PANACEAN POWER BULLETIN Volume 2 Issue 11 Feb-2016 1 O V E RVI EW OF INDIAN POWER SY STEM All India Installed Capacity (MW) as on 31-12-2015 Peak Demand of DD & DNH Region Thermal Nuclear Hydro RES Total Northern 47594.8 1620.0 18246.8 7849.1 75310.7 Western 78954.4 1840.0 7447.5 13373.2 101615.1 Southern 40613.6 2320.0 11478.0 15460.0 69871.6 Eastern 29272.9 0.0 4209.1 459.5 33941.5 2008.7 0.0 1242.0 262.6 3513.3 40.1 0.0 0.0 11.1 51.2 198484.4 5780.0 42623.4 37415.5 284303.4 NorthEastern Islands ALL DEC-2015 FOR Dec-15 State / Area Peak Demand (MW) Peak Met (MW) DD 307 DNH 729 April-2015 to Dec-2015 Surplus/Deficit (-) Peak Demand (MW) Peak Met (MW) (MW) (%) 307 0 0 307 729 0 0 740 Surplus/Deficit (-) (MW) (%) 307 0 0 740 0 0 Read More… Note: Bracket Value ( ) indicates the negative value(-ve). All India Plant Load Factor (PLF) in (%) Sector Dec-14 Dec-15 Central 74.49 69.87 State 60.68 54.45 Private 61.64 63.14 ALL India 65.14 61.75 Read More… List of Transmission Lines Commissioned/Ready for Commissioning During Dec-2015 Highlights of WR Grid for Dec-2015 • Maximum Peak Demand Met: 46537 MW • Energy Consumption: Total Energy Consumption was 30238 MUs and the Maximum of 1005 MUs/day on 01.12.2015. • Unrestricted Demand: age Peak Unrestricted demand was 40713 MW. System frequency as per IEGC band is 49.90 Hz to 50.05 Hz. Central No. of Lines Pvt. Total State 765 400 220 765 400 220 400 230 220 2 1 0 0 1 0 3 0 15 22 List of Substations Commissioned/Ready for Commissioning During Dec-2015 Maximum Unre- stricted demand was 46745 MW and Aver- • Frequency Profile: Sector Voltage Level (KV ) Sector Voltage Level (KV ) No. of Substations Central Pvt. Total State 800 400 220 765 400 220 400 230 220 0 1 2 0 0 0 1 1 20 25 Maximum, Minimum & Average Frequencies 50.32 Hz,49.59 Hz & 49.98 Hz were respectively observed. • Voltage Profile: Maximum Voltage was observed on 400 KV Karad line is 439 KV. Region-wise Power Supply Position (Demand & Availability) in Dec-2014 & Dec-2015 Energy (MUs) Deficit /Surplus (%) Availability Dec-14 Dec-15 Dec-14 Dec-15 Dec-14 Dec-15 of Western Region was 849 MUs at an Northern 26535 26301 24844 25169 (6.4) (4.3) average of 27.40 MUs/day. Western 27059 29652 26984 29601 (0.3) (0.2) Southern 23123 22325 22491 22098 (2.7) (1.0) Eastern 9280 10228 9137 10199 (1.5) (0.3) North Eastern 1205 1141 1116 1111 (7.4) (2.6) All India 87202 89647 84572 88178 (3.0) (1.6) • Hydro Generation: Total hydro generation • Wind Generation: Total wind generation was 835 MUs at an average of 26.93 MUs/ day in the month of Dec-2015. • Solar Generation: Total Solar generation was 224 MUs at an average of 7.84 MUs/ Region-wise Peak Demand / Peak Met in Dec-2014 & Dec-2015 day in the month of Dec-2015. • Open Access Transaction Details Power (MW) for Dec-2015: Region No. of approvals & Energy Approved in Intra-regional: 191 & 811.17 MUs. No. of approvals & Energy Approved in Inter-regional: 49 & 911.36 MUs. D Demand Region Read More… Peak Demand Deficit /Surplus (%) Peak Met Dec-14 Dec-15 Dec-14 Dec-15 Dec-14 Dec-15 Northern Western 45425 43218 42459 45110 42592 43035 41090 44902 (6.2) (0.4) (3.2) (0.5) Southern 35818 35217 34137 34600 (4.7) (1.8) Eastern 14759 16775 14593 16630 (1.1) (0.9) North Eastern 2460 2355 2170 2320 (11.8) (1.5) All India 141680 135542 136527 133275 (3.6) (1.7) Note 1: Bracket value ( ) indicates deficit in %. PANACEAN POWER BULLETIN Volume 2 Issue 11 Feb-2016 Note 2: Data is taken from CEA website. Read More… 2 POWER TRADING Emergence of IT has helped to create massive E-Commerce platforms in every walk of life. One such E-Commerce platform for transiting electricity for physical delivery, fine tuning daily requirements, sale of residual generation, optimal utilization of generating resources at marginal cost of production etc. has been made possible through the commencement of Power Exchanges. For more information about IEX visit (; For more information about PXIL visit ( PXIL & IEX Trading summary JAN2016 PXIL IEX MCP (₹/MWh) Cleared Volume (MWh) Marginal Clear Volume (MWh) Buy Bid (MWh) Sell Bid (MWh) 234210.00 - 14816.32 15805.44 3449377.60 4.54 1980.00 2.00 2.00 2821.75 36.24 154.86 4500.00 6.65 6.65 7.12 78.69 2694.39 4.97 Buy Bid (MWh) Sell Bid (MWh) MCP (₹/MWh) Total 92600.00 79156.20 Min 3.48 3.48 Max 114.98 100.18 Avg 31.12 26.60 Buy Bid (MWh) Sell Bid (MWh) Total 21163.92 Min 4.31 Max Avg DEC2015 MCP (₹/MWh) Cleared Volume (MWh) Marginal Clear Volume (MWh) 5385963.11 - 2929256.80 3080832.81 3398.38 799.57 1941.18 2742.86 7045.13 13047.30 4650.39 5951.76 5951.76 5.31 4636.26 7239.20 2515.46 3937.17 4140.91 Cleared Volume (MWh) Marginal Clear Volume (MWh) Buy Bid (MWh) Sell Bid (MWh) MCP (₹/MWh) Cleared Volume (MWh) Marginal Clear Volume (MWh) -- 17088.04 18028.78 3397266.44 4980568.32 - 2987347.50 3041757.44 1750.00 1.25 3.48 3345.40 3438.48 690.09 3012.64 3064.45 6010.00 55.30 44.83 6350.88 11133.75 4798.28 5453.40 5501.25 2742.35 5.74 6.06 4566.22 6694.31 2558.15 4015.25 4088.38 PXIL IEX DD & DNH: OPEN ACCESS DETAILS REC Trading Session Jan-2016 Trader Company PXIL IEX Particular Non-Solar Solar Non-Solar Solar Total Sell Bid (REC’s) 5,789,152 693,116 7,585,847 2,495,537 Total Buy Bid (REC’s) 180,515 16,232 164,004 41,188 Clearing Price (₹/Certificate) 1,500 3,500 1,500 3,500 Cleared Volume (REC’s) 180,515 16,232 164,004 41,188 Low prices, increased trade & enhanced corridor availability characterize spot power market RENEWABLE ENERGY CERTIFICATE MECHANISM (REC) FROM Mar-15 TO Feb-16 X- Months Y– 1(REC) = 1 MWh Read More ... PANACEAN POWER BULLETIN Volume 2 Issue 11 Feb-2016 At average Market Clearing Price (MCP) of Rs 2.56/unit in Dec2015, spot power market at IEX saw increased trade along with significant easing of Inter State Transmission System (ISTS) congestion. In Dec-2015, MCP dipped by 4% over Nov-2015. In South, area prices dipped to an extent of 20%, with increase in generation within the region as well as enhanced availability of transmission corridor between rest of India and South. The ER -> SR and WR -> SR corridors were congested 45% of time, whereas, last month(Nov-2015) corridor was congested 65% of time. Low prices on Exchange present immense opportunity to state utilities to optimize their power portfolio and bring down their cost of procurement. With purchase bids at 3,397 MUs (4,566 MW) and sell bids at 4,981 MUs (6,694 MW) – almost similar to last month(Nov2015), about 2,987 MUs were traded in Dec-2015, about 9% above the previous month(Nov-2015). On an average daily basis, Read more.. about 96 MUs were traded in Dec-2015. 3 REACTIVE ENERGY CHARGES FOR DD & DNH DD-High Voltage FY 2015-16 DD-Low Voltage GUJARAT ISTS Vapdal Vapdbl Dok-diu Una-diu Mgr-Vap HV Total in (MVARh) Cumulative Total MVARh till Dec-2015 0.00 0.00 853.20 1660.80 29987.30 Cumulative Total Charges in (₹) till Dec-2015 0.00 0.00 106650.00 207600.00 18-01-2016 to 24-01-2016 0.00 0.00 107.30 Charges in (₹) 0.00 0.00 11-01-2016 to 17-01-2016 0.00 Charges in (₹) 0.00 GUJARAT Vapdbl Dok-diu Una-diu Mgr-Vap LV Total in (MVARh) 27473.30 0.00 0.00 30.70 28.80 248433.20 248435.10 3748412.50 3434162.50 0.00 0.00 3837.50 3600.00 31054150.00 31054387.50 33.70 1314.90 1173.90 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5920.80 5920.80 13412.50 4212.50 164362.50 146737.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 740100.00 740100.00 0.00 36.60 120.30 1622.10 1538.40 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6114.90 6114.90 0.00 4575.00 15037.50 202762.50 192300.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 764362.50 764362.50 GUJARAT DNH-Low Voltage ISTS Vapdad Bldkdl Bld-Sil Kpd-Vap HV Kdl-Vap HV Total in (MVARh) 0.00 0.00 0.00 25360.80 48712.20 0.00 0.00 0.00 3170100.00 18-01-2016 to 24-01-2016 0.00 0.00 0.00 Charges in (₹) 0.00 0.00 11-01-2016 to 17-01-2016 0.00 Charges in (₹) 0.00 Cumulative Total MVARh till Dec-2015 Cumulative Total Charges in (₹) till Dec-2015 ISTS Vapdal DNH-High Voltage FY 2015-16 Read More.. GUJARAT ISTS Vapdad Bldkdl Bld-Sil Kpd-Vap LV Kdl-Vap LV Total in (MVARh) 74073.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 94987.90 2343.60 97331.50 6089025.00 9259125.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 11873487.50 292950.00 12166437.5 0 1932.70 3161.10 5093.80 0.00 0.00 0.00 576.40 -13.30 563.10 0.00 241587.50 395137.50 636725.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 72050.00 -1662.50 70387.50 0.00 0.00 1368.00 2677.20 4045.20 0.00 0.00 0.00 1142.40 -49.90 1092.50 0.00 0.00 171000.00 334650.00 505650.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 142800.00 -6237.50 136562.50 Note: The REC chargers has been revised to 12.5 paisa/KVARh for FY 2015-16 as per reference IEGC Regulation-Clause 6.6.2 released on 28th Apr,2010 Read More... Brief Description of Amendments in the Tariff Policy Dated Jan-20-2016. The Tariff Policy was notified by the Central Government under Section 3 of the Electricity Act, 2003 on 6th January, 2006 and the same was amended on 31st March, 2008, 20th January, 2011 and 8th July, 2011. The objective of the amendments is to ensure the 4 elements as follows. • Allow utilization of surplus assets in order to decrease overall power cost. Create a win-win situation between Generator, utilities and consumers by allowing benefit from sale of un-requisitioned power to be shared on 50:50 basis between parties to the PPA, if not already provided for in the PPA. Intra-State Transmission projects shall be developed by State Government through competitive bidding process for projects costing above a threshold limit, which shall be decided by the State Regulator. The cross subsidy surcharge formula has been revised to balance interest of open access consumers and DISCOMs. Besides, Commission has been given flexibility to review it. Highlights of Amendments: 1. Electricity: 3. Environment: RPO: In order to promote renewable energy and energy security, it is decided that 8% of total consumption of electricity, excluding hydro power, shall be from solar energy by March 2022. RGO: New coal/lignite based thermal plants after specified date to also establish/procure/purchase renewable capacity as prescribed by GoI. To release clean water to meet drinking water needs of cities and reduce pollution of rivers, No inter-State transmission charges and losses to be levied, Allow availability of cheap hydro power by enabling DISCOM to extend PPA by 15 yr’s beyond the current 35 yr’s etc. 2. Regulator will devise power supply trajectory so that 24x7 supply is ensured to all consumers latest by 2021-22 or earlier. To enable to provide power in remote unconnected villages through micro grids and provide continuity of power supply, regulator to mandate compulsory purchase of power into grid from such micro grids at regulated tariff. Affordable power to people near coal mines by enabling procurement of power from coal washery reject based plants of PSUs or their JVs (with not more than 26% private share) on regulated tariff. Efficiency: Promote optimum utilization of land and other resources by increasing procurement of power from expansion of existing private power plants on regulated tariff from 50% to 100% of existing capacity will result in reduction in over all cost of power to the consumers. PANACEAN POWER BULLETIN Volume 2 Issue 11 4. Ease of Doing Business: Generate employment in coal rich Eastern states like West Bengal, Odisha, Jharkhand, Chhattisgarh etc. by encouraging investments. Remove taxation ambiguity, clarity on tariff setting authority for multistate sales etc. Feb-2016 Read more.. 4 DD User Click to get UI Report DEVIATION CHARGES DNH User Click to get UI Report DD-Deviation Charges Date Cumulative Total up to Dec-15 18-01-2016 to 24-01-2016 18-01-2015 to 24-01-2015 11-01-2016 to 17-01-2016 11-01-2015 to 17-01-2015 DNH-Deviation Charges Drawal (MUs) Schedule (MUs) 1742.32 1708.88 36.83 70.28 1723.86 697.94 43.77 42.15 0.52 2.15 47.28 7.60 39.53 40.21 1.03 0.35 6.64 26.95 42.37 42.14 1.11 1.34 28.26 19.92 38.05 39.25 1.42 0.22 5.56 26.77 UI Drawal (MUs) Under Over Drawal Drawal UI Charges(₹. Lakh) PayaReceivable ble Date Cumulative Total up to Dec-15 18-01-2016 to 24-01-2016 18-01-2015 to 24-01-2015 11-01-2016 to 17-01-2016 11-01-2015 to 17-01-2015 Drawal (MUs) Schedule (MUs) 4335.39 4377.23 74.04 32.22 797.59 1569.60 107.70 108.43 1.18 0.45 9.33 22.77 106.95 106.17 0.75 1.53 37.60 18.43 110.50 110.88 0.94 0.57 12.27 18.54 103.74 103.34 0.91 1.31 37.42 16.68 DD MONTH April May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Total FY 2014-15 (All Freq Hz) UI Rate Under Over in Drawl in Drawl in MU's MU's ₹ /Unit 2.23 4.80 5.30 1.51 1.94 5.34 4.90 4.88 4.97 35.58 4.86 5.37 8.16 17.26 20.47 5.46 2.43 1.39 1.37 (66.80) (4.66) (10.12) (8.47) (4.94) (6.01) (39.89) (2.45) (1.60) (1.54) 7.05 Over Drawl in MU's (0.02) (0.01) UI Rate April May Under Drawl in MU's 0.01 0.18 June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Total 0.11 0.01 0.01 0.05 0.02 0.00 0.01 0.40 (0.32) (0.48) (0.80) (0.08) (0.01) 0.00 (0.01) (1.73) MONTH Under Drawl in MU's Over Drawl in MU's UI Rate in 4.57 8.94 4.32 2.68 1.69 2.97 4.03 4.12 3.51 36.83 (5.65) (2.17) (7.58) (10.03) (13.68) (12.77) (6.12) (5.98) (6.30) (70.28) 7.87 1.96 4.34 3.10 (2.48) (3.33) (1.32) (0.68) 1.48 3.07 MONTH ₹ /Unit April May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Total FY 2014-15 (All Freq Hz) UI Rate Under Over in Drawl in Drawl in ₹ /Unit MU's MU's 6.67 3.45 5.25 9.30 3.48 6.42 6.51 4.32 4.31 49.71 (6.53) (8.38) (10.50) (7.11) (15.88) (5.44) (5.39) (7.38) (3.37) (69.98) Revision Oct-14 rev1-rev2 Nov-14 rev1-rev2 DD Dec-14 rev1-rev2 Jan-15 Org-rev1 Total 9.15 11.39 8.35 8.94 5.47 6.02 6.82 8.27 9.63 74.04 FY 2014-15(<49.7Hz) UI Rate in 30.49 1.31 Over Drawl in MU's (0.03) (0.02) 20.76 16.57 17.12 28.83 2.66 2.66 1.10 20.09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 (0.01) (0.01) (0.02) (0.01) 0.00 0.00 0.00 (0.10) 17.11 16.71 16.70 17.64 0.00 0.00 0.00 18.24 April May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Under Drawl in MU's 0.01 0.06 0.30 0.18 0.03 0.10 0.03 0.00 0.01 Over Drawl in MU's (0.06) (0.02) (0.59) (0.17) (0.61) (0.01) (0.02) 0.00 (0.01) Total 0.72 (1.49) MONTH ₹ /Unit 16.62 31.43 Monthly UI Report from 06-10-2014 to 25-01-2015[ Frequency : ALL ] UtilDate ity 79.65 3.17 5.85 0.84 5.58 3.84 2.11 2.78 2.26 6.58 FY 2015-16 (All Freq Hz) Under Over UI Rate in Drawl in Drawl in ₹ /Unit MU's MU's (6.07) (3.42) (6.03) (3.55) (3.99) (4.09) (2.49) (1.66) (0.92) (32.22) 0.41 2.13 1.08 1.56 (2.07) 2.15 (2.32) 2.19 2.44 1.85 DNH FY 2015-16(<49.7Hz) Under Drawl in MU's 0.00 0.01 ₹ /Unit UI Charges (₹. Lakh) PayaReceivable ble DNH FY 2015-16 (All Freq Hz) DD FY 2014-15(<49.7Hz) UI Drawal (MUs) Under Over Drawal Drawal UI ( MUs ) UI ( In Lakh ) Schedule Paya- Receiv( MUs ) Under Over Drawal Drawal ble able 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 163.02 166.13 4.55 1.44 22.72 64.08 16.73 17.23 0.60 0.09 3.15 8.26 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.03 -0.07 179.74 183.36 5.15 1.54 25.90 72.41 Drawal ( MUs ) Note: Bracket Value ( ) indicates the negative value(-ve). PANACEAN POWER BULLETIN Volume 2 Issue 11 Net (in Lakh) 0.00 41.36 5.11 -0.04 46.51 FY 2015-16(<49.7Hz) Over Drawl in MU's (0.01) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (0.01) 0.00 0.00 0.00 UI Rate in 17.99 3.93 28.36 151.86 17.77 6.67 6.69 0.00 3.36 Under Drawl in MU's 0.02 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 26.43 0.07 (0.02) 3.52 UI Rate ₹ /Unit ₹ /Unit 12.66 5.63 7.70 8.01 0.00 0.63 0.00 0.00 0.00 Monthly UI Report from 06-10-2014 to 25-01-2015[ Frequency : ALL ] Utility DNH Date Revision Oct-14 rev1-rev2 Nov-14 rev1-rev2 Dec-14 rev1-rev2 Jan-15 org-rev1 Total UI ( MUs ) Drawal Schedule ( MUs ) ( MUs ) Under Over Paya- Net (In Receiv- Lakh) 105.87 0.00 44.90 0.00 60.97 16.91 0.00 4.81 0.22 21.93 41.66 24.76 0.00 0.00 7.10 2.30 0.08 0.15 48.84 26.91 106.76 0.00 45.14 0.00 61.62 1.56 0.00 0.42 0.00 1.14 0.68 0.00 0.18 0.00 0.50 UI ( In Lakh ) Note: rev1 = revision1, rev2 = revision2, org = Original Feb-2016 5 POWER SECTOR ACTIVITIES • MNRE Firms blacklisted by State Nodal Agencies - For • 5th List of Empaneled Channel Partner /New information by SPV Off-Grid Division Entrepreneur/ Govt. Agency The following firms were blacklisted by State Nodal Provisional list of approved Channel Partners ( 16 nos) ( 01-12-2015 to 07.01.2016) was released on 22-Jan2016. Agencies on 22.01.2016. This is for information 1.M/s HBL Power Systems Ltd, Hyderabad 2.M/s Veddis Solar Ltd, Hyderabad 3.M/s Indo Solar Ltd, New Delhi 4.M/s Eversun Energy Ltd, Bangalore 5.M/s Bright Solar Pvt. Ltd, Ahmadabad • Details of Biogas Power (off-grid) Projects sanctioned with CFA released by MNRE for the period from April 2011 to December 2015 • Empanelment of Channel Partners Applications are invited from the entities to register as • new channel partners under Off Grid and Decentralized Solar Applications Programme. Interested entities may approach rating agencies of their choice and forward the rating report to the undersigned before 31.03.2016 • through registered or speed post (not courier). • Suryamitra Skill Development Programs National Institute of Solar Energy (NISE) is organizing “Suryamitra” skill development programs, in collabora- • tion with State Nodal Agencies, at various locations across the country. The duration of this skill development program is 600 hrs (approx 90 days). This is the residential program and it is free which includes boarding and lodging. Suryamitra Skill Development Programs are sponsored by Ministry of New & Renewable Energy, Govt. of India. Essential qualification: The candidate should be 10th pass and ITI in Electrician/Wireman/Electronics • Mechanic/Fitter/ Sheet Metal not below 18 years. Preferable Qualification: The candidates with Diploma in Electrical, Mechanical and Electronics branches will be preferred. • Accreditation of the Energy Resource Institute (TERI) for testing of Solar Lanterns POSOCO Congestion warning notice issued in WR-NR corridor from 18:00 hrs. on 14.01.2016. CERC Order No: 15/SM/2015:- Determination of Average Power Purchase Cost (APPC) at the national level WRPC Share allocation of RGPPL to Railway 620 MW redistribution 20.01.2016. 1.Maharashtra Central Railway 250 MW 2.Gujarat Western Railway 70 MW 3.Madhya Pradesh West Central Railway 200 MW 4.Jharkhand South Eastern Railway 100 MW JERC Petition No. 189/2015: Application for the direction that the action of the respondent revising the Fuel and Power Purchase Cost Adjustment is against the FPPCA formula notified by the Joint Electricity Regulatory Commission in petition No. 79 of 2012. MNRE Accredited the Testing of Solar Lanterns to TERI Silvassa Industrial Association and DNHPDCL data of (The Energy Resource Institute) as per BIS Standards hearing held on 22-01-2016. w.e.f. started from 11-1-2016. POWER EXCHANGE • "National Conference on Solar Thermal Energy • PXIL invites applications for Power Market Technologies” on February 26-28, 2016 by Study Tour 2016 at Warsaw, Poland. Indian Institute of Technology Jodhpur (IITJ) This program is designed taking in consideration the Ministry of Power needs expressed by the power professionals who are looking for global prospective and adapting it for opera• Appointment of Shri V.K Singh GM,NHPC to the tional efficiency. It introduces contemporary concept in post of Director (Technical) NEEPCO for a perielectrical markets, method of electricity transactions od of Five years from 01-03-2016 and facilitates the process of knowledge dissemination for the development of market design and operation. • Inauguration of Interim Secretariat of International Solar Alliance & Foundation stone Lay- People Can Attend: All GENCO’s, TRANSCO’s, Regulators, Large consumers, Trading Companies & Power ing Ceremony of International Solar Alliance Sector Professionals, Financial Institutions and Banks, Headquarter, held at Gwal Pahari, Gurgaon at Development Institutions and Consulting Firms 3:30 PM on 25th January, 2016 Training Schedule: 15th March - 19th March 2016. Note: Click on Head lines for More Info PANACEAN POWER BULLETIN Volume 2 Issue 11 Venue: Warsaw, Poland Feb-2016 6 POWER SECTOR ACTIVITIES CONT.. Miscellaneous • Railways to manufacture locos that run on diesel, electricity Railways will manufacture five dual-mode locomotives of 4500 horse power (HP) capacity each at Diesel Locomotive Works in Varanasi as a pilot project. A dual-mode locomotive is estimated to cost about Rs 18 crore, while a 4500 HP diesel locomotive costs about Rs 13 crore. • Himachal Pradesh government to set up joint venture to generate 1,000 MW solar power in Spiti • Fortum bids at INR 4.34 /kwh for solar pv project under NTPC bidding Solar Tariffs hits all time low with Fortum emerging lowest bidder quoting Rs.4.34 /kWh • Reliance Power Q3 FY16 net profit rises 38% to Rs 352 crore • CAG must probe Delhi discoms: Satyendra Jain • JSW Energy reported a consolidated net profit at Rs 320.68 crore for the quarter ended December 31, 2015. • Cabinet approves amendments in Power Tariff Policy to ensure 24X7 affordable Power for all • Maharashtra government to unveil off grid policy, big push to solar energy • JBM Solar to commission power plant in Haryana by April • Government to soon launch new policy for solar zones • Centre to provide Rs 5,000-crore subsidy for rooftop solar power The Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs has approved an increase in the budget for implementation of grid connected solar rooftop systems under National Solar Mission from Rs 600 crore to Rs 5,000 crore by 2019 -20. • Two-fold increase in sales of Green Energy Certificates in December 2015 Sale of renewable energy certificates (RECs) increased by two-fold to 9.6 lakh in December 2015 from 3.19 lakh in the month of November 2015 due to better compliance of Renewable Purchase Obligation (RPO) by the companies. • India needs to make silicon for solar power India has set an ambitious target of generating 100,000 MW of solar energy by 2022 but does not have the technology to process sand into silicon, forcing its import in huge quantities. • Central Railway’s shift to green energy saves it Rs 18L in annual power bills • NTPC to set up 4000 MW power plant, 2250 MW solar power plant in AP: Piyush Goyal NTPC is planning to set up a 4000 MW power plant at Puttaparthi and a 2250 MW solar power plant in Andhra Pradesh as a part of Chief Minister’s initiative of making the state a solar power hub. This was announced by Piyush Goyal, Minister of State for Power, Coal and New and Renewable Energy. • India Solar Capacity crosses 5 GW mark India achieved the 5 GW mark for grid connected solar generation as per the state wise list released by MNRE. According to the list a total of 5129.8 GW of solar power projects are commissioned as on 14-01-2016, with Rajasthan and Gujarat leading the pack. • All trucks of Coal India to be GPS-mapped in a month: Anil Swarup To check coal pilferage, all trucks of Coal India would be fitted with GPS tracking devices within a month, said by Coal Secretary Shri Anil Swarup. • NTPC developing battery to store solar power NTPC Ltd is developing a battery to store electricity generated from solar power projects. The plan is at the research and development (R&D) stage and India’s largest power generation utility is in touch with US automobile and energy storage firm Tesla Motors Inc to use its expertise, according to three people aware of the matter. • Government approves Rs 5050 crore funding to push solar projects The government approved a ‘viability gap funding’ (VGF) of Rs 5,050 crore for setting up over 5,000 MW of grid linked solar power projects under the Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar Mission on 21-Jan2016. “The Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs has given its approval for setting up over 5,000 MW of GridConnected Solar PV Power Projects on build, own and operate basis,”. • Government to sign nuclear damages pact The government is getting ready to ratify the international Convention for Supplementary Compensation (CSC) capping a year of surprising successes in nuclear energy in India, which ended with Parliament passing the joint venture bill for nuclear projects. • Power Grid board approves Rs 2.5K crore for transmission projects State-run Power Grid Corp on 18-Jan-2016 said it has approved a cumulative investment of Rs 2,510 crore for various transmission projects, including Rs 1,455.47 crore for strengthening its network in the Southern region. Note: Click on Head lines for More Info PANACEAN POWER BULLETIN Volume 2 Issue 11 Feb-2016 7 ALL INDIA LIST OF ELEMENTS COMMISSIONED FY 2015-16 All India List of Substations Commissioned during Dec-2015 765/400 Vindhyachal Pooling Substation 400/220 Muradnagar-II (ICT-II) 400/220 Muzaffarpur (ICT) 220/132 Birpara (160-100) (Aug.) 220/132 Chatta (New) 220/132 Ara (ICT) 220/132 Kuchera S/S 220/132 Loni (Aug) (200-150) 220/132 Mainpuri (Aug) (160100) 220/132 Behror 220/132 Firozabad (160-60) 220/132 Phulambri S/S 220/132 Sampla (Aug) 220/132 Thimmapuram S/S 220/132 Sarojini Nagar (200100) 230/110 Thingalur S/S 220/110 Arasikere S/S 220/66 A-4, Faridabad S/S 220/66 Bassi Pathana (2nd Addl.) 220/66 Charadava S/S 220/66 DG Plant Yelahanka 220/33 Harhua (New) (60) S/S 220/33 Khanapur S/S 220/33 Nandgoan Peth S/S 220/33 Sayne (Addl.) S/S 220/33 Tembhurni (Addl.) All India List of Transmission Lines Commissioned during Dec-2015 DURING THE 400 Kashipur- Roorkee line S/C 400 Rajgarh (PG) - Karamsad (GETCO) D/C 400 Jammalamadugu -- Narnur (Kurnool) D/C 400 LILO of Bhiwani- Bahadurgarh (PGCIL) at kaboolpur S/S D/C 400 LILO of Koradi - Wardha at IEPL D/C 400 Kurukshetr-Nakodar 1 400 Khammam-N'sagar 2 400 Khammam-N'sagar 3 220 A5 (Faridabad) - A4 (Faridabad) (Ckt-II) D/C 220 Bagalkot- Gadag D/C 220 Goindwal Sahib - Chola Sahib D/C 220 Hinjewadi-II (400KV) - Hinjewadi-II (220kV) S/S D/C 220 Ib- Meramundali (Loc No. 122/0 to Meramundali) D/C 220 LILO of 220 kV of Samshabad - Firozabad at Agra(400 kV) D/C 220 LILO of Amaravati- Badnera line at Nandgaon Peth. D/C 220 LILO of Arasikere- Kanthenahalli at Arasikere S/S D/C 220 LILO of Hubli- Lingapur 2nd Ckt at Gadag D/C 220 LILO of Nagpur- Merta at Kuchera D/C 220 LILO of Peenya -Hoody at Chikkabettahalli M/C 220 LILO of Sarnath (400) - Azamgarh at Harhua S/C 220 LILO of existing Kalikkri - C.K. Palli at Thimamapuram S/S D/C 220 LILO of one Ckt Badshaahpur- Mau -Bhiwadi at HSIIDC Bawal D/C 220 MTPS Stage-III - Thingalur S/C 765 Kurnool (New) - Raichur line D/C 765 Ranchi (New) - Dharamjaygarh/ Near Korba S/C All India No. of Generators Commissioned during FY 2015-16 (till Dec-2015) Thermal Hydro Nuclear Month W R N R NE R E R S R W R N R NE R E R S R W R N R NE R E R S R April-15 May-15 June-15 July-15 1 1 2 0 0 2 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 2 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 1 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 3 3 1 1 2 11 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 8 0 0 2 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Aug-15 Sep-15 Oct-15 Nov-15 Dec-15 Total All India No. of Line Reactors (LR), Transmission Lines (T/L), Substations (S/S) and Bus Reactors (BR) Commissioned for FY 2015-16 (till Dec-2015) Month April-15 May-15 June-15 July-15 Aug-15 Sep-15 Oct-15 Nov-15 Dec-15 FY 2015-16 till Dec-2015 LR 765 KV T/L S/S BR LR 400 KV T/L S/S BR LR 230 KV T/L S/S BR LR 220 KV T/L S/S BR LR Total T/L S/S 26 15 23 26 28 14 27 38 45 40 14 21 14 15 8 10 15 26 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 241 162 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 2 0 5 4 3 2 3 4 1 2 2 2 0 0 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 7 4 12 8 2 13 25 12 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 4 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 22 6 16 13 14 8 11 11 30 30 11 17 9 11 6 5 9 22 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 22 14 0 0 85 22 0 0 4 7 0 0 130 119 0 0 Note 1: Data is taken from CEA and NLDC websites. Note 2: No data for Branch Reactors and Line Reactors for the month of Dec-2015. PANACEAN POWER BULLETIN Volume 2 Issue 11 Feb-2016 BR CEA : Read more... NLDC: Read more... 8 F E E D E R O U TA G E S A N D C O M P L A I N T R E P O R T S Panacean Energy Solution Pvt. Ltd. gives the facility to find RI and SOP report for DD & DNH. For DNH user please click to find RI & SOP report. For DD user please click to find RI & SOP report . RIMS ( Regulatory Information Management System) RIMS is a web-based utility designed, developed and maintained by Panacean Energy for DNH power Distribution Corporation Ltd., and Electricity Department of Daman and Diu. Current Version of the Software Provides following Modules 1. Power Procurement Module 2. UI Management Module 3. Standards of Performance (SOP) 4. Complaint Management Module 5. Fuel and Power Purchase Cost Adjustment Module ( FPPCA) DD ( ( DNH ( ( Comparison Report of Electrical Complaints between Consecutive Months Mention in Diagram and FY 2015-16 DEC-2015 JAN-2016 FY 2015-16 DEC-2015 JAN-2016 FY 2015-16 D D D N H Comparison Report of No. of Feeder Outages between consecutive Months mention in diagram for FY 2015-16 D D DEC-2015 JAN-2016 FY 2015-16 DEC-2015 JAN-2016 FY 2015-16 SD-II SD-IV D N H NZ NZ-II SZ Note: The Size of bar chart is adjusted according with the values considered and value not sizes/scaling. PANACEAN POWER BULLETIN Volume 2 Issue 11 Feb-2016 9 POWER SYSTEM SOLUTIONS THAT WORK FOR YOUR BUSINESS. POWER SERVICES R E A C H U S AT Corporate Office Gala No: 7-8,Ground Floor, Aadharshila Building, Mahajan wadi, Penker pada, Mira Road, Dahisar (E), Thane - 401104 Phone: +91 22 2896 9047 Registered Office 1501, Pacifis B, lodha Aqua CHS ltd., Opp. Thakur Mall, Mahajan Wadi Mira Road (E), IT SERVICES Maharashtra. Branch Office at Silvassa Kilvani Naka, Store Management Regulatory Information Management System Complaint Management System for Distribution Utility CLIENTS Opp. Jalaram Temple, Amli Wing A S/F – 8, Silvassa. DNH POWER DISTRIBUTION CORPORATION LTD. ELECTRICITY DEPARTMENT OF DAMAN & DIU MSETCL IIT BOMBAY IXORA ESSAR POWER ABHIJEET FERROTECH RELIANCE INDUSTRIES ICRA MGT. CON. UGANDA ELECTRICITY TRANSMISSION COMPANY LIMITED MACQUARIE ASIA INFRASTRUCTURE FUND (MAIF) RELIANCE INFRA STRUTURE LIMITED Branch Office at Ahmedabad Distribution Utility Asset Management PSS®E Implementation and Training Policy Making Open Access Management UI Management Substation Operation & Maintenance Electricity Act & Compliance of Regulation Project Management Tender Management Power Procurement Power System Analysis GPS Mapping and GIS Survey ARR and MYT Preparation Load Forecasting Transmission Planning DPR Preparation Power Scheduling Management RENEWABLE ENERGY Techno Commercial Feasibility DPR Preparation for Solar, Wind & Studies Bio-Mass Projects Training on Regulatory Matters Municipal Waste Energy Auditing/PAT Operation & Maintenance of Plant Thane 401107, 410, Shayona Arcade, Opp. Dinesh Chambers, Bapunagar, Ahmedabad – 380024. E-mail: Ph. no. 022 28909647
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