moosomin - The World
moosomin - The World
SHOPPING LOCAL MAKES A DIFFERENCE! SPEND YOUR WHERE IT MATTERS THE MOST! Your dollar does make a difference! See inside and check out the 98 businesses who employ 1547 people in our local area $ and donated 748,200 to our local community organizations last year C2 The World-Spectator - Moosomin, Sask. Monday, March 3, 2014 I Do Business LOCALLY THE ECONOMIC HEALTH OF MY REGION IS IMPORTANT TO ME! 21 JOBS 25 JOBS ESTABLISHED 1976 ESTABLISHED 1972 FEDERATED CO-OPERATIVES LIMITED SERVING WYNYARD, NORQUAY, LYLETON, KILLDEER, CHAPLIN, REGINA AREA CO-OP FEEDS PRAIRIE LIVESTOCK -//3/-).3+s -//3/-).3+s 3 JOBS ESTABLISHED 2008 HILDEBRANDT LAW OFFICE 15 JOBS This page contains local businesses that employ a total of 84 PEOPLE -//3/-).3+s 8 JOBS TOM’S ELECTRIC -//3/-).3+s in our region! 3 JOBS 6 JOBS 3 JOBS ESTABLISHED 1998 ESTABLISHED 2001 ESTABLISHED 2010 INVESTORS GROUP DENRAY TIRE 626 CARLETON ST. MOOSOMIN, SK • (306) 435-2430 -//3/-).3+s MOOSOMIN MOOSOMIN, SK • (306) 435-3954 FITNESS CENTRE MOOSOMIN3+s Monday, March 3, 2014 C3 The World-Spectator - Moosomin, Sask. I Do Business LOCALLY THE ECONOMIC HEALTH OF MY REGION IS IMPORTANT TO ME! 5 JOBS 12 JOBS 7 JOBS ESTABLISHED 2000 ESTABLISHED 1890 ESTABLISHED IN 2005 MCNAUGHTON FURNITURE THE UPTOWN ADAIR FARM & RANCH ADAIR CONSTRUCTION MOOSOMIN, SK • (306) 435-3533 -//3/-).3+s -//3/-).3+s ) &%"&!% $ $!# &% $&!! #% # ) &%)'%$&$% ) &% "&!%!$(%( $##%) ) &%"&!% $ This page contains local businesses that employ a total of 91 PEOPLE in our region! #'& 5 JOBS ESTABLISHED IN 2011 EVOLUTION HAIR STUDIO MOOSOMIN, SK • (306) 435-2443 4 JOBS 8 JOBS ESTABLISHED 2012 NORTH AMERICAN LUMBER MOOSOMIN, SK • (306) 435-3836 WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/MCPHAILTRAVEL -//3/-).3+s MOOSOMIN 22 JOBS ESTABLISHED 1980 -//3/-).3+s C4 The World-Spectator - Moosomin, Sask. Monday, March 3, 2014 I Do Business LOCALLY THE ECONOMIC HEALTH OF MY REGION IS IMPORTANT TO ME! 7 JOBS 4 JOBS 15 JOBS ESTABLISHED 1991 ESTABLISHED 2007 ESTABLISHED 1989 KASSIE’S JEWELRY -//3/-).3+s 3 JOBS ESTABLISHED 2008 YOUR DOLLAR STORE WITH MORE -//3/-).3+s This page contains local businesses that employ a total of 157 PEOPLE Your Locally Owned Hometown Pharmacy -//3/-).3+s 3 JOBS SEW CREATIVE & INTERIORS MOOSOMIN, SK • (306)435-2518 -//3/-).3+s in our region! MOOSOMIN ASIAN FOOD MART 75 JOBS 5 JOBS 45 JOBS %34!",)3(%$). Established 1982 3 LOCATIONS TO BETTER SERVE YOU! Moosomin - 306-435-1755 Regina - 306-757-1755 Saskatoon - 306-652-4334 RED BARN & DANO’S LOUNGE & SUBWAY -//3/-).3+s MOOSOMIN, SK • (306)435-2890 P.O. Box 3081 Regina, SK. S4P 3G7 Dealer Licence # 319916 -//3/-).3+s MOOSOMIN 1-800-263-4193 Monday, March 3, 2014 C5 The World-Spectator - Moosomin, Sask. I Do Business LOCALLY THE ECONOMIC HEALTH OF MY REGION IS IMPORTANT TO ME! 16 JOBS ESTABLISHED 2011 -//3/-).3+s 30+ JOBS ESTABLISHED 2011 39 JOBS ESTABLISHED 2010 MOOSOMIN, SK • (306) 435-3301 This page contains local businesses that employ a total of 126 PEOPLE -//3/-).3+s in our region! 5 JOBS 14 JOBS ESTABLISHED 2010 4 JOBS ESTABLISHED 2008 MOOSOMIN, SK • (306) 435-2738 5 JOBS DAVIDSON’S FINANCIAL SERVICES -//3/-).3+s 13 JOBS ESTABLISHED 1978 GLASSER’S TV SERVICE LTD. 625 MAIN STREET MOOSOMIN, SK • (306) 435-3133 MOOSOMIN, SK • (306) 435-3610 MOOSOMIN MOOSOMIN, SK • (306) 435-3040 C6 The World-Spectator - Moosomin, Sask. Monday, March 3, 2014 I Do Business LOCALLY THE ECONOMIC HEALTH OF MY REGION IS IMPORTANT TO ME! 7 JOBS 10 JOBS 9 JOBS ESTABLISHED 2000 ESTABLISHED CIRCA 1882 ESTABLISHED 1991 ROTAVE SANITATION OSMAN & COMPANY MOOSOMIN, SK • (306) 435-3982 MOOSOMIN, SK • (306) 435-3851 12 JOBS This page contains local businesses that employ a total of 62 PEOPLE MOOSOMIN, SK • (306) 435-3700 7 JOBS in our region! 8 JOBS ESTABLISHED 1993 ESTABLISHED 2009 MOOSOMIN, SK (306) 435-3206 MOOSOMIN, SK • (306) 435-2220 1 JOB ESTABLISHED 1972 COLLEEN’S CUSTOM FRAMING 421 COOK RD. • MOOSOMIN, SK OFFICE: 306-435-2467 • CELL: 306-434-8520 8 JOBS SERVING THE COMMUNITY FOR 26 YEARS! EASTON’S AUTOBODY & AUTO GLASS MULLETT’S RONA HARDWARE MOOSOMIN, SK • (306) 435-4188 MOOSOMIN, SK • (306) 435-3919 MOOSOMIN Monday, March 3, 2014 C7 The World-Spectator - Moosomin, Sask. I Do Business LOCALLY THE ECONOMIC HEALTH OF MY REGION IS IMPORTANT TO ME! 10 JOBS 4 JOBS ESTABLISHED 1977 7 JOBS ESTABLISHED 1990 KFC/ PIZZA HUT MARGETTS CONSTRUCTION CRUSHRITE CONCRETE MOOSOMIN, SK • (306) 435-3371 MOOSOMIN, SK • (306) 435-9314 MOOSOMIN, SK • (306) 435-3860 5 JOBS ESTABLISHED 2010 EXTREME GLASS LTD. 1002 NORTH FRONT ST. MOOSOMIN, SK (306) 435-2001 5 JOBS ESTABLISHED 1997 MOOSOMIN, SK • (306) 435-2969 WWW.TSMSUPPLY.COM This page contains local businesses that employ a total of 75 PEOPLE 8 JOBS ESTABLISHED 1949 MOOSOMIN SHELL in our region! MOOSOMIN, SK • (306) 435-2195 22 JOBS 14 JOBS ESTABLISHED 2010 MOOSOMIN, SK • (306) 435-3034 TOLL FREE: 1-877-342-7422 MOOSOMIN ESTABLISHED 2013 MOOSOMIN, SK • (306) 435-3252 C8 The World-Spectator - Moosomin, Sask. Monday, March 3, 2014 Borderland Maryfield • Moosomin • Rocanville • Whitewood 25 JOBS 13 JOBS Monday, March 3, 2014 The World-Spectator - Moosomin, Sask. C9 It all started in 1937 and this year we’re celebrating our 77th anniversary! 56 JOBS and It all started in 1937 since! er ev ing ow gr en has be s Borderland Co-op CO-OP TC1 GAS BAR MOOSOMIN HOME CENTRE MOOSOMIN MARKETPLACE MOOSOMIN, SK • (306) 435-3785 MOOSOMIN, SK • (306) 435-2642 MOOSOMIN, SK • (306) 435-3825 7 JOBS 17 JOBS 15 JOBS BORDERLAND CO-OP ADMINISTRATION ROCANVILLE GROCERY STORE ROCANVILLE HOME & AGRO MOOSOMIN, SK • (306) 435-4655 ROCANVILLE, SK • (306) 645-2160 ROCANVILLE, SK • (306) 645-2900 2 JOBS 18 JOBS 12 JOBS BULK PETROLEUM WHITEWOOD GROCERY STORE WHITEWOOD HOME CENTRE MOOSOMIN, SK • (306) 435-2642 WHITEWOOD, SK • (306) 735-2410 WHITEWOOD, SK • (306) 735-2414 employ 165 people repayments Total cash equity ars over the past 10 ye $5,500,000 Total do local eve nations to nts, charit ies and commun ity projec ts over th e past 5 ye ars is ove r We’re d itte comm d your an to you unity. comm ur yo e r ’ e W ! p o o C local $500,000 C10 The World-Spectator - Moosomin, Sask. Monday, March 3, 2014 I Do Business LOCALLY THE ECONOMIC HEALTH OF MY REGION IS IMPORTANT TO ME! 4 JOBS 4 JOBS 5 JOBS ESTABLISHED 2008 DON’S TOWING MOOSOMIN, SK • (306) 434-8886 11 JOBS & MOOSOMIN, SK • (306) 435-3648 This page contains local businesses that employ a total of 67 PEOPLE LEE’S CARPET WAREHOUSE MOOSOMIN, SK • (306) 435-3906 5 JOBS ESTABLISHED 2001 LEPINE ROOFING in our region! MOOSOMIN, SK • (306) 435-2956 4 JOBS 12 JOBS 22 JOBS KARLLON’S CLEANING & RESTORATION YOUR COMMUNITY NEWSPAPER SINCE 1884 MOOSOMIN, SK • (306) 434-7717 MOOSOMIN, SK • (306) 435-2445 MOOSOMIN, SK • (306) 435-4905 ESTABLISHED IN 2012 MOTEL 6 JOSEF TESAR - PRESIDENT & CEO ROMAN CHERNYKH - MANAGER JOSEF & KRISTA TESAR - FAMILY OWNED & MANAGED MOOSOMIN MOOSOMIN, SK • 306-435-3666 1-855-537-3666 • WWW.MOTEL6.COM Monday, March 3, 2014 C11 The World-Spectator - Moosomin, Sask. I Do Business LOCALLY THE ECONOMIC HEALTH OF MY REGION IS IMPORTANT TO ME! 5 JOBS 8 JOBS 3 JOBS Excellent Selection of Retail Meats. Custom Orders. ESTABLISHED 2012 MOOSE MOUNTAIN MEATS WAWOTA, SK • (306) 739-2500 ESTABLISHED 1978 ESTABLISHED 2009 CHIMO BUILDING CENTRE 7!7/4!3+s WAWOTA, SK • (306) 739-2133 4 JOBS This page contains local businesses that employ a total of 206 PEOPLE ESTABLISHED 2001 MCCARTHY VETERINARY CLINIC in our region! ONESTOPLIVESTOCK.CA WAWOTA, SK • (306) 739-2552 2 JOBS 16 JOBS NEW INVENTORY OF CARPETS RICK AND LAURINA MOOSE MOUNTAIN AUCTION SERVICES 5 MILES NORTH OF KENOSEE AT JCT. HWYS 9 & 48 • (306) 739-2195 QUALITY AFFORDABLE READY TO MOVE HOMES ESTABLISHED IN 2011 C & M HOMES 7!7/4!3+s WHITE BEAR FIRST NATION • WAWOTA C12 The World-Spectator - Moosomin, Sask. Monday, March 3, 2014 I Do Business LOCALLY THE ECONOMIC HEALTH OF MY REGION IS IMPORTANT TO ME! 6 JOBS 10 JOBS 6 JOBS ESTABLISHED 1980 ESTABLISHED 1980 ESTABLISHED 1989 DISCOUNT CENTRE ST. LAZARE, MB • (204) 683-2293 2 JOBS ST. LAZARE, MB • (204) 683-2416 ST. LAZARE TIRE ST. LAZARE, MB • (204) 683-2290 5 JOBS This page contains local businesses that employ a total of ESTABLISHED 1995 BOWEY’S WORKSHOP WELWYN, SK • (306) 733-2066 29 PEOPLE in our region! ESTABLISHED IN 2002 SERVICE LTD. WWW.RPMSERVICELTD.COM WELWYN, SK • (306) 733-2180 Advertise in our Spring Agriculture Section and reach thousands of additional households! Monday, March 24, 2014 ADVERTISING DEADLINE: THURSDAY, MARCH 20, 2014 Contact Barry or Kara at 306.435.2445 or e-mail ST. LAZARE • WELWYN Monday, March 3, 2014 C13 The World-Spectator - Moosomin, Sask. I Do Business LOCALLY THE ECONOMIC HEALTH OF MY REGION IS IMPORTANT TO ME! 11 JOBS 55 JOBS ESTABLISHED 1985 ESTABLISHED 1974 EASTON’S CLEAR WATER INC. WILSON CONSTRUCTION ROCANVILLE, SK • (306) 645-2828 2/#!.6),,%3+s ROCANVILLE, SK • (306) 645-2669 This page contains local businesses that employ a total of 5 JOBS 3 JOBS ESTABLISHED 1983 SHARPE’S SOIL SERVICES 186 PEOPLE 9 JOBS ESTABLISHED 1983 UNIVERSE SATELLITE SALES LTD. ESTABLISHED IN 2011 SCRAPPIN’ BROTHERS ROCANVILLE, SK ROCANVILLE, SK • (306) 645-4555 in our region! KYLE (306) 434-8877 CURTIS (306) 434-7623 WAYNE (306) 435-7009 SCRAPPINBROTHERS@HOTMAIL.COM 40 JOBS 60 JOBS 3 JOBS PROUDLY SERVING THE COMMUNITY FOR 20 YEARS ESTABLISHED 1988 PRAIRIE INSULATION KENTRAX TRANSPORT ROCANVILLE, SK • (306) 645-2032 ROCANVILLE, SK • (306) 645-2040 MOOSOMIN/WAPELLA, SK (306) 435-2420 • (306) 435-7778 ROCANVILLE • WAPELLA C14 The World-Spectator - Moosomin, Sask. Monday, March 3, 2014 I Do Business LOCALLY THE ECONOMIC HEALTH OF MY REGION IS IMPORTANT TO ME! 4 JOBS 8 JOBS Employing our Friends & Neighbors ESTABLISHED 2004 ESTABLISHED 2003 ELKHORN, MB • (204) 845-4233 KOLA, MB • (204) 556-2464 ESTABLISHED IN 2003 PAST & PRESENT GIFTS, FLOWERS & LADIES FASHION ELKHORN, MB • (204) 845-2530 40 JOBS ESTABLISHED 1947 %,+(/2.-"s This page contains local businesses that employ a total of 246 PEOPLE in our region! 1 JOB FULL LINE OF SERTA MATTRESSES AVAILABLE. ESTABLISHED 1992 FAIRWAY SALES FAIRLIGHT, SK • (306) 646-2272 TWIN VALLEY CO-OP: 193 JOBS – ELKHORN BRANCHES: 23 JOBS – ESTABLISHED IN 1966 7 Jobs 10 Jobs 6 Jobs FOOD STORE AGRO-CENTRE FARM & HOME CENTRE ELKHORN, MB • (204) 845-2428 ELKHORN, MB • (204) 845-2438 ELKHORN, MB • (204) 845-2145 ELKHORN • KOLA • FAIRLIGHT Monday, March 3, 2014 C15 The World-Spectator - Moosomin, Sask. I Do Business LOCALLY THE ECONOMIC HEALTH OF MY REGION IS IMPORTANT TO ME! 20 JOBS 5 JOBS 3 JOBS E S TA B L I S H E D I N 1 9 8 9 ESTABLISHED 2006 EXTREME GLASS LTD. VIRDEN, MB • (204) 748-3619 5 JOBS VIRDEN, MB | (204) 748-2454 W O LV E R I N E S U P P L I E S . C O M VIRDEN, MB • (204) 748-3331 20 JOBS This page contains local businesses that employ a total of AMANDA HAGAN, PROPRIETOR SHARI LYN FASHIONS VIRDEN, MB • (204) 748-1011 53 PEOPLE WHITEWOOD INN in our region! WHITEWOOD, SK • (306) 735-2651 er base? your custom d n a p x e to t n a W 0 0 7 , 3 2 H C A RE S D L O H E S U O H Ê«i ast Saskatchewan market of Southe ain & Valley! in the progressive advertise in the Pl u yo en wh ba ito an and Southwest M NEXT ISSUE: MARCH 14 DEADLINE: MARCH 5 CALL KARA, KEVIN OR BARRY TO FIND OUT MORE – 306.435.2445 iLÀÕ> ÀÞÊÓä£ ViÊvÊÌ {ÊÊUÊÊ6 ÕiÊ Ç] Ê Õ BY K LiÀÊÓ In a val HANG NGUY a piece ley in the EN pra can be of the mo iries, fou untain s Asessip nd. pi Ski Resort Are mount has been pro a and ain vid -like exp ing for 15 stoppin years, and eriences g any tim are not The e soon. Decem hill opened in early til earlyber and operate April. s unBlue at Ase Moffatt, a ma ssippi, have says tha nager a goo been experie t they d weathe year des ncing pite the r conditi “We ons. every watch the wakin weathe worst g min r ute thin pen wo g that cou . The ld hap strande uld be som eon lifts.” d up on tho se aeriale There days wh were a cou close dowere the hill ple of had the extr n this yea to r due to eme wea “We the once wehave a cut r. be too know it’s off, and goi cold Moffat , we clos ng to off is aro t says that e.” gree ma und the -25the cut depend rk but can C devar tions. ing on win d condi-y “We that goehave a mass e-mail roundi s out to the nesses, ng community sur, bus and hot body els. An itha in and t will be ycom we try ing est to re-b our dar ook ned people cominghotels for the“You in.” want them and you to protect to hav e a goo want the too. It’s m d A coup a safe experience more le of sno ty tha wboarde be ope n anythin concern ers from n rs take if we coufrom dawn g. We’d as well as all around Can a break to the ada Since ld.” Moffat dusk of the Unitednorthern par before Moffat lar cus ts t says Sta sort has January 22, t says. getting that the re- 300-mi tomers comtes. Regu- are around on the be ope changed hou e from Patron 30 instruc there chairlif rs to fatt. le radius, say “We tors a s permit n every day, t. s Mof- ing lessonsinterested in . weathe ting. The from get all the wri begin ope “It’ r tak the wil dents s chair of Ase l become stu - put them schools andteups lifts Manito a combinatio and Clo rating at 9:00 “Cours Sch ssippi’s - how on a she Khang we e a.m. ewan. ba and Sas n of privool where Nguyen Sno from 4:30 sing tim con they can w term many beginnet and see come here photo I wo es kat ate or but we ductors Asessip p.m. to 8:00 vary cent Saskat uld say 40 chTraudi group lessonstake there ediates we ers or in- instructors adv hav per chewa per cen have. Sch ent run pi has 27 p.m. here wh e two Ase anced teac teach the we . Sch n and arn t Ma hing o can ssip 60 the ool Manag agle, Snow structors see how ma From rain pars, including differ“We kno nitoba.” 7KHFHU course as ny inwe nee er, say ers or pi provides which y two can ks w Ase a tha terd.” and two tube run lot for skisnowb Canadi WLÀFDWHLVIUwell.” t we’ studen have snow s that ren ssippi are oar an RP s. snow We gotof return cus ve got The run in a halts off the bun school eve tal service provides a Alliance Ski Instruc WKH van looking for ders who tom som ers. ced cou tha f an hou more come tors’ ny hill ryth interme s go from t incl thre rse less out on e clients wh adMa r. Recent ons. needs ing a beg udes ski e-day intr which is a o DUR ny a regula beled diate to exp easier, sis. It’s ly, alo school oductio to ski teac inn and XQG an wit r hin ng ert hel er s baaddicti n WKH includi met, g, tech la- and blue and h colors from metho nique to Asessipsnowboard with ski dol and boo skis, snowb ng a green, fun.”they have to ve sport trips to Ase DUHD KDYH ÀHO and lessons The hillblack. ssip have the Moffat ogy. out the ts. G oards fer sno pi has started , t says Schar seaso pi through ir incl d wbik sep M ff str t th VIRDEN • WHITEWOOD iÊ ÕÌ> ÃÊÊÌ iÊ«À> Àià C16 The World-Spectator - Moosomin, Sask. Monday, March 3, 2014 Business Card d. ction Lt Constru nt Street 14002 North Fro 3N0 P.O. Box 1738 tchewan S0G Moosomin, Saska 11 -42 35 Office: 306-4 71 Cell: 306-435-78 RAL MANAGER irs EE-mail: info@ada dai w.a W Website: ww arles Adairr Te Fax Cell wilsonconst@ W SPECIALIZE • EARTH MOVIN E S IN: • OILFIELD CO G • GRAVELLING • EXCA NS STRUC U TION • SIT E PREP BLOWOUT! BOYD WILSON ROCANVIL Angela Lin d ÝÊ£Èän Ã]Ê -äÊÎ ä , ÊUÊ,- Farrier Seremann vices Professional & Reliable Farrier Ser ÎäÈ® È®Ê{Îx xn nn nä ä£ £Ê>Ý® ÃÕÞ«ÕLJ Ã>ÃÌi°iÌ 500 ALL BREE DS ,Ê/,Ê, / - Mo ss Road 119 East Acce lene Banga randon & Jo 306-435-3393 tux.plumb@sa Box 1438 Moosomin, SK S0G 3N0 FREE CUSTOM DESIGNED CARDS 0 angela.lindem 6 ÊUÊ"/Ê7/ tion osomin Loca mann 306.434.870 42 /ÊUÊ- --ÊEÊ Ê -, vice Angela Linde 306-435-92 ALL DI SC I Order 500 business cards at regular price and receive 500Mike Kylee, Owner business cards FREE! sid Automotive, Re and Commercial and Vinyl Siding c • Mobile Servi nt St. 1002 North Fro G 3N0 S0 Moosomin, SK 01 -20 Ph: 306-435 09 Fax: 306-435-26 emeglassands www.extr w assand $35 - Black & White mi m ke@extremegl $90 - Full Color MINIMUM ORDER OF 500 CARDS TAG WEED Brent Wilson Sales Consultan Box 743 Bo M Moosomin, SK C Canada S0G 3N0 ENTERPRIZES t LTD. SALE ENDS MARCH 31, 2014 – DOES NOT APPLY TO RAISED INK CARDS Gary Taggart 2IÀFH 3UHVLGHQW &HOO For over 130 years The World-Spectator has been your source to get your message out. 1-800-880-4533 35-3313 HPDLO Cell: 306-434-7124 Fax: 306-435-3631 E-mail: brent@cele Make sure it’s professional. Make sure it’s seen. POWERED MOBIL E EQUIPMENT TR Make sure it’s The World-Spectator { LOGO DESIGN } { CUSTOM PRINTING } A TRIBUTE TO Call today for a custom quote min Community DOORS OPEN: Ross & Michele Shaw Theatre 12 NOON ADM ISS ION: $20 (ADVANCE & AT THE DOOR) ADVANCE TICKET S AVAILABLE AT: • Conexus Credit Union • Kassies’s Jewelle ry or phone Jack 630 Main St. Lemoine: 306.43 Y 5.2164 Moosomin, SK. CAN OUR or David Miller: 306.435.2012 S0G 3N0 PROCE EDS OF DIAMADIA N THE CONCE RT 306.435.2977 OND GO TO MOTOH R Near Miss Worksite Observations and Interventions Report “Proactively changing the future” Large quanities or small – we can have your printed programs ready in a matter of days! { WEBSITE DESIGN } We can create a website suited to your business’s unique needs! JOHN NY CASH CENTE { BOOKLETS & PROGRAMS } We can design and print small books and programs for any event in a quick and efficient manner. AINING & CONS Sunday, April 6, 2014 1:0 0 p.m. Mooso We can design and print in-house posters, forms, business cards, letterheads, envelopes and so much more! Your Locally Owned Hometown Pharmacy WDJZHHG#KRWPD { ADVERTISING } LOCALLY PROVINCIALLY REGIONALLY NATIONALLY WE CAN MEET ALL YOUR ADVERTISING & PRINT NEEDS 306.435.2445 – ULT
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