March 6, 2016 - Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church
March 6, 2016 - Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church
154 N. MAIN STREET • HARRISONBURG, VA 22802 PHONE: 540-434-4341 • WEBSITE: EMAIL: FAX: 540-434-5549 OFFICE HOURS: Monday–Friday 9:00 am–4:00 pm Twinning with St. Isidore on La Gonave, Haiti March 6, 2016• 4th Sunday of Lent 6 de Marzo de 2016 • 4to Domingo de Cuaresma STAFF Pastor.................................................... Rev. Silvio Kaberia Parochial Vicar ...............................Rev. Joseph Goldsmith Deacon .............................................. Rev. Mr. Paul Kudrav Deacon Emeritus………………….Rev. Mr. Fred La Spina Coord. of Religious Education............ Mrs. Valerie Blanton Minister of Youth………………….Ms. Victoria Blackstone Minister of Liturgy & Music ...................... Ms. Jean DePiro Secretary ..............................................Mrs. Martha Moyers Spanish Ministry Coordinator ……… Mrs. Michelle Lopez Business Manager ..................................... Mr. Bill Brennan Facilities Manager.................................... Mr. Ron Bodkins COUNCILS Parish Council Chair Dr. Vicki Fawcett-Adams, 896-3417 Parish Council Vice-Chair …Mr. Carlos Briones, 440-5061 Parish Council Secretary…. Mr. Bob Tennyson, 828-6564 Finance Council Chair…..Mr. John Cassara, 540-217-0188 Finance Cou. Vice Chair ..Mrs.Stacey Burzumato 434-4732 Finance Council Secretary.….Mr. Ron Stefancin, 434-6304 LITURGY SCHEDULE Tuesday, Thursday, Friday ................................... 12:10 pm Wednesday .................... 6:00 pm; Holy Hour 6:30–7:30 pm Thursday ................................................. 7:00 pm (Español) Saturday .................................................................. 5:00 pm Sunday ....................... 8:00 & 10:00 am; 1:00 pm (Español) Holy Days ...................... Check the bulletin mass schedule. SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION Saturday: 3:30–4:30 pm or by appointment. Communal Services in Advent and Lent. MINISTERIO HISPANO: 540-434-0849 Coord. para el Ministerio Hispano: Sra. Michelle Lopez HORAS DE OFICINA Lunes—Viernes 9:00 am a 4:00 pm BULLETIN DEADLINE Monday at 10:00 am unless otherwise noted. Contents must be emailed to be included in that week's bulletin. All submissions are subject to the Pastor's approval and space availability and may be edited for length. BLESSED SACRAMENT CATHOLIC CHURCH HARRISONBURG, VA Your prayers are requested for the Sick of the Parish: Pete Adams, Martha Anderson, George Baron, Bud Bernhardi, Susan Berry, Elena Cantor, Francis Cavoto, Vivian Cervantes, Catherine Constantino, Beth Dalton, Lovell Dean, Cristobal Duque, David Durham, Thomas Downing, Madge Eckenrode, Annie Farwell, Steve Ferguson, Juan Gutierrez, Jean Hammond, Kamilia Hanna, Betty Hilson, Julie Iaconcig, Tony Jenkins, Carol Kagey, Jae Kim, Terry Le Pera, Raymond Lewis, Marjorie Maday, Pablo Martinez, Muriel Nicosia, Mildred Norkus, Lynn Picht, Francis Reilly, Nicolas Reyes, Roger Roberge, Pat Saltzer, the Schwartz Family, Mary Lynne Smith, , Paul Sullivan, JoAnn Vaccaro, Dorina Vincie, Pam Welsh, Claire Wirkus, Joseph Woefling, William Wright, all our homebound parishioners and all who care for them. For Family & Friends of Parishioners: Marianne & Scott Appel, Sarah Simon Calhoun, Donna Lee Carroll, Steven Chisick, Sylvia Ciolino, Catherine Clemmens, Sharon Clement, Jason Coffman, Elizabeth Cooke, Johana Milena Coppiano, Randy Cosner, Gerald DeLoria, Ben Derringer, Viola Dickerson, Joseph DiFrancesco, Alex Dino-Murdo, Dominic Dorazio, Karla Driver, Martha Emiliani, Willie Gardner, Augustin and Miguel Garibay-Alvarez, Lane Goodwin, Maria Glabus, Katherine Gloeckner, Ryan Greenwood, Hunter Gregory, Carol Hanna, Georgia Harkinson, Pat Harahan, Shirley Heatwole, Arthur Hemann, Eileen Herald, Audrey Hereford, Christopher Hernandez Medina, Lisa Hilton, Diane Hulvey, David Kane, Tucker Karl, Becky Keoki, Linda Layman, Phyllis Linka, Claire Lovejoy, Joanne Manfre, JR Martinez, Daniel McCarty, Wayne McCullar, Mary McFadden, Garth Mills, Leon Mondelli, Stacey Nadeau, Madison Nisly, Danielle Pack, Glenys Pascarelli, Mary Louise Pickeral, Anne Pirato, Justin & Laura Ray, Emily Ray, Jeremy Ream, Thomas Reilly, Richard Rexrode, Lillie Ryman, Bill Sampson, Brian Saulsman, David Schiefer, Sharon Spaulding, John Marvin Spencer, Joyce Springmier, Flora Strode, Jean Sweigart, Mike Swymeler, Joe Vaccaro, Hilda Ward, and Ramona Whitt. Remember those in our parish family in the military, especially Jeremy Adams, Brian Davis, John Ferguson, Dane Geise, Joe Gibson, Scott Hankes, Donovan O’Donnell, Scott O’Donnell, Derek Stroop, Jesse Thomas, and Ryan Wilkes, especially those serving in Iraq, Afghanistan and other assignments overseas or in harm’s way. Please pray for peace throughout the world, and for those suffering from natural disasters, terrorism, war and civil unrest, especially in Africa, Europe and the Middle East. Pray for those killed and injured in terrorist attacks all over the world. Please pray for those persecuted for their faith, especially in in the Middle East and Africa. We also pray for resolution of the refugee crisis in Europe. Pray for those affected by the recent tornadoes and storms. Pray for our twin parish of St. Isidore, La Gonave, Haiti, that they be sustained in the many challenges they face. Please pray for those who have died, that they may be welcomed into the heavenly kingdom. Please call or email ( the office if there has been a change in the status of someone you placed on the prayer list. Thank you! We would like to leave names on the list for six weeks unless requested otherwise (chronic illness, for example), so please keep up updated! Please pray that the right to life would be respected and protected in our country and the world, from conception to natural death. EASTER IS EARLY THIS YEAR! We are taking donations towards Easter flowers in honor of or memory of your family and friends. Use the Flower envelope in the March envelope set, call the office or email Martha at with the name(s) of those you wish to honor or remember. Deadline, Thurs. March 17. Sat. March 5, 5 pm, +Ezekiel Thiringi (requested by Tina Salumbides) Sun. March 6, Fourth Sunday of Lent (Laetare Sunday); 8 am, +Josephine Doris Olgesby; 10 am, +Vincent Paladino (requested by Paula Paladino) ; 1 pm, +Julito Claudia Hernandez Palm Sunday is March 20, Good Friday, March 25 and Easter Sunday is March 27. Mon. March 7, NO MASS Tues. March 8, 12:10 pm, +Bob Hudson (requested by Vickie Hudson) Wed. March 9, 6 pm, +Bud Knecht Thurs. March 10, 12:10 pm, +Herbert Hoffman, Jr. (requested by Viola Hoffman) 7 pm, Misa pro populo Fri. March 11, 12:10 pm, +Charles Farley Palm Sunday we will have our normal mass schedule but the 10 am Mass will be crowded so plan accordingly. Holy Thursday, bilingual Mass at 7 pm. Good Friday, Liturgy of Good Friday and Veneration of the Cross, 7 pm. Holy Saturday, Easter Food Blessing with Deacon Paul, 12 noon. NO 5 pm Mass or Confessions. The Great Vigil of Easter will begin at 8 pm. Sat., March 12, 5 pm, +Lynn Lake (requested by Lorraine & Frank Gehring) Sun, March 13, Fifth Sunday of Lent; 8 am, +William Whetzel; 10 am, +Ruby Guzzi (requested by John & Irene Kokorchen) 1 pm, Misa Pro Populo Easter Sunday, English Masses at 7:30, 9 & 11 am, Spanish Mass at 1 pm. 2 FOURTH SUNDAY OF LENT MARCH 6, 2016 SECOND COLLECTIONS: Mar. 6, Twin Parish in Haiti Mar. 13, Contingency Collection Mar. 20, Catholic Relief Services Collection April 3, Twin Parish in Haiti April 10, Contingency RE Calendar for children 3/6—RE classes 3/7 or 3/9—1st Communion Family night @ 6:30 in Johnston Hall 3/11—Kid’s Stations of the Cross @6:00pm in church (meatless dinner to follow in the Hall) 3/13—RE classes 3/16—1st Communion Class #4 @ 6:30 3/20—NO RE—Palm Sunday 3/27—NO RE—EASTER! ALLELUIA!!! 4/3—RE Classes resume FINANCIAL BOX SCORE Fiscal Year July 1, 2015-June 30, 2016 OFFERTORY FY 2015-16 Needed Actual YTD 2015/2016 totals $488,591 $471,597 February 7, 2016 $15,011 $14,766 February 14, 2016 $15,011 $13,234 February 21, 2016 $15,011 $12,938 February 28, 2016 $15,011 $14,125 Online giving (to date) $3,000 $4,336 YTD $551,635 $530,996 VIRTUS is being offered this Saturday!! This Saturday from 9-11:00am, we will be offering VIRTUS in the basement for anyone who volunteers with any children or youth program or activities. This is a diocesan requirement and only must be completed 1x. Preregistration is recommended. Go to and follow the prompts to preregister. Free childcare is also available. Contact Valerie at the office if you are in need of childcare or if you would like more information on this informative program to help keep our children and youth safe at church!! Difference ($16,994) ($245) ($1,777) ($2,073) ($886) $1,336 ($20,639) *Total Offertory Budget of $750,550 is based on 50 weeks (due to possible snow weekends). This Friday, March 11th, at 6:00pm, Stations of the Cross will be offered in the church, by children of our parish. All are invited to attend as we walk with Jesus on the last few hours of his life. A meatless Lenten meal will be provided afterward in Johnston Hall, at about 6:45. Currently, we are mailing over 700 envelope sets a month. We are getting back on average, about 200 a month. If you are NOT using your envelopes, please contact the office so we may avoid this expense. Thanks to those who already let us know they are not using the envelopes. We send the mailing list to our envelope company 2 months ahead of time, so once the envelopes are stopped, you may get them for one or two more months. BSYM Blessed Sacrament Youth Ministry RENEW RENEW Camp is June 12-17! For BSCC youth to be able to attend, we will need six full-time chaperones. Your amazing sacrifice of time and energy will enable our youth to experience this incredible time of service and fellowship. Also, consider asking college students coming home for the summer to join us! Spiritual Book Club will call upon Bishop Fulton J. Sheen on Monday, March 14, to help us end Lent with his book "Characters of the Passion". This is available through Barnes and Nobel paperback $7.95, Nook Book 1.99 , Amazon or bookseller of your choice. Youth—REGISTER ASAP! There is a high chance that registration will fill up this year. For more information, contact Victoria Blackstone, Coordinator of BSYM, or check out more information at: April 11 we will be looking at "Letters from the Desert" by Carlo Carretto. At the age of 44, after a prominent career as a Catholic activist Carlo Carretto was summoned by a voice that said "Leave everything, come with me into the desert..." These are his letters from the desert of North Africa. Book can be obtained from Amazon/Kindle, Barnes and Noble/Nookbook or any bookseller. Join us in the church library at 7:00 for spiritual adventures. Encuentro is April 31-May 1! Registration costs are (each additional sibling is only $25): March 13th through Sat - $35 · March 20th through Sat - $45 March 27th through Sat - $55 For more information, contact Fr. Joe. Studio 38 (High School Youth Group): Every Friday in Lent, join us for fellowship and activities! Immediately following Stations in 2E Wolfe. If you can’t come to stations—join us from 78:30pm! EASTER EGG HUNT FOR KIDS 12 AND UNDER will be held Saturday, March 26 at 11 am at the shelter closest to the pond at Purcell Park. Prizes and a hot dog and chip lunch. Sponsored by the Knights of Columbus. Catechist Needed! MS RE is in need of one more 7th grade catechist! Please contact Victoria Blackstone, Coordinator of BSYM, at for informationǤ 3 BLESSED SACRAMENT CATHOLIC CHURCH HARRISONBURG, VA HUNGERING TO LEARN We journey with CRS Rice Bowl to the Central American country of Honduras, where we meet students who are learning that it's better to help your neighbor learn and grow than to leave him or her behind. To whom are we called to extend a hand this week? Visit for more. Thank you for your continued support! We go through lots of bags, so please keep those bags coming! And the egg cartons! We appreciate it! We also would like to ask that you not park behind the 2 E. Wolfe Building on Sundays, at the rear entrance, as this entrance is used even on Sundays for deliveries. You are welcome to park in the spaces on either side of the building. Also, we have received a request from the management of the Friendly City Food Coop, asking us not to park in their customer spaces. This also has been requested by the management of Dollar General. Sooooo, you may be wondering, where CAN I park? The parking deck, including the upper level, which is available on weekends. You can park in the Post Office spaces around the corner of the Dollar General building, as the Post Office is closed Saturday afternoon and Sunday. There are some spaces on either side of 2 E. Wolfe Street, and there are a number of spaces on the street all around the block. We try to save some spaces in our church parking lot for those who are handicapped or have mobility issues. CCW still has several of our Prayer Ministry booklets available. Do you know anyone who is homebound or ill and cannot get to church regularly? Do you carry Communion to shut ins? Do you have a student away at college or in the military? Do you have a son or daughter who has moved away from the community and can no longer worship with us? Our prayer ministry booklets were made with all of these in mind as a way of letting them know that they are missed and that we can all pray together even when circumstances keep us apart. Some of them are available at the ushers table, or you can get them from the office during the week. They are available in English and Spanish. KIDS IN THE LOCAL FOSTER CARE SYSTEM NEED YOUR HELP! Many children who are placed into foster care come into the system with nothing but the clothes on their backs. The Knights of Columbus are collecting CLEAN, used children’s clothing in good condition. There are collection boxes in the foyer. Clothing for all ages and both sexes welcome. Parishioner and Brother Knight Judge David O’Donnell will insure that Child Protective Services receives the clothing so children in need may receive it. If you missed our Penance Service, the Penance Services at our neighboring Catholic parishes are as follows: Monday, March 7, Lexington, Tuesday, March 8, Staunton, Tuesday, March 15, Waynesboro. All times are 7 pm. Friday, March 18, Holy Infant in Elkton will hold a Penance Service at 6 pm. Bulletin deadlines: Are usually 10 am Monday for the following Sunday. Occasionally, these are moved up by our printing company due to holidays. SPRING FORWARD: The deadline for the March 27 (Easter Sunday) bulletin will be Thursday, March 17 at 10:00 am. Don’t forget to set your clocks AHEAD one hour at bedtime on Saturday, March 12. If you get to Mass when everyone else is leaving, that will be your clue that you forgot!!! Items should be emailed to and may be edited for space and clarity. Bulletin announcements should relate to parish events, non-parish Catholic events and groups such as Cursillo and Knights of Columbus, and space permitting, local and Diocesan cultural, religious, charitable, or educational events. 4 FOURTH SUNDAY OF LENT MARCH 6, 2016 DIOCESAN—AREA—COMMUNITY EVENTS THIS WEEK AT BLESSED SACRAMENT SATURDAY, MARCH 5 Continue “24 Hours for the Lord” 3:30-4:30 pm, Confessions 4:30 pm, End “24 Hours for the Lord” 5:00 pm, Vigil Mass for Sunday 6:30-8:15 pm, CHICCA Class Attention MEN! Every day couples are making decisions regarding their unintended pregnancy. The father of the baby plays a critical role in that decision. At AVA Care of Harrisonburg, volunteer male mentors care for these men by encouraging them in their role as new fathers. Training is scheduled for Sat. 3/11. Contact or 540.434.0658 to learn more. SUNDAY, MARCH 6, 4TH SUNDAY OF LENT (LAETARE SUNDAY) NO Masses at CCM Twin Parish in Haiti Collection 8:00 & 10:00 am, English Masses 10:00 am, Nursery & Children’s Church 11:30 am-12:40 pm, Religious Ed Classes 12:30 pm, Rosario 1:00 pm, Misa en Español 4:30 pm, Legion de Maria 6:00 pm, Grupo Kerygma 2016 Women's Cursillo Weekend: Thursday, April 21 - Sunday, April 24th at Camp Overlook near Harrisonburg. Catholic Women are invited to spend an inspiring long weekend with other women who want to deepen their relationship with God and enrich the way each lives out her faith every day. The weekend will be led by a team Catholic women who have made a Cursillo weekend before, along with Fr. Dan Bain and Ms. Patty Huffman participating as spiritual directors. Mass will be held each day, along with engaging reflection times and talks on specific issues of Catholic Christian living. Great food and fun included. Cost: $60.00 (donations will be accepted at the end of the weekend to allow others to go on a Cursillo Weekend). For information and downloadable applications, visit the Valley Cursillo website: or, if you do not have computer access, call Rob and Ann Michel at 434-978-3954. Application due date: Monday, April 11th. MONDAY, MARCH 7 NO MASS 10:00 am, ESL Class 5:30-9:30 pm, Choir Practices TUESDAY, MARCH 8 11:30 am, Rosary 12:10 pm, Daily Mass 6:30 pm, Legion de Maria, Rm 4/5, Hall 7:00 pm, RCIA, basement large room 7:00 pm, RICA (Spanish RCIA) Rm 6 WEDNESDAY, MARCH 9 4:30 pm, Soup Kitchen 6:00 pm, Daily Mass, followed by Holy Hour 7:45 pm, Hispanic Choir Practice 2016 Men's Cursillo Weekend: The Men's Cursillo will be held in the fall on October 20-23rd, also at Camp Overlook. THURSDAY, MARCH 10 10:00 am, Mom’s Group 10:30 am, Lectionary Bible Study 11:00 am, Friendship House 12:10 pm, Daily Mass 7:00 pm, Misa en Español 7:00 pm, Scripture Study Meals for the Upcoming Cursillo Weekend: If you and your group reunion or another group of Cursillo friends are interested in providing a meal on the upcoming Women's Cursillo Weekend April 21-24th at Camp Overlook, please email Alan Yost at We especially need to be sure we have a group committed to making and decorating for the Saturday night dinner. It's been a bit challenging lining up folks for this in recent weekends. It is always a very special way to contribute to the weekend, so consider getting a group together to make it happen and let Alan Yost know you're interested. FRIDAY, MARCH 11 12:10 pm, Daily Mass 6:00 pm, Stations of the Cross, English, 6:30 pm, Meatless Soup Supper, Johnston Hall 7:00 pm, Via Crucis en Español 7:00 pm, Studio 38 High School Youth Group, 2 E. Wolfe St. SATURDAY, MARCH 12 9:00 am-12 pm, VIRTUS Training 3:30-4:30 pm, Confessions 4:30 pm, Rosary 5:00 pm, Vigil Mass for Sunday 6:30-8:15 pm, CHICCA Class Move clocks ahead one hour tonight, DST starts at 2 am Sunday NO MASS ON CAMPUS THIS SUNDAY OR ALL THIS WEEK as JMU is on Spring Break. SUNDAY, MARCH 13, 5TH SUNDAY OF LENT Contingency Collection 8:00 & 10:00 am, English Masses 10:00 am, Nursery & Children’s Church 11:30 am-12:40 pm, Elem, MS & HS Rel Ed 12:30 pm, Rosario 1:00 pm, Misa en Español 4:30-6:00 pm, Legion de Maria 6:00 pm, Grupo Kerygma 9:00 pm, CCM Mass, at CCM House Next Sunday, March 13, the only Mass on campus will be the 9 pm Sunday Mass, which will be held at CCM House at 1052 S. Main Street. Normal on campus mass schedule will be in effect Palm Sunday weekend: Sunday 11 am and 5 pm at the House, 9 pm at Highlands Room, Festival Center. Easter Sunday, CCM will join Blessed Sacrament for the Easter Vigil at 8 pm on Saturday March 26. The one Easter Sunday Mass on Campus will be at 11 am at the Festival Ballroom, Festival Center, CISAT Campus. 5 BLESSED SACRAMENT CATHOLIC CHURCH HARRISONBURG, VA COMUNIDAD HISPANA LEGION DE MARIA La Parroquia de Blessed Sacrament ¡Lo invitamos a participar! Legión de Maria se reúne todos los domingos a las 4:30 pm y martes a las 6:30pm. En el salón #5 del edificio del J. Hall de la Parroquia Realizamos trabajos como: Evangelización puerta a puerta, Visita de la Virgen Peregrina a los hogares Contacto callejero para establecer relación con personas alejadas de la Iglesia Visitas a personas enfermas Entronización del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús ¡Lo esperamos! Para más información ver a Luz Girón, Alicia Bravo o Viliulfo Bautista, Durante la Misa de la 1p.m. o durante las horas de Legión de Maria. GRUPO Kerygma y Alabanza Ven te invitamos al grupo Kerygma, es por medio de cantos, oraciones y reflexiones. Y se reúnen las tardas de los domingos de 6 pm-8 pm en el Santuario. GRUPO Kerygma y Alabanza Ven te invitamos al grupo Kerygma, es por medio de cantos, oraciones y reflexiones. Y se reúnen las tardas de los domingos de 6 pm-8 pm en el Santuario. Las charlas por bautismo, se dan los sábados a las 5:30 pm de la tarde. Fechas para las charlas: 2, 9 y 16 de abril; 30 de abril, 7 y 14 de mayo. Fechas para los Bautismos: 23 de abril, 30 de abril. Se invita a Participar en el Coro Hispano para las Misas en espanol del Jueves 7 de la noche y Domingos a la 1 de la Tarde. La Practica para el Coro es todos los Miercoles despues de la Hora Santa 7:30pm. Declaración de la Misión Parroquial La Iglesia de Blessed Sacrament aspira a ser Discípulos de Cristo, y un modelo Cristiano para la Comunidad, y estar en Comunión con la Iglesia Universal, en server uno al otro y que así nuestra comunidad crezca. Nosotros inclusive hablamos en diversas lenguas vocas, unidos en nuestra Fe Católica y en la celebracion de la Eucaristía The spotlight this week shines on Harrisonburg Family Practice Please patronize this advertiser. 6 FOURTH SUNDAY OF LENT MARCH 6, 2016 LEGION DE MARIA La Parroquia de Blessed Sacrament ¡Lo invitamos a participar! WƌĞŐƵŶƚĂĚĞ:ƵďŝůĞŽĚĞůĂƐĞŵĂŶĂ͗ hŶĞƐƉşƌŝƚƵŐĞŶĞƌŽƐŽ ͞zĠůůĞĚŝũŽ͗͞,ŝũŽŵşŽ͕ƚƷƐŝĞŵƉƌĞŚĂƐĞƐƚĂĚŽĐŽŶŵŝŐŽ͕LJ ƚŽĚŽůŽŵşŽĞƐƚƵLJŽ͘͞WĞƌŽĞƌĂŶĞĐĞƐĂƌŝŽŚĂĐĞƌĮĞƐƚĂLJƌĞͲ ŐŽĐŝũĂƌŶŽƐ͕ƉŽƌƋƵĞĠƐƚĞ͕ƚƵŚĞƌŵĂŶŽ͕ĞƐƚĂďĂŵƵĞƌƚŽLJŚĂ ǀƵĞůƚŽĂůĂǀŝĚĂ͖ĞƐƚĂďĂƉĞƌĚŝĚŽLJŚĂƐŝĚŽŚĂůůĂĚŽ͘͟;>ƵĐĂƐ ϭϱ͗ϯϭʹϯϮͿ ĚƵůƚŽ͗ŽŵŽĞůŚŝũŽŵĄƐũŽǀĞŶ͖͎ƵĄŶĚŽĞƐƚƵǀŝƐƚĞƉĞƌĚŝͲ ĚŽLJĚĞƐƉƵĠƐĞŶĐŽŶƚƌĂĚŽƉŽƌĞůWĂĚƌĞĂŵŽƌŽƐŽLJĐŽŵƉĂƐŝͲ ǀŽƋƵĞƚĞĂŵĂ͍ Legión de Maria se reúne todos los domingos a las 4:30 pm y martes a las 6:30pm. En el salón #5 del edificio del J. Hall de la Parroquia Realizamos trabajos como: Evangelización puerta a puerta, Visita de la Virgen Peregrina a los hogares Contacto callejero para establecer relación con personas alejadas de la Iglesia Visitas a personas enfermas Entronización del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús ¡Lo esperamos! Para más información ver a Luz Girón, Alicia Bravo o Viliulfo Bautista, Durante la Misa de la 1p.m. o durante las horas de Legión de Maria. Jóvenes: ¿De qué maneras las personas han sido misericordiosas y compasivas contigo? ¿Cómo se puede practicar perdonar a los demás? HAMBRE DE APREDER: En nuestra jornada con el Plato de Arroz de CRS en Honduras, conoceremos a un grupo de estudiantes que están aprendiendo que es mejor ayudar a tu vecino a aprender y a crecer, que dejarlo atrás. ¿Para quienes estamos llamados a extenderles una mano esta semana? Visite para más información. CHILDREN’S CORNER 7
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