Inside - Panacean Energy
Inside Overview of Indian Power System for June-2016 - - - - - - - - - - PXIL & IEX Trading summary - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Deviation Charges - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Reactive Energy Charges For DD & DNH - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Power Sector Activities - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - All India List of Elem. Commissioned during the FY 2016-17- About Panacean - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Panacean IT Services - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - PANACEAN POWER BULLETIN Volume 3 Issue 5 Aug-2016 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 11 1 O V E RVI EW OF INDIAN POWER SY STEM FOR JUNE-2016 All India Installed Capacity (MW) as on 30-06-2016 All India Installed Capacity (MW) as on 30-06-2016 Region Thermal Nuclear Hydro RES Total Northern 51195.76 1620.00 18311.78 8630.13 79757.67 Western 83188.42 1840.00 7447.50 15314.92 107790.84 Southern 44359.00 2320.00 11558.03 18154.12 76391.15 Eastern 30812.87 0.00 4289.12 475.39 35577.38 2044.30 0.00 1242.00 263.72 3550.02 NorthEastern Islands ALL Sector 40.05 0.00 0.00 11.10 51.15 211640.40 5780.00 42848.43 42849.38 303118.21 Peak Demand of DD & DNH June-16 Generation (MW) Peak Demand (MW) Peak Met (MW) DD 304 DNH 781 Utility Central 76296.76 State 101825.94 Private 124995.51 Total 303118.21 Surplus/Deficit (-) (MW) (%) 304 0 0 781 0 0 Read More… All India Plant Load Factor (PLF) in (%) Sector June-15 June-16 Central 70.29 74.26 State 53.99 54.15 Private 57.35 56.25 ALL India 60.16 60.87 Read More… Highlights of WR Grid for June-2016 • Maximum Peak Demand Met: 46031 MW • Energy Consumption: Total Energy Consumption in the month of June-2016 was 29287 MUs and the Maximum of 1039 List of Transmission Lines Commissioned/Ready for Commissioning During June-2016 Sector Voltage Level (KV ) No. of Lines Maximum Unre- stricted demand was 46756 MW and Average Peak Unrestricted demand was 40725 MW. • Frequency Profile: System frequency as Pvt. Total State 765 400 220 765 400 220 400 230 220 3 4 1 0 4 0 4 0 23 39 List of Substations Commissioned/Ready for Commissioning During June-2016 MUs/day on 01.06.2016. • Unrestricted Demand: Central Sector Voltage Level (KV ) No. of Substations Central Pvt. Total State 765 400 220 765 400 220 765 400 230 220 1 3 0 0 2 0 0 2 0 8 16 per IEGC band is 49.90 Hz to 50.05 Hz. Maximum, Minimum & Average Frequencies 50.37 Hz, 49.65 Hz & 50.00 Hz were respectively observed. • Voltage Profile: Maximum Voltage was Region-wise Power Supply Position (Demand & Availability) in June-2015 & June-2016 Energy (MUs) Demand Region Deficit /Surplus (%) Availability June-15 June-16 June-15 June-16 June-15 June-16 • Hydro Generation: Total hydro generation Northern 30899 33357 29478 32915 (4.6) (1.3) of Western Region was 509 MUs at an Western 25949 28470 25895 28441 (0.2) (0.1) average of 17 MUs/day in the month of Southern 22242 22794 22021 22787 (1.0) (0.0) Eastern 10588 11229 10503 11210 (0.8) (0.2) North Eastern 1181 1382 1115 1344 (5.6) (2.7) All India 90859 97232 89012 96697 (2.0) (0.6) observed on 400 KV Parli Line is 436 KV. June-2016. • Wind Generation: Total wind generation was 2373 MUs at an average of 79.11 MUs/ day in the month of June-2016. Region-wise Peak Demand / Peak Met in June-2015 & June-2016 • Solar Generation: Total Solar generation Power (MW) was 257 MUs at an average of 9.09 MUs/ day in the month of June-2016. • Open Access Transaction Details Region June-2016: Intra-regional: 420 & 884.25 MUs. No. of approvals & Energy Approved in Inter-regional: 78 & 168.85 MUs. D Read More… Deficit /Surplus (%) Peak Met June-15 June-16 June-15 June-16 June-15 June-16 Northern Western 52837 42608 52726 44714 49545 41884 51086 43998 (6.2) (1.7) (3.1) (1.6) Southern 35399 35399 35005 35005 (1.1) (1.1) Eastern 17836 18272 17710 18104 (0.7) (0.9) North Eastern 2356 2479 2190 2475 (7.0) (0.2) All India 142056 144762 137922 142007 (2.9) (1.9) for No. of approvals & Energy Approved in Peak Demand Note 1: Bracket value ( ) indicates deficit in %. PANACEAN POWER BULLETIN Volume 3 Issue 5 Aug-2016 Note 2: Data is taken from CEA website. Read More… 2 POWER TRADING Emergence of IT has helped to create massive E-Commerce platforms in every walk of life. One such E-Commerce platform for transiting electricity for physical delivery, fine tuning daily requirements, sale of residual generation, optimal utilization of generating resources at marginal cost of production etc. has been made possible through the commencement of Power Exchanges. For more information about IEX visit (; For more information about PXIL visit ( PXIL & IEX Trading summary JULY2016 PXIL IEX MCP (₹/MWh) Cleared Volume (MWh) Marginal Clear Volume (MWh) Buy Bid (MWh) Sell Bid (MWh) 228158.84 - 55894.40 55839.36 3987534.90 8.50 1250.00 8.05 8.05 4036.00 109.45 209.50 3090.00 109.45 109.45 19.78 76.66 2181.81 18.78 18.76 MCP (₹/MWh) Cleared Volume (MWh) Marginal Clear Volume (MWh) Buy Bid (MWh) Sell Bid (MWh) Buy Bid (MWh) Sell Bid (MWh) Total 58884.60 Min 8.05 Max Avg MCP (₹/MWh) Cleared Volume (MWh) Marginal Clear Volume (MWh) 6741141.22 - 3580523.62 3648816.63 5412.68 1124.94 3631.26 3696.28 8080.08 13536.65 3975.36 6653.64 6872.10 5359.59 9060.67 2159.86 4812.53 4904.32 MCP (₹/MWh) Cleared Volume (MWh) Marginal Clear Volume (MWh) JUNE2016 Buy Bid (MWh) Sell Bid (MWh) Total 25731.00 109011.28 - 11639.38 11246.00 3685186.12 5903909.90 - 3146966.10 3247130.86 Min 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3318.00 5179.38 899.50 3207.10 3143.18 Max 57.00 370.00 3600.00 32.00 32.00 7894.93 12771.28 3413.00 5910.96 6379.00 Avg 8.93 37.85 2296.88 4.04 3.90 5118.31 8199.88 2312.07 4370.79 4509.90 REC Trading Session July-2016 DD & DNH: OPEN ACCESS DETAILS Trader Company PXIL IEX Particular Non-Solar Solar Non-Solar Solar Total Sell Bid (REC’s) 5,637,674 1,447,749 7,287,207 2,036,891 Total Buy Bid (REC’s) 95,757 14,029 139,250 23,944 Clearing Price (₹/Certificate) 1,500 3,500 1,500 3,500 Cleared Volume (REC’s) 95,757 14,029 139,250 23,944 NLDC Operating Charges in Day-ahead Market on MWhr basis from Trade Date 1st August 2016 RENEWABLE ENERGY CERTIFICATE MECHANISM (REC) FROM AUG-15 TO JULY-16 X- Months Y– 1(REC) = 1 MWh Read More ... PANACEAN POWER BULLETIN Volume 3 Issue 5 Dear Members, Hon’ble CERC has notified 4th amendment to CERC (Open Access in inter-State Transmission) Regulations vide Gazette Notification No. Regd. REGD. NO. D. L.-33004/99 on date 5th July 2016. In compliance to this Regulation, Exchange will apply NLDC Operating charges on each of the successful buyer and seller for its energy scheduled (MWh) at regional periphery under Collective Transactions for Day-Ahead Market. The rate of NLDC Operating charges shall be ₹ 1/MWh and shall be capped to a maximum ceiling of Rs 200 per day by each successful buyer and seller. Illustration:- In Day-Ahead Market, if a portfolio has sell trade quantity of 220.43 MWhr and buy quantity of 120.36 MWhr then for Sell quantity ₹.. 200.00 (@ ₹.1/MWhr subject to ₹. 200 Ceiling) will be applicable and for buy quantity Rs. 120.37 will be applicable. Hence ₹. 320.37 will be collected and paid to NLDC. Read more.. Aug-2016 3 DD User Click to get UI Report DEVIATION CHARGES DNH User Click to get UI Report DD-Deviation Charges DNH-Deviation Charges Drawl (MUs) Schedule (MUs) 611.67 590.02 7.21 28.87 712.63 118.27 47.25 42.90 0.20 4.54 72.24 3.03 18-07-2015 to 24-07-2015 44.68 43.48 0.88 2.07 46.65 13.39 11-07-2016 to 17-07-2016 43.10 40.05 0.19 3.25 51.77 2.58 11-07-2015 to 17-07-2015 46.48 45.14 0.62 1.96 62.57 14.19 Date Cumulative Total up to June-16 18-07-2016 to 24-07-2016 UI Drawl (MUs) Under Over Drawl Drawl UI Charges(₹. Lakh) PayaReceivable ble Date Drawl (MUs) Schedule (MUs) UI Drawl (MUs) Under Over Drawl Drawl Cumulative Total up to June-16 1523.66 1551.12 31.47 4.01 93.70 560.35 116.60 118.38 1.99 0.21 3.46 40.34 111.81 112.84 1.72 0.70 14.34 28.96 11-07-2016 to 17-07-2016 115.62 117.73 2.29 0.19 3.16 36.26 11-07-2015 to 17-07-2015 115.58 116.85 1.91 0.64 18.34 44.64 18-07-2016 to 24-07-2016 18-07-2015 to 24-07-2015 DD DNH FY 2015-16 (All Freq Hz) Month Under Drawl in MU's Over Drawl in MU's UI Rate in April 4.57 (5.65) May 8.94 June FY 2016-17 (All Freq Hz) ₹ /Unit Under Drawl in MU's Over Drawl in MU's UI Rate in (7.87) 4.06 (6.33) (3.25) (2.17) (1.96) 1.76 (11.26) (2.47) 4.32 (7.58) (4.34) 1.39 (11.28) (2.89) July 2.68 (10.03) (3.10) - - - Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec 1.69 2.97 4.03 4.12 3.51 (13.68) (12.77) (6.12) (5.98) (6.30) (2.48) (3.33) (1.32) (0.68) (1.48) - - - Jan 3.94 (6.93) (1.76) - - Feb 1.19 (7.42) (1.80) - Mar 1.93 (11.90) (2.16) Total 43.90 (96.53) (2.67) ₹ /Unit Month FY 2015-16 (All Freq Hz) UI Rate Under Over in Drawl in Drawl in ₹ /Unit MU's MU's Month (0.03) (0.02) (0.01) (0.01) (0.02) (0.01) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (16.62) (31.43) (17.11) (16.71) (16.70) (17.64) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 FY 2016-17 (All Freq Hz) UI Rate Over in Drawl in MU's ₹ /Unit Under Drawl in MU's April 9.15 (6.07) (0.41) 10.21 (1.07) (2.02) May 11.39 (3.42) (2.13) 9.92 (2.31) (1.25) June July 8.35 (6.03) 1.08 11.34 (0.63) (1.75) 8.94 (3.55) (1.56) - - - Aug 5.47 (3.99) (2.07) - - - Sept 6.02 (4.09) (2.15) - - - Oct 6.82 (2.49) (2.32) - - - Nov 8.27 (1.66) (2.19) - - - Dec 9.63 (0.92) (2.44) - - - - Jan 7.93 (1.53) (2.18) - - - - - Feb 4.98 (2.11) (1.32) - - - - - - 7.21 (28.87) (2.74) Mar Total 7.05 94.01 (4.09) (39.95) (1.26) (1.83) 31.47 (4.01) (1.70) DNH DD FY 2015-16(<49.7Hz) Under Over UI Rate Drawl in Drawl in in MU's MU's UI Charges (₹. Lakh) PayaReceivable ble FY 2016-17(<49.7Hz) Under Over UI Rate Drawl in Drawl in In MU's MU's April May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 0.00 - Mar 0.00 0.00 0.00 - - - Total 0.01 (0.09) (18.24) 0.00 0.00 0.00 FY 2015-16(<49.7Hz) Month April May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Total FY 2016-17(<49.7Hz) UI Rate Over In Drawl in MU's ₹ /Unit Under Drawl in MU's Over Drawl in MU's UI Rate ₹ /Unit Under Drawl in MU's 0.02 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.07 (0.01) (0.00) 0.00 0.00 0.00 (0.01) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (0.02) 12.66 (5.63) (7.70) (8.01) (8.11) 0.63 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (3.52) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Note: Bracket Value ( ) indicates the negative value(-ve). PANACEAN POWER BULLETIN Volume 3 Issue 5 Aug-2016 4 REACTIVE ENERGY CHARGES FOR DD & DNH DD-High Voltage DD-Low Voltage GUJARAT FY 2016-17 ISTS Vapdal Vapdbl Dok-diu Una-diu Mgr-Vap HV Total in (MVARh) Cumulative Total MVARh till June-2016 0.00 0.00 781.60 483.20 5463.30 Cumulative Total Charges in (₹) till June-2016 0.00 0.00 101608.00 62816.00 18-07-2016 to 24-07-2016 0.00 0.00 51.00 Charges in (₹) 0.00 0.00 11-07-2016 to 17-07-2016 0.00 Charges in (₹) 0.00 GUJARAT Total Vapdbl Dok-diu Una-diu Mgr-Vap LV 4198.50 0.00 0.00 0.30 2.10 85921.60 85924.00 710229.00 545805.00 0.00 0.00 39.00 273.00 11169808.00 11170120.00 248.20 687.60 490.40 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6722.20 6722.20 6630.00 32266.00 89388.00 63752.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 873886.00 873886.00 0.00 48.20 295.40 653.50 406.30 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5678.00 5678.00 0.00 6266.00 38402.00 84955.00 52819.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 738140.00 738140.00 DNH-High Voltage GUJARAT FY 2016-17 ISTS Vapdal DNH-Low Voltage ISTS Vapdad Bldkdl Bld-Sil Kpd-Vap HV Kdl-Vap HV Total in (MVARh) Cumulative Total MVARh till June-2016 0.00 0.00 0.00 1299.50 1835.00 Cumulative Total Charges in (₹) till June-2016 0.00 0.00 0.00 162437.50 18-07-2016 to 24-07-2016 0.00 0.00 0.00 Charges in (₹) 0.00 0.00 11-07-2016 to 17-07-2016 0.00 Charges in (₹) 0.00 GUJARAT ISTS Total Vapdad Bldkdl Bld-Sil Kpd-Vap LV Kdl-Vap LV 4570.90 0.00 0.00 0.00 18693.60 (2261.30) 16432.30 229375.00 594217.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2430168.00 (293969.00) 2136199.00 207.70 280.40 488.10 0.00 0.00 0.00 362.00 196.90 558.90 0.00 2275.00 9612.50 63453.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 47060.00 25597.00 72657.00 0.00 0.00 314.50 348.90 663.40 0.00 0.00 0.00 188.90 38.10 227.00 0.00 0.00 2275.00 9612.50 86242.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 24557.00 4953.00 29510.00 Note: The REC chargers has been revised to 13 paisa/KVARh from Apr-2016 as per reference IEGC Regulation-Clause 6.6 released on 28th Apr,2010 Read More... Note: Bracket Value ( ) indicates the negative value(-ve). MINUTES OF THE CONFERENCE OF POWER, RENEWABLE ENEREGY AND MINES MINISTERS OF STATES AND UNION TERRITORIES (UTs) HELD ON 16th -17th JUNE, 2016 AT GOA Address by Secretary (MNRE) & in-charge Secretary (Power) • Secretary (Coal) highlighted the developments and initiatives undertaken in the coal sector and informed that there is no shortage in supply of coal. • He informed that the total dues of CIL are about Rs. 12000 crores and urged the State GENCOs to clear the dues for financial viability of CIL • He stated that it was a matter of great pride for the nation that Head Quarter of International Solar Alliance has been set up at Gurugram in Haryana. Address by Hon’ble Minister of State (IC) for Power, Coal and New & Renewable Energy • The Hon’ble Union Minister stated that this 4th Conference at Goa will review the Ujwal Discom Assurance Yojana (UDAY) and 24x7 power for all with special focus on Hydro and Wind Power. • ED (PFC) made a presentation on Integrated Power Development Scheme (IPDS), feeder monitoring, Urban JyotiAbhiyan (URJA)App and campaign against power theft. It was informed that the URJA App that will cover data on consumer complaints, connections released, power reliability, scheduled outages, e-payment, power loss/theft and IDPS parameter would be launched during the Conference PANACEAN POWER BULLETIN Volume 3 Issue 5 • Smart meter implementation was discussed in detail and all States agreed that all meters to be procured henceforth under IDPS & DDUGJY should be smart meters only. Hon’ble Union Minister further requested all the States to procure only the smart meters for all the future projects, considering the benefits of smart metres. Agenda on the sidelines of the conference 121. Goa and Karnataka signed agreements for joining UDAY. 122. The six States/UTs viz. Dadra & Nagar Haveli, Daman & Diu, Delhi, J&K and Arunachal Pradesh signed the 24X7 Power for All documents. With signing of documents by these states, 27 States/UTs have made plans for ensuring 24X7 Power for All. 123. Hon’ble Union Minister launched a mobile app called URJA (Urban JyotiAbhiyan) aimed at enhancing consumer connect with the urban power distribution sector. 124. Hon’ble Union Minister launched e-SARINI app, which is inland with Vidyut PRAVAH application and developed by Andhra Pradesh Eastern Power Distribution Company Ltd (APEDPCL). 125. Hon’ble Union Minister in the presence of Chief Minister and Power Minister of Goa launched the UJALA (UnnatJyoti by Affordable LEDs for All) scheme for Goa, for distribution of LED bulbs at a subsidised rate of Rs. 25/- per bulb as against the market price of Rs.300/-. Switch Expo Presentation: • Hon’ble Union Minister accepted the invitation and decided that next Power Minister’s Conference would be held at Vadodara, Gujarat . Aug-2016 Read More.. 5 POWER SECTOR ACTIVITIES • WRLDC • WRLDC Scheduling - Migration to new Interface from 00:00 Hrs of 1.07.2016 All Scheduling Activity at WRLDC Mumbai would be shifted from existing interface to new WEB BASED interface. All registered Users are requested to use their log in creden• tial for data interfaces. For the users not assign any user login, they may view the data through web interface • Report (please select date and Region - WRLDC) (user_name: (The above link is also available on WRLDC home page Schedule->Web_based Scheduling) Domain name of is changed to w.e.f 01.07.2016. • MNRE • Clarification – Fraudulent activities are being carried out under the name of MNRE like fake appointments/ advertisements/recruitments and sanction letters – reg. How to access SPIN online system for Grid Connected Rooftop • A new domain name was activated for Grid Connect Rooftop online system namely SPIN. It can be accessed by typing directly. The same can also be accessed by clicking the SPIN at the bottom of the • site . Agencies can use it for updating different entries and the general public can use it for submission of interest of installation request or other information related to Grid Connected Rooftop. • CEA Inviting proposal for amendment ( if any) on agenda for review of CEA (Measures relating to Safety and Electric • Supply) Regulations, 2010 (as amended). All are requested to submit the amendment proposal, if • any, in the format as given above, latest by 21.08.2016 through so as to enable us to • consolidate the proposals being received for the discussion of the same by the Review Committees. • Miscellaneous • NSIT Students Create Solar Powered E-rick • Mr.Vikram Pratap Singh, a student at Netaji Subhash Institute of Technology, got the idea for developing a mode of transport for the city that was 100% clean and relied on renewable energy. The solar e-rickshaw is fitted with nine solar panels placed at angles where it allows for maximum amount of sunlight in all seasons, producing almost 360w power. It also has • four lead acid batteries with both batteries and solar panels together give the solar e-rickshaw 50 percent more • mileage than a normal e-rickshaw. The cost of the solar erickshaw comes to around Rs. 1.2 lacs – equivalent to a normal rickshaw • • EESL, Teri Partner to work on Energy Efficiency Dong Energy to build world’s cheapest offshore wind farms • Note: Click on Head lines for More Info PANACEAN POWER BULLETIN Volume 3 Issue 5 ited (MSEDCL), the power utility in the state, is all set to use mobile apps to make this possible. Adani plans $1.5 billion copper smelter to boost solar ambitions Coal India Signs Agreement with Solar Energy Corporation Coal India Limited (CIL) and Solar Energy Corporation of India Limited (SECI) have signed two Agreements for implementation of 200 MW Solar Power Project in the State of Madhya Pradesh (M.P.) for the beneficial utilization of solar power by Northern Coalfields Limited (NCL) 100 MW and South Eastern Coalfields Limited (SECL) 100 MW two subsidiaries of Coal India Limited each at an estimated cost of Rs 650 crores. wrldc_guest1 / password: wrldc_guest1) • Maharashtra: State power utility to start on-the-spot billing and payment facility Maharashtra State Electricity Distribution Company Lim- Aug-2016 HAL inaugurates 6.3 MW wind energy plant near Bengaluru State-run Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd (HAL) has inaugurated a 6.3 MW wind power plant at Harapanahalli in Davangere district, about 335 km Bengaluru, at a cost of Rs 44 crore. Fortum India eyeing greenfield solar projects Having a plan to invest up to 400 million euros in solar projects in India, Finnish firm Fortum is looking at greenfield plants to maximize its returns. Attractive UDAY bonds a good place to park funds Insurance companies want to invest in the Ujwal Discom Assurance Yojana (UDAY) bonds that have been floated to rescue debt-laden state power distribution companies. The insurers say these longer-term instruments offer better returns than government securities and corporate bonds. Odisha wants UDAY scheme to be implemented through its power trading firm Government of India to hold separate auctions for solar projects using desi modules Karnataka’s rooftop solar scam: 9 executive engineers suspended Eight states will issue tenders worth Rs 5,000 crore for Renewable Energy Poor financial condition brings down MSEDCL’s rating State power discom MSEDCL’s rating has slipped with the company getting B+ grade as compared to A last year. The major reason for the poor grade is precarious financial condition of the company, which is continuously getting worse. The gradation has been done by agencies appointed by Union ministry of power (MoP). Maharashtra may re-join UDAY for financial benefits; new Cabinet decision likely soon Is India really power surplus? According to a recent report by the Central Electricity Authority, the country is expected to become ‘power surplus’ in 2016-17. Data too show that the all-India ‘power deficit’ has been easing From 8.7 % in 2012-13, the shortfall was down to 2.1 % in 2015-16. Implementation scheme for Development of Solar Zones in the country commencing from 2016-17 onwards up to 2020-21. 6 POWER SECTOR ACTIVITIES CONT.. • Scorpius Inks MoUs with three Solar Entities Pune-based Scorpius Trackers has inked memorandum of • understandings (MoUs) with three undisclosed entities, which are independently working to put up a combined solar capacity of 1,250 MW. • • Jharkhand aims to be power hub by 2019: CM Das Bengal power regulator ropes in KEPCO for T&D loss study KOLKATA: West Bengal Electricity Regulatory Commission (WBERC) has roped in Korea Electric Power Corporation (KEPCO) to undertake a study on the possibility of reducing transmission and distribution losses in West Bengal-based power distribution companies. • Inox Wind bags 50 MW wind project in Gujarat MUMBAI: The project, located in Gujarat, would be com- • Data mining to be on Power Ministry’s app The mines ministry will soon launch an app for real-time pleted by March 2017. • • reach out to states to seek their support for a proposed amendment in the 2003 Electricity Act that would allow multiple power delivery utilities to compete in the same area, thus improving the quality of services and driving down power bills. • • • production data, mineral pricing and monitoring of mines. Indian Bureau of Mines (IBM) currently issues quarterly bulletins containing production figures. • Piyush Goyal asks PFC, REC to focus more on funding renewable energy projects Bangladesh and India sign agreement for joint coal fired 1320 MW power plant on 12th July, 2016. Bangladesh-India Friendship Power Company (Pvt) Limited • • • • • Gurgaon to be 1st city without diesel gensets India’s smart street lighting market to touch $1.8 bn by 2022 EESL to take energy-efficiency fan scheme to five more states Indian state plans to increase Solar Power use in Agriculture Energy rates fall on exchanges as monsoon boosts hydel power output IT-enabled power supply in 4,041 urban towns in next 3 years. Once this project is up and running, the consumers can get the information through the URJA mobile application. • Sunny state has huge potential: ISRO In a bid to scale up the country’s solar energy harvest, the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) has identified Karnataka as one of the hotspots in the country for assured solar energy. • • • • Engineers’ federation demands review of country’s policy on electricity Solar Energy Corporation of India Ltd. (SECI) domain name has been switched over from “” to “”. Accordingly, the address of SECI new website is National lab policy for renewable energy soon Solar Power Tree Developed For Generation of Electricity PTC India launches mobile apps for power traders “PTC India…Has launched two new digital initiatives ‘Bijli Bazaar’ and ‘Bijli Vyapar’ at its annual Day held on July 15, 2016, which primarily aim to transform one’s day-to day engagement with the Indian electricity market,” the company said in a statement. • • (BIFPCL), the joint venture enterprise inked the deal with Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited (BHEL), which was selected under an open international tender for constructing the super thermal plant at Bangladesh’s southwestern Rampal near the Sundarbans. • • Piyush Goyal to consult states over amending Electricity Act 2003. Power minister Piyush Goyal said on Tuesday he will DDUGJY reaches out to a further 174 villages EESL distributes more than 13.15 Crore LED bulbs as on 18th July-2016. Power Ministry sets green energy target for state discoms Power deficit 0.9% in April-June quarter FY 2016-17: Goyal 35 hydro power projects awaiting concurrence by CEA: Govt BHEL Commissioned 250 MW power plant in Gujarat on 18th July. The unit has been commissioned at Bhavnagar Energy Company (BECL) 2×250 MW thermal power project, located at Padva village in Bhavnagar district, Gujarat, the company said in a statement. • • • Govt plans to create 10 solar zones across India by 2021 Power Grid approves investment proposals of Rs 2,731 crore India renewable energy: IET perspective India has the fifth largest power generation capacity in the world. India’s installed capacity stood at 273 GW as of FY15. Thermal power, the largest component .i.e. 189 GW, followed by hydro 42 GW, renewable energy 36 GW and nuclear 5.8 GW. India’s total power generation capacity has increased at a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) • Suzlon bags 58.8 MW project in Madhya Pradesh Suzlon Group has bagged an order for 58.80 MW wind power project to be set up in Dewas district of Madhya Pradesh. • Government doubles down on solar parks after SunEdison setback List of Abbreviations • • • • • • REC PFC HAL ISRO IET URJA : Rural Electrification Corp. : Power Finance Corp. : Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd. : Indian Space Research Organization : Institution of Engineering and Technology : Urban Jyoti Abhiyan Note: Click on Head lines for More Info PANACEAN POWER BULLETIN Volume 3 Issue 5 Aug-2016 7 ALL INDIA LIST OF ELEMENTS COMMISSIONED DURING THE FY 2016-17 All India List of Substations Commissioned during June-2016 765/400 KV Kanpur GIS ICT-I 765/400 KV Kanpur GIS ICT-II 765/400 KV Pune (GIS) S/S 400/220 KV Baghpat ICT-II 400/220 KV Jallandhar ICT-III 400/220 KV Pandiabil S/S (ICT-I & II) 400/220 KV Patran S/S (ICT I & II) 400/220 KV Sikandrabad AIS (ICT-1) 400/220 KV Nanded (Kumbhargoani)S/S (ICT-II) 400/220 KV Rajpura S/S (2x500) 220/132 KV Bahraich S/S 220/132 KV Kanasar S/S 220/132 KV Mahoba S/S 220/132 KV Majra S/S 220/132 KV ugalyia -chhap s/s 220/110 KV Sikandra Rau S/S 220/66 KV Badal (New) S/S 220/66 KV Jadla S/S All India List of Transmission Lines Commissioned during June-2016 765 KV Kanpur – Jhatikara S/C 765 KV Varanasi- Kanpur D/C 765 KV Jharkhand Pool (Chandwa)-Gaya (Quad) line D/C 400 KV Kanpur - (new)- Kanpur (exit) D/C 400 KV LILO OF d/c Baripada- Mendhasal at Pindiabil 2xD/C 400 KV Ranchi - Jharkhand Pool Line (Chandwa) D/C 400 KV Roorkee- Saharanpur line (Ckt-II) D/C 400 KV Jullandhar - Samba line D/C 400 KV LILO of both ckt of Patiala- Kaithal at Patran D/C 400 KV RAPP- Shujalpur D/C 400 KV LILO of jodhpur- Merta line at jodhpur (New) D/C 400 KV Rasipalayam- Anaikadavu D/C 400 KV Thappakundu-Anaikadavu D/C 400 KV BALCO-Dharamjaigarh D/C 400 KV Ektuni-Tapthithanda 400 KV Jammalamadugu – Uravakonda D/C 400 KV Jammalamadugu – Narnoor D/C 400 KV Kharagpur-Chaibasa D/C 400 KV Ranchi-Chandwa 220 KV LILO OF GLADNI- Hiranagar at Sambha D/C 220 KV 400 kV Gonds-220 kV Gonda Interconnector (one ckt) D/C 220 KV A5 (Faridabad)-A4 (Faridabad)(Ckt-I) D/C 220 KV Bahraich -400 kv Gonda line (one ckt). D/C 220 KV Bhadla-Kanasar D/C 220 KV Kanjali-Science city line (Jalandhar) D/C 220 KV LILO OF 220 Kv Parichha-Banda line at Mahoba D/C 220 KV LILO OF both Jamanvada-Varsana at Bhachundal (AL-59) M/C 2XD/C 220 KV LILO of Deviakurichy- Pudhansanthai at Valayapatty D/C 220 KV LILO of Existing SP Koil- Thiruvalam at Kanchipuram S/S D/C 220 KV LILO of existing Sunguvarchatram- Arni at Kanchipuram S/S D/C 220 KV LILO OF GGSSTP- Jamsher at Jadla D/C 220 KV LILO of Ganguwal - Mohali at Majra D/C 220 KV LILO of Harduaganj- Mainpuri S/C line at Sikandra Rau D/C 220 KV LILO of Kalpakkam- Arani at purisai D/C 220 KV Lilo of Malout - GNDTP Bhatinda at Badal D/C 220 KV LILO of Pithampur - indore line at 220 kV Pithampur-II s/s D/C 220 KV LILO of Siruseri- Taramani line at 400 kV Ottyambakkam s/s D/C 220 KV LILO of Tuticorin Sipcot- Checkanurani line at Savasapuram s/s D/C 220 KV LILO of one ckt of 220kV Bhopal- Astha line at Mungaliyachhap D/C 220 KV LILO of 220 kV Kandalgaon Topworth for M/s Pioneer gas power Ltd D/C 220 KV RTPP (Muddanur)- Chinakampalli D/C 220 KV Rajpura- - Larlu D/C 220 KV Uravakonda- Vajrakarur D/C All India No. of Generators Commissioned during FY 2016-17 (till June-2016) Thermal Month Hydro Nuclear W R N R NE R E R S R W R N R NE R E R S R W R N R NE R E R S R April-16 2 1 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 May-16 2 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 June-16 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total 4 1 0 0 4 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 All India No. of Line Reactors (LR), Transmission Lines (T/L), Substations (S/S) and Bus Reactors (BR) Commissioned for FY 2016-17 (till June-2016) * Month LR 765 KV T/L S/S BR LR 400 KV T/L S/S BR LR 230 KV T/L S/S BR LR 220 KV T/L S/S BR LR Total T/L S/S BR April-16 May-16 June-16 0 0 0 4 1 5 1 1 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 18 15 32 3 3 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 24 13 50 12 10 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 46 29 87 16 14 18 0 0 0 FY 2016-17 till 0 10 5 0 0 65 13 0 0 0 0 0 0 87 30 0 0 162 48 0 Note 1: Data is taken from CEA and NLDC websites. Note 2: No data for Branch Reactors (BR) and Line Reactors (LR) for the month of June-2016. * Data is taken up to 220 KV in this table. PANACEAN POWER BULLETIN Volume 3 Issue 5 Aug-2016 CEA : Read more... NLDC: Read more... 8 POWER SYSTEM SOLUTIONS THAT WORK FOR YOUR BUSINESS. Can You Imagine a World Without Power? …Because, we can’t. We, at Panacean Energy Solution are committed to our core values integrity, excellence, enriched innovation and stand committed to nurture our talented work force and continually enhance our local insights and global perspective to bring about paradigm shift in the Indian Power Sector, through providing real solution. We assist you to understand impact of Electricity Regulations applicable to you by providing tailor made gist of the new regulatory developments on case to case basis. With nation-wide experience of our team, and also with the valuable experience of handling overseas projects, we can assist you in planning and operations of your system. Why Panacean? Because….We Can Energize Your Business We’re extremely serious about being your power solution advocate. We envision an Indian Power Sector enriched with solutions to enhance its capability to ensure quality power to end consumers with reliability, efficiency and economy on ethical grounds through providing “IT and network” solutions to different segments of Indian Power Sector. Maximize long-term return to Owner. Our Clients Prefer Working Directly With Us Because we arm them with valuable resources for contract negotiation. We help them manage the minutest detail behind their big business decisions. Panacean Energy Solution More Power to You PANACEAN POWER BULLETIN Volume 3 Issue 5 Aug-2016 9 Area of Services Assistance in Energy Accounting Open Access implementation, operation and management Resources optimization in transmission and distribution business Training in system operation Support in Regulatory matters Renewable Energy Power System Studies Utility Load Forecast Transmission and distribution planning Reactive Power Optimization Fault MVA calculation and improvements GPS/GIS Asset Mapping Load survey Street light survey Policy making Implementation of Electricity Act 2003 and State Regulations Operation and maintenance of substation Power System Training PSS®E Training Power Procurement under Case-I and Case-II bidding Tender Preparation and Management Project Management Consultant UI Management Drawl and Generation schedule optimization Regulatory Support DPR preparation for submission to JERC / CEA. IPDS Scheme UDAY Scheme Smart city Implementation Techno commercial feasibility of substation Techno-commercial feasibility of transmission line T&D CAPEX optimization Distribution business optimization Transmission business optimization Optimal power scheduling for system operators Distribution Sector Electricity Department of Daman and Diu DNH Power Distribution Corporation Ltd. Transmission Sector Power Services Area of Clients Maharashtra State Electricity Transmission Company Ltd. Reliance Infrastructure Ltd. Electricity Department of Dadra and Nagar Haveli Uganda Electricity Transmission Company Ltd. Generation Sector Detailed Project Report preparation Feasibility Study for Renewable Power Generation EPC of Solar Power O&M of Renewable Power Plant Operation Essar M.P. Power Ltd. Ind-Barath Power Others Energy Efficiency Energy Audit Development of State Designat- ed Agency Development of State Nodal Agency Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay Alok Industries Abhijeet Ferrotech Ltd. Reliance Industries Ltd. Macquarie Infrastructure IXORA Construction ICRA Management and Consultancy Services Reach us at Corporate Office Gala No: 7-8,Ground Floor, Aadharshila Building, Mahajan wadi, Penker pada, Mira Road (E), Thane - 401104 Phone: +91 22 2896 9047 IT Services Software for Transmission and Distribution Companies Regulatory Information Management System Complaint Management System Customer Care Centre Standard of Performance Document Management System ERP for Power Company Energy management system PANACEAN POWER BULLETIN Volume 3 Issue 5 Aug-2016 Registered Office 1501, Pacifis B, lodha Aqua CHS ltd., Opp. Thakur Mall, Mahajan Wadi, Mira Road(E), Thane 401107, Maharashtra. 10 IT Services As a software development service provider, Panacean strives to provide our customers quality application development services and web development services that help them to remain in step with their competitors. 1 Regulatory Information Management System The web application which provides you Reliability Indices (RI), Standard of Performance (SOP), UI Management, Fuel and Power Purchase Cost Adjustment (FPPCA) calculation and Power Purchase bills managements to maintain the system secure and reliable. 2 Complaint Management System The CMS web application which provides Complaints Registration, Allocation and Completion in various complaint centers of utilities. All the complaints receiving at each complaint center can register at any time by using CMS software. By this we can know the standard of performance of the entire system from any where. The CMS also provides the Feeder Outage management for all 11 KV, 66 KV and 220 KV feeders in each substation of utility. By this it can be easily known the reliability of the entire system. There by improving the reliability of the system by taking necessary actions on factors affecting reliability of the system. The RIMS and CMS applications are successfully implemented for utilities Daman & Diu and Dadra & Nagar Haveli. PANACEAN POWER BULLETIN Volume 3 Issue 5 Aug-2016 11 IT Services 3 Store Management The Store Management web application provides to manage entire material management in your stores effectively. The features of this application are material issue approvals, material return details, list of store users, Employee details and category wise material entries. So, the best application which fulfill your store requirements is “Store Management”. 4 GPS Mapping of Assets All assets of a distribution Utility such as Substation, Transmission lines, feeders, transformers are geographically mapped on google maps to provide a geographic overview of a utility’s assets. Specific tabs are provided for each asset to view, edit and add assets on day to day basis. Also date wise reports facility is provided to generate detailed reports of a utility’s assets. Zone PANACEAN POWER BULLETIN Volume 3 Issue 5 Aug-2016 12
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