SAIL Program Newsletter 3


SAIL Program Newsletter 3
SAIL Program Newsletter 3
Braybrook Campus – June 2007
The ‘let us know’ list
1 If any of your contact details have changed, please let us know.
2 If you are planning to have contact with your student outside of SAIL hours you must let us
know first and complete the contact request form.
3 If you intend to bring a friend to SAIL please direct them to the website first and direct them
to apply online or just let us know beforehand.
4 Let us know if you are going to miss a Saturday via the online “Can’t Come Form”
5 Please check and read your emails each week – if possible, Friday is best!
6 Please let us know before you speak publicly or publish an article about SAIL.
Ongoing offers
1 Photocopying- for any SAIL related photocopying, simply mark the pages from the books you
want copied and give the book to the co-ordinators on Saturday – it will be ready for you the
following week!
2 The Tutor Resources section of the website is available at all times to provide tutors with
ideas, games, work-sheets and support. We strongly suggest that if you are experiencing
difficulties of any kind when working with your student, you post a request for advice on the
SAIL Panel of Experts Bulletin Board – the password was in the email with this newsletter.
Diary dates
1 The week 5 tutor talks for 2007 occur on 16 May, 20 June, 25 July, 5 September, 3 October
and 7 November 2007.
2 If you are interested in attending any upcoming African Australian events click here
for the details.
Please read this newsletter in the following week it gives updates on SAIL past, present and future!
SAIL Tutor Talks to mark World Refugee Day
Tutor talks are a brilliant forum for tutors to access
a wealth of knowledge from past tutors and other
experts, and ask all those questions you never get
time to address during SAIL time. Unfortunately
the last tutor talk was cancelled due to illness,
so apologies to those of you who made it along.
At the next SAIL Tutor Talk, Sudanese SAILors,
Gatwech Puoch and Sara Karim will be sharing
their refugee settlement experience in honour of
“World Refugee Day.” The talk is scheduled to run
on Wednesday 20 June from 6pm-8pm at:
Holy Trinity Anglican Church, 193 Hotham Street
(cnr Clarendon St), East Melbourne. To access this
venue: enter via Hotham Street, parking free, city
side of Clarendon St only, Tram numbers 75 and 48,
Jolimont Train station. If you are able to come, please
RSVP to Matthew at
Please also make a note in your diary of the rest
of the tutor talk dates for the year: 25 July, 5
September, 3 October and 7 November 2007.
Big Thanks to Jono!
As many of you now know, last Saturday was
the last day of SAILing for our fantastic Saturday
Coordinator, Jono! Jono has been on board at SAIL
for a few years, and been SAIL Braybrook’s Saturday
Coordinator since we first started there a year ago.
We would like to thank Jono for his tireless efforts
at SAIL all this time and thanks also to everyone
who managed to sign the Thank You card for Jono.
We are sure that he will have a great time overseas!
Changes to SAIL space at Braybrook
There are changes afoot at the SAIL Braybrook
campus in terms of usage of space. The house will
no longer be used after the end of June, with the
SAIL Junior, Senior and VCE students coming back
over to the hall. The plans are for the SAIL Senior
group to use the entrance to the Church, and spaces
will be blocked off in the hall for SAIL Junior. There
will be a little bit of rearranging of the hall space
to fit us all in during the winter months, we should
SAIL Braybrook Campus
page have a pretty cosy SAIL Braybrook! If you have any
concerns, or queries about the changes, let us know
by email or find Cait on Saturday.
Community Talks
Our first Community Talk for 2007 “Fire Safety in
the Home” – presented by the Metropolitan Fire
Brigade was very successfully held on Saturday
May 12th. All the participants felt it was extremely
worthwhile, and we look forward to having the MFB
back again next year.
The next community talk, scheduled for Saturday
16th June, will be by Diabetes Australia. The talk
will run during tutor time, to maximize access for
the Senior Students. We encourage tutors to stay
around for these so you can assist your student if
need be.
Setting SAIL on time
We have noticed that the SAIL start time has been
a little later than normal over the past few weeks,
with SAILors not settling down until well after
11am! The development of each and every SAILors
is important and in order to maximize the benefit
of tutoring, we need to maximize the use of our
somewhat meager 90 minutes at SAIL every
Saturday. Our SAILors need every second they can
get! For this reason, we ask that volunteers aim
to arrive at SAIL by 10.20am, so as to find their
students and begin work by 10.30am.
If you find that your student is consistently arriving
late at SAIL, please let us know and we will
investigate the situation. If you find you are arriving
at SAIL late due to your SAILor pick-up, please
follow these simple steps to avoid such lateness:
Be Consistent: If you have the same pick-up every
week, be sure to arrive at the same time every
week. We suggest that all drivers aim to be at the
designated house at 10am (or earlier if need be).
Explain to those whom you pick-up that you will be
arriving at their house every Saturday at 10am (or
earlier!) to take them to SAIL. If you arrive at the
family’s house every week at the same time, they will
be expecting you and will therefore more likely be
ready and waiting to head off to SAIL!
Be firm: If you find that despite consistently arriving
at 10am and your family is still not quite ready to
go, making everyone late to SAIL as a result, be firm.
Let the family know that you will be arriving every
Saturday at 10am and that they will have to be ready
to leave. It is unfortunately sometimes the case
that a tutor arrives to find their pick-ups still in the
process of getting out of bed!
This might be excusable on the first occasion, but if
you consistently arrive at 10am, there is no excuse.
If you try all of these tips and are still having trouble
getting to SAIL on time, please come and speak to
us and we’ll do our best to help you out.
Big thank you to our Kitchen Team!
Once again, on behalf of all SAILors at Footscray,
Braybrook and Altona, we’d like to thank our kitchen
team for preparing our gourmet lunch each week!
And we ‘d also like to welcome our new team Kathy
and Daryl. Along with Beth, this lot will be slaving
away for us out of the kindness of their hearts so
we can all leave SAIL with a full belly.
We ‘d also like to thank Kate and Rhiannon for
preparing and picking up the food each week.
The Age Newspapers at SAIL.
As you may have noticed, we are now in receipt
of The Age newspaper each Saturday.
These newspapers are for Sudanese SAILors in High
School or SAILors Senior to take home at the end
of SAIL each Saturday. They make a great teaching
tool during a SAIL session and we will be providing
you with information about different ways to use
the newspaper each week.
Thanks to our Librarians!
If you have been into the SAIL Braybrook Library
& Resource Centre, you may have noticed some big
changes. We would like to thank our librarians for
their tireless work in getting the Library into such
great shape. Feel free to make use of the table space
that is in the library. We are also once again able
to photocopy materials for SAILors each week,
as the Melbourne University Student Union has
SAIL Braybrook Campus
page kindly agreed to provide this service. If you have
anything that you would like to work on with your
students and need it photocopied, simply hand it
to the librarians and it will be ready for you the
following Saturday.
SAIL Star submissions
SAIL Star continues to shine this year at SAIL, and
once again we are on the look out for submissions!
Please encourage your student to write a story or
poem, draw a picture, or fill in one of the SAIL Star
worksheets (which can be found in the folder on
the Resource Table). We have had some fantastic
contributions so far, but we would like many more!
Simply pop the work into the SAIL Star box next
to the Resource Table and it will be published in the
next edition of SAIL Star!
SAIL Pen Pals beginning again!
SAIL Pen Pals is starting up once more for 2007.
It is a cross-campus activity that involves SAILors
being matched up with a pen pal with whom they
exchange letters regularly. It is a great opportunity
for our SAILors to get to know SAILors at different
SAIL Campuses, as well as to practice writing letters
in English.
We have had a number of long-term pen pals since
this first started a year ago, with a couple of Pen
0Pals meeting each other at the end of last year.
We have let a number of SAILors know who their
pen pal is already, and will continue to do this over
the next few weeks. We have had a few fantastic
letters as well, with SAILors having been very
creative with their letter formats so far!
However, we are looking forward to many more!
SAIL Xtend update
SAILors are dancing up a storm with another cycle
of activities that includes hip-hop dancing each week.
SAILors involved in dancing are working towards a
performance in the middle of this year so watch out
for it! We are continuing with our aim of training
up a SAIL World Cup Soccer team with a soccer
activity as well.
If you have any contacts or suggestions for other
activities for upcoming Xtend cycles, please let us
know! Big thanks also to Natalie and Georgia for
organizing and running the activities.
WholeSAIL News
Researchers for Asylum Seekers Fundraiser
Thursday 21 June 2007
Cape Live (upstairs), 298 Brunswick Street
(corner of Johnston St), Fitzroy
Doors open 7.00pm
Door price: $10
To mark the United Nations ‘ World Refugee Day
(June 20) and Australia ‘s Refugee Week (June
17–23), the Institute for Community, Ethnicity and
Policy Alternatives (ICEPA) is throwing a fundraising
bash. There will be live musical performances from
Light Says Solo, Clinkerfield, RGB and Ryan Sterling.
All funds raised will go towards the launch of the
ICEPA ‘s book “Seeking Asylum in Australia” and
also towards their October Seminar on World
Refugee Day.
All information concerning this seminar, including
speakers, cost and registration can be directed
to Sue Butterworth. Registration for the seminar
is also now open – book your place with Sue on
(03) 9919 5478 or by emailing sue.butterworth@
Volunteers Wanted!
Brenda Martin, an Honours student at the University
of Queensland Faculty of Psychology, is looking
for voluntary participants for her research project
on the social attitude of volunteers and how this
influences reactions to different volunteering
scenarios. Participants will complete a 20-minute
online questionnaire available at: http://exp.psy.
All volunteers on the SAIL team are eligible
to participate and your efforts will be highly
Total trivia
SAIL has over 300 volunteers at six campuses,
all of whom donate at least 2 hours each week
to SAIL. This amounts to at least 26,400 voluntary
hours donated each year to the Sudanese community
through SAIL. Assuming that our time is valued
at $15 an hour, this means SAILors donate about
$396, 000 of time annually. Over almost seven years
Fitzroy Ball Fundraiser
Saturday, 23 June 2007
San Remo Ballroom, 365 Nicholson St,
Carlton North
7.00pm to midnight
Tickets: $90
If you ‘d rather glam up than jive to live music,
then join in the glitz at the Fitzroy Ball,
in celebration of Refugee Week. Organized by The
Melbourne Times and The Fitzroy Learning Network,
all proceeds will go towards their refugee program
and The Fitzroy Computer Clubhouse.
Book tickets over the phone at: (03) 9017 1125
SAIL Braybrook Campus
or (03) 9417 2897 or online at: <http://www.
page since SAIL was officially founded, this would amount
to about $2.77 million which, in turn, could buy a
very good house in Toorak. If you were then to fill the
house with the sandwiches provided at the lunch.
Great thanks and good vibes to all SAILors for
making the SAILing so smooth and for riding the
bumps along the way.
Smooth SAILing,
Matthew & Cait
SUPPLEMENT – 2007 World Refugee Day events
Saturday June 16
Mitcham Youth event organised by Migrant
Information Centre (East Melbourne)
Mitra Malekzadeh and Kristin Diemer, bellydance
workshops with Underbelly, henna tattoos, SBS
Radio giveaways and much more.
Featured artists will include Jali Buba Kuyateh
& Diyaa Looloo (Senegambia), Diafrix (afro hip hop),
The event will commence with a soccer competition Dereb Desalegn & Lion of Judah (Ethiopia), South
for young people from 12.30pm – 2.00pm.
Sudan Musica and King Bell (Sudan/ Congo),
The program will commence at 2.30pm and include Ajak Kwai (Sudan), Wang Zheng Ting & The
speakers from the Afghan, Chin, Karen, Liberian
Australian Chinese Music Ensemble (China),
and Southern Sudanese communities talking about
Dursan Acar (Kurdistan), Sultan Miazoi (Afghanistan),
their past or present experiences as refugee young
Mehr Band (Iran) and more exotic sounds from
people or their future dreams. The DVD of the
Eritrea, Ethiopia and Burundi. Free event.
Living in Harmony Building Bridges project will be
Time: Noon – 5.00pm
featured as well as cultural performances.
Venue: Fitzroy Town Hall & Napier St, Fitzroy
Time: 12.30pm – 5.30pm
Venue: Mitcham Baptist Church,
Sunday 17 June
8 – 12 Simla Street, Mitcham
Braybrook All Nations Indoor Soccer Competition
Contact: Sue Herbst (03) 9285 4888
Saturday 16 and Sunday 17 June
Sale Refugee Healing Trail
Help us celebrate Refugee Week, come along and
support your team
Healing Trail “Refugees Finding New Dreams with
Us” is the story of refugees, their dreams, hopes
and feelings of angst at starting a new life in
Australia. The traumas of fleeing conflicts and wars
in their country of origin, living in refugee camps
and detention centres and seeking asylum in
Australia are the experiences and stories that have
created the Healing Trail. Refugees and Australians
share their experiences and their journeying
together in this healing trail. It is organised by
Christian World Service, National Council of
Churches in Australia
Time: 10.00am – 4.00pm
Venue: Recwest Playground, Braybrook
Time: 16 June at 8.00am, 17 June at 9.00pm
Address of Venue: St Mary’s Catholic Cathedral,
Foster Street (Princes Highway), Sale
Contact: Rev Bernard Buckley (03) 5144 4100 (Sale)
or Visier Sanyu (03) 9650 6811 (Melbourne)
Cost: Free
Saturday June 17
Fitzroy Emerge Festival
Victorian launch of Refugee Week
Be part of this massive cultural celebration as the
magnificent Fitzroy Town Hall opens its doors
and closes off the street for two non-stop stages
of dazzling world music performances, a vibrant
cultural marketplace, the aromas of an Ethiopian
coffee ceremony, tasty authentic foods from all
corners of the globe, creative kid ‘s activities with
Amanda King, photographic displays by Iranian artist
SAIL Braybrook Campus
page Sunday 17 June
Carlton World Refugee Day Rally 2007
Rally to celebrate the courage and contribution
of refugees and asylum seekers to our society
and to make our voices heard in demanding humane
policies where refugees are welcomed not jailed.
Music, speakers and a colourful march to join
Multicultural Arts Victoria’s Emerge Festival at
Fitzroy Town Hall. Please help Victoria’s Refugee
Action Collective build an overwhelming show of
support for refugees this World Refugee day.
Time: 12 noon with march to join in the
Emerge Festival at 1.30pm
Venue: Outside Melbourne Museum,
Nicholson St, Carlton.
Contact: Marie Hapke 0409 252 673
Cost: Free. Donations welcome.
Monday 18 June
Montmorency Asylum Seekers Support Group Luncheon
Two course luncheon to raise funds for Asylum
Seeker Resource Centre (ASRC) with guest speaker
from the ASRC. Members, friends and all interested
parties welcome.
Cost: $15 per person.
Time: noon – 3.00pm
Venue: Montmorency RSL, Petrie Park,
Mountain View Rd, Montmorency (Melways 21 D6)
Tuesday 19 June
Fitzroy Learning Network Open Day
Fitzroy Learning Network will be celebrating
Refugee Week with an Open Day, including the
launch of the new Computer Clubhouse Facility,
Christmas in June Community Lunch, End of Term
Celebrations, with food, festivities and fun.
Time:12 noon onwards
Venue: Fitzroy Learning Network,198 Napier Street,
Fitzroy (opposite Fitzroy Town Hall)
Contact: (03) 9417 2897
Cost: Free. Please bring a plate of food to share
Times: 1.15pm – 3.15pm
Venue: Gisborne Secondary College, Gisborne
Melton Road Gisborne.
Contact: Jan Taylor 54278272
Wednesday 20 June
Refugee Speakers’ Bureau
Melbourne UNHCR Regional Representative
Richard Towle & Australian Red Cross Chief
Executive Officer Robert Tickner invite you to
the launch of the Refugee Speakers’ Bureau.
The Refugee Speakers ‘ Bureau is a new public
awareness project to increase public understanding
about refugee issues through the sharing of
personal stories.
Time: 12.30pm
Venue: Conference Centre, State Library of Victoria,
Tuesday 19 June
Entry 3, La Trobe Street Melbourne
Castlemaine Screening of “The Lost Boys of Sudan”
RSVP: by Thursday 14 June
Castlemaine Community House and Rural
Contact: Jo Szwarc on (03) 9345 1804,
Australians for Refugees Castlemaine, in association
with the Tomorrow Foundation, will hold a screening Francesca Wollaston on (02) 6120 1111
of the acclaimed documentary “The Lost Boys of
Sudan.” $5 entry.
Wednesday 20 June
Time: 7.00pm
Melbourne Department of Justice Event
Venue: Theatre Royal, Hargreaves Street,
for World Refugee Day 2007
Time: 12.00pm – 1.30pm
Contact: (03) 5472 4842
Venue: Department of Justice, Level 27,
Tuesday 19 June – Friday 22 June
121 Exhibition Street, Melbourne
Brunswick Asylum Seeker Welcome Centre,
Refugee Week Display Display in Library foyer.
Invite only.
Input from asylum seekers and volunteers to display
various activities for the ASWC, how the centre
operates and what it means to the clients and
Time: 9.00am – 5.00pm
Venue: Brunswick Library, 233 Sydney Road, Brunswick
Contact: Ann Feely, 9388 2459
Tuesday 19 June
Gisborne Refugee Day at Gisborne Secondary College
Wednesday 20 June
Dandenong Celebrating Cultural Diversity,
Promoting Tolerance and Respect
World Refugee Day and Refugee Week
celebration featuring cultural performances from
diverse community. Recognising young people’s
achievements and contributions toward the refugee
community and wider community in general.
The event has been organised by Multicultural
Youth Action Group: South-Eastern Region Migrant
Resource Centre, the Centre for Multicultural Youth
Issues, Foundation House, Centrelink, SEAAC, SFYS,
Greater Dandenong Community Health Service,
Reconnect and Connection, in conjunction with
City of Casey and City of Greater Dandenong
youth services.
We are celebrating Refugee Day at Gisborne
Secondary College by having 2 speakers from
the Centre for multicultural youth issues come
and speak to approximately 200 year 10 students
about their lives prior to living in Australia and also
about their experiences adapting to Australia and
its culture. We are also having the Asylum Seekers
Time: 4.00pm – 8.00pm
Catering Service cater for the event with finger food Venue:The Castle, Princes Hwy, Dandenong (Melway 90 C6)
from other cultures.
Contact: Kyaw (Joe) Soemoe,Youth Development
SAIL Braybrook Campus
Officer, City of Greater Dandenong Youth Services
(03) 9547 4698 or 0414 015 919
Free entry to all participants.
Drug and alcohol free event.
Wednesday 20 June
Melbourne Refugee Review Tribunal open afternoon
The RRT will open its Melbourne Registry for the
afternoon. Members of the public are welcome
to come and see the premises and observe how
the RRT fulfils its statutory function of reviewing
decisions to refuse to grant protection visas.
Staff will be available to provide information and
answer questions about the Tribunal ‘s processes.
At 2.30pm and 3.30pm there will be a presentation
about the role and objectives of the RRT followed
by a demonstration hearing. Refreshments will
be provided.
Time: 2.00pm – 4.30pm
Venue: Refugee Review Tribunal, Level 12, 460
Lonsdale Street, Melbourne.
Wednesday 20 June
Sunshine Community Expo to mark International
Refugee Day
Email and Website Link:
Cost: $10 – buy tickets at the door
Thursday 21 June
Melbourne City Darfur Australia Network Short
Film & Silent Auction Evening
The night will include a photography exhibition,
silent auction, and the screening of the short film
“Children of Darfur”
Time: 6.00pm – 8.00pm
Venue: Loop Bar 23, Meyers Place, Melbourne City
Contact: Kate Elton, 0404 690 985
Cost: Free. Donations welcomed.
Friday 22 June
Richmond Yarra Settlement Forum
Refugee Week celebrations will be hosted by
Yarra Settlement Forum along with Collingwood
Language School, Fitzroy Learning Network, City
of Yarra, North Yarra Community Health and
the Metropolitan Fire Brigade. Celebrations will
include lunch, dancing, music, metropolitan fire and
emergency services demonstrations, fire trucks, art
and performances.
Time: 11.00am – 2.30pm
Venue: Richmond Fire Station, 55 Church Street,
Time: 11.00am – 5.00pm
Venue:Victoria University Sunshine Campus, Building
Contact: Maggie Abdelmalak (03) 9411 4333
E (Old School Building), 460 Ballarat Road, Sunshine
or (03) 9411 3555
(Melway 26 J10)
Aldo Malavisi (03) 9205 5036
Contact: Dianne Wilson, Phone (03) 9919 7244
Cost: Free
Wednesday 20 June
Saturday 23 June
Melbourne Refugee Week Youth Event
Carlton North Fitzroy Ball
The event “Still on the Boat” will be a celebration
Fitzroy Learning Network is holding its annual
young refugee people through performances
fundraising event, the Fitzroy Ball.
and speeches.
All proceeds will support our refugee program and
the Fitzroy Computer Clubhouse.
Time: 5.00pm – 8.00pm
Venue: To be confirmed
Time: 7.00 pm – Midnight
Contact: Natalia Pereira (03) 9898 9340
Venue: San Remo Ballroom, 365 Nicholson Street,
Thursday 21 June
Carlton North
Fitzroy Researchers for Asylum Seekers Fundraiser
Contact: Tickets available on (03) 9417 2897
or visit
The Researchers for Asylum Seekers (RAS) group
Cost: $90
is a voluntary and non-profit group based at the
University of Melbourne concerned about the
Wednesday June 27
current treatment of asylum seekers in Australia.
Shepparton Performance by Actors for Refugees
The Refugee Week Fundraiser is a night of live music Actors for Refugees will be performing for
with Light Says Solo, Clinkerfield, Ryan Sterling and
approximately 150 of our Senior Students
RGB and all proceeds will go towards a book launch
Time: 1.45pm – 3.00pm
and conference on current refugee issues.
Venue: Notre Dame College, Knight St, Shepparton
Time: 7.00pm – 12.00pm
Contact: Peter Chalkle, (03) 5821 6622
Venue: The Cape Live (upstairs), 298 Brunswick
Street (Corner of Johnston), Fitzroy
Cost: Free
Contact: Nikola: 0418 541 527
SAIL Braybrook Campus