trinity together - Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church
trinity together - Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church
TRINITY TOGETHER Trinity Lutheran Church 357 West Main Street Kutztown, Pennsylvania 19530 July/August 2015 Pastor: The Rev. Keith Rohrbach 484-256-4800 Director of Youth & Family Ministry: Seth Noggle 570-529-2325 Editor/Administrative Assistant: Lisa Finke 610-683-3450 Church Office Hours: Monday through Friday 9:00 AM – 2:00 PM Website: Our Mission Statement Telling others of God’s unconditional love through worship; Empowering discipleship through education; Leading others to this family of Faith as baptized believers; Calling all to follow Jesus’ example of servanthood. Hello All, I’m sure many of you feel like me right now and are wondering what happened to the summer. The whole couple months seem already planned to the brim with vacations and To-Do Lists. I hope you all have made sure to take time to spend with family and friends. It’s so easy to become burdened with so many “fun things” that we can sometimes lose focus of the important parts of our lives. It’s important to have fun, explore, and enjoy the summer freedoms, but it’s also important to stay rooted in the things that last. Stay rooted in our communities, our local friends, and our Church family. As I have booked my summer I found myself just really longing to be rooted. I kept telling my friends that I just wanted to feel like I had a place to unpack my suitcases at. Over my four years here I am so proud to say that my Church home at Trinity and Kutztown has become that place for me. It’s so nice to return and have people take time to care about my life; people that have known me for years, and have enriched my life and taken time to put stock in me. I think that’s one of the many jobs of the Church. I think it’s our job to allow others to feel rooted even when they’re in the midst of chaos. So take some time this summer to allow yourself to feel calm, and hopefully allow yourself to be that for someone else. Peace, Seth Noggle 1 JULY SCHEDULE & VOLUNTEERS LAY READERS: July 5 9:00 AM Joe Piscitelli (Folk Festival Service) July 12 9:00 AM Nancy Plushanski July 19 9:00 AM Gary Bond July 26 9:00 AM Tom Nardone ACOLYTES: July 5 9:00 AM July 12 9:00 AM July 19 9:00 AM July 26 9:00 AM AUGUST SCHEDULE & VOLUNTEERS LAY READERS: Aug 2 9:00 AM Tom Kulp Aug 9 9:00 AM Melanie Wessner Aug 16 9:00 AM Karise Mace Aug 23 9:00 AM Sue Mangold (Service in the Park) Aug 30 9:00 AM Jeff Collier Folk Festival Service Jack D’Andrea Mary Prevoznik Owen Kulp ACOLYTES: Aug 2 9:00 AM Aug 9 9:00 AM Aug 16 9:00 AM Aug 23 9:00 AM Aug 30 9:00 AM USHERS (for 9:00 AM Service): July 5 Bob Hobaugh & Melanie Wessner July 12 Richard Miller & Jim Schlegel July 19 Joanne & Ramsi Ross July 26 Jeff & Sue Collier Sarah Bubbenmoyer Hannah Nicholson Brody Graff Service in the Park Owen Kulp USHERS (for 9:00 AM Service): Aug 2 Tom & Debby Kulp Aug 9 Erica, Dan, Sarah, & Ryan Woodland Aug 16 Joyce & David Esser Aug 23 Jim & Andrea Orwig Aug 30 Judy Steinle & Kathy Hertzog ALTAR COMMITTEE: Sue Collier FLOWER CHAIRPERSON: Darlene Dietrich ALTAR COMMITTEE: Melanie Wessner COMMUNION USHERS: July 5 9:00 AM Folk Festival Service July 19 9:00 AM Catherine Holm & Ann Towne FLOWER CHAIRPERSON: Nancy Plushanski COMMUNION USHERS: Aug 2 9:00 AM Sue Mangold Aug 16 9:00 AM Allen McSparron BIBLE STUDY: Every Wednesday at 10:00 AM Thursday Bible Study is on hiatus until the fall BIBLE STUDY: Every Wednesday at 10:00 AM Thursday Bible Study is on hiatus until the fall IMPORTANT DATES: July 4 Independence Day July 5 Folk Festival Service July 26 Bicentennial Community Worship Service IMPORTANT DATES: Aug 23 Service in the Park Dear Family of Trinity, Thank you for your generosity in awarding me the Stephen Walter Scholarship this year. The $400 will be put to good use in helping with the costs not just of education itself but the materials that come along with it. I hope that this money will assist in paying for my books at least for my first year of schooling at DeSales University. Thanks again for this scholarship, your continuous support, and for assisting in the ongoing expenses of education for our generation. With much appreciation, Katrina Billig I would like to thank the Schellenberger family for selecting me to be the recipient of the Schellenberger Education Fund Scholarship. It means the world to me that I could receive a scholarship from the church I grew up at. Thank you again for selecting me. Katherine Blackwood 2 WANT TO JOIN A COMMITTEE? The members of the Finance Committee are looking to add a few new faces to their committee. Meetings are held the third Tuesday of the month in the Parlor. If you would like to join this committee or have any questions please contact the church office. YOUTH NEWSLETTER Youth Group has been seeing a regular attendance that is being continued into our summer months. All the students are a little stressed with their finals so prayers for them are appreciated. Also, we had many seniors graduate last week, and it was a joy to witness their growth! It’s an exciting time for all of them and I encourage you all to be thinking and praying for them as they go off on a new adventure. I was honored this year to once again preach at the Baccalaureate for the senior class which was hosted here at Trinity. I spoke on not letting fear guide us but instead being driven by love. It was an amazing turn out from both parents and students alike, and the students did a great job leading the service. Also, the members of the Stewardship Committee are looking to add a few members. This committee meets on an as needed basis. If you are interested in joining or have questions, please contact Kathy Buschan at or 908-966-4078. WHO TO CALL… If you have questions or concerns or are in need of pastoral care during Pastor Keith’s sabbatical, please contact any one of the following people… Contact information: Church Office: 610-683-3450 Administrative Assistant - Lisa Finke: 610-349-2325 Youth & Family Ministry Director- Seth Noggle: 570-529-2325 Council President - Kurt Rohrbach: 484-793-1393 Mutual Ministry Chairperson - Karen Raudenbush: 610-608-8290 Good News Club is officially done for the summer. It was a bittersweet last Sunday, but we had a great time doing a final craft and dancing to songs that we will be doing for Vacation Bible School this year. The VBS theme this year is Everest: Conquering Challenges with God’s Mighty Power! We were able to send a note with all the children reminding their parents about the dates. We also already have several people who are willing to help this year, and we’re once again teaming up with St. John’s. Emily is also excited about getting people together to decorate. DIRECTORY PHOTOS… Though the college ministry is over we have still had some great times to see the college students. Several of us went out to celebrate a student’s birthday, and there will be a bonfire at the LC next weekend to celebrate a student coming home from abroad. Also, Keith and I plan on having activities throughout the summer for our college students who have returned home to Kutztown over the summer. We already have a date planned at his home, and will probably restart Grilled Cheese nights. All in all it will be an exciting summer! For those of you that did not purchase pictures from Lifetouch and are only receiving the free 8x10 your picture is in the church office. Please see Lisa during office hours or on most Sunday mornings to get your photo. Any questions? Please call the church office at 610-683-3450. 3 Kutztown Bicentennial Celebration Calendar of Events WORSHIP SERVICE AT THE KUTZTOWN FOLK FESTIVAL Sat, July 25th: Kutztown Kruizz for the Bicentennial Main Street – 3 to 6 PM Kutztown Park – 7 PM If you were planning on attending worship services at the Folk Festival coupons for admission for congregation members are below. The Lutheran worship service will be held on Sunday, July 5th at 10:30 AM on the Main Stage. Even though the hours of the festival have changed worshippers can enter through the main gate at 9:00 AM with the coupon. Choir and musicians can enter through the vendor’s gate beginning at 7:00 AM. Sun, July 26th: Community Church Service Kutztown Park – 1 PM Sun, July 26th: Family Movie Matinee Strand Theater – 2 PM Mon, July 27th: Walking History Tour of Kutztown Kutztown Historical Society – 7 PM Tues, July 28th: Firefly Train Rides Kutztown Train Station – 7 PM Wed, July 29th: Ice Cream Social Kutztown Area Historical Society – 6 PM Thurs, July 30th: Celebrate the Seniors St. Paul’s UCC – 6 PM Fri, July 31st: Dinner on Main 200 Block of Main Street – 5 PM Sat, Aug 1st: Bicentennial Parade Main Street – 7 PM Sat, Aug 1st: After Parade Party Kutztown Fire Company – 8:30 PM Sun, Aug 2nd: Kutztown Day Kutztown Park – All Day For more information on any of these events… 4 Jr. Talisman Players The Talisman Players announce the inaugural production of the Jr. Talisman Players, a developing youth and teen part of our new “Community Theatre of Kutztown”. The presentation will include two “Classical French Farces”: The Farce of Master Patelin”, written during the 1400‘s (by an unknown author and adapted by Tom Nardone) and Moliere's The Doctor in Spite of Himself, written in 1666. There will be four performances here at Trinity Lutheran Church: Everest: Conquering Challenges with God’s Mighty Power! Hello Everyone! This July 12th-16th from 6-8 PM we will be hosting another Vacation Bible School here at Trinity Lutheran Church. This year we will be covering the theme of Mount Everest. This will be a great time of fun with great games, snacks, science activities, and a lot of music. Volunteers are always needed for this week event. You can help in many ways whether that is with decorating, helping during the week, or helping to tear down at the end. Please contact Seth Noggle if interested. Also, if you know any children preschool - 5th grade please let them know about this week! Friday, August 7th at 7pm Saturday, August 8th at 2pm and 7pm Sunday, August 9th at 2pm. Tickets are: $6.00 for children, students and seniors; $8.00 for adults; and children five and under are free. If you already appreciate the work of our “Talisman” performers you will be “amazed” at this new addition! Reservations: or call 917-838-7207. TRINITY PIPE ORGAN COMMITTEE Part of Trinity’s mission statement is “Telling others of God’s unconditional love through worship.” An integral part of worship is our wonderful music. I’m sure many of you are wondering why we have not been using our organ. Unfortunately, it is in need of many repairs. In order to explore the repair options and costs, this committee has been formed. We are in the early stages of contacting repair companies with our itemized list of known problems. In the coming months we look forward to gathering information and sharing it with you. Please keep us in your prayers. Don’t hesitate to talk to any of the members of the committee. The members are Shana Rose, Bud Kelchner, Lori Heffner, Bruce Rohrbach, Ann Towne, and Liz Shrawder. E-NEWSLETTER! Just a reminder that the September newsletter will be sent via email to most members. There will be some printed copies available at church for those who do not have email or do not wish to receive it by email. The only mailed copies will be for those that are unable to leave their home. If you have any questions, please feel free to call the church office at 610-683-3450. Also, this newsletter will be available on the website…! Check it out!! 5 CONGRATULATIONS GRADUATES! This is a list of all of the graduates and where they graduated from… Taylor Seiders Kutztown University Sean Parrish Kutztown University Chad Butz Kutztown University Tricia Johnson Kutztown University Victor June Kutztown University Erin Shannon Kutztown University Abby McVey Kutztown University Kathy Buschan, Ph.D. Capella University Ashley Weil Berks Technical Institute Zachary Weil Pennsylvania College of Technology Austin Fritz City College of New York Justin Tuerk The School of the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston Nate Robertson, MD Temple University School of Medicine Rachel Towne Syracuse University Alyssa Wentzel Kutztown Area High School Katie Blackwood Kutztown Area High School Katrina Billig Kutztown Area High School Emma Weaknecht Kutztown Area High School Justin Shurr Kutztown Area High School Sarah Woodland Kutztown Area High School Kevin Buschan Kutztown Area High School Madison Sanders Kutztown Area High School Tyler Diehl Kutztown Area High School We wish you the best as you start a new chapter in your lives! Worship in the Park Our annual Worship in the Park will take place on Sunday, August 23rd at Bowers Park. The time of the service will be 10:00 AM and a picnic will follow the service. All are welcome! We will provide the hot dogs, hamburgers, rolls, condiments and paper products. Please bring your lawn chairs and a dish to share. We will also do the annual duck race and there will be a piñata for the kids! It is a great day of worship, food, and fellowship. A sign-up sheet will be on the office door soon. We hope you can join us! Green Thumb Volunteers A sign-up sheet has been posted on the office door for anyone who can help to weed and water our flower beds during the summer growing season. There is no grass mowing or raking involved. If you would like to volunteer for a week or more, please feel free to sign up for the week or weeks that work best for you. With your help we can keep our church grounds looking clean and green. 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
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