Mass Schedule - Holy Family Parish
Mass Schedule - Holy Family Parish
TWELFTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME-JUNE 19, 2016 CONGRATULATIONS HOLY FAMILY SCHOOL 8TH GRADE GRADUATING CLASS! Mass Schedule Rev. Frederick Walters, Pastor Rev. Thomas Rekiel, Temporary Administrator Rev. Krzysztof Liwarski, Parochial Vicar Rev. Philip-Michael Tangorra, Weekend Assistant Deacon Peter M. Fiore Deacon William Ward, Retired Virginia Akhoury, Pastoral Minister Director of Religious Education, Anne Giedlinski Director of Music Ministry, Randy Hertzog Youth Minister, Jason Marx Parish Bookkeeper, Barbara O’Connor Parish Secretary, Celeste Walsh MAINTENANCE COUNCIL Ralph Aurilia - 973-951-6508 Gene Miranda - 973-583-2469 Roger Siara - 973-822-1661 FINANCE COUNCIL Ralph Aurilia 973-951-6508 Bob Cottam 973-887-1232 *Anne Feith 973-966-1314 Peter Fiore 917-880-9601 Gene Miranda 973-583-2469 Roger Siara 973-822-1661 *Michael Prokop973-301-0678 Bob Scirocco 973-377-1387 Fred Summa 973-822-3362 *Parish Trustee Sunday Mass Schedule Saturday 5:30 pm Sunday 7:30, 9:00, 10:30 am, 12:00, 7:30 pm Daily Mass Schedule Monday-Saturday, 8:15 am Holy Day Schedule Vigil Mass, 7:00 pm 7:30, 9:00 am, 12:10, 7:00 pm 1 Lloyd Avenue ~ Florham Park, New Jersey 07932 OFFICE HOURS The office will be open Monday-Thursday from 8:30 to 2:30 p.m. RECTORY Phone 973-377-1817 Fax 973-377-6350 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION 973-377-3101 SCHOOL 973-377-4181 HOLY FAMILY YOUTH MINISTER SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM - First, second, third and fourth Sundays of each month at 1:30pm. Baptism preparation for parents first Tuesday of the month. Phone rectory for details and information. SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION - Saturdays, 4:30 to 5:15pm. HOLY FAMILY SCHOOL - An environment for growth in faith, values and knowledge. Tiny Tots (2 1/2 yrs. old) through 8th grade. For further information, please call the school office, 973-377-4181. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION - A program of religious instruction for grades 1 through 8. Confirmation preparation for high school students. For further information, call the Religious Education Office, 973-377-3101. SOCIAL MINISTRIES Ministry to the Homebound: Ginny Akhoury, 973-377-2315 Mary Scirocco,973-377-1387 Ministry to the Hungry: Anne Platoff, 973-822-0430 Sharon Carr, 973-568-5932 Hospital Visitation: Ginny Akhoury, 973-377-2315 KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS - Dr. McDowell Council - For information, call Charlie Pane 862-368-8585. For Hall rentals, call Ralph Aurilia at 973-301-0297. PRO-LIFE MINISTRY - Frank and Barbara Tinari, 973-8220084. Important Contact Information: New Jersey Right to Life ( 732-562-0562. CENTERING PRAYER meets at 7:30 p.m. in the O’Connell Room (convent) on Monday nights. ROSARY is prayed each day at 7:50 a.m. (before the 8:15 Mass). MIRACULOUS MEDAL NOVENA is prayed on Mondays after the 8:15 a.m. Mass. EUCHARISTIC ADORATION The Blessed Sacrament will be exposed for veneration on the First Friday, after the 8:15 mass until 10:00 a.m., and every Tuesday after the 8:15 mass. JUNE CALENDAR OF EVENTS June 20 Centering Prayer Group: 7:30 PM; Convent June 26 Fr. Fred’s Retirement Mass: 12:00 PM; Followed by a Luncheon June 27 Centering Prayer Group: 7:30 PM; Convent Mass Intentions Monday, June 20, 2016 8:15- Matt Angelillo, 11th Anniversary - Special Intention Tuesday, June 21, 2016 8:15 Wednesday, June 22, 2016 8:15- Anna Prokop Thursday, June 23, 2016 8:15 Friday, June 24, 2016 8:15- Edward Halvorsen, Jr. 1st Anniversary Saturday, June 25, 2016 8:15 - Fanni Nalon 5:30 - Carmela Rossi - Joan Larsen Sunday, June 26, 2016 7:30 - Carl Krah - Jacqueline Ciardiello 9:00 - Marilyn DeLotto - Paul Lanza - Mary Elizabeth Salerno 10:30 - Rosemary Trainor - Rocco Bravoco - Camilo Sanchez 12:00 - William&Mary Walters - John S. Durkin - Marcos Sundiang, Sr. -Bess Salerno 7:30 - People of Holy Family PLEASE PRAY FOR OUR DECEASED Doretta Walker, (daughter of William De Angelis). THE MARIAN CANDLE will burn in memory of Hugh Croghan. THE SANCTUARY LAMP will burn in memory of James B. McCarthy, Sr. PRAY FOR THE SICK Please pray for our parishioners, relatives and friends who are ill: Alison Walters Soderburg, Brian Connolly, Fr. Fred, Alyssa Blatt, Peggy Schneyer, John Mahoney, Kate Monteforte, John Schneyer, Linda Ryan, Stephen Matuszek, Bernie Dorn, III, Carol Padden, Ramona Baumgaertner, Theresa Veverka, Bob McGurk, Steven Reich, John Veverka, Dave Kreutzer, Mary Ann Senko, Fr. Paul Longua, Fr. William Santeliz, Curt Price. ALTAR SERVERS Please be sure to sign up for Weekend Masses and Special Events via SignUpGenius on the parish website, PARISH EMAIL MAILING LIST The parish has a email mailing Select Altar Servers under the Groups/ list. The purpose of this is to quickly provide interested parishMinistries tab. Select Schedule and follow the links under the ioners with important news and announcements are time sensitive Schedule to sign up to serve at masses and/or Special Events. or notices of interest to parishioners who might be away on busi- Check website for upcoming events. ness or vacation. To subscribe simply email and your email address will be added to the A NOTE FROM THE PRINCIPAL list. “I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the parishioners PLEASE REMEMBER IN PRAYER of Holy Family Church for your continued support of Holy Famthose serving in the armed forces: ily School, not just monetarily, but in so many other ways. I Major Timothy Renahan USA have enjoyed my time as principal and appreciate your warm Sgt. Jared K. Nucci, USA welcome and continued interest in what we are doing and how Matthew Manzione, USA the children are faring. Please enjoy the lazy, hazy days of sumAS1 Brian Schramm, USN mer and I certainly wish everyone only the best”. HT2 Thomas Dwyer ESWS, USN Master Sgt. Jennifer Sweetin USAF Sincerely, PFC Patrick Montuore USMC Sister Ann Kavanagh, RDC Lt. Stephen Scirocco USMC A televised SUNDAY MASS is now airing on ABC Family from MASSES AROUND THE COUNTRY - To find the closest church in 6:30 to 7 a.m. each Sunday morning. For more information, go the U.S., or go to to Page 2 662 Holy Family Church A Not So Ordinary Season – What you need to know about Ordinary Time What Does Ordinary Time Mean? Before we can look specifically to the meaning of Ordinary Time, we need to know something of the way the Church celebrates the mystery of Christ during each liturgical year. “Christ’s saving work is celebrated in sacred memory by the Church on fixed days throughout the year. Each week on the day called the Lord’s Day the Church commemorates the Lord’s resurrection. Once a year at Easter the Church honors this resurrection and passion with the utmost solemnity. In fact through the yearly cycle the Church unfolds the entire mystery of Christ and keeps the anniversaries of the saints. “During the different seasons of the liturgical year, the Church, in accord with traditional discipline, carries out the formation of the faithful by means of devotional practices, both interior and exterior, instruction, and works of penance and mercy. “ (General Norms of the Liturgical Year and Calendar, Chapter 1.1) The Church’s liturgical year begins with Evening Prayer I of the First Sunday of Advent. The seasons of the Church’s liturgical year that celebrate a specific aspect of the mystery of Christ’s life and mission are Advent, Christmas, Lent, the Easter Triduum and Easter. The remaining 33 or 34 weeks (depending on the year) of the yearly cycle make up Ordinary Time. During Ordinary Time, as the days progress through the year, the Church celebrates the fullness of the mystery of Christ, especially on Sundays. Unlike those seasons where special focus is given to the coming of Christ (Advent), the birth of Christ (Christmas), the preparation for the Passion and Death of Christ (Lent) and the Resurrection of Christ (Easter), Ordinary Time recalls the events and mystery of Christ’s life in their totality. It may have seemed to you at times, that this time is, well, ordinary; in the sense that it is not as important. But that is not so. Prior to the new missal that followed Vatican II, these days were referred to as related to Sundays after Epiphany and Sundays after Pentecost. This time is called Tempus per annum, “time through the year.” It is from this that we render in English, Ordinary Time. Rather than meaning unimportant, it means ordered, as in Ordered Time. TITHING This week’s collection was $7,855.00, (last year was $7,484.00). Thank you for your continued generosity. SNOW REMOVAL? Yes, it’s that time of the year… we are looking for proposals for next year for snow removal for Holy Family Parish. If you or someone you know is interested, please contact the rectory office at 973-377-1817 or email Page 3 Five Ways to Effectively Observe Ordinary Time Ordinary Time, then, is also a time during which we can grow closer to the Lord and deepen our spiritual lives. As we approach the first Sunday celebration in Ordinary Time 2013 (commonly known as the Second Sunday of Ordinary Time – see question below in our bonus quiz), let’s look at five things we can practice to get the most out of our observance of Ordinary Time. These are things we can do any time, but let’s use them to renew our commitment to Christ throughout the year. 1..Surrender to Christ – There is nothing we can do to be saved or to progress in the spiritual life except by Christ. Begin each new day by surrendering yourself to Him and His Will. Replace the habit of pride with the practice of humility, trusting in the Lord. 2..Enter into and Remain in a State of Grace – We can make no progress in the spiritual life if we are not in a state of sanctifying grace. Those who believed and were baptized were freed of sin and its eternal punishment. They were justified by Christ’s grace and said to be in a state of sanctifying grace. If they have not knowingly and freely committed a mortal sin, they remain so. If you are not in a state of sanctifying grace, you need to be. If you are not baptized, seek to be baptized in the Catholic Church. If you are baptized, but have committed a mortal sin, that sin needs to be confessed in the Sacrament of Reconciliation. 3..Develop a daily prayer habit – If we love someone, we desire to be with that person. The same is true if we love God. Prayer is how we spend time with God. Commit to pray daily prayers of Adoration, Petition, Intercession, Thanksgiving and Praise. Devotionals, such as the Rosary, and liturgy, such as the Divine Office, are great practices to assist you. 4..Meditate on the Sunday Mass Readings – Spend time each week prayerfully reading and thinking about the coming Sun day’s Mass readings; what they mean and how they apply to your life. The Magnificat is a wonderful publication to help you do this. 5..Be Christ to Others – Jesus Christ came not to be served, but to serve. He calls His followers to do the same. We cannot claim to follow Christ if we do not serve those people He places in our daily lives. Service always requires us to be Christ to those around us, but we are also called to serve those we do not easily recognize. Widen your outreach this year. In what way can you help others? Who can you serve? Take these questions to daily prayer and ask Jesus to show you those in need for whom you can make a difference. Then get on with the Lord’s good work. MEMORIAL PAVERS PROJECT The response to Holy Family Parish’s Memorial Pavers Project has been excellent. Our plan is to extend this paved walkway through the coming years as we continue to grow. What a wonderful way to remember a relative or friend, living or deceased! At the doors of the church are extra order forms. Please remember the Paver contribution is tax deductible. Any questions, call Chairman Ralph Aurilia, 973-951-6508. 662 Holy Family Church “YOU ARE A PRIEST FOREVER IN THE ORDER OF MELCHIZEDEK” HEBREWS 7:17 Please join us as we mark Fr. Fred’s retirement on Sunday, June 26th @12:00 Mass followed by a reception in the gym. Please RSVP by Monday June 20th 973-377-1817 or email First Eucharist 2016 Ava Adochio Brady Harrington Brooke Ahearn Ashleigh Hawryluk Daniel Amalfitano Richard J. Hawtin Lindsay Behre Colin Heinold Arabella Braca Abigail Holmes Kendra Brooks Scott Hunter Ava Caccavelli Andrew Jankowski James Casola Adriana Kerekes Sabrina Casola Jack Kovacs Bryce Cicchino Juliana Madigan Sophie Cicerone Nico Malgieri Jake Colatrella Samantha Manias Jack Connolly Allison Massarano Matteo Conte Joseph Monticello Carlie Corrao Alex Ocejo Anthony Cosentino Matthew O’Leary Milo Crimi Theodore Petro Ava D’Agostino Julia Podkanski Christopher DeTitta Bruno Regalado Allison DiBrienza John Renzullo Nicholas diFrancescantonio Santiago Rojas Gabriella DiGeronimo Dante Rosato Anthony DiLauri Louis Rowe Andrea DiSessa Rocco Santillan Vincenzo DiTacconi Marcello Scalzo Ava Esposito Lauren Schmit Nathaniel Estrella Madelyn Shanley Luke Ferrara Sydney Shepard Alejandro Foley Julia Shrager Matteo Foley Caden Thomas Ryan Fox Arianna Ucci Nolan Gabel Elisa Verrico Jack Galante Robert Vogt Laila Giuliana Nicholas Zakhary Gregory Glodek Bradley Zwigard Eric Harding Page 4 “Congratulations to the Dr. McDowell Knights of Columbus Council 2248 of Madison/Florham Park on receiving the Founders Day Award from the New Jersey State Council of the Knights of Columbus. The council, which serves both Holy Family and St. Vincent Martyr parishes, received the award for having the largest percentage in membership gain for their size in the Paterson Diocese. The council won the award by adding 15 new members to their roster this year. The award was presented at the State Councils' Founders Day Dinner in Avenal, New Jersey on June 5th. We thank the efforts of all of our officers and members, particularly our Grand Knight Charlie Pane and our brother Knight Tom Natoli, in spearheading our membership drive. Those who may be interested in joining the Knights, and helping us to continue to grow and serve our church and our communities, please feel free to talk to any of our members, or visit our website at:” COMMUNITY ALLIANCE PROGRAM FOR HOLY FAMILY Boiling Springs Savings Bank is providing us with a special opportunity for fund raising. The program is called the Community Alliance Banking Program, and Boiling Springs will make a quarterly donation to Holy Family based on the average balances in all members’ designated accounts. Eligible accounts include checking, savings, CDs, Premium Checking, Money Market and Individual Retirement accounts. Both new and existing accounts are eligible. When you open a new account, inform the Customer Service Representative that you would like this account to be part of the Community Alliance Program for Holy Family. If you already have an account, visit one of their branches to fill out an enrollment form designating the accounts to be included in the Community Alliance Program for Holy Family. All account information is kept strictly confidential with Boiling Springs and no one from Holy Family has any knowledge of any member’s account information. We encourage all parish members, teachers and parents to enroll because the more members we have the larger the quarterly bank donation becomes. Holy Family received $742.62 from Boiling Springs Bank for the quarter ending June 30. This is a donation from Boiling Springs Bank. No money comes from members’ accounts. 662 Holy Family Church HOLY FAMILY SCHOOL NEWS CONGRATULATIONS HFS 8TH GRADERS Faith, Family, Academic Excellence! HOLY FAMILY SCHOOL ANNUAL TALENT SHOW We congratulate our 8th Graders who will be attending the following High Schools in September: Aeryn Alvarez-Academy of St. Elizabeth Samuel Label-Seton Hall Prep, Elias Marquez-Regis High School, Carly McNulty-Villa Walsh Academy, Timothy O’Connor-Seton Hall Prep, Aknai (Frank) Pan-Seton Hall Prep, Arvin Valmores– International Polytechnic High School (Pomona, CA). HOLY FAMILY SCHOOL REGISTRATION Registration is being accepted for Tiny Tots through Grade 8. Information about Holy Family School can be obtained by calling 973-377-4181 or visiting the school office for an information packet. Enrollment in kindergarten requires the child to have reached his or her fifth birthday by October 1. TINY TOTS ENJOYING CIRCUS DAY! THE GIFT CARD PROGRAM is a year-long fundraiser that everyone can participate in and support Holy Family School. Simply purchase gift cards at face value to the stores where you shop and those stores give HFS money back. Please contact the school office, or Maggie Walsh 973 -377-5029 or Marisela Marquez 973-845-2333. Page 5 662 Holy Family Church FOOD PANTRY Thank you for your support of the Food OUTSIDE THE PARISH Pantry. This week’s item is cereal. Remember we cannot accept expired items. Sharon Carr 973-568-5932, Anne Pla- Fall Semester Position Available at Assumption College for toff 973-822- 0430. Sisters, Denville: Instructor possessing a Master’s Degree in RELIGIOUS ITEMS FOR THE MISSIONS Ginny History for World Civilization 1. Interested applicants should Akhoury is collecting religious items, prayer cards, send resume to Sister Joseph Spring, SCC. presinovena booklets, medals, small statues, rosaries by July 1. (broken ones will be repaired) crucifixes and greeting cards, for distribution around the world. These items will be sent to missions in Africa, India, the Philippines and many other locations. Please leave any contributions in the baskets at the doors of the church. The Benedicta Leadership Conference for Women and Women of Grace Retreat will be held at Malvern Retreat House from July 7-10. The Benedicta Leadership Institute for Women trains Catholic Women to be active leaders and mentors in accord with their state in life. The conference will be held at Malvern July 7-8. This will be followed by the Women PROLIFE NEWS Please check out the new titles in the of Grace retreat that will center on the theme “Hail, Holy Right to Life pamphlet racks at the church doors. They include Roe plus 40; A Catholic response to the death penalty; Queen, Mother of Mercy: Our Refuge on the Battlefield of Healing after abortion; and Explaining the reality of marriage Life”. The retreat will include presentations by four speakers. For more information please contact 610-644-0400. to family and friends. Villa Walsh Academy will be holding their Sports Camp with THE FLORHAM PARK FIRE DEPARTMENT has an urgent need for new volunteer members two session ns offered: Session 1; June 27-June 30; Session 2: July 5-8. For information contact Jamie LoBue at 973-538to carry on the tradition of emergency readi3680x170 ness and response to keep Florham Park safe. If you are at least 18 years of age, please con- Bayley Ellard Class of 66 It’s that “Golden Time” our “50th” tact the Chief’s Office at 973-377-3241 to discuss this imReunion! Where are you classmates? Please call Ann Marie mediate opportunity. (Sandello) Brady @ 973-714-8638. Page 6 662 Holy Family Church