Technical Data in line with VDI 2198
Technical Data in line with VDI 2198
RELAZIONE TECNICA DI VALUTAZIONE GENNAIO 2014 PREVISIONALE DELL’IMPATTO ACUSTICO Rev. 01 ACCORD PHOENIX INDICE 1. PREMESSA pag. 3 2. GENERALITA’ DELLA DITTA pag. 3 3. INQUADRAMENTO AREA pag. 4 4. NORMATIVA DI RIFERIMENTO pag. 7 5. STRUMENTAZIONE UTILIZZATA PER LE MISURE DI RUMORE RESIDUO pag. 10 6. IMPOSTAZIONI DELLE MISURE pag. 10 7. IMPIANTI ED APPARECCHIATURE DA INSTALLARE pag. 11 8. PREVISIONE DI IMPATTO ACUSTICO E CONCLUSIONI pag. 14 ALLEGATI: ALLEGATO “A” CERTIFICATO DI TARATURA DELLA STRUMENTAZIONE ALLEGATO “B” SCHEDE PUNTI DI MISURA PLANIMETRIA PUNTI DI MISURA ALLEGATO “C” CERTIFICAZIONI ACUSTICHE DELL’IMPIANTO DA INSTALLARE E DELLE SORGENTI SONORE PREVISTE ALLEGATO “D” DOCUMENTAZIONE TECNICA FOGLI CALCOLI POTERE FONOISOLANTE Rw INSONORIZZAZIONE PREVISTA PER IL NUOVO IMPIANTO Pag. 2 RELAZIONE TECNICA DI VALUTAZIONE GENNAIO 2014 PREVISIONALE DELL’IMPATTO ACUSTICO Rev. 01 ACCORD PHOENIX 1 PREMESSA La presente relazione è finalizzata alla valutazione previsionale dell’impatto acustico determinato dalla installazione di un nuovo impianto di messa in riserva e trattamento di RAEE (Rifiuti da Apparecchiature Elettriche ed Elettroniche) ed altri rifiuti non pericolosi (cavi elettrici) , situata lungo la Strada Statale 17 Ovest, in località Boschetto di Pile, all’interno del Nucleo Industriale di Pile, a L’Aquila. Al fine di caratterizzare il clima acustico attuale presente nell’area interessata dall’ampliamento i giorni 10 Settembre 2013 e 17 Gennaio 2014 sono state effettuate delle misure di rumorosità ambientale nei punti ritenuti significativi. 2 GENERALITA’ DELLA DITTA Ragione sociale: ACCORD PHOENIX S.r.l. Codice Fiscale: 07916810968 Partita Iva: 07916810968 Sede Legale: Via Amleto Cencioni, 5 – 67100 L’Aquila Sede operativa: SS 17, N. I. Località Boschetto di Pile – L’Aquila (AQ) Titolo di godimento: Locazione Altre attività eventualmente svolte nell’impianto: Nell’impianto di recupero non vengono svolte altre attività oltre quella di recupero dei rifiuti. Pag. 3 RELAZIONE TECNICA DI VALUTAZIONE GENNAIO 2014 PREVISIONALE DELL’IMPATTO ACUSTICO Rev. 01 ACCORD PHOENIX Si evidenzia come, per la descritta situazione del sito in esame, i rilievi sono stati effettuati nelle aree interessate (si veda planimetria allegata). In tal modo si sono potuti effettuare i rilievi finalizzati alla misura del rumore residuo, in modo da poter valutare, in sede di stima previsionale, il complessivo livello di rumorosità atteso che si determinerà con il contributo aggiuntivo dalle sorgenti sonore in esame; si potrà di conseguenza verificare in via teorica previsionale, la sussistenza dei requisiti di legge previsti dal comma 1 dell’art. 4 del DPCM 14/11/1997. Il contributo stimato della sorgente sonora in esame nei luoghi indicati, come sarà meglio specificato in seguito, risulterà tale da determinare un livello di rumore complessivo contenuto entro i vigenti limiti di legge. Il clima acustico anteoperam dell’area è sostanzialmente caratterizzato dal traffico veicolare sulla Strada Statale 17 Ovest, sull’Autostrada A24 ed in entrata ed uscita dal Nucleo Industriale di Pile (vedere planimetrie allegate alla presente relazione). TRAFFICO VEICOLARE La Strada Statale 17 Ovest è del tipo ad una carreggiata a doppio senso di marcia, percorsa da un flusso veicolare da ritenersi rilevante e non trascurabile, comprende sia veicoli leggeri che veicoli pesanti, e può essere così descritto: • Nella fascia diurna (in particolare dalle ore 07:00 alle ore 20:00) il traffico veicolare risulta intenso e costante, con una velocità di scorrimento che sia aggira intorno ai 40-50 Km/h. Negli orari di punta (ore 07:30/09:00 ed ore 17:30/19:00) il traffico risulta molto intenso, con frequente possibilità di code ed una velocità di scorrimento che si può aggirare intorno ai 20-30 Km/h. • Nella fascia notturna il traffico veicolare risulta poco intenso, con passaggio di pochi veicoli, in maggioranza veicoli leggeri, ed una velocità di scorrimento intorno ai 50 Km/h. • Per quanto riguarda il traffico veicolare che interessa l’autostrada A24 il flusso veicolare risulta meno intenso rispetto alla Strada Statale 17, la velocità dei veicoli, sia leggeri che pesanti è ovviamente maggiore. • All’interno del Nucleo Industriale di Pile il traffico veicolare comprende sia veicoli leggeri che veicoli pesanti, risulta poco intenso e non costante, con una velocità di scorrimento che non può superare i 30 Km/h. Negli orari di punta (ore 07:00/09:00 ed ore 18:00/19:00) il traffico risulta leggermente più intenso Pag. 6 RELAZIONE TECNICA DI VALUTAZIONE GENNAIO 2014 PREVISIONALE DELL’IMPATTO ACUSTICO Rev. 01 ACCORD PHOENIX 4 NORMATIVA DI RIFERIMENTO L’inquinamento acustico nelle zone abitative è regolamentato dalla L. 447/95 del 26/10/95 – entrata in vigore il 30/12/95 – e dal relativo D.P.C.M. 14/11/97 “Determinazione dei valori limite delle sorgenti sonore” attuativo di tale legge. Il D.P.C.M. 14/11/97 fissa i limiti massimi di accettabilità delle emissioni sonore negli ambienti abitativi e nell’ambiente esterno e stabilisce una suddivisione del territorio secondo le seguenti classi, fissandone per ognuna i limiti massimi ammessi in regime diurno (06;00-22:00) e notturno (22:00–06;00) Classe I - Aree particolarmente protette: Rientrano in questa classe le aree nelle quali la quiete rappresenta un elemento di base per la loro utilizzazione; aree ospedaliere, scolastiche, aree destinate a riposo e svago, aree residenziali rurali, aree di particolare interesse urbanistico, parchi pubblici, ecc. Classe II - Aree destinate ad uso prevalentemente residenziale: rientrano in questa classe le aree urbane interessate prevalentemente da traffico veicolare locale, con bassa densità di popolazione, con limitata presenza di attività commerciali ed assenza di attività industriali ed artigianali. Classe III - Aree di tipo misto: rientrano in questa classe le aree urbane interessate da traffico veicolare locale o di attraversamento, con media densità di popolazione con presenza di attività commerciali, uffici, con limitata presenza di attività artigianali e con assenza di attività industriali; aree rurali interessate da attività che impiegano macchine operatrici. Classe IV - Aree di intensa attività umana: rientrano in questa classe le aree urbane interessate da intenso traffico veicolare, con alta densità di popolazione, con elevata presenza di attività artigianali; le aree in prossimità di strade di grande comunicazione e di linee ferroviarie; le aree portuali; le aree con limitata presenza di piccole industrie. Classe V - Aree prevalentemente industriali: rientrano in questa classe le aree interessate da insediamenti industriali e con scarsità di abitazioni. Classe VI - Aree esclusivamente industriali: rientrano in questa classe le aree esclusivamente interessate da attività industriali e prive di insediamenti abitativi. Per ciascuna classe la legge prevede la seguente distinzione ed i relativi limiti: valori limite di emissione: il valore massimo di rumore che può essere emesso da una sorgente sonora, misurato in prossimità della sorgente stessa; valori limite di immissione: il valore massimo di rumore che può essere emesso da una o più sorgenti sonore nell’ambiente abitativo e/o nell’ambiente esterno, misurato in prossimità dei ricettori; i valori limite di immissione sono inoltre suddivisi in valori limite assoluti, determinati con riferimento al rumore ambientale e valori limite differenziali, determinati come differenza tra il rumore ambientale ed il rumore residuo. Pag. 7 RELAZIONE TECNICA DI VALUTAZIONE GENNAIO 2014 PREVISIONALE DELL’IMPATTO ACUSTICO Rev. 01 ACCORD PHOENIX VALORI LIMITE DI EMISSIONE – Leq in dB(A) Classi di destinazione d'uso del territorio Fasce orarie Diurno Notturno I Aree particolarmente protette 45 35 II Aree prevalentemente residenziali 50 40 III Aree di tipo misto 55 45 IV Aree di intensa attività umana 60 50 V Aree prevalentemente industriali 65 55 VI Aree esclusivamente industriali 65 65 Tabella 1: Valori limiti di emissione del livello sonoro equivalente (LeqA) relativi alle classi di destinazione d’uso del territorio di riferimento [Leq(A)] – D.P.C.M. 14/11/1997 VALORI LIMITE DI IMMISSIONE – Leq in dB(A) Classi di destinazione d'uso del territorio Fasce orarie Diurno Notturno I Aree particolarmente protette 50 40 II Aree prevalentemente residenziali 55 45 III Aree di tipo misto 60 50 IV Aree di intensa attività umana 65 55 V Aree prevalentemente industriali 70 60 VI Aree esclusivamente industriali 70 70 Tabella 2: Valori limiti di immissione del livello sonoro equivalente (LeqA) relativi alle classi di destinazione d’uso del territorio di riferimento [Leq(A)] – D.P.C.M. 14/11/1997 Per quanto riguarda la valutazione del disturbo all’interno dell’ambiente abitativo (criterio differenziale) i limiti e le rispettive condizioni di applicabilità previsti sono riassunti di seguito VALORI LIMITE DIFFERENZIALI Differenza massima ammessa tra il livello equivalente di rumore ambientale ed il rumore residuo A finestre aperte ogni effetto del rumore è da ritenersi trascurabile se il rumore misurato è inferiore a: A finestre chiuse ogni effetto del rumore è da ritenersi trascurabile se il rumore misurato è inferiore a: DIURNO NOTTURNO 5 dB(A) 3 dB(A) 50 dB(A) 40 dB(A) 35 dB(A) 25 dB(A) Tabella 4 – Valori limite differenziali – Art. 4 Ad oggi il Comune di L’Aquila (AQ) non ha ancora effettuato la zonizzazione di cui al D.P.C.M. 14/11/97 e successive modifiche e/o integrazioni. In ogni caso, anche in vista di una zonizzazione, la zona è individuabile come Area esclusivamente industriale avente come limiti 70 db(A) nel periodo diurno e 70 db(A) in quello notturno. Nell’area non sono presenti ricettori sensibili. Il limite differenziale non si applica in quanto la zona è individuabile come Area esclusivamente industriale Pag. 8 RELAZIONE TECNICA DI VALUTAZIONE GENNAIO 2014 PREVISIONALE DELL’IMPATTO ACUSTICO Rev. 01 ACCORD PHOENIX C’è da considerare, inoltre, che per il rumore prodotto dal traffico veicolare entro le fasce di pertinenza delle infrastrutture stradali esistenti si può fare riferimento all’articolo 5 del D.P.R. 30 marzo 2004, n. 142 che rimanda a sua volta alla tabella 2 dell’allegato 1 di seguito riportata. Considerato che: • l’area interessata (capannone) si trova a circa 70 metri di distanza dalla Strada Statale, • il recettore R1 è situato a circa 55 metri di distanza dalla Strada Statale, • il recettore R2 è situato a circa 30 metri di distanza dalla Strada Statale ed a circa 10 metri dall’Autostrada A24, • non ci sono recettori sensibili (scuole, ospedali, case di riposo...) nelle vicinanze, • il clima acustico dell’area è sostanzialmente caratterizzato proprio dal traffico veicolare presente sulla Strada Statale e sull’Autostrada A24, si può considerare valido il limite della tabella 2 dell’allegato 1 del D.P.R. 30 marzo 2004, n. 142 sopra riportata, indicato in 70 dB(A) nel periodo diurno per quanto riguarda i recettori R1 ed R2. Mentre per quanto riguarda le sorgenti sonore , anche in vista di una futura zonizzazione, la zona è considerata Area esclusivamente industriale e si può considerare valido il limite di 70 db(A) peri il periodo diurno. Pag. 9 RELAZIONE TECNICA DI VALUTAZIONE GENNAIO 2014 PREVISIONALE DELL’IMPATTO ACUSTICO Rev. 01 ACCORD PHOENIX Dato che tutte le apparecchiature saranno installate all’interno di un capannone industriale, la normativa di riferimento è la norma UNI EN ISO 12354-4: Acustica edilizia – stima delle prestazioni acustiche degli edifici a partire dalle prestazioni dei componenti, parte 1, trasmissione del rumore interno all’esterno. UNI/TR 11175:2005 Acustica in edilizia - Guida alle norme serie UNI EN 12354 per la previsione delle prestazioni acustiche degli edifici - Applicazione alla tipologia costruttiva nazionale 5 STRUMENTAZIONE UTILIZZATA PER LE MISURE DI RUMORE RESIDUO STRUMENTO: FONOMETRO INTEGRATORE di classe 1° conforme alle richieste dell’art.2 D.M. 16/03/98 – IEC nr. 804, IEC nr. 651, tipo BRUEL & KJAER, mod. 2236, nr. di matricola 1928471 per le analisi in frequenza; ingresso tramite microfono BRUEL & KJAER, mod. 4188, n° di matricola 1902790; ANEMOMETRO: Mod. AM 4902 nr. L 389023 CALIBRATORE: calibratore BRUEL & KJAER classe 1 modello 4231 n° di matricola 1934177 con calibrazione interna, esterna e CIC prima e dopo il ciclo delle misure Le relative caratteristiche ed il certificato di taratura sono riportate nell’ALLEGATO “A”. 6 IMPOSTAZIONE DELLE MISURE Le misure sono state effettuate nei punti di misura indicati sulla planimetria allegata. Le rilevazioni sono state eseguite nel rispetto delle prescrizioni tecniche di cui al D.P.C.M. 01/03/91. In particolare: - Il fonometro BRUEL & KJAER mod. 2236 è stato calibrato prima e dopo il ciclo di misura con calibratore di classe “1” BRUEL & KJAER classe 1 modello 4231 n° di serie 1938471; la differenza è stata pari a (0.0), (D.M. 16/03/98 art.2 comma 3) - La taratura del fonometro BRUEL & KJAER mod. 2236 e del calibratore BRUEL & KJAER mod. 4231, valida 2 anni per i rilievi in ambiente esterno, è stata effettuata in data 20/03/2013 nei laboratori accreditati della NEMCO S.p.A. – Centro di Taratura accreditato SIT con protocollo 04430 (D.M. 16/03/98 art.2 4); Pag. 10 RELAZIONE TECNICA DI VALUTAZIONE GENNAIO 2014 PREVISIONALE DELL’IMPATTO ACUSTICO Rev. 01 ACCORD PHOENIX - L’andamento dei valori rilevati non presenta scostamenti anomali dai valori attesi, tali da inficiare le misure effettuate; - Le condizioni meteorologiche nel giorno e nei periodi di misura sono state tali da non invalidare i risultati delle misure effettuate. - La velocità del vento, nel giorno di misura, è stata insignificante e strumentalmente non rilevabile (all. B 7 D.M. 16/03/98); - le rilevazioni sono state effettuate solo nella fascia diurna, in quanto le lavorazioni ed il funzionamento dell’impianto si svolgeranno esclusivamente in orario diurno; - Le misure sono state eseguite utilizzando la tecnica del campionamento ed effettuate in conformità agli orari di funzionamento delle sorgenti disturbanti; (all.B, 2, lett. b, D.M. 16/03/98) le misure effettuate o calcolate sono state arrotondate a 0.5 dB (all. B, 3, D.M. 16/03/98); - Il microfono è stato posizionato nei punti di misura indicati sulla planimetria, montato su cavalletto ad 1,5 m dal suolo e ad almeno 1 m da superfici riflettenti, mentre gli operatori al fonometro, presenti ai rilievi, sono stati ad oltre 3 m dal microfono stesso. Il rilevamento è stato eseguito al fine di considerare la situazione più gravosa, i valori riportati sono stati prescelti tra i più significativi e validi ai fini di una corretta valutazione. (all. B punti 4 e 5 del più volte citato decreto); - nel corso delle misure, il fonometro era provvisto di cuffia antivento; - non sono state rilevate componenti impulsive correlabili alle sorgenti disturbanti. Non si è rilevata inoltre, né presenza di componenti in bassa frequenza, né presenza di componenti tonali. - non è stata rilevata la presenza di rumore a tempo parziale. 7 IMPIANTI ED APPARECCHIATURE DA INSTALLARE Oggetto della presente relazione è il nuovo impianto di messa in riserva e trattamento di RAEE ed altri rifiuti non pericolosi. Il nuovo impianto si andrà ad instaurare all’interno di un edificio già esistente e destinato ad attività industriale, pertanto i confini del sito sono quelli esistenti del fabbricato, costituiti da idonea muratura in cemento armato. L’attività è priva di impatti ambientali esterni quali rumore, emissioni in atmosfera, ecc Pag. 11 RELAZIONE TECNICA DI VALUTAZIONE GENNAIO 2014 PREVISIONALE DELL’IMPATTO ACUSTICO Rev. 01 ACCORD PHOENIX Le lavorazioni consistono sommariamente nelle seguenti fasi operative: INGRESSO DEI RIFIUTI CONTROLLO VISIVO E DOCUMENTALE SCARICO E DEPOSITO DEI RIFIUTI DA SOTTOPORRE A TRATTAMENTO PRELIEVO CON MACCHINA OPERATRICE E CARICO NELLA TRAMOGGIA VAGLIATURA PRELIMINARE FRANTUMAZIONE DEFERRIZZAZIONE ESTRAZIONE TRAMITE NASTRI TRASPORTATORI DEL MATERIALE LAVORATO VERIFICA DELLA CONFORMITA’ DEL MATERIALE TRATTATO AVVIO A IDONEO DEPOSITO O A COMMERCIALIZZAZIONE L’impianto funzionerà esclusivamente in fascia diurna. Le sorgenti di rumore del nuovo impianto sono costituite principalmente da: • • • • Mulino di macinazione -BDR 2400 U Mulino di macinazione BAT 1600 U Elevatore JUNGHEINRICH ERE 120 Elevatore JUNGHEINRICH EJC 110/112 Nell’”ALLEGATO C” allegato al presente documento sono riportate le caratteristiche tecniche e le certificazioni acustiche dell’impianto da installare. Pag. 12 RELAZIONE TECNICA DI VALUTAZIONE GENNAIO 2014 PREVISIONALE DELL’IMPATTO ACUSTICO Rev. 01 ACCORD PHOENIX Riepilogo LAeq dB(A) MULINI DI MACINAZIONE JUNGHEINRICH ERE 120 Il livello medio è di 80 dB a 1 metro di distanza quando la macchina è vuota Il livello sonoro può raggiungere un livello massimo di 105 dB ad 1 metro di distanza durante il processo di lavorazione 66 dB JUNGHEINRICH EJC 110/112 70 dB IMPATTO ACUSTICO DEL CANTIERE La fase di cantiere avrà una durata inferiore ai 60 giorni e sarà svolta utilizzando le tradizionali tecniche costruttive. I macchinari impiegati nelle varie fasi di cantiere, individuati precedentemente, saranno conformi alle prescrizioni del D.Lgs. n°262 del 04/09/2002, “Attuazione della direttiva 2000/14/CE concernente l’emissione acustica ambientale delle macchine ed attrezzature destinate al funzionamento all’aperto”. Per la realizzazione del progetto, le varie fasi di lavorazione indurranno un traffico di mezzi pesanti all’interno dell’area di intervento e nella via di accesso che non aumenterà in modo significativo il traffico veicolare già presente nell’area. Inoltre tutti i macchinari utilizzeranno avvisatori di tipo luminoso invece che acustici, e tutte le attività verranno eseguite esclusivamente in orario diurno, e mai oltre gli orari consentiti (dalle 8 alle 13 e dalle 15 alle 19 nelle sole giornate feriali). MEZZI ED ATTREZZATURE UTILIZZATI MODELLO • Martello demolitore • Escavatore • Miniescavatore • Autocarro • Autobetoniera • Trapano elettrico Per le predette macchine sono stati utilizzati i valori delle schede tecniche del Comitato Paritetico Territoriale di Torino – Prevenzione Infortuni – Igiene e Ambiente di Lavoro Torino e Provincia – Banca dati del Rumore. Pag. 13 RELAZIONE TECNICA DI VALUTAZIONE GENNAIO 2014 PREVISIONALE DELL’IMPATTO ACUSTICO Rev. 01 ACCORD PHOENIX Calcolo del livello di potenza: le informazioni sopra riportate consentono di definire la potenza sonora per la fase di cantiere (in ottica peggiorativa vengono considerati in funzione contemporaneamente tutti i mezzi e le attrezzature presenti). La somma dei livelli di potenza risulta = 113,5 dB(A) Il livello di potenza acustica a 165 metri (R1, l’abitazione privata considerata come recettore più vicino) risulta = 61.2 dB(A) Dalla stima dell’impatto previsto per la fase di cantiere è emerso quanto segue: • L’impatto generato dal cantiere può essere trascurato perché i ricettori più vicini si trovano ad una distanza tale che i livelli sonori prodotti risultano essere poco significativi. 8 PREVISIONE DI IMPATTO ACUSTICO E CONCLUSIONI Ai fini del calcolo dell’impatto acustico degli impianti ed apparati in esame, i fattori presi in considerazione sono elencati qui di seguito: • la tipologia degli apparati ed impianti che verranno installati e le relative emissioni sonore così come sopra valutate e descritte; • la posizione di previsto impianto degli stessi; • il rumore residuo così come valutato e misurato nei punti che risulteranno maggiormente esposti alle emissioni sonore degli apparati ed impianti di cui trattasi; • la distanza tra i locali considerati ed i ricettori più vicini; Si è proceduto ad effettuare dei rilievi di rumore ambientale, inteso come rumore attualmente presente nel sito caratterizzato dal contemporaneo funzionamento di: attività industriali presenti nell’area traffico veicolare presente sulla Strada Statale 17 Ovest, sull’autostrada A24 ed all’interno del Nucleo Industriale. Pag. 14 RELAZIONE TECNICA DI VALUTAZIONE GENNAIO 2014 PREVISIONALE DELL’IMPATTO ACUSTICO Rev. 01 ACCORD PHOENIX Applicando la formula relativa alla somma di sorgenti sonore Lp = 10 log(10Lp1/10 + 10Lp2/10+….+ 10Lpn/10) si avrà un valore , al massimo di: 105,0 dB(A) Deve essere considerando che per i mulini di macinazione è stato previsto un sistema di insonorizzazione (vedere “allegato D” al presente documento) per la riduzione del rumore e la tutela dei lavoratori che opereranno sull’impianto. Il valore preso un esame (105,0 dB ad 1 metro di distanza macchina in lavorazione) è il valore teorico dichiarato e viene utilizzato nei calcoli esclusivamente in ottica fortemente peggiorativa, ritenendo che il sistema di insonorizzazione previsto ridurrà in maniera significativa il rumore immesso nell’ambiente dall’impianto. Il potere fonoisolante considerato, sempre in ottica peggiorativa viene considerato pari a: Rw = 42 Db (vedere “allegato D” al presente documento) CALCOLO DEL RUMORE AMBIENTALE ALL’ESTERNO *Lp emesso all’esterno = L interno – Rw (pareti) = 105 – 42 = 63 dB * da considerarsi come livello di emissione ad un metro dalla parete Verrà dunque rispettato il valore limite di immissione di 70 db(A) relativo alle Aree esclusivamente industriali per il periodo diurno. Applicando la distanza di 30 metri (confine del piazzale esterno) alla formula relativa all’abbattimento di una sorgente sonora in funzione della distanza dB2 = dB1 - 20 LOG D2/D1 Pag. 16 RELAZIONE TECNICA DI VALUTAZIONE GENNAIO 2014 PREVISIONALE DELL’IMPATTO ACUSTICO Rev. 01 ACCORD PHOENIX con: dB1 = livello di rumore della sorgente alla distanza 1; dB2 = livello di rumore della sorgente alla distanza 2; D1 = distanza 1 (1 metro); D2 = distanza 2 (30 metri – confine piazzale esterno) si calcola che il rumore ambientale stimato presso il confine piazzale esterno sarà pari a: 33,5 dB(A) nel periodo diurno Tale valore risulta già di per sé inferiore al clima acustico misurato strumentalmente presso il confine dell’area interessata. (Scheda “Punti di misura” , allegato B) Relativamente ai Recettori individuati si evidenzia una situazione di non rilevanza delle immissioni sonore provocate dal nuovo impianto, in ragione della distanza e della collocazione delle sorgenti sonore e dei recettori stessi. In base alla considerazione dei sovraesposti fattori ed alle conseguenti valutazioni e calcoli sulla propagazione delle emissioni sonore e sulla loro sovrapposizione al fondo preesistente, si può concludere ed affermare che i livelli di rumorosità attesi nei luoghi e nei locali indicati nelle tavole e nelle planimetrie allegate, saranno contenuti entro i limiti previsti dalla vigente normativa di riferimento. Al termine dei lavori verranno effettuate nuove misurazioni fonometriche per la verifica dei livelli di rumore effettivamente prodotti dai nuovi impianti/attrezzature installati. L’Aquila, 17 gennaio 2014 Per. Ind. IOVENITTI AUGUSTO TECNICO COMPETENTE IN ACUSTICA N. 110 DEL 31/03/2000 ELENCO DELLA REGIONE ABRUZZO Pag. 17 RELAZIONE TECNICA DI VALUTAZIONE GENNAIO 2014 PREVISIONALE DELL’IMPATTO ACUSTICO Rev. 01 ACCORD PHOENIX ALLEGATO “A” CERTIFICATI DI TARATURA DELLA STRUMENTAZIONE UTILIZZATA Pag. 18 RELAZIONE TECNICA DI VALUTAZIONE GENNAIO 2014 PREVISIONALE DELL’IMPATTO ACUSTICO Rev. 01 ACCORD PHOENIX Pag. 19 RELAZIONE TECNICA DI VALUTAZIONE GENNAIO 2014 PREVISIONALE DELL’IMPATTO ACUSTICO Rev. 01 ACCORD PHOENIX ALLEGATO “B” SCHEDA PUNTI DI MISURA SCHEDE LIMITI DI ACCETTABILITÀ PLANIMETRIE Pag. 20 RELAZIONE TECNICA DI VALUTAZIONE GENNAIO 2014 PREVISIONALE DELL’IMPATTO ACUSTICO Rev. 01 ACCORD PHOENIX ALLEGATO “C” CERTIFICAZIONI ACUSTICHE DELL’IMPIANTO DA INSTALLARE E DELLE SORGENTI SONORE Pag. 25 7284_ERE_120_GB 20.10.2009 12:05 Uhr Seite 1 ShockProtect to protect operator, truck and load Maintenance-free 3-phase AC motor giving high productivity Compact design for flexible usage Excellent safety with fixed stand-on platform (optional) ProTracLink suspension for high stability Multiple shift operation due to battery removal from the side (optional) ERE 120 Electric pedestrian/stand-on pallet truck (2000 kg) You save valuable time with the ERE 120 when transporting goods: with a higher speed in stand-on mode – compared with solely pedestrian operated trucks – goods are cost effectively transported over longer distances. The ERE 120 its very compact design is especially designed for very confined spaces such as on lorries. Just folding in the stand-on platform and side supports is enough for the ERE 120 to take the tightest corner. Added to this is safety and operating comfort in every application: I In addition to the softly sprung standon platform, the complete drive is cushioned with “ShockProtect”. I Through ShockProtect, the stand-on platform is completely separated from any vibration. The advantage: the operator’s spine is protected; there is considerably less stress on the chassis of the ERE 120. I The fixed stand-on platform (optional) with full side guards ensures maximum safety, especially during frequent reverse travel. High performance is complemented by the high efficiency of the 1.6 kW 3-phase AC drive motor: I Maintenance-free through no carbon brushes. I Integrated energy reclamation during braking. I Excellent acceleration for high throughput. For intensive operation over long distances or on ramps, batteries with capacities up to 375 Ah are available. Where schedules require operation of more than one shift, the 375 Ah battery can be removed from the side (optional) in order to facilitate a faster battery change. 7284_ERE_120_GB 20.10.2009 12:06 Uhr Seite 2 ERE 120 ERE 120 foldable stand-on platform ERE 120 fixed stand-on platform h14 h14 1157 1006 846 846 x x s h3 176 h13 m2 y l1 l2 h3 242 215 m2 461 l2 y l1 l l e e b1 500 (b12) b5 a/2 s h13 Wa (l 6 ) Ast (b12) 700 430 b5 Wa a/2 a/2 a/2 (l 6 ) Ast 7284_ERE_120_GB 20.10.2009 12:06 Uhr Seite 3 Wheels, Chassis Weights Identification Technical Data in line with VDI 2198 1.1 1.2 Manufacturer (abbreviation) Manufacturer’s type designation 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 Drive Type of operation Load capacity / rated load Load centre distance 1.8 1.9 2.1 2.2 2.3 Load distance, centre of drive axle to fork Wheelbase Service weight incl. battery (see line 6.5) Axle loading, laden front / rear Axle loading, unladen front / rear 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 Tyres Tyre size, front Tyre size, rear Additional wheels (dimensions) Wheels, number front / rear (x = driven wheels) Track width, front Track width, rear 4.4 Lift height 4.9 Height of tiller in drive position min. / max. Basic Dimensions 4.15 Lowered height 4.19 4.20 4.21 4.22 Overall length Length to face of forks Overall width Fork dimensions Otherrs Electric Engine Performance Data 4.25 Width over forks 4.32 4.33 4.34 4.35 5.1 5.2 5.3 Ground clearance, centre of wheelbase Aisle width for pallets 1000 x 1200 crossways Aisle width for pallets 800 x 1200 lengthways Turning radius Travel speed, laden / unladen Lift speed, laden / unladen Lowering speed, laden / unladen 5.7 5.8 Gradient performance, laden / unladen Max. gradient performance, laden / unladen 5.10 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 8.1 Service brake Drive motor rating S2 60 min. Lift motor rating at S3 10 % Battery acc. to DIN 43531 / 35 / 36 A, B, C, no Battery voltage, nominal capacity K5 Battery weight Type of drive control 8.4 Sound level at driver’s ear according to EN 12 053 as at: 10/2009 Jungheinrich ERE 120 fixed stand-on platform electric pedestrian / stand-on 2.0 600 1.1 1.2 Q (t) c (mm) Jungheinrich ERE 120 foldable stand-on platform electric pedestrian / stand-on 2.0 600 x (mm) y (mm) kg kg kg 910 1) 1350 / 1422 1) 669 958 / 1711 524 / 145 910 1) – / 1422 1) 784 1064 / 1720 644 / 140 1.8 1.9 2.1 2.2 2.3 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 Vulkollan® / PU + quartz / Vulkollan® Vulkollan® / PU + quartz / Vulkollan® 3.1 b10 (mm) b11 (mm) 230 x 70 85 x 100 / 82 x 70 125 x 54 1x + 2 / 2 or 4 464 370 / 510 230 x 70 85 x 100 / 82 x 70 125 x 54 1x + 2 / 2 or 4 464 370 / 510 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 h3 (mm) 122 122 4.4 h14 (mm) 1130 / 1450 1130 / 1450 4.9 h13 (mm) 85 85 4.15 1832 / 1904 682 / 754 700 / – 55 x 162 x 1150 – / 2393 – / 1244 700 / – 55 x 162 x 1150 4.19 4.20 4.21 4.22 b5 (mm) 532 / 672 532 / 672 4.25 m2 (mm) Ast (mm) Ast (mm) Wa (mm) km / h m/s m/s 30 2056 / 21282) 2106 / 2178 3) 1616 / 1688 1) 7.5 / 8.5 0.05 / 0.06 0.055 / 0.04 30 – / 2594 2) – / 26443) – / 2154 1) 7.5 / 8.5 0.05 / 0.06 0.055 / 0.04 4.32 4.33 4.34 4.35 5.1 5.2 5.3 3/6 8 / 16 3/6 8 / 16 5.7 5.8 regenerative 1.6 1.5 B 24 / 250 210 impulse regenerative 1.6 1.5 B 24 / 375 290 impulse 5.10 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 8.1 66 66 8.4 l1 (mm) l2 (mm) b1 / b2 (mm) s / e / l (mm) % % kW kW V/Ah kg dB(A) 1) load section lowered: + 55 mm 2) load section lowered: + 55 mm; diagonal according to VDI + 367 mm 3) load section lowered: + 55 mm; diagonal according to VDI + 204 mm This specification sheet according to VDI regulation 2198 only provides technical values for the standard truck. Non-standard tyres, different masts, additional equipment, etc. could produce other values. Right reserved for technical changes and improvements. 7284_ERE_120_GB 20.10.2009 12:06 Uhr Seite 4 Make use of the advantages High performance drive motor and “intelligent” controls Advanced 3-phase AC drive technology and electronic control (SpeedControl) ensure safe and economical operation with adjustment for every application. I The travel speed is maintained in every travel situation – especially on gradients. I The ERE is automatically braked during unintentional roll back on ramps. I Energy reclamation through regenerative braking on travel speed reduction. I 2-year warranty on drive motor. Flexible options Two platform designs (foldable/fixed) allow useage in different applications: Design 1: Foldable stand-on platform with side support arms. I Choice between pedestrian and standon operation. I Reduced travel speed (6.0 km/h) with folded in side supports. Design 2: Fixed stand-on platform with enclosed support guards (optional). I Exclusively for applications without pedestrian operation. I Safe standing with side protection. I Protection for the operator on both sides. Protected operator workplace with fixed stand-on platform Jungheinrich CanCode and CanDis (optional) Compact construction for every applications I Utilisation in confined spaces with narrow chassis (700 mm) and short chassis length. I Safe operation also with heavy loads through robustly designed support arms. I Low-fatigue operation with ergonomically designed tiller head which has low steering forces. Well-informed at any time Extensive driver display gives the operator the feeling of having everything under control at any time: I Information display “CanDis” (optional) with additional operating hour display and service code memory. I Activation of truck via PIN through “CanCode” (optional). I Further adjustment for drive parameters (optional). Long operating times Battery capacities up to 375 Ah ensure long operating times: I Short version: 2 PzS 250 Ah. I Long version: 3 PzS 375 Ah. Optional with battery removal from the side. Optimum travel characteristics I Sprung loaded side support wheels – connected via ProTracLink ensure safe and stable operation in all applications. I Jungheinrich ShockProtect – protection for operator, truck and load through loaded sprung drive. The sprung loaded system reduces vibrations for operator and chassis. Reduced maintenance Service-friendly components and easy access ensure reduced long-term operating costs: I Low wear on side support wheels via levelling adjustment when approaching a ramp at an angle: through a mechanical link, both support wheels are always at the same height. As opposed to a spring-loaded support wheel, they do not hit anything and thus are not damaged. I Form-closed wheel rims – exclusive to Jungheinrich – ensure a long service life for load wheels, even in the hardest applications. Choice of fixed or foldable platform Jungheinrich UK Ltd. Head Office: Sherbourne House · Sherbourne Drive Tilbrook · Milton Keynes MK7 8HX Phone 01908 363100 Fax 01908 363180 Jungheinrich Plants, Sales and Services Europe ISO 9001/ ISO 14001 Jungheinrich trucks conform to the European Safety Requirements. 7284.GB.0,5.10.2009.r.s. Options: I Entry rollers. I Vertical load guard. I Cold store design. Powerful and economical with maintenance-free 3-phase AC drive motor Manoeuvrable and compact with very short chassis Extremely space-saving and safe with tiller in upright position via crawl speed button Sensitive lifting and lowering from the tiller through adjustable speed of lift motor Integrated charger for easy charging at any 13 Amp plug EJC 110/112 Electric pedestrian stacker (1000 and 1200 kg) The pedestrian stackers of the EJC range 1 show their strength wherever transporting over short distances and stacking up to a lift height of 3600 mm take place. With a very short front length (L2 dimension) of only 637 mm, the EJC is particularly effortless and safe to manoeuvre, even in confined spaces. The high performance drive motor in 3-phase AC technology is an added bonus. Its optimised set up ensures high speed and excellent acceleration on all applications maximising productivity. Another advantage of the truck is its lift control. This enables the operator to pick up loads accurately and sensitively. Makes the depositing of large loads in narrow racking easier. The low noise during slow lifting also makes work for the operator easier. Proportional hydraulics ensure gentle depositing of the load on the floor or in the racking. The power is supplied to the EJC 110/112 via batteries with capacities up to 200 Ah. An integrated charger allows flexible charging of the battery at any 13 Amp plug socket. EJC 110/112 Creep speed operation Normal operation l l2 y l1 Designation Two-stage mast ZT Two-stage mast ZZ * at 100 mm free lift Closed mast height h1* EJC 110 1750 1850 1950 2100 2300 Lift height h3 2500 2700 2900 3200 3600 Standard mast types (mm) Free lift Extended Closed mast height mast height h2 h4 h1* EJC 112 100 2973 1750 100 3173 1850 100 3373 1950 100 3673 2100 100 4073 2300 EJC 112 1700 1900 2050 2250 Lift height Free lift h3 h2 Extended mast height h4 2500 2700 2900 3200 3600 100 100 100 100 100 2973 3173 3373 3673 4073 2500 2900 3200 3600 1227 1427 1577 1777 2973 3373 3673 4073 Ohters E-Motor Performance Data Basic Dimensions Wheels, Chassis Weights Identification Technical Data in line with VDI 2198 as at: 08/2010 1.1 Manufacturer (abbreviation) 1.2 Manufacturer’s type designation Jungheinrich Jungheinrich 1.1 EJC 110 EJC 112 1.2 1.3 Drive 1.4 Type of operation electric (battery) electric (battery) 1.3 pedestrian pedestrian 1.4 1.5 Load capacity / rated load 1.6 Load centre distance 1.8 Load distance, centre of drive axle to fork x (mm) 687 687 1.8 1.9 Wheelbase y (mm) 1171 1171 1.9 Q (t) 1.0 1.2 1.5 c (mm) 600 600 1.6 2.1 Service weight incl. battery (see line 6.5) kg 8051) 8201) 2.1 2.2 Axle loading, laden front / rear kg 650 / 11551) 660 / 13601) 2.2 2.3 Axle loading, unladen front / rear kg 565 / 2401) 575 / 2451) 2.3 3.1 Tyres PU / Vulkollan® PU / Vulkollan® 3.1 3.2 Tyre size, front mm ⭋ 230 x 70 ⭋ 230 x 70 3.2 3.3 Tyre size, rear mm ⭋ 85 x 100 ⭋ 85 x 110 3.3 3.4 Additional wheels (dimensions) mm ⭋ 140 x 54 ⭋ 140 x 54 3.4 3.5 Wheels, number front / rear (x = driven wheels) 1x + 1/2 1x +1 / 2 3.5 3.6 Track width, front b10 (mm) 510 510 3.6 3.7 Track width, rear b11 (mm) 375 375 3.7 4.2 Lowered mast height h1 (mm) 19501) 19501) 4.2 4.3 Free lift h2 (mm) 1001) 1001) 4.3 4.4 Lift height h3 (mm) 29001) 29001) 4.4 4.5 Extended mast height h4 (mm) 33731) 33731) 4.5 4.9 Height of tiller in drive position min. / max. h14 (mm) 820 / 1310 820 / 1310 4.9 h13 (mm) 90 90 4.15 4.15 Lowered height 4.19 Overall length l1 (mm) 1787 1787 4.19 4.20 Length to face of forks l2 (mm) 637 637 4.20 4.21 Overall width b1 / b2 (mm) 800 800 4.21 4.22 Fork dimensions s / e / l (mm) 56 / 185 / 1150 56 / 185 / 1150 4.22 4.25 Width over forks b5 (mm) 560 560 4.25 4.32 Ground clearance, centre of wheelbase m2 (mm) 30 30 4.32 4.33 Aisle width for pallets 1000 x 1200 crossways Ast (mm) 20463) 20463) 4.33 4.34 Aisle width for pallets 800 x 1200 lengthways Ast (mm) 20964) 20964) 4.34 4.35 Turning radius Wa (mm) 13832) 13832) 4.35 6.0 / 6.0 6.0 / 6.0 5.1 5.1 Travel speed, laden / unladen km/h 5.2 Lift speed, laden / unladen m/s 0.13 / 0.20 0.12 / 0.20 5.2 5.3 Lowering speed, laden / unladen m/s 0.43 / 0.40 0.43 / 0.40 5.3 5.8 Max. gradient performance, laden / unladen % 8 / 16 8 / 16 5.8 5.10 Service brake electric electric 5.10 6.1 Drive motor rating S2 60 min. kW 1.0 1.0 6.1 kW 1.7 1.9 6.2 no no 6.3 24 / 200 24 / 200 6.4 6.2 Lift motor rating at S3 10 % 6.3 Battery acc. to DIN 43531 / 35 / 36 A, B, C, no 6.4 Battery voltage, nominal capacity K5 6.5 Battery weight 8.1 Type of drive control 8.4 Sound level at the driver’s ear according to EN 12 053 V/Ah kg dB(A) 185 185 6.5 AC SpeedControl AC SpeedControl 8.1 70 70 8.4 1) Values for standard mast 2-stage telescopic 2) Tiller in upright position (crawl speed) 3) Diagonal according to VDI + 214 mm 4) Diagonal according to VDI + 138 mm This specification sheet according to VDI regulation 2198 only provides technical values for the standard truck. Non-standard tyres, different masts, additional equipment, etc. could produce other values. Right reserved for technical changes and improvements. Make use of the advantages Innovative 3-phase AC technology Jungheinrich motors in 3-phase AC technology provide you with more higher productivity and as well as, a reduction in operating costs. Make use of these advantages: 쐍 High efficiency with excellent energy management. 쐍 Powerful acceleration. 쐍 Quick travel direction change without the usual pause. 쐍 No carbon brushes – the drive motor is maintenance-free. 쐍 Two-year warranty on drive motor. Comfortable depositing and retrieval All lifting and lowering functions are effortlessly controlled from the multifunction tiller head. The operator can thus concentrate fully on depositing or retrieval. Other performance enhancing features that make depositing and retrieval operations safer as well as reducing costs are: 쐍 Precise and gentle depositing of loads with lift speed controlled motor. 쐍 Low noise during slow lifting with “lift control”. 쐍 Gentle depositing of load through proportional hydraulics. 쐍 Long safety tiller for adequate distance between operator and truck. Informed at any time Extensive instrument display: 쐍 Battery discharge indicator (3 colour LED with lift cut out) with lift stop. 쐍 Information display “CanDis” (optional) with added operating hour display and fault code memory. 쐍 Activation of truck via PIN and selection of 3 travel programmes through “CanCode” (optional). 쐍 Adjustable travel parameters through CanDis and CanCode (optional). Comfortable travel The Jungheinrich “speed control” facilities comfortable, safe travel with tailoring to any application: 쐍 The pre-set speed on the drive switch is maintained in every travel situation. 쐍 The operator is able to choose between 3 different travel programmes (optional). 쐍 Regenerative braking on reducing the travel speed. 쐍 Very low noise level during travel. Integrated charger 30 A for comfortable battery charging at any mains socket Long operating times 쐍 Energy-saving 3-phase AC technology – in combination with battery capacities up to 200 Ah (2 EPzB 130/150/200 Ah) – ensures long operating times. 쐍 Integrated charger (24 V/30 A) for wet and maintenance-free batteries for easy charging at any mains socket. The EJC’s compact chassis Manoeuvrable and compact Due to its very short chassis of only 637 mm, the EJC can be operated even in the most confined spaces. In addition, the truck can be operated with the tiller in the upright position, utilising the crawl speed button. Additional equipment 쐍 Battery discharge indicator/operating hour meter. 쐍 Access authorisation via CanCode. 쐍 Vertical load guard. Jungheinrich UK Ltd. Head Office: Sherbourne House · Sherbourne Drive Tilbrook · Milton Keynes MK7 8HX Phone 01908 363100 Fax 01908 363180 Jungheinrich Plants, Sales and Services Europe ISO 9001/ ISO 14001 Jungheinrich trucks conform to the European Safety Requirements. 1666.GB.0,3.08.2010.r.s. Access authorisation CanCode and CanDis (optional) ACCORD PHOENIX SRL ACCORD PHOENIX SRL CRS 6000 TECHNICAL DESCRIPTION MTB Recycling Quartier de la Gare 38460 TREPT – France Tel : +33.(0) Fax : +33.(0) Mail : Page |2 ACCORD PHOENIX SRL CRS 6000 CAPACITY OF THE SYSTEM: The complete system has been designed according to the following parameters: The shredder BDR 2400 U is able to process between 5 and 12 tons of cables per hour according to the screen size. The granulation line should be able to process between 4 and 10 tons of pre-shredded material per hour. All these figures should be reached in normal conditions. The capacity may change depending on the actual metal content of the cables, the regulation on the line and the maintenance made on the equipments (wear of the blades). The granulation line is designed to work in 3 shifts (24 hours a day, 7 days a week) with an effective working time above 90% considering the maintenance. If we consider only 6 working days per week, the number of working hours per year could be : 24 x 6 x 52 x 90% = 6.740 hours FINAL CAPACITY OF THE SYSTEM: The final end product depends directly of the mix of cables to be treated. A normal capacity is based on a 50% copper countenance. The final size is normally 6mm on big copper, 4,5mm on fine copper, but can also be bigger or smaller (minimum screen size is 3,5 to 4mm for specific telecommunications wires). Expected capacity will be 2 to 3 tons per hour on telecommunication wires, and up to 5 or 6 tons on 70% heavy copper. PLANT CONFIGURATION: The full system is divided in several steps: Shredding unit: the shredder BDR 2400 U is fed with cables directly by using a crane (or a conveyor belt). The machine is fitted with a screen underneath the rotor which can easily be changed (about 1 hour) and which determines the output size of the material which is then dropped off in the automatic bin feeder AA 1000 of the granulation line thanks to a conveyor belt. Granulation line: the line starts with the automatic bin feeder which regulates the throughput of the complete system. The material goes then successively in two granulators BAT 1600 U to reach the final output size. After this granulation stage, the sorting process starts. By using several screens and air density tables, it is possible to obtain two copper fractions (fine and coarse) and a clean mix of plastic (with less than 1% of copper loss inside in average) The MTB shredders and granulators have a very strong and robust design. They are fitted with a friction disk and a clutch system to protect the mechanical transmission and the rotors in case of jamming. Thanks to the unique design of the MTB shredders, almost all the wear parts have an easy shape and a cheap price. All the MTB machines have exactly the same blades. The price for each blade is very low (21€) and each blade can be used 4 times (4 cutting edges). It is also possible to grind and sharpen them to use them again in the granulators. The management of the spare parts stock is then simplified because only one kind of blade is requested for all the machines. MTB Recycling Quartier de la Gare 38460 TREPT – France Tel : +33.(0) Fax : +33.(0) Mail : Page |3 ACCORD PHOENIX SRL CRS 6000 GENERAL DATAS ABOUT THE PROCESS : Sound level: The sound level depends directly on which materials are shredded. The medium level is 80 dB at 1 meter away when the machine is empty. During the process the sound level may reach 105 dB at 1 meter away. Ear protections are required for employees and insulation walls could be installed around the granulators (not included in this quote) Electrical power : About 800 kW for the line (must be confirmed after engineering) The electrical consumption of the machine is roughly 70% of the installed power. 400V – 50 Hz Using slots : Can be used in inside temperatures from –15°C to + 40°C and a medium hygrometry of 65% 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The effective working time of the machines is above 90% (maintenance) Fluids connections : The main filter should be connected to compressed air for the automatic cleaning system of the filter bags (pressure 4,5 bars with clean and dry air) To make the maintenance on the machines easier we also recommend to have one inlet for compressed air near each granulator. This will be very helpfull for the use of pneumatic tools. NB: the supplying of the air compressor and the piping of water and air network is not included in this quote Qualifications required for employees : 1 man in the crane to feed the BDR 2400U 1 man in charge of feeding, overseeing and of the end product (big bags) 1 technician to head up the maintenance. Limit of using: MTB Recycling Quartier de la Gare 38460 TREPT – France The shredder can’t accept heavy and metallic parts. It is limited to receive accidentally some soft steel parts with a maximal thickness of 20mm. The granulators are limited to receive accidentally some soft steel parts with a maximal thickness of 3mm. Tel : +33.(0) Fax : +33.(0) Mail : Page |4 ACCORD PHOENIX SRL CRS 6000 COMMERCIAL OFFER ITEM N° Item 1. DESIGNATION Qty PRE SHREDDER BDR 2400 U Single shaft heavy duty shredder with a slow running rotor fitted with 3 rows of mobile blades which can be removed easily and a strong adjustable stator knives system. The big flywheel (5 tons) gives a lot of power to the machine and the strong clutch system protects the drive shaft in case of instantaneous overload (jamming). The screen can be changed easily by using the integrated sieve basket. 1 Power : 220 kW - 50 Hz Length of the rotor: 2400 mm Total weight : about 26 tons Cutting diameter: 550 mm Cutting speed: approx.115 rpm Quantity of mobile blades: 36 (B103A type) Quantity of fixed blades: 12 (B103A type) Screen size: to be defined MTB Recycling Quartier de la Gare 38460 TREPT – France Tel : +33.(0) Fax : +33.(0) Mail : Page |5 ACCORD PHOENIX SRL CRS 6000 ITEM N° DESIGNATION Item 2. VIBRATING EXTRACTOR EV 4400 S Used to collect shredded parts under the shredder and to transfer them with vibrations on the side, to the next step. The top of the discharger is made in stainless steel to reduce wear on it. Power: 5,5 kW Item 3. CB6/800 Rubber conveyor belt that will collect the product after the shredder. Qty 1 1 Distance between conveyor centers: 6 m Belt width: approx. 800 mm Item 4. MAGNETIC SORTING TABLE TMR 1000 Steel separator fitted with a shaker and a permanent overband magnet used to take out ferrous parts from the shredded material. The height of the shaker and the overband magnet should be adjusted to reach the optimum attraction on the product. 1 Power : 5.9 kW - 50Hz (including overband magnet) MTB Recycling Quartier de la Gare 38460 TREPT – France Tel : +33.(0) Fax : +33.(0) Mail : Page |6 ACCORD PHOENIX SRL CRS 6000 ITEM N° DESIGNATION Item 5. MOVABLE CONVEYOR BELT CB 9 / 800M Rubber-belt conveyor used to collect the material after the TMR and send it to the automatic bin feeder. This is fitted with wheels and motorised so that it is easy to send the flow offline if needed. Qty 1 Distance between conveyor centers: 9 m Belt width: approx. 800 mm Item 6. AUTOMATIC BIN FEEDER AA 1000L used to stock the pre-shredded product, in order to feed regularly the granulators and to control easily the capacity of the line. A screw conveyor will be incorporated at the top to spread the product efficiently. 1 Power : 0,55 kW - 50Hz for the main belt Width of the belt: 1000 mm Storage capacity: about 10m3 Item 7. CONVEYOR BELT CB 8 / 800 Rubber-belt conveyor used to take the material at the exit of the bin feeder and send it to the first granulator. 1 Distance between conveyor centers: 8 m Belt width: approx. 800 mm MTB Recycling Quartier de la Gare 38460 TREPT – France Tel : +33.(0) Fax : +33.(0) Mail : Page |7 ACCORD PHOENIX SRL CRS 6000 ITEM N° DESIGNATION Qty Item 8. GRANULATOR BAT 1600 U 1 Single shaft granulator fitted with 5 rows of mobile blades which can be removed easily, 2 rows of stator knives (attack and upstroke side), and a strong adjustable stator knives system. The screen can be changed easily by using the integrated sieve basket. Power : 160 kW - 50 Hz Length of the rotor: 1600 mm Total weight : about 15 tons Cutting diameter: 640 mm Cutting speed: approx.250 rpm Quantity of mobile blades: 40 (B103A type) Quantity of fixed blades: 16 (B103A type) Screen size: to be defined Item 9. VIBRATING EXTRACTOR EV 2500 S Used to collect shredded parts under the BAT 1600 U and to transfer them with vibrations on the side, to the next step. The top of the discharger is made in stainless steel to reduce wear on it. Power: 1,5 kW MTB Recycling Quartier de la Gare 38460 TREPT – France 1 Tel : +33.(0) Fax : +33.(0) Mail : Page |8 ACCORD PHOENIX SRL CRS 6000 ITEM N° DESIGNATION Item 10. STMO 315/715 Permanent magnet located at the exit of the vibrating extractor, used to take out the remaining bits of ferrous particles. Qty 1 Power: 0.25 kW Item 11. CONVEYOR BELT CB 8 / 800 Rubber-belt conveyor used to take the material at the exit of the bin feeder and send it to the first granulator. 1 Distance between conveyor centers: 8 m Belt width: approx. 800 mm Item 12. GRANULATOR BAT 1600 U Single shaft granulator fitted with 5 rows of mobile blades which can be removed easily, 2 rows of stator knives (attack and upstroke side), and a strong adjustable stator knives system. The screen can be changed easily by using the integrated sieve basket. 1 Power : 160 kW - 50 Hz Length of the rotor: 1600 mm Total weight : about 15 tons Cutting diameter: 640 mm Cutting speed: approx.250 rpm Quantity of mobile blades: 40 (B103A type) Quantity of fixed blades: 16 (B103A type) Screen size: to be defined Item 13. VIBRATING EXTRACTOR EV 2500 S Used to collect shredded parts under the BAT 1200 U and to transfer them with vibrations on the side, to the next step. The top of the discharger is made in stainless steel to reduce wear on it. Power: 1,5 kW 1 Item 14. STMO 315/715 Permanent magnet located at the exit of the vibrating extractor, used to take out the remaining bits of ferrous particles. 1 Power: 0.25 kW Item 15. BY PASS SYSTEM Reverse thread scre conveyor that will split the flow on accurate equal volumes in order to feed both air tables properly. MTB Recycling Quartier de la Gare 38460 TREPT – France 1 Tel : +33.(0) Fax : +33.(0) Mail : Page |9 ACCORD PHOENIX SRL CRS 6000 ITEM N° DESIGNATION Item 16. SC 220/7.5 Screw conveyor for bringing the material after the second granulator to the air density separators. This includes the by-pass after the extractor that will split the flow to feed both tables. Qty 2 Length of the screw: 7.5m Item 17. T 1000x1500 Density sorting table working on the principle of the air fluidized bed, used to make the sorting between light and heavy fraction. (homogeneous shape and granulometry of input material) The heavy fraction contains the metal (copper) and exits on the front of the table whereas the light one (mainly plastic) gets out in the rear screw conveyor. The top hopper of the table (diam 450mm) must be connected to the main aspiration system (12.000 m3/h requested) 2 Power :14 kW - 50Hz Size of the table: 1000 mm x 1500 mm Weight : about 1500 kg The machine is delivered with the frequency inverters to allow the best setting of the sorting parameters. Item 18. BUCKET ELEVATOR EG 14N Those equipment located at the rear exits of both tables will collect the light material and automatically bring it up by means of metal pockets onto the sieve 2 Drive power: 3 kW Item 19. SIEVING TABLE TAM 850x2500 Vibrating sieve used to sort out the coarse fraction (clean plastic granules) from the light fraction. The table is fitted with a steel cloth (size to be defined). 1 Power : 2.2 kW - 50Hz Size of the table: 850 mm x 2500 mm Weight (without ballast) : about 600 kg Fitted cloth: <to be defined> Caution: 0.8m3 of sand are needed to ballast the TAM MTB Recycling Quartier de la Gare 38460 TREPT – France Tel : +33.(0) Fax : +33.(0) Mail : P a g e | 10 ACCORD PHOENIX SRL CRS 6000 ITEM N° Item 20. DESIGNATION BUCKET ELEVATOR EG 20N This piece of equipment will gather the big fraction coming from the above-mentioned sieve and take it up into the screw conveyor Qty 1 Drive power: 5.5 kW Item 21. SC250/10 Screw conveyor located in the air for bringing the clean plastic into a storage bin. 1 Length of the screw: 10m Item 22. SC220/5 Screw conveyor that will collect the smaller product coming from the TAM and take it into the recycling loop. 1 Length of the screw: 5m Item 23. T 700 L Sieving table used to take out the small particles (copper dust) that will fall into a drum, from the medium sized material (unshredded parts) that will go into the recycling loop. The table is fitted with a steel cloth (size to be defined). 1 Power : 0.75kW - 50Hz Size of the table: 700 mm x 1500 mm Weight (without ballast) : about 300 kg Fitted cloth: <to be defined> Caution: 0.3m3 of sand are needed to ballast the T700L MTB Recycling Quartier de la Gare 38460 TREPT – France Tel : +33.(0) Fax : +33.(0) Mail : P a g e | 11 ACCORD PHOENIX SRL CRS 6000 ITEM N° DESIGNATION Qty Item 24. SC220/4.5 Used to bring the larger-sized material from the T700L (unshredded particles) towards the beginning of the line for a second pass 1 Length of the screw: 4.5m Item 25. T 700 L Sieving tables located at the front exit of the first two air tables T 1000x1500 (item 17), used to take out the small particles (fine copper wires) from the coarse heavy material (big copper and unshredded material with plastic remaining). The table is fitted with a steel cloth (size to be defined). 2 Power : 0.75kW - 50Hz Size of the table: 700 mm x 1500 mm Weight (without ballast) : about 300 kg Fitted cloth: <to be defined> Caution: 0.3m3 of sand are needed to ballast the T700L Item 26. SC220/5 Screw conveyors that will collect the smaller product coming from the T700L sieves (fine copper) and take them onto the last screens. 2 Length of the screw: 5m MTB Recycling Quartier de la Gare 38460 TREPT – France Tel : +33.(0) Fax : +33.(0) Mail : P a g e | 12 ACCORD PHOENIX SRL CRS 6000 ITEM N° DESIGNATION Item 27. SIEVING TABLE TAM 850x2500 Vibrating sieve used to clean out the fine copper from the caps. Qty 2 Power : 2.2 kW - 50Hz Size of the table: 850 mm x 2500 mm Weight (without ballast) : about 600 kg Fitted cloth: <to be defined> Caution: 0.8m3 of sand are needed to ballast the TAM Item 28. SG2/400 M Conveyor belt that will carry the final product into big bag for conditioning. This is equipped with a magnetic head drum to take the remaining bits of ferrous out. 2 Distance between drums: 2 m Width of the belt: 400 mm Item 29. BUCKET ELEVATOR EG 14N Used to collect the bigger product from the sieve (item 25) and carry them on top of the last air table 2 Drive power: 3 kW Item 30. T 1000X1500 Air density separator working on the principle of the air fluidized bed, used to make the sorting between light fraction (unshredded material and plastic) and heavy fraction (big copper) The heavy fraction exits on the front of the table whereas the light one gets out in the rear screw conveyor. The top hopper of the table (diam 400mm) must be connected to the main aspiration system (12.000 m3/h requested) 1 Power :14 kW - 50Hz Size of the table: 700 mm x 1500 mm Weight : about 1300 kg The machine is delivered with the frequency inverters to allow the best setting of the sorting parameters MTB Recycling Quartier de la Gare 38460 TREPT – France Tel : +33.(0) Fax : +33.(0) Mail : P a g e | 13 ACCORD PHOENIX SRL CRS 6000 ITEM N° DESIGNATION Qty Item 31. SG2/400 M 1 Conveyor belt that will carry the final product into big bag for conditioning. This is equipped with a magnetic head drum to take the remaining bits of ferrous out. Distance between drums: 2 m Width of the belt: 400 mm Item 32. SC220/2.5 Screw conveyor that will collect the ligth product coming from the last air table (mix of unshredded bits) and take it back towards the sieve (item 19). This is movable so that this can also bring the product offline in case of other application. 1 Length of the screw: 2.5m Item 33. SC220/3 Screw conveyor that will collect the product coming from the previsous screw and take it back onto the sieve (item 19). 1 Length of the screw: 3m Item 34. DUST FILTRATION SYSTEM FOR OUTDOOR INSTALLATION SFU 55 This air dusting system will allow the evacuation of dust through the sucking hood directly linked to the main aspiration system and will allow a good sorting in the 3 air density tables. 1 Pre-separation of the dust prior to the filter thanks to a cyclone (Diam 1500mm to be confirmed after final engineering) ATEX filter construction with event holes. Fan capacity: 55 000 m3/h Drive Power: 132 kW Item 35. INSTALLATION OF THE DUST FILTRATION SYSTEM SFU 55 Including piping work 1 Item 36. CONTROL CABINET The complete system is controlled from a single central panel with starters for motors and frequency inverters for the fine tuning of the air tables 1 MTB Recycling Quartier de la Gare 38460 TREPT – France Tel : +33.(0) Fax : +33.(0) Mail : P a g e | 14 ACCORD PHOENIX SRL CRS 6000 ITEM N° DESIGNATION Item 37. INSTALLATION AND START UP OF THE LINE Our technicians will assemble and position the equipment per our engineer’s drawings. During start up, MTB will do the flast settings of the global system, check the final product and teach the customer’s staff. Qty 1 Travel, hotel and food expenses are not included Item 38. ELECTRICAL WORK Our electricians will check the connections done by the local subcontractor. They will also adjust the frequency inverter, do the last settings and explain the technical book with the list and specifications of all the cables. Eventually, they’ll teach the staff. 1 ATTENTION: ELECTRICAL CABLES AND CABLING ARE NOT INCLUDED Travel, hotel and food expenses are not included OPTIONS THAT COULD BE INCLUDED IN THE DEAL Item 39. ELECTRICAL CABLES AND WIRING Our electricians will run the wires between the main electric board and all motors on the line. The supply of the cables and cable trays is included 1 Travel, hotel and food expenses are not included Item 40. AA300 Diamond shaped bin feeder located offline, that will allow pouring the granulates coming from the line that need to be purified by the D15 Magpro. 1 Item 41. SC 200/6 Screw conveyor transferring the granulate from the previous bin feeder onto the D15 Magpro 1 Length of the screw: 6 m MTB Recycling Quartier de la Gare 38460 TREPT – France Tel : +33.(0) Fax : +33.(0) Mail : P a g e | 15 ACCORD PHOENIX SRL CRS 6000 Item 42. EDDY CURRENT SEPARATOR D15-4 including vibrating feeder / platform / reversible extracting belts 1 Revolutionary machine that combines a very high magnetic value inducer with centrifugal force that allows the extraction of tiny non ferrous fractions from 0 to 10mm. The product, after being brought in the system thanks to vibrating feeder included in the device, will operate a nearly-complete rotation (300°) on the disk before getting evacuated by a turning scraper. During its increased-passing-time on the inducer, the product will undergo the high magnetic field of the D15 and the non-ferrous fractions will be ejected in a drum thanks to the eddy currents. The thinness of the conveying disk stands out for tiny parts extraction with very low magnetic values compared to standard thick belts actions. Power: 13 KW Item 43. SPARE PARTS FOR THE WHOLE LINE FOR A 1 YEAR PERIOD (see independent offer) 1 Item 44. MTB PRODUCTION TRAINING One MTB operator will help your staff the line and teach them on production management for a period of 2 weeks. Travel, hotel, food and car rental included 1 Item 45. ENTEPRISE SOFTWARE AND SYSTEM 1 EXCLUSIONS MTB Recycling Quartier de la Gare 38460 TREPT – France Tel : +33.(0) Fax : +33.(0) Mail : P a g e | 16 ACCORD PHOENIX SRL CRS 6000 All the prices mentioned are EX Works Trept, France Our offer does not include: Any modification of the current filtration installation Any fees related to travel, accommodation and feeding of our technicians during the installation and start up. Transport of the equipments from the MTB RECYCLING plant to the customer’s site as well as any import taxes or duties. Tools, mobile cranes, forklifts, scaffolding and consumables related to unloading and installation of equipments. Cabling and connections between transformer and MTB electric board. Any fluids connections (water, compressed air…) Civil works and civil engineering on customer’s site Sound insulation equipments Any special survey or inspection (sound, dust…) Any final product storage (bin, drum…) and any equipments used to manipulate the product on the recycling line (crane, loader, forklift...) Any security devices (protection of technicians and staff) during the erection stage. Any item, equipment or service not specified DELIVERY DATE: Shredding stage: 3 months after receipt of purchase order and downpayment Rest of the line: 7 months after receipt of purchase order and downpayment PAYMENT TERMS: 40% downpayment with the order 30% midway through manufacturing in accordance with the lead times set out here above. 30% upon the handover of the equipments and before shipment SETTLEMENT: by check or wire on the following account: BANQUE PALATINE 177 rue GARIBALDI 69003 LYON Ref : 40978 00053 0521057E001 27 BIC : BSPFFRPPXXX IBAN : FR77 4097 8000 5305 2105 7E00 127 GUARANTEE: 12 months, starting after commissioning; excluding wear and trade parts, covered by the supplier’s warranty. VALIDITY OF THE OFFER: 1 month MTB Recycling Quartier de la Gare 38460 TREPT – France Tel : +33.(0) Fax : +33.(0) Mail : P a g e | 17 ACCORD PHOENIX SRL CRS 6000 TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SALES AND SERVICES ARTICLE 1. APPLICATION OF T&Cs OF SALES Sales by MTB RECYCLING (hereinafter the “Vendor”) are governed exclusively by these terms and conditions of sales, to the exclusion of all other documents such as brochures, catalogues or other documentation issued by the Vendor, which are only provided for the purposes of information and merely serve as guides. ARTICLE 2. OFFERS – QUOTATIONS 2.1. Unless otherwise indicated, all offers are only valid for a period of 30 days. Upon the expiry of this period, you should contact us to confirm whether such offers are still available. 2.2. It is the policy of the Vendor to constantly monitor and improve its products which is why we reserve the right to modify our machines at any time without notice. ARTICLE 3. ORDERS Orders are placed in writing by the Purchaser using any medium. The placing of an order implies acceptance of these terms and conditions. Acceptance of the order by the Vendor is effectuated by the sending of a definitive order confirmation. ARTICLE 4. STUDIES AND PLANS / DRAWINGS / INSTRUCTIONS 4.1 All studies, documents, drawings, photographs and models are the exclusive property of the Vendor. They may not be copied, reproduced, communicated or executed without our written consent. They must be returned to us on demand, in the event that the order is not placed with us. 4.2 The Purchaser expressly accepts that, given the nature of the equipment sold by the Vendor (hereinafter the “Equipment”), the dimensional drawings provided and the indications and prices in our catalogues and brochures may be subject to change. We shall only be bound by drawings provided after placing of an order with written confirmation of quotes relating to the assembly of the Equipment. 4.3 All our Equipment is supplied with technical documentation consisting of: an overview, a manual, a chapter on maintenance, wiring diagrams and a list of the machine’s wearing parts along with an exploded view diagram. ARTICLE 5. PRICES 5.1 Unless otherwise indicated, prices are understood to be Ex-works from the Trept factory (EXW), for unpackaged Equipment and without any specific form of acceptance being specified. 5.2 Prices do not include any other service. Where applicable, any such services shall be invoiced separately. 5.3 Prices are set on the basis of the economic and monetary conditions prevailing when the offer is made. Prices may be renegotiated in the event of any change in these conditions. This clause is considered an essential part of the contract and is determinative of the Vendor’s obligations. ARTICLE 6. CONDITIONS OF PAYMENT 6.1 Payment shall be made as follows: - An advance payment of 40% of the value of the order, - 30% midway through manufacturing in accordance with the lead times set out in the Vendor’s order confirmation, MTB Recycling Quartier de la Gare 38460 TREPT – France - 30% upon the handover of the Equipment in accordance with the terms set out in article 8 below. Notwithstanding the above and solely in the event of the sale of a complete system, the balance shall be paid in accordance with the following procedure: 25% upon handover of the Equipment in accordance with the procedure set out in article 8 below and 5% upon start-up of the Equipment. If the Purchaser is responsible for the Equipment not being started on the date provided, the balance of 5% shall be paid within a maximum period of two months after the date of handover. 6.2 The other party expressly accepts that any deposits made towards the order shall be retained by the Vendor in the event that the order is not carried out, for whatever reason whatsoever. ARTICLE 7. DELIVERY LEAD TIMES 7.1 While we strive to ensure that the delivery lead times provided are as accurate as possible, they are given for information purposes only; they are contingent on our ability to source supplies and transportation. Delivery delays shall not give rise to late penalties, deductions, damages and interest, nor shall they be used as a reason to refuse or cancel the order in progress, whatever the causes or consequences of any such delays. Compliance with delivery lead times presupposes that all information has been provided at the appropriate time and that the conditions of payment have been observed. 7.2. If delivery of the Equipment is delayed, through the fault of the Purchaser, the Vendor shall handover the Equipment upon request by the Customer (“Delayed delivery”). The Purchaser shall be responsible for any corresponding warehousing and insurance costs. Similarly, where non-completion of the Equipment is due to the non-compliance by the Purchaser of its obligation to provide information, the warehousing and insurance costs associated with storage of the Equipment in its current condition shall be borne by the Purchaser. ARTICLE 8. DELIVERY 8.1 Irrespective of the destination and terms and conditions of sale for the Equipment, delivery shall be made by the handover of the Equipment in our factories on the date and at the address indicated on the notice of readiness sent to the Purchaser. 8.2 The Purchaser shall be responsible for all activities relating to transport, insurance, customs and handling and for all associated risks and costs. The Purchaser shall be responsible for imposing any reservations or taking any protective measures, if required, in relation to transport agents and contractors. ARTICLE 9. TRANSFER OF RISK 9.1. Risk relating to the Products shall pass to the Purchaser at the time of handover by the Vendor as set out in article 8.1 above. Where the Purchaser requests an additional service, of whatever type, from the Vendor, performance of the said service shall not in any way modify the terms of the above-mentioned transfer of risk. 9.2. Where a transport operator is used, the Purchaser undertakes to only discharge the former from its obligations after verifying that the Equipment is complete and in perfect condition. The Purchaser shall be responsible for recording details of any damage, loss or Tel : +33.(0) Fax : +33.(0) Mail : P a g e | 18 ACCORD PHOENIX SRL CRS 6000 missing items in writing on the delivery note provided by the transport operator or, at the latest, by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt from the transport operator, with a copy sent to the Vendor, within a maximum period of THREE DAYS following delivery of the Products. 9.3. The reservation of title over the Products does not affect the transfer of risk. ARTICLE 10 . RESERVATION OF TITLE THE VENDOR SHALL RETAIN TITLE OVER THE DELIVERED PRODUCTS UNTIL ALL PAYMENTS OF PRINCIPAL, INTEREST AND OTHER CHARGES HAVE BEEN RECEIVED UNDER THE CONDITIONS SET OUT IN ARTICLES 2367 TO 2372 OF THE FRENCH CIVIL CODE. FAILURE TO MEET ANY PAYMENT DEADLINE OR PAY PART OF ANY PRICE MAY RESULT IN THE INVOCATION OF THE RESERVATION OF TITLE, WITHOUT THE NEED FOR ANY PRIOR NOTICE TO BE GIVEN. THESE PROVISIONS DO NOT POSE AN IMPEDIMENT TO THE TRANSFER TO THE CUSTOMER, UPON DELIVERY, OF THE RISK OF LOSS OR DETERIORATION OF THE PRODUCTS SOLD AS WELL AS ANY DAMAGES THAT THEY MIGHT CAUSE. ARTICLE 11. FORCE MAJEURE All of our obligations shall be suspended or cancelled in all instances where the performance of any obligation shall be the result of a case of force majeure. It is expressly agreed that the following events shall carry the same consequences as a case of force majeure: strike, flood, epidemic, acts of sabotage or terrorism, disruption of supply of raw materials or sources of energy. ARTICLE 12. SUPPLIES NOT INCLUDED Our Equipment does not include either sound-proofing or a dust-removal system. If specifically requested by the Purchaser, a special study can be carried out for this purpose. In this case, the costs of design and construction shall be borne by the Purchaser. ARTICLE 13. WARRANTY 13.1. The Vendor guarantees that the Equipment conforms to the standard legal safety regulations in compliance with the standard French electrical, mechanical and electric wiring safety regulations. The guarantee is limited to the Equipment itself and does not cover any machines installed upstream (loading) and downstream (unloading). 13.2.Unless otherwise provided or subject to any specific conditions, we guarantee our equipment for a period of 12 months from the date of handover of the Equipment (based on normal use of the Equipment, i.e. 8 hours/day – 5 days/week) excluding wearing parts (grill – blades, etc.) and standard parts, which are covered by the manufacturer’s warranty (usually 6 months, (motors, belts, sleeves, rubber, etc.)). It is expressly agreed that where servicing is carried out within the aforementioned warranty period, i.e. 12 months and 6 months, such servicing shall not cause a new warranty period to run, with the effect that any event occurring after the expiry of the aforementioned warranty periods shall not be covered under such warranties. 13.3.For the purposes of implementing the warranty provided for in article 13.2 above, the Vendor shall supply, as soon as possible, the parts required to replace those MTB Recycling Quartier de la Gare 38460 TREPT – France deemed defective by virtue of a defect in materials, manufacture or assembly (and only where such assembly is carried out by us), without any obligation on our part to do anything other than supply new replacement parts without compensation for any party. 3.4. Any modification or repair carried out by the Purchaser or by a third party without our written approval, is not covered by and shall have the effect of voiding the warranty. 13.5 As an essential condition of sale, it should be noted that the Purchaser is solely responsible, inter alia, for use of the Equipment supplied by the Vendor and the suitability of said Equipment to the purpose for which it is used. The Purchaser is solely responsible for ensuring, in particular that the Equipment purchased is compatible with the products with which it must be in direct or indirect contact, that it is used according to best practice and for the conditions under which the Equipment will be used. The Purchaser is solely responsible for observance of appropriate safety conditions. 13.6. The Purchaser expressly acknowledges that the Equipment ordered is intended for industrial use. In this regard, it is likely to generate nuisances which are inherent to its operation, in particular, and without this list being seen as exhaustive, noise pollution and emissions of dust. The Purchaser shall therefore be responsible for dealing with the nuisances thus caused, by, on the one hand, ensuring that the place where the ordered machines will be installed is sound-proofed and properly ventilated and, on the other hand, by providing employees with appropriate safety equipment. We therefore decline any responsibility and guarantee for any event associated with nuisances generated by the operation of the ordered machines. 13.7. The Vendor shall not be responsible for any unsuitability, defects or deteriorations in the Equipment, or caused by the Equipment, arising from natural wear and tear of the Equipment or from unsuitable storage conditions, or from any unusual, improper or inappropriate use of the Equipment or from usage which is not compatible with the Equipment, or from the use of unsuitable or non-standard parts, modification of the Equipment, negligence, lack of supervision or maintenance, or from incorrect assembly by the Purchaser or any third party. Any such unsuitability, defects or deteriorations are not covered by any warranty. 13.9. Under no circumstances shall the Vendor guarantee any indirect and/or consequential damages of any type that might be caused by the Products whether to the Purchaser or any third party. ARTICLE 14. DISPUTES Sales concluded by the Vendor are governed by French law, to the exclusion of the United Nations Convention on the International Sale of Goods. The courts of Paris shall have exclusive jurisdiction in any disputes that may arise in relation to the sale of Equipment by the Vendor Tel : +33.(0) Fax : +33.(0) Mail : P a g e | 19 RELAZIONE TECNICA DI VALUTAZIONE GENNAIO 2014 PREVISIONALE DELL’IMPATTO ACUSTICO Rev. 01 ACCORD PHOENIX ALLEGATO “D” DOCUMENTAZIONE TECNICA: FOGLI CALCOLI POTERE FONOISOLANTE Rw FOTOGRAFIE INSONORIZZAZIONE PREVISTA PER IL NUOVO IMPIANTO Pag. 27 RELAZIONE TECNICA DI VALUTAZIONE GENNAIO 2014 PREVISIONALE DELL’IMPATTO ACUSTICO Rev. 01 ACCORD PHOENIX FOGLIO CALCOLI POTERE FONOISOLANTE Rw Pag. 28 RELAZIONE TECNICA DI VALUTAZIONE GENNAIO 2014 PREVISIONALE DELL’IMPATTO ACUSTICO Rev. 01 ACCORD PHOENIX Pag. 29 RELAZIONE TECNICA DI VALUTAZIONE GENNAIO 2014 PREVISIONALE DELL’IMPATTO ACUSTICO Rev. 01 ACCORD PHOENIX SISTEMI DI INSONORIZZAZIONE PREVISTI PER L’IMPIANTO Pag. 30