Kutztonian News
Kutztonian News
A P U B L I C AT I O N O F T H E B O R O U G H O F K U T Z T O W N , P E N N S Y LVA N I A Kutztonian News VOLUME XIX SPRING/SUMMER 2011 AlternAtive energy Helping tHe BorougH to go green By Karen Feridun Planning Commission Chairperson and Environmental Advisory Commission member If you have envisioned solar panels or windmills in your future, you will be interested to learn about a new Ordinance approved by Borough Council during a public hearing on April 19, 2011. The Alternative Energy Systems Ordinance (§225-33.3) lays out important things to consider before installing a system that allows for the use of renewable energy, which is natural energy that has an unlimited supply. It can be used repeatedly without running out. The goal of the Borough, the Planning Commission and the Environmental Advisory Commission, who collaborated to develop the Ordinance, was to facilitate the use of renewable energy, by home and business owners, while putting in place as few limitations as possible. While the current Ordinance covers solar and wind systems, it also contains a clause that requires the Ordinance to be revisited periodically to allow for revisions that take new technologies and new applications of existing technologies into account. For instance, the new Ordinance already accounts for one of the newer solar applications, side-mounted solar panels that are attached to the façade of a building, sometimes in the form of an awning; however, innovative applications, such as in-roof mounted panels that are actually part of the roof, are continually being developed. INS I THIS I UE SS DE While solar panels are a great option for many properties in Kutztown, windmills and turbines are not. A wind specialist with the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) explained that there are too many natural and man-made obstacles in the Borough of Kutztown for wind power to be put into wide use, although there might be individual properties that are perfectly situated for windmills or roof-mounted wind turbines. The DEP specialist was one of many resources consulted while drafting the Ordinance. Installers, property owners with previous installations, legal sources, Ordinances from other municipalities and model Ordinances put together by expert panels contributed considerably to the final version where existing zoning requirements or industry standards didn’t apply. Before you embark on a major alternative energy installation, be sure to consult the Borough’s Community Development Office to find out what you will need to ensure a successful project! TO LEARN MORE: Review the Ordinance online at www.kutztownboro.org/reports.html Important Dates & Reminders ...............2 Telecom Updates & Community Development Reminders...... 6 FYI: Water Leaks ...................................3 Audit Notice .............................................................................. 7 Library Notes .........................................3 Pubic Works Update.................................................................. 7 Parks & Recreation ............................ 4-5 Borough Phone Numbers .......................................................... 7 COMMUNITY INTEREST Gun Permit Applications Many thanks to the Kutztown Grange and the Kutztown Lions Club for each donating three picnic tables for the park. third thursday of every month 10am-6pm in the train Station gAr D Thank You! in en g Clu B When you visit the Berks County Sheriff’s Department staff to process your permit application, you will need to complete the application, present photo ID and pay a $25 fee. If you enjoy gardening, join the newly formed Kutztown Area Garden Club and help to beautify Kutztown! We plan to have plant swaps, seedling exchanges, workshops and garden speakers. Email kutztowngardenclub@windstream.net for details. BOROUGH OF KUTZTOWN BICENTENNIAL March 1, 2015 Interested in joining the Bicentennial Committee? Contact Craig Koller at cak@hometownu.com. Want to channel your creativity and be a part of the celebration? Enter the Bicentennial logo contest! Submissions are due by July 24, 2011, to the Community Development Office (324 W. Main Street). The winner will be announced on December 31, 2011, during the Bicentennial New Year’s Eve party at the Kutztown Fire Company...save the date! For more information, check out Kutztown Bicentennial on Facebook! PAINT THE TOWN GOLD September 22 - 24, 2011 www.paintthetowngold.com 2 Alert Siren to SounD! The Kutztown Emergency Alert Siren will be tested May 6, August 5 & november 4 at 12:00 noon In case of an actual emergency, the best sources of information are local TV & radio stations. KUTZTONIAN NEWS COMMUNITY INTEREST l i B r A ry n o t e S SAVINGS AT HOME http://www.berks.lib.pa.us/louisagonsercl DRIP, Summer reading @ the library DRIP, DRIP... Get ready to embark on a grand adventure as we celebrate all corners of the globe with our summer reading theme “One World, Many Stories.” We are partnering with the Brandywine Community Library, who will host our kick-off event, on June 15, in Topton, featuring folk singer Daria. The August 19 finale program will take place in Kutztown with the talented storyteller Kristin Pedemonti. Join us during the eight weeks in-between for wonderful programs, every Wednesday morning at 10:00 a.m., featuring folktales, food and fauna from all around the world. Water leaks can add up. Here’s how to save water and money: Regularly check your toilet, faucets and pipes for leaks. If you find a leak, have it fixed as soon as possible. Reduce faucet leaks by checking faucet washers and gaskets for wear and replace them, or, if necessary, replace the faucet. Leaky toilets are most often the result of a worn toilet flapper. Replacing the rubber flapper is a quick fix that could save a home up to 200 gallons of water per day. For a leaky garden hose, replace the nylon or rubber hose washer and ensure a tight connection to the spigot using pipe tape and a wrench. Tighten connections on your shower head if drips appear when the shower is off. Check your garden and lawn irrigation system for leaks. Consider installing water and energy-efficient appliances. - Pennsylvania American Water Reprinted from Reading Eagle, 3/20/2011 liBrAry HourS Thanks to the generous funding by the Friends of the Library, our hours have changed: Monday through Wednesday: thursday and friday: Saturday: 10:00 a.m. – 7:30 p.m. 10:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Please note that Saturday hours in July and August are 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. SPRING/SUMMER 2011 Stops on our reading journey include Korea, Japan, Ghana and Papua New Guinea! Art educators from The Yocum Institute will lead our children in programs about dance, fairy tales and masks. Forgotten Friend, a reptile sanctuary based out of central Pennsylvania, will visit and bring animals from exotic locales. Children who keep a record of their reading over the summer, on paper tickets or online, will be eligible for incentives and prizes. passports @ the library Will your next vacation, school excursion or business trip take you outside of the United States? A passport will get you there and back! It’s easy to apply at Kutztown’s Louisa Gonser Community Library, plus the Library retains a portion of the proceeds. Appointments are available Monday through Wednesday, 10:30 a.m. – 6:30 p.m.; Thursday and Friday, 10:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.; and Saturday, 10:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. Call 610-683-5820 to schedule an appointment and to confirm that you have the necessary forms and documents. Information on the cost and how to apply for a passport is available at www.travel.state.gov. programs @ the library In an effort to help our community gain valuable computer skills, the Library offers computer classes. Call 610-683-5820 to inquire or to register. 3 PARKS & RECREATION 2011 CONCERT SERIES AT THE KUTZTOWN PARK BAND SHELL May 11 (Wednesday), 7-9 pm Kutztown Middle & Elementary School Jazz Bands May 18 (Wednesday), 6:30-9 pm Kutztown High School Show Choir, Jazz Band & Vocal Jazz Ensemble June 11 (Saturday), 7–9 pm The Wallace Brothers June 14 (Tuesday), 7:30–9 pm Flag Day Concert – Kutztown Community Choir June 18 (Saturday), 7–9 pm The Ringgold Band June 25 (Saturday), 7–9 pm Swing Fever Music from the Big Band era of the ‘30s and ‘40s July 9 (Saturday), 7–9:15 pm The Mudflaps Old Time Rock ‘N Roll from the ‘50s and ‘60s July 16 (Saturday), 7–9 pm The Happy Dutchmen German Band July 23 (Saturday), 7-9 pm Frog Holler Indie-Americana/folk/blues August 7 (Sunday), Kutztown Day, 3, 4:30, 7:30 pm The Allentown Band August 11 (Thursday), 7–9 pm Kutztown Area School District Summer Band PARK FACILITY RESERVATIONS 2011 reservations will be accepted any time and 2012 reservations will be accepted on or after October 3, 2011. The following buildings are available for rental: BUILDING: CAPACITY: A letter of request must be submitted to the Public Works Committee at least 30 days in advance for consideration of special events in the park, Scooter Building, Roller Rink or Band Shell. Band Shell* Scooter Building* Brick Pavilion Ceres Pavilion* Flora Pavilion Pomone Pavilion 100 50 50-100 50-60 50-60 50-60 Fees must be paid to the Borough no later than five days after the reservation is made, except for reservations made less than fifteen days prior to the event, which must be paid on the day the reservation is made. * Not available for rent on the first Sunday in August (Kutztown Day). Park rules and regulations can be found posted around the Park. If you have any questions, or if you would like to make a reservation, please call 610-683-3202, Monday through Friday, 7:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. KUTZTOWN PARK ROLLER SKATING RINK Skating is FREE! Dates: Mon. & Thurs. Evenings, June 6 – August 7, 2011 Times: 7 pm – 10 pm Location: Kutztown Park Roller Rink Miscellaneous: Evening programs are geared toward all ages, with contests & prizes! Roller blades are permitted with proper capping. Skate rentals are NOT available. Please bring your own skates. IMPORTANT DATES AT THE PARK 4 Date Event Location 5/27 – 5/29 Kutztown Jr. Legion Memorial Weekend Tournament Timothy M. Breidegam Field 7/8 – 7/10 KYAA Jr. Boys Baseball Tournament KYAA Baseball Fields 7/23 – 7/24 KYAA Sr. Girls 14 and Under Softball Tournament KYAA Sr. and Softball Fields 7/30 – 7/31 KYAA Sr. Girls 16 and Under Softball Tournament KYAA Sr. and Softball Fields 9/10 – 11/12 Kutztown Cougar Youth Football/Cheerleading Games held every Saturday and Sunday Park Multi-Purpose Field KUTZTONIAN NEWS PARKS & RECREATION BOROUGH OF KUTZTOWN SWIMMING POOL 2011 SEASON TICKET PRICES BOROUGH RESIDENTS NON-BOROUGH RESIDENTS FAMILY Parents & children including high school seniors residing in the same household $170.00 $225.00 ADULTS Over 18 years of age $110.00 $155.00 Special Late Afternoon Ticket Option* $ 95.00 $140.00 graduates & college students with valid ID $ 100.00 $145.00 Special Late Afternoon Ticket Option* $ 85.00 $130.00 STUDENTS Including current year high school DISCOUNTS GRANTED THROUGH MAY 27, 2011 $15.00 on Family tickets; $10.00 on Adult and Student tickets * SPECIAL LATE AFTERNOON SEASON TICKETS are available to individuals and are valid after 4 pm until closing on weekdays and any time on weekends during pool hours. FREE ADMISSION FOR KUTZTOWN BOROUGH SENIORS (62 years of age or older) Complimentary tickets may be obtained at the Kutztown Municipal Building. POOL HOURS 12 Noon – 8 pm (May, June, July) 12 Noon – 7 pm (August & September) NOTICE: Season Tickets must be purchased at the Kutztown Municipal Building and ARE NOT available at the pool. Evening hours extended, weather permitting and at the discretion of the Borough. Swimming Pool will be open daily, subject to staff availability and weather permitting, from May 28 through September 5, 2011. KUTZTOWN YOUTH SPORTS ORGANIZATION CONTACTS Park Summer Playground Program: Brett Mayer 610-944-6515 Little League: Kathy Schlenker 610-683-7274 Girls/Boys Soccer: Rich Reimert 610-756-4105 T-Ball: Mike Collins 484-256-4014 Football/Cheerleading: Laura Miller 610-756-3703 Dolphins Swim Team: Sandra Floyd 610-737-9917 Basketball: Jack Entriken 610-683-6748 Legion/Jr. Legion Baseball: Rob Rarick 610-682-6015 Wrestling: Steve Wehr 610-683-3831 SPRING/SUMMER 2011 GENERAL ADMISSION ADULTS (Over 18 years of age, including Senior Citizens) $8.00 CHILDREN/STUDENTS (Including ages 3 through high school seniors & KU students with a valid ID) $6.00 GENERAL ADMISSION — after 5 pm $4.00 Children under three years old are admitted free with a paid adult ticket holder. KUTZTOWN PLAYGROUND Managed by the Tri-Valley YMCA Sponsored by the Borough of Kutztown Dates: Monday through Friday June 20 – August 12, 2011 Times: 9 am – 1 pm Location: The Scooter Building is the hub of activity. Fees: $35 (Kutztown School District) $80 (outside Kutztown SD) Questions: Call the Tri-Valley YMCA office at 610-944-6515 5 TELECOM AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT teleCoMMuniCAtionS & inforMAtion teCHnology upDAte televiSion While we continue our effort to remain set-top box free, if you are looking for a DVR solution, our system is now TiVo® and Moxi® friendly! We will even be a remarketer for TiVo® services in the near future. Our TV lineup remains among the strongest in the industry for multiple reasons, but mostly because of our 45 High Definition (HD) channels, which unlike our competition, are not priced as a separate tier. We also offer 256 channels without the requirement and inconvenience of a set-top box. Our most recent television upgrade enabled us to add channels, group our programming by genre and provide the convenience of whole number channels, eliminating the PIDS (dots). Our system continues to be recognized as a leader in advancing television services. We have set a new standard by continuing to build a set-top box free, nonintrusive system for our customers. internet Our next planned Internet upgrade involves changing our customers’ home equipment to provide more advanced services such as 15Mb Internet service. We will be updating and overhauling our Web sites by the end of the year! otHer ServiCeS Attention local business owners! We now sell advertising spots on TBS, ESPN, TNT, CNN and more! It’s a great way to get affordable advertising for your business while helping to support the telecom system and the community. reMinDerS froM tHe CoMMunity DevelopMent offiCe GRASS AND WEEDS We understand that at this time of year, it may be difficult to find a dry stretch in which to perform lawn and garden maintenance. However, keep in mind that the Borough has regulations concerning maintaining grass and weeds at a maximum height of six inches. PROJECTS AND PLANNING When planning a project around your property, talk with the Community Development Office staff early in the planning stage to ask about permit and construction requirements that might apply to your project. If you need to apply for permits, we suggest doing so as soon as you have finalized your plans. We review applications in the order in which they are received. While we make every attempt to process them as quickly as possible, be aware that a plan review may take up to 14 days for residential projects and 30 days for commercial projects. The more detailed and thorough your paperwork is, the quicker the plan review can be completed. 6 Coming soon - Digital Phone Service! An added benefit to signing up for our own branded service is that the monthly charges will be added to your current Borough bill – one payment for all services! Everyone is encouraged to support the Borough’s telecommunications system, so we can continue to provide quality services at reasonable rates. Our goal is to continue to keep your money in your community working for you! Because of our system, close to one million dollars remains in this community every year – that’s an average savings of $441 per home per year! to Sign up for ServiCe, or if you Any HAve queStionS, pleASe CAll 610-683-5722. PERMIT FEES Please note that the Borough has revised its schedule of permit fees associated with building/mechanical, electrical and plumbing work. This restructuring was done to put the Borough’s permit fees in line with our third party inspection agency’s fees. The breakdown of fees can be found on our Web page as well as on the bulletin board in the Community Development Office. FINAL INSPECTION, THEN FINAL PAYMENT Many homeowners have stated, “I didn’t realize this work required an inspection. I’ve already paid my contractor their final payment.” Please note that whenever our office requires a permit to do work, at least one inspection is required. Depending upon the nature of work, inspections may be needed throughout the project. Details concerning inspections are included in the permit packet that is provided to the permit applicant. Remember, an approved inspection is required prior to proceeding at any phase of the project. KUTZTONIAN NEWS FINANCE & PUBLIC WORKS AUDIT NOTICE FOR YEAR END 2010 Operational Funds General Refuse & Recycling Water Electric Sewer Telecommunications Special Purpose Funds Fire Tax Recreation Road Tax State Highway Aid Unempl. Comp. Escrow Total Fiduciary Funds Police Pension Fund 1/1/10 12/31/10 98,449 96,574 1,825,468 1,403,105 2,259,670 313,622 202,597 49,583 1,376,069 1,455,298 1,658,802 65,113 $ 115,409 $ 3,870 $ 8,179 $ 1,172 $ 100,626 $ 6,226,144 84,783 72,928 3,387 260 101,356 5,070,176 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 2,705,667 OTHER FINANCIAL INFORMATION Taxable real estate assessed valuation Tax rate 3,099,181 $189,537,000 2.85 Mills EXTERNAL DEBT G.O. Bonds Series of 2001A, matures 11/2031 Series of 2003, matures 8/2023 Refi. Series of 2005, matures 8/2024 Refi. Series of 2006, matures 8/2031 G.O. Note Series of 2008, matures 9/2019 Total $ $ $ $ 1,895,000 3,690,000 3,275,000 2,365,000 $ 1,115,000 $ 12,340,000 PUBLIC WORKS SUMMER IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS Road Improvements •BriarCircleSouth,fromCollegeBoulevard,westward to the end – miscellaneous base repair and repaving •LambertAlley,fromSanderAlley,southfor approximately 300 feet – miscellaneous base repairs and repaving •NorthWhiteoakStreet,approximately370 lineal feet – storm sewer pipe replacement Refuse and Recycling •Thenewlyconstructedrecyclingbinbuilding will have a new baler installed to ease the handling of plastic and aluminum Parks •TheBandShellwillbepainted SPRING/SUMMER 2011 REVENUES CASH IN BANK EXPENDITURES Borough of Kutztown, Berks County, PA General government Public safety Sanitation and recycling Highways and streets Water, Sewer, Electric and Telecom Recreation Community Development Debt service Miscellaneous expenses Transfers & refunds Total $ 508,434 $ 2,141,955 $ 2,388,022 $ 763,384 $ 9,413,796 $ 482,696 $ 75,739 $ 582,065 $ 137,719 $ 1,697,154 $ 18,190,964 Tax revenues Licenses & permits Fines Interest & rents Intergovernmental revenues Charges for services Proceeds of financing Miscellaneous revenue Transfers & refunds Total $ 1,064,972 $ 116,854 $ 188,769 $ 1,114,382 $ 519,052 $ 11,824,110 $ $ 54,650 $ 2,244,098 $ 17,126,887 Published in accordance with Borough Code Act No. 581, Section 1043. The annual audit and financial report for the Borough are available for public inspection during normal business hours at the Kutztown Municipal Building, 45 Railroad Street, Kutztown, PA 19530. BOROUGH OF KUTZTOWN CONTACT NUMBERS 45 Railroad Street Administrative Offices .................................. TV/Internet Services ..................................... After Hours TV/Internet Support ................ Police Department Emergency .................................................. Non-Emergency .......................................... Office Information ...................................... 324 W. Main Street Community Development Office .................. Office of the Mayor ....................................... 105 Railroad Street Borough Garage ............................................ After Hours Utility/Refuse Services ............ 610-683-6131 610-683-5722 610-778-2088 911 610-655-4911 610-683-3545 610-683-3290 610-587-3298 610-683-3202 610-778-2088 Industrial Avenue Swimming Pool.............................................. 610-683-9177 70 Bieber Alley Louisa Gonser Community Library ............... 610-683-5820 Online www.kutztownboro.org www.hometownutilicom.org 7 PRESORTED STANDARD U.S. POSTAGE PAID KUTZTOWN, PA PERMIT NO. 1 Kutztonian News Editor: Gina M. Wiand © 2011 Borough of Kutztown 45 Railroad Street, Kutztown, PA 19530-1112 Your Current Mayor and Council for the Borough of Kutztown Mayor .............................. Sandra K. Green Council President ............ Malcolm A. Eidle Council Vice-President ... James F. Schlegel Council Member ..... Edwin K. Seyler Council Member ..... Mark R. Gangewere Council Member ..... Kevin J. Snyder Council Member ..... Derek D. Mace New services and exciting changes are coming soon! CABLE HIGH SPEED INTERNET TELEVISION ® TiVo COMING SOON! DIGITAL PHONE COMING SOON! YOUR TOWN. YOUR SYSTEM. YOUR SAVINGS. 610-683-5722 • hometownutilicom.org
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