NZ 1188 Aaron Ratahi wellington, NZ 1143 Lisa Cameron Paraparaumu, NZ 1189 Mead Norton Rotorua , NZ 1144 Eric Horwood Whakatane, NZ 1190 Sandy Scott Albany Creek, Australia 1145 Jennifer Chowaniec Christchurch, NZ 1191 Maya Keaney Tauranga, NZ 1146 Nicola Schnauer Auckland, NZ 1192 Marian Tunnicliffe Whangamata, NZ 1147 Rhonda Parry Hamilton, NZ 1193 Leigh Austin Taupo, NZ 1148 Carl Southgate Auckland, NZ 1194 Justine Coventry Ohope, NZ 1149 Tony Eccles Hamilton, NZ 1195 Ian Coventry Ohope, NZ 1150 Toni Mills Rotorua, NZ 1196 Philip Secker Upper Hutt, NZ 1151 Andrew Bennett Lower Hutt, NZ 1197 Sharon Frazer Tauranga, NZ 1152 George Simpson Mount Maunganui, NZ 1198 Jeff Rosemergy Hamilton, NZ 1153 Vicki Lees Auckland, NZ 1199 Shangjie Jimmy Huang Auckland, NZ 1154 Nicola Russ Auckland, NZ 1200 Sheree Kairau Whangarei, NZ 1155 Sue Meltzer Auckland, NZ 1201 Brent Mckay Tauranga, NZ 1156 Bayer Ottens Perth, Australia 1202 Jo Shanks Mount Maunganui, NZ 1157 Larry Smith Perth, Australia 1203 Lindsay Hyslop Tauranga, NZ 1158 Andrew Bardsley Boulcott, Lower Hutt, NZ 1204 Nicki Robinson Wellington, NZ 1159 Louisa Wallace Sydney, Australia 1205 Amy Frazer Auckland, NZ 1160 Fiona Mackenzie Whangaparaoa, NZ 1206 Robert Rickerby Auckland, NZ 1161 Francesca Rudkin Auckland , NZ 1207 Claire Bartholomew Wellington, NZ 1162 Dean Masters Hamilton, NZ 1208 Helen MacDiarmid Wellington, NZ 1163 Renee Ward Hamilton , NZ 1209 Murray Smith Tauranga, NZ 1164 Helen Russo Cambridge, NZ 1210 Allan Shadbolt Auckland, NZ 1165 Michelle Haynes Auckland, NZ 1211 Kelvin Chote Upper Hut, NZ 1166 Linda Ojala Wellington, NZ 1212 Colin Eggleton Opotiki, NZ 1167 Brendon Ojala Wellington, NZ 1213 John Marsh Auckland, NZ 1168 Olwyn Bolitho Upper Hutt, NZ 1214 Alexander Tessmann Auckland, NZ 1169 Pip Smith Hamilton, NZ 1215 Renate Harsch Auckland, NZ 1216 Nicola loft Stratford, NZ 1262 Paul Kane Auckland, NZ 1217 Ben Smith Auckland, NZ 1263 Karen McCarthy Tauranga, NZ 1218 Gregor Paul Auckland, NZ 1264 Helayna Ruifrok Gisborne, NZ 1219 Airlie Chamberlain Christchurch, NZ 1265 Ian Fearnside Auckland, NZ 1220 Meesh Hindmarch Whakatane, NZ 1266 Stephen Marsland Ashhurst, NZ 1221 Karen Crossan Auckland, NZ 1267 Sarah O’Grady Auckland, NZ 1222 Wayne Doughty Tauranga, NZ 1268 Liz Ireland Cambridge, NZ 1223 Hudson Dahlberg Auckland, NZ 1269 Alison James Tauranga, NZ 1224 Kai Ritchie Paraparaumu, NZ 1270 Nikki Jones Masterton, NZ 1225 Sam Damesin Rotorua, NZ 1271 Nicki Davies Gisborne, NZ 1226 Marco Streibel Auckland, NZ 1272 Susan Mumby Rayleigh, UK 1227 Marcelle Morrison Te Puke, NZ 1273 Mike Greer Christchurch, NZ 1228 Linda Downes Tokoroa, NZ 1274 Euan Masters Christchurch, NZ 1229 Bridget Leonard Helensville, NZ 1275 Caroline Taylor Whangarei, NZ 1230 Lynaire ‘Morgs Morgan Nelson, NZ 1276 Teal Hall Alaska, USA 1231 Freya Thomson Palmerston North, NZ 1277 Paul Wrigley Tauranga, NZ 1232 Tracey Downes Cannonvale, Australia 1278 Marama Christie Rotorua, NZ 1233 Sarah Harris Unknown, NZ 1279 Troy Patchett Auckland, NZ 1234 Fergus Brown Auckland, NZ 1280 Phil Murray Hamilton, NZ 1235 Michelle Flaws Wellington, NZ 1281 Ian Loveless Rotorua, NZ 1236 Shiree Flutey Tokoroa, NZ 1282 Michelle Goeth Rotorua, NZ 1237 Kim Lyell Christchurch , NZ 1283 Monica Tate Auckland, NZ 1238 Anna Nesbit Hamilton, NZ 1284 Melissa Thorne Feilding, NZ 1239 Graeme Sharp Christchurch, NZ 1285 Mark Smith Christchurch, NZ 1240 Anna Ross Lake Tarawera, NZ 1286 Cameron Maney Auckland, NZ 1241 Mark Ball Te Aroha, NZ 1287 Shaun Michael Lynch Auckland, NZ 1242 Paula Haddock Te Aroha, NZ 1288 Jo Johansen Paraparaumu , NZ 1243 Inge Bahle Wellington, NZ 1289 Jason Cameron Rotorua, NZ 1244 Tracey Prince Wellington, NZ 1290 Kayla Wilson Thorndon, NZ 1245 Katherine Ryken Palmerston North, NZ 1291 Robyn Hallberg Whangarei, NZ 1246 Anna Philpott Wellington, NZ 1292 Bertrand Langlois Tracy le Val, France 1247 Peter Townson Singapore, Singapore 1293 Tineke Hooft Porirua, NZ 1248 Sylvia Frean Wellington, NZ 1294 Megan Ivanovich Hamilton, NZ 1249 Colleen Falloon Auckland, NZ 1295 Kate Townsley Rotorua, NZ 1250 Charlotte Nasey Auckland, NZ 1296 Rebecca Rumble Auckland, NZ 1251 Stuart Davis Auckland, NZ 1297 Laura Schulze Mount Maunganui, NZ 1252 Greg Marnoch Auckland, NZ 1298 Itsuki Mueller Auckland, NZ 1253 Norman Chan Christchurch, NZ 1254 Kate Malone Rotorua, NZ 1255 Annie Walden Rotorua, NZ 1256 Tanya McMurtrie Nelson, NZ 1257 Marc Fata Whangarei, NZ 1258 Cliff Tarrant Hamilton, NZ 1259 Mariana Morrisn Rotorua, NZ 1260 Sandi Kaio Mount Maunganui, NZ Paul Jensen Nelson, NZ 1261 25 Marathon - Walk 1500 Peter Goes Whakatane, NZ 1527 Brenda Munro Auckland, NZ 1501 Sarah Emily Beale Auckland, NZ 1528 Jojo Apiata-Inia Rotorua, NZ 1502 Christine Finn Auckland, NZ 1529 Anna Hutchison Mount Macedon, Australia 1503 Kathryn Trudgeon Auckland, NZ 1530 Jessie Hutchison Mount Macedon, Australia 1504 John Orfanos Auckland, NZ 1531 Denys Munro Rotorua, NZ 1505 Deborah Orfanos Auckland, NZ 1532 Sharon O’Brien Auckland, NZ 1506 Kielee Mathis Galatea, NZ 1533 Ann Fortune Auckland, NZ 1507 Helen Meyer Auckland, NZ 1534 Sandie Whale Auckland, NZ 1508 Jenni Parkinson Gisborne, NZ 1535 Heather Cunningham Morrinsville, NZ 1509 Briar Robertson Gisborne, NZ 1536 Chris Maxwell Tauranga, NZ 1510 Tracey Dyer Porirua, NZ 1537 Stephen Baker Auckland, NZ 1511 Stacey Spry Tauranga, NZ 1538 Bronwyn Yates Auckland, NZ 1512 Lisa Hall Tauranga, NZ 1539 Bex Beazley Rotorua, NZ 1513 Treena Moore Rotorua, NZ 1540 Nick Beazley Rotorua, NZ 1514 Kimberley Ward Tauranga, NZ 1541 Helen Keys Rotorua, NZ 1515 Angela Page Galatea, NZ 1542 Grant Keys Rotorua, NZ 1516 Rachel Harris Lower Hutt , NZ 1543 Rachel Henstock Tauranga, NZ 1517 Petra Pilkington Whangarei, NZ 1544 Adele Crockett Tauranga , NZ 1518 Laurence Genee Hong Kong 1545 Anne Blockley Auckland, NZ 1519 Jacqui Dillon Hong Kong 1546 Theresa Large Putaruru, NZ 1520 Stephen van Wonderen Auckland, NZ 1547 Miranda Mercer Wellington, NZ 1521 Audrey Harvey Burpengary East, Australia 1548 Jill Tyler Auckland, NZ 1522 Francis Harvey Burpengary East, Australia 1549 Denise Williams Auckland, NZ 1523 Kirsten Harvey Burpengary East, Australia 1550 Anna Brown Auckland, NZ 1524 Cameron Harvey Burpengary East, Australia 1551 Eddie Bowman Rotorua, NZ 1525 Judith Dyer Tauranga, NZ 1552 Lynette Maan Auckland, NZ 1526 Patsy Hall Hamilton, NZ 50K - Run 26 1 Ryan Cooke Auckland, NZ 15 Angela Vircavs Auckland, NZ 2 Laurie Wilson Auckland, NZ 16 Robert Coleman Auburn, USA 3 Chern Lo Auckland, NZ 17 Lesley Park Papamoa, NZ 4 Jane Moore Wellington, NZ 18 Lyndsey Anselmi Te Kuiti, NZ 5 Steven Blackburn Auckland, NZ 19 Christopher Victor Singapore, Singapore 6 Blair Tupp Hamilton, NZ 20 Wendy Keall Auckland, NZ 7 Lisa Talbot Rotorua, NZ 21 Raymond Chan Auckland, NZ 8 Ngahiraka Latimer Pukekohe, NZ 22 Peter Attwood Auckland, NZ 9 Annalisa Meyer Auckland, NZ 23 Cherie Smith Rotorua, NZ 10 Dennis de Monchy Tauranga, NZ 24 Ash Pari Rotorua, NZ 11 Richard Church Auckland, NZ 25 Julie Chiquet Rotorua, NZ 12 Janine Harrington Tauranga, NZ 26 Allan Williamson Tauranga, NZ 13 Frazer McClelland Melbourne, Australia 27 Kylie Day Rotorua, NZ 14 Matthew Vircavs Auckland, NZ 28 Chris Birkinshaw Wellington, NZ 29 Jenny Hirst Auckland, NZ 75 Rachel Bushell Brisbane, Australia 30 Mana Sasaki Singapore, Singapore 76 Mark Hooker Auckland , NZ 31 Vera Alves Auckland, NZ 77 Diane Gillard Tauranga, NZ 32 Belinda Harding Hampshire, UK 78 Richard Gould Perth, Australia 33 Sean Reid Auckland, NZ 79 Christian Stockle Auckland, NZ 34 Lawrence Harper Whakatane, NZ 80 Stephanie Hooker Auckland , NZ 35 Yvonne Harper Whakatane, NZ 81 Kaye King Rotorua, NZ 36 Kate Rushworth Auckland , NZ 82 Peter Ng Auckland, NZ 37 Min Lo Auckland, NZ 83 Brendan Moore Auckland, NZ 38 Runner5 Angela Earl Rotorua, NZ 84 Katie Snyman Rotorua, NZ 39 Javier Browne Rotorua, NZ 85 Tim Bailey Lower Hutt, NZ 40 Krazy Kerris Browne Rotorua, NZ 86 Shelley Rutten Rotorua, NZ 41 Richard Stevenson Napier, NZ 87 Paula Klein Hamilton, NZ 42 Radleigh Cairns Papamoa, NZ 88 Cameron Smith Auckland, NZ 43 Kirsty Peterson Rotorua, NZ 89 Heather Lang Rotorua, NZ 44 Adrian Pike Auckland, NZ 90 Tago Mharapara Manukau, NZ 45 Simon Kay Auckland, NZ 91 Andrew cable Auckland, NZ 46 Francis Dragicevich Rotorua, NZ 92 Emma McClintock Rotorua, NZ 47 Mark Rickard Wellington, NZ 93 Jancy Yap Singapore, Singapore 48 Kezia McClelland Melbourne, Australia 94 Yvonne Mansell Rotorua, NZ 49 Pete Sharp Waikato, NZ 95 Natalie Richards Rotorua, NZ 50 Nellie Awad Melbourne, Australia 96 Christopher Koh Singapore, Singapore 51 Ange Anderson Rotorua, NZ 97 Molly Tan Singapore, Singapore 52 Monica Fraser Rotorua, NZ 98 Bronson Botha Auckland, NZ 53 Doug Moore Gisborne, NZ 99 Bridget McLaughlin Hamilton, NZ 54 Biddy Sargent Auckland, NZ 100 Lyndy Wickham Tauranga, NZ 55 Michael Martin Hamilton, NZ 101 Wendy Goes Whakatane, NZ 56 Alan Crowe Wellington, NZ 102 Anthony Bus Auckland, NZ 57 Tanya Rhodes Hamilton, NZ 103 Damien Christofis Napier, NZ 58 Andrew McCulley Auckland, NZ 104 Nigel Blakeborough Tauranga, NZ 59 Leith Macfarlane Auckland, NZ 105 Ian Richardson Rotorua, NZ 60 Marc Teakel Rotorua , NZ 106 Lindsay Twiss Auckland, NZ 61 Gavin Murphy Gisborne, NZ 107 Roger Colquhoun Tauranga, NZ 62 Anel McInnes Auckland, NZ 108 Sarah Croucher Rotorua, NZ 63 Dean McInnes Auckland, NZ 109 Forsyth Thompson Auckland, NZ 64 Bronwyn McKeage Auckland, NZ 110 Owen Frentz Auckland , NZ 65 Christina Matheson Vancouver, Canada 111 Roger King Auckland, NZ 66 Kim Lehrer Sherbrooke, Canada 112 Lucy Robinson Auckland, NZ 67 Amanda Heapy Rotorua, NZ 113 Enoch Vahua Awakeri, NZ 68 Craig Price Papamoa, NZ 114 Melissa White Whakatane, NZ 69 Martyn Cherry Lower Hutt, NZ 115 Helena Kirkham Hamilton, NZ 70 Sarah Hillary Auckland, NZ 116 Chris Trudgeon Auckland, NZ 71 Jonathan Moulds Wellington, NZ 117 Matt Ford Tauranga, NZ 72 Phillip Hansen Levin, NZ 118 Luanna George Rotorua, NZ 73 Sarah Morten Wellington, NZ 119 Keir garrett Auckland, NZ Karen Brown Brisbane, Australia 120 Carl Rogers Auckland, NZ 74 27 28 121 Mike Smith Auckland, NZ 166 Michelle Sroda Scottsdale, AZ, USA 122 Raimona Inia Rotorua, NZ 167 Shelly Marks Phoenix, USA 123 Steve Hinton Whitianga, NZ 168 Rich Barter Rotorua, NZ 124 Chrissy Sell Rotorua, NZ 169 Alana Collins Rotorua, NZ 125 Paula Ward Hamilton, NZ 170 George Thomson Waiheke Island, NZ 126 Liam Gibson Auckland, NZ 171 Walter Gouws Auckland, NZ 127 Ross Dewstow Hamilton, NZ 172 Amy Davison Scottsdale, USA 128 Steve Oram Auckland, NZ 173 Hin Kong Wong Singapore, Singapore 129 Debbie Ardern Hamilton, NZ 174 Annika Smail Rotorua, NZ 130 Raewyn Richmond Ngahinapouri, NZ 175 Mere Murray Rotorua , NZ 131 Waverley Newson Rotorua, NZ 176 Philippa Stevens Auckland, NZ 132 Jo Petersen Whakatane, NZ 177 Christopher Crowley Wellington, NZ 133 Mary Attwater Rotorua, NZ 178 Chris Wingnut Townley Rotorua, NZ 134 Emma Bassett Wellington, NZ 179 Stu MacLean Hastings, NZ 135 Lee Alexander Rotorua, NZ 180 Kelley Robinson Auckland, NZ 136 Eddie Meijer Rotorua, NZ 181 Rae Peters Auckland, NZ 137 Jason Buckley Auckland , NZ 182 Thom Thomson Invercargill, NZ 138 Phil Thompson Porirua, NZ 183 Shane Caske Wellington, NZ 139 Fiona Stokes Porirua, NZ 184 Mgcini Masuku Hamilton, NZ 140 Sam Henderson Rotorua, NZ 185 Lexie Tait McCosh Te Puke, NZ 141 Dawn Tuffery Hamilton, NZ 186 Claire Fox Auckland, NZ 142 Richard Lake Waiuku, NZ 187 Diana Anderson Rotorua, NZ 143 Rosemary Chan Singapore , Singapore 188 Geoff Higgins Auckland, NZ 144 Bruce Easton Rotorua, NZ 189 Susan Speidel Arizona, USA 145 Jesper Fuhlendorff Auckland, NZ 190 Jessica Bach Rotorua, NZ 146 Patrick Harvey Wellington, NZ 191 Don Morrison Te Puke, NZ 147 Travis Stull Tauranga, NZ 192 Max Belsey Auckland, NZ 148 Philippa Hyde Christchurch, NZ 193 Rachel Belsey Auckland, NZ 149 Nic Ayson Kapiti, NZ 194 Brent Matuku Waitara, NZ 150 Scott Ball Auckland, NZ 195 Leigh Finlayson Ruakokopatuna , NZ 151 Alastair Franklin Tauranga, NZ 196 David Free Tauranga, NZ 152 Richard Lang Rotorua, NZ 197 Mark O’Sullivan Lower Hutt, NZ 153 Jacque Webber Rotorua, NZ 198 Kirsty stowe Rotorua, NZ 154 Malik Owens Davie, USA 199 Patrick Cleary Whakatane, NZ 155 Jon Davies Pukekohe, NZ 200 Craig Grib Auckland, NZ 156 Thompson Tapsell Central Coast, Australia 201 Erin Vaughan New Plymouth, NZ 157 Megan Twist Rotorua, NZ 202 Tony Vaughan New Plymouth, NZ 158 Dianne Gleeson Canberra, Australia 203 Tom Poland Wellington, NZ 159 Simon Nicol Canberra, Australia 204 Chris Bycroft Rotorua, NZ 160 Farris Walling Scottsdale, USA 205 Gary Back Rotorua, NZ 161 Gloria Clement Kansas City, USA 206 Caroline Bray Lower Hutt, NZ 162 Nicole Rose Mesa, United States 207 Dave Mason Auckland, NZ 163 Warren Meyer Auckland, NZ 208 Anna Dalton Thames, NZ 164 Caryn Dawson Auckland, NZ 209 Linda Toohey Halekulani, Australia 165 Shay Gordon Auckland, NZ 210 Peter Hay Halekulani, Australia 211 Tim Rosamond Wellington , NZ 256 Lena Waerea Pomana Rotorua, NZ 212 Jade Smith Papamoa, NZ 257 Alison Friery Auckland, NZ 213 Sian Kelly Papamoa, NZ 258 Sue Brewster Auckland, NZ 214 Stephanie McNicholl Gold Coast, Australia 259 Vicki Woolley Auckland, NZ 215 Theresa Bidwell Auckland, NZ 260 Steve Neary Pukekohe, NZ 216 robert rawnsley Auckland, NZ 261 Roberta Ingram Rotorua, NZ 217 Matt Chapman Auckland, NZ 262 John Benson Auckland, NZ 218 Amy Thomas Auckland, NZ 263 Lizzy Guest Rotorua, NZ 219 Danielle Forbes Tauranga, NZ 264 Tim McDougal Napier, NZ 220 Sarah Sellars Whangamata, NZ 265 Rhonda Herring Rotorua, NZ 221 Karl Sellars Whangamata, NZ 266 Viola Hoepfinger Rotorua, NZ 222 Tania Gardner Gisborne, NZ 267 Avon O’Grady Hamilton, NZ 223 Richard Nauck Auckland, NZ 268 Cyndy Horne Wellington, NZ 224 Karen Phillips Wellington, NZ 269 Debbie Skilton Auckland, NZ 225 Lee Wenzlick Thames, NZ 270 Andrea Davies Christchurch, NZ 226 Kathy Kingsbury Hamilton, NZ 271 Calida Brunton Taupo, NZ 227 Chris Morrissey Tauranga, NZ 272 Adrienne Hannan Wellington, NZ 228 Maryam Hills Wellington, NZ 273 Racey Rosey Rochester Palmerston North, NZ 229 Emma Sutich Wellington, NZ 274 Olivia Dean Wellington, NZ 230 Daryl Lewis Auckland, NZ 275 Kimberley Hawes Wellington, NZ 231 Shawn Sturland Wellington, NZ 276 Veronika Sander Auckland, NZ 232 Jason Brown Lower Hutt, NZ 277 Raelene Williams Ngatea, NZ 233 Katrin Webb Rotorua, NZ 278 Lee Atkinson Rotorua, NZ 234 Catherine Quin Wellington, NZ 279 Cathy Kirkpatrick Auckland, NZ 235 Leon Venter Auckland, NZ 280 Brian Newth Auckland, NZ 236 Nadine McKinnon Gisborne, NZ 281 Lisa Markwick Auckland, NZ 237 Lynda Mcbride Rotorua, NZ 282 Sara Surtees Masterton, NZ 238 Tristan Franklin Queenstown, NZ 283 Shelton Harley Noumea, New Caledonia 239 Alan Trusler Opotiki, NZ 284 Keith Kiwhi Walmsley Rotorua, NZ 240 Ben Kepes Christchurch, NZ 285 Sam Corbett Auckland, NZ 241 Mike Jones North Shore City, NZ 286 Carolyn Pentecost Hamilton, NZ 242 Shirley Day Rotorua, NZ 287 Andrew Goldie Auckland, NZ 243 Jane King Auckland, NZ 288 Patrice Stichbury Matamata, NZ 244 Kate MacLeod Hamilton, NZ 289 Fiona Ellison Tauranga, NZ 245 William Graf Auckland, NZ 290 Jo Strahan Auckland , NZ 246 Glenn Shewan Auckland, NZ 291 Lucie Slaba Rotorua, NZ 247 Gaye France Rotorua, NZ 292 Chris Melley Auckland, NZ 248 James McIntosh Auckland, NZ 293 Amy Yeoman Hamilton, NZ 249 Rena O’Connell Rotorua, NZ 294 Allan Yeoman Hamilton, NZ 250 Scott McIntyre Wellington, NZ 295 Alexander McKenzie Tauranga, NZ 251 Natalie Seay Auckland, NZ 296 Lynne Kiernan ROTORUA, NZ 252 Evan Short Weelington, NZ 297 Nova Webby Taranaki, NZ 253 Kate Stubbs Rotorua, NZ 298 Stacey Paton Stratford, NZ 254 Rebekkah Middleton Wollongong, Australia 299 Campbell Thompson Auckland, NZ 255 Middleton Mark Wollongong, Australia 300 Rachel Brophy Stratford, NZ 29 30 301 Oliver Wilson Wellington, NZ 345 Erin Fitzherbert Palmerston North, NZ 302 Angela Wheeler Papakura, NZ 346 Kim Spooner Rotorua, NZ 303 Tom Middlemiss Edinburgh, UK 347 Priscilla Kirk Rotorua, NZ 304 Geoff Ferry Lower Hutt, NZ 348 Suzy Monds Te Aroha, NZ 305 Annie Lowe Rotorua, NZ 349 Sam Williams Auckland, NZ 306 Andrius Ramonas Auckland, NZ 350 Shelley Baird Rotorua, NZ 307 Allamanda Faatoese Addington, NZ 351 John Eshuis Pukekohe, NZ 308 James Darlington Auckland, NZ 352 Wayne Allan Hamilton, NZ 309 Brendan Anstiss Christchurch, NZ 353 Ian Masterton Wellington, NZ 310 Leanne White-Haverkamp Rotorua, NZ 354 Libby Masterton Wellington, NZ 311 Tatsuya Otomo Auckland, NZ 355 Martin Blampied Auckland, NZ 312 Jemma Buckland Wellington, NZ 356 Emma Hayes Christchurch, NZ 313 Alan Tappin Auckland, NZ 357 Eugene Kara Rotorua, NZ 314 Marita Light Auckland, NZ 358 Adam Martin Hamilton, NZ 315 Catherine Creely Bendigo, Australia 359 Karen Wiggins Belfair, USA 316 Chris Creely Bendigo, Australia 360 George Wiggins Belfar, WA, USA 317 Sarah Johnston Auckland, NZ 361 Claudine Bradley Rotorua, NZ 318 Jane Seath Rotorua, NZ 362 Grant Allerby Northland, NZ 319 Adele Gibson Wellington, NZ 363 Steph Charles Auckland, NZ 320 Sue Kirk Auckland, NZ 364 Tony Martindale Wellington, NZ 321 Kate Farmer Auckland, NZ 365 Maria Rastberg Auckland, NZ 322 Jess Currey Auckland, NZ 366 Loma Page Auckland, NZ 323 Eilish Maddock Auckland, NZ 367 Barry Fitzpatrick Sydney, Australia 324 Malcolm Law Wanaka, NZ 368 Garry Silk Perth, Australia 325 Karl Woodhead Wellington, NZ 369 Jacqueline Tol Seddon, Australia 326 James Goodwill Wellington, NZ 370 Chris Mitchell Tauranga, NZ 327 Sam Jones Auckland , NZ 371 Ross Dwyer Auckland, NZ 328 Patricia Hayden-Payne Auckland, NZ 372 Dianne Bulled Whakatane, NZ 329 Kim Jepsen Whangarei, NZ 373 Sharlene Guildford Auckland, NZ 330 Eloise ashby auckland, NZ 374 Lisa Kane Pukekohe, NZ 331 Michael Shaw Palmerston North, NZ 375 Joanna Foster Pukekohe, NZ 332 Holly McLean Taupo, NZ 376 Terri Jones Auckland, NZ 333 Stephen Deluna AE, Germany 377 Martin Fryer ACT, Australia 334 Richard Croucher Auckland, NZ 378 Matt Rowbotham Auckland, NZ 335 Petra Hewett Stockholm, Sweden 379 Mark Rowbotham Mangawhai, NZ 336 Hannah Lowe Tauranga, NZ 380 Brenda Wotton Tauranga, NZ 337 Glenn Williams Auckland, NZ 381 Simon Hodgson Tauranga, NZ 338 Mike Graham Auckland, NZ 382 Garry Hale Lower Hutt, NZ 339 Tony Shaw Palmerston North, NZ 383 Sean McNamara Auckland, NZ 340 Thomas Dwight Rotorua, NZ 384 Miranda Lintott Wellington, NZ 341 Jeff Wood Wellington, NZ 385 Rebecca van der Vegt Wellington, NZ 342 Kylie Mulcahy Palmerston North, NZ 386 Myles Perry Auckland, NZ 343 Kevin Jones Levin, NZ 387 Heather Douglas Auckland, NZ 344 Arjan Schenk Auckland, NZ 388 Brent Robinson Wellington, NZ 389 Kate Lancaster Wellington, NZ 433 Bridget Cameron Otaki, NZ 390 Mel Whiting New Plymouth, NZ 434 Barbarella McCarthy Auckland, NZ 391 Andrew Eadon-Jones Christchurch, NZ 435 Greg Kirk New Plymouth, NZ 392 Fiona Palmer Rotorua, NZ 436 Julie Klein Kapiti, Wellington, NZ 393 Tony Boon Christchurch , NZ 437 Esther Quinn Auckland, NZ 394 Susan McLachlan Papakura, NZ 438 Peter Tutty NSW, Australia 395 Leonel Vidallon Auckland, Phillipines 439 Sharon Macquarie Te Puke, NZ 396 David Brokenshire Palmerston North, NZ 440 Ryan Howard Whangarei, NZ 397 Heather McDonald Wellington, NZ 441 Sue Crowley Rotorua, NZ 398 June Wirihana Palmerston North, NZ 442 Lisa-Jean Hammond Wellington , NZ 399 Melanie Wintle Auckland , NZ 443 Carla Moriarty Tauranga, NZ 400 Gina Knowles Masterton, NZ 444 Michelle Meyer Tauranga, NZ 401 Bill Coulthard Kapiti Coast, NZ 445 Brett Metcalfe Auckland, NZ 402 Melanie Jane Bourke Welllington, NZ 446 Lisa Morrison Nelson, NZ 403 Glen Burnett Auckland, NZ 447 Neil Brown Hamilton, NZ 404 Richele McKenzie Wellington, NZ 448 Jonty Garlick Taupo, NZ 405 Kelly Scott Wellington, NZ 449 Greg Weston Taupo, NZ 406 Campbell Ward Palmerston North, NZ 450 Jeremy Browne Whangarei, NZ 407 Jo Mawson Sydney, Australia 451 WaiYen Jasmine Wong Singapore, Singapore 408 Shontelle Bishara Rotorua, NZ 452 Piet Verburg Hamilton, NZ 409 Fiona Hayvice Wellington, NZ 453 Mark Rowell Verar Christchurch, NZ 410 Max Greer Hamilton, NZ 454 Tim Richards Auckland, NZ 411 Zannah Johnston Auckland, NZ 455 Paul Matthews Hamilton, NZ 412 Eugene Collins Lower Hutt, NZ 456 James McDonnell Wellington, NZ 413 Gary Warnock Gilford, UK 457 Ellen Harris Rotorua, NZ 414 Hannah Norton Auckland, NZ 458 Peter Warren Hamilton, NZ 415 Maryse Coutu Ottawa, Canada 459 Jon Cable Wellington, NZ 416 Adam Hazlett Tauranga, NZ 460 Bridget harris Wanganui, NZ 417 Erin Porteous Tauranga, NZ 461 Matt Mcdonnell Lowe hutt , NZ 418 Arvin Gardiola Manukau, NZ 462 Brendan O’Ceallaigh Wellington, NZ 419 Ann Wicken Tauranga, NZ 463 Graeme Lear Gisborne, NZ 420 Brent Simpson Waitara, NZ 464 Thomas Eriksen Glasgow, UK 421 Emmanuel Beaufils Auckland, NZ 465 Simone Guy Forrest Hill, NZ 422 Alice Hosted Kerikeri, NZ 466 Greg Nelson Wanaka, NZ 423 Albie Te Pou Rotorua, NZ 467 Jo Clark Lower Hutt, NZ 424 Colin Young Hamilton, NZ 468 Ben Aeschbach Whangarei, NZ 425 Bruce Bodley-Davies Hamilton, NZ 469 David King Wellington, NZ 426 Spence Mcclintock Rotorua, NZ 470 Hillary McDonald Mangakino, NZ 427 Tony Milne Christchurch, NZ 471 Kylie Plunkett Otaki, NZ 428 Leonie Smith Rotorua, NZ 472 Jeremy Elley-Brown Auckland , NZ 429 Tim Butler Auckland, NZ 473 David Green Waikanae, NZ 430 Jim Pearson Tauranga, NZ 474 Daniel Kwong Melbourne, Australia 431 Julian Bee Waikanae, NZ 475 Kylie McGillivray-Brown Auckland, NZ 432 Chris Browne Rotorua, NZ 476 Jan Hales Christchurch, NZ 31 32 477 Graham ONeill Auckland, NZ 518 Tracey Richardson Napier, NZ 478 Shane Tuhi Auckland, NZ 519 Kevin Richardson Napier, NZ 479 Andy Warner Auckland, NZ 520 Kunal Kumar Auckland, NZ 480 Helen Waterworth Taradale, NZ 521 Kaarel Sisask Auckland, NZ 481 Richard Boyack Whangarei, NZ 522 Mark Howard Tauranga, NZ 482 Matthew Orange Auckland, NZ 523 Cindy Carpenter Rotorua, NZ 483 Erin Wansbrough Auckland, NZ 524 Roy Crisostomo Auckland, NZ 484 Sam Drummond Palmerston North, NZ 525 Craig Barrell Auckland, NZ 485 Nick Graham Auckland, NZ 526 Heidi Davies Tauranga, NZ 486 Sally Newall Napier, NZ 527 David Redmond Auckland, NZ 487 Michelle James Rotorua, NZ 528 Anneta Hunt Auckland, NZ 488 Christopher Hambrook Bay of Islands, NZ 529 Tracey McKay Auckland, NZ 489 Jo Munn Hamilton, NZ 530 Lydia Guild Wairarapa, NZ 490 Caty Spencer Kapiti, NZ 531 Peter Nevalainen Wellington, NZ 491 Richard Day Pahiatua, NZ 532 Hayden Freeth Auckland, NZ 492 Jay Macilquham Wellington, NZ 533 Robbie Bird Hawera, NZ 493 Claudia Schulze Rotorua, NZ 534 Aaron Kraakman Cambridge, NZ 494 Sarah Daniell Taupo, NZ 535 Heather Ireland Taranaaki, NZ 495 Jess Barnes Marlborough, NZ 536 Angela Hewlett Auckland , NZ 496 Robbie Barnes Marlborough, NZ 537 Michelle Basson Tauranga, NZ 497 Shelley Gifford Rotorua, NZ 538 Carol Billowes Auckland, NZ 498 Himanshu Parmar Hamilton, NZ 539 Lucy Bartholomew Melbourne, Australia 499 Aroha Nikora Rotorua, NZ 540 Gerry Gosen Singapore, Singapore 500 Katrina Madill Tauranga, NZ 541 Tim Hitchcock Auckland, NZ 501 Kirsten Rodeka Tauranga , NZ 542 Jesse Coenen Rotorua, NZ 502 Jack Williams Dunedin, NZ 543 Jane Wheater Auckland , NZ 503 Megan McPherson Papamoa, NZ 544 Jan Snyman Rotorua , NZ 504 Tatsuru Ito Auckland, NZ 545 Victor Dieriks Auckland, NZ 505 Andrea Fulton Auckland, NZ 546 Nicholas Warren Auckland, NZ 506 Blossum Gilmour Goroka, Papua New Guinea 547 Neil Spanhake Whakatane, NZ 507 David Shields Goroka, Papua New Guinea 548 Tracey Donovan- Tauranga , NZ 508 Sam Coombes Wairarapa, NZ 549 Kirsty Willdridge Waimauku, NZ 509 Ashleigh Pye Wellington, NZ 550 Andrew McKay Auckland, NZ 510 James Kelly Wellington, NZ 551 Sean Martin Wellington, NZ 511 Fiona Eagles Auckland, NZ 552 Mikayla Henry Tauranga, NZ 512 Jamie Whyte Auckland, NZ 553 Dafydd Malcolm Rotorua, NZ 513 Adrian Henry Tauranga, NZ 554 Aaron Walmsley Rotorua, NZ 514 Peter Murmu Lower Hutt, NZ 555 Kevin Nicholson Palmerston North, NZ 515 Miranda Leeden Victoria , NZ 556 Bevan Jefferies Tauranga, NZ 516 Debbie Hardy Auckland, NZ 557 Liz Thodey Gisborne, NZ 517 Hamish Elley-Brown Auckland, NZ 558 Shayne Hossack Rotorua , NZ 50K - Walk 600 Pania Whibley Melbourne, Australia 620 Lisa Neff Rotorua, NZ 601 Katie Breheny Melbourne, Australia 621 Charmaine Bernard Auckland, NZ 602 Emily Adams Melbourne, Australia 622 Kirsty Craig Auckland, NZ 603 Michele Thomas Rotorua, NZ 623 Elwyn Davies Melbourne, Australia 604 Melanie Klava Rotorua, NZ 624 Glennis Martin-Paling Kawerau , NZ 605 Piripi Inia Rotorua, NZ 625 Sue Turner Auckland , NZ 606 Julie Sheather Canberra, Australia 626 Marlin Fisher Hamilton, NZ 607 Roberta Dickson ACT, Australia 627 Andy Eastcott Rotorua, NZ 608 Aunty Doris Bragg Rotorua, NZ 628 Jandy Yvonne Fiske Glen Eden, NZ 609 Tony Moore Auckland, NZ 629 Ann Bates Auckland, NZ 610 Katherine Moore Auckland, NZ 630 John Bates Auckland, NZ 611 Jeff Taylor Auckland, NZ 631 Sheila Payne Auckland , NZ 612 Lisa McNeil Auckland, NZ 632 Angie Gow Taupo, NZ 613 Rudi Robinson Rotorua, NZ 633 Cecilia Heath Lower Hutt, NZ 614 Ben Rikiti Rotorua, NZ 634 Laurence Sanouiller Cairns, Australia 615 Miriata Ruaporo Rotorua, NZ 635 Alain Sanouiller Cairns, Australia 616 Steve Strange Christchurch, NZ 636 Marylin McGrath Lower Hutt, NZ 617 Jeanine Glen Auckalnd , NZ 637 Tonia Procter Papamoa, NZ 618 Tania Corric Auckland, NZ 638 Sylvia Hewitt Taupo, NZ 619 Michele Ricou Wellington, NZ 639 Karen Coulter Papamoa, NZ Tarawera Trail Water Taxi Ecotours Hot Water Beach Natural Bush Hot Pool Glamping Tarawera Falls Walk Historic /Cultural Tours Sunset Picnics 2014 & 2015 33 AWARD OF EXCELLENCE 640 Kelly Annette Hamilton, NZ 656 Sue Walker Kawerau, NZ 641 Maryanne Orton Waikato, NZ 657 Edwina OBrien Kawerau, NZ 642 Jenny Lea Wellington, NZ 658 Kathryn West Rotorua, NZ 643 Lauren Malkin Auckland, NZ 659 Nicky Nuku Kawerau, NZ 644 Claire Fuller Tauranga, NZ 660 Vicky Loader Hamilton, NZ 645 Jeremy Orchard Auckland, NZ 661 Susan Rush Te Awamutu, NZ 646 Kirsty Hooker Tauranga, NZ 662 Stuart Ross Wellington, NZ 647 Caleb Satele Auckland, NZ 663 Paul Duggan Lower Hutt, NZ 648 Daniel Smith Auckland, NZ 664 Deborah Nesti Auckland, NZ 649 Emma Smith Auckland, NZ 665 Leigh Taggart Wellington, NZ 650 Emma Beanland Monaco, Monaco 666 Kirsty Burnett Wellington, NZ 651 Richard Beanland Monaco, Monaco 667 Dallas Robinson Whakatane, NZ 652 Christine Gordon Taupo, NZ 668 Les Ralph Kawerau, NZ 653 Tina Whalen Lower Hutt, NZ 669 Leanne Leggett Rotorua, NZ 654 Jacque King Auckland, NZ 670 Megan Unsworth Te Puke, NZ 655 Megan Wilson Auckland, NZ 4TH - 7TH FEBRUARY 2016 ROTORUA TO KAWERAU 36 20 15 TA R AW E RA T RAI L M ARAT H O N & 50K
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