Riverside Glen Resident`s ON VACATION!!!


Riverside Glen Resident`s ON VACATION!!!
Vol. 14, Issue 3
It Takes A Village To Care
pg 2
Alzheimer Society
Pg 6
Village Events
Pg 7
Volunteer Department
Pg 8/9
Welcome New Residents
pg 3
Chaplains Corner
pg 4
March 2012
Recreation Review
pg 5
Riverside Glen Resident’s
Monday, March 12th to Friday March 16th
Join us at Schlegel’s Tropical Hideaway
A special Calendar for the week will be delivered and posted
within the village.
Mission Statement
Our Mission is to
provide holistic heath
care in a home
environment located
within an internal
neighbourhood design
that promotes a caring
community, with
emphasis on optimal
health and life purpose
for each resident.
60 Woodlawn Road East, Guelph, Ontario, N1H8M8
Phone: 519-822-5272
Fax: 519-822-5520
A Message from
Heather VanCauwenberghe
Your Success
At the end of February we had our
team member appreciation dinner
and dance for all of our employees at
Riverside Glen. During the evening
we gave four success awards to four
of our employees who demonstrated
values such as “Play”, “Always do
your best”, Choose your attitude”,
and “Make their day”.
The winners are
Dave Ellig,
Michelle Goulbourne,
Tania Anderl, and
Melvina Hanson.
Heather VanCauwenberghe
General Manager
The week of March 12-16 we are
giving our residents a vacation. A
calendar of the special events for the
week has been handed out please be
sure to take a look so you don‟t miss
anything. Our exercise classes this
week include Tai Chi and yoga,
Zumba and Belly Dancing. Other
activities include, a casino, beach
party and island music with dancing.
We will be treated to smoothies
every morning in our tiki hut as well
as fresh fruit and other special
lunches and dinners. Please come
out and enjoy the fun!
Riverside Glen
welcomes new residents
to our community
E Komo Mai
Patricia Coulombe
Joan Jackson
Long Term Care
Hazel Green
Fred Hunter
William McCrossan
John Misener
Ivy Ritchie
Vera Robertson
Blanche Thomas
Chaplain‟s Corner
Mark Cudney, Chaplain
Some thoughts for Lent
Reprinted from Renewed for Life by Henri J. Nouwen
God’s Mercy Renews
Have mercy on me, O God, according to your steadfast love: according to your abundant mercy
blot out my transgressions. Psalm 51:1
Our temptation in Lent is to be so impressed by our sins and failing and so overwhelmed by our
lack of generosity that we get stuck in a paralyzing guilt, a guilt that leads to introspection instead
of directing our eyes to God. It is guilt that becomes an idol and form of pride. But Lent is precisely the time to break down this idol and to direct our attention to our loving Lord. The
question is: “Are we like Judas, who was so overcome by his sin that he could not believe in
God‟s mercy any longer and hanged himself? Or are we like Peter, who return to his Lord with
repentance and cried bitterly for his sins?”
Lord God, this lent help me to do my best to keep my mind fixed on You and Your Kingdom.
Joy, Even In Suffering
The son of Man must undergo great sufferings, and be rejected by the elders, chief priests, and
scribes and be killed, and on the third day be raised. Luke 9:22
The deep truth is that our human suffering need not be an obstacle to the joy and peace we so
desire, but can become, instead, the means to it. The great secret of the spiritual life, the life of
the Beloved Sons and Daughters of God, is that everything we live, be it gladness or sadness, joy
or pain, health or illness, can all be part of the journey toward the full realization of our
humanity. It is not hard to say to one another;” All that is good and beautiful leads us to the
glory of the children of God.” But it is very hard to say: “But didn‟t you know that we all have
to suffer and thus enter into our glory?” Nonetheless, real care means the willingness to help
each other in making our brokenness into t he gateway to joy.
When I am tempted this Lent to worry about anything, help me instead to trust you to redeem
everything in my daily life. When I feel trapped, I will turn to your mercy for release.
In Memoriam
The Board of Directors, Management, Team
Members and Residents were saddened by the
passing of:
Riverside Review, Vol. 14, Issue 3
Elizabeth Dryden
Stanley Johnson
Mary Newman
Lucy Thirsk
March 2012
St. Patrick’s Day
Saturday, March 17th
Dress in Green and join us
for a social in LTC and
Retirement in the
afternoon. Snacks
and refreshments
Residents Council Meetings
Wednesday, March 28th
3:00pm in Eramosa Town Hall
Thursday, March 29th
2:30pm in Town Hall
The Village of Riverside Glen Long
Term Care will be doing a new trial
approach to outing sign ups in LONG
All Outings will be posted by Tina‟s
desk and a sign up sheet will be
available with Tina.
In trying to ensure that each resident
has the equal opportunity to
participate in our outings we would
like to trial this sign up process with
If at any time you have any questions
please feel free to contact
Yvonne Singleton Director of
Recreation (LTC) x620
Coming soon
Riverside's gala ball
Come one come all to Riverside's Gala Ball
April the 18th
Dance to the big band songs in your evening attire
Enjoy the beverages and snacks from 7-8 pm
Attention family members. We would love help in
preparing your love one for this grand event. We would
like residents to be dressed in their finest attire and your
help in ensuring they have something suitable to wear
would be appreciated. Nothing is too fancy or fine.
For more information, contact your Tracey or Marilyn in
the Recreation Department
Everyone has different interests and abilities. It is important to help those with dementia to find activities that
they enjoy doing both individually and in a group to keep them physically and mentally active while providing a
positive distraction from any stresses in their life. When participating in a pastime, the person with dementia develops
their abilities mentally or physically (or both), boosts their level of confidence, and when in a group, makes new
social connections. The Alzheimer Society of Guelph-Wellington offers support groups for individuals with Early
Stages of dementia which may be of interest. During these groups, individuals have the opportunity to make social
connections while discussing dementia, and tips for coping with memory loss. Phone (519) 836-7672 for more
To help a person with dementia maintain and expand their interests, talk to them about activities they used to
play or pastimes they enjoyed. These activities can always be adapted to the person‟s current abilities and may
change from day to day with the person‟s mood. Common activities for individuals with dementia include exercises
such as walking, swimming, or group exercise classes. When exercising, the person burns adrenalin from stress and
produces feelings of happiness in the form of endorphins. Following exercise, people generally experience a better
night‟s sleep and increased appetite and energy levels. Other positive impacts of exercise include a change in scenery,
the soothing feeling of being in the water, and the social benefits of group activities.
Activities for people with dementia do not always need to be organized events, but could be simple ones that
bring back fond memories. Looking through old photo albums or a memory box, polishing shoes or silver, listening
to the radio or playing with a pet are all pastimes in which the individual becomes engaged while triggering pleasant
memories. The person will also enjoy the company of the person who is spending time with them and will feel that
there was a great purpose to their day – which contributes to an increased quality of life. Overall, it is important that
the person enjoys the activity and is interested in what is going on.
The Alzheimer Society of Guelph-Wellington has an extensive activity library with adapted activities for
dementia and many resources for public use. Stop by our office at 111 Macdonell Street in Guelph for more
information and to check it out!
With information from:
For more information:
Alzheimer Society of Guelph-Wellington
111 Macdonell St.
Guelph, ON N1H 2Z7
Phone: (519) 836-7672
Riverside Review, Vol. 14, Issue 3
March 2012
Music with Jack Coulson
Tuesday, March 6th at 3pm on ACF
Education : Brain Healthy
Thursday, March 8th at 10:30am
Stella & Dot Jewellery Party
Friday, March 9th at 3:30pm in the
John Galt Room
Riverside OSCARS
Watch movies Mar 5-8
Voting March 9th
Awards Ceremony March 10th at
2pm in Long Term Care
March 12th to 16th
Purse Sale in Long Term Care
Thursday, March 15th 11-3
St Patrick’s Day
Saturday March 17th
First Day of Spring
Tuesday, March 20th
~ Putt Beneath The Palms ~ Monday at 6:30pm
~ Island Music and Dancing ~ Tuesday at 2pm
~ Beach Party ~ Wednesday at 7pm
~ Exotic Critters ~ Thursday from 10am to 3pm
~ Men’s Choir ~ Thursday at 2:30pm
~ Music with Aiden Purnell ~ Friday at 10:30am
~ Happy Hour with Saxophone music by Alan Denson
Thank you to the Conestoga College Recreation and
Leisure Students for their hard work in planning this
fantastic week.
Pub Night in LTC
Wednesday, March 29th at 6:30pm
Riverside Review, Vol. 14, Issue 3
March 2012
Do you have an hour a week; two hours a month? Are
you available during the day, evening or on weekends?
Riverside Glen offers varied volunteer opportunities that
may suit your schedule and interests.
For more information, please contact:
Kim Cusimano, Volunteer Coordinator
519.822.5272 x 863
The following are current requests for volunteer
support at Riverside Glen.
Being in a room full of people but feeling alone
 Bingo—Tuesday OR Friday evenings 6—8 p.m.
 Cards—Tues and/or Thursdays 1:30—4:00 p.m.
 Drop In Painting—once per week, morn or afternoon
 Friendly Visitors— visit one to one weekly with a
matched resident.
 Games Night—Wednesday eves RET 6:30—8:30
 Games Night—Thursday evenings LTC 6—8 p.m.
 Greening at the Glen – weekly group on Wednesday
evenings who learn about environmental issues,
work on greening projects such as crafts and
horticulture from 6:30—8:00 p.m.
 Neighbourhood Volunteer—day/time flexible
 Poker Convener—Saturday eve RET 6:30—8:00
 Recreation Programs— Saturday eve 6—8 p.m.
 Sit N’ Sew—Once per month, schedule flexible
 Special Events and Outings—
You may say I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will live as one
A time when you needed a friend
When a simple gesture made your day
Imagine …..
The joy of a friendly face who visits weekly
Imagine …
Sharing a smile or a laugh with a friend
Imagine ….
The difference you could make in one person’s life
Friendly Visiting matches a volunteer with a resident
for weekly companionship visits. Activities are based
on interests and may include going for a walk, having
a coffee in the cafe, writing letters, reading or
playing a game.
Day and time are flexible and a minimum of a 4
month commitment is requested.
Riverside Glen currently has a number of male and
female residents who would benefit from a weekly
Friendly Visitor just like you.
Imagine how just one hour a week would make a
positive difference in the life of someone here at our
Village. More info—call Kim at 519.822.5272 x 863
- excerpt of lyrics “Imagine’ by John Lennon
Riverside Review, Vol. 14, Issue 3
March 2012
The Village of Riverside
Glen is honoured to
highlight the volunteer
efforts of Pinder Sidnu and
Pam Sibbald.
Pam and Pinder began
volunteering in December
of 2010 and have been
dedicated weekly
supporters to the various
recreation programs on a
Thursday afternoon in
Long Term Care.
Pam Sibbald and Pinder Sidnu
Pam Sibbald and Pinder Sidnu
During this time, Pam and
Pinder have shared more
than 140 combined hours
of their time with the
residents at the Village.
Friendly, compassionate and helpful are just a few words to describe these ladies. Their
gift of time and spirit are greatly appreciated and it is with much gratitude that we
extend a big „Thank you!‟
'We love going to Riverside and being with the residents' ~ Pam Sibbald
A pessimist, they say, sees a
glass of water as being half
empty; an optimist sees the
same glass as half full. But a
giving person sees a glass of
water and starts looking for
someone who might be
~ G. Donald Gale
Riverside Review, Vol. 14, Issue 3
Interested in volunteering?
For more information on how you can
become involved, please contact:
Kim Cusimano, Volunteer Coordinator
519.822.5272 x 863
Volunteers of the Month— Pinder Sidnu and Pam Sibbald
Keep Fit with your
March is National Kidney Month.
On May 14th, 1958 a brave 15 year old girl donated one of her kidney‟s to her twin sister. It
was the first organ transplant done in Canada. Kidney disease encompasses a variety of
diseases and disorders that affect the kidneys. Most attack the filtering units of the kidneys
and damage their ability to eliminate waste and excess fluids. Diabetes and high blood
pressure are the two most common causes of chronic kidney disease.
Kidneys are bean-shaped organs that are located near the middle of
the back, just below the rib cage, one on each side of the spine. They
perform an important function of filtering out the wastes and toxins
that are created by the body's constant metabolism. Every day, a
person's kidneys process about 200 quarts of blood to sift out about 2
quarts of waste products and extra water. The wastes and extra water
become urine, which flows to the bladder through tubes called
ureters. The bladder stores urine until releasing it through urination.
Renal failure or kidney failure, as the name suggests, is a medical
condition that is characterized by the inability of the kidneys to filter
out the unwanted materials. When the kidneys fail to perform their
function, the balance of fluids and electrolytes gets disturbed, thereby
creating serious health problems.
Unfortunately, chronic kidney disease (CKD) often cannot be cured.
But people in the early stages of CKD may be able to make their
kidneys last longer by taking certain steps. They will also want to
minimize the risks for heart attack and stroke because CKD patients
are susceptible to these problems.
People with reduced kidney function should see their doctor regularly.
People who have diabetes should watch their blood glucose levels closely to keep
them under control.
People with reduced renal function should check with their health care provider
before taking any medicine.
People with reduced kidney function should work with a dietician to create the right
food plan as some parts of a normal diet may speed their kidney failure. A renal
diet consists of avoiding whole grains and high potassium foods such as; banana,
cantaloupe, dates, grapefruit juice, oranges, orange juice, melon, brussel sprouts,
lentils, mushrooms, lima beans, parsnips, pumpkin, spinach, tomatoes, and yams.
Wishing you a
Happy Birthday!
Hearts are pounding at Taunton
Mills - Mar 1
Family connections stay close,
despite deserts and oceans of
separation - Feb 28
Taunton Mills a community hub on
Family Day - Feb 23
Accreditation sweep for Schlegel Feb 21
One for all and all for one during
Erin Meadows Olympics - Feb 16
Resident dining choices honoured
in village life - Feb 14
Read these articles and
more on the Villages
website. Sign up to receive
the email newsletter.
Schlegel Villages on
the Internet
Our Residents
Bill BcKenzie
Wilma Capagnaro
Jim McMerty
Marion Stroud
Johan Feikema
Joan Dingman
Thomas Grant
Gina Sgrinoli
Ann Robinson
Jackie Keith
Margaret Brant
Giorgio Bubola
Willy Krone
Hildegarde Arndt
Margaret Moffatt
Gladys Valeriote
Emmie Simpson
Dorothea Palmer
Thelma Anderson
Alma Horsley
Bob Hamilton
Elizabeth Stephens
Lisa Schmetz
Anne Monaghan
Rose Remenda
Agnes Gaverluk
Edith Ludtke
Sydney Kingdon
Stanley Johnson
Gregory Heeley
Donald Gartung
Mary Butterworth
Lin Whitman
Sonny Pfeiffer
Inez McKenzie
Flora Grant
Albert Williams
Frances Pasiciel
Melva Ecker
Grace Bascom
Mar 1
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Mar 31
Our Team Members
Shaneza Khan
Cathy Hudman
Maureen Hall
Debbie Moffatt
Maxine Russell
Dhanvender Sidhu
Wendy McLelland
Jeff Gall
Doreen Miller
Debbie Albert
Marlene Hayes
Jackie Graham
Peter Stutterheim
Nicole Stoner
Susan Dunkley
Chandra Hood
Nellie Vandyke
Kerrie Wagner
Ryan Fitzgerald
Luke Schitka
Jody Gawne
Yu Mei Wang
Lisa McConnell
Mar 1
Mar 3
Mar 4
Mar 4
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Mar 9
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Mar 12
Mar 15
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Mar 18
Mar 20
Mar 21
Mar 23
Mar 23
Mar 23
Julie Bonnett-Woodley Mar 24
Tammy McGlone Mar 25
Amanda Vanheeswyk Mar 25
Oyebisi Salami
Mar 28
Melanie Dellapina Mar 29
Dave Ellig
Mar 29
Andrea Floyd
Mar 30
Amy Jones
Mar 30
Marissa Castelo
Mar 31
Birthday Celebrations
Long Term Care Birthday Lunch
Wednesday, March 21st at 12:00pm in the
Eramosa Town Hall
Retirement Birthday Get Together
Riverside Review, Vol. 14, Issue 3
Saturday, March 24th at 2:30pm in the
Valentines Events, February 14th, 2012
Cast of The RiverView ~ Taping takes place on Tuesdays
Watch Episodes of The RiverView on