General Information:
General Information:
USDF/USEF Competition # 327877 Level 2 Dressage Competition Opening Date: March 12, 2010 Closing Date: April 14, 2010 Licensee: Christine Prescott MAY 1-2, 2010 Official Prize List JUDGE: FRAN DEARING ( S ), TX TECHNICAL DELEGATE: DIANNE STANLEY ( r ), MT OFFICIAL QUALIFYING COMPETITION FOR THE 2010 GREAT AMERICAN INSURANCE GROUP/USDF REGIONAL DRESSAGE CHAMPIONSHIPS OFFICIAL USDF/DOVER SADDLERY ADULT AMATEUR MEDAL COMPETITION EVERY CLASS OFFERED HEREIN THAT IS COVERED BY THE RULES AND SPECIFICATIONS OF THE CURRENT RULEBOOK WILL BE CONDUCTED AND JUDGED IN ACCORDANCE THEREWITH. Saturday, May 1, 2010 1. Introductory Level Test A Open 2. Introductory Level Test A AA 3. Introductory Level Test A JR/YR 4. Training Level Test 1 Opportunity 5. Training Level Test 1 Open/AA 6. Training Level Test 1 JR/YR 7. Training Level Test 2 Open/AA 8. Training Level Test 2 JR/YR 9. Training Level Test 4 Opportunity 10. Training Level Test 4 Open/AA Q 11. Training Level Test 4 JR/YR Q 12. First Level Test 1 Opportunity 13. First Level Test 1 Open/AA 14. First Level Test 1 JR/YR 15. First Level Test 2 Open/AA 16. First Level Test 2 JR/YR 17. First Level Test 4 Opportunity 18. First Level Test 4 Open/AA Q 19. First Level Test 4 JR/YR Q 20. Second Level Test 1 Open 21. Second Level TOC Open, Q 22. Third Level Test 1 Open 23. Third Level TOC Open, Q 24. Fourth Level Test 1 Open 25. Fourth Level TOC Open, Q 26. FEI (PSG-GP) TOC, Open, Q Sunday, May 2, 2010 27. Introductory Level Test A Open 28. Introductory Level Test A AA 29. Introductory Level Test A JR/YR 30. Training Level Test 1 Opportunity 31. Training Level Test 1 Open/AA 32. Training Level Test 1 JR/YR 33. Training Level Test 2 Open/AA 34. Training Level Test 2 JR/YR 35. Training Level Test 4 Opportunity 36. Training Level Test 4 Open/AA Q 37. Training Level Test 4 JR/YR Q 38. First Level Test 1 Opportunity 39. First Level Test 1 Open/AA 40. First Level Test 1 JR/YR 41. First Level Test 2 Open/AA 42. First Level Test 2 JR/YR 43. First Level Test 4 Opportunity 44. First Level Test 4 Open/AA Q 45. First Level Test 4 JR/YR Q 46. Second Level Test 1 Open 47. Second Level TOC Open, Q* USDF/Dover Saddlery Adult Amateur Medal Class 48. Third Level Test 1 Open 49. Third Level TOC Open, Q 50. Fourth Level Test 1 Open 51. Fourth Level TOC Open, Q 52. FEI (PSG-GP) TOC, Open, Q 53. Non-Recognized Training Level Test 4* Open to 4H and Pony Club Members Only 2 Where the horses are strong, the riders are beautiful, and the results are way above average . Manager/Secretary: Christine Prescott SuCaro Ridge 1741 County Rd. 29 Tuskegee, AL 36083 (334) 328-4553 cell (334) 727-3914 barn Veterinarian: Dr. Aimee Emory Crow Byrd Creek Equine (334) 826-4090 clinic (334) 787-2512 cell Competition Management: Christine Prescott Medical Services: To Be Announced Technical Delegate: Dianne Stanley ( r ) Billings, MT Judge: Fran Dearing ( S ), Magnolia, TX Farrier (on call): Billy Lewis & Associates (334) 324-9347 Official Show Photographer: Event Photographer, Inc. (678)491-6222 website: gallery: USEF MEMBERSHIP STATEMENT Life, senior active and junior active members shall be eligible to participate in all classes at Regular Competitions, Eventing Competitions at the Preliminary Level or above and Combined Driving Competitions at the Advanced Level, Dressage, Reining and Vaulting Competitions and Endurance Rides. A nonmember may participate as a handler, rider, driver, owner, lessee, agent, coach or trainer at Regular Competitions, Eventing Competitions, Dressage Competitions, Reining Competitions and Combined Driving Competitions upon payment of a $30 nonmember registration fee. Participants in the following classes are exempted from the Requirements of this rule: 1) leadline; 2) exhibitions; 3) games and races; 4) classes for 4-H members; 5) walk trot and academy classes (academy classes are classes limited to horses used regularly in a lesson program); 6) USDF introductory level tests, pas de deux and quadrille classes; 7) NRHA Endorsed Reining Competitions. 8) Opportunity classes, 9) citizens of other nations who have proof, in English, of current membership in good standing of their own National Federation, 10) USEA beginner novice division; and 11) assistant handlers in Dressage Sport Horse Breeding classes. 3 Qualifying & Open Divisions: There are no “qualifying only” classes. Riders may qualify for the 2009 Great American Insurance Group/USDF Regional Championships only in a class designated as a qualifying class. Specify “Q” for qualifying on the entry form and pay the additional $10 qualifying fee per class. Important Note: Horses entered in qualifying classes must be entered under the complete official name registered with USEF and USDF, and the name(s) of the owner(s) must be correct on both USEF and USDF membership cards. All documentation must match. Riders and owners wishing their horses to be entered into USDF Regional Championship qualifying classes must be current members of USEF and Participating Members (not Group Members) of USDF, (owner may be a USDF business member) and their horses must be fully registered with both organizations before the competition. A copy of horse’s recording or registration certificates must accompany all qualifying entries. Show management reserves the right to split classes if entries warrant or to balance unusual amounts of entries, excessive scratches or due to extenuating circumstances. All entries must indicate JR/YR, AA, or Open on the entry blank or they will be considered “Open” in the case that entries warrant splitting classes. *Class No. 53: This class is NOT RECOGNIZED BY THE USEF OR USDF and is only open to members of 4H clubs or Pony Clubs. Ride Times: All times are to be considered tentative. Competitors showing three or more horses do so at their own risk. While show management will try to allow adequate time between rides, we cannot guarantee a certain amount of time. Refunds will not be given if times are not satisfactory. Ride Times will be made available April 29, 2010. Unless indicated otherwise on your entry, ride times will be sent via email. No Shows: We may reserve the right to fill a competitor’s subsequent ride times if that competitor fails to notify the competition of his/her intention to scratch. (DR126.3) 2010 USEF Federation Entry Agreement : This agreement is also included in your entry form and MUST be completed. Please read the following text carefully: Federation Entry Agreement Effective 12/1/09 “By entering a Federation-licensed Competition and signing this entry blank as the Owner, Lessee, Trainer, Manager, Agent, Coach, Driver, Rider, Handler, Vaulter or Longeur and on behalf of myself and my principals, representatives, employees and agents, I agree that I am subject to the Bylaws and Rules of The United States Equestrian Federation, Inc. (the “Federation”) and the local rules of the Competition. I agree to be bound by the Bylaws and Rules of the Federation and of the competition. I will accept as final the decision of the Hearing Committee on any question arising under the Rules, and agree to release and hold harmless the Competition, the Federation, their officials, directors and employees for any action taken under the Rules. I represent that I am eligible to enter and/or participate under the Rules, and every horse I am entering is eligible as entered. I also agree that as a condition of and in consideration of acceptance of entry, the Federation and/or the Competition may use or assign photographs, videos, audios, cable-casts, broadcasts, internet, film, new media or other likenesses of me and my horse taken during the course of the Competition for the promotion, coverage or benefit of the Competition, sport, or the Federation. Those likenesses shall not be used to advertise a product and they may not be used in such a way as to jeopardize amateur status. I hereby expressly and irrevocably waive and release any rights in connection with such 4 use, including any claim to compensation, invasion of privacy, right of publicity, or to misappropriation. The construction and application of Federation rules are governed by the laws of the State of New York, and any action instituted against the Federation must be filed in New York State. See GR908.4. Federation Release, Assumption of Risk, Waiver, and Indemnification This document waives important legal rights. Read it carefully before signing. I AGREE in consideration for my participation in this Competition to the following: I AGREE that “the Federation” and “Competition” as used herein includes the Licensee and Competition Management, as well as all of their officials, officers, directors, employees, agents, personnel, volunteers and Federation affiliates. I AGREE that I choose to participate voluntarily in the Competition with my horse, as a rider, driver, handler, vaulter, longeur, lessee, owner, agent, coach, trainer, or as parent or guardian of a junior exhibitor. I am fully aware and acknowledge that horse sports and the Competition involve inherent dangerous risks of accident, loss, and serious bodily injury including broken bones, head injuries, trauma, pain, suffering, or death. (“Harm”). I AGREE to hold harmless and release the Federation and the Competition from all claims for money damages or otherwise for any Harm to me or my horse and for any Harm of any nature caused by me or my horse to others, even if the Harm arises or results resulted, directly or indirectly, from the negligence of the Federation or the Competition. I AGREE to expressly assume all risks of Harm to me or my horse, including Harm resulting from the negligence of the Federation or the Competition. I AGREE to indemnify (that is, to pay any losses, damages, or costs incurred by) the Federation and the Competition and to hold them harmless with respect to claims for Harm to me or my horse, and for claims made by others for any Harm caused by me or my horse while at the Competition. I have read the Federation Rules about protective equipment, including GR801 and if applicable, EV114, and I understand that I am entitled to wear protective equipment without penalty, and I acknowledge that the Federation strongly encourages me to do so while WARNING that no protective equipment can guard against all injuries. If I am a parent or guardian of a junior exhibitor, I consent to the child’s participation and AGREE to all of the above provisions and AGREE to assume all of the obligations of this Release on the child’s behalf. I represent that I have the requisite training, coaching and abilities to safely compete in this competition. I AGREE that if I am injured at this competition, the medical personnel treating my injuries may provide information on my injury and treatment to the Federation on the official USEF accident/injury report form. BY SIGNING BELOW, I AGREE to be bound by all applicable Federation Rules and all terms and provisions of this entry blank.” Entries: Checks should be made out to: SuCaro Ridge 1741 County Road 29 Tuskegee AL 36083 The following MUST ACCOMPANY YOUR ENTRY: 1. Copy of current, Negative Coggins Test 2. Copies of rider’s USEF card, and USDF card 3. Copies of trainer’s USEF card, and USDF card 4. Copies of owner’s USEF card, and USDF card 5. Copies of horse’s USEF registration, and USDF registration 6. All 3 completed pages of entry form 7. Check for entry fees 8. Separate check for $25.00 stall deposit if you are stabling your horse 5 Show management will keep all documents, be sure to save a copy for your own records. A fee of $35 will be charged for returned checks. Entries will not be accepted without a check. Management reserves the right to limit entries or refuse any entry, combine, divide or cancel classes, use substitute judges or make any other changes as deemed appropriate at the time. Entries will be accepted on a “First Come, First Served” basis. (USEF Rule Book GR915.3.a) This is a small show, so please enter early to ensure your slot. Refunds: Entries will be refunded in full, less the office fee PRIOR TO THE CLOSING DATE ONLY- NO EXCEPTIONS. Absolutely no refunds, including stabling, will be given for any reason, including weather, after the closing date. Post Entry Fee: This will be charged per change per class for any changes made to the entry after the closing date. Riders wishing to add qualifying status or withdraw qualifying status may do so without incurring a fee. Late Entries: Late entries will be accepted at management’s discretion. Any entries that are postmarked after the closing date (April 14, 2010) will be considered late and charged an additional $50 late fee. Entry Fees: USDF Introductory Level Tests Opportunity Classes Opportunity classes do not count towards any championship awards at this show OR USEF or USDF awards Class No. 53 For 4H Members and Pony Clubbers ONLY This class is NOT RECOGNIZED by the USEF/USDF USDF Training – Fourth Level Tests FEI Tests GAIG/USDF Qualifying Fee (mark “Q” on Entry form) $40.00 $35.00 $20.00 $45.00 $60.00 $10.00 This is in addition to the class fee, if riding in a TOC class, riders must choose to ride the qualifying test for that level. Stabling Fees Weekend Stabling (Friday, Saturday, and Sunday Nights) Includes initial bedding (equivalent of two bags), horses may arrive no earlier than noon Friday and must leave by noon Monday. Stall Deposit Fee Please enclose a separate check for the stall deposit. If you leave your stall clean after the competition, this check will be destroyed. If the stall is left dirty, the check will be cashed. Weekend Tack Stall No bedding, will be assigned only after all stalls are assigned Non-Stabled Horses (Grounds Fee) Covers entire weekend Non-Competing Horses For entire weekend, per horse Extra Shavings (per bag equivalent) $135.00 $25.00 SEPARATE CHECK $75.00 $50.00 $50.00 $7.00 6 Organization Fees USDF Non Member Fee USEF Fee (Drug Fee $7, USEF $8) Per horse USEF Non Member Fee Other Fees Office Fee Per horse/rider Late Entry Fee Any entry postmarked after closing date, accepted at the discretion of management Post Entry Fee Change fee (change of rider/horse/class) PER CLASS $20.00 $15.00 $30.00 $35.00 $50.00 $30.00 Withdrawals: USEF rules require that competitors must request permission of the show secretary prior to withdrawing or removing their horse from the show facility prior to the end of the show. (USEF Rule Book GR1305.1) Concessions/Restrooms: Concessions available on grounds. Restrooms located around the competition area and in the competition barn. Public Phone: Landline public phone for emergencies on the first floor of the main barn. Directions: From I-85S: Take exit 26/Tallassee. Turn left at the top of the ramp onto Co. Rd. 30. Continue 2.5mi to stop sign at little white church, go straight through stop sign for 2.2 mi until you reach the second little white church, Bradford’s Chapel. Make a right immediately after Bradford’s Chapel onto Co. Rd. 29. SuCaro Ridge is 0.2mi on the right hand side of the road. From I-85 N Take exit 26/Tallassee. Turn right at the top of the ramp onto Co. Rd. 30. Continue 2.5mi to stop sign at little white church, go straight through stop sign for 2.2 mi until you reach the second little white church, Bradford’s Chapel. Make a right immediately after Bradford’s Chapel onto Co. Rd. 29. SuCaro Ridge is 0.2mi on the right hand side of the road. Accommodations: The Oasis Hotel (334) 720-1700 , Hampton Inn & Suites Eastchase (334) 277-1818, Holliday Inn Express Boyd Cooper Pkwy (334) 271-5516 Competitor’s Party: A competitor’s party will be held Saturday evening. All exhibitors are invited. Stabling Information: Tack stalls will be assigned only after all horses are assigned stalls. 12’ x 14’ stalls have Dutch Doors, individual lights and power outlet, and water faucets in every stall. Stall flooring is Stall Skins. Initial bedding is included in the stabling fee. Additional bedding may be purchased at $7/ bale equivalent. No smoking is permitted in or near the stabling area. No nails or screws may be used. Please keep horses off the sod on the lawn of the competition barn. 7 If competition stalls fill, off-site stabling at Bare Bones Farm, less than 4 miles from showgrounds, is available. Management will contact you prior to officially accepting your entry if this should occur. Stall Deposit: Please include a separate check in your entry for a $25.00 stall deposit. If you leave a clean stall, the check will be destroyed. If you are unable to clean your stall before you leave, the check will be cashed. Trailer-In Horses: There will be a grounds fee of $50 per horse per weekend in addition to other applicable charges. Non-competing Horses: Non-competing horses are welcome at the show pending stall availability. A non-competing horse fee of $50 per weekend will be. All non-competing horses will be issued a non-competitor number and it must be worn on the left side of his bridle or halter at any time he is not in his stall for the duration of the show. Arenas: A standard 20 X 60 meter arena will be used for all classes, including Introductory levels. Riding within the dressage competition arenas is not allowed before the show at any time; however, riding around the perimeter of the arenas is permitted before and after the competition each day. Footing: Competition arena footing is all-weather sand base with water retention additives. The arena has a complete sprinkler system that will be used to eliminate dust. Lunging/Warmup: A designated lunging area is provided in the large fenced in field near the big barn. Footing is well-established turf. NO LUNGEING in anywhere other than the designated areas at any time. Warmup on well – established turf is available past the competition arena. Warmup on the exact turf used in the competition arena is also provided. This area is located in the woods near the water jump. Please see facility map for more information regarding location of these areas. Sharps Containers: Pursuant to USEF rule 1211.5 each barn has one sharps container per 50 horses. Competition management may fine any individuals including trainers, owners, exhibitors, or their agents up to $100 for improper disposal of needles or other sharps disposable instruments. Dogs: You may bring your dog to the show, but it must be kept on a leash no longer than six feet and attached to a person or immovable object at ALL TIMES. A loose dog fine of $50, checks made out to “Macon County Humane Society,” will be imposed. THIS RULE WILL BE ENFORCED. Schooling: Schooling hours begin at the hour of daylight and end at sunset. Lunging may be done in the designated areas only. Veterinarian: The official show veterinarian is Dr. Aimee Emory Crow of Byrd Creek Equine. The official veterinarian will be available by appointment Saturday morning to conduct necessary measurements. Dr. Aimee Emory Crow will be on call for the duration of the show. She may be reached at (334) 787-2512. 8 Farrier: A farrier is on call for the show. He may be reached at: (334) 324-9347 Golf Carts, Scooters, and other Motorized Vehicles : Motorized Vehicle Statement in accordance with GR1301.7: Minors who do not have a valid driver's license which allows them to operate a motorized vehicle in the state in which they reside will not be permitted to operate a motorized vehicle of any kind, including, but not limited to, golf carts, motorcycles, scooters, or farm utility vehicles, on the competition grounds of licensed competitions. Minors who have a valid temporary license may operate the above described motorized vehicles as long as they are accompanied by an adult with a valid driver's license. Violations of this rule will be cause for sanctions against the parent(s), guardian(s) and/or trainer(s) who are responsible for the child committing the offense. Penalties may include exclusion of the child, parent(s), guardian(s), and/or trainer(s) from the competition grounds for the remainder of the competition and charges being filed against any of the above individuals in accordance with Chapter 6. Wheelchairs and other mobility assistance devices for individuals with disabilities are exempt from this rule. Camper/RV Hookup: At this time we do not offer camper/RV hookup. Water and electricity hookups from the barn are NOT ALLOWED. Bridle Numbers: All horses must wear bridle numbers on the left side of his bridle or halter at any time he is not in his stall. “UNDER ALABAMA LAW, AN EQUINE ACTIVITY SPONSOR OR EQUINE PROFESSIONAL IS NOT LIABLE FO AN INJURY TO OR THE DEATH OF A PARTICIPANT IN EQUINE ACTIVITIES RESULTING FROM THE INHERENT RISKS OF EQUINE ACTIVITIES, PURSUANT TO THE EQUINE ACTIVITIES LIABILITY ACT.” – Alabama Code 1975 § 6-5-337 Prizes & Awards: Ribbons (first through sixth place) will be awarded for every class. Show management reserves the right to combine classes as entries warrant. Championship & Reserve Championship Prizes will be awarded for the following: 1. High Score Adult Amateur 2. High Score Open Rider 3. High Score Junior/Young Rider 4. High Score Dressage Pony (may be ridden by any competitor) 5. E.L.D.E.R.S. (Elegant Ladies Dressage Equitation Riders Society) Champion: To be awarded to the highest scoring female rider over 50. USDF/Dover Saddlery Adult Amateur Medal (to be awarded after class 47 on Sunday, to be eligible for this award, the rider must choose to ride Second Level Test 3) see page 9 for more details. 9 2010 USDF/Dover Saddlery Adult Amateur Medal Program The USDF/Dover Saddlery Adult Amateur Medal Program is designed to specifically recognize and encourage adult amateurs riding at Second Level. Awards: 1. USDF/Dover Saddlery Medal Recipient The eligible rider with the highest score of 60 percent or better in the designated Second Level Test Three class or applicable test of choice USDF/Dover Saddlery Adult Amateur Medal class at a participating competition will receive a handcrafted USDF/Dover Saddlery pewter medal and neck ribbon. Winners will receive a $20 Dover Saddlery gift certificate for the first three USDF/Dover Saddlery Medals they win during the competition season. 2. USDF/Dover Saddlery National Merit Award A USDF/Dover Saddlery National Merit Award will be awarded to riders winning three USDF/Dover Saddlery Medals in the same competition year. 3. Year-End Awards The USDF/Dover Saddlery Medal National Champion and Reserve Champion are determined from the average of the top three winning ride scores during the competition year. The champion receives a $1000 Dover Saddlery gift certificate and the reserve champion receives a $500 Dover Saddlery gift certificate. Rider Eligibility To be eligible, a rider must meet the following criteria: 1. Rider must be a current USDF participating or group member at the time of the competition. 2. Rider must be an adult amateur in accordance with Article GR1306 of the USEF rules and be designated with USEF as an adult amateur as of the competition date. Additional Information: For additional information and an updated list of competitions offering the USDF/Dover Saddlery Adult Amateur Medal Program, please visit All Championship prizes will be awarded Sunday. 10 DRESSAGE AT THE RIDGE ENTRY PAGE 1 of 3 Please complete a separate entry for each horse. NAME OF HORSE PREVIOUS NAME (IF ANY) FOR SALE? BREED REGISTRY INITIALS SEX SIRE DAM COGGINS DATE COLOR HEIGHT DAM’S SIRE DATE OF BIRTH COUNTRY OF BIRTH BREEDER OWNER INFORMATION PASSPORT# GROOM RIDER/HANDLER INFORMATION NAME: NAME: ADDRESS: ADDRESS: CITY, STATE, ZIP: CITY, STATE, ZIP: CITIZENSHIP (IF NOT US) CITIZENSHIP (IF NOT US) PHONE: PHONE: CELL PHONE: CELL PHONE: EMAIL: EMAIL: EMERGENCY CONTACT: EMERGENCY CONTACT: PHONE: PHONE: IF STABLING AT THE SHOW, PLEASE LIST YOUR STALL ASSIGNMENT GROUP HERE: RIDER STATUS (CIRCLE) JR./YR AA OPEN TRAINER INFORMATION RIDER DATE OF BIRTH: Req for JR/YR and to be Eligible for ELDERS award COACH INFORMATION NAME: NAME: ADDRESS: ADDRESS: CITY, STATE, ZIP: CITY, STATE, ZIP: CITIZENSHIP (IF NOT US) CITIZENSHIP (IF NOT US) PHONE: PHONE: EMAIL: EMAIL: 11 Page 2 of 3 HORSE RIDER OWNER TRAINER COACH USEF# USEF# USEF# USEF# USEF# USDF# USDF# USDF# LOCAL OR FEI# LOCAL OR FEI# PLEASE ENCLOSE COPIES OF CURRENT MEMBERSHIPS, REGISTRATIONS, AND COGGINS TEST LOCAL OR FEI# PLEASE REFER TO “ENTRY FEE” SECTION OF THE PRIZE LIST FOR CLASS FEE INFORMATION CLASS # DESCRIPTION TEST TO BE RIDDEN QUALIFYING? FEES SUBTOTAL CLASS FEES USEF NON-MEMBER FEE $30 Please make checks payable to: SuCaro Ridge USDF NON-MEMBER FEE $20 Mail your completed entry to: HORSE ID NUMBER FEE (IF APPLICABLE) $20 SuCaro Ridge Attn: Christine 1741 County Road 29 Tuskegee, AL 36083 USEF HORSE FEE ($8 USEF Fee+ $7 Drug Fee $15) $15.00 IHP DISCIPLINE FEE ($35 IF REQ) OFFICE FEE/BRIDLE FEE STABLING ($135) OR TRAILER IN ($50) EXTRA BEDDING ($7/BALE) Show Secretary Email: LATE ENTRY FEE ($50) TOTAL FEES NON-COMPETING HORSE FEE *If you are stabling, please be sure to enclose a separate check for $25.00 for your stall deposit. $35.00 12 PAGE 3 OF 3 Federation Entry Agreement Effective 12/1/09 By entering a Federation-licensed Competition and signing this entry blank as the Owner, Lessee, Trainer, Manager, Agent, Coach, Driver, Rider, Handler, Vaulter or Longeur and on behalf of myself and my principals, representatives, employees and agents, I agree that I am subject to the Bylaws and Rules of The United States Equestrian Federation, Inc. (the “Federation”) and the local rules of the Competition. I agree to be bound by the Bylaws and Rules of the Federation and of the competition. I will accept as final the decision of the Hearing Committee on any question arising under the Rules, and agree to release and hold harmless the Competition, the Federation, their officials, directors and employees for any action taken under the Rules. I represent that I am eligible to enter and/or participate under the Rules, and every horse I am entering is eligible as entered. I also agree that as a condition of and in consideration of acceptance of entry, the Federation and/or the Competition may use or assign photographs, videos, audios, cable-casts, broadcasts, internet, film, new media or other likenesses of me and my horse taken during the course of the Competition for the promotion, coverage or benefit of the Competition, sport, or the Federation. Those likenesses shall not be used to advertise a product and they may not be used in such a way as to jeopardize amateur status. I hereby expressly and irrevocably waive and release any rights in connection with such use, including any claim to compensation, invasion of privacy, right of publicity, or to misappropriation. The construction and application of Federation rules are governed by the laws of the State of New York, and any action instituted against the Federation must be filed in New York State. See GR908.4. Federation Release, Assumption of Risk, Waiver, and Indemnification This document waives important legal rights. Read it carefully before signing. I AGREE in consideration for my participation in this Competition to the following: I AGREE that “the Federation” and “Competition” as used herein includes the Licensee and Competition Management, as well as all of their officials, officers, directors, employees, agents, personnel, volunteers and Federation affiliates. I AGREE that I choose to participate voluntarily in the Competition with my horse, as a rider, driver, handler, vaulter, longeur, lessee, owner, agent, coach, trainer, or as parent or guardian of a junior exhibitor. I am fully aware and acknowledge that horse sports and the Competition involve inherent dangerous risks of accident, loss, and serious bodily injury including broken bones, head injuries, trauma, pain, suffering, or death. (“Harm”). I AGREE to hold harmless and release the Federation and the Competition from all claims for money damages or otherwise for any Harm to me or my horse and for any Harm of any nature caused by me or my horse to others, even if the Harm arises or results resulted, directly or indirectly, from the negligence of the Federation or the Competition. I AGREE to expressly assume all risks of Harm to me or my horse, including Harm resulting from the negligence of the Federation or the Competition. I AGREE to indemnify (that is, to pay any losses, damages, or costs incurred by) the Federation and the Competition and to hold them harmless with respect to claims for Harm to me or my horse, and for claims made by others for any Harm caused by me or my horse while at the Competition. I have read the Federation Rules about protective equipment, including GR801 and if applicable, EV114, and I understand that I am entitled to wear protective equipment without penalty, and I acknowledge that the Federation strongly encourages me to do so while WARNING that no protective equipment can guard against all injuries. If I am a parent or guardian of a junior exhibitor, I consent to the child’s participation and AGREE to all of the above provisions and AGREE to assume all of the obligations of this Release on the child’s behalf. I represent that I have the requisite training, coaching and abilities to safely compete in this competition. I AGREE that if I am injured at this competition, the medical personnel treating my injuries may provide information on my injury and treatment to the Federation on the official USEF accident/injury report form. BY SIGNING BELOW, I AGREE to be bound by all applicable Federation Rules and all terms and provisions of this entry blank. **NO ENTRY is valid without original signatures from the individuals below; writing “same” is not acceptable. ** **Trainer Signature MUST be from Adult; Parent/Legal Guardian may sign for child under child’s USEF membership.** Rider/Driver Owner Handler/Vaulter/Lungeur (mandatory) Agent/Trainer Coach (mandatory) (if applicable) (mandatory) Print Name Signature Parent/Guardian Information (Required if Rider/Driver/ Handler/ Vaulter/Longeur is a minor) Emergency Contact Information Name:_____________________________ Print Name Phone:_____________________________ Signature Is Rider/Driver/Vaulter a U.S. Citizen?: ______Yes _____ No WARNING: “UNDER ALABAMA LAW, AN EQUINE ACTIVITY SPONSOR OR EQUINE PROFESSIONAL IS NOT LIABLE FO AN INJURY TO OR THE DEATH OF A PARTICIPANT IN EQUINE ACTIVITIES RESULTING FROM THE INHERENT RISKS OF EQUINE ACTIVITIES, PURSUANT TO THE EQUINE ACTIVITIES LIABILITY ACT.” – Alabama Code 1975 § 6-5-337 13 14 15 16 17