The Desert Messenger - St. John the Baptist Greek Orthodox Church
The Desert Messenger - St. John the Baptist Greek Orthodox Church
The Desert Messenger “Behold, I send My messenger before Your Face, who shall prepare Your way...” (Matthew 11:10) Volume 13, Issue 5 From Father John St. John the Baptist Greek Orthodox Church, Las Vegas, NV May 2015 “The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.” (John 1:5) Beloved in Christ: Χριστος Ανεστη! Christ is Risen! Just a couple weeks ago a swarm of faithful gathered from all corners of the Las Vegas Valley into (and for some, outside) our darkened Church shortly before the midnight hour, with Paschal candles in hand, eagerly waiting to receive the light of Jesus Christ: While chanting “Come, receive the light,” I lit my candle from the solitary flame of the Altar vigil lamp, shared it with my beloved brother priests, then the Myrrh-Bearers – who represented those women who were the first eyewitnesses of the Lord’s Resurrection – and not long after, the entire Church basked in a most amazing radiant light. Although some time has passed, I pray we are still beaming with the illuminant joy of the Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ, Who is the True Light – the Light that can never be overtaken by the night of sin and death. Receiving the Paschal light is one thing: But more importantly we must internalize this light by responding daily to Christ’s gift of Life and working out our salvation. (Philippians 2:12) He Who came first as our Savior will come next time as our Judge: It is not sufficient that we receive regularly God’s love, mercy and healing through the Holy Mysteries of the Church – we must also live genuinely in accordance with that grace, wherever we go and whatever we do. Our compassionate Lord knows us and understands the challenge of keeping the light of faith aflame, and He has not left us as orphans in our flesh and in this world, which are often darkened by sin: As He kept His promise to His Disciples, He continues to do so with all the faithful in the Church by granting us the gift of the All-Holy Spirit. On Pentecost Sunday (May 31) we will fall on our knees, rejoicing in God’s love as He sends His life-giving Spirit on our parish and all the Orthodox in the world. Let us recall that on Holy Pascha, we did not come to Church only to receive the light for our own candle, but equally so to share the light with our fellow brothers and sisters in faith: This unity of Pascha is fulfilled with the Feast of Holy Pentecost, on which the Holy Spirit entwines us all together – like holy ivy – as brothers and sisters of the mystical Body of Christ. Fifty days after the Feast of our Lord’s Resurrection, we are reminded of why God established His Church – specifically, that we might become holy and bring others into His Kingdom. We are reminded in the festal hymns that in ancient times God thwarted the plans of those who desired to build a huge tower to magnify and unite the entire human race on the premise of ego. Yet, on Pentecost Sunday, God revealed the Source of true unity, bringing all nations together in Him by the gift of the Holy Spirit: “Once, when He descended and confounded the tongues, the Most High divided the nations; and when He divided the tongues of fire, He called all men into unity; and with one accord we glorify the All-Holy Spirit.” (Kontakion of Pentecost) What a blessing it is indeed to have the holy fire of God’s love uniting us with our Creator and one another: Together may we work to extinguish the darkness of ego, hatred and sin – and to keep the fire of the Holy Spirit ignited in our souls, relationships, homes and in our community! With love in Christ, The Desert Messenger WORSHIP SCHEDULE Sundays: 8:45 am Orthros ~ 10:00 am Divine Liturgy Church School follows Holy Communion Church School Commencement on Sunday, May 24 after Liturgy Sunday, May 3/Sunday of the Paralytic Orthros: Tone Three Resurrection Gospel (Orthros): Luke 24:13-35 Epistle: Acts 9:32-42 Gospel: John 5:1-15 Thursday, May 21/Holy Ascension of Our Lord & Sunday, May 10/Sunday of the Samaritan Woman Orthros: Tone Four Resurrection Gospel (Orthros): John 20:1-10 Epistle: Acts 11:19-30 Gospel: John 4:5-42 Orthros: Tone Six (Second Plagal) Resurrection Gospel (Orthros): John 21:1-14 Epistle: Acts 20:16-18, 28-36 Gospel: John 17:1-13 Happy Mothers Day! Sunday, May 17/Sunday of the Blind Man Orthros: Tone Five (First Plagal) Resurrection Gospel (Orthros): John 20:11-18 Epistle: Acts 16:16-34 Gospel: John 9:1-38 Wednesday, May 20 5:00 pm Orthros ~ 6:00 pm Divine Liturgy (Holy Ascension & Ss. Constantine and Helen) Epistle: Acts 26:1, 12-20 Gospel: Luke 24:36-53 Ss. Constantine and Helen (Liturgy Celebrated Wednesday, May 20) Sunday, May 24/Fathers of the First Ecumenical Council Church School Commencement Sunday, May 31/Holy Pentecost Festal Gospel (Orthros): John 20:19-31 Epistle: Acts 2:1-11 Gospel: John 7:37-52 Kneeling Vespers follows Liturgy Pentecost Week: Fast-free Monday, June 1/Monday of the Holy Spirit Epistle: Ephesians 5:8-19 Gospel: Matthew 18:10-20 2 The Desert Messenger SUNDAY SCHEDULE MAY 3 Ushers: Adam Bieker, John Fotopoulos, John Karas, George Bochanis, Skip Ruffner and Demetrious Asim Memorial: Albert Flangas (40 days); Kathy Katris (40 days); Christos Demolas (40 days); Dennis Osborn (40 days); Anna Maliagros (40 days); Margaret Carras Fronimos (1 year); and Katerina Soto (1 year). Fellowship: Forerunners ~ Seniors of St. John the Baptist MAY 10: HAPPY MOTHERS DAY! Ushers: Skip Ruffner, Ramona Tasios, John Fotopoulos, Paula Kelesis, Stacy Mavrantonis and Dean Chomakos Memorial: Eftie Grabovoi (2 years). Fellowship: Pan-Arcadians MAY 17 Ushers: Kouli Pouridis, Demetrious Asim, John Koutsulis, George Bochanis, John Karas and Adam Bieker Fellowship: Philoptochos ~ Bartsas Memorial MAY 24: CHURCH SCHOOL COMMENCEMENT Ushers: Stacy Mavrantonis, Dean Chomakos, Ramona Tasios, Skip Ruffner, Demetrious Asim and John Fotopoulos Memorial: Constantine and Helen Psihountas. Fellowship: Lemlem Haile and Family MAY 31: HOLY PENTECOST Ushers: John Karas, John Koutsulis, Adam Bieker, Kouli Pouridis, Paula Kelesis and George Bochanis Fellowship: Orthodox Connection Las Vegas Notice of Parish Assembly Sunday, June 7 Following Divine Liturgy Agenda Items Include: 2015 Stewardship Report (as of 4/15/15) Financial Review Greek Food Festival Update Strategic Planning Power-Point Church Music Conference Stewardship Gifts Pledged: $302,463.33 Stewardship Gifts Received: $133,893.83 Your attendance is encouraged. Only Stewards in Good Standing for 2015 may vote. Unfulfilled Pledge Balance: $168,569.50 Stewardship Families Pledged: 334 “Jesus said to her, ‘Every one who drinks of this water will thirst again, but whoever drinks of the water that I shall give him will never thirst; the water that I shall give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life.’” (John 5:13-14) 3 The Desert Messenger Parish Council Report Christos Anesti! What an amazing job our volunteers did during Holy Week and Pascha this year! I cannot stress enough the importance of volunteering in our ministries and parish events. Serving in our Church is the backbone of our community’s life. Holy Week and Pascha were a perfect example of everything that is positive about our volunteers and Church ministries. We can start with our Palm Sunday Luncheon which was chaired by Paula Kelesis and Skip Ruffner. Wonderful fellowship was enjoyed by our parishioners, with Metropolitan Gerasimos present as our honored guest. The delicious food for this luncheon was prepared by Sam Koutsulis, and was appreciated by all those in attendance. This has become an annual success, enjoyed by all. During Holy Week, the efforts of our many volunteers were visible and well-received. Different ministries stepped up at different times during Holy Week to assist and help. The efforts of Philoptochos, our Senior Forerunners, Choir and other youth and adult volunteers must be noted and saluted. We appreciated all of their time and effort. The Agape Picnic was another successful event which seems to grow in popularity every year. This year around 650 people attended the event. This labor of love was chaired by Adam Bieker and Demetri Asim. The food was varied and excellent, prepared by our kitchen All-Stars: Pete Kypreos, Sam Koutsulis and George Kakavulias. The efforts of these three cannot be overstated; and the time they put into volunteering for our Church is truly amazing. Our thanks go out to our volunteers and ministries, not only during Holy Week but throughout the year. You are all truly appreciated! Alithos Anesti! George T. Bochanis, Parish Council President Stewardship and Community Outreach Christos Anesti! Christ is Risen! These words took on a new and deeper meaning for me this year as I celebrated Pascha with my family, including my mother who traveled from Massachusetts to visit with her grandchildren. As many of you know, my son is on the Autism Spectrum Disorder, and one of his challenges is social communication skills that you and I take for granted. Typically my son does not initiate conversation unless he is asking for something to eat or for his iPad. However during Holy Week this year, something beautiful and wondrous occurred that can only be described as the presence of the Holy Spirit. On Holy Wednesday, my mother and I attended the Holy Unction service and brought home some Holy Unction, so that my children could receive this Sacrament. With my mother and my wife Suzy by my side, I administered Holy Unction to my son while reciting the appropriate prayer, “Holy Father, Physician of our souls and bodies, have mercy, forgive and save Your servant, Maximos.” My son willingly allowed me to make the sign of the Cross on his face and hands, and then, without prompting, looked me straight in the eye and said, “Thanks, Dad.” Dumbfounded, I turned to my mother and my wife to confirm what I had just seen and heard, and my mother proclaimed, “That is the presence of the Holy Spirit!” At Pascha we celebrate the Holy Resurrection of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and the promise of eternal life through Him. Yet, Holy Pascha is also the promise that He is with us always – just as He was on Holy Wednesday with my son, Maximos. Alithos Anesti! Truly He Has Risen! In Peace, Mark Karris and Jennia Szukiewicz, Stewardship and Community Outreach 4 The Desert Messenger Christos Anesti! The months of March and April have been an emotional and spiritual journey for all of us. We have prayed together, worshipped together, cried together, and shared and made memories together in His Name, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We as a community performed the true acts of Orthodox Christians, as we fed the poor, helped those in need, visited the sick, and prayed for those who have passed on before us. Though all of the work of the Ladies Philoptochos Society is a huge team effort, credit and appreciation is especially due to several women who have faithfully undertaken the larger projects of Holy Week: Palm Sunday Luncheon – Thank you to all the terrific volunteers that helped to decorate and set up and serve the wonderful lunch. Thanks to the Parish Council members, especially the chairs, Paula Kelesis and Skip Ruffner, and Ladies Philoptochos members, for another amazing reason to gather as friends and family in the fellowship of breaking bread together. Red Eggs – In keeping with the traditions of our Faith, Andrea Takas and the team got there early, cooked the eggs, then attended the morning service and returned to work, with the help of more parishioners! God Bless them all! Epitaphio Decoration – I would like to acknowledge the dedication and devotion to the designing of the beautiful Epitaphio by Ernestine Kachikis. Ernestine spends countless hours working to create this beautiful tribute to our Lord. Many thanks to all of you who financially contributed to the Epitaphio flowers, using the envelopes to make donations and remember your loved ones. Marcie Karas, thank you for your help to organize the names. Agape Picnic – The Agape Picnic would not be the same without the dedication of Glenda and Pete Eliakis, Donna Maland, Amalia Dominguez, and their families who have faithfully devoted their time to prepare the sweets and the Tsourekia bread for the Picnic. Many thanks to Estella Nicholas and Rebecca Matsis and everyone who sold tickets, donated wine, and bought tickets for the Wine Wagon! This little “fun”raiser helps with several Church and community projects every year. The month of May sees the Ladies Philoptochos Society in a transition. We will be electing new officers to lead the Panagia Chapter for the next two years. Elections will take place at the President’s Dinner, to be held on Tuesday, May 19, 2015. Please look for further information in the Sunday Weekly Bulletin. It has been my pleasure and privilege to work with the Officers, Board and Members of the Panagia Chapter these last two years. We have continued the traditions of the past, while introducing a couple of new projects and activities. I look forward to the future of a Philoptochos that, while taking care of our Church community both locally and globally, we also reach out into the Southern Nevada community to show them the true meaning of philanthropy and at the same time acquaint them to our Faith! To the 2013-2015 Officers and Board Members – Bessie Chachas, Vice President; April Karalis, Treasurer; Dianne Bacon, Recording Secretary; Andrea Takas, Corresponding Secretary; Alexia Chandrinos, Membership; Catherine Manolakos, Social Services; Jennia Szukiewicz, Outreach; Joanne DeMangus, Fellowship; Presv. Maria Hondros, Meeting Fellowship; Marcie Karas, Vasilopita; Ernestine Kachikis, Epitaphio; Dora Hart, National Representative; and Geri Kypreos, Immediate Past President – each and every one of you have stepped up, fulfilled your offices and chairmanships, and of course cheerfully stepped in whenever asked to take on another duty. Thank you so very much! Your dedication along with the strong support of the St. John the Baptist Community has drawn the notice of the Metropolis and the National Philoptochos Society. They have seen what we do and are interested in how this one small chapter has made and is still making a difference in Southern Nevada. Thank you so much for being there! Your Sister in Christ, Bernadette Anthony Philoptochos News 5 The Desert Messenger Our Community Registry ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH Baptized into Christ: Na Mas Zisi! 5300 S. El Camino Rd. Las Vegas, NV 89118 Constantine (Cameron) Smith (Adult Baptism) on March 22, 2015. Sponsor: Gus W. Flangas. Rev. Father John Hondros Johnny Crisstopher, son of Christopher and Shaunyl Sarantakos, on March 29, 2015. Godparent: George J. Sarantakos. Chrismations: Thomas Fleetwood on March 29, 2015. Sponsor: Matthew Castillo. Rev. Father Matthew Swehla Karen Rawlinson Administrative Assistant TBD Bookkeeper Angeliki (Melissa) Fleetwood on March 29, 2015. Sponsor: Justina Szukiewicz. Monica Finch Catering & Events Manager Paraskevi (Jennifer) Santamaria on March 29, 2015. Sponsor: Catherine (Carolyn) Beeler. Monday - Friday 9:00 am - 5:00 pm Marriages: Na Zisete! Joshua Miller and Sevasti Paschalis on April 18, 2015. Koumbaros: John G. Paschalis. Thomas Gott and Kitty Komashko on April 18, 2015. Koumbara: Presvytera Kimberly Taweel. Kyle Foster and Maria Pierro on April 19, 2015. Koumbara: Argie Kisner. Fallen Asleep in the Lord: Eternal Memory! Harry Rigas on March 21, 2015. Funeral on March 27. Kathryn Katris on March 24, 2015. Funeral on March 28. Albert Flangas on March 26, 2015. Funeral on April 1. Anna Maliagros on March 30, 2015. Funeral on April 3. Dennis Osborn on March 31, 2015. Trisagion on April 6. Michael Poe on April 18, 2015. Funeral on April 24. From the Cross . . . to the Empty Tomb! Christ is Risen! Truly, He is Risen! Office Hours Telephone: (702) 221-8245 FAX: (702) 221-9167 Parish Council: George Bochanis Philoptochos: Bernadette Anthony Stewardship & Outreach: Mark Karris & Justina Szukiewicz Choir: Athena Mertes Chanters & Youth Choir: Presvytera Maria Hondros Church School: Eileen Koutsulis Altar Servers: Alex Szukiewicz GOYA: Kouli Pouridis & June Likourinou Orthodox Family Fellowship: Elaine Bucy & Politimi Zondiros Greek Folk Dance: Panagiote Tsolis Greek School: Paula Kelesis Orthodox Connection Las Vegas: Dimitri Tsilis Orthodox Christian Fellowship: Alex Szukiewicz & Fani Mavrantonis Mr. & Mrs.: Fr. John, Fr. Matthew & Presvyteres Kali Parea: Demetri Asim Adult Basketball: Nick Kelesis Forerunners: Marie & Gary Setian Orthodox Bookstore: Constantine Frangakis Bill Andrews Library: Cheryl Pandelis and Susan Stamis Greek Food Festival: Angelo Stamis Hellenic Historical Society: Cheryl Pandelis and Susan Stamis Strategic Planning : Paula Kelesis Photographer: Bill Bruninga 6 The Desert Messenger From Father Matthew Christos Anesti! Christ is Risen! Summer is almost upon us, as temperatures rise and kids eagerly await the end of the school year. Many of us are starting to plan our summer trips and looking forward to taking life a bit easier, or escaping the hottest days of the year! In our spiritual lives, we sometimes want to take a break as well. There are seasons when Church attendance diminishes – whether it is in the weeks following major feasts like Pascha or Christmas, or in the summer months when kids are out of school and people go on vacation. However our life in the Church is our spiritual heartbeat; it is the thing which sustains us through the ups and downs of life. When summer comes (or any other season of relaxation), we must remember that our vacation time needs the Church just as much as any other time in our lives. We must nurture our relationship with Jesus Christ at all times, because, if we are not moving towards our Lord, then we are moving away. There is no happy medium or comfortable middle ground. Taking a spiritual vacation from the Church means that we are moving away from Christ, Who is our life and the Source of Life. Just as moving away from your spouse or your family and loved ones would hurt your relationship with them, so does moving away from God diminishes our relationship with Him, affecting all aspects of our life. When we move away from the life of the Church – our life in Christ – we become ill-prepared for the inevitable losses and tragedies which come upon us. We become more prone to spiritual attacks. In our dry spells the devil works especially hard, causing us to stumble and sin. In fact our salvation is dependent upon our growth in Christ, our union with God. We are “being transformed into . . . the glory of the Lord.” (2 Corinthians 3:18) Yet this transformation is a slow process; it is the work of our whole life. Just as marriage is the life-long process of becoming one with another person, so our spiritual life is the process of being transformed into oneness with God. As we approach summer, let us not take a spiritual vacation, drifting away from our Lord and becoming susceptible to spiritual attack. If you travel, then find a Church wherever you go. Let us not be “alienated and enemies by wicked works,” for “Jesus has reconciled [you to be] holy and blameless . . . if indeed you continue in the faith, grounded and steadfast, and are not moved away from the hope of the gospel. (Colossians 1:21-23) In summer and in all seasons of our life, may we move toward God, participating in His Church, praying, and growing in His love. Let us be grounded in the Church, so that it may be the foundation of everything else in our lives. In Christ’s love, Thursday Morning Study with Father Matthew: Sunday New Testament Readings Adult Study with Father John: “The Church at Prayer” Meets every Wednesday Meets every Thursday 10:30 am in the Library 7:00 - 8:30 pm in Kokkos Hall Join us on our quest toward holiness! Bring your Bible! Serving Dinner to the Homeless The Community of St. John the Baptist will resume serving dinner to the homeless at the Las Vegas Rescue Mission in May, on Friday, May 15 at 4:30 pm. Please join us and see why “it is more blessed to give than to receive.” (Acts 20:35) 7 The Desert Messenger Youth and Family Ministries Church School Christos Anesti! I hope everyone had a wonderful Pascha. It is hard to believe the school year is coming to an end. Where has the year gone? I hope everyone enjoyed the Lenten season along with Holy Week. We had our annual chat with Metropolitan Gerasimos before Palm Sunday Vespers. The children had many inspiring and thoughtful questions. It was nice seeing so many children participate in the various events. A special thanks to our Altar Servers and the MyrrhBearers. They did an amazing job and made Holy Week and Pascha so beautiful. Our annual egg hunt at the Agape Picnic was so much fun for our youth. We had more than 3,000 eggs – a special thank you for all the donated eggs; I could not have done it without you. Our youth programs would not be successful without many hands. We are having a great school year with the kids. Our Commencement and Pizza Party will be taking place on Sunday, May 24. Please mark this date in your calendar so your child can participate. At that time, we will honor our Graduating High School Seniors and present the Mochas for Missions donation (which benefits Metropolis Mission Parishes) to Philoptochos. In Christ, Eileen Koutsulis, Church School Director (702) 521-6516 or Youth Choir News Christos Anesti! I want to thank the Youth Choir members who participated in the Holy Saturday Morning Service. You sang those hymns with such enthusiasm! The congregation loved the service! Our next practice will be on Sunday, May 3 right after Church School. We will work on hymns for the Paschal Season as well as the coming Church Music Conference. The Youth Choir will chant the Divine Liturgy on Sunday, May 10 (Mothers Day). Please be at the front right side by 9:40 am to chant the Doxology, and wear your black and white outfits. We will be taking our Youth Choir group photograph after Liturgy. Please keep an eye out for updated Youth Choir information in the Church e-mail blasts. Thank You! Love, Presvytera Maria Orthodox Family Fellowship Christ is Risen! Summer is on its way, and it is a great time to spend with friends and family. Join us for a barbeque on Saturday, May 9, at 6:00 pm at the home of Brent and Elaine Bucy. Please bring a potluck dish for dinner for everyone to enjoy. Please RSVP to Elaine at or (702) 321-8054. God bless, Timi Zondiros & Elaine Bucy, OFF Advisors 8 The Desert Messenger GOYA Christ is Risen! Greetings in the Resurrection of our Lord! Thank you to those who attended the Lazaros Saturday events (palm tying and the youth gathering with Metropolitan Gerasimos), the decorating of the Epitaphion, setting up the tables and chairs for the Agape Picnic, the Altar Servers and the Myrrh-Bearers, and everyone for attending the wonderful services during Holy Week. We have a fun-filled month ahead, so mark your calendars and check our social media Facebook (Las Vegas GOYA) and Instagram (Goya LV) for announcements. Save these dates: ● Sunday, May 17 GOYA & Parent BBQ on the Church Grounds at 5:00 pm. Bring your appetites, lawn chairs, umbrellas, and sunscreen for an evening of fun and fellowship! ● Saturday May 30, GOYA Volleyball Tournament in Pasadena, CA. We are looking for a few parents to help with logistics and hotel accommodations, carpools, etc. Volleyball practices are scheduled for Sundays, 1:00-2:30 pm. Additional practices may be scheduled. Parents and young adults of the GOYA family are welcomed to participate. Let us know your thoughts, and help us make this a great Greek Orthodox youth experience. Again, thank you for your participation and commitment! Please come see us with any concerns or questions. In Christ, June Likourinou and Kouli Pouridis, GOYA Advisors Greek Language Classes Christos Anesti! Another year of Greek School is coming to an end; our last class will be Tuesday, May 19. We will have class and then a graduation party in Kokkos Hall. Please look for information about next year’s classes in the July/August issue of The Desert Messenger and Weekly Bulletin. Paula Kelesis, Director Attention, Graduates! We want to share the good news of your commencement in the June issue of The Desert Messenger! If you (or your child) will be graduating soon from High School or University, please e-mail the following to by May 15: ▪ School from which you are graduating ▪ The degree you will receive, including honors ▪ What your plans are, and what you will study if pursuing further education ▪ And most importantly, a photo of you in JPG format! 2015 AHEPA Scholarship Applications are Available The Order of AHEPA, Las Vegas Chapter 314, announces availability of the 2015 scholarship application. Worthy students – those entering college and continuing college students – are encouraged to submit applications for this academic scholarship, which assists students in meeting their tuition and registration expenses. Applications, as well as additional information regarding criteria, are available at the Church Office, or you may ask Karen to e-mail you an application. DEADLINE FOR SUBMITTAL IS MAY 15, 2015. 9 The Desert Messenger Adult and Young Adult Ministries Orthodox Connection Las Vegas ~ For Young Adults (20s & 30s) Christos Anesti! For the month of May OCLV will be going on a hike at Red Rock Canyon on Saturday, May 9 at 10:00 am. We will meet at the entrance of the Visitors Center (at 3205 NV-159, Las Vegas, NV 89161), then drive together to the trailhead. The trail is called Moenkopi Loop: It is an easy trail, two miles in length, and can be completed in under two hours. I recommend bringing a bottle of water and some snacks or a packed lunch. The entrance fee is $7 per vehicle. Please let me know if you can attend. In Christ, Dimitri Tsilis (801) 243-6047 Orthodox Christian Fellowship ~ For College-Aged Young Adults Christ is Risen! Come celebrate the end of the school year! OCF will be going to Sunset Park on Monday, May 18, 4:00-7:00 pm for a barbeque and some beach volleyball. Relax after another long school year finished! In Christ, Father Matthew Kali Parea ~ “Good Company” for the 40+ Crowd Christos Anesti! Let’s get together and enjoy this beautiful weather! Join us on Saturday, May 9 for “Jazz in the Park” featuring Selina Albright at the Clark County Government Center Amphitheater. Admission and parking are FREE. Seating begins at 6:00 pm, and the concert starts at 7:00 pm. It is strongly suggested to arrive early for good seating. Picnic, blankets and low back chairs are welcome. Food and drink are available for purchase on site. In Christ, Demetri Asim, Kali Parea Advisor Mr. & Mrs. ~ A Couples Fellowship Christ is Risen! Last month we had a wonderful celebration of Pascha, with a meal at Yassou Greek Grill Café. The food was excellent, and the conversation even better, thanks to the large table we all sat around. Thank you Pete Papas for hosting! This month we will have our gathering at the home of Dean and Tammy Chomakos, just a few miles away from the Church. Join us for a potluck dinner and group discussion on Sunday, May 3 at 5:00 pm at the Chomakos’ home. Please bring a dish and your significant other. RSVP with Father Matthew for directions. In Christ, Fathers John and Matthew and their Presvyteres Adult Basketball Join us on Mondays at 6:30 pm for a pick-up basketball game in Panos Hall. Please e-mail Nick Kelesis at to add your name to the list. Christos Anesti! We welcome you to the “History of St. John the Baptist Greek Orthodox Church” – First Installment in Kokkos Hall, from 1829 to 1979. 10 The Desert Messenger Forerunners ~ The Seniors of St. John the Baptist Due to Holy Pascha we did not have a meeting in April. Thank you to all of the seniors who attend our monthly luncheons and who contributed pastries for our recent Fellowship. As a result, we were able to attain our 2015 goal of contributing $1,000 to our St. John the Baptist Greek Orthodox Church, which was presented on April 19 following Liturgy. That same day, the Forerunners hosted Fellowship Hour, and the proceeds from this event will again be used to meet our annual commitment to the Church. In keeping with our tradition of charitable contributions, two donations have recently been awarded: A check for the sum of $100 was given to provide Easter meals for the less fortunate and homeless citizens of our community; another check for $100 was given to the Archdiocese for the construction of the St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church National Shrine in New York City – the former Church was destroyed as a result of the 9/11 attack on our country. Our next luncheon meeting will be held on Monday, May 11, at 11:30 am in Panos Hall. We look forward to seeing you then and encourage you to bring a friend. The more the merrier! Alexis Joseph Kyprianou, Secretary Notes from the Choir Loft Christos Anesti! Thank you to the Choir for their beautiful singing during the services of Holy Week and Pascha. A special thank you to our organist, George Bosnos, for his support during rehearsals and services! We are only two months away from our Church Music Conference! It is time for our Choir members to register for the conference. Please plan to turn in your registration forms and money ASAP! We also need to continue learning the music for the conference. Please mark your calendars for these VERY IMPORTANT rehearsals: Sunday, May 17 after Liturgy, and Wednesday, May 27 at 6:00 pm. We will also be taking a new Choir photo on Sunday, May 3 after Liturgy. Please plan to attend so everyone is included. Athena Mertes, Director Orthodox Bookstore Christos Anesti! This month we are featuring Dorotheos of Gaza, Discourses & Sayings. Abba Dorotheos was one of the Desert Fathers and his spiritual insight is very illuminating. The language of this book is very simple but very deep. Reading Abba Dorotheos will cause us to constantly reflect on our own condition and habits. Please come by and take a look! From Chapter III: On Conscience: “Let us be zealous, brothers, to guard our conscience for as long as we are in this world and not to neglect its promptings in anything. And let us not tread it under foot even in the least thing, for you can see that from the smallest things, which of their nature are worth little, we come to despise the great things. When we begin to say, ‘What is it if I just say these few words? What does it matter if I eat this morsel? What difference if I poke my nose in here or there?’ From this way of saying, ‘What does this or that matter?’ a person takes evil and bitter nourishment and begins presently to despise greater and more serious things and even to tread down his own conscience and so, at last destroying it, bit by bit, he falls into danger and finally becomes completely impervious to the light of conscience.” Until next month, ICXC NIKA, Constantine Frangakis, Bookstore Director 11 The Desert Messenger Holy Week and Pascha 2015 Christ is Risen! 12 The Desert Messenger Our Family in God: 2015 Stewards & Contributors (as of 4/21/15) Adamy, Marina Agnos, Jim and Angeline Akopian, Juliette Alcala, Georgia Kalkas Anastasakis, Mark and Elaine Anastasiou, Andrew and Kathleen Andraktos, Manuel Andrews, Catherine Andricopoulos, Margo Anthony, Stavros and Bernadette Anton, Mike and Carol Apostolopoulos, Katia Arger, Maria Aristides, George and Diana Asim, Demetrious Attard, Sofia Bacon, Ken and Dianne Bagatelos, Michael Balodimas, James Barbarino, Demetra Bartzos, Sam and Eugenia Bauck, Jeremy and Amy Beeler, Mike and Carolyn Beeman, Joey and Ivana Berendji, Jim and Vivian Berta, Irene Bieker, Adam and Cassie Bigler, Louis Birtas, Helen and Ann Bochanis, George Borzeka, Stephen Bratta, Georgene Britten, Ronald and Carol Brown, Faye Bruninga, Bill Bucy, Brent and Elaine Cahill, Irene Capre, Julio and Betty Carabas, Thymios and Sotiroulla Carahalis, John and Jillian Caredis, Jon and Marjorie Carrico, William and Alexandra Carson, Michele Carter, Maria Castillo, Matthew Chachas, Bessie Chachas, James Chagares, Kiki Chandrinos, Alexia Chanos, George Chomakos, Dean and Tammy Chomakos, George and Nikki Chondrakis, Dimos Christou, Andreas and Toni Cole, Carla Collins, David Collins, Dean Conger, William and Alexia Costacos, John Costas, Charles and Louise Costin, Sergiu and Garanin, Lucia Costuros, George and Marsha Cosulas, Fr. Basil and Presv. Samantha Cotsilis, Jenny Dalacas, Dimitri and Athanasia Dalacas, Eugenia Dalacas, Nick and Georgia Dawood, Evon Delalis, Dina DeMangus, Joanne Demolas, Maria and Nour, Reza Demoleas, Spero and Grace Demoleas, Stephanie Demopoulos, Vasiliki Doering, Bruce and Lynn Dominguez, Eric and Amalia Dornin, Christopher and Marcella Doskas, Athanasios and Anastasia Dounis, Dina Dramitinos, Mary Earl, Christine Michaelides Eliades, Artemisa Eliades, Harry and Agapi Eliades, Katerina Eliades, Peter Eliakis, Peter and Glenda Eliakis, Varthie and LeeAnn English, Marika Exarhos, Nick and Sharon Eyler, John and Elizabeth Eyler, Fr. Paul and Presv. Ilean Filios, George and Nitsa Fischer, Bob and Cheryl Flangas, Bill and Marilyn Flangas, Gus and Tamara Forerunners, Seniors of St. John Foster, Kyle and Maria Fotopoulos, John and Barbara Church Account Summaries as of March 31, 2015 Nevada State Bank Accounts February Ending Balance General Operating Account (GOA) Community and Education (C&E) $22,833.97 $27,074.39 Greek Food Festival (GFF) $14,185.23 Designated, Restricted & Other (DR&O) Folk Dance Group Mortgage Account Designated Funds 2013 Festival money for field transformer Restricted Funds $590.00 $12,201.10 $36,405.74 $122.00 $100.00 February Ending Balance February Ending Balance Giving Tree Building Fund $11,205.00 $2,000.00 Church School Altar Servers Ornaments GOYA Other D&R Funds Bookstore Designated, Restricted, and Other Total Other Funds Kokkos Scholarship Fund Deposits Transfers In Withdraws $11,907.74 $9,230.53 $66,717.52 $6,493.11 $352.00 $7,000.00 $2,489.00 $2,422.35 $162.00 Transfers In Withdraws Transfers Out $13,306.69 $9,287.54 March Ending Balance $26,657.04 $37,685.02 $7,537.23 $2,050.44 $118,826.56 $220.00 $5,201.14 $9,680.75 $31,142.60 Transfers Out $26,500.00 $39,971.63 $22,470.77 GOMSF Choir Registration $71,939.54 $17,160.75 $117,798.00 ICON Library Account Youth Choir Deposits March Ending Balance $26,500.00 Deposits $590.00 Transfers In Withdraws Transfers Out $345.00 March Ending Balance $40,906.63 $22,470.77 $11,205.00 $2,000.00 $969.82 $969.82 -$418.65 -$418.65 $1,106.37 $440.00 $0.00 $50.00 $1,106.37 $440.00 $0.00 $50.00 February Ending Balance $12,194.41 $116,489.35 February Ending Balance $51,848.07 Deposits $590.00 Deposits 13 Transfers In $2,144.00 $2,489.00 Transfers In Withdraws $0.00 Withdraws Transfers Out $1,050.44 $1,050.44 Transfers Out March Ending Balance $13,287.97 $118,517.91 March Ending Balance $51,848.07 The Desert Messenger Our Family in God: 2015 Stewards & Contributors (as of 4/21/15) Frangakis, Christos and Anastasia Frangakis, Constantine Frangakis, John Frangakis, Sophocles Franzi, Jack Funk, Helen Gain, Jeff and Wessels, Allison Garza, Evarardo and Eliades, Eleni George, Pete and Georgia Gialketsis, Barbara Gianakoulias, Nick and Magda Giouzelis, Anastasia Gordon, Victor and Demetria Gott, C. Thomas and Kitty Gousdovas, Nikos Grillas, Roula Grissom, Tony and Georgeea Gruber, Ernest and Zoe Gutierrez, Connie Hadzoglon, Christos and Barbara Hall, Elizabeth Hamilton, Mary Hamilton, Paul and Brandi Harrison, Angie Hemmers, Oliver and Pantelas, Anne Haynes, Maria Hetzel, David and Joanne Hoadrea, Jimmy and Monci Hondros, Catherine Hondros, Christina Hondros, Christopher Hondros, Fr. John and Presv. Maria Hoover, Patrick and Pauline Howard, William and Willie Hristopoulou, Spiridoula Ignadiou, Marios Iteen, Robert and Sophia Jackson, Jeff and Sophia Kachikis, Paul and Ernestine Kakavulias, Christina Kakavulias, George and Helen Kakavulias, John Kalkas, John and Irene Kambouris, Nick and Litsa Kane, Larry and Irene Kanellis, Ann Kaptain, Catherine Karas, James Karas, John and Marcie Karris, Mark and Suzanne Karvounidis, Nick and Alexandra Katris, Nick and Kathy + Katsoris, Dion and Pewitt, Nadine Kelesis, Paula Kleanthis, George and Zanetta Kokenes, Katherine Koliambas, Eleni Kostopoulos, Georgia Kotonias, George and Pat Kountanis, Pat Kourlos, Georgia Koutsulis, John and Eileen Koutsulis, Sam and Effie Kypreos, Peter and Geri Kypreos, Sophia Kyprianou, Gilbert and Alexis Ladies Philoptochos Society Lagomarsino, Andre and Elizabeth Lakis, Antoinette Lamancusa, Lisa Latelle, Penny Lazarakis, John and Panagiota Lechner, Sofia Lekar, Michael and Effie Lemelson, Alexandra Lemelson, K. Leone, Stephen Leonis, Nick and Sophia Leonis, Tishe Leventis, Nicholas and Christina Leventis, Petros and Maja Liaos, Jim and Tina Liaos, Steven and Francine Liaos, William and Irene Likourinou, Angie Likourinou, Steve and June Limberis, Peter and Suzanne Litsos, Nicholas and Catherine Lymberopoulos, Mary Maddox, Thomas and Maria Malamatos, Kindina Malpee, Mack and Kalliope Maniatakos, Ted and Maria Manolakos, Catherine Manos, Patricia Mansour, Muna Manteris, Arthur and Sue Margaretis, John and Lucila Martinaitis, Louis and Audra Mavrantonis, Stacy and Kiki Mavrantonis, Theofania Mavroidis, Demetrios and Debra Mavros, Michael and Debbie McKinney, Michael and Mersene McManus, Jeanette Poulos McNear, Elizabeth Melton, Donald and Susan Mertes, Patrick and Athena Mikelis, Peter Miller, Joshua and Sevasti Minas, Arthur and Ewa Miner, George and Loreane Mirich, Kyle Moffett, Todd and Eliopulos, Tina Monoyudis, Jim and Julie Morgan, Brian and Adrienne Murray, Christopher and George, Veneta Myers, Stella Nadzan, Don and Athena Neocleous, Plato Nicholas, John and Estella Nichols, George and Tereza Nichols, Mary Nikitas, Rigas and Aphrodite Nikolopoulos, Nick and Demetra Nixon, John Olmsted, Travis and Marilyn Orlando, Alleck and Jennifer Osborn, Pearl Ostis, Sotirios Paikos, Thomas and Elizabeth Palivos, Peter and Vicky Pallis, Paul Pandelis, Cheryl Panos, William and Jeanne Papadakis, Jim and Georgia Papas, Peter and Rita Papas, Christian and Nicole Papas, Louis and Magaly Pappas, Antonia Pappas, Constantine and Karina Pappas, Libby Pappas, Rita Paschalis, Evangelos and Maria Patrick, Ernest Pelletier, Michael Pendleton, Patricia Pfromm, Rich and Nicole Petro, Aleko and Georgia Petrou, James and Penelopi Pierro, Joe and Rhonda Pierro, Joseph and Christine Platis, Anna Plentzas, Spiros and Ruth Polimerou, Angeline Poulos, Christine Pouridis, Kouli and Para Powers, Russell and Rebecca Prokopis, Ritsa Punsalan, Basil and Sophie Radosta, Athena Raptis, Fr. Dean and Presv. Evonne Rasmussen, Antonia Rifakes, John Rigas, Anthony and Mary Rivera, Benjamin and Byrne, Jillian Rodis, Dimitri Rodis, Sophia Ross, John and Georgia Rotas, Beatrice Rouvas, John and Keri Rudolph, Brandon Ruffner, Skip and Kathy Sakellariou, Stephanie Salon, Nicholas and Janelle Salvarles, Joyce Sarantakos, Christopher and Shaunyl Savas, Christina Serpetini, Athanasia Setian, Gary and Marie Simpson, Bryan and Zacharias, Julie Skalkotos, Nikolas and Georgia Skandros, Georgia Skarlatos, Stilianos Skarlatos, Nick Smith, Cameron and Anthony, Irene Smith, Kathleen 14 Snow, Clifford and Christina Snowden, Robert and Niki Soper, Bobby and Maria Sparangis, Spyro and Helen Sparkuhl, Alex and Antoinette Speer, Erin Stanford, Lionel and Nennette Stavropoulos, Terry and Niki Stefanatos, Michael and Tami Stock, Helen Stratas, Telly and Chumas, Vivi Swehla, Fr. Matthew and Presv. Annie Szukiewicz, Joseph and Jennia Szukiewicz, Joe Tafoya, Steven and Irene Takas, Andrea Tasios, Ramona and Pete Taxopoulos, Bryan Taylor, Katherine Temple, Jonathan and Voula Thomas, Angie Thompson, Maggy Tohme, Tony and May Touroutoglou, Nikolaos Trebicka, Paola Tringas, Chris and Brigette Tsarouhas, Maria Tsiralidis, Kosmas and Katherine Tsironis, Alex and Melissa Tsolis, Christos and Panagioula Tsolis, Panagiote Tsouras, Helen Turman, Lucas and Maria Tzelalis, Steve Vafiadis, Victoria Varinos, Nick and Kiki Vervilos, James and Anna Wadlow, Pamela Wallace, Robert and Katerina Walter, Vernon and Alice Waterhouse, David and Aleighzja Wheeler, Charles and Alyce Wilcox, Thalia Wilkerson, Chuck and Kristina Wilson, Steven and Cleo Wolfenbarger, Joy Womack, Karl Womack, Kimberly Wood, Nadine Wronski, Chuck Xerogianes, Nick and Nikki Xikis, Victoria Zaferatos, Ted and Marinella Zapata, Cesar and Smith, Litza Zarkos, Nick and Dina Zarras, Nick and Chery Zimmerman, Paul and Angela Zoumboulis, Tina 15 18 4:00 pm OCF BBQ at Sunset Park 6:30 pm Adult Basketball 25 17 8:45 am Orthros 10:00 am Divine Liturgy Adult Choir Practice after Liturgy 1:00 pm GOYA Volleyball Practice 5:00 pm GOYA BBQ 24 31 Pentecost June 1 Monday of the 8:45 am Orthros Holy Spirit 10:00 am Divine Liturgy 8:00 am Orthros and Kneeling Vespers 9:00 am Divine Liturgy 6:30 pm Adult Basketball 4:30 pm Youth Greek 7:00 pm Adult Study: Language Classes The Church at Prayer 6:00 pm Parish Council 11:30 am Forerunner Luncheon in Panos Hall 6:30 pm Adult Basketball 8:45 am Orthros 10:00 am Divine Liturgy Church School Commencement 1:00 pm GOYA Volleyball Practice 12 11 8:45 am Orthros 10:00 am Divine Liturgy Youth Choir Chants 1:00 pm GOYA Volleyball Practice 26 4:30 pm Last Day of Youth Greek Language Classes TBD Philoptochos President’s Dinner 19 4:30 pm Rescue Mission 28 10:30 am Bible Study 27 6:00 pm Adult Choir Practice in Choir Loft 7:00 pm Adult Study: The Church at Prayer 29 22 15 10:30 am Bible Study 8 1 Friday 14 10:30 am Bible Study 7 21 Ascension/Ss. 6:00 pm Divine Constantine & Helen Liturgy (Ascension of (Liturgy on 5/20) Our Lord; Saints 10:30 am Bible Study Constantine & Helen) 7:30 pm Adult Study 20 5:00 pm Orthros 13 7:00 pm Adult Study: The Church at Prayer 10 4:30 pm Youth Greek Language Classes 6:30 pm Adult Basketball 6 Wednesday Thursday 10:00 am Divine Liturgy 12:15 pm Youth Choir Practice 1:00 pm GOYA Volleyball Practice 5:00 pm Mr. & Mrs. Potluck at Chomakos’ 5 Tuesday 4 Monday 3 8:45 am Orthros Sunday MAY 2015 - IN THE YEAR OF THE LORD GOYA Volleyball Tournament in Pasadena, CA 30 23 16 10:00 am OCLV Hike at Red Rock Canyon 6:00 pm OFF Potluck at Bucy Home 7:00 pm Kali Parea at Govt. Ctr Amphitheater for Jazz in the Park 9 2 Saturday The Desert Messenger The Desert Messenger St. John the Baptist Greek Orthodox Church 5300 South El Camino Road Las Vegas, Nevada 89118-1922 NONPROFIT ORG U.S. POSTAGE PAID LAS VEGAS NV PERMIT NO. 98 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED POSTMASTER : DATED MATERIAL - PLEASE EXPEDITE The Desert Messenger The Way of the Lord With gratitude to our photographers: Bill Bruninga, Amy Bauck and David Collins. It is the day of Resurrection; let us then make ourselves resplendent for the festival and embrace one another. Let us say, brethren, even to those who do not love us: “Let all be forgiven in the Resurrection, and so exclaim: Christ is risen from the dead, by death trampling down upon death, and to those in tombs He has granted life.”
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