Echoes of Emilie - Les Soeurs de la Providence


Echoes of Emilie - Les Soeurs de la Providence
Echoes of Emilie
Volume 37 No. 2 - July 2014
In this issue
- "Les Discrètes" ,
the documentary
- Coming soon at the Museum :
"Les Journées de la Culture"
- St. Marie-de-l’Incarnation
and St. François de Laval
- The Leadership of Emilie
- Two Popes were canonized
- Gratitude to Emilie
 Emilie Gamelin Centre
Nancy Prada, Coordinator
 Bureau of the Cause of
Blessed Emilie Gamelin
Sr. Yvette Demers, SP, Secretary
Translation, edition, graphic design
and diffusion:
 Emilie Gamelin Centre
Lorena Otero,
Adm. Assistant / Museum Tour Guide
 Sr. Linda Jo Reynolds, SP
NO 40046221
National Library of Quebec
National Library of Canada
ISSN 1203-987X
Request your electronic copy
of our bulletin at:
Echoes of Emilie on the Web:
To submit a comment, a new address or
to place an order at our Boutique
Providence, please contact us at:
Emilie Gamelin Centre
12 055, Grenet Street
Montreal, Qc H4J 2J5 Canada
Phone: (514) 334-9090
A documentary about the Sisters of Providence
The premiere of the documentary Les Discrètes (Emilie’s
Daughters) took place on February 22, 2014 as part of the Les
Rendez-vous du cinéma quebecois festival. The auditorium of
the National Library was crowded! There were moments of
laughter; the room was full of emotions… some more touching.
In simplicity, worthy of the title of this documentary, Les
Discrètes presents the Sisters of Providence, who for over 170
years continue the work of their foundress, Emilie Gamelin, as
they respond to the needs of the poor, drug addicts, prisoners
and those marginalized by society in Montreal and beyond.
It all began in the fall of 2011, when documentarian Hélène Choquette visited our
Museum, in a discreet manner, but with a project in mind... to make a documentary
about the Sisters of Providence, who despite their age, continue to daily demonstrate in
their actions harmony with their mission of helping the poor.
At this point, Hélène knew little about the details of Emilie Gamelin’s life, a lay woman,
who became a widow at 27, and who lost her three children. However, she desired to
know and understand these women so devoted to the neglected in society.
For over a year, she worked with the sisters;
she followed them in their daily life. She
came to see us at the Museum and the
Archives, always full of curiosity. For a while,
the Emilie Gamelin Centre became her
"headquarters"; the museum rooms were
used as the film set for interviews. On the
part of the Sisters of Providence, they had to
trust in Providence and let "this young and
unfamiliar woman" pry in an "indiscreet"
Sister Simone, SP
and Hélène Choquette, the producer
of the documentary Les Discrètes
Les Discrètes is primarily a social documentary that takes us into the everyday life of the
Sisters of Providence.
By means of interviews and archival documentation, but with a different perspective,
the documentarian presents the major stages of the life of the community since its
beginning. It also presents the commitment of the Sisters of Providence, who since
the Community’s foundation continue today their work in the utmost discretion.
These women, who worked in the shadows all their lives, have contributed to the
development of social services and the creation of a better society, here in Quebec
and elsewhere in the world.
By means of this documentary, Hélène Choquette has contributed to the spreading
our heritage, which is a mission of primary importance for our collective memory.
Newer generations need to learn and older generations be reminded about the
heritage and contribution of the Sisters of Providence in Quebec and elsewhere in
the world.
By Nancy Prada
The Museum of the Sisters of Providence
will participate in the
September 26 & 27, 2014
10 AM to 3 PM
Our program includes: Presentation of the documentary “Les Discrètes”.
This documentary, which plunges us into the heart of the community of
the Sisters of Providence, is the ultimate testimony of these women who
have profoundly influenced Quebec and who continue to show altruism
and compassion. Hélène Choquette, director of this documentary, will be
present to discuss the film after its showing.
For more information regarding free visits to the Museum and our
special program, please contact the Emilie Gamelin Centre .
514.334.9090 (#217 or #223)
Saint Marie of the Incarnation
1599 (France) - 1672 (Quebec)
Monday to Friday - 9:00 AM to 4:30 PM
Self-guided or guided tours available
Reservations required for guided tours or outside
our opening hours (evenings/weekends)
12055 Grenet Street Montreal, QC H4J 2J5 Canada
Information: (514) 334-9090
Admission fees: Free
Saint Francis-Xavier
de Montmorency-Laval
(François de Laval)
1623 (France) - 1708 (Quebec)
We join the Church of the Diocese of Quebec to thank God for the
recent decrees of Sainthood issued by Pope Francis on April 3, 2014
in favor of Saint François de Montmorency-Laval (Bishop of Laval)
and Saint Marie of the Incarnation. The Lord is wonderful in his
The Bureau of the Cause of Blessed Emilie Gamelin
The Leadership of Emilie
From an early age, Emilie Tavernier showed assertiveness,
a talent for organization, and an ability to find
People perceived these skills in her, when, at 18, she
lived in the house of her recently widowed
brother and she opened the "Table of
the King" to accommodate the
beggars knocking at the door.
There was always a table set
for them at which she served
In 1823, Emilie married
Jean-Baptiste Gamelin. She
strived to work with him to
relieve the needs of the
city’s poor. She supported him
in his activities and endeavors.
their locals and she herself assisted the Sisters appointed to
these foundations.
Everywhere she was recognized as a "Veritable
Providence", "Angel of Prisoners".
She was
requested to be at the bedside of the sick
and dying and she was praised for
her dedication and generosity.
Unknowingly, she trans-mitted
her leadership charism
particularly to two great
women she welcomed to
the novitiate: Venerance
Morin, on May 11, 1850, and
December 26, 1843. The first
became the foundress of the
Congregation of Providence in
Santiago, Chile; while the second
was the pioneer of the missions in the
Western U.S. and Canada.
In 1828, after she had become a
Bishop Bourget and
the Ladies of Charity (1841 )
widow and while contemplating the
image of the Virgin at the foot of the Cross, she
discovered the mission that God had entrusted to her: in
The day after the sudden death of Mother Emilie Gamelin
the future, her husband and children will be all those who
on September 23, 1851, it was not surprising to read in the
suffer in some way. Familiar with the city environs of the
newspapers: "Glory be to God forever, for giving such a
time, she welcomed into her home the most vulnerable
heroine to our century, such an example to our people!
elderly and sick women. Volunteers assisted her in caring
for those in the house and helping out in various tasks. She
Sister Yvette Demers, SP
also relied on relatives and friends to help her in her
charitable work. As a business woman, she decided to sell
the properties inherited from her husband in order to meet
Two Popes were canonized:
the needs of those whom she protected. She organized
XXIII,“the Good Pope”, and
bazaars, visited the closets of the rich... which made many
Pope John Paul II, the “Pilgrim Pope”
people say: "Giving things to Mrs. Gamelin is worthy
because I know that everything will be properly used for
the poor."
When Bishop Ignace Bourget decided to ask the
Daughters of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul to take over
the work of Providence, Emilie did all that was necessary
to obtain the Certificate of Incorporation of the Maison de
la Providence (Providence House), which was obtained
on September 18, 1841. Then she offered to assist the
bishop in begging for the necessary funds needed to build
the house of the future "Sisters", which later became
Providence Asile.
However, the Sisters of France announced to Bishop
Bourget they had to abandon their plans in Canada. The
Bishop of Montreal took a decision based on prayer and
reflection: to found a religious community – The Sisters of
Providence - in Montreal on March 25, 1843. On July 8,
when one of the novices left the group, Mrs. Gamelin felt
called to replace her. On March 29, 1844, Bishop Bourget
invited her to be the first to pronounce religious vows. For
a long time her organizational and leadership skills had
been recognized. She was elected Superior the day after
her profession, on March 30, 1844.
She formed the novices and young sisters for the works of
charity and Providence; she made herself available to
answer all of the numerous needs that arose; she sought
to respond to bishops desiring houses of Providence in
Pope Francis canonized Blessed Popes John XXIII and John Paul II on
Divine Mercy Sunday, April 27, 2014.
The Congregation of the Sisters of Providence, and particularly the
Bureau of the Cause of Emilie Gamelin, rejoices on the occasion of
the canonization of Pope John Paul II, since he was the Pope who
approved the main stages of the Cause of their Blessed foundress.
Here are the dates of those stages:
December 5, 1980
December 23, 1993
December 18, 2000
October 7, 2001
The obtaining of the Nihil Obstat for the
Introduction of the Cause in the Diocese of
The signing of the Venerability Decree
The signing of the Decree on the miracle
Proclamation of Beatification
Praise God for giving these two Saint Popes to the Church: St. John
XXIII and St. John Paul II!
Gratitude to Emilie
Blessed Emilie, always attentive to those who ask her intercession...
Mother Emilie Gamelin is very well known for
the sale of houses. More than a year after
signing an offer of purchase, a religious
community looked forward to the moment of
concluding the sale. Finally, the notary
settled the meeting date to sign the contract:
Monday, September 23... the day of the
liturgical feast of Mother Gamelin. The
Sisters saw this as a sign from heaven, from
where Mother Gamelin assures her
protection and invites them to trust in
S.L.D., OP, Montreal, QC
Many thanks to Mother Gamelin; the surgery
for skin cancer was successful.
D.F., Longueuil, QC
Thank you for praying for me. Mother
Gamelin listened to our prayers for I got the
job I wanted for an improved quality of
life and also for my financial situation.
I entrust my whole family to her.
C.G, Louiseville, QC
Thank you to my good Mother Gamelin for
relieving a persistent abdominal pain. Here is
my contribution.
R.B., La Baie, QC.
I am sending you Mass stipends to thank
Mother Gamelin who answered my prayers:
my son was finally called to work at the
Sûreté du Québec (Police of Quebec).
C.L., Ruisseau-a-Rebours, QC
Thank you to Mother Emilie Gamelin, thanks
to the prayers for her intercession, a baby
survived at birth and father and mother are
very happy.
Grandma D., Shawinigan-Sud, QC
I confided to Mother Gamelin the thyroidnodule exams I had to undergo; the results
showed no signs of cancer. I’m deeply
J.V., St-Justin, QC
Thank you to Blessed Emilie to whom I
prayed. My niece healed from complications
after a cesarean. In addition, the trip I
entrusted to Emilie went safely.
M.C., Edmonton, AB
Thanks to Emilie for the sale of my son’s
S.H. St-Edouard, QC
Thank you, Mother Emilie Tavernier Gamelin
for granting my wishes about the outcome of
the case concerning my daughter's house.
N. M.-M., Port-au-Prince, Haiti
I want to thank Emilie for a favor received:
the healing of B.D., who was very ill.
L.V., Montreal, QC
I confided my daughter to Blessed Emilie
Gamelin because of her separation. Thank
you Emilie, because everything was
peaceably resolved. Now, she only needs to
obtain the custody of her children, ages
3 and 5.
B.B., Quebec QC
Thank you to Emilie for the job that my son
B.P., Drummondville, QC
Enclosed you will find my offering to thank
Mother Gamelin. She granted improved
health to my mother, brother, and even me.
B.C., Bronx, N.Y., U.S.A.
I assure you that Mother Emilie Gamelin
watches over our daughter; she got a very
good job in Ottawa.
C. and G., Cornwall, ON
I'm sure Mother Emilie Gamelin, to whom I
prayed, listened to me and helped me
recover my health. Many thanks!
K.G., St- Basile, QC
I asked Emilie to help me find a good job and
she answered my prayers. I hope she will be
proclaimed a Saint very soon.
M.L., Joliette, QC
Thank you, Mother Gamelin, for interceding
during the open heart surgery of my son A.
F.B., St-Lambert, QC
My son-in-law’s employment contract was
renewed for a period of six years. Thank you
to Blessed Emilie, to whom I prayed.
G.B., Yamachiche, QC
Every night I say a prayer to Emilie Gamelin;
she surely interceded in the healing of my
daughter who had been injured. Thank you!
P.F.-R., St- Ephrem-de-Beauce, QC
I have great confidence in Mother Gamelin. I
was healed and obtained a special favor for
my daughter.
H.B., Val Morin, QC
After praying to Blessed Mother Gamelin, my
blood pressure improved.
E.T., Colorado Springs, CO, U.S.A.
Thank you for your prayers through the
intercession of Mother Gamelin. My wife has
gotten better since she returned home.
R.C., Repentigny, QC
I have great confidence in Mother Gamelin
and I want to thank her for making it possible
for my daughter to find a good job.
D.J., Alma QC
Through the intercession of Mother Gamelin
our son-in-law B. found a job which was
beyond his expectations. He feels
appreciated and that he is contributing to
society. Thank you to Emilie.
L.G. and B.A., Laval, QC
Blessed Emilie Gamelin,
Pray for us!
Sister Yvette Demers, SP
Bureau of the Cause of Blessed
Emilie Tavernier Gamelin
Gratitude to Emilie
Please address all favours obtained to:
Bureau of the Cause
of Blessed Emilie Tavernier Gamelin
12 055, Grenet Street
Montreal, QC H4J 2J5 Canada
Sr. Yvette Demers, SP, Secretary
Phone: (514) 334-9090 (Ext. 208)
To Blessed Emilie we confide
all the intentions
that you carry in your hearts,
both spiritual and temporal;
she will certainly know how to lend
an attentive ear
to all your needs.

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