July - vadacc
July - vadacc
C ColleCtive Marks July 2015 Virginia Dressage Association Central Chapter Newsletter Vice-President’s Letter Hello VADACC! I hope everyone had a wonderful Fourth of July and that you celebrated our nation’s birthday safely. I’m writing this month’s letter to give our President a well-deserved break. We are in full swing of show-season and along with that comes the stressors of competition. There was always one smiling face to be found at shows years ago and that was Shel Gafford’s. Those that knew him know that smile and the ever-positive demeanor that Shel had. Even after the years that have passed since the Virginia dressage world lost him, I still miss seeing him around. I’m grateful that we still have Margret Gafford, his mom, in our chapter. She is as energetic as ever and a wonderful classical dressage resource with lots of neat stories about her time training with Dr. Reiner Klimke! We can still honor Shel by considering those who exemplify his sportsmanship and kindness for submission to the Shel Gafford Excellence in Sportsmanship award. The deadline is 1 August and the forms are in this month’s newsletter. Who springs to your mind when you think of someone at a show, event or club meeting with a kind word and smile for everyone? So, this show season, let’s all take a deep breath when the stress gets to us and remember to treat folks as we want to be treated. How about a “Nice ride” to a fellow competitor or a kind gesture to someone having a rough time? The world could use a little more “nice”. God bless and good riding, Anna 2015 VADACC Board President Vice President/ Newsletter Secretary: Membership Treasurer: Webmaster: Fundraising: State Representatives: Alison Douglas Debby Howard Junior/Young Rider Coordinator: Wanda Escobar 804-5981580 saddlebrookstables@msn.com Year End Awards: Debby Howard 804-241-5226 Gail Markey 804-519-3517 Alison Douglas 804-339-7495 shortydouglas@gmail.com Volunteer Coordinator: Amanda Harper 804-731-7544 titansrunfarm@comcast.net Heather Escobar 804-739-3775 hgescobar84@gmail.com Activities/Planning: Co - Chairmen Heidi Joi Gayle 804-8143254 hgayle@markelcorp.com Amanda Harper 804-731-7544 titansrunfarm@comcast.net Anna Schriebl 757-876-3272 patriotfarm@wildblue.net Marci Drewry 757-371-5056 hedgewitchfarm @hotmail.com Lisa Wheeler 804-507-0494 lisaucn@msn.com PR: Nancy Sheaffer 804-784-0987 nancys@thecharisgroupllc.com Schooling Show Committee: Beth Atkinson and Susan Ellis Mr. Bip Terhune 804-4390994 bipt1166@hotmail.com bterhune@raaems.org Competition Committee: Carmen Giedt 650-2183321 cmgiedt@gmail.com “...pressure can get to us very easily, but can you look in the mirror at the end of the day and say, 'I trained my horse with the best horsemanship in mind.'?” Steffen Peters (Photo by Marty Schriebl, all rights reserved) Month Day Event July 5 NE-VADA Edgehill Schooling Show. Contact Anne Draine, edgehillfarm@msn.com, VADACC-Q July 18 Aisling Farm Dressage Schooling Show - Contact: Tina Trimmer 804- 694-7239 VADACC-Q July 25-26 USDF Region 1 JR/YR Competition Leesburg, VA August 1 Oakdale Dressage Schooling Show Contact - Terri Adcock, 1-804-375-3007 VADACC-Q August 15 VADA Chapter Challenge, Meadow Event Park, Doswell, VA August 22 Aisling Farm Dressage Schooling Show - Contact: Tina Trimmer 804- 694-7239 VADACC-Q August 30 NE-VADA Edgehill Schooling Show. Contact Anne Draine, edgehillfarm@msn.com, VADACC-Q September 20 Chestnut Oaks Schooling Show - Contact: Barbara Wiefelstede, 804-994-2331, VADACC-Q September 26 Saddlebrook Stables Schooling Show - Contact Wanda Escobar (804) 598-1580 VADACC-Q October 4 Edgehill Schooling Show Contact Anne Draine edgehillfarm@msn.com VADACC-Q October 17 Saddlebrook Stables Schooling Show - Contact Beth Atkinson (804) 598-1077 VADACC-Q October 24 VADACC Schooling Championship Show @ Chesterfield Fair Grounds - Contact Susan Ellis or Beth Atkinson November 1 NE-VADA Edgehill Schooling Show. Contact Anne Draine, edgehillfarm@msn.com, VADACC-Q November 8 Chestnut Oaks Schooling Show - Contact: Barbara Wiefelstede, 804-994-2331, VADACC-Q November 14 Saddlebrook Stables Schooling Show - Contact Beth Atkinson (804) 598-1077 VADACC-Q *VADACC-Q shows are the only shows which count toward year end Schooling Show awards Quotable Quote: ““The aids are the same as when we start the canter: canter left – flex left, sit deeper left, then to change, straight for one stride, ask the horse to accept the new outside rein, sit deeper on the new inside leg, move your new inside leg a little forward – this has to be when the horse has three legs on the ground. The most important thing is that the horse is straight and accepts the new outside rein, they have to be soft on the new inside for the new inside leg to go forward.” Hubertus Schmidt (German Team Olympic Gold Medalist) on the aids for the flying change 7/15 12/15 5/16 VADA 6/24/15 Meeting Minutes The meeting was called to order at 8:02 pm and was held via conference call. Present were Alison Head (NOVA), Jessie Ginsburg (NOVA), Alison Douglas (Central), Angela Stanaway (NE), Tina Longaker (C’ville), Robyn Nunnally (SVDA), Beth Rippel (SVDA), Susan Ellis (NEVADA), Sheli King (NOVA), Sherri Booye (C’ville), Dianne Boyd (NOVA), Kathy Rowse (SVDA), Nancy Lowey, (C’ville), Debbie Howard (Central), Judith Harroun-Lord (ShenVada), Sandy Toby (SVDA), Anne Draine (NE), Tracey Smith-Oliver (SWVADA), Meredith McGrath (SWVADA) Sheli King made a motion that we approve the minutes from the May board meeting. The motion was seconded by Nancy Lowey and was passed unanimously. Treasurer’s Report- Jessie reported that our combined balances are $151,253. This includes some expenses for the Fall Show. Virginia Horse Center Update- Dianne went to their board meeting. Upper level management team is in place. There is a new development committee, headed by Gardy, who has hired a professional company to help them raise funds. They also have an agreement with Rockbridge Board of County Supervisors regarding funds that will be raised by motel/meals tax. Meeting was very positive and Dianne is pleased. Fall Show Update- Nancy reported that she’s working on sponsors and vendors, has several already, and will send a letter inviting vendors/sponsors back from last year. Kathy Rowse offered to help. Tina reported that we will have high score award by level by day. Chapter Challenge Show- Prize list and entry are on the web. New Business- The moving of dates due to National Championships has triggered discussion among the board. We are no longer assured because of dates, the ability to host the regional championship show and therefore need to entertain other options. Remember Shel Gafford award nominations are due August 1st. Please get the reminder out to the chapters. The next meeting will be held via conference call on Wednesday July 29th 8:00 pm. The meeting was adjourned at 9:06pm. Respectfully submitted, Alison Douglas 5/16 VADACC Members, Contact me at titansrunfarm@comcast.net , Amanda Harper on facebook or 804-731-7544 with any questions, if you are interested in any of the volunteer positions or to report volunteer hours. Upcoming events listed at www.vadacc.org Thanks!!! Definitions: VADACC Volunteer Rules and Activity Opportunities As of December 1st, 2014 Hosted: An event that VADACC organizes. Example: Licensed show, spring and fall schooling shows, fix-a-tests, clinics, other chapter activities. Sanctioned: A stable or group has applied and received approval from VADACC. Generally, there is a fee to allow these schooling show's scores to count toward VADACC Year End Awards. Active Member: Member who has paid their membership dues in full for the current year. New Member: Person that has not been a VADACC member for the entire past membership year. Rules: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Volunteer hours are credited to active members only. The volunteer is responsible for reporting their hours earned to the volunteer coordinator. Hours are earned at VADACC hosted events; this does not include sanctioned events. Hours must be earned directly by the member, there is no “gifting or transferring” of hours. Membership year begins December 1st and ends November 30th of the following year. Volunteer Hour Opportunities: 1. One hour for each article submitted to the Collective Marks newsletter. 2. One hour for preparing food to be sold at a VADACC-hosted event. 3. Actual hours spent for each VADACC Committee meeting. 4. Actual hours carrying out duties of a VADACC committee. 5. Actual hours for each VADACC board or general membership meeting attended. 6. Actual hours spent working at a VADACC-hosted event. 7. Actual hours spent with VADACC JR/YR program at meetings. 8. Actual hours spent teaching a VADACC clinic. 9. Actual hours spent carrying out Chapter Officer duties. 10. Actual hours spent for allowing VADACC to use your facility (no rental fee) for a VADACC event, maximum of 12 hours per event. 11. One hour for sponsoring/advertising or obtaining a sponsor/advertiser for the VADACC recognized show or obtaining an advertiser for the Collective Marks newsletter. 12. One hour for recruiting 1 new VADACC member, new member must list recruiting member on their membership application. 5/16 5/16 New Feature! VADACC Member Sponsored Events Pati Pierucci Clinic at Chestnut Oak Stables July 31, August 1 and 2 Pls contact Barbara Wiefelstede for more information at (804) 994-2331 or chestnutoak@vcu.org 5/16 7/15 VADACC STORE PRICE LIST! Hoodie Sweatshirt – Available in Black and Royal Men’s – S, M, L, XL ---------------------$30 Women’s – S, M, L, XL ----------------$28 Youth sizes available ------------------$25 Polo Shirt – Available in White, Royal, and Black Men’s – S, M, L, XL ----------------------$28 Ladies – S, M, L, XL ---------------------$24 Youth sizes available -------------------$22 T-Shirts Available in White, Royal and Black Men’s – S, M, L, XL ------------------------$20 Ladies – S, M, L, XL -----------------------$16 Youth sizes available ---------------------$14 Visors – White, Royal, Black -------------------$15 Hats – White, Royal, Black ----------------------$20 Royal Blue Stainless Water Bottles --------$12 Hand Drawn VADACC Note cards -----------$8 / packet VADACC Embroidered Patches ---------------$5 All profit goes to the VADACC Junior Team. Great Quality items! Order yours today! Wear your VADACC proudly! To order contact: Heather Escobar, Junior Team Store Coordinator hgescobar84@gmail.com- email 804-739-3775 – Heather Call or email for delivery arrangements. Order your VADACC-wear before the next show! Collective Marks Monthly Advertising Rates for 2015 Please mail payment with ads, there is no billing and ads must be paid before they will run. Checks are payable to VADACC and can be mailed to Anna Schriebl (pls message or email at patriotfarm@wildblue.net for address). Ads may be emailed to Anna; pls send file attachments in MSWord format or as a JPG or GIF file. Deadline for ads is the 23nd of the month for the following month’s newsletter. Note: At the end of the ad the notation (mm/yy) will appear. This indicates the last month that the ad will run unless renewed. All FREE classified ads run for 2 issues and can be renewed via email to Anna. VADACC Member Non-Member $ 20.00/month - Full Page $25.00/month - Full Page $ 15.00/month - Half Page $20.00/month - Half Page $ 10.00/month - Quarter Page $ 15.00/month - Quarter Page $ 10.00/year - Business Cards $ 20.00/year - Business Cards 50 words free; $.15 each additional word - Classifieds $.15/word, $5.00 minimum – Classifieds For Sale Nearly new (worn just a couple of times and not even broken in) set of Petrie 2000 dressage boots. Measurements: 13 1/4" inside calf; 19 3/4" outside height from bootbed, 17 1/2" inside height from footbed. European size 38 and fits like an 8-8 1/2 American size. Includes boot trees/pulls and also including a bonus pair of size 8 & 1/2 Mansfield riding boots to wear as a spare while you break the Petrie's in. Get them in time for show season at a fraction of the cost for $275 + shipping! (7/15) 5/16 VADACC Year End Rider Awards 2015 All riders must be VADACC members in good standing at the time of the competition. Scores must be from the current competition year (December 1st through November 30th of the respective year). Awards will be divided into Junior (17 or under as of 2014) and Seniors, licensed and schooling shows as appropriate. A minimum of four (4) volunteer hours per rider with VADACC in current competition year are required. Entries must be submitted with copies of: 1. USDF printout or copies of the tests with your scores and judges signature. If judge’s signature is not on USDF Test, it is your responsibility to contact that show manager to have that score verified. 2. Rider Awards Form must be completely filled out* to be considered. Any questions please contact Awards Committee. 3. Volunteer hours will be verified by the volunteer coordinator, a minimum of four (4) volunteer hours per rider with VADACC are required. Any questions please contact Volunteer Coordinator. *Incomplete entries will not be accepted. VADACC is not responsible for contacting members to correct or complete information submitted. Completed awards packet must be received by the Awards Committee by December 1. Packets received after this date will not be considered. Please do not send packets by certified mail. Licensed Show Division: • Awards will be given at all levels noted below. Freestyle awards will be divided into USDF and FEI divisions • 6 scores must be submitted for USEF/USDF tests, 2 of which must be from the highest test of that level • Scores from all licensed shows (those without breed restrictions) will count towards awards • 4 scores must be submitted for FEI Levels (not including MFS) • 3 scores required for MFS. • Scores must be from at least 2 different shows and from at least 2 different judges • The average of the required scores will be the final score for placing • Levels will be divided into Junior and Senior divisions • Awards will be given through 10th place at Training and First Level, and 8th place in all other divisions Schooling Show Division: • Awards will be given at all levels noted below. Freestyle awards will be divided into USDF and FEI divisions • Shows must be sanctioned by VADACC • Tests must be judged by a USDF L graduate or a USEF r, R or S judge • 6 scores must be submitted, 1 of which must be from the highest test of that level • 3 scores required for musical freestyles. • The average of the required scores will be the final score placing • Levels will be divided into Junior and Senior divisions • Awards will be given thru 10th place Into-First, thru 8th place at Second Level and above Send completed awards packet (USDF printout or copies of the tests and completed awards form) to: Debbie Howard 4271 Worsham Road Powhatan, VA 23139 You will receive verification that your completed awards packet has been received. VADACC will offer Year End Rider Awards for following classes in 2015 competition year: 1. 2015 USDF Into Level 2. 2015 USEF Training Level 3. 2015 USEF First Level 4. 2015 USEF Second Level 5. 2015 USEF Third Level 6. 2015 USEF Fourth Level 7. 2015 FEI PSG 8. 2015 FEI Intermediate I 9. 2015 FEI Intermediate II 10. 2015 FEI Grand Prix 11. 2015 USDF (Training Level thru Fourth level) Musical Freestyle 12. 2009 FEI (PSG thru GP) Musical Freestyle 13. 2013 USEF Rider tests (Training level thru second level) 14. Combined NWHA Gaited Dressage (Intro thru third level) and WDAA Western Dressage (Intro thru third level and MFS) 15. Sponsored Breed Awards FYI: https://www.usef.org/_iframes/breedsdisciplines/discipline/alldressage/dressagetestmov.aspx http://www.fei.org/fei/your-role/organisers/dressage/tests http://www.usdf.org/downloads/forms/index.asp?TypePass=Tests https://www.usef.org/_IFrames/breedsdisciplines/discipline/alldressage/2013RiderTests.aspx https://nwha.com/2014/11/attention-dressage-exhibitors-2015-dressage-tests/ http://www.westerndressageassociation.org/western-dressage-rules-tests/ Updated 2/13/2015 VADACC Year End Rider Award Report 2015 This form must be completed and sent in to the Awards Chairperson, along with copies of your tests or USDF printout. The completed packet must be received by December 1st in order to be eligible for Year-End Awards. If you are eligible for both schooling and recognized show awards, the form must be completed for both, however they can be sent in the same packet. DO NOT send in the report until all scores have been received and the 4 hour minimum volunteer hour per rider requirement has been fulfilled. Incomplete award reports or reports without verified volunteer work requirement will not be eligible for awards. SCHOOLING SHOWS Rider: _________________________ Horse: _______________________________________ Address: ____________________________________________________________________ Phone: ___________________Email (print legibly): _________________________________ VADACC Member #: _________________ (Please circle) SR JR (DOB)______________ Level for which you are submitting for award:_______________________________________ TEST DATE COMPETITION JUDGE SCORE % LICENSED SHOWS Rider: _________________________ Horse: _______________________________________ Address: ____________________________________________________________________ Phone: ___________________Email (print legibly): _________________________________ VADACC Member #: _________________ (Please circle) SR JR (DOB)______________ Level for which you are submitting for award:_______________________________________ TEST DATE COMPETITION JUDGE SCORE % Hold onto this form until you are completing your awards packet and are ready to submit everything for YearEnd Awards. In order to be eligible for Year End Rider Awards, mail this form and copies of applicable USDF tests or USDF printout to: Debbie Howard 4271 Worsham Road Powhatan, VA 23139 Updated 2/13/2015
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