See flyer page 45 - Wheels on the Road Magazine
See flyer page 45 - Wheels on the Road Magazine
November 2014 • Issue 181 • Still $3 bucks Standing Up For Our 2nd Amendment Rights! Published Since November 1999 Published by a South Florida Moto-Journalist - Since 1971 - W E ’ R E S T I L L H O P I N G F O R A M I R AC L E F O R O U R F R I E N D D AV E C A R T E R THIS MONTH’S CONTRIBUTORS: Axman, Bars, Chef Joel, Chuck Lehmann, Cookie Dee, David DiCrescenzo, Doob, Doug Scofield, Freddy J, Gabriel Carrera, Huck, Jerry Breen, Killer Chuck, Michele Koscielniak, MM, Ronnie C, Rogue USMC, Sharon, Stormy, Tattoo Dave, Turkey Tom, Willie Woo, Coco Puff & Mickey Bear!!! See flyer page 45 In loving memory of Bernie, Chrissy, Clay, Big Ed, Bob Amchir, Animal, Ricky, Pervert, Roger-Kenny & Pauly 1%’ers, Mojo, Vinny Margotta, Poppy, Gunslinger, “Louie”, Davida, Debaldone & Irene Powell Page 1 LUFQ “The South Florida Biker’s Bible Since 1999 - Pray for Dave!!! 15 Years - November 2014 • Issue #181 • Page 2 In loving memory of Bernie, Chrissy, Clay, Big Ed, Bob Amchir, Animal, Ricky, Pervert, Roger-Kenny & Pauly 1%’ers, Mojo, Vinny Margotta, Poppy, Gunslinger, “Louie”, Davida, Debaldone & Irene Powell Page 3 LUFQ “The South Florida Biker’s Bible Since 1999 - Pray for Dave!!! 15 Years - November 2014 • Issue #181 • Page 4 Happy Thanksgiving! In loving memory of Bernie, Chrissy, Clay, Big Ed, Bob Amchir, Animal, Ricky, Pervert, Roger-Kenny & Pauly 1%’ers, Mojo, Vinny Margotta, Poppy, Gunslinger, “Louie”, Davida, Debaldone & Irene Powell Page 5 LUFQ “The South Florida Biker’s Bible Since 1999 - Pray for Dave!!! 15 Years - November 2014 • Issue #181 • Page 6 Around So Fla by Miami Mike, Publisher WOTR would like to send condolences to Tracy Harris on the loss of her husband Ken who passed away after a long fight against cancer. Harris Affordable Roofing was a long time advertiser. October turned out to be a nice month for riding and going to events. Sharon and I, along with just about everyone else we know, had been sick with flu-like symptoms for weeks on end but some good antibiotics finally seemed to do the trick and out we rode. First we went to the Mystic 7 MC Annual featuring Pervert’s 67th birthday at the Sports Barn. The turnout was very good and the Mystic 7 peeps were very pleased to say the least. Deception played on the big back40 stage and were very good. They are a real crowd pleaser. There were a ton of door prizes and a decent 50/50 pot. Pervert was happy that only a marshmellow sized cake frosting was wipped on his nose after that mean ol’ Lynn tried to ruin the whole cake with his facial impression. (Sharon would have been pissed off if the cake was ruined...) But it wasn’t and the party turned into a terrific event and everyone got home safe and sound. Very late.. but safe and sound... Next on the agenda was the New Attitudes MC 13th Annual and Scraprr & Jina’s Chinese style wedding... (Well that’s how I saw it anyway) A big turnout filled the air-conditoned hall and got a surprise dragon dancing show along with the wedding all for the price of admission. This took place at Local Union 719, just south of SR 84 on Andrews. Flash (from Soldiers) officiated the wedding and did a splendid job. It was a different kind of wedding, maybe not in China, but certainly here in sunny South Florida. Good luck to the happy couple. The next event had me and Sharon pretty much sitting in the shade of Gabe’s tent for most of the day. But not even a fan was much help during the SE ABATE event that was held in the parking lot of Chester’s Ft. Laud Harley. However... it was a good time with a lot of friendly faces, low cut tops, short shorts, and Soulicide rockin’ and rollin’ all afternoon. They only stopped to let Jimmy “Da Mouth” Les, give out door prizes and talk up the crowd... and Joel Freiberg, from Chester’s, did get in a few words between Jimmy’s banter and auctioneering. People were doing all sorts of stuff to win liquor (like they needed more) and Gabe even won a nice bottle of Tequilla and gave it to Lefty (States MC) as a birthday present. I’m pretty certian Lefty did not go Miami Mike continues on page 42 In loving memory of Bernie, Chrissy, Clay, Big Ed, Bob Amchir, Animal, Ricky, Pervert, Roger-Kenny & Pauly 1%’ers, Mojo, Vinny Margotta, Poppy, Gunslinger, “Louie”, Davida, Debaldone & Irene Powell Page 7 Happy Thanks giving LUFQ “The South Florida Biker’s Bible Since 1999 - Pray for Dave!!! 15 Years - November 2014 • Issue #181 • Page 8 RIDING RIDING,, DOWN SOUTH “In Loving Memory of My Dad” By Axman... NEW PARTY LOCATION 37TH ANNIVERSARY PARTY 37 November 30th at: THE PIT BBQ 16400 SW 8th St Miami 305-226-2272 I am amazed as to how many people actually read my article. So many of you came up to me and said how sorry you were when you heard that we had lost our Princess. A special thank you goes out to Keith Smith of Miami Gardens who actually took the time to send me a beautiful letter. (Keith also sent Chef Joel a letter. He’s a considerate guy... MM) I was really touched by that – thank you Keith. We are still very sad, especially my wife. However, having adopted Bella and Luna is helping us with the healing process. Both of them are adorable and they have been completely integrated in our family. Thank God, Dusty and Precious have accepted the newcomers instantaneously. My regular job kepts me extremely busy. I put in 14–15 hour days for the majority of the last month. Due to the extreme work load I had to cancel my trips to Daytona for BiketoberFest and Key West for Fantasy Fest. I was not very happy about that as I was really looking forward to both of these events. (Welcome to the club... MM) On Sunday (10/05) I attended the Mystics Seven MC Annual Party which was held at The Sports Barn in Davie. We also celebrated Pervert’s 67th Birthday. It was a beautiful day. ‘Deception’ took the Big Stage and entertained the crowd. There were plenty of vendors who displayed their goodies. BBQ, Jell-Oshots, bucket & drink specials, 50/50 and lots of door prizes were the key ingredients for this great party. Happy Birthday Pervert and many more! On Saturday (10/11) I rode over to the Local Union 719 located at 2502 S. Andrews Ave. in Ft. Laud. where the New Attitudes MC’s 13th Annual Sun Shower took place. In addition to that, Scraprr and Jina got married. Mother Nature cooperated very nicely and provided us with a sun-filled afternoon at the perfect temperature. A lot of people had shown up to witness the happy couple tying the knot. The ceremony was short and sweet and it was followed by a Lion Dance performed by Chou Lay Fut King Fu Association. Everybody in the house enjoyed FREE KEGS! Bike Show Food & Drink Noon-5PM this demonstration. The food was out of this world Thank you guys for taking care of me. I wish Scraprr & Jina all the best for their new Chapter in Life. The following day (10/12) the Southeast ABATE Chapter held their 34th Annual Event at Chester’s Ft. Lauderdale HarleyDavidson. This was another very fine day in paradise, just a little bit hotter. By the time I arrived the party was already in full swing. I had difficulties finding a spot to park my bike. Lots of vendors were on hand and by the looks of it, there were doing a lot of business. Bob Anz and his helpers cooked up a storm. Soulicide provided the musical entertainment and everybody enjoyed the tunes they put out. If you are not already a member, I strongly suggest that you join ABATE. The membership is only $20.00 per year or $ 150.00 for the Life membership. It is money well spent as ABATE fights for and protects our rights as bikers. For more information please feel free to check out their web site at On behalf of president Bob “Bars” Calabrese, I would like to thank everybody who came out to support this event. Axman continues on page 12 In loving memory of Bernie, Chrissy, Clay, Big Ed, Bob Amchir, Animal, Ricky, Pervert, Roger-Kenny & Pauly 1%’ers, Mojo, Vinny Margotta, Poppy, Gunslinger, “Louie”, Davida, Debaldone & Irene Powell Page 9 PRICES EFFECTIVE JAN 2014 AD RATES Prices may change without prior notice - WOTR Accepts All Major Credit Cards Ads must be paid in full before the 16th to be included in WOTR. Payments received after the 16th will be printed in the following issue. All advertisers must have a valid credit card on file which will be run in the event of a bad check, plus a minimum $25 bank service charge or as allowed under Florida statues. Please note: Because of differences in computer monitors and printers, ad colors can not be guaranteed unless a color proof is supplied by the advertiser. Although the printer will try for an exact match, no discount or refund will be made for color differences in the proof and printed ad in WOTR. For new ads, ad changes & specs contact: Miami Mike, Publisher Wheels on the Road Magazine (New Address) 10563 NW 53 Street Sunrise, Florida 33351 Ph. 954-578-2900 • (Call 1st to fax) COST PER MONTH/ISSUE B&W Full Page $500 1/2 Pg - $300 • 1/3 Pg - $255 1/4 pg - $195 • 1/5 pg - $145 1/6 pg - $120 • 1/8 pg - $95 Biz Card - $50 • Mini Card - $30 3 Line Biz Listing (6 months $85) Full Color full centerfold /side $800 Full Color full back cover $850 Full Color full page inside covers $750 Full Page Color (other) $650 1/2 Pg - $365 • 1/3 Pg - $315 1/4 pg - $235 • 1/5 pg - $175 Smaller color sizes may be available (call 1st) 10% B&W discount 3 months pay at a time. 8% Color discount 3 months pay at a time. (20% Discount for M/C’s & Charities) Call or email for ad specs before designing ad. Deadline is the 16th of the month WOTR Ad Reps Miami Mike • Sharon Chef Joel • Freddy (A1 Productions) SUBSCRIPTION RATES $39.95 - You get 2 issues per month sent standard mail 2-5 days $60.00 - First Class (1-2 days) LUFQ Pick up WOTR at most advertisers Where it's at! ADVERTISER LISTINGS PG # 2nd Annual Allen West Veterans Day Ride, Nov 22... 29 8th Annual BBRAF smiles Ride Feb 8th... 14 7th Annual Palm Beach Harley Poker Run, Nov 2... 27 15th Annual Calvery Chapel MM Christmas, Dec 12... 13 27th Annual Toys in the Sun Run, Dec 7... 45 29th Roscoe’s Chili Challenge, Nov 7-9... 31 32nd Bill’s Bike’s Palm Beach Toy Run, Dec 14... 44 37th Heaven Cycle Anniversary Party, Nov 30... 9 & 33 Cagney’s Monster’s of Rock II Concert, Nov 30... 6 Candy’s Customer Appreciation Event, Nov 15... 19 & 47 Flossies Tuesday Nite Jam... 13 Fly~In Wheels Annual Party, Nov 22... 27 Military Hero’s support Foundation Benefit, Nov 30... 23 Peggy Sue’s Birthday Bash at Flossies, 2PM Nov 8... 32 USMV MC Florida 1 Annual, 5PM Nov 8... 15 A1 Pawn (The Bikers Pawn Shop)... 8 30 A+ American Exterminating (Les will kill your bugs)... 26 Acupuncture Care by George Lenkowitz... 36 AC Repair by Brail (WOM MC)... 36 Airbrush Art by Angelo... 36 All American Cycle... 11 Allen Babcock Dog & Cat Rescue... 36 Angel Locksmith... 36 A Touch of Class Cleaning Service by Frank... 35 Awesome Detail by Rick... 17 Axman Pictures ( 9 Betty Boop and Friends... 26 Big Bike Riders Children’s Foundation... 15 Bodies in Motion of South Florida (Ms Axman)... 12 Boog N Geez Biker Jewelry... 22 Broward Auto Repair (Great work & prices in Sunrise)... 12 Bungee Bitch Strap (Did you get yours yet??)... 26 Cagney’s House of Rock (The BEST live music around!) 6 Candy’s Cycle Shop (Customer Party Nov 15)... 19 Chester’s Ft Laud. Harley-Davidson in Sunrise... Back Cover Children’s Charity Riders... 43 Chit Chat’s Bar ... 31 Christian Motorcyclist Association (CMA)... 36 Chrome Glow... 8 Coastal Boot Company... 3 Cosmic Hog Pen... 36 42 Cycle Lab... 6 Cycles in Time... 26 D-N-D Automotive (Darry, another honest mechanic)... 42 Dads of Florida... 36 Delray Cycle... 17 Devil Dog Motorcycle Repairs... 18 Diamondhead Studio Jewelers (and mailing center)... 4 Dixie Cycle... 5 DOCS' Cycle... 27 Dolphin Bail Bonds (When you get thrown in jail)... 28 Dynasty Cycles... 29 Electrik Krayon Tattoo Studio... 39 Enforcers MC (Bike nites & membership info)... 36 Flossies Bar & Grill (Tuesday Music Jam)... 13 & 32 Free Acupuncture for Vet’s & Active Duty... 13 Free Milwaukee Jack 1%’er... 35 GF1 Floor Coatings (see Jerry’s work at Peterson’s N.)... 39 Harley-Davidson of Miami, N & S Stores... 2 Harley-Davidson of Palm Beach... Centerfold Heaven Cycle (37th Anniversary Party Free Beer) 9 & 33 Hermandad MC... 36 Independence Arms (See Barbara for great deals)... 36 J.D. Custom Detail (Miami Mike’s detailer)... 27 Lakes Bookkeeping Service, LLC... 36 Larry Epstein, Investment Consultant Realtor 38 Laura Doan, The Masseuse That Rides!... 22 Leathernecks MC, Jason Dunham Chapter... 39 Leather Repair (Lauren does great work!)... 39 Leslie Kay Insurance... 4 “The South Florida Biker’s Bible Since 1999 - Pray for Dave!!! Lock N Roll Locksmith... 36 M.A.R.S. Auto Performance (MM’s mechanic)... 35 Michele Koscielniak CPA, LLC... 16 Mickey’s Tiki Bar... 5 Motorcycle Freight (Hauling Bikes to Sturgis)... 41 Motorcycle Training Institute (Get Legal)... 23 Nam Knights MC... 13 New Attitudes MC.. 35 Nita “Stormy” Ipsale (insurance agent)... 34 North Broward Insurance Solutions... 40 O’Malley’s Bar & Grill (New Sunday Musicians Jam)... 23 O’Meara’s Irish Pub (FULL Liquor - Lisa’s Back)... 43 Pops Custom Cycle (Quality Work - Great Prices)... 42 Prism Music... 16 Prodigals Biker Friendly Church... 36 Revere Indoor Gun Range... 36 Ronnie C, The Biker That Sells Real Estate... 15 Saints Motorcycle Ministry... 36 Sharkey’s Blvd Lounge... 22 Soldiers for Jesus MC... 36 South Florida Trailer Rentals... 15 Sunrise Tactical Supply... 13 The Biker Shop... 28 The Sports Barn (Candy’s party Nov 15)... 47 The Law Offices of Christopher Kelly... 37 The Law Offices of Demetrios Kirkiles... 26 The Law Offices of Gabriel Jose Carrera, PA... 21 The Law Offices of James S. Robertson III... 13 The Law Offices of Welt & Rheaume... 11 & 46 The Printers Printer (the WOTR printer)... 43 Transplant Foundation, Inc and Organ Donor Card... 16 Turn 3 Sports Bar... (Mon Jam night with Stet)... 29 US Military Vets MC Ft. Laud. Open House... 13 V-Twin City (Watch for New Location)... Centerfold Wings of Gold MC Members Wanted... 11 Articles and Information • 2014 Calendars & Monthly Events... • Ad Rates & 1st Class Subscriptions ($45-$60/yr)... • Animal Adoption & Rescue Services... • Biker Friendly Shops & Businesses / Classifieds... • In Memory - G.B.N.F... (only 2 months left) • In Memory of Our Best Friends... • Local Band Listings ... • VIP FRIENDS of WOTR / Support WOTR in 2015... ABATE Update by Bars... Axman - Riding, Down South (In Memory of my Dad)... Chef Joel, On Special Assignment .. Chuck on the Right Side... David DiCrescenzo, The Patriots Press... Doob, My Costa Rican Retirement... Doug Scofield, Good News... Freddy’s A1 Bars & Bands... Gabriel Carrera, Back in South Florida... Huck Goes Further... Q LUF Jerry Breen... Killer Chuck, Trackside with Chuck... Miami Mike, Around SoFla... Michele Koscielniak, Tax Talk... * Rogue USMC, Rogue Warrior (new on staff)... Ronnie C, A Word from Ronnie C... Stormy’s Rider Rhymes... Tattoo Dave Amchir, SFPC Now... Ummm Good Cookin’ with Cookie (Dee)... Woo’s View’s (Caution... read at your own risk)... 33 10 37 35 39 35 16 14 28 9 18 38 40 15 17 30 20 33 43 41 7 16 34 14 34 11 38 37 The complete contents of "Wheels on the Road" is copyrighted ©2014 and use of any content is permitted only with written consent of the publisher, Miami Mike. Advertisers must NOT discriminate against bikers who wear “colors” or their ad will be pulled. Ads must conform to legal guidelines as to the use of logos and other copyrighted artwork or merchandise, especially the use of the Harley-Davidson Bar & Shield or similar designs. You will be notified if changes are required. In the event an ad has been paid for but is not printed for any reason, our liability is limited only to what you have paid. The advertiser has the responsibility of proofing all ads which will be either faxed or emailed before being printed in WOTR. Color matching is not 100% accurate or guaranteed and no refunds will be given for incorrect colors. All ads, photographs and stories will be considered copyrighted by this publication however, the individual photographers and writers will retain all legal rights. Opinions expressed by the writers are their own and may or may not express the views of the publisher. WOTR e-mail should be addressed to: Snail mail should be sent to: Wheels on the Road Magazine, 10563 NW 53 Street, Sunrise, Florida 33351. Send postage if you want your stuff returned. Printed in the USA by The Printers Printer, Pompano Beach, Florida 33069 © 2013 All Rights Reserved - Wheels on the Road Magazine & Website 15 Years - November 2014 • Issue #181 • Page 10 SFPC NOW! by “Tattoo Dave” Amchir National President, Wings of Gold MC Director, SFPC Toys in the Sun Run I hope that everyone who rode or drive to Daytona Beach to enjoy the festivities at the Annual Biketoberfest weekend had a wonderful time and a safe trip back home. With decent weather for the most part, you were able to purchase some goodies from the many vendors and listen to awesome music performed by many bands throughout Daytona, including Jackyl, who performed at Bruce Rossmeyer’s Destination Daytona in Ormond Beach. With music in mind and an update on this year’s SFPC Toys in the Sun Run at Markham Park in Sunrise on December 7th, our main headliners are Charlie Daniels and Brian Howe Forman, former lead singer of Bad Company, performing all of their hit songs. On the local music scene Soulicide, the Blues Brothers Soul Band, The Usual Suspects, The Flyers, Sucker Punch, and Hired Gunz will be performing throughout the day, and others TBA. We will also have Paul Tuttle AKA Paul JR from the big hit TV show Orange County Choppers participating and enjoying the event. Also participating will be drummer Jason Bonham, son of legendary drummer John Bonham of Led Zeppelin. Jason has formed the Led Zeppelin Tribute Band performing around the country. He also sat in for his dad for the first ever Led Zeppelin reunion at Atlantic Records 40th Anniversary Concert with Robert Plant, Jimmy Page, and John Paul Jones. He also performed with Paul Rogers and Bad Company, Jeff Beck, Slash of Guns & Roses, and he also appeared in the movie soundtrack ‘Rockstar’ with actor Mark Walberg. Anyone who would like to become a SFPC VIP Rider for the 2014 Toys in the Sun Run can register and purchase your credentials at Chester’s Fort Lauderdale Harley-Davidson in Sunrise at 201 International Parkway, or call the dealership at 954-414-4135 for more info. Or you can register online by visiting the website Cost to become a VIP Rider is $100 for a single rider, or $150 for a couple per bike. You will receive a custom gift bag with many cool items, such as an official Toy Run T-shirt and ride pin just to mention a few. You will enjoy a VIP breakfast at Mardi Gras Casino and ride up front in the parade to Markham Park for the main events and festivities. You will also enjoy a VIP lunch with all the food, beer, water, etc. you can consume. For more information on becoming a VIP Rider and information on becoming a vendor at the Toy Run, please call Debbie at 954-8687040. Also remember to purchase your raffle tickets for this year’s Grand Prize... a 2015 Harley-Davidson FLTRXS Street Glide with a ‘Ramp Free’ motorcycle trailer, for just $5 a ticket, or $20 a book of four. You can purchase tickets from Peterson’s Harley-Davidson north and south stores and Chester’s Fort Lauderdale Harley-Davidson. Also any SFPC motorcycle club member will have raffle tickets to purchase as well. Remember to please support all the South Florida President’s Council M/C events in your community, including those having open clubhouse nights with great food and comradery. For this month, the Heathens M/C will be hosting their annual on Nov 1st and the US Military Vets Chap 1 M/C will be hosting theirs on Nov 8th. And last, CMA will have their annual memorial event on Nov 9th. (For more info, see flyers for locations and times.) In closing, I wish everyone a very Happy Thanksgiving. B-Cool, Tattoo Dave In loving memory of Bernie, Chrissy, Clay, Big Ed, Bob Amchir, Animal, Ricky, Pervert, Roger-Kenny & Pauly 1%’ers, Mojo, Vinny Margotta, Poppy, Gunslinger, “Louie”, Davida, Debaldone & Irene Powell Page 11 Axman continues from page 9 I had secured for our company a shipment of an airport control tower cabin from Rockledge, FL (close to Daytona) to Nouakchott, Mauretania. The shipment consisted of three oversized pieces that required double-drop trailers and an escort to bring them down to Miami. On Wednesday (10/15) I went to the shipper’s facilities to supervise the loading. I saw a lot bikers on I-95 heading North to Daytona. I was very envious as I wanted to go so badly, however, my job comes first. It was very interesting to watch the loading and securing of these monster pieces. These cabin sections were already fully equipped with cabinets and everything. Only the electronics were missing. To protect them from the elements they were shrink wrapped in heavy-duty plastic film. Everything went smoothly with the loading. The following day I went to the Port of Miami where the transloading onto ocean freight flat racks took place. I noticed that Eller ITO, who did the trans-loading for us had hired the services of Harrison Crane, the company my brother-inlaw (Doug) works for. It was shame that he was not assigned to this job. Being out of the office for two consecutive days put me way behind with my actual work but it was well worth it, even though I had to cancel Fantasy Fest. I would like you to all come on out for Candy’s Cycle’s big customer appreciation party which will be held at The Sports Barn on 11/15. This is certainly an event not to be missed. ee her ad and the Sports Barn ad for all info. On a personal note, I would like to remind you that I am for hire. The Holiday Season is upon us and I would be more than happy to capture your LUFQ “The South Florida Biker’s Bible Since 1999 - Pray for Dave!!! Holiday parties. I also do corporate and private events, such as Sweet Sixteen’s, Quinces, Weddings, etc. Please feel free to contact me for special pricing. I can be reached by phone at (786)371-6973 or by email at Happy Thanksgiving! Ride Free & Safe! Axman 15 Years - November 2014 • Issue #181 • Page 12 In loving memory of Bernie, Chrissy, Clay, Big Ed, Bob Amchir, Animal, Ricky, Pervert, Roger-Kenny & Pauly 1%’ers, Mojo, Vinny Margotta, Poppy, Gunslinger, “Louie”, Davida, Debaldone & Irene Powell Page 13 BECOME A 2015 VIP If you read WOTR help support it. Email or go online to the website & become a 2015 VIP or mail a check or money order to: Wheels on the Road Magazine 10563 NW 53rd Street Sunrise, Florida 33351 New VIP’s Receive a nice WOTR VIP patch. Donations of $100 Google to see how or more receives a cool Larry free “Larry Light”. Lights are! Your generous donations will help to keep your Wheels on the Road in 2015. $1000 DOUBLE PLATINUM VIP FRIENDS Big Bike Riders Children’s Foundation The Attorney That Rides (Gabe Carerra), Ft. Laud • $500 PLATINUM VIP FRIENDS • $500 MOTORCYCLE CLUBS & ORGANIZATIONS Alternative MC - Fort Lauderdale Keltics MC - Davie Lone Legion Brotherhood MC - Boynton Beach Mystic 7 MC - Fort Lauderdale Nam Knights MC - Boca/West Palm Wings of Gold MC Miami Chapter Wings of Gold MC Pt. St. Lucie Chapter • $300 GOLD PLUS VIP FRIENDS Doc Ed Szerlip, Sunrise • $200 GOLD PLUS VIP FRIENDS Jimmy Les, Davie Mark Lenson, Boca Raton • $150 GOLD EXTRA VIP FRIENDS Dave the Kid, in Memory of Dumas Trinity Travelers Ch 242, Plantation ($225) • $100 GOLD VIP FRIENDS Angel Dency, Margate George Lenkowitz, Pompano Bch Keith Smith, Miami Gardens Laura Weiner (Pink) Ft. Lauderdale LUF Q • $75 SILVER PLUS VIP FRIENDS Klondike (Mystic 7 MC) In Memory of Mojo GBNF • $25 BRONZE VIP FRIENDS Kristin (Tata’s) Groleau, Boyton Beach Pam Gayton / Flossies Bar, Dania Beach We thank our supporters, Miami Mike, Sharon, MickeyBear & CocoPuff IF YOU READ WOTR CONTRIBUTE Donate online at LUFQ A Word from Ronnie C by Ronnie Catronio Chairman / Executive Director of BBRCF Three Reasons Why We Should Donate to Worthy Charities Giving to those less fortunate adds to your emotional bank account. Besides the warm feeling you get inside when you do something nice for another person, supporting a charity allows you to make a difference in the world. In the case of Big Bike Riders Children’s Foundation it puts SMILES on the faces of children in our local communities. Too often people complain about the “bad” news instead of trying to do something to help. Supporting a charity doesn’t always mean just giving money. Many charities like BBRCF accept in-kind contributions, the donation of a vehicle, or a helping hand when it comes time to campaign, fundraise or directly participate in work we do locally. 1. Take Action That Counts: Supporting a charity like BBRCF declares your commitment to the problems the charity exists to combat. By selecting the right charity, you put resources directly into the hands of people engaged in work you consider important. Too often, people think there is nothing they can do to solve the world’s problems; when in fact; they have the power to make a direct impact on any cause they feel passionately about. Become well informed about the charity’s work and ensure its viability to justify the trust you place in them. 2. Recycling Usable Goods: It may be that you are fortunate enough to have a surplus of goods. Whether you have books, clothes, furniture, tinned food, compact discs, movies on tape or toys your children have outgrown, so long as they are still in good working order, items that clutter up your home may be extremely valuable to others. Whilst reorganizing and improving your living space, benefit charities without necessarily spending a dime, resulting in a win-win situation. 3. Tax Benefits: The government supports charitable donations. Charitable gifts can often be included in your tax return as an itemized deduction. This specifically applies when a charity like BBRCF registers as a nonprofit 501 (c) (3) organization with the Internal Revenue Service. The higher your tax bracket, the higher deduction you can take. To claim the tax deduction, itemize on Schedule A, which attaches to IRS Form 1040. For noncash donations worth more than $500 at fair market value, Form 8283 must be completed and submitted with your tax return. BBRCF will provide a 501 (c) (3) letter as needed. 4. Choosing the Charity: Wise Giving Alliance (BBB) provides guidance on the many different charities across the United States currently seeking donations. They advise not to respond to “crisis” or “emergency” appeals impulsively. Instead, if you are sympathetic with a cause, research the charity and discover how your “The South Florida Biker’s Bible Since 1999 - Pray for Dave!!! 15 Years - November 2014 • Issue #181 • Page 14 MY CO STA RICAN RETIREMENT COSTA We are now in the height of our 8 month rainy season. It rains some every day causing pot holes, mud and debris on the twisty secondary roads we love to ride on. A recent Sunday club ride took us south up in the mountains on the Pan American Hiway. Huge electric generating fans are now installed, and running on the mountain ridges. These will help slow down the use of jet engine powered generators in the low water dry season. You can’t use waterfall generator power when the levels are low. Friday nite we had our “Stripper Fest” at our clubhouse. 4 Chicas put on a show for 35 members who Gabe was here! showed up on a rainy nite. Chicken wings, chileguaro shots, JD and beer were available to wash them down. Because of social media (Facebook, Twitter, etc...) the girls won’t let you take nude photos of them anymore. Pura Vida in wet Costa Rica. Doob donation impacts the social problem the charity seeks to solve. If you are able to build a meaningful relationship with the charity, it is more likely that you will feel able to commit to supporting their work over the long-term. The Wise Giving Alliance (BBB) suggests that legitimate charities provide transparency in their financial undertakings and accountability online. BBRCF is open for your scrutiny. We have no paid directors and virtually all proceeds are used to help and support local children and families, especially now that the holidays are upon us. Always with a Smile, Ronnie C In loving memory of Bernie, Chrissy, Clay, Big Ed, Bob Amchir, Animal, Ricky, Pervert, Roger-Kenny & Pauly 1%’ers, Mojo, Vinny Margotta, Poppy, Gunslinger, “Louie”, Davida, Debaldone & Irene Powell Page 15 TAX TALK by Michele Koscielniak Tidbits and Due Dates Tax season has officially ended with the passing of October 15th. As I write this article, only 67 days before the next tax season starts! Now is the time to take advantage of some 2014 tax planning. Most transactions must take place before the end of the tax year, the exception is some contributions to retirement accounts. I am a big supporter of retirement plan contributions. It is the only tax benefit that is money out of your pocket into your other pocket. Other deductions go into someone else’s pocket. There are various plans so there is one that is sure to fit your circumstances. If you barely qualify to use itemized deductions on your personal tax return each year, consider paying 2 years worth of real estate taxes in one year. For example, instead of paying real estate taxes by November 30th, 2014, pay January 1st, 2015 and then pay by November 30th, 2015. In the year you do not pay real estate taxes, use the standard deduction and then use itemized deductions in the year 2 years of real estate taxes are paid. That would also be a good year to clean out your closets and donate non-cash items. There is less of a discount on the real estate taxes on the January payment, but how much is saved in taxes? Each situation is different so be sure to estimate the tax savings before delaying the real estate tax payment. Mark your calendar, some key due dates for 2015 are: February 2nd: W-2s and 1099s due to recipients March 16th: corporate tax returns or extensions due April 15th: individual taxes returns or extensions due September 15th: partnership and corporate tax returns due October 15th: individual tax returns due BAND LISTINGS BELOW $100 / YEAR ROAD WORKS - Call Colin at 954-718-6850 or 954-588-9346 or email: Played Asylum, Hollywood Bandstand, WOTR Parties, Mickey's, Beer Barn and other venues. SOULICIDE - Call Kent @ 754-264-2563. “High Energy” R&R. We get the people up on the dance floor. Playing at Mickeys, Cagneys, others. See us on Facebook/Soulicide. THE STEMS - “Good Funkin Rock”. For booking info: e-mail egresely@hotmail or call Eddie@954-547-7982 or Tony@954-5475652. See our Facebook page. $35 a YEAR for Band Listings in WOTR AND on the Copy theWebsite. Organ Donor out 5-10 and put WOTR Up to 4Card linesbelow, in the fill magit and linesit in your wallet. For additional info contact the Transplant online and a link to your website (plus a photo if you Foundation, at check 701 SW Ave,(address Ste 705 Miami, FL want). Mail Inc. a $35 to 27th WOTR. on pg 10) 33135, 305-817-5645 or website (BELOW) I try to remind my clients as due dates apply, but do not forget it is ultimately the taxpayer’s responsibility to file timely. The above is to provide general information but should not be solely relied upon in the completion of your tax return or for tax planning. As with most items related to tax, there are exceptions and limitations. Please see your tax professional for assistance or call me at (561) 372-1405. Michele WOTR Ronnie C LUFQ “The South Florida Biker’s Bible Since 1999 - Pray for Dave!!! 15 Years - November 2014 • Issue #181 • Page 16 Good News by Doug Scofield Thanksgiving already??? I really enjoy this time of year as the weather cools and riding season begins. Tables are filled as we gather with friends and family as we sit around and enjoy some incredible food. Thanksgiving is the holiday I spend with my wife’s family. As our family gathers around the table, it has become tradition that a time of silence is requested; as we individually give thanks for our abundance and blessings. It would be awesome if we would all take a little time to remember and reflect on those things that we hold dear and give thanks to all that we are blessed with in this great country of ours. Our forefathers gave thanks. The First Thanksgiving in America The Pilgrims, were a group of Puritans who landed at Plymouth Rock, in what is now Massachusetts in 1620. In 1621 Governor William Bradford of New England proclaimed a day of “thanksgiving” and prayer to celebrate the Pilgrims’ first harvest in America. United States president Abraham Lincoln, following the precedent of a number of states, designated a national Thanksgiving Day in 1863. (Encarta Encyclopedia THE BETTMANN ARCHIVE) THANKFUL! Yes, I have much to be thankful for. First for Jesus coming into my heart and changing my life almost 25 years ago. I am thankful for a loving and supportive wife, for a mom that is still living at the age of 90. I am thankful for the Lord bringing me here to South Florida and the Treasure Coast and I am honored and blessed to call many of you friend! Matthew 22:3640 “Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?” Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ All the Laws and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.” In a time where we are bombarded by self helps and an attitude of me me me... The Lord reminds us to put Him FIRST and to love others as ourselves; and since we are always on our mind, we should strive to become other centered instead of self centered. When you reach out to bless someone a strange thing transpires, you end up getting just as blessed; so during this holiday season go the extra mile for someone. It might just be a hug or maybe you need to forgive someone and make amends. Life is too short and time too precious to postpone anything that you need to do. As we gather with family and friends this Thanksgiving Holiday let us give thanks to a giving Father in heaven for all that He has provided for us throughout the year. May the Lord richly bless you and yours throughout the holiday season. If we at Calvary Chapel MM can be of any service e-mail me or give me a call at 954-448-1235 or give Billy a call at 305-7909484. Riding free in South Florida, Doug In loving memory of Bernie, Chrissy, Clay, Big Ed, Bob Amchir, Animal, Ricky, Pervert, Roger-Kenny & Pauly 1%’ers, Mojo, Vinny Margotta, Poppy, Gunslinger, “Louie”, Davida, Debaldone & Irene Powell Page 17 On Special Assignment by Chef Joel - Well, here we are folks stepping into another holiday season. It is time to shop for your turkeys and hams and get ready for the big day. And of course, don’t forget all of the good fixings for the side. This is the time of year that all of your friends and families start to get together, also it is time to make the best of what we have good in life. Just think how much luckier we all are than most people in this country to be able to enjoy what we do year round and that’s ride! First off and very much from my heart... “THANK YOU” all for your condolences on the passing of my pooch “Harley”. It really meant a lot to me and still does. And special thanks to Keith Smith for the heartfelt letter you sent to me about Harley. It has only been 5 weeks since he is gone and damn, it feels like a lot longer than that. I have been there before with my other great dogs in life, but I think it is just so much harder to accept as we get older. Sadly, they do not get to live as long as we do and like a very close family friend once told me as a kid... “Remember the day you brought the new dog into your life and home how happy you are, but just be sure to remember there will come a day when they break your heart by having to leave you”. It is kind of an ironic thing to say to a kid, but it worked. I still remember him telling me that when I was 7 yrs old. Thank You Uncle Max... I miss you like crazy and love ya Harley. A lot of folks have been calling and asking me about it and as some of you read this, it is time for the world famous “Roscoe’s Chili Challenge” up in Lakeland. Hopefully if you plan on going the 7th, 8th and 9th of November you already have your plans or reservations. If you don’t you better call “Liz” ASAP at (813) 434-5812. Things have changed a bit up there for the better. The venue area has been made a bit smaller bringing the wilderness campers in tents out to the front area. In my opinion this will make the whole thing a lot more fun with everybody a lot closer to each other. Roscoe of course is happy with the new plan since he says it will bring out the real “old schoolers” for the weekend. This is always a great time and it will be mine and DK’s 5th year attending. There are still some spaces for RV people and tent sites, but space is limited - so make the call. You don’t want to miss this. Ok, in and around town of course this season means that all of the local venues will be starting to have their own holiday parties. Be sure to remember that having a good time also includes getting home safe to make it to another. Please think and drink responsibly folks, none of us need to start the holidays off with any unnecessary and possibly fatal accidents. Of course you all know that the biggest party in the Southern US takes place on Dec 7th right here in our own backyard. That’s right the “27th Annual Toys in the Sun Run” is upon us folks. This year for a repeat performance of a few years ago “Charlie Daniels” will headline again along with “Brian Howe” former singer of “Bad Company”. Both put on a great show and I am sure a lot of “cagers” in their vehicles will be there to see them LUFQ besides the 35,000 or so bikes. If you plan on doing the ride, it leaves Mardi Gras Casino in Hallandale at 9:30 am, so plan on being there at least 2 hours before to get in line and listen to the great live music on the outside stage. If you just do the ride into the park on your own, be sure to get there early enough to park and get in before the pack comes in. If you don’t - you could be stuck outside of the park for a few hours. Our plans as always are to be in the campground from Friday night until Monday. A very special treat at the campsite for us this year is “The Painkillers” (yupp..the same guys from my house party) will be playing for us at “Circle C” in the campgrounds area. That will be on Sat. night Dec. 6th from 6pm til the Park Rangers tell us to knock it off. As in years past it is a “bring your beverage” of choice party. To cover the food and band we are asking for just $10.00 a head for a great night of fun. I wish I could say just come on out and the party is on us, but things are tight cash wise for a bunch of us. This is always a blast and pretty much a reunion of faces from past years. We have a great time out there in the Glades, with a nice fire and great music and great people so come and join us. If you are reading this you are welcome to stop by and enjoy. As for last month’s fun, as you know the “Run to the Heartland” up in Sebring was cancelled because of city fees and permit issues. But a bunch of us had our own run of sorts. Special thanks to “Corbin” for leading the pack up and around the true heartland area thru the foothills and back roads. Also both Jimmy “Big Dawg” and Keith put out a great spread Fri. and Sat. nights for a bunch of our friends from up there and down here. We enjoyed the visit out to places such as ‘Charlotte’s Web”, “The Cherry Pot” and “Liars Lair”, and even their local Moose lodge was a great time. Being up in those areas you do not even realize these roads exist here in Florida. You literally can see for miles on each side of the road without seeing a home or any sign of civilization. The spooky part about being up there is you need to be off the roads before sundown. The sad but dangerous reason being is that the local wildlife, from small game to wild boar and deer can pop out at “The South Florida Biker’s Bible Since 1999 - Pray for Dave!!! 15 Years - November 2014 • Issue #181 • Page 18 any moment. And no lie, from the road kill on the side of the roads, and the actual let’s just say “splat” marks every ¼ mile or so, those are obvious “kill zones”. The local riders say the deer and boar are known to hit bikes from the side... ummmm, fukkkk that, no thanks. (I’ll leave the elk killing to Gabe.) The weather for the whole weekend was perfect and our ride up 27 and back was good. All in all, a big thanks to all who went and made it fun and safe, and most importantly... “uneventful”. So be sure to catch up on all of the local spots for their upcoming holiday events and of course for myself and fellow staff here at WOTR, I extend an early wish for a safe and healthy and happy holiday season. I hope to see some of you at Roscoe’s and the Toy Run Party and of course the run the next day. Until then, as always “Take Care and Ride Safe”. Chef Joel In loving memory of Bernie, Chrissy, Clay, Big Ed, Bob Amchir, Animal, Ricky, Pervert, Roger-Kenny & Pauly 1%’ers, Mojo, Vinny Margotta, Poppy, Gunslinger, “Louie”, Davida, Debaldone & Irene Powell Page 19 Back in South Florda Riding and Writing by The 27th SFPC Toys in the Sun Run is few weeks away on Sunday, December 7, 2014 to benefit the Joe DiMaggio Children’s Hospital. I set up my tent every year as a vendor to support the ‘Best Damn Toy Run on Earth’. I also support the toy run by sponsoring and purchasing the Harley raffle tickets. To participate in this years Toys in the Sun Run will cost you $10 and one new Unwrapped toy or game (no stuffed animals). Like last year the run will leave from Mardi Gras Casino to Markham Park. Cars, trucks and smaller 2 wheeled cycles (under 250cc) go directly to Markham park but get there before 10AM or you might get stuck in a 3 hour traffic jam. (No animals allowed other than “real” service animals) No pre-registration is required for the parade unless you wish to be a VIP Rider. VIP Rider packages include the following: VIP Breakfast at Mardi Gras Casino; Up-front positioning in parade; VIP Parking at Markham Park; VIP Lunch at Markham Park; Official Toy Run Souvenir TShirt; Official Toy Run VIP commemorative pin and more! Cost is $150 for double riders and $100 for A single rider. There are different VIP packages offered. For example there are HOG VIP riders, Import VIP Riders, and the VIP “Ultra” package. If you wish to pay by check, or for additional information, email: For any additional questions go to: or call 954868-7040 and leave message. We all need to roll up our sleeves and show the South Florida community that bikers are not selfish, but rather we walk up to the plate to help children and families during dark times. You see, until Santa Ed invited me in the middle of summer to Joe DiMaggio’s Children’s Hospital, I did not understand 100% what the toy run was all about. Cary Kroll, who sells all the biker gear at Café 27 and myself, hauled ass to the hospital were met Santa Ed in the lobby and for the next two hours our minds were totally blown away. The Toys in the Sun Run is not about getting drunk and throwing a toy in the box after paying your $10. Yes the toys go to needy children but it is more than that. When I went to Joe DiMaggio’s there was a room where the families of those that are either staying in the hospital or being operated on can hang out. There are toys, volunteers, extremely large flat screen TVs, and an interview show on Wednesday with Santa Ed. Many of the local bikers show up on Wednesdays to meet the children and their families. Certain restaurants in the community donate hot gourmet lunches to feed the children and their families. Even Cary and I were fed that day by the Pembroke Pines Hooter girls. (now that was very tough...) The Grand Tour of Joey Di’s... Cary and I were given the grant tour of the children’s hospital that hot summer day. I was shown the children’s emergency room where the patients are treated and above the entrance a sign that reads “South Florida President’s Council / Toys in the Sun Run. One of the bigwigs that was showing me around stated that all the medical equipment, construction of the room, and the medical supplies LUFQ were paid for by the bikers in the South Florida community who put their hands into their pockets to participate in the Toys in the Sun Run for the last 27 years. I was then taken across the street where I saw various hotel looking rooms where the families can stay for free while their loved ones are being operated on. I was told of a family that had five children that stayed in the room that I was shown. They came down from Pensacola at no cost to them. They stayed for a week while the child had two complicated operations. Then their return trip was paid for as well. All this, including the medical care and the operation, was free. This family could not have afforded the life-saving medical treatment hundreds of miles from their home to save their child’s life. This young man today is alive because of the person holding this magazine, yes you!!!... the guy or gal reading this sentence right now. When you buy a raffle ticket, or bring a toy, pay the $10 entrance fee, or dig even deeper and purchase a “VIP Riders’ Package”... all this keeps children alive and their families together during their hard times. The SFPC Toys in the Sun Run is helping Children Year Round!! When Cary and I left the hospital we walked out like two peacocks proud of all the good work that the SFPC Toys in the Sun Run contributes in the name of all the bikers and South Florida. I met a family in the lounge eating a lunch provided by the Pembroke Pines Hooter girls. Tattoo Dave was speaking to them as I listened to their conversation. They could not afford the operation that was tens of thousands of dollars. They were thankful to all the bikers in South Florida because their child was having a heart operation. When I spoke to this couple the husband broke down in tears. If the money was not available his son would have died. Not only did he get the grant for the operation but he got to meet the bikers that made it possible. Every Wednesday throughout the whole year volunteers for the biker community show up to make these families more comfortable through their darkest hour. Hopefully this year you won’t jump the fence, try to go pass one of the volunteer security guards without paying, or show up without a toy. I plead with you to do your part. This is a collective effort by all bikers to work toward helping the children. If you see me buy a raffle book of 4 for $20. If you see any MC’s or Toy Run volunteers selling raffle tickets buy a book. If you’re retired and on a budget put away $10 for gas, $10 for the toy run fee, and spend another $10-$20 on a toy at a minimum. Last year some people showed up with five toys to donate. (Some SOB’s showed up with a box full of rocks) Every little bit helps all you have to do is set aside an amount starting now. 2014 Freedom Flights @ Ft. Lauderdale Airport Another event that I went to in the month of October were the freedom flights. As I understand it, about 800 World War II veterans die each day. Organizations have worked to raise funds to fly these veterans to Washington DC to see the World War II Memorial. A group of about 70 bikers left the American Legion, Post 180, escorted by the Broward County Sheriff’s Department, to the Fort Lauderdale airport. There we waited until a quarter of the World War II veterans came off the plane welcomed by approximately 500 supporters. A 92-year-old soldier, being wheeled by a beautiful blonde soldier, asked Gimpy’s wife for a kiss. He was like, “put one on my smacker won’t ya?” I started prodding and pushing her until she did it. It was very moving to see our veterans honored and not forgotten. Afterwards most returned to Post 180 for a good time and yours truly singing Karaoke. Mystic 7 MC @ The Sports Barn... When I got back from my Alaskan trip I had to replenish my funds so I hid out in my office working my Gabes Adventure continues on page 22 “The South Florida Biker’s Bible Since 1999 - Pray for Dave!!! 15 Years - November 2014 • Issue #181 • Page 20 In loving memory of Bernie, Chrissy, Clay, Big Ed, Bob Amchir, Animal, Ricky, Pervert, Roger-Kenny & Pauly 1%’ers, Mojo, Vinny Margotta, Poppy, Gunslinger, “Louie”, Davida, Debaldone & Irene Powell Page 21 butt off to pay my bills. One of the first fun days that I had was attending the Mystic 7 MC Annual and Pervert’s 67th Birthday Party at the Sports Barn in Davie. ‘Deception’ was playing with various singers and drummers jumping onstage to help out. I had a great time and everyone had a beautiful attitude. There was a bikini wash in the parking lot out front. It was the first time that my motorcycle was scrubbed down after getting all that mud in Alaska. Some of it would not come off because it had caked on. Some of the vendors selling cleaning products were trying to get me to purchase their products promising to clean up the mud on my bike. Calcium chloride is mixed with the water and sprayed on the dirt road on the Dalton Highway to keep the dust down. This acts as a natural hardener so when the gravel dirt surface is dry the heavy truck traffic forms it to have the characteristics of pavement. When wet, a thin layer of cement looking clay begins to cake onto your bike. Once it sticks to your engine, it heats up and dries like ceramic. Once this happens, you can’t get it off, even with a chisel. The girls did the best they could but at this point I will always have a piece of Alaska with me wherever I roll throughout the world! S.E. ABATE HD Party! I felt right at home with my ABATE brothers when I set up my tent at Chester’s Ft. Laud. Harley in Sunrise. ‘Soulicide’ played their butts off. It was pretty warm so the crowd got up close and personal with me since I was set up in the shade. While I was away I really missed Bars, Jimmy Les, Gimpy, Shakey, Princess and all the gang! Joel (Bubbles) did a bang up job at Chesters in getting the fires put out for a great event. Jimmy Les auctioned off some booze and LUFQ while I was scratching my head... and before I knew what happened... Jimmy said I was the winner of a bottle of Tequila! I didn’t mind because the money goes to BIKER RIGHTS! (And the booze went to Lefty) I want to thank everyone for stopping by my tent to say hello. I got to share stories of my Alaska trip and shocked many with the details of my next ride... from Ushuaia, Argentina to Prodhoe Bay/ Deadhorse, Alaska, hopefully leaving May 2015. I appreciate all the well-wishers and those of you that tracked me. Your continued support humbles me greatly and no matter how many times I tell the same story it’s like the first time to me with all the excitement. Marc Izquierdo, 53... RIP! Last, but NOT least I want to bid farewell to my riding brother Marc Izquierdo who passed away a few day ago. We used to light up cigars and talk about all the trips we were going to take as soon as he had time off. He was not a loud person, always clean cut, and always had a cigar for me when I showed up. He retired from the Navy after serving our country 20+ years as a 1st Class Petty officer. He was assigned to the Navy’s P-3 Orion as a flight engineer. He worked for Customs at the Miami Airport at the time of his death in a bike accident. Mark is survived by his father, brother, and sister. I will be thinking of you brother on my Pan American Run as you watch me from above. RIP! Gabe “The South Florida Biker’s Bible Since 1999 - Pray for Dave!!! 15 Years - November 2014 • Issue #181 • Page 22 In loving memory of Bernie, Chrissy, Clay, Big Ed, Bob Amchir, Animal, Ricky, Pervert, Roger-Kenny & Pauly 1%’ers, Mojo, Vinny Margotta, Poppy, Gunslinger, “Louie”, Davida, Debaldone & Irene Powell Page 23 LUFQ “The South Florida Biker’s Bible Since 1999 - Pray for Dave!!! 15 Years - November 2014 • Issue #181 • Page 24 In loving memory of Bernie, Chrissy, Clay, Big Ed, Bob Amchir, Animal, Ricky, Pervert, Roger-Kenny & Pauly 1%’ers, Mojo, Vinny Margotta, Poppy, Gunslinger, “Louie”, Davida, Debaldone & Irene Powell Page 25 LUFQ “The South Florida Biker’s Bible Since 1999 - Pray for Dave!!! 15 Years - November 2014 • Issue #181 • Page 26 In loving memory of Bernie, Chrissy, Clay, Big Ed, Bob Amchir, Animal, Ricky, Pervert, Roger-Kenny & Pauly 1%’ers, Mojo, Vinny Margotta, Poppy, Gunslinger, “Louie”, Davida, Debaldone & Irene Powell Page 27 ABATE UPDATE By Bars, SE Chapter President On Friday September 19th we took a ride to Key West for Phil Peterson’s 42nd Annual Poker Run. On the way down we stopped at Gilberts. We almost made it there before we got poured on by so much rain I could hardly see. When it stopped we went to Mile Marker 88 for a bite to eat and then down to our hotel to dry out. It has been about 10 years since we have done the ride and it was still a great one. One guy, Mario Deludos from Sturgis South Dakota, traveled the farthest (2,350 Miles) Way to go! On Saturday night we went downtown and Duval Street was full of bikes and lots of vendors to look at. On Sunday we went back downtown to Duval Street and everything was just about gone. We stayed to watch the sunset even though it was cloudy. It was still a great time. We left on Monday and got to the 7 Mile Bridge when it started to rain. We drove about 30 miles in the rain before stopping at Ma’s Fish Camp to dry off. It was closed but there was a small overhang that we stood under. After about an hour we changed clothes and drove another 40 miles before the rain finally stopped and clear weather the rest of the way home. All in all it was a 400 mile ride and I’m glad to say my back felt great. On September 27th The Leathernecks MC held their End of Summer Party at Mickey’s in Pompano. The food was great and the music was by Skinny Jimmy and the Stingrays who kept the party going all night. The parking lot was packed and plenty of people were out back under the new canopy. Unfortunately I had to leave earlier than I wanted to attend our Southeast ABATE Chapter monthly birthday party at Shanks’ Tavern. We had a good turnout with music by Friday Night Dave. There were only three musicians but it sounded like more. Maybe it was because one of them was playing the banjo and the harmonica at the same time. On Sunday September 28th the Keltics MC Fort Lauderdale Chapter held their Ride Em Hard Pardee 4 at Cowboy’s Saloon in Davie. As usual we met at the American Legion Post 321 in Cooper City for the ride. When we arrived the parking lot was already full of bikes and cages. Cowboy’s has seating for 600 people and the place LUFQ was packed. Sucker Punch was playing the music and the dance floor was jumping. As always, the Keltics put on another great party. On Sunday October 5th the Mystic Seven MC held their Annual Party and Perv’s 67th Birthday Party at the Sports Barn in Davie. When we got there the parking lot was getting full. Since they put down more fill it was a lot easier to pull in and get out with no trouble. The music was by Deception and they sang Happy Birthday to Pervert and kept everyone partying long after the event was scheduled to end. On Sunday October 10th the Southeast Chapter of ABATE held our 34th Annual Rights Rally at Chester’s Fort Lauderdale HarleyDavidson in Sunrise. On the way down there on the overhead sign was the Watch For Motorcycles blinking so I knew we were going to have a great time. Soulicide played the music for us and as always when they play they kept the party rocking all day long. So many of our members helped out that if I tried to mention them all I might forget someone. We had our Safety and Membership booth set up so that members could sign up or renew or get some bumper stickers and other Safety give-a-ways. I would like to thank all of the clubs and independents who came out to make our party a great “The South Florida Biker’s Bible Since 1999 - Pray for Dave!!! 15 Years - November 2014 • Issue #181 • Page 28 success. I would also like to thank Ed Leclere and Joel Freiberg and the staff at Chester’s who helped make our party a good time. On behalf of myself, our board of directors and all of the members of the Southeast Chapter of ABATE we wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving. Remember, HERE TODAY GONE TODAY... Bars In loving memory of Bernie, Chrissy, Clay, Big Ed, Bob Amchir, Animal, Ricky, Pervert, Roger-Kenny & Pauly 1%’ers, Mojo, Vinny Margotta, Poppy, Gunslinger, “Louie”, Davida, Debaldone & Irene Powell Page 29 WOW I have to tell you October was a great month with our local bands here in South Florida ripping it up everywhere from the Keys to Palm Beach. And it all started at O’Meara’s Irish Pub, which was the place to be on Oct 3rd with Lazy Bonez at The Boneheadz Birthday Bash! O’Meara’s was packed wall to wall and outside too, with a red carpet setting. Like a who’s who in the South Florida music scene. As always, Lazy Bonez put on one hell of a show with a great light show and amazing sound by Joe Riley from the band Jack Flash. If anyone out there is looking for a great sound man call Joe, he will rock the house til the roof blows off! It was great to see PANDIA when they Rocked Cagney’s Bike Night on October 17th. It’s been a few month since I checked out the band with their new additions. What a big surprise it was when I saw Kelly Davis on vocals. Kelly you Rock! And my friend who I miss very much, your Uncle Jimmy Pagano... may he R.I.P... would be so very proud of you. Pandia is a hard-edged cover band with electric live performances, raw energy and insane song selection that always brings the house down. Pandia was named the official cover band of “93 Rock” and headlined the 2nd Annual Rock and Brew Festival at the Hard Rock. Pandia is a unique group consisting of incredible musicians and great vocals! Visit their website for more photos @ Jen Boronico, Guitar & Vocals, is one of the leading female guitarists in FL performing in bands since she was 16 years old. She is mostly noted for her high energy and passion which flows from her veins as she performs. She is truly a unique showmanà. Fans are always shocked to see a female attack a guitar with such intensity. Jen is also the founder and President of The Boca Tanning Club, is a broadcast journalist/commentator for MMA (UFC) and Boxing, and has been seen comentating in 65 million plus homes on Sunsports show Fightzone. This golden gloves boxer and 3x 1st place NAGA (Ground Fighting) champion trains with the legendary American Top Team. Elisa Seda, Drums, also with Urban Rebel is already a musical veteran in the game even though she’s too young to look it. She has provided the grooves for NJ based MTV artist Just Kait and the Indie/Rock group The Scarlet Ending. She also provided the pocket for multiplatinum recording artist DMC’s (formerly known as Run-DMC) debut solo album. She is the former drummer of ‘MTV’s Battle for Ozzfest’ contestants, ‘Sicks Deep’ as well as the ONLY female endorsed by Infinity DrumWorks. She’s been featured numerous times in both ‘Modern Drummer’ and ‘Drum’ magazine. Shawn Saul, Bass, is a virtuoso bassist who is a UM Music School Alumni. At the age of 24, he has already proven himself to be a well sought after bass player. He performs on a 6-string (and sometimes 5-string) custom bass and often plays more as a melodic treble instrument than a bass, frequently utilizing its upper register and blending it with the obligatory low end to create sharp, melodic lines. Shawn is featured in the October 2014 edition of ‘Bass Musicians’ magazine and plays with some of the best musicians the South Florida scene has to offer. His diverse style and LUFQ complete ability to play anything allows Pandia to go to a whole new dimension which you have to hear it for yourself. Kelly Davis, Vocals, is our lead vocalist who has been performing around South Florida since she was 14. Performing as a soloist and also as a lead singer for several bands (including That Band) and working clubs from ‘Cheers’ to ‘Whiskey Tango’, she developed an amazing diversity of vocal styling, with a witty personality to match. Her uncanny ability to improvise on stage makes her quite unique and the ultimate crowd pleaser. This singer/songwriter also has original material all over the globe as an EDM artist working with some of the biggest producers and record labels around the world. I have to mention my friend, ‘Trip 6 Vocals’, who is also with Pandia and is also with the famous local band ‘Urban Rebel’. Trip 6 has developed his unique style as a result of a lifetime of musical influences. At the age of three, growing up in a talented musical family, Trip 6 toured throughout the US and Puerto Rico as a backup singer for Latin and Salsa bands. Formerly he performed lead vocals for Pepper Pot, aka Halo, an alternative rock band. Honing his unique melodic sound and songwriting skills, he is now touring with his original group ‘Gears’ and is performing all over North America. If you have not seen Pandia in a while and have a “The South Florida Biker’s Bible Since 1999 - Pray for Dave!!! 15 Years - November 2014 • Issue #181 • Page 30 chance to, I highly recommend you check them out! You will not be disappointed! Finally it’s here... O’Meara’s Grand Opening Bash and their all new bike night all in one night on Nov 14th. (Their new bike night will be the 2nd Friday of every month is now brought to you by us at A1 Promotions”.) The grand Happy Birthday Heidi opening features the Mr. Nice Guy Band and 1/2 Way to Goin To The Dogs, with a benefit for 100+ Abandoned Dogs of the Everglades. Sponsored in part by Downtown Baggers, with vendors, raffles, giveaways and more! At Downtown Baggers has a 2006 Cagney’s Harley Sportster that they are raffling off for just $10 a ticket, withDeception 100% of all proceeds going to the kids at Joe DiMaggio’s Children Hospital. The 501C3 is by Young Hearts Charity Foundation Inc. The drawing will be at Cagney’s Saloon with Soulicide outside and other bands (TBA) outside and inside on Sunday Nov 30th. Be sure to check our ad out in WOTR for other events we will be at in Nov. We at A1 Promotions are now working with 4 new venues in the South Florida area starting in Nov. that have every kind of genre of music. Keep an eye on my Facebok to know where they are and what is happening. All I can say is you are going to be BLOWN away when you find out where they are and what we have planned! See last months issue for complete details You know what I love the most about what we do and what I do. Every time we pick up a new venue we create more gigs for the bands, which brings people out to have fun, which in a small way keeps our local economy going in our music community here in South Florida. And that my friends puts a smile on my face 24/7. Till next time! Support Local Music, Support Your Local Everything! And Support WOTR Magazine... The Bikers Bible. PEACE! Freddy. In loving memory of Bernie, Chrissy, Clay, Big Ed, Bob Amchir, Animal, Ricky, Pervert, Roger-Kenny & Pauly 1%’ers, Mojo, Vinny Margotta, Poppy, Gunslinger, “Louie”, Davida, Debaldone & Irene Powell Page 31 LUFQ “The South Florida Biker’s Bible Since 1999 - Pray for Dave!!! 15 Years - November 2014 • Issue #181 • Page 32 2014 CALENDAR MONTHLY EVENTS To list your SE Coast motorcycle event at no cost, email:, fax or mail your flyer before the 20th. I “CRS” so I can’t remind you - you got to remind me. MM NOVEMBER 2014 1st - HEATHENS MC - ANNUAL <<<<<<<<< Date change) 8th - US MILITARY VETS MC CH 1 - ANNUAL>>> AT MICKEYS 9th - CMA - MEMORIAL EVENT DECEMBER 2014 7th - SFPC TOYS IN THE SUN RUN 13th - PETERSONS TOY RUN BIKE DRAWING 13th - HERMANDAD MC - ALFREDO MEMORIAL/TOY RUN 14th - WINGS OF GOLD MC MIAMI - TOY RUN 20th - SFLCOC - CHRISTMAS PARTY 21st - CALVARY CHAPEL - CHRISTMAS SERVICE Contact Miami Mike to change your date “AFTER” you confirm that change with Tattoo Dave (Wings of Gold MC) or Indian (Wheels of Man MC) 2014 CALENDAR UNITED BIKERS COUNCIL OF PALM BEACH COUNTY DECEMBER 2014 9 UBCPBC Christmas Party 13 Outcast M.C. PBC Event 20 Sport Bike Event Treasure Coast Presidents Council 2014 Calendar of Events November 2 AOA TC annual 30 USMV MC TOY RUN December 7 SFPC TOY RUN 20 SFLCOC Christmas party 21 Calvary Chapel Christmas Service HEAVEN CYCLE’S 37TH ANNIVERSARY PARTY Noon - 5, Sunday Nov 30th at THE PIT BBQ 16400 SW 8th St Miami (305) 226-2272 37 FREE KEGS OF BEER Bike Show - Food & Drink • Fri - Outlaws MC WPB Open House at 7PM • 1st Fri - Soldiers for Jesus Open House 7-10PM • 1st Fri - Enforcers MC First Friday of Month Party • 3rd Fri - Cagney’s Big New Bike Night • 4th Fri - American Legion Post 36 Bike Night • Fri & Sat - O’Meara’s Irish Pub, Live Music at 10PM • Fri & Sat - Keltics MC Open House, 954-864-9764 • Fri & some Sat - O’Malley’s Live Music 954-979-8540 • Fri - El Coqui open house, Hallandale 954-274-5523 • 1st Sat - Wings of Gold MC West Palm clubhouse • 1st & 3rd Sat - AOA MC Dania Open House • 4th Sat - Chrome Angels LMC Open House 7PM • Sat & Sun noon-1 - Chester’s Party on the Patio • Sat - FREE hot dogs & soda’s at H-D Palm Bch,10-2 • 2nd Sat - USMV MC Ft. Laud. Open House • 3rd Sat - Chesters Ft. Laud. American Car Show • Sun - WindRider Church Service at Mickey’s at 11AM • Sun - Free pool at Sharkey’s Lounge Margate • Sun - Cagneys Saloon Sunday Fun & Country Night • Sun - Flossies Famous Tiki Hut Biker Sunday • Sun - O’Meara’s “Mickey’s Style” Bloody Mary’s • Sun - O’Malley’s Jam Night from 9-1 • 3rd Sun USMVMC Palm Bch Open House 561-715-2570 • Mon - Ladies nite at Sharky’s 9-2, 241 beverages • Mon - BEST So Fla Jam Nite at Turn 3 with Stet & T3JB • Mon - Karaoke at Mickeys Tiki with Mindi & Todd • Tues - Flossies Jim Piro Jam & Ladies night 80¢ wings • Tues - Lone Legion Brotherhood Open House • Tues - Taco Tuesday at Chit Chat’s • Wed - Bike Nite with Bob Daniels at Turn 3 • Wed - Scurvy Few MC, Open House, 954-325-6838 • Wed - Free BBQ and Chester’s Bike Nite at Chit Chat’s • Wed - Watch the kids build a bike at V-Twin City • Thurs - Musician’s Jam at Cagneys with Tell em’ Band • Thurs - States MC Pompano Dinner Nite 6 start • Thurs - Hermandad MC Open House, 305-299-4731 • Thurs - Ladies Drink Free at Mickey’s Tiki from 8-9PM • 3rd Thurs - H-D Palm Bch Bike Nite at Dealer 5-10PM • 3rd Thurs - Peterson’s Harley South Bike nite 6-10PM • 4th Fri in July - Wings of Gold MC Open House Davie • Every Day - The Sports Barn has something special see ad. HUCK Goes Further by While riding my Sportster out west by Holiday Park, I felt a clunk in the road. I may have been somewhat daydreaming but there was nothing there! Ignoring intuition to stop and investigate, I found myself several miles away with a motorcycle that I couldn’t get off! I recently changed the oil, filter, and plugs... period! What ever happened to the good old days when checking bolts and screws, lubricating parts, and washing/ waxing was all part of this routine? Days earlier I had noticed that the kickstand behaved differently. (You probably guessed where this story is going.) I stood up on my pegs, back tracking ten miles an hour up one side of the road then the other searching for my kickstand to no avail. At Holiday Park, I leaned my bike up against a trash can, bought a beer and repented of my slothfulness. EVENT LISTINGS WITH PRINTED FLYERS NOVEMBER 2014 • 2... 7th Annual HD Palm Beach Poker Run... 27 • 7-9th... Roscoe’s Chili Challenge... 31 • 8 Peggy Sue’s Birthday Bash at Flossies @ 2PM.. 32 • 8 USMV MC Florida 1 Annual at Mickey’s @ 8PM... 15 • 14 O’Meara’s Grand Opening w/ Mr Nice Guy... 43 • 15 Candy’s Cycle Customer Appreciation Party... 19 • 16 Flossies Christmas Party with HUGE Free Buffet... 32 • 22 Allen West Veterans Day Ride... 29 • 22 Fly~In Wheels West Palm Annual Party... 27 Thanksgiving Dinner at many bars.. see ads or call • 30 Military Hero’s Poker Run... 23 • 30 Cagney’s Rock Concert & Sporty Giveaway... 6 • 30 Heaven Cycle’s 37th Anniversary & FREE Beer 9 & 33 DECEMBER 2014 • 7... 27th Annual Toys in the Sun Run... 45 • 14... 32nd Annual Bill’s Bike’s Memorial Toy Run... 44 • 21 Calvery Chapel MM 15th Annual Christmas Service..13 See Chesters Back Cover Calendar for their upcoming events. I decided to ride to Peterson’s South for their Hispanic Heritage event and deal with this issue later. It was getting warm milling around Peterson’s. I had taken a few pictures, looked at the bikes and bikini girls and listened to the band while visiting with friends. It was time to have lunch and a draft beer in a nearby motorcycle-friendly air conditioned bar that had a trash can out front. Killing a couple hours at Cutler Bay Sports Bar, I was ready to go. It was just five o’clock and Gilbert’s was only sixty more miles south... um... I’m sure they’ll have a trash can! Huck In loving memory of Bernie, Chrissy, Clay, Big Ed, Bob Amchir, Animal, Ricky, Pervert, Roger-Kenny & Pauly 1%’ers, Mojo, Vinny Margotta, Poppy, Gunslinger, “Louie”, Davida, Debaldone & Irene Powell Page 33 Rogue Warrior STORMY’S RIDER RHYMES By Here in Palm Beach County the Mother Chapter of the Enforcers MC hosts a 1st Friday Bash every month. There’s always great bands, food and drink. At the October Bash, despite a little rain, the Enforcers MC hosted an absolutely awesome party. Not only did Kathy and I celebrate the October (Halloween) 1st Friday Bash but it was also my 65th birthday. We had a great time. Knockdown rocked all night long and could not have been any better. Thanks to all the Enforcers for an outstanding time. If the rain kept you home then you missed out. The ABATE Southeast Chapter’s Thanksgiving Thanksgiving is the perfect opportunity For friends and family to get together, To give thanks for the things we have in life, And all the special things we treasure… Be thankful for our friendships, With friends we never bore. They ride right there beside us, Until our throttle hand gets sore… 34th Annual Event at Chester’s Ft. Lauderdale HarleyDavidson went off without a hitch. It was a great day to get together with all our brothers and sisters to help support the work of ABATE of Florida Southeast Chapter. Thanks to all who turned out on another beautiful but hot day. And thanks to all the Be thankful for your Family, Spend with them your precious time. Each moment spent together, Becomes inspiring and sublime… Be thankful for our Country, We are fortunate that we live here. From the Mountains to the flatlands, This is the Country we endear… Thanksgiving is the perfect time, To share with Family and Friends. We never know how much time we have, Before our time will come to an end… So live, love and be Happy, Enjoy every day that you’re living. From My home to all of yours Have a Wonderful Thanksgiving… Stormy Southeast Chapter brothers and sisters who made this day possible. The music by SOULICIDE could not have been better, they rocked all afternoon with the best music played the SOULICIDE way. Great music, food, drink and people. What more could a biker want? We also want to thank Chester’s HarleyDavidson for allowing us to hold our event at their dealership. Rogue USMC (Rogue USMC has come aboard WOTR and will be covering many SoFla events.) LUFQ “The South Florida Biker’s Bible Since 1999 - Pray for Dave!!! 15 Years - November 2014 • Issue #181 • Page 34 CLASSIFIED ADS 1” x 3.8” (New or Used Anything - No Shops - Free Help Wanted $12 per 1” per month - magazines are not included in price BIKER FRIENDLY SHOPS & BUSINESSES LUFQ These alphabetical business listings cost only $75.00 for 6 months. Call 954-578-2900 to place your business info here. Chicago Bob's • (954) 972-4478 - 5204 NW 15th Street, Margate, Florida 33063. Chicago Bob can build a trophy winner for you. When you want it done right the 1st time! Halenar Southwest • (954) 609-8655 - Spurs, Bullwhips, Whiskey Barrels, Metal Arts, Western Deco. See us at the shows. Many new and unique items at every event. Check us online at: Sachs Race Bikes • (954) 473-2980 - Engine overhaul & Repair, Head Porting & Repair, Hi-Performance Engine Packages. “The leader in engine technology & reliability for over 30 Years” Willie’s Tropical Tattoo • (386) 672-1888 -825 S. Yonge St (US1), Ormond Bch, Fl 32174 -Home of Willie’s Chopper Shows during Bike Week & Biketoberfest C L A S S I F I E D S HELP / JOBS WANTED CLASSIFIEDS ARE FREE! Looks like this! RENT a Vacation Chalet in Murphy, NC. New 2 bedroom, 2 bath, sleeps 6, furnished. Biker Heaven. Only $625.00 per wk. Call George (Mickey’s old owner) at 754-224-7955. VIDEO CONVERSION SERVICES Convert your old VHS, Hi8 or most other video formats to DVD. We’ll copy anything. Discrete & confidential. 20 years experience. Call Alfredo for complete details. 954-981-7926 (Hollywood) VETERAN INFO: The non profit Multi Purpose Center of Davie would like to make you aware of the wide range of programming for day care & weekend retreats for those suffering the invisible wounds of war that are available. The Center is seeking sponsors to help fund these programs. They are also asking for volunteers to work and oversee our weekend programs. At this time the Viet Nam Vets/Legacy Vets MC are actively involved with the center and welcome all who could benefit from it’s services. Contact information may be obtained from any VNV/LV member at large. Call 954-791-8603 or 954-448-3843. WILD BILL MAHER - Drummer for Hire, Teacher, Touring. Call 908-887-4452. Tell Lloyd Miami Mike sent ya! Jack, you are always on my mind. In loving memory of Bernie, Chrissy, Clay, Big Ed, Bob Amchir, Animal, Ricky, Pervert, Roger-Kenny & Pauly 1%’ers, Mojo, Vinny Margotta, Poppy, Gunslinger, “Louie”, Davida, Debaldone & Irene Powell Page 35 LUFQ DADS OF FLORIDA Dads of Florida has formed a support group of divorced and unwed fathers, second wives, grandparents and other persons interested in changing the present laws against fathers. Meetings are the second Tuesday of each month from 7pm to 9pm@ St. David's Catholic Church, 2nd floor of the Parish Hall building room 204, 3900 S. University Drive Davie, FL 33328, Phone (954) 4939763. Website: www. For Sale: Six acres west side of U.S. 27 (about a mile south of Café 27). Zoned agricultural/ residential. Perfect for recluse, nature lovers or bikers. Needs clearing and cleaning. Call 954-736-6524. $299,000. LUFQ “The South Florida Biker’s Bible Since 1999 - Pray for Dave!!! 15 Years - November 2014 • Issue #181 • Page 36 Woo’s View’s Best Friends Over the Rainbow Bridge Hi Gang, Well another month is shot (October) and we’re all a month closer to the grave! Damm, do I know how to start off on a happy note or what??? The good news is we have a really GREAT chance of getting rid of the Queen of Liars, Debbie Whatshername Shits. PLEASE cast your vote for Mr. Kaufman and get her the hell out of the government! Don’t worry about her though, ‘cause barry obammbamm will take care of her. Those thieves, liars and traitors stick together unless Barry feels like it’s in his best interest to throw someone under the bus! Then NOBODY is safe. Anyway, vote your heart... and for those of you who vote for dear debbie or charlie crist, please have your head examined. I took Koco to his first lesson of protection training, and for a just 7 month old puppy (BIG PUPPY) he did really well. He is going to be a real ass kicker when he’s fully grown. Hell, with a dog like that with me I could almost leave my firearm at home once in a while! Sweet Seleta’s ride is almost finished and she’s coming out fantastic! Got a ton of new chrome on her, her paint is still super fine and she runs like a raped ape! As soon as she’s finished, the old Honda 750 SOHC chopper will be well on it’s way to being finished. That’s going to be a mind blower. It’s going to look like it came out of a time machine from the 70’s! Everything from the AMEN Savior frame to the six bend pull back handle bars and paint! I think I know an old fart who really knows how to paint old school style. The only thing that won’t really be old school is the paint won’t be lacquer but poly urethane. Much better shine and lasts so damm much longer and besides, when you accidentally spill gas on it the shine stays and don’t dull out like the lacquer used to do. By the way, I’m the old fart who’s going to paint it. I was doing old school paint jobs when they were the new thing!! Learned how to do them out of custom motorcycle magazines and spray cans. I got pretty good at it too! Some things even a senile old bastard like me don’t forget!! LOL This is my 50th year of riding motorcycles and I’m happy to report to you all that I love it more now then I did when I first started. The machine is magic! I can get on it and keep up with the young guys. The really great thing is that at this age there’s no more pissing up the tree contests with the other guys like they did and still do when they’re young. At this time of my life the only person I have to get approval from is ME! What other people think of me or say about me is none of my business. Love me or hate me, I could give a crap. I thought that as time went by I was learning to be empathetic, have patience, and use understanding on and with the people I came in contact with. One day it dawned on me that that was NOT the case at all! What I realized was that I just DON’T GIVE A CRAP!!! I heard a guy from public radio say he leaned towards the left. What a crock. Those A holes don’t lean left at all. They are so far to the left they’re laying on their left side. I used to think conservative Yeah! radio was biased. Hell, it’s more fair and balanced on a biased day than public radio is when they’re not trying to push the liberal agenda! I can’t believe that otherwise smart people believe the crap that they put out, but then again, who listens to them but other brain dead libs. I hope you all have a great month and I hope all you libs that read this mag (the both of you) get help because we all know that liberalism is a mental disorder! Have fun and be well, Uncle Willie Louie the WOTR Maskot Tinkerbell Dumas Chyna Blue Boo Boo Liberty Steeler Itty Bitty 9/13 Bandit Corona Princess Harley Butch Miss Abigail Anastasia If you want your best friend memorialized on this page, email a photo and name to Due to space I cannot guarantee the photo being in this section for longer than 3 months. If you want to keep your best friend on this page for 1 year than you need to make a $100 (or more) VIP donation to WOTR. See pg 20 for the mailing address. ANIMAL ADOPTION & RESCUE SERVICES Here are a few Legitimate Animal Rescue Places. WOTR’s CHOICE TO SEND $$$ • Mirta Maltes (Park ranger) My Animals Rock Inc. PO Box 630729, Miami, Florida 33163 (Money is needed for vet bills to take care of all the abused animals Mirta picks up. Go to and use the Paypal button to give what you can. (501 c3, Donations are Tax Deductible) WOTR SUPPORTS MIRTA! • A Second Chance Puppies & Kittens Rescue West Palm Beach -561-333-1100 • Broward County Animal Control by Ft. Laud Airport (They do put down dogs so be aware of this) ‘DON’T GIVE MONEY TO JUST ANYONE WHO SAYS THEY HELP DOGS!’ In loving memory of Bernie, Chrissy, Clay, Big Ed, Bob Amchir, Animal, Ricky, Pervert, Roger-Kenny & Pauly 1%’ers, Mojo, Vinny Margotta, Poppy, Gunslinger, “Louie”, Davida, Debaldone & Irene Powell Page 37 Ummm... Good Cookin’ with Cookie By Bust a Nut with some Butternut Soup Here’s the recipe: 1. 2 tablespoons of olive oil 2. 1 teaspoon (more for taste) 3. 6 cups of vegetable stock 4. 1 teaspoon of coriander 5. 1 teaspoon of paprika 6. 1 teaspoon of pepper 7. 1 teaspoon of turmeric 8. 1 pound butternut split lengthwise 9. 1 onion chopped coarsely 10. 2 large carrots peeled and chopped 11. ½ a lime 12. I don’t like cilantro but my customers love it sprinkled on top Cut squash in half. Rub olive oil on it. Sprinkle all dry ingredients all over, wrap in foil and bake at 350 till folk or knife can go in easy. Let it sit... Sauté onion till transparent. Add carrots, pull squash apart with folk & chop. Put in food processor till mushy then add to stock. Bring veg stock to a boil and add onion / carrot mixture. Salt and pepper to taste. Simmer till soup thickens. Add a can of coconut milk it if you like it sweet... just a little at a time to taste. After a couple of hours on simmer it’s time to eat. Pour into a bowl, squeeze lime on top with cilantro. Yum! Cookie Dee LUFQ Are Our Prisons Fertile Ground for Recruiting Future Jihadists? Are we stupid or what? Why do we allow a militant group of supposed clerics, representing Islam and preaching their theocratic political ideology, into our prisons to recruit society’s misfits and lawbreaking prisoners, in order to recruit future Jihadists who want to do our country and other western countries harm? Most people who are serving time in prison are generally people who don’t respect authority or the norms of good behavior, and are generally alienated from society. They, therefore, make a fertile group for the Muslim clerics to spew their anti-American (and anti-western civilization) agenda, to these generally unbalanced individuals who hate authority and who want payback to the society who has incarcerated them in prison. Many of the militant converts to Islam today got their training in our prisons and we let that happen. Are we stupid, or what? No other religion, as far as I know, preaches a violent ideology as does Islam and it’s clerics who are given access to these disgruntled inmates. Do we let leaders of the KKK, or the Westboro Baptist Church into our prisons to preach their hatred? The answer is NO, so why should we give a free pass to these Muslim clerics who do preach hate against the U.S. and other western civilizations? Isn’t that tantamount to yelling fire in a crowded theater? I’m inclined to believe that the ugly head of “political correctness” has raised it’s ominous specter in dealing with Islam. It seems it’s O.K. to trash Christianity and Judaism, but not so with Islam. Members of Islam, around the world, are committed to carrying out heinous crimes in the name of Islam, and many socalled civilized countries turn a blind eye and refuse to clamp down on this inhuman behavior. Why? Europe, being very liberal in the past, have let hordes of Muslims, from Africa and the Middle East, re-locate into their countries with open arms, and now they are reaping the ill effects of that open door policy as country after country has had to deal with the chaos and disruptive behavior of these formerly welcomed refugees and immigrants. The Muslim populations have exploded and as a result they have started to exert themselves in disruptive ways causing chaos and sometimes violent confrontations with its citizens. Islam, being a theocratic political ideology, wants to take over the world and impose it’s Sharia Law to all parts of the planet. What better way to get adherents than to radicalize the men and women in our prisons who are more prone to that philosophy of violence and hate? We must be able to monitor what is being taught or preached in our prisons so that no cleric can get carte blanche authority to fill the minds of these inmates with hate, so when they are released from prison they become Jihadist soldiers hell bent on causing mayhem and destruction in and on our society. Look at that crazed, Muslim convert person in Oklahoma who stabbed and beheaded a coworker after he spent a couple of years in prison being converted. How many more like him are out there waiting to commit crimes in the name of Islam? Are we stupid, or what? Chuck Photo by Mort “You will bust a nut all over this squash! Oh yeah, here it comes. Mmmmmm. Damn this soup hits the spot every time.” This is the typical reaction you get when you make this during wintertime. The butternut is the sexiest, tastiest, most sultry member of the squash family. It absorbs flavor like a champ and becomes velvety when cooked right. And when you roast it, good lord... does it drip with sex appeal. There aren’t adjectives provocative enough to sum up cooking roasted butternut squash into a soup so I’ll leave that filthy fantasy to the individual cook. CHUCK ON THE RIGHT SIDE “The South Florida Biker’s Bible Since 1999 - Pray for Dave!!! 15 Years - November 2014 • Issue #181 • Page 38 IMPORTANT PLEASE READ: This December will be the LAST MONTH that I will be posting all our dead friends. Too many people we know have passed away and truthfully... it’s fuckin’ depressing me so that will be that. I will still put in obituaries. MM In Memory - G.B.N.F. Bernie Shapiro Diver (USMVMC) Bob Amchir Sportster John Vinny Margotta (Vinny’s EZ Cycles) Roger 1%er AOA Kenny 1%er AOA Brian-Keltics MC Irene Powell “Animal” Keltics Seleta Woo “Poppy” Denise Kwiatkowski Jerry 1%er AOA Big Art 1%er AOA Pauly 1%’er AOA Dozer Dan “Funk” Palo (Keltics MC) (Keltics MC) Alternative MC Davida Burenstein Howard “Pervert” “GUNNER” “GUNNER” Robert Parish Leathernecks MC Ronnie Lyss Mojo Mystics 7 Mc Navajo USMVMC “Hawk” Big Ed Stricklin Jim “Cadillac” Saville Terry Lanis “Gunslinger” Brent Casey (Turn 3) Crystal Al Kropat (Der Krieger MC) Allan Hippler “Evil” Dennis Riggs Sean Gerovitz Kenny Weingart “Debaldone” “Moon” Doug Knowles Bill Snedden In loving memory of Bernie, Chrissy, Clay, Big Ed, Bob Amchir, Animal, Ricky, Pervert, Roger-Kenny & Pauly 1%’ers, Mojo, Vinny Margotta, Poppy, Gunslinger, “Louie”, Davida, Debaldone & Irene Powell Glyn “Blue” Joy Leathernecks MC Marc Izquierdo Page 39 STILL A DISGRACE!! BY David DiCrescenzo (Editor: Almost two years later and nothing has changed. All of the same cheaters are in place, the machines are still rigged, and everything is ready for the continued screwing of America. Right after the last election and what I witnessed, along with several dozen other Patriots at the SOE’s in Palm Beach County and St. Lucie County, I had something to say about the issue of voter fraud and its effect, if only on one race that I was following in So. Florida. That race was just one incidence, (albeit huge) in one race, in one area. However, in spite of the left’s insistence that such fraud doesn’t exist or isn’t widespread, the facts and numbers speak for themselves in every area of the country. Sadly, and as always this issue got the normal treatment right after the smoke cleared and ever since that time, as not a whole lot was said or done about it... until now, just a handful of weeks before the all-important mid-term elections, when it is too late to do anything about what will surely happen in November. Will there be enough of a voter surge to over-come the expected fraud? Time will tell, but a quick review of election-day history says not a chance. Just look at what is blatantly happening in Georgia as I write this today! And look at what came to my attention just before going to press. According to Fox News: “A handful of tight races in states with quirky election laws make for the possibility that Election Day will come and go without deciding which party controls the Senate. If that happens, brace for a fierce runoff election and possible recounts that could make for an ugly holiday season in politics and government. The main reason for uncertainty: Louisiana’s election laws. Strategists in both parties say a Dec. 6 runoff is likely because Democratic Sen. Mary Landrieu and top Republican challenger Bill Cassidy will struggle to exceed 50 percent on the crowded Nov. 4 ballot.” Where else is this going on unreported? Suffice it to say, things are going to get very ugly. The bottom line is that apparently not enough people have been hurt sufficiently or are angry enough to really do anything about it yet. Sure, there are groups like ‘True the Vote’ that are and have been doing their best on this issue, and it gets talked about in conservative circles; but no one in authority that really can do anything ever will. By the way, here’s why they won’t... Due to a largely unknown agreement known as the ‘Consent Decree,’ which was initiated in 1982, fraud is essentially the law of the land... at least in the political realm. Here is a brief synopsis from ‘Red State’ of what that decree is and does, and why: “In 1982, Democrats alleged Republicans were attempting to intimidate minority voters in NJ. As a result, legal action somehow forced the RNC to agree to a Consent Decree before a Democrat judge, instead of fighting the claims. A specific section has been used for 30 years to stop Republicans from any challenge to evidence of voter fraud in voting locations with “racial or ethnic populations.” Attorney James Bopp (James Madison Center) said “It prevents the RNC from working with state parties in conducting voter integrity activities. It has been used by the DNC to harass the leadership of the RNC with false allegations of violations of the consent decree.” Bopp said the agreement, even recently with reports of rampant countrywide fraud, prevents the RNC from doing any anti-voter fraud activity on Election Day. Used by the DNC to harass the RNC with false allegations of violations of the Consent Decree, risk of possible election tampering was certain. Additionally, and this is probably the most important sentence in my article, “This agreement gives a carte blanche to the DNC to commit vote fraud in every voting district across America per the Consent Decree, with a substantial proportion of ‘racial or ethnic LUFQ populations’. Read that again and again until it sinks in! The RNC decided in its wisdom to essentially pre-exonerate the DNC even when they are caught red-handed committing voter fraud. I don’t care what your party affiliation might be, or even if you don’t have one; if that doesn’t anger you to some sort of corrective action, they have successfully lulled you into a complete, bought and paid for stupor, and you can kiss your own integrity, if you have any left, along with our country, good-bye. Said another way; you, me, us; We the People, of every faith, creed, ethnicity, gender... it doesn’t matter, we’ve been completely sold out by the parties and the government at every level, and it is up to us to band together to do something about it. It may very well be too late already, but if enough of us don’t make a stand now and at least try, we will have to look our children and grandchildren in the face and say “I’m sorry, I knew this was coming, but I was too afraid/lazy/stupid/uncaring/busy/fill in the blank, to do anything about it.” The only way to stop this issue, if it is to happen at all, is for all of the splintered conservative groups to unite and put aside their differences and form a cohesive force to gather the evidence, and then bring about civil law suits. The decree prevents the RNC, who again willingly said screw the people when they signed it; but it does not prevent We the People from doing what they won’t. One way to fix the voter registration and eligibility system that I am a strong proponent of is to have a company like American Express or Master Card develop and maintain a voter registration and eligibility program. Let’s face it, love them or hate them, the credit card companies, (some mistakes aside) generally know how keep excellent track of things. Naturally, even that would have to be monitored due to corrupting corporate interests. But I believe you get my point. Clearly, allowing the current corruptible, partisan, or even bi-partisan administration of the voter system to continue is a failed concept. • Link #1 index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=570:thepatriots-press-what-a-disgrace&catid=37:op-ed&Itemid=186 • Link #2 • Link #3 • Link #4 obvious-voter-fraud-spawned-by-consent-decree/ “The South Florida Biker’s Bible Since 1999 - Pray for Dave!!! Respectfully, David DiCrescenzo Publisher, The Patriots Press, LLC 15 Years - November 2014 • Issue #181 • Page 40 Trackside with Chuck The first stop on my racing series for October was Palm Beach International for their Sunday ‘no times posted race’. If you wanted a time slip it would cost you a buck each pass to receive one, this way nobody knows how fast the car’s are running in case of grudge, betting, or bragging rights. As usual all different classes were on hand to get in some racing. Jr’s to dragsters and all in between. The weather was great with no major incidents, the beer was cold, food was great. All in all a good time at the track. Go to and check out the up coming events in November which includes the Dick Moroso 5 Day Bracket Event and Thanksgiving Weekend Citrus Nationals which will have a $25,000 dollar pro mod shootout. That will be a wild weekend of racing. Then I was off to South Georgia Motorsports Park in Adel, Georgia to shoot a huge event called ‘The No Mercy Race’ in which I was granted clearance to capture it up close for the first time thanks to the Promoter, Duck X Productions. This race is dubbed the “World’s Largest Small Tire Race” with cars running 10 and 12 inch rear tires and teams flock from everywhere to attend this event. The one major rule at this race is no wheelie bar’s on the cars so imagine running 660 feet in 4 seconds at close to 190 mph on their back bumpers. Hell they had cars on two, three, even all four wheels off the ground at some points. I had to back away from the wall while cars were heading right at me more than once. Bouncing off the wall and each other over the center line doing 360’s and not hitting anything, and nitrous explosions... yep had that too... cars blowing their hoods off. You have to be there to imagine the power these racers are producing. It is wild! I can’t wait until February for the ‘Lights Out’ race there!!! Check out Duck X Productions on Facebook or on the Web. Next up... time to get my 1/4 mile racing fix so I ended up at Orlando Speed World Dragway for their once a year event named ‘The World Street Nationals’. Another first for me was getting media clearance. Thanks to track manager Wade Rich for letting me capture photos on the line. This race brings out the 1/4 mile big guns opting for their piece of a $100,000 dollar payout. And yes this race you can have wheelie bar’s or slappers, as some people still call em’ and trust me... a lot of cars needed them. There are all different fields, from bikes to pro mods... some going 220+. A great event. The parking lot was overflowing with stands packed all weekend. There was one very scary misfortune when a car got out of the groove and hit the right wall then shot across the track in front of the other car and t-boned I know I’m gonna the left wall in a ball of fire. drop this damn cake... Thank God nobody was hurt and walked away! Check out for more info. Their next event is the ‘Night of Fire’ on November 15th. All the jet cars will be coming down!!! Finally, I want to wish a very Happy 67th Birthday to Pervert (Mystic 7 MC). I had a great time at your party at the Sports Barn. Killer Chuck In loving memory of Bernie, Chrissy, Clay, Big Ed, Bob Amchir, Animal, Ricky, Pervert, Roger-Kenny & Pauly 1%’ers, Mojo, Vinny Margotta, Poppy, Gunslinger, “Louie”, Davida, Debaldone & Irene Powell Page 41 Miami Mike continues from page 7 home with a full bottle... Another nice SE ABATE party... and it didn’t even rain! We attended Mickey’s Tiki Halloween party. Bad Boy Drew’s new band, “Roses are Red” was rocking on the outside stage. They were all dressed up in their Halloween best... and they sure were scary. (I’m kiddin’) Drew finally got a band that is really great.. but WAIT!!!... Drew told me he already has a change which by the time you read this should be in effect. Inside, Alan and a bunch of his Halloween helpers (named Alan’s Halloween Helpers, LLC.) tossed all sorts of Halloween spider webs, pumpkins, and scary Roses are Red monsters all around. The party was very good and everyone had a great time. Just before going to press Chef Joel covered Flossies Halloween party for me since I was stuck in the office. He said it was a great party and was really glad he went. By Saturday at 7PM I was finished with the mag except for the end of this article. The Wheels of Man MC Halloween party was on my bucket list. Upon arriving I saw the club had put up an actual Haunted House and it was awesome! Now that’s a first. Free food (but no hot dog machine) cold drinks and many great costumes (Brail & Chip don’t need one) made this a funny night... and we all can use that. Next month we’ll have a few more Halloween photos and the Alternative MC’s 20th Anniversary plus... November has a lot of parties so check out the calendar of events on page 33 and look at the flyers and bar ads... although Candy’s party at the Sports Barn, and the Cagney’s Monsters of Rock Concert looks extra intresting, plus Heaven Cycle’s 37th Anniversary with 37 FREE KEGS of BEER, at a new location, is a terrific event. (pg 9 & 33). There is plenty to do so get on your scoot, (make sure your kickstand is secure) attend all the events you can, keep your Wheels on the Road and... Have a Happy Thanksgiving! LUFQ “The South Florida Biker’s Bible Since 1999 - Pray for Dave!!! 15 Years - November 2014 • Issue #181 • Page 42 To donate money for the Toy Run kids bikes or To Join CCR... or for any other information call 954-448-2121 See us on Facebook at Children’s Charity Riders Get in line!!! It fractured Gabe’s ankle In loving memory of Bernie, Chrissy, Clay, Big Ed, Bob Amchir, Animal, Ricky, Pervert, Roger-Kenny & Pauly 1%’ers, Mojo, Vinny Margotta, Poppy, Gunslinger, “Louie”, Davida, Debaldone & Irene Powell Page 43 LUFQ “The South Florida Biker’s Bible Since 1999 - Pray for Dave!!! 15 Years - November 2014 • Issue #181 • Page 44 In loving memory of Bernie, Chrissy, Clay, Big Ed, Bob Amchir, Animal, Ricky, Pervert, Roger-Kenny & Pauly 1%’ers, Mojo, Vinny Margotta, Poppy, Gunslinger, “Louie”, Davida, Debaldone & Irene Powell Page 45 LUFQ “The South Florida Biker’s Bible Since 1999 - Pray for Dave!!! 15 Years - November 2014 • Issue #181 • Page 46 Having t-shirt trouble... In loving memory of Bernie, Chrissy, Clay, Big Ed, Bob Amchir, Animal, Ricky, Pervert, Roger-Kenny & Pauly 1%’ers, Mojo, Vinny Margotta, Poppy, Gunslinger, “Louie”, Davida, Debaldone & Irene Powell Page 47 LUFQ “The South Florida Biker’s Bible Since 1999 - Pray for Dave!!! 15 Years - November 2014 • Issue #181 • Page 48
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