our friend dave carter is still not doing well
our friend dave carter is still not doing well
April 2014 • Issue 174 • Still $3 bucks Standing Up For Our 2nd Amendment Rights! Published by a South Florida Moto-Journalist - Since 1971 - CONTRIBUTORS: Al De Maio, Axman, Bars, Chef Joel, Chuck Lehmann, Cookie Dee, Dave DiCrescenzo, Doob, Doug Scofield, Freddy J (A1 Promo), Gabriel Carrera, Jerry Breen, Killer Chuck, Michele Koscielniak, MM, Ronnie C, Sharon, Stormy, Tattoo Dave, Willie Woo, Coco Puff & me... ...Mickey Bear!! OUR FRIEND DAVE CARTER IS STILL NOT DOING WELL - READ ABOUT DAVE ON PAGE 12 Piggin’ out at Delora’s birthday party Smiles Ride Smiles Ride Keltics MC Hermandad MC Flossies St. Pattys Chesters (Sunrise) 1st Anniversary Peterson’s 60th Anniversary & Phil’s Birthday In loving memory of Bernie, Chrissy, Clay, Big Ed, Bob Amchir, Animal, Ricky, Pervert, Roger-Kenny & Pauly 1%’ers, Mojo, Vinny Margotta, Poppy, Gunslinger, “Louie” & Davida 14 Years - April 2014 • Issue #174 • Page 1 LUFQ “The South Florida Biker’s Bible Since 1999 - Pray for Dave!!! 14 Years - April 2014 • Issue #174 • Page 2 In loving memory of Bernie, Chrissy, Clay, Big Ed, Bob Amchir, Animal, Ricky, Pervert, Roger-Kenny & Pauly 1%’ers, Mojo, Vinny Margotta, Poppy, Gunslinger, “Louie” & Davida 14 Years - April 2014 • Issue #174 • Page 3 LUFQ “The South Florida Biker’s Bible Since 1999 - Pray for Dave!!! 14 Years - April 2014 • Issue #174 • Page 4 In loving memory of Bernie, Chrissy, Clay, Big Ed, Bob Amchir, Animal, Ricky, Pervert, Roger-Kenny & Pauly 1%’ers, Mojo, Vinny Margotta, Poppy, Gunslinger, “Louie” & Davida 14 Years - April 2014 • Issue #174 • Page 5 LUFQ “The South Florida Biker’s Bible Since 1999 - Pray for Dave!!! 14 Years - April 2014 • Issue #174 • Page 6 Around So Fla Peterson’s North by Miami Mike, Publisher MiamiMike@wheelsontheroad.com There was a lot going on during March besides Daytona Bike Week. I haven’t been up there since 1998 and I don’t miss the crowds, although this year the turnout was only about 400,000... down from a projected turnout of 1.2 million, which I don’t think would ever happen. The few people I talked to, plus Gabe and Axman, said it was not a great party but people could pretty much ride anywhere quickly and get a drink a lot faster. (That sounds like a good thing to me anyway) The first 4 days had the usual cold and wet weather but the last 6 days turned into perfect Florida weather. Daytona Beach Police Chief Mike Chitwood said that arrests for drunk and disorderly conduct were few, and only a few motorcycles were reported stolen. By the last day of Bike Week there were unfortunately four fatal motorcycle accidents. Leesburg is coming up the end of April so those of you who are attending need to be aware that the police are looking hard at bikers who are riding stupid (or drunk). So make sure you don’t get arrested... or killed. Being dead is not a good thing, and neither is going to jail for DUI.. but you can ride and drink again when you get out of jail. I did attend a few events during the month. Peterson’s Harley-Davidson is celebrating their 60th Anniversary all year long and the party started at both stores. The crowds were pretty good at both locations. They offered food, music and lots of special deals through the stores. At the North store they also celebrated Mr. P’s birthday with a large cake. Phil was able to attend as did his wife Charlie and they both seemed to enjoy being the celebrities that they are. Congrats to the whole Peterson Family on being “our family” for the last 60 years. I met EB Chester, owner of Chesters Harley during the 1 year Anniversary of Chester’s Ft. Laud. Harley on the evening of March 7th. I wish Mr. P. could meet EB because they seem to be made from the same mold. I only talked to EB for a few minutes and found him to be a real down to earth guy. The party at Chesters was off the wall... not a huge crowd but a happy one, especially when EB and Joel started “shooting” t-shirts into the crowd. Congrats to Chester’s on their 1st Florida Anniversary. I know you will have many more. I rode over to Cagney’s for a memorial event for Steve Lambach, who was a bartender at Mr. P & Charlie EB Chester Chester’s Eddie G Miami Mike continues on page 50 In loving memory of Bernie, Chrissy, Clay, Big Ed, Bob Amchir, Animal, Ricky, Pervert, Roger-Kenny & Pauly 1%’ers, Mojo, Vinny Margotta, Poppy, Gunslinger, “Louie” & Davida 14 Years - April 2014 • Issue #174 • Page 7 RIDING, DOWN SOUTH “In Loving Memory of My Dad” By Axman... Axman@wheelsontheroad.com Last month was a busy one for me. I attended and took photos at four different weddings. All of them were beautiful affairs with stunning looking brides and grooms, great food, a lot of people and awesome venues. The best thing was that I got paid for three out of the four. I truly enjoy covering all the bike events and to create memories for you. However, it gives me even more pleasure to capture your special moments. On Sunday (02/23) I had the honor to attend and to shoot Dan (DWB MC) & Alicia’s wedding which took place at the Orange Brook Country Club in Hollywood. This was a very great place. Everything was nicely decorated. Alicia looked amazing. Even Dan had cleaned up pretty well. I usually only see him in his biker gear sporting the Dirty White Boys LUFQ “The South Florida Biker’s Bible Since 1999 - Pray for Dave!!! Heaven Cycle Steve & Road Rage Jorge 14 Years - April 2014 • Issue #174 • Page 8 MC patch on his vest. About sixty to seventy guests had gathered to watch the ceremony which was held by Reverent (also DWB member) and to enjoy the party thereafter. I have to admit that Reverent did a mighty fine job. The ceremony was heartfelt, short and sweet and everybody enjoyed the food and the actual party. Congratulations again to Dan & Alisha. Thank you very much for the opportunity to be part of your “Big Day”. On Sunday (03/02) I had two events on my schedule. Peterson’s Harley-Davidson celebrated their 60th Anniversary of serving the South Florida Biker Community. A little further down south the Hermandad MC held their Annual at the Booby Trap in Doral. Both were events I did not want to miss. I rode over to the Peterson’s North Store first. Along with their 60th Anniversary they also celebrated Mr. P’s Birthday. I arrived just in time when the birthday cake was Axman continues on page 12 In loving memory of Bernie, Chrissy, Clay, Big Ed, Bob Amchir, Animal, Ricky, Pervert, Roger-Kenny & Pauly 1%’ers, Mojo, Vinny Margotta, Poppy, Gunslinger, “Louie” & Davida 14 Years - April 2014 • Issue #174 • Page 9 PRICES EFFECTIVE JAN 2013 AD RATES Prices may change without prior notice - WOTR Accepts All Major Credit Cards Ads must be paid in full before the 16th to be included in WOTR. Payments received after the 16th will be printed in the following issue. All advertisers must have a valid credit card on file which will be run in the event of a bad check, plus a minimum $25 bank service charge or as allowed under Florida statues. Please note: Because of differences in computer monitors and printers, ad colors can not be guaranteed unless a color proof is supplied by the advertiser. Although the printer will try for an exact match, no discount or refund will be made for color differences in the proof and printed ad in WOTR. For new ads, ad changes & specs contact: Miami Mike, Publisher Wheels on the Road Magazine (New Address) 10563 NW 53 Street Sunrise, Florida 33351 Ph. 954-578-2900 • (Call 1st to fax) miamimike@wheelsontheroad.com www.wheelsontheroad.com COST PER MONTH/ISSUE B&W Full Page $500 1/2 Pg - $300 • 1/3 Pg - $255 1/4 pg - $195 • 1/5 pg - $145 1/6 pg - $120 • 1/8 pg - $95 Biz Card - $50 • Mini Card - $30 3 Line Biz Listing (6 months $85) Full Color full centerfold /side $800 Full Color full back cover $850 Full Color full page inside covers $750 Full Page Color (other) $650 1/2 Pg - $365 • 1/3 Pg - $315 1/4 pg - $235 • 1/5 pg - $175 Smaller color sizes may be available (call 1st) 10% B&W discount 3 months pay at a time. 8% Color discount 3 months pay at a time. (20% Discount for M/C’s & Charities) Call or email for ad specs before designing ad. Deadline is the 16th of the month WOTR Ad Reps Miami Mike • Sharon Chef Joel • Freddy (A1 Productions) SUBSCRIPTION RATES $39.95 - You get 2 issues per month sent standard mail 2-5 days $60.00 - First Class (1-2 days) LUFQ Pick up WOTR at most advertisers Where it's at! ADVERTISER LISTINGS PG # 16th Annual Rock N’ Roll Sunday, May 18... 53 19th Annual So Fla Tattoo Expo, August 8-10, 11 Benefit Poker Run for Chris Mansell, April 13th... 52 Cagney’s 5th Anniversary, April 11, 12 & 13... 27 & 53 CMA Easter Biker Service, April 20... 34 Flossies Tuesday Nite Jam... 15 Mystic 7 Off Annual & Mojo’s Memory Party, April 12.. 35 Outcast MC 12th Annual Party, April 19th... 34 Palm Beach Harley Upcoming Special Events... 50 Pauly 1%er’s 2nd Anniversary Memorial, April 13th... 45 Saddletime Mike Poker Run/Chili Cook Off April 6... 53 Southern MC Annual, May 4th... 34 States MC 48th Annual Bash April 6... 34 Third Tradition Bad Dance 2014, April 12... 34 Wings of Gold MC Miami Annual, May 18th... 26 A1PromotionsGroup.com... 37 A+ American Exterminating (Les will kill your bugs)... 30 Acupuncture Care by George Lenkowitz... 40 AC Repair by Brail (WOM MC)... 40 Airbrush Art by Angelo... 40 All American Cycle... 11 Allen Babcock Dog & Cat Rescue... 40 A Touch of Class Cleaning Service by Frank... 38 Awesome Detail by Rick... 30 Axman Pictures (axmanpictures.com)... 8 Big Bike Riders Children’s Foundation... 14 Bodies in Motion of South Florida (Ms Axman)... 42 Boog N Geez Biker Jewelry... 31 Broward Auto Repair (Great work & prices in Sunrise)... 39 Bungee Bitch Strap (Did you get yours yet??)... 30 Cafe’ 27... 8 Cagney’s House of Rock (The BEST live music around!)... 27 Candy’s Cycle Shop... 17 Chester’s Ft Laud. Harley-Davidson in Sunrise... Back Cover Children’s Charity Riders... 19 Chit Chat’s... (Mystic 7 MC Off Annual April 12)... 6 Christian Motorcyclist Association (CMA)... 40 Chrome Glow (Motorcycle lighting & more)... Centerfold Competition Cycle Center ... 6 Cosmic Hog Pen... 40 Cycle Lab... 9 Cycles in Time... 30 D-N-D Automotive (another honest mechanic)... 23 Dads of Florida... 40 Delray Cycle... 16 Devil Dog Motorcycle Repairs... 50 Diamondhead Studio Jewelers (and mailing center)... 21 Dixie Cycle... 5 DOCS' Cycle... 31 Dolphin Bail Bonds (When you get thrown in jail)... 11 Dorinda - The Weight Is Over... 46 Dr’s Joe Gorfien DDS & Henry Jacobsohn DMD... 40 Dynasty Cycles (celebrating 15 yrs in business)... 13 Electrik Krayon Tattoo Studio... 46 Enforcers MC (Bike nites & membership info)... 40 Flossies Bar & Grill (Tuesday Music Jam)... 32 & 15 Free Milwaukee Jack 1%er... 39 GF1 Floor Coatings (see Jerry’s work at Peterson’s N.)... 46 Harley-Davidson of Miami, North & South Stores... 2 Harley-Davidson of Palm Beach... Centerfold Harris Affordable Roofing... 18 Heaven Cycle... 12 Hermandad MC... 40 Hollywood Chrysler Jeep... 40 Homes for Loving Pets (Get a little pisser like Coco)... 41 Independence Arms (See Barbara for great deals)... 40 Indian Motorcycles of Pompano... 3 J.D. Custom Detail (Miami Mike’s detailer)... 15 Lakes Bookkeeping Service, LLC... 40 Leathernecks MC, Jason Dunham Chapter... 46 Leather Repair (Lauren does great work!)... 44 Leslie Kay Insurance... 5 Lock N Roll Locksmith... 40 “The South Florida Biker’s Bible Since 1999 - Pray for Dave!!! Lone Legion Brotherhood Open House... 46 M.A.R.S. Auto Performance (MM’s mechanic)... 38 Michele Koscielniak CPA, LLC... 18 Modified Engine Rebuilders (New ad)... 52 Motorcycle Training Institute (Get Legal)... 31 Nam Knights MC... 20 New Attitudes MC... 39 Nita “Stormy” Ipsale (insurance agent)... 38 North Broward Insurance Solutions... 18 O’Malley’s Sports Bar & Grill (new advertiser)... 31 O’Meara’s Irish Pub (Lisa’s here 2 Fridays!)... 32 Pop-A-Lock... 40 Pops Custom Cycle (Quality Work - Great Prices)... 43 Prism Music... 47 Revere Indoor Gun Range... 40 Saints Motorcycle Ministry... 40 Sharkey’s Blvd Lounge... 51 Soldiers for Jesus MC... 34 & 40 South Florida Trailer Rentals... 43 Sunrise Tactical Supply (A+++ gunshop in Sunrise... 40 & 42 The Biker Shop (Gabe Carrera’s mechanic)... 27 The Law Offices of Christopher Kelly... 44 The Law Offices of Demetrios Kirkiles... 30 The Law Offices of Gabriel Jose Carrera, P.A... 25 & 38 The Law Offices of James S. Robertson III... 44 The Law Offices of Welt & Rheaume... 4 & 43 The Printers Printer (the WOTR printer)... 47 Transplant Foundation, Inc and Organ Donor Card... 18 Treasure Coast Harley-Davidson... 55 Turn 3 Sports Bar... (Mon Jam night with Stet)... 32 US Military Vets MC Ft. Laud. Open House... 20 V-Twin City (Like them on Facebook)... 54 Wings of Gold MC Members Wanted... 11 Articles and Information • Ad Rates & 1st Class Subscriptions ($45-$60/yr)... • Biker Friendly Shops & Businesses / Classifieds... • In Memory - G.B.N.F... • In Memory of Our Best Friends... • Local Band Listings (RENEW just $35 a YEAR!)... • 2014 Calendars & Monthly Events... • VIP FRIENDS of WOTR / Support WOTR in 2014... • Animal Adoption & Rescue Services... • Dave Carter Update... A Letter to Mr. Obama... In Memory of “Cobra” from Joe Cool... ABATE Update by Bars... Axman - Riding, Down South (In Memory of my Dad)... Chef Joel, On Special Assignment... Chuck on the Right Side... David DiCrescenzo, The Patriots Press... Doob, Costa Rican Retirement... Doug Scofield, Good News... Al’s In!... (Ella’s out)... Freddy’s A1 Bars & Bands... Gabriel Carrera, We the People!... Jerry Breen, (political cartoons & stuff)... Killer Chuck, Trackside with Chuck... Miami Mike, Around SoFla... Michele Koscielniak, Tax Talk... Ronnie C, A Word from Ronnie C... Stormy’s Rider Rhymes... Q LUF Tattoo Dave Amchir, SFPC Now... Ummm Good Cookin’ with Cookie (Dee)... Woo’s View’s... 10 39 47 41 47 33 14 41 12 21 52 16 8 22 19 20 17 22 44 36 24 51 48 7 18 14 38 11 46 41 The complete contents of "Wheels on the Road" is copyrighted ©2014 and use of any content is permitted only with written consent of the publisher, Miami Mike. Advertisers must NOT discriminate against bikers who wear “colors” or their ad will be pulled. Ads must conform to legal guidelines as to the use of logos and other copyrighted artwork or merchandise, especially the use of the Harley-Davidson Bar & Shield or similar designs. You will be notified if changes are required. In the event an ad has been paid for but is not printed for any reason, our liability is limited only to what you have paid. The advertiser has the responsibility of proofing all ads which will be either faxed or emailed before being printed in WOTR. Color matching is not 100% accurate or guaranteed and no refunds will be given for incorrect colors. All ads, photographs and stories will be considered copyrighted by this publication however, the individual photographers and writers will retain all legal rights. Opinions expressed by the writers are their own and may or may not express the views of the publisher. WOTR e-mail should be addressed to: miamimike@wheelsontheroad.com. Snail mail should be sent to: Wheels on the Road Magazine, 10563 NW 53 Street, Sunrise, Florida 33351. Send postage if you want your stuff returned. Printed in the USA by The Printers Printer, Pompano Beach, Florida 33069 © 2013 All Rights Reserved - Wheels on the Road Magazine & Website 14 Years - April 2014 • Issue #174 • Page 10 SFPC NOW! by “Tattoo Dave” Amchir Dave@wheelsontheroad.com National President, Wings of Gold MC Director, SFPC Toys in the Sun Run Preparations for this year’s Toys in the Sun Run are underway. This year’s toy run date is December 7th, Pearl Harbor Day. We will have full military honors with a 21 gun salute recognizing our men and woman in uniform; past, present and the freedom of our country. I had a very positive meeting with E.B. Chester, owner of Chesters Harley-Davidson and they definitely are going to step up and come on board to help us achieve bigger entertainment for this great event. Presently, we are working on securing ZZ Top or Santana as our main classic rock headliner. We realize the power of radio alone is not enough in today’s society so we will capitalize using social media in every way possible to advertise this event throughout the United States. This years toy run logo and artwork is finished and has been uploaded to the toyrun website so please check it out at www.toysinthesunrun.com or visit us on facebook. Also, preparations for this year’s 19th Annual South Florida Tattoo Expo is also underway. The dates for the event are August 8th, 9th and 10th at the Coral Springs Marriott hotel. You can make your room reservations now by calling the hotel directly at 954-753-5598. Make sure to mention the Tattoo Expo for the special rate. The new artwork logo is also up on the expo website as well as information on vendor and artist booths. Please visit the site at www.floridatattooexpo.com or visit us on Facebook. Please remember if you are planning to stay in the hotel to party and enjoy the festivities, please make reservations soon as the hotel will sell out before the event. We will also be adding a bike show in conjunction with the car show on Sunday August 10th. For more information on the car and bike show you can contact Steve from the Cruisers of South Florida at 954-806-9000. Also please remember to support the South Florida Presidents Council of Motorcycle Clubs and Associations upcoming annuals and parties by checking out the SFPC calendar of events for months and dates, as well as their fliers advertising the event in Wheels on the Road. Till next month be cool, Dave In loving memory of Bernie, Chrissy, Clay, Big Ed, Bob Amchir, Animal, Ricky, Pervert, Roger-Kenny & Pauly 1%’ers, Mojo, Vinny Margotta, Poppy, Gunslinger, “Louie” & Davida 14 Years - April 2014 • Issue #174 • Page 11 THE DAVE CARTER UPDATE!!! Dave’s condition has not improved. Lisa and Chelsea appreciate all the support they are getting from the community. Lisa is taking time off and Chelsea is working at Play By Play - stop in and say hi. Dave’s Prayer service has been moved to the American Legion Post 142 in Pompano, Sunday morning at 10:30 until Dave wakes up. Jerry, from the WindRider Church, conducts the services. Keep Dave in your thoughts and prayers. Miracles can and do happen. Miami Mike I’m not doing well, keep praying. Axman continues from page 9 about to be cut. It was great to see Mr. and Mrs. Peterson. They both looked really great. Vendors displayed their goodies, free demo rides were offered. I would have loved to take a test ride on a 2014 Street Glide, but unfortunately I was in a rush to get over to cover the Hermandad event. Besides this, I could not afford a new scoot anyway. I just stayed for a little while longer to watch ‘Hipnosis’ perform. I liked them a lot and I will have to make sure I catch another one of their gigs very soon. By the time I arrived at the Booby Trap the party was in full swing. It was a very hot day and the majority of the people enjoyed the air-conditioned environment, cold drinks and hot babes that were showing off their talents. As I always say, boobies and beer go very well together. Everybody was hanging out for a long time. On behalf of Bigote and his men I would like to thank everybody that came out in support of their Annual. On Thursday (03/06) my wife and I started our mini vacation. It was a road trip to Rock LUFQ Hill, SC to attend my wife’s cousin’s Elyse and Arturo’s wedding. We had planned to take our bikes but the weather was absolutely shitty that day. Not only was it raining cats and dogs, the winds were also very strong. The weather forecast for the greater Rock Hill area did call for temperature in the thirties and lower forties. Therefore we decided to “cage” it. I did not regret the decision one bit on our way to Jacksonville. However, the remaining days I was really ticked off that we did not take our bikes as the weather was absolutely perfect for riding. It was very nice spending some time with our friends Kevin & Debbie. It was a great opportunity to catch up with them and to relax. We stayed with them on Thursday and Friday and Kevin prepared some great dinners both nights. On Saturday (03/ 08) we loaded up the car and drove up to Rock Hill, SC where our hotel was located. All our extended family was booked in the same hotel. This was a very nice experience to have everybody at the same place. Some of the family members we had not seen in a very long time. Rachel and Jeff are “The South Florida Biker’s Bible Since 1999 - Pray for Dave!!! 14 Years - April 2014 • Issue #174 • Page 12 living in St. It was dead at the Iron Horse... Louis, MO. They have two kids that we had only seen in photos. Same goes for the kids of Evan and Becca from Chattanooga, TN. We had never met their youngest daughter, Lulu, who was absolutely adorable. Annie and her boyfriend Dan came in from Boston. On Friday night a big reception was held at a banquet hall in Charlotte, NC. We had a lot of fun. The following morning our entire family had breakfast in the hotel. Since the actual wedding was not until 4pm that afternoon a bunch of us went to Charlotte, NC ( about 30 miles from our hotel ) to wander around downtown. It is a very pretty and clean city. We managed to find an Irish Pub where we had the best Bloody A lonely Mary’s (served with a bartender huge blackened at Bike shrimp). The actual Week wedding was a very beautiful and a classy affair. It was an outside wedding and the weather cooperated very nicely. We partied into the early hours. Congratulations Arturo & Elyse. The following morning (03/10) we had another great family breakfast and around 11am we got into our car to head back to Jacksonville. We stopped for a great lunch in the historic part of Savannah. We found a really cool restaurant right on the water overlooking the entrance to the port of Savannah. Right about when they were serving our food a huge container ship passed by. (This reminded me I would have to report back to work in two days.) We ordered another drink and then motored to Jacksonville where Kevin & Debbie had prepared another great meal. We like “Hotel Kevin & Debbie” a lot as they always serve great food, plenty of cold drinks and a piece of chocolate on the pillow cases each night. Guys, thank you very much for your hospitality. The following day we headed home but we made quick pit stops at Axman continues on page 42 In loving memory of Bernie, Chrissy, Clay, Big Ed, Bob Amchir, Animal, Ricky, Pervert, Roger-Kenny & Pauly 1%’ers, Mojo, Vinny Margotta, Poppy, Gunslinger, “Louie” & Davida 14 Years - April 2014 • Issue #174 • Page 13 BECOME A 2014 VIP If you enjoy WOTR then open up your almost empty wallet and send whatever cash you have left to help support WOTR. Email or go online to the website & become a 2014 VIP or mail a check or money order to: Wheels on the Road Magazine 10563 NW 53rd Street Sunrise, Florida 33351 New VIP’s Receive a nice WOTR VIP patch. Donations of $100 or more receives a free “Larry Light”. Google Your generous to see how donations will cool Larry help to keep Lights are! your Wheels on the Road in 2014. $1000 DOUBLE PLATINUM VIP FRIENDS Big Bike Riders Children’s Foundation The Attorney That Rides (Gabe Carerra), Ft. Laud • $500 PLATINUM VIP FRIENDS • $500 MOTORCYCLE CLUBS & ORGANIZATIONS Lone Legion Brotherhood MC - Boynton Beach • $400 GOLD PLUS VIP FRIENDS • $200 GOLD PLUS VIP FRIENDS Jimmy Les, Davie • $150 GOLD EXTRA VIP FRIENDS Dave the Kid, in Memory of Dumas Trinity Travelers Ch 242, Plantation ($225) • $100 GOLD VIP FRIENDS Angel Dency, Margate George Lenkowitz, Pompano Bch Keith Smith, Miami Gardens Laura Weiner (Pink) Ft. Lauderdale A Word from Ronnie Chief by Ronnie Catronio RonnieC@wheelsontheroad.com Chairman / Executive Director of BBRCF SMILES Ride 4 Kids will go in the history books It was tough decision, but it had to be made. I will not produce a 8th Annual Smiles Ride in 2015 at BBRCF. However, there may be an alternative event but it is way too premature to even think of right now. After seven years and over 2500 bikes, over 8000 who attended and nearly $100,000.00 donated to Chris Evert Children’s Hospital and the Broward Health District, it comes to an end. We select our date each year in April for the upcoming year, and advertise in print and mail-outs for most of that time so hopefully no other event will coinside with ours. Unfortunately for our Smiles Ride and Chris Evert Children’s Hospital, this year there were 3 other local events that made it impossible to get a good turnout as we had in previous years. Ultimately, there is only so much time in the day and money in our wallets to attend every event. The logistics to plan and execute our Smiles Ride is enormous and takes many people and man hours to do. I am very grateful for the group of wonderful folks who over the years gave of their time, effort and ambition without hesitation. You know who you are. To you I say “Thanks” and am very proud to have been associated with you. Going back to my days at Ft. Lauderdale HOG in 1999, to today in 2014 with BBRCF, it has been a great ride. My wife Maryann has stood by me through all of it. I took time away from family, my job and business’ and I permitted these activities to dominate my life for the last 15 years. I cannot and will not let it do that over the next 15 years. It’s time to focus on our future and our grandchildren. Will I assume a lesser roles for activities? Yes. But I will not let any event, ride or activity consume my life like I have for so many years. On Tuesday, March 25th, I went through another personal letdown by others who I so boldly and without question gave of my time, knowledge, energy and expertise only to be let down and put out like last week’s trash. Now is • $75 SILVER PLUS VIP FRIENDS Klondike (Mystic 7 MC) In Memory of Mojo GBNF • $25 BRONZE VIP FRIENDS Pam Gayton / Flossies Bar, Dania Beach We thank our supporters... Miami Mike, Sharon, MickeyBear & CocoPuff IF YOU READ WOTR PLEASE CONTRIBUTE Donate online at wheelsontheroad.com Q LUF LUFQ “The South Florida Biker’s Bible Since 1999 - Pray for Dave!!! 14 Years - April 2014 • Issue #174 • Page 14 the time for me and my wife to look to our future and what it holds for us. That may even come with a relocation to another area or even another state. You know, you can only take so much. Today I begin purging those from my life that serve no real positive purpose and are poison to the soul. Be the nectar of positivity with those you know or exit their lives and do them a favor. I have always acted in good faith. At times I may have been brash but never with malice or hatred. I worked my ass off to do what was right and serve the children. I will not stop that and will continue to do so when the right opportunity presents itself to me. So let’s look to the future with great anticipation and positivity and move forward with the zeal of a crusader. God Bless and may you ride happy, healthy, safely and Always with a Smile. Ronnie C. In loving memory of Bernie, Chrissy, Clay, Big Ed, Bob Amchir, Animal, Ricky, Pervert, Roger-Kenny & Pauly 1%’ers, Mojo, Vinny Margotta, Poppy, Gunslinger, “Louie” & Davida 14 Years - April 2014 • Issue #174 • Page 15 ABATE UPDATE By Bars, SE Chapter President Bars@wheelsontheroad.com The Southeast Chapter of ABATE will be holding our monthly meeting on April 13th at the Davie Moose Lodge in Davie. The Lodge is located at 4483 SW 64th Avenue (Davie Road). We will be having the second round of nominations for the Board of Directors and trustees. If you want to run for a position you can even nominate yourself. I hope to see you all there. On Saturday and Sunday the 22nd and 23rd of February the Town of Davie held its 77th edition of the Orange Blossom Festival. The Southeast Chapter of ABATE was asked to ride in the parade and we brought 14 bikes. This was my first time going to the festival and I could not believe how big it was. There must have been about 100 vendors all selling something different for you to look at. Our Sergeant at Arms Jimmy Les was there with his 12’ x 20’ American flag to raise some money for the Southeast Chapter and he did a great job. Thanks Jimmy. If you would like him to bring out the flag and set it up for your event you can call him at 954881-6571 and ask him. I’m sure he will do it for you if he can. On Saturday night the 22nd of February the Wheels of Man MC of Deerfield Beach held their 41st Annual Poker Run at their clubhouse. When we got there I counted at least a couple of hundred bikes out front and the party was in full swing. Badboy and the Sooner or Later Band were playing the music for them. The States MC of Pompano Beach won the prize for largest club participation. The President of 95 South won the poker hand and I won the 50/50 drawing. The food was all homemade and the Shepherd’s Pie looked and tasted great as did all the deserts. As always Indian and all the Wheels put on another great party that lasted into the wee hours. The States MC of Pompano Beach is still serving dinner on Thursday nights. Rich and Sue (AKA Hitch and Trouble) will be doing the cooking. So if you don’t want to cook but rather go and have a good time I suggest you go to States and have some good food for $5.00 a plate. I for one do not miss a Thursday night dinner so come out and enjoy the food and company. On Saturday March 1st the Southeast Chapter of ABATE set up our Safety and Membership booth at the American Legion Post 180 for the American Legion Riders Biker Block Bash & BBQ. This was the first time we were at one of their parties to set up a booth. Manny and all the people from Post 180 made us feel really welcome. They had 14 vendors there. There were 2 old Jeeps and military rifles for us to look at. The music was by Sucker Punch, a country and western band and they even let our Vice-President Poppie sit in on the drums for a few songs. On Sunday March 2nd we met at the American Legion Post 321 in Cooper City for a ride to Hermandad MC for their Spring Annual at the Booby Trap in Doral. We took I-75 South to get there instead of going on the 826. I couldn’t LUFQ believe what a nice ride it was. It was nice to see all the different MC’s from Dade County partying together. Thank you to Bigote for having it there instead of going to another parking lot party. I would like to thank all of the members of the Southeast Chapter of ABATE who came out to our meeting at the Davie Moose Lodge on March 16th. Even though the meeting place was changed at the last minute we had a good turnout. We had our first round of nominations for chapter offices. After the meeting we took a ride to Café 27 for a memorial service for Terry “The Blindman” Lanius who passed away on November 25th of last year. We had about 50 people there to see his memorial plaque placed in the Bikers Memorial Garden and to support Hope and family in their time of need. Now we have one more reason to go out there for a ride. Rest in peace Terry. Remember, HERE TODAY GONE TODAY, Bars “The South Florida Biker’s Bible Since 1999 - Pray for Dave!!! 14 Years - April 2014 • Issue #174 • Page 16 CO STA RICAN RETIREMENT COSTA doob@wheelsontheroad.com The transfer to the rainy season started slowly in March with a few showers a couple of times a week. By April, afternoon rain will come every day for 8 months here in the central valley situated at 3,600 ft. Of course, other parts of C.R. have different weather patterns of less, or more rain certain times of the year. As for me, I like the sound of rain on my tin roof while getting some afternoon delight. On the biker scene, a recent club ride took us up to 10,300 ft. to a rainbow trout farm, and restaurant complex off the Pan American Highway at the so called Mountain of Death or Cerro de la Muerta that tops out at 11,300 ft. Once there, the welcoming staff hands you a bucket, fishing line with a hook, all wrapped around a cardboard paper towel holder, and worms, to cast out to catch the elusive farm raised fish. For $10 a kilo their restaurant will cook and serve it to you with side dishes included. It is all pink inside and delicious. Check out truchasselvamadre.com. After eating, the temperature dropped down to 50 deg. The cold and fog make for freezing fingers and feet until we rode down off the mountain and into the sunbathed foothills below. Back in S.J. my buddy Kabeto, of Motos California, just finished his Sportster Trike. Its the only Sporty Trike in the country... and he loves it. Pura Vida, Doob In loving memory of Bernie, Chrissy, Clay, Big Ed, Bob Amchir, Animal, Ricky, Pervert, Roger-Kenny & Pauly 1%’ers, Mojo, Vinny Margotta, Poppy, Gunslinger, “Louie” & Davida 14 Years - April 2014 • Issue #174 • Page 17 TAX TALK by Michele Koscielniak michele@wheelsontheroad.com As I write this April tax article, tomorrow is already the corporate deadline, which means less than one month before the individual tax returns are due. (Probably 2 weeks from the time you are reading this) If you have not already done so, be sure to put all your tax documents together and run over to your tax preparer. If you do need more time to file, an extension can be filed, but remember it is only an extension to file, not to pay. I always advise my clients to bring over the documents they do have so we at least have an idea of their tax situation. I believe it is better to know if you are going to owe so you can plan accordingly. Not all tax issues are technical and complicated. Just recently I ran into an issue with a potential new client that had been filing using the incorrect filing status for many years. She had been using the same tax preparer for 17 years and was not aware that she did not qualify to file as head of household since she was married and living with her husband. I realized the issue within 5 minutes of conversation. Meeting a client face to face and having just a brief conversation can be invaluable. It is easy to forget to mention some minor things in life that happened in the last 15 months. Those same items can have a significant tax impact. Now how does someone forget that they got married??? Someone else can write that article. Using the correct filing status is very important as it affects how much you pay in taxes. Your marital status on Dec. 31 is your status for the whole year. If more than one filing status applies to you, choose the one that will result in the lowest tax. Filing statuses include: Single Married Filing Jointly Married Filing Separately Head of Household Qualifying Widow(er) with Dependent Child. Do not forget that the IRS does offer free income tax filing for those who qualify. The above is to provide general information but should not be solely relied upon in the completion of your tax return or for tax planning. As with most items related to tax, there are exceptions and limitations. Please see your tax professional for assistance or call me at (561) 3721405. Michele Copy the Organ Donor Card below, fill it out and put it in your wallet. For additional info contact the Transplant Foundation, Inc. at 701 SW 27th Ave, Ste 705 Miami, FL 33135, 305-817-5645 or website (BELOW) WOTR Ronnie C LUFQ “The South Florida Biker’s Bible Since 1999 - Pray for Dave!!! 14 Years - April 2014 • Issue #174 • Page 18 CHUCK ON THE RIGHT SIDE Chuck@wheelsontheroad.com http://chuckontherightside.blogspot.com/ Nobody Asked Me, but... Photo by Mort * How can the State of New York put out ads, with a straight face, that businesses are welcome and should locate in the Empire State when they have the highest business and personal taxes in the country? * How can the liberal media get all excited about Gov. Chris Christie and his “Bridgegate” problem (with no smoking gun as of now), but practically ignore the Fast & Furious, Benghazi, I.R.S., and NSA scandals? * How can the “environmental wacko’s” continue to insist that “Fracking” for natural gas and oil is dangerous to our environment when Obama’s State Dep’t. has given its O.K. by stating that it is not a threat to our water supply or to the environment as a whole? To Join or for more information call 954-448-2121 See us on Facebook at Children’s Charity Riders check out a library book, or to collect a welfare check, without having a lawsuit filed? * How come our government wants to spend more taxpayer money (or money borrowed) than we take in in government revenue, when our national debt is already in the hole for $17.5 trillion and rising rapidly? * How can potheads (people who regularly use marijuana) continue to claim that marijuana is a benign drug when most all reputable medical studies say that it is even more dangerous (mind altering) than tobacco smoke and just as addictive? * How can the government plan to get the unemployed workers work by granting them 99 weeks of unemployment checks without any requirement that they prove that gainful employment was diligently sought, but couldn’t be found? * How can the gay community continue to claim that if they “love” someone of the same sex, that that is enough reason to scrap thousands of years of the tradition of marriage being defined as a relationship between a man and a woman? * How can schools suspend students for taking an aspirin, or for a student who brought a plastic food knife in to cut their food, but the school can distribute condoms, and offer advice to students on how to get an abortion without their parents consent? * How can some of those “barracuda” lawyers who “hawk” their legal services to citizens, on T.V. and in the press, to get on the SSI (disability) bandwagon, sleep at night knowing that most of their clients are not “really” eligible for those government benefits? * How can Jos. A. Bank, the men’s clothier, stay in business with their ad claims of buy one suit and get three “free”, when it is obvious that the one suit purchased was over-priced in the first place to make up for the other freebies? * How can the Justice Dep’t complain and bring a lawsuit against the various states that asks voters to present an I.D. in order to vote, when a person needs an I.D. to get on an airplane, cash a check, buy liquor, * How come you can get arrested for hunting or fishing if you don’t have a license, but not, in many states and cities, for entering the country illegally, and in addition giving them food stamps, housing and medical care? * How can Obama and the Democrats vilify the rich about being greedy at a $40,000 a plate fund raising event to fill up their campaign coffers. * How can the “rich” people (the top 10%) who pay almost 70% of all income taxes, be accused of not paying their “fair share” while 47% don’t pay any income taxes at all? Maybe now, somebody will ask me? Chuck In loving memory of Bernie, Chrissy, Clay, Big Ed, Bob Amchir, Animal, Ricky, Pervert, Roger-Kenny & Pauly 1%’ers, Mojo, Vinny Margotta, Poppy, Gunslinger, “Louie” & Davida 14 Years - April 2014 • Issue #174 • Page 19 “Big Gay” won’t Screw with Muslims David DiCrescenzo (Editor: www.thepatriotspress.com) My Big, Fat, Gay, Muslim Wedding! The title is composed of words that will never be spoken by anyone ever! I was sitting in my office thinking about all the recent, stepped up maneuvering and lawsuits by Big Gay with regards to forcing Christian business owners to do things against their core beliefs and principles. Specifically; regarding services provided for same sex weddings and the other faith or moral conflicting events which this will open the door to. While refusing to render such services based upon religious or personal reasons is not illegal yet for the targeted groups, it is fast becoming a front burner issue in legislative bodies across the country. A lot of people might say that it’s not just Christians or Jews that are the focus of this; however, I completely disagree and will do my best to briefly prove my case. For starters, we only hear of Christian business owners being targeted on this issue. Never have I heard of a Muslim baker, caterer, function hall manager, or any other such business being asked and/or forced to perform something they would find egregious.... nor will it ever happen! No Muslim baker will ever be forced to bake a gay wedding cake or a cake in the shape of a pig for a special event, nor will a Muslim function manager be forced to allow or serve alcohol, and never will a Muslim caterer be forced to serve non-halal foods. Examples abound! Taxi drivers in MN airports, (Link #1) the overwhelming percentage of which are Muslim, have been known to refuse fares that may be carrying alcohol or other ‘objectionable’ items, and outright refuse anyone with a service animal, (animals are considered filthy). Maybe no one remembers that Muslim cashiers in many stores do not have to touch or ring up non-halal products like pork, etc.; or how about all of those driver’s licenses that look like burkas? What about the video of a young cashier in an Australian KFC (Link #2) who apparently had a little too much coffee before his shift and got very ‘emotional’ after a customer ordered some bacon and then started recording his rant? Don’t even say it; that could happen here. For another foreign country encounter that could and will happen in the USA soon enough is this very pertinent story. A lesbian )Link #3) recently tried to get a man’s haircut at a Muslim barber shop in Canada, and that had about as much chance of flying with the management as a lead balloon. Apparently she didn’t get the memo that in Muslim societies men are generally of the opinion that women have some sort of cooties or something like that and lesbian women are a cut, (pardon the pun) below that. Suffice it to say, she was shown the door in a very unceremonious, immediate fashion. What should be obvious even to ‘coexist’ liberals without me mentioning it here is that we in America, due to political correctness and fear, wouldn’t dare attempt to force Muslim business owners to do what we are attempting to force Christian and Jewish business owners to do. Simply put, Big Gay figures it can get away with it with Christians and Jews due to their general passivity, while they know very well that Muslims, known to very often not play well with others, might very quickly resort to extreme violence against them on a wholesale level. Newsflash to Big Gay, you might want to check out how gay people are treated in Muslim countries, or perhaps I can save you the time of looking it up; they don’t bake wedding cakes for them, they kill them! Let’s have a look at the very similar nonsense happening in the LUFQ military. Very recently, special provisions have been made for members of certain religious groups regarding garb, food, and all the rest while Christians and Jews may not wear any symbol of their faith in public view, pray, or have a marked house of worship. I.E., the Crosses and Stars of David are coming down while the turbans and gay parties are coming out. In the end, it is and has been very clear to anyone with a set of reality vision eyes, that for many years Big Gay’s agenda has declared open war on Christianity, Judaism, society, and morality, and has given a deafeningly silent pass to groups that would violently oppose them. Sadly, I believe it will continue to get worse. Over the coming months, my readers can look forward to lots more information concerning the increasingly rapid moral decline of our culture and the attacks on those who would stand up for their beliefs and take a stand against that decline. Stay tuned... Link #1...muslim cab drivers: http://abcnews.go.com/International/ story?id=2827800 Link #2...Australian KFC worker: https://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=AjnrbVxcRXw Link #3...Lesbian denied haircut by muslim barbers: http:// godfatherpolitics.com/14563/lesbian-denied-haircut-male-muslimbarbers/ Please feel free to visit and browse my site at thepatriotspress.com. Respectfully, David DiCrescenzo Publisher The Patriots Press, LLC www.thepatriotspress.com david@thepatriotspress.com “The South Florida Biker’s Bible Since 1999 - Pray for Dave!!! 14 Years - April 2014 • Issue #174 • Page 20 Dear Mr. Obama... I’m planning to move my family and extended family into Mexico for my health, and I would like to ask you to assist me. We’re planning to simply walk across the border from the U.S. into Mexico, and we’ll need your help to make a few arrangements. We plan to skip all the legal stuff like visas, passports, immigration quotas and laws. I’m sure they handle those things the same way you do here. So, would you mind telling your buddy, the President of Mexico, that I’m on my way over? Please let him know that I will be expecting the following: 1. Free medical care for my entire family. 2. English-speaking government bureaucrats for all services I might need, whether I use them or not. 3. Please print all Mexican Government forms in English. 4. I want my grandkids to be taught Spanish by English-speaking (bi-lingual) teachers. 5. Tell their schools they need to include classes on American culture and history. 6. I want my grandkids to see the American flag on one of the flag poles at their school. 7. Please plan to feed my grandkids at school for both breakfast and lunch. 8. I will need a local Mexican driver’s license so I can get easy access to government services. 9. I do plan to get a car and drive in Mexico, but I don’t plan to purchase car insurance, and I probably won’t make any special effort to learn local traffic laws. 10. In case one of the Mexican police officers does not get the memo from their president to leave me alone, please be sure that every patrol car has at least one English-speaking officer. 11. I plan to fly the U.S. flag from my housetop, put U.S. flag decals on my car, and have a gigantic celebration on July 4th. I do not want any complaints or negative comments from the locals. 12. I would also like to have a nice job without paying any taxes, or have any labor or tax laws enforced on any business I may start. 13. Please have the president tell all the Mexican people to be extremely nice and never say critical things about me or my family, or about the strain we might place on their economy. 14. I want to receive free food stamps. 15. Naturally, I’ll expect free rent subsidies. 16. I’ll need income tax credits so that although I don’t pay Mexican taxes, I’ll receive money from the government. 17. Please arrange it so that the Mexican Government pays $4,500.00 to help me buy a new car. 18. Oh yes, I almost forgot, please enroll me free into the Mexican Social Security program so that I’ll get a monthly income in retirement. I know this is an easy request because you already do all these things for all his people who walk over to the U.S. from Mexico. I am sure that the President of Mexico won’t mind returning the favor if you ask him nicely. Sincerely a legal U.S. Citizen Look how crazy this looks when you put it in writing! Pretty insane when you actually read and visualize it! In loving memory of Bernie, Chrissy, Clay, Big Ed, Bob Amchir, Animal, Ricky, Pervert, Roger-Kenny & Pauly 1%’ers, Mojo, Vinny Margotta, Poppy, Gunslinger, “Louie” & Davida 14 Years - April 2014 • Issue #174 • Page 21 On Special Assignment Good News by Chef Joel - joel@wheelsontheroad.com by Doug Scofield Doug@wheelsontheroad.com CYA in Leesburg! EASTER... it’s all about an empty tomb! I would like to remind everyone that Easter falls on April 20th this year and CMA will be looking forward to seeing all of you at their annual Easter Service at Peterson’s Harley-Davidson of Miami at 10am. If you would like to attend Calvary Chapel Fort Lauderdale’s Easter Service at FAU Stadium go to www.calvaryftl.org for times. I would like to encourage each and everyone of you to attend an Easter service. It’s an incredible time to hear and learn about an incredible Love. Here on the Treasure Coast Soldiers for Jesus MC and Army of the Lord are holding an Easter service at Treasure Coast Harley-Davidson of Stuart Florida from 10am till noon. I have often shared how much I enjoy reading the bible. The theme of this book is God’s love and mercy He has for His creation and the desire He has for each of us. 2 Peter 3:9 “The Lord isn’t really being slow about his promise to return, as some people think. No, he is being patient for your sake. He does not want anyone to perish, so he is giving more time for everyone to repent.” The entire bible, from Genesis to Revelation... His desire, His goal for us is clear. I think Matthew puts it in a right perspective for us... Matt 6:25-34 “Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more important than food, and the body more important than clothes? Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life? “And why do you worry about clothes? See how the lilies of the field grow. They do not labor or spin. Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these. If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, will he not much more clothe you, O you of little faith? So do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. The Israelites sought the Lord... Exodus13:21-22 And the LORD went before them by day in a pillar of cloud to lead the way, and by night in a pillar of fire to give them light, so as to go by day and night. He did not take away the pillar of cloud by day or the pillar of fire by night from before the people. Today we have His word (the bible), prayer and faith. If you seek Him with your whole heart your heavenly Father will take care of all your needs. It’s a heart condition man and I pray that you seek after the things of the Lord with the whole heart; 99% just won’t do. Remember Jesus died for bikers too! If we can be of any service please do not hesitate to call me at 954448-1235 or Billy at 305-790-9484 or e-mail me at doug@wheelsontheroad.com . Riding free in South Florida, Doug LUFQ Well, Spring has officially sprung into town with absolutely perfect weather for great rides locally or around Lake “O” or even down to the Keys. Being April you should all know that it is time for the “18th Annual Leesburg Bikefest” on the 25th, 26th & 27th. An update I received as of 2 weeks ago is that “Jackyl” (w/ Jesse of the “Full Throttle Saloon” TV show) will be playing on Sat. night instead of “Everclear”. There was some sort of scheduling conflict. And on Sunday the headliner is “Uncle Kracker” (Kid Rocks sidekick). Both should be good shows. As of this morning, Rick and Kim, up at “Bee’s RV Resort” where we stay in Clermont, still has sites available for tents, campers, travel trailers and RVs. We have stayed there for the last 5 yrs and have a blast. They are located just south of the “Days Inn” on 27 right near the Turnpike entrance. Give them a call at (352) 429-2116 for info & be sure to mention I referred you. Also be sure to enjoy the riding in the area in the daytime and just be aware of the local police and Sheriff – even the State Troopers get in on the action now. And no joke folks - they all have ZERO tolerance for drinking and riding around the area the last few years. Drink and ride responsibly and do not bring attention to yourself by doing anything that might catch their eye. The local residents in the area are pretty accepting of us being there, but keep in mind there are also quite a few elderly drivers on the road around town that let’s just say... can be scary. Along with that be aware of the import riders that like to fly around. They race those back country roads at warp speeds and can come up on you quick. Besides all of that - just be safe and have fun and please get there and back in one piece. Here in town, I have been out only a few times as many of you have mentioned. I have actually been taking care of “Harley” here at home and just taking a break - please don’t take it personal. The good news with the pooch is the power of group support and prayer might actually be working. In the last 2 weeks he has started eating again like a champ. His pee does not have blood in it anymore and his whole demeanor is much better. He did however lose close to 25 lbs. and is slowly getting it back. I am hoping that the Vet was wrong with his cancer prognosis, since no biopsy was actually done. If it was just a cyst and not a growthI am happy with that. Believe me I am not going to complain (I am knocking wood as I type this). Again every day with him I understand is a gift and I truly appreciate every one of them. Thank you big time to whoever and all of you for your concerns and well wishes. Winnie is much happier too - she knew something was going on. Ok, now back to the local fun. As myself and a lot us of did for our “St. Patty’s Day” fun we started out at “Café 27” to get the day going “The South Florida Biker’s Bible Since 1999 - Pray for Dave!!! 14 Years - April 2014 • Issue #174 • Page 22 with “Top Priority”. As always they put on a good show. The highlight out there now (in case you didn’t notice) is that the “shot girls” take turns and get up and dance for your viewing pleasure in front of the band as they play. It sure does add to the atmosphere. Besides the good tunes and sights, the food is just as good. It is also the best time of the year to head out that way before the extreme heat and bird sized bugs slam you as you ride. From there it seemed every person in the tri-county area made their way to “Flossie’s” to catch the action and the always kick-ass tunes of “Mr. Nice Guy”. Just in case you have not noticed - no matter where they play, they pack the house... and rightfully so. Their varied array of songs is always a treat and really gets the party going. And of course Pam and Lori and the staff as always equally kick butt. The corn beef, cabbage and potatoes were delicious. And “Security Bob” was going commando under his kilt... a true Scott. The crowd looked great in their “greenage” as always and the whole day was just a blast. The good news also was that there were no mishaps or incidents to report that I heard of. That is always a plus. Good job people!! type of engine imaginable there, from race motors to Freightliners, Aston Martins and every American or import too. They also do full removal and re-installs at very good prices. You would be amazed these days how affordable it is to do a rebuild versus getting a vehicle replaced. If interested be sure to tell Joey or his boss Angel (just kiddin-but she knows her stuff too) I referred you. (See their color ad on page 52) With the help of all involved I am hoping to get the car done and back up to NY for my Dad to enjoy it a bit this summer. He is the original owner and also just had his 87th birthday last month. So let’s hope he does not read this and gets a heads up on his present. Well that’s all for now. Just get out there and enjoy this weather before it gets too hot, and have a great time in Leesburg. Stop by and say heyy... As always “Take Care and Ride Safe”, Chef Joel Bagpipes?? I don’t need no damn bagpipes... << Somthing for the guys at Cafe’ 27! (Above) Something for the gals??? For those that may remember my project car a couple of years back, my Dads 1970 MGB is back in gear again. It had to be put to the back burner because of ca$h flow, and who does not understand that these days. Through the power of some calls and recommendations from Tattoo Dave and Kent (of Soulicide) I am actually making some progress now. “Mohawk Bob” of Mad Mods and his Rat Rod fame is getting ready to take the car in the near future to do the metal and body work. People have told me that he is like the “metal works god”. I am excited to see his handy work. As for the motor, it is over at a backhome brother’s shop in Ft Lauderdale. Joey D’Aleo (from Bklyn) at “Modified Engine Re-Builders” has it in his main tech guy Joe’s hands to get that hummm back in the motor. These guys have re-built every In loving memory of Bernie, Chrissy, Clay, Big Ed, Bob Amchir, Animal, Ricky, Pervert, Roger-Kenny & Pauly 1%’ers, Mojo, Vinny Margotta, Poppy, Gunslinger, “Louie” & Davida 14 Years - April 2014 • Issue #174 • Page 23 We the People! By Gabriel Carrera (Gabriel@wheelsontheroad.com) Iron Butts, Weak Bike Week, & Bikers vs. Riders Daytona Beach Bike Week: Bike Week has come and gone, but it shall not be forgotten. This year for some reason the crowds were down to approximately 400,000... less than previous years and 4 bikers died during the 10 day event. If you went to Main Street it was packed, but then again they always were jammed during bike week sprinkled with a few spring breakers and tourist gawkers. Although I did not go to the Iron Horse Saloon - many told me that it was dead compared to previous years. I spent a lot of time working on my motorcycle preparing for the Iron Butt Associations, Southern Swing 1K Rally, at the Daytona Speedway. The Speedway vendors were fewer than last year (what a surprise). I spoke to one local vendor who was set up at the Speedway who told me that many people complained last year that the prices for setting up were too high, and that the crowds were not spending the money as previous years. Why pay $10K for a ten day spot and leave in the negative after expenses. Daytona also had much less to offer in my opinion. For example, when you drove down Ridgewood Ave (U.S. 1) from Main Street to the Iron Horse Saloon you should have passed the Suzuki/Kawasaki/Honda dealership. Every year across the street in the empty lot was live music, venders, bikini bike washes, and beer. This year there was zilch and it seemed as if the dealership was just treading water regarding the festivities. I guess if you’re riding a Jap bike you’re getting drunk on Main Street wishing you owned a Harley. Many of those Yankees up north got caught up in all those last-minute 15-inch snowstorms making Daytona Beach “Trailer Week” into “Bike Week.” The weather had come down so hard up north that some of my amigos could not make it down to Volusia County this year. Temperatures during Bike Week dropped into the low 50° weather. I saw Joe, the lead singer of Hired Gunz, on Facebook complaining he was freezing... and he was in the sun. Even with the smaller crowds, the cold weather, and less trailers clogging the streets, the vendors were not giving deals whatsoever. I would ask for 10% and they looked at me like I pissed in their cheerios! Maybe if the Chamber of Commerce of Daytona Beach would lower their fees for vendors to do business we would have a bigger and better bike week. IRON BUTT SOUTHERN SWING 1000/1500: A small group of S. FL Bikers traveled to Jacksonville during Bike Week to participate in the Iron Butt Association’s, Southern Swing 1000/1500 Rally. Those that went were Will Barkley, Mitch McCall, me the Attorney That RIDES, “Rude” Jeff Kohn, and all the way from the great state of Texas, Rex LeGalley, all Harley-Davidson riders. The ride took us through Western Florida, Alabama, South Carolina, and Georgia, back through Jacksonville, Florida. Being the hardhead that I am I decided to go the opposite way that everybody else went. The trip was set up for you to head west on I-10 from Jacksonville. I headed north on I-95 to my points of interest (POIs). I was giving a rally flag with a number and I had to go to every POI on the route and take a picture of the monument and the POI. We left early in the morning on Thursday and we had to make it back to Jacksonville and get a gas receipt that stated 5:45 AM. Anything later was a disqualification of the run. I drove north through Georgia scoring my first POI. Then I forwarded to Beaufort, SC, Paris Island where the Marine Corps facility is located. LUFQ I then drove my ass off, no pun intended, to Macon, GA Fort Benjamin Hawkins. Fort Hawkins was established in 1806 by President Thomas Jefferson and Indian Agent Col. Benjamin Hawkins as an official U.S. Army Fort and Indian Factory for trading and meeting with Native Americans This is where I discovered that I blew a header on the back cylinder. I thought, “SHIT!” I’m out of the competition. I drove for 15 min until I found a cool ass GA brother named David Entrekin who attacked my Road King like he was at a pit stop at NASCAR. 2.5 hrs later I was back in the game roaring down back roads to Alabama. The temps started dropping around 6 pm to the low 50’s high 40’s. I arrived to Tuskegee, AL, to the Tuskegee Airmen National Historic Museum that commemorates the contributions of African American airmen in World War II. Moton Field was the site of primary flight training for the pioneering pilots known as the Tuskegee Airmen. That is where I forgot to raise my kick stand while driving off, thus breaking the kick stand spring... double shit! Another hour wasted on the side of the road make-shifting a bungee cord to do the job of a spring. So here I am with a welded pipe, freezing cold temps, and a Mickey Mouse bungee cord holding my kick stand up. What else could happen now? Keep reading... The arrival to the other POI’s were cool. I went to Montgomery, AL, First White House of the Confederacy. This house was Jefferson Davis’ home while Montgomery served as the Capital of the Confederate States of America and contains many of Davis’ personal belongings. Then to Enterprise, AL; Dothan, AL; Madison, NW FL; and Two Egg, FL. Two Egg, Florida is a small (very small) town in northwest Florida, with a very unusual name. It has a general store and not much else. By now I am done with the POI’s and hauling ass back to JAX in 36 degree weather. About 2 hours out I got popped by FHP doing 92 MPH on I-10. My TomTom said that my arrival time would be later than 5:45 am in JAX... TRIPLE SHIT! Cop gave me the lowest amount since he felt sorry for me driving my sled in 36 degree temps. I was approximately 2 hrs out of JAX doing 5 above the speed limit still feeling the sting of a ticket. All of a sudden I hear my pipes go loud and I assumed that the weld on the header gave out. I felt like quitting, but I could hear the voices of my Café 27 friends busting my balls, and I told myself... f*ck it….I ain’t quitting no matter what my GPS says. Pulled into JAX, and I ran my card at a gas station. The screen on the pump told me my card was rejected to see attendant... WTF?!?!? I entered the gas station to find five people waiting in line for the slow ass cashier to attend them. I threw a $10 bill on the counter and when I was handed my gas receipt it stated that the time was 5:39 AM. I was beside myself because I had completed the ride with six minutes to spare! IRON BUTT BANQUET: I had only slept four hours after riding the Southern Swing 1000. My ride was verified and I became an Iron Butt Association member. That evening was the annual banquet where people from all over the world came to brag about their extreme rides and receive their certification for those runs. It seemed as if all the Harley riders were winning certificates, awards, and recognition for obtaining these hard to get awards that evening. Even Mike Kneebone, who was giving out the certificates of recognition, chided the BMW and Jap bike riders that all the Harley guys were showing them up. (In Yo Face Baby!) One of the examples was Will Barkley who is from South Florida. He broke the world record that was held by one of the long time member of the IBA. The record from cold Prudhoe Bay, Alaska to Key West, Florida was 86 hours. Will Barkley took the challenge on his Harley Davison Street glide. Will Barkley broke the record by six hours and when the banquet heard everybody stood to their feet clapping and giving him a standing ovation. Will Barkley is well known in the long distance motorcycle riding community because he won the 1st and 2nd Hoka Hey Challenge. I have paid my thousand dollars entry fee for the Hoka Hey Challenge and I will be leaving Key West, Florida on July 20, 2014, in riding my bike up to Homer, Alaska. Once I get to Homer Alaska I will ride my bike the next day to Prudhoe Bay, Alaska to earn a certificate in one of the Iron Butt Association’s extreme ride. I will be Gabe continues on page 26 “The South Florida Biker’s Bible Since 1999 - Pray for Dave!!! 14 Years - April 2014 • Issue #174 • Page 24 In loving memory of Bernie, Chrissy, Clay, Big Ed, Bob Amchir, Animal, Ricky, Pervert, Roger-Kenny & Pauly 1%’ers, Mojo, Vinny Margotta, Poppy, Gunslinger, “Louie” & Davida 14 Years - April 2014 • Issue #174 • Page 25 Gabe continues from page 24 earning two awards because I will have to drive from Prudhoe Bay down to Key West. Joe of Hired Gunz Band (or Freezing Buns...) THE SHIT HIT THE FAN: The reason I want to complete on rides is because I had a public argument with certain of the IBA leadership and some IBA good “old boys,” that in my personal opinion do not like bikers. I don’t want to get into slinging mud since I am a newbie in the Iron Butt Association, but after the banquet I was told that Rex LeGalley (TX) and I were toxic, and due to our crazy good time that night he did not want to be associated with us bikers. I ended up telling him to go f*ck himself if he could find his balls, and to step away from me. Safe to say, I also told one of the IBA higher-ups what they can do with Thank’s to David Entrekin me and Mike themselves in graphic terms after being fueled by Kentucky Fireball. I ended up speaking with Mike Kneebone who is a fantastic and reasonable guy in the Iron Butt Association. I explained to him my version of my crazy night, he confirmed my story, and apologized on behalf of the Iron Butt Association for the way that I was treated. I wish the offending party would give me apology, but I’ll take what I can get. I guess there is a big difference between Bikers and riders. Certain German bike riders view being called a biker as an insult since bikers are low class, LUFQ “The South Florida Biker’s Bible Since 1999 - Pray for Dave!!! 14 Years - April 2014 • Issue #174 • Page 26 dirty, and possibly of criminal origin. Screw them all I say! I am a biker and not a rider, but I will continue riding long distance events, and earning awards to rub it in their faces. I am not going away, but rather I’m going to ride harder, longer, and crazier than ever before. If you want more details you’re going to have to approach me and ask me about it, but until then ride safe and keep your knees in the breeze! Gabe In loving memory of Bernie, Chrissy, Clay, Big Ed, Bob Amchir, Animal, Ricky, Pervert, Roger-Kenny & Pauly 1%’ers, Mojo, Vinny Margotta, Poppy, Gunslinger, “Louie” & Davida 14 Years - April 2014 • Issue #174 • Page 27 LUFQ “The South Florida Biker’s Bible Since 1999 - Pray for Dave!!! 14 Years - April 2014 • Issue #174 • Page 28 In loving memory of Bernie, Chrissy, Clay, Big Ed, Bob Amchir, Animal, Ricky, Pervert, Roger-Kenny & Pauly 1%’ers, Mojo, Vinny Margotta, Poppy, Gunslinger, “Louie” & Davida 14 Years - April 2014 • Issue #174 • Page 29 LUFQ “The South Florida Biker’s Bible Since 1999 - Pray for Dave!!! 14 Years - April 2014 • Issue #174 • Page 30 In loving memory of Bernie, Chrissy, Clay, Big Ed, Bob Amchir, Animal, Ricky, Pervert, Roger-Kenny & Pauly 1%’ers, Mojo, Vinny Margotta, Poppy, Gunslinger, “Louie” & Davida 14 Years - April 2014 • Issue #174 • Page 31 LUFQ “The South Florida Biker’s Bible Since 1999 - Pray for Dave!!! 14 Years - April 2014 • Issue #174 • Page 32 2014 CALENDAR APRIL 2014 6th -STATES MC -ANNUAL 12th - MYSTIC SEVEN MC - PARTY 13th - AOA PAULY 1%er MEMORIAL 19th - OUTCAST MC - ANNUAL 20th - CMA EASTER SERVICE 25th-27th - LEESBURG BIKEFEST MAY 2014 4th - SOUTHERN MC - ANNUAL 18th - WINGS OF GOLD MC MIAMI - ANNUAL 25th - S.E. ABATE - MEMORIAL DAY EVENT JUNE 2014 1st - DER KRIEGER MC ANNUAL 8th - NEW ATTITUDES MC - PARTY 14th - AOA JERRY, ROGER, AND KENNY 1%er MEMORIAL 22nd - WINGS OF GOLD MC FT. LAUD. - ANNUAL 29th - US MILITARY VETS MC S. BROWARD - ANNUAL JULY 2014 12th - ALTERNATIVE MC - PARTY 19th - WHEELS OF MAN MC - CHILI COOK-OFF AUGUST 2014 2nd - WINGS OF GOLD MC MIAMI - PARTY 4th-10th - 74th STURGIS MOTORCYCLE RALLY 8th-10th - SOUTH FLORIDA TATTOO CONVENTION 10th - AOA FT. LAUD. - ANNIVERSARY PARTY SEPTEMBER 2014 7th - SOUTHERN MC - TEDDY BEAR RUN 13th - OUTCAST MC - PARTY 14th - STATES MC - KEY WEST TUNE UP PARTY 19th-21st - PETERSONS KEY WEST POKER RUN 28th - KELTICS MC - PARTY OCTOBER 2014 4th - MYSTIC SEVEN - ANNUAL 11th - NEW ATTITUDES MC - ANNUAL 12th - S.E. ABATE - ANNUAL 16th-19th - DAYTONA BIKETOBERFEST 25th - WHEELS OF MAN MC - HALLOWEEN PARTY NOVEMBER 2014 1st - HEATHENS MC - ANNUAL <<<<<<<<< Date change) 8th - US MILITARY VETS MC CH 1 - ANNUAL 9th - CMA - MEMORIAL EVENT DECEMBER 2014 7th - SFPC TOYS IN THE SUN RUN 13th - PETERSONS TOY RUN BIKE DRAWING 13th - HERMANDAD MC - ALFREDO MEMORIAL/TOY RUN 14th - WINGS OF GOLD MC MIAMI - TOY RUN 20th - SFLCOC - CHRISTMAS PARTY 21st - CALVARY CHAPEL - CHRISTMAS SERVICE UNITED BIKERS COUNCIL OF PALM BEACH COUNTY 2014 CALENDAR OF EVENTS April 2014 6 – Black Pistons M.C. 19 – Outcast M.C. 20 – AOA 420 Easter May 2014 17 – U.S. Military Vets M.C. June 2014 28 – ABATE July 2014 6 – AOA 27 – Soldiers For Jesus M.C. August 2014 10 – AOA South Florida October 2014 26 - Alternative M.C. December 2014 9 – UBCPBC Christmas Party 13 – Outcast M.C. PBC Event 20 – Sport Bike Event (Coming soon to Cagney’s???) MONTHLY EVENTS To list your SE Coast motorcycle event at no cost, email: miamimike@wheelsontheroad.com, fax or mail your flyer before the 20th. I “CRS” so I can’t remind you - you got to remind me. MM • Fri - Outlaws MC WPB Open House at 7PM • 1st Fri - Bike Night at Chesters Harley with Live Music • 1st Fri - Soldiers for Jesus Open House 7-10PM • 1st Fri - Enforcers MC First Friday of Month Party • 3rd Fri - Cagney’s Big New Bike Night • 4th Fri - American Legion Post 36 Bike Night • Fri & Sat - O’Meara’s Irish Pub, Live Music at 10PM • Fri & Sat - Keltics MC Open House, 954-232-4476 • Fri & some Sat - O’Malley’s Live Music 954-979-8540 • Fri & Sat - El Coqui open house, Hallandale 954-274-5523 • 1st Sat - Wings of Gold MC West Palm clubhouse • 1st & 3rd Sat - AOA MC Dania Open House • 4th Sat - Chrome Angels LMC Open House 7PM • Sat Nite - Country night at Cafe’ 27 • Sat - FREE hot dogs & soda’s at H-D Palm Bch,10-2 • Sat - Flossies Blues and Brews Night at 7PM • 2nd Sat - USMV MC Ft. Laud. Open House • Sun - “Wake Up Dave” Service at Am. Legion 142 11AM • Sun - Free pool at Beer Barn all day • Sun - Free pool at Sharkey’s Lounge Margate • Sun - Cagneys Saloon Sunday Fun & Country Night • Sun - Flossies Famous Tiki Hut Biker Sunday • Sun - Live Music at Cafe’ 27 • Sun - O’Meara’s “Mickey’s Style” Bloody Mary’s • 3rd Sun USMVMC Palm Bch Open House 561-715-2570 • Mon - Ladies nite at Sharky’s 9-2, 241 beverages • Mon - BEST So Fla Jam Nite at Turn 3 with Stet & T3JB • Tues - Flossies Jim Piro Jam & Ladies night 80¢ wings • Tues - Lone Legion Brotherhood Open House • Wed - Bike Nite with Bob Daniels at Turn 3 • Wed - Chit Chat’s Bike Night FREE BBQ & more! • Wed - Scurvy Few MC, Open House, 954-325-6838 • Thurs - Musicians Jam at Cagneys with Tell em’ Band • Thurs - States MC Pompano Dinner Nite 6 start • Thurs - Cagney’s Jam Nite 8-??? by A1 Freddy • Thurs - Hermandad MC Open House, 305-299-4731 • Thurs - Cafe’ 27 Bike Nite, Bikini Contest & Live Music • 3rd Thurs - H-D Palm Bch Bike Nite at Dealer 5-10PM • 3rd Thurs - Peterson’s Harley South Bike nite 6-10PM EVENT LISTINGS WITH PRINTED FLYERS APRIL 2014 • 6 - Saddletime Mikes Poker Run & Chili Cookoff... 53 • 6 - States MC 48th Annual Bash... 34 • 9 - Chesters Bike Night at Chit Chats,,, 6 • 11, 12, 13th Cagney’s 5th Anniversary Weekend... 27 • 12 - Mystic 7 Off Annual Party & Mojo Memory... 6 & 35 • 12 - Third Tradition West Palm BAD Dance... 34 • 13 - AOA 2nd Memorial Celebration for Pauly 1%er... 45 • 13 - Cagney’s 5th Anniversary Party... 27 & 53 • 13 - Benefit Poker Run for Chris Mansell (West Palm)... 52 • 19 - Peterson’s Super Saturday... 2 • 19 - Outcast MC’s 12th Annual Party... 34 • 20 - CMA Easter Biker Service... 34 • 20 - Flossies FREE Easter Buffet & Egg Hunt... 32 • 26 - O’Meara’s Leukemia Cure Benefit... 32 MAY 2014 • 3 - Dynasty’s 15th Anniversary FREE Lunch... • 4 - Southern MC’s Annual Party... • 18 - Wings of Gold MC Miami’s Annual... • 18 - 16th Annual Rock N Roll Sunday... 13 34 26 53 • Palm Beach Harley April / May Events Listing... 50 I LOST MY BUNGEE CORD!!! Contact Miami Mike to change your date “AFTER” you confirm that change with Tattoo Dave (Wings of Gold MC) or Indian (Wheels of Man MC) Do not ask Miami Mike to do the change before you talk to either of these guys. In loving memory of Bernie, Chrissy, Clay, Big Ed, Bob Amchir, Animal, Ricky, Pervert, Roger-Kenny & Pauly 1%’ers, Mojo, Vinny Margotta, Poppy, Gunslinger, “Louie” & Davida 14 Years - April 2014 • Issue #174 • Page 33 LUFQ “The South Florida Biker’s Bible Since 1999 - Pray for Dave!!! 14 Years - April 2014 • Issue #174 • Page 34 In loving memory of Bernie, Chrissy, Clay, Big Ed, Bob Amchir, Animal, Ricky, Pervert, Roger-Kenny & Pauly 1%’ers, Mojo, Vinny Margotta, Poppy, Gunslinger, “Louie” & Davida 14 Years - April 2014 • Issue #174 • Page 35 Photo by Michael Polissky Some BIG things are coming in April so save some of these dates. On April 5th starting at noon to 2am A Celebration of life for Allan F Hippler “ Jager Allan” beginning at Flossie’s Bar & Grill at noon with music by Riverdown, at 3pm a complimentary Jager Shot will be served and there will be a Toast to Allan. Then everyone will go to Big Dawgs 2 for a free buffet with music by The Piro Band at 5pm. Then everyone will go to Cagney’s Saloon with music by Soulicide from 10pm to 2am. That’s three bars and the friends of Allan who have come together to honor his life. Allen was a great friend with a heart of gold to everyone. I suggest if you’re going to make a whole day of this event get a designated driver or other transportation especially if you are going to be drinking. It’s better to be safe than sorry. SAVE THESE DATES: April 11th, 12th & 13th. WOW has it really been 5 years since Mark Pirolli and Nancy Olesen took over Cagney’s Saloon AKA Cagney’s House of Rock! in Davie. Come celebrate with Mark, Nancy and their fabulous staff for their three day 5th Anniversary bash! Kicking it off on day one, Friday April 11th, with music by Soulicide. Day two, Saturday April 12th, with music by Kinlin and their new CD release party. And then the BIG day! Day three, Sunday April 13th, in the parking lot starting at 2pm with 5 kick ass bands on a huge stage, with sound and lighting by none other than South Florida Sound. Hosted by A1 Promotions. The bands playing on Sunday are going to blow out the windows in the whole plaza! There will also be a bike display by Downtown Baggers, food, beer, drink & shot specials, vendors, raffles, games and many other special things going on all day. Playing inside at 8 pm will be some Kick Ass country music by County Line Road. With all this Great entertainment in three days, you might as well bring a sleeping bag and spend the weekend. And when you are at Cagney’s make sure to say hi to Byrd, who is now taking over security for Mark and Nancy. (See Cagney’s ad and party flyer on page 27 for Anniversary and band info) SAVE THESE DeDATES: May 2nd, cep3rd & 4th For a three tion day Grand Opening Party for a NEW Country & Southern Rock venue in Fort Lauderdale named LUFQ The Fire Dog Saloon. Located at 2871 East Commercial Blvd. Owner and operator, Will Yasich, has been a firefighter and paramedic for over 18 years. The staff is headed by my friend Jeanna Van Tassel. The place straight out kicks ass Country style. On Friday May 2nd, there will be LIVE new country music by The fabulous Nash Carey Band. Day two Saturday May 3rd the Skwirls Gone Bad Band play! Day three Sunday May 4th kids are welcome! An all day party with a truck and jeep show and music by Rough Shot! On Sunday March 16th Chrisy and I helped put together, with Matt Mearian the GM Tell’M Band “The South Florida Biker’s Bible Since 1999 - Pray for Dave!!! 14 Years - April 2014 • Issue #174 • Page 36 at Murphy’s Law, a fundraiser and concert FOR NOEL at The Seminole Hard Rock. One of their employees, Noel, from Ireland got really sick and had no medical insurance. I hosted the fundraiser with Kent 8 bands TeLL’M, SoundGlass, The Dropouts, Silent Addictions, Skwirls Gone Bad, Deception, Loose Cannons & HIPNOSIS to help get Noel the medical help he needed. These great bands donated their time to help someone who they have never met! They came together as a family with their friends and family and helped raise over $10,000.00 and again I would like to thank them all and everyone that came out to support them and the great cause. You all Rock! Special SHOUT OUT! and a BIG thank you to Kent Blankenship from Soulicide who helped save the day. We were almost ready to lose two drum heads and Kent ran over to Murphy’s with two drum heads, you’re the best my friend! To all the bands and venue’s everywhere did you know that you can run an ad here in Wheels on the Road for a great price to be seen by thousands of people. If you want to know more contact me at a1promotionsgroup@aol.com or email Miami Mike at miamimike@wheelsontheroad.com. We are here to help you all to succeed in what you do! Till next time! Support Local Music, Support Your Local Everything! And Support WOTR Magazine, The Bikers Bible. PEACE! Freddy In loving memory of Bernie, Chrissy, Clay, Big Ed, Bob Amchir, Animal, Ricky, Pervert, Roger-Kenny & Pauly 1%’ers, Mojo, Vinny Margotta, Poppy, Gunslinger, “Louie” & Davida 14 Years - April 2014 • Issue #174 • Page 37 STORMY’S RIDER RHYMES By Stormy@wheelsontheroad.com Leesburg Bikefest 2014 Roll out your Bikes, Pack up your gear, Leesburg Bikefest Is finally here… This party is amazing One of the best hands down. A party on every corner It closes down the town… It’s grown into a big event Since its start in “97” This event will keep you smiling You’ll be in Seventh Heaven… Hot body contest’s everywhere, The Babes show off their tans. And now just for the Ladies Who’ll be the “Mr. Lucky man”… The event is packed with demos’ On riding like a pro, Team Extreme and Drill teams I hope you get to go… A band on every corner Will help to move your feet. Put Leesburg in your game plan The party’s in the street… If you’ve never done this trip, I recommend it highly. The party starts on April 25th The first day is a Friday… So head on up to Central Florida For this an amazing affair, Make sure to check their website For the who, what and where… Stormy Tell Lloyd Miami Mike LUFQ “The South Florida Biker’s Bible Since 1999 - Pray for Dave!!! 14 Years - April 2014 • Issue #174 • Page 38 CLASSIFIED ADS 1” x 3.8” (New or Used Anything - No Shops - Free Help Wanted $12 per 1” per month - magazines are not included in price BIKER FRIENDLY SHOPS & BUSINESSES LUFQ These alphabetical business listings cost only $75.00 for 6 months. Call 954-578-2900 to place your business info here. Chicago Bob's • (954) 972-4478 - 5204 NW 15th Street, Margate, Florida 33063. Chicago Bob can build a trophy winner for you. When you want it done right the 1st time! Halenar Southwest • (954) 609-8655 - Spurs, Bullwhips, Whiskey Barrels, Metal Arts, Western Deco. See us at the shows. Many new and unique items at every event. Check us online at: www.halenarsw.com Sachs Race Bikes • (954) 473-2980 - Engine overhaul & Repair, Head Porting & Repair, Hi-Performance Engine Packages. “The leader in engine technology & reliability for over 30 Years” Willie’s Tropical Tattoo • (386) 672-1888 -825 S. Yonge St (US1), Ormond Bch, Fl 32174 -Home of Willie’s Chopper Shows during Bike Week & Biketoberfest C L A S S I F I E D S HELP / JOBS WANTED CLASSIFIEDS ARE FREE! Looks like this! RENT a Vacation Chalet in Murphy, NC. New 2 bedroom, 2 bath, sleeps 6, furnished. Biker Heaven. Only $625.00 per wk. Call George (Mickey’s old owner) at 754-224-7955. VIDEO CONVERSION SERVICES Convert your old VHS, Hi8 or most other video formats to DVD. We’ll copy anything. Discrete & confidential. 20 years experience. Call True Fantasy Video Productions for complete details. 954-981-7926 (Hlwd) VETERAN INFO: The non profit Multi Purpose Center of Davie would like to make you aware of the wide range of programming for day care & weekend retreats for those suffering the invisible wounds of war that are available. The Center is seeking sponsors to help fund these programs. They are also asking for volunteers to work and oversee our weekend programs. At this time the Viet Nam Vets/Legacy Vets MC are actively involved with the center and welcome all who could benefit from it’s services. Contact information may be obtained from any VNV/LV member at large. Call 954-791-8603 or 954-448-3843. Happy Easter Jack from your gals in Florida In loving memory of Bernie, Chrissy, Clay, Big Ed, Bob Amchir, Animal, Ricky, Pervert, Roger-Kenny & Pauly 1%’ers, Mojo, Vinny Margotta, Poppy, Gunslinger, “Louie” & Davida 14 Years - April 2014 • Issue #174 • Page 39 LUFQ DADS OF FLORIDA Dads of Florida has formed a support group of divorced and unwed fathers, second wives, grandparents and other persons interested in changing the present laws against fathers. Meetings are the second Tuesday of each month from 7pm to 9pm@ St. David's Catholic Church, 2nd floor of the Parish Hall building room 204, 3900 S. University Drive Davie, FL 33328, Phone (954) 4939763. Website: www. dadsofflorida.org. RENT THIS SPACE Only $25 a month $200 for a full year LUFQ “The South Florida Biker’s Bible Since 1999 - Pray for Dave!!! 14 Years - April 2014 • Issue #174 • Page 40 Woo’s View’s Best Friends Over the Rainbow Bridge Woo@wheelsontheroad.com Hay Gang... Another month and here’s the rant again! Well, I don’t know about ranting so much as sharing a few thoughts with you. These are some really weird days around us. I’m really beginning to think the whole fucking world is going nuts. I see things today that boggle my old mind. Sick people killing babies and young kids. Then ahole “leaders” want to ban guns to keep us SAFE! What a bunch of horse crap that is! Then there’s the march on the State House to get rid of the Stand your ground law. The Rev Sharpton was there so you know that’s a fraud too. Trevor Martin’s parents were there too. Those aholes took their hoodlum kid’s death and turned it into a money making proposition! Another thing I noticed about the march was that it was almost exclusively black folks. Like 98% black. Now being a lot of violent crimes are done by blacks, I wonder why the blacks would want everyone to be defenseless? Hey, I’m NOT being raciest. Just look at all the videos on the tv news and watch the surveillance videos and you tell me. I’m not raciest. I will shoot anyone regardless of their color, religion or national origin or sexual orientation if they are trying to hurt me. I would never interfere with other people as long as they leave me out of whatever they are doing no matter how disgusting it is. I make it my business to mind my own business. If you were to invite me to dinner and get in a fight with your wife and she pulled a knife on you and you had the big fork they use when cutting the turkey, and were going to go after each other, I’d just say good night and get the hell out of there in a hurry. I’m just a non-involvement type of guy where people are concerned although I would get involved if it was someone abusing an animal. The Boeing 777 that “disappeared” is funny in a perverse way. With the technology that we have we can read a license plate from a satellite in outer space, find people with their cell phones even if the batteries are out of it (including personal computers) and they are trying to get us to believe it got lost without a trace! Come on now, it’s not the 1930’s anymore. Then we could lose a plane. I’ll never believe we lost a 777! The wingspan on a 777-300 model (there are a few models) is 199.2 ft. The length is 242.4 ft and the height is 60.8 ft. This can also seat up to 368 people. If you want to see how big a 777 is, just go to the airport. (I work at the airport and I see them every day!) I think we’ll seeYeah! it again when it sinks an aircraft carrier or knocks another building down. (Unless they find the pieces in the Indian Ocean) How could it do that you ask? Don’t you remember 911??? I know the demoncrats want us to forget that so we can love our Muslim bros, but I say, “hey, you can’t argue with success! It worked great for them then, why wouldn’t it work better now that they know how to really do it?? Just saying... Anyway Gang, enough for now. Just trying to keep it light and cheerful! Uncle Willie Louie the WOTR Maskot Chyna Blue Dumas Tinkerbell Bandit Itty Bitty 9/13 Sweet Pea Cocoa Remy Boo Boo Hypno Liberty Steeler 9/13 Cassidy Raine Peachy If you want your best friend memorialized on this page, email a photo and name to miamimike@wheelsontheroad.com. Due to space I cannot guarantee the photo being in this section for longer than 3 months. If you want to keep your best friend on this page for 1 year than you need to make a $100 (or more) VIP donation to WOTR. See pg 20 for the mailing address. Homes for Loving Pets HEHA Local Rescue Adoptions Call Sharyn (954) 826-7699 Online at Adoptapet.com CHECK OUT SHARKY’S BAR It’s a Great Place for a Cold Brew! ANIMAL ADOPTION & RESCUE SERVICES Here are a few Legitimate Animal Rescue Places. WOTR’s CHOICE TO SEND $$$ • Mirta Maltes (Park ranger) My Animals Rock Inc. PO Box 630729, Miami, Florida 33163 (Money is needed for vet bills to take care of all the abused animals Mirta picks up. Go to www.myanimalsrock.org and use the Paypal button to give what you can. (501 c3, Donations are Tax Deductible) WOTR SUPPORTS MIRTA! • A Second Chance Puppies & Kittens Rescue West Palm Beach -561-333-1100 • Broward County Animal Control by Ft. Laud Airport (They do put down dogs so be aware of this) ‘DON’T GIVE MONEY TO JUST ANYONE WHO SAYS THEY HELP DOGS!’ In loving memory of Bernie, Chrissy, Clay, Big Ed, Bob Amchir, Animal, Ricky, Pervert, Roger-Kenny & Pauly 1%’ers, Mojo, Vinny Margotta, Poppy, Gunslinger, “Louie” & Davida 14 Years - April 2014 • Issue #174 • Page 41 Axman continues from page 13 Destination Daytona and at the Iron Horse Saloon. Seeing all the bikes made me regret it even more that we were in a cage. We stopped for a total of about two hours which was enough time to grab some Sirloin Tip Steak at the Iron Horse. This is always a must have for me when I am in Daytona. I was a little bit surprised that there were not that many bikers at both locations when we were there. I just wished we would have had the extra time and our bikes to stay at least a day longer. My friends Alex & Ken went up to Daytona the following day. I would have considered riding back up for the weekend but I was I hired to photograph the wedding of Philip and Stephanie on Saturday. I was really looking forward to shoot this party. I rented some kickass lenses. The wedding was held at my wife’s cousin Dorothea’s house. I arrived super early to take photos when the makeup artist dolled both of them up. Later on I took the happy couple to a park nearby to take some more images. By the time we got back to the house all the guests had already arrived. The whole back yard was nicely decorated with very pretty flowers. They had a great catering company called “All in Good Taste”. The food and service was out of this world. The wedding was awesome and I had a blast firing away. Congratulations Philip & Stephanie! The following day (03/ 16) I rode over to Flossie’s for their St. Patrick’s Day Celebration. This place was jam-packed. Mr. Nice Guy was rocking the afternoon away LUFQ “The South Florida Biker’s Bible Since 1999 - Pray for Dave!!! and as usual they had the dance floor mobbed. I enjoyed watching the scene and taking pictures with these great lenses I had rented. I knew it would be a very sad moment when I had to return them the following day. On Saturday (03/22) I had the pleasure to attend and to capture Brett (Mystic 7 MC) & Becci’s wedding which was held at Forest Fern Nature Center in Coconut Creek. I had never been there before, but this was ideal to have a wedding. Also, all the 14 Years - April 2014 • Issue #174 • Page 42 decorations were out of this world. Becci and her helpers had outdone themselves. The miniature bike that was on top of the wedding cake was painted in the same colors as Brett’s bike. To top it all off the miniature groom had a Mystic 7 patch on the back. The actual ceremony was great as well. Everybody enjoyed the great Italian food and the ice cold drinks that were served. It was a wonderful wedding. Congratulations Brett & Becci. I would like to thank you for selecting me to capture your wedding. The following day I had plans to cover the Big Bike Riders Celebration of Smiles Ride. I woke up feeling like crap. It had already started the night before. I was totally congested. I simply could not get out of bed. I called Miami Mike and told him that I would not be able to make it and he told me that he was taking care of it so not to worry. Around 10am I started to feel a little better so decided to make my way over to Cowboys Saloon where the Keltics MC was holding their Annual Party. Cowboys Saloon is the perfect place to hold a bike event. Axman finishes on page 45 In loving memory of Bernie, Chrissy, Clay, Big Ed, Bob Amchir, Animal, Ricky, Pervert, Roger-Kenny & Pauly 1%’ers, Mojo, Vinny Margotta, Poppy, Gunslinger, “Louie” & Davida 14 Years - April 2014 • Issue #174 • Page 43 Al’s In... Ella’s Out! By Al@wheelsontheroad.com A Fall Ride in Western New York For those of you who are unfamiliar with the weather in Buffalo, New York let me tell you a little story. It was mid-November, 1974, a beautiful Fall day and Dan, Paul and I decided to take a ride. We met a Dan’s house and deceided to take a spin to Letchworth State Park, also known as the “Grand Canyon of the East”. A nice, 2 hour, 80 mile, country ride, using all back roads, no interstates or highways. We hit the road about noon. The sky was clear and it was 75 degrees, a beautiful Fall day. Open roads lined with farmer’s fields, dairy cows, and small towns. The ride there was what riding a motorcycle is all about. We stopped and fueled up in Geneseo, N.Y. and rode the last 35 miles to Letchworth. As we rode the 17-mile stretch of grey-green canyon, which the Genesee River flows though, we noticed all the vivid colors of the leaves on the trees that were changing to mark the end of another riding season. It was around 3pm when we stopped for a smoke. We parked next to the waterfalls, drank a beer, had a smoke and knew it was time to hit it. The temperature had to have dropped 15 degrees as we rode the canyon and of course we were dressed in long sleeve t-shirts and vests, none of us had the sense to bring jackets. We left Letchworth and headed west, using the most direct routes we knew to make it back home in the shortest amount of time. We jumped on Route 39 and shot down to Route 77 made a left on 77 and rode towards Route 20. As we rode into Darien Center the temperature had dropped into the low 40’s so we stopped for coffee and a burger. After “lunch” we were on the road again. A few miles out of Darien Center, headed towards Alden, it hit us; The First SNOWFALL of the Season!!! At first it was those big, light, bright flakes that melt as they hit you and the road. As we rode a few more miles the snow was sticking to the road and to the three of us as well. As we rode in to Alden, the wind picked up and it turned into a small light blizzard. Snow everywhere, icy spots forming on the unplowed roads, braking at intersections became a degrees”. A drop of 52 degrees from the time we left 7 hours earlier. A challenge, but we pressed on. When we hit the town line the blizzard Mobil station was right across from the bank so we stopped to fuel up, started to get worse and the temperature grab a coffee and warm up a bit. After a dropped like a rock. When we hit 15 minute stop Paul’s bike looked as if it Lancaster it was a full blown White sat outside all winter long! Out!!! We lucked out on our last 4 miles; the Lancaster DPW trucks were out town snow plows had cleared the roads. spreading salt, cars sliding into each Our front wheels, now running on bare other and the three of us riding pavement, began to turn again, spitting motorcycles, ice building up on our out most of the heavy snow from our breads and mustache, snow and slush spokes. The high winds had died down filling our eyes, our clothing wet and and visibility improved but the snow frozen. As we hit downtown Lancaster kept falling from dark skies. Just a few our front wheels, spokes and discs filled more miles down Harris Hill Rd into the with thick heavy snow, stopped turning town of Clarence and we were home! and started to slide on the slick road. We Dan, Paul, and I were froze to the bone rode with our feet down to hold our but we made it home alive. Another Next time we’re taking the sled... bikes up, almost as if we were skiing. adventure with a happy ending added to Needless to say we were only traveling the “Book of Memories”! After 40 years just a few miles per hour. We caught the red light at Central and none of us will ever forget that ride. Broadway; at that point we knew we were only 5 miles from home. As Live Your Life Like Ya Stole It... Al. we made the turn and passed the bank, the Time & Temp clock read “23 LUFQ “The South Florida Biker’s Bible Since 1999 - Pray for Dave!!! 14 Years - April 2014 • Issue #174 • Page 44 H Axman ends here It is big enough place to accommodate a huge crowd and Harley as we all know the Keltics events draw tons of people. ‘Sucker Punch’ put out some foot stomping music and of course the Cowboys Bargals are very nice to look at. On behalf of Beacon and his members I want to thank everybody that came out. Coming back to the weddings, once the couples have given me the “green light” to post the photos online. I will upload them to my web site. I would like you to see that there is more to my photography than just taking photos at biker events and bikers that are shooting me the bird. Please keep me in mind for any photography needs you may have. I am for hire! I shoot corporate and private events, birthday parties, Sweet Sixteen’s, Weddings, etc... Until next time, ride free & safe! Axman In loving memory of Bernie, Chrissy, Clay, Big Ed, Bob Amchir, Animal, Ricky, Pervert, Roger-Kenny & Pauly 1%’ers, Mojo, Vinny Margotta, Poppy, Gunslinger, “Louie” & Davida 14 Years - April 2014 • Issue #174 • Page 45 Ummm... Good Cookin’ with Cookie By Dee@wheelsontheroad.com Potato Bacon & Fontina Frittata Just because a frittata is an Italian omelette doesn’t mean you can’t serve it for lunch and dinner too!!! 1 tablespoon(s) extra-virgin olive oil 6 slice(s) bacon or pancetta, cut into small pieces 1 1/2 cup(s) (1/2-inch diced) Yukon gold or redskinned potato 1 onion, halved, cut into thin strips 8 large eggs 1/4 cup(s) heavy cream 1/4 teaspoon(s) kosher salt 1/4 teaspoon(s) freshly ground pepper 1/2 cup(s) shredded fontina cheese 2 tablespoon(s) shredded fontina cheese 1 tablespoon(s) snipped fresh chives Directions: Heat broiler. Heat oil in a large nonstick skillet over medium heat. Add bacon and cook until fat is almost rendered and bacon is starting to crisp; remove bacon to a paper towel to drain. Add potato and onion to drippings; raise heat to medium-high and sauté mixture until potato is almost tender, about 10 to 12 minutes. Whisk eggs, cream, salt, and pepper in a medium bowl; stir in 1/2 cup of the cheese, then stir in bacon. Pour into skillet, shaking pan gently to distribute. Reduce heat to medium and cook, without stirring, 5 minutes, or until set on bottom and sides (eggs will be runny in center). Place skillet under broiler; broil 2 minutes, or until frittata is firm in center. Sprinkle with the remaining 2 tablespoons cheese and chives. Loosen edges with a rubber spatula and slide onto a serving plate. Cut into wedges. cookie (Dee) LUFQ “The South Florida Biker’s Bible Since 1999 - Pray for Dave!!! 14 Years - April 2014 • Issue #174 • Page 46 In Memory - G.B.N.F. Pictures will be posted for 2 months. Additional months depends on available space. To assure a memory photo remains on this page a minimum donation of $100 per year is requested. BAND-DJ-ENTERTAINMENT LISTINGS Bernie Shapiro Bob Amchir Diver (USMVMC) Saddletime Mike Bruce Rossmeyer Sportster John Big Ed Stricklin Seleta Woo “Poppy” Vinny Margotta (Vinny’s EZ Cycles) $35 a YEAR for Band Listings in WOTR AND on the WOTR Website. Up to 4 lines in the mag and 5-10 lines online and a link to your website (plus a photo if you want). Mail a $35 check to WOTR. (address on pg 10) ROAD WORKS - Call Colin at 954-718-6850 or 954-588-9346 or email: prismusic2001@aol.com Played Asylum, Hollywood Bandstand, WOTR Parties, Mickey's, Beer Barn and other venues. (See ad) Roger 1%er AOA Kenny 1%er AOA Jerry 1%er AOA Big Art 1%er AOA Pauly 1%’er AOA SOULICIDE - Call Kent @ 754-264-2563. “High Energy” R&R. We get the people up on the dance floor. Playing at Mickeys, Cagneys, others. WWW.SoulicideRocks.com. See us on Facebook/Soulicide. THE STEMS - “Good Funkin Rock”. For booking info: e-mail egresely@hotmail or call Eddie@954-547-7982 or Tony@954-5475652. See our Facebook page. Brian-Keltics MC Dozer Dan “Funk” Palo (Keltics MC) “Animal” Keltics (Keltics MC) Alternative MC “Gunslinger” BAND LISTING HERE $35 A YEAR! Plus you’re listed on the WOTR Website with any link you want. Denise Kwiatkowski Howard “Pervert” Mojo Mystics 7 Mc Navajo USMVMC Jim “Cadillac” Saville Robin D’Avignon “Hawk” Scope (WOG MC PSL) Ziggy Dennis Riggs Brent Casey (Turn 3) Davida Burenstein Al Kropat (Der Krieger MC) Crystal “Evil” Sean Gerovitz Ricky Rider “GUNNER” Terry Lanis Robert Parish Leathernecks MC In loving memory of Bernie, Chrissy, Clay, Big Ed, Bob Amchir, Animal, Ricky, Pervert, Roger-Kenny & Pauly 1%’ers, Mojo, Vinny Margotta, Poppy, Gunslinger, “Louie” & Davida Jason West (WOG MC PSL) Allan Hippler Steven Lambach 14 Years - April 2014 • Issue #174 • Page 47 Trackside with Chuck KillerChuck@wheelsontheroad.com The month of March was a busy month for the drag racing community in Florida. Florida hosted its largest drag racing event of the year in Gainesville, the NHRA MelloYello Gatornationals. Along with this event, Palm Beach International Raceway held its first ever “Mod Stomp at the Strip”. This race was full of 2,500+ horsepower promods who were testing and doing final tuning adjustments for the NHRA Gatornationals. The first event of the month was the “Mod Stomp” which brought pro mods from all over the country, and as far as Canada to sunny Florida to get some racing in. There were cars from as far west as California and all up and down the east coast just to get final preparations done in order to raise some hell in Gainesville. There were also a good number of cars from right here in our own backyard. A large majority used this event to help get back into the swing of things for the Gatornationals since the Gatornationals will be the first event for the NHRA pro-mods of the year. The weather was perfect and the track was set to kill, cars were flying down the strip left and right, all learning something new on each pass. One of the highlights of the event was Mike Knowles ’69 Blown and injected Camaro dubbed “Blown Money”. Knowles resides in Grand Junction, Colorado and made the trek down to Florida to join his fellow racing buddies who were all escaping the cold. This was one of the wildest paint jobs I have ever seen on a car. Knowles has his car painted and then hand laid real $100 bills all throughout the body. He then clear coated over the $100 bills to make them permanent. When the event came to a close, the winner was Travis Harvey of Elon, North Carolina who recorded a blistering 3.94 @ 191.67 mph in the 1/ 8. Congrats to Travis and his team for the win! It was a great event and I want to say thank you for the hospitality from the track staff, as always, thank you! The next major event at PBIR will be the infamous “Super Chevy Show’ April 4-6, for more information check out their website, www.racepbir.com. The following event was the NHRA Gatornationals. This was part of the NHRA Mello-Yello series. It doesn’t get bigger than this. Teams from all over the country piled into Gainseville in order to try and bring home the Wally for the event. Teams such as John Force Racing and Don Schumacher racing were there in full force. The event ran from Thursday thru Sunday and it was a packed house on each and every day. The four professional categories, Top Fuel DragsterNitro Funny Car- Pro StockPro Stock Motorcycle, were all full of numerous cars trying to qualify. One of the key highlights of the event was a qualifying match between Jeg Coughlin jr. and Erica EndersStevens. Erica Enders-Stevens set the world speed record for the pro stock category at LUFQ 214.69 mph. Jeg Coughlin was right behind with a speed of 214.01 making this the fastest NHRA Pro Stock side-by-side race in history! Congrats to Erica and Jeg. The Pro Stock class is run on a 500 cubic inch limit with no power adders, this is a naturally aspirated class. The weekend went well with no major crashes or injuries, which is always a good thing, safety is first! Congrats to all the winners of the event and we can’t until next year! Hope to see some of you at the next major event at Palm Beach International Raceway. On the weekend of March 23rd, I had the pleasure of attending “The Wounded Warriors District 9 Picnic” held at the American Legion Post 36. I had a great time and want to thank Gary and Sonja Schmitt. They were in charge of putting this event together and all the planning that went along with it. They did such an excellent job of coordinating everything, which included raffles, great food, and the most important, a salute to the armed forces and our wounded warriors. I would also like to thank Rolling Rock Beer for sponsoring this event, thanks to them everyone was able to enjoy an adult beverage. Along with all of this, they had live music playing for all “The South Florida Biker’s Bible Since 1999 - Pray for Dave!!! to enjoy. The line-up included the “Flyin’ Blind” band, “Hot Butter Peace”, “Soulicide”, and “Dean R. Ley and the Pillars” who are also going to be on a USO Tour with the “Lt. Dan Band” this year. I would like to wish them luck with the tour and appreciate all that they are doing. Everyone that attended this event had a great time and it was for a great cause. Gary and Sonja say that next year will be even larger and hope to gain a larger following to help support this great event and those affected in the line of duty. Make sure you check out “Flyin’ Blind” band’s Patriotic Tour 2014. You can check out all the information on Facebook, just look up “Flyin’ Blind Headquarters”. Stay safe until next time. Killer Chuck 14 Years - April 2014 • Issue #174 • Page 48 In loving memory of Bernie, Chrissy, Clay, Big Ed, Bob Amchir, Animal, Ricky, Pervert, Roger-Kenny & Pauly 1%’ers, Mojo, Vinny Margotta, Poppy, Gunslinger, “Louie” & Davida 14 Years - April 2014 • Issue #174 • Page 49 Cagneys and died in a motorcycle accident. Some of his family and friends came in from out of town to attend the event and there was a packed house of his Florida friends. A music jam was going on as a special tribute to Steve, who loved to get up and sing along with the band. There was a lot of love for him in the room that night and I’m sure he felt it. A lot of love was at the Outlaws Tiki Hut for Delora’s birthday party. A nice crowd stopped by to watch Delora make a piggy of herself... and to open birthday presents. Cookie (Dee) and a few other gals put out a tasty spread and everyone had a good time at Delora’s 29th? birthday. I had a chance to ride over to your ears take a breather. (I said there was a loud live music inside). We had a good time at both Margate bars for St. Patty’s night. Flossies is always up to fun, especially on St. Patty’s Day and this time was no exception. Mr. Nice Guy packed the outside Tiki area and had Sharkey’s in Margate to sample some excellent St. Patty’s corned beef and cabbage... ending with a tasty homemade cake. Sharkey’s always put on some sort of spread for every holiday so stop over and enjoy the hospitality. Afterwards Sharon and I stopped by O’Meara’s for about an hour to listen to the loud live band and eat a little more holiday food. Unfortunately for my stomach, there wasn’t anything left except for a morsel of corned beef. Just as well... I already had 2 helpings at Sharkey’s. O’Meara’s was packed inside but they now have outside tables in a fenced off area so you can enjoy a smoke or just let LUFQ “The South Florida Biker’s Bible Since 1999 - Pray for Dave!!! everyone dancing and drinking and singing and eating and having a blast. Pam, Lori, Peggy Sue and crew had their work cut out for them but as usual they pulled off a teriffic party. On the other hand, the BBRF did not have a terrific party... it was the worst turnout in their 7 years of doing this event. I counted about 50 bikes that made the ride... it made me sick to see the awful participation. Although there were 3 other local events going on the same day, there was no reason that a few hundred more riders couldn’t do the morning ride, then go to the casino for 30-60 minutes... then go to the other events. Ronnic C and his team pushed this event for almost a full year plus I ran full centerfold flyers for this event. It’s no wonder that Ron is not going to do this (or maybe any event) in the future. And the only people who are going to suffer are the sick kids from Chris Evert Children’s Hospital. Just 14 Years - April 2014 • Issue #174 • Page 50 terrible. I was at the start of the Smiles Ride, then rode to the Casino and waited for the 50 or so bikes to show up, escorted by approx. 20 BSO motormen who gave a full 50 mile escort around Broward County. Then at 1:30 I had time to go home near Commercial Blvd and the Sawgrass, walk my dogs, pick up Sharon, then go to the Keltics MC event. THAT parking lot was filled with at least 600 bikes. (400 that could have made the Smiles Ride and still had plenty of time to go to the Keltics Party) Inside the bar was packed but the AC was blasting and the music by Sucker Punch was good and loud. Everyone was having a good time as usual at a Keltic event. I want to apologize to Pepsi (States MC) for not showing up at his 65th birthday party at O’Meara’s. Sharon and I both picked up a bug and we were forced to stick close to the... toilet. But I’ll see you Thursday’s at the States MC Clubhouse Dinner as usual. (Just don’t steal the meatball tray again...) There are a ton of events coming up every month We better hug... it’s cold out! until December so just check page 33 for more info and check the index for the flyer page. Until next month... keep your Wheels on the Road. In loving memory of Bernie, Chrissy, Clay, Big Ed, Bob Amchir, Animal, Ricky, Pervert, Roger-Kenny & Pauly 1%’ers, Mojo, Vinny Margotta, Poppy, Gunslinger, “Louie” & Davida 14 Years - April 2014 • Issue #174 • Page 51 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234 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1%’ers, Mojo, Vinny Margotta, Poppy, Gunslinger, “Louie” & Davida 14 Years - April 2014 • Issue #174 • Page 53 LUFQ “The South Florida Biker’s Bible Since 1999 - Pray for Dave!!! 14 Years - April 2014 • Issue #174 • Page 54 Having t-shirt trouble... 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