Accomodation guide - Office de Tourisme de la Grande Motte
Accomodation guide - Office de Tourisme de la Grande Motte
Editorial........................... p.3 Hotels............................... p.4 Holidays Centers............................. p.8 Holidays Residences..................... p.10 Residence not classified................. p.12 Holidays rentals............................. p.14 Campsites...................... p.20 City map......................... p.22 Crédits photos : Fotolia • O. Maynard • H. Comte • L. Vilarem • Creative Force International • Plan : Dixicom-Trait d’Union • Catégorie Licence 1 n° 1-10-45 501 • Catégorie Licence 2 n° 2-10-45 502 • Catégorie Licence 3 n° 3-10-45 503 Contents La Grande Motte Accomodation guide TOURIST OFFICE 55, rue du Port - 34280 La Grande Motte Tél.: +33 (0)4 67 56 42 00 - Fax: +33 (0)4 67 29 91 42 TOURIST OFFICE - CENTRE Open daily July and August: 9am / 9pm October to March: 9.30am -12am / 2pm-6pm April, May, June and September: 9.30am-6.30pm GENERAL ADMINISTRATION Palais des Congrès Jean Balladur Avenue Jean Bène - 34280 La Grande Motte Tél.: +33 (0)4 67 56 40 50 - Fax: +33 (0)4 67 56 78 30 OFFICE DE TOURISME DE LA GRANDE MOTTE This mark shows conformity with the standard NF X 50-730 and the certification rules NF 237. It guarantees that the activities of reception and information, promotion/communication, service quality assessment and improvement are monitored regularly by AFNOR Certification 11, rue Francis de Préssensé – 93571 LA PLAINE SAINT DENIS Cedex – France – 2 0 1 4 La Grande Motte, bien plus grande que vous ne l’imaginez ministère de la culture is des Croisades url Co s urli Co es .d All Bar Cable Satellite Air conditioning Garage Laundrette Car park Swimming pool Games room TV room Restaurant Activities Children’s club Safe Linen rental Cycle hire Cleaning Internet access Meeting room Mini bar ec ler c OPALE 2 GRAND LARGE e la e g Pla OPALE 1 ée Salles des Jeunes All de la Pla p. Im de la e ad sir Dé Passerelle des Abîmes Club Aviron Résidéal Bernard de Ventadour ge JARDINS DU VIDOURLE BÂTIMENT POISSON Les Dunes du Soleil 4 Centre de Loisirs 10 ée All Hôtel Les Corallines RÉSIDENCE Institut de Thalassothérapie HUGANA du nt Accrobranches va Le LES TERRASSES DE LA MER Pierre & Vacances Le Levant LE SOLEILHAN MAÉVA Hôtel de la Plage J Pont du Vi dour le Le Grau-du-Roi (6 km) services e lag -P ute Ha de Palo des Allée Play Area Amenities Allée de l'Hameau du Golf All . de s A l'Albll. de atro s All. des s mbe Allée des G oélan ds Micoco uliers te Mot itela P et de nue Ave e l'Orée-du-Golf ed Allé École de Voile annexe l-L HEURE BLEUE RÉSIDENCE POINT ZÉRO R. d Plan incliné ra ge Aven ue du Centre de Tennis né Pla h hal-Ju in Gé e la nit Marec Disabled access du ed Zé e Ve r t e All. du s Phénicien ttr edu M aré cha l-d e-L a c Agréments DDAS Jeunesse & Sport ue Rue de s en Avenue Av Allé du ulé 13 LE VILLAGE DU SOLEIL CAF Bon CAF Club-House Plaine des Jeux Holiday voucher Dogs allowed s Marin -Blan fs nc HOLIDAYS 34 ée Rue d u en re nant rt Po E de Po LA PLAG LF DU GO LES LLÉGIA LES VI Golf ue du Aven Ne LES 5 TOITS ET MOIS Jo PLEIN SOLEIL 1 All Promenade du Front de Mer Hôtel Saint-Clair Bord de plage Pl. Lady Diana is Parc Aquatique Espace Grand Bleu LE TRIANON es Pl. des Tritons HORIZON PONANT ou t-L ain eS Ru .d LE ST-CLAIR Place des Cosmonautes is ou t-L ain eS Ru Maison de retraite St-Louis du Golfe SUPERLAND All PLEIN SOLEIL 2 Le Club Belambra Presqu'île du Ponant es MOTT'LAND e Ru aïs lém Pto LE RAYOL s Co ARGONAUTES Place LES St-Exupéry CAPRI HÉRACLÈS DUNES LE REYMAR Allée T AN ON UP SD DIN JAR Art La LE NEPTUNE L'OPEN DU GOLF EAST LAND ed re liè va de VILLAS PHŒBUS Es I Hôtel Azur Ca RIVES DU CORAIL Ru ée s Place de l'Épi SWING RÉSIDENCE 6 PORT GAËTAN All tte igre e rop LE LANGUEDOC L'IMPÉRIAL II pi GRAND l'É VOILIER de AUGUSTA nt sA Eu y lér Va LE CHÉOPS ulPa Ru WEEK-END LA PINÈDE DU GOLF ona uP é Go e s d in Jar l a istr LE CLOS DE LA PINÈDE ed de s de e l' LE TEMPLE DU SOLEIL .-M eF Clinique Mutualiste Jean Léon d Av. LES VOILES BLANCHES ce Pla ine ac -R rre E Pie OR ue OD E en CO Av D UL MM OR CAP A NC ier CO nn ulle iéto -Ga ai p de Qu rlesa Ch CO tin us e-J ric au eM ad n pla es PLEIN SOLEIL 3 Temple LE GOÉLAND Hôtel Place Protestant LE Méditerranée des BEAULIEU rès STERNE Place Félibres cca Va LES MOUETTES des EUROPE du Félibres e é All ISIS VILLAS LA DAME LES 3 MÂTS BEC AU LOTUS ée Club All "Les Coulisses" Capitainerie Maeva Terrasse ATC du Parc Route du Monde Hôtel Quetzal ins ard LA sJ de NAPOULE ée All BABYLONE eil lgu LE ART NB JEA ou pid All prices and information are indicated as a guideline and are subject to change. The Tourist Office cannot be held responsible for any such changes. Me Pom es- 1 Km de n eorg P V Bord de mer 0 âtre ThéVerdure de usti ug ai G 14 é clin n in Pla LES PALAIS MAYAS L'ALBATROS L'AMIRAL 1 LE FORUM 5 Terre-plein Ouest Place du Marché Marché du Ponant RÉSIDENCES DU GOLF CAP PONANT ANTINÉA 2 ANTINÉA 1 L'AMIRAL 2 H K Av. t-A Qu L LE PONANT hé Antenne Pays de l'Or LE CLUB M Skate Parc che Crè arc uM .d d ée Allé PLEIN SOLEIL 4 Actif Les Cyclades 3 G N Côté Mer e Allé e Étang du Ponant TERRASSES DU PONANT RIVES DU PONANT ds lan C.C. LES GOÉLANDS Halte-Garderie e Allé ier .S All ell lPau O Spot de kitesurf Mer Méditerranée 7 CITÉ DES DOUANES ACTIF ss Pa All Bibliothèque CCAS Groupe Scolaire Malraux Ca PORTOFINO ée ntp F R -Baumel CEM Yacht Club Ha Q. - dré An Centre cas Mairie s In Église du culturel s. de LES INCAS St Augustin 1erPlace s Oct. 1974 Pa ort uP Hôtel Mercure Port rrys de ée All All Mo Centre Nautique L'Ensolelhade Cap' Vacances aux lr Ma Police ed es rett RÉSIDENCE LA GARRIGUE H.L.M. A. MALRAUX École de Musique LE CORMORAN Ru E Q -B an Je Les Rives Bleues PORT SOLEIL D Darses Aire de carénage s H2O LE CLOS DE L'ÉGLISE LE GRAND PAVOIS C es g Fa rt- be Ro e èn LE CAPRICORNE DELTA el Pl. estr TOUR Janicauds. Fen s Hôtel Pa FENESTRELLE ig sA PORT PONANT LES COLVERTS tes de 20 Gendarmerie il ue elg ue 8 ue en Av Alpha Village Avenue du Gén é r a l - L e cl e r c M de en JARDINS DE MER s iot Allée des Lor s de Av. Av A C.C. MIRAMAR LE PARADOR ée ier Éric B Esplanade Jean Mer Méditerranée ai Qu arly b -Ta silon d'Ep s et A llée des Fauv ell O ÉM AN de ée la PORT GRÉGAU Allé es ntp VIKING des nett Mo u en Allée Place des Aigrettes All. ron rge de Réparation de Bateaux 30 Spot de kitesurf : accès n°60 MARCO es g Fa rt- Garenne rts lve Co es R .d TIE All ICO ABR Be du ER EM D NE Av POLO Palais des Congrès e èn Jean -B LE an Balladur Je MAGELLAN ue en v A PROVENCE be o eR ide Audio Plage Accès n°50 1 Av ram BOUTIQUES DU COUCHANT 40 BAHIA CALYPSO ie ustr Ind e l' ed Ru y e-P JARDIN D'ULYSSE 2 Imp. Couchadu nt JARDIN D'ULYSSE 1 GRAND MOTTOIS rs ROSE DES SABLES t chan Cou nd Gra Hôtel Acropolis PARADIS DU SOLEIL GRANDE PYRAMIDE ue en Poste FIDJI e la .d 9 Jardin du Souvenir Hôtel Europe Pasino EDEN All Pl. des Anc. d'Indochine Zone Artisanale ie Voil ARENA ny es IPANEMA LES BELLES LES PLAGES GRENADINES LES DUNES sig réchal-de-Lattre -de- Tas Rue des Artisans Place du Cosmos Allée d'Athènes All Place du Souvenir Français MARIN'LAND la Place Alpha LES HÉLIADES I Synagogue PEUPLIERS DE LA MER de 2 l - L ec lerc Allée des Parcs C.C. LE GARDEN ée American Express y Golf Hôtel Best Western PORT VINCENT Girelle Passerelle Saint-Jean Camping Lou Pibols ed LE POSÉIDON Boulodrome Ru Allée de l'Odyssée L'ESCALE liers Avenue du Ma RÉSIDENCE DU SOLEIL les 50 ULYSSE PLAGE 2 Peup leil CAP SUD ab LES PORTES DU COUCHANT LE RAYON VERT MARINES DE HAUTE PLAGE des L'ORÉE DU GOLF 3 ) mixte LOTISSEMENT PRAIRIE DU GOLF All A La llée va d nd es es Golf Place Oméga All Camping Le Garden Oli es viers .d All RÉSIDENCE FLEURIE 1 sS BOUGAINVILLE A v e n u e d u G r a n d - Tr a v e r s La Grande Motte lée Al Alizés des e Pl o -S in Avenue Plein-Soleil ULYSSE PLAGE 1 de Discothèque ÉQUATEUR ue en Av ée St-Jacques THALASSA Allée Pl. des Tamaris LE PATIO DE LUNA Gé né ral -L ec ler c Av en ue du Gé nér a ue du Aven piét (zone de gu ar m ée TERRASSES DU GOLF L'ORÉE DU GOLF 2 Cards accepted LES BORDS DU GOLF All L'ORÉE DU GOLF 1 is Bo du olf All. du G es La Petite Motte FFCC Alléeigle de l'A ée ed Camping de l'Or Cap Vacances Minigolf RÉSIDENCE DU PARC All Rue du Levant LES DUNES D'OR JARDINS DU COUCHANT BALI il ITALIEPlace Centre de Vacances Échirolles FRONT DE MER teurs viga Na RÉSIDENCE FLEURIE 2 LES MARQUISES ole Labech stral SURCOUF VILLAS MARISOL INDIGO CAP RIVIÉRA TROPIC SOLEIL DU es COUCHANT C.C. ed Allé ROXIM RÉSIDENCE AURORE TAHITI PORT JONATHAN MARTINIC PORT ATHÉNA teurs a avig RÉSIDENCE sN PACIFIC ue de L'ARC-EN-CIEL R n-S Mi Rue du Rue du Place de la Tramontane JAMAÏC HERMÈS Pl e i MOTTE ÉVASION VASCO DE GAMA lf Go Allé All ue Blanc ur La LES OLIVIERS WEST CITY 4 olf inig uM .d All Marin- Avenue u Rue d Sirocco Rue du Paris es .d All s ier s se LA DUNE LE VILLAGE DU GRAND TRAVERS WEST CITY 2 Arènes Ro t an ch ou -C du isBo du p. Im DIXIE SUNNY LAND LAND Allée des C yprès LA PALM Passerelle BEACH 10 des LES SABLES Lampadophores LES CYPRIANES D'OR FERINEL Avenue du Ma réchal-de-Lattr ny e-de-Tassigny sig s a -T LES de LES FLAMANTS LA SOLEILLADE CAROLINES ROSES Collège Philippe Lamour WEST CITY 1 t han MARCH'LAND 2 ouc u-C s-d Boi du MARCH'LAND 1 Av. WEST CITY 3 Place des Cyprès Cimetière ESPAGNE Pins nue Palais des Sports MARCH'LAND 3 2 D 6 Animaux autorisés : accès n°60 des Allée Ave Carnon HAPPY LAND es ts-Ros aman des Fl onne de Alléeairière la Cl Cèdres en (25 km) 60 Allée Mas All. du Av Montpellier Carnon LES HÉLIADES II Camping GCU WEST END Domaine de Haute-Plage Camping les Cigales Aire Camping-cars Lycée Privé Notre Dame de la Merci Parc des Sports Océan Atlantique tas Carré du e LE BIRDY Hôtel Novotel Golf EAGLE s igne des V Allée Maison des Associations Poids lourds & véhicules légers It Place Passet Mou Terrain de Base-ball (11 km) lon All. du reu ra iné Déchetterie oras Centre de Secours Pompiers é All s urd s lo poid ire Imp. des Soph AN C N HÔ UR D AL EÀ Chapelle des Campings Centre Équestre Avenu Club House du Golf Golf All. du ils cu sÉ e ed HAMEAU DU GOLF Imp. des s Santoline ne Chenil Station d'Épuration Zone Technique GREEN VILLAGE Allée du Bird e l'Aqui Allée d Allée de Silè Centre technique municipal ea All. d'Horns 2 D 6 E SÈT Imp. des Arbousiers (11 km) Imp. dess Hibiscu Imp. des Romarins (46 km) Le Grau-du-Roi G du ée All LES MAISONS DU GOLF City map Étang de l'Or Nîmes Practical 62 D 01 Welcome to La Grande Motte From the start, La Grande-Motte captivated visitors with its extraordinary setting and mild Mediterranean climate, and it continues to be recognized as a unique and exceptional town. The site’s architectural heritage is now part of twentieth-century history and places it among the era’s most remarkable creations in terms of urban planning. The men behind this unique architectural creation imagined a magic city in which omnipresent greenery would harmoniously blend with concrete in a yin-yang balance. Today, La Grande Motte is a veritable oasis with an invaluable quality of living and an identity without equal. With the goal of constantly improving our welcome to summer visitors, we have decided to create new offers which are closely tied to the town’s numerous advantages. Guided tours on your own or under the auspices of a professional will give you the keys to understanding the city-garden and the architectural structures. The Nautipass, an “open sesame” to recreational activities related to boating, will enable you to discover all sorts of activities as a family or with friends. The year will be highlighted by a series of major events tied to the town’s strategic development axes: boating, architecture and the natural environment. From April 23 to 27, the International Multihull Boat Show will feature the world’s most beautiful catamarans anchored along the port quays. On this occasion, the town will celebrate boating by offering visitors a series of free activities. In June, for the second consecutive year, the Festival of Living Architecture Place will give free rein to young architects to create ephemeral works inside the town which are inspired by the lines and shapes of La Grande Motte. The “Nuits d’Or” (“Golden Nights”) pyrotechnical-melodic festival will set the night sky ablaze during two summer months with light and color paintings to a musical background before handing the stage over to the summer carnival, a not-to-be-missed event mixing poetry and spangles. A treatment center housing loggerhead turtles at the Etang du Ponant gives us the opportunity to introduce visitors young and old to the ecosystems which are part of Mediterranean wealth and to the fragile species who make their homes in the water. La Grande Motte is on the move, innovating and looking resolutely toward the future, always promoting actions to ensure sustainable tourism. The quality approach adopted by the town is a perfect counterpart to the one committed to by local businesses, as exemplified by the hotel industry professionals who propose various accommodation plans to meet the needs and answer the requests of each visitor. I would like to invite you to begin your stay with a visit to the Tourism Office, located in an area symbolizing the town’s economic and touristic vision and highlighting ergonomics which are designed for visitor comfort. Stéphan Rossignol Mayor of La Grande Motte President of the Tourist Office Regional Councillor Hotels Hôtel Azur Bord de Mer Place Maurice Justin - Presqu’île du Port 34280 La Grande Motte Tel. +33(0)4 67 56 56 00 - Fax +33(0)4 67 29 81 26 E-mail: Site: L’hôtel Azur Bord de mer**** is a familial hotel with 20 rooms and 1 suite for 1 to 5 persons. Each rooms have a terrace or balcony, view on the sea and the marina. Our heated swimming pool is open from 01/03 to 31/10 and equipped with deckchairs, parasols and watersprays. Open from 01/01/2014 to 31/12/2014 Prices/day Minimum Single room 69 e 169 e Double room 79 e 169 e Breakfast 14 e 14 e Half board - - 8 e 15 e Car park Maximum Map I 12 Hôtel de la Plage 4-star hotels: 1,65€ per day per person. 3-star hotels: 1,10€ per day per person. 2-star hotels: 0,99€ per day per person. Visitor tax payable on site. No charge for children under 12. 52, Allée du levant - 34280 La Grande Motte Tel. +33(0)4 67 29 93 00 - Fax +33(0)4 67 56 00 07 E-mail: Site: 37 rooms with terrace and sea view. Direct access to the beach. Heated swimming pool from April to October. Open from 01/01/2014 to 30/11/2014 Prices/day Minimum Maximum Single room - - Double room 85 e 215 e Breakfast 14 e 14 e Half board 48 e 48 e - - Car park Map I 17 4 5 Hôtel Les Corallines 615, allée de la Plage - Thalasso Méditerranée Le Point Zéro - BP 43 - 34280 La Grande Motte Tel. +33(0)4 67 29 13 13 - Fax +33(0)4 67 12 87 52 E-mail: Site: 42 rooms, 3 suites. The hotel is very close to the beach. Direct access to the spa center. Fitness center and beauty center, restaurant. Open from 26/01/2014 to 20/12/2014 Prices/day Minimum Maximum Single room 134 e 202 e Double room 134 e 202 e Breakfast 15 e 15e Half board 46 e 46 e 10 e 10 e Car park Map I 16 Hôtel Mercure Port 140, rue du Port - 34280 La Grande Motte Tel. +33(0)4 67 56 90 81 - Fax +33(0)4 67 56 92 29 E-mail: Site: Located on the marina, 200m from the beaches, the Conference Center and the Casino. 99 rooms and 18 suites for a perfect leisure or business stay. Open from 01/01/2014 to 31/12/2014 Prices/day Minimum Maximum Single room 99 e 174 e Double room 109 e 174 e Breakfast 15 e 15 e Half board - - 10 e 10 e Car park Map G-H 12 Hôtel Novotel La Grande Motte Golf 1641, avenue du Golf - 34280 La Grande Motte Tel. +33(0)4 67 29 88 88 - Fax +33(0)4 67 29 17 01 E-mail: Site: Renovated in 2010 for your comfort,located on the International Golf Course, the Novotel Golf hotel has 83 airconditioned Superior Rooms including 16 Executives rooms and 3 luxury Theme Suites, view on the Golf course and the Swimming pool. All have a private balcony or a furnished terrace. Bar lounge. Hôtel Le Quetzal Open from 01/01/2014 to 31/12/2014 Prices/day Minimum Maximum Single room 100 e 370 e Double room 100 e 370 e Breakfast 16 e 16 e Half board - - 10 e 10 e Car park Map B 18 45 rooms with private terrace, including 5 Prestige rooms and 1 suite. Outstanding situation on the Golf Course. Heated swimming pool, half court, reception open 24/24, bars, free wifi access, garage and secure parking, massages. Snacks (on season). Open from 06/01/2014 to 13/12/2014 Prices/day Minimum Maximum Single room 95 e 200 e Double room 95 e 200 e Breakfast 14 e 14 e Half board - - Car park 5 e 10 e Map C 18 6 In a natural haven, 300m from the beach and the port, 150m from the Conference center and the new Casino. 34 rooms, 14 with a terrace or a small lounge area, all air-conditioned with free wifi access, hair dryer, LCD TV, TNT, swimming pool and secure car park. Open from 14/02/2014 to 30/11/2014 26/12/2014 to 04/01/2015 Prices/day Single room Minimum 75 e Maximum 145 e Double room 75 e 145 e Breakfast 12 e 14 e Car park 10 € 10 € Map F 12 37 rooms with LCD TV screens 40 channel + international channels, terrace, 30 personnalised rooms, restaurant, swimming pool, hammam and private parking. 5 mn from the beach and the city center. Maximum Single room 85 e 139 e Double room 95 e 149 e Breakfast 12 e 12 e Half board - - Car park 8,50 e 8,50 e Map G 14 72, allée d’Athènes - 34280 La Grande Motte Tel. +33(0)4 67 56 76 22 - Fax +33(0)4 67 59 22 85 E-mail: Site: 23 rooms, 14 with terrace. The hotel is located close to Le Couchant sandy beaches. 50m from shops and restaurants. Garage. Free wifi. Open from 01/04/2014 to 30/09/2014 Prices/day Minimum Maximum Single room 65 e 70 e Double room 72 e 105 e Breakfast 10 e 10 e Half board - - Car park 10 e 10 e Map G 7 7 3, place de l’Église - 34280 La Grande Motte Tel. +33(0)4 67 56 07 77 - Fax +33(0)4 67 29 81 52 E-mail: Site: 51 air-conditioned rooms. In the city center near restaurants, 200m from the beach in a very quiet place. During a seminar or one evening at the Casino, enjoy La Grande Motte and the area. 15mn from the airport and Park and Suites Arena. Open from 10/01/2014 to 31/12/2014 Prices/day Minimum Maximum Single room 45 e 90 e Double room 50 e 90 e Breakfast 9 e 9,50 e Half board - - Car park 8 e 8 e Map G 12 Hôtel Saint Clair Hôtel Le Méditerranée 277, allée du Vaccarès - 34280 La Grande Motte Tel. +33(0)4 67 56 53 38 - Fax +33(0)4 67 56 98 30 E-mail: Site: Minimum Hôtel Les Rives Bleues Hôtel Europe Allée des Parcs - 34280 La Grande Motte Tel. +33(0)4 67 56 62 60 - Fax +33(0)4 67 56 93 07 E-mail: Site: 52 rooms fully renovated, very quiet, 2 heated swimming pools, rooms with loggia and open spaces view. Open from 01/04/2014 to 30/09/2014 Prices/day Hôtel Acropolis Best Western Golf Hôtel 1920, avenue du Golf - 34280 La Grande Motte Tel. +33(0)4 67 29 72 00 - Fax +33(0)4 67 56 12 44 E-mail: Sites: - Allée des Jardins - 34280 La Grande Motte Tel. +33(0)4 67 56 61 10 - Fax +33(0)4 67 56 86 34 E-mail: Site: Open from 01/01/2014 to 31/12/2014 Prices/day Minimum Maximum Single room 105 e 130 e Double room 105 e 130 e Breakfast 12 e 12e Half board 40 e 40 e Car park - - Map G 15 Avenue de l’Europe - 34280 La Grande Motte Tel. +33(0)4 67 56 57 77 - Fax +33(0)4 67 56 28 49 E-mail: Site: 50m from the beach, 27 rooms with patio garden, terrace, little fridge, LCD TV screens and wifi. Near the town and Spa center. Rooms for 3 persons: contact us. Open from 14/02/2014 to 14/11/2014 Prices/day Minimum Maximum Single room 70 e 100 e Double room 70 e 130 e Breakfast 9,50 e 9,50 e Half board - - Car park 7 e 7 e Map H 14 Résidence Cap’ Vacances Holidays Centers 186, avenue de Melgueil - 34280 La Grande Motte Tel.: 0 825 725 735 - Fax +33(0)4 71 50 08 87 E-mail: Site: Just 500 m from the beach, this entirely new club-village features a restaurant, bar, heated swimming pool, spa with sauna, hammam, two Jacuzzis and a massage room, as well as two elevators. There are three types of packages: full-board, half-board and rental. Activities for adults during the day and evening; children’s clubs free of charge for children from three months to seventeen years old. Visitor tax payable on site: 0,83€ per day per person. No charge for children under 12. Open from 31/05/2014 to 02/11/2014 Rate/week Minimum Maximum 1-room apartment 455 e 1080 e 2-room apartment 480 e 1120 e Half board / pax. 315 e 475 e Full board / pax. 350 e 530 e CAF Map F 13 Actif Résidence Les Cyclades 393, avenue de Melgueil - 34280 La Grande Motte Tel. +33(0)4 67 29 07 07 - Fax +33(0)4 67 56 56 94 E-mail: Site: Situated in the town centre, 300m from the beach. Centre caters and seminars. Children’s club in July and August. Elevator, private parking lot. Group rates: contact us. Open from 02/02/2014 to 19/12/2014 Rate/week Minimum Maximum 1-room apartment - - 2-room apartment - - 3-room apartment - - Half board / pax. - - 58 € 590e Full board / pax. CAF Map G 13-14 8 9 ATC Route du Monde 506, allée des Jardins - 34280 La Grande Motte Tel. +33(0)4 67 56 68 00 - Fax +33(0)4 67 56 24 81 E-mail: Site: Very confortable 2-floor residence with elevator. All air conditionned apartment, with TV, free wifi access, free parking. Perfect for individuals, groups and seminars. Short breaks available and weekend. Club BELAMBRA Presqu’île du Ponant Rue Saint-Louis - 34280 La Grande Motte Tel. +33(0)4 67 56 51 55 - Fax +33(0)4 67 29 91 73 E-mail: Site: Located in a pine wood near the Ponant lake. Restaurant or buffet, children’s club (From the age of 3 months). Short breaks, weekend available and seminars. Open from 12/04/2014 to 01/11/2014 Rate/week Minimum Maximum 1-room apartment 353 e 950e 2-room apartment 559 e 663 e 3-room apartment - - Half board / pax. 350 e 552 e Full board / pax. 410 e 612 e Map F 14 Centre de Vacances Echirolles Open from 12/04/2014 to 02/11/2014 Rate/week Minimum Maximum 1-room apartment 399€ 1631€ 2-room apartment 574 e 1995 e 3-room apartment 812 e 2793 e Half board / pax. 434 e 1120 e Full board / pax. 553 e 1239 e Map D-E 18 Allée des Alizés - 34280 La Grande Motte Tel. +33(0)4 67 02 23 54 - Fax +33(0)4 67 59 25 15 E-mail: Site: Residence of 120 beds with open spaces, multi sports ground (basket ball, football, Hockey), petanque field, ping pong ,terrace. Rooms 2 to 4 beds with fully equipped bathroom. Welcome groups children, retired people, clubs, adults and sea discovering class. CAF Open from 01/04/2014 to 31/10/2014 Rate/week Minimum Maximum 1-room apartment - - 2-room apartment - - 3-room apartment - - Half board / pax. 42,30 e 47,00 e Full board / pax. 46,80 e 57,00 e Map G 4 Pierre & Vacances Le Levant Holidays Residences Allée du Levant - 34280 La Grande Motte Tel. +33(0)4 67 56 00 20 E-mail: Site: Visitor tax payable on site: 0,99€ per day per person. No charge for children under 12. Residence renovated, 15m from the beach and near the town center (500m). Outdoor swimming pool Fully-equipped 3 persons apartment with kitchenette and balcony. Discover our offers from 1 night. Open from 12/04/2014 to 27/09/2014 Rate/week Minimum Maximum 1- room apartment (2 pax.) 280 e 990 e 2 -room apartment (3 pax.) 280 e 990 e Animals 9 e / Day 55 e / Week Car park 7 e / Day 45 e / Week Map I 17 Résidence Côté Mer Esplanade Jean Baumel - 34280 La Grande Motte Tel. +33(0)4 63 05 32 00 - Fax +33(0)4 67 02 89 79 E-mail: Site: Holiday Residence with 28 appartments, 1 to 3-rooms apartment sea front. Each apartment is fully equipped: kitchen with fridge, cooking hob, HOTTE, microwave oven, grill, dishwasher. Bathroom with a bath (a second one with shower for 3 room apartment), separate toilets, LCD TV screen, air conditioning/heating,Balcony or terrasse, private heated swimming pool. 10 Open from 01/01/2014 to 31/12/2014 Rate/week Minimum Maximum 1-room apartment (2 pax.) 336 e 952 e 1-room apartment (4 pax.) 364 e 1288 e 2-room apartment (4 pax.) 441 e 1960 e 3-room apartment (6 pax.) 630 e 2478 e Map H 10 11 Maeva Les Terrasses du Parc 546, allée des Jardins - 34280 La Grande Motte Tel. +33(0)4 67 56 64 34 - Fax +33(0)4 67 56 42 68 E-mail: - Site: Open from 21/12/2013 to 06/01/2014 and from 15/02/2014 to 15/11/2014 Rate/week Minimum Maximum 289 e 969 e (6 pax.) 369 e 1259 e Car park 9 e/day 59 e/week 2-room apartment Your residence is open all year long, situated near La Grande Motte’s park, two steps from the town centre and 5mn from the beach. Functional and fully equipped apartments with terrace or patio. Discover all our stays from 1 nights to several months. Located in a pine wood near the Ponant lake. Restaurant or buffet, children’s club (From the age of 3 months). Short breaks, weekend available and seminars. Open from 12/04/2014 to 02/11/2014 Rate/week Minimum Maximum 1 -room apartment (2 pax.) 399 e 1631 e 2- room apartment (4 pax.) 574 e 1995 e 3 -room apartment (6 pax.) 812 e 2793 e Half board /pax. 434 e 1120 e 553 e 1239 e Full Board/pax. Map F 15 Résidence Les Dunes du Soleil Club BELAMBRA Presqu’île du Ponant Rue Saint-Louis - 34280 La Grande Motte Tel. +33(0)4 67 56 51 55 - Fax +33(0)4 67 29 91 73 E-mail: Site: (4 pax.) 3-room apartment Map D-E 18 615, allée de la Plage - 34280 La Grande Motte Tel. +33(0)4 99 06 82 58 E-mail: Site: 20m from the beach and 400m from the shops, the résidence adjoins the Spa Center. This residence has got fully equipped apartments with terrace, outdoor swimming pool, free TV. Open from 25/01/2014 to 04/01/2015 Rate/week Minimum Maximum 1-room apartment (2 pax.) 180 e 820 e 1-room apartment (3/4 pax.) 215 e 980 e 2-room apartment (4/5 pax.) 230 e 1090 e 3-room apartment (6/7 pax.) 255 e 1195 e Map H 16 Residence not classified Visitor tax payable on site: 0,99€ per day per person. No charge for children under 12. 12 13 RESIDEAL Bernard de Ventadour 312, allée de la Plage - 34280 La Grande Motte Tel. +33(0)4 67 29 00 00 - Fax +33(0)4 67 56 98 82 E-mail: Site: 200m from the sandy beach with direct path. Residence surrounded with open spaces, 500m from the city center. One or two rooms apartments. Open from 29/03/2014 to 08/11/2014 Rate/week Minimum Maximum 1-room apartment (3 pax.) 231 e 819 e 1-room apartment (4 pax.) 259 e 952 e 2-room apartment (5 pax.) 329 e 1253 e Map H 17 Holidays Rentals Visitor tax payable on site: 0,99€ per day per person. No charge for children under 12. AB Immo Résidence Amiral 1 - 93-101, rue Pierre Racine 34280 La Grande Motte Tel. +33(0)4 67 29 83 44 - Fax +33(0)4 67 29 99 46 E-mail: Site: Our family team provides a personalized service. With 20 years of experience, we are the perfect contact to guarantee the success of your holidays in La Grande Motte. Agency Open from 03/01/2014 to 20/12/2014 Rate/week Minimum Maximum 1-room apartment 170 e 490 e 2-room apartment (4 / 6 pax.) 218 e 690 e Apartment / villa (6 / 8 pax.) 350 e 1350 e Map G 12 Aigue Marine Immobilier l’Adresse 238, avenue du Couchant - Villa 8 Le Paradis du Soleil - BP 38 - 34280 La Grande Motte Tel. +33(0)4 67 56 41 30 - Fax +33(0)4 67 56 41 35 E-mail: Site: Specialist in holidays rentals since 20 years. 200 selected apartments and villas near the beach for 2 to 6 persons. Agency Open from 05/01/2014 to 21/12/2014 Rate/week Minimum Maximum 1-room apartment 228 e 723 e 2-room apartment (4 / 6 pax.) 329 e 1113 e Apartment / villa (6 / 8 pax.) 649 e 2239 e Map G 8 14 Alpha Orpi Immobilier 330, avenue de l’Europe - Résidence le Grand Voilier 34280 La Grande Motte Tel. +33(0)4 67 56 61 01 - Fax +33(0)4 67 56 51 94 E-mail: Site: Apartments and villa rental, short breaks and long stays during winter season. The oldest estate agency in the town with a professional team. Agency Open from 01/01/2014 to 31/12/2014 Rate/week Minimum Maximum 1-room apartment 158 e 533 e 2-room apartment (4 / 6 pax.) 232 e 831 e Apartment / villa (6 / 8 pax.) 272 e 2241 e Map H 14 Citya La Grande Motte 485, avenue de Melgueil - Résidence Antinéa 34280 La Grande Motte Tel. +33(0)4 67 56 52 41 - Fax +33(0)4 67 29 92 74 E-mail: Site: Citya holiday and low season rentals. Yearly rentals also available. 5 to 15% discount depending on length of stay and time of the year. Agentur Agency Open from 02/01/2014 to 31/12/2014 Rate/week Minimum Maximum 1-room apartment 134 e 450 e 2-room apartment (4 / 6 pax.) 296 e 747 e Apartment / villa (6 / 8 pax.) 429 e 845 e Map G 14 Agency 15 Couchant Immobilier Allée du mini golf Résidence du Parc 34280 La Grande Motte Tel. +33(0)9 67 00 27 93 ou +33(0)6 61 49 07 20 E-mail: Site: Specialist of holiday rentals in La Motte du Couchant. Weekly or short breaks in a quiet and attractively landscaped district. Situated near the beach, the marina and the shops. Open from 01/01/2014 to 31/12/2014 Rate/week Minimum Maximum 1-room apartment 230 e 420 e 2-room apartment (4 / 6 pax.) 300 e 550 e Apartment / villa (6 / 8 pax.) 325 e 600 e Agency Open from 03/01/2014 to 30/12/2014 Seasonal rentals from the end of March to September. 86, avenue de l’Europe - 34280 La Grande Motte Tel. +33(0)4 67 56 50 35 E-mail: Site: Nathalie and Christophe welcome you during your holidays. Short breaks and long stays (low season). Competitive prices. Map G 7 Europe 27, rue Frédéric Mistral - 34280 La Grande Motte Tel. +33(0)4 67 56 58 12 - Fax +33(0)4 67 12 28 02 E-mail: La Dame au Lotus Agency Rate/week Minimum Maximum 1-room apartment 242 e 537 e 2-room apartment (4 / 6 pax.) 337 e 585 e Apartment / villa (6 / 8 pax.) 615 e 890 e Map G 14 CAF Agency Open from 07/01/2014 to 28/12/2014 Rate/week Minimum Maximum 1-room apartment 240 e 535 e 2-room apartment (4 / 6 pax.) 260 e 650 e Apartment / villa (6 / 8 pax.) 440 e 950 e Map G 14 Méditerranéa 128 Avenue Robert Fages - 34280 La Grande Motte Tél. +33(0)4 67 56 70 73 - Fax +33 (0)4 67 29 19 51 E-mail : Site : Agentur Agency Open from 01/01/2014 to 31/12/2014 Rate/week Minimum Maximum 1-room apartment 210 e 450 e 350 e 800 e 800 e 1900 e 2-room apartment Specialist in rentals for varying periods of time. We (4 / 6 pax.) offer a selection of different services to meet everyone’s needs, including housekeeping, sheets and towels for Apartment / villa adults, and highchairs and beds for babies. We will be (6 / 8 pax.) more than happy to offer suggestions and identify the most appropriate solution with you. 16 Home Office Immobilier Avenue Plein Soleil - CC Roxim 34280 La Grande Motte Tel. +33(0)4 67 29 89 52 E-mail: Site: Estate agency specialized in La Motte du Couchant. Agency Open from 01/01/2014 to 31/12/2014 Rate/week Minimum Maximum 1-room apartment 285 e 570 e 2-room apartment (4 / 6 pax.) 315e 670 e Apartment / villa (6 / 8 pax.) 1000 e 1300 e Map G 5 Interhome Allée du Mini Golf - Résidence du Parc II 34280 La Grande Motte Tel. +33(0)4 67 56 80 96 - Fax +33(0)4 67 56 35 71 E-mail: Site: Week, weekend and short breaks available (3 nights minimum) except July and August. Baby bed, pram or booster hiring on request. Sheets and towels rental service. Cleaning included. Pictures and rates available on our website. Agency Open from 29/03/2014 to 11/10/2014 Rate/week Minimum Maximum 1-room apartment 194 e 864 e 2-room apartment (4 / 6 pax.) 326 e 1498 e Apartment / villa (6 / 8 pax.) 493 e 2167 e Map G 6 Plan G11 Mer et Soleil 506, quai Georges Pompidou - 34280 La Grande Motte Tel. +33(0)4 67 56 64 12 - Fax +33(0)4 67 29 99 91 E-mail: Site: Specialist for holiday rentals since 1974. Comfortable apartments. Free brochure, rates and detailed description upon request. 171, rue Pierre Racine - 34280 La Grande Motte Tel. +33(0)4 67 56 47 56 - Fax +33(0)4 67 56 74 29 E-mail: Site: Real estate specialist in La Grande Motte. The agency offers you a wide range of furnished holiday apartments, for short and long stays. Transactions and year round rentals. English, German and Spanish spoken. 17 Agency Open from 01/01/2014 to 31/12/2014 Rate/week Minimum Maximum 1-room apartment 165 e 567 e 2-room apartment (4 / 6 pax.) 239 e 719 e Apartment / villa (6 / 8 pax.) 247e 821 e Map G 11 Neptune Immobilier Agency Open from 01/01/2014 to 31/12/2014 Rate/week Minimum Maximum 1-room apartment 150 e 650 e 2-room apartment (4 / 6 pax.) 250 e 750 e Apartment / villa (6 / 8 pax.) 300 e 3000 e Map G 13 CAF Nexity Immo Lamy Loisirs Agence 379, rue Jean Bène - Immeuble Le Provence 34280 La Grande Motte Tel. +33(0)4 67 56 71 86 - Fax +33(0)4 67 29 99 30 E-mail: Site: From the town center to the seaside, for your accomodation for a weekend or a long stay, Nexity guides you to spend perfect holidays by the sea. Contact us for a free and custom made quote. Ouvert du 01/01/2009 Open from 30/04/2014 to 30/09/2014 Rate/week Minimum Maximum 1-room apartment 280 e 400 e 2-room apartment (4 / 6 pax.) 350 e 680 e Apartment / villa (6 / 8 pax.) 680 e 820 e Holiday rentals of the highest quality all year long. 1-room, 2-room, 3-room, 4-room apartments and villa in all areas of La Grande Motte. First quality services. Minimum Maximum 1-room apartment 335 e 575 e 2-room apartment (4 / 6 pax.) 439 e 1051 e Apartment / villa (6 / 8 pax.) 652 e 3800 e Map G 13 Open from 01/04/2014 to 02/11/2014 Rate/week Minimum Maximum 1-room apartment 187 e 757 e 2-room apartment (4 / 6 pax.) 220 e 885 e Apartment / villa (6 / 8 pax.) - - Sogeclub Immobilier - Agence du Golf Night, weekend, week, the apartments are exceptionnally located between the beaches and the Golf Course. Holiday and year round rentals. Real estate broker. Minimum Maximum 1-room apartment 217 e 511 e 2-room apartment (4 / 6 pax.) 247 e 630 e Apartment / villa (6 / 8 pax.) 386 e 750 e CAF Map G 5 19 Agency Map G 5 823, allée des Goélands - Résidence Port Vincent 34280 La Grande Motte Tel. +33(0)4 67 56 83 29 - Fax +33(0)4 67 56 08 67 E-mail: Site: Open from 01/02/2014 to 31/12/2014 Rate/week Open from 02/01/2014 to 24/12/2014 Rate/week Résidence Lagrange Classic Located at La Motte du Couchant the residences (2-floor) are 1,5kms from the city center and 150 from the beach and shops. The estate agency VITTORIA IMMOBILIER is specialized in rentals at La Motte du Couchant and allows you to organize your stay with great latitude. Agency Agency 18 58 rue des Navigateurs - 34280 La Grande Motte Tel. +33(0)4 67 29 92 88 - Fax +33(0)4 67 56 59 10 E-mail: Site: Avenue Plein Soleil - CC Roxim - BP 103 34280 La Grande Motte Tel. +33(0)4 67 60 59 36 - Fax +33(0)4 67 60 33 73 E-mail: Site: CAF Map G 11 Odyssea Résidence Palais Mayas - 76, rue Frédéric Mistral 34280 La Grande Motte Tel. +33(0)4 67 29 10 00 - Fax +33(0)4 67 02 44 32 E-mail: Site: Vittoria Immobilier Agency Agency Open from 01/01/2014 to 31/12/2014 Rate/week Minimum Maximum 1-room apartment 150 e 690 e 2-room apartment (4 / 6 pax.) 200 e 890 e Apartment / villa (6 / 8 pax.) 1500 e 3500 e Map C 17 CAF Camping Le Garden Campsites Avenue de la Petite Motte - 34280 La Grande Motte Tel. +33(0)4 67 56 50 09 - Fax +33(0)4 67 56 25 69 E-mail: Site: Visitor tax payable on site. 4-star and 3-star sites: 0,61€ per day per person. 2-star sites: 0,22€ per day per person. No charge for children under 12. 82 pitches for caravans or motorhome. 121 mobil homes to rent. The campsite is located in a pine forrest and at 400m from the beach. Swimming pool, kids club in summer. Grocery, bakery, pizzeria, restaurants, bar, tobacco shop and international newspaper on site. Camping La Petite Motte FFCC 195, allée des Peupliers - 34280 La Grande Motte Tel. +33(0)4 67 56 54 75 - Fax +33(0)4 67 29 92 58 E-mail: Site: 195 Pitches of 80m², 10 mobil homes. Electricity 6A with extension lead. 5 “Deluxe” Pitchs, 10 mobil homes and 5 lodges to rent. Very quiet and familial place with activities and leisures in summer. Open from 01/04/2014 to 12/10/2014 Prices/day Pitches + car for 2/3 pax. Minimum Maximum 22 e 44 e Contact us Mobil home Map F 8-9 Prices 2014: contact us Open from 01/04/2014 to 30/09/2014 Prices/day Minimum Maximum Pitches+car for 2 pax. 12,90 e 18,30 e Pitches+car for3 pax. 17,90 e 25,50 e 225 e 690 e 210 e 590 e Mobil home/ week lodges/tent week 4,20 e Electricity Map E 9 20 21 Camping de l’Or Allée des Pins - 34280 La Grande Motte Tel. +33(0)4 67 56 52 10 - Fax +33(0)4 67 29 58 19 E-mail: Site: The campsite is located at 900m from the beach. Mobil homes to rent or pitches with water and electricity. During summer holidays, adult activities: Fitness, Excursions,parties, sports and free kid’s club (7 to 11 years old) 5 half days/week. Area camping Area camping car has 45 places. Open from 12/02/2014 to 15/12/2014 FACILITIES: - Hot water - Electricity - Health (From May of September: 13€ at 16€) - Water - Electricity (From October of April : 11€) - An loading area Open from 19/04/2014 to 13/09/2014 Prices/day Minimum Maximum 3 pax. - - Mobil home/week 260 e 890 e Pitches + car for Map D 9 Camping Les Cigales Allée des Pins - 34280 La Grande Motte Tel. +33(0)4 67 56 50 85 - Fax +33(0)4 67 56 50 85 E-mail: Site: In the center of La Grande Motte, 1 km from the beach, 20 kms from Montpellier. 15 kms of pedestrian walk way to discover the city. La Grande Motte offers a lot activities: sports, nautical recreation, culture. On the Languedoc’s sun near the Camargue region. Open from 12/02/2014 to 15/12/2014 Prices/day Minimum Maximum 15,50 e 23,20 e 3 pax. 20,65 e 26,80 e Mobil home/week 205 e 710 e Pitches + car for 2 pax. Pitches + car for Map D 9-10 CAF Étang de l'Or Nîmes (46 km) Le Grau-du-Roi (11 km) 2 D 6 U LD À NE E SÈT Ô RH All. du NA CA Déchet Place Passet Mou tas Terrain de Base-ball Aire Camping-cars Allée Lycée Privé Notre Dame de la Merci Parc des Sports Camping les Cigales ns des Pi Camping de l'Or Cap Vacances Camping GCU Montpellier La Petite Motte FFCC s Phénicien ttr e- du M aré cha l-d e-L a la P etit de nue Ave Rue de s Aven ue du All. du Plan incliné Marec rs hal-Ju in ie Voil les es ed ab Discothèque 60 Animaux autorisés : accès n°60 50 8 Audio Plage Accès n°50 R 30 Spot de kitesurf : accès n°60 Esplanade Jean 20 Centre Nautique -Baumel CEM Yacht Club Côté Mer Mer Méditerranée 1 Km Skate Parc 14 Spot de kitesurf 0 A Ru sS de Place St-Jacques BOUGAINVILLE A v e n u e d u G r a n d - Tr a v e r s 1 ée All FRONT DE MER ide ram -Py e nd Gra Avenue e la .d All c s se olf inig uM .d All Marin -Blan liers il Rue d u Peup ole Labech stral SURCOUF Rue du Levant VILLAS MARISOL n-S Rue du Place de la Tramontane Pl e i Mi Rue du Sirocco MOTTE ÉVASION Avenue Blanc Rue du Marin- Arènes des Ro LA DUNE u Rue d t han ouc u-C s-d Boi du Av. 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