CMF Internationa l FROM THE AMERICAN PEOPLE BUILDING A BETTER PLAV STRATEGIC PLANNING TEAM, MUNtClPALlTY OF PLAV AND USAID / CHF INTERNATIONAL MOMTENEGRO , .., STRATESKI TIM ZA PLANIRANJE I OPSTINA PLAV U SARADNJI SA USAID / CHF INTERNATIONAL CRl’%& (‘3CIRA -, ‘, PER PLAVIN ME TE MlRir TIMI STRATEGJIK I ALPINISTEVE DHE KOMUNA E PLAVIT Nli BASHKEPUNIM ME USAID / CHF INTERNATIONAL MALI I ZI 2005 INTRODUCTION The Strategic Planning Team from Plav Municipality, which included representatives of the local government, business community, citizens and NGOs, provided with expert and logistic assistance by the USAID - the Urban Institute and CHF - and the Municipality, developed the Strategic Development Plan for Plav for the period 2004-2008. Following the completion of public debate, the Municipal Assembly, at its eighth sitting held on lO* September 2004 adopted the proposed text version of the Plan. The Plav Strategic Planning Team is determined to contribute to accomplishing its vision of Plav Municipality as a “medium-developed municipality, well-established tourist destination, with the conditions in place to provide economic and demographic stabilization, cultural progress and tight link with the Diaspora ” by taking over its share of responsibility related to implementation of certain projects intended for this five-year period. For this purpose, the Strategic Planning Team is undertaking administrative and other preparations to register as an NGO and thus obtain legal status and formal ground to implement part of the Strategic Development Plan, as well as other development projects. In addition to other methods of funding, the strategy for funding the projects contained in the Plan includes an important role of employment of the capital owned by our citizens living in the Diaspora through: J Donations to fund the necessary infrastructure projects regarding communal, transport, or social infrastructure; J Partnership (stockholding) in the projects creating the so called business infrastructure of general importance and economic development projects We propose to present to potential donors, at the Donor Conference we are jointly organizing in Plav for the Diaspora representatives on 3 1” July 2005, the following projects, and start raising funds for their implementation: 1. Construction of school-town sports facility in Plav 2. Establishment and provision of adequate conditions for operation of the Fund for Promoting Development of Plav Municipality (Small Investment Fund) 3. Building a sewerage system in Gusinje 4. Development of Alipasa’s Springs in Gusinje 5. Building the capacity for manufacturing and producing traditional local costumes and handicraft in Vusanje 6. Building a jam and juice factory in Murino For the purpose of appropriate presentation of these projects, we deliver short excerpts from the projects mentioned above and from other relevant documents. Page1 oft CONSTRUCTION OF SCHOOL-TOWN SPORTS FACILITY IN PLAV Institution responsible BeCo BaSiC Secondary School and Plav Municipality Sector: Sports (infrastructure) Project Timeline: August 2006 Rational Neither Plav, which is a municipality, nor Gusinje, which is an urban neighborhood, possess sports facilities or gyms for organizing sports activities and larger competitions or events. The two local schools (elementary and secondary), which had 1,717 students during the school year of 2004/05, do not have gyms to hold physical education classes or sports or recreational activities for the school youth. The same situation is valid for the sports clubs that, either periodically or constantly, need a gym for regular practice sessions or competitions. Therefore, there is no indoor space that would serve for recreation of citizens and tourists or for practice sessions of athletes who would perform their high altitude preparations in Plav. Project Summary This project is intended to provide the students of the two local schools, as well as the citizens of Plav, with a place for sports and recreation, youth gathering, sports competitions and socializing. Contact Persons: Ramo Kolasinac “BeCo BaSiC ” Secondary School 087/251 -406 0691036-975 E-mail: and Sukrija Cikotic Department for Physical Planning, Plav 087 /25 I-268 067 /822-l 10 E-mail: opstinaplav@cg.yu The project papers envisage the construction of a multi-purpose “schooltown ” gym in the schoolyard shared by the two schools. The facility would have a pre-fabricated reinforced concrete structure with the main grid of 8.8 meters, with standard dimensions of 53.66 x 31.06 meters. The dimensions make it possible for three classes, which is three sports teams, to use the gym at the same time, as well as to organize and hold sports competitions. Telescopic stands with 600 seats are envisaged for the audience. The gym has all the necessary facilities for a structure of this type. The ground floor has a surface area of 1,628 m2, plus 322 m2 on the first floor, totaling to 1,950.OO m2. Project Objective The project provides for meeting several objectives, such as: J Better teaching conditions in the two schools J Better health condition of school youth and citizens J Reduced number of incidents and juvenile delinquency forms J More athletes and better sports results J Improved conditions for the so called sports tourism (athletes preparations and so on) and tourism in general Page2 of2 ’ Activities and Sources of Funding 1 Funds Activities 1 required Funding sources Provision of building permits Provision of connections to communal network and infrastructure Gym construction Phase I Municipality Gym construction Phase I1 Monitoring and organization Costs of the campaign for project funding Gym fumishingprops, equipment Total 15.000 budget 7.500 7.500 20.000 10.000 10.000 I I International sources Diaspora lntemational donations donors Domastic sources Republic 4OO.WO I 300.000 363.000 I 300.000 30.000 I I 33.000 40.000 I 30.000 30.000 15.000 15.000 I 5.000 I 5.000 I I 50.000 50.000 1 I 868 .000 [ 617.500 1 100 .500I 1 8o .ooo Progress Indicators Better student performance results 4 More sports and athletes J Better sports results, organizing municipal and regional sports competitions 4 Notes The amount required for the first year of project duration is 445,OOO.OO e. The amount required for the second year is 423,OOO.OO e. General consensus on the necessity of this project was reached in the public debate process, when adopting the mid-term development plans, and support obtained m frotheMunicipal Assembly. In addition, citizens, students and athletes of thewn to and the whole municipality collected around 4,000 signatures for the petition to local authorities to start with the construction of this facility. Considerable support to project activities has been provided by the partner organizations of the Secondary School and Municipality: Plav Causes Communes and Pro Natura from Switzerland, Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation SDC-COOF from Belgrade, Mr. Ogi - Chairman of the UN Geneva Sports Committee Page3 of3 ESTABLISHMENT AND PROVISION OF ADEQUATE CONDITIONS FOR OPERATION OF THE FUND FOR PROMOTING DEVELOPMENT OF PLAV MUNICIPALITY (SMALL INVESTMENT FUND) Institution / Organization Responsible For example NGO trFoundation for Better Plaw Sector: Economic Development (support to business development ) Project Timeline: Ongoing Rational Plav Municipality is the least developed area in Montenegro according to all the parameters for measuring social and economic development. Since 1987, the number of people employed in the business sector has been declining (from 1580 in 1987 to 901 in 2004). Most of those currently employed have in effect not been working or receiving their salaries for years, and their employment is about to formally terminate. Plav, with 2.2% population and numerous natural resources and other potential, produces only some 0.8 % of national GDP. Plav achieves only some 30% of average GDP in Montenegro. According to the data from the Commercial Court and the Municipality, there are 94 companies (Montenegro -10,350) and 175 enterprises registered (Montenegro - 12,458). It is general assessment that absence of investments, i.e. lack of capital, is the key reason for stagnating business activities in previously existing companies and for slow establishment of business structure in the sector of small and medium-size enterprises and entrepreneurship. On the other hand, there is evident lack of interest on the part of commercial banks to fund small and micro-projects; even when they do so, they charge interests that are too high. This makes for an important reason why numerous business ideas do not get implemented in spite of the existence of good development possibilities and evident demand for a number of products and services at the local and broader market. It is necessary to establish an investment-credit fund that would gradually evolve into a significant local source of funding+rediting business plans and investment projects, and therefore a significant development resource that encourages development and employment and mobilizes other development factors. It is foreseen that the Fund will obtain considerable assets based on the principle of donations, e.g. solidarity with the home town, and the principle of Fund stocks. Contact person: Kemal Purisic Plav local Economic Development Council +38l 87251 129 +38169035450 E-mail: kpurisic@cg.yu Project Summary Implementation of the project will result in the creation of a local non-profit organization, a foundation that would provide one-time donations to cofinance, under favorable conditions (no interest and just the necessary administrative expenses to be covered), implementation of investment projects in the field of economic development, approve mid-term credits to business organizations, and credit self-employment of physical persons. Existing and newly established business organizations with their main seat at the municipal territory will be entitled to obtain credits under identical conditions; also the citizens who are members or stockholders of the Page 4 of 4 Foundation, according to the criteria determined by the Managing Board and according to the standard banking procedure. The initial capital for the Fund will be provided by the Municipality and the interested founders (physical and legal persons). The Municipality will also provide other conditions for successful operation of the Fund (administration, logistics for the Managing Board and Supervisory Board etc). The Fund is intended to raise funds from donations, membership, contributions, financial subsidies, legacies, and interests on deposits, dividends and in other legal manners. Depending on the financial potential of the Fund, a certain number of investment projects will be funded. Project Objectives J In the mid-term and long-term perspective: better business dynamics, structural adjustment of local economy, new jobs, higher level of domestic product and better living standard of the population, better municipal fiscal potential and the opportunity to broaden the credit potential of the Fund. J Stabilization of the demographic situation in the municipality. kctivities and Durces of Funding I Activity FUllds Required l- L Municipality al sources Businesses donations. Survey of target groups Campaign to disseminate information, presentations, broadcasts, conferences etc. Securing the initial capital Monitoring Administration Total: 500 500 5,ooo 2.000 170,000 10.000 5,ooo 2,~ 18290 1 BOO 1.000 14.soo 10.000 1.000 tional donors 50.000 2.000 2.000 1.000 !NIoo Progress Indicators J Number of approved credits to finance business ideas J Number of funded general importance projects in the business field J Number of newly employed people Notes The Fund will have two components and roles in fostering business development: 1. Grants obtained from donors for the purpose of funding the projects of general importance that create better business environment, and 2. Credits obtained from the founders (stock capital of the founders). The amount required to start the Micro-Credit Financial Organization is 103,000 e. PageSof BUILDING SEWERAGE SYSTEM IN GUSINJE Institution Responsible The Municipality of Plav and the Neighborhood District of Gusinje Sector: Communal Infrastructure Project Timeline: End of 2006. Rational Gusinje is situated in the far northeast of Montenegro, near the border with the Republic of Albania. It is the local center for several surrounding neighborhoods, and one of the most populated and most important neighborhood districts in the Municipality of Plav. Gusinje is a relatively old settlement, with an extremely long tradition in trade and handicraft, a crossroads of old caravan routes (to Skodra and Dures, Dubrovnik, Istanbul etc). It is situated in the southern part of the Plav-Gusinje Valley, to the west from the convergence of the rivers Vruja and Gmcar which create the Ljuca River, flowing into the Lake Plav. According to the latest census performed in 2003, there are 1639 permanent residents, while the total population is 3243 (according to the census from 1991 there were 2033 permanent residents). Most of the settlement does not have sewerage and storm-water drainage system (around 76%), and the wastewater drainage is done through septic tanks and partly through the sewerage system in place (there is a system aroundl850m long). There is no device for wastewater treatment, for the existing sewerage system segment, so wastewater flows directly into the rivers of Raja and Grocer, and from there into Ljuca and Lake Plav. This situation causes numerous problems for the local population, especially at the times when the level of underground water is high and septic tanks spill over; in the summer there is unpleasant smell in the whole settlement, particularly in the central urban zone. This all presents a health riskfor the population, and also in the sense of onset of infectious disease. The pollution of the Ljuca River (used to be well-known as having most grayling fish) and Lake Plav (the most attractive natural, tourist, and hydrological structure of Montenegro) presents another major environmental problem in Plav Municipality. Contact persons: Sukrija Cikotic Plav Department for Physical Planning 087 I25 l-268 067 /822-l 10 E-mail: opstinaplav@ cg.yu Dzevdet Lalicic , Gusinje 0691529 916 Project Summary Building a 4000m long sewerage system in Gusinje and the wastewater treatment plant with appropriate equipment. Implementation of this project ensures permanent elimination of the possibility for environment pollution and onset of infectious diseases in this area, prevents the pollution of water downstream from Gusinje and Lake Plav, and enables considerable improvement of the living conditions of all residents of Gusinje. Project Objective Implementation of this project ensures permanent elimination of the possibility for environment pollution and onset of diseases in this area, prevents the pollution of water downstream from Gusinje and Lake Plav, and enables considerable improvement of the living conditions of all residents of Gusinje. In addition to the immediate objective, the project provides for achievement of several objectives such as: Page6of6 Provision of better maintenance of public spaces in the settlements Reduction of wastewater discharge expenses Reduced air, water and soil pollution Better general health Improved life quality Fewer requests for repair and maintenance of septic tanks Increased revenues from the sewerage Activities and Sources 4 ‘Funding Sources of Funding lnten tional Domestic International Donations Citizens of Plav donors Diaspora Gusinje Municipality 10 , ooo 3,000 270,000 25,000 45,000 200,000 600,000 600,000 wastewater Total 883,ooo 38,000 45,ooil 2043,000 Progress Indicators J Number of households and business structures to be connected to the sewerage system, J Improved communal infrastructure in the settlement 4 Considerable improvement in the level of environment protection and living conditions Notes The overall project is designed so as to enable the possibility of implementation in phases, by performing the works in the (tone street after another) manner, while the construction of wastewater treatment plant with appropriate equipment could be provided at the end, again in phases. This possibility enables project implementation depending on the amount of funds raised. Specifications for the project have been done (at the level of the main design), with the exception of the project and technical design of the wastewater treatment device (with equipment). Offers are available for the purchase of devices for mechanical and biological treatment of wastewater (the so called ctbio rob)) manufactured by a company from Serbia and Montenegro. Page7of7 DEVELOPMENT OF ALIPASA’S SPRINGS IN GUSINJE Institution Responsible Municpality of Plav and Community of Gusinje Sector: Infrastructure Project Timeline: June 2006. Rational Alipasa’s Springs in Gusinje is one of the biggest sources in Montenegro, relatively close to the settlement, a popular and well-known resort, both in the country and abroad. Plav and Hrid Lakes are the most attractive scenic spots of this and broader region. However, the area of Alipasals Springs is rather poorly developed, and therefore not sufficiently accessible to admirers. The basin walls of the storage lakes are rather damaged and their parts prone to collapsing; there is water leaking all around and the walls are covered in vegetation and water plants. The water that is not directed to mill-races leaks in the places that are insufficiently visible and accessible, thus failing to make the expected impression on the observer. The bridges are worn down, or missing in the places where they wouldbe needed, and additionally, they lack fences. The existing pathway in the zone of the springs follows the banks of the storage lake, gets flooded in several places, and is not entirely safe for children. The whole area is not lit at night, and there are no shades or communal props. Maintenance of communal order is difficult and irregular in such a poorly developed area, which leaves the impression of lack of concern for a natural wonder and is a poor recommendation for the development of tourism. Project Summary Town planning papers and a special Municipal Assembly ordinance define that Alipasa ’s Springs should serve for development of tourism. Although this site has been attracting numerous visitors so far, there have been no development activities in the very zone of the springs - except, to an extent, the access plateau where one of the existing mills has been made into a restaurant - due to lack of funds for this purpose. Contact Person: DZevdet Lalii5C Gusinje 0691529 916 Implementation of this project will enable development of Alipasa ’s Springs - a surface area of around 2.5 hectares, which is the entire traditional resort area. This will provide the visitors with adequate access and a more powerful experience of the natural attractions of the scenery. A stone pathway, around 420 m long and 1.2-1.5 m wide, will circle the water area. The old plain little bridges will be replaced by 4 new pinewood bridges and a stone pass. The worn-down walls of the storage lake will be reinforced andtwo more arch dams built. That way all the water that does not go to mills will be directed to eight overflows with total length of 87m and to stilling pools that would emphasize all the beauty of water flowing and gurgling. The whole complex will be lit using 7 poles with two candelabras each in the access area, and 32 more elaborate lights and 4 beams for the path and the water area. In addition, the existing plain vegetation will be cleared, 486 m2 of lawn created, along with planting of 50 trees and 12 decorative plants. Communal Page8of8 props will be placed (16 benches, 14 trashcans, 2 sanitary compartments, billboards). Project Objectives Development of Alipasa is Springs for the purpose of: J better utilization for tourism, J generating more income from tourism and J Employing a dozen of people. J Protection of a precious natural resort. J The concept of development is quite moderate and discreet intervention in space. Utilization of this complex will also provide much moreefficient sanitation and preservation of natural balance than so far. Momtormg 2,000 Total 213,900 2,000 39,900 20,ooo Progress Indicators More people visiting this tourist destination Better protection of natural space Better financial results of operation New jobs More revenues for the municipality Page 9 of 9 132,000 22,000 THE CAPACITIES ’ DEVELOPMENT FOR THE TRADITIONAL COSTUMES AND HANDICRAFTS PLAV AND VUSINJE AREA PRODUCTION AND CRAFTING Sector: Economy Project duration: late 2006 ’ OF Institution Responsible NGO ((ALPET SHQIPTARE -ALBANIAN ALPI -ALBANSKE ALPI >)GUSINJE Rational The area of Plav municipality and its wider hinterland are very rich in cultural and traditional rarities, diversities and in very attractive peasant costumes, folk handicraft (embroidery, carpet, ‘tepiseria ’, needlepoint and similar). These are very valuable, unique and respected in a wider market. These products have been mainly crafted within the families while the skills have been transferred from a generation to a generation and from the older to younger ones. There is a strong tradition for these products to be used in the present and willingness for their preservation for the future times. On the other hand, there is an obviously poor societal interest in women inclusion in the region ’s development though there are good development opportunities and an evident demand for these products and services in both the local and a wider range market. It is, therefore, necessary to build a capacity for the production and crafting of the traditional peasants costumes and handicrafts from the area of Plav in Vusanje providing initially employment for some 20 mainly female workers. Project Summary This project ’s initial capital is to be provided by the Municipality, NGO “ALPET SHQIPTARE” through a foundation (((FONDACIONI: ,,PLAV E GUCI “) based in NEW YORK, and the other interested founders (physical and legal entities and the other Diaspora donors). The Municipality is going to provide a free of charge location for the construction of the facility in question and the other relative preconditions for the successful construction. The activities on development of the main project for this construction are in progress. Project Objectives J Production growth and the living standard improvement (new jobs). J Preservation of the national and cultural tradition of these area ’s residents. J Stabilization of the demographic situation in the Municipality. Contact person: Tahir Gjonbalaj Council for the local economic development - Plav +381 87255 140 +381 69 047-846 E-mail: PagelOoflO ctivities and the funding sources ! 3ou r ces of Funding 1I I Do Activities Funds required Municipality other actions t The target groups survey/polling Information campaign, presentations, programs, conferences and similar Provision of the location and the building’s construction Provision of the basic assets for the handicraft and of the various needed machines for the respective activities Marketing promotion in the region and abroad i.e. the connections establishment enabling a better sale Total: stic Economic ---- r II lntematic Companies’ funding and construction permit Diaspora l -Donations Diaspora Actions 500 1,500 1,000 7,000 2,000 1,000 78,000 Provision of a free of charge location 10,000 10,000 38,000 zoo0 25,000 1,000 2,000 2,000 16,000 4,000 28,000 2,000 2,000 5,000 14,500 4,500 1 139,500 I 24,000 15,ofRl 4,000 1790 72,50 0 1OW Progress Indicators J Number of newly employed women J Providing living conditions for the numerous families and the women J Direct inclusion in economic activities and the society development J Direct women rights improvement i.e. gender equality Notes Capacity development for production and crafting of the traditional peasant costumes and handicrafts coming from the area of the Municipality in Vusanje, is to have its two components and roles in the economic development stimulus: 1. New women ’s’ jobs 2. Economic migration prevention and the women rights improvement. Page 11 of 11 PROVISION OF THE EQUIPMENT FOR THE JAM/FRUIT JUICES PRODUCTION IN MURINO Institution Responsible Agriculture Producers Association Sector: Agriculture Project duration: October 2005 - Murino Rational In the past apples, blueberries and other fruits were purchased from the farmers on regular basis which significantly contributed to the development of this region. As such purchases have not been organized in past 15 years farmers had large surpluses of agricultural produce for which they cannot get the proper value at the local market. Project summary Purchasing of the equipment for the fruit processing into jam and fruit juices of 200 liters capacity - in order to improve the Murino produces ’ competitiveness. The processing section itself would be placed in the Agricultures’ Cooperative premises. The required equipment is, as follows: 1. a hydraulic desk fruit press TP 40 2. a pneumatic plant 3. an Equipment for lift increase PP 40 4. a mill for fruit with 380 V ( 0,75 KW, 1400 upm) engine with stand 5. a basket for milled fruit - PE 80 with pump 6. a plastic oval barrel of 60 liters capacity 7. a pro-chrome sieve 19 cm 8. a pump gr. 1 201 /min 9. a juice filter with two home unites and a pomp 10. a plastic round barrel of 60 liters I 1. a pasteurization section -18 KV, 380 V DO 2001 an hour with a thermometer 12. a spiral plastic hose 10m 20 x26 mm 13. ‘Wigol ’ detergent- 6 kilos 14. bottles charger (3 pcs. at the time) 15. device for the bottles close down 16. bottles washing equipment 17. an electronic table scale - 0 up to 20 kilos Project Objectives This project is to have a significant this area. Contact person: Ivan VuletiC Agriculture Producers Association, Murino Phone: 069 662 185 effect in terms of the fruit processing in J the fruit loss reduction and the fruit produces stimulation to increase their production J the farmers ’ income increase J seasonal job creation Page12of12 Progress Indicators J Agriculture households increase J The Agricultures ’ Cooperative development Page13of13