Commerce Commentary - Westland Chamber of Commerce
Commerce Commentary Westland Chamber of Commerce Newsletter Serving the Business Community for 53 Years December 2015 Edition Coffee Connection at Mr. Mike’s Grill This month’s Coffee Connection will be hosted by Mr. Mike's Grill on Tuesday, December 15, 2015. A Coffee Connection is an informal gathering of Chamber Members over coffee. No need to RSVP, no need to sign in when you get there. Just bring plenty of business cards and a couple of bucks for breakfast. Mr. Mike's Grill is located at 36640 Ford Road. We will be meeting from 8:00am – 9:00am. Just get there when you can make a few connections and head on to work. It’s a great way to meet other busy business owners and still get some work done. Hope to see you there! Westland Chamber of Commerce & Westland Rotary Club present the 2015 Holiday Taste Fest Thank You to All of Our Sponsors, Vendors and Guests! Thank You to Our Vendors Biggby Coffee • Famous Dave's • Grindstone Smokehouse • Hammons Kitchen • Hellenic Cultural Center Jonna's Market • Knox Catering • M and P Chocolates, LLC • Max and Erma's • Mr. Mike's Grill • On The Border Texas Roadhouse • Tim Horton's Coffee • Toarmina's Pizza • William D. Ford Career Technical Center/Café Marquette Thank You to Our Sponsors Platinum Sponsor - Michigan Chiropractic Specialists, PC - Dr. Amanda Apfelblat Gold Sponsors - Ameriprise Financial/Antoinette Martin • Community Dental Associates • Excalipur Truck & Trailer Jack Demmer Ford • Joseph Tseng, DDS • Juenemann Insurance • Men On The Move • My Lady’s Florist • North Brothers Ford Parkside Dental Team • Vermeulen-Sajewski Funeral Home • Westland Firefighter’s Public Awareness Westland Police Lieutenants & Sergeants Association • Westland Police Officers Association • Zeal Credit Union Westland City Council President James Godbout / Westland City Councilman Dewey Reeves Silver Sponsors - C&M Printing & Imaging • Don Nicholson Enterprises • Fausone Bohn LLP • Great Lakes Trophies Harlow Tire • Krazy Kopz • Mayor William R. Wild • OHM Advisors • Parkside Credit Union • Personalized Hearing Care SafeStep Recovery/Don Oesterwind • Sharon’s Heating & AC • Sign-a-Rama/Garden City • Skateland West •Systems USA Toarmina’s Pizza • Westland Floor Covering • Westland Shopping Center Wayne County Community College District/Western Campus • Westland Youth Assistance/Paul Motz Ugly Holiday Clothes Contest sponsored by Men On The Move $25 admission includes food & entertainment • Cash Bar • Tuesday, December 1 Proceeds go to Westland Rotary Charities, Joseph F. Benyo Scholarship Fund and Westland Chamber of Commerce See next month’s Commerce Commentary for event photos and wrap-up! Automotive - Collision - Towing WESTLAND CAR CARE AUTOMOTIVE GROUP Call us at 866 CAR CARE 24 HOUR EMERGENCY ROAD SERVICE We are here for you. 3 6 9 0 0 For d R oa d • We s tla nd, Mic higa n 4 8 1 8 5 (7 3 4 ) 3 2 6 -7 2 2 2 • www.we s t la ndc ha m be r.c om Page 2 Westland Chamber of Commerce Chamber Member Moving On in SBA’s National InnovateHER Competion! 2015 Executive Board Ricardo Seir, D.D.S., Chairman of the Board Parkside Dental Team ....................734-261-6060 Dr. Amanda Apfelblat, Immediate Past Chair Michigan Chiropractic Specialists, PC.....734-838-0353 Dan Martin, Chair Elect NovoPrint USA...............................734-776-9151 Joe Lezotte, Vice Chair of Finance & Operations Sigma Financial ..............................248-442-2323 Tim Weise, Vice Chair of Government Affairs Garden City Hospital .....................734-421-3300 Don Nicholson Vice Chair of Marketing & Membership Don Nicholson Enterprises .............734-658-5296 Board of Directors Gary Bulson Men On the Move.............................734-729-6683 Mo Elfakir Biggy Coffee-Westland ....................734-326-1468 Sande Godbout St. John’s Episcopal Church.............734-721-5023 Kathy Hurt Zeal Credit Union ...........................734-522-3700 Bruce Smoler, D.D.S. Community Dental Associates ............734-728-5600 Jim Hart, RSM Technical Solutions.................(734) 709-5307 Ed Duprey, Great Lakes Trophies......................(734) 266-1815 Dick Isham, C & M Printing...............................(734) 729-5401 Women are in the workforce now more than ever, a number that is close to surpassing that of men. Gender equality is not simply about getting a woman a spot at the metaphorical table. Women have made great strides in education, the workforce, and their role in the economy, but there are still not enough women in leadership positions. SBA recognizes that over the past two decades, women entrepreneurs have been critical to growing businesses and creating jobs, whether it’s in in cuttingedge fields like precision medicine or cybersecurity or through advances in agriculture or manufacturing. Consider this: the number of women venture capital partners has dropped to 6 percent in 2014, down from 10 percent in 1999. This directly correlated with women’s access to capital; only about 7 percent of venture capital funding in the United States goes to women. A Harvard Business School study asked potential investors to rate a series of pitches, some of which were narrated by women and some by men. Even when the scripts were exactly the same, only 32 percent of people said they’d fund the woman, compared to 68 percent who said they would fund the man. SBA’s InnovateHER: Innovating for Women Business Summit on March 17, 2016 in Washington, D.C. will bring together creative ideas to support women’s efforts to push the limits, break the glass ceiling and create long-term, positive changes in gender equality. DeAnna Gilbert’s Integrity Pure & Natural has been selected as a regional finalist for the InnovateHER competition, winning Round One in the InnovateHer 2016 competition in conjunction with the Small Business Administration (SBA). At the competition, she pitched her Integrity Pure & Natural business to the judges and was selected as the one winner that will go to the regional competition where 10 finalists will be chosen to compete at the national competition in Washington DC in March 2016. They will compete for $70,000 in prize money provided by Microsoft. Prizes for winners will be awarded to the three highest-rated contestants in the final round of the Challenge in the following amounts: 1st Place - $40,000, 2nd Place - $20,000, 3rd Place - $10,000. Good luck DeAnna, Westland is cheering for you!! Chamber Staff Brookellen Swope, President and CEO ......................734-326-7222 Mary Vellardita, Marketing & Membership............734-326-7222 Newsletter Staff Brookellen Swope - Editor Mary Vellardita - Advertising Sales/Production InnovaterHER 2016 Charter Township of Brownstown -DDA Pitch Competition, November 18 - Taken at Brownstown Event Center Front row: DeAnna Gilbert and daughter Gloria. Judges - Vern Gustafsson, Charter Township of Brownstown Downtown Development Authority Assistant Director, Tracy Garland, Henry Ford Health Center Brownstown, Brownstown Supervisor Andy Linko and Southern Wayne County Regional Chamber of Commerce President Sandy Mull. Westland Chamber of Commerce Page 3 The Mayor’s Corner World Class C lass Care Right in Yo Your Y Own Backyard Backyard By Westland Mayor William R. Wild Dear Chamber Member, As we continue with the festivities at this time of year and upon what I hope was an enjoyable Thanksgiving spent with loved ones, I would like to remind you that the City is hosting “Deck the City Hall” beginning at 5:30 p.m. on Wednesday, December 2, 2015. On hand to kick off the holiday season in our All American City will be Santa and Mrs. Claus, City officials and all the good boys and girls who call Westland home. I hope you will take time from your jam-packed schedule to find a few minutes to spread holiday cheer with all of us at City Hall. This month’s Mornings with the Mayor begins at 9 a.m. on December 8 at City Hall. Please join me over a cup of coffee; I welcome your ideas and suggestions. This month we will be raffling off gift cards for attendees. Your entrance into the raffle is one unwrapped toy, non-perishable food item or a monetary donation to the Westland Goodfellows. Beginning in 2016, Mornings with the Mayor will change a bit as we take the show on the road and host our Mornings with the Mayor in various City hot spots. If you’ve an hour to spare, please join us. With the General Election over and all votes accounted for, Westland residents will see some new faces representing them. Richard LeBlanc is our City Clerk-elect and new to City Council is Peter Herzberg. Both will begin their terms of office on January 1, 2016; I look forward to their positive contributions to support our continued progressive momentum as we lead the City in new endeavors developed with you in mind. Likewise, I would be remiss if I didn’t acknowledge the many years of hard work and selfless service of Dewey Reeves who will be leaving City Council at the end of the month. Dewey, who began his tenure on City Council upon being appointed in 2007, was someone I could count on to offer thought provoking perspective and a dedication to good governance. Equally deserving, Eileen DeHart, who served our City for 12 years, earns our gratitude for her tireless service as Westland’s first elected City Clerk; her hands on approach to serving you will be missed. I wish both Dewey and Eileen much success in the future and thank them for a job well done. On Saturday, December 19, I will award the winner of our Facebook Shop & Dine 2015 Contest a $1,000 shopping spree in which the winner has 1,000 seconds to spend that $1,000 at Westland Shopping Center. New this year, we will also be choosing on December 19, someone from the audience to participate in the Contest. Three facebook finalists as well as one from the audience in attendance will have their names placed into a drawing with three of those contestants winning $100 gift cards that may be redeemed at Mall retailers, and one winning the coveted $1,000 shopping spree! Please visit the City’s Facebook page for more details on how to enter. I’m proud to announce with the help of a federal firefighter grant, we recently hired 13 firefighters who will proudly serve the Westland community. In law enforcement, the Westland Police Department recently concluded a site visit by the Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies (CALEA) as the Department seeks to become only the sixth agency in Michigan to earn this prestigious accreditation. And as always, remember to visit the City’s website and the City’s Facebook site for the latest on news, services and events happening here! In closing, I wish you and yours a joyous holiday and all the best for happiness and prosperity in the New Year. Warm regards, $PNQSFIFOTJWF$PNQMFUF'BNJMZ%FOUBM Community Dental Associates r 820 N N.. Wayne Wayne Road W Westland, estland, MI 48185 734.629.5035 BRUCE SMOLER DDS, FAGD, FAGD, FICOI 4NJMF.BLFPWFSTt;PPN8IJUFOJOH *NQMBOUɩFSBQZt1PSDFMBJO7FOFFSTt*OWJTBMJHO 4QFDJBM/FFET%FOUBM$BSFt*74FEBUJPO )FMQXJUI4OPSJOH4MFFQ"QOFB No insurance, no problem )NOFlCEDENTALPLANs)NTERESTFREEPAYMENTPLANS Cheerful and helpful staff Like us on @: Community Dental Associates Follow us on @WestlandDDS For more information, please visit our helpful video librar libraryy at www William R. Wild, Mayor Page 4 Westland Chamber of Commerce ...CHAMBER MEMBER NEWS... The Westland Community Foundation cordially invites you to attend a Christmas Reception featuring John Glenn High School's Glenn Singers Tuesday, December 8, 2015 John Glenn High School Media Center 36105 Marquette, Westland • 6:00 - 8:00 p.m. Refreshments & Hors d'oeuvres prepared by Chef Tony and students from the Culinary Arts Department of the William D. Ford Career Technical Center Due to these very difficult times we are asking for a monetary donation and 2 unwrapped, new toys as a donation for the children of the Westland Salvation Army. Please don't forget the teenagers! Join us as We Kick Off Our 2016 Season with The Lady Pirates Of Captain Bree When his crew jumps ship upon sighting the pirates in the distance, Captain Jennings is left with a makeshift crew of motley prisoners to protect his wealthy passengers. As the lady pirates take over the defenseless Kayla May, you’re in for swashbuckling musical comedy with a host of hysterical characters on deck. Tickets - $16 SHOWTIMES: Friday & Saturday - January 29, 30; February 5 & 6; February 12 & 13 All shows@7:30 pm Sunday - January 31, February 7, February 14 All shows@3 pm Attire: Business or Nice Casual Please call 734-595-7727 by December 1st to R.S.V.P. Inspire Theatre 33455 Warren Rd, Westland, MI 48185 • (734) 751-7057 It will be warm & cozy with the fireplace lit! or o d n I Visit our Indoor Winter Market on Thursday, December 10 2 pm - 6 pm Farmers & Artisans Marketplace, 1901 N. Carlson, Westland MI 48185 The Winter Markets are Managed by Westland Chamber of Commerce • For more info call 734-326-7222 Westland Chamber of Commerce JUENEMANNINSURANCE INSURANCE AGENCY AGENCY JUENMANN Your One Insurance Agent Senior Specialist - How May We Help You? Discounts for Westland Chamber Members and their Employees! Jeff Juenemann, winner of Westland’s 2009 Business Person of the Year award Home • Auto • RV • Motorcycle • Boat Present for a 33652 Ford Rd. Westland, Michigan $ 1000 Gift Card With Any New Auto Insurance Quote 734-261-5010 Home • Auto Restrictions Apply RV • Motorcycle • Boat 33652 Ford Rd. Westland, Michigan 734-261-5010 Present for a $ 1000 Gift Card With Any New Auto Insurance Quote Restrictions Apply Page 5 Michigan chiropractic SpecialiStS Massag Ther e a professional corporation FREE Consultation apis on Staffts Including One FREE Pressure Point Muscle Release Therapy Valid for all Family Members Some restrictions may apply. With coupon. Expires January 1, 2016 “Chiropractic Care At Its Finest” Dr. Amanda Apfelblat Gentle and Effective Chiropractic Care for the Whole Family Specializing in: Children & Maternity Care, Auto Accidents, Workers Comp. If you suffer from these symptoms-Call Today! • Headaches (Migraines/Sinus) • Fibromyalgia • Disc Herniations/Disc Bulges • Sports Injuries Sp Decompinreal • Stress • Whiplash ssion • Numbness in Arms and Legs • Arthritis • Neck, Mid Back, Low back • Scoliosis • Sciatica & Hip Pain • Spinal Stenosis EMERGENCIES SEEN SAME DAY Most insurances accepted including Medicare and BC/BS Member of: • International Chiropractic Association • Michigan Chiropractic Society • Council On Chiropractic Pediatrics • Diplomat of the National Board of Chiropractic Examiners 30900 Ford Rd., Ste C 734-838-0353 Page 6 Westland Chamber of Commerce WELCOME NEW MEMBERS! Kiwanis Club of Westland Lisa Hicks Clayton 26826 Rouge River Dr. Dearborn Heights, MI 48127 313-348-9848 Service Organization Rels Homecare Corp. Myrna Moss P.O. Box 401244, Redford, MI 48240 734-215-2211 Homecare Membership Renewals - Thank You For Your Continued Support! Briarbrook Condo - Since 2013 Cherry Hill Place Condo - Since 2013 Nelson Floor Covering - Since 2010 Heartland Healthcare - Canton - Since 2009 Marquis Foodservice, Inc. - Since 2001 Hellenic Cultural Center - Since 1994 Westhaven Manor Retirement Community - Since 1993 Four Chaplains Nursing Care Center - Since 1983 Rock & Borgelt, P.C. - Since 1973 Consumers Energy - Since 1967 Westland Shopping Center - Since1967 Shop Westland!! DECEMBER 2015 Calendar of Events 734-326-7222 • Chamber Events: December 1 Holiday Taste Fest, Hellenic Cultural Center 36375 Joy Rd. 6-8:30 pm. Cost $25 December 10 Winter Market 2-6 pm, Farmers & Artisans Marketplace, 1901 N. Carlson December 15 Coffee Connection, Mr. Mike’s Grill, 4067 N. Wayne Rd., 8-9 am Chamber Meetings: December 8 Annual Planning/Board Meeting Mr. Mike’s Grill, 4067 N. Wayne Rd., 9 am December 18 Marketing & Membership, Chamber Office, 9 am - Ambassadors 9:45 am City Meetings Dec. 7 & 21 (in City Hall Chambers, 36300 Warren Rd.) City Council 7 pm December 1 Planning Commission 7:30 pm Chamber Office is Closed - December 24-25 December 31-January 1 December City Events: December 2 Deck the Hall Lighting, 5:30 pm Westland City Hall, 36300 Warren Rd. December 8 Westland Community Foundation Christmas Reception to benefit the Wayne/Westland Salvation Army, 6-8pm Cost: 2 unwrapped new toys When shopping this holiday season be sure to support your local Westland area stores and restaurants. Save time and gasoline and put your local sales tax dollars to work towards our parks, police, and fire protection for you and your family. The Chamber staff wishes our members & families a safe, joyous and peaceful holiday season. Trust your hearing to a Doctor of Audiology! NO Minimums! Celebrating over 20 years of superior Hearing Health Care to the Detroit Metro area. Chamber Discounts! MPSC # L25824 FREE Internet Quotes FREE Wardrobe Usage (734) 744-9547 H 7 DAYS A WEEK H INDOOR STORAGE H SENIOR DISCOUNT H BOXES & SUPPLIES H OUT OF STATE MOVING H SHORT NOTICE WELCOMED Specializing in Hearing Evaluations & Hearing Aids Dr. Karissa Jagacki Audiology and Hearing Aids 35337 West Warren • Westland, MI 48185 (734) 467-5100 • fax (734) 467-5103 Audiologist Trusted by referring ENT & Primary Care Physicians.
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