July 2016 • Issue #201 - Wheels on the Road Magazine
July 2016 • Issue #201 - Wheels on the Road Magazine
Published Since November 1999 The Oldest & Only Biker mag in SoFla Donate $5, $10, $20 or more to keep WOTR in print in 2017 July 2016 • Issue 201 • Still $3 bucks Standing Up For Our 2nd Amendment Rights! Published by a South Florida Moto-Journalist - Since 1971 - THIS MONTH’S CONTRIBUTORS: Axman, Charley Blackwolf, Chuck Lehman, Cindy Kosor, Cookie Dee, Doob, Doug Scofield, Fern, Freddy J, Gabe Carrera, Gambler, Huck, Jack Jr., Killer Chuck, Laura Doan, MM, Rogue USMC, Sharon, Stilton Jarlsberg, Stormy, Tattoo Dave, Willie Woo, Coco Puff & Mickey Bear!!! Man... I’m gonna get me one of these!!! Going to Sturgis? Only 3 spots left... call Geno today before his trailer is filled up! (See Geno’s ad on pg 14 Page ) 1 In memory of Bernie, Chrissy, Clay, Big Ed, Bob Amchir, Animal, Ricky, Pervert, Roger-Kenny & Pauly 1%’ers, Mojo, Vinny Margotta, Poppy, Gunslinger, “Louie”, Davida, Daldone, Irene Powell, Dave Carter, Phil Peterson & Sky Lukas LUFQ “The South Florida Biker’s Bible Since November 1999” 16th Year • July 2016 • Issue #201 • Page 2 In memory of Bernie, Chrissy, Clay, Big Ed, Bob Amchir, Animal, Ricky, Pervert, Roger-Kenny & Pauly 1%’ers, Mojo, Vinny Margotta, Poppy, Gunslinger, “Louie”, Davida, Daldone, Irene Powell, Dave Carter, Phil Peterson & Sky Lukas Page 3 LUFQ “The South Florida Biker’s Bible Since November 1999” 16th Year • July 2016 • Issue #201 • Page 4 In memory of Bernie, Chrissy, Clay, Big Ed, Bob Amchir, Animal, Ricky, Pervert, Roger-Kenny & Pauly 1%’ers, Mojo, Vinny Margotta, Poppy, Gunslinger, “Louie”, Davida, Daldone, Irene Powell, Dave Carter, Phil Peterson & Sky Lukas Page 5 Around So Fla by Miami Mike, Publisher MiamiMike@wheelsontheroad.com It’s Gonna Be a Long Hot Summer if June was any indication of what we can expect. The SE ABATE Memorial Day event, on May 30th, was a scorcher except for under the big tent at Mickey’s. A good crowd was there enjoying the afternoon and the Flag Bearing ceremonies, the speeches, songs and the 21 Gun Salute, that made every person there feel like AMERICAN’S. And every other event was a scorcher except for Jimmy Les’ Retirement party at the Keltics MC clubhouse the evening of June 3rd. Although it was a bit humid at least the sun wasn’t melting your watch into your wrist. I feel like I could be in that Twilight Zone episode where the sun kept getting closer and closer and everyone knew the world would soon catch on fire and end everything... except at the last minute the girl woke up and it wasn’t hot... it was getting colder and colder because the sun was actually moving away from the Earth. But I keep waking up and it’s still hot at 7AM... and Sharon won’t walk the dogs either because it’s too hot. (They just will have to learn to do their business out back until the sun moves away) Getting back to Les’ party... Yeah, there was food, and plenty of it... after all it was a Keltic clubhouse party. Jimmy Les was having a great time kissing and hugging all the gals (liberals call it groping) and runing around thanking everybody for showing up. Everyone was having a good time and that’s just the way Jimmy Les likes it! The following Thursday was the Bikers Political Forum at Post 180 in Davie. A nice crowd attended to listen and ask questions of the many candidates running for election, judges, the Sheriff, State Reps, Property Appraiser, President and others. Gabe had the whole shabang uploaded to Facebook in real time so others who could not be there could see what was going on. Read Gabe’s column for more Miami Mike continues on page 35 LUFQ “The South Florida Biker’s Bible Since November 1999” 16th Year • July 2016 • Issue #201 • Page 6 AD MONEY IS NOT ENOUGH! Become a VIP today to keep on reading the SoFla Biker’s Bible. See ad page 44 for info. Or don’t do anything and WOTR will end. In memory of Bernie, Chrissy, Clay, Big Ed, Bob Amchir, Animal, Ricky, Pervert, Roger-Kenny & Pauly 1%’ers, Mojo, Vinny Margotta, Poppy, Gunslinger, “Louie”, Davida, Daldone, Irene Powell, Dave Carter, Phil Peterson & Sky Lukas Page 7 RIDING, DOWN SOUTH “In Loving Memory of My Dad” By Axman... Axman@axmanpictures.com On Sunday (5/29) I covered the 36th Annual SE ABATE Memorial Day Event. It took place at Mickey’s in Pompano Beach. Mother Nature cooperated very nicely but it was a little bit too hot for my taste. I have always considered this Memorial Day Event as very special. I usually go to the Alexander “Sandy” Nininger, JR. State Veterans Nursing Home to personally thank all the Veteran’s for their services, unfortunately, I had to work that morning. I really like the tradition that the SE ABATE Chapter invites several of these Veterans to be part of the event. We buy them lunch and drinks which is only a small token of our appreciation of what they have done for us. Rick “T-Man” and his son were the Color Guards. We also had a 21 Gun Salute rounding up the festivities. A lot of vendors were displaying their goodies and they seemed to be doing some decent business. Bob Antz and his helpers cooked up a storm. Ice cold drinks, 50/ 50, great raffle prizes and some great tunes by ‘Bomb Shell’ LUFQ were the key ingredients for another successful event. On Friday night (6/03) I attended the “Schools out Forever Retirement Party” for Jimmy “Les” Lesniak. This was certainly an event not to be missed. It was held at the Keltics MC clubhouse which remained packed all night long. Suzanne “Peachy” and some of the Keltics Ladies must have been cooking for days. There was a huge variety of delicious food available. Unfortunately, I had dinner with my wife first and therefore I had very little room Axman continues on page 17 “The South Florida Biker’s Bible Since November 1999” 16th Year • July 2016 • Issue #201 • Page 8 SFPC NOW! by “Tattoo Dave” Amchir TattooDaveWog@aol.com National President: Wings of Gold MC Chief Director: SFPC Toys in the Sun Run In Memory of Bob Amchir Just around the corner is the 21st Annual South Florida Tattoo Expo taking place August 12th, 13th & 14th at the Coral Springs Marriott Hotel at Heron Bay. The hotel is located at 11775 Heron Bay Blvd. If you would like to reserve a room at the hotel, please call direct at 954-753-5598 and ask for Meredith – remember to mention the Tattoo Expo for the super great rate! In addition, if anyone is interested in getting a booth, whether it be a tattoo or piercing shop, or cool clothing, jewelry, paintings and posters, jewelry, leather items, books, cookies, candy & fudge... or anything different or unique... please contact Debbie right away at 954-868-7040 or send and email to us at: FlaTattooExpo@aol.com. This one of a kind event benefits Joe DiMaggio Children’s Hospital, Hollywood, Florida. As far as entertainment, performers, celebrity appearances, etc... I will have more information in next month’s. In the meantime, you can check out the website at SouthFloridaTattooExpo.com or our Facebook page for more info. Thanks to everyone who attended the first “Bikers for Trump Rally” last month in Deerfield Beach. There is a second “Bikers for Trump Rally” in the works in the next month or so. Stayed tuned for all info regarding this event in next month’s issue. And the “Biker’s Political Forum” put on by Gabe Carerra and WOTR on Thursday June 9th at the American Legion Post 180 in Davie was very interesting. Gabe put together a large group of people who want to be elected (or re-elected) as Judges, State Reps, Senators, Congress and even President. Gabe also had this televised on Facebook. It was a very interesting evening and I thank Gabe for putting this together. I now have a better idea of how I will be voting. My club, the Wings of Gold MC, held our annual Stars & Stripes event on June 12th at the Carolina Ale House in Weston. We had a very nice crowd that enjoyed this location. The Ale House is a great place to hold any event as they are very biker friendly and went out of their way to make sure eveyone enjoyed themselves. I want to thank “Soulicide” once again for rockin’ the house as only they do, and I thank all the vendors and the clubs and independents who stopped by. I also thank BSO Sheriff Scott Israel for stopping by and giving eveyone a nice speech about the toy run, the upcoming elections and also the terrible shooting in Orlando the night before. Outside on stage, my VP Joey thanked the sheriff for his support of our toy run and the biker community in general. And I also thank everyone for attending and hope to see you once again on Sunday, July 24th starting at 10am until 5pm for the “Christmas in July” event at the Carolina Ale House in Weston. This event benefits Joe DiMaggio Children’s Hospital, Chris Evert Children’s Hospital, Jack Nicklaus Children’s Hospital and the Dan Marino Foundation who have treated, or are currently treating, children with cancer and other life threatening issues which may keep them from an opportunity to have a Christmas this coming December. There will be appearances by Dennis, with his “Wheelie Magic” wheel standing truck, the Gator Boys and Tunes for Tots. There will be an ice skating rink inside the Ale House for kids, face painting, arts & crafts booths, finger painting, a bounce house, popcorn & cotton candy, complimentary food and so much more! There will be a performance by the Shane Duncan Band from 2pm until 5pm outside on the main stage and Santa Ed will be visiting and handing out gifts. This event is inside and outside of the restaurant. See the flyer on page 5 and we hope to see you and your family there. Please remember to support all of your local SFPC Motorcycle Club and Association events throughout the year as they work hard to put on fun and entertaining events, whether it be an Annual or a Party, so that all who attend have an enjoyable day. Page 33 has a monthly listing of all SFPC calendar events as well as other events, bike nights and club open houses. Flyers for many events are in each issue. The lower middle column of page 33 and the top middle column of page 10 list the event and page number where to find the flyers. Make sure to email your event flyer before the 20th of the month to be listed, some at no charge, others at discounted rates. Lastly, I hope everyone has/had a safe and enjoyable 4th of July weekend celebrating our great country’s independence. Until next month, B-Cool. Tattoo Dave In memory of Bernie, Chrissy, Clay, Big Ed, Bob Amchir, Animal, Ricky, Pervert, Roger-Kenny & Pauly 1%’ers, Mojo, Vinny Margotta, Poppy, Gunslinger, “Louie”, Davida, Daldone, Irene Powell, Dave Carter, Phil Peterson & Sky Lukas Page 9 PRICES EFFECTIVE DECEMBER 2015 AD RATES Prices may change without prior notice - WOTR Accepts Visa and Mastercard Ads must be PAID IN FULL before going to the printer to be included in WOTR. Payments received after the 17th may not be printed in the following issue, always call first to get deadline. All advertisers must have a valid credit card on file which will be run in the event of a bad check, plus a minimum $25 bank service charge or as allowed under Florida statues. Please note: Because of differences in computer monitors and printers, ad colors can not be guaranteed unless a color proof is supplied by the advertiser. Although the printer will try for an exact match, no discount or refund will be made for color differences in the proof and printed ad in WOTR. For new ads, ad changes & specs contact: Miami Mike, Publisher Wheels on the Road Magazine 10563 NW 53 Street Sunrise, Florida 33351 Ph. 954-578-2900 • Fax 954-533-6412 miamimike@wheelsontheroad.com COST PER MONTH/ISSUE B&W Full Page $500 1/2 Pg - $300 • 1/3 Pg - $255 1/4 pg - $195 • 1/5 pg - $145 1/6 pg - $120 • 1/8 pg - $95 Biz Card - $50 • Mini Card - $30 3 Line Biz Listing (6 months $85) Full Color full centerfold /side $800 Full Color full back cover $850 Full Color full page inside covers $750 Full Page Color (other) $650 1/2 Pg - $365 • 1/3 Pg - $315 1/4 pg - $235 • 1/5 pg - $175 Call for other sizes / prices Smaller color sizes may be available (call 1st) 10% B&W discount 3 months pay at a time. 8% Color discount 3 months pay at a time. (20% Discount for M/C’s & Charities) Call or email for ad specs before designing ad. Deadline is approximatey the 16th of the month but call first for exact cutoff. WOTR Ad Reps Miami Mike • Sharon • Freddy J Chef Joel • Huck • Killer Chuck SUBSCRIPTION RATES $39.95 pus tax - You get 2 issues per month sent standard mail 5-12 days? $60.00 - First Class (1-4 days) We are at the mercy of the Post Office! LUFQ Pick up WOTR at most advertisers Where it's at! ADVERTISER LISTINGS PG # SUPPORT WOTR MAG TODAY B4 it’s gone!... 14 & 44 21st Annual South Fla Tattoo Expo, Aug 12-14... 43 22nd Off Alternative Off-Annual Party July 10... 29 Christmas in July the 24th... 5 Christmas in July 31... 32 Fly~In Wheels MC Broward Xmas in July, July 9... 21 Palm Beach Harley Event Schedule... 35 Phil Peterson’s Key West Poker Run, Sept 15-18... 45 Soldiers for Jesus 1st Annual Run, July 17... 26 A1PromotionsGroup.com... 31 A One Pawn... 41 A+ American Exterminating (Les will RETIRE your bugs) 19 AC Repair by Brail (WOM MC)... 36 All American Cycle... 40 Allen Babcock Dog & Cat Rescue... 36 A Touch of Class Cleaning Service by Frank... 12 Armed Citizens Network (you NEED to join this)... 18 Awesome Detail by Rick... 29 Axman Pictures (axmanpictures.com)... 8 Barkey Pines Animal Rescue... 28 Betty Boop and Friends... 29 BBRCF is now “Wish Nation”... 42 Bikers Inc. / Brooklyn Harley... 11 Black Sun - White Sand (A novel by Charlie Blackwolf)... 13 Broward Auto Repair (Miami Mike’s #1 mechanic)... 9 Cagney’s House of Rock... 32 Candy’s Cycle Shop *Partsapalooza)... 38 Chester’s Ft Laud. Harley-Davidson in Sunrise... Back Cover Children’s Charity Riders... 41 Christian Motorcyclist Association (CMA)... 36 Coral Motorsports / Victory & Indian Motorcycles... 3 Cycles in Time (Lot’s of New Stuff)... 23 Cynthia Sellers Real Estate... 22 D-N-D Automotive (Darry, another honest mechanic)... 41 Devil Dog Motorcycle Repairs... 28 Diamondhead Steve Jewelers (New Location)... 4 DOCS' Cycle... 27 Dolphin Bail Bonds (When you get thrown in jail)... 40 Dynasty Cycles... 21 Electrik Krayon Tattoo Studio... 35 Enforcers MC (Bike nites & membership info)... 36 GF1 Floor Coatings (see Jerry’s work at Peterson’s N.)... 35 Harley-Davidson of Miami, N & S Stores... 2 Harley of Palm Beach... Centerfold Indian Motorcycle of Miami... 47 J.D. Custom Detail (Miami Mike’s detailer)... 19 Kenna Sue, Hair Design & Make Up... 29 Lakes Bookkeeping Service, LLC... 36 Larry’s JS Lounge (3rd of July Party & cat’s BD)... 16 Laura Doan, The Masseuse That Rides!... 27 Leathernecks MC, Jason Dunham Chapter... 40 Leather Repair (Lauren does great work!)... 16 Leslie Kay Insurance... 4 Logitech Vehicle Repair by Billy the Kid... 36 Lone Legion Open House every Tuesday... 34 Marisa’sWay.org... 42 M.A.R.S. Auto Performance (MM’s #2 mechanic)... 36 Michele Koscielniak CPA, LLC... 35 Motorcycle Training Institute (Get Legal)... 17 Nam Knights MC... 35 Nita “Stormy” Ipsale (insurance agent)... 35 North Broward Insurance Solutions... 36 O’Malleys Rockin’ Sportsbar... 32 Prism Music... 34 Revere Indoor Gun Range... 34 Ronnie C, The Biker That Sells Real Estate... 42 Saints Motorcycle Ministry... 36 Sharkey’s Blvd Lounge... 8 Soldiers for Jesus MC... 36 Sparkling Blue Pools, Inc... 42 Sunrise Tactical Supply... 39 Sturgis Bike Transport (Let Geno take your bike)... 14 The Big Bang Gun Shop... 36 The Law Offices of Christopher Kelly... 36 The Law Offices of Engleberg & Milgrin PA... 39 The Law Offices of Gabriel Jose Carrera, PA... Centerfold The Law Offices of James S. Robertson III... 36 The Law Offices of Welt & Rheaume... Pages 34 & 46 “The South Florida Biker’s Bible Since November 1999” The Printers Printer (the WOTR printer)... Transplant Foundation, Inc. - Organ Donor Card... Wings of Gold MC Members Wanted... 23 13 9 Articles & Information • 2016 Calendars & Monthly Events... 33 • Ad Rates, Ad Index & Subscriptions... This page • Animal Adoption & Rescue Services... 37 • Biker Friendly Shops & Businesses / Classifieds... 34 • Best Friends Over the Rainbow Bridge... 37 • In Memory of (email to list your loved one-no photo)... 39 • VIP FRIENDS of WOTR / Support WOTR in 2016... 14 ABATE Update by “Gambler”... 15 Axman - Riding, Down South (In Memory of my Dad)... 8 Charlie Blackwolf, The Times We Live In... 13 Chuck on the Right Side... 38 Cindy Koser, Lipstick & Leather (she’s back...)... 26 Club Action with Jack Jr (on vacation this month) Doug Scofield, Good News... 12 Doob, My Costa Rican Retirement... 14 Freddy’s A1 Bars & Bands... 30 Gabe Carerra, the Attorney That Rides... 22 Q Laura Doan, My Events Update... 27 LUF Miami Mike, Around SoFla... 6 Stilton Jarlsberg, Hope n’ Change cartoons (scattered around) Tattoo Dave Amchir, SFPC Now... 9 Trackside with Chuck... 40 Rogue Warrior... 20 Stormy’s Rider Rhymes... 33 Ummm Good Cookin’ with Cookie (Dee)... 6 Woo’s View’s (Caution... read at your own risk)... 37 The complete contents of "Wheels on the Road" is copyrighted ©2016 and use of any content is permitted only with written consent of the publisher, Miami Mike. Advertisers must NOT discriminate against bikers who wear “colors” or their ad will be pulled. Ads must conform to legal guidelines as to the use of logos and other copyrighted artwork or merchandise, especially the use of the Harley-Davidson Bar & Shield or similar designs. You will be notified if changes are required. In the event an ad has been paid for but is not printed for any reason, our liability is limited only to what you have paid. The advertiser has the responsibility of proofing all ads which will be either faxed or emailed before being printed in WOTR. Color matching is not 100% accurate or guaranteed and no refunds will be given for incorrect colors. All ads, photographs and stories will be considered copyrighted by this publication however, the individual photographers and writers will retain all legal rights. Opinions expressed by the writers are their own and may or may not express the views of the publisher. WOTR e-mail should be addressed to: miamimike@wheelsontheroad.com. Snail mail should be sent to: Wheels on the Road Magazine, 10563 NW 53 Street, Sunrise, Florida 33351. Send postage if you want your stuff returned. Printed in the USA by The Printers Printer, Pompano Beach, Florida 33069 © 2016 All Rights Reserved - Wheels on the Road Magazine & Website 16th Year • July 2016 • Issue #201 • Page 10 In memory of Bernie, Chrissy, Clay, Big Ed, Bob Amchir, Animal, Ricky, Pervert, Roger-Kenny & Pauly 1%’ers, Mojo, Vinny Margotta, Poppy, Gunslinger, “Louie”, Davida, Daldone, Irene Powell, Dave Carter, Phil Peterson & Sky Lukas Page 11 The Times We Live In Good News By: Charley_Blackwolf@aol.com By Doug Scofield DougWOTR@gmail.com I think there is one thing that we can all agree on and that there are some serious issues in our country and She is in serious trouble! We need to pray fervently, before our country becomes unrecognizable! Let us celebrate this Independence Day as we remember those that are on foreign soil fighting for our freedom as well as those here in the states working hard so we might enjoy the freedoms that we still have and are trying to hold on too. 1 John 4:9 “This is how God showed his love among us: He sent his one and only Son into the world that we might live through him.’ Freedom has always been very costly. Even before we were born Jesus died that we might live. Not only a promise of eternal life but as the Apostle Paul put it in a letter to the church in Corinth. 1 Corinthians 10:23 “Everything is permissible “-but not everything is beneficial. “Everything is permissible “-but not everything is constructive.” I am very thankful for the promise of eternity as well as the freedom I enjoy because of His sacrifice. The freedom that He gave me is the reason I have been signing all of my articles, since I started writing for WOTR, riding free in... My prayer is that those who are serving you and I, realize that their sacrifice is not in vain and very much appreciated by all of America. Let us rely on Devine protection and stand united as did our forefathers! Last paragraph of the Declaration of Independence: We, therefore, the Representatives of the United States of America, in General Congress, assembled, appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world for the rectitude of our intentions, do, in the name, and by authority of the good People of these Colonies, solemnly publish and declare, That these United Colonies are, and of Right ought to be Free and Independent States; that they are Absolved from all Allegiance to the British Crown, and that all political connection between them and the State of Great Britain, is and ought to be totally dissolved; and that as Free and Independent States, they have full power to levy War, conclude Peace, contract Alliances, establish Commerce, and to do all other Acts and Things which Independent States may of right do. And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the Protection of Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor. It’s not only our country; the whole world is upside down and backwards! There is but one hope and one hope only and that is Jesus Christ. Our framers recognized and acknowledge it; we need to do the same! If I or Calvary Chapel MM can be of any service give me a call at 954-448-1235. Riding free in the Treasure Coast, Doug. LUFQ Let me begin by saying for the most part I support law enforcement. These guys have a shitty job to do and as part of it are often forced into situations that are life threatening. However, there have recently been events where the “serve and protect” motto was clearly not a priority. First: The situation in Waco Texas involving a heavily armed tactical contingent was unnecessarily aggressive and something the bikers involved could have better handled themselves without outside interference. Waco also did not involve a religious wacko with civilians as intended targets. Second: Orlando. There comes time, when as a Journalist, you have to bring public attention to something you know is right, that is not politically correct and is likely to inflame established institutionalized political and news media institutions. Otherwise you become part of the corrupt and dysfunctional system despised by the People. Put that in “biker language” ya know you’re probably gonna piss some people off but ya gotta say what needs to be said or yer a fu#king loser. People died in Orlando that should not have. These Americans were cornered and being slaughtered and law enforcement knew that. Consider the following scenario: A shooting is in progress at a local night club. Law enforcement has responded and there are approximately one-hundred (100) officers on station. These onehundred (100) officers are armed with tactical response equipment including body armor, Kevlar helmets, assault rifles, semi-automatic hand guns, shotguns with slugs, night vision and thermal vision scopes and a 50 BMG sniper rifle. There is one (1) adversary, a male. He is known to be armed with an AR-15 “assault” rifle, a semiautomatic hand gun and multiple magazines of ammunition. This “single” adversary has made a call to local law enforcement using 911 avowing allegiance to ISIS. SWAT advises it will take three (3) hours to gear up and respond. Your daughter has just called you on her cell phone and tells you she is inside the club and is among the wounded and is bleeding badly. You are in command. What would you do? 1) Call the Legal Department and determine Rules of Engagement (ROE). 2) Make contact with adversary, get to know him better, determine if negotiation is possible. 3) Use recently demonstrated Orlando Law Enforcement model and stand around until SWAT arrives. 4) Grow some fu#king balls and use your numerical and tactical advantage to immediately neutralize the adversary. I’d chose number 4. I think it is reasonable to assume Donald Trump as President would do the same. At the Pulse Night Club 102 American citizens were killed and injured while Orlando Law Enforcement stood by and essentially did nothing for three fu#king hours. That is unbelievable and unforgivable. And it doesn’t make a damn bit of difference if the people involved were LBGT’s, XYZ’s, a bunch of rednecks, bikers at a rally or patrons at a fu#king Memphis blues bar... they were AMERICANS and they sure as hell didn’t deserve to be shot to hell while a bunch of law enforcement types stood around outside with their thumbs up their asses! I also wonder why “Journalists” at FOX, CNN, ABC, CBS, ignored the lack of tactical law enforcement response and the resulting carnage that “The South Florida Biker’s Bible Since November 1999” 16th Year • July 2016 • Issue #201 • Page 12 Copy the Organ Donor Card below, fill it out and put it in your wallet. For additional info contact the Transplant Foundation, Inc. at 701 SW 27th Ave, Ste 705 Miami, FL 33135, 305-817-5645 or website (BELOW) Ronnie C WOTR took place and choose instead to report government attempts to implement additional gun control laws that will only serve to assist future terrorist assholes in ease of slaughtering more unarmed Americans. Additionally... liberal, establishment, institutionalized, antiquated, “out-of-date” and “out-of-touch” politicians from the Democratic Party, (Hillary in particular) want the People to believe law enforcement with a 100 to 1 numerical and weapons tactical superiority are going to protect and prevent some fu#king freak with a perverted cause from killing them. And once again in face of clear evidence to the contrary, these fu#king loser, entrenched, establishment politicians continue to make excuses for the Islamic religion and call for gun control. In Orlando and San Bernardino, more guns, not fewer, could have saved lives. In fact I suggest a good plan any group, bikers, rednecks, blues patrons, LBGT’s, or just a bunch of people going out to party, is to consider a “designated carrier” to pack heat, stay sober and keep watch and if need arises return fire so you at least have some chance of extracting yourself from a fu#ked up situation. Now Citizens... that means ya gotta learn how to use a fu#king gun. So get off yer ass and take that action and do it. As a long time competitor in shooting sports I can say with authority that pistols are easy to carry, but they are NOT EASY TO USE AND PROFICIENCY IS NOT EASILY GAINED. Like riding a motorcycle, if you don’t respect that kind of firearm the consequences can be extremely unpleasant. Given the external threat ISIS and their follower’s represent, we all must consider incorporating guns into our lives because there are some really fu#ked up freaks out there who have, as part of their religious doctrine, to harm Americans. And they don’t give a shit if your name is Rodriquez, Smith, O’Conner, Potowski, Yazzie or Kunta Kinte, you are red, white, blue, black, brown, or purple, yer mama grew up in Mexico or if you like to dress up like girl... if you are an American the perverted religious doctrine they are using means they want and intend to fu#king kill you! Also recognize the reality that law enforcement carries firearms to protect themselves... not you. And you can bet your sweet ass there’s a good chance they’ll let some asshole corner and shoot ya dead while they’re fu#king around in full body armor trying to get their shit together. Support your Second Amendment right to carry a firearm and learn how to use it, because as demonstrated in the Orlando Massacre, that’s what will protect you, not law enforcement or some loser fu#king politician writing a bunch of meaningless laws to restrict access to firearms. Because, my fellow Americans, the reality is the only thing that is going to protect you... is you! Donald Trump has made it abundantly clear he supports a Citizens right to carry. That’s why I intend to vote for him and encourage the People to do the same. Orlando reinforces that reality. Second thing I want to address this month is Military readiness. Generals and admirals who remain in 2016 are there basically because they are chicken-shit, keep quiet and say nothing. The Obama driven “politically correct” hesitancy to protect and defend America has greatly weakened the US military. This is not to say individuals in the military are weak or don’t know their jobs but, as a whole, the US military has been left with rules of engagement that make it impossible to fight a war. Problem is our enemies know that. Think back to 9-11 and NEVER forget there were families... moms, dads, little kids ... on the airplanes those insane fu#king lunatics flew into the World Trade Center. Scared... I can’t even imagine what you would say to your children in that kind of situation. How do you tell your child sitting next to you on that aircraft that you are about to die? Now keep that thought when you think about obliterating ISIS cities or taking over their country and stripping it of its wealth and how we as Americans shouldn’t do that because we are “nice guys”... “our country doesn’t stand for that”, or it might offend some European government official, Vladimir, the Chinese or some other liberal “flower-child” bullshit. Maybe if you were a brother, father or mother of one of the over 3000 people that showed up at the World Trade Center and died, or a brother, father or mother of one of the patrons at the Orlando Pulse Night Club a couple of weeks ago you might want your military AND LAW ENFORCEMENT to have options (including a set of balls) available to them that are not dictated by the current crop of establishment politicians. In fact you might want to kick the shit out of these people and while that is taking place retain the right to carry a gun in case some asshole shows up at your front door or at your local watering hole and tries to kill you. Vote Trump. Keep the rubber side down. America Forever – Forever America (AFFA) Charley Blackwolf In memory of Bernie, Chrissy, Clay, Big Ed, Bob Amchir, Animal, Ricky, Pervert, Roger-Kenny & Pauly 1%’ers, Mojo, Vinny Margotta, Poppy, Gunslinger, “Louie”, Davida, Daldone, Irene Powell, Dave Carter, Phil Peterson & Sky Lukas Page 13 BECOME A 2016 VIP If you read WOTR help support it. Email or go online to the website & become a 2016 VIP or mail a check or money order to: Wheels on the Road 10563 NW 53rd Street Sunrise, Florida 33351 MY CO STA RICAN COSTA RETIREMENT By Doob: DoobCR@gmail.com All VIP’s Receive a nice WOTR VIP patch. Donations of $100 or more receives a free “Larry Light 1”. Your generous donations will help to keep your Wheels on the Road in 2016. Google to see how cool Larry Lights are! $1000 DOUBLE PLATINUM VIP FRIENDS Charley Blackwolf, Homestead • $600 MOTORCYCLE CLUBS & ORGANIZATIONS Children’s Charity Riders Association, Broward Keltics MC, Broward Nam Knights MC, Broward/West Palm Mystic Seven MC, Broward States MC, Pompano Beach • $500 PLATINUM VIP FRIENDS • $150 GOLD EXTRA VIP FRIENDS Dave the Kid, In Memory of Dumas • $100 GOLD VIP FRIENDS Laura Doan, The Masseuse That Rides LUF Q • $75 SILVER PLUS VIP FRIENDS Klondike (Mystic 7 MC) In Memory of Mojo • $50 SILVER VIP FRIENDS Allan Hidalgo, Sanford Barky Pines Animal Rescue, West Palm Bch Bill & Terry, St. Augustine Rick Sanford, Awesome Appearance Prod., Hlwd Whistler, West Palm • $25 BRONZE VIP FRIENDS Eugene “Gino” Tassoni, Davie Janice Mauro, Davie We thank our supporters for helping keep our Wheels on the Road and in YOUR Hands! Miami Mike, Sharon, MickeyBear & CocoPuff Our SAM/C annual ride to Cahuita on our Caribbean Coast was held recently. A West Coast chapter member gave us this story. He spent $30.00 for gas in his bike to ride from coast to coast. $30.00 for a good hotel for two. $30.00 for good smoke. (note, the Jamacian blockade runners are still getting in) There are 32 clandestine air strips along both coasts being used. Oh yeah, and $20.00 for party food and drinks for two. So for $110.00 he had a hell of a good time! Finally, a weekend party with club brothers from C.R. and Panama priceless. Other local news: 2600 Africans are still trapped in C.R. because Nicaragua, at our northern border, will not let them thru like they did with the Cubans on their way to the U.S.A. without money or papers. Reports say 20,000 African migrants are using many different routes to travel from Brazil to C.R. and on to the U.S.A. Let’s hope the wall gets built... quickly... before it’s too late! (Or is it too late already???) Pura Vida, Doob IF YOU READ WOTR CONTRIBUTE Donate online at wheelsontheroad.com All the other motorcycle magazines in South Florida have gone out of business because the money from the advertisers was not enough to keep them in buisness. WOTR has been losing advertisers for some time now and you the reader needs to step up and become a VIP if you want to keep reading about your lifestyle and all the events that take place in South Florida. Donate Today - It’s not gonna kill ya!!! LUFQ “The South Florida Biker’s Bible Since November 1999” 16th Year • July 2016 • Issue #201 • Page 14 ABATE UPDATE By Jim “Gambler” Willard, SE Chapter President Email: pres@abatese.us Elections are over. Never did I think I would be president of the Southeast Chapter of ABATE. But don’t get me wrong, I will not take my job lightly. I have been blessed because every board and trustee position has been filled with dedicated men and women who all believe in Motorcycle Safety, Awareness and Biker Rights. We are the only Motorcycle rights organization in Florida and we have a full time lobbyist working to keep our rights intact. Before I go any further I want to thank our past President Frank T. Hammons for stepping up last year and ensuring that this chapter did not fold. He worked very hard and I have some big shoes to fill. Let’s not forget our past Vice President Frank “Poppie” Cocchi. Poppie is also our Chaplain and as such he was planning to step down as Vice President last year, but being the dedicated man that he is he stayed on as Vice President one more year. Thank you Poppie. Like many of us this past year Frank T and Poppie held more than one job, just like Rick “T-Man” Molina whom was both our Treasurer and Membership Person this last year. Now a little about me. I’ve been with ABATE for four years. Three of which I have been the Safety Director and this past year the Road Captain too. I’m also a certified instructor for ABATE’s Motorcycle Safety and Awareness Program (MSAP). I was in the Army for three years, I served in Viet Nam and I’m a Purple Heart recipient. I served with the Eighth Special Forces Group in Panama, 173rd in Viet Nam and 82nd State side. Airborne all the Way! I got my first motorcycle when I was stationed in Panama in 1967. Thanks to the GI Bill I have a Bachelor’s Degree in Business and an Associate’s Degree in Marketing. Now that’s enough about me and buttering up to my predecessors... Thank you to everyone that came out to our annual Memorial Day Party held at Mickey’s Tiki Bar. The turnout was not as big as in the past and that could have been because several other bars and some dealerships held their own Memorial Day Events, but we are appreciative of all of you that did come out to support your motorcycle rights organization. The veterans from Sandy Nininger Retirement home sure had a good time and they loved talking to, and flirting with, all the cool biker chicks. The band “Bombshell” was playing all day and they were excellent. I look forward to hearing them again. Much thanks goes out to all of the ABATE members and their families (too numerous to mention them all) that helped make this event a success. And last but not least Thanks to Mickey’s for hosting our event. Allan is always a gracious host. Jimmy Les retired from the School Board of Miami Dade County and his retirement party was held at the Keltic’s MC Clubhouse on June 3rd. What a great time! So many friends showed up to celebrate his retirement. So much food too, everything your little heart desired. It was like a trip around the world. Music was provided by a two-man band called “GIMME”. The music was soft and mellow. So cool... June 9th was Gabe Carrera & WOTR’s “Biker Political Forum” event held at American Legion Post 180 in Plantation. SE ABATE had a Safety and Membership table set up. There were more than 30 candidates speaking, each of which gave their views and telling us where they stand, including on motorcycle rights, and we got to ask questions. When I say candidates I mean running for Sheriff, Judges, School Board, State House and much more. Plus, there were representatives speaking on behalf of Clinton, Trump and Johnson for President. It was quite an experience indeed. June 11th was AOA’s Memorial Event to celebrate and remember their brothers who has passed away. No band was needed because this was a gathering of bikers to give our AOA brothers our support. Plenty of cool drinks and hot food. Rest in Peace my friends. Sunday June 12th was the Wings of Gold MC’s Annual Stars and Strips Party that was held at the Carolina Ale House in Weston. My first time there and the Ale House is a really nice place for a party. Soulicide was playing and as always put on one hot show. We had our Safety and Membership booth set up along with numerous other vendors. Even Sheriff Scott Israel came by to talk to the crowd. Great event, and we hope to be back on Juluy 24th for Santa Ed’s Christmas in July Party. See flyer page 5. Some of the issues this year that we will be working on, along with many other Motorcycle Rights Organizations, are of course the Helmet Law, not just in Florida but across the entire country, and E15 Ethanol being blended with the gas we use in our bikes. The newest thing on our agenda is the $500,000.00 grant given to Duval County for the purpose to Profile motorcycles on the false pretense of stopping all types of vehicles to cut back on drunk driving and minimizing fatalities (my opinion). There could be as many as 60 different check points. By law these check point locations must be published in advance. More on these issues and others as we get additional information. If you are a motorcycle enthusiast and you don’t belong to the only motorcycle rights organization in Florida protecting your rights, ask yourself why not? Visit our website, (abatese.org) stop by our Safety and Membership booth, or come by our meetings and find out more about ABATE and see what we are all about. Your membership includes a $4,000.00 Accidental Death and Dismemberment Policy for no extra cost. We meet the third Sunday of each month at the Moose Lodge located at 4483 SW 64 Ave. (Davie Road) Don’t forget to pick up a copy of our monthly newsletter. The newsletter contains our meeting minutes, safety information, and much more. Plus, we will keep you informed of any and all legislation affecting your rights. Call our hot line at 954-310-4636 for our weekly updates on rides and club events. AS of July 1, 2016 Annual membership dues will remain $20.00, Lifetime has increased to $600.00. In the coming months I will tell you about other ABATE fall and winter events around Florida as well as covering our local motorcycle event scene. Come up to me at any event and say hi, I’ll be happy to talk to you about our SE chapter, or for that matter, just about anything else. Until next time stay alert, stay alive and have a very happy 4th of July. Gambler President, SE ABATE Chapter In memory of Bernie, Chrissy, Clay, Big Ed, Bob Amchir, Animal, Ricky, Pervert, Roger-Kenny & Pauly 1%’ers, Mojo, Vinny Margotta, Poppy, Gunslinger, “Louie”, Davida, Daldone, Irene Powell, Dave Carter, Phil Peterson & Sky Lukas Page 15 Ummm... Good Cookin’ with Cookie By Dee: Dorinda.Paikoff@aol.com Pineapple Rum Cake 2-1/2 cups all purpose flour 1-1/2 teaspoons baking powder 1 teaspoon baking soda 1/2 teaspoon salt 1/4 teaspoon ground nutmeg 1-1/2 sticks butter 1-1/2 cups sugar 3 large eggs 1 can crushed 8oz pineapple in juice 3/4 cup buttermilk 1/4 cup dark rum 1 cup pineapple preserves (garnish) 1/4 cup whining cream whipped Bake the layers until a toothpick in center comes out clean, about 25 minutes. Transfer the pans to wire rack cool 10 minutes. Run a knife around sides of layers, invert layers onto wire racks cool completely. Remove Waxed paper from cake layers. Using a toothpick, poke holes all over on 2 cake layers, brush with rum. Place 1 layer on a serving plate, rum side up. Spread with 1/2 cups preserves. Place second cake layer on top of preserves, rum side up, spread with remaining preserves. Top with remaining cake layer. Spoon whipped cream into pastry bag, don’t forget to fit with a star tip first. Pipe a ring of whipped cream on top of cake. Arrange pecan halves and pineapple chunks on whipping cream. Sprinkle red white star sprinkles all over. Tip: to prevent rum bottle from dripping, rub the rim with a piece of Waxed paper or you can just drink it all up, then no worry of it dripping. May God watch over you all as you ride, never forget the men and woman that are fighting for our country, and our friends and loved ones in prison. Dee 6 pecan halves toasted 6 pineapple chunks You will need: Waxed paper, Toothpick, Pastry brush and Pastry bag fitted with star tip. Preheat oven 350. adjust 3 oven racks to divide oven evenly. Grease three 9 inch round cake pans. Grease the paper. Dust the pans with flour tapping out any excess. In medium bowl, combine flour, baking powder, baking soda, salt and nutmeg mix well. In a large bowl using an electric mixer set on med, beat butter until fluffy. Gradually add sugar, beat for 2 minutes. Add eggs one at a time beating well after each addition. Stir in pineapple with juice. With the mixer on low beat flour mixture and buttermilk alternately into egg mixture. Divide and spread batter evenly among prepared pans. LUFQ “The South Florida Biker’s Bible Since November 1999” 16th Year • July 2016 • Issue #201 • Page 16 Axman continues on page 9 left for it. I did some picking later on that night and I can confirm that it all I tasted was finger licking good. Live music was provided by Kevin Millard (Gimme 5). As usual, you can always have a good time when at the Keltics clubhouse. It was a great party and on behalf of Jimmy “Les” Lesniak, I want to thank everybody that came out to celebrate with him. On Saturday afternoon (6/11) I caged it to the Outlaws MC clubhouse in Dania Beach where their Memorial Celebration was heldto honor all their South Florida Brothers who have passed away. The weather forecast was outright crappy and at times it rained so hard that the attendees were seeking cover underneath the tents and the Tiki Bar. The turnout was still very good considering the weather conditions. I really felt bad for all the bikers that rode in soaking wet. Eddy 1%’er made a very nice speech and a toast was made to honor all their Brothers lost. The following day (6/12) I rode over to the Carolina Ale House in Weston. The Wings of Gold MC Ft. Lauderdale chapter invited everybody to their Annual Stars & Stripes event. It remained dry that day but it was super-hot. Therefore, the majority of the bikers could be found inside the large air-conditioned bar. I took a bunch of photos outside earlier then went inside to enjoy some great food and ice cold drinks while watching the European Soccer Championship with the German team beating Ukraine by 2 goals to 0. As soon as the match was over I continued taking some more photos. Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel got the opportunity Axman continues on next page In memory of Bernie, Chrissy, Clay, Big Ed, Bob Amchir, Animal, Ricky, Pervert, Roger-Kenny & Pauly 1%’ers, Mojo, Vinny Margotta, Poppy, Gunslinger, “Louie”, Davida, Daldone, Irene Powell, Dave Carter, Phil Peterson & Sky Lukas Page 17 Axman continues from page 17 to get on stage asking the crowd for their support for his re-election. Once he was done Soulicide took the stage again and kicked some more kick-ass tunes. It was a great party and I enjoyed myself tremendously. I plan on going back to the Ale House on July 24th for Santa Ed and the Wings of Gold MC Christmas in July Party. I have a very good feeling that this party will be as good or better than the Stars & Stripes party, I hope to see all my friends there. The following weekend we had my wife’s cousin Annie and her fiancee Dan stay with us. They flew in from Boston for the wedding of Vicky’s other cousin Jimmy to his bride to be Jonivieve. I took the opportunity to do some sightseeing with Annie and Dan on Saturday. We started off in Coconut Grove. We walked around for a little while but it was absolutely dead. It must have been because of the excessive heat. The next stop was Key Biscayne National Park. This is a beautiful Park. We spent quite a bit of time there and even though the heat was almost unbearable we enjoyed walking along the water. We also visited the built the restaurant and it turned out so much nicer than it was before. We sat at the inside bar trying to escape the heat for a while. Ice cold Corona’s tasted almost too good. The view of downtown Miami is simply amazing. The final stop was Bayside. We did not stay there for very long at it was already quite late. Arriving at home, dinner was ready to be served. Doug, Valerie, Little Vicky (my in-laws) and her boyfriend Ritchie had joined us. It was Cape Florida Lighthouse. It was 109 steps to the observation deck. It almost killed me climbing up there, but the spectacular views made up for it. We had lunch at the Lighthouse Café. The Ceviche was as spectacular as the views we had enjoyed earlier. Our next stop was the Rusty Pelican. They had completely reLUFQ another great afternoon and evening with family. On Sunday (06/19) I missed the SE ABATE Chapter Meeting and with it the yearly election of the Board of Directors & Trustees. First of all I would like to thank Frank T. Hammons and his team for the outstanding job they have done last year. I am very pleased with the new Board of Directors that have been elected. I am very confident that Jim (Gambler) Willard and his team will continue improving the SE ABATE Chapter. Later on that afternoon we attended Jimmy and Jonivieve’s wedding. It took place at the La Jolla Ballroom in Coral Gables. This is a beautiful place to have a wedding. The ballroom was very nicely decorated. The ceremony was short and sweet. The buffet offered a nice spread of “The South Florida Biker’s Bible Since November 1999” 16th Year • July 2016 • Issue #201 • Page 18 delicious food. The DJ played great music during dinner. After everybody had eaten he kicked the tunes up a notch and the dance floor stayed continuously packed during the remainder of the evening. Congratulations again. I wish you both nothing but the best. (I do hope you name your first born after me though.... Ax or Axel for a boy and Axriel or AxGal for a girl... that will be just fine... LOL) Until next time Ride free & safe! Axman In memory of Bernie, Chrissy, Clay, Big Ed, Bob Amchir, Animal, Ricky, Pervert, Roger-Kenny & Pauly 1%’ers, Mojo, Vinny Margotta, Poppy, Gunslinger, “Louie”, Davida, Daldone, Irene Powell, Dave Carter, Phil Peterson & Sky Lukas Page 19 Rogue Ro gue War arrrior Email: usmc_biker@bikerchicks4u.com Bikers believe in freedom, respect, loyalty, don’t want no one to lean on them, and they don’t give a good g-damn what society thinks of them. See, they figure they’re throwbacks to real Americans, you know what the Country was all about before the Country all went to hell with muslims, illegal immigrants, big city lawyers, corrupt politicians and presidents, computers, big corporations, time clocks and what all. There’s a lot to be said for that, those ain’t bad ideas. I for one am proud to be a BIKER and to have BIKER’s as my friends. Between the rain and my not feeling real well this past month we didn’t get out as much as we wanted. Now for my rant: If something can physically be done by one human to another, it has been done, and will be done in the future. Truly, the only way to stop a hate filled terrorist is with a 250 grain 45 ACP or a 55 grain FMJ through their insane, hate filled brain, in this country or overseas. That’s why I say bomb the hell out of them and then send the United States Marines in! This was the worst mass shooting by terrorists. 9-11 and Timothy McVeigh were bombings, and did not involve a firearm. Even though this asshole bought the weapons legally doesn’t mean he should have been able to purchase them. I blame the FBI and the obama admin for making/forcing the company he worked for to hire muslims on that. It is imperative that we recognize these events for what they are, so as to prevent the deaths of the victims being bastardized no matter whether they are gay or straight. Of course no blame will be attached to the liberal acceptance of gays publicly flaunting their sexual perversions or the oppressive doctrines of Islam. The media will always tow the line and promote the liberal destruction of western culture and values and denounce any straight “normal” person who dares to stand against the destruction of our very way of life. Funny that in Boston, bombs were used and on 9/11 planes were used. Outlawing AR-15’s or even all guns will not stop terrorists. They or he or she would have obtained the weapons needed to carry out this act or any future act of terrorism one way or the other. As I see it the only thing the leftist media is doing is promoting the banning of firearms in this country, which is one of the first steps towards anarchy. Religion is on the list. Freedom of speech. Freedom of the press. Freedom of assembly. All will be gone sooner than we think. Sunday May 29th was the day we at ABATE Southeast Chapter celebrate all the sacrifices that so many of our brothers and sisters have made. A day of remembrance and thanks. A few hundred bikers came to celebrate. We had an outstanding service ending with a 21 gun salute and the playing of taps. Everybody there was moved by it. Every LUFQ year we host Veterans from the Sandy Nininger Veterans Home at this event. Sadly only two could make it this year. Bob Anz, our quartermaster, was busy all afternoon serving up hamburgers and hotdogs. Bob’s a great cook, I always enjoy eating when he’s cooking. It turned out to be a another beautiful Florida day, a bit hot but who’s complaining. If you didn’t make this Memorial Day Event then you missed out. As always, the members of SE ABATE did an outstanding job putting on the event. Thanks to of all you. I also want to thank Alan for hosting our event at Mickeys. After Kathy and I left the Memorial Day Event we headed to Johnny Q’s in Lake Worth to see the debut of Melinda Elena and Dreams. They are The Definitive Fleetwood Mac Show. Let me say right off they lived up to their name. I have loved Fleetwood Mac and Stevie Nicks to this day. We were not disappointed! Melinda and Dreams put on one awesome show. We all had a great time watching and listening to the band and all the people dancing. Melinda and Dreams gave an outstanding performance. Keep it up. I’m sure we’ll see y’all again in the future. On June 5th, with a 50% to 80% chance of rain, we hit about 10 minutes of half-ass rain. Didn’t even get wet. What a great day to ride. Kathy and I headed to Archie’s Seabreeze where we met up with 7 brothers and sisters who had headed north before Kathy and I did. Of course we had the best hamburgers in Ft. Pierce at Archie’s. To me the ride back home was the best because we were riding with great friends. Hopefully Kathy and I will get out more in July and we hope we see ya “The South Florida Biker’s Bible Since November 1999” 16th Year • July 2016 • Issue #201 • Page 20 on the road oneday soon. Ride Free Ride Safe, RogueUSMC In memory of Bernie, Chrissy, Clay, Big Ed, Bob Amchir, Animal, Ricky, Pervert, Roger-Kenny & Pauly 1%’ers, Mojo, Vinny Margotta, Poppy, Gunslinger, “Louie”, Davida, Daldone, Irene Powell, Dave Carter, Phil Peterson & Sky Lukas Page 21 Gabe Carerra Gabriel@AttorneyThatRides.com Another month has come and passed here in South Florida. The weather is acting all crazy lately with rain falling hard for an hour, then it dries in a few minutes and then the scorching sun comes out and forces you in the house to grab some AC. Unless they are broke, all the “snow birds” have migrated to other states with cooler temperatures. (I’m sure gonna miss them..) As I write this the Southwest USA is boiling with average temperatures hovering around 114°. And on Saturday June 7th in White Sulphur Springs, WV, the death toll was 26 and could still climb. Floodwaters rose 27 feet from Thursday afternoon to Friday morning, with home after home literally swept off their foundations and washed away. The Weather Channel has confirmed that this is a 1,000-year flood event. Wow... crazy weather. I guess living in South Florida isn’t too bad. If you have not been paying attention you missed a lot of activity in the biker community. SE ABATE held their Memorial Day event at Mickey’s and I had the honor of shooting a rifle for the 21 Gun salute. A big turnout on a nice day with an excellent band and always nice people... and I had a geat time. The Wings of Gold MC had a great party at Carolina Ale House. The Hoka Hey Motorcycle Challenge is in full swing right now and you can follow me in real time at: WWW.HokaHeyChallenge.com then go to Devices and click me.. Gabe Carrera #804. And the 21st South Florida Tattoo Expo is quickly coming up upon us. See the cover and page 43 for the flyer. Plus read Tattoo Dave’s article for additional information. It’s a great event for everyone... tattoo’s or not! (More on some of these events later in this article) The Biker Political Forum... was held a few weeks back at the American Legion, Post 180 in Plantation. The event was sponsored by S.E. ABATE, the South Florida President’s Council, LUFQ Wheels on the Road and myself. I invited all the local candidates running for public office in Broward County to come and explain to us why bikers should vote for them. We had judges, State Reps, US Congress candidates, BSO Sheriff, and surrogates for the presidential candidates running for Republican, Democrat, and Libertarian parties. If you missed it you’re in luck because I recorded it all. If you go to “YouTube” and do a search for “Attorney That Rides”, you will find all the candidates that spoke. I tried something different at the biker political forum that I never tried before. On the Attorney That Rides Facebook page I was streaming live for the whole world to see. I only posted once or twice commenting that I would do it live over the Internet. I was impressed to see that over 350 individuals logged in to view the biker political forum. While I was at the podium my phone never stopped ringing with comments from people who were posting during the live feed. ‘Of course’ it was raining hard that evening with strong winds and heavy rain but we still got aroom full of people and with those that watched live on Facebook, this event had close to 500+ attendees paying attention to the concerns of the biker community. At this time I will only be making one endorsement and that is for a young lady who is running for the public office of state representative. Her name is Anika Omphroy and she is a Democrat. As you all know I am a very conservative individual, but I am not registered with any particular party. I look at the candidates and issues when I go to vote. I was very impressed with Candidate Anika Omphroy who owns a few guns as she told us. When she came up to the podium to speak I made a big ‘ta-do’ about having someone for state representative listen to what bikers have to say. I explained to her that there have been weeks where every other day our loved ones in the community were getting killed in motorcycle accidents by ‘at fault’ cagers. In fact, there was a dear brother from the American Legion post 180 that had gotten killed away after being mowed down by an 18-yearold girl who had no insurance. She received a fine and walked away with no consequences for the death of a man who left behind a six-year-old girl who will never know her father. I asked her to address those concerns and I even gave her an extra “The South Florida Biker’s Bible Since November 1999” 16th Year • July 2016 • Issue #201 • Page 22 minute to explore what she would do. She told us that in her life she has lost many loved ones in motorcycle accidents. Just this year she lost a dear friend to a cager who killed him on the road. There were no consequences or serious penalties for the cager. This issue struck a chord in her heart and that she too feels the pain of losing a loved one on the road just as most of us in the room have felt. At the end of her spiel - I challenged her that if she won will she help us pass legislation to increase the penalties for those who kill a biker with their vehicle. She took the challenge and accepted by shaking my hand, as she knew we were being recorded. I hope she wins so that we can work closely with her to change some of the laws and punish those that are texting on their phones, as they mow down our brothers and sisters. Only time will tell if this politician will keep her promise... The very next weekend after the Biker Political Forum, the Broward Chapter of the Wings of Gold MC (WOG) threw one bad ass party in Weston at the Carolina Ale House. I never set up in Weston but this forum was an awesome place to throw a parking lot and indoor party, with live music and cool vendors. Sheriff Scott Israel came and spoke on stage. He is running for Broward Sheriff as well as eight (8) other candidates. Afterwards, I spoke to him to thank him for sending someone to represent him at the Biker Political Forum. Miami Mike, Axman and Killer Chuck were there taking pictures ‘paparazzi style’ looking like they were having a good time... but that’s always hard to tell. Freddy from A1 Promotions and his good friend Andrew, were passing around a guitar like a cheap whore for all to sign. Freddy and Andrew presented Tattoo Dave the signed guitar for him to hang up on the wall of the WOG clubhouse. Remember that Santa Ed will be putting on a Christmas in July event on July 24th at the Carolina Ale House. See the flyer on page 5 and I hope to see you all there. August is around the corner and I am looking forward to setting up at the 21st Annual South Florida Tattoo Expo August 12-14. I am getting two spots this year because the event is that unbelievable. Did you know that all the club people and their friends that work the Expo are 100% volunteers? And ALL the bands donate their time. And all the money raised benefits Joe DiMaggio Children’s Hospital, the SFPC’s #1 charity. To date, this event has raised over $800,000! So when you buy an admission ticket, get some new ink, or buy anything from a vendor, you are helping out thousands of very sick and needy kids in our own back yard. There is something for everyone at the Expo. Whether you are inked or not (people with tattoo’s don’t snub those who don’t have tattoo’s), you should come out and I guarantee you will have a good time... and know you are helping a great cause. For more information on events, live music and vendors go to www.floridatattooexpo.com. See you there to help the kids! Gabe In memory of Bernie, Chrissy, Clay, Big Ed, Bob Amchir, Animal, Ricky, Pervert, Roger-Kenny & Pauly 1%’ers, Mojo, Vinny Margotta, Poppy, Gunslinger, “Louie”, Davida, Daldone, Irene Powell, Dave Carter, Phil Peterson & Sky Lukas Page 23 LUFQ “The South Florida Biker’s Bible Since November 1999” 16th Year • July 2016 • Issue #201 • Page 24 In memory of Bernie, Chrissy, Clay, Big Ed, Bob Amchir, Animal, Ricky, Pervert, Roger-Kenny & Pauly 1%’ers, Mojo, Vinny Margotta, Poppy, Gunslinger, “Louie”, Davida, Daldone, Irene Powell, Dave Carter, Phil Peterson & Sky Lukas Page 25 Lipstick & Leather by Cindy Kosor (ckosor@aol.com) The greatest lesson I ever learned, came from a man that I called “Dad.” On Sunday June 12th, I attended the Wings of Gold MC’s Red, White and Blue Annual at Carolina Ale House in Weston. Soulicide rocked the event and although it called for rain, the skies were clear. It was a great turnout, and since Father’s Day was the following Sunday, I took the opportunity to ask the biker community what was the best advice given to them by their father. The answers were touching, funny, grounding, and as always the biker community never lets me down in regards to entertaining. • Jimmy Les (Jimmy’s advice to dads): If you drop something and it breaks, saying you’re sorry won’t fix it. The same holds true for the words you say to others. • Tom/Chester’s: “If you worry about it, you’re gonna die. If you don’t worry about it, you’re still gonna die. So what the fuck you worrying about?” • Lefty/STATES MC: (Lefty’s advice to dads) Do the best to show love, patience & support with moderate discipline. Above all listen and understand. • Joey/WOG MC: If a girl doesn’t wash her feet, she won’t wash her hooha. • Tommy: Take care of your kids. • Santa Ed: If you can’t afford to give the bartender a tip don’t drink. • Stone/STATES MC: Make sure your woman has smaller underwear than you. • Lawrence: Take care of your woman, and she’ll take care of you. • Bandit/WSMVMC Chapter2: Slow down when riding in the rain. • Tool/Soldiers of Jesus MC: Stay in school • Jerry/Soldiers of Jesus MC: Get an education • Wolf/USMV MC: Grow up! • Sal: Get out there and go to work. • Gonzo/WOG MC: Whatever you do, do the best you can. Whether it’s simply taking out the trash or building your career. • Tommy the Car Man: Never start a fight and never run from a fight • Tommy Boy/WOG Miami: Unless you are in the hospital, in jail, or dead, you go to work! • JD (Moose) WOG Miami: Marry a good woman because they could make you or break you. • Axman: Follow your dream! (his father’s advice to him when he was leaving for the U.S. on 8/6/88). • Billy the Kid: When you get home from work, have a drink and leave work at work. • Frank G/ABATE: You have to work with what you got. • Cowboy/WOG MC: Your word is your honor. • Tony/WOG MC: Quit being so damn fidgety. • Gabe/Attorney that Rides: Don’t allow racism to hold you back and keep you from moving forward. • Julio (Wild One) WOG MC: Work hard for your money. • Syd/Mystic 7 MC: You have to treat life like a game of chess and think 5 steps ahead. • Miami Mike/WOTR: Black is Negative, Red is Positive. Wear shoes when you change fuses . Take the dog out before he craps & pees on the carpet. LUFQ As you can see, the responses were priceless, and I would like to thank everyone for their help! I wish you all safe riding and a happy Fourth of July. The following is a great poem about Freedom, by Joanna Fuchs... Freedom in America Isn’t really free; We often pay a price To keep our liberty. Money spent on trifles Must now go to our cause: Get rid of the offenders, Constitutional outlaws. Remember those we loved, Who fought for us, and died; And those we never knew For whom others mourned and cried. Freedom in America Isn’t really free It’s up to American patriots; It’s up to you and me. By Joanna Fuchs At home our “war” for freedom Is sadly overdue; We’ve let corruption stage A sad and grievous coup. I wish you all safe riding and a happy Fourth of July. I’m out, with Lipstick and Leather on. Cindy No longer can we brush off Dishonesty and greed, Lust for wealth and power; We can’t, we won’t concede. Complacency is weakness Patriots can’t afford; We have to act on wrongs That cannot be ignored. We must give up some time, Spent on other pleasures, To restore America’s freedom, To keep America’s treasures. “The South Florida Biker’s Bible Since November 1999” 16th Year • July 2016 • Issue #201 • Page 26 My Events Update by Laura Doan Email: twouble@bellsouth.net HELLO from yr MASSEUSE! Memorial Day was Honored finely with a somber and moving Ceremony to our Lost! SE ABATE Frank T, Jimmy Les, SE ABATE members and Mickey’s Tiki/Alan Brownfield did a Fine job in memorializing those Brave Warriors who have left us. I was blessed and Very proud of the wonderful service they put on, including the 21 gun salute! (Just glad I didn’t get shot in the ass by Gabe!) May God bless our War fighters who give and gave ALL and may He please be with their Loved ones! On June 18th I was glad to be a part of a Benefit/Fundraiser for our Wonderful Sister, Cari Pino, to assist her in getting back on her feet after surgery and many struggles to stay afloat financially while going through health issues! Huge thank you’s to Freddy Jentzsch, Annie Kramps Touvi, and many others putting on the event. It was a Great evening for Love and support! Crush was amazing with their new guy Jason, killin’ it on guitar and showing us a good time; along with many of other local band members who showed up and brought their talents to join in the JAM! Joe Byerley, the lovely and talented MJ from Loose Cannons, Joiee Kallay, and our beautiful Annie as well, entertained us! Best wishes to our Cari for a great outcome with any further tests and procedures! May Godspeed your healing and wellness! In between these events I took a sweet little vacation with my son’s before they leave the nest and stopped at a famous biker spot off Route 66 called Rosie’s Den Cafe’. Rosie was a pioneer in Arizona. She passed away last year but her legacy lives on. In 2011 her place burned down but was rebuilt and is better than ever. Stop by when you are in the area. Rosie’s is located at 19949 Hwy 93, White Hills, AZ. See their facebook page at: RosiesDen-Cafe AND too all you Fathers and Mothers pullin double duty: Happy Father’s Day... Hope it was Great! Peace and Love to you all! Laura In memory of Bernie, Chrissy, Clay, Big Ed, Bob Amchir, Animal, Ricky, Pervert, Roger-Kenny & Pauly 1%’ers, Mojo, Vinny Margotta, Poppy, Gunslinger, “Louie”, Davida, Daldone, Irene Powell, Dave Carter, Phil Peterson & Sky Lukas Page 27 BARKEY PINES What’s Steve, a Paint & Body guy, and his ol’ lady Liz, their friend Mary and a few friends, doing with a bunch dogs, and chickens and ducks and geese and what else did I see under that shed??? Photos by Miami Mike Hi everyone! Some of you may remember us – Steve and Liz, formerly of S.E.A. Spray Auto Body & Refinishing in Hollywood. Long time advertiser and supporter of WOTR, and friend of Miami Mike. After closing our big shop, for a short time we had a food truck and although it was a fun “break”, (and enev though MM loved our Italian food) it was not profitable, so we ended up going back to minor repairs and we moved up to Palm Beach County. Almost 2 years These 4 little guys are up for adoption! ago, we opened an animal rescue & sanctuary, a 501(c)3 non profit foundation right here at our home called Barkey Pines. We rescue the most urgent dogs from our local kill shelter – those that are sick, injured, neglected and would otherwise be euthanized if not rescued. We take care of Steve them physically and emotionally. We then teach them family manners. Many have never known a home life. We then match them with best suited family for their needs and personalities. This includes senior citizens and veterans, soon expanding to rehab facilities, etc. To date, we have rescued 145 urgent dogs and adopted out 126, and some stay here for sanctuary. Some seniors we rescued have passed naturally, and were loved here. Though we are proud that the three of us (and a handful of awesome volunteers) have done so much, we can, and will do so much more! We are in contract, closing on July 13, for 5.8 acres of cleared land here in western Loxahatchee. Once the buildout is Liz complete, we will be able to house up to 100 pups at any given time! Lives saved. While our small auto body business funds most of the rescue’s daily needs, we are always looking for great ways to raise funds. Currently it is for this expansion! We are working on our Mary current goal for the closing down payment. Of course, then we have the grading, septics, concrete pads, plumbing and the steel buildings for the pups, fencing, wells for fresh water, a trailer or small house for LUFQ BARKEY PINES If you see it rockin’ come in.. there is no reason it’s rockin’. This is where Steve & Liz will be living until they get a trailer or house built us to live... etc. We need your help! If you, or anyone you know, has a company that could assist us in any way in the building process, we would greatly appreciate it. It is 100% tax deductible and, in addition, we would promote your company. Monetary donations, and fundraising efforts, are also accepted and appreciated, and completely tax deductible as well. Thank you so much for considering helping to save lives. We appreciate you! Steve, Liz and Mary. Barky Pines Animal Rescue & Sanctuary Inc. 561-402-1451 See us online at: www.barkypinesanimalrescue.com or you can send us an email at: barkypines@gmail.com. Donations please use paypal.me/barkypines. P.S. All the dogs at Barkey Pines are in need of a forever home. Call Liz and tell her you saw this article in WOTR and you want to take one, or two home! MM “The South Florida Biker’s Bible Since November 1999” 16th Year • July 2016 • Issue #201 • Page 28 ONLY 90 YEARS DIFFERENCE! Congrats to a couple of my favorite guys! My buddy Johnny who just graduated from Pre-K and will turn 5 on July 10th & my crazy cousin Bernie who just celebrated his 95th birthday eating huge platefulls of BBQ ribs at Robs BBQ in Davie. Next year we’ll get Bernie a REAL lap dance... for $5 this is what you get. In memory of Bernie, Chrissy, Clay, Big Ed, Bob Amchir, Animal, Ricky, Pervert, Roger-Kenny & Pauly 1%’ers, Mojo, Vinny Margotta, Poppy, Gunslinger, “Louie”, Davida, Daldone, Irene Powell, Dave Carter, Phil Peterson & Sky Lukas Page 29 By Freddy: A1PromotionsGroup@aol.com What a great event it was at the WINGS OF GOLD MC Annual as always! It was on June 12th at the Carolina Ale House in Weston with music by ‘SOULICIDE’ rock’n the house. I was never at this amazing huge restaurant and bar before! The food, drinks and service were top notch and it was good to see so many friends that I have not seen in a long time. Great choice Wings Of Gold MC. Now It’s Time To Get Your Mojo On! I’m talking about “The Mojo Scoundrels”. What an amazing band! The Mojo Scoundrels are a Miami based cover band that have been breaking ground all over Broward county. Playing unforgettable favorites of the classic music era of the 60’s and 70’s to the hits of today. From Motown to funk to classic rock to modern pop. The band was formed in 2005. Featuring the double threat of lead vocalist and multi instrumentalist Brett Brown, along with the seductive yet powerful lead vocals of Bryah Brown, The Mojo Scoundrels light the stage on fire with every performance. Add the sizzling rhythm section of the “ultimate showman”, Huey Samuel on bass, and Mike Slichter on drums, The Mojo Scoundrels are a force that will not be tamed. With the indomitable stylings of guitarist Robert Zisook, and the sheer virtuosity of keyboardist Willie Brown, The Mojo All American Band Scoundrels take the “cover band” to a whole new level. Meet The Mojo Scoundrels... featuring Brett Brown: Lead Vocals / Bass / Drums. There is no other way to put this: Brett is a star. His gripping vocals and boundless energy make Brett one of the best performers in South Florida. Brett’s musical legacy began as a teenager with his brother Willie, and their first band, “Today, Tomorrow and Forever”, who were signed to “The Bee Gees” record label RSO. Brett has gone on to work with a variety of different artists, and his own LUFQ musical projects before coming to The Mojo Scoundrels. Brett also brings superb musical diversity as well. His mastery of the bass and drums is awe inspiring. As a seasoned performer, Brett can work a crowd like no other, and his onstage persona is second to none. Just get him onstage and let the magic begin. Bryah Brown: Lead Vocals As the youngest Scoundrel, Bryah’s youthful exuberance brings vitality and spirit to the band. Despite her youth, Bryah is the consummate professional. Growing up in a musical family, Bryah knows what it takes to be successful onstage. Bryah can tackle and bring home the most difficult vocal arrangements with a driving force that very few singers possess. Bryah’s presence and importance to the band is immeasurable. Willie Brown: Keyboards Willie’s addition to the band two years ago has been monumental. Willie is the musical force within the band. His natural talent provides the band tremendous strength. Willie’s Hired Gunz musical career began at age 16 with his brother Brett and their first group, “Today, Tomorrow, and Forever” which was signed to RSO Records. Willie later co-wrote Will To Power’s song “Show Me The Way”. Willie is a seasoned pro who has toured extensively around the world, and brings a wealth of experience to The Mojo Scoundrels. Huey Samuel II: Bass / Vocals What can you say about Huey? This man has to be seen to be believed. Huey did not receive his “ultimate showman” moniker by accident. As a twenty five year veteran of the South Florida music scene, Huey has performed and worked with an impressive list of artists. He sets the groove down and holds it like no other. One of Huey’s great assets is his ability to work the crowd. He has left many a dance floor torched after taking it over and owning it. Huey’s skill and spontaneous flare keeps The Mojo Scoundrels fresh and unpredictable. Robert Zisook: Guitars / Vocals. Mr Dependable. When you absolutely need that correct guitar sound for a song, Robert will deliver. After learning his craft in Chicago, Robert moved to Miami and began several bands over the years. From performing in all areas of musical soundscapes, Robert has settled into the stabilizing presence of the band. Robert knows what the guitar should do, and makes it happen with style. Mike Slichter: Drums / Vocals. Someone has to bring all these elements together and harness them. With a beat that just won’t stop, Mike locks down the groove with an infectious zeal honed by thirty years in the music business. Mike just loves to play, and it shows in every performance. The Mojo Scoundrels have also played many charity events over the last 11 years. If you’re looking for a kick ass party band or want to go out and dance and party the night away with great music, check out The Mojo Scoundrels. In short The Mojo Scoundrels will give the audience what they want and more! No Doubt!!! Going from Top 40 party music to rock! Midnight 27 is a new trio cover band that is taking the music “The South Florida Biker’s Bible Since November 1999” 16th Year • July 2016 • Issue #201 • Page 30 venues by storm. The band is out of Davie playing Rock, Country and Blues music from southern rock legends like Lynyrd Skynyrd and Allman Brothers to rock legends like AC/DC, ZZ Top and the Rolling Stones to country and blues music by artists like Hank Williams Jr., Toby Keith, Stevie Ray Vaughn and all around some of the best songs written then and today! The band started in 2015 by three recording and touring artists who just got together to have some fun. Together they all shared a passion for classic songs, bringing 20 years of experience to the new project, the music sounded so good they just could not stop playing together. Midnight 27 was officially born on January 2016 and began playing out at local bars where the feedback was great for their band and they started to get recognition from audiences and venues. Just a of couple months after playing at A1 Promotions former jam night at Cagney’s Saloon, the band recently partnered up with A1 Promotions Group Talent Agency and will be seen even more around the tri-county area. Be ready for this band they have earned their stripes as they say. The band has volunteered to play at many fundraisers and benefits over the last few months, they have hosted jam nights at a couple of venues and have built a really good fan base. Midnight 27 featuring... Christian Jhon Lead Guitar & Vocals Brian McSwain Drums & Vocals Chris Evans Bass guitar & Vocals. Look for this new band coming to a venue near you and you too will become a fan. Going from rock to Big Bands. When you need a Big Band who you going to call? The Mike Norris Orchestra that’s who! Especially when you want to Jazz Things Up! The band has just joined A1 Promotions and was the opening act at the A1 Promotions jam at Cagney’s 5 years ago before the house band and all the musicians jammed til late. This Orchestra is comprised of 17 professional musicians whose cumulative experience totals over five hundred years. The members have worked with an exhaustive list of luminaries in entertainment including Frank, the Chairman of the Board. This orchestra draws an incredible amount of attention just by its appearance, plus the band loves to engage the audience to get them involved with the band and get to know them personally. This intimate atmosphere is a proven formula for success and It has worked for years! The Mike Norris Big Band is a music ensemble associated with the Big Band style of Jazz which became popular during the SWING ERA from the early 1930s until the late 1940s. Mike and the Big Band also considers music from beyond that time to the present as well as the possibility of charted new compositions. This is a big band that evolves with the times. Big bands typically consist of approximately 12 to 25 musicians and contain; saxophones, trumpets, trombones, rhythm section and vocalists. The terms used to describe this project are; jazz band, jazz ensemble, stage band, jazz orchestra, society band and dance band. Some of the music will be improvised, or created spontaneously, music played by the big band is highly arranged and notated on sheet music. The music is traditionally called ‘charts’. Improvised solos may be played only when called for by the Mike, who is also the Conductor as well as the Drummer, and take it from me this is a special band with some of the most talented musicians in the area. The Mike Norris Jazz Orchestra is to facilitate the performance of their music to a new and thirsty audience with a library of over one thousand arrangements by such notables as Tommy Newsom, Don Sebesky, Buddy Rich, Doc Severinson, Count Basie, Sam Nestico and More! The band hopes to present and preserve the only true original American music art form and allow a new audience to discover it. That’s why The Mike Norris Jazz Orchestra is focused on providing high quality service and customer satisfaction. This great band will do everything they can to make sure your event is Spectacular! For more info on these and other great bands, venues & businesses in South Florida visit A1 Promotions at www.a1promotionsgroup.com. SAVE THE DATE! Saturday July 9th FLY-IN WHEELS MC Annual Christmas In July Party at Flossie’s Bar at 7pm with music by ECLIPSE. Saturday July 24th Santa Ed & WINGS OF GOLD MC Christmas In July Party at Carolina Ale House in Weston at 10am. Bring the kids out for this one, there is everything from Ice Skating, Face Painting, Arts & Crafts, Finger Painting, Complimentary Food, Pop Corn, Cotton Candy Plus Entertainment All Day & Featuring The Shane Duncan Band at 3pm. For other events coming up follow me or A1 Promotions on Facebook and see page 33 in every issue of Wheels on the Road. Support our local Motorcycle Club Events, Support Local Music, Support Your Local Everything and Support WOTR Magazine... the South Florida Bikers Bible for 16 years supporting YOU! PEACE Freddy J. In memory of Bernie, Chrissy, Clay, Big Ed, Bob Amchir, Animal, Ricky, Pervert, Roger-Kenny & Pauly 1%’ers, Mojo, Vinny Margotta, Poppy, Gunslinger, “Louie”, Davida, Daldone, Irene Powell, Dave Carter, Phil Peterson & Sky Lukas Page 31 LUFQ “The South Florida Biker’s Bible Since November 1999” 16th Year • July 2016 • Issue #201 • Page 32 2016 CALENDAR MONTHLY EVENTS MANDATORY ANNUAL CLUB EVENTS LISTED IN BOLD FOR CHANGES EMAIL: SFPC Chairman INDIAN (wom mc) Indianwommc @yahoo.com JULY 2016 4: Independence Day 10: ALTERNATIVE MC - OFF ANNUAL 17: SOLDIERS FOR JESUS MC BRO- ANNUAL 23: WHEELS OF MAN MC - CHILI COOK-OFF AUGUST 2016 7: WINGS OF GOLD MC MIAMI - PARTY 8-14: 76th STURGIS MOTORCYCLE RALLY 12-14: SOUTH FLORIDA TATTOO CONVENTION 14: AOA FT. LAUD. 49th ANN. & MOLDY’S B-DAY 20: LOS COQUIS MC - SMOKEY & DIESEL B-DAY 27: OUTCAST MC PARTY SEPTEMBER 2016 4: SOUTHERN MC - TEDDY BEAR RUN 5: Labor Day 11: STATES MC - KEY WEST TUNE UP PARTY 16-18: PETERSONS KEY WEST POKER RUN 25: KELTICS MC - PARTY OCTOBER 2016 2: MYSTIC SEVEN - ANNUAL 8: NEW ATTITUDES MC - ANNUAL 14-16: DAYTONA BIKETOBERFEST 22: WHEELS OF MAN MC - HALLOWEEN PARTY 30: CMA / SE ABATE MEMORIAL (combined event) NOVEMBER 2016 5: HEATHENS MC - ANNUAL 11: Veterans Day 12: USMVMC CH 1 - ANNUAL 19: LEATHERNECKS MC - ANNUAL 20: ALTERNATIVE MC - ANNUAL 24: Thanksgiving Day DECEMBER 2016 4: SFPC TOYS IN THE SUN RUN 10: PETERSONS TOY RUN BIKE DRAWING 10: HERMANDAD MC - ALFREDO PINO TOY RUN 11: WINGS OF GOLD MC MIAMI - TOY RUN 17: SFLCOC - CHRISTMAS PARTY 25:Christmas To list your SE Coast motorcycle event at no cost, email: miamimike@wheelsontheroad.com, fax or mail your flyer before the 20th. I “CRS” so I can’t remind you - you got to remind me. MM • Fri - Outlaws MC WPB Open House at 7PM • Fri - USMV MC Ch 2 open house at 8PM (Dania Beach) • Fri - Der Krieger MC Open House at 8PM • Fri - Mystic 7 MC Open House... Ladies drink FREE! • 1st Fri - Soldiers for Jesus Open House 7-10PM • 1st Fri - Enforcers MC First Friday of Month Party • 2nd & 4th Fri. Los Coquis MC open house, 954-274-5523 • 4th Fri - American Legion Post 36 Bike Night • Fri & Sat - Keltics MC Open House, 954-864-9764 • Fri & some Sat - O’Malley’s Live Music 954-979-8540 • 1st & 3rd Sat - AOA MC Dania Open House • Sat - Something happening at Chester’s • Sat - FREE hot dogs & soda’s at H-D Palm Bch,10-2 • 2nd Sat - USMV MC Ft. Laud. Open House • 2nd & 4th Sat - Mystic 7 Open House • Sun - Chesters Ft. Laud. Demo Sunday & Free Hot Dogs • Sun - Free pool at Sharkey’s Lounge Margate • Sun - Wind Rider Church Services at Mickeys • Mon - States MC Pompano Dinner Nite 6 start • Mon - Meatloaf Monday at Chit Chat’s 7:30-11PM • Mon - Ladies nite at Sharky’s 9-2, 241 beverages • Mon - Jam Nite at Turn 3 with Stet & T3JB • Mon - Free pool at O’Malleys & 50¢ wings • 1st Tuesday - Dynasty Cycles bike nite at Nicks Pizza • Tues - Lone Legion Brotherhood Open House • Tues - Taco Tuesday at Chit Chat’s 7:30-11PM • Tues - Free Pool all day at Larry’s JS Lounge • Last Tues USMVMC Plm Bch Open House 561-715-2570 • Wed - Scurvy Few MC, Open House, 954-325-6838 • Wed - Free BBQ Bike Nite at Chit Chat’s • Wed - Blues Nite at Mickey’s • Thurs - Jam night at O’Malley’s w/ Ken Hurley • Thurs - Leathernecks MC Open House 8-mid • Thurs - Hermandad MC Open House, 8-2am,305-299-4731 • 3rd Thurs - H-D Palm Bch Bike Nite at Dealer 5-10PM • 3rd Thurs - Peterson’s Harley South Bike nite 6-10PM • 3rd Fri - Wings of Gold MC Open House Davie EVENT LISTINGS WITH PRINTED FLYERS/AD INFO JULY 2016 (4th of July Parties everywhere!) • 3: 4th of July Party & Cat’s Birthday at JS Lounge... • 9: Fly~In Wheels Christmas in July Party... • 10: 22nd Alternative Off Annual party... • 17: Soldiers for Jesus Run at Mickey’s... • 24: Christmas in July at Carolina Ale House... • 30: Partsapalooza at Candy’s Cycle Shop... • 31: Christmas in July at Cagney’s... AUGUST 2016 • 2: Mark & Brian’s Birthdays at Cagney’s... • 12-14: 21st South Florida Tattoo Expo... 16 21 29 26 5 38 32 32 Cover & 43 SEPTEMBER 2016 • 15-18: Phil Peterson’s Key West Poker Run... Cover & 45 See the back cover for a monthly list of Chester’s events HAPPY JULY 4TH TREASURE COAST PRESIDENT’S COUNCIL AUGUST 27 Boozefighters Annual OCTOBER 2 Rough Riders Annual NOVEMBER 12 Tuckahoe Annual 13 AOA TC Annual 17 TCPC Toy Run 20 WOG Annual STORMY’S RIDER RHYMES By Stormy3355@aol.com July 4th Independence Day we celebrate What our Forefathers did Arrange. The Declaration of Independence would bring our Country into change... We honor all The Hero’s on this very special day. We celebrate with fireworks, picnics and parades... We decorate our houses with the Stars and Stripes. We wear our colors proudly, we fly the flag on our bikes... Since our independence started, we protect it year by year. Thank the Soldiers that fight for us with their Blood, Sweat and Tears... Our Country will stand together, side by side, hand in hand. We will protect our freedom proudly, and protect our precious land... So when you celebrate this 4th set some time aside to reflect. Treat the one’s who have fought for us, with the highest of respect... Celebrate with Honor, show your pride on this day. Whether on your Bike or staying home, Have A Happy Independence day... Stormy United Bikers Council of Palm Beach County - 2016 Calendar of Events July 2016 3 - AOA Party 24 - Soldiers For Jesus M.C. Annual August 2016 14 - AOA South Florida 49th Anniversary Party September 2016 11 - AOA Legal Defense Fund Party October 2016 23 - Alternative M.C. Annual November 2016 6 – AOA Party December 2016 4 – Toys in the Sun Run 6 – UBCPBC Christmas Party In memory of Bernie, Chrissy, Clay, Big Ed, Bob Amchir, Animal, Ricky, Pervert, Roger-Kenny & Pauly 1%’ers, Mojo, Vinny Margotta, Poppy, Gunslinger, “Louie”, Davida, Daldone, Irene Powell, Dave Carter, Phil Peterson & Sky Lukas Page 33 CLASSIFIED ADS 1” x 3.8” (New or Used Anything - No Shops - Free Help Wanted $12 per 1” per month - magazines are not included in price C L A S S I F I E D S BIKER FRIENDLY SHOPS & BUSINESSES These alphabetical business listings cost only $75.00 for 6 months. Call 954-578-2900 to place your business info here. Chicago Bob's • (954) 972-4478 - 5204 NW 15th Street, Margate, Florida 33063. Chicago Bob can build a trophy winner for you. When you want it done right the 1st time! Willie’s Tropical Tattoo • (386) 672-1888 -825 S. Yonge St (US1), Ormond Bch, Fl 32174 -Home of Willie’s Chopper Shows during Bike Week & Biketoberfest Road Works Band / Why Not Band / Prism Music Call Colin at 954-718-6850 or 954-588-9346 or email: prismusic2001@aol.com. Played Asylum, Hollywood Bandstand, WOTR Parties, Flossies, Rookies, Stratfords and many other venues. (See their display ad below) LUFQ LUFQ HELP / JOBS WANTED CLASSIFIEDS ARE FREE! Looks like this! RENT a Vacation Chalet in Murphy, NC. New 2 bedroom, 2 bath, sleeps 6, furnished. Biker Heaven. Only $625.00 per wk. Call George (Mickey’s old owner) at 754-224-7955. VHS TO DVD CONVERSION Convert your VHS Hi8 or C VHS Tape to DVD. Those family videos are your family heirlooms so why not put them forever on DVD. Pickup and Delivery service available - prices depend on location. Mail orders accepted. 21 yrs experience. Call for details 954-981-7926 VETERAN INFO: The non profit Multi Purpose Center of Davie would like to make you aware of the wide range of programming for day care & weekend retreats for those suffering the invisible wounds of war that are available. The Center is seeking sponsors to help fund these programs. They are also asking for volunteers to work and oversee our weekend programs. At this time the Viet Nam Vets/Legacy Vets MC are actively involved with the center and welcome all who could benefit from it’s services. Contact information may be obtained from any VNV/LV member at large. Call 954-791-8603 or 954-448-3843. “The South Florida Biker’s Bible Since November 1999” 16th Year • July 2016 • Issue #201 • Page 34 JULY 21•6-10PM BIKE NIGHT “LIVE” MUSIC BY: STEEL PONY, PRIZES VENDORS, FULL BAR, DREAM RIDE Miami Mike continues from page 6 on the forum. (Hellary and Trump never did show up...) Two days later Sharon and I rode over to the Outlaws Dania Beach clubhouse to attend the Memorial Celebration for their club brothers who are gone. A very nice turnout as was expected. What wasn’t expected was Gator wrestling at lakeside. The gator “almost” made a clean break for the lake but the handlers were on to him. This was no small reptile either as you can see in the photos scattered in this issue. There were cold drinks served by sexy barmaids, fried fish and burgers. We tried two fish sandwiches and they were very good for only $5 or $6 bucks. There were a few downpours throughout the afternoon but were over fast and nobody seemed to mind cooling off a bit. Later in the day Eddy 1%’er gave the memorial service about their lost brothers. By the way, the National Outlaw website will be revised to include many new and interesting pages plus more clothing, jewelry and other cool items for sale. www.outlawsmc.com. The next day we rode over to the Wings of Gold Stars & Stripes Annual at the Carolina Ale House in Weston. Because of the terorist attack the previous evening in Orlando by a U.S. born Homophobic muslim trying to make daddy proud by killing 49 gay/ lesbian people who were just having a good time bothering nobody. Security was hightened in the whole USA and we saw it around Sheriff Scott Israel when he arrrived to speak to the audiance about his upcoming battle to stay in as BSO Sheriff. He also talked about the fucked up muslim terrorist Miami Mike continues on page 42 Jack, I miss you, I think about you all the time and I love you. Catherine In memory of Bernie, Chrissy, Clay, Big Ed, Bob Amchir, Animal, Ricky, Pervert, Roger-Kenny & Pauly 1%’ers, Mojo, Vinny Margotta, Poppy, Gunslinger, “Louie”, Davida, Daldone, Irene Powell, Dave Carter, Phil Peterson & Sky Lukas Page 35 Tell Lloyd Miami Mike sent ya! LUFQ THE SAME STATE DEPARTMENT THAT FOUND IT IMPOSSIBLE TO RESCUE A DEW AMERICANS AT BENGHAZI NOW SAYS IT WILL RESCUE 200,00 MUSLIMS MINI ADS THIS PAGE only $25 a month or $100 for 6 months... email: Miamimike@ wheelsonthe road.com to start this or other larger ads LUFQ “The South Florida Biker’s Bible Since November 1999” 16th Year • July 2016 • Issue #201 • Page 36 Woo’s View’s Best Friends Over the Rainbow Bridge By Willie Woo: WillieWoo69@hotmail.com Don’t say we didn’t warn you after reading his articles. Hi Peeps! Louie the WOTR Maskot Well another month has gone by. The attack last month by the home grown terrorist that killed 49 and wounded another 53 was carried out by a member of the Religion of “Peace and Love”, Islam. It was also carried out in a “SAFE” Gun Free Zone! The place really lived up to that. The shooter WAS safe there. The other thing is that as soon as it happened, Debbie whatshername shitz started with her usual “Assault weapon” horse shit. The shooter did NOT have an Assault weapon. The ahole was using a semi automatic AR 15. Had he had an Assault Weapon, a real one that is, the body count would have been twice or more of what it was. The average person can bang about 60 rounds a minute with a semi auto long gun if they can change magazines quickly. The average Assault Weapon can drop at least 400 to 700 rounds per minute. Hell, the old Russian (and chi com’s in Korea) PPSH 41 had a cyclic rate of fire of around 1000 rounds per minute. They nick named it the “Bullet Hose”. It fired a 7.62 X 25 Markorov round. It was originally a pistol round, but with all that extra barrel length, it was lethal. It too had a selector switch (lever) and could fire single shots or full automatic. That ability to go to full auto fire is what makes an Assault Weapon. Some also have a burst position whereby the weapon will fire a burst of 3 rounds every time the trigger is pulled. I, like a lot of people, have been telling you all for years to get ready for this kind of crap because it’s coming soon to a neighborhood near you! The brain dead progressives and their lib cousins are always poopooing it when I tell them that. “We have to show them we are their friends and they will stop because they will like us”, is the mental blow job you aholes keep giving yourselves. Let me burst your stupidity bubble if I may... They ain’t NEVER going to like us, NOT EVER!!! We are their sworn enemies. Hell, where they come from they kill different sects of Muslims because they don’t think the same as they do. Arm yourselves and avoid “GUN FREE ZONES” like the plague. I haven’t heard of them going into a police station to shoot the place up, have you? I feel so sorry for our police. You lib’s have made it almost as impossible for them to do their jobs properly as you have for our Brave soldiers to do theirs with your STUPID Rules of Engagement. Those poor guys and gals need a fuken lawyer with them before they can shoot the bastards who’s trying to kill them. Yes Sir, it’s really great having a socialist muslim for a commander in thief, er... chief, and a bunch of other lib aholes in his inner circle running our wonderful country (into the ground if he had his way)! Anyway gang, have a great July and be careful with those fireworks! If you have to shoot a gun, be smart and point it to the ground and make sure the bullet doesn’t bounce back and hit you in your face... or ass.. or someone else’s ass. If you shoot it in the air, remember, it has to land somewhere and you wouldn’t want to hurt or kill someone because you were stupid! Be SAFE, HAPPY and Don’t be a CHUMP... VOTE for Trump!!! Even you libs can do that. Who knows, if you do maybe your brains will come back to life and start working again!!! Your Friend, Uncle Willie Miss Abigail Tinkerbell Corona Dumas Princess Chyna Blue Harley Itty Bitty Butch Chi chi Bella Deezzll Anastasia Bully TWD Hat Trick Seger If you want your best friend memorialized on this page, email a photo and name to miamimike@wheelsontheroad.com. Due to space I cannot guarantee the photo being in this section for longer than 3 months. If you want to keep your best friend on this page for 1 year than you need to make a $100 (or more) VIP donation to WOTR. See pg 20 for the mailing address. ANIMAL ADOPTION & RESCUE SERVICES Here are a few Legitimate Animal Rescue Places. WOTR’s CHOICE TO SEND $$$ • Mirta Maltes (Park ranger) My Animals Rock Inc. PO Box 630729, Miami, Florida 33163 (Money is needed for vet bills to take care of all the abused animals Mirta picks up. Go to www.myanimalsrock.org and use the Paypal button to give what you can. (501 c3, Donations are Tax Deductible) WOTR SUPPORTS MIRTA! • A Second Chance Puppies & Kittens Rescue West Palm Beach -561-333-1100 • Broward County Animal Control by Ft. Laud Airport (They do put down dogs so be aware of this) NEW! WOTR’S friends Liz & Steve (from SEA Spray) opened... Barky Pines Animal Rescue & Sanctuary Inc a 501(c)3 foundation • www.barkypinesanimalrescue.com Phone 561-402-1451 They rescue the most urgent dogs from their local animal shelter, those that would be otherwise euthanized due to injury illness or space. 98 percent of their dogs are from there, the others are owner surrenders. The majority being pitbulls and chihauhas, the most overbred and dumped at shelters. They pull only from Palm Beach county & rehabilitate and find the best homes, matching each indivdual dog to each family, for the best matches. They take in seniors to live out their remaining days here with them, knowing love. Also find them on facebook.com/ barkypinesanimalrescue&sanctuary, twitter@barkyPines, instagram Barky Pines. In memory of Bernie, Chrissy, Clay, Big Ed, Bob Amchir, Animal, Ricky, Pervert, Roger-Kenny & Pauly 1%’ers, Mojo, Vinny Margotta, Poppy, Gunslinger, “Louie”, Davida, Daldone, Irene Powell, Dave Carter, Phil Peterson & Sky Lukas Page 37 CHUCK ON THE RIGHT SIDE Chuck Lehmann: ChucksRight@gmail.com http://chuckontherightside.blogspot.com/ “Figures Don’t Lie, But Liars Do Figure” Photo by Mort This proverb, that has been attributed to Mark Twain, has some real relevance during this presidential campaign season. Both major political candidates have accused each other of lying. Is one or both right? Or, is one more prone to be called a liar than the other? Well, let’s take a look... Donald Trump has a tendency to brag, bluster, and exaggerate when making statements, but people seem to think that he is not a “congenital liar” (aside from their other perceptions of him), but the same could not be said of his opponent, Hillary Clinton, who was dubbed a “congenital liar” by the late N.Y. Times columnist William Safire, way back in 1995. Since Hillary Clinton has been associated in politics for approximately 30 years, she has a written and verbal record of things she has said or done over the years to conjure up the charge of being a “congenital liar”, as labeled by William Safire. In fact, recently a Quinnipiac poll asked people to say the first word that came into their mind when the name Hillary Clinton was mentioned. The first three answers, as reported by the poll, were #1 – liar, #2 – dishonest, and #3 – untrustworthy. That’s a major burden that Hillary Clinton will have to carry into the presidential campaign. Will she be able to overcome this perception of being untruthful? Only time will tell. Up until the present time, Hillary has insisted that her private e-mail server was legal and approved for her in conducting her duties as Secretary of State. But, according to the State Department inspector general, she did not get permission or would not have gotten permission to use a “private” e-mail server in the conduct of her duties of Secretary of State. In addition, she signed a State Department directive, the day she started as Secretary, regarding her using exclusively a State Department sanctioned e-mail server. She now states that she does not remember signing that statement (this seems to be a recurring “problem” for Hillary - not remembering certain inconvenient facts). Does anyone really believe that she was that unaware of this protocol of the State Department? In fact, during her tenure as Secretary of State, she even sent a memo to underlings in the State Department stating that they LUFQ should not use private e-mails in the conduct of their duties. I guess this is a case of “do as I say, not as I do”. To her it seems that the law applies to everyone else and not to her, or her husband, Bill Clinton. This was just the latest of her contradictions (a/k/a lies) that has dogged her over the years. Look at another one of her flip-flops over the years. It seems that she will say or do whatever her audience wants to hear in order to gain favor and win votes. Remember in 2008 when she appeared in a nationally televised session with the Rev. Rick Warren, when she stated unequivocally that she was in favor of traditional marriage, between one man and one woman, because of her strongly held religious beliefs. I guess her “strongly held” religious beliefs changed in 2015, when she came out in favor of same-sex marriage. Was she lying about her religious beliefs in 2008 or did political considerations take precedence over her “strongly held” religious beliefs that she told Rick Warren and the national T.V. audience? Her opponent, Donald Trump, has made some comments over the past year that she has referred to as him being a liar, but what she considers lying could be construed as Trump being an exaggerator, being a self-glorifier, and a boaster, but not a person who blatantly lies “The South Florida Biker’s Bible Since November 1999” 16th Year • July 2016 • Issue #201 • Page 38 In Memory of... IF YOU HAVE MORE INFO FOR THE NAMES BELOW OR YOU HAVE SOMEONE TO BE LISTED HERE EMAIL TO: MIAMIMIKE@WHEELSONTHEROAD.COM to gain an upper hand in the face of known facts. It is safe to say that we all lie to some extent. Some could be called “white lies” and some could be called “whoppers”. The comments made by Hillary generally fall into the category of being “whoppers”. It seems that when Hillary tells a lie, she really believes it to be the truth. In other words, it is pathological in her case which can be called a case of “cognitive dissonance” (which is defined as the mental conflict that people experience when they are presented with evidence that their beliefs or assumptions are wrong). So, the proverb of “Figures Don’t Lie, but Liars do Figure” fits Hillary Clinton to a tee, and to think that she might be our next president boggles the mind. She has zero credibility, both domestically and internationally. Let’s hope that saner heads will prevail in the upcoming election and Hillary will not become president. Chuck Allan Hippler, Davie Al “Gunslinger” Kropat, Der Krieger MC, Hlwd Animal, Keltics MC, Ft. Laud Bernie Shapiro, 1927-2006, Brooklyn NY - Tamarac Big Art 1%er, AOA MC, Dania Beach Bill Snedden Bob Amchir, Founder/President: Wings of Gold MC, SFPC Toys in the Sun Run Bobby “ Ass Hole” Hardin, Southern MC, Homestead Brent Casey, Turn 3 Sports Bar, Boca Brian, Keltics MC, Ft. Laud If you have Carl “Wrench” Levene, Keltics MC, Fort Lauderdale Chrissy Mading, 7/20/81 - 10/2006, Sunrise additional Cracker, WOM MC, Deerfield Bch information Crystal Davis, Pompano Bch on any of these Dan “Funk” Palo, Keltics MC people please Danny Mauro (AKA Nyredneck) 5/2/65 to 6/26/2011 email it to MM Dave Carter, Mickeys Bar, Pompano Bch Davida Burenstein, Coral Springs David Teitelbaum, Davie Dirty Dick 1%er, AOA MC South Florida Dozer, Keltics MC, Ft. Laud "FPL Bob” Hellowell, Dania Beach, Fly~In Wheels MC member Gene, Keltics MC, Ft. Laud George “Whore Hay” Hornick, Alternative MC, 2/29/1960 - 1/31/2008, Ft. Laud. Glenn “Swede” Malmstrom, Am. Legion Post 222 rider, Life mem ABATE “Gorilla” Koppisch, Davie Howard “Pervert”, Der Krieger MC, Hlwd Irvin “Tank” Drumheller, Der Krieger MC, Davie Jerald Jeffery Jones Jr., Miami Jerry 1%’er, AOA MC, Dania Beach Jim “Cadillac” Savelle John “Angel” Henry Regan, 8/55 - 9/2013 Patriot Guard Riders Coral Springs John Holcomb “Pyle”, Wheels of Man MC, Deerfield Beach Jose Luis Lopez Navarro “Cholin”, President: Steel Angels MC, Panama Justin Cook, Plantation Kenny 1%er, AOA MC, Dania Beach Kenny “Debaldone” & Rene’ Weingart, Long Island NY Linda Marchall, West Palm Bch Lionel “Primo” Arista, Fort Lauderdale, SE ABATE chapter Life member Mark “Bear” Sheehan, Alternative MC Palm Bch, US Army Special Forces Vet Marc Izuierdo Melinda Galiano, West Palm Mojo, Mystics MC, Pompano Bch Navajo, USMV MC, Ft. Laud. Pam S. Kaiser, Calvery Chapel MM, 3/26/59 - 1/1/15, Ft. Lauderdale Pauly 1%er, AOA MC, Dania Beach Patty Lefkowitz While, Pompano Beach (What a nice person she was) Peter Jorge, WOG~MC, Miami, 7/10/61 - 11/10/14 Phil Peterson, Biscayne Park, Florida - We lost an AWESOME man! Phil Petress, Pompano Bch “Pops”, AFAB Cycle Shop, Deerfield Bch Ray “Tick Tock” Miller, Ft. Lauderdale Rene John Sardina, Founder Chrome Knights Motorcycle Assoc., Miami Robert Parish, Leathernecks MC Robert Williams Roger Williams 1%er, AOA MC, Dania Beach Scott Goodman, Ft. Laud. Sky Lukas, May 1954 - April 2016 - He WAS the Legend of North Miami Terry Lanis, SE ABATE Vinny Margotta, Miami HOG member, Hollywood William “Chill” Rodriguez Jr., Outcast MC, Ft. Lauderdale Willie Roslund, Ft. Laud. To have a loved ones name listed at no cost on this page, email the following: Their name / club name, birth and death dates, club affiliations & hometown. (Example) John Doe, Eagles MC, 1/2/47 - 12/4/2013, Jersey City, NJ. (Names will be listed alpabetically by First Name) Whatever you want to have next to the name is what you should email me but it must fit on one line. Printed photos and an obituary is at a special price. Call or email for info. In memory of Bernie, Chrissy, Clay, Big Ed, Bob Amchir, Animal, Ricky, Pervert, Roger-Kenny & Pauly 1%’ers, Mojo, Vinny Margotta, Poppy, Gunslinger, “Louie”, Davida, Daldone, Irene Powell, Dave Carter, Phil Peterson & Sky Lukas Page 39 TRACKSIDE WITH CHUCK KillerInstinctPhotos@gmail.com I would like to start off by wishing everyone a very happy and safe Fourth of July, ride safe and enjoy the holiday. Unfortunately this will most likely be my shortest article to date for the simple reason that Mother Nature hasn’t cooperated this month with the racing community. Many events got rained out, but it’s that time of the year and we live in South Florida. There was a motorcycle event scheduled at Palm Beach International Raceway that was ultimately rained out. The track made the decision that it was obviously unsafe for racers to go down the track so they called the event. Originally scheduled, this event was also a stunt show but that was also cancelled. We all look forward to the track rescheduling this event down the road because there were many participators who were in attendance until the event was called. One of the only events I was able to make it to that didn’t get rained out was a grudge race held in West Palm. There was a very big turnout with many scheduled races. Money was flying left and right. Many people left happy and some unhappy, but either way the grudge community always puts on a good show and there was a great turnout with spectators and fans alike. I was also able to make it out to the Wings of Gold MC’s Annual Stars & Stripes Event held at the Carolina Ale House in Weston. Mother Nature played the opposite end of the spectrum with no rain but unbearably hot. The crowd could have been larger but there was still a pretty decent turnout of people. My hat goes off to Kent Blankenship from Soulicide for putting together at the last minute, a lead singer and a substitute bassist. Kent found out at 10am the lead singer and basest would not make it but Kent found someone to fill in and everyone put on a hell of a show. They also awarded Tattoo Dave a brand new guitar signed by what appeared to be everyone in the community for everything that the Wings of Gold does for the community. Congrats to Dave and please keep up the good work, especially for the kids. Thank you for all that you do. I was also able to hit a concert at The Amp, Pompano Beach Amphitheater. The show included the upcoming group “Krush”. This is a 4 member group of young kids that are kicking ass and rocking out to the cover songs that everyone loves. These kids have a bright future in the music industry and they are phenomenal. If you ever get the opportunity to hear them I highly recommend it. Remember that is Krush, with the K being backwards. The set also included Great White, which put on a fantastic show, along with Vince Neal headlining. Vince Neal was formally from Motley Crue. He kicked ass as well even though it appears he put on some pounds, he still managed to rock out like he back when. Also joining him was Zoltan Chaney, the drummer for Slaughter, who was one of the one most phenomenal drummers you will see. The whole band didn’t skip a beat and put on one of the best shows I have seen in a long time. Until next time, Stay safe. Killer Chuck As per US copyright laws, all photos in this magazine are Copyrighted by the individual photographers and are not to be reproduced without the written consent of the photographer and/or Miami Mike. Contact the photographer if you want an enlargement or to use a photograph. LUFQ “The South Florida Biker’s Bible Since November 1999” 16th Year • July 2016 • Issue #201 • Page 40 In memory of Bernie, Chrissy, Clay, Big Ed, Bob Amchir, Animal, Ricky, Pervert, Roger-Kenny & Pauly 1%’ers, Mojo, Vinny Margotta, Poppy, Gunslinger, “Louie”, Davida, Daldone, Irene Powell, Dave Carter, Phil Peterson & Sky Lukas Page 41 Marisasway.org Miami Mike continues from page 35 situation. (My words not exactly his... he needs to be politically correct, when I can call it what it really is). He also had a few nice things to say about the Wings of Gold party and his support of the SFPC Toy Run. Afterwards he roamed the crowd, talked to people and was even cordial to Gabe. (We got the photos!) Come out on July 24th for the Christmas in July event by Santa Ed and the Wings of Gold. Bring the kids to this one. See flyer page 5. We were on our way to O’Malley’s Bar for Big Bob’s Birthday Party but we encountered a little car trouble so we never made it. Fortunately, a few people sent photos and said the party was crazy with a big crowd having a great time partying with “Soulicide”. And Bob was having more fun then everyone (of course). Happy Birthday Bob and hope you enjoy many many more. Taking the vehicle that worked, were went to Peterson’s Harley North for their annual Hot Rods & Harleys event on Sunday, June 19th. The crowds were not as large as previous years so it was easier to look at the cars, bikes and merchandise. It was so easy in fact that Sharon found a LUFQ whole bunch of stuff while I was still parking the car. Most of the time we were in the store where we also found the AC to be a lot colder than outside. We walked around with Dirk Peterson for a while and talked about the old red Chevy pickup with the skeleton biker & his biker babe in back. Dirk has one almost like it... the truck, not the skeleton biker & his biker babe. Dirk took a few minutes thanking everyone who attended the event and hoped that they had a good time. He may have said something about making sure you get a room for the upcoming Key West Poker Run, but I had walked away and did not hear everything he was saying. But you do need to get your rooms if you are planning on going. See the Poker Run flyer on page 45 for all the information you need. Back inside the store, just after paying for Sharon’s goodies, I spied my next bike which I’ll be Miami Mike continues on page 44 “The South Florida Biker’s Bible Since November 1999” 16th Year • July 2016 • Issue #201 • Page 42 In memory of Bernie, Chrissy, Clay, Big Ed, Bob Amchir, Animal, Ricky, Pervert, Roger-Kenny & Pauly 1%’ers, Mojo, Vinny Margotta, Poppy, Gunslinger, “Louie”, Davida, Daldone, Irene Powell, Dave Carter, Phil Peterson & Sky Lukas Page 43 Miami Mike continues from page 43 able to buy it after I hit the Fantasy Five very soon... or I might have to wait a few years and buy it used... well I better start saving now. Although we love going down to the dealership, for us, as we were leaving Peterson’s, it just didn’t feel the same since Phil isn’t around anymore... after knowing Phil for over 33 years. July has a lot of events AND Christmas in July Parties, and as a matter of fact there are 3. Also during this unseasonal holiday season you can come over to my house and paint the walls a new color if you want to enjoy some cold AC and a case of beer... and pizza. My shoulder and back tell me I can’t do the painting for a long time... but I can go on an Airboat photo safari with Jack. Jr. some Saturday when he is available... soon I hope, I’ll bring the bug spray, sun screen, and a full cooler. Til next month, Keep Your Wheels on the Road or just stay home in the AC and chill. LUFQ “The South Florida Biker’s Bible Since November 1999” 16th Year • July 2016 • Issue #201 • Page 44 In memory of Bernie, Chrissy, Clay, Big Ed, Bob Amchir, Animal, Ricky, Pervert, Roger-Kenny & Pauly 1%’ers, Mojo, Vinny Margotta, Poppy, Gunslinger, “Louie”, Davida, Daldone, Irene Powell, Dave Carter, Phil Peterson & Sky Lukas Page 45 LUFQ “The South Florida Biker’s Bible Since November 1999” 16th Year • July 2016 • Issue #201 • Page 46 In memory of Bernie, Chrissy, Clay, Big Ed, Bob Amchir, Animal, Ricky, Pervert, Roger-Kenny & Pauly 1%’ers, Mojo, Vinny Margotta, Poppy, Gunslinger, “Louie”, Davida, Daldone, Irene Powell, Dave Carter, Phil Peterson & Sky Lukas Page 47 LUFQ “The South Florida Biker’s Bible Since November 1999” 16th Year • July 2016 • Issue #201 • Page 48
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