news letter dec-2015 final
news letter dec-2015 final
PANACEAN POWER BULLETIN Volume 2 Issue 9 Dec-2015 1 O V E RVI EW OF INDIAN POWER SY STEM All India Installed Capacity (MW) as on 31-10-2015 FOR OCT-2015 Peak Demand of DD & DN Region Thermal Nuclear Hydro RES Total Northern 46934.76 1620.00 18096.77 7511.89 74163.42 Western 78954.42 1840.00 7447.50 13005.62 101247.54 Southern 38893.64 2320.00 11478.03 15245.11 67936.78 Eastern NorthEastern Islands 28772.87 0.00 4209.12 434.54 33416.53 2008.70 0.00 1242.00 262.38 3513.08 40.05 0.00 0.00 11.10 51.15 ALL 195604.44 5780.00 42473.42 36470.64 280328.50 Oct-15 April-2015 to Oct-2015 State/ Area Peak Demand (MW) Peak Met (MW) Surplus (MW) Dificit (%) Peak Demand (MW) Peak Met (MW) Surplus (MW) Dificit (%) DD 307 307 0 0 307 307 0 0 DNH 729 729 0 0 740 740 0 0 Read More… Note: Bracket Value ( ) indicates the negative value(-ve). ALL India Plant Load Factor (PLF) in (%) Sector Oct-14 Oct-15 Central 72.00 72.35 State 60.65 61.08 Private 62.90 68.30 ALL India 65.01 66.86 Read More… List of Transmission Lines Commissioned/Ready for Commissioning During Oct-2015 Highlights of WR Grid for Oct-2015 • Maximum Peak Demand Met: 49938 MW • Energy Consumption: Total Energy Consumption was 32981 MU’s and the Maximum Sector Voltage Level (KV ) No. of Lines Maximum Unre- stricted demand was 50379 MW and Average Peak Unrestricted demand was 44593 MW. • Frequency Profile: System Frequency as Pvt. Total State 765 400 220 765 400 220 400 230 220 0 2 0 0 1 0 3 0 11 17 List of Substations Commissioned/Ready for Commissioning During Oct-2015 of 1131 MU’s/day on 20.10.2015. • Unrestricted Demand: Central Sector Voltage Level (KV ) No. of Substations Central Pvt. Total State 765 400 220 765 400 220 400 230 220 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 5 8 per IEGC Band is 49.90 Hz to 50.05 Hz. Maximum Frequency , Minimum Frequency & Average Frequency 50.33 Hz,49.62 Hz & 49.98 Hz were respectively observed. • Voltage Profile: Maximum Voltage was Region-wise Power Supply Position (Demand & Availability) in Oct-2014 & Oct-2015 Energy (MUs) Demand Region Deficit /Surplus (%) Availability Oct-14 Oct-15 Oct-14 Oct-15 Oct-14 Oct-15 • Hydro Generation: Total hydro generation Northern 27556 29322 25683 27859 (6.8) (5.0) of Western Region was 1020 MUs at an Western 28790 31748 28642 31557 (0.5) (0.6) average of 32.90 MUs/day. Southern 23090 24446 21526 23691 (6.8) (3.1) Eastern 10674 10981 10470 10947 (1.9) (0.3) North Eastern 1323 1311 1167 1252 (11.8) (4.5) All India 91433 97808 87488 95306 (4.3) (2.6) observed on 400 KV Karad line is 438 KV. • Wind Generation: Total wind generation was 466 MUs at an average of 15 MUs/day in the month of Oct-2015. • Solar Generation: Total Solar generation Region-wise Peak Demand / Peak Met in Oct-2014 & Oct-2015 was 251 MUs at an average of 8.09 MUs/ Power (MW) day in the month of Oct-2015. • Open Access Transaction Details for Region Intra-regional: 184 & 626.74 MU’s. No. of approvals & Energy Approved in Inter-regional: 97 & 395.33 MU’s. D Read More… Deficit /Surplus (%) Peak Met Oct-14 Oct-15 Oct-14 Oct-15 Oct-14 Oct-15 Northern Western 46544 43726 47517 48634 44618 42614 45941 48193 (4.1) (2.5) (3.3) (0.9) Southern 35977 36074 33209 35353 (7.7) (2.0) Eastern 16828 18312 16566 18035 (1.6) (1.5) North Eastern 2528 2401 2141 2301 (15.3) (4.2) All India 145603 151171 139148 148092 (4.4) (2.0) Oct-2015: No. of approvals & Energy Approved in Peak Demand Note 1: Bracket value ( ) indicates deficit in %. PANACEAN POWER BULLETIN Volume 2 Issue 9 Dec-2015 Note 2: Data is taken from CEA website. Read More… 2 POWER TRADING Emergence of IT has helped to create massive E-Commerce platforms in every walk of life. One such E-Commerce platform for transiting electricity for physical delivery, fine tuning daily requirements, sale of residual generation, optimal utilization of generating resources at marginal cost of production etc. has been made possible through the commencement of Power Exchanges. For more information about IEX visit (; For more information about PXIL visit ( PXIL & IEX Trading summary NOV2015 PXIL IEX MCP (Rs/MWh) Cleared Volume (MWh) Marginal Clear Volume (MWh) Buy Bid (MWh) Sell Bid (MWh) 113771.68 - 54424.88 3280977.00 3268627.92 2.95 1170.00 0.00 0.00 1904.50 99.15 84.65 4440.00 58.52 57.92 44.82 39.50 2856.01 18.89 Buy Bid (MWh) Sell Bid (MWh) MCP (Rs/MWh) Total 137884.12 47954.68 Min 6.74 3.50 Max 117.50 117.50 Avg 46.33 16.11 Buy Bid (MWh) Sell Bid (MWh) Total 129096.08 Min 0.00 Max Avg OCT2015 MCP (Rs/MWh) Cleared Volume (MWh) Marginal Clear Volume (MWh) 4609629.13 - 2728541.08 2844727.96 3575.40 600.49 1677.14 1893.80 8300.58 9962.80 5233.48 5860.36 5814.98 11.39 4539.76 6402.26 2667.76 3789364.00 3951.01 Cleared Volume (MWh) Marginal Clear Volume (MWh) Buy Bid (MWh) Sell Bid (MWh) - 30149.64 27663.18 4103068.3 830.00 1.67 3.49 3290.80 7010.00 117.50 60.86 3672.76 10.13 9.29 PXIL IEX MCP (Rs/MWh) Cleared Volume (MWh) Marginal Clear Volume (MWh) 4431144.7 - 3245875.1 3409418 3880.25 1074.27 2683.38 3016.08 7565.58 8400.13 4712.55 6181.51 6379.40 5514.88 5955.84 3026.75 4362.74 4582.55 REC Trading Session Nov-2015 DD & DNH: OPEN ACCESS DETAILS Trader Company PXIL IEX Particular Non-Solar Solar Non-Solar Solar Total Sell Bid (REC’s) 76,03,829 9,38,422 61,76,983 19,76,072 Total Buy Bid (REC’s) 1,42,438 46,665 89,107 41,102 Clearing Price (Rs/Certificate) 1,500 3,500 1,500 3,500 Cleared Volume (REC’s) 1,42,438 46,665 89,107 41,102 RENEWABLE ENERGY CERTIFICATE MECHANISM (REC) FROM Jan-15 TO Dec-15 IEX Spot Power market now becomes more buyer friendly with cheaper in Area Price X-Month Y-units With average Area Clearing Price (ACP) in all regions except South at Rs. 2.89 per unit, almost 16% lower than ACP of Rs 3.42 per unit in September-2015, the IEX Spot Power Market was more buyer friendly throughout the month of October-2015. Average daily trade in October-2015 was 105 MUs with average daily participation of 926 participants. The market continued with its buyers’ bias as average daily sell bids at 142 MUs exceeding buy bids of 132 MUs. Read More ... PANACEAN POWER BULLETIN Volume 2 Issue 9 Dec-2015 Read more.. 3 REACTIVE ENERGY CHARGES FOR DD & DNH DD-High Voltage FY 2015-16 Cumulative Total MVARh till Oct-2015 Cumulative Total Charges in (Rs) till GUJARAT Read More.. DD-Low Voltage ISTS Vapdal Vapdbl Dok-diu Una-diu Mgr-Vap HV Total in (MVARh) 0.0 0.0 (370.4) (994.1) 17548.8 0.0 0.0 (46300.0) (124262.5) 0 .0 0 .0 (123.0) 0 .0 0 .0 0.0 0.0 GUJARAT ISTS Vapdal Vapdbl Dok-diu Una-diu Mgr-Vap LV Total in (MVARh) 16184.3 0.0 0.0 30.8 (28.9) 198290.8 198292.7 2193600.0 2023037.5 0.0 0.0 3850.0 (3612.5) 24786350.0 24786587.5 13.0 1783.0 1673.0 0 .0 0 .0 0 .0 0 .0 6127.0 6127.0 (15350.0) 1613.0 222900.0 209163.0 0 .0 0 .0 0 .0 0 .0 765863.0 765863.0 0.0 (173.6) 15.2 1283.4 1125.0 0.0 0.0 (0.1) 0.1 3300.6 3300.6 0.0 (21700.0) 1900.0 160425.0 140625.0 0.0 0.0 (12.5) 12.5 412575.0 412575.0 Oct-2015 16-11-2015 to 22-11-2015 In (MVARh) Charges in (Rs) 09-11-2015 to 15-11-2015 In (MVARh) Charges in (Rs) DNH-High Voltage FY 2015-16 Cumulative Total MVARh till Oct-2015 Cumulative Total Charges in (Rs) till GUJARAT DNH-Low Voltage ISTS Vapdad Bldkdl BldSil Kpd-Vap HV Kdl-Vap HV Total in (MVARh) 0.0 0.0 0.0 4835.6 18297.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 604450.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 GUJARAT ISTS Vapdad Bldkdl BldSil Kpd-Vap LV Kdl-Vap LV Total in (MVARh) 23133.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 86259.6 6447.1 92706.7 2287187.5 2891637.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 10782450.0 805887.5 11588337.5 2298.0 3965.0 6263.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 204.0 (55.0) 149.0 0.0 287288.0 495575.0 782863.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 25475.0 (6900.0) 18575.0 0.0 0.0 591.0 1283.2 1874.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 2307.2 (46.4) 2260.8 0.0 0.0 73875.0 160400.0 234275.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 288400.0 (5800.0) 282600.0 Oct-2015 16-11-2015 to 22-11-2015 In (MVARh) Charges in (Rs) 09-11-2015 to 15-11-2015 In (MVARh) Charges in (Rs) Note: The REC chargers has been revised to 12.5 paisa/KVARh for FY 2015-16 as per reference IEGC Regulation-Clause 6.6.2 released on 28th Apr,2010 Reactive Power: Voltage control in an electrical power system is important for proper operation for electrical power equipment to prevent damage such as overheating of generators and motors, to reduce transmission losses and to maintain the ability of the system to withstand and prevent voltage collapse. Decreasing reactive power causing voltage to fall while increasing it causing voltage to rise. A voltage collapse may be occurs when the system try to serve much more load than the voltage can support. When reactive power supply lower voltage, as voltage drops current must increase to maintain power supplied, causing system to consume more reactive power and the voltage drops further . If the current increase too much, transmission lines go off line, overloading other lines and potentially causing cascading failures. Read More... Voltage control and reactive power management are two aspects of a single activity that both supports reliability and facilitates commercial transactions across transmission networks. On an alternating current (AC) power system, voltage is controlled by managing production and absorption of reactive power. There are three reasons why it is necessary to manage reactive power and control voltage. First, both customer and power system equipment are designed to operate within a range of voltages, usually within±5% of the nominal voltage. At low voltages, many types of equipment perform poorly, light bulbs provide less illumination, induction motors can overheat and be damaged, and some electronic equipment will not operate at. High voltages can damage equipment and shorten their lifetimes. Second, reactive power consumes transmission and generation resources. To maximize the amount of real power that can be transferred across a congested transmission interface, reactive power flows must be minimized. Similarly, reactive power production can limit a generator’s real power capability. Third, moving reactive power on the transmission system incurs real power losses. Both capacity and energy must be supplied to replace these losses. Note: Bracket Value ( ) indicates the negative value(-ve). PANACEAN POWER BULLETIN Volume 2 Issue 9 Dec-2015 4 DD User Click to get UI Report DEVIATION CHARGES DNH User Click to get UI Report DD-Deviation Charges UI Drawal (MUs) DNH-Deviation Charges UI Charges(₹. Lakh) Date Drawal (MUs) Schedule (MUs) Under Drawal Over Drawal Payable Receivable Cumulative Total up to Oct-15 1370.95 1342.16 29.20 58.00 1500.96 16-11-2015 to 22-11-2015 43.80 42.89 0.66 1.58 16-11-2014 to 22-11-2014 39.01 39.63 1.18 09-11-2015 to 15-11-2015 33.15 33.11 09-11-2014 to 15-11-2014 41.69 42.77 Schedule (MUs) Under Drawal Over Drawal Payable Receivable 529.01 Cumulative Total up to Oct-15 3408.15 3434.67 56.14 29.64 749.72 1164.00 23.42 15.74 16-11-2015 to 22-11-2015 106.68 108.75 2.43 0.37 9.24 48.88 0.57 8.63 17.18 16-11-2014 to 22-11-2014 102.49 100.80 0.60 2.30 43.77 6.90 0.92 0.95 15.93 18.37 09-11-2015 to 15-11-2015 95.34 96.07 1.38 0.65 8.73 27.16 1.32 0.24 2.93 18.19 09-11-2014 to 15-11-2014 101.63 101.56 1.00 1.07 22.76 14.60 DD Under Drawl in MU's Over Drawl in MU's UI Rate in April May June July Aug 2.23 4.80 5.30 1.51 1.94 Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Total 5.34 4.90 4.88 4.97 5.67 3.24 2.70 47.48 DNH FY 2015-16 (All Freq Hz) Over Drawl in MU's UI Rate ₹ /Unit Under Drawl in MU's 4.86 5.37 8.16 17.26 20.47 (2.60) (3.68) (5.80) (4.58) (5.70) 4.57 8.94 4.32 2.68 1.69 (5.65) (2.17) (7.58) (10.03) (13.68) 7.87 1.96 4.34 3.10 (2.48) 5.46 2.43 1.39 1.37 1.36 3.31 6.23 77.66 (42.06) (2.45) (1.60) (1.18) (1.68) (46.84) (3.08) (6.60) 2.97 4.03 29.2 (12.77) (6.12) (58.0) (3.33) (1.32) 2.33 FY 2014-15 (All Freq Hz) April May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Total Under Drawl in MU's 0.01 0.18 0.11 0.01 0.01 0.05 0.02 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.41 Over Drawl in MU's 0.02 0.01 0.32 0.48 0.80 0.08 0.01 0.00 0.01 0.01 0.00 0.01 1.74 UI Rate ₹ /Unit (21.34) (2.13) (17.77) (15.82) (16.89) (29.11) 2.62 (8.42) (1.02) (29.09) (5.28) (16.42) (19.20) FY 2015-16 (All Freq Hz) Under Drawl in MU's Over Drawl in MU's UI Rate in ₹ /Unit Under Drawl in MU's Over Drawl in MU's UI Rate in April May June July 2.47 2.79 5.25 9.30 9.01 9.65 10.50 7.11 (2.62) (2.21) (3.90) (1.21) 9.15 11.39 8.35 8.94 (6.07) (3.42) (6.03) (3.55) 0.41 2.13 1.08 1.56 Aug 3.48 15.76 (5.28) 5.47 (3.99) (2.07) Sept 6.42 5.44 (3.40) 6.02 (4.09) (2.15) Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar 6.51 4.32 4.31 4.56 8.53 11.57 5.39 7.38 3.37 5.92 3.28 2.89 1.94 (2.80) (0.37) (5.54) (1.14) (1.56) 6.82 - (2.49) - (2.32) - Total 69.51 85.72 (6.79) 56.14 (29.64) 2.23 MONTH in ₹ /Unit DNH DD FY 2014-15(<49.7Hz) MONTH UI Charges (₹. Lakh) Drawal (MUs) FY 2014-15 (All Freq Hz) MONTH UI Drawal (MUs) Date FY 2014-15(<49.7Hz) FY 2015-16(<49.7Hz) Under Drawl in MU's 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 Over Drawl in MU's (0.03) (0.02) (0.01) (0.01) (0.02) (0.01) 0.00 (0.09) UI Rate in PANACEAN POWER BULLETIN Volume 2 Issue 9 MONTH ₹ /Unit 15.36 53.69 17.11 16.71 (16.70) (17.64) 0.00 18.24 Dec-2015 April May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Total Under Drawl in MU's 0.01 0.05 0.30 0.18 0.03 0.10 0.03 0.00 0.01 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.74 Over Drawl in MU's 0.08 0.02 0.59 0.17 0.61 0.01 0.02 0.00 0.01 0.02 0.00 0.00 1.54 UI Rate ₹ /Unit (14.52) (3.65) (23.89) 111.68 (17.59) (6.55) 6.67 (16.16) 3.25 (22.34) (8.71) (8.40) (23.41) FY 2015-16(<49.7Hz) Under Drawl in MU's 0.02 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.07 Over Drawl in MU's (0.01) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (0.01) 0.00 (0.02) UI Rate in ₹ /Unit 12.66 5.63 7.70 8.01 (8.11) 0.63 0.00 3.52 5 POWER SECTOR ACTIVITIES MNRE • The Ministry of Information and Broadcasting Event Union Ministers Shri Prakash Javadekar and Shri Piyush Goyal are participated in Talkathon could directly interact with netizens through Twitter using #Askon COP21@MIB_India on 27th Nov 2015 and also given the live telecast. • Suryamitra Skill Development Programs JERC • Petition No. 175/2015 Petition under Non-Compliance of Solar RPO specified under Regulation 1 -Quantum of Renewable Purchase Obligation -RPO- of JERC (Procurement of Renewable Energy) Regulations, 2010 by Obligated Entities for FY 2010-11 and 2014-15. Schedule of hearing was held on 27-11-2015 National Institute of Solar Energy (NISE) is organizing “Suryamitra” skill development programs, in collabora- • tion with State Nodal Agencies, at various locations across the country. The duration of this skill development program is 600 hrs. (approx. 90 days). This is the residential program and it is free which includes boarding and lodging. Suryamitra Skill Development Programs are sponsored by Ministry of New & Renewable Energy, Govt. of India. Essential qualification: The candidate should be 10th pass and ITI in Electrician/Wireman/Electronics • Mechanic/Fitter/ Sheet Metal not below 18 years. • Working Paper on International Solar Alliance (ISA) Objective: The overarching objective is to create a collaborative platform for increased deployment of solar energy technologies to enhance energy security & sustainable development; improve access to energy and opportunities for better livelihoods in rural and remote areas and to increase the standard of living. • Draft National Policy on Geo-Thermal Energy Draft Geo thermal Guidelines and policies comments are invited by 10th December 2015. MSEDCL Maharashtra power discom to be split into five companies The board of MSEB Holding Company has decided to split the state power discom MSEDCL (Maharashtra State Electricity Distribution Company Limited/ Mahavitaran) into five companies. The in-principle decision was taken in a meeting held on 23rd Nov-2015 at Mumbai and the detailed structure of the companies will be decided in the next meeting. MSEDCL Plans to Distribute 47 lakh LED Bulbs The Union government has undertaken a nationwide programme to replace electricity bulbs with LED bulbs as they consume less power compared to CFL bulbs. In its statement, the government said that energy saving is on its agenda as the saved power can be used for other purposes. The Union government is already spending a huge amount for laying new power lines and electricity transformers to provide power to villages. With more expansion of the power network, transmission losses are also mounting and cannot be controlled. Ministry of Power • Summary of Draft Standard Bidding Documents for UMPPs based on Imported coal is Maharashtra Electricity Regulatory Commissued by Ministry of Power sion (Implementation Of Scheme For Utilization Of Gas-Based Power Generation Capacity) • Participation of Indian Companies in the Regulations, 2015 “Power & Energy Fair 2015” during the “National Power and Energy Week 2015”. CEA • Brief on One day national Conference which is National Power and Energy Week 2015 nationwide from held on “Crisis & Disaster Management in 7th-13th December 2015 at the Bangabandhu InternaPower Sector and Associated Environment” on tional Conference Centre (BICC), New Delhi. 14th October, 2015, at CPRI, Bengaluru. • Presentation on UDAY (Ujwal DISCOM Assur CERC ance Yojana) on 9th Nov 2015 MERC • CERC had launched trial run of e-filling appli- The Presentation mainly Enhances on Power Sector Recation w.e.f 29-10-2015.So, all stake holders forms, Transparency, Energy Security, Climate Change, Digital India, Make in India, Skill India, Swachh Bharat, are requested to register. Smart Cities and Energy Efficiency. In order to provide the India Power for All 24X7. Note: Click on Head lines for More Info PANACEAN POWER BULLETIN Volume 2 Issue 9 Dec-2015 6 POWER SECTOR ACTIVITIES CONT.. Miscellaneous • Swachh Bharat: plan to produce power, com• Bonanza for Noida: Pay your power bill on time, post from solid waste On the first anniversary of Swachh Bharat Mission, the get rebate Urban Development Ministry announced some crucial • Rays Power Experts to commission 5 MW solar policy changes since it is planning to generate electriciplant at Charanka ty and compost from municipal solid waste Solar solutions company Rays Power Experts has won turn• RPower is evaluating selling its three coal key EPC project to execute a 5 MW solar plant at Gujarat mines in Indonesia Solar Park, Charanka. Reliance Power Ltd is evaluating selling its coal mine Rays Experts bagged the Rs 28 cr project from SJVN Limconcessions in Indonesia and focus on its business in ited, a Mini Ratna company under Ministry of Power and a India, group chairman Anil Ambani said at the compaJV of the government of India and the government of Himany’s annual meeting. chal Pradesh • “I S Jha has been appointed as the Chairman The company acquired three mines in Indonesia in 2008 with total reserves of 2 billion tonnes to use the and Managing Director (CMD) of Power Grid Corcoal for its ultra-mega power projects (UMPP) in India, poration of India Limited with effect from Novemmainly the Krishnapatnam project in Andhra Pradesh ber 10, 2015, PGCIL • SETA 2016 to play a key role in ‘Securing • Anil Ambani-led Reliance Group to develop 6000 Asia’s Energy Future’ MW solar park in Rajasthan Moving forward with a target of achieving 25% of ener Billionaire Anil Ambani-led Reliance Group will develop a 6,000 megawatt Solar Power Park in Rajasthan, a plan that has potential to attract an investment of Rs 60,000 crore. • SolarHippo Diversifies into Solar Services SolarHippo, an exclusive Solar Energy Online Marketplace, launched by the company Hippo Innovations, is all set to diversify into Solar Services. • LM Wind Power plans new blade factory in India LM Wind Power announced that it is setting up a new blade man- gy from renewable resources by 2012 from its current 10.4% contribution, Thailand is all set to create a dynamic knowledge-based exchange platform under the flagship event Sustainable Energy & Technology Asia 2016 (SETA 2016). The three-day international conference and exhibition, under the aegis of the Ministry of Energy (MoEN) of Thailand, will aim to align the ten developing country members of Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN) towards a collective vision of ‘Securing Asia’s Energy Future’ with respect to the environment. ufacturing plant in Vadodara, Gujarat, in the Midwestern part of India. Start of operation of the company’s second production site • Inox Wind gets new CFO in India is scheduled for March, 2016. Inox Wind Ltd, an integrated player in wind energy, ap- • Power sector employees seek meeting with Piyush Goyal pointed Rajgopal Swami as its Chief Financial Officer (CFO) with effect from November 13. He replaced Raju Kaul. On 6th Nov-2015 at kochi National Coordination Commit Swami is a seasoned professional, having more than tee of Electricity Employees and Engineers (NCCOEEE) has 30 years’ experience in the field of finance, accounting, sought an immediate meeting with Piyush Goyal Power taxation, risk management, corporate governance, Minister for discussion on points of grievances. compliances, EPC, project development and strategic • Government bats for revising RPO target to 10% planning. by 2022 The government is looking at increasing renewable purchase obligation (RPO) targets from 3 per cent to 10 per cent so as to meet the one lakh MW solar capacity by 2022. Future Event : ENERGY STORAGE INDIA 3rd INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE & EXHIBITION ON ENERGY STORAGE & MICROGRIDS IN INDIA WILL BE HELD ON 07th - 09th DECEMBER, 2015. Venue: India Habitat Centre, New Delhi, India. Note: Click on Head lines for More Info PANACEAN POWER BULLETIN Volume 2 Issue 9 Dec-2015 7 ALL INDIA LIST OF ELEMENTS COMMISSIONED FY 2015-16 All India List of Substations Commissioned during Oct-2015 DURING THE 400 KV Yemmiganur- Uravakonda DC 220 KV Amreli- Sukhpar line DC 220 KV Chharodi - Eord line DC 400/220 KV Kozhikode S/Stn. 630 MW 220 KV LILO of one ckt of Jamanwada-Varsana line DC 400/220 KV Aligarh S/s 500MW 220 KV Varsana - Jamanwada line DC 230/110 KV Thiruverkkadu 200 MW 220 KV Ghatodi - Hingoli line SC 220/132 KV Dewas S/S 160 MW 220 KV Khanapur length tap to Vita- Lamboti line DC 220/132 KV Modipuram (Aug) (200-160) S/S 40 MW 220 KV Kharagpur - Vidyasagar Park DC 220/132 KV New Jalpaiguri (NJP) (Aug.) S/S 160 MW 220 KV LILO of Alamathy- CMRL Koyembedu at Thiruverkkadu DC 220/132/33 KV Sayla S/s 160 MW 220 KV Jalore - Sayla SC 220/33 kV Kudus-II (2nd T/F) S/S 100 MW 220 KV Neemrana- (PG)- Bahror DC 400/220 KV Solapur (PG) 500 MW 220 KV Tehandesar(proposed)- Bandnu DC 400/220 KV Varsana 315 MW 400KV LILO of Panki-Muradnagar at Aligarh SC 765KV Jabalpur Pooling-Dharamjaigarh SC All India List of Transmission Lines Commissioned during Oct-2015 765KV Vindhyachal Pooling-VSTPS(NTPC) SC 400 KV HVDC Bhiwani- Hisar line 400KV NCC-Nellore PS 400 KV LILO of Ranganadi- Balipara 400KV D/C line DC 400KV NCC-TPCIL 400 KV LILO of one ckt Karcham wangto- Abdulapur DC 400KV Mysore-Kozhikode CKT1&2 400 KV LILO of Kalpaka- Khammam at Asupaka DC 400KV Srisailam-Shankarapalli 400 KV Purushottapatnam (Nunne) - Jujjure DC 400KV Shankarapalli-Mamidipalli All India No. of Generators Commissioned during FY 2015-16 (till Oct-2015) Thermal Month Hydro Nuclear W R N R NE R E R S R W R N R NE R E R S R W R N R NE R E R S R April-15 1 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 May-15 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 June-15 2 2 1 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 July-15 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Aug-15 1 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Sep-15 1 0 0 0 3 0 1 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 Oct-15 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total 7 2 1 0 8 0 7 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 All India No. of Line Reactors (LR), Transmission Lines (T/L), Substations (S/S) and Bus Reactors (BR) Commissioned for FY 2015-16 (till Oct-2015) Month Apr-15 May-15 June-15 July-15 Aug-15 Sep-15 Oct-15 FY 2015-16 till Oct-2015 LR 765 KV T/L S/S BR LR 400 KV T/L S/S BR LR 230 KV T/L S/S BR LR 220 KV T/L S/S BR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 2 0 5 4 2 4 1 2 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 7 4 12 8 2 10 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 4 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 22 6 16 13 14 8 0 30 11 17 9 11 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 11 0 0 45 16 0 0 4 5 0 0 79 84 0 Note 1: Data is taken from CEA and NLDC websites. Note 2: No data for Branch Reactors and Line Reactors for the month of Oct-2015. PANACEAN POWER BULLETIN Volume 2 Issue 9 Dec-2015 CEA: Read more... NLDC: Read more... 8 F E E D E R O U TA G E S A N D C O M P L A I N T R E P O R T S Panacean Energy Solution Pvt. Ltd. gives the facility to find RI and SOP report for DD & DNH. For DNH user please click to find RI & SOP report. For DD user please click to find RI & SOP report . RIMS ( Regulatory Information Management System) RIMS is a web-based utility designed, developed and maintained by Panacean Energy for DNH power Distribution Corporation Ltd., and Electricity Department of Daman and Diu. Current Version of the Software Provides following Modules 1. Power Procurement Module 2. UI Management Module 3. Standards of Performance (SOP) 4. Complaint Management Module 5. Fuel and Power Purchase Cost Adjustment Module ( FPPCA) DD ( ( DNH ( ( Comparison Report of Electrical Complaints between Consecutive Months Mention in Diagram and FY 2015-16 OCT-2015 NOV-2015 FY 2015-16 OCT-2015 NOV-2015 FY 2015-16 D D D N H Comparison Report of No. of Feeder Outages between consecutive Months mention in diagram for FY 2015-16 OCT-2015 NOV-2015 FY 2015-16 D D OCT-2015 NOV-2015 FY 2015-16 D N H Note: The Size of bar chart is adjusted according with the values considered and value not sizes/scaling. PANACEAN POWER BULLETIN Volume 2 Issue 9 Dec-2015 9 POWER SYSTEM SOLUTIONS THAT WORK FOR YOUR BUSINESS. • Distribution Utility Asset Management • PSS®E Implementation and Training • Energy Auditing/PAT • Policy Making • Open Access Management • UI Management • Substation Operation & Maintenance • Electricity Act & Compliance of Regulation POWER SERVICES R E A C H U S AT Corporate Office Gala No: 7-8,Ground Floor, Aadharshila Building, Mahajan wadi, Penker pada, Mira Road, Dahisar (E), Thane - 401104 Phone: +91 22 2896 9047 Registered Office 1501, Pacifis B, lodha Aqua CHS ltd., Opp. Thakur Mall, Mahajan Wadi Mira Road (E), Thane 401107, Maharashtra. Branch Office at Silvassa Kilvani Naka, Opp. Jalaram Temple, Project Management Tender Management Power Procurement Power System Analysis GPS Mapping and GIS Survey • ARR and MYT Preparation • Load Forecasting • Transmission Planning • DPR Preparation • Techno Commercial Feasibility Studies RENEWABLE ENERGY • Power Scheduling Management • DPR Preparation for Solar, Wind & • Training on Regulatory Matters Bio-Mass Project • • Municipal Waste • O & M of Plant IT SERVICES Store Management Regulatory Information Management System Complaint Management System for Distribution Utility CLIENTES DNHPDCL ED-DD MSETCL Amli Wing A S/F – 8, MAIF IXORA ESSAR POWER Silvassa. ABHIJEET FERROTECH RELIANCE INDUSTRIES ICRA MGT. CON. RELIANCE INFR STRUTURE LIMITED UGANDA ELECTRICITY TRANSMISSION COMPANY LIMITED IIT BOMBAY Branch Office at Ahmedabad 410, Shayona Arcade, Opp. Dinesh Chambers, Bapunagar, Ahmedabad – 380024. E-mail: Ph. no. 022 28909647
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