Good Morning Aomori Newsletter


Good Morning Aomori Newsletter
JET Programme - Aomori
April – June 08
Edition 4
April – June 08
Special Feature
Three Months in a Glance
Erin Sandstrom (Hachinohe)
Freezing, cold wetness, and a blanket of pure beauty. When will you ever see this much snow and when could you
ever get the experience of traveling on a narrow absurdly confusing road covered in an abundant amount of white fluffiness? I don’t know about anyone else but I certainly have never experienced this kind of fun and extreme travel! For those
not so enthusiastic about this beautiful flaky season rest assured there was and still is much to do here in the backcountry
of Japan.
With a “ho ho ho” and a trip to the temple, December was filled with lots of trips, family, and exploration as well as the JLPT.
The Christmas potluck in Aomori and other great eating get-togethers were in abundance. Some people had hot and humid
trips to places like Thailand, Cambodia and Fiji. There were also those individuals hitting it up in our lovely place of Aomori.
I envy you and your chance for “Mid-December Emperor Watching” as well as devouring the daifuku of New Years. Though,
most of all I envy you and the snow covered mountains for which to ski and sweat in heavenly bliss!
Oh, and my favorite beginning, the start of the New Year, January. I was watching anime with a bottle of champagne and a
grin of sweet happiness on my face when I whisked in the New Year. Smiling faces as January continued became a whole
new meaning for those working with children. AJET Ski weekend saw total debauchery and laughs. It was a lovely time of
drinking and friends. If that wasn’t enough, there were also new groups in the making as we flew into February, like the First
Aomori Book Club and the Area Coordinators Program!
Dazzling snow travel and festivals! February found us in the heart of winter and loving it (or hating it). People experienced
the great and fantastic snow festivals in Sapporo and some even got to the festival in Otaru. Splendid travel also found people going to Hachinohe for the strange but very interesting Emburi festival. Though, before that we can’t forget, Valentine’s
chocolates devoured and the female student body to be ware of as they had eyes like a tiger focused on those they would
push their chocolates onto. Students were also in the last leg of the school year and were either enjoying the time they had
left or studying like their life depended on it, since in reality it did. If you had nothing to do with your students, for it is a
nerve-racking and a confusing time, you just might have waited in anticipation for the day many of us waited for, the up-
With so much that has come to pass and much that is still waiting to be experienced, Aomori can be changed into a wondrous
Special Feature . . . . . . 2
Activities & Events . . .
Event Announcement . . 4
ALT Talk:
Getting Involved . . . . .
Introductions . . . . . . .
JET Life . . . . . . . . . . .
Japan Spotlights/
JET Birthdays! . . . . . .
JET Talk . . . . . . . . . .
Remarks/Reminders . .
coming Sake party in Aomori. Oh, to love sake and taste the unique Aomori blends must be exquisitely tantalizing.
Sweet, sweet strawberries, beautiful cherry blossoms, and a gen-
and magical place, if you are a 2nd year or above. I will also wait in anticipation for the next “Three Months in a Glance.”
eral rejuvenation of life are only a few of the many things to look
forward to in the coming months. Spring is almost here, which means
it’s time to get out those picnic baskets and blankets for “hanami”
(cherry blossom viewing festival), and put away those down comforters and jackets. For all of you skiing and snowboarding buffs,
you have until at least April to get in as much mountain action as you
can, and then come join us for a drink under the cherry trees!
This is only a limited list, but check out some of the things that will
be in season at:
spring.html. Happy Spring Aomori!
Photo submitted by Allison Reed
April – June 08
Aomori Events
Activities – events & festivals
Mark Your Calendars!
Event Announcement
The 4th Annual Everest of Apples
Charity Futsal Tournament!
Festival Name
4th Annual Everest of Apples
Charity Futsal Tournament
Aomori City
April 5th
1 day
Japan Day
April 5th
1 day
Hirosaki Cherry Blossom Festival
Last weekend in April
9-10 days
Tako/International Kite Festival
Last weekend in April
1-2 days
Kanagi Cherry Blossom Festival
First week in May
3-4 days
Ringo Hanami Food Drive
May 17th
1 day
provide equal opportunity education to underprivileged children in the Everest region.
Yokohama Rape Blossom Festival
Third weekend in May
2 days
Details regarding the tournament:
Taue Taiken
Rice Planting Experience
May 25th
1 day
Tairadate Matsuri
Last weekend in May
1 day
American Day
First weekend in June
2 days
Kuristo Matsuri
Second weekend in June
1 day
Tsuruta Sake Matsuri
June 20th
1 day
Tsugaru-ben Taikai
Saturday in June/July
1 day
Bug and Fire Festival
1 day
Last weekend in June
Work Event Schedule
Group C JETs arrive in Japan!
TOA Participants will be notified
Charity Futsal Tournament! For the last threeyears EofA has sponsored this tournament
in Aomori-ken, Aomori-shi with the event being a great success, raising nearly 60 man
for the Prajwal School in Nepal and other educational projects abroad. We are looking
to continue this success with our 4th Tournament in April.
Everest of Apples was founded in 2002 as a nonsectarian charitable organization.
Through charity events sponsored by the EofA Aomori and Akita branches we strive to
If you have any questions
or would like to enter a
team, please contact me!
Date: Saturday, April 5th
Time: 9:00 AM start, with finals slated to finish by 4:00 PM
Place: Aomori Arena, Aomori City
The tournament is open to both Japanese and foreign teams, and the event is co-ed.
Chris Swanson
Everest of Apples
Futsal Tournament Director
The After-party: For those that aren’t too worn out from the tournament, we’ll be
organizing a gathering that evening for some drinks and good times. Details to be
announced later.
For teams coming from outside Aomori City, accommodation is available at Aomori
Arena for about 2500 yen per person. Please indicate your need for accommodation
with your registration or contact Chris for more information.
Ringo Hanami Food Drive and Swap n’ Sell!
Everest of Apples would like to invite you to the 4th Annual Everest of Apples
JUNE 16-17 Selected TOA Planning Meeting
Showa Day
MAY 3 Constitutional Memorial Day
Green Day
Children’s Day
Substitute Holiday
W h e n : Sa t u r d a y, M a y 1 7 t h a t 1 2 : 3 0 W h a t : We ’ l l b e h a v i n g a f o o d d r i v e f o r t h o s e i n n e e d a n d p i c n i c i n a
park under spring apple blossoms. Afterwards we’ll be selling or giving away things from our apartments
t h a t w e n o l o n g e r n e e d . Fo o d a n d m o n e y r a i s e d f o r t h e f o o d d r i v e w i l l b e d o n a t e d t o S e c o n d H a r v e s t J a p a n ( h t t p : / / w w w. s e c o n d h a r v e s t j a p a n . o r g / ) P l e a s e c h e c k t h e m o u t t o l e a r n m o r e ! W h e r e : H i r o s a k i ’s A p p l e
Pa r k ( R i n g o Ko u e n ) . T h e r e i s a m p l e p a r k i n g , a c a f e / s o u v e n i r s t o r e , a n o l d f a r m h o u s e t h a t y o u c a n l o o k a t
and learn about old farming techniques, and many apple trees that will hopefully be blooming at this time.
W h a t t o B r i n g : Yo u r o w n p i c n i c i t e m s . A s f o r t h e f o o d d o n a t i o n s : p l e a s e b e s u r e t o b r i n g o n l y n o n - p e r i s h a bles such as rice, pasta, instant foods, and packaged foods. Please be sure to check the expiration date
• If you need to get a Japanese license, now is the time to do it! Remember it can only be done in
Aomori city. If you would like someone to translate, please ask your office or one of your PAs.
• If you have a car registered in your name on April 1, you are liable for road tax – usually around
4 man a year, payable in June.
as well. Then of course there is the swap and sell, so do a thorough check of things you don’t want in your
apartment anymore – this is your chance to pass them on to eager hands! Also: I’ll probably need helpers
f o r t h i s e v e n t a n d t h e p r e - p l a n n i n g , s o i f y o u ’r e i n t e r e s t e d y o u a r e a l w a y s w e l c o m e ! P l e a s e m a r k t h e d a t e o n
y o u r c a l e n d a r, a n d s t a r t c o l l e c t i n g t h a t f o o d n o w !
• If you are a 2nd or 3rd year, get ready for a big tax bill in June, anywhere between 8-16 man.
First years will also get a tax bill, but it is more likely to be in the 1 – 2 man range.
Please feel free to direct any questions to Erin Wight at
ALT Talk
April – June 08
Getting Involved! from C.C.
It’s hard to believe how quickly the year is flying by .
Genevieve Murphy (Fukaura)
BABIES ON BOARD! featuring 2nd-year JETs
Job Description: Part-cultural ambassador, part-linguist, part-Fräulein Maria
Best moment on JET: Onsen
One word to describe your time on JET: Panda
Something Japanese that interests you: Goma tofu and everyday onmyoudou
Quote & Words of Advice: All people smile in the same language.
It’s already time to start thinking about the new
JETs who will be arriving this summer. Wanting our new community members to feel welcomed in their new foreign land,
we have organized a committee with just that in mind. For now, we are called the Community Coordinators of Aomori.
Since there are about 121 JETs in Aomori, we have decided to divide our amazing ken into 4 manageable sections, each
section having 4 Community Coordinators (C.C.). It is the responsibility of these C.C.s to welcome the new JETs with
care packages and then proceed to overwhelm them with copious amounts of vital information during their first few
weeks here. We will then be available to help answer questions and solve problems as this info. is processed. We will
also assist them individually with some basic needs, to help make the transition process as easy as possible (finding
banks, hospitals, post offices, going grocery shopping, setting up cell phones and internet, etc.).
So now that our new JETs are a bit more settled, have seen their schools, made their ungodly number of awkward
Google images
speeches, and are “becoming accustomed to Japanese lifestyle” what do they need now? A social life! That’s where
you fine folks of Aomori will come in. As the year progresses, and the dust settles, we want our local JET communities
to continue to build and strengthen. We will be organizing events and gatherings about once a month in our respective
sections of the ken to bring people together. And you are not obligated to attend these events in any way. However, as
we have all experienced the uncertainty of relocating to a foreign country, it would be nice to come make our new JETs
feel welcomed. These events will also give us an excuse and opportunity to see each other a bit more frequently. The
monthly events will encompass a variety of activities and we will try and coordinate things that are fairly cheap or free
so that everyone can participate. Please keep an eye out for these events and come hang out and have fun for a few
hours each month!
Job Description: ALT to Christ’s descendants
Best moment on JET: Surprise party at UltraModern
One word to describe your time on JET: Plant of Modernity
Something Japanese that interests you: Sumo. Those guys are HAWT in
their little “mawashi.”
Quote & Words of Advice: Life doesn’t have to be perfect to be wonderful.
Some other things that will help us: First, many of you have tons of photos from various events throughout the year.
Send them our way (Genevieve Murphy at as we are making a photo jam CD to send to
the new JETs before they arrive as a sample of what they have to look forward to. Second, we will be holding a couple of
fundraisers to get things jumpin’ so please come to our fundraisers and graciously share your money with us. Finally,
if you are leaving us, we will be asking for your help by filling out some basic information templates to leave for your
successor. This is just to help us know how to help your successor.
(Aomori City)
Job Description: ALT at Toyama H.S., ambassador for the Flying Art Project
(Aomori), school visits to Aomori Dainiyogo (special needs), GMA! designer
Best moment on JET: Travels (waking up to somewhere different on planet
earth) and solving problems collectively with either my students, teachers, or
the community.
One word to describe your time on JET: Perseverance.
Something Japanese that interests you: Too’s endless.
Current nerd of contemporary and traditional Japanese arts and crafts/dance/
theater/design/music/poetry/photography/organic foods, ...see what I mean.
Quote & Words of Advice: Live without borders. Let’s face it, VISTAS BREVIS.
Photo submitted by Genevieve Murphy
April – June 08
(Aomori City)
Job Description: Resident foreign monkey at Aomori Nishko. Duties include
sitting at my desk pretending I am doing something useful, and being paranoid
that my collegues are talking about me. Also, I pretend to teach English.
Best moment on JET: I have to choose just one!? JET has been one big, long
best moment (with a few worst moments to keep me on my toes.)
One word to describe your time on JET: Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious.
Something Japanese that interests you: The Aomori City buses.
Quote & Words of Advice: Love many, trust few, and always paddle
your own canoe.
Job Description: ALT in Oma Town, 2 J.H.S., 2 elementary schools, and the
occasional visits to the local preschool.
Best moment on JET: When I realized that people around me no longer regarded me as some foreign creature with nothing in common with them, but as
an actual person with similar goals and aspirations.
One word to describe your time on JET: SWEEEET!
Something Japanese that interests you: Food, Kendo, Shimokita-ben
Quote & Words of Advice: Everything doesn’t have to go your way in order for
you to be happy. Try to scratch the surface. Things may not always be the way
they seem. Initial perceptions may be deceiving.
Job Description: One-shot ALT for Noheji/Yokohama towns
Best moment on JET: Pay-day Fridays at Oirase Brewery
One word to describe your time on JET: Helter-skelter
Something Japanese that interests you: Maneki-neko
Quote & Words of Advice: “ Opportunity is missed by most people because it’s
dressed in overalls and looks like work.” -Thomas Edison
Job Description: ALT in Sotogahama-machi
Best moment on JET: Doing a can-can kick line to the Chipmunk’s version of
Jingle Bells with my elementary school 5/6th graders (intiated by them).
One word to describe your time on JET: Indescribable
Something Japanese that interests you: Sumi-e
Quote & Words of Advice: “The Prince of Darkness is a gentleman,” a quote
by Shakespeare.
Job Description: J.H.S. and elementary ALT
Best moment on JET: Getting to see one of my students participate in the
All-Japan Speech Contest in Tokyo
One word to describe your time on JET: Sitting.
Something Japanese that interests you: The gothic lolita and gothic aristocrat subcultures.
Quote & Words of Advice: I think everyone knows this by now, but stickers are
your best frind at an elementary well as Twister and Jenga.
Job Description: CIR
Best moment on JET: Any of my travels, be it a weekend in Hakodate or
a month in Thailand.
One word to describe your time on JET: Enlightening
Something Japanese that interests you: Okonomiyaki :)
Quote & Words of Advice: Never say no to the chance to meet new people.
. 5. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Other 2nd years are: Rachel Johnson (Hirosaki), Helen Masters (Hirosaki), Teresa Smith (Goshogawara),*Helen Kenyon (Ajigasawa), Abidemi Bankole
(Yomogita), Justin Nesbit (Ajigasawa), Mary Christensen (Itayanagi), Ricky Dewey (Hachinohe), Wade Binneboese (Hachinohe), Claire Brown (Hachinohe), Joel Hanneman (Hachinohe), Veronica Villalobos (Hachinohe), Mark Scott (Hachinohe), Courtney Hearon (Shichinohe), Yumiko Dark (Sannohe),
Aaron Asmann (Hirosaki), Felicia Lee (Momoishi), Philip Crowe (Noheji), Eric Chan (Rokkasho), *Angella Lee (Aomori City), *Eunjin Jung (Rokkasho),
Renato Nahibuan (Nakadomari)
* Coordinator of International Relations
April – June 08
I n t r o d u c t i o n s / J ET Life
Japan Spotlights/Birthdays!
April – June 08
Okinawa: Zamami-jima
Erin Wight (Goshogawara)
Many travelers hear of the small islands that dot the coast of mainland Okinawa. If you’re considering visit-
(Aomori City)
Job Description: Aomori Minami H.S. ALT (but posing as an internet
researcher, e-mail checker, and frequent napper)
Best moment on JET: It makes my head hurt to try to think of just one,
so I pass.
One word to describe your time on JET: Blast
Something Japanese that interests you: Pottery, sushi, and nomihoudai
Quote & Words of Advice: “ Whenever I’m about to do something, I think,
‘ would an idiot do that?’ and if they would, I do not do that thing.”
- Dwight Schrute
ing one of these islands, why don’t you consider the small island of Zamami-jima? Ferries run about 4 times a day to this
quaint, pretty little island. On first impression you may think that it’s a bit run down-looking, but the locals are friendly
and the downtown is easily traversable.
This island has all the basics, except for ATMs, so make sure that you get your money before coming here. There are
several restaurants on the island, all serving similar fare. There is a nice little izakaya (Japanese pub) called Shiisa.
Also, there is a food and goods store on Zamami called 105, where you can buy anything from packaged (and limited
fresh) foods to batteries for your camera.
There are all kinds of dive shops and snorkeling rental places throughout the downtown area, all similarly priced. One
place I recommend is NatureLand Kayak. The cost is 7,000 yen for half a day (no meal) and 11,000 yen for a full day
(including a meal). Everything you’ll need is included. Suits (for the colder months) are included in the fee; however,
if you are of a non-typical size you might want to bring your own suit, since the sizes are limited and cater to Japanese
tourists. If you’re interested in humpback whale watching go to the port, where there is a whale watching office. The
Spring is Almost Here!
cost is 5,000 yen to go watching from 10:30 am until 12:30 noon. The whales come to Okinawa from January to March,
Jody Buhay (Hachinohe)
with their peak time being in February. If you go out and don’t see any whales you don’t get your money refunded,
though. Reservations can be done at the counter, even if your Japanese is limited.
There are different places to stay at Zamami. Definitely some Japanese will help here. One recommendation is the
Akabana minshuku. Run-down but full of character, this place was definitely worth it! If you’re interested, try calling
the owner Hiro-san (he can’t speak English) to see if there’s space available. His phone number is 098-987-2397. It’s
about 4,000 yen a night to stay here, dinners included.
Carly Romano
Daniel van De Sandt
Melissa McIvor
And with the dawn of spring comes sakura (cherry blossoms) and
Leon Fonseka
hanami (sakura viewing parties), an experience you will for sure not want to miss. My first hanami gathering was on
Helen Bridges
Natalie Leong
Walking around the park we met with many familiar faces and it feels like all of Aomori comes to town to celebrate. I
Anne Barton
found my friends under a weeping cherry tree where they had already started on lunch and drinks. We later then walked
Chris Swanson
David Foley Jr.
Melissa Tee
Garrett Austin
Jason Johnson
Can you feel it? Spring is almost here!
the castle grounds at Hirosaki park, and I must say it was FABULOUS. The crowds were out in full force but that only
heightened the excitement as I approached the park entrance. The park provided beautiful views everywhere I went.
around the park taking pictures of the trees, red bridges, and castle. My favorite part of hanami at Hirosaki Park is
the sakura tunnel, a walkway lined with cherry trees that forms a beautiful canopy to stroll under. I highly reccomend
making your way over to Hirosaki for their Cherry Blossom Festival in late April. Other places around the ken to see
the blossoms are Gappo Park in Aomori City and Hachinohe Park in Hachinohe. Wherever you go, sakura season is one
party you do not want to miss.
Melissa Nye
Mark Scott
John Kincheloe
Rebecca Behrendt
Eric Clark
Brian Yoshioka
Yumiko Dark
Zachary Bass
Dominic Smith
Alisa Tobin
Christopher Tate
Abidemi Bankole
Travis Harper
Amy Miller
Lindsay Hurley
Teri Smith
Robert Tunstall
JET Talk- Messages to JETs
April – June 08
CIR Corner – Mutsu CIR
April – June 08
Be a part of the experience!
Amy Miller (Mutsu)
There are unlimited opportunities
After a year and a half working as the Mutsu City CIR and the
only CIR on the Shimokita Peninsula I can confidently say that I have the most
diverse job of anyone I’ve ever met on the JET program. Wednesday afternoons
you can find me teaching adult “Eikaiwa.” Thursdays I spend teaching English at
Elementary Schools, and Friday mornings are reserved for recording my hour long
weekly radio show. Once a week I spend a few hours a night teaching Japanese to
the local foreigners both JET and non-JET. I write two one page articles a month,
one for the local City Newsletter, and one for the public employees’ newsletter.
Four times a year I produce a four page newsletter called the “International Connection” which is sent to all of the schools in Shimokita, along with the other
city/town halls, and is of course set out at the library and other places around
town. Once a month I teach a cooking class of about 25 Japanese. I also, run
an International group called the Shimokita International Friendship Organization where we hold events monthly; from our big Halloween Party which attracted
over 200 guests last year, to Christmas, Easter, Mexican cooking classes, panel
discussions, wine seminars, etc. I also deal with our sister city relationship with
Port Angeles, Washington including accompanying a group of Junior High school
students over to America in January each year where I translate for the head of
the delegation. Every other year I get to translate for the Mayor of Port Angeles
when a delegation comes to Mutsu. I hate to say it, but despite all of this, or more
likely because of it, I really do love my job.
Teacher ’s Talk
Mr. Iwase Keigo (Mutsu City Hall)
to get involved in the JET community over the next couple
of months and listed below are just a few of them. If you find something you like, please let the contacts
l i s t e d k n o w a n d g o f r o m t h e r e . We h o p e y o u c a n e n j o y a n d m a k e t h e m o s t o u t o f y o u r t i m e h e r e i n J a p a n
and Aomori. Have fun!
• N e w s l e t t e r : We n e e d a n e w s l e t t e r d e s i g n e r a n d p r o d u c e r. A s J o A n n m o v e s o n t o n e w p r o j e c t s , w e w i l l n e e d
s o m e o n e t o t a k e o v e r d e s i g n i n g n e x t y e a r ’s q u a r t e r l y G o o d M o r n i n g , A o m o r i ! n e w s l e t t e r. P l e a s e c o n t a c t
Marti at for more information.
• Deliverers and Going Away Helpers: The Community Coordinators of Aomori are looking for people willi n g t o h e l p o u t d e l i v e r t h e N e w J E T c a r e p a c k a g e s . A l s o n e e d e d a r e p e o p l e w i l l i n g t o h a n d l e t h e l e a v e r ’s
b o a r d s , m e m o r y p a c k a g e , a n d p o s s i b l e L e a v e r ’s p i c t u r e s l i d e s h o w. I f i n t e r e s t e d c o n t a c t G e n e v i e v e M u r p h y
• Aomori Book Project: As the first of its kind, we’re hoping to include all kinds of information on each
t o w n / c i t y, i n c l u d i n g t h i n g s l i k e d e c e n t d e n t i s t s , m e c h a n i c s , r e s t a u r a n t s , h o s p i t a l s , c i n e m a s e t c , a s w e l l
as sections on general survival, winter sports, driving tests...The book will focus on the prefecture in
w a y s t h a t t o u r i s t g u i d e b o o k s d o n o t. A s e x p e r t s i n t h e a r e a a n d e s s e n t i a l i n t h e p r o c e s s , p l e a s e t e l l u s
w h a t y o u r t o w n h a s t o o f f e r. We ’ r e g o i n g t o s e n d t h e b o o k t o a l l n e w J E Ts , b u t f i r s t w e n e e d y o u r s u b m i s s i o n s ! ! We a r e h o p i n g t o m a k e t h e b o o k f r e e f o r n o t o n l y n e w J E Ts b u t a l l p r e s e n t A o m o r i J E Ts a s w e l l ,
s o w a t c h o u t f o r w a y s t o p a r t i c i p a t e i n t h e A o m o r i B o o k Fu n d r a i s i n g p r o j e c t s . P l e a s e c o n t a c t f o r H e l e n
Bridges at for more information.
• Ta x e s w i l l s o o n b e d u e , m a k e s u r e t o c h e c k o u t t h e I R S w e b s i t e o r t h e G e n e r a l I n f o r m a t i o n H a n d b o o k f o r
Contribute to the next Good Morning, Aomori! newsletter!
Send articles, drawings, poetry, and photographs to Marti Deyo at or
JoAnn Cho at We’d like to hear all about your adventures in the blue forest!
Hello Everyone!
Are you enjoying your life in Aomori? For the past 3 years I have been working with the
Mutsu city CIR. Even though I have never specialized in English, nor have I ever studied
abroad, I have never had any difficulties at work because the CIR can speak Japanese
fluently. In order for people in the community to meet foreigners and talk with them
about foreign culture it is my job to put on many activities including English Conversation/Cultural Understanding classes, and a “Free Talking” discussion group, etc. with
the CIR. I feel personally that I am benefiting a great deal from this job. The CIR is the
best teacher for me because they always understand my broken English, and explain
my mistakes in simple, easy to get terms. My favorite part of my job is getting to join in
JET Programme – Aomori
Layout Designer
on the English discussion groups.
Of course we occasionally also meet outside of work, and I have had the opportunity to
meet other JETs too, which is a great experience. When my JET friends have gone back
to their home countries I hope to visit and be guided around by them! Until that time
comes, please enjoy your work, and your life on JET!