CIRCUITOMATOGROSSO CULTURA EM CIRCUITO PG 2 CUIABÁ, 15 A 21 DE DEZEMBRO DE 2011 CARTA AO PAPAI NOEL MELHOR REMÉDIO Papai Noel muito obrigado pelo dinheiro. Deu pra compra tudo, mas na próxima vez não manda pelo Correio não porque aqueles ladrões roubaram metade. Fofinha não??? Eu gostei , mas o que eu to amando no momento é o blog xociedade cuiabana, parabéns aos idealizadores tenho me divertido muito. Pra quem ainda não conhece, acesse e divirta-se, afinal rir é o melhor remédio. Por José Augusto Filho Quem nunca escreveu uma cartinha pro Papai Noel...Muitas piadas já foram feitas sobre o tema, escolhi a que acho a mais interessante pra vocês aqui, leitores do Melhor Remédio, lá vai: Uma criança escreveu uma carta para o papai Noel. Como todas as cartas para o papai Noel,ela foi para o Correio. O pessoal do Correio abriu a carta e ficou comovido com a história, pois dizia o seguinte: Papai Noel eu quero 3 mil reais para compras comida para casa e compras material escolar para o ano todo... O pessoal do Correio ficou muito comovido com a carta, fizeram uma vaquinha todo mundo deu dinheiro foram atrás...e conseguiram 1500 reais. Colocaram em um envelope e mandaram para o garoto, No dia seguinte chegou uma carta no Correio que dizia: José Augusto é diretor de teatro e produtor de programas de variedades CHRISTMAS GIFTS FOR ONE AND ALL THINK AND TALK spent on you over the years! Always keep in mind that you don’t have to strain your credit card to find good gadget gifts for technically inclined friends and family. Go online now and scout out the prices offered in online electronics catalogs and other gift catalog sites. You’ll be pleasantly surprised. Don’t give up on giving a gift of fashion if you don’t know which designers the woman in your life prefers. You can still provide a fashionable Laura é diretora da Yes!Cuiabá gift - the solution: e apaixonada pelo Mickey Mouse ...” accessories; from scarves to handbags and from belts to fanny packs, you can find the ideal accessory gift for any woman on your list. They’re popular, and you don’t have to worry about fit, Also consider gift certificates for facials, massages, and even cooking lessons (be careful not to infer she can’t cook). There are so many Christmas gifts for women available online that you will not have to leave your home to complete your shopping list. Of course, this is true for men’s gifts as well. Por Laura Santiago Let’s face it, after October first, time has a way of moving very quickly and Christmas will be here before you know it. So start your shopping now. When the big day finally does arrive, there’s no telling what will be under the tree, except the variety of wrapped items will be wideranging, since Santa must come up with something for everyone. With this in mind, here are some ideas to consider when shopping for Christmas gifts for all those special people on your list. Make it a bottle of champagne or an elegant bottle of wine for your party host. Or, you could even bring the wine and a wine rack to make a great present. At least, after the wine is consumed, your host will still have the rack to remember your thoughtfulness! It’s important to plan early, shop early and shop wisely because when most people are rushing to buy Christmas gifts at the last minute, the tendency is to forget budgets. The Internet can save you, not only precious time, but also precious money. Although there are many who can say, “Price is no object”, there are many more to whom price has to be an important consideration. By shopping early and comparing prices, you can make your budget go further. Make a budget, then make your list and assign a dollar figure to each name on your list. It may sound cold and calculating, but if you’re on a tight budget, it’s the way to go. You’ll be surprised at how good your list of Christmas gifts is beginning to look. If you do your preshopping now, you’ll be able to put together a concise list for your Christmas gifts that is both budget friendly and people friendly. By doing this, you will avoid that typical last minute frenzied buying that inevitable results in spending too much for gifts that aren’t exactly what the recipients wanted for Dads (and Moms, too) who spend a lot of time in the car, think about getting a satellite radio, with hundreds of stations to choose from. They might be a little pricy, but just think of how much your parents have