Thursday Jan. 27, 2011


Thursday Jan. 27, 2011
Rooted in tradition · Exploring the future
Vol. 44 · Issue 4
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Loyalist College · Belleville, ON · Canada
More local
to be made
Local growers
cautiously optimistic
about Walmart
By Janek Lowe
Clover Raftis
Cheyanne Jekabsons, five, is the second person in Canada to be diagnosed with an extremely rare genetic disorder, Gomez-Lopez-Hernandez syndrome. GLHS
affects multiple organs in the body; in particular, Jekabsons suffers from extreme balance issues, cranial numbing and social anxiety. Since its discovery in
1979, 23 cases of GLHS has been documented locally.
Rare disorder impacts
on life of five-year-old
By Clover Raftis
When five-year-old Cheyanne Jekabsons fell and hit her head she turned
to her mom and said “I think it hurts
mommy, there’s a bump... I think it
Cheyanne couldn’t feel the pain
because she suffers from Gomez-Lopez-Hernandez syndrome, a genetic
disorder so rare only 23 people in
the world have been diagnosed with
it. GLHS affects multiple organs in
different ways.
Cheyanne has to deal with a
number of problems including mis-
shaped head, lack of balance, (her
cerebral hemisphere is completely
fused together) lack of feeling in her
head and numbed feelings all over
her body, short stature, vision problems, bald spots located bilaterally
above her temples, and social anxiety.
The problem first surfaced when
she was just two months old. At her
first milestone checkup her doctor
noticed her head was misshapen. At
her four-month checkup, her doctor
sent her to Quinte Pediatrics. A long
process followed, leading to the diagnosis of GLHS in Sept. 2010 at To-
ronto Sick Kids Hospital.
Cheyanne’s mom, Sarah Taylor,
didn’t really see the malformation at
first. It wasn’t until she took Cheyanne to get her portrait done she
noticed it. Until then, Cheyanne had
seemed to be reaching all the necessary milestones perceived as the national ‘normal.’
Balance is a major problem with
Cheyanne. At times, she appears to
be intoxicated.
“What did mommy put in your
baby bottle?” is one of many comments her mom has heard people
say as they observe her daughter’s
“People are quite open with how
they feel,” said Taylor. While eating
at a restaurant, when Cheyanne was
still a baby, an elderly couple approached to them to say hello. While
the woman was saying hello she
stroked Cheyannes head, she looked
at Taylor and said ‘you need to put
your baby in a helmet to straighten
Shortly after meeting with local
pediatrician Dr. Paul Dempsey, Cheyanne started a battery of medical
tests, in search of a diagnosis.
Wind farm issue to be decided
Rural Ontarians
await decision
by panel of judges
By Mihal Zada
Industrial wind farms is an issue
that has caused turbulence in many
rural communities. This week it is
awaiting a ruling by a panel of three
The panel heard evidence in Toronto Monday from Prince Edward
County resident and wind turbine
activist Ian Hanna, represented by
environmental lawyer Eric Gillespie.
He brought his case against the Ministry of the Environment before the
Superior Court of Ontario.
The Ministry of Environment’s
policy about wind turbines states
that they can be built a minimum
of 550 metres away from residential
Developers have already bought
land to build wind farms. All across
Ontario, plans for generating wind
energy have been put in motion.
All that may soon grind to a halt.
If Hanna is successful, a longdebated question will have to be
answered with scientific certainty:
Does the noise and vibration from
industrial wind farms affect human
Both parties made reference to
medical studies in the hearing. The
trouble is, to this date, there has
been no controlled, peer-reviewed
studies on the effects of wind turbines on human health.
Gillespie argued that studies proving adverse health affects were available but employees of the ministry
who were not qualified to review
those studies dismissed them.
“There does not appear to be anyone who has the requisite qualifications to provide recommendations
to the minister,” Gillespie told the
Hanna’s evidence included a study
by Dr. Robert McMurtry. An orthopedic surgeon, McMurtry has been
dean of medicine at the University of
Western Ontario and was once policy advisor to the Minister of Health.
McMurtry is also a resident of Prince
Edward County.
He interviewed a group of people
living within 1.5 kilometres of wind
turbines and a group living five kilometres away. The study was not
controlled and did not include a
review of medical records. He concluded that people living within 1.5
kilometres of an industrial wind farm
are more likely to suffer from hypertension, sleep disorders and anxiety
Sara Blake, counsel for the minis-
try, argued that McMurtry’s study
is biased and inadmissible. Blake
said McMurtry is a member of an
anti-wind turbine activist group and
his study is anecdotal, not peer-reviewed.
Blake referred to a study on night
noise conducted by the World
Health Organization. The study suggested that in order to be safe for humans, a structure emitting noise at
the frequency of wind turbines must
be set back at least 350 metres from
a residence. The minimum setback
prescribed by the ministry was 550
metres; Blake said this was a conservative amount.
The WHO study does not make
any reference to wind turbines. It is
a study of acceptable noise levels in
residential areas.
In the absence of any study that
scientifically confirms or discredits
the harmful effects of wind turbines,
Gillespie evoked the precautionary
principle, states that in the absence
of scientific proof, policy should err
on the side of caution.
The ministry, however, feels that
they have been sufficiently vigilant
in creating their policy.
“We believe we have put in place
a protective and cautious approach
to developing renewable energy in
Ontario,” says Kate Jordan from
the communications branch of the
Ministry of the Environment. “Our
approvals are based on science,
modeling work and jurisdictional
Galit Rodan
Eleven of Wolfe Island’s 86 windmills loom behind Keith Walton, who takes a break from plowing his field in the early
evening hours of Friday, Nov. 12, 2010. Walton supports the local wind farms, the second largest turbine project in
Canada. Although the wind farms have been controversial, the TransAlta project has brought a sizeable amount of
money to the community and has been embraced by most Wolfe Islanders.
Walmart Canada announced last
Thursday an increased focus on locally-sourced fresh produce.
The numbers – 100 per cent seasonal when possible, or 30 per cent
over an average 12-month cycle –
sent a message, not just to consumers but to a sector of the farming
industry struggling to fatten its skeletal margins.
“We know our customers are concerned about the quality of the fresh
produce they feed their families,”
says Les Mann, Walmart Canada’s
senior vice-president of food and
consumables. “They want a shopping experience that consistently
delivers the fresh selection they are
looking for at the right price.”
However, it’s that “right price”
that has many Ontario growers
holding at the gate with cautious
optimism. “Consumers are starting
to ask where their food is coming
from, which is a good thing,” says
Ron Bonnett, president of Canadian
Federation of Agriculture.
“I’m not sure how Walmart is going to balance keeping a local supply coming in with ratcheting down
In December 2010, the Ontario
Federation of Agriculture released
its economic impact study, Ontario
Farming: An Industry in Crisis. The
numbers appear bleak for the province’s number two sector after auto
manufacturing, employing 164,000
people. The study’s projected 2010
farm income loss of $500 million will
cost Ontario $3 billion in GDP, 10,000
jobs and a half billion dollars in tax
“We are the highest cost of production region in North America,”
says Brian Gillroy, apple farmer and
president of the Ontario Fruit and
Vegetable Growers’ Association.
“Rollback prices and payless are not
in the direction of what farmers can
provide. Cost of production plus reasonable profit seems fair.”
The cost of labour-intensive fresh
produce production has risen dramatically in a relatively short time
due in part to minimum wage increases, new food safety requirements and the rise in oil prices. According to farmers, these increases
have not been buoyed by an increase
in what retailers are paying for produce, causing many fresh produce
farms to be squeezed at both ends.
“I got paid as much for my apples
in 1991 as today in actual dollars,
not inflated dollars,” says Gillroy.
“Efficiencies have been eaten up by
higher input costs.”
A key item that the Ontario Fruit
and Vegetable Growers’ Association
wants to bring to the industry table
is a more sustainable approach to
ensure profitability at all levels -from the farm, to processing, to retail. For example, fresh produce is
often sold at or below cost in order
to draw customers also purchasing
packaged foods, which traditionally
earn the highest profit margins.
“The retail chain is going to have
to absorb some of the cost when
fruits and vegetables are sold as loss
leaders,” says Bonnett. “This is not
going to be sustainable in the long
Lower cost produce from the United States and other countries, such
as China, adds to the pressure on
Ontario growers struggling for shelf
space within the province. Additionally, produce from markets such as
California is built to last, enduring
cross-continental travel where it
may not reach store shelves until
weeks after picking.
Paul Burnham of Cobourg’s Burnham Family Farms has been growing
strawberries and other fresh produce for their retail storefront since
“California strawberries are bred
and grown so that they can be
picked, processed and shipped, and
last on the shelf for weeks without
deteriorating,” says Burnham. “Ontario strawberries, unfortunately or
fortunately, can’t do that, because
Ontario strawberries have been
bred for sweetness and flavour and
See 2
Page A2 · The Pioneer · January 27, 2011
Growers cautiously optimistic
about Walmart announcement
Continued from Page 1
If I try to ship mine to California
and back, they’ll be jam.”
Burnham is among many Ontario
cash crop growers who have effectively cut out the middleman.
“By selling to the supermarkets,
you’ll never get what you can direct
from the consumer,” says Burnham.
“We’re putting a price based on making a living out of it. They’re trying
to draw people into their store.”
This pricing frustration from
growers is not unfounded, according
to the May 2010 report by Grocery
Trade Review, a monthly marketing
analysis report. The report states
grocers have benefitted due to the
effect of the strong Canadian dollar.
“Prices are clearly not down as
much as costs,” states Grocery
Trade Review. “This begs the question: Just how committed will the
big grocers be to “Buying Local” this
summer, when they consider the
very low currency-impacted costs
of American and Mexican produce?”
The report cites the example of
bananas - the most frequently purchased item at most stores - on sale
for 49 cents a pound -- appears to be
a good deal to the consumer, but is
still highly affordable for the grocer.
Gayle Grills, dairy farmer and
president of the Hastings Federation
of Agriculture, recounts the frustration a local asparagus farmer experienced last season seeing California
asparagus at the local supermarket
while his product went to waste
largely unsold.
“Why didn’t they buy local?” asks
Grills. “It would have been the same
price and healthier than a product
travelling a week from California. It’s
already lost a lot of its food value at
that point. The big chains only have
Nathan Rochford
Ontario produce growers are cautiously optimistic about Walmart Canada’s push to bring more locally sourced produce to their stores.
a few items that they can buy a cer- savings measures to be passed tracts would be offered to growtain percentage of from local people. down to consumers have been met ers to guarantee the supply chain,
It’s been frustrating for so long.”
through increased efficiencies in its Walmart declined to comment.
Walmart Canada has answered, supply chain. The streamlining of its
Brian Gillroy says: “If Walmart
defending its ability to bring cost fresh produce delivery will see food can give us reasonable profit, cost
savings to consumers while main- delivered to stores within 24 hours of production would be nice. We’re
taining a strong agricultural commu- of arriving at Walmart distribution willing to talk and give them access
nity across Ontario.
to as much of Ontario as they want.”
“We are very committed to our
“Walmart’s famously efficient sup“Anything to help the farmers,”
sustainability goal,” says Susan ply chain means that every day we says Grills. “If the farmer knows he
Schutta, director of corporate affairs can offer customers the freshest can sell direct to Walmart, he’s gofor Walmart Canada. “We do like to food at prices they can afford,” says ing to be really careful to keep that
work with local vendors where and Mann. “In fact, for locally-grown pro- market and sell quality produce.
when possible. If you can source lo- duce like strawberries and apples, A farmer is very proud of his procally, it stays fresh longer. It makes our goal is to offer customers 100 duce. They would only want the
sense on so many levels.”
per cent local choice in season.”
very best out there if it has their
Walmart reports that its new cost
Asked whether long-term con- name on it.”
Trading in beds for boxes to help CMHA
Participants to get
first-hand experience
on being homeless
By Mariza Dunham Gaspar
Community members will be trading in roofs for boxes and beds for
sleeping bags during the “Sleep Out
so Others Can Sleep In” event in Belleville this Friday.
The Canadian Mental Health Association’s fourth annual fundraising
event is aimed at creating awareness
and providing a first-hand experience of what homeless people have
to do to survive each and every
Roby Graves, an employment support worker with CMHA, says he
feels the event is extremely important.
“Homelessness is definitely an issue here in Belleville,” says Graves.
“And the funds raised help to maintain our three transitional homes. It
also supports programs that help
the individuals living in the houses.”
In the three years it has been running, the event has brought in more
than $60,000 for the CMHA, and the
amount fundraised each year is
slowly growing. In the first year, the
event generated $18,000, $20,800
in the second year and $21,000 last
year. This year the CMHA hopes to
reach $25,000.
Last year, Loyalist College student
Luke Alexander Tomkinson and a
few friends raised over $800 for the
event. And like many of the near 200
people that participate each year,
the event was an eye-opener.
“We didn’t sleep at all. It was just
too physically cold to sleep,” said
Tomkinson. “We were absolutely
frozen. It was a great experience but
definitely exhausting.
We’re all used to having a roof over
our heads, and now we can put ourselves in their position. It changes
your perspective of homelessness
and makes you want to help.”
Graves is one of many who partake every year.
“It’s amazing. You participate in
this event and wake up and can
hardly move because it’s so cold.
Now try to imagine having to do
this every day, go to job interviews,
without breakfast in a warm home
or a hot shower,” says Graves.
Besides raising funds and
awareness, the event is something fun to do with other members of the community. It will include music by Scotty Lalonde,
speeches by several local politicians, box constructing, prizes
and free warm beverages to
warm up chilly fingers.
“I think it opens people’s eyes.
It’s also great to do something
good for the community while
having fun,” says Graves.
The event will be held at the
Market Square from 7 p.m. to 7
a.m. this Friday. Anyone wishing
to participate can register on
site or call the CMHA at 613-9698874.
Therapy dogs share the love with humans
Canine Comfort
trains animals
to make visits
By Kristine Benham
Rose DeLuca and Peggi Dugas are
two experienced dog lovers who
are now putting their little friends to
DeLuca owns and runs the Cold
Creek Shepherds arena in Frankford,
Ont., where the two women started
their six-week therapy dog course
Jan. 18.
The dogs who pass the Therapy
Dog and CGN testing may become
members of Canine Comfort of Canada.
Dugas is the founder of Canine
Comfort of Canada (2006), a nonprofit charity organization that
plans dog visits to people in need of
canine assistance.
Members must visit a location
twice a month for a maximum of 45
minutes. The 23 eager learners will
be training every Tuesday evening
with one class at 6 p.m. and the other at 7:15 p.m.
Some of the training for the dogs
includes exposure to several different people at once, being touched
more than a usual dog would experience and shown how to react to
people using medical equipment,
such as walkers.
“The dogs will be touched a lot
more than a neighbourhood dog
would be used to, so you have to
be sure to get the dog comfortable
with being touched a lot, especially
around the face, ears and paws,” DeLuca says during training.
These therapy dogs will visit hospital patients, retirement homes,
schools, libraries, peoples’ homes
and other situations where a dog
may offer comfort or help.
“I’ve lived with dogs all of my life,
but back then they were just dogs.
They were just there to warn you if
someone was on your property. Today, we have dog schools, parks and
it’s wonderful because they are just
so smart,” Dugas says.
Dugas and several other people
attending the program hope to
volunteer their dogs to different
specialty causes, such as the hearing-impaired, visually impaired or
search and rescue. Dugas’ dog, Charlie, is training as a hearing impaired
dog and knows over 70 words so far.
Jennifer Arminio has her poodle
Stirling, in the course and says, “I
hide a scent in a jar in one of the bedrooms of the house to start small,
and Stirling will go find it,” about
training her dog in the beginning
phases of search and rescue.
“It’s just so rewarding, dogs can
reach people in a way that humans
can’t,” De Luca says about visiting
assigned homes with her previous
dogs. She is currently undergoing
the first step of testing her dog Hardy, a German shepherd, to qualify as
a therapy dog.
DeLuca has a history with dog
training which dates back to 1980 in
Pennsylvania. She has since worked
with many types of training, including
wilderness search and rescue, the Department of Homeland Security/Federal Emergency Management Agency
and was involved in the first nine days
of the 9/11 tragedy Task Force.
Dugas went to DeLuca’s puppy
kindergarten classes in 2005 and the
two started working on their idea to
start a class since then. This year
is their kick-off and they both hope
specialty dog therapy will become
available across Canada.
“For Canine Comfort, my goal is to
go Canada-wide, not just a small local
area. I would like to go across Canada.
That’s my long-term goal,” Dugas says
about how she would like to see the
classes continue.
Canine Comfort of Canada will be
having a fundraiser at the Stirling Festival Theatre April 19-30 at 2 p.m. and
8 p.m. The live show Hats!, a musical
comedy, will donate half the ticket proceeds to Canine Comfort of Canada.
Anyone interested in training
and volunteering their dogs to become therapy dogs may contact
Rose DeLuca at
Kristine Benham
Peggi Dugas (left) and Rose DeLuca prepare their dogs Mantracker (left) and Hardy for therapy dog training at Cold
Creek Shepherds arena in Frankford, Ont.
Continued from Page 1
“When someone comes to you
with developmental delays, most of
those kids have an easily identified
problem, then there is a small number of kids who have a number of
different problems that go together
that make sense, like downs syndrome.” said Dempsey. “Then there
is an even smaller group of kids who
have a broader variety of problems.
It’s my job to ensure that I channel
those individuals to the appropriate
specialists for the correct diagnosis.
“It’s like popcorn, the kernels in
the pot that have popped you know
about, and then there are others
that have not yet popped” said Dr.
Dempsey, explaining why diagnosing
Cheyanne was so difficult.
Two MRIs, a CAT scan, X-rays of
every body part she has, multiple
blood tests, visits to a podiatrist and
multiple trips to Toronto Sick Kids
Hospital finally led to the diagnosis.
Taylor is concerned, just like any
parent would be, of her daughter’s
bald spots located laterally above
her temples. She buys hats and hair
clips to help her daughter keep her
hair back while not showing her bald
GLHS also affects Cheyanne’s
mental well-being. Often she will
get ‘overwhelmed’ and will hide
from confrontation, or simply not
“Once she spent an entire day under the table at school,” said Taylor.
“I feel I have to explain everything to
everyone because someone could
ask her something and she’ll just
shut down, and then they’ll think
‘what is wrong with this child?’”
Enrolled in senior kindergarten,
Cheyanne has many obstacles to
overcome. As she gets older, the difference between her and her classmates is more defined.
Some older children at the school
Cheyanne attends refer to her as
‘”tipsy daisy,” a term that upsets her.
“I tell them no, I don’t like that.”
Although the full extent of GLHS
is unknown, it has been noted that
out of 21 documented and confirmed
cases of GLHS 11 have instances of
neuropsychiatric symptoms. A staggering 14 out of 21 have severe mental retardation.
The future is truly unknown for
Cheyanne. “We were told that she
could turn into a vegetable,” said
However there are signs of future
academic success as Cheyanne has
surpassed the level of reading required at the kindergarten level.
Taylor is doing everything she
knows possible to obtain any type of
treatment and help for her daughter.
“I’ve called counselor after counselor and I keep getting the closing
door, no one knows about it, so they
won’t counsel her.”
Cheyanne does partake in physio
at her school, learning to jump,
twirl, ball handle and stand on one
foot. Also being explored is a naturopathic remedy GABA, an herbal drop
taken twice daily to help calm the
physiological distresses that burden
“We take it symptom by symptom,
there really isn’t another option”
Taylor said.
Statistics may
not be as
they seem
By Irene Fior
Statistics Canada’s latest reports on
employment insurance and the unemployment rate show numbers are
down across the board.
From November 2009 to 2010, the
number of people receiving employment insurance dropped nationally
by 13.4 per cent. For the same time
period in Ontario and Belleville/
Quinte West, the numbers are down
20.2 per cent and 30.4 per cent respectively.
At first glance, these statistics give
the impression economic conditions
are looking up. However, that may not
be the case.
“Be wary when they say this is a
good thing. It doesn’t necessarily mean
that,” cautions Ann McIntosh, acting
executive director of the Eastern Central Ontario Training Board.
“There could be a prolonged downturn; you can be out of employment
insurance and not necessarily back at
work,” said McIntosh. “They also don’t
track discouraged workers who have
stopped looking.”
In related information, the unemployment rate from December 2009 to
2010 also decreased. On the national
front, by 0.8 and for both Ontario and
the region of Kingston-Pembroke,
which includes Belleville and Quinte
West, by 1.1.
“The economy has stalled a bit, but
the crawl out will probably be longer
and slower than anticipated. Self-employment incomes are also very low locally, about $10,000 to $11,000, which is
not enough to live on,” said McIntosh.
She explains that someone in this
situation could be working in those
conditions out of necessity if they were
unable to find full-time employment
The Pioneer · January 27, 2011 · Page A3
Give us a heads-up! Email The Pioneer with your game schedules and scores at
Loyalist shuts out Trent
heading to
By Tyler Pollard
Both Loyalist Lancers’ volleyball
teams shut out the visiting Trent Excalibur teams last night.
The women’s and men’s teams
went to four games, defeating Trent.
The women’s team came off a loss
to Cambrian College. They had a
tough battle against the undefeated
Trent Excalibur, which was 12-0 going into last night’s game. Trent is
one of Loyalist’s biggest rivals and
holds the second-place spot in the
“We wanted to be mentally tough,
focused and prepared. With regards
to matching up with their hitters
and our best blockers and fight for
every point,” said head coach Tony
Clarke after the game. “We started
off strong and had a lull but we came
back. It was a team effort.”
In the week leading up to the
game, the Lady Lancers prepared
themselves for a huge game.
“Tough practices, workouts on
the side and they know the opposing team before they play them. We
give them handouts with information about them to make sure they
are prepared,” said assistant coach
Amy Hoskins before last night’s
In Ontario Colleges Athletic Association rules, the top two teams
are guaranteed a spot in the playoffs
and the third place is battled out in
a wildcard game. Currently, Loyalist
sits in third spot; they are hoping
that if Trent has another loss it will
bump them out of second place and
secure Loyalist a playoff spot.
The championships mean a lot
more to Loyalist this year. This year,
Loyalist is the host of the 2010-2011
OCAA Volleyball Championships
Feb. 24–26.
Loyalist hosts Durham College
Feb. 2 at 8 p.m. Durham is currently
“They are 7-7 but we can’t take
those guys lightly. We played them
in the first round and went to 5 and
20-18. We want to win out in the
next four games and get a bye into
the provincial championships,” said
Loyalist men now sit in second
spot behind Durham College who
they also play against next Wednesday. That will be a hard game for
Loyalist as Durham currently sits
Loyalist didn’t have any negative
thoughts while playing Trent last
night. They played a strong game
and took them two straight in the
By Natelie Herault
Tyler Pollard
Sherene Einarsson slams the ball on Alex Thompson of Trent Excalibur during last night’s game at Loyalist College.
Loyalist defeated both of Trent’s men’s and women’s volleyball teams.
Cross-fit training prevents workout boredom
By Harper Bauer
One of the most common New Year’s
resolutions is to lose weight and get
in shape, but people get bored with
their routines. The solution may be
cross-fit training.
While many gym-goers complain
they might not survive a tough workout, Cory Mestre, co-ordinator of
campus recreation and fitness facilities at Loyalist College, offers crossfit training for students to give them
variety in their workout routines.
“Constant variation does not
mean random movements put together,” said Mestre. “I have been
doing cross-fit training for five years
now. I encourage athletes and students to try it. I post new workouts
on the bulletin board. Cross-fit really
gets you prepared for anything.”
The website,, defines
cross-fit training as a combination of
various types of workouts to maximize the exercise. It involves muscle
and strength training, aerobics, endurance and balance testing, and
flexibility to increase agility. From
the “average Joe/Jane” to the military, professional and amateur athletes, cross-fit is delivering results
like no other fitness program before
it, said Mestre.
“I have been doing cross-fit style
training for a little over a year,” said
Cody Howie, Loyalist varsity athlete.
“I love it, and would recommend it to
anyone that is motivated enough to
drive themselves through the workouts to get the results, it’s tough but
it really pays off. Come out and try
Only 12 per cent of Canadian children and youth are meeting Canada’s physical activity guidelines of
90 minutes per day.
The staff at the fitness centre will
help you come up with a program.
“We set you up so you can succeed
at even the most basic level,” said Mestre.
Bulls slump with eighth loss in nine games
Belleville team
outshot Frontenacs
but lose 8-5
By Nathan Rochford
After taking an early lead in the first
period, the Belleville Bulls lost 8-5
against the Kingston Frontenacs on
home ice, Wednesday.
It marks their eighth loss in nine
“We weren’t playing our best,”
said Bulls right wing Luke Judson.
“Even when we were keeping it
close. They finally took advantage of
that when we were tied at 4-4 and we
couldn’t do anything about it.”
The Bulls lost a one-goal lead in
the second period when Frontenacs’
Ethan Werek tied the game at 2-2.
From there the Bulls battled back
and forth with the Frontenacs, each
team matching the other goal for
goal until midway through the third
period when the Frontenacs took
the lead and held it.
Bulls coach George Burnett said it
was a game they could have won.
“We got sloppy,” Burnett said.
“When you score five goals on
(Philipp) Grubauer you expect to
Burnett said the team hasn’t been
working to its full potential and it’s
been costing them.
“We cut a lot of corners and we
paid the price,” he said. “We aren’t
a team that can get by if a few players have a good game. We need to be
strong on all fronts.”
Judson felt the same.
“I don’t think anyone should be
satisfied with how we played,” Judson said. “Me included.”
However, Judson added, there
was one positive the team took away
from the game.
“We were getting pucks in the
net,” Judson said.” Which we’ve
been struggling with lately.”
The Bulls outshot the Frontenacs
31-30. Scoring for the Bulls were Mi-
chael Curtis, Brendan Gaunce, Mike
Mascioli, Carter Sandlak and Andy
The Bulls’ next game is 7:30 p.m.
Friday against the Sudbury Wolves
in Sudbury.
Nathan Rochford
Belleville Bulls Carter Sandlak knocks Kingston Frontenacs Ryan Davidson off his feet during game action at Yardmen
Arena, Wednesday. Despite outshooting the Frontenacs 31-30, the Bulls lost 8-5.
Off the ice, they are exactly how you
would expect girls their age to be.
But once the 15- to 17-year-old
midget AA Bearcats take the ice,
there is an evident change in their
demeanour. It’s hard to believe
these are the same girls who minutes before were complaining about
This year’s team is the first midget team in many years the Belleville
District Girls Minor Hockey Association will be sending to Provincials.
The girls, who are currently ranked
third in their category, have won 10,
lost eight and tied four games so far
this season, and appear to have the
vigour to take on opponents twice
their age - something they proved
last year they can not only do, but
There were not enough opposing teams in the midget category
of the Lower Lakes Female Hockey
League last year so the girls faced
off against a team in the senior category (aged 20-plus). They were able
to overcome the age difference to
win the game.
“These girls have a high fitness
level,” says trainer Jan McKinney.
“They can just keep going and going,
and it drove the seniors nuts.”
“The [senior] girls got so frustrated that I had to take one of them
off the ice for being too aggressive,”
adds referee Don Carr.
In a male-dominated sport such as
hockey, the female side of the game
is often overlooked, at times even
by players themselves. Lisa Neil,
vice-president of rep teams in the
Belleville District Girls Minor Hockey Association (BDGMHA), says that
some girls prefer to play in the male
Leah Green, 20, of Toronto, played
on a male team from ages seven to
12, then switched to a female team
until she quit hockey at the age of
17. Out of the two leagues, Green
says she preferred playing with the
“The boys had playoffs, so they
took the game more seriously. With
the girls, everything was about going out and having fun. The girls
were more my skill level, but I had
more fun with the boys because I
like competition.”
Neil says she hopes an increase
in the advertising of the BDGMHA
will help attract those girls playing
in male leagues, as well as first-time
players, in an attempt to increase
league numbers. Although female
hockey has shown an overall increase in popularity recently, such
is not the case in Belleville, where
Neil says numbers of rep players
have dropped approximately 30
players, to 165, since last year.
Another initiative Neil is taking
this year to help draw numbers is
an increase in advertising for the
BDGMHA. The association’s biggest
fundraiser was the New Year Classic tournament on Jan. 7. Seventyseven teams from across Toronto,
Quebec and the U.S. attended, with
159 games of hockey, bringing more
than 3,000 people to the Quinte region.
Trainer McKinney says a big issue
in female hockey is the lack of opportunity.
“There is no NHL for women’s
hockey, so the girls aspire to be on
either the Olympic team, or to get a
hockey scholarship.”
However, with women’s hockey
gaining popularity, changes are
underway. Last year, the Canadian
Women’s Hockey League launched
a pilot league that will attempt to
professionalize the game.
Five teams (Boston, Brampton,
Burlington, Montreal and Toronto) took part in the first women’s
hockey draft in history at the
Hockey Hall of Fame in August of
Former Bearcat Breanne Hackley was one of the girls selected,
drafted 70th out of more than 400
players, who tried out for the Burlington Barracudas, which gives inspiration to current Bearcats.
Despite there being less opportunity for the Bearcats than their
male counterparts in the sport,
it doesn’t discourage the girls in
the Midget AA category. At least
six members of the team have attended prospects camps, where
scouts evaluate potential players.
Annie Moynes, 15, captain of
the AA Bearcats, says she loves
playing in a girls’ league.
“You become like sisters with
all the girls on the team.”
The girls of the Bearcats are
heading to the provincial playoffs on Feb. 18- 20, and hope to
make it to nationals this year.
“It’s my job as captain to get
the girls pumped up and focused
on the game,” says Moynes, “and
this year we’re going to win!”
The Pioneer · January 27, 2011 · Page A4
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Finger Eleven rocks Belleville
Nearly sold-out crowd
enjoyed performance
of Canadian band
on Wednesday
Special downtown event
turns into regular event
at Sweet Escape lounge
By Adam Jackson
Canadian rockers Finger Eleven
made a stop in Belleville Wednesday on tour for their new album, Life
Turns Electric.
The new album, released in 2010,
has been performed live by the
group but this is their first real tour
with the album.
In front of a nearly sold-out crowd
at Empire Theatre on Front Street,
the group performed 10 songs, including a lengthy encore. Lead
singer Scott Anderson was suffering from a cold, but the group of five
musicians managed to please their
toughest critics – their fans.
“It was really good. I really enjoyed the show and meeting Elias,”
said an excited Ashley Wood, a
15-year-old high school student.
Finger Eleven, the headliner for
the show, played to a well warmedup crowd thanks to openers Elias
and The Envy.
Small venues like Empire Theatre
are known for their terrific sound,
and 34-year-old drummer Rich Beddoe agrees.
“I love playing in small venues, the
acoustics are great and it’s a nice intimate show,” said Beddoe.
Beddoe joined the group in 1994
shortly after they were dropped
from one label and re-signed to another.
This is not Finger Eleven’s first
share skills
at mic night
By Kristine Benham
Adam Jackson
Finger Eleven frontman Scott Anderson performs the song One Thing at Empire Theatre on Wednesday. The band
performed in front of a nearly sold-out crowd.
time performing in Belleville. In
the summer of 2009, the group performed in Empire Square alongside
rock band ZZ Top.
“I haven’t been able to see a lot of
the city yet, most of the time when
we tour all we see is the alley and the
venue we’re playing in,” said Beddoe.
“But the people seem really nice.”
Finger Eleven has been on tour for
six weeks and will continue to tour
across Canada and the United States
until mid-February.
Their next show is set for Jan. 27
at Cowboy’s Ranch in London, Ont.
Country singer appreciates his fans
Aaron Pritchett
there to the end
to sign autographs
By Mallory Haigh
Canadian country singer Aaron Pritchett chose
Tweed for the location of a CD release and fan
appreciation concert last Friday.
Pritchett, a multi-Juno award-nominee known
for his country anthems Hold My Beer and Let’s
Get Rowdy performed to a sold-out crowd of 300
at Trudeau Park.
The singer/songwriter has been travelling
across Canada performing small, intimate CD
release parties to recognize and appreciate his
“Since I got into this level and aspect of the
industry and playing to a lot of fans, it’s always
been about them,” said Pritchett, about making
an effort to meet with his fans after shows. “I’ve
never done it any other way.”
Pritchett super-fan Christina Boudreau certainly appreciates her favourite musician’s loyalty to
his fans.
“He makes me feel like a princess,” she said,
noting how Pritchett frequently dedicates his
song, New Frontier, to her when she is in the audience.
“His songs have helped me deal with a lot of
issues, and I’m very thankful for that.”
Boudreau came from Toronto for the show.
Over the past two years, she has attended 28
concerts, including Fridays at Trudeau Park.
Pritchett’s fifth studio album, In the Driver’s
Seat, was released in early November 2010 and
takes an entirely new direction compared to his
previous work.
“The sound is a bit different, a little more rock
than it ever has been,” he said. “That’s me. That’s
the way I was brought up. I listened to rock long
before I listened to country. I thought, ‘Why not
throw in some inflections of the artists I grew up
listening to?’”
Many of the songs feature darker lyrics, including Coming Clean, which speaks about the guilt
associated with infidelity. Pritchett felt it was
important to bring this issue to light, both the
positive and the negative, especially after recent
incidents involving high-profile celebrities.
Fans were entertained with old favourites, but
were also introduced to tracks from In the Driver’s Seat.
“Out of all my albums so far, I’m most proud of
this one. To have full creative control has really
helped,” he said. This latest work was released
under his own record label Decibel.
Pritchett stayed until the last photograph was
taken and autograph signed.
“People keep saying ‘One day, you’re going to
have to stop doing this.’ I just say ‘No way!’ I’m
always the last guy left; I joke that I’m the one
who has to sweep the floor. But when it’s all said
and done, if people come to the show to hang out
with me, that’s cool – it’s all about the fans.”
The song Coming Clean is slated to be the next
single off the album, to be released some time in
Trudeau Park will feature more Canadian country acts this year, including Jason McCoy on
March 26 and George Canyon in July.
Mallory Haigh
Hold My Beer singer Aaron Pritchett sings a song off
his new album, In the Driver’s Seat, to the delight of
300 fans at Tweed’s Trudeau Park last Friday. Pritchett came to Tweed to do a small, intimate CD release
show and to connect with his fans.
Some say that one good thing
leads to another and this is true
for the international support
worker students at Loyalist College.
Initially started as a fundraiser, the students’ slam poetry
and open mic night has started a
trend at Sweet Escape Dessert &
Coffee Lounge in downtown Belleville.
Heather Barker and Shamsa
Hassan, both ISW students, organized the poetry idea as a
one-time event in early November 2010. The hope was to raise
money for the ISW students’ trip
to Chiapas, Mexico.
The students left Monday from
Loyalist. They will be staying in
Chiapas for five weeks to learn
about community development.
After the first slam poetry
night, many regular customers
of Sweet Escape asked when the
next poetry night would be held.
“People that I don’t even know
have invited me out to this and
that’s pretty great,” Barker says.
There is a wide range in types
of content, including humour,
original prose, letters and songs.
There is a great deal of material
related to the spirit of the ISW
mission of helping others.
Barker says the event is open
and everyone is welcome and
encouraged to come and share
on a Friday night.
“It makes my night go by
faster, for sure. They are also
always up out front and it
makes us look busier,” says
Jessica Hindman, a Sweet Escape employee who has worked
several of the poetry nights.
The 15-person ISW group does
not have a set goal to fundraise,
but incidental fees and extra
costs such as flying, living with
a family, travelling around and
other costs are all out of pocket.
“The cost per student is
$3,500, which is above and beyond our normal tuition fees,”
Barker says, emphasizing on the
costliness of such a venture.
A global gala was held in a final attempt to raise money for
the group Saturday evening at
the Belleville Club. The semiformal gala included catering,
local music and art, information
tables and a silent auction.
The ISW program started at
Loyalist last September and is
offered as a one-year post-graduate program. The course’s goal
is to allow students to use their
previous skills to travel and improve the world, working with
international agencies.
The next slam poetry night is
on Friday, Feb. 4 from 6 p.m. until 8 p.m. The café is located at
194 Front St. in downtown Belleville.
Band heads to international blues challenge
Bad Poetry Band
to perform at
blues festival
in Memphis, Tennessee
By Natelie Herault
Lead singer Phil Smith’s silver eyes catch the
red lights while singing the blues Saturday
night at Stix and Stones in Trenton.
The Bad Poetry Band, along with solo act
Mark Taylor, are raising money to help pay for
the cost of getting to the International Blues
Challenge in Memphis, Tennessee, a competition that both acts qualified for in an audition
put on by the Loyal Blues Fellowship at the
same venue last October.
Both acts are based out of Campbellford,
and a chance to compete at the world’s largest blues celebration represents a big step in
their careers. The festival takes place Feb. 1 to
5 along Beale Street in Memphis, where artists
will perform in various venues. Last year, it featured more than 110 bands, 82 solo acts and
32 young musicians. Grady Champion, from
Mississippi, took home the ‘best band’ award,
and Matt Andersen of New Brunswick won the
solo/duet category.
“I’m looking forward to being part of a really
huge music scene,” said Smith, who makes up
one part of the five-piece band (who call themselves Bad Poetry).
“I hope we can hobnob with industry people,
and get a sense of where to move forward.”
Mark Taylor, 32, began the show at 9 p.m.
Saturday, playing the audition set that landed
him a spot in the blues challenge. Despite
Natelie Herault
Ian Davis (saxophone/bongos), Phil Smith (singer/bass) and Peter Thorn (guitar), perform with
drummer Ken Layton and back-up guitar player Jacob Charles (not pictured) at a fundraiser at
Stix and Stones in Trenton on Saturday night. The event was to raise money for band, known as
The Bad Poetry Band, to travel to Memphis and compete in the International Blues Challenge. The
band, based out of Campbellford, recently qualified to compete after an audition by the Loyal
Blues Fellowship.
technical difficulties cutting short the playlist,
Walker met Taylor by chance one day, when
Taylor, a natural-born performer, didn’t miss he stumbled across the young musician playa beat in transitioning to a 12-minute song he ing in a garage with the door open.
had written for a friend he lost in a car crash.
“I’ve been watching him play for two years,
Mark Walker, Taylor’s self-professed number and I’ve never seen him miss a note,” Walker
one fan, couldn’t have been happier about this boasted.
change of plans.
Taylor is a local favourite, despite quitting
“This is the song where his hand moves music as a full-time gig in 2008 after eight years
so fast, you can’t even see it!” Walker gushed when his daughter, Rio, 2, was born. He now
about the song he first heard when Taylor lays floors for a living.
played it at his son’s wedding.
“It was a crazy lifestyle with a lot of partying,
“Just when you think it’s going to end, it and it got the better of me. I still play a bit, but
gets faster. This is better than most of the top now I focus on my family,” Taylor confessed.
10 on the radio today.”
Members of The Bad Poetry Band, whose
ages span over three decades, also have
“straight” jobs on the side.
“The blues doesn’t pay the bills,” remarked
drummer Ken Layton.
The Bad Poetry Band has gone through
many incarnations in the five years since
they formed. The current lineup, which includes Smith, Layton, Ian Davis, Peter Thorn
and Jacob Charles, has been in effect for two
How the band’s unique name came about
was accidental.
“We used to hang out at the Stinking Rose
Pub in Campbellford,” said Davis, saxophone/bongo player, a founding band member.
Realizing they had a mutual interest in
music, the original band members started
playing together and got booked for a New
Year’s Eve gig.
“We needed a name, and there was this
book [at the pub] called Really Bad Poetry that we used to read out loud as a
joke. We made a snap decision to name
ourselves after it, and it stuck like wet
noodles. We’ve tried to change the name,
but we just can’t seem to get away from
it,” laughed Davis.
Smith described the band’s musical style
as an “eclectic party mix with blues influence,” which was certainly the case Saturday night when it seemed as though the
whole bar was up dancing.
“I hope that this experience will give us a
sense of the state of the blues today,” Smith
said of the blues challenge.
“Blues isn’t really commercial music.
It’s not overproduced like a lot of the music these days, and features real artists. I
look forward to just having a really great
Page A5 · The Pioneer · January 27, 2011
On the street
We asked people at Loyalist
College the following question:
What is your view on capital
22, post graduate,
public relations, “I
would be against it. I
just think it’s kind of
an eye for an eye mentality. Being in isolation would be worse
punishment than killing them.”
Tracey Allan, 20,
early childhood
education, “In some
ways it should be...
harsher depending
on the crime they
commit. For some
crimes, they let them
off a little easier than
Derek Moon, 26,
custom border
services, “I agree with
capital punishment.
I think whoever is
convicted with murder
shouldn’t be allowed
to live any longer
Megan Abbott, 19,
early childhood
education, “Yes,
I support capital
punishment. I don’t
think it should be as
harsh, just something
that shows what they
did was wrong.”
David Villenueve, 21,
television and new
media, “I’m not really
for it. I just don’t think
that kind of force is
needed in our culture
Crystal Matheson,
20, media
experience, “I don’t
believe in capital
punishment. I believe
too strongly that
everybody deserves a
second chance.”
Capital punishment
isn’t the answer
Stephen Harper’s face filled the TV screen. In an interview
with Peter Mansbridge on CBC’s the National, Harper said he
believes “there are times where capital punishment is appropriate.
Harper called this a personal view and said he would
not attempt to reinstate it if elected to a majority government. Didn’t he also say that Canada would not go into
further deficit if he was elected? This makes his statement on capital punishment a concern.
When asked about reopening the death penalty issue,
Harper said he doesn’t “see the country wanting to do
that.” Has he ever based his decisions on what the country wants?
Back in the 1980s, when Liberals were in power, surveys showed more than 60 per cent of Canadians supported capital punishment. Now it’s the reverse, but
those voters most likely to support capital punishment
now are Conservatives. With the Conservatives in power,
resinstating the death penalty would be a mistake.
Harper’s personal beliefs and others may coincide, but
we need a more reasoned response to horrific crimes.
Society demands a more responsible response than
knee-jerk, gut reactions.
Should Russell Williams and Paul Bernardo be given
the right to breathe our air, eat our food and have a roof
over their head when so many people are freezing on the
streets? No.
Williams should be put in a glass box in downtown Toronto to starve to death with everyone watching. Should
a 23-year-old girl even imagine such things? No. Nobody
should think about the killing or torturing of a human being but at what point does a human remain human?
The thing about death, as opposed to 25 years or more
in prison, is that it is a form of escape.
Williams attempted suicide in jail, which proves a life
sentence is the best option. He shouldn’t get what he
Right now, Williams is in his own personal hell, trapped
in the confines of a prison cell where he must live with
his mind replaying every horrible act he did. Life in jail
is a better way of making sure criminals endure the hell
they’ve created for themselves.
We often think we shouldn’t put our tax dollars into
feeding and housing murderers, but in our criminal justice system, it actually costs more to give someone the
death penalty due to the lawyers and appeal processes.
Not to mention there are many cases of people being
wrongfully convicted, like David Milgaard who spent
more than 22 years behind bars.
Our first reaction may be to agree with Harper. There
is a part of all of us who would love to see all of the murdering-rapist bastards thrown into a real-life version of
the movie SAW. But history, research and statistics prove
– capital punishment is not the answer.
Brain exercises
keep you healthy
Health Canada lists more than 130 days, weeks and months
throughout the year that warrant recognition. Topping the list,
which begins in January, is Alzheimer’s Awareness Month.
Alzheimer’s disease occurs most commonly in people over
65. It is a debilitating disease. There is no known cause. There
is no known cure.
Medication, at this point, helps only to slow an individual’s
decline – to “plateau” as those-in-the-know might say. But ultimately, a diagnosis of Alzheimer’s equates to a death sentence,
albeit a long one.
The brain is the issue. Brain cells are killed when “plaques
and tangles” develop, and once dead, brain cells can never regenerate. Gradually, but not always slowly, cognitive function
According to the Alzheimer Society of Canada, one in 11
Canadians over 65 suffers from Alzheimer’s or other related
dementias. In 2010, 110,000 new cases were diagnosed. That
equates to one new case every five minutes.
In fact, there are now more than 500,000 Canadians living
with some form of dementia with Alzheimer’s being the most
prevalent. The number is staggering.
However, it gets worse, or it soon will, because the boomers
are coming.
Babies born after the Second World War, until 1966, are
known as “baby boomers,” a term popularized in this country
by demographic forecaster and author David Foot in his book
Boom, Bust and Echo.
“The only thing special about baby boomers,” writes Foot,
“is that there are so many of them.”
Herein lies the problem.
According to Statistics Canada, nearly two million people will
reach their 65th birthday over the next five years. That isn’t to
say that all two million will suffer from dementia. However, according to The Rising Tide: The Impact of Dementia on Canadian
Society, a comprehensive report published by the Alzheimer
Society of Canada in 2009, the number of Canadians suffering
from Alzheimer’s or other related dementias may well reach
1,125,200. The future could be grim.
The important thing is to advocate for your own health.
Right now. Today. Make healthy lifestyle choices – eat healthy,
get regular exercise, reduce stress and be brain smart.
Protect and exercise your brain like you would any other
vital organ. Wear a helmet, stay socially active, and challenge
your brain every day – do the crossword, learn a new language,
take up a new hobby or just do something old in a new way.
Alzheimer’s disease is a death sentence, but in the grand
scheme of things, so is life. We are all going to go, it’s just a
matter of time.
But now is the time to act. Build your defences against all illhealth, Alzheimer’s included, and instead of being a part of “the
rising tide,” you may just ride the tide to a healthier life.
Make a commitment to your health
By Agnes Ramos
Feeling guilty about the few extra pounds you put on this
Thinking twice about that second serving (or third, or
fourth) of holiday ham you ate over the break? You are not the
only one. This has happened time and time again.
Don’t feel too badly. There is actually a scientific explanation for this yearly phenomenon. The lack of sunlight during
the winter lowers our levels of serotonin, the chemicals in our
brain that makes us “feel good.”
That, along with our harsh, cold, Canadian weather results
in an overall gloomy disposition that makes us more likely to
reach for that caramel chocolate bar or that bag of overly salted potato chips.
While this offers obvious temporary happiness, junk foods
that are supposed to be comfort foods are actually doing the
exact opposite. Gorging on high sodium and high fat snacks
that are low in nutrients end up making us feel sluggish, tired,
and less motivated to hit the gym.
We gasp in horror when we step on that scale after the
holidays, but the truth is the number that has “surprisingly
sneaked” up on us didn’t really sneak up on us at all.
We make the same New Year’s resolution every year to start
losing weight. So we activate that gym membership. We go re-
ligiously for a few weeks. We make “the promise” to stick to it
but then eventually forget and fall back into our sad and hungry demise.
Ever notice how busy gyms get after New Year’s? Cory Mestre, the fitness facilities and campus recreation co-coordinator
at Loyalist, says January is the facility’s busiest time of the
year, but after a few weeks, towards the end of the month, it
begins to quiet down again.
How do we keep ourselves from falling off the wagon?
Being active is not an individual problem. As a country, we
spend 9.5 hours of our days sedentary. According to Statistics
Canada, only 15 per cent of Canadian adults meet the minimum
amount of daily-recommended exercise but only five per cent
meet the recommended 150 minutes per week.
Granted, 150 minutes per week can be a huge lifestyle change
to the average person, but the long-term effects are well worth
it. A lack of a healthy lifestyle can lead to this Canadian image:
lazy and fat with poor cardiovascular health.
It is a well-known fact that exercise releases endorphins. The
next time you’re feeling blue and ready to take a trip to the pantry cabinet, combat those low serotonin levels with exercise.
Commitment and dedication doesn’t come easily but you can
start slowly. You don’t want to join a gym? Run up and down
the school staircase. Park further away from the entrance.
Get moving. Your body will thank you.
Don’t be so quick to post on Facebook
By Clover Raftis
Everyone has a Facebook account.
Your mom, sister, brother, husband, boyfriend, girlfriend,
dog, cat, even babies who have yet to see the light of day seem
to have a Facebook account.
Status updates and pictures can be shared with everyone.
Not to worry if you’ve been taught proper online etiquette.
But if you are one of thousands who are oblivious to the daily
threats the online presence can be, consider this.
At age 16, you go looking for a job, hand out resumes, make
cold calls and drop in to speak with the managers. Then you
go home and update your status with regards to the ‘awesome’
party you attended last night complete with pictures posted of
you and your friends having a blast, being naughty and generally doing things your own mother would recoil with disgust
Did you stop to consider that your future manager might just
check out your Facebook page? See your status, and that awesome picture of you downing a 40 of Olde English? Doesn’t
sound like such a great idea now, does it?
Even if you are extremely diligent to ensure your privacy,
Facebook teenaged crowds tend to post whatever is on their
mind, including what they think about their peers.
There are some parents who have caught on to this online
blurt-fest and have quietly added themselves on to their children’s Facebook friend lists. (A brilliant parental control if I
might say so.)
We’ve all seen the somewhat suggestive photos that others
have posted, nearly in the nude, or the classic “I’m in the bathroom casually with my iPhone” shot. With images, videos and
posts easily shared and distributed throughout the social network, no one is safe. But we can all gain a fresh start by deleting
the past and, keeping in mind that anyone can view this, post
‘user friendly’ photos and updates.
After you have logged in, checked out the latest and greatest, cruise over to the heading ‘Account’, then click on ‘Privacy
settings.’ Choose Customize settings located near the bottom
then scroll down to the ‘things others share’ section. Here you
can change the settings of what people can view and post to
your wall, the setting ‘friends can post on my wall’ has an enable button that you can click on to stop anyone from posting
their outrageous comments on your wall.
This is also helpful as it forces people to message you about
the massive blowout party happening later tonight that you really didn’t want your boss to know about.
So the next time you update your status, consider who
will view it. That thought may just stop you from exclaiming
your ever-present love for beer. But really? Who doesn’t love
The Pioneer is currently produced by print and photojournalism students for
Loyalist College and the surrounding area. In the spirit of the pioneers who
settled our community and who were rooted in tradition, these pioneers
always had an eye on the future. Our students strive to serve the public
interest, seek the truth and uphold the highest standards of our profession.
Editor, Audra Kent
Photo editor, Michelle Berg
In Focus editor, Agnes Ramos
Faculty advisers: Patti Gower, Luke Hendry,
Frank O’Connor, Scott Whalen, Theresa Suart
Managing editor, Mike Beaudin
Publisher, Jane Harrison
The Pioneer welcomes your letters and comments. Please send
material to the editor at the address below before Wednesday.
We reserve the right to edit submissions for content and length.
All letters must be signed and include a daytime phone number.
For advertising information, rates and placement, please
contact Sandi Hibbard-Ramsay, at the college, 613-969-1913,
ext. 2591; by cell at 613-848-5665; or at home, 613-965-6222.
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