Jun. 14 - Our Lady of the Angels Parish
Jun. 14 - Our Lady of the Angels Parish
OUR LADY OF THE ANGELS CATHOLIC CHURCH 6442 PELHAM, TAYLOR ~ 313-381-3000 JUNE 7, 2015 GRADUATION MASS 2015 On Sunday, May 31, at the 10am Mass we celebrated our Graduates. They are: Nathan Williams (Kennedy High), Anna Randt (Cabrini High), Emily Lovasz (Allen Park High), Jessica Liebeskind (Kennedy High), Jacob Szczepanski (Kennedy High), Marco Marchelletta (Edsel Ford High) with Fr. Michael. As they step forward into the world that awaits, comfort their fears with the full knowledge of your presence. Strengthen their resolve to walk in the footsteps of Jesus as modern day disciples in a world that needs their spirit. Guide their feet as they move through life, protecting them from the pitfalls of darkness while they help to lead future generations into the warmth and promise of your light. We ask this blessing upon each of them, Amen. Page 2 PARISH DIRECTORY OUR LADY OF THE ANGELS 6442 PELHAM RD. ~ TAYLOR, MI 48180 (313) 381-3000 Fax (313) 381-5528 E-MAIL: mail@loacc.org WEBSITE: http://loacc.org Office Hours: Mon. - Thur.: 9am - noon, 1-8pm ~ Fri: 9am - noon, 1-3pm Rev. Dariusz Strzalkowski Pastor Daniel Hurley William Thome Deacon Deacon Order of Masses Saturday 4 pm ~ Sunday 8 am, 10 am,12 pm Mon., Tues., Thurs., & Fri. ~ 8:45 am Wednesday: No Mass or Prayer Service Holy Days: As Announced Eucharistic Adoration: Thursdays 9:15 am - 6 pm Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturday: 3 pm ~ and by appointment Dir. of Faith Formation & Pastoral Minister: Karen Kerr ~ Tues. 4:30-5:45pm ~ 6-7:15pm Religious Ed Secretary: Maria G. Valdez Christian Service Coordinator: Marie Gdowski Music Ministry Leader: Nick Urbiel Parish Nurse Ministry: Mary Catherine Wright Youth Ministry: Tom Kupovits Office Staff Patty Baringer ~ Bookkeeper Sally Turczyn, Maria G. Valdez Rose Zakrzewski Custodians: George Collins, Greg Leja Parish Council Members: Fr. Dariusz, Deacon Bill Thome, Bob White (Chairperson), Rodger Rowley (Co-Chairperson), Monica Alabastro, Vic Alabastro, Cheri Antonnicola, Bennie Belknap, Rose Campbell, Bill Ehred, Jerry LaMonica, Rose Rotunda, Suzanne Starr, Sue Vokal, Jerry Ziemba Baptisms: Infants and young children are baptized at 1:00 pm on Sundays throughout the year or by special appointment. Parents must attend a Baptism Preparation Class prior to Baptism. Please call Karen Kerr. Marriages: Couples who wish to be married at OLOA will meet with Fr. Dariusz to discuss their plans and set their marriage date. Prior to the wedding, the couple attends an engaged couples workshop. Please contact Fr. Dariusz to schedule your pre-marriage appointment at least 8 months in advance of your wedding date. New Parishioners: Register at Parish Office Change of Address: Notify Parish Office Our Mission Statement Reflects our Spirit “Our Lady of the Angels is a worshipping community dedicated to the education and spiritual growth of the whole parish family. With guidance from the Holy Spirit we extend our Christian love to the community we serve. We proclaim Jesus Christ as Lord with all our hearts and we welcome all to join us on our journey in following Him.” THE SANCTUARY LAMP BURNS THIS WEEK SPECIAL INTENTIONS OF: DAN & MADELINE TESIN MASS INTENTIONS SCHEDULES FOR JUNE 20 & 21 Monday, June 15 8:45am †For those listed in our Books of Remembrance LECTORS Tuesday, June 16 8:45am †Robert & Virginia Kirkpatrick (Family) †Mike & Nico Saenz ( Mom) 4:00PM: Kaitlyn Borg Darlene Szczepanski & 8:00AM: Don Turczyn David Zyczynski & 10:00AM: Dan Lai Sue Urbiel & 12:00PM: Jane Dewald Wednesday, June 17 NO MASS OR PRAYER SERVICE Thursday, June 18 8:45am †For those listed in our Books of Remembrance Friday, June 19 8:45am †For those listed in our Books of Remembrance Saturday, June 20 4:00pm †Frank Fregonara (Katherine) †Marion Przytulski (Leo & Carole Tieppo) †Deceased Members of Drzewiecki Family (Family) Sunday, June 21 8:00am - Dec. Members of Fr. Saylor K of C Council #3774 (Members) †Chester Kapelanski (Family) †Bill McEachern (Family) †Edward Gibson (4 Sons, Great Grandson & Pat Gibson) 10:00am †Gerald Thome (Deacon Bill) †Wally Zub (Family) †Richard Gdowski (Gdowski Children) †Victor Goscinski (Family) †Joseph & Marion Przytulski (Ann Marie Gullen & Karen Parsons) †Bruce G. Ball (Family) 12:00pm †Dianne Gryzenia (Dolores Bergin) †Pedro Perez (Mary Henderson) †Jesse Podkul (M/M Stan Podkul) †Kim Fecker (Family) †Bill Kapera (Family) -Special Int. Gary Pearce (Florence Ames & Children) MINISTERS OF THE EUCHARIST 4:00PM: Eric Szor, Mary Jourdan, Cindy Clark, Kim Hughey, Volunteer 8:00AM: Sue & Len Vokal, Nanette Sabell, Anna Marie Fiscelli 10:00AM: Florence Ames, Elaine Jacek, Barb Zub, Ray & Ilene Fleszar, Cheri Antonnicola 12:00PM: Cathy Elliott, Sylvia Vella ALTAR SERVERS 4:00PM: Morgan Gibson Jessica Davis & 8:00AM: Jeremy Wilson Dylan Champagne & 10:00AM: Corey Welsh Jacob Sprietzer & 12:00PM: Caroline Hinds April Dean & USHERS 4:00PM: Ben Bazanski 8:00AM: Sebastian Escamilla 10:00AM: Ron Mc Combe 12:00PM: Dominick Savona OUR RETURN GIFT TO GOD SUNDAY, MAY 31, 2015 COLLECTION . . . . . TO MEET BUDGET . . . . $9,866.55 $10,482.00 NUMBER OF ENVELOPES 336 SUNDAY, JUNE 7, 2015 COLLECTION . . . . . TO MEET BUDGET . . . $11,719.00 $10,482.00 NUMBER OF ENVELOPES 372 PLEASE REMEMBER OUR LADY OF THE ANGELS IN YOUR WILL Page 3 A few words from Fr. Dariusz Before I share my thoughts about th readings for this Sunday, I would like to take this opportunity to thank volunteers from Home Depot for coming over to our Parish and giving your time and talents to make another garden on our grounds. I would also like to thank the Garden Committee. In a special way I would like to thank John and Stella Mosella, Colette Brachel, Alberta Hromco and Pat Ackerman for drawing plans and supervising the project. The new garden looks very good. The garden will be blessed this fall and dedicated to unborn children. Thank you again for your hard work. I would like to thank Joe Boncher and James Kerrigan for taking their time to train our new Altar Servers. The investiture took place last Sunday. I would like to congratulate new Altar Servers for their commitment to serve God and Our Lady of the Angels Parish. As a community we greatly appreciate your commitment to make our Masses special. May God bless you for that. It looks like there is a need for gluten free hosts in our Church. Please keep in mind that those hosts are not gluten free (the Church does not allow them). They are low gluten hosts. Because of the price we pay for them, please use them only if you must receive a low gluten host. I would not want this to become some new trend in our Church. Those hosts are only for those who can not receive regular hosts. If you can not receive regular hosts, please talk to the priest before the Mass so he can move the ciborium with low gluten hosts to the altar at the Communion time. In today’s Gospel, Mark gives us a collection of parables, most of which deal with the growth of seed. They serve as a commentary on what has been happening in Jesus’ proclamation of the kingdom. The prophet Ezekiel foretold that God would take a twig from the top of the cedar and plant it in Zion. Under God’s protective power that twig would grow into a great cedar. Ezekiel dreamed that God would transplant the exiled people of Israel back to the land of their fathers. He glimpsed a future son of David whose kingdom would be universal. The promise is fulfilled in Jesus who ushers in the kingdom of God. The parables of the seed that grows by itself and the mustard seed were meant to encourage the early Church which was worried about the slow growth of the kingdom. They were telling the disciples to be patient, to trust, and not to expect instant results. Through the power of God, from small and insignificant beginnings the kingdom will grow into something great. Sometimes life calls for a lot of patience and trust if we want to grow in our spiritual life. We have to make the effort. At the same time we have to be patient and trust that God’s grace will take over. So let us put our trust in the Lord so we can flourish like trees that are planted by a running stream. God bless all of us. Fr. D ALTAR SERVER NOTES Mass Attendance Report Sunday Liturgy (May 23-24) ~ 88% Going on Vacation? If you know when you’ll be on vacation this Summer please call those dates to Joe Boncher at 1-734-676-2687 and you will not be scheduled for any Masses while you’re away. Please call at least two weeks in advance of your vacation time. Let’s keep the attendance percentage up during these months. Scrabble Last week’s Scrabble word had six letters and the clue was: “The word “ROMAN” usually precedes it.” “GEE, I DIDN’T KNOW THAT!” The “ SEVEN JOYS OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY” are these: The Annunciation, The Visitation, The Birth of Jesus, The Adoration of the Three Kings, The Finding of Jesus in the Temple, The Resurrection of Jesus, and The Assumption of Mary into heaven. OUR LADY OF THE ANGELS AS OF JUNE 9, 2015 CSA GOAL FOR 2015: $56,268.00 PLEDGED TO DATE : $35,904.00 AMOUNT PAID: $22,438.00 AMOUNT TO GO: $20,364.00 # OF DONORS: 224 If we do not meet our goal the Parish has to make up the difference. BLESS THIS CHILD BAPTIZED AT OUR LADY OF THE ANGELS ON SUNDAY, JUNE 14, 2015 BY: FATHER DARIUSZ Every dollar over our goal comes back to Our Lady of the Angels Parish. M I S S A L This week’s word also has six letters and the clue is: “The Great Flood in the Bible.” _ E _ _ G _ CAMREN NICOLE HICKEY Daughter of Craig Matthew Hickey and Jennifer Lynn Hickey (Richter). Godparents are Lori Scaglione and Ronald Richter. NO ADORATION ON THURSDAY, JUNE 18 ? Page 4 RELIGIOUS ED CLASS NEWS Summer is upon us, and school will be out. Please fill your registration forms out and drop them off in the collection basket, Parish or Religious Ed. Office. Registration forms are also available in the book rack in the narthex of the Church. Have a Safe and restful Summer. FACEBOOK PAGE Parents and Grandparents I need your help...Please, LIKE US on our Facebook Page… Our Lady of the Angels-Faith Formation This page is designed for both Religious Education and RCIA information. From the Office of Christian Service.. Homebound Eucharistic Ministry Why is it so Important? One of the largest and most important ministries within the Our Lady of the Angels parish is the sharing of Holy Communion with those who are hospitalized or living in nursing and personal care homes. Like many parishes in the Archdiocese of Detroit, we have many elderly and infirm members who cannot attend regular Sunday Mass. Many who are unable to attend Mass have been active, lifelong members of the parish and miss participating in the liturgy and Holy Eucharist. Would you be willing to share your time and carry the Holy Eucharist to one or a couple of these individuals at their residence or a personal care facility? Are you interested in becoming a Homebound Eucharistic Minister? Homebound Eucharistic Ministers are trained persons who are matched to persons in their immediate locale. This is a most important and very spiritually rewarding ministry. To volunteer and take the Eucharist to individual’s homes and care facilities on a scheduled basis please contact Marie Gdowski at 313-381-3000 ext. 110. The Youthful Corner Youth Group Calendar June 14 ~ Steubenville Retreat June 21 ~ No Youth Group / Festival weekend June 28 ~ Youth Group 6:30-8pm ~ PC Quote of the Week: “ And you’re the only one I ever believed in. The answer that could never be found. The moment you decide to let love in. And now I’m banging on the door of an angel. The end of fear is where we begin. The moment we decided to let love in. - - Goo Goo Dolls Get out of your way: Love is hard, love is difficult, love is complicated, it can be impatient, boastful and braggadocios. It can hurt, it can make you cry. This of course goes completely counter intuitive to what we read in the Bible, I Corinthians 13:4-8. But there are hours, days, weeks when it seems love is simply a word in the English language used to describe a feeling we can’t quite put our fingers on. But in truth, in truth love is a multi layered meaning with subheadings, pie charts, bar graphs and an occasional perfect day thrown in to completely blow the curve. It is essentially what makes the world go around. Which is the exact reason why we all struggle so much with trying to crack the code or understand the complexities of something that can be in a word, exhausting. But if we all took the time to stop and have an out of body experience. One that places us on the direct receiving end of ourselves, we would come to realize that love is only made more complex by who we are. Meaning love isn’t easy because we all want what we want when we want it. We have demands, we have requirements, we have the inside out of what makes us tick. And when that gets in the way, love cannot and will not be able to do anything except stand there and wait for you to stop being so...unloving. In a word selfish, in another word tied down and distracted by the many things of this world that have absolutely nothing to do with giving or receiving love. Okay that was more than one word. But when love is allowed to do what it is supposed to do it is patient, it is kind, it is not jealous, is not pompous, it is not inflated, rude or seek its own interests. It is not quick tempered, it does not brood over injury, it does not rejoice over wrongdoing but rejoices with the truth. It bears all things, believes all things, endures all things. LOVE NEVER FAILS. So move over, get out of the way and let love...in. An open Invitation: Are you awesome? Have you always been awesome? Do you wish you could meet other awesome people just like you? Well look no further then Our Lady of the Angels Youth Group. We are the keepers of awesomeness. But we need you to stop by and add to this amazing phenomenon. So if you are between the ages of 10 to 18 and looking for great friends, good people, lots of fun and amazing events then stop by the Youth Loft Sunday nights from 6:30 to 8pm. And begin your awesome journey into fulfilling your faith. See you there! If You have any questions please feel free to contact Youth Leaders: Tom Kupovits, (313-229-1197) or Monica Alabastro (734-306-1086) Please pray for the Youth of our parish THE DESSERT BOOTH It’s that time again The Dessert Booth needs desserts for Friday, Saturday & Sunday. You can bring your desserts beginning Friday the 19th any time to the Church Hall. Please mark them Dessert Booth. Saturday and Sunday bring to the Booth - Cookies, cupcakes, cakes, brownies - Your favorite Dessert. We will also have Cannoli’s for sale. Thank you Rose Rotunda ~ 313-291-5372 Page 5 SCRIPTURE READING WEEK OF JUNE 14, 2015 Sunday ~ Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time Ez 17:22-24; Ps 92; 2 Cor 5:6-10; Mk 4:26-34 FOOD PANTRY NEEDS Monday ~ 2 Cor 6:1-10; Ps 98; Mt 5:38-42 Tuesday ~ 2 Cor 8:1-9; Ps 146; Mt 5:43-48 Wednesday ~ 2 Cor 9:6-11; Ps 112; Mt 6:1-6, 16-18 Thursday ~ 2 Cor 11:1-11; Ps 111; Mt 6:7-15 Friday ~ Saint Romuald, Abbot 2 Cor 11:18, 21-30; Ps 34; Mt 6:19-23 Saturday ~ 2 Cor 12:1-10; Ps 34; Mt 6:24-34 Sunday ~ Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time Jb 38:1, 8-11; Ps 107; 2 Cor 5:14-17; Mk 4:35-41 The past few weeks have been a busy place for our pantry, in fact, we had 18 visits in one day. Consequently our supplies were down but fortunately we were able to fill all the food requests received and help many families enjoy a hearty dinner or two. We were able to fill the requests because of the donations and the help we received. The donations came from our parishioners and other agencies in the area. And better yet, was the amount of help we received on a particular day from some of our volunteers who always seem to know when help is needed. As an example, there were a lot of pick -ups and deliveries to be made that required vehicles and people to keep up with the demand. Because people were available to lend a hand, it turned out to be a wonderful day. A day that required people going out to several places to pick-up supplies and coming back to the pantry to stock the shelves. We are very grateful to all the volunteers in our parish who show up to offer help. Please know that we are very grateful for your support and sincerely thank all of you for your charity and concern for the hungry. Food Pantry Committee IN THE JOURNEY BOOK For the Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time, June 14, 2015. Readings are on Page 959. For the Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time, June 21, 2015. Readings are on Page 962. We would also request that all food donations be checked for the expiration dates because our policy is not to give food that has expired. FOOD PANTRY DONATIONS Cash and checks are needed to buy perishable items. Checks should be made out to: Our Lady of the Angels SVdP Food Pantry. All monetary donations should be brought to the Parish Office or put in the Collection Basket. THE FOOD PANTRY IS IN NEED OF: TOILET PAPER CSA-Youth Ministry Your gifts to the Catholic Services Appeal are helping high school-aged teens in the Archdiocese of Detroit learn how to become better Christian leaders, examples to their peers and evangelizers. The Archdiocesan Youth Ministry Office is offering two Youth Leadership and Evangelization Training sessions this Summer at St. Theodore of Canterbury Parish in Westland, from June 26 to 27 and at St. Jane Frances de Chantal Parish in Sterling Heights, from July 24 to 25. This overnight program covers topics like discipleship, communication, facilitation, prayer and event planning as well as sharing faith with other teens. Through the “Living Your Strengths” resource, teens will also learn to use their individual strengths in their daily lives. For information about CSA-funded ministries, programs, and services, please go to www.AOD.org. Thanks to your generosity, WE HAVE PLENTY OF BAGS, please NO bags right now. Thank you NightFever Detroit Back by popular demand, Nightfever Detroit is coming back . Old St. Mary’s will host Nightfever Detroit again on June 20, 2015 at 7:30pm. This is an evangelization effort inviting and welcoming people to a Church where they will be asked to light a candle and say a prayer. Our first effort resulted in over 100 volunteers and almost 400 people coming into the Church to light a candle and say a prayer. Fifty people went to confession as well. As the Popes since Vatican II have expressed, we are literally opening the doors of the Church and letting in a breath of fresh air. We are looking for volunteers— street evangelizers, greeters, intercessors, and priest confessors. Information can be found at https://nightfeverdetroit2015.evntbrite.com/ with volunteer job descriptions. SCHEDULE: Mass 5:30pm Dinner and Set up 6:30pm NightFever 7:30pm Conclusion 10:00pm Come, utilize your gifts, and invite people into the Church to encounter Jesus. YOU MUST REGISTER AT EVNTBRITE TO PARTICIPATE. All registered volunteers will receive a limited edition Nightfever Detroit t-shirt. Join us to conquer the Night. Page 6 PRAYER REQUEST LIST We believe in the power of prayer! The names submitted will continue on the list for approximately one month. If you wish to extend that period, please call the parish office. Dear God, We place our worries in Your hands. We place our sick under Your care and humbly ask that You restore Your servants to good health once more. . . Shawn Adams, Sue & Roy Aho, Suzanne Aloe, Florence Ames, Louise Ames, Bill Baraboll, Lois Bauer, Mary Becker, Bobby Belknap, Nancy Bellok, Virginia Biggott, Pam Black, Rita Bosh, Patrick Brennen, Dorothy Bruhn, Diane Bruno, Lois Burke, Stella Butkiewicz, Cecile Byrne, Linda Cable, Madeline Carpenter, Bill Clark, Robert Colasinski, Carmela Conflitti, Ron Coogan, Rose Cooper, Gloria Criss, Lynn Cross, William Cupp, Jennifer D’Agustino, Connie Dadabbo, Grace Dean, Ron Dean, Annmary Demyan, Charles Derrick, Peggy Derrick, Rocco Di Giulio, Louise Dushefski, James Ellsworth, Frances Erickson, Nancy Evanego, Aileen Farber, Mike Ferguson, Andrea Ferrise, Leona Flatley, Caroline Florez, William Garbacz, Lindy Giacomantonio, Pat Gibson, Tom Gillen, Leonard Golembiewski, Lindsey Gossett, Cindy Grassa-Caron, Darlene Gregurich, Frances Ann Griffith, Wanita Hamel, Tim Hellrung, Harold Hiensberger, Angela Honeycutt, Gerald Honeycutt, Michael Hornyak, Jr., Mary Katherine Hughes, Octavia James, Raymond Jarczak, Don & Cesidia Johnson, Steve & Terry Johnson, Don Jones, Laurie Juleff, Sylvia Kapelanski, Lillian Kapera, Lisa Kastl, Liz Katz, Peter & Maria Kiliaris, Daniel Kirksey, Lucy Korval, Mary Alice Krzyzaniak, Dennis LaBelle, Greg Lahiff, Suzanne Lakkis, Maryann Lapinski, Patrice Lessnay, Marge Ligenza, Dolores Locher, Collin Lovely, Rose Machowicz, Mary MacLellan, Jeanne Manard, Frank Mancina, George Mancos, Tom Marcero, D. Martin, Michael Martin, Al Martinez, Jerry McFee, Lisa Menna, Bob Merriman, Audrie Meszaras, Norm Mietkiewicz, Helen Miller, Karen Mitchell, Donald Modrzynski, Margaret D. Molnar, Liam Morley, Mary Morris, Rosemarie Mulka, Joseph O’Donnell, Anna & Joseph Nowak, Rita Oleksiak, Elaine Oswald, Michael Paillon, Marty & Mary Lou Pakledinaz, Gary Pearce, Canuta Perez, Sonya Peterson, Dennis Pietrowski, Angelo Pizzo, Del Poirier, Lisa Powaser, Ann Putz, Charles Quinn, Michael Radocaj, Jr., Marge Raymond, Maxine Raymond, Tamra Ream, Rowan Reinhard, Deloris Reminder, Priscilla Reminder, Ann Renaud, Christopher Renaud, Mary Reynolds, Lauren Riker, Charles Risch, Dan Robb, Rick Roy, Ryan Robertson, Lisa Sant, Dominick & Angelina Savano, Mary Ann Savanyo, Mary Schiffert, Carl Schleicher, Gloria Schratz, John Scorzelli, Leona Scott, Lucy Senech, Georgian Shasko, Pat Sheridan, Daniel Paul Smith, Diane Smith, Matthew Smith, Margaret Snyder, Raquel Sobecki, Ryan Sparks, George Steele, Ann Stevens, Pattie Stevens, Edna Stokes, David Storck, Jameson Sullivan, Joseph Sweetman, Eddie Switaj, Mary Jo Terry, Dan & Madeline Tesin, Elizabeth Toppi, Terri Tunney, Florence Vallad, George Van Denberg, Mike Vasas, Eleanor Vereb, James Vickroy, Elizabeth Vivoda, James Walcott, Barbara Walega, Ruth Williams, Fr. Gene Wojtewicz, Donna Wood, Mary Catherine Wright Society of Notre Dame de Bon Secours “Helping Local Families In Need” Golfers Needed! The Society of Notre Dame de Bon Secours 9th Annual Family Golf Outing is coming up on Saturday, July 18th at Fox Creek Golf Course in Livonia. It is not too late to sign-up and support families in need from our local area! Our annual golf outing is one of the major fundraisers for the year, and we could really use your support and participation with this worthy event. Our Golf Package provides each golfer 18 holes w/cart, door prizes and meals for only $75 per golfer! We will also be raffling off some great items for our participants! Foursomes & Individual golfer registrations are gratefully accepted. Please join the Society in fellowship, as we enjoy a round of golf, and raise funds to help local families during these challenging times. For more information, please contact Carrie Ryckman @ 248-890-2872 or carrieryckman@hotmail.com NURSE MINISTRY NOTES Next weekend will be a busy one at our parish. Festival time is here and much needs to be done. If you have not yet volunteered to help there is still time. Our community has always come together for successful events. If you can give several hours or just one hour, please help. You can have fun and meet those people you often see at Mass but never have gotten to know well. Over the past two decades, there has been a growing body of research that volunteering provides individual health benefits in addition to social benefits. According to the website, pointsoflife.org, those who volunteer have lower mortality rates, greater functional ability, and lower rates of depression. Volunteer activities can strengthen the social ties that protect individuals from isolation during difficult times, while the experience of helping others leads to a sense of greater selfworth and trust. So, we hope to see as many of you as we can during this week for set-up, during the festival’s many options for helping out and early next week for tear-down. This is our parish. Parish Nurse Ministry members are planning the Red Cross Blood Drive scheduled for Sunday, July 12th from 8am-2pm at the Parish Center. We will be in the narthex after all Masses the weekend of June 27-28 to schedule donors. Please consider donating this gift of life. The next meeting of OLOA Parish Nurse Ministry will be held Sunday, June 28, 2015 at 1:15pm in the St. Elizabeth Room. Please note the time change for this meeting only. The Christian Service Organization is constantly looking for people who would love to be involved with the hospitality of OLOA Outreach Services! If you feel this could be you please call Marie Gdowski at 313-381-3000 or email me at marieg@loacc.org P.S. The C.S.O. meeting been rescheduled for Sunday, June 14th at 11am in St. Anne’s Room. God Bless, Marie Page 7 OUR LADY OF THE ANGELS 8TH SUMMER PARISH FESTIVAL 2015 JUNE 19, 20 & 21 ONLY 1 WEEK TO GO RIDES GAMES FOOD MUSIC DANCING RIDES: Featuring: MAPLE LEAF AMUSEMENTS Presale Wristbands ~ 4 days $40 Good for Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday MUSIC & DANCING Once again, this year, we are asking for your support to help defray the cost of our festival, by sponsoring the items required to make this a successful festival. Over the next weeks we will list the items that we purchase and the quantity that we use. Fill out the form below, and return it with your check enclosed in an envelope, (Attn: Festival Sponsor), for the items that you wish to sponsor. Your donation can be dropped in the collection basket, at the Parish Office or at the festival sign-up table in the Narthex of the Church. All donations will be acknowledged in our bulletin and on the festival grounds. If you have any questions, please call Jerry or Marge Ziemba at 313-2954985. Item Case Price Cases Needed Chicken Strips Coney Chili Sauce Dearborn Sausage Kegs of Beer Hot Dog Buns Sub Buns Hamburger Buns Rye Bread Potato Pancakes Taco Shells Spanish Rice Potato & Cheese Pierogi FRIDAY 5pm-11pm ANNABELLE ROAD ~ 7pm-11pm SATURDAY 2pm-5pm DJ RICK CANTU ~ 2pm-5pm THE FAVORITES ~ 7pm-11pm $30.35 $ 9.67 $44.00 $87.00 keg $ 1.56 $ 1.26 $ 1.68 $ 2.89 $33.25 $ .20 each $25.00 tray $19.00 / 5 doz. 10 15 18 95 kegs 110 pkgs 150 pkgs 50 pkgs 27 loaves 10 900 10 trays 42 We would like to sponsor the following for our Parish Festival Item: Name: SUNDAY 1pm-10pm POLKA MASS 12:00pm THE MISTY BLUES ~ 1pm-4pm FIFTY AMP FUSE ~ 6pm-10pm GAMES FRIDAY 5-9pm BINGO ~ 5pm-11pm VEGAS ~ 6pm-1am GAME TENT ~ 5pm-9pm SATURDA 4pm-11pm BINGO ~ 4pm-11pm VEGAS ~ 6pm-1am GAME TENT ~ 2pm-pm SUNDAY 2-9pm BINGO ~ 2pm-9pm VEGAS ~ 6pm-10pm GAME TENT ~ 2pm-9pm FOOD BOOTHS AMERICAN POLISH MEXICAN PIZZA PHILLY STEAK ITALIAN ICE CREAM DESSERTS 50/50 DRAWINGS ON THE HOUR FESTIVAL SPONSORSHIP The Festival Committee wishes to thank the following parishioners for their generous Festival Sponsorship: Mary Ann Lapinski Linda Dmytrow Mary Ann & Bob LaForest Bill Garbacz Jim & Robin Partrich Carl Partrich Paul & Pat Ackerman Julia Szatanski Bob & Cindy Cooper Josephine Garcia Tim & Paul Kerrigan George & Deborah Eskridge Linda Fiscelli Joel Dean Ray & Sherry Koson Rose Rotunda Olive Jacques Nick & Sue Urbiel John & Stella Mosella Jim & Diane Balikowski Don & Kathy Jones F.Y.I. We will be starting our Summer hours in July & August. M-T 9am-noon & 1-5pm. Fridays are 9am-noon & 1-3pm. RIGHT TO LIFE - LIFESPAN The Message is Clear! DID YOU KNOW? For the sixth time in a row, the Supreme Court took steps to protect another religious objector from the HHS CONTRACEPTION MANDATE. It ordered a lower court to reconsider its ruling that required a group of Catholic ministries in Michigan to violate their religious beliefs. The Michigan Catholic Conference and other Catholic ministries brought their request to the Supreme Court after a lower court decision would have allowed large IRS fines against the ministries because they, based on their religious beliefs, cannot provide contraceptives and abortion-inducing drugs in their employee health. For more information, call LIFESPAN at 734-422-6230. Page 8 OUR PRAYER GARDEN Downriver Children’s Program Presents Celebration Camp Substance Abuse Prevention Program For ages 5—17 (child care 2 ½ - 4 yrs. old) Free ■ ■ ■ Fun ■ ■ ■ Food ■ ■ ■ Family Christ the King Lutheran Church, 15600 Trenton Rd., Southgate, MI June 15-19, 2015 Family Dinner 5:30, Camp 6:00 — 8:00 PM Through interactive games and activities the children will learn: • Alcohol and other drugs can hurt their minds and bodies • To express feelings and develop positive problem solving skills • To gain self confidence in a safe and caring environment • To find trusting adults who can provide support For camp information call: 734-558-5620 The bricks we ordered several weeks ago were installed in our beautiful Prayer Garden last week. The garden has started to bloom and as we walk through it, we can admire all the different aspects that make it such an attractive part of our Church grounds. A commemorative brick can have a very special meaning. It is a way of remembering someone who has passed away or can serve as a special keepsake to honor family members and friends. We suggest that you take a moment to stroll through the garden and look at the many bricks honoring loved ones and the plants and flowers that make the garden a quiet place to spend a few moments enjoying the peaceful atmosphere. The garden is a memento befitting our parish that signifies the love and unity that draws us closer together as God’s family. Bricks can be purchased by either filling out the form in the Parish Office or on the Parish website. The cost is $110 with 3 lines of inscription. Each line can accommodate 14 characters including the spaces. Symbols can also be inscribed on the bricks at a cost of $5.00 for each one. The form with the symbols is available in the parish office. Please consider buying a brick to honor those who are important to you. Groups will be divided by age Young groups - Will be working on awesome art projects, along with learning about life skills and having more fun with other projects and video’s. Middle School - Will be working on awesome art projects, along with learning about alcohol by using a comic book collection as a learning tool. Teens - The older teens will be looking at court cases and how drugs and alcohol affects not just the individual but others as well. We will also be having fun! Parents and caregivers - The time provided for parents and caregivers allows for learning new tools and skills for yourself and the youth in your lives. It will be a good time for discussion and opportunities to know you are not alone. For registration information and questions call 734-942-2273, ext. 242 You can register on line at www.signupgenius.com In the top right hand corner, click “Find a Sign Up” and search by e-mail: pitoniam@oakwood.org Or Send a completed form to: Taylor Teen Health Center, 26650 Eureka Rd., Suite B, Taylor, MI 48180 Attention: Mallory Teglash Please fill out the registration form completely. Once finished you must send the form to the address as provided above. _______________________________________________________________________ Please provide first and last name with each child Child 1 ________________________________ age ______ special need / allergy ____ Child 2 ________________________________ age ______ special need / allergy ____ Child 3 ________________________________ age ______ special need / allergy ____ Child 4 ________________________________ age ______ special need / allergy ____ Child 5 ________________________________ age ______ special need / allergy ____ Explain special need / allergy: ______________________________________________ Childcare needed: _______________________________________ Ages: ___________ Who does child live with? _________________________________________________ Parent / guardian: _________________________ Attend parent group: Yes __ No __ Address: __________________________ City: __________________ Zip _________ Phone # ( ) ________________ E-mail _____________________________ # of attendees for dinner? M ___ T ___ W ___ T ___ F ___ Downriver Children’s Program & Camp would like to thank our sponsors: Christ the King Lutheran Church, Colina Foundation, Downriver Christian Service Coordinators, Exchange Club of Trenton, The Guidance Center, Henry Ford HS Maple grove Children’s Program, Oakwood Healthcare System, Oakwood Taylor Teen Health Center, Grosse Ile Presbyterian Church, Our Lady of the Angels, Riverview Kiwanis, Southgate Kiwanis, St. Vincent Pallotti Church Wyandotte, Taylor Substance Abuse Prevention Task Force Page 9 Dear Lord Jesus and Mary Mother of God, hold all these brave souls in the palm of your hand; comfort them and their families. Send angels of protection, love and comfort to all the service men and women still at war. Bring them home safely and comfort to all the service men and women still at war. Bring them home safely and comfort their families. We ask this through Christ, Our Lord. Amen. Petty Officer, Patrick C. Dauphinais SSG Lepine, Christopher COL David Fleckenstein ~ Army LT Michael A. Molnar ~ Navy Daniel J. Lyson ~ Navy CPT Glen Dowling MST Sgt Brian Dimock Joshua Maloney ~ Australian Army David Maloney ~ Australian Army Justin Dean ~ Marines SSG Andrew Guingona Sp. Airman Matthew Atton ~ Air Force CPL Gregory Ruoss ~ Marines Joseph Galbraith PVT Joseph Kimes ~ Army Samuel Stahl ~ U.S. Marines SR Wilson, Andrew C. ~ Navy Donald Johnson ~ Korea ST. ALOYSIUS 1234 Washington Blvd., Detroit We are in critical need of the following items to carry on our street ministry at St. Aloysius downtown: White men’s socks Hygiene kit supplies Small toothpaste Soaps Wash clothes Razors Tooth brushes Hand lotion Small shampoos Quart and Sandwich bag sized plastic seal -able bags. Please feel free to call Mike Carsten at 810-814-0047 for further information. Page 10 Our Lady of the Scapular This Week in our Parish VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL Events and Activities Tell me the Stories of Jesus! June 22-26, 2015 9 am - noon The Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time June 14 Masses: 8:00am, 10am, 12 noon 11am ~ Christian Service mtg. ~ St. Ann 1:15pm ~ Baptism ~ Ch 6:30-8pm ~ Youth Group mtg. ~ PC Monday, June 15 8:45am Mass Festival Set-Up 7:30pm ~ Men’s Prayer Group Tuesday, June 16 8:45am~ Mass Festival Set-Up 6:30pm ~ Finance meeting ~ S.H. NO WORSHIP MEETING Wednesday, June 17 NO MASS OR PRAYER SERVICE Festival Set-UP Thursday, June 18 NO ADORATION FESTIVAL SET-UP Friday, June 19 FESTIVAL Saturday, June 20 FESTIVAL NO CONFESSIONS 4pm ~ Mass Our Lady of the Scapular, Tenth Street at Superior Blvd., Wyandotte • For children kindergarten-Grade 7 ($25 per child or $50 per family) • Bible stories, games, crafts, songs, prayers, snacks, and more! • Parents invited daily to “Share and Prayer” in the church at 11:30 am. • Closing program for parents Friday at 11:30 am. • Volunteers grades 8 through adults still needed. • All children and families invited to participate in the 4th of July Parade. Call Mrs. Debbie Bloomfield 734-934-2599 to register or register online at: OLScapularVBS.eventbrite.com Vacation Bible School REGISTRATION ( ) $25 per child age 5 (entering kindergarten) through 7th grade ( ) $50 family rate (checks payable to: Our Lady of the Scapular) ( ) Parent/Adult will volunteer and receive discount (please call 734-934-2599 ( ) Student volunteer (8th - 12th grade) counselor (complete information below & return) Name(s) of Children Full Name grade in ________________________________________________________ _______ ________________________________________________________ _______ ________________________________________________________ ________ Address: ________________________________ City ______________________ Day Phone: ( )_____________________ emergency number _______________ Church ______________________________ School __________________________ E-mail _______________________________________________________________ Parent Signature ________________________________________________________ Return to: Vacation Bible School, Our Lady of the Scapular, 976 Pope John Paul II Ave., Wyandotte, MI 48192 Class of 2016 High School Seniors / College Seniors and Parents You are invited to: Ave Fest 2015 Hosted by Tom Monaghan Founder - Ave Maria University & Ave Maria School of Law Thursday, June 25, 6:00pm - 9:00pm at the Monaghan Residence in Ann Arbor Join us for a Summer Picnic BBQ Picnic, Beverages & Sundae Bar, Live Music, Time your fastball with Radar Gun, Longest Drive/Closest to the Pin, Door Prizes & More! FREE - Registration required by Wednesday, June 17 to attend! Register today at: www.avemariafoundation.org Attention Engaged and Married Couples! Natural Family Planning (NFP) is the answer you’re looking for! Where can you conveniently find a class? Classes are now offered by the Couple to Couple League in person and online! See www.ccli.org or call 313-451 -4NFP for an upcoming class series and other answers to making your marriage more successful. BETHANY SOUTH DOWNRIVER EVENTS Bethany is a Catholic organization under the auspices of the Archdiocese of the Detroit Office of youth and family, providing peer support to the divorced and separated of all Christian faiths. Friday, June 19—3rd Friday in Wyandotte - - Meet at 7pm in front of Stroh’s ice cream, then stroll along Biddle or Bishop Park. Meet back at Stroh’s for ice cream. Saturday, June 20—Our Lady of the Angels Festival - - 6442 Pelham Rd. in Taylor. Meet in the entertainment tent at 7pm. Entertainment will be provided by “The Favorites Band” Page 11 FROM THE CONTEMPORARY MUSIC GROUP: There are still a few CD’s left (music set to song by the Contemporary Music Group.) And it only costs $5!! If you didn’t pick one up when we first offered them a few months ago, please see me (Susi) before or after noon Mass. I’ll also leave a few copies at the rectory. We had extras made, so if you didn’t know about it and want to get one now please do. Over the last few months, we’ve received much positive feedback about the CD. So please pick one up and experience His peace through music!! *SCLERODERMA SUPPORT GROUP* BULLETIN BOARD Meets the Third Friday of Every Month at 11am-1pm. *Guest Speakers +Refreshments + Handouts. A LOW INCOME FAMILY IS IN NEED OF A COUCH & CHAIR *Support Group Leader - Annie Valle avalle1930@hotmail.com, 313-291-2055 IF YOU CAN BE OF HELP CALL St. Vincent de Paul Office 313-381-3000 x109 2 Children ~ Monday & Tuesdays 7:00am - 4:00pm If interested call: Marsha @ 810-394-5713 *Join us! PIA’S RISTORANTE ITALIANO OAKWOOD HERITAGE HOSPITAL 313-383-1309 • Italian & American Food • Carry Out & Home Delivery Baby Sitter Needed in the Taylor Area *Meeting Location: Our Lady of the Angels Church 6442 Pelham, Taylor, MI 48180. • Banquets Up to 175 people 21142 ECORSE RD., TAYLOR www.piaspizza.com Oakwood Heritage Hospital in Taylor is in need of Eucharistic Ministers. Experience is not necessary, we will train you. If you are interested please call Angela McCarty at 313-291-1997.
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Christian Service Coordinator: