paquete de inscripción
paquete de inscripción
PAQUETE DE INSCRIPCIÓN Negocio con actividad relacionada con Autos Para completar su inscripción necesitamos los siguientes documentos: Formulario de Inscripción -Para un negocio Copia de licencia de negocio (Actividad relacionada con autos) Después que su licencia sea aprobada, tiene 30 días para entregar traducción en Ingles notariada. Contrato De Exportación Dirigida Carta Poder para Firmar y Enviar Títulos Ohio Solicitud De Compra (Para comprar en las subastas de Ohio) Texas VTR-901 Certificado de Comprador (Para comprar en las subastas de Texas) Forma de Identificación Vigente (Con foto y firma) $200 USD Costo de Inscripción Certificados de Reventa Para que sus compras sean exentas de impuestos, donde sea permitido, hay que completar estos certificados de reventa. California Florida MRC (varios estados donde es permitido) Envíe sus documentos de inscripción vía: Correo electrónico: (Favor de escanear o tomar foto digital) Fax: 001.630.382.5628 Insurance Auto Auctions | ATTN: Buyer Services | Two Westbrook Corporate Center Suite 500 | Westchester, IL 60154 Teléfono: 001.708.492.7080 | Fax: 001.630.382.5628 | E-mail: 05.01.2015 PAGINA DE CONTENIDO Formulario de Inscripción __________________________________________________ 1 Complete el formulario de inscripción y no olvide que la firma debe ser igual a la firma de la identificación que esta usando para inscribirse. Para tener acceso a su Centro de Subastas y poder hacer ofertas en línea, necesitamos un correo electrónico. Contrato De Exportación Dirigida ___________________________________________ 2 Todo negocio con actividad relacionada con autos fuera de los EE.UU. será inscrito como Exportador y tendrá que completar este formulario. Carta Poder para Firmar y Enviar Títulos ______________________________________ 3 La carta poder es para tener registrado quien puede firmar los documentos de venta y para instrucciones de entrega. Para correo normal o FedEx la dirección tiene que ser en los EE.UU.. Ohio - Solicitud de Compra ________________________________________________ 5 Completando este formulario podrá comprar autos listados para un “Exportador” en las subastas de Ohio. Texas VTR-901 Cert. de Comprador (Para comprar en los remates de Texas) ________________________________________ 7 Completando este formulario podrá comprar autos listados para un “Texas Foreign Buyer” en las subastas de Texas. Certificado de Reventa Para que sus compras sean exentas de impuestos, hay que completar los certificado de reventa de los estados donde va comprar autos. Por favor seguir las instrucciones de la muestra y enviar solo el formulario completado y firmado. California ______________________________________________________________ 8 Florida________________________________________________________________ 10 MRC (donde sea permitido)________________________________________________ 12 Licencias Adicionales Requeridas Para 5 Estados (Bid Card) _____________________________________________________________ 14 Hay cinco estados que requieren de una Licencia adicional antes de poder comprar es sus remates. Estos estados son: Alabama Michigan Nevada Utah Wisconsin Solo Michigan y Wisconsin ofrecen esta Licencia para un Exportador. Para mayores informes, favor de comunicarse directamente con la oficina del estado. Insurance Auto Auctions | ATTN: Buyer Services | Two Westbrook Corporate Center Suite 500 | Westchester, IL 60154 Teléfono: 001.708.492.7080 | Fax: 001.630.382.5628 | E-mail: 05.1.2015 SOLICITUD PARA COMPRADOR COMERCIAL 1 INFORMACIÓN DEL COMPRADOR Nombre de Negocio: _______________________________________________________________________________________ Nombre: _______________________________________________ Apellido: _________________________________________ UBICACIÓN (no Casilla Postal) Dirección: ______________________________________________________________________________________________ Ciudad:____________________________ Estado: ___________________ Codigo postal: ___________ País: ______________ Telefono: ___________________________ Fax: ______________________________ Celular ___________________________ DIRECCIÓN POSTAL (si es diferente que ubicacion principal) Numero de calle: ________________________________________________________________________________________ Ciudad:__________________________ Estado: _________________ Codigo posta: _______________ País: _______________ Forma de Identificación Vigente (Con foto y firma) Numero: ____________________ Ciudad/País: ___________________________ Fecha de vencimiento: __________________ 2 3 INFORMACIÓN DE USARIO PARA EL CENTRO DE SUBASTAS Esta sección debe ser completada si desea acceso a nuestras subastas por internet. ¿DESEA ACCESO AL CENTRO DE SUBASTAS? No (Si no, prosiga a la seccion de licencia) Correo electrónico: NOMBRE DE USUARIO (4-15 letras o numeros. Sin espacio) ___________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ LICENCIA CON ACTIVIDAD RELACIONADA CON AUTOS Fotocopia requerida NUMERO DE LICENCIA: ________________________________ 4 Si FECHA DE INSCRIPCION: ________________________ El comprador registrado firmante (propietario, socio, presidente) ha leido y acepta los terminos, politicas, condiciones e informacion establecidas en las “Reglas de Subastas” de Insurance Auto Auctions y en los “Terminos de Uso” del sitio web de IAA y reconoce que el cumplimiento de los mismos es una condición para seguir siendo comprador en buenos terminos con Insurance Auto Auctions. Firma del comprador registrado: __________________________________________ Fecha: _______________________________ Insurance Auto Auctions | ATTN: Buyer Services | Two Westbrook Corporate Center Suite 500 | Westchester, IL 60154 Teléfono: 001.708.492.7080 | Fax: 001.630.382.5628 | E-mail: 05.1.2015 1 CONTRATO DE EXPORTACIÓN DIRIGIDA Yo, ____________________________________________, (firmante) acuerda a las siguientes condiciones relativas a la exportación de vehículos adquiridos en las instalaciones de la subasta de Insurance Auto Auctions, Inc. (“IAAI”). A menos que se acuerde expresamente de otro modo por escrito con respecto a la compra de un vehículo particular, cualquier y todas las transacciones de exportación de tales compras serán incluidas en “Contrato de exportación Dirigida”, en la que el firmante está actuando como la Parte Principal de relaciones Exteriores de Interés (“FPPI”). A medida que el FPPI, los firmantes autorizará un agente de reenvío de EE.UU. para facilitar la exportación de dichos vehículos de los Estados Unidos y preparar y presentar toda la información necesaria de Exportación Electrónica (EEI). IAA liberara los vehículos comprados por el firmante FPPI a través de los sistemas de subastas de IAA al Agente de remisión en los Estados Unidos del FPPI. El firmante FPPI está de acuerdo en que ni IAA ni los proveedores que venden vehículos a través de las instalaciones de subastas de IAA será el exportador bajo el Reglamento de Administración de Exportaciones (“EAR”) en tales transacciones de exportación en ruta. El FPPI también reconoce que los vehículos comprados a través de las instalaciones de la subasta IAA podrían, potencialmente, ser sujetos a requisitos de licencia de exportación. Al firmar esta carta, el FPPI acuerda llevar a cabo con respecto a los vehículos comprados a través de las instalaciones de subastas de IAA, las siguientes responsabilidades: (1) para determinar los requisitos de licencia de exportación aplicables, (2) para obtener cualquier licencia de exportación necesarios y / o cualquier otra forma de autorización de exportación requerida, (3) para llevar a cabo todas las formalidades aduaneras para la exportación de los vehículos, y (4) autorizar al Agente de remisión los EE.UU, quien será el exportador para propósitos del EAR, y actuar en nombre del FPPI en conexión con la exportación de dichos vehículos y para preparar y presentar la EEI y las solicitudes de exportación requiere licencia. Reconocido y aceptado (Nombre del FPPI) ______________________________________________ (Firma del dueño registrado) _____________________ Por favor, haga que el propietario registrado de su empresa firme esta carta para indicar que el FPPI reconoce y de acepta los términos anteriormente presentados, y devuelva una copia firmada de este acuerdo al contacto de IAA señalado en la parte inferior. Las futuras versiones de los vehículos adquiridos por el IAA FPPI a EE.UU. el Agente de Transferencia FPPI están supeditados a la recepción de este acuerdo firmado. Insurance Auto Auctions | ATTN: Buyer Services | Two Westbrook Corporate Center Suite 500 | Westchester, IL 60154 Teléfono: 001. 708.492.7080 | Fax: 001.630.382.5628 | E-mail: 05.1.2015 2 CARTA PODER PARA FIRMA Y ENTREGA DE DOCUMENTO DE VENTA Elija una de las cuatro opciones. Esto es solo para documentos de venta que están disponibles al momento de la subasta. Elija una de las tres opciones. Esto es solo para documentos de venta que no están disponibles al momento de la subasta. Si elige pagar los $12 por envío de FedEx, recuerde que hay que pagarlo primero antes que la subasta pueda enviar el documento. 3 POWER OF ATTORNEY 1 FOR TITLE SIGNING AND FORWARDING TITLE SIGNING Power of attorney to authorize the following individual or company to sign title(s), odometer disclosure statements and other necessary document(s) only on behalf of the registered buyer in connection with sales of vehicles to such registered buyer. I, do hereby make, constitute (Account Owner ) and appoint (IAA, Company Name or Individual) as his/her or its lawful attorney in fact (“Attorney in Fact”), to sign, on behalf of Buyer, all papers and documents required to transfer to Buyer interest in any and all vehicles purchased by buyer through Insurance Auto Auctions, granting to the Attorney in fact full power to sign all documents as Buyer might or could do if personally present; and hereby ratifying and confirming all document signing that the Attorney in Fact shall do or cause to be done by virtue of the authority herein given. This Power of Attorney applies to the signing of vehicle sale documents at all IAA locations 2 TITLE FORWARDING Please be advised that Titles/Sale Documents/Odometer Disclosure Statements for all vehicles purchased on behalf of ____________________________________________________________________________ (Business Name or if Public Buyer, First and Last Name) AVAILABLE AT TIME OF AUCTION OFF SITE / TBO (TO BE OBTAINED) requested to be (choose one): requested to be (choose one): Given to Buyer Given to Buyer Given to Transporter Regular Mail to U.S. address below (IAA is not responsible if lost or stolen) Regular Mail to U.S. address below (IAA is not responsible if lost or stolen) FedEx 2Day Service to U.S. address below FedEx 2Day Service to U.S. address below Buyer's FedEx Account#: _________________________ IAA FedEx ($12 must be paid first before title can be shipped via FedEx) 3 Company/Individual Name: Address: State: City: Zip: Email: Phone: 4 Buyer's FedEx Account#: _________________________ IAA FedEx ($12 must be paid first before title can be shipped via FedEx) Signature of Account Owner Buyer Number Date Insurance Auto Auctions | ATTN: Buyer Services | Two Westbrook Corporate Center Suite 500 | Westchester, IL 60154 05.01.2015 Teléfono: 001. 708.492.7080 Fax: 001.630.382.5628 | E-mail: 4 SOLICITUD DE COMPRA EN OHIO Buyer #: __________________ Número de comprador si ya está inscrito DECLARATION PURSUSANT TO OH REVISED CODE SEC. 4738.021(A)(3) (FOREIGN AND QUALIFYING OUT OF STATE) Buyer Information Nombre del negocio Company Name: _________________________________________________________________________________________ Nombre del dueño de la cuenta Owner (officer, partner) Name: ______________________________________________________________________________ Dirección Street Address:__________________________________________________________________________________________ City: _________________________________________________ State: ____________ Zip: _____________________________ País Country: ___________________________________________ THE ABOVE NAMED BUYER (“BUYER”) DOES HEREBY DECLARE, UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY, THAT THE BUYER IS AUTHORIZED TO PURCHASE SALVAGE VEHICLES IN THE BUYER’S HOME JURISDICTION AND THAT THE BUYER’S HOME JURISDICTION ISSUES NO LICENSE WITH RESPECT TO SUCH PURCHASES. Firma del dueño de la cuenta ____________________________________________ (Signature) Puesto en la compañía ____________________________________________ (Title) S E U Fecha ____________________________________ (Date) A R T Note: This form is to be used by a used motor vehicle dealer, automotive recycler, salvage dealer, salvage dismantler, junk yard, scrap metal processing facility authorized to purchase salvage motor vehicles by another state, country, or jurisdiction. M 5 Buyer #: __________________ DECLARATION PURSUSANT TO OH REVISED CODE SEC. 4738.021(A)(3) (FOREIGN AND QUALIFYING OUT OF STATE) Buyer Information Company Name: _________________________________________________________________________________________ Owner (officer, partner) Name: ______________________________________________________________________________ Street Address:___________________________________________________________________________________________ City: _________________________________________________ State: ____________ Zip: _____________________________ Country: ___________________________________________ THE ABOVE NAMED BUYER (“BUYER”) DOES HEREBY DECLARE, UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY, THAT THE BUYER IS AUTHORIZED TO PURCHASE SALVAGE VEHICLES IN THE BUYER’S HOME JURISDICTION AND THAT THE BUYER’S HOME JURISDICTION ISSUES NO LICENSE WITH RESPECT TO SUCH PURCHASES. ____________________________________________ (Signature) ____________________________________ (Date) ____________________________________________ (Title) Note: This form is to be used by a used motor vehicle dealer, automotive recycler, salvage dealer, salvage dismantler, junk yard, scrap metal processing facility authorized to purchase salvage motor vehicles by another state, country, or jurisdiction. 6 CERTIFICADO DE COMPRADORVENTA UNICAMENTE PARA EXPORTACION VTR - 901 (11/09) DHT # 160970 Fecha de Venta De acuerdo con el Código Texano de Transporte, §501.099, si usted no es un residente de Estados Unidos, Usted solo puede comprar un vehículo no reparable o de chatarra de un comerciante de chatarra o de una entidad gubernamental. El vendedor debe obtener una copia legible de su identificación fotográfico, otorgado por la jurisdicción donde usted reside. INFORMACION SOBRE VENDEDOR (Comerciante de Chatarra o Entidad Gubernamental ) Insurance Auto Auctions DIRECCION NOBRE DEL VENDEDOR 1000 Dalton Lane, Austin, TX 78742 CUIDAD, ESTADO, CODIGO POSTAL INFORMACION SOBRE COMPRADOR NUMERO DE COMERCIANTE DE CHATARRA ( SI APPLICABLE) #1 #2 #3 NOMBRE DEL COMPRADOR DIRECCION PAIS NUMERO DE IDENTIFICACION PAIS EMISOR #4 TIPO DE IDENTIFICACION La siguiente información debe ser llenada y enviada a IAA antes del próximo remate 1. Nombre de negocio 2. Numero de comprador (si ya esta registrado) 3. Nombre del dueño de la cuenta 4. Forma de identificación (licencia de manejar, visa o pasaporte) 5. Firma 6. Imprima su nombre 7. Fecha ENTIENDO QUE TODOS LOS VEHÍCULOS SE DEBEN EXPORTAR Y NO PUEDEN VOLVER A LOS ESTADOS UNIDOS PARA NINGÚN PROPÓSITO Yo, suscrito, certifico que, de acuerdo con el Código Texano de Transporte, §501.099, Venta de Vehículos para Exportación Únicamente, yo: Quitare el/los vehículo(s) arriba descrito(s) de los Estados Unidos; NO devolveré estos vehículos a ningún estado de los Estados Unidos bajo pretexto de ser registrados o intitulados con un número de identificación del fabricante; y NO conduciré ni permitiré que se conduzcan los vehículos arriba citados sobre carreteras públicas. #5 FIRMA DEL COMPRADOR #6 NOMBRE ESCRITO EN LETRA DE MOLDE #7 FECHA 7 AVISO: El Código de Transporte, §501.155, provee que el falsificar información sobre documentos de transferencia representa un delito de tercer grado punible con encarcelamiento de un máximo de diez años y un mínimo de dos años. Además de encarcelamiento, también se podrá imponer una multa de hasta $10,000. Buyer #: __________________ Número de comprador si ya está inscrito California Resale Certificate -Sales by Auto Auctions and Auto Dismantlers Sales of “vehicles” as defined in Regulation 1566.1, subdivision (a)(2), at auction or by dismantlers licensed under the California Vehicle Code are presumed to be retail sales and not sales for resale unless the seller timely takes a valid resale certificate from any person specified in paragraph 2 below. The resale certificate must include the purchaser’s license or registration number, if applicable. I HEREBY CERTIFY: 1. A R T S E _____I hold valid California seller’s permit number: ________________________________________________ X am not required to hold a California seller’s permit because I do not make any sales in the State. _____I 2. I certify (check statement that applies and provide your license or registration number, if applicable): U M _____I am licensed, registered, regulated, or certificated under the California Health and Safety Code or the California Vehicle Code as a dealer or dismantler. My California license or registration number is: ______________________________________________. _____I am licensed, registered, regulated, or certificated under the California Business and Professions Code as an automotive repair dealer. My California license or registration number is: ______________________________________________. _____I am qualified as a scrap metal processor as described in the California Vehicle Code. X am not registered or licensed in California, but I am licensed, registered, regulated, certificated, or _____I otherwise authorized as a dealer, dismantler, automotive repairer, or scrap metal processor in the following jurisdiction outside the state of California: Número de Licencia País State/Country________________ Registration/License Number, if applicable_______________________ 3. de Negocio IAA This certificate is for the purchase from _____________________________ of the property described below. [Vendor’s name] 4. I will resell the item(s) described in paragraph 5, which I am purchasing for resale in the form of tangible personal property in the regular course of my business operations, and I will do so prior to making any storage, use, or other consumption of the item(s) other than retention, demonstration, and display while holding the item(s) for sale in the regular course of my business. I understand that if I use the item(s) purchased under this certificate in any manner other than as just described, I will owe use tax based on each item’s purchase price or as otherwise provided by law. 5. Autos Description of property to be purchased: ________________________________________________________ 6. I have read and understand the following: A person may be guilty of a misdemeanor under California Revenue and Taxation Code section 6094.5 if the purchaser knows at the time of purchase that he or she will not resell the purchased item prior to any use (other than retention, demonstration, or display while holding it for resale) and he or she furnishes a resale certificate to avoid payment to the seller of an amount as tax. Additionally, a person misusing a resale certificate for personal gain or to evade the payment of tax is liable, for each purchase, for the tax that would have been due, plus a penalty of 10 percent of the tax or $500, whichever is more. Name of Purchaser Signature of Purchaser, Purchaser’s Employee or Authorized Representative Firma del dueño de la cuenta Printed Name of Person Signing Imprimir nombre del dueño de la cuenta Title Puesto en la compañía Address of Purchaser Dirección Telephone Number Teléfono Date Fecha 8 Buyer #: __________________ California Resale Certificate -Sales by Auto Auctions and Auto Dismantlers Sales of “vehicles” as defined in Regulation 1566.1, subdivision (a)(2), at auction or by dismantlers licensed under the California Vehicle Code are presumed to be retail sales and not sales for resale unless the seller timely takes a valid resale certificate from any person specified in paragraph 2 below. The resale certificate must include the purchaser’s license or registration number, if applicable. I HEREBY CERTIFY: 1. _____I hold valid California seller’s permit number: ________________________________________________ _____I am not required to hold a California seller’s permit because I do not make any sales in the State. 2. I certify (check statement that applies and provide your license or registration number, if applicable): _____I am licensed, registered, regulated, or certificated under the California Health and Safety Code or the California Vehicle Code as a dealer or dismantler. My California license or registration number is: ______________________________________________. _____I am licensed, registered, regulated, or certificated under the California Business and Professions Code as an automotive repair dealer. My California license or registration number is: ______________________________________________. _____I am qualified as a scrap metal processor as described in the California Vehicle Code. _____I am not registered or licensed in California, but I am licensed, registered, regulated, certificated, or otherwise authorized as a dealer, dismantler, automotive repairer, or scrap metal processor in the following jurisdiction outside the state of California: State/Country________________ Registration/License Number, if applicable_______________________ 3. This certificate is for the purchase from _____________________________ of the property described below. [Vendor’s name] 4. I will resell the item(s) described in paragraph 5, which I am purchasing for resale in the form of tangible personal property in the regular course of my business operations, and I will do so prior to making any storage, use, or other consumption of the item(s) other than retention, demonstration, and display while holding the item(s) for sale in the regular course of my business. I understand that if I use the item(s) purchased under this certificate in any manner other than as just described, I will owe use tax based on each item’s purchase price or as otherwise provided by law. 5. Description of property to be purchased: ________________________________________________________ 6. I have read and understand the following: A person may be guilty of a misdemeanor under California Revenue and Taxation Code section 6094.5 if the purchaser knows at the time of purchase that he or she will not resell the purchased item prior to any use (other than retention, demonstration, or display while holding it for resale) and he or she furnishes a resale certificate to avoid payment to the seller of an amount as tax. Additionally, a person misusing a resale certificate for personal gain or to evade the payment of tax is liable, for each purchase, for the tax that would have been due, plus a penalty of 10 percent of the tax or $500, whichever is more. Name of Purchaser Signature of Purchaser, Purchaser’s Employee or Authorized Representative Printed Name of Person Signing Title Address of Purchaser Telephone Number Date 9 Buyer #: __________________ Número de comprador si ya está inscrito BLANKET AFFIDAVIT FOR PURCHASE OF MOTOR VEHICLES BY NONRESIDENT DEALER FOR RESALE OUTSIDE FLORIDA Nombre del negocio Florida Dealer:___Insurance Auto Auctions____________ Nonresident Dealer: _______________________________ Address: Two Westbrook Corporate Center, Suite 500___ Address: _______________________________________ _Westchester, IL 60154 ___________________ ______________________________________ Sales Tax No.: _80-8015716399-9, 80-8015716434-3___ Sales Tax No.: ___________________________________ Dirección License No.: _____________________________________ Número de pasaporte o Visa Passport or Visa No.: _______________________________ A R T General description of the kind of property to be purchased for resale: ANY AND ALL MOTOR VEHICLES Before me, the undersigned, personally appeared the individual whose name and address is shown below, who certified that he is authorized to execute this document for the nonresident motor vehicle dealer named above; that all motor vehicles purchased from the Florida motor vehicle dealer named above will be transported outside Florida for resale and for no other purpose; and that the purchaser is licensed and registered as a motor vehicle dealer in the state or country and at the address shown above. S E U M ACKNOWLEDGMENT State of ______________________ ) County of ____________________ ) On this ______ day of _________________, 20_____ before me, _______________________________________ (insert name and title of notary officer) personally appeared _____________________________________, who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory (insert name and title of the owner/officer of the company) evidence to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signatures(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of ___________________ that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. WITNESS my hand and official seal. Firma del dueño de la cuenta Signature: ___________________________________ Non Resident Dealer Signature:_________________________ Imprimir nombre My commission expires: ________________________ Printed Dealer Name: _________________________________ NOTARY SEAL 10 Buyer #: __________________ BLANKET AFFIDAVIT FOR PURCHASE OF MOTOR VEHICLES BY NONRESIDENT DEALER FOR RESALE OUTSIDE FLORIDA Florida Dealer:___Insurance Auto Auctions____________ Nonresident Dealer: _______________________________ Address: Two Westbrook Corporate Center, Suite 500___ Address: _______________________________________ _Westchester, IL 60154 ___________________ ______________________________________ Sales Tax No.: _80-8015716399-9, 80-8015716434-3___ Sales Tax No.: ___________________________________ License No.: _____________________________________ Passport or Visa No.: ______________________________ General description of the kind of property to be purchased for resale: ANY AND ALL MOTOR VEHICLES Before me, the undersigned, personally appeared the individual whose name and address is shown below, who certified that he is authorized to execute this document for the nonresident motor vehicle dealer named above; that all motor vehicles purchased from the Florida motor vehicle dealer named above will be transported outside Florida for resale and for no other purpose; and that the purchaser is licensed and registered as a motor vehicle dealer in the state or country and at the address shown above. ACKNOWLEDGMENT State of ______________________ ) County of ____________________ ) On this ______ day of _________________, 20_____ before me, _______________________________________ (insert name and title of notary officer) personally appeared _____________________________________, who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory (insert name and title of the owner/officer of the company) evidence to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signatures(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of ___________________ that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. WITNESS my hand and official seal. Signature: ___________________________________ Non Resident Dealer Signature:_________________________ My commission expires: ________________________ Printed Dealer Name: _________________________________ NOTARY SEAL 11 Número de comprador si ya está inscrito Buyer #: __________________ UNIFORM SALES & USE TAX CERTIFICATE—MULTIJURISDICTION The below-listed states have indicated that this form of certificate is acceptable, subject to the notes on pages 2-4. The issuer and the recipient have the responsibility of determining the proper use of this certificate under applicable laws in each state, as these may change from time to time. Insurance Auto Auctions Issued to Seller: ________________________________________________________________________________________ Two Westbrook Corporate Center, Suite 500, Westchester, IL 60154 Address: _____________________________________________________________________________________________ I certify that: Name of Firm (Buyer): ________________________________ Nombre del negocio Address: ___________________________________________ Dirección __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ is engaged as a registered Wholesaler Retailer Manufacturer Seller (California) Lessor (see notes on pages 2-4) Exporter X Other (Specify)_____________ _________________________________________________________ and is registered with the below listed states and cities within which your firm would deliver purchases to us and that any such purchases are for wholesale, resale, ingredients or components of a new product or service1 to be resold, leased, or rented in the normal course of business. We are in the business of wholesaling, retailing, manufacturing, leasing (renting) the following: Description of Business: ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Aquí escriba - Auto Exporter General description of tangible property or taxable services to be purchased from the seller: _______________________________________ Aquí escriba - Autos ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ State AL1 AR AZ2 CA3 CO4 CT5 DC6 FL7 GA8 HI4,9 ID IL4,10 IA KS KY11 ME12 MD13 MI14 MN15 State Registration, Seller’s Permit, or ID Number of Purchaser ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ State MO16 NE17 NV NJ NM4,18 NC19 ND OH20 OK21 PA22 RI23 SC SD24 TN TX25 UT VT WA26 WI27 State Registration, Seller’s Permit, or ID Number of Purchaser ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ A R T S E U M ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ I further certify that if any property or service so purchased tax free is used or consumed by the firm as to make it subject to a Sales or use Tax we will pay the tax due directly to the proper taxing authority when state law so provides or inform the seller for added tax billing. This certificate shall be a part of each order which we may hereafter give to you, unless otherwise specified, and shall be valid until canceled by us in writing or revoked by the city or state. Under penalties of perjury, I swear or affirm that the information on this form is true and correct as to every material matter. Authorized Signature:_______________________________________________________________ Firma del dueño de la cuenta (Owner, Partner or Corporate Officer) Title: ____________________________________________________________________________ Puesto en la compañía Date: ____________________________________________________________________________ Fecha Revised 12/2011 12 Buyer #: __________________ UNIFORM SALES & USE TAX CERTIFICATE—MULTIJURISDICTION The below-listed states have indicated that this form of certificate is acceptable, subject to the notes on pages 2-4. The issuer and the recipient have the responsibility of determining the proper use of this certificate under applicable laws in each state, as these may change from time to time. Insurance Auto Auctions Issued to Seller: ________________________________________________________________________________________ Two Westbrook Corporate Center, Suite 500, Westchester, IL 60154 Address: _____________________________________________________________________________________________ I certify that: Name of Firm (Buyer): ________________________________ Address: ___________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ is engaged as a registered Wholesaler Retailer Manufacturer Seller (California) Lessor (see notes on pages 2-4) Other (Specify)_____________ _________________________________________________________ and is registered with the below listed states and cities within which your firm would deliver purchases to us and that any such purchases are for wholesale, resale, ingredients or components of a new product or service1 to be resold, leased, or rented in the normal course of business. We are in the business of wholesaling, retailing, manufacturing, leasing (renting) the following: Description of Business: ____________________________________________________________________________________________ General description of tangible property or taxable services to be purchased from the seller: _______________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ State AL1 AR AZ2 CA3 CO4 CT5 DC6 FL7 GA8 HI4,9 ID IL4,10 IA KS KY11 ME12 MD13 MI14 MN15 State Registration, Seller’s Permit, or ID Number of Purchaser ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ State MO16 NE17 NV NJ NM4,18 NC19 ND OH20 OK21 PA22 RI23 SC SD24 TN TX25 UT VT WA26 WI27 State Registration, Seller’s Permit, or ID Number of Purchaser ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ I further certify that if any property or service so purchased tax free is used or consumed by the firm as to make it subject to a Sales or use Tax we will pay the tax due directly to the proper taxing authority when state law so provides or inform the seller for added tax billing. This certificate shall be a part of each order which we may hereafter give to you, unless otherwise specified, and shall be valid until canceled by us in writing or revoked by the city or state. Under penalties of perjury, I swear or affirm that the information on this form is true and correct as to every material matter. Authorized Signature:_______________________________________________________________ (Owner, Partner or Corporate Officer) Title: ____________________________________________________________________________ Date: ____________________________________________________________________________ Revised 12/2011 13 LICENCIAS ADICIONALES REQUERIDAS PARA 5 ESTADOS INFORMACION ADICIONAL (BID CARD) Alabama, Michigan, Nevada, Utah y Wisconsin requieren de una Licencia adicional antes de poder comprar es sus subastas. Solo Michigan y Wisconsin ofrecen esta Licencia a un Exportador. Para mayores informes, favor de comunicarse directamente con la oficina del estado. Michigan: Llame al 888-767-6424 Wisconsin: Llame al 608-266-1425 o visite Alabama: License: Alabama Buyer Identification Card (BID Card) How to Apply: Call Alabama Department of Revenue, Sales, Use, Business & Tax Division – Severance & License Section at 334-353-7827 or click on LIC-756-3.pdf Who’s Eligible: Buyers and their agents who meet Alabama state requirements and wish to purchase Salvage title at any of our Alabama locations. Fee: $10 per card Available to Non-US Based Buyers: No Utah: License: Salvage Buyer Identification Card (BID Card) How to Apply: Call Utah MVED (Motor Vehicle Enforcement Division) at 801-297-2600 or click on salvage-buyer Applies to: Utah based businesses and their agents who meet Utah state requirements and wish to purchase Certificate of Sale, Dismantling Permit, Junk Permit and Salvage Title at our Utah locations. Fee: $203 for licensing year. Available to Non-US Based Buyers: No Michigan: License: Michigan SVA (Salvage Vehicle Agent) Card How to Apply: Call Michigan Department of State at 888-767-6424 Applies to: Buyers and their agents who meet Michigan state requirements and wish to purchase Salvage or Scrap title in our Michigan locations. Buyers must obtain the wall license and the photo ID card to be eligible to purchase these tiles at the Michigan salvage pools. Fee: $50 for SVA ID Card; $160 for wall certificate. After July 1st, wall certificate is prorated at $80. $49.25 for fingerprinting for non-MI businesses; for in-state fingerprinting cost will vary by location. *The SVA photograph must be taken at an authorized Michigan licensing location. Fingerprinting must be done at a Michigan police station. Available to Non-US Based Buyers: Yes Wisconsin: License: Wisconsin MV Business Individual Credential with BID endorsement. How to Apply: Call Wisconsin DMV at 608-266-1425 or click on dealers/forms/mv2651.pdf . Applies to: Buyers and their agents who meet Wisconsin state requirements and wish to purchase motor vehicles at any of our Wisconsin locations. Fee: In –State - $6, if dealer license expires less than one year; $12 if dealer license expires over a year; Out-of-State/Out-of-Country - $6. Available to Non-US Based Buyers: Yes, as long as the buyer meets the Wisconsin state requirements Nevada: License: Nevada Business Identification Card (Bid Card) How to Apply: Click on or call the Nevada DMV at 775-684-4690 Applies to: Nevada based businesses only that wish to purchase vehicles in IAA’s Nevada’s locations. This license does not apply to non-Nevada based businesses. Fees: Original and duplicate dealer and rebuilder ID cards, $50; renewal, $25. All wrecker ID cards, $50. Available to Non-US Based Buyers: No Insurance Auto Auctions | ATTN: Buyer Services | Two Westbrook Corporate Center Suite 500 | Westchester, IL 60154 Teléfono Gratuito (México): 001.855.615.9401 | Fax: 001.630.382.5628 | E-mail: 05.1.2015 14