Echoes of Emilie - Les Soeurs de la Providence
Echoes of Emilie - Les Soeurs de la Providence
Echoes of Emilie Volume 38 No. 2 - June 2015 In this issue issue: Page - A bit of history on Place Emilie Gamelin - Emilie’s life… a perpetual transformation… 1-2 3 - A New Vice-Postulator of the Cause of Blessed Emilie Tavernier Gamelin - Gratitude to Emilie 4 Redaction: Emilie Gamelin Centre Nancy Prada, Coordinator Bureau of the Cause of Emilie Gamelin Sr. Yvette Demers, SP Vice-Postulator Translation, edition, graphic design and diffusion: Emilie Gamelin Centre Lorena Otero, Adm. Assist. & Museum Tour Guide Proofreading: Sr. Linda Jo Reynolds, SP PUBLICATIONS MAIL AGREEMENT NO 40046221 RETURN UNDELIVERABLE CANADIAN ADDRESSES TO: EMILIE GAMELIN CENTRE 12055 GRENET STREET MONTREAL (QC) H4J 2J5 CANADA LEGAL DEPOSIT - 2006 National Library of Quebec National Library of Canada ISSN 1203-987X A bit of history on Place Emilie Gamelin Recently, we heard through various Montreal media, that Place Emilie Gamelin would be completely transformed into an "urban village". The newly constructed “urban village” at Place Emilie Gamelin was inaugurated on May 7th, 2015 as Les Jardins Gamelin (Gamelin Gardens). very long time. It represents a place of gathering, but mostly a meeting place for the marginalized of our society. Place Emilie Gamelin is located at the cradle of the Congregation of the Sisters of Providence, where 172 years ago, Emilie Gamelin, as a religious, began a charitable work of love and compassion. A huge sculpture undulates above Place Emilie Gamelin. This illuminated net, created by the internationally renowned American artist Janet Echelman, illuminates the night from May 7th to October 4th, 2015. In addition to the suspended artwork, there are architectural video projections, restaurant areas and a large patio. Some areas have also been reserved for urban agriculture. Many cultural events are planned to take place in Gamelin Gardens during the summer. In 1843, when French sisters told Bishop Bourget that they could not come to Montreal, he decided to found a Canadian, diocesan congregation: The Daughters of Charity, Servants of the Poor, called by the people "The Sisters of Providence". In 1843, Bishop Bourget entrusted to them the mission "to do everything that the other congregations cannot do." In the heart of Montreal, this park has been well known by Montrealers for a The Asile of Providence, which was located at the current Place Emilie Gamelin, was built thanks to the dedication of Bishop Bourget and Emilie Request your electronic copy of our bulletin at: Echoes of Emilie on the Web: To submit a comment, a new address or to place an order at our Boutique Providence, please contact us at: Emilie Gamelin Centre 12 055, Grenet Street Montreal, Qc H4J 2J5 Canada Phone: (514) 334-9090 « Gamelin Gardens»: the new look of Place Emilie Gamelin The Asile of Providence Gamelin, who begged to finance its costs. Novices moved from the Yellow House to the Asile of Providence on May 24, 1843. Described by a newspaper of the time as a "national monument dedicated to suffering humanity", the Asile of Providence was the first Mother House of the Congregation. Mother Gamelin, encouraged by her great trust in Providence, multiplied the charitable works among which are the most renowned: care of orphans, mentally ill, elderly priests, the sick and the education for deaf girls. At the heart of the city and the needs of the population, the Asile of Providence represented a gathering point for In 1995, the City of Montreal honored the former site of the Asile of Providence by renaming it Place Emilie Gamelin. Since 2000, a statue bearing the image of the Blessed Emilie Tavernier Gamelin, sculpted by Raoul Hunter, embellishes one of the entrances of the Berri-UQÀM Metro station. Times have changed and social suffering has changed its face. Emilie's charity still continues today in those places where a charitable work takes place. Place Emilie Gamelin, even transformed, continues to be a refuge for the needy and marginalized of our society. Nancy Prada Coordinator the poor. Every day, for more than 120 years, its Soup Kitchen distributed hundreds of hot meals a day; the line on the sidewalk outside was very long. At the Asile, there was also the "table of the poor" available daily for those who stopped by. This charitable work continues to inspire many other "soup kitchens" today. MUSEUM OF THE SISTERS OF PROVIDENCE If you wish to know more about the history of Emilie Gamelin and the charitable work of the Sisters of Providence, please feel free to call the team of the Emilie Gamelin Centre at (514) 334-9090 # 217 or 223 Our activities include guided tours for individuals and groups at our Museum. We also offer Outside-the-Walls activities, on request, to groups wishing to explore any topic related to the history of the Congregation of the Sisters of Providence and their Foundress, Blessed Emilie Tavernier Gamelin. The chapel of the Asile of Providence, designed by the architect John Ostell, also served as the Cathedral for the city, from 1852 to 1855. In 1911, the Sisters of Providence, always eager to help, offered a place at the Asile to the Bruchési Institute, a charitable work providing care for tuberculosis patients. In 1963, during the construction of the Montreal subway, the Asile’s building and land were purchased by the City. During the demolition, on December 16, 1963, the building was destroyed by a fire. The land was then used as a parking lot for thirty years. Open Monday to Friday - 9:00 AM to 4:30 PM Self-guided or guided tours available Reservations required for guided tours or outside opening hours (evenings/weekends) 12055 Grenet Street Montreal, QC H4J 2J5 Canada Information: (514) 334-9090 Admission fees: Free Emilie’s life… a perpetual transformation… Although the word "transformation" was not usual in her time, Emilie Tavernier Gamelin, the first Blessed of Montreal, let herself to be transformed by events throughout the various stages of her life. Motherless at the age of four, Emilie found herself transplanted in her paternal aunt's home; she had to adapt to a new living environment and other ways of living. Successive griefs decimated her family, but the love towards the poor inculcated by her mother remained strongly rooted in her heart. As a young girl, she dreamed of starting her own family... On June 4, 1823, Emilie Tavernier married Jean-Baptiste Gamelin, known for his charitable work, "now, they will be two to practice charity." Three children were born of this union; the first two died three months after their birth; in turn, her husband died on October 1, 1827, and her last child passed away on July 28, 1828, before two years of age. Emilie saw her dream vanish... She was left alone, except for a mentally handicapped boy entrusted to her by her husband, who was indebted to the boy for saving his life after some bandits had left him half dead. "Take care of him in remembrance of our love." And there she was, at a difficult turning point in her life. She grieved and wondered what the Lord wanted of her. She sought comfort from her spiritual director, Father Bréguier (known as St-Pierre), a Sulpician priest who gave her an image of the Virgin Mary, sitting alone at the foot of the Cross after the burial of Jesus in the tomb. He recommended that she pray and meditate. Prayer and contemplation gradually transformed the young widow. She decided not to remarry, "Now, her husband, her children, will be the poor." She directed her steps toward those in misery and her heart was touched by the suffering she encountered: the elderly, the lonely, disabled, and sick. She opened the doors of her home; she used the property left by her husband to found shelters. She looked for volunteers, ladies of charity, to better serve those whom she protected. Emilie was living life differently. The needs increased: the victims of epidemics, prisoners, the elderly, aged or sick priests. She gave generously and even worked to ensure stability for her charitable work by obtaining its civil Incorporation. She continued her charitable action, convinced that she was where God wanted her to be. Yet, another event changed her plans and her life. Bishop Bourget desired to ensure the permanence of this charitable work in his diocese by entrusting it to a religious congregation. Emilie collaborated with the decision of her bishop and remained open to the future, knowing that "God's ways are not our ways." Not attracted to religious life, on February 2, 1842, Emilie committed herself, by a private vow, to "continue to serve the poor, as long as strength would allow her." When the project to bring sisters from France failed and Bishop Bourget decided to found a Canadian religious community, she remained faithful to her gift. She agreed to train the novices in the charitable work, which seemed to be running through her fingers, without even thinking for a moment of joining the new congregation. But grace continued its work in her soul... The transformation continued to take place in her heart. Emilie felt a call to greater self-giving. She proposed to Bishop Bourget that she become one of the novices. He hesitated, but she insisted. Finally the bishop "who recognized in her the foundress he needed" accepted and even entrusted her with a mandate: he sent her to Emmitsburg, in the United States, to the Daughters of Charity to visit their works and obtain a copy of their Constitutions. The day after her return, on October 8, 1843, she received the habit of the Daughters of Charity, Servants of the Poor. The transformation of her routines, ideas, and her way of living, did not happen without suffering, clashes, or tears at times... but in her heart she felt PEACE. She professed her vows on March 29, 1844 and was elected Superior the next day. She put herself in the hands of The One who always called her to do "always more and always better." Her faith, humility, patience, and tolerance were strengthened by unfolding events, the needs that arose, and by the requests that her bishop added to her daily occupations. Yes, her soul was transformed... and one day, when her bishop was unsympathetic and demanding, despite the suffering of her heart, she still saw the hand of God was transforming her. FIAT! Her serene, humble, offered resignation in response to the reproachful letter sent by her bishop reassured Bishop Bourget. Mother Gamelin’s mission of Providence continues daily through the great devotion of her sisters and the charitable works that continue to grow... During a time of epidemic, while Emilie assisted the cholera victims, the divine Master welcomed her into his Kingdom on September 23, 1851: "I was hungry, I was thirsty... come, enter into the joy of your Master." Docile to the transformation that the Lord asked of her, she was ready to receive the promised reward. Emilie, in these times where Providence calls us to personal and community transformation, provide us with a little of the abandonment and faith that enabled you to accomplish a mission that lasts beyond time. Providence of God, we thank you for all ! Sr. Yvette Demers, SP Vice-Postulator Cause Emilie Tavernier Gamelin A New Vice-Postulator of the Cause of Blessed Emilie Tavernier Gamelin After receiving the nomination from the General Leadership Team of the Congregation of the Sisters of Providence, Father Éric Sylvestre, PSS, legitmate Postulator of the Cause of Blessed Emilie Tavernier Gamelin (Protocol 1320) appointed Sister Yvette Demers, SP to the position of Vice-Postulator of the said Cause, with all duties and privileges pertaining to this mission, in Rome, on May 2, 2015. We thank our Provident God for the life and gifts of Sister Yvette! We assure her of our support and prayer. General Leadership Team - Sisters of Providence Gratitude to Emilie Blessed Emilie, always attentive to those who ask her intercession... I had a serious illness; I almost died. My family and I prayed to Mother Gamelin and our prayers were answered. Thank you so much! P.-A. T., Shawinigan, QC Thanks to Blessed Emilie for her assistance in the sale or purchase of a house, property, vehicle, or for other financial problems: T.B., Longueuil, QC J.V., St-Justin, QC M.C., Edmonton, QC L.L., Sorel-Tracy, QC Here is a contribution to thank Blessed Mother Gamelin for the recovery of our daughter. There were serious complications after the birth of her first child. L. and S. G., Mont-Laurier, QC R.D., Joliette, QC R.R., Charlesbourg, QC G.B., Clermont, QC L.T., Boischâtel, QC L.B., St-Casimir, QC A.G.G., Trois-Rivières QC A.B., St-Lambert, QC L.D., Montréal-Nord, QC F.L. Rawdon, QC A.L., Cowansville, QC C.C., Mascouche, QC M.S.G., Joliette, QC C.M., St-Bruno, QC B.M., Louiseville, QC Thank you, Emilie, for successful surgeries, quick recoveries and avoided Interventions… Thank you for helping my son pass his Law exams; we had entrusted him to Blessed Emilie Gamelin. Y.P., Louiseville, QC Our daughter got a job according to her abilities in a private clinic. Thank you. M. L., Moncton, N.B. Some issues arose during the studies of our daughter. We entrusted her to Mother Gamelin and everything was solved to her benefit. P. G., La Serena, Chile Thank you to Blessed Emilie, to whom I prayed. The heart surgery I was to undergo was not necessary. L. D., St-Tite, QC Mother Gamelin heard our prayers and we thank her for the joyous birth of L. We are very happy. M. R., Montreal, QC I think that the trust we had in the good Mother Gamelin helped our son who was not feeling happy... Today I see that his attitude has improved, as if he had decided to move forward and to take charge of his own life. Tthank you! R. T., Ste-Julie, QC Various testimonies of comfort and assistance due to the intercession of Mother Gamelin that were sent to us: G.G.I, Laval, QC G.T., St-Édouard, QC M.M., Anjou, QC F.R., Moncton, QC C.L., Ruisseau-à-Rebours, QC J.-G.D., Longueuil, QC M.L., Lanoraie, QC P.P., Trois-Rivières, QC L.B.-R., Charlesbourg, QC L.J., Granby, QC M.L., Grand-Mère, QC G.A., St-Sauveur, QC J.C., Lévis, QC M.G., Adstock, QC J.T., Montréal, QC P.P., Cap-St-Ignace, QC H.-P.G., Rosemère, QC Gratitude to Emilie Please address all favours obtained to: Bureau of the Cause of Emilie Gamelin 12 055, Grenet Street Montreal, QC H4J 2J5 Canada Sr. Yvette Demers, SP, Vice-Postulator Phone: (514) 334-9090 (Ext. 208) KL.D.T., Polska, Poland H.B., Ste-Marthe-sur-le-Lac, QC N.F., Yamachiche, QC F.D.-B., St-Eustache, QC M.F.-G., Viña del Mar, Chile L.L., Verder, ON B.M., Louiseville, QC S.H., St-Édouard, QC B.P., Drummondville, QC G.T.-V., Trois-Rivières, QC C.V., Ville St-Laurent, QC R.L.-G., Laval, QC C.B., Malaga-Andalucia, Spain R.G.-G., Trois-Rivières, QC A.M.-G., Hearst, ON G.L., Louiseville, QC Thank you, Emilie, for obtaining a job… M.E.Q., Santiago, Chile C.F., Laval, QC G.R. et A.A., Trois-Rivières, QC M.L., Grand-Mère, QC J.C.M., St-Constant, QC A.L., Montréal, QC Blessed Emilie Gamelin, Intercede for those who trust in you! Sr. Yvette Demers, SP Vice-Postulator Cause Emilie Tavernier Gamelin To Blessed Emilie we confide all the intentions that you carry in your hearts, both spiritual and temporal; she will certainly know how to lend an attentive ear to all your needs.
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