Ministries - Cornerstone Christian Reformed Church


Ministries - Cornerstone Christian Reformed Church
TOTAL Pounds you want to order:
Roasting choices:
(Put X in box)
Whole beans
Choice of whole or ground beans:
Ground coffee
(Put X in box)
Grinding choices:
(Put X in box)
Packaging choices:
# of 1 Lb bags
# of 2.5 Lb bags
# of 5 Lb bags
(Put X in box)
Shipping Address
(street address)
Please fill out the order form, remove from
212 Connection and hand it either to Pastor Marcel,
any youth leader or the church office. Thank you!
Youth Ministries of First Christian Reformed Church
San Diego
he transformation process continues! There is
nothing quite like a short-term outreach to help our
youth grow in their faith. But this is more than a Bible
camp. This is Discipleship!
In past years IGNITE has done ministry in Modesto and
San Francisco. Both trips were considerably different - on
one we built a bus shelter for under privileged families and
the other we worked in homeless shelters directly with
homeless people. In reflection with the youth, we asked
which they preferred more. The majority said they preferred the hands-on with people, one-on-one ministry.
That’s transformation.
In light of transformation and the outgoing desire of our
youth, Administrative Council has approved the IGNITE
Discipleship Trip for 2009 (IDT). From March 12-22, Ignite
(grades 10-12 only) will be partnering with Youth with A
Mission: Mission Adventures in San Diego and Tijuana,
Mexico. This IDT will be as much a learning and growing
in faith experience for the youth that participate in it as it
will be for the people they minister to.
The youth of First CRC , along
side their translator, will get to preach, share testimonies,
spend time ministering, helping out in orphanages and
more. They will be taught a wide variety of methods to
present the gospel such as dramas, puppet shows, music,
tracts, personal testimonies and witnessing.
Tijuana is one of the fastest growing modern cities in
Mexico. Each month more than 5,000 people move up
from the south of Mexico into Northern Baja seeking better jobs and a better life for their families. Tijuana is ripe
for the gospel message.
The YWAM base is nestled on the coast line right next to
the U.S./Mexican border in a unique beach community.
Our youth will be staying in dorm style housing with daily
training on how to effectively share the gospel across cultures
Each youth that participates will need to fundraise $775
US funds. This cost includes Amtrak to and from San
Diego, all accommodations and meals once in San Diego,
all training needed, team shirts and more.
Starting today, the fundraising begins. The last page of
this 212° Ministries Connection is an order form for Fair
Trade Coffee. The group is also collecting scrap metal. If
you have any scrap metal call Dewey Rozendal or Jacques
Anema for pick up. Thank you for your support!
The 212° Ministry Team’s vision begins by stating,
“Inspiring Spiritual Transformation in youth.” This IDT,
through the continued working of the Holy Spirit, is just
one piece of the process.
(city, province)
IGNITE is going ‘Green’:
(postal code)
Coffee will be shipped directly to church!
Please make cheque payable to :
Ignite CRC Youth
Youth will make $2.00 for every pound of coffee sold.
Please return form to the church office!
Order on line at
Thank you very much for
your support!
November 2008
Issue #37
As a result of the recent bottle drive, over 5,700 items were collected, over $472
was raised and 19 goats were bought from the CRWRC Christmas Catalog.
IGNITE has Adopted-a-Road! Our adopted road goes from Broadway to Prest
Road along Yale Road East. - total of 1.5 km. Keep it clean friends. (Watch for the
We have heard it read to us since the day we
were born, “In the beginning God created…” I’m
sure most of us can finish that sentence pretty
easily. The Creation story is so familiar to us that
we might even forget what day God created what
and the connections between day one and four
and so on. I know for myself, the creation story
sometimes seems just that, a story. Until…
all come to be?” Here’s the cool thing - we have
the answer!
IGNITE Discipleship Trip 2009
In the beginning
San Diego/Tijuana Fundraiser!
“In the beginning GOD created’ has a whole new
meaning to me when I watched the amazing BBC
documentary called ‘Planet Earth’. ‘Plant Earth’ is
a powerful documentary that unravels the mysteries of the earth by going deep into the worlds
caves, showing the migration of birds and beasts,
the life cycle of creation and so much more.
Rent it, buy it, borrow
it! Make some popcorn, grab the kids
and enjoy a family
night at home as you
watch in amazement
all that God, our God,
has created for our
Both my kids have a new favorite movie. When
my daughter, Janae, watches the wolf running
after the little antelope, she yells to the antelope,
“Run, buddy run!” , you know it has captured her
4 year old imagination. As a parent, it’s a great
way to talk about God and creation!
Before you hit play,
grab your Bible, turn
to Genesis 1 and read
aloud the commanding story of how it all
came to be.
I am convinced that when one watches ‘Planet
Earth’, regardless of your age, race, background
or faith, the question must be asked, “How did it
Ok, now hit play and be amazed!
Relationship coffee ...
a bold fullfull-bodied pleasurable
experience for a man......
with the delectable taste for the
discerning female palette.
Pastor Marcel
Relationship Coffee Co. ensures that our coffee meets all standards for naturally organic, Fair-trade, Shade grown and
Bird Friendly certification. We travel to where the coffee is grown and build relationships with the farmers that allows
us to be reassured about the quality of the coffee and that sustainable income is being directed to the farmers and
their families. These small scale African farmers have grown coffee for generations using only natural methods that are
totally environmentally friendly.
The coffee beans are all hand picked, sorted and dried according to age old techniques
passed on from generation to generation.
Sustainable community development is the key to success. These farmers need more that just money....they need the
opportunity to become more self-sufficient and develop a sustainable business income that will provide for nutritional
food, proper medicine and education for their families so they can attain a better life.
Relationship Coffee business model is based on layers of trust - between the
grower and the roaster and between the consumer and the roaster. We
are very passionate about coffee and for me there is something very satisfying
about being able to trust people – rather than corporations.
We currently are working with farmers in 35 villages in the Padyere, Jonam and Okoro counties in the Nebbi and Arua Districts. These highland
areas provide ideal ecological conditions for production of high quality Arabica
coffee. Altitude ranges from 1500 m to 2200 m and the temperature ranges
between 13 to 26 degrees Celsius. The soil is very rich and fertile in this West
Nile region.
Each farmer has approximately 0.2 hectare of land. Since these farms are quite
small, agricultural practices can be monitored closely and the quality of care for
each coffee tree maintained at a high level. Beans are hand picked at just the
perfect ripeness and processed the same day.
Ignite - Cornerstone CRC
Monday nights, January 12 starting at 7:15
The coffee beans are catalogued and labeled separately by each farmer so they
can be easily tracked to the final product.
For the solution go to: / ministries / 212ministries
Order your COFFEE today!
First Christian Reformed Church
9800 McNaught Road
Chilliwack BC V2P 6G2
Please return order forms to the office
Relationship Coffee Business Model
is rooted in a direct working relationship with small scale farmers.
No middlemen.
These small scale farmers are encouraged to be part owners in the
Relationship Coffee Business so
they may have a sustainable income
to provide for the nutritional, medical and educational needs of their
The added benefit of ownership will
help farmers to become more self
sufficient and less dependant
on North American brokers, which
often take a significant piece of the
profit pie.
Young Adults…
10,080 minutes until your next LIFE Group
A Word from…
Here are things you can do to meet other Young Adults...
So I've heard that everyone is asking
about how I'm doing! Well I thought I
would write about my experience so far, so
that you can all read about it.
My time here in Finland started on September 4th, as you all know. I met my fellow students and all 4 of the staff then. Our
class has 6 students in it, and I'm the only
foreigner in the class. Also all except for
one of the staff are from Finland, that one
person is John. He resides from Santa Barbra, California, but now lives in Finland and
is staffing my DTS (Discipleship Training
School) with his wife of 9 months, Maria.
So far we have learned about; Identity in Christ, Character and Nature of God + Hearing God's voice, Dreaming
with God + Relationships + Arts and Creativity. God, Holy
Spirit and a Holy Lifestyle, The Word of God, Worship, and
last but not least, Biblical Christian Worldview. As you see
there are seven topics, one topic equals one week, so
seven topics equals seven weeks. Crazy to say I've been
out of Canada that long, and still have like another 3
months and 5 weeks to go before I come home. This
past week, which will have been week 8, we will learn
about Kingdom of God. The coolest thing about the different topics, is we get different teachers when we get
new topics. So its not always the same person over and
over again.
Come and join the discussion on the
LIFE OF PI Yann Martel
Life of Pi, 336 pages, is a fantasy adventure
novel by Canadian author Yan Martel. The
protagonist Piscine (Pissing) "Pi" Molitor
Patel, an Indian boy from Pondicherry, explores issues of religion and spirituality from an
early age and survives 227 days shipwrecked in
the Pacific Ocean.
Where: Decades
Time: Tuesday, November 25, 8:00 p.m.
Book Club
For all members of the congregation
For more information contact the hosts:
Amy Vanderlende @ 604-845-8080
Monica deRegt @ 604-795-9898
All Young Adults are encouraged to attend the
First CRC Young Adult
event at The Barn on
Saturday, Nov 22. (7:30
pm) Bring your hockey
sticks, quarters and
loonies, a movie will be
playing for those interested. Let’s fill The Barn
- invite everyone you
know to join us!
calling me somewhere else. Week 7, inspired me to go to
some on YWAM's schools, but also showed me how some
believers are split thinkers, ie: Material World and Spiritual
You all, also maybe wondering how I'm holding up
with the language barrier, well at time its hard, and times
its easy. All the classes and instructions are "interpreted",
which is spoken from a translated. But during our free
times, its gets a bit difficult cause they all speak Finnish,
but at the same time I'm learning Finnish words. So I
have a pretty good vocabulary of Finnish words.
But thats all I have for now. So until I write again, I'll
talk to you all then. Oh, I would also like to say kiitos for
all the prayers and support I got for allowing me to get
here. Its been a great life changing experience, and pray
that it will continue to
be that. I would also
like to ask that you
can continue to pray
for me and my
school, as we continue with the lectures and also as we
get ready for our outreach in Jamaica,
because Jamaica has
Jamaican Flag
one of the world's
largest crime and murder rates. So I ask that you pray for
safety and also for preparation for the trip.
Out of all the
weeks, the most
impacting have
been week 4, 6,
and 7. Week 4,
opened me up to
new things I have
never really understood before,
new amazing,
Finnish Flag
things. Week 6,
really spoke to me, especially during Worship time in the
morning, cause one morning we sung the song, "I Surrender", which made me realize that I need to give everyBye for now!
thing back to God, to devote my life to him, and follow his
- James Huisman
calling that he has for me! Also week 6, which was Worship week, inspired me to go a different direction then the (kiitos = thank you/terve = hello or greetings)
way I wanted, cause I felt like, and still feel like God is
Student Social: Every Thursday morning there will be hot chocolate, donuts, coffee for students who wait for the shuttle bus. For
elementary students, please let the high school students go first - we won’t run out!
people, not a second rate version of someone or something
Just like the first two, HSM3 provides a wonderful lesson
about working together. To stop the spring “musi-cal” from
becoming a one woman show staring prima dona Sharpay
Evans (Ashley Tisdale), timid pianist and composer Kelsi
Nielsen (Olesya Rulin)signs the whole class up to participate.
Although they grumble at first they end up having fun and
putting on a great show. Troy, Chad, Zeke (Chris Warren
Jr.), and Jason (Ryne Sanborn) all form a strong team of
San leaders for the other jocks.
Here’s the scoop…
Also prominent in this movie is taking this time for now. We
hear this repeatedly in the movie. “This is last time to do
this right! Now or never!” The lyrics sing. “Now is the best
time to find yourself. Not in ten years.” Ms. Darbus wisely
says. And that message isn't just for seniors in high school!
We are living on borrowed time, and no one knows when
God will choose to take you.
pending on currency exchange. (This is tax-deductible)
You will have thorough involvement in mission service Deadlines: Apply by Nov 14, 2008; pay 50% by
and archaeological exploration including hands-on min- March 1; 100% by May 1, 2009. Applications received
istry, solid study, and personal discipleship.
after Nov 14 may be paying a higher price due to airfare.
The teaching leader is Holland Christian Schools Bible Teacher Bart Den Boer. Bart is experienced and
Sunday, November 9 Clark VanHalsema will be comdelightfully enthusiastic!
ing for an information session after the evening service.
Cost: $3,210 US Funds. Price may go up or down de-
Kids taking responsibility for their own life is also a major
issue. Troy struggles throughout the movie with what he
wants to do with his life and what others want him to do.
“You raised me to make my own decisions! Not to be pressured into doing something!” He tells his dad. Gabriella as
well wants to make a choice of the right thing to do in her
life even if it hurts.
Do you have questions? Concerns? Are you curious?
General Itinerary: 2009 Intergeneration Discipleship Walk
Friday, June 12: Depart from Seattle
Saturday, June 13: Arrive Tel Aviv, Transfer to Bethlehem/West Bank
Sunday-Friday, June 14-19: Bethlehem Service Days
Some volunteer/service options of previous years include:
--A Handicapped Workshop (Weaving, Paper- and Card-Making, table
games with students)
--A Senior Center (spending time with retirees, playing table/board
games; meals)
--A School for the Blind (basic yard care and upkeep; some interaction
with students)
--Bethlehem Bible College (painting, cleaning of dorms after school
year ends)
Saturday, June 20: Day Away
Ein-Gedi, Qumran, Dead Sea swim, Wadi Qelt walk to monastery
Sunday, June 21: Worship, Good-bye dinner party with host families
Bedouins of Israel
Monday, June 22: Gezer, Beth Shemesh, Azekah, Maresha, Lachish
Tuesday, June 23: Ein Avdat, Bedouin exposure, Arad
(Go to a desert Bedouin tent and experience Bedouin hospitality—bread-making, tea, coffee drinking, question and answer re traditional Bedouin life, etc.)
Wednesday, June 24: Wadi walk, Masada, Belvoir, Arbel
Thursday, June 25: Gamla, Susita, Beth Shean
Friday, June 26: Dan, Ancient Qatzrin, Capernaum, Mt. Beatitudes
Saturday, June 27: Megiddo, Carmel, Caesarea, Temple (Jerusalem) Model
Sunday and Monday, June 28-29: Temple Mount, Rabbinic Tunnels, Mt. Olives/Gethsemane, Burnt House,
Holy Sepulcher, Southern Stairs, Davidson Center, Hezekiah’s Tunnel, Ramparts Walk, Old City walk. Optional: Garden Tomb, Yad Vashem
Monday after dinner: transfer to airport for eventual departure to North America
Friendship plays a major role in this film. Even amidst tears
and struggles, friends stay true to each other and help one
another out. Although the lead characters might be confused about their future, Troy and Gabriella are willing to
shows have proved to be as popular with young children
sacrifice for one another and want the best thing for each
and teens as High School Musical. Nor have many proved as other. Later we see how Ms. Darbus, Coach Bolton, Taylor
clean and family friendly. Starting off with a bang, we are
and Chad all feel the same way.
thrown right into the movie from the first minute on. Troy
(Zac Efron) the play maker for the East High Wild Cats team Many other virtues are valued such as courage, breaking the
is taking a rough beating in his game. However, soon it be- status quo, teamwork and sticking up for the under dogs.
comes apparent that this game is just a small part of how
From an enjoyment point of view: This movie is for those
much he is falling apart in his life. Although everyone expects him to go to University of Albuquerque and become a who love musicals and corny shows – this is the perfect
basketball star, Troy wants to consider other colleges. Mean- movie for you! I will warn you though that if you aren't
crazy about those kind of shows, this isn't the right movie
while his brainy girlfriend Gabriella (Vanessa Hudgens) is
for you. Overall, it was very fun.
struggling with saying goodbyes once again. Can the two
work together to find a solution that won't tear them apart
This is a very fun family movie! It is amazing what an inspiror will this goodbye be for good?
ing movie can do inside of you after you see it! Let's just
hope the young people of our world will take to heart all of
This movie was very similar to its prequels in message and
the wonderful and clean lessons this movie teaches!
morality! In fact, it's probably the cleanest movie that has
come out in theaters for a long time! No swearing, no sex,
no violence, no drugs or alcohol, no magic, etc.
The main message was to reach for the stars and your
dreams. Slowly throughout this movie we see each character
break out of their shell or stereotype to be the person they
were created to be. God created us all to be certain unique
Moral Rating: Good
Moviemaking Quality: 4 stars
Primary Audience: Teen, kids, families
Violence: None / Profanity: None / Sex/Nudity: Minor
Review by: Dymphna Meeds adapted by Judy Brouwer
Inspiring Spiritual transformation in youth to live their faith as an open expression to Jesus Christ.