Echoes of Emilie - Les Soeurs de la Providence


Echoes of Emilie - Les Soeurs de la Providence
Echoes of Emilie
Volume 37 No. 1 - February 2014
In this issue
- 140th Anniversary of the
«Hospice Saint-Jean-de-Dieu»
- Première of the documentary
«Les Discrètes» (Emilie’s Daughters)
- Blessed Emilie-Gamelin Parish
in St-Lin-Laurentides
- Appointment of a new
Postulator of the Cause
- Gratitude to Emilie
Emilie Gamelin Centre
Nancy Prada, Coordinator
Bureau of the Cause of
Blessed Emilie Gamelin
Sr. Yvette Demers, SP, Secretary
Translation, edition, graphic design
and diffusion:
Emilie Gamelin Centre
Lorena Otero,
Adm. Assistant / Museum Tour Guide
Sr. Linda Jo Reynolds, SP
NO 40046221
National Library of Quebec
National Library of Canada
ISSN 1203-987X
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of our bulletin at:
Echoes of Emilie on the Web:
To submit a comment, a new address or
to place an order at our Boutique
Providence, please contact us at:
Emilie Gamelin Centre
12 055, Grenet Street
Montreal, Qc H4J 2J5 Canada
Phone: (514) 334-9090
140th Anniversary of « l’Hospice Saint-Jean-de-Dieu »
(St-John of God Hospital)
Established in October 1873 by the Sisters of
Providence, L’hospice Saint-Jean-de-Dieu
(St. John of God Hospital), which became
L’hôpital Louis-Hippolyte Lafontaine in 1976
and more recently l’Institut universitaire en
santé mentale de Montréal (Mental Health
Institute of the University of Montreal),
celebrated its 140 years of existence in
October 2013.
The Emilie Gamelin Centre received a
request from the administration of the
Hospital to collaborate in creating a
historical exhibition of photographs,
equipment that marked the birth of the
institution, recalled the role of the Sisters of
Providence, and the evolution of medicine,
especially psychiatry. It was our great
pleasure to lend objects and archive
materials that might testify today to the
everyday life at the institution and that of
the people who worked there.
The exposition was open to the public from
October 8th to the 22nd. At its opening, a
very touching tribute was offered to the
Sisters of Providence by Ms. Denise Fortin,
Executive Director of the hospital: "One
hundred years ago, the Sisters of
Providence founded Saint-Jean-de-Dieu
Hospital to welcome the persons entrusted
to them by the government... Enriched by
their heritage, I have the great honor to
continue the work they carried out for a
hundred years: to see to the well-being of
particularly disadvantaged people in our
society. I hope I can be up to what they
have done; what they were. To me, being
a woman and directing the largest
psychiatric hospital in Quebec, forty years
after the departure of the last woman to
hold the position (Sister Gilberte Villeneuve,
SP), symbolizes pride and continuity.”
During the exhibition, employees of the
International Centre of the Sisters of
Providence, as well as a great number of
Sisters of Providence, went to see the
display. Mrs. Christine Bolduc, Archivist,
welcomed the
visitors with great
throughout their visits. She made these visits
so remarkably interesting that everyone
was left with a long-lasting impression and
a profound admiration for this great work of
charity that the pioneers accomplished
with the means of their time.
Brief history of « Hospice Saint-Jean-de-Dieu »
From the time Emilie Gamelin was a lay
woman, she knew influential politicians and
their wives, who worked in charitable
organizations. She knew how to obtain their
benevolent help in her quest to assist the
poor. In 1849 Mother Gamelin wrote a letter
Lafontaine, Prime Minister of the Eastern
United Province of Canada, in which she
proposed a project for the mentally ill.
In this project, that included eight articles, she suggested the
construction of a building, on the land of the Congregation
at Longue-Pointe, for the care of the mentally ill men and
women whom she hosted at the Asile of Providence since
1845. In May 1850, Mother Gamelin began to work on the
eighth and last article proposed: that she visit the homes for
the insane in Baltimore and Boston in the United States to
obtain all the information necessary for the success of her
In 1852, La ferme Saint-Isidore (the Saint Isidore farm) was
ready to accommodate seventeen mentally ill persons. In
1863, an annex called Saint-Jean-de-Dieu (St. John of God)
was constructed and added to the convent of the Sisters
that was located in eastern Montreal. In the 1870s, l’Hospice
Saint-Jean-de-Dieu would be constructed on the site of this
convent. Sister Thérèse de Jésus was the soul and the
director of this important institution in the history of Health
Care in Quebec. In 1873, twenty-two years after the death
of Emilie Gamelin, an agreement between the
Congregation of the Sisters of Providence and the Quebec
government entrusted the care of the mentally ill of both
sexes to the Congregation.
On May 6, 1890, a fire destroyed l'Hospice Saint-Jean-deDieu. Eighty-six people lost their lives and 1,200 patients were
left homeless. Here is how La Patrie, a newspaper of the
time, reported the news: What was yesterday one of the
most beautiful buildings in the province, where charity was
practiced towards people deprived of reason, lies today as
a pile of rubble which covers the charred remains of about
one hundred unfortunates who could not be saved or did
not want to…
The city firefighters arrived at full speed with their horses
exhausted from the twenty-one-minute ride. However, they
found an out of control situation: it was absolutely impossible
to stop the fire with the means at their disposal. Less than
four hours after the alarm, all that was left of the huge
asylum was a few crumbling sections of the walls.
“Le Saint-Raphaël”
Aerial view of
L’Hospice L.-H. Lafontaine
In their effort to provide increasingly specialized care, the
Sisters of Providence inaugurated in 1912 the first school of
nurses in Quebec, specializing in the treatment of nervous
and mental illnesses. The school would eventually be
recognized by the University of Montreal and the program
would reflect the requirements of l’Association des gardemalades enregistrées de la province de Québec
(Association of Registered Nurses of the Province of Quebec)
The administration of the Hospital stayed up to date by
visiting other similar institutions in Europe.
In 1975, a little more than one hundred years after its
foundation, l’Hôpital Saint-Jean-de-Dieu saw the Sisters of
Providence gradually leave the institution, following the
reorganization of its services.
Lorenzo Morin (1918-1996), a psychiatrist and professor
respected and recognized in his field for his research and
numerous publications, wrote about this great work of the
Sisters of Providence: "The sisters took up in that place (at
l’Hôpital Saint-Jean-de-Dieu) a significant challenge whose
history tends to be forgotten though it participates in that of
our country and our survival.”
Nancy Prada
In the same year, the construction of temporary pavilions to
accommodate the victims began, pending a permanent
In 1897, l’Hôpital Saint-Jean-de-Dieu became a stand-alone
civil municipality and a canonical parish of the Montreal
diocese. With its auditorium, the fire brigade and recreation
centers, the asylum took on such proportions that it even
required a train, “Le Saint-Raphaël” (named Saint Raphael),
to go around the various pavilions.
Monday to Friday - 9:00 AM to 4:30 PM
Self-guided or guided tours available
Reservations required for guided tours or outside
our opening hours (evenings/weekends)
12055 Grenet Street Montreal, QC H4J 2J5 Canada
Information: (514) 334-9090
Admission fees: Free
Mental Health Institute of the University of Montreal
(Ignace Bourget Pavillion)
The premiere of the documentary
Les discrètes (Emilie’s daughters),
directed by Hélène Choquette, will
be held Saturday, February 22 at
18:00 at the Grande bibliothèque
de Montréal, as part of the film
festival Les Rendez-vous du
cinéma québécois.
Accentuated with commitment,
spiritual quest and humor, Les
discrètes plunges us into the heart of the community of
the Sisters of Providence. The documentary is the
ultimate testimony of these women who have profoundly
influenced Quebec and, despite their age, continue to
show altruism and compassion.
For more information please visit
or contact the Emilie-Gamelin Centre at 514.334.9090
Blessed Emilie-Gamelin Parish
in Saint-Lin-Laurentides, Quebec, Canada
Good news! The first parish Bienheureuse Émilie-Gamelin
(Blessed Emilie-Gamelin) was inaugurated on Sunday,
January 12, 2014 in Saint-Lin-Laurentides, of the Diocese of
Joliette, in the Province of Quebec. This new parish was
formed by the merging of two neighboring parishes: Saint
Lin and Saint Calixte.
Parishioners showed great devotion and deep admiration
for Emilie. The presence of a large number of families and
young children brought a breath of fresh air to this new
parish. As to the church, it was built between 1887 and
1890. Its architecture and good state of preservation
make it a jewel of our religious heritage to visit.
Sr. Yvette Demers, SP
Several Sisters of Providence were present, including
those of the community of Saint-Lin-Laurentides and some
members of the general and provincial leadership teams.
Among the guests were also Sister Yvette Demers,
Secretary of the Bureau of the Cause of Emilie Gamelin,
as well as some sisters who had lived or worked in the
Father Wilson Ramírez Ángel, who earlier this year had
visited the Mother House, the International Centre of the
Sisters of Providence, and the Museum to learn more
about the life and work of Emilie, presided over the
ceremony. The name of the parish was chosen from
among several other names. Thanks to the continuous,
promotional support of our three Sisters of Providence in
Saint-Lin-Laurentides and the diligent group of Providence
Associates of this city, the option Bienheureuse ÉmilieGamelin (Blessed Emilie Gamelin) was chosen. It goes
without saying that Emilie certainly inspired the choice!
Appointment of a New Postulator
We are pleased to announce that the
Congregation for the Causes of Saints in
Rome has appointed Father Éric Sylvestre,
p.s.s. (Sulpician), Postulator of the Cause of
Canonization of Blessed Emilie Tavernier
Gamelin. This appointment took place in
Rome on October 31, 2013. Father Éric
Sylvestre succeeds Father Roger Laberge rsv,
who had to retire due to the age limit
allowed for this function.
professors of the Grand Seminary of Brasilia,
Compagnie de Prêtres de Saint-Sulpice
(Company of the Priests of St. Sulpice). In
September 2008, he was appointed Rector
of the Pontifical Canadian College in Rome.
For postulation of the Causes of Beatification
and Canonization, he studied theology,
history and canon law.
We would like to sincerely thank Father Roger
Laberge, rsv, who conducted the Cause of
Blessed Emilie Gamelin with talent and tireless dedication.
Over the past five years, we have benefited from his rich
experience, wise advice, and constant availability. Our
endless gratitude to him and our continued prayers for
the success of his current ministry.
Father Éric Sylvestre, born in L’Assomption,
Quebec, Canada, completed the classical studies
program at the Collège de L’Assomption. Later on, he
attended the Grand Seminary of Montreal where he
completed theological studies. While at the seminary, he
looked for a summer job and he was hired at the Mother
House of the Sisters of Providence where he discovered
the life and work of Mother Emilie Gamelin. Also in this
same period of time, he was happy to visit the Bureau of
the Cause and the Museum of the Sisters of Providence
along with other seminarian colleagues to learn more
about this great woman.
Let us continue to pray for the progress and achievement
of the Cause of Canonization of an authentic "woman
with an attentive heart", Blessed Emilie Gamelin; may she
be increasingly known and her mission of compassionate
charity continue in our world today to the glory of GodProvidence.
Ordained in 1995, he worked in the Archdiocese of
Montreal. After joining the team of directors and
Sr. Yvette Demers, SP
Gratitude to Emilie
Blessed Emilie, always attentive to those who ask her intercession...
I trust Blessed Emilie Gamelin because
she granted me the sale of two houses and
a successful birth of twins.
B.P., Drummondville, QC
Deep thanks to Mother Emilie. I made
three novenas; my daughter passed her
exams and got a new job.
D.L., Ste-Angele de Premont, QC
my gratitude for the favors she has
obtained for me and my family. Often, we
do not realize her precious interventions.
G.-R. and A.A. Trois-Rivieres, QC
With these roses on the tomb of Emilie, I
would like to express my deep and sincere
gratitude to Emilie, because I am
completely healed!
N.B., Montreal, QC
I prayed a novena to Mother Gamelin for
her assistance of my daughter in choosing
a job; my prayers were answered. My
daughter was accepted to work in a day
care center for the elderly, where she is
very happy.
G.McD., Joliette, QC
Blessed Emilie Gamelin is my guide, my
protector, the one who "inspires my hope"
on the road of life. Thank you, thank you!
M.M., Ville d'Anjou - Montreal, QC
This contribution is to thank Blessed Emilie
for succeeding in exams and protecting our
little family.
R. and M.L., Moncton, NB
M.G., Adstock, QC
P.T., Shawinigan, QC
J.M. Longueuil, QC
D.B., Berthierville, QC
R.B., Grand-Mere, QC
J.D., Trois-Rivieres, QC
F.B., Montreal, QC
L.L.-L., Montreal-Nord, QC
M.R.-B., Montreal, QC
L.L., Ottawa, ON
Y.D., St-Marc-des-Carrieres, QC
C.L., Montreal, QC
T.L., St-Alphonse-Rodriguez, QC
J.L., Quebec, QC
L.F.-B., St-Charles-Borromee, QC
S.P., St-Paulin, QC
E.R.-B., Montreal, QC
J.P., Ville-Marie, QC
S. and R.V., Montreal, QC
G.F., Brechin, ON
A.D., Repentigny, QC
L.D., Montreal-Nord, QC
V.R., Montreal, QC
C.B., Gatineau, QC
My beloved Mother Gamelin saved my life.
When I was leaving home, a medal of
Emilie fell from my purse; I picked it up
asking her to protect me. Two hours later, I
had a severe accident. Despite several
injuries, facial fractures, and multiple
surgeries, I am grateful for her protection,
because I am still alive.
C.F., East Elmhurst, N.Y.
I thank Blessed Emilie. I prayed to her so
that my son could obtain a promotion at
work and my prayers were answered.
P.P., Cap-St-Ignace, QC
Great thanks to Mother Gamelin for the
sale of my mother-in-law’s house two
weeks after praying for this intention.
R.F., Pierrefonds, QC
My deepest gratitude goes to Blessed
Emilie. After praying for her intercession, I
was able to buy the car I wanted. I feel,
slowly but surely, my health has improved.
M.-F.N., St-Basile-Sud, QC
I would like to thank Mother Gamelin for
the favor received. I have great confidence
in her intercession. Thank you for sending
me a copy of the "Echoes of Emilie".
J. P., Joliette, QC
As always, Emilie is so present in my life.
Thank you!
D. R., Laval, QC
Here is an offering to thank Emilie who
helped my grandson find a good job.
H.D.-V., Chambly, QC
Thanks to Mother Gamelin for the
assistance she gives me every day.
G.G., La Baie, QC
During a difficult moment, I prayed to
Emilie Gamelin and she gave me strength.
I continue to ask her intercession and I
have confidence in her.
A.M., Salaberry-de-Valleyfield, QC
I confided my grandson to Mother Gamelin.
He went to England, where he found a
good job and an apartment. I'm sure Emilie
will protect him.
J.C-C., Levis, QC
I am very grateful to Mother Emilie.
Recently, I underwent cataract surgery
and, thanks to God, she helped me; I'm
fine now. In regards to the cancer I suffer, I
receive medical follow-ups and I hope they
will continue to go well. When I'm away
from home, I ask her to watch over my
house, so that my home is not burglarized
again. Thanks to her in advance.
R.R. Ovalle, Chile
I have confided myself to Blessed Emilie at
very difficult times and I have found
comfort. She is really powerful.
J.T., Montreal, QC
This contribution to the Cause of
Canonization of Mother Gamelin expresses
Gratitude to Emilie
Gratitude for favors received
Blessed Emilie Gamelin,
Pray for us!
Sister Yvette Demers, SP
Bureau of the Cause of Blessed
Emilie Tavernier Gamelin
To Blessed Emilie we confide
all the intentions that
you carry in your hearts,
both spiritual and temporal;
she will certainly know how to lend
an attentive ear to all your needs.
Please address all favours obtained to:
Bureau of the Cause of Blessed Emilie Tavernier Gamelin
12 055, Grenet Street
Montreal, QC H4J 2J5 Canada
Sr. Yvette Demers, SP, Secretary
Phone: (514) 334-9090 (Ext. 208)

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