connection - First Christian Church Edmond


connection - First Christian Church Edmond
The Chalice
A publication of First Christian Church of Edmond, OK
Vol. 5 No. 17
May 2, 2013
By Mark Taylor, Director of Student Ministries
Friendship is
important in
our society. Our
friends influence
our decisions
and lifestyle
choices, good
or bad. A good friend will be there
for us when we are going through the
unimaginable. When we are hurting,
struggling to find the good in a terrible
situation, we can count on our friends
to be right beside us – understanding
our pain and sorrow, and offering
healing simply through their presence.
Scripture contains many examples
of what good friendship looks like. One
can easily look at the examples set for
us by David and Jonathan, Ruth and
Naomi, Elijah and Elisha, and even
Job and his friends as just a small
sampling of friendship in the Bible.
Ultimately, though, we have the
greatest example of friendship in Jesus
Christ. In the Gospel of John, Jesus
spells out what perfect friendship looks
like. “No one has greater love than
this, to lay down one’s life for one’s
friends.” A good friend will do anything
for us, they will stop at nothing to take
care of their friends. These are the
kind of friendships we see in Scripture,
and are the special friendships that are
worth recognizing and celebrating.
This Sunday at the 9:00 and
11:00 services, we are celebrating
Youth Sunday. I hope you will join us
as we discover together what it truly
means to be a friend, and also as we
celebrate our graduating seniors and
the friendships we have enjoyed and
continue to enjoy with them.
Donations Needed for
Youth Garage Sale
Saturday, May 11
9am to 2pm
Family Life Center
We would appreciate gently used clothing
(no shoes please), toys, furniture, working
electronics and household items. Funds
raised at the sale support our mission
trip this summer and other youth events.
Donations will be accepted this next week, May 6-10, from noon to 7pm in the
Family Life Center. Limited pick up for furniture items only will be available
that same week; first scheduled-first served.
Contact Mark at 341-3544 or for details.
This Sunday, May 5
Join the Youth of FCC
as they lead us in the
9:00 and 11:00 am
worship services.
Get Your Garden
with TLC Gift Cards!
The Youth are
selling $20
TLC gift cards
NOW through
May 12. The
cards are
at TLC
Florist and
It is easy to purchase the cards
on Sundays, in the rotunda, and
on Wednesday evenings. What a
wonderful gift for that someone
special on Mother’s Day!
The TLC cards are good for
all plants, trees, fertilizer and soil to
help you get your garden growing
this spring! (excludes landscaping
services) Your purchase will help
support youth activities and summer
youth mission trips.
Contact Missy Blevins at (405)
833-1115 with questions.
Pick up your TLC cards today!
Circle of
Compassion Dinner
and Auction:
a Huge Success!
A letter to
First Christian Church
by Penny Shorow
(COC Committee Member)
Dear Chris,
Please congratulate your loving congregation for the splendid way
they have embraced the Week of Compassion this year!
During the actual Week of Compassion, the offering received at the
church was $7,200. That is a very considerable statement! It shows that
the folks at First Christian care and are concerned. Especially during
really hard times, they trust that Week of Compassion is present and
there to help.
In addition, at the Circle of Compassion Auction last Sunday (when
we were trying to raise enough funds to be deemed a church to join
the Circle of Compassion - and challenged to raise $10,000), I am still
astounded to tell you that $12,412.67 was raised! Minus the expenses
that need to be subtracted, there will be enough left to join the Circle of
Compassion! I am amazed. What a wonderful blessing!
Many thanks to everyone who contributed – either in bringing items to
auction or by purchasing items to auction- and to the fantastic committee
(chaired by Gwen Shaw) who put the event together in a month. Iris
Jordan was the staff liaison, and she worked countless hours lending her
expertise to the auction. Russell Kious catered, and the food was simply
delicious. Dian Sill and Teresa Finley decorated and planned the layout.
So much work! Frank Gresh and Mark Nash were the auctioneers –
Thanks so much!
All of this came out of the 40 Days of Compassion Lent Task Force.
So many good things happened. What a congregation you lead!
Again - Thank You!
First Christian extends a “Thank You!” to all the wonderful volunteers
and people who helped make this event a success: Russell and Sherry
Kious for catering the food; Frank Gresh & Mark Nash for being the
Auctioneers; the COC Committee: Teresa (& Richard) Finley, Dian
(& Jim) Sill, Tana Stufflebean, Jackie Stafford, Gwen Shaw, Penny
Shorow, Nancy Smiley, Chris Shorow, Karla Mahan, Iris Muno Jordan;
addtional volunteers: Sarah Combs, Mary Ann Tipton, Robbi Kinnaird,
Greg & Jenna Garrett, Shannon Medley; Sigma Kappa Sorority, Acacia
Fraternity; and, Metro Properties for set-up and clean-up.
THANK YOU to the
Circle of Compassion
Auction Donors!
Arise Ministries, Best of Books,
Bodies in Balance, Broadway Wine &
Spirits, Café 501, Cedar Hill Seasonings,
Coffee Creek Golf Club, Edmond Wine
Shop – Vance Gregory, Framin’ Gallery
– Kelly VanOsdol, Gossen Quilting, LLC
– Alee Mitchell Gossen, JC’s Funky Hair
Ranch – JC Mahan, Mardel Christian Store,
Marilynne’s Skin Care, Metro Property
Contractors – Karla Mahan, Pets Brushed
With Love - Shirley Brown, Randel Shadid
Law Office, Red Dirt Rangers, Rodan +
Fields Dermatologists – Desi Stout, Sight
To See Vision, Silver Leaf Gems, Smithcott
Liquor, Snap & Spin Event Services LLC
– Frank Gresh, Sulley and Sisson – Glenn
Sulley & David Sisson, Taylor Made
Photography – Randy Taylor, UCO
Jazz Lab, Starbucks, Walmart
Neighborhood Market – 2nd Street,
Walmart – W. Danforth, Super
Walmart – I-35 Frontage
Marjorie Anderson, Paula Bailey, Sarah
Combs & Lauren Love, Bonnie Cox, Deia
Crull, Ura Lee Denson, Linda Fieth, Richard
& Teresa Finley, Deneen Kirsch Gambrell,
Barbara George, Bob & Joan Grant,
Frank Gresh, Barbara S. Henthorn, John
Humphrey – Seether, Iris Muno Jordan,
Terry & Kathy Kerr, Robbi Kinnaird, Vern
& Emy Lawson, Bernie & Joyce McNickle,
Bill & Shannon Medley, Sandy Mitchell,
Geri Moffatt, Mark & Staci Nash, Fay
Parsley, Scott & Amy Peters, Steve &
Brenda Peterson, Roger & Joy Quinn,
Kristi Self, Randel & Dana Shadid, Gwen
Shaw, Charles & Penny Shorow, Chris,
Paxton & William Shorow, Jim & Dian
Sill, Misty Simon, Nancy Smiley, Cheryl
Steele, Jack & Lily Stuckey, Mickey &
Tana Stufflebean, Bob & Kathy Thomas,
Greg & Dixie Thomas, Jerry & Mary Ann
Tipton, Marcia Tunison, Melissa VanOsdol,
Todd Ward, Jack & Elaine Warner, Traci
Young, Challengers Sunday School Class,
Compadres-In-Christ Sunday School Class,
Fellowship of Faith Sunday School Class,
and Pioneers Sunday School Class
Prayers of the People
Virginia O’Niel in Bellevue Rehab Center; Joan Grant in
THOSE IN NEED OF PRAYER Sue Fraim, Jim Fritz (Jeff Fritz’s dad), Doris Dowell,
Betsy Jones, Gabe Wiechmann (Don & Jenny Wiechmann’s son), Earl & Loree Rice,
Judy Joy, Gayle Jones (Jennifer Cain’s mom), Lori Snider (Loretta Park’s daughter),
Cynthia David (Winnie Hall’s daughter), Bill & Mary Lou Womble
OUR SYMPATHY AND PRAYERS TO Dennis Huffer and Brian & Susan Huffer in the
death of their mother, Nancy Gallop, on April 25. Services were held on Tuesday,
April 30 at First Christian-Edmond AND TO Brian & Luanne Howell in the death
of Luanne’s mother, Ruth McLish, on April 25. Services were held on Wednesday,
May 1 at First Christian-Edmond AND TO Joyce Werhun & Family in the death of
her husband, John Werhun, on April 27. Services were held on Friday, May 3 at First
Happy Birthday!
Bret Keel, Deia Crull
Alan Schmoyer, Jack Stuckey
Terry Earnheart
Caleb Stanley, George Jennings,
Harrison Goosen
Margo Giddens, James
Stephens, Nikki Sutch,
Arleather Rice
Chad Miller, Jack Kinnaird,
Jake Kerr, Billy Harrison
Kris Matthews, Jack Warner,
Jeff Coil
Larry Dodd, Dick Johnson
Music from Sacred Concerts by Duke Ellington
Performed by The Edmond Community Chorale
Mitchell Hall Theatre, UCO
May 4 at 7:30 PM
The Edmond Community Chorale (ECC), including Fisrt Christian’s own Terry
Earnheart, Mark Parkhurst and Bev Schmoyer, is performing the music from Duke
Ellington’s Sacred Concerts conducted by Dr. Karl Nelson, Artistic Director of ECC and
Director of Choral Studies and Brian Gorrell, Director of Jazz Studies and Jazz Ensemble
I at UCO. The ECC will be joined by UCO’s Concert Chorale, Cantilena Women’s
Chorus and the UCO Jazz Ensemble I. Soloists will be Bonita Franklin, soprano, and Dr.
Robert Glaubitz, baritone and Troy A. Small, bass. The guest tap dancer will be Robert
Reed and the narrations will be given by Dr. Sandra Thompson.
The performance of this masterwork expresses Ellington’s desire for more spiritual
and spirit-filled compositions found later in his career. Selections include favorites such
as “Come Sunday”, “Ain’t but the One”, “Something ‘Bout Believing” and “Heaven.”
Admission is $8 for adults, $6 for seniors and non-UCO students, and $4 for UCO
students. A reception will follow at St. Mary’s Episcopal Church.
Escape to Athens with Paul
Save The Date!
Friday, June 21 at 1pm
First Christian’s Annual Golf
Tournament is back! It will
be held at Kickingbird Golf
Course with an $80 Entry
Fee. For more information,
call Bob Stafford at (405)
359-8900 or email him at:
Register starting this Sunday, May 5th!
This year’s theme for Vacation Bible School is “Athens: Paul’s Dangerous Journey to Share
the Truth.” How exciting!
Imagine leaving a life of privilege and power to face angry people, imprisonment, and even
earthquakes — all to spread the life-changing truth of God’s love. Learn the jaw-dropping story of
the Apostle Paul straight from Paul himself! In an ancient “anything goes” culture, Paul will inspire
kids to share the truth of God’s immeasurable love!
Registration for VBS begins this Sunday, May 5! If you register by May 27, it is FREE!
After May 27, the cost will be $10. VBS will be Monday, June 10, through Friday, June 14, for
ages Kindergarten (those who have completed Kindergarten) through 5th Grade. There will be NO
dinner this year, but we will have a snack during the program.
For questions, contact Michelle at 341-3544 or Mark your calendars today!
at First Christian
8:15, 9 & 11am
May 5, 2013
Youth Sunday
Message: Rev. Dr. Jerry Black
Scripture: John 15:12-15
May 12 2013
Mother’s Day
Scripture: 2 Chronicles 29:1-2
Jennifer Humphrey, Editor
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CW&W Greeters Needed
Children Worship and Wonder will begin offering a service during the 9:00 am worship
time. We are in need of Greeters. Greeters assist with welcoming, mentoring and guiding
the children through the worship experience. There will be training for CW&W Greeters
on Sunday, May 5, and Sunday, May 19, following the 11:00 am service. We need
at least 12 wonderful individuals to start with so that the rotation would only require
volunteers to greet once each month. If you love working with children, this is the perfect
ministry for you!
Email Michelle at or call 341-3544 to sign up for training.
Looking for B.O.B. Volunteers
Breakfast on Boulevard serves the needy each weekday morning, Monday through
Friday. BOB needs additional helpers one to two times a month from 5:30 am to 7:30
am. Please contact Judy Griffis at 348-1443 with questions or to sign up to volunteer.
Disciples Retirement Community of Oklahoma (DRCO)
What is the DRCO? Formed in 2005, the Disciples Retirement Community of Oklahoma
(DRCO) has been working to provide assistance to our own here in Edmond - specifically
at Bradford Village, a retirement home on Broadway. (This ministry has been around
since the 1950’s under the name of Oklahoma Christian Retirement Community.)
The DRCO now needs your assistance in supporting this worthy ministry! Learn
more about the DRCO - Disciples Retirement Community of Oklahoma and how you can
help at:
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Want to Help? Want to Volunteer?
Want to Participate in a Worthy Ministry?
Here are some wonderful opportunities for you...
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