735-kV Micoua-Saguenay line General Information - Hydro
735-kV Micoua-Saguenay line General Information - Hydro
Note : kV = kilovolt (1,000 volts) 735-kV Micoua-Saguenay line é ac Tr eil ns Co if) du finit 27 dé 19 on de (n GENERAL INFORMATION MAY 2016 pr ivé Manic-Québec corridor 72° 52° The 735-kV lines in Hydro-Québec’s transmission system have been commissioned gradually since the mid-1960s. These lines carry the electric power produced by generating facilities located primarily in the Baie-James and Côte-Nord regions to major load centres in southern Québec. 70° 68° Hydro-Québec generating station rated 250 MW or more # 735-kV transmission line and substation Manicouagan reservoir 52° PRESENT SITUATION Manic-Québec corridor ¤ QUÉBEC Lac Manouane Lac Péribonka MANIC-QUÉBEC CORRIDOR 50° # * Manic 3 reservoir Manicouagan Alma Saguenay # * Saguenay 48° Périgny # * Sept-Île # * Baie Comeau nt re r) a u iv e L t- R in ce Sa ren e v w eu a Fl t. L Rimouski S ( Lac Saint-Jean Chamouchouane Arnaud Micoua # * * # Outardes Pipmuacan reservoir DolbeauMistassini ¤ 50° Outardes 4 reservoir # * Bergeronnes # * 48° The five 735-kV lines that form the Manic-Québec corridor, the first in the system, were commissioned between 1965 and 1973. Montagn Tadoussac New Brunswick Jacques-Cartier United States Laurentides # * CONSOMMATION EN HAUSSE TroisRivières 72° # * Québec # * Lévis 0 40 80 km MTM, zone 8, NAD83 3713_bu_hq_017_manic_qc_160215a.mxd 70° 68° Document d'information destiné aux publics concernés par le projet. Pour tout autre usage, communiquer avec : Géomatiqu Since 2011, the power transmission system has undergone significant changes: • Reduced consumption in the Côte-Nord area • Decommissioning of the Tracy and La Citière thermal and Gentilly-2 nuclear generating stations These changes have brought about an increase to the power flow on the lines of the Manic-Québec corridor toward the major load centres and decreased the reliability of the transmission system. Hydro-Québec is thus required to take steps in order to restore adequate transmission capacity to the corridor and maintain system reliability. 54° Area where the energy transmission corridors from the Côte-Nord meet # 73° 71° 69° 67° 63° b cil un l) Co fina ivy t Pr (no # 65° 27 19 # or r de 52° y 1927 Priv er bord Council ) (not final 52° Montagnais # # # # QUÉBEC GENERATION Lac Mistassini Pipmuacan reservoir Chamouchouane Lac Saint-Jean # Alma # ¤ Bergeronnes La Malbaie New Brunswick Fl eu ve # Jacques-Cartier Gaspé # Essipit # 48° ¤ Île d'Anticosti Rimouski Saguenay Saguenay HavreSaint-Pierre Sept-Îles La Sa ur int en t Mashteuiatsh # 48° # Vers poste des Laurentides Arnaud# DECREASED CONSUMPTION Micoua # # # Baie Comeau Pessamit Outardes 4 reservoir 50° # # 50° # PROD Manicouagan reservoir Golfe du Saint-Laurent ¤ Laurentides # Ï TroisRivières Lévis # " # # ## # # Montréal "# Generating station outside of Québec " Shut down thermal or nuclear generating station # 735-kV transmission line and substation # # Des Cantons 735-kV transmission line and substation under construction United States Ï # Generating station under construction 450-kV direct-current transmission line Ï 46° # Generating station rated 250 MW or more Ï Ï ## CONSUMPTION # Québec # 73° 46° Aboriginal community affected 71° 69° 0 50 100 km MTM, zone 8, NAD83 3713_bu_hq_014_schema_prod_160504a.mxd 67° 65° Document d'information destiné aux publics concernés par le projet. Pour tout autre usage, communiquer avec : Géomatique, Hydro-Québec Équipement et services partagés. Area where the energy transmission corridors from the Côte-Nord meet 2 PROPOSED SOLUTION After considering a number of scenarios, Hydro-Québec believes that the best solution is to build a new 735-kV line extending some 250 km between Micoua substation in the Côte-Nord region and Saguenay substation in Saguenay–Lac-Saint-Jean. The project also includes adding equipment to both substations and expanding Saguenay substation. In addition to maintaining system reliability, the project will reinforce the Manic-Québec corridor, which is located in areas with a high risk of icing, by adding a more robust link. The new line will meet technical criteria allowing it to better withstand weather events like wind, rime and freezing rain. As an added benefit, the project will also reduce energy losses while improving system operating flexibility. MICOUA SUBSTATION In short, the construction of a new 735-kV line between Micoua and Saguenay substations will: • Maintain transmission system reliability • Reinforce the Manic-Québec corridor • Reduce energy losses • Increase the system’s operating flexibility ROBUST LINK SAGUENAY SUBSTATION 3 STUDY AREA Measuring 255 km in length and 15 to 20 km in width, the study area is bounded to the east by Micoua substation, located near the Manic-3 generating station; to the west by Saguenay substation, located in the city of Saguenay; and to the south by the existing Micoua-Saguenay 735-kV line. Its northern boundary skirts such major water bodies as Lac La Mothe and the Outardes 4 and Pipmuacan reservoirs. The study area bypasses the two proposed biodiversity reserves of Brûlis-dulac-Frégate and Plateau-du-Lac-des-Huit-Chutes as well as the Parc national des Monts-Valin. THE NORTHERN PART of the study area, located in the Laurentian Plateau highlands, is characterized by rugged terrain and includes areas at high risk of icing, with numerous lakes and rivers and scattered peat bogs. The area is noted for its vacation areas, hunting and fishing as well as natural resource extraction, including forestry. THE SOUTHERN PART, located in the Saguenay–Lac-Saint-Jean lowlands, is a plain bisected by the Rivière Saguenay with a number of large, deep peat bogs. Largely given over to agriculture and agroforestry, it features a few urban and industrial areas. The study area will enable Hydro-Québec to determine line routes that meet the criteria of system security and reliability. SYSTEM SECURITY 4 71°0' 70°0' Study area # * # * # * # * 50°0' 69°0' Micoua# # * * Substations and transmission lines " ) " ) " ) " ) 69°30' Manicouagan (MRC) # * 161 kV 230 kV 315 kV Outardes 4 reservoir # * 389 # * 49°30' 735 kV Boundaries Administrative region 50°0' Regional county municipality (MRC) or equivalent territory (TÉ) Urban area Infrastructure 70 175 Highway Proposed Brûlis-du-lac-Frégate biodiversity reserve Pipmuacan reservoir Provincial or secondary highway ia ts Be Rivière m Labrieville s ite # * 69°0' # * 49°0' SAGUENAY–LAC-SAINT-JEAN (02) # * Rivière du Sault Le Fjord-du-Saguenay (MRC) x au 71°30' 49°30' CÔTE-NORD (09) s Cochon La Haute-Côte-Nord (MRC) Portneuf MariaChapdelaine (MRC) Rivière Lac Onatchiway 70 7023 07 7008 49°0' 48°30' Proposed Plateau-du-Lac-des-Huit-Chutes biodiversity reserve Lac La Mothe # * # * # * # * Alma # * Lac Saint-Jean 170 # # * * # * Saguenay # * 372 # * 70 # * # * # * Saguenay 169 Réserve faunique des Laurentides 72°0' 71°30' ¤ e rtier s-Ca n cque ubstatio s ¤ ouan Sagu enay Parc national du Fjord-du-Saguenay 170 138 # * # * Charlevoix-Est (MRC) # * uch hamo To C tion ta subs Rivière Le F Sai leuve nt-L aur ent 172 Lac-SaintJean-Est (MRC) 48°0' 169 69°30' Parc national des Monts-Valin Saguenay (TÉ) a To J aineMRC) Study area 70°30' 48°30' Lac ribonka Study area # * * # 381 0 175 10 20 km MTM, zone 7, NAD83 (CSRS) 3713_bu_hq_016_InfoGen_160531a.mxd 71°0' 70°30' Document d'information destiné aux publics concernés par le projet. Pour tout autre usage, communiquer avec : Géomatique, Hydro-Québec Équipement et services partagés. Réserve faunique Capitale-Nationale 70°0' # * 5 HOST ENVIRONMENT The study area crosses two administrative regions: Côte-Nord and Saguenay–LacSaint-Jean. It includes three regional county municipalities (MRCs), one city/MRC, six municipalities and four unorganized territories. Most of the study area is public land. However, the southern part consists almost entirely of private land. ADMINISTRATIVE REGION REGIONAL COUNTY MUNICIPALITY OR EQUIVALENT TERRITORY Saguenay–LacSaint-Jean (02) Le Fjord-du-Saguenay CITY (V), MUNICIPALITY (M) OR UNORGANIZED TERRITORY (TNO) Bégin, M Larouche, M Saint-Ambroise, M Saint-Charles-de-Bourget, M Saint-David-de-Falardeau, M Saint-Honoré, M Mont-Valin, TNO TNO aquatique de la MRC du Fjord-du-Saguenay Côte-Nord (09) Saguenay Saguenay, V La Haute-Côte-Nord Lac-au-Brochet, TNO Manicouagan Rivière-aux-Outardes, TNO The study area also crosses tracts of land claimed by the Innu communities of Pessamit, Essipit and Mashteuiatsh. These communities signed an Agreementin-Principle of General Nature with the governments of Québec and Canada whose provisions include delimiting their respective land claims and identifying the heritage sites to protect. 6 FUTURE STUDIES In the coming months, Hydro-Québec will conduct environ mental and technical studies in the study area to gain a better understanding of the host environment. The environmental studies will examine such matters as fauna and flora, land use, landscape and archaeology. The technical studies will cover areas subject to frost, freezing rain and erosion as well as surface materials. LINE ROUTE DEVELOPMENT To develop the line routes, Hydro-Québec will consider sensitive environmental features such as the built environment, landscape, heritage sites, resort areas, biological refuges, wetlands and the habitats of special-status wildlife species. It will also take into account technical constraints and community concerns. This will be followed by a comparative analysis of potential line routes to identify the solution with the least impact. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION Favorable reception from local communities is an essential condition for Hydro-Québec projects. The company develops each new project with a view to striking a balance between the three pillars of sustainable development: environmental, social and economic aspects. As a result, Hydro-Québec has implemented a public participation and consultation process. This measure allows the company to take into account the concerns of the community and its leaders so as to best adapt the project to local realities. In the coming weeks, Hydro-Québec will meet with community groups and organizations to share information on the project and gather residents’ concerns. ENVIRONMENT and PUBLIC PARTICIPATION 7 FOR MORE INFORMATION PROJECT SCHEDULE CÔTE-NORD DRAFT DESIGN MARTINE LAPIERRE Advisor – Community Relations E-mail: lapierre.martine@hydro.qc.ca INFO-PROJECT line: 1 855 294 3777 Completion of studies and public participation process – General information (in progress) – Public consultation on the line routes – Information on the solution selected 2016-2018 SAGUENAY–LAC-SAINT-JEAN Filing of environmental impact statement MARIE-CLAUDE LACHANCE Advisor – Community Relations E-mail: lachance.marie-claude.2@hydro.qc.ca INFO-PROJECT line: 1 877 535-3737 PROJECT Government approvals ABORIGINAL RELATIONS 2018-2019 Construction2019-2022 RICHARD LAFOREST Advisor – Aboriginal Relations E-mail: laforest.richard@hydro.qc.ca Tel.: 514 289-2211, ext. 3599 Commissioning 2016E0592-A hydro.quebec/micouasaguenay Ce document est également publié en français. This is a translation of the original French text. 2018 100 % 2022