From the Principal`s Pen
From the Principal`s Pen
From the Principal’s Pen Dear Hawk Parents, As we breeze through Winter and fly into Spring, it is obvious that El Nino has hit Mission Oak where the Hawks have made it REIGN in the classroom, on the stage, on the field, on the court, and on the mat! Here are a few highlights for the year so far: REIGNing on the Classroom Over 600 Hawks are on the Honor Roll earning a GPA of 3.17 or above. 122 pages from 20 students have been submitted to the Young Writers Conference which will be held in April. Last year six of our talented Hawks earned awards with two who had soared to the top spots! 50 Seniors will be recognized at the College of Sequoias Luncheon in April for earning their CSF Lifetime Membership as a result of their academic performance over their four years as a Hawk! Hawks took 1st place in the Tulare County Science Olympiad for their innovative robotic arm. REIGNing on the stage Senior, Laura Lara, made it to the Poetry Out Loud State Competition placing in the top 12 as she performed three of her poems at the State’s Capitol in Sacramento! Carina Wessman, Lupita Lopez, and Juan Torres were all finalists in the Lion's Club Speech Competition speaking on the topic of Liberty and Justice for All. Winter Color Guard and Winter Percussion both took 1st place in the South Valley Winter Arts Association competition held in Hanford. Prom is scheduled for May 7, 2016 At the Visalia Convention Center REIGNing on the field Boy’s Soccer are 2016 EYL Champs and went on in playoffs to play for the Valley Championship taking 1st runner-up! Girl’s Soccer made it to playoffs and made it to the quarter finals. REIGNing on the court Girl’s Basketball had an undefeated season and are 2016 EYL Champs. In addition, the girls just won their second Division III Valley Championship at Selland Arena with back-toback wins! They now move onto State Level competition. Boy’s Basketball also had an undefeated season and are 2016 EYL Champs. The boys went on in Division II playoffs making it to the semifinals. Volleyball went undefeated this past fall season and came out as EYL Champs. The girls made it to the Division III Valley Championship game taking 1st runner-up. Character Counts and Channel 24 have partnered to honor our Tennis program led by Doug Jones and Dane Maness. REIGNing on the mat Senior, David Campbell, is the first ever Mission Oak Boys Wrestling State Champion! Mission Oak Wrestling went undefeated during the season. Aside from all of these amazing Hawk accomplishments, the campus culture and community is electric with pride and character. Mission Oak staff recently recognized 250 students for their character through the Character Counts Pro- School pictures will be taken on Wednesday, May 18th and Thursday, May 19th for all current students. The pictures will be used for the permanent picture identification ASB cards for the next school year, 2016/2017. Students will need their ASB cards for computer access, library and textbook checkout, lunchtime off-campus passes and while riding the bus. It is very important that students have permanent picture identification cards as soon as possible. The photographer will be returning in the fall for retakes and picture packets. Pictures will also be used for the yearbook. gram with special student highlights in local publications. Our students and staff also participate in a number of programs to serve the community through programs such as Harvesting Hope, Happy Trails, and Tulare Animal Services. There is lots going on and still lots to do. Please review this newsletter for information on upcoming events. Keep in touch through the website, Parent Link, Aeries Parent Portal, and your student’s Counselor. Together we will continue to provide our students with great opportunities for success and build a strong community. Let it REIGN! Michele Borges IMPORTANT DATES Currently Registering Sophomores Registering Juniors & Freshman in March Spring Break 3/21/16-3/28/16 12 Week Grading Period 4/22/16 Memorial Day 5/30/16 Minimum Days 6/1/16 & 6/2/16 Graduation 6/2/16 End of Second Semester 6/2/16 Table of Contents: Principal’s Message Important Dates Pictures at Mission Oak Prom Summer School Information Student Bills P.E. Locker Information Technology Reminder Library Information Dress Code Policy Yearbook Information Hawk’s Haven ASB Events EZ School Pay 1 1 1 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 5 5 5 5 Sophomores leaving campus at lunch 5 Testing Information Senior News Senior and Junior Honor Roll 5 7 9 Sophomore and Freshman Honor Roll 11 De la Pluma del Director Estimados Padres Hawk, ¡Mientras pasamos por el invierno y nos vamos a la primavera, es obvio que El Nino ha golpeado a Mission Oak donde los Hawks han hecho REIGN en el salón, en el escenario, en el campo, en la cancha y en la colchoneta! Aquí presentamos algunos aspectos destacados para el año hasta ahora: REIGNing en el Salón Aproximadamente 600 Hawks están en el Cuadro de Honor con un promedio de 3.17 o superior. 122 páginas de 20 estudiantes han sido enviadas a La Entrevista de Jóvenes Escritores que se llevará a cabo en el mes de abril. ¡El año pasado seis de nuestros talentosos Hawks obtuvieron reconocimientos con dos que se han elevado a los lugares más altos! ¡50 estudiantes de último grado serán reconocidos en la Comida de College of Sequoias en abril por obtener su CSF Membrecía de Toda la Vida como resultado de su desempeño académico en sus cuatro años como Hawk! Hawks obtuvieron el 1er lugar en la Olimpiada de Ciencias del Condado de Tulare por su innovador brazo robótico. REIGNing en el Escenario La Estudiante de Último Grado, Laura Lara, tuvo un gran lugar en la Competencia Estatal de Poesía Poetry Out Loud ubicándose entre los 12 mejores ya que ella interpretó tres de sus poemas en el State’s Capitol en Sacramento! Carina Wessman, Lupita Lopez, y Juan Torres fueron finalistas en la Competencia de Habla del Lion's Club hablando del tema de la Libertad y la Justicia para Todos. Tanto Winter Color Guard como Winter Percussion obtuvieron el 1er lugar en la Competencia de la Asociación de Artes de Invierno de South Valley que tuvo lugar en Hanford. REIGNing en el Campo EL BAILE DE GRADUACIÓN ESTÁ PROGRAMADO PARA EL 7 DE MAYO DE 2016 EN EL CENTRO DE CONVENCIONES DE VisaliA El equipo masculino de futbol son los Campeones de 2016 EYL y fueron a los juegos decisivos para jugar por el Campeonato Valley con el 1er subcampeón. El equipo femenino de futbol logró llegar a los juegos decisivos y llegaron a los cuartos de final. REIGNing en la Cancha El equipo femenino de Baloncesto tuvo una temporada sin derrotas y son las Campeonas de 2016 EYL. ¡Además, el equipo acaba de ganar su Campeonato de la segunda División III Valley en Selland Arena con victorias consecutivas! Ahora ellas van a la competencia a Nivel Estatal. El equipo masculino de Baloncesto también tuvo una temporada sin derrotas y ahora son los Campeones de 2016 EYL. El equipo fue a los juegos decisivos de la División II logrando llegar a las semifinales. El voleibol no fue derrotado esta temporada de otoño pasada y llegaron como los Campeones de EYL. El equipo femenino llegó hasta la División III del juego del campeonato del Valley con el subcampeonato. El Carácter Cuenta y Channel 24 han sido socios en honrar al Programa de Tenis liderado por Doug Jones y Dane Maness. REIGNing en la Colchoneta ¡El estudiante de último grado, David Campbell, es el primer Campeón Estatal de Lucha Masculina de Mission Oak! La Lucha de Mission Oak no fue derrotada durante la temporada. Aparte de todos estos asombrosos logros de Hawk, la cultura del plantel y la comunidad está llena de orgullo y carácter . El personal de Mission Oak recientemente reconoció a 250 estudiantes por su carácter por medio del Programa el Carácter Cuenta con reconocimientos especiales de estudiantes en las publicaciones locales. Nuestros estudiantes y personal también participan en un número de programas para servir a la comunidad a través de progra Se tomarán las fotografías escolares el miércoles 18 de mayo y el jueves, 19 de mayo a todos los estudiantes actuales. Las fotografías se usarán para las tarjetas ASB identificación permanente del estudiante para el próximo año lectivo, 2016/2017. Los estudiantes necesitarán sus tarjetas ASB para acceso a los computadores, biblioteca y pago de textos, pases de salida del plantel para el almuerzo y mientras se viaja en autobús. Es muy importante que los estudiantes tengan las tarjetas de identificación permanentes con su fotografía tan pronto como sea posible. El fotógrafo regresará en otoño para retoma de fotografías y paquetes de fotografías. Las fotografías también se usarán para el anuario. mas tales como Harvesting Hope, Happy Trails, y Tulare Animal Services. Mucho está pasando y hay mucho por pasar. Por favor revise este boletín para información acerca de los eventos próximos . Manténgase en contacto por medio de la página web, Enlace de Padres, Portal de Padres Aeries, y su Consejero de Estudiante. Juntos seguiremos brindando a nuestros estudiantes grandes oportunidades para el éxito y construiremos una comunidad fuerte. ¡Vamos a REIGN! Michele Borges EC AS IMPORTANTES Actualmente matr culas de los estudian tes de Grado 10 Matr culas de Estudiantes de Grados 9 & 11 en mar o acaciones de Primavera 3/21/16-3/28/16 Periodo de Cali caciones de 12 Semanas 4/22/16 D a de Recordaci n 5/30/16 D as M nimos 6/1/16 & 6/2/16 Graduaci n 6/2/16 Conten o: Mensa e del Director 1 Fechas Importantes 1 Fotogra as en Mission Oak 1 Baile de Graduaci n 1 Informaci n de la Esc. de erano 3 Recibos de Estudiantes 3 Informaci n de Casilleros de E.F. 3 Recordatorio de Tecnolog a 3 Informaci n de Biblioteca 3 Pol tica de C digo de estuario 3 Informaci n de Anuario 5 Hawk’s Haven 5 Eventos ASB 5 Pago Escolar EZ 5 Estudiantes de Gr. 10 ue almuer an fuera del plantel Informaci n de Pruebas Noticias de Est. de Gr. 12 5 Cuadro de Honor de Es t. de 11 & 12 5 7 9 Cuadro de honor de Est. De 9 & 10 11 MO NEWS SUMMER SCHOOL This year Summer School will be held at Mission Oak High School June 9 thru July 8 hours will be 7:15 a.m.-1:45 p.m. Pre-registration process has changed significantly from previous years. The deadline to apply is Friday, April 22, 2016. Registration for Summer School classes will take place at the time students meet with their counselors to plan registration for classes for the 2016-2017 school year. All students who apply will be notified of either their placement or non-placement by June 3rd. Page 3 OUTSTANDING BILLS Do you need to take care of an outstanding bill for items such as: textbook, PE lock, club money, sports equipment or a library fine? Please do not take any chances by waiting until the last possible moment to clear your record! All students records will be held until all bills are cleared. Checks are not accepted after April 29th. If you have any questions please call (559)687-7308. P.E. Lockers -Students are reminded to clean out their P.E. lockers and turn in their locks by May 31, 2016. After this date, the lockers will be cleaned out and the contents donated to charity. If you owe for a P.E. lock please take care of that as soon as possible. TECHNOLOGY REMINDER-Student data is erased at the end of every school year, if students would like to keep their data remember to save it before the end of the school year. All textbooks must be in good condition free of any markings and/or loose papers when returned at the end of each school year. It is the students responsibility for any lost, stolen or damaged materials. Textbook fees range anywhere from $16.75 to $200.00. Textbooks should be returned on or before the last day of school (June 2, 2016). Students will have the opportunity to return their textbooks, with their classes, during the last few weeks of school. If this is not possible, the Library will be open during the summer months - June thru August- for book returns. Summer hours are 8:00 am to 2:00 pm. Special note for Seniors: If you owe any textbook, Library and/or miscellaneous school fee's, your transcripts and diploma will be held until all books are returned and/or fines paid in full. Seniors fines must be cleared by May 31, 2016 no later than 3:30 pm in order to receive your diploma at graduation. If you have any questions please contact Mrs. Cabrera in the Library or call (559) 687-7308 ext. #2100. Our district campuses encourage students to dress appropriately for school and enforce a dress code for all high school students. Research has shown that student dress and appearance affect student attitude and conduct and that appropriate grooming and dress are a part of the learning process. We understand that students and their parents freely choose a style of dress that reflects the student's individuality, but we also believe that there are standards of appropriateness in grooming so not to distract from the educational process. If you have any questions regarding the dress code policy, please contact the high school administration at your convenience. It is important to note that the dress code shall apply at school and at all school-sponsored activities. The following guidelines are intended to define appropriate student attire: Student dress and appearance shall not be hazardous to the safety of anyone in the school. Any clothes or styles of dress that may cause a threat, have a negative effect, or disrupt the educational process will not be permitted. No student may wear clothing that contains words that are suggestive or has suggestive double meanings of lewdness, obscenity or vulgarity. Clothing advertising alcohol, drug or tobacco products is prohibited. Any apparel, jewelry, accessory, notebook, backpack, or manner of grooming, which, by virtue of its color, arrangement, trademark or any other attribute, denotes membership in gangs, advocates drug use, violence, disruptive behavior or is offensive is prohibited. A behavior con tract is enforced based on gang associated activities. See-through, midriff, fishnet blouses, spaghetti strap tops (straps must be one 1 1/2” or wider), low cut, revealing tops and muscle shirts that are cut low under the arm are prohibited. Shirts must be worn at all school activities including sporting events. Bare midriffs will not be allowed. All shorts and skirts must be an appropriate length, mid-thigh or longer. Biker shorts shall not be worn as outer garments. Bandannas are not allowed at school or at school-sponsored events. Towels, T-shirts, folded shirts or any other clothing article cannot be worn around the neck, draped over the shoulder, or hanging from the pocket. No lanyards hanging from pocket. Wearing of hats on campus is not permitted. This includes, but is not limited to, baseball-style hats, knit caps, beanies, bandannas, hair nets, and hoods. For sun protection, students are allowed to wear a full brim hat that is constructed of cotton or canvas material, capable of being folded up while in the classroom. These hats must be: Free of any type of logo or writing, Solid white or khaki color, Removed upon entering building. No bagging or sagging clothes are permitted. Pants must fit at the waist, hips, crotch and thighs. Belts must be tucked into the pant loops. Wallet chains are prohibited. Shoes must be worn at all times No Sports Jerseys are permitted to be worn on campus. (The only exceptions are school issued apparel). MO NEWS ESCUELA DE VERANO Este año la Escuela de Verano tendrá lugar en la Escuela Preparatoria Mission Oak entre el 9 de junio y el 8 de julio en el horario de 7:15 a.m.-1:45 p.m. El proceso de pre matrícula ha cambiado significativamente con respecto a los años previos. La fecha límite para aplicar es el viernes, 22 de abril de 2016. La matrícula para las clases de la escuela de verano tendrán lugar a la hora en que los estudiantes se reúnan con sus consejeros para planear la matrícula para las clases del año lectivo 2016-2017. Todos los estudiantes que apliquen serán notificados de su ubicación o no ubicación el 3 de junio. Página 4 RECIBOS EXCEPCIONALES ¿Usted necesita tener cuidado de un recibo excepcional para cosas tales como: texto, casillero de educación física, club de dinero, equipo deportivo o una multa de biblioteca? Por favor no tome nuevas chances esperando hasta el último momento posible para limpiar su registro. Se mantendrán todos los registros de los estudiantes hasta que se paguen todas las deudas. No se aceptan cheques después del 29 de abril. Si usted tiene alguna pregunta por favor llame a (559)687-7308. Casilleros de Educación Física –se recuerda a los estudiantes que vacíen sus casilleros y los entreguen hasta el 31 de mayo de 2016. después de esta fecha, se vaciarán los casilleros y se donarán sus contenidos a la caridad. Si usted tiene asignado un casillero de E. F. tenga en cuenta esto tan pronto como sea posible. RECORDATORIO DE TECNOLOGÍA-la información del estudiante se borra al final de cada año lectivo, si los estudiantes desean conservar su información recuerde grabarla antes del final del año lectivo. Todos los libros deben estar en buen estado sin marcas ni hojas sueltas en la devolución al fin de cada año lectivo. Los estudiantes son responsables de los materiales perdidos, robados o dañados. Los pagos por libros varían entre $ 16.75 a $ 200.00. El estudiante debe devolver el texto en o antes del último día de clases (2 de junio de 2016). Los estudiantes tendrán la oportunidad de devolver sus textos con sus clases durante las últimas semanas de clases. Si esto no es posible, la biblioteca estará abierta durante los meses de verano - junio a agosto-para las devoluciones de libros. El horario de verano es de 8:00 am a 2:00 pm. Aviso especial a los estudiantes de grado 12: si usted debe cualquier libro de texto, cuota de biblioteca y/o cuotas escolares diversas, se retendrán sus transcripciones de calificaciones y diploma hasta la devolución de todos los textos y/o el pago de todas las multas en su totalidad. Se debe haber pagado todas las multas de los estudiantes de grado12 hasta el 31 de mayo de 2016 hasta las 3:30 para poder recibir su diploma de graduación. Si tiene alguna pregunta, por favor póngase en contacto con la señora Cabrera en la Biblioteca o llame al (559) 687-7308 ext. # 2100. Nuestros planteles distritales invitan a los estudiantes a vestirse apropiadamente para la escuela y cumplir con el código de vestuario para todos los estudiantes de la escuela secundaria. La investigación ha demostrado que el vestuario y la apariencia del estudiante afectan la actitud y comportamiento del estudiante y que una apariencia y vestuario apropiado son una parte del proceso de aprendizaje. Entendemos que los estudiantes y sus padres eligen libremente un estilo de ropa que refleja la individualidad del estudiante, pero también creemos que hay estándares de presentación apropiada con el fin de no distraer el proceso educativo. Si tiene alguna pregunta con respecto a la política de vestuario, por favor, contacte a la administración de la escuela secundaria a su conveniencia. Es importante tener en cuenta que el código de vestuario se aplicará en la escuela y en todas las actividades patrocinadas por la escuela. Los siguientes lineamientos tienen por objetivo definir el vestuario adecuado del estudiante: La ropa y la apariencia del estudiante no debe representar peligro a la seguridad de las personas en la escuela. Se prohíbe cualquier tipo o estilo de ropa que cause una amenaza, tenga un efecto negativo, o interrumpa el proceso educativo. Ningún estudiante puede usar ropa que contenga palabras que sean sugestivas con doble significado de lascivia, obscenidad o vulgaridad. Se prohíbe ropa que promueva el uso de alcohol, drogas o tabaco. Se prohíbe cualquier accesorio, prendas, joya, cuaderno, maletín o apariencia que por virtud de su color, disposición, marca o cualquier otro atribute impliquen pertenencia a pandillas, promocione el uso de drogas, violencia, comportamiento de interrupción o sea ofensivo. Se solicita un contrato de comportamiento con base en actividades asociadas. Se prohíben las transparencias, ombligueras, blusas de red, blusas con tiras tipo espagueti (las tiras deben tener 1 1/2” o más anchas), blusas de escote amplio, reveladoras y camisetas sin mangas. Se deben usar camisas en todas las actividades escolares incluyendo los eventos patrocinados por la escuela. No se permiten ombligueras. Todos los shorts y faldas deben tener la altura adecuada, medio muslo o más largas. No se deben usar licras como prendas exteriores. No se permiten las pañoletas en la escuela o en los eventos patrocinados por la escuela. No se deberán usar, camisetas, camisas dobladas o cualquier otra prenda en el cuello, colgadas en los hombros, o del bolsillo. No se permiten cordones que cuelguen del bolsillo. No se permite el uso de sombreros en el plantel. Esto incluye, pero no se limita a, gorras de beisbol, gorros de lana o tejidos, pañoletas, gorros, pañoletas, redes para el pelo y capuchas. Para protección solar, se permite que los estudiantes usen sombreros de algodón de ala completa o de material de tela, que se puedan doblar mientras se esté en el salón. Estos sombreros no deben tener ningún tipo de logo o escrito, deben ser blancos o kaki, y se deben quitar al entrar al edificio. . No se permiten prendas demasiado grandes o anchas o caídos. Los pantalones deben ajustar en la cintura. Los cinturones deben estar en los ojales del pantalón. Se prohíben cadenas de billetera. Se debe usar zapatos en todo momento. No se permite el uso de abrigos deportivos en el plantel. (La única excepción son las prendas brindadas por la escuela). MO NEWS Yearbooks are now $65, their final price. They can be purchased with a credit card online at through May 13. They will be sold during lunch the week of May 9-13, but this will be CASH ONLY. If not purchased by May 13, you will have to hope that we have some available for sale (cash only) on delivery day in late May. A limited number of books are ordered, and once they sell out, that's it! So don't wait, get yours now! Page 5 The Hawk's Haven (student store) is open daily 20 min before school/at break/ during lunch/ 20 minutes after-school. We offer services by appointment before school or after-school @ 687-7308 Ext.1501. We supply T-Shirts, stadium chairs, hooded sweatshirts, Polo’s, jackets, hats, beanies, baby/toddler clothes also; school supplies, spirit supplies, some healthy beverages, ice cream and snacks. Come on over to see the Happy Hawk Headquarters. Make payments to your student’s meal account online! With, you can add money to your student’s meal account, or make other school payments, using a Visa, MasterCard, or Discover (credit or debit). Online credits are automatically added to your student’s meal account balance at the school within minutes! Other abilities include online history of your student’s meal activity, and low-balance email alerts. These abilities are free to the parent! Please contact the Mrs. Debra Rathjens if you have any questions. Tulare Joint Union High School District permits Sophomores who meet certain eligibility requirements to leave campus during the lunch hour starting this Semester. Your son/daughter has earned this privilege through their academic achievement and attendance record. The District requires parent permission for eligible students to exercise this privilege. Please note: the Open Campus Lunch privilege can be revoked for Sophomores who do not meet eligibility standards. Eligibility: 1) Sophomores must have 95% attendance; 2) Sophomores must be on track to graduate; 3) Sophomores must have at least 90 semester credits; 4) Sophomores cannot have any D’s or F’s on last report card. Process for Permission being granted: 1. Pick up a permission form from the Assistant Principal's office. 2. Get signature from Counselor verifying they are on track to graduate and have at least 90 units; 3. Get signature from parents granting permission to leave campus during lunch; 4. Submit permission slip to A.P. office with all required signatures (A.P./Dean, Counselor, Parent, and Student); 5. A.P. Office will review all completed forms, check student eligibility list, and sign off on forms. The California Standards Tests (CST) have been eliminated in preparation for the new tests based on new standards. However, there are still some tests that will be taken this year by the sophomore class. All sophomores will take the CAASPP Life Science standards test and all Juniors will be taking the CAASPP in ELA (English-language arts) and mathematics. CAASPP: The California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress, or CAASPP, which has replaced the Standardized Testing and Reporting, or STAR Program, is the new state academic testing program. CAASPP is a system intended to provide information that can be used to monitor student progress and ensure that all students leave high school ready for college and career. This year, CAASPP includes computer adaptive tests in ELA and Mathematics. Students will receive individual score reports. Student score reports will be sent home to parents and will include an overall score, a description of the student’s achievement level for ELA and Mathematics, and other information. The new CAASPP System will have a direct impact on the California State University’s (CSU) Early Assessment Program (EAP). The CSU will use CAASPP English language arts/literacy and Mathematics performance level outcomes to provide grade eleven students, their families, and their high schools early signals about students’ readiness for college-level coursework. AP TESTING: We have many students that are taking AP courses. As well as earning the extra grade point average, providing them the challenge and rigor similar to one in college, these students have the opportunity to take the AP exam and possibly earn college credit. The testing window for these AP Exams will begin May 2 and continue through May 12. Each AP test has a designated date and time. It is very important for your student to be attending class every day since their AP teacher has been working diligently to teach them the curriculum and offer assistance in preparing them for these important exams. Notification of Administration of California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress The California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress, or “CAASPP” (which has replaced the Standardized Testing and Reporting, or “STAR Program”), is the new state academic testing program. CAASPP is a system intended to provide information that can be used to monitor student progress and ensure that all students leave high school ready for college and career. CAASPP includes computer adaptive tests in English–language arts and mathematics as well as paper-based tests for science. This year, District students will take the test in grade 11 in the spring. To learn about the types of questions on the computer-based test, you and your child can view the practice test online at the California Department of Education (“CDE”) Smarter Balanced Practice Test Web page at To learn about the types of questions on the science-based portion of the assessment, you can review information provided by the CDE at Following the spring testing, students will receive individual score reports. Student score reports will be sent home to parents and will include an overall score, a description of the student’s achievement level for English–language arts and mathematics, and other information. It is important to note that these scores cannot be compared to scores that your child previously received on the STAR Program tests because this test is based on the new Common Core State Standards, involves different types of test questions, and will not be reported using the STAR Program reporting categories. It should be noted, that the University of California and the California State Colleges use the 11th grade CAASPP results to determine if students are ‘ready’ to be placed in credit bearing coursework. Students who do not take this test, will have to take placement tests to determine eligibility. Pursuant to Education Code section 60615, any written request to excuse your student from participating in any or all parts of the CAASPP assessment will be granted. Pursuant to Title 5, section 852(c) of the California Code of Regulations, you may annually submit a written request to excuse your child from participating in any or all parts of any test provided pursuant to Education Code section 60640 for the school year. For additional information about the CAASPP assessment system, please visit the following web address at or feel free to contact one of your school administrators. MO NEWS Scholarship List There are many scholarships on the Scholarship list in Naviance. Go to mohshawks or go to the MOHS site>Counseling>Naviance> Log-in. Then click the College tab, and then click on scholarship list. We have local scholarships coming in daily. Local scholarships will have an asterisk before the name. Any questions please see Mrs. Aguilar or your Counselor. Senior Tidbits Earn that free money!! Fill out those scholarships!! A little time and effort can SENIOR PARENTS We are currently looking for parents who are interested in chaperoning our Magic Mountain Grad Night trip on May 27th. Chaperones receive free transportation, admission into the park and dinner. If you are interested in being a chaperone please email We are also in need of volunteers to help out with this years Senior breakfast. The breakfast will be held at the Heritage Complex on June 2nd and prep will be the prior evening. We are looking for help both the morning or and the night before. We can never have too many parents, so if you are interested, please email Page 7 IMPORTANT DATES April 21 Distribution of Graduation Announcements Break and Lunch April 22 Steps Orientation & Priority Registration COS April 23 STEPS Orientation & Priority Registration-COS May 4 COS Open Registration-COS May 7 Prom-Visalia Convention Center May 13 Senior Show May 17 Scholarship Night 6:30 p.m. Gym May 23 Senior Marching Practice-8:00 a.m. MO Field May 23 Distribution of Caps & Gowns 9:30 a.m.—MO Field May 26 Senior Marching Practice-10:15 Gym May 26 Senior Honors Assembly 11:30 a.m. Gym May 26 Distribution of Tickets 12:15 p.m. Wrestling Room May 27 College Signing Celebration 12:00 p.m. Gym May 27 Grad Night-Magic Mountain June 2 Practice-8:00 a.m. Bob Mathias Stadium Senior Breakfast-9:30 a.m. Heritage Complex Graduation-8:00 p.m. Bob Mathias Stadium MO NEWS Aguayo, Kaylee Aguilar, Vanessa Aguilera, Alyiah Alcantar Boren, Jordyn Alsohybe, Sammy Alvarado, Ruben Alvarez, Sabrina Ambriz, Audel Arambula, Martha Araujo, Jasmine Arter, Madyson Avalos-Lopez, Destiny Avila, Griselda Ayon, Jisel Ayon, Nabor Ayon, Stephanie Baez, Saul Bailly, Chase Ballesteros, Ericka Banuelos, Vanessa Barajas, Tiana Barajas, Miriam Battles, Maekenzie Beavers, Khira Becerra Alvarado, Maria Beltran, Joseph Benavidez, Armando Bergman, Timothy Cabrera, Andres Camara, Brittany Cano, Daniel Castaneda, Emerald Castillo, Mariela Clark, Jasmin Clavijo, Jaquelyn Correa-Gonzalez, Darian Cortes, Miguel Cruz, Ulices Aguayo Velez, Karen Aguilera, Ulices Alba, Jassmin Alcala, Jose Alsohybe, Hisham Alvarado, Diego Alvarado Rios, Andrea Anaya, Martha Anaya, Julia Arambula, Cristian Avila, Isabella Ayon, Zenaida Ayon, Ernesto Bailey, Eboni Beltran, Carlos Brown, Kelsey Bustos, Alejandro Bustos, Jacob Caballero, Anthony Campbell, Ukari Cardenas, Evelyn Cardoza, Aubrey Castillo, Luis Castillo, Adan Castro, Michael Chavarin, Jonathan Coito, Victoria Costa, Taylor Cruz, Brisa Cruz-Brito, Zuritaimir Cuellar, Joseph Deans, Lakiyah Denis Romero, Alexander Enriquez, Katherine Enriquez, Hector Escobar-Lopez, Jenelle Escobar-Lopez, Jezelle Escobedo, Gerardo Estevez, Ivet Fabella, Anne Faria, Zachary Fernandez, Noel Fernandez Ayon, Selena Fishbough, Steven Fletcher, Blake Flores, Yovanni Franco, Ariana Franco, Karina Freeman, Kyleigh Gallo, Josie Galvan, Sheila Gamboa, Noemi Garcia, Angelika Garcia, Hunter Gomar, Kimberly Gomez, Alexandra Gomez, Natalia Gonzales, Adrianna Gonzalez, Monica Grimmer, Matthew Gutierrez, Renae Gutierrez Cortez, Andrea Hargis, Shane Hernandez, Gilberto Hernandez, Karely Hernandez, Daisy Hernandez, Kamryn Cruz-Ambriz, Elizabeth Cruz-Garces, Monica Denis Romero, Ramses Denney, Caleigh Enriquez, Jaden Fernandez, Mariah Fien, Kennedy Fish, Angelica Galindo, Suzy Galvez, Ernesto Ganiron, Daniel Garcia, Daniel Garcia, Cristian Garcia, Yasmeen Garza, Rose Gomez, Brian Gomez, Erykah Gonzalez, Jacquelyn Gonzalez, Claudia Gonzalez, Karla Gourley, Matthew Graff, Kevin Guerrero, Jose Gutierrez, Guadalupe Gutierrez-Hermosillo Jennifer Guzman, Nancy Henderson, Kobe Hernandez, Ruth Hernandez, Selena Page 9 Hicks, Kayla Ibarra, Maria Jackson, Jordan Jimenez, Alexsa Jimenez, Angel Johnson, Averee Kelly, Joshua Lang, Taylor Lara, Noemi Lara Bracamontes, Laura Lare, Shandon Leigh, Cadynn Lemus, Daniela Lerio, Portia Limon, Lizbet Lindero, Ximena Llamas, Edgar Lopez, Guadalupe Lourenco, Savana Lujan, Brookelyn Machado, Breanna Mackey, Grace Mancilla, Michelle Martin, Yahjaira Mason, Kyle Matney, Kaylin McGulpin, Simon McJunkin, Donovan Medina, Sandra Medina-Purugganan, Stephanie Medley, Anthony Mendez, Brenda Mendonca, Jonathan Mendonca, Makayla Mendoza, Jose Meza, Heaven Misquez, Nicholas Molezzo, Austin Mu'Min, Nashedah Munguia Orozco, Dora Murphy, Tanner Hernandez III, Sal Herrera, Tiffany Huerta, Maritza Jaime, Joel Jimenez, Estefania Jimenez, Miranda Kang, Sandeep King, Bryttneigh Korin, Belkis Lanting, Shyanne Leal, Nickole Lee, Chace Lerio, Honey Levan, Madisyn Lopez, Adrian Lopez, Andrew Lopez, Samantha Loza-Nunez, Mario Lucio, Rosemary Luna, Domingo Machado, Michaela Mackey, Faith Maduena, Lizbeth Malhi, Jaspinder Martin, Blake Mayorga-Gonzalez, Joel Mazac, Trenton Mazon, Mariah McNear, Alexis Mendez, Merlee Mendonca , Joshua Myers, Tristen Najera, Arturo Nambo Rodriguez, Cesar Ngo, Jocelyn Ngo, Katelyn Nunez, Consuelo Nunez, Irania Nuno, Noemi Ocampo, Marcos Orozco, Nicolas Palomares, Natalie Parra Mayorga, Jason Pena, Tiana Perez, Cruz Perez, Evelyn Phillips, Dominic Plascencia-Lopez, Maria Plasencia, Yajaira Pompa, Jacqueline Proulx, Alyssa Quinonez, Eduardo Ramey, Joseph Ramirez, Carmen Ramos, Isaiah Reynoso, Cristopher Ribeiro, Gabrielle Rios, Adrianna Rodarte, Maria Rossel, Cristal Ruby, Leslie Ruelas-Sanchez, Roselyn Ruiz, James Ruiz,Rodrigo Sahagun, Thomas Salazar, Nicholas Saldana,Maribel Saldana, Daniel Saldana, Maria Salinas, Daniel Sanchez Campos, Cynthia Sandoval Manuel Mendoza, Victoria Molezzo, Larissa Montemayor, Zandalee Moody, Taylor Moody, Trase Morales, Karly Morales, Lorena Moreno, Karen Motty, Taylor Munoz, Esmeralda Navarro Razo, Aaron Negrete, Yesenia Ngo, Michael Noe, Damon Nunez, Daniel Oliveira, Austin Palomino, Nellybeth Parra, Patricia Parreira, Madison Parreira, Makyden Petty, Danae Picazo, Marleen Pinedo Robles, Susana Ramirez, Jazmin Ramirez, Stephania Ramirez, Karen Reed, Aliyah Reynaga, Cassandra Rios, Crystal Risenhoover, Brian Roberts, Gavin Santiago, Miriam Santos, Dustin Seitz, Andrew Setser, William Shannon, Will Shole, Patrick Silva, Brittany Soto, Berenice Soto, Giselle Sousa, Brandon Sousa, Luis Souza, Rachel Stanley, Garrett Stiffler, Karlisle Suarez, Melissa Swall, Kelsey Tello, Christopher Thomas, Allyssa Tinoco, Klarissa Torres, Juan Torres, McCayla Torrez, Tyler Trejo, Miguel Trenkmann, Anika Valdivia, Jasmine Valdiviez, Justice Valencia, Danica Van Beek, Heidi Vander Eyk, Cornelius Vargas, Renee Venegas, Miguel Villa, Michael Villapudua, Ciera Virgen, Zayda Wammack, Samantha Watson, Colton Williams, Alicia Willmore, Austin Yturralde, Katherine Zavala, Claudia Robinson, Marcus Rodriguez , Edith Rodriguez , Jailene Rodriguez , Victor Rojas, Lupita Ross, Tanner Ruelas, Esmeralda Ruvalcaba, Samantha Saldana, Cindy Saldivar, Cecilia Saldivar, Adolfo Santos, Alexandria Shaibi, Ulyaa Smith, Savannah Smith, Sydney Stafford, Lauren Stephens, Zachary Thompson, William Torres, Sara Torres, Joseline Torrez, Richard Tovar, Jesus Van Allen, Kristin Velasquez , onathan Velazquez , arisa Villapudua, Mariah Wessmann, Carina Wise, Julia Yang, Bambi Zuniga, Kevin Zuniga, Majic Page 10 MO NEWS Aguilera Mendoza, Lizette Alamsi, Alla Alba, Nancy Aldaco, Brandon Alsahybi, Hyfa Alvarado, Fabian Alvarado, ngel Alvarado, Jade Alves, Anna Marie Arellano, Samantha Arevalos, Karla Ayon, Roman Barham, Jared Benitez, Justine Boling, Chloe Borges, McKenzie Brown, Kaylyn Caetano, Evan Camarena, Jonathan Carnes, Kyra Carrasco, Kiana Castillo, Harrison Castro, Evelyn Chavez, Selma Clavijo, Ashley Ambriz, Jaqueline Ambriz, Juan Angel, Cristian Arias, Julianna Avila, Xoey Baltazar, Madalyn Barbosa Montemayor, Leilani Belmontes, Yvette Bernal, Lessly Bridges, Matthew Briggs, Brooklyn Brown-Tims, Meraiah Burton, Nashia Caballero, Lizeth Camilo, Horeb Campbell, Da 'Vin Cardenas, Chloe Carrillo, Gabriela Ceja, Fernando Cervantes, Angelica Charley, Donaven Chavarin, Yaritsa Chee, Sarah Clark, Alexis Conard, Vincent Cordova, Rebeca Cotta, Madison Crook, Emily Contreras, Bryan Cordeniz, Hope Cortez, Cristobal Cruz, Gisselle Cruz, Ricky Doherty, Preslie Eanes, Skylar Enriquez, Zoie Espinoza, Emory Espinoza, Juan Faria, Jared Fernandes, Hayley Fernandes, Rhegan Flores, Marislaysis Fontes-Seitz, Christopher Freitas, Evan Galindo, Sarai Gama-Gomez, Natalia Garcia, Gavin Gerardo, Kyndra Gilmore, Bradley Gomar, Brandy Gomez, Makayla Gomez, Andrea Gonzalez, Leslie De Leon Carrillo, Azul Delgadillo , Andrea Delgado, Dulce Diaz, Bionce Diaz, Michael Elliott, Robert Erling, Nicholas Estevez, Itzel Evans, Ean Gaitan, Yennifer Galvez, Evelyn Gama-Gomez, Rudy Garcia, Ivan Giles, Sabrina Ginn, Natalie Gomez, Yulisa Gomez, Elizabeth Gomez, Jessika Gonzalez, Genesis Gonzalez, Karina Hacker, Samantha Harbour, Matthew Hawn, Hope Henderson, Zy'Aire Hernandez, Mackenzie Hernandez, Dayana Hernandez, Sebastian Herrera, Beatriz Gonzalez, Jasmin Graff, Jorge Gutierrez Cortez, Marisa Guzman Garcia, Adan Hailey, Loren Harrow, Brennon Hart, Trenton Heasley, Ukiah Hernandez, Elizabeth Hernandez, Jesus Hernandez, Judith Huerta, Randy Iniguez, Samantha Johnson, Brett Langarica, Ana Leonardo , Lauren Leyva, Maria Logan, Seth Lopez, Ezekiel Lopez, Natalie Lopez, Angela Lopez Ortega, Fabian Madriz Lopez, Geraldine Maldonado, Karissa Martinez, Erica Jimenez, Jorge Jimenez, Nahyelie Lara, Brianna Lemus, Vanessa Light, Hannah Lopez, Kayleigh Lopez, MarcoAntonio Lopez Ortega, Raul Loza Nunez, Monserrath Madrigal, Halida Martinez, Hazel Mata, Elise Mello, Joseph Mendez, Luis Mercado, Magaly Monge Chachagua, Karla Montejano, Elizabeth Montero, Jacqueline Montes Montes, Javier Moreno, Anthony Muller, Jada Munoz, Lisbeth Murillo, Corayma Murphy, Kaylee Nava, Filimon Naveda, Maira Noe, Jenna Nunes, Faith Martorana, Gianna Medina, Michelle Molano, Seth Mondragon, Vanessa Morin, Serena Muela, Karen Nevarez, Marcelina Ney, Jenna Nunez, Lasha Oppedyk, Aaron Padilla, Emiliano Pantoja Cardenas, Teresa Patrick, Emily Picazo, Jaqueleen Plasencia, Paola Porter, Joshua Prins, Abbigail Puga, Amanda-Nicole Rea, Yoselin Reyes, Amayrani Reyes, Karina Rivera, Carlos Rodriguez, Sandra Romero, Andrea Ruiz, Alicia Nuno, Alejandra Ochoa, Gisella Oden, Matthew Ormonde, Autumn Osborne, Devin Padilla, Verania Parra, Jackeline Parra Palomera, Dianara Parreira, Austin Pena III, Julian Perkins, Britney Perryman, Jenna Plascencia, Alan Plascencia, Paulina Ramos, Elijah Ribeiro, Mark Rios, Arthur Rios, Celestedelia Robles, Naylea Rodriguez, Savannah Salcedo, Rogelio Salcedo, Diana Sanchez, Jazmine Sanchez, Emily Sanchez, Genesis Sanchez, Laura Santos, Jordan Seaton, Ciara Salado, Arturo Salazar, Elizabeth Sanchez, Joel Sanchez, Sandra Sanchez, Andrea Sanchez, Jessica Shannon, Cole Silva, Jesse Silva, Cameron Soto, Jennyfer Soto, Jesus Sousa, Christopher Swall, Lindsey Tapia-Hernandez, Alan Tello, Matthew Thandi, Arshdeep Tomes, Caleb Vieyra, Arlet Villa, Rigoberto Villapudua, Maurice Vitorino, Tanner Whitmore, Grace Segura, Nallely Servadio, Maddison Shaibi, Yahya Short, Gavin Soria, Madison Soto, Ashley Spear, Aaliyah Teixeira, Nathen Tello, Kianna Torres Jimenez, Gustavo Vasquez, Leonardo Vasquez, Joseph Vega, Andrew Villarreal, Taiz Vue, Savannah Warren, Kaylee Weaver, Mackeely Wright, Chase