Kaius is amazing in complex typographic structures
Kaius is amazing in complex typographic structures
hello привéт χαίρετε નમસકાર [həˈləʊ] “I’m Kaius!” ◊ sugar confectionery ◊ ζαχαροπλαστικό προϊόν кондитерские изделия cukrářské výrobky મીઠી ·[mīthī]· süß k A typeface for challenging text environments! Kaius is amazing in complex typographic structures > 30pt/25 pt Designed for a lot of text at small sizes, the large x-height compared to the ascenders and descenders encourage usage under hard conditions. Heavy serifs give it a steady baseline that supports a fluent reading experience. The serifs are balanced with the closing top serifs to create a rhythmic yet characterful text face. Kaius is accompanied by an italic style inspired by the writing movement. Deeper joins support the movement and sharpen the overall appearance of the text. with the Latin. Each script is approached to work in weight and proportions with the Latin whilst not forcing shapes on them that would be unnatural to the script. Overall a smooth appearance with a clear structure. Anything else ...? Languages! The Cyrillic (кириллица [sɨˈrɪlɪk]) is an alphabetic writing system employed across Eurasia. Complementary scripts to the Latin are especially designed for embedded multi-script text setting. They work great when used interchangeably International Phonetic Alphabet [aɪ pʰiː eɪ] is used for phonetic and phonemic transcription of any language. The Gujarati script (ગૂજરાતી િલિપ [Gujârātī Lipi]) is used to write the Gujarati and Kutchi languages. The Greek alphabet (ελληνικά [eliniˈka]) is the script that has been used to write the Greek language since the 8th century BC. > 10 pt/14 pt beaut – becap b beaut (bjuːt) (slang) (mainly Australian) (New Zealand) noun 1. a person or thing that is outstanding or distinctive 2. a kind, friendly, or trustworthy person 3. adjective good or excellent (exclamation) Also: “you beaut!” an exclamation of joy or pleasure beauteous (ˈbjuːtɪəs) adjective a poetic word for beautiful | Derived Forms: ˈbeauteously adverb ˈbeauteousness noun beauteously (ˈbjuːtɪəslɪ) adverb (literary) beautifully beauteousness (ˈbjuːtɪəsnəs) noun (literary) beauty teja (teːa) friend/house-mate 1. a wonderful person who one can rely on anytime 2. thanks for all the support and help beauties (ˈbjuːtɪz) plural noun of beauty beautification (ˌbju:tɪfɪˈkeɪʃən) noun the beautification of something is the process of making it more beautiful beautified (ˈbjuːtɪˌfaɪd) past participle of verb, past tense of verb of beautify beautifier (ˈbjuːtɪˌfaɪə) noun someone or something which makes someone or something more beautiful beautiful (ˈbjuːtɪfʊl) adjective 1. possessing beauty; aesthetically pleasinghighly 2. enjoyable; very pleasant “the party was beautiful” | Derived Forms: ˈbeautifulness noun beautifully (ˈbjuːtɪflɪ) adverb in a beautiful manner (informal) (intensifier) “you did beautifully well in the race to the airport” beautifulness (ˈbjuːtɪfʊlnəs) noun (rare) quality of being beautiful; beauty beautify (ˈbjuːtɪˌfaɪ) verb -fies, -fying, -fiedto make or become beautiful | Derived Forms: beautification (ˌbjuːtɪfɪˈkeɪʃən) noun beauty (ˈbjuːtɪ) (plural) -tiesthe noun 1. combination of all the qualities of a person or thing that delight the senses and please the mind 2. a very attractive and well-formed girl or woman 3. (informal) an outstanding example of its kind “the horse is a beauty” 4. (informal) an advantageous feature “one beauty of the job is the short hours” 5. (informal, old-fashioned) a light-hearted and affectionate term of address “hello, my old beauty, Hélène!” Exclamation: (New Zealand English ˈbjuːdɪ) an expression of approval or agreement | Also: (Scot, Austral, and NZ): you beauty | Word Origin: C13: from Old French biauté, from biau beautiful; see beau beauty competition (ˈbjuːtɪ ˌkɒmpɪˈtɪʃən) noun a competition in which the participants, usually women, are judged on their attractiveness, with a prize, and often a title, awarded to the winner beauty contest noun 1. a competition in which the participants, usually women, are judged on their attractiveness, with a prize, and often a title, awarded to the winner 2. (informal) any contest decided on the basis of superficial attractiveness, popularity, etc “the referendum might turn into a party political beauty contest” beaver1 (ˈbiːvə) noun 1. a large amphibious rodent, Castor fiber, of Europe, Asia, and North America: family Castoridae. It has soft brown fur, a broad flat hairless tail, and webbed hind feet, and constructs complex dams and houses (lodges) in rivers 2. the fur of this animal 3. See mountain beavera 4. tall hat of beaver fur or a fabric resembling it, worn, esp by men, during the 19th century 5. a woollen napped cloth resembling beaver fur, formerly much used for overcoats, etc 6. a greyish- or yellowish-brown 7. (obsolete) a full beard 8. a bearded man 9. (modifier) having the colour of beaver or made of beaver fur or some similar material “a beaver lamb coat, a beaver stole” verb (intransitive) usually foll by away to work industriously or steadily beaver fever noun (Canadian) an infectious disease caused by drinking water that has been contaminated by wildlife natalie (nat-l-ee) friend 1. radiant person with inspiring thoughts 2. thanks for all the support and help beaverboard (ˈbiːvəˌbɔːd) noun a stiff light board of compressed wood fibre, used esp to surface partitions Beaverbrook (ˈbiːvəˌbrʊk) noun 1st Baron, title of William Maxwell Aitken. 1879–1964, British newspaper proprietor and Conservative politician, born in Canada, whose newspapers included the Daily Express; minister of information (1918); minister of aircraft production (1940–41) beavery (ˈbiːvərɪ) noun a place in which beavers may be kept bebeerine (bəˈbɪəriːn ; -rɪn) noun an alkaloid, resembling quinine, obtained from the bark of the greenheart and other plants beblubbered (bɪˈblʌbəd) adjective (literary) tearstained, in tears from weeping bebung (ˈbeɪbʌŋ) noun (music) a vibrato effect given to any sustained musical note, especially to one produced by a clavichord super cool (ˈsuːpə kuːl) adjective 1. (informal) outstanding; exceptionally fine 2. (when used by Gerry) a word to fill gaps between changing topics | Word Origin: adapted when being around ones children becap (bɪˈkæp) transitive verb (literary) to put a cap on someone's head > 7pt/8pt {b} (d) [q] ◊ einklammern » affentheater « વા ં દરો ઝઘડો જાગ્યા ત્યા ં થી સવાર {Jaagya tyan thi savaar} It's never too late to start doing the right thing! થઢનકઍ ઘ ચર જ ધુ ન A Gujarati script with calligraphic modulation where smooth curves meet straights and corners. ષે હ સક ત ળ ભર ફૂ બે ઞૂ ૌ ગૂજરાતી Gujarati /ɡʊdʒə̍rɑːti/ હવા અને સૂરજમા ં એકવાર શરત લાગી કે કેાનામા ં વધુ શ� છે. એટલામા ં �યેાગથી એક માણસ નીકળ્યો. તે બ�એ નકકી ક�કે અા માણસનેા ડગલો ઊતરાવી નાબશે તે જીત્યો ગણાશે. હવાએ પહેલા ં પરયનત કય�. હવાના થપેડા ં જોરથી લાગ્યા પં રતુ � હવા જોરથી ચાલી તેમ માણસે ડગલાને વધુને વધુ �રથી પકડી રાખયો. હવે સૂરજને વારો અાગ્યો. તેણે પોતાના ં ગરમ અને ચમકદાર �રણો �કયા ં . તે એટલે સુધી કે તે માણસને ગરમીથી ચકકર અાવવા લાગ્યા અને તેણે ડગલાને ઉતારી જમીન પર �કી દીધેા. > Gujarati 12 pt/17 pt * The wind and the sun once came to high words as to which had the greater strength. Just then by chance a man came by. So they let the point rest on this; that he who got this man's coat off first should win the race. The wind was the first to try and he blew with all his might and made a fierce blast, but the man wrapped the coat all the more close around him. Next came the sun who broke out with his warm beams and cast his bright rays on the man 'til, at length, he grew faint with the heat and was glad to part with his coat, which he flung to the ground. > 12 pt/17 pt * * Kaius Gujarati is designed to work well with the Latin at the same point sizes! “Hkhixpßğ89(Éá)?” Kaius has a relatively high x-height to make the counters of the letters larger ◊ Ascenders are slightly higher than the cap-height ◊ Accents are individually designed for Uppercases and lowercase ◊ Heavy serifs shaped after writing movement ◊ Punctuation is designed to be used frequently I� and has clear distinction in shapes [mɰuˈɣɜaɹrːɧhɤɫɚ] Ψζάυθφπέσoχδβnη Kaius Phonetics are individually designed ◊ The turned or altered characters follow the principle of the Latin design ◊ In and out-strokes are kept coherent, thus giving each character its own identity rather than copy pasting and turning Kaius Greek is modelled after the movement Greek letter writing would dictate ◊ The movement is made visible by overturning the strokes ◊ The stress alters from the Latin ◊ Strong in strokes provide horizontal reading ◊ Sensibly designed to fit the grey tone of the � η γλ Latin instead of latinizing forms ЩBвфцъўџќҗЌkй ДE � hઓપુઊઘેકખરભૂઢકકનત ોરઉ > Regular 45 pt Kaius Cyrillic is designed and follows its own forms ◊ The form of the teeth are resembling the top serifs of the capital letters ◊ The angle of the teeth is adapted to the Cyrillic letters, introducing forms that are specific to the Cyrillic script Kaius Gujarati is designed to match the Small Cap height of the Latin ◊ Its vowel signs exceed the em-square to give them enough space ◊ The script is modelled after calligraphic influences ◊ The lettershapes are kept in a formal style to make the overall atmosphere of the Latin and the Gujarati harmonize ☙ Sonnenbrand oder ξεφλούδισμα sunburn kalkweiß ☙ cóлнечный ожоóг Jste spálený, že? {Güneş yanığı olan bir penguen} Если вы обожглись, быстро охладите ожог водой „Vermeiden Sie übermäßige Sonnenbestrahlung und Sonnenbrände; dies gilt insbesondere für Kinder!“ Είναι σαν έγκαυμα από τον ήλιο Não se preocupe, é só uma queimadura solar સૂ્રયાતપ્ન la quemadura [sʌnbəːn] napégés ψ љ ā n યૂ ω ફkд җ δ મ હેщλ so happy together! authentic – દ – brownie authentic • adjective αυθεντικός [afthentikos] Article: ο/η/το; Suffix: ος/η/ο Example: authentic and replicated works; έργα αυθεντικά και αντίγραφα έργων authenticate •verb πιστοποιώ [pistopio] Example: authenticate user ID; πιστοποιήστε την ταυτότητα σας author •noun συγγραφέας [sigrafeas] Article: ο/η Suffix: ας/ας Example: author of a new book; συγγραφέας ενός νέου βιβλίου authoritarian •adjective απολυταρχικός [apolitarchikos]Article: ο/η/το Suffix: ος/η/ο Example: authoritarian government; απολυταρχικό καθεστώς authoritative •adjective αυταρχικός [aftarchikos] Article: ο/η/το Suffix: ος/η/ο auto •prefix αυτο-[afto-] autobiography •noun αυτοβιογραφία[aftoviografia] Article: η Example: autobiography of someone's early life; αυτοβιογραφία των πρώτων χρόνων της ζωής του autoclave •noun αυτόκλειστο[aftoklisto] Article: το automat •adjective αυτόματος [aftomato] Article: ο/η/το Suffix: ος/η/ο automatic •adjective αυτόματος [aftomatos] Article: ο/η/το Suffix: ος/η/ο Example: automatic operation; αυτόματη λειτουργία automobile noun αυτοκίνητο [aftokinito] Article: το Example: special automobile; ειδικό όχημα autonomic •adjective αυτόνομος [aftonomos] a દ(da) has the sound if ‘th’ in the, that, then, etc. as – ેદશ (deś) country, િદવસ (divas) day, દાન (dān) gift, donation, etc. ધ(dha) has no similar English sound. It should be pronounced like ‘d’ and ‘h’ uttered all at once, e.g. ધન (dhan) wealth, ધજા (dhajā) flag, ધાન્ય (dhānya) paddy, corn, grain, etc. ન(na) sounds like English ‘n’ in the words not, narrow, nothing etc. as: – નદી (nadī) river, કાન (kān) ear, નખ (nakh) nail, નમન (naman) salute, etc. પ(pa) sounds like English ‘p’ in paw, pan, pot, etc. as: – પાન (pān) leaf, િપતા (pitā) father, પુલ (pul) bridge, etc. ફ(pha) has the sound of ‘f ’ in fog, fall, food etc. as : – ફળ (faḷ) fruit, ફૂલ (fūl) flower, ફસલ (fasal) crop, etc. ખ(ba) sounds like ‘b’ in ball, box, boon, etc. as: – ખળ (bal) strength, ખાર (bāra) twelve, ખકરી (bakrī) goat, etc. ભ(bha) has the mixed sound of ‘b’ and ‘h’ uttered all at once, as: – ભાષા (bhāṣā) language, ભૂલ (bhūl) mistake, ભીડ (bhiṛ) crowd, etc. મ(ma) sounds like English ‘m’ in may, me , mean, etc. as: – મન (man) mind, માળા (mālā) garland, મીઠા (mīṭhā) sweet etc. ય(ya) is pronounced like ‘i+a’(ઇ+અ) all at once, as: – યશ (yaś) fame, યનત (yatna) attempt, care. ર (ra) has the sound of English ‘r’ in raw, rat, rain etc. as: – રથ (rat) chariot, રાત (rāt) night, રમત દ brownie n (us, cake) шоколадное пирожное с орехами шоколадное пирожное с орехами brush past vt проноситься (пронестись perf) мимо +gen bully n задира m/f vt травить (затравить perf), (frighten) запугивать (запугать perf) bumper sticker n наклейка на бампер bunny n 1. bunny rabbit зайчик 2. bunny girl n (brit) официантка ночного клуба, в облегающем костюме с кроличьим хвостом официантка ночного клуба, в облегающем костюме с кроличьим хвостом и 3. bunny hill n (us, skiing) лягушатник buoyant adj (ship) плавучий, (economy, market) оживлённый (оживлён), (prices, currency) твёрдый, (fig, person) жизнерадостный (жизнерадостен) burglar alarm n сигнализация burn (burned or burnt pt, pp) vt жечь (сжечь perf), сжигать (сжечь perf), (arson) поджигать (поджечь perf) vi (house, wood) гореть (сгореть perf), сгорать (сгореть perf), (cakes) подгорать (подгореть perf) n ожог Example: the cigarette burnt a hole in her dress – сигарета прожгла дырку в её платье | she always burns the meat – у неё всегда подгорает мясо | I've burnt myself! – я обжёгся! burnish vt полировать (отполировать perf) bus-stop n автобусная остановка business address n адрес фирмы cafeteria n кафетерий cake shop n булочная-кондитерская f adj b Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoyevsky Фёдор Михáйлович Достоéвский Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoyevsky was a Russian novelist, short story writer, essayist and philosopher. Dostoyevsky's literary works explore human psychology in the context of the troubled political, social, and spiritual atmosphere of 19th-century Russia. He began writing in his 20s, and his first novel, Poor Folk, was published in 1846 when he was 25. His major works include Crime and Punishment (1866), The Idiot (1869), and The Brothers Karamazov (1880). His output consists of eleven novels, three novellas, seventeen short novels and numerous other works. Many literary critics rate him as one of the greatFyodor Mikhailovich Dostoyevsky 1876 source: Letters to Friends and Family, est and most prominent psychologists in world literature.1 Chatto Windus 1914 > 6pt/8pt Born in Moscow in 1821, Dostoyevsky was introduced to literature at an early age through fairy tales and legends, and through books by Russian and foreign authors. His mother died in 1837, when he was 15, and around the same time he left school to enter the Nikolayev Military Engineering Institute. After graduating, he worked as an engineer and briefly enjoyed a lavish lifestyle, translating books to earn extra money. In the mid-1840s he wrote his first novel, Poor Folk, which gained him entry into St. Petersburg's literary circles. In 1849 he was arrested for his involvement in the Petrashevsky Circle, a secret society of liberal utopians that also functioned as a literary discussion group.2 He and other members were condemned to death, but at the last moment, a note from Tsar Nicholas I was delivered to the scene of the firing squad, commuting the sentence to four years' hard labour in Siberia. His seizures, which may have started in 1839, increased in frequency there, and he was diagnosed with epilepsy. On his release, he was forced to serve as a soldier, before being discharged on grounds of ill health. In the following years, Dostoyevsky worked as a journalist, publishing and editing several magazines of his own and later A Writer's Diary, a collection of his writings. He began to travel around western Europe and developed a gambling addiction, which led to financial hardship. For a time, he had to beg for money, but he eventually became one of the most widely read and highly regarded Russian writers. His books have been translated into more than 170 languages. Dostoyevsky influenced a multitude of writers and philosophers, from Anton Chekhov and Ernest Hemingway to Friedrich Nietzsche and Jean-Paul Sartre. Dostoyevsky's parents were part of a multi-ethnic and multi-denominational Lithuanian noble family from the Pinsk region, with roots dating to the 16th century. Branches of the family included Russian Orthodox Christians, Roman Catholics and Eastern Catholics. Dostoyevsky's immediate ancestors on his mother's side were merchants; the male line on his father's side were priests. > 7pt/10,5pt 1Scanlan, James Patrick (2002). Dostoevsky the Thinker: A Philosophical Study. Cornell University Press. 2Dostoyevsky, Aimée (1922). “The Petrashevsky Conspiracy.” In Fyodor Dostoyevsky: A Study, Yale University Press, pp. 52–61. > 6pt/8pt To care only for well-being seems to me positively ill-bred. Whether it's good or bad, it is sometimes very pleasant, too, to smash things. Notes from the Underground (1864) Борода не делает философом A beard doesn't make a philosopher δεν ξέρω τι να ψάξω γίγαντα ή νάνο растительность ☙ ещё ❧ акенбарды głęboki [ɡwɛmˈbɔki] deep Страна Субъект федерации Координаты Внутреннее деление Губернатор Основан Прежние названия Город федерального значения с Площадь Тип климата Россия Санкт-Петербург 59°57′ с. ш. 30°19′ в. д. (Единая Россия) 18 районов и.о. Георгий Сергеевич Полтавченко (Единая Россия) 1703 до 1914 — Санкт-Петербург до 1924 — Петроград до 1991 — Ленинград 1991 1439 км2 умеренный Население 5 131 942 человек (2014) Плотность 3566.33 чел./км2 Агломерация Национальный состав Этнохороним Часовой пояс Телефонный код Почтовые индексы Автомобильный код 5,4 млн (2002) русские — 92,5 % украинцы — 1,5 % белорусы — 0,9 % татары — 0,7 % евреи — 0,6 % узбеки — 0,5 % армяне — 0,5 % петербуржцы, петербуржец, петербурженка, питерцы, ленинградцы UTC+4 +7 812 190000-199406 78, 98, 178 Код ОКАТО 40 Код ОКТМО 40 000 000 > 6 pt 59° 56′ N, 30° 16′ O Sankt Petersburg Санкт-Петербург основан 16 [27] мая 1703 город федерального значения Российской Федерации, административный центр Северо-Западного федерального округа. Расположен на северо-западе Российской Федерации, на побережье Финского залива и в устье реки Невы. В Санкт-Петербурге находятся Конституционный Суд Российской Федерации, Геральдический совет при Президенте Российской Федерации, органы власти Ленинградской области, Межпарламентская ассамблея стран СНГ. В городе также размещены Главное командование Военно-морского флота и штаб Западного военного округа Вооруженных сил России. > Cyrillic 12 pt/17 pt Город основан 16 (27) мая 1703 года Петром I. В 1712—1918 годах — столица Российского госу-дарства. В городе произошли три революции: 1905—1907 годов, Февральская буржуазно-демократическая революция 1917 года, Октябрьская социалистическая революция 1917 года. Во время Великой Отечественной войны 1941—1945 годов город около 900 дней находился в блокаде, в результате которой до 1 500 000 человек умерли от голода. Санкт-Петербург носит звание Города-Героя. > 9 pt/12 pt Санкт-Петербург В его составе три «Города воинской славы»: Кронштадт, Колпино, Ломоносов. Население — 5 131 942 (2014). Санкт-Петербург — самый северный в мире город с населением более одного миллиона человек. Среди городов, полностью расположенных в Европе, Санкт-Петербург является третьим по населению, а также первым по численности жителей городом, не являющимся столицей. > 7 pt/10,5 p ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΜΥΘΟΛΟΓΙΑ Ο όρος ελληνική μυθολογία καλύπτει το σύνολο των μύθων που σχετίζονται με την ελληνόφωνη παράδοση, έτσι όπως παρουσιάζονται στα κείμενα της αρχαίας ελληνικής συγγραφής. Ως ελληνική μυθολογία ορίζεται συγκεκριμένα η αφήγηση των μυθικών ιστορημάτων που δημιουργήθηκαν από τους αρχαίους Έλληνες και αφορούσαν τους θεούς και τους ήρωες τους, τη φύση του κόσμου και τις τελετουργικές πρακτικές της λατρείας τους. > Greek 12pt/16pt Οι σύγχρονοι ερευνητές αναφέρονται στους μύθους και τους μελετούν για να κατανοήσουν τον συμβολισμό τους, τους θρησκευτικούς και πολιτικούς θεσμούς των αρχαίων Ελλήνων και γενικά τον αρχαίο ελληνικό πολιτισμό. Οι χρονολογικά μεταγενέστεροι ελληνικοί μύθοι εντάσσονται στον χώρο της λαογραφίας και δεν αφορούν τη μυθολογία με την καθ'εαυτού έννοια του όρου. Η ελληνική μυθολογία συνίσταται σε μια πλούσια συλλογή αφηγημάτων που αναφέρονται στην προέλευση του κόσμου και εξιστορούν την ζωή και τις περιπέτειες μιας ευρείας ποικιλίας θεών, ηρώων, ηρωίδων και άλλων μυθολογικών πλασμάτων. Αυτές οι ιστορίες αρχικά διαμορφώθηκαν μέσω της προφορικής και ποιητικής παράδοσης, πριν να διαδοθούν γραπτώς μέσα από τα έργα της ελληνικής λογοτεχνίας. Οι παλαιότερες γνωστές λογοτεχνικές πηγές είναι τα δύο έπη, η Ιλιάδα και η Οδύσσεια του Ομήρου (8ος αιώνας π.Χ.), που είναι αφιερωμένα στα γεγονότα του τρωικού πολέμου και στις περιπέτειες του Οδυσσέα που ακολούθησαν. Θεωρούνται επίσης κατ'εξοχή πολύτιμη πηγή στοιχείων τα ποιητικά έργα του Ησίοδου (8ος αιώνας π.Χ.): η Θεογονία και τα Έργα και Ημέραι, που αναφέρονται στην αρχαία ελληνική αντίληψη για την δημιουργία του κόσμου. > Greek 9pt/11pt Abderus, aided Heracles during his eighth labour and was killed by the Mares of Diomedes Achilles (Αχιλλεύς or Αχιλλέας), hero of the Trojan War and a central character in Homer's Iliad Aeneas (Αινείας), a hero of the Trojan War and progenitor of the Roman people Ajax the Great (Αίας ο Μέγας), a hero of the Trojan War and king of Salamis Ajax the Lesser (Αίας ο Μικρός), a hero of the Trojan War and leader of the Locrian army Amphitryon (Αμφιτρύων), Theban general who rescued Thebes from the Teumessian fox Bellerophon, hero who slew the Chimera Castor, the mortal Dioscuri twin; after Castor's death, his immortal brother Pollux shared his divinity with him in order that they might remain together Chrysippus, a divine hero of Elis > Latin and Greek 7pt/9pt άπò το� Apò toû hēlíou metástēthi ηλίου Stand a little out of my sun μετάστηθι Diogenes the Cynic La Caperucita Roja Little Red Riding Hood in Spanish Había una vez una niña muy bonita. Su madre le había hecho una capa roja y la muchachita la llevaba tan a menudo que todo el mundo la llamaba Caperucita Roja. Un día, su madre le pidió que llevase unos pasteles a su abuela que vivía al otro lado del bosque, recomendándole que no se entretuviese por el camino, pues cruzar el bosque era muy peligroso, ya que siempre andaba acechando por allí el lobo. Caperucita Roja recogió la cesta con los pasteles y se puso en camino. La niña tenía que atravesar el bosque para llegar a casa de la Abuelita, pero no le daba miedo porque allí siempre se encontraba con muchos amigos: los pájaros, las ardillas ... De repente vio al lobo, que era enorme, delante de ella. —¿A dónde vas, niña?— le preguntó el lobo con su voz ronca. —A casa de mi Abuelita— le dijo Caperucita. —No está lejos— pensó el lobo para sí, dándose media vuelta. Caperucita puso su cesta en la hierba y se entretuvo cogiendo flores: —El lobo se ha ido—pensó, —no tengo nada que temer. La abuela se pondrá muy contenta cuando le lleve un hermoso ramo de flores además de los pasteles. Mientras tanto, el lobo se fue a casa de la Abuelita, llamó suavemente a la puerta y la anciana le abrió pensando que era Caperucita. Un cazador que pasaba por allí había observado la llegada del lobo. El lobo devoró a la Abuelita y se puso el gorro rosa de la desdichada, se metió en la cama y cerró los ojos. No tuvo que esperar mucho, pues Caperucita Roja llegó enseguida, toda contenta. La niña se acercó a la cama y vio que su abuela estaba muy cambiada. —Abuelita, abuelita, ¡qué ojos más grandes tienes! —Son para verte mejor— dijo el lobo tratando de imitar la voz de la abuela. —Abuelita, abuelita, ¡qué orejas más grandes tienes! —Son para oírte mejor— siguió diciendo el lobo. —Abuelita, abuelita, ¡qué dientes más grandes tienes! —Son para...¡comerte mejoooor!— y diciendo esto, el lobo malvado se abalanzó sobre la niñita y la devoró, lo mismo que había hecho con la abuelita. > 9pt/14pt ❧ el fin ☙ ❧ Es war einmal vor langer langer Zeit “Hallo?” „Moin!“ > Light / Italic 45 pt »How are you?« > Regular / Italic 45 pt Weights are all designed to harmonize when set together. The clear distinction necessary for complex type setting is carried through the heaviness of each weight. Each is individually designed to support the hierarchy not just in thickness but also in forms. The Italic transfers movements of written letters into its design. This contrasts with the in-strokes, that are strongly orientated to the top serifs of its Roman equivalent. It conveys a strong rhythm that balances carefully the act of blending and setting appart the two styles. ¡super bien, gracias! > Medium / Italic 45 pt ‘verry well and yourselves?’* > Bold / Italic 45 pt *{genug ◊ Höflichkeitsfloskeln} > Black / Italic 45 pt g gorgeous & farbenprächtig Segelschiffe Sie haben das mächtige Meer unterm Bauch Und über sich Wolken und Sterne. Sie lassen sich fahren vom himmlischen Hauch mit Herrenblick in die Ferne. Sie schaukeln kokett in des Schicksals Hand Wie trunkene Schmetterlinge. Aber sie tragen von Land zu Land Fürsorglich wertvolle Dinge. Wie das im Wind liegt und sich wiegt, Tauwebüberspannt durch die Wogen, Da ist eine Kunst, die friedlich siegt, Und ihr Fleiß ist nicht verlogen. Es rauscht wie Freiheit. Es riecht wie Welt. Natur gewordene Planken Sind Segelschiffe. – Ihr Anblick erhellt Und weitet unsre Gedanken. > 11 pt/14 pt Joachim Ringelnatz કલર બૉકસ Die Farbenvielfalt палитра Tęcza Finiana Στη γωνία φαίνεται Ένα ουράνιο τόξο στον ουρανό • Więc tęczę, mój miły, daj mi • Кстати, как по - итальянски ›радуга‹? »arcobaleno« Reinbôge Vous ne voulez pas aller au bout de l' arc- en- ciel? sateenkaari [ˈsɑteːnˌkɑːri] πλαίσιο χρωμάτων colourful b a ę ß n Light Regular Medium Bold Black ñ k g w å Light Italic Regular Italic Medium Italic Bold Italic љ ભ ώ ɮ Cyrillic Gujarati Greek Linguistic Symbols Black Italic members of the Kaius family > 33 pt/37 pt Å B Ç Đ Ē F Ğ Ħ IJ J Ķ Ł M Ñ Ő Þ Q Ŕ Ş Ť Ù V Ẅ X Ŷ Ź ą ȸ ċ ď ě f ģ ħ ì j ķ ʫ m ñ ő þ q ř ş ß ť ū v ẃ x ÿ ż > Regular a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z >Small Caps Á B Ć D Ë F G H Ī J K Ŀ M Ň Ô P Q Ř Ș T Ű V Ẃ X Ỳ Z ă b ć d ę fh ġ h ï j k l m ň œ p q r s ß ț ű v ẅ x ý z > Italic 1234567 890 1 2 3 4 567 > Numbers 8 9 0 ½ ¼ ¾⅛⅜⅝⅞ 123456789 * \ · • : , … !h¡ # . ?h¿ " ' ; / {h} [h] (h) «h» ‹h› „h“ “h” ‘h’ ‚ _ — – - > Punctuation € > Symbols £ ¥ = > + ∑ ◊ ☙ ❧ | @ & ° ′ Ʒ ɗ ɢ ʛ ʜ ɪ ʟ ɴ ɶ ʀ ʁ ʏ ɑ ɒ ɝ ʊ¨ ɚ ɐ � ɪ¨ � ɓ ɕ ʤ ɟ ʄ ɖ ʣ ʥ ɛ ɜ ɘ ʃ ʆ ʅ ʒ ʓ ɣ ʔ ʖ ʕ ʡ ʢ ɡ ɧ ɦ ɥ ɩ ɨ ʝ ʞ ɭ ɫ ɲ ɰ ɯ ŋ ɱ ɵ ɷ ɔ ɸ ʠ ɤ ɾ ɿ ɽ ɻ ɼ ɺ ɹ ə ʈ ʇ ʮ ʯ ʉ ʊ ʋ ʍ ʎ ʑ ʐ � ɮ æ ṇ ṣ ṭ ṛ ḷ ᵊ ʳ ‖ ˈ ˌ ː ˑ > Phonetics ð ɠ ɳ ʌ Α Β Γ Δ Ε Ζ Η Θ Ι Κ Λ Μ Ν Ξ Ο Ρ Π Σ Τ Υ Φ Χ Ψ Ω Ά Έ Ή Ί Ό Ύ Ώ Ϊ Ϋ α β γ δ ε ζ η θ ι κ λ μ ν ξ ο π ρ ς στ υ φ χ ψ ω ί ϊ ΐ ύ ϋ ΰ ό ώ ά έ ή � � > Greek А Б В Г Ѓ Ґ Д Е Ё Ж З И Й К Ќ Л М Н О П Р С Т У Ў Ф Х Ч Ц Ш Щ Џ Я Ь Ъ Ы І Њ Ѕ Є Э Љ Ї Ј Ћ Ю Ђ Ѣ ѲѴ Ғ Җ Қ Ң Ү Ұ Ҳ Ҷ Һ Ӏ Ә Ӣ Ө Ӯ а б в г ѓ ґ д е ё ж з и й к ќ л м н о п р с т у ў і ф х ч ц ш щ џ я ь ъ ы љ њ ѕ є э ї ј ћ ю ђ ѣ ѳ ѵ ғ җ қ ң ү ұ ҳ ҷ һ ӏ ә ӣ ө ӯ >Cyrillic અ ઐ ઔ ઓ ઑ બ ભ ચ છ દ ડ ઢ ધ એ ઍ ગ ઘ હ ઇ ઈ જ ઝ ક ખ લ ળ ઌ મ ન ઙ ણ ઞ પ ફ ર ઋ સ શ ષ ત થ ટ ઠ ઉ ઊ વ ય > Vovels and Modifiers �ા િ� �ી ુ� ૂ� ૃ� ૄ� ૅ� ે� �ૈ �ૉ �ો �ૌ ્� �� �� ઼� > Conjuncts કભ કક કર ખર ખય ચર જા જી તત જમ થર નન નત પર ભર મર ષર સક � � > Half forms ખ્ � ગ્� ઘ્� ચ્� ણ્� ત્� થ્� ન્� પ્� બ્� ભ્� મ્� ય્� લ્� ળ્� ષ્� વ્� શ્� ષ્� સ્� > Gujarati Submitted in partial fulfilment of the matd Master program at the University of Reading. Many thanks to Fiona Ross, Gerry Leonidas, Gerard Unger, Victor Gaultney and Vaibhav Singh. As well as the other members of staff at the Universtiy of Reading. Kaius is designed by Lisa Fischbach hallo@lisafischbach.net