Delhi - The Pioneer
Delhi - The Pioneer
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While Home Minister Rajnath Singh promised in Srinagar on Thursday to introduce an alternative to the pellet guns, Home Ministry officials in New Delhi said that PAVA shells could be the new weapon to tackle stone pelters. Conceding that pellet guns did not prove to be “nonlethal”, the Home Minister said an expert committee will submit its report within three to four days on the use of pellet guns. “We will propose a substitute to pellet guns,” he assured. Reports from Delhi said that an expert panel held a presentation of the newly-developed shells at a test field here earlier this week and gave the thumbs up for use by security forces for crowd control and during protests like those being witnessed in the Valley, in place of the pellet guns which have caused grievous injuries and large-scale blinding. The PAVA shells, as per the blueprint prepared in this regard, were under trial for over a year at the Indian Institute of Toxicology Research, a Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) laboratory in Lucknow. <0A:4CB D6?D6I ?:7EJ F40C74A <0G"$!2! <8=!%'2 6T]TaP[[hR[^dShbZh 20?BD;4 =0EC49B0A=0C>14=4GC 8=380=4=E>HC>C74DB =Tf3T[WX) 8]SXP³b7XVW 2^\\XbbX^]Tac^cWTD:=PecTY BPa]PXbbTcc^WTPSU^a FPbWX]Vc^]Pb0\QPbbPS^ac^ cWTDBR^]bXSTaTSPWXVW_a^UX[T _^bcX]V0ad]BX]VW8]SXP³b 0\QPbbPS^ac^cWTDBXbSdT U^aaTcXaT\T]cP]SXcXb d]STabc^^ScWPcBPa]P³b]P\T WPbQTT]UX]P[XbTSc^bdRRTTS WX\ 5;84AB<0HB>>=64C >=1>0A38=C4A=4C =Tf3T[WX) 0Xa_PbbT]VTab\Ph QTPQ[Tc^dbT8]cTa]Tc^]Q^PaS P]STeT]\PZT_W^]TRP[[b QTVX]]X]VPbTPa[hPb]Tgc \^]cWfXcWbTRdaXchXbbdTb QTX]Vb^acTS^dcU^aP[[^fX]VdbT ^UFX5XUPRX[XchX]cWT8]SXP] PXab_PRTCWTUPRX[XchfX[[QT PePX[PQ[TU^aS^\TbcXRPbfT[[Pb U^aTXV]RPaaXTabU[hX]VX]8]SXP] bZXTbU^afWXRWcWTcTRW]XRP[ P]S^_TaPcX^]P[\^SP[XcXTbPaTX] cWTPSeP]RTSbcPVT^U UX]P[XbPcX^]^UUXRXP[bbPXS 88C=0<4BB70<4B58A<B 5>AA4=468=6>=>554AB <d\QPX) 8]P]d]_aTRTST]cTS \^eTcWT8]SXP]8]bcXcdcT^U CTRW]^[^Vh1^\QPh^] CWdabSPhaT[TPbTScWT]P\Tb^U ]X]TR^\_P]XTbXcWPbQ[PRZ[XbcTS U^aP[[TVTS[hV^X]VQPRZ^]_[d\ Y^Q_[PRT\T]cbcWTh^UUTaTSc^ XcbbcdST]cbCWTbTR^\_P]XTb \^bc^UcWT\bcPacd_bfTaT Q[PRZ[XbcTSU^a^]ThTPaU^a ePaX^dbaTPb^]b88C1 b_^ZTb_Tab^]5P[Vd]X1P]TaYTT =PWPbPXS It is understood that the committee has recommended that the Tear Smoke Unit (TSU) of the Border Security Force in Gwalior should be tasked with bulk production of the shells “immediately”, with the first lot containing not less than 50,000 rounds. The name PAVA comes from Pelargonic Acid Vanillylamide, also called Nonivamide, and is an organic compound found characteristically in natural chilli pepper. On the Scoville scale (a measurement of the pungency of chilli peppers), PAVA is categorised as “above peak” meaning it will severely irritate and paralyse humans temporarily. It is also used as a food additive to add pungency, flavouring and spice to food. The committee said PAVA can be categorised in the lesslethal munition category. Once fired, the shells burst and temporarily stun, immobilise and paralyse the target (protesters) in a more effective way than a tear gas shell or pepper sprays. The panel noted that PAVA is “bio-safe, better than chilli grenade or tear smoke shell and can also be used in combination with stun and tear shells” by security forces while tackling unruly protesters. Apart from promising to replace the pellet guns, the Home Minister reiterated his call for dialogue under the ambit of Kashmiriyat, Insaniyat and Jamhooriyat, and asked the State Government to prepare to receive an all-party delegation from Delhi. =XaQWPhP VP]VaP_T R^]eXRccaXTb c^WP]VbT[U ?=BQ =4F34;78 day after the reported leak of sensitive documents related to combat capabilities of the Scorpene submarine came to the fore, the Indian Government on Thursday took up the matter with its French counterpart and urged them to probe the issue with urgency. The Indian Navy contacted the Director-General of Armament of the French Government and asked them to share the findings of the probe. It is suspected that the ‘leak’ could have taken place in France. The Mazagon Docks Limited (MDL), which, in collaboration with Direction des Constructions Navales Services (DCNS) of France, is building D]X^]7^\T<X]XbcTaAPY]PcWBX]VWP]S9P\\d:PbW\Xa2WXTU<X]XbcTa<TWQ^^QP<dUcXX]cTaPRcfXcWcWT\TSXP_Tab^]b six Scorpene submarines in SdaX]VP?aTbbR^]UTaT]RTX]BaX]PVPa^]CWdabSPh ?C8 Mumbai, has also ruled out leak of documents at its end. Addressing a joint Press Maintaining that the initial conference with Chief Minister analysis of some of the 22,400 Mehbooba Mufti at her official leaked pages indicated that residence on the concluding security of the project was not day of his two-day visit to the compromised, sources said State, Singh said the Central there was no reason to get Government was concerned alarmed. about the future of Kashmiri :7DAB7443F0=8Q BA8=060A 2010 unrest when nearly 120 On Wednesday, Defence children. civilians were killed. Minister Manohar Parrikar “India will have no future ammu & Kashmir Chief She said people came out asked Navy chief Admiral Sunil if Kashmir does not have a Minister Mehbooba Mufti on the roads after the July 8 Lanba to conduct a probe to future,” he said, adding, “The on Thursday said that 5 per killing of Hizbul Mujahideen check the authenticity of the youth in Kashmir should have cent people resorted to street terrorist Burhan Wani even leaked documents and claimed pens, books and computers in violence in Kashmir Valley in though the Government had it was a case of hacking. A team their hands, not stones.” the last few weeks, but the rest imposed a strict curfew. “Had headed by deputy chief of Naval He said that his second visit of the 95 per cent people want a kid gone to buy a toffee from Staff was going through the in a month’s time is indicative a resolution to the issue an Army camp? A 15-year-old 22,400 leaked documents and it of the concern the Government through peaceful means. She boy who attacked a police sta- will take some time to reach any has for Kashmir. He said he said the people resorting to vio- tion in Damhal Hanjipora conclusion, officials said. met around 20 delegations lence would be dealt with (south Kashmir) had not gone An internal audit of procecomprising around 300 people sternly according to law. to fetch milk. Don’t compare and discussed the Mehbooba became agitated the two,” she thundered. prevailing situation. when a journalist asked her She said the 2010 killings The Home Minister said about the alleged dispropor- were in response to agitations his Ministry would soon set-up tionate use of force against civil- against a fake encounter in a nodal agency that would ian protesters and if she had Machil sector while the 2009 look into complaints of the swapped her role and views with unrest followed the Shopian Kashmiri youth. her predecessor Omar Abdullah, rape and murder. Continued on Page 4 who ruled the State during the Continued on Page 4 A 2<) 0ccPRZTaWPS]^cV^]T c^0a\hRP\_c^Qdhc^UUTT J C>64C74A2>=B?8A02H \Z CWT<PiPV^]3^RZb;X\XcTS<3;fWXRWX]R^[[PQ^aPcX^]fXcW 32=B^U5aP]RTXbQdX[SX]VbXgBR^a_T]TbdQ\PaX]TbX]<d\QPX WPbP[b^ad[TS^dc[TPZ^US^Rd\T]cbPcXcbT]S \Z <PX]cPX]X]VcWPccWTX]XcXP[P]P[hbXb^Ub^\T^UcWT!!#[TPZTS _PVTbX]SXRPcTScWPcbTRdaXch^UcWT_a^YTRcfPb]^c R^\_a^\XbTSb^daRTbbPXScWTaTfPb]^aTPb^]c^VTcP[Pa\TS \Z CWT6^eTa]\T]cXbP[b^TgP\X]X]VXUcWTX]U^a\PcX^]R^]cPX]TSX] cWTS^Rd\T]cbR[PX\TSc^QTPePX[PQ[TfXcW0dbcaP[XP]b^daRTb WPbQTT]R^\_a^\XbTS \Z 0WXVW[TeT[R^\\XccTTR^]bcXcdcTSQhcWT3TUT]RT<X]XbcahP]S cWT8]SXP]=PehXbcPZX]VP[[]TRTbbPahbcT_bc^\XcXVPcTP]h _a^QPQ[TbTRdaXchR^\_a^\XbTcWThbPXS \Z 8cXbP[b^RPaahX]V^dcPSTcPX[TSPbbTbb\T]c^UcWT_^cT]cXP[ X\_PRc^]cWTBR^a_T]T_a^YTRc dures to rule out security compromise was also going on, officials said, adding the Defence Ministry was in touch with foreign Governments through diplomatic channels to verify the authenticity of the reports. The Government is also examining if the information contained in the documents claimed to be available with Australian sources has been compromised. A high-level committee constituted by the Defence Ministry and the Indian Navy is taking all necessary steps to mitigate any probable security compromise, they said. It is also carrying out a detailed assessment of the potential impact of the leak on the Scorpene project. Sources said a Defence Ministry team may also travel to France and visit the DCNS headquarters. The French shipbuilder that had inked the $3.5 billion deal in 2006 for building Scorpene submarines at the MDL, on Wednesday said that French authorities were probing the “serious” matter. Continued on Page 4 APVPU[X_U[^_b 9`daZeR]¶dRaReYjW`cTVd ^]ABBPVPX] ecZSR]e`TRccjhZWV¶dS`Uj bPhbWTbcP]Sb `_dY`f]UVcW`c"!\^ QhTeTahf^aS 'HILDQFHRI6& KLWVQHZ KHLJKW*RYLQGDVKXUW A ?=BQ =4F34;78 day after Congress vicepresident Rahul Gandhi told the Supreme Court that he never blamed the Rashtriya Swyamsevak Sangh (RSS) as an institution for the murder of Mahatma Gandhi, Rahul said on Thursday he will never stop fighting the RSS. “I will never stop fighting the hateful & divisive agenda of the RSS. I stand by every single word I said,” tweeted Rahul. His tweet came after media reports said that he took a Uturn on Wednesday when he told the Supreme Court that he did not ever blame the RSS for the assassination of Mahatma Gandhi but had only said that a “few individuals in the organisation” were responsible for it. Congress leader Digvijay Singh dismissed suggestions that Rahul has made a U-turn in the Supreme Court on the RSS and said the party vicepresident stands by his assertion that the person who assassinated Mahatma Gandhi was from the organisation. Continued on Page 4 BC055A4?>AC4AQ =4F34;78 inay Sharma, one of the convicts sentenced to death for the rape and murder of Nirbhaya on a moving bus in Delhi in December 2012, tried to hang himself in Tihar Jail after consuming a heavy dose of anti-depressants on Wednesday night. However, Sharma’s lawyer claimed that he was being tortured in the jail and it was not a suicide attempt but attempt to murder. Meanwhile, the parents of the 23-year-old victim reacted by saying that they wanted to see “all of the convicts dead so that they could take a sigh of relief ”. “It is good for such people to die as they are dangerous for society and country,” said Nirbhaya’s father. Sharma was suffering from depression and was on medication, sources in jail said. “Tamil Nadu Police security personnel prevented Vinay from committing suicide after they saw him trying to hang himself in his cell around 9.30 pm with a towel in the jail. He was immediately taken to DDU hospital for treatment. He is now reportedly out of danger,” Tihar Jail Superintendent Bijendra Kumar said. The officer said that Sharma has been lodged in Jail No.8 of the high security ward in Tihar. He, however, said the reason for the attempt was not known. Continued on Page 4 Related report on P2 183C> ?8424 V ?=BQ 170F0=8?0C=0>38B70 day after a tribal man had A to walk 10 km carrying his wife’s body on his shoulder in Odisha’s Kalahandi after failing to get a vehicle from a Government hospital, a probe was ordered on Thursday to ascertain the circumstances which led to the incident. “The District Collector of Kalahandi has ordered an enquiry into the incident. SubCollector of Bhawanipatna has been directed to conduct the probe and submit a report at the earliest,” State Urban Development Minister Pushpendra Singhdeo, who hails from Kalahandi district, said in Bhubaneswar. “Sub-Collector Sukanta Tripathy has been asked to ascertain whether the tribal man, Dana Majhi, had been denied a vehicle to take his wife’s body from the hospital here yesterday,” said a senior officer. The incident took place on Wednesday when locals found Majhi carrying his wife Amang Dei’s body, with his 12-year-old daughter trailing behind. The 42-year-old woman had died of TB at the district headquarters hospital at Bhawanipatna. Majhi said despite all efforts, he failed to get any help from hospital authorities and had no other alternative than to wrap the body in a cloth and start walking to his village Melghara in Rampur block, about 60 km from Bhawanipatna. “I told the hospital authorities that I am a poor man and can’t afford a vehicle. Despite repeated requests, they said they can’t offer any help,” Majhi told a local television channel. Singhdeo, however, claimed an ambulance was sent for transportation of the body of Majhi’s wife to their village as soon as the authorities concerned came to know about it. Unfortunately, the man had by then covered a distance of around 10 km, the Minister said, adding “appropriate action would be taken after the inquiry report is submitted”. Continued on Page 4 <PagXbcZX[[Tab`dPSWPRZbABB\T] ?=BQ :>278 6^eX]SPbcPZX]V_PacX]3PWX7P]SXRT[TQaPcX^]bQhU^a\X]VP_haP\XS^]cWT^RRPbX^]^U9P]P\PbWcP\XX]CWP]T<d\QPX ^]CWdabSPh ?C8 C=A067D=0C70Q <D<108 t least 128 people were A injured in “Dahi-handi”related incidents in Mumbai and neighbouring Thane city, even as the Krishna Janmashtami revellers defied the Supreme Court order restricting height of the human pyramid to 20 feet and banning participation of those below 18 years and at one place at Thane a “Govinda” team formed a “human pyramid” as tall as 40 feet. While 126 “Govindas” suffered injuries in various parts of Mumbai, two others sus- tained injuries at Thane. Of the injured, 92 revellers were treated and discharged, while the remaining 34 injured are undergoing treatment at various hospitals in Mumbai. The defiance was relatively rampant at Thane where police registered offences against Maharastra Navnirman Sena (MNS) “Dahi-handi” organiser Avinash Jadhav and 16 “Govindas’ under Sections 224/16 308, 336, 188, 34 of Indian Penal Code read with 140 of the Maharashtra Police Act for allegedly violating the apex court’s order. In utter disregard to the Supreme Court directive, the MNS-sponsored “Jai Jawan” Mandal had erected a nine-tier “human pyramid”, which was of 40 feet height. Jadhav, who had earlier been served a notice against defying the apex court order, was unfazed by the police action against him. Such as the nature of defiance shown by the revellers belonging to the “Jai Jawan” was that they wore T-shirts that read “hoye, mi kayda modnar’ (I will break the law). These revellers were attempting to break the 40-foot “Dahi-handi” that carried a cash prize of C11 lakh. Continued on Page 4 n RSS functionary at A Muzhakkunnu in Kerala’s politically volatile Kannur district on Thursday suffered serious hack injuries in a brutal attack carried out allegedly by a CPI(M) gang. Three other RSS workers too suffered injuries in the attack. Sugesh (33), the Mandalam Karyavahak of the RSS in Kadukkapalam, was admitted to Indira Gandhi Cooperative Hospital in Thalassery, Kannur, with hack injuries in legs, neck and abdomen. Doctors said his condition was serious and might have to be shifted to the Government Medical College Hospital in Kozhikode. Three other RSS workers — Santhosh, Arun and Deepesh — too suffered "\T\QTaVP]V^U Pa\TS<PagXbcbQPaVTS X]c^cWTW^dbT^U <P]SP[P\:PahPePWPZ BdVTbWP]SWPRZTSWX\ X]:P]]daCWaTT^cWTa ABBf^aZTabc^^ bdUUTaTSX]YdaXTb X]cWTPccPRZ injuries in the attack that took place at an under-construction house at Kadukkappalam near Muzhakkunnu on Thursday at 1.30 pm. They said a 30member gang of armed Marxists barged into the house and hacked Sugesh after creating a terror situation by exploding country-made bombs and attacked them with iron rods. Officials from the Iritti and Pervavoor police stations inspected the spot and launched a search for the perpetrators of the violence. Tension had been prevailing in the Muzhakkunnu area for the past several days, reports said. The house of the Mattannur Mandalam Karyavahak of the RSS had come under attack on Thursday morning. Several parts of Kannur district had witnessed tension during the Sri Krishna Jayanti celebrations on Wednesday for which the RSS-BJP and the CPI(M) had taken out processions. Thursday’s attack on Sugesh and others was the first major incident of political violence in Kannur since the killing of local BMS leader CK Ramachandran (48) and CPI(M) activist CV Dhanaraj (38) in Payyannur last month. RP_XcP[! =4F34;78k5A830H k0D6DBC !%! % 7VdeZgVWVcg`fcXcZad4RaZeR]`_;R_^RdYeR^Z 3Te^cTTbRWP]c70A4:A8B7=070A4A0<0 PbcWThRT[TQaPcTQXacW^U10;6>?0; 0=:8C0D?037H0H?A8H0=:0 B70A<0Q =4F34;78 festive mood took over A the national Capital on Thursday as people decked up to celebrate Janmashtami, the birth of lord Krishna, in temples across the city. Amid high security and heavy police deployment in major temples, devotees thronged in large numbers at various temples, chanting Hare Krishna Hare Rama as the celebrations began with an aarti early in the morning. The Lakshmi Narayan temple, also known as Birla Mandir, and the Gouri Shankar temple in Old Delhi were specially decorated for the occasion. Children dressed up like Krishna and Radha added to the festive fervour. Birla Mandir was decorated into a majestic monument with garlands and colourful lights all around. For the devotees, the temple compound was not less than a wonderland. A group foreigners who were able to make the visit to the temple for the first time, 3Te^cTTbcWa^]VX[[d\X]PcTS1Xa[P<P]SXac^RT[TQaPcT9P]P\PbWcP\X^]CWdabSPh were amazed to see rich Indian religious tradition. Jiang from China, who visited the temple to see lord Krishna’s birthday for the first time, said, “It’s a great feeling to see such a rich Indian tradition. I feel connected with India.” Movement of vehicles was banned around 50 metre radius of the oldest Birla Mandir. “Pilgrims are allowed entry from the main gate while exit will be permitted through back gate only,” said Vinod Kuimar Mishra, administrator, Laxmi BURU\11@=<1]_fUcRbUQSX _V`bYfY\UWU^_dYSUQWQY^cdCYc_TYQ New Delhi: Rebel AAP MLA Pankaj Pushkar has moved a breach of privilege notice against Deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia, accusing him of resorting to “falsehoods” while defending the Delhi Government on the liquor issue. Pushkar, who represents the Timarpur constituency, moved the notice on Wednesday, claim- ing Sisodia’s replies to two starred questions in the Assembly were factually incorrect and were intended to “hide” the Delhi Government’s “misdeeds”. In reply to Pushkar’s question on whether there was any public consultation before granting licences to new vends in the last one year, Sisodia had said as per current rules there is no such requirement. This, Pushkar claimed, was “false” as relavant sections of the Delhi Excise Rules, 2010 make the Deputy Commissioner liable to take all reasonable steps to “ascertain the opinion of persons, who reside or have property in the neighbourhood and are likely to be affected by the proposal”. PTI Narayan temple. Lost-andfound centre and medical camp were also set up at entry and exit gates. As many as 16 parking areas were made available for pilgrims to park their vehicles, said traffic police official. “To attract the devotees ?X^]TTa?C8_W^c^ this year, authorities have showcased Kalpvraksh (a holy tree also known as wish tree) at the temple compound. This tree has lot of significant in the Hindu mythology,” the temple administrator said. Every year temple sees about 1.5 lakh devotes, however, this year the temple is likely to witness even bigger number of devotees, he added. Not just the Hindus, a large number of devotees from non-Hindu devotees too visited the temple to celebrate Janmashtami. Tina Dolma, a Christian young woman from the NorthEast, was happily swinging Bal Gopal, the child form of lord Krishna after waiting for her turn for almost an hour. The authorities of ISKCON temple informed that whole campus was decorated with flowers and lights. A special arrangement of flowers was also done by the artists, especially called from Vrindavan (Uttar Pradesh) for the festival. According to Sunita Sikarwar, a resident closer to the temple in East of Kailash, “Since ISKCON is primarily devoted to lord Krishna, the temple has been adorned beautifully and was under preparation for the past one month.” Another devotee, Isha Mukherjee, who has been visiting the temple for years, said the festivities at ISKCON bring back the good memories from so many years. As many as four companies of police were deployed in and around ISKCON temple to keep at bay any untoward incident during the celebrations. Around 350 additional personnel were also deployed for securing the area. The roads towards ISKCON temple were barricaded and the visitors walked a long stretch to reach the temple. 1LUEKD\D VSDUHQWVZDQWDOOFRQYLFWVGHDG New Delhi: Hours after the suicide attempt by one of the convicts in the December 16, 2012 gangrape case, the parents of the 23-year-old victim on Thursday said they wanted to see “all of the convicts dead so that they could take a sigh of relief.” “It is good. It is a big thing that he is still alive, he should die very soon. He has to die in future, if he dies today, it would be a tribute to our daughter,” said the distraught father of the paramedical student, who died of grave intestinal injuries on December 29, 2012, at Singapore’s Mount Elizabeth Hospital where she was airlift- ed for specialised treatment. In a telephonic conversation with IANS, the victim’s father, in his late 50s, said, “It is good for such people to die as they are dangerous for soci- ety and country.” One of the four convicts in the case, Vinay Sharma tried to commit suicide by hanging himself inside his cell in a high security ward in Jail No. 8 in Tihar on Wednesday around 9.30 p.m. Sharma was admitted to Deen Dayal Upadhyay (DDU) Hospital after he consumed pills and tried to hang himself from the ventilator of his cell by using a towel. Hospital authorities later said that Sharma’s condition was stable after preliminary treatment. Asked about his reaction to Sharma’s suicide attempt, the victim’s father further said, “If he was committing suicide, he should do it. Not only he, I want see all the convicts dead so that we can take a sigh of relief.” Similar sentiments were expressed by the victim’s moth- er, who said, “The sin of these people (all the convicts) will not allow them to live. My daughter survived without water for 13 days. She faced extreme pain and brutality.” Sharma, Mukesh, Pawan, Akshay Thakur and Ram Singh, along with a juvenile, were accused of gangraping and brutally assaulting the victim inside a moving bus in the city. The victim and her friend were thrown out of the bus after the crime. In 2013, Ram Singh, the prime accused in the case and the driver of the bus in which the gangrape occurred, was found dead in Tihar Jail. IANS "$UTTc[^]Vb]PZT 2ddV^S]jDVTjXVed#jcVieV_dZ`_ F470E468E4=78< U^d]SX]A^WX]XYPX[ BDAH034E0A0 BC055A4?>AC4AQ =4F34;78 New Delhi: A 3.5-foot-long snake was spotted on the premises of Rohini jail, and was later released in its natural habitat. EYV_`_gV_`^`fd The non-venomous d_R\VZUV_eZWZVURd snake caught by the rescuers of NGO ‘Wildlife µTYVT\VcVU\VV]SRT\¶ SOS’ was identified as hRdcV]VRdVUZ_Zed ‘checkered keelback’. _RefcR]YRSZeRe It was noticed by some inmates while working at an open space inside the jail last week. They immediately alerted the guards. The security officials of the jail then informed the NGO which rescued the snake. “Checkered keelbacks can be quite aggressive when threatened and often inflate their fore-body as an act of self-defence. Although non-venomous, its bite can be injurious," said Geeta Seshamani, co-founder of Wildlife SOS. The keelbacks are non-venomous and is found predominantly near water-bodies as well as drains and agricultural lands, she said. PTI elhi Assembly Secretar y Prasanna Kumar Suryadevara D has been given a two-year extension of his deputation by Speaker Ram Niwas Goel, rejecting public broadcaster Prasar Bharti’s request to Delhi Government officials said the Speaker has the power to extend deputation of any officer working in the Assembly Secretariat. “We have given him (Suryadevara) extension of two years. Prasanna is going nowhere. He will work with us till 2018,” Goel said. In a letter to Delhi Government’s Services Department last month, Prasar Bharti had stated that Suryadevara should be repatriated with immediate effect as it is facing acute shortage of staff. Suryadevara, an official belonging to Newsreader-cum- Translator ?`ZUR2feY`cZej46@ CR^R_dYf_eVU`fe BC055A4?>AC4AQ =>830 he Uttar Pradesh Government on Thursday shunted out CEO of Noida Authority Rama Raman in a minor bureaucratic reshuffle involving two more IAS officers. IAS officer from 1987batch Raman was removed from his post and put on the wait list while 1989-bach IAS officer Principal Secretary Technical Education Monika Garg has been given additional charge of the Noida Authority as Officer on Special Duty at Noida Authority. The Allahabad High Court had seized CEO Raman's powers on July 1 in response to a petition filed by Noida resident Jitendra Kumar Goyal, who had alleged that Raman had been holding three posts — CEO of Noida authority and chairman of all the three authorities-NOIDA-GREATER NOIDA and Yamuna Expressway authorities — simultaneously for three years. The court had pointed out that the State Government had “failed to follow its own policy” that an officer should not continue on the same post for 4GC4=B8>=>5CF> H40AB?A0B0==08B 6>8=6=>F74A474F8;; F>A:F8C7DBC8;;! ' ²2ddV^S]jDaVR\Vc (Telugu) cadre, was appointed to the post of Delhi Assembly Secretary in July last year, initially for a period of one year. When his one-year deputation period ended this July, the Assembly Speaker had requested the Prasar Bharti to extend his stay in the current position. However, Prasar Bharti expressed inability to extend Suryadevara’s deputation and asked the Delhi Government to repatriate him, saying it was in dire need of experienced professionals. C=VXa[WP]Vb bT[UX]=^XSP BC055A4?>AC4AQ =>830 Suryadevara had served the Lok Sabha for five years and the Rajya Sabha for over six years through the offices of Lok Sabha Speaker and Rajya Sabha Chairman respectively. In a letter to Services Department, Prasar Bharti’s Deputy Director (Administration) V Sripathi had said, “As this Directorate is in dire need for expressed professionals, like Prasana Kumar Suryadevara, NRT (Telugu), the Directorate expresses its inability to concur with the desire of Speaker, Delhi Assembly for the absorption of Prasana Kumar Suryadevara.” On June 21, the Assembly Speaker had requested the Delhi Government that Suryadevara be posted on a permanent basis as the Vidhan Sabha Secretary. Deputy Secretary (Services) Anupama Chakravorty had conveyed the Speaker’s request to the AIR DG. 4]Ra^PRW\T]cX]RXch´b VaTT][d]Vf^aaXTb282 22-year-old girl committed suicide by hanging herself 4cZeZTZdVd7`cVde5VaRce^V_e A from the ceiling fan in her pay- T AP\PAP\P] a long period of time. After the High Court orders, the Uttar Pradesh Government, on July 19, appointed Pravir Kumar as chairman of the three authorities. Raman, however, continued as Noida authority’s CEO. IAS Pravir Kumar was also removed by the State Government the next month. Then, Principal Secretary (energy, infrastructure and industrial development) Sanjay Agarwal was given additional charge of the posts held by Kumar. On August 16, the State Government had told the High Court that it had decided to retain Raman as CEO of Noida Authority as his services were required for the running of next phase of Metro from March 2017. ing guest apartment in Noida’s Sector-15 area on Wednesday. She attempted twice to end her life after she fell as the rope broke the first time, police said. The deceased has been identified as Priyadarshini M, daughter of Nagaraj, a resident of Tamil Nadu. Pridarshni had done Master of Technology and was doing internship at a private company in Sector-16. Police have recovered a suicide note from her room. The incident came to light around 7 pm when her room mate Sangeeta found her hanging from ceiling fan. “The door was closed from inside but when I saw through the window, she was hanging,” she told police. Station House Officer, Sector-20, Amarnath Yadav said that she has written in her suicide note that she was tired of her career struggle. “We have recovered a suicide note. She wrote that she is badly frustrated from her life and struggling career. She felt sorrow for her father for this drastic step,” the SHO said. BC055A4?>AC4AQ =4F34;78 he CIC has taken exception to rampant encroachment in T the green lung of the national Capital — the ridge area — due to delay in its demarcation and sought a report from Forest and Revenue departments in this regard. Information Commissioner Sridhar Acharyulu directed these departments to submit the report on the action taken against encroachers. Irked by the laxity of both departments in finalising boundary of the ridge area, he said there may not be malice, but inaction for such a long time is worse than malice. The case relates to an RTI application filed by Anil Sood who wanted number of details including maps and measurements of encroachments in the ridge area in the national Capital. Sood had pleaded before the Commission that everyday at least 50 encroachments are coming up on the Ridge land in Delhi and delaying taking up this complaint might lead to over-encroachments. He had claimed that there is an urgent need for information which can stop encroachments forthwith. During the hearing, forest department officials did not have answers to questions posed by the Information Commissio-ner. He said it was highly objectionable attitude of the Forest department “to consume months and months to give just one copy of affidavit which they have already had with them”. The Forest Department claimed that the demarcation of the ridge has not been authentically done and that issue is before the NGT and High Court. “Their (Forest Department) approach is hyper-technical and red tape based. If a genuine information seeker has to suffer so much of procrastination, how could a common man challenge the encroachments causing deterioration of ridge forest.”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·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cP[" =4F34;78k5A830H k0D6DBC !%! % ;?FDFWf^Vd`gVcµ]VR\VU¶cRaVZ_W`Sja`]ZTV FaXcTbc^c^_R^_ST\P]SX]VPRcX^]PVPX]bc^UUXRXP[b X]e^[eTSX][TPZX]VR^\_[PX]P]c´bX]U^a\PcX^]X]\TSXP $FFXVHGVHQWWRGD\MXGLFLDOFXVWRG\ A07810A?0AE44=Q =4F34;78 he Jawaharlal Nehru University student Anmol Ratan has been sent to judicial custody for 14 days on Thursday. He has been accused of raping a 28-year-old fellow PhD student in the university hostel on August 20. A magisterial court at Patiala House courts complex sent Ratan to jail after the Delhi Police decided not to seek his custody. Also, the court directed jail authorities to provide him proper medical facilities after he submitted that he was suffering from heart ailment. Ratan had surrendered before police on Thursday night hours after the victim recorded her statement before a magistrate at Vasant Kunj (North) police station. The victim had said she had posted on her Facebook that she wanted to watch a movie and had asked if anyone had its CD. Ratan apparently messaged her saying he had a copy. Later, he picked her up on August 20 on the pretext of giving her the CD and took her to Brahamputra Hostel, where he stayed. There he allegedly offered her a spiked drink and raped her. Ratan, an AISA activist, was 9=D?W3bcdST]c0]\^[APcP]PRRdbTS^UaP_TQhPUT[[^fbcdST]c expelled from the association after QTX]V_a^SdRTSPc?PcXP[P7^dbT2^dac^]CWdabSPh ?C8 being the incident surfaced. In a statement, AISA said, “The accused in the complaint of sexual violence in JNU has surrendered to police. But that is not enough. The Delhi Police is playing shameful role in leaking information to the media regarding identity of the complainant as well as details of the incident stated in her deposition.” T he Jawaharlal Nehru University Students’ Union T (JNUSU) is again at loggerheads with the media and the Delhi Police over the information “leaked” about the complainant of the rape incident that took place at the Brahumputra Hostel on August 20 evening. In this regard, the JNUSU has written to the Commissioner of the Delhi Police demanding action against police officials involved in leaking the complainant’s information in the media. The JNUSU has expressed dismay with “several media houses” calling their reportage “highly insensitive and dangerous”. “We are extremely pained and shocked to note the highly insensitive and dangerous reporting by several media houses about the rape that took place at JNU on August 20. One particular newspaper carried a report on August 24 revealing political affiliation of the complainant. We have come to know that the courtroom was vacated during the proceeding of the hearing day before this report was published and no journalist was allowed to be present there. The BC055A4?>AC4AQ =4F34;78 <T\QTab^U08B0P]S9=DBDbW^dcb[^VP]bSdaX]VcWTXa_a^cTbcX]R^]]TRcX^]fXcWcWT9=DaP_TRPbTPc?^[XRT7TPS`dPacTab X]=Tf3T[WX^]CWdabSPh ?C8 fact that details of the hearing came out on the newspapers indicates towards leakage of information including details of the identity of the complainant by the police,” stated the memorandum signed by various Left-leaning JNUSU leaders including vice-president, Shehla Rashid Shora. The memorandum mentioned that on the next day of the incident, police sent information to the media about the FIR that was filed against the accused. “The Press brief included indication of the identity of the complainant. In another incident message is being circulated among journalists about FIR which included graphic details about the rape incident described by the complainant in the FIR. Such indications which reveal the identity of the complainant are a serious offence and distressing in the way information is getting leaked though the media,” it further mentioned. The JNUSU has sought answers from the Delhi Police about its role in leaking the information about the complainant. They have demanded “strict action” against the involved policemen. “We seek the answer on the above mentioned role of the Delhi Police in leaking information that harms the interest of the complainant. We also demand that strict action should be taken against police officers responsible for such acts.” DefUV_edeVRTYVcd UV^R_UdfdaV_dZ`_ `WAY5dTY`]Rc BC055A4?>AC4AQ =4F34;78 day after JNU student Anmol Rattan surrendered before police A after a fellow PhD scholar accused him of raping her, the JNU students and teachers on Thursday demanded that he be suspended from the university. The students and teachers demanded that the university should be declared out of bounds for the scholar to ensure safety of the complainant. Also, scores of students of the varsity staged a protest outside Delhi Police headquarters demanding that the force refrains from revealing information which could reveal identity of the victim. “We are extremely dismayed to know that three days after the complaint has been lodged, the accused is yet to be suspended or declared out of bounds from the university, so that safe conditions of complaint and testimony for the complainant may be maintained... We demand that this be done forthwith. This failure to act has tarnished the image of the JNU administration quite severely,” the JNU teachers said in a joint statement. ?@HC68:DE6CJ@FC 5T\P[TCEaT_^acTa 0DOH3URI¶VEDWWOHSXWVVPLOH A6ED@?=:?67@CC&!! WPaPbbTS ]PQQTS <0C4A=8CH;40E4 RQODG\DGKRFWHDFKHUV¶IDFHV S ?A8H0=:0B70A<0Q =4F34;78 A07810A?0AE44=Q =4F34;78 male professor’s fight at Delhi University is likely to bear fruit A for thousands of female ad hoc teachers as the university is finally “under process” in considering child and maternity leave for them. The ad hoc teachers working in various colleges so far were not given this facility. Professor Anupam Kumar had written to Ministry of Human Resource and Development (MHRD) and Prime Minister’s Office (PMO) who have reverted to him by sending the directions to the university. Kumar has received a letter from the varsity acknowledging that the issue was “under process” for seeking “specific clarification”. “I had written to the MHRD who had written to the university but no action was taken... In October last year, I wrote to the PMO who asked the varsity to look into the grievance. The university has finally written to me and said the matter is under process and for special clarification, it was referred to the UGC,” Kumar told The Pioneer. He said, these lecturers are deprived of the benefits despite being in contin- <f^RcWZ]VUR afS]ZTXcZVgR_TV `_@Te`SVc"$ #!"&dVV\Z_XeYV µReeV_eZ`_`WeYV A>@`_eYVZddfV `W4YZ]UR_U >ReVc_Zej]VRgV `W#&!!WV^R]V RUY`T]VTefcVd¶, 5FT`_dZUVcdZe uous service for five to ten years Kumar had filed a public grievance on October 13, 2015 seeking the “attention of the PMO on the issue Child and Maternity leave of 2,500 female adhoc lectures”. “I would like to seek your attention on the issue of 2,500 female adhoc lectures of Delhi University and its affiliated colleges on the maternity and child care leave...I am attaching the letter from MHRD directing the DU Vice Chancellor Yogesh Tyagi to take action but he has not taken action for the last nine months,” Kumar’s appeal reads. 0\VWHU\VKURXGV WHHQ¶VGHDWKLQ*]E BC055A4?>AC4AQ =>830670I80103 Class XI student died after falling from 11th floor of a building in Ghaziabad’s Indirapuram on Wednesday night. AThe reason behind his death still remains a mystery. During initial investigation, police suspected suicide but said they would investigate the incident from other angles too. The family, however, suspects that the boy has been murdered, and they have demanded an enquiry. Police said the boy had come to meet 4]RddI:defUV_e one of his acquaintances at a society but UZVdRWeVcWR]]Z_X was found lying in a pool of blood beneath a society’s tower. He was taken Wc`^""eYW]``c`W RSfZ]UZ_XZ_ to a hospital where he was declared :_UZcRafcR^, brought dead, said official. a`]ZTVdfdaVTe According to reports, a 16-year-old boy Varun Rajput was a resident of dfZTZUVSfeWR^Z]j Noida’s Sector 22. On Wednesday T]RZ^^fcUVc evening, he had gone to meet a relative living in a flat in Indirapuram but was found dead at Aditya Mega City, another society located in the same area. Police said instead of going to relative’s home, he went to meet one of his female friends living on 11th floor of Aditya Mega Society and was found dead under mysterious circumstances. “The boy reached his friend’s flat at around 7 pm. But about two hours later, a guard of the society found him lying on ground with multiple fractures in his body. He made a PCR call and the boy was taken to a private hospital where doctors declared him dead. The boy was identified with the help of mobile number and his family was informed thereafter. His body has also been sent for postmortem, the report of which is awaited,” said a senior police official investigating the case. “The boy has been murdered for reason which should be investigated properly. There was no sign that he was upset/depressed that would have forced him to commit suicide. On the day of incident, he had happily gone to Ghaziabad hence we suspect he was killed. The matter should be probed properly,” said a family member. Police, however, said prima facie, it appears a case of suicide but they (police) will reach on any conclusion once initial postmortem report will come. “We have been scanning his call details and are talking with his friends and relatives. We have also been scanning CCTV footage of the society so we could get more information,” said the police official. Also, Kumar mentioned about BBC Hindi’s survey describing the “mental and physical exploitation” of the adhoc teachers to the PMO. The university has replied to Kumar who was teaching as the guest faculty of PGDAV Evening and Satyawati evening stating that the matter is under process. “The Rajya Sabha has recently passed the Maternity Bill and Prime Minister has made reference of the Bill on his Independence Day speech. Quick implementation by DU will certainly help thousands of female adhoc teachers of DU,” asserted Kumar. outh Delhi pet lovers, who earlier were reluctant to visit the South Delhi Municipal Corporation (SDMC) Veterinary Hospital for registering their pets for fear of being made to wait for hours, can now upload their pets’ details online at a fee of C500. “We had planned to roll out the online facility for pet registration by August 22. But, now it would be available either by this week end or beginning of the next week,” Director of Veterinary Services of South Delhi Municipal Corporation, RBS Tyagi, told The Pioneer. Shantanu, who lives in Greter Kaliash-I has a Beagle puppy. “Even, I have not registered my pet’s details to the SDMC. Early, in the morning tomorrow, I will upload my pets profile to the municipal website.” South Delhi is home to many pets, mainly dogs, though residents also keep cats, parrots, guinea pigs and other domesticated animals. Tyagi said applicants can submit all details online, including self-attested papers, proof of residence and vaccination certificates. “The registration fee would be C500 which can also be sub- mitted online,” he said. The SDMC had a few months ago revised the registration fee to C500 from its earlier nominal fee of C50. After registration, which would be valid for one financial year, a ‘dog token’ would be issued to the owners. Harman, who stays at Defence Colony and has two pet dogs, said, “Surely, this a good approach of the corporation. Since the facility was offline, it was really time consuming. Now, I will also register my pet’s details on the SDMC’s Veterinary Services website soon.” Another dog lover Rinki said, “Even I have also not listed my pet’s information to the SDMC, as earlier it was a tall order.” Since, the facility is online, tomorrow morning my first work would be upload my pet’s details, she added. BC055A4?>AC4AQ =4F34;78 female journalist working A with a national news channel was allegedly harassed by four people while she was returning from an assignment in Andrewsganj area of South Delhi. The incident happened on Wednesday evening when the reporter was returning from Dhaula Kuan after the assignment and heading to her office in Noida. Police said they have arrested one of the accused. The four people, who were in a vehicle, kept pace with her office cab and passed lewd comments and harassed her throughout her journey from Dhaula Kuan to Andrewsganj, a senior police official said. He said the accused started following her in their vehicle from near Hyatt Hotel at around 7.30 pm. Initially, she tried to avoid them but they sang vulgar songs and made obscene gesture towards her, police said. At the Andrewsganj bus stand, she took out her camera and mike which scared the accused and three of them >VVeeYVdVScRgV YVRced`WeYV_ReZ`_R] TRaZeR]WVRc]Vdd]j aRddVd]VhUT`^^V_ed XVdefcVd1acZ^V ]`TReZ`_d9Vc`VddZT ²dYVehVVeVUR]`_X hZeYRTTfdVU¶d aY`e`XcRaYd fled while driver of the vehicle, Puneesh, was caught on camera and arrested by police on her call to PCR. A case under IPC Sections 354-D (stalking) and 509 (word, gesture or act intended to insult the modesty of a woman) has been registered at the Defence Colony police station and efforts are being made to nab the other accused, they said. Later, the journalist tweeted the photographs of the accused in their vehicle and captioned it as “Meet these brave hearts of the national capital, fearlessly passes lewd comments & gestures @ prime locations.Heroes! (sic)”. She termed commuting on Delhi roads as a “nightmare”. ]PcX^]# =4F34;78k5A830H k0D6DBC !%! % 4R_RURdfaa`ced:_UZRd ?D8^V^SVcdYZaSZU New Delhi: Reaffirming its support for India's NSG membership bid, Canada on Thursday said the scope of the deal between the two countries for supply of uranium can be further “expanded”. Speaking on a range of issues, Canadian High Commissioner to India Nadir Patel said Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is likely to visit the country in the “not so distant future” and that dates are being worked out. “The date has not yet been set. The challenge is simply scheduling and nothing else. I am working with both the Prime Ministers' offices to try to secure a window. But we are certainly highly anticipating that visit happens in the not so distant future,” he said. Patel said the movement of uranium consignments from Canada to India which began last year is progressing “extremely well”. Asked about its possible expansion, he said, “There are provisions for that to happen.” Patel was interacting with a select gathering at the Foreign Correspondents Club here. Patel emphasised that Canada's “strong support” on India's bid to enter the 48member Nuclear suppliers Group, resisted by China, was “clear and vocal”. “We have come out vocally. We have made that very clear. We have advocated for India to join as we feel there's a lot to gain from India joining in terms of global collaboration as well,” he said. Gujarat born Patel said, “There is something different right now” in Indo-Canada ties that had not been experienced in the past. “There's a transformation happening both in India and Canada. We can coexist with common and shared values and have very significant differences of opinion,” he said. Replying to a query on free trade agreement and Intellectual Property Rights, he said problems on the front of IPR are “workable” and not a stumbling block. He stressed on the need for speeding up economic reforms by opening up more sectors of Indian economy. “There are other areas that are creating quite a challenge for us to navigate. We subscribe to Prime Minister Narendra Modi's vision of economic reforms but frankly I don't think there has been much progress in a real policy matter. Although some sectors have opened up. Much more needs to be done,” he said. PTI /R3WRDSSURDFK&%,WRSUREH 'HOKL*RYW VDGH[SHQGLWXUH ?C8Q =4F34;78 eader of Opposition in Delhi Assembly Vijender Gupta on Thursday said he will approach CBI and Lokayukta seeking a probe into the AAP Government's alleged expenditure of over C110 crore on advertisements as compared to C27.43 crore spent on it in the last fiscal. Gupta claimed that the Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG) has pointed out “glaring irregularities” in advertisement spending and said he will file a case with CBI and Delhi Lokayukta. Claiming that the Delhi Government had “failed” to provide committed liability in respect of print and outdoor L media, the BJP leader alleged, “In spite of this, the actual cost of advertisements released during 2015-16 will go beyond C114.21 crore. This is far above the total expenditure of C27.43 crore during 2014-15.” Quoting the purported CAG report, he claimed the Delhi government spent C86.78 crore more during 2015-16 which is a record in itself. The actual figure may be much more as the entire record was not made available for audit. “Over 85 per cent of expenditure of C33.40 crore incurred on one specific publicity campaign pertained to advertisements released outside of Delhi which was beyond the responsibility of >R_S``\VUW`cµcRaZ_X¶ ^Z_`cURfXYeVcZ_>`cV_R ?C8Q <>A4=0 40-year-old man has been booked for allegedly raping A his minor daughter at their residence in Porsa area for last two months, police said on Thursday. The incident occurred last night after Giriraj Tomar, a habitual drinker, came home sloshed and allegedly raped his 10-year-old daughter. “As the girl raised an alarm, her mother, grandfather, and grandmother came to her rescue and reported the matter to the police,” said Porsa Police station Inspector Sunil Kushwaha. He said an FIR was registered against Tomar under relevant sections of IPC, follow- ²C><0A70B144= A0?8=678B30D67C4A 5>A;0BCCF> <>=C7B1DCC74 50<8;H:4?C<D< 540A8=6B>280; BC86<0³ ing the medical examination of the girl at hospital. “The girl's mother has told us that Tomar has been raping his daughter for last two months, but the family kept mum fearing social stigma. However, they approached police last night as they were moved by the plight of the girl,” Kushwaha said. Tomar, meanwhile, is absconding, he added. the city Government. “Out of the total expenditure of C33.40 crore incurred on publicity campaigns, only C4.69 crore pertain to Delhi's publication and C28.71 crore to other states/cities,” he said while quoting from the CAG report which is yet to be made public. Gupta said he will file a case with Delhi Lokayukta and CBI against the AAP Government for “illegally spending” crores of rupees on “misleading” ads and demand strict legal action. “Deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia has committed contempt of the House by making wrong statement and, in view of this, the Assembly Speaker should punish him,” he said. ;?FcRaV TRdV+A`]ZTV dVZkVaY`_Vd 1^SXTbPaTQTX]VQda]cPccWT<P]XZPa]XZP6WPc^]cWTQP]Zb^UcWTU[^^STSaXeTa6P]VPX]EPaP]PbX^]CWdabSPh7TPeh\^]b^^]aPX]bWPeTT]STScf^bdRRTbbXeT Sa^dVWchTPabX]8]SXPfXcWcWT6P]VPaXeTaP]SXcbcaXQdcPaXTbaXbX]VPQ^eTcWTSP]VTa[TeT[caXVVTaX]VTePRdPcX^]^U[PZWb^U_T^_[TUa^\U[^^STSW^\TbX]]^acWP]S TPbcTa]8]SXP ?C8 <PWPeX[[PVTb c^QTRWP]VTSfXcW R^a_^aPcTb´WT[_ Mumbai: Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis on Thursday said the State Government plans to transform 1,000 villages with the help of corporate sector, and the civil society over the next few years. He said corporate sector is already working with the Government in various sectors through the CSR and “we thought of using their resources, knowledge, technology and planning and implementation skills”. He said the corporate sectors' expertise would be used to set up an institutional mechanism to amalgamate work done by different companies in different areas to transform 1000 villages in collaboration with the State Government. PTI 5DJDIOLSIORSV From Page 1 “No U-turn by Rahul Gandhi on the RSS. He stands by what he said. Person who killed was from the RSS. It is the Ideology of hate and violence which killed Mahatma Gandhi”, said the Congress general secretary in a series of tweets. Before Rahul’s tweet, Information and Broadcasting Minister M Venkaiah Naidu said in the morning that wisdom had prevailed upon the Congress vice-president. After Rahul came out with the latest tweet to blame the RSS, the BJP accused him of speaking lies to target the Sangh and asked him why the UPA Government did not take any action against the Hindutva organiation during its 10 years in power. “Those living in 2<) 0ccPRZTa From Page 1 “Don’t mix or compare the two situations. You are making a bad analysis of what you are saying. In 2010, there was a fake encounter. Three civilians were killed. That means there was a reason for the people to be angry. “Today, there was an encounter in which three militants were killed. How is the Government to be blamed for that,” she shot back. Mehbooba said she favoured resolution of the FUbTYSdY^2bYdYcXdUU^QWUb TUQdXSQcU_^CU`d"# 3T[WX2P]RTa 8]bcXcdcTc^VTc ?4CbRP]]Ta ?C8 Q ?0=098 BC055A4?>AC4AQ =4F34;78 he verdict in British teenager Scarlett Keeling death T case will be pronounced on elhi State Cancer Institute (DSCI) is all set to get a D PET scan machine, a hi-tech September 23, eight years after her semi-nude and bruised body was found at Anjuna beach in Goa. A local barman Samson D'Souza, working in a shack, and one Placido Carvalho, also a local, were tried on charges of drugging, sexually abusing and leaving the teenager to die on the beach, where her body was found on February 18, 2008. Goa Children's Court president Vandana Tendulkar said the verdict would be pronounced on September 23 with the final arguments in the case concluding on Thursday after two days. The prosecution has examined 31 witnesses, including the gadget used for cancer diagnosis, which is available in the city only at AIIMS, Army's Research and Referral Hospital and few other private hospitals. “DSCI now has a PET scan machine, which uses full body scan-technique for diagnosis. It will be inaugurated tomorrow. This scan currently costs Rs 20,000-25,000 and with this facility people could get the test done for C5,000,” a spokesperson of DSCI said on Thursday. Deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia and Health Minister Satyendar Jain are scheduled to inaugurate the new facility on Friday at the hospital premises in Dilshad Garden area. 8_c`YdQ\µc Q`QdXi glass houses should not throw stones at others. Will Rahul Gandhi be liked with the rape and murder of the Dalit woman Bhanwari Devi or killing of Naina Sahni because those accused of these crimes were from the Congress? “The truth is that RSS has only grown in strength despite attempts by likes of Jawaharlal Nehru, Indira Gandhi, Rajiv Gandhi and Sonia Gandhi to target it. It just shows Rahul Gandhi’s ideological bankruptcy and we do not take him seriously,” said BJP national secretary Shrikant Sharma. Party spokesperson GVL Narasimha Rao said, “Gandhi’s face saving verbal gymnastics after surrender in court on RSS won’t help. False bravado and bluster no substitutes to truth.” From Page 1 When Majhi and his daughter were walking, some local reporters spotted the duo. They called up the District Collector and arranged for an ambulance for the remaining 50 km. “As we got to know of the incident, we spoke to the Chief District Medical Officer and arranged for an ambulance,” said Kalahandi District Collector Brundha D. “I have instructed the Tehsildar to provide assistance under Harishchandra Yojana (assistance to the poor and destitute to perform last rites). I have also asked the BDO to provide assistance from Red Cross and CMRF,” she said. Kashmir issue through dialogue and peaceful means. “By resorting to stone-pelting and attacking Army camps, no issue will be resolved. We are not sidelining the issue. We want a resolution,” she said. Mehbooba parried a comment on the people’s demand for ‘freedom’ and suddenly got up to conclude the presser even as Rajnath Singh appeared to be comfortable to face more questions. Before leaving the venue, she retorted in an angry tone, “Thank you. Please have tea.” During the volley of questions, Rajnath Singh tried to calm the situation and reminded the journalists that Mehbooba Mufti was one of them. “Mehbooba ji aapki hai. (Mehbooba is one of you)”, he said. However, Mehbooba pointed towards the journalists and said, “What will they tell me. I have saved them from the wrath of the security forces. I have rescued the people from the knife on their necks. I have saved the youth of south Kashmir from Task Force (Special Operations Group of Police). I have saved them from the knives when they were taken for bonded labour,” she said. 1aXcXbWcTT]PVTaBRPa[Tcc:TT[X]Vb\^cWTa5X^]P <PRZT^f]P]SWTa[PfhTaEXZaP\EPa\P^dcbXSTP RWX[SaT]bR^dacX]?P]PYX^]CWdabSPhX]R^]]TRcX^] fXcWcWTUX]P[PaVd\T]cb^UWTaSTPcWRPbT mother of the deceased, Fiona Mackeown during the trial. Carvalho and Samson have been charged with culpable homicide not amounting to murder, sexual abuse and drugging. Mackeown has flown to Goa from Davon (UK) to be bands protest against the SC’s restrictions. One of the revellers at Thane was seen carrying measuring tape while climbing up to the top of the “human pyramid” that he did not violate 20 feet height restriction, while MNS activists used a ladder at Chinchpokli in north-central Mumbai to reach up to the top and break handi. Though some safety precautions had been taken by the organisers, there has not been much of a difference in terms of injuries suffered by the Govindas this year, as compared with last two years’. However, there has not been any casualty this year. Last year, one person had been killed, while 66 others were present in the court. She has already deposed before the court. The case, initially investigated by Goa Police, was later handed over to CBI after Scarlett's family accused the local police of hushing up the matter. 1LUEKD\DJDQJUDSH From Page 1 “I cannot say why he tried to commit suicide as we immediately sent him to hospital for treatment,” said Kumar. Asked if Sharma was being harassed inside the jail which led him to take such step, Kumar said, “We did not get any such complaint from his side.” Sharma’s lawyer AP Singh claimed that it was not a suicide attempt but attempt to murder. “Few days ago, I met him in jail where he complained about torture inside the jail premises,” said Singh. In 2013, Sharma had demanded extra security in jail, claiming that he was being beaten up by other inmates and police officials. A 23-year-old paramedic was brutally assaulted and gangraped by six people in a moving bus in South Delhi on December 16, 2012. She later died in a Singapore hospital. Four convicts -- Akshay Thakur, Vinay Sharma, Mukesh Singh and Pawan Gupta -- were sentenced to death in the case. Prime accused Ram Singh was found dead in his cell in Tihar Jail in March 2013 and proceedings against him were subsequently aborted. The juvenile accused in the case was convicted and sentenced to a maximum of three years in a reformation home. He was released from the observation home in December last year. Bcd]V8]SXP From Page 1 This investigation will determine the exact nature of the leaked documents, the potential damage to DCNS customers as well as those responsible for the leak. Incidentally, the DCNS inked a $38 billion dollar (Aus$50 billion) deal two months ago for building 12 submarines for the Australian Navy. Sources said this `leak’ could be part of a corporate war. They also speculated that a former French employee of the DCNS might have been the source of the leak. French Ambassador to India Alexandre Ziegler said on Wednesday that his Government was taking the issue very seriously and that they will work in close co-operation with India on the issue. =^\^aT_T[[TcVd]bb^RWX[[X From Page 1 “I want to inform you that the Ministry of Home Affairs will appoint a nodal officer for Kashmiri youth across the country. They can call the officer on the number which will be announced soon,” he said, recalling his recent speech in Lucknow where he appealed to the youth in the rest of the country to treat Kashmiri students as their own brothers and sisters in educational institutions and workplaces. Singh refused to discuss 'HILDQFHRI6& KLWVQHZ From Page 1 Talking to mediapersons after the Naupada police registered a case against him, a nonchalant Jadhav said, “I have not committed any crime. Let the police do what they want to. I enjoy the support of MNS chief Raj Thackeray. Given that as many as 92 cases have been registered against my party president, what difference it makes if one case is registered against me.” At many places, the “Govinda” teams also flouted the age-restriction of 18 years, by asking children aged around or below 12 years to climb the penultimate and upper ties of “human pyramid”. The revellers at Jogeshwari in north Mumbai in wore black New Delhi: The mobile phones of the accused — an AISA activist — and the victim in the JNU rape case have been seized by police for forensic test. The victim, PhD scholar, and the accused had first started interacting on Facebook and were also in touch over phone, a senior police officer said on Thursday. Accused Anmol Ratan, who on Wednesday night surrendered at the Vasant Kunj (North) Police station, was questioned for several hours, during which he maintained that the victim is his friend, but denied the allegations against him, the officer said. The accused was on Thursday remanded in 14 days judicial custody by a Delhi court. The victim's statement was recorded by a magistrate on Wednesday. The incident has been condemned by teachers and students. SR injured. In 2014, a 46-year-old man had died of a heart attack and at least 210 revellers had been injured in various mishaps that marred the “Dahhandi” celebrations in different parts of Mumbai and neighbouring Thane. Slogans like “Govinda Ala re... and” “Govinda re Gopala, Bol Bhajrang Bali ki jai, Go Go Govinda...” rent the air, as boisterous revellers-- better known as Govindas - climbed human pyramids to break the traditional “dahi-handis’. These “dahi-handis” contain a mixture of milk, curd, dry fruits and prize money for Govindas breaking them. The ritual involving “dahi-handi” symbolises the manner in which young Krishna stole the deployment of the Border Security Force as an admission of the fact that the CRPF has committed atrocities. He said it was not proper to discuss the issue. “The security forces have been deployed in the past. Same has happened this time also,” he said. On whether the Government intended to hold talks with the separatist Hurriyat Conference, Singh said, “We want to hold talks with everyone within the ambit of humanity.” Earlier, Singh met Pahari community leaders, a six-member delegation of the Sikh community and a three-member delegation of Panthers Party. In his meeting with Mehbooba Mufti, the two leaders held detailed discussions on security situation and reviewed development projects. The Union Home Minister also held a meeting with the Governor NN Vohra and State Cabinet Ministers led by Deputy Chief Minister Dr Nirmal Kumar Singh. butter from an earthen pot suspended f rom the ceiling. Meanwhile, Bollywood actor Ranbir Kapoor and Yuv Sena leader Aditya Thackeray were present at the Dahi handi held at the Mumbai Football Club. Like it has been a practice with them for years on end, several other celebrities too visited dahi handi mandals. In a related development, the Mumbai and Thane police were keeping a close watch on the Dahi-handi celebrations across the two cities. “We are both taking photographs and video-graphing the events across the city.” Those found flouting the Supreme Court norms shall be prosecuted depending on the nature of violations,” said Mumbai police spokesperson and DCP Ashok Dudhe. On his part, MNS chief Raj Thackeray had on Thursday last debunked the SC order and said that the courts should not interfere in the conduct of festivals. A day after the apex court upheld the Bombay High Court’s August 2014 order regarding restrictions on the Dahi-handi revellers, a miffed Raj had said: “Who has given powers to the courts to interfere in festivals that we have been celebrating for years? Just because you (courts) feel a threat of mishap, you choose to impose restrictions on Dahi handi. Will the courts impose restrictions on Olympic and games like crickets on similar grounds?” “If the courts interfere in each and every thing, then where is the need for holding elections to Assemblies and Lok Sabha? The courts themselves can run the country in a manner they want,” he had said. ]PcX^]$ =4F34;78k5A830H k0D6DBC !%! % :_UZRdeZT\de`Xf_ddRjd `_]jeVcc`ceR]\dhZeYAR\ ²7PfZXbWbcP]RT 3_^WgU\S_]UcTYQ\_WeUgYdX _`U^]Y^Td_U^T:;e^bUcd ^U6^ecWPb \T[[^fTSS^f]³ ?=BQ =4F34;78 n a fresh exchange of letters between India and Pakistan, Foreign Secretary S Jaishankar has Ireiterated his earlier position and willingness to go for talks to Islamabad but the conditions remain the same. He will talk only on cross border terrorism and Pak interference in J&K, nothing else at the moment. The letter sent by Diplomatic Bag on Tuesday was delivered to Pakistani FS Aizaz Ahmed Chaudhry on Wednesday by Indian High Commissioner Gautam Bambawale. This letter was in response to Chaudhry’s second letter sent on August 19, where he ignored India’s proposal to first discuss terrorism, and issues that hamper peace talks between the two countries and talk only about Kashmir. Blaming Indian security forces for human rights violations in Kashmir, Chaudhry’s August 19 letter, second in the last ten days, invited Jaishankar to visit “Islamabad by the end of this month to discuss the Jammu & Kashmir dispute, with a view to finding a fair and just solution, as per the United Nations Security Council resolutions and aspirations” of the people of the State. Jaishankar had last week in response to Aziz’s first letter on August 15, specified five points on which he would like to have candid discussions besides getting an update on investigations on Pathankot airbase and 26/11 Mumbai terror attacks. In the same letter, the FS mentioned the fact that India would like Pak to vacate the parts of Kashmir that are under its occupation currently. In this second letter too, Jaishankar has reiterated that Pak-sponsored cross border terrorism is the core issue for India to discuss and it ?=BQ =4F34;78 he Congress on Thursday welcomed Home Minister Rajnath Singh’s statements on Kashmir, saying the “hawkish stance” of the Government seems to have mellowed down and hoped that Prime Minister Narendra Modi would himself take the lead in reaching out to all stakeholders through dialogue. The main Opposition party pitched for dialogue with an open mind to end the 48day-long unrest in Jammu & Kashmir. Welcoming statements of Rajnath Singh assuaging the concerns of people of Kashmir, Congress’ chief spokesman Randeep Surjewala favoured involvement of all political parties in reaching out to the people of the troubled valley. “If the Home Minister is willing to implement his words into action and reach out and heal wounds, we’re certain each Indian will welcome it. Hawkish stance of the Government seems to have mellowed down..,” Surjewala said. Hoping that the Prime Minister himself takes the lead T ²8=380F>D;3 will not deviate ;8:4?0:C> from it despite E020C4C74 Islamabad’s efforts to dilute the main ?0ACB>5 issue and distract the world from its :0B7<8AC70C terrorism-support0A4D=34A8CB ing activities. Jaishankar dur>22D?0C8>= ing a meeting with 2DAA4=C;H³ journalists last week had said that terrorism has become so central to the relationship with Pakistan that it has made difficult for the relationship to progress. He blamed lack of progress in Pathankot airbase attack, cross border attacks, infiltration of Hizbul Mujahiddin and Lashkar e Tayyeba terrorist like Bahadur Ali as the new challenges in the relationship. “The rest of the region is with us on the issues of connectivity and other things. But we have one stand out country which has attitude to use terrorism as state policy,” the FS said. D]X^]7^\T<X]XbcTaAPY]PcWBX]VWQTX]VfT[R^\TSQh9P\\d:PbW\Xa 6^eTa]^a==E^WaPX]BaX]PVPa^]CWdabSPh =TTSc^P__a^PRW TPRWP]STeTah X]SXeXSdP[X]cWT BcPcTX]R[dSX]VcWT ±\XbVdXSTS² A0=344?BDA94F0;0 2>=6A4BB³27845B?>:4B<0= in reaching out to the people, he said the Congress would welcome any effort to bring about peace and normalcy in the valley, which is within the framework of the Constitution. “We need to realise that while development in J&K is an important paradigm, we need ?C8 to work towards a larger set of solutions”, he said. Advocating the need to approach each and every individual in the State, including the “misguided” one, Surjewala narrated Hindi saying to underline that if someone had gone astray momentarily, he should not be shunned. He wanted the Centre as also the PDP-BJP Government in the State to have a coordinated approach in dealing with the issue. “It’s also time BJPPDP speak in one language. They have sent conflicting messages, which has aggravated the problem”. ?aPbWP]c1dbWP] 8=B7>AC RP[[bU^aR^\_[TcT B238B<8BB4BC4;0=60=0 6>EC´BA4E84F?4C8C8>= aTbcadRcdaX]VX] f^aZX]V^U<28 New Delhi: Noted lawyer Prashant Bhushan on Thursday urged the Supreme Courtappointed Justice Lodha Committee to bring transparency in Medical Council of India’s (MCI) functioning and rules. In a memorandum, Bhushan said there needs a to be a complete restructuring in the working of the MCI, against which there is a series of corruption charges. “Conflicts of interest in many cases with members of the MCI being board members of the very medical colleges they are supposed to be regulating, and whose applications they have to decide. This has meant that the MCI cannot effectively and fairly regulate these medical colleges, and the quality of healthcare professionals suffers and consequently the citizens’ right to health suffers,” said Bhushan “If the selection process of the members of the MCI is flawed, then the MCI thus formed cannot be expected to fulfill its duties. Currently, one of the main problems with the election process is that there are no external regulators or conductors to oversee the said process of elections, and to ensure that the same are being carried out in a free and fair manner,” he added. PNS 66%EXVWVJOREDOGUXJFDUWHO 2d[[X]VbcaPhS^Vb\Ph[P]S:TaP[PX][TVP[b^d_ ?=BQ =4F34;78 he Sashastra Seema Bal (SSB) has busted an interT national syndicate of drug trade after arresting a Manipuri woman from Sunauli Gate in Uttar Pradesh and recovering contraband items worth C60 crore from her possession. The SSB seized the drugs from Rose Kanshug while she was coming from Kathmandu. She was in possession of cocaine weighing 3.25 kg. Her associate and the syndicate leader, Taobovich Gongales Paula, a Bolivian citizen, were arrested from Kathmandu, by the Nepal Police on a tip-off from SSB. Another associate, identified with her first name Moi, was arrested from Safdarjang Enclave area here following a tip-off from Kanshug. However, a Nigerian youth Ogbonnaya Nahan, identified as another associate Kanshug, is still at large. The SSB has seized drugs worth C75 crore during the last one week even as it has so far this year seized contraband items valued at C103 crore from IndoNepal and Indo-Bhutan border. During interrogation, Kanshug has revealed that the seized drugs were supposed to be delivered to Moi, who in turn had to deliver it to the Nigerian citizen for onward transfer to Panama. Earlier on August 20, the SSB had seized rare synthetic drugs worth C15 crore and arrested two persons from Siliguri in West Bengal. SSB Director General Archana Ramasundaram has directed all its units to check drugs and human trafficking along the Indo-Nepal and Indo- BPRWX]X]cTaPRcbfXcWBfPRWRWW 1WPaPc2WP\_X^]2^[[TRc^ab ?=BQ =4F34;78 wachcha Bharat ambassador STendulkar and cricket legend Sachin on Thursday interacted with Swachchh Bharat Champion Collectors across 22 States, who have done exemplary work in the field of rural sanitation and led their districts to achieve an Open Defecation Free (ODF) status. The Ministry of Drinking Water and Sanitation, in association with UNICEF, had organised the interactive session, where the champions spoke about empowering women and children through sanitation, and the role of all sections of society in truly making Swachcha Bharat a people’s movement. Tendulkar, while congratulating them on their achievements and determination for making India Swachh and ODF, emphasized that “You either love your country or you don’t. Even as a common citizen, you can do your bit to keep your country clean by not littering, if you truly love it.” He further added, “If every person in our country gives even 1 hour of their time every year, we can have a billion-plus cleaning hours every year!” The master blaster also shared some of his fond memories of winning the 2011 World Cup and said that determination, hard work and wishes of people helped him achieve the goal. “When that moment came in 2011, when we walked inside the stadium, I knew that we were steps away from achieving our goal. At that moment, we felt the good wishes of a billion people with us. The same good wishes of the people of our country are with you today, on your path to creating a Swachh Bharat.” Secretary, Ministry of Drinking Water and Sanitation, Parameswaran Iyer thanked Sachin Tendulkar for his active role as an ambassador of Prime Minister Modi’s Swachcha Bharat mission. Bhutan borders. Till July this year, the paramilitary has seized drugs worth about C28.5 crore in 151 incidents involving seizure of about 12,000 kg of contraband items and arrested 179 smugglers. The SSB guards the IndoNepal and Indo-Bhutan border and is the Lead Intelligence Agency on both these frontiers. Through its civic action programmes, the paramilitary has earned a significant deal of respect amongst bordering population leading to generation of actionable intelligence from the bordering population. Apart from providing free cleft surgeries and other medical assistance, including eye care and routine medical checkups, the paramilitary specialists also provide free treatment to the cattle in the area, officials added. B2WPb QP]]TS Rd[[X]VP]S PbZTSBcPcTb c^X\_[T\T]c QXacWR^]ca^[ \TPbdaTbc^ RdaQcWTbcaPh S^V\T]PRT ?=BQ =4F34;78 awyer Prashant Bhushan has threatened to file conL tempt petition against the Kerala Government over the State Government’s proposed move to cull stray dogs. In a letter written by Bhushan to Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan, the activist lawyer said that any such move will be in violation of the Supreme Court order, which has banned culling and asked State authorities to implement birth control measures to curb the stray dog menace. The letter comes in the wake of announcements made by two State Ministers — Local Self Government Minister KT Jaleel and Animal Husbandry Ministry K Raju — who indicated that the State will shortly undertake culling of stray dogs following increased instances of dog bite cases across the State. Opposing such move by the Kerala Government, Bhushan cited the November 18, 2015 order passed by a bench headed by Justice Dipak Misra where the justifiability of dog culling is yet to be decided. Till such time, the court has stayed any such action by State Governments, while seeking information on steps taken by the municipal authorities under 0A270=09H>C8Q =4F34;78 idely recommended as an W appetite booster for weight gain in children and babies in the country for the last two decades despite no clinical trials, popular drug Buclizine is likely to be no longer marketed for the same. The Drugs Technical Advisory Board (DTAB), highest decision making body of the Health Ministry on technical issues pertaining to drugs, in its meeting recently, has recommended prohibition on the Buclizine drug for manufacture or sale or for distribution as appetite stimulant “in public interest”. However, Buclizine will be continued to be allowed for marketing for the indications “symptomatic treatment of various allergic conditions (rhinitis, conjunctivitis and urticaria) and for prevention and treatment of motion sickness.” The move to ban the drug follows observations by the Parliamentary Standing Committee in its last year report, in which it raised concerns that various drugs, including the Buclizine as appetite stimulant were approved without ensuring and safety and efficacy and any clinical trial. Raising concern on safety and efficacy of Buclizine as an appetite stimulant, the panel also noted that the drug is used in children, for which no scientific data are available, said a senior official from the Drug Controller General of India(DCGI), which had given approval to the drug in 2006. Though the drug manufacturer presented the summarised data, it could not provide any clinical trial study report on adult or children to justify the use of the drug as an appetite enhancement. The panel also noted that the drug is banned due to CWT805P]S 3TUT]RT <X]XbcahPaT _aX\Pah W^[STab^U cWT X]U^a\PcX^] b^dVWc cWa^dVWP] AC8`dTah ?=BQ =4F34;78 he Indian Air Force (IAF) has claimed that it does not T have records related to the had also sought information related to meetings of the Price Negotiation Committee on the deal, cancellation of the deal, first estimate of the helicopters provided by AgustaWestland, 0HDB7<8=8BCAH8=:B 06A44<4=CF8C7DB? =Tf3T[WX)CWT0HDB7<X]Xbcah WPbbXV]TSP]PVaTT\T]cfXcW D]XcTSBcPcTb?WPa\PR^_TXP[ 2^]eT]cX^]DB?U^a R^^_TaPcX^]X]cWTUXT[S^U caPSXcX^]P[\TSXRX]TbP\^eT fWXRWfX[[P[b^WT[_X\_a^eT cWTbT\TSXRX]Tb³`dP[XchCWT ?WPa\PR^_^TXP2^\\XbbX^]U^a 8]SXP]<TSXRX]TP]S 7^\^T^_PcWhd]STacWT<X]Xbcah bXV]TScWT<^DfXcWDB?fWXRW PX\bPcR^[[PQ^aPcX]VXST]cXUhX]V P]SSTeT[^_\T]cP]S SXbbT\X]PcX^]^UbRXT]RTQPbTS bcP]SPaSbX]cWXbUXT[S0YXc<^WP] BPaP]bPXSPSSX]VcWPccWT WXbc^aXRSTP[fX[[cPZTU^afPaS R^\\^]R^^_TaPcX^]X]cWTUXT[S ^UcaPSXcX^]P[\TSXRX]T ³=4FC427<DBC5>A BF027277170A0C´ =Tf3T[WX) C^\PZT?aX\T <X]XbcTa=PaT]SaP<^SX³bU[PVbWX_ _a^VaP\\T¯ BfPRWRWW1WPaPc <XbbX^]¯ PWdVTbdRRTbb Tg_TacbWPeTbcaTbbTS^]]TTS^U PS^_cX^]^UX]]^ePcX^]P]S cTRW]^[^VhX]ePaX^dbbTV\T]cb ^UbP]XcPcX^]bdRWPbR[TP]X]V^U a^PSbc^\P]PVT\T]c^UfPbcT FPcTa0XS8]SXP2WXTU4gTRdcXeT <PSWPeP]bPXScWPcfXcWcWT X]RaTPbX]VdaQP]_^_d[PcX^] cWTaTXbP]°X]RaTPbX]VRWP[[T]VT± c^\P]PVTcWTfPbcTX] bdbcPX]PQ[T\P]]Ta°?^_d[PcX^] X]daQP]PaTPb°R^]cX]dTbc^ Va^f±P]S\P]h^UcWT_T^_[TX] cWTaTVX^]V^d]PRR^d]cTS QTRPdbT^UcWTXabTcc[T\T]cX] d]PdcW^aXbTSbTcc[T\T]cb±WT bPXSPcFPbcTP]SBP]XcTRW8]SXP 4g_^^aVP]XbTSQhD1<8]SXP bd__^acTSQh<X]Xbcah^UDaQP] 3TeT[^_\T]c 3R_`_3fT]ZkZ_VUcfXRd RaaVeZeVS``deVc`_TRcU adverse drug reactions in countries with well-developed and efficient regulatory system, including USA, UK, EU, Australia, Japan and Canada. “In this context, it recommended that its manufacture, import and marketing of should be immediately put under suspension till the safety of the drug is examined and established in the country,” the official added. A sub-committee comprising of Dr B Suresh, Dr Shiv Kumar Sarin and Dr S K Acharya has also been constituted to examine continued marketing of the drug for other indications and submit its report. Buclizine was originally developed by the Belgiumbased UCB Pharma as an antihistamine and has been approved in several countries as treatment to prevent motion sickness and allergies but not to boost appetite or growth in children. +DYHQRUHFRUGVRQ$JXVWD:HVWODQGGHDO,$) controversial VVIP chopper deal with AgustaWestland which was later scrapped following allegations of bribery. The IAF and Defence Ministry are primary holders of the information sought through an RTI query. The Ministry had referred the matter to CBI for a probe after alleged corruption surfaced in the C3,600 crore deal. Under the Right to Information Act, an application was filed with the Defence Ministry, seeking complete records related to the deal, including price negotiations and file notings. In addition, the applicant the Animal Birth Control Rules and Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act. Bhushan in his letter warned the Chief Minister, “if any such action like culling is taken by your Government then we will be forced to take out a contempt petition in the Supreme Court with urgent mentioning.” It said that any such move amounted to contempt of the apex court’s order and went against the letter of law contained in the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act. Further, the letter accused the State Government of “whipping up hysteria” against stray dogs as every day there is a news item involving stray dog bites. In one such instance where an aged woman was reportedly bitten multiple times by a stray dog in Kerala, Bhushan said that on verification with the concerned reporter, it turned out to be a story based on hearsay. The Supreme Court in its November 2015 order had said, “There can be no trace of doubt that there has to be compassion for dogs and they should not be killed in an indiscriminate manner, but indubitably the lives of the human beings are also to be saved and one should not suffer due to dog bite because of administrative lapse.” =Tf3T[WX)CWTBd_aT\T2^dac WPbSXb\XbbTSPaTeXTf_TcXcX^] UX[TSQhCT[P]VP]PPVPX]bcXcb eTaSXRcfWXRWWPSWT[ScWPccWT ]Tf[hRPaeTS^dcBcPcTRP]]^c R[PX\°PQb^[dcT±aXVWc^eTa X]bcXcdcX^]b\TaT[hQTRPdbTcWTh PaT[^RPcTSX]XcbRP_XcP[ 7hSTaPQPSfWXRWXb]^fQTX]V bWPaTSQh0]SWaP?aPSTbWP[b^ 0QT]RW^U9dbcXRTbE6^_P[P 6^fSPP]S0ad]<XbWaPaTYTRcTS cWTP__[XRPcX^]U^a^_T]WTPaX]V ^UcWTaTeXTf_TcXcX^]P]S SXb\XbbTScWT_[TPbPhX]V]^ RPbT^UaTeXTfXb\PST^dc specific additions sought in the helicopters, which increased the cost and deliberations which allowed lowering of flight ceiling and cabin height. The application was trans- ferred by the Defence Ministry on June 16 to Indian Air Force to furnish the information in accordance with the transparency law. An application is trans- ferred under Section 6(3) of the RTI Act, when the public authority does not have any or a part of information sought by the RTI applicant. The Indian Air Force headquarters in a reply said, “The information sought vide your RTI application is not available at this HQ.” Surprisingly, several details of the deal were referred to by Defence Minister Manohar Parrikar during a debate on the issue in the Lok Sabha on May 6. The CBI, which is probing the case, had collected many records during investigation, but as per norms, copies of necessary documents were left with the concerned ministry or the department from where they had been collected. ?aTbXST]c?aP]PQ<dZWTaYTTeXbXcbP cT\_[T^]cWT^RRPbX^]^U 9P]\PbWcP\XX]=Tf3T[WX^] CWdabSPh ?C8 6iTVddcRZ_f_]Z\V]jZ_DVaeRd =R?Z_RTYR_TVdWRUV+:>5 ?=BQ =4F34;78 he much-hyped La Nina phenomenon, which was T expected to give a boost to Southwest Monsoon especially in September, has been delayed. According to the India Meteorological Department (IMD), it was to set in by August-September. But the cooling of ocean surface temperature is taking longer for the phenomenon to commence. As per the initial forecast, September was to receive excess rains due to this trend. However, in the present situation, sources in IMD maintained that rainfall is likely to remain in the normal range. The weather models are being assessed on the basis of which a revised forecast would soon be released. As per IMD standards, average or normal rainfall ranges from 96 per cent to 104 per cent of a 50-year average of 89 cm for the entire fourmonth season. According to weather experts, La Nina is unlikely to develop during monsoon season and even if it develops in October, it will be weak. It is associated with cooler than average sea surface temperatures and is the counter of El Nino which is the unusual warming of sea-surface Pacific waters off the South American coast. As per weather experts, rain deterrent El Nino has however already neutralised. To add to the above, even the Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD) has not influenced the Monsoon this year, so far. As per the scientists, it has been negative since the beginning of the season. A positive IOD is associated with cooler than normal sea-surface tempera- tures in the eastern equatorial Indian Ocean and warmer than normal sea-surface temperatures in the western tropical Indian Ocean. The opposite phenomenon is called a ‘negative IOD’, and is characterised by warmer than normal sea surface temperatures. To compound the woes further, the Madden Julian Oscillation, which was earlier travelling in the favourable zone, is no longer supporting for Monsoon rains either. This is a moving system of wind, cloud and pressure that brings rain in the region, as it circles around the equator. ]PcX^]% =4F34;78k5A830H k0D6DBC !%! % Ac`3`U`]R_UXc`fadg`he`cV]Rf_TYdeZc DaVT0bbP\6^ecc^[^^ZX]c^ aTP[XbbdTbQTWX]SX]bdaVT]Rh 0=D?B70A<0?C8Q 6DF070C8 ccusing the Centre of neglecting and ignoring the issues of A Bodo people, three leading groups involved in the Bodoland statehood movement here on Thursday announced that they would relaunch their agitation from next week. Also, while welcoming the ‘zero tolerance’ policy of the Assam Government regarding insurgency, the All Bodo Students’ Union (ABSU) appealed to the State and Central Government to look into the real issues behind insurgency and frame an effective policy that will stop the youth from joining the insurgent outfits. ABSU president Pramod Boro said this while interacting with newsmen on Thursday and added that although the State and Central Government had adopted a ‘zero tolerance’ policy against the insurgents, they had failed to prevent the youth in Bodoland Territorial Areas Districts (BTAD) from joining the militants. Meanwhile, the ABSU, National Democratic Front of Boroland (Progressive) and People's Joint Action Committee for Bodoland Movement said on Thursday they will block the national highways across Assam for five hours next week demanding solution to the problems of Bodo people. "We had met Rajnath Singh before 2014 Lok Sabha election. He had assured that if BJP came to power, it would look into our demand for a separate State and so we supported the party and suspended our agitation since January, 2014. "But after coming to power, the BJP is just neglecting and ignoring us," Boro said. Only a single round of talks were held in June last year "despite meeting Rajnath Singh seven times and Kiren Rijiju ten times", he claimed. "We are continuously contacting the Central Government. We spoke to Kiren Rijiju earlier this month and he assured us that talks would start after August 15, but nothing has started yet. We are mainstream people. How can they neglect us so much?" the ABSU leader asked. As the three groups are left with "no option", they would relaunch their "democratic nonviolent movement", he said and invited all Bodo groups across Assam to join it. Boro said four rounds of talks had taken place under the erstwhile UPA Government at the Centre although there were no policy guidelines during the discussions on the statehood demand. "Now we feel that the last few months of Congress were better than the BJP rule. They (Congress) held four rounds of tripartite talks in four months. In 2014 Lok Sabha polls we should have supported the Congress," he said. Boro also said, “The real issues are lack of education, poverty and unemployment. The youths in Bodoland (four districts of BTAD) have no option but to join insurgent outfits due to poverty. They have no good education and there is no employment. So they are bound to join these militant outfits after attaining certain age for easy money,” Boro said appealing the Government to look into the matter in a pragmatic way so that the problem can be solved once and for all. “There has been continued operation in BTAD against the insurgents. Lots of money had been spent every year for militarisation to tackle insurgency. However, mere militarisation and use of force would not help solve the problem,” he said adding that the Government should rather =DACDA8=6=0CDA4 F40A42>=C8=D>DB;H2>=C02C8=6 C7424=CA0;6>E4A=<4=CF4B?>:4 C>:8A4=A8989D40A;84AC78B<>=C7 0=3740BBDA43DBC70CC0;:B F>D;3BC0AC05C4A0D6DBC $1DC =>C78=670BBC0AC43H4CF40A4 <08=BCA40<?4>?;47>F20=C74H =46;42CDBB><D27. ° 0;;1>3>BCD34=CB´D=8>=;4034A =>FF4544;C70CC74;0BC54F<>=C7B>5 2>=6A4BBF4A414CC4AC70=C7419?AD;4C74H 2>=6A4BB74;35>DAA>D=3B>5CA8?0AC8C4 C0;:B8=5>DA<>=C7B8=! #;>:B0170?>;;B F4B7>D;370E4BD??>AC43C742>=6A4BB ° ?A0<>31>A> focus on furthering the peace talks with the militant outfits like pro-talk faction National Democratic front of Bodoland (NDFB), which came over ground in 2005 to take part in peace talks. “The success of peace talks with the pro-talk faction of the NDFB would encourage other anti-talk faction of the outfits to shun the path of violence and there will be lasting solution to insurgency in Bodoland,” he said while appealing to the Government to keep open the door for talks with all the militant outfits. “We do not support violence. ABSU is the first organisation to raise voice against the anti-talk faction of NDFB when they killed innocent Adivasis in 2014. We welcome the ‘zero tolerance’ attitude of the State Government, but this zero tolerance attitude should not be a mere political statement,” he added. Boro further mentioned that a faction of the NDFB came over ground in 2005 and since then they have been holding peace talks. “Although ten years have passed, the Centre and the State Government are yet to talk on the main agenda of the outfit. The Government has been delaying the talks but this is not going to help,” he said. 0bbP\2WXTU<X]XbcTaBPaQP]P]SPB^]^fP[UTTSX]VQPQhT[T_WP]cbaTbRdTSSdaX]VcWTaTRT]cU[^^SbPccWT FX[S[XUTATWPQX[XcPcX^]P]S2^]bTaePcX^]2T]caTPc:PiXaP]VP=PcX^]P[?PaZ^]CWdabSPh ?C8 1870A5;>>3)C>;;A8B4BC> "$ AXeTabR^]cX]dTc^U[^f Patna: With reports of eight fresh deaths on Thursday, the total toll in Bihar flood increased to 135, with Bhojpur district accounting for 12 deaths in the second round of floods due to the swollen Ganga. The flood, caused by a spate in the Ganga, Sone, Punpun, Burhi Gandak, Ghaghra, Kosi and other rivers, has affected 31.33 lakh people in 1,934 villages in 12 districts, a Disaster Management Department statement said. After Bhojpur district, the maximum number of deaths in the second round of floods in the State were reported from Vaishali (7), Samastipur (6), Saran (5), Bhagalpur and Khagaria two each and Buxar, Lakhisarai and Munger one each. The Ganga was flowing above the danger mark at seven places in various parts of four districts — Digha ghat, Gandhi ghat, Hathidah in Patna, Bhagalpur and Kahalgaon in Bhagalpur district, Munger district and Buxar district. The 12 flood-affected districts are Buxar, Bhojpur, Patna, Vaishali, Saran, Begusarai, Samastipur, Lakhisarai, PQ^eTSP]VTa\PaZX] D?*!'SXbcaXRcbWXc 5[^^SeXRcX\bdbTPaPUc c^bWXUcX]cAPVW^_daX] EPXbWP[XSXbcaXRc^U1XWPa ^]CWdabSPh ?C8 Khagaria, Munger, Bhagalpur and Katihar, the statement said, adding 28 cattle also perished in the deluge. A total of 3.44 lakh people were evacuated, the release said, adding 433 relief camps were being run in the flood-hit areas, giving shelter to 1.74 lakh people. A total of 227 medical teams were providing services to the affected. Besides, 108 camps have been opened for animals, it said. Chief Minister Nitish Kumar visited various relief camps in Patna to interact with those residing in camps. Kumar visited various relief camps at Maner, Digha, Patna and ohers accompanied by Water Resources Minister Rajiv Ranjan Singh, Chief Secretary Anjani Kumar Singh, DGP PK 4`^^ZddZ`_dWZ_UZ_XdWR\VRd C`YZeYhRd5R]Ze+?4D4TYZVW Barabanki/New Delhi: Rejecting the judicial commission's report on Rohith Vemula's suicide as "fake and fictitious", the National Commission for Scheduled Castes Chairman PL Punia on Thursday said the deceased Hyderabad Univeristy research scholar was a Dalit. Punia's remarks came in response to the reports that the one-man judicial commission of former judge of Allahabad High Court AK Roopanwal, has observed that Vemula did not belong to the Scheduled Caste (SC) community. "The commission was formed to find out why Rohit Vemula committed suicide and who were responsible for his death. Instead of working as per the mandate, the commission was trying to find out the caste of Vemula which is unfortunate," Punia, Chairman, National Commission for Scheduled Castes (NCSC) told PTI. "Its findings are fake and fictitious. The final authority on caste is District Collector, and the Collector with conclusive evidences has given us report that he is a Scheduled Caste (person) and does not belong backward class," Punia added. Amid a nation-wide outrage on educational campuses over Vemula's suicide, the Roopanwal commission was constituted to probe the reasons for it. Vemula had been suspended by the university a few days before he committed suicide. The Roopanwal panel had recently submitted its report to the UGC. Though its contents are yet to be made public officially, some reports said the commission has held Vemula was not a Dalit.Punia said the suicide by the Dalit scholar was "painful and unfortunate". Vemula had committed suicide by hanging himself from the ceiling of a hostel room in the university. PTI Thakur, Patna DM Sanjay Kumar Agarwal and other senior officials. Altogether 2,333 boats are being plied by the government to evacuate the affected people to safer places. National and State Disaster Response Forces have already been deployed in various parts of the floodaffected districts, the statement added. PTI Lucknow: Several rivers continued to flow above the danger mark in Uttar Pradesh, where 28 districts remained affected by floods, officials said on Thursday. According to a Central Water Commission report, a relatively lesser amount of rainfall had caused decrease in water levels of Ganga and Yamuna at some places. Ganga's water level is decreasing in Fatehgarh, Ankinghat, Fafamau and Chhatnag in Allahabad, Varanasi and Ballia, Yamuna's water level is decreasing in Kalpi, Hamirpur, Chillaghat (Banda) and Naini (Allahabad), the report said. However, other rivers are still flowing above the danger mark in these places. River Sharda is rising in Palliakalan (Kheri), where it is one metre above the danger mark. "28 districts are still flood affected and relief and rescue operations are on," Relief Commissioner's office said. "A total of 8.7 lakh people in 987 villages in Varanasi, Allahabad, Ghazipur and Ballia are affected due to flood," it said. Cabinet Minister Shivpal Yadav visited Ballia to take stock of the ground reality and directed officers to ensure relief works on war footing. "No laxity will be tolerated in these works. There would be no shortage of funds for the purpose," he said, adding that "over two lakh people were affected due to floods in the district". Officers have been directed by the Chief Secretary not to sanction leaves of employees involved in relief works unless it is urgent. PTI 278;3BF4?C 0F0H1HF0C4A ?0ACB>5<0;30 50245;>>35DAH ;P[dd]STaUXaT U^a³6P]VPPc^da S^^abcT_aT\PaZ <P[SPF1)0RWX[SfPbbfT_c PfPhX]bfXa[X]VfPcTaPb!( eX[[PVTbfTaTU[^^STSQhbf^[[T] 6P]VPX]<P[SPSXbcaXRc^] CWdabSPhPbcWTU[^^SbXcdPcX^] aT\PX]TSVaX\X]_Pacb^UcWT SXbcaXRc 0bT]X^aSXbcaXRc^UUXRXP[bPXS cWT!hTPa^[SfPbbfT_cPfPhX] :P[XPRWPZQ[^RZ]d\QTacWaTTPb ePbcPaTPb^UcWTQ[^RZfTaT bdQ\TaVTSQhfPcTaUa^\6P]VP fWXRWfPbU[^fX]VPcTgcaT\T SP]VTa[TeT[X]cWTPaTP BTeTaP[VaP\_P]RWPhPcPaTPb X]cWTSXbcaXRcX]R[dSX]V<P]XZRWPZ 1Xa]PVPa:aXbW]P_dafTaT_PacXP[[h d]STafPcTafWX[TfPcTaVdbWTS ^eTacf^a^PSbQdX[cd]STa ?aPSWP]<P]caX6aP\BPSPZ H^YP]P_a^YTRcSXbad_cX]VeTWXRd[Pa R^\\d]XRPcX^]cWT^UUXRXP[bPXS CWTPS\X]XbcaPcX^]^_T]TS U^daaT[XTURP\_bX]WXVWTa[P]Sc^ bWT[cTacWT\Pa^^]TScWT^UUXRXP[ bPXSPSSX]VcW^dbP]SbfTaTaTT[X]V d]STaU[^^SfPcTaX]cWTPaTP CWT^UUXRXP[bPXSQ^PcbfTaT QTX]V_aTbbTSX]c^bTaeXRTc^UTaah cWT\Pa^^]TSP]S_a^eXSTaT[XTU \PcTaXP[b ?C8 Patna: RJD chief Lalu Prasad has come in for sharp criticism from Opposition leaders for his 'Ganga at our doorsteps' remark while taking stock of the flood situation on the outskirts of the State capital two days ago. While talking to flood victims, Lalu had on August 23 said they were lucky to have the Ganga coming to their doorstep as not everybody gets 'Gangajal' in his home. He had also said that the floods in Bihar was caused by the sudden release of water by BJP-ruled States. Taking strong exception to Lalu's statement, senior BJP leader Sushil Kumar Modi on Thursday said he has made fun of the flood victims by making the statement. "On one hand the State Government has failed in carrying out relief and rescue operations for flood affected people and on the other hand, Lalu Prasad is making fun of the flood victims by his insensitive statement," Sushil said. This is being done to deflect people's attention from poor relief and rescue operations, he said. Replying to Lalu's remark on water released by BJP-ruled States, he said the flood was caused by the release of 11 lakh cusecs of water from Indrapuri barrage and Lalu should know that the barrage was in Bihar and not in any BJP-ruled State. Union Minister and Lok Janshakti Party (LJP) chief Ram Vilas Paswan expressed surprise over Lalu's statement saying it rubbed salt on the wounds of flood victims. "I am surprised to hear such statement. If you cannot provide relief to the flood victims, then at least refrain from mocking them," Paswan said after visiting flood-hit areas. He said the Centre would make foodgrains available to Bihar in adequate quantity if the State Government makes a demand in this regard. PTI :4A0;0C>14342;0A43 >?4=345420C8>=5A44 BC0C4>==>E4<14A CWXadeP]P]cWP_daP\):TaP[PfX[[ QTSTR[PaTSPb^_T]STUTRPcX^] UaTTBcPcT^]XcbU^a\PcX^]SPh^] =^eT\QTa fXcWcWT2?8<[TS ;356^eTa]\T]c_[P]]X]Vc^X]eXcT ?aX\T<X]XbcTa=PaT]SaP<^SXc^ PccT]SPUd]RcX^]WTaT 0STRXbX^]c^cWXbTUUTRcfPb cPZT]PccWTBcPcT2PQX]Tc\TTcX]V WTaT^]CWdabSPhP]^UUXRXP[ bcPcT\T]cbPXSCWT2PQX]Tc STRXSTSc^X]eXcT<^SXfW^WPb [Pd]RWTScWTBfPRWRWW1WPaPc \XbbX^]U^aP2[TP]8]SXPc^PccT]S cWTBcPcT[TeT[Ud]RcX^]c^QTWT[S WTaTXcbPXS0c^cP[^U\^aTcWP] ([PZWc^X[TcbPaTQTX]VR^]bca dRcTSPRa^bbcWT(# VaP\\P_P] RWPhPcbX]cWTBcPcTX]R[dSX]VX] X]SXeXSdP[W^dbTb[^RPcTSPcRaXcX RP[[hRWP[[T]VTSP]SWX[[hcTaaPX]b Pb_Pac^UcWTbP]XcPcX^]_a^VaP\ \TQhcWTBcPcT6^eTa]\T]c ?C8 0\P]SXbcaXQdcX]VU[^^S aT[XTU\PcTaXP[X]P U[^^STSEPaP]PbXR^[^]h ^]CWdabSPh ?C8 4VVbWda[TSPcPRc^aAP\hPbRPa^eTa?PZR^\\T]c <VcR]RS`je`cefcVUSjUcfX RUUZTeaRcV_edcVdTfVU S :4BCDAE0BD:8Q 14=60;DAD 19?HdeP<^aRWP \T\QTab_a^cTbc PVPX]bcPRc^aAP\hP X]RPaX] <P]VP[dad^] CWdabSPhPVPX]bc WTaaT\PaZb^] ?PZXbcP] ?C8 tar-turned-Congress politician Ramya alias Divya Spandana who is in the news for saying “Pakistan is not hell” had to face a protest at the coastal town of Mangaluru for her remark on Thursday. Eggs were thrown at her car just after she was escorted out of Mangaluru airport. The BJP Yuva Morcha activists and some Right wing orgnisations were protesting her ‘Pakistan is not hell’ and ‘Mangaluru is Hell’ (she had allegedly in an interview to a local TV channel has said Mangaluru was hell) comment. The protestors were caught on camera waving black flags and throwing eggs at her cavalcade, despite several police men guard- ing the area. The police were seen chasing the protestors in the video footage shown in the local channels. According to police they have detained many protesters who obstructed former MP from Mandya at the airport. Ramya found herself in the midst of controversy, when she made comments sympathising with Pakistan and a sedition case was slapped against her by an advocate from Kodagu. "Pakistan is not hell. People there are just like us. They treated us very well," she had reportedly said after a recent visit to Islamabad as part of a SAARC delegation of young lawmakers. Her remarks had come as a counter to Defence Minister Manohar Parrikar, who had said "going to Pakistan is same as going to hell." Kochi/Idukki (Ker): In a gruesome incident, a 9-year-old boy has been subjected to torture by his alleged 'drug addict' parents at Adimali in Idduki district. The boy, suspected to have suffered more than a week-long torture at the hands of his father and mother, was rescued by some locals two days ago. He is now undergoing treatment at the Kalamassery Medical College Hospital near Kochi. Doctors at the hospital on Thursday said the condition of the boy, admitted to the burns intensive care unit on Tuesday, was stable. "He has suffered bruises all over his body. But he is stable now," a doctor treating the boy said. Police said they have booked the parents under relevant sections of Juvenile Justice Act and 326(b) of IPC, which lays down the punishment for attempted act of afflicting burn injuries. While the father of the boy was already in judicial custody in connection with another case, the mother would be arrested soon, police said, adding they suspect both parents to be drug addicts. Police said the boy had given statements against his father and mother. According to the boy, he was subjected to brutal torture. His father had hit him with an iron rod while his mother attacked him with coconut. She had also poured hot water on him, police said. Initially, the boy had told the police that he was attacked by a monkey, but later narrated his ordeal. Police said the boy's two other siblings, who are also minors, have been shifted to safety in Painavu in Idukki district. Child Welfare Committee of Ernakulam district said it would provide shelter to the boy once he was discharged from the hospital. PTI ]PcX^]& =4F34;78k5A830H k0D6DBC !%! % 4`_X¶dViR]]jZ_<VcR]R =^cX]P_^bXcX^]c^ cf]Vd`fe[`Z_Z_X=VWe aT[TPbT2PdeTahfPcTa <P]Xb[P\b2?8 EA90H0A09Q :>278 ormer Kerala Minister KM Mani, chairman of the F Kerala Congress (M) which had severed its 30-year-long alliance with the Congress-led Opposition UDF recently, on Thursday made it clear that his party would not join the CPI(M)-headed ruling LDF. Mani’s party had left the Congress-led front on August 7 saying that it would keep an equidistance policy with regard to the UDF, LDF and the BJPled NDA. The assertion by Mani, who had resigned as Finance Minister in the erstwhile Government following the accusations of accepting bribe from bar owners, about not joining any coalition came in response to the position taken by the CPI, second biggest LDF constituent, that the KC(M) could not be allowed to cooperate with the Left even in agitations against the Centre. “I can’t understand why the CPI is feeling worried when it hears the name of the Kerala Congress (M). This has been happening for a long time. We have already stated that we are not going (to join any of the three coalitions). Then why is the CPI worried about us this much?” Mani asked while responding to the position taken by the State executive of the CPI. The CPI has taken a firm stand against letting Mani’s party enter the LDF rejecting totally the line adopted by front leader CPI(M) that the NDA should not be allowed to cash in on the infirmities of the UDF by absorbing the parties leaving that front, which effectively means that the Left should at least be ready to cooperate with the KC(M). State CPI(M) secretary Kodiyeri Balakrishnan had written an article in party organ Deshabhimani daily about the Left’s need to adopt such a strategy and the paper had also published an editorial reflecting the same view. But State CPI secretary Kanam Rajendran vehemently opposed the Marxist move . Indicating that the CPI was feeling that its position in the LDF would get weakened if the KC(M) joined it, Mani said, “The CPI, which is known for selling its seats for money, need not give us lessons in political morality.” There were allegations that money was involved in the candidature of a person from outside the CPI in the Thiruvananthapuram seat in the last Lok Sabha election. A report presented by Kanam Rajendran in a meeting of the State CPI executive the other day said that the Left could not consider having an alliance or any kind of cooperation with the KC(M). The party also decided to air its strong opposition if any such proposal came up during the LDF meeting on August 30. According to observers, it will not be easy for Mani to find a berth for his party in the Left as far as the CPI sticks to its stand. Also, nonagenarian Marxist and former chief minister VS Achuthanandan, perhaps the most popular politician in the State still, is also against the idea of inducting the KC(M) into the Left, they point out. “Mani’s options are now limited. Heavyweights in the Congress have already spoken against bringing Mani back to the UDF. Also, it is not easy for him to take the KC(M) to the NDA camp as a large section in the party is against that idea. Rumour is that some of Mani’s friends in the UDF are lobbying for bringing his back into the front in this context,” said a senior journalist. Johny Nelloor, chairman of the Kerala Congress (J), a minor UDF partner, wanted the Congress high command’s intervention for bringing the KC(M) back to the coalition. “The KC(M)’s problems are with the Congress. If Kerala’s Congress leadership is unable to deal with the issue, the high command should intervene,” said Nelloor in Kozhikode on Thursday. U^aC=):Pa]PcPZP2< :4BCDAE0BD:8Q 14=60;DAD iver Cauvery flows quietly dividing further both the R warring neighbours, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu over sharing of Cauvery water. This time after Tamil Nadu has threatened to move the Supreme Court to get its share of water, Karnataka Chief Minister Siddaramaiah on Thursday expressed his inability to a delegation of farmers from Tamil Nadu, to release water to the State due to deficit rainfall in the Cauvery basin this monsoon. He said, “There has been deficit rainfall in the Cauvery basin area, so in the present situation it will be difficult to release water for irrigation purpose”. But according to TN farmer’s delegation representatives the Chief Minister has assured them that if there are good rains in the days to come and if situation improves, water will be released to TN. Tamil Nadu farmer leaders who met Chief Minister at his residence, requested him release water for samba crop in 9 lakh acres, stating that farmers may have to face difficulty due to crop damage. Pointing out that water level at dams in the Cauvery basin area has not reached expected levels, Siddaramaiah said the situation is such that there will be difficulty in providing drinking water. "In this circumstance we will be unable to release water even under distress formula, please understand our situation," he told Tamil Nadu farmers. In this situation the TN farmer’s delegation felt it was better to link the rivers to share and to proper utilisation of water by all the stake holders. Meanwhile, Siddaramaiah has called the meeting of floor leader of Karnataka Legislative Assembly and Council on 27 August to discuss Tamil Nadu's repeated demand for release of water and situation in Cauvery basin area due to deficit rain fall. Union Ministers from the State and district in charge Ministers from Cauvery basin area have also been invited for the meeting, officials said. With Tamil Nadu Government deciding to move the Supreme Court to get its share of Cauver y water, Karnataka Chief Minister Siddaramaiah had recently said his Government is also ready for the legal battle. =PbWXZUPa\Ta VTcb$_PXbT_Ta ZVU^a^]X^]b* Sd\_bcWT\ Nashik: A farmer from Karanjgaon village in Nashik district has claimed to have got the rate of 5 paise per kg for onions, prompting him to dump his produce of 13 quintals in his field in protest, even as a trader blamed "poor quality" of bulb for the low price. Sudhakar Darade, who hails from Niphad taluka, said his onions got valued at C5 per quintal (100 kg) at Saikheda Sub-Agriculture Produce Market Committee (APMC) on Tuesday. He said his entire produce of 13 quintals was offered a rate of C65 in total. The distressed farmer said he incurred an expense of more than C700 per acre for cultivating onions and paid C780 towards transportation charges for bringing the produce to the APMC. Nashik district is known for production of red onions. The onion market in Lasalgaon in district is Asia's largest wholesale APMC for onions. "I had cultivated onions on my 10-acre land in NovemberDecember last year. I stored around 1,000 quintals of onions at home, hoping that I will get good price in April. However, auctioning of onions got severely affected due to the 35day strike at APMCs in district during June-July, as a result of which my onions perished," he said. Sources at APMC said that condition of onions brought by Darade was bad that is why they offerred him the low price for the produce. PTI <;0APbWTTS\TTcb7<bPhb²_[TQXbRXcT^][hb^[dcX^] Kashmir and Ladakh should be given right to self-determination and issue needs to be seen in totality and not on regional, religious or ethnic basis," he said. The spokesman said Rasheed reminded Singh that it was in the same Nehru Guest House, where the Home Minister was meeting various deputations, that the Centre held talks with five militant commanders. "So, Union of India has no logic to justify not talking to real representatives including militants for the resolution of the dispute," Rasheed said. PTI most of the shops, private offices, educational institutions and petrol pumps remained closed while public transport continued to be off the roads. The attendance in government offices and banks was completely affected, the official said. Mobile Internet also continued to remain suspended in the entire Valley, where the outgoing facility on prepaid mobiles remained barred. The separatist camp, which is spearheading the agitation in the Valley over the civilian killings during the protests against Wani’s killing, has extended the strike call in the Valley till September 1. tion bid in Tangdar sector of north Kashmir’s Kupwara district on Thursday morning. A Defence spokesman said that after the Army intercepted the suspicious movement along the Line of Control (LoC) in the area in the wee hours, the Army launched an attack and repulsed the infiltration bid leading to injuries to a soldier. Three unidentified militants had been killed in an encounter in Tangdar area on August 21. Defence sources said the slain militants were involved in an attack on Border Security force picket. PNS 0a\hU^X[b X]UX[caPcX^]QXS* 52J%)+G2==6J4@?E:?F6D YPfP]Wdac soldier sustained injuries E@C66=F?56C4FC76H A when a column of the and separatist sponsored strike, Army tried to foil an infiltra?8>=44A=4FBB4AE824Q BA8=060A ?^[XRTQPaaXRPSTbPc;P[ 2W^fZSdaX]VRdaUTfX] 9P\\d:PbW\Xa^] CWdabSPh ?C8 Srinagar : Controversial Independent MLA Sheikh Abdul Rasheed, who has proseparatist leanings, on Thursday met Union Home Minister Rajnath Singh and said the only way to resolve the Kashmir issue was to hold "plebiscite" on both sides of the Line of Control (LoC). Rasheed, who led a fivemember delegation of his Awami Ittihad Party to meet ashmir Valley continued to K reel under curfew and restrictions on the 48th conthe Home Minister, said the Government of India needs to understand that passing the buck and avoiding the resolution is the only reason why Jammu & Kashmir is "bleeding" since 1947, a spokesman of the party said in a statement. The MLA claimed that seeking "right to self-determination" does not violate Constitution of India and also does not amount to separatism, the spokesman said. The delegation narrated how the successive Governments broke their promises from time to time and played blamegame, the spokesman said. "When we talk of resolving Jammu & Kashmir dispute, we never say so on communal lines but believe that people of both parts of Jammu & 4`_X^V_[`Z_5ZUZRdE>4 X`Vd`_@aaa`RTYZ_XdacVV B0D60AB4=6D?C0Q :>;:0C0 ore and more Opposition citadels fell to an advancM ing Trinamool Congress even as the Bengal ruling outfit proceeded to literally delimitate the Left and the Congress. The Congress on Thursday suffered a huge blow when its West Midnapore district president Vikash Bhunia joined the Trinamool along with his supporters, that included the whole Sabang Panchayat Samiti. The development assumes significance as the defecting leader is the brother of Manas Bhunia a former PCC president and a senior party MLA who is also the Public Accounts Committee Chairman, the post he allegedly accepted at the behest of Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee after defying PCC diktats. Bhunia is currently at loggerheads with PCC president Adhir Chowdhur y and Opposition Leader Abdul Mannan. The reason, the Congress, which holds the place of the principal Opposition party had left the PAC for the CPI(M) but Bhunia queered the pitch and accepted the post offered to him by the Speaker. Manas Bhunia expressed ignorance of floor-crossing and made a loaded statement saying “the current situation in the Congress is not very inspiring. I considered this party as my mother and even now I do so. But who knows what lies in the future.” The PCC president reacted to the Thursday’s development saying “this was a foregone conclusion and we are prepared for more Bhunias (read Manas Bhunia) joining the Trinamool.” When asked to comment TMC MP and Chief Minister’s nephew Abhishek Banerjee said “Development under Mamata Banerjee is drawing opposition workers to us.” When asked to comment on the rising incidents of criminal charges slapped on the opposition forcing them to join the Trinamool he said “I will not comment on that as I am not a man of administration or legal system.” The TMC drew more blood up in North Bengal causing 15 Left members and two of the Congress, from the Jalpaiguri Sadar panchayat samiti to join it. “We have joined the party to strengthen Mamata Banerjee’s hands” one of the members said. Uphill in neighbouring Darjeeling a senior Gorkha Janmukti Morcha member and the Gorkhaland Territorial Administration vice president Bhupendra Pradhan joined the Trinamool Congress on Wednesday. In Siliguri a strong Left citadel until now a Left councilor crossed over to the Trinamool Congress while down south at Diamond Harbour a panchayat samiti fell to the Trinamool hands when majority of its members joined the ruling outfit. Back home in Kolkata a For ward Bloc councilor Rehana Khan also joined the Trinamool Congress in the name of development. In the wake of Thursday’s development at least 10 municipal boards including two district boards fell to the Trinamool in the past one month or so causing the Opposition outfits to cry “poaching with the help of money, muscle and police power.” CPI(M)’s Suryakanto Mishra said “this forced conversion will lead to serious repercussions as by devouring Opposition leaders the ruling party is leaving no forum for protest”. secutive day in the wake of violence following killing of Hizbul Mujahideen militant Burhan Wani on July 8. Curfew continued to be in force in five police station areas of downtown city and Batamaloo and Maisuma areas in uptown, a police official said. In south Kashmir, curfew was imposed in Pulwama district, while it continued in Anantnag town as well on Thursday to maintain law and order. Due to curfew, restrictions 19?B44:B58A0608=BC0:78;4B72>?B5>A;0C78270A64 Lucknow: A day after a violent protest outside the Vidhan Bhavan, the BJP on Thursday filed a police complaint, demanding an FIR against Chief Minister Akhilesh Yadav and police officers for "brutal lathicharge" on party workers. BJP's State unit chief Keshav Prasad Maurya told reporters here that party MPs, MLAs, office-bearers and workers were 'brutally cane-charged' by police while they were protesting the poor law and order situation in Uttar Pradesh. He said, following the incident, a complaint has been registered by State BJP vice-president Ramnaresh Rawat at Hazratganj police station. "Scores of workers are now undergoing treatment in hospitals as they suffered serious injuries," Maurya said. He warned if FIR is not lodged, BJP workers would launch an agitation and move to court. The State unit chief claimed that despite their absence from the protest site, some of the leaders—general secretar y Vijay Bahadur Pathak, organisational general secretary Sunil Bansal and an MLA—were named in the FIR lodged by the police yesterday. "Pathak was in Mumbai, Bansal was in Karnataka and the MLA was sitting inside Vidhan Sabha," he said. Maurya claimed he was even stopped by the police in Vidhan Sabha when he tried to meet Akhilesh. PTI 5>DAH>DC7B64C;854C4A<5>A <DA34A8=64GB27>>;<0C4 Tiruchirappalli (TN): Four youths, all aged 21, have been sentenced to life imprisonment for murdering their former school mate by a court here. Principal District and Sessions Judge Kumara Guru found the youths guilty of hacking to death Ajay Reuban, an engineering student, here on December 31, 2012. The victim was initially rescued by a friend but the four, who were allegedly drunk, chased and brutally hacked him with knives. He succumbed to injuries on January 5. According to prosecution, there was enmity between Ajay and the assailants over a ragging incident when they all were students of a school. The four, who bore vengeance, saw Ajay at a bus stand while returning from a new year revelry and stabbed him. PTI ^_X]X^]' =4F34;78k5A830H k0D6DBC !%! % gggTQY\i`Y_^UUbS_] aRaVchZeYaRddZ`_ ?Vh]Z^ZeVUdfcc`XRTj 7LPHWRVWUHDPOLQHRGGUXOHVRIVXUURJDF\ WT Bdaa^VPRh ATVd[PcX^] 1X[[ ! % R[TPaTS Qh cWT D]X^] 2PQX]Tc ^] FTS]TbSPhfX[[STUX]XcT[hbTaeTPbPcX\T[h\TPbdaTc^R[P\_S^f]^]]d\Ta ^dbRaX\TbUaPdSbP]ScWTWdVT]Tcf^aZ^UX[[TVP[QdbX]TbbTbbdaa^d]SX]V cWTbdaa^VPRhPa^d]ScWTR^d]cahCWXbfX[[WT[_cWT6^eTa]\T]c_PacXRd[Pa[h cWT]PcX^]P[P]SbcPcTbdaa^VPRhQ^PaSbc^bcaTP\[X]TcWTaTVd[PcX^]^UcWT\^bc [hbRPccTaTS_XTRTb^Uad[Tb_TacPX]X]Vc^bdaa^VPRhfWXRWfTaT]^c_aPRcXRTS^a aPcWTaX\_[T\T]cTScX[[SPcTX]eXTf^UcWTT]cXaTch^UcWTXbbdTCWT1X[[_a^WXQXcb cWT_aPRcXRT^UR^\\TaRXP[bdaa^VPRhP]SQPab\PaaXTSR^d_[TbfW^WPeTQX^ [^VXRP[^aPS^_cTSRWX[SaT]bX]V[T_T^_[T[XeTX]_Pac]TabP]SW^\^bTgdP[bUa^\ ^_cX]VU^abdaa^VPRhP]SfX[[_a^eXSTPbPUTT]eXa^]\T]cU^acW^bTfW^PaTX] SXaT]TTS^URWX[SaT]cWP]bX\_[hS^X]VXcPbcWThPaTUX]P]RXP[[hRP_PQ[T^aWPe X]V\^aTQPQXTb^dc^UbWTTaUPbWX^]CWT1X[[QP]]X]VcWTW^\^bTgdP[bUa^\ WPeX]Vbdaa^VPcTQPQXTbXbX][X]TfXcWcWTBd_aT\T2^dacb^aSTad_W^[SX]VBTRcX^] 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Such a move has already taken place in several parts of the world, but given the economic growth taking place in the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa) nations, the total demand for fossil fuels is likely to go up, if decoupling does not occur. The Chinese economic situation is going through a period of transition. In retrospect, it is now apparent that China pursued the same path as that of the developed world wherein the environmental consequences of growth were initially ignored, and whatever cleanup is needed takes place at a much later stage when high levels of GDP are attained. The Chinese economic scene provides several lessons for India, similar to the record of the developed countries, but which, unfortunately, most countries in the developing world, including India, have ignored. The Chinese authorities and people in that country are now intensively focused on improving the environment and setting an example on the global stage, particularly in dealing with climate change. In this, of course, they also anticipate the growth of business opportunities, because global markets for environmentally friendly products and low carbon processes are bound to grow with increased efforts worldwide for tackling climate change. The Paris agreement on climate change is based essentially on Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDCs) put forward by national Governments, but if these are to be aggregated then they would be seen to represent actions which fall far short of assuring adherence to the 20C limit for temperature increase set in Paris for the year 2100 relative to levels that existed during the preindustrial period. There is today an extensive effort in China to bring about an improvement in environmental conditions. Efforts are being made to strengthen laws by which false reporting of emissions data by companies, for instance, can be discovered and penalized effectively. False reporting for private gain and in violation of laws and regula- A tions is a common problem across the globe, as it certainly is in India, where polluting units show compliance with environmental standards but routinely violate them without being penalized. In China such violations are dealt with severely. While local environmental problems in China are overwhelming in complexity and magnitude, there is today a major national effort to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases by which China is seen to be moving away rapidly from past trends in an effort to deal with the challenge of climate change. China is by far the largest consumer of coal in the world, and accounts for over half of total global demand. In the year 2000 China consumed 1.36 billion tonnes of coal which grew at an average annual rate of 12 per cent to reach 4.24 billion tonnes by 2013. This has led not only to a high level of emissions of carbon dioxide but also local air pollution in most parts of the country where industry and power generation facilities are located. There are now, however, seri- DXU>QdY_^Q\5TeSQdY_^ @_\YSiTbQVd`b_fYTUc\UWQ\ bUS_W^YdY_^d_8Y^TYQ^T CQ^c[bYd9dY]`_cUc 8Y^TedfQ_`Y^Y_^cgXYSX QbUQWQY^cddXU`\ebQ\Yc] _VdXUS_e^dbi =4=;\\UQTUb ±FQY[_ 278=0=>F70B0 ?02:064>5 ?>;8284BC> 342>D?;4 42>=><826A>FC7 5A><6A>FC78= 2>0;DB48=C74 ;0BC2>D?;4>5 H40AB8C0??40AB C70C2>0;DB470B 5;0CC4=43>DC 4G7818C8=602;40A 270=648=CA4=3 ous efforts to reduce carbon dioxide emissions, with a package of policies to decouple economic growth from growth in the use of coal. In the last couple of years it appears that coal use has flattened out, exhibiting a clear change in trend. No doubt, this change has been affected by the economic slowdown over the last 2-3 years, but it is also the result of China’spursuit of energy policy that clearly targets cleaner options. In order to bring about cleaner energ y solutions, large economies like those of China and India need to create the conditions for technological innovation which suit natural resource endowments in these respective societies as well as meet the objectives of responsible management of the global environment. In this regard China has made major strides in creating centres of excellence to promote innovation in several directions that would bring about natural resource efficiency. Indicators of this trend are China’s efforts to embrace technology for solar cell production B>D=318C4 which produces zero pollution in manufacture and converts light into electricity at very low intensity levels. A Chinese company has recently purchased the technology the dye-sensitised solar cells, the performance of which is claimed to surpass the achievements of competitors worldwide. This technology has been developed within China at an institute which is part of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. While developing the cells over a period of 10 years, researchers have registered more than 50 patents, which are now being transferred to the company which is purchasing this technology. The benefit of this third generation technology would be that it can be utilised for household electrical appliances, traffic lights, outdoor big screens and other devices. While the first two generations of photovoltaic cells required intensive and direct sunlight, the third generation is able to work indoors or on cloudy days. Hence, it can be applied to a variety of situations including areas which are shaded by trees. Overall, this innovation promises to result in a quantum jump in conversion efficiency of solar cells. Energy for the future will have to come from technologies which are efficient and economically viable. Secondly, innovation of the type that is represented by this third generation photovoltaic cell would not only find widespread applications in China, but provide the country with a growing market globally where Chinese produced solar cells will be found far more cost effective than conventional photovoltaic technology. In India we have not yet developed a vision of the future whereby new technologies would serve the purpose of sustainable development effectively. This, of course, would require institutions that innovate to be given relative freedom, devoid of bureaucratic controls, so that ideas blossom into specific technologies. Inability or delays in bringing about a restructuring of institutions which can achieve technological innovation would leave us dependent on other countries and deny us the ability to capture new markets which will emerge and grow in the field of sustainable energy technologies. (The writer is former chairman, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (2002-2015)) EC V_YcdUTBQWXebQ]BQZQ^ Q^T1bfY^TCeRbQ]Q^YQ^_^ ecDXUcU]Q^QWU]U^ddi`Uc QbU]YSb_]Y^TUTgXY\UUS_^ _]iYcWU^UbQ\UaeY\YRbYe] DXU3XY^UcUXQfU^_ bUc`USdV_b_ebS_e^dbi DXUiXQfU^_bUc`USdV_b _eb\UQTUbcXY`GUgQ^d d_`ed_ebcU\fUcY^dXUYb `_cYdY_^c__^DXU^dXUi\\ \Y[UecRUddUb 2:@\\UQTUb ±CeRbQ]Q^YQ^CgQ]i EC@ @bUcYTU^dYQ\^^_]Y^UU ±4_^Q\TDbe]` ;4CC4ABC>C74438C>A GU\S_]U]_fU Sir — This refers to the editorial, “Modi’s call for dialogue” (August 24). There is no doubt that Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s call for an immediate dialogue to restore peace in Jammu & Kashmir within “the ambit of the Constitution”, made at his meeting with Kashmir’s opposition leaders led by Omar Abdullah, is a positive step. Union Home Minister Rajnath Singh’s second visit to the valley within a month, as a follow-up exercise in pursuit of the Prime Minister’s concern on the current crisis, is equally welcome. But, unfortunately, the aggressive and uncompromising stance of the separatists and their radical Islamist associates, demanding “azadi” from India, leaves no room for resolving the problem, that too in the framework of the Indian Constitution. These elements are still mouthing over 60 year old slogan on “selfdetermination” which the UN body dealing with the problem, had itself discarded. When the proposal was originally made, it had to be executed after Pakistan withdrew all its forces from the occupied areas of J&K; it had to be conducted with ER]\d_`egZ`]V_TVY`]Ud \Vje`<RdY^Zcd`]feZ`_ C WXbaTUTabc^cWTTSXc^aXP[°<^SXbRP[[U^aSXP[^VdT±0dVdbc!# CWT?aX\T<X]XbcTa³bRP[[U^aPSXP[^VdTfXcWbcPZTW^[STabX]cWT :PbW\XaXbbdTfXcWX]cWT_PaP\TcTab^UcWT2^]bcXcdcX^]bW^d[S QTfT[R^\TEX^[T]RTXb]^P]bfTaP]S]TXcWTaXbcWTdbT^U_T[[TcVd]b c^R^]ca^[\^QbP]hb^[dcX^]8]STTScWT6^eTa]\T]cbW^d[SbTaX^db [hR^]bXSTaQP]]X]V_T[[TcVd]bfWXRWWPbRPdbTSb^\dRWSP\PVTP]S VT]TaPcTSbdRWQPS?aTbb 0[[bcPZTW^[STabbW^d[SQTRP[[TSU^acP[Zbc^aTb^[eTcWTXbbdT>eTa _T^_[TWPeTSXTS]^fP]SP]T`dP[]d\QTaSXTSX]! fWT]bc^]T _T[cTabfTaTT]VPVTSQhcWTbT_PaPcXbcbc^RaTPcTR^]UdbX^]X]cWTeP[ [ThD]U^acd]PcT[h\^bcbc^]T_T[cTabPaTh^d]VbcTab CWTbTh^dcWbbW^d[SQTVXeT]V^^STSdRPcX^]P]ST\_[^h\T]cb^ cWPccWThPaT]^c\Xb[TS<^aT^eTaSTeT[^_\T]cXbP\dbcP]SbW^d[S QTVXeT]_aX^aXchQhQ^cWcWTBcPcTP]SD]X^]6^eTa]\T]cb =AAP\PRWP]SaP] 2WT]]PX reduced Indian forces in place in the State to maintain law and order. The Pakistan government never implemented this crucial precondition for “self-determination” in J&K. Hence, it is duplicitous and hypocritical to raise this demand today. M Ratan Via email 3bYdYSQ\Ze^SdebU Sir — This refers to the editorial, “RBI under Urjit Patel” (August 23). Urjit Patel will be taking over India’s central bank at a critical juncture. His predecessor, the incumbent RBI chief Raghuram Rajan, has already institutionalised many reforms and stiff measures for which he had to take a lot of heat from different circles. Patel must carry forward his work on controling inflation and rooting out bad loans from ailing banks. Patel’s appointment is being considered to be free of political considerations. For effective working of the RBI, the government must not indulge in politicking and fist-fighting, and provide a renewed environment free from any undue interference. Gaurav Singhal Rewari BQZQ^µc\UWQSi Sir — This refers to the editorial, “RBI under Urjit Patel” (August 23). RBI chief Raghuram Rajan has succeeded to a large extent in defending his legacy. By ushering significant economic reforms at a time when the country found itself struggling with double digit inflation, a volatile rupee, falling forex reserves and an impending banking crisis, Rajan walked alone and faced the growth-inflation dynamic. From adopting the consumer price index to view inflation and bringing India out of the infamous category of the Fragile Five, to offering discounted currency swaps to banks in order to spur forex inflows and allowing licensing of “differentiated banking entities” to increase financial inclusion, Rajan showed impeccable financial acumen. He also initiated the process of bad debt clean-up. Now, it is imperative for the next RBI Governor Urjit Patel to carry his legacy forward and transform India’s ossified financial system. Shreyans Jain Delhi BT]Shh^daUUTTSQPRZcc^) [TccTabc^_X^]TTa/V\PX[R^\ "aSThT( =4F34;78k5A830H k0D6DBC !%! % &KDQJHDQG FRQWLQXLW\ FPcRW^dcU^acWT]TgcA18RWXTUDaYXc ?PcT[b_^[XRXTb^]X]U[PcX^]TgRWP]VT aPcTP]ST\_[^h\T]cVT]TaPcX^] Tgc\^]cWDaYXc?PcT[XbV^X]Vc^QTX]bcP[[TS PbcWT!#cW6^eTa]^a^UcWTATbTaeT1P]Z^U 8]SXP7TfX[[cPZT^eTacWTA18PcPcX\TfWT] X]U[PcX^] Xb b^PaX]V P]S ]^ R^]RaTcT ^dcR^\T P__TPabc^QT^]cWTW^aXi^]fXcWaTb_TRcc^]^] _TaU^a\X]VPbbTcbX]b_XcT^UP[[cWTWTPcP]SSdbc ZXRZTSd_Qh_dQ[XRbTRc^a QP]Zb cWT 4]U^aRT\T]c 3XaTRc^aPcTP]S218=Tfb ^UWXbP__^X]c\T]cXcbT[UWPb \PaVX]P[[h ST_aTbbTS cWT 1^]Sb \PaZTc P]S bc^RZb WPeTb[X__TScW^dVWXcfX[[ QT P] TgPVVTaPcX^] c^ bPh cWPcPaT_a^_WTcb^US^^\ PaTWh_TaPRcXeT >] cWT ^cWTa WP]S A0<0:0=CC8F0A8 ]Tfb ^U WXb P__^X]c\T]c WPbQTT]aTRTXeTSfXcW^_cX \Xb\ Qh bTeTaP[ TR^]^ \Xbcb P]S [TPSX]V X]SdbcaXP[Xbcb 7352 RWPXa\P] 3TT_PZ?PaTZWbPXS°8cWX]ZWXbP__^X]c\T]cPbA18 6^eTa]^aXbP]TgRT[[T]cRW^XRTPbXcfX[[QaX]VbcP QX[XchP]ScWTaTfX[[QT]^d]RTacPX]ch±5^a\TaA18 6^eTa]^a2AP]VPaPYP]W^[SbDaYXc?PcT[°XSTP[[hbdXc TS±U^acWTc^_Y^QPccWTRT]caP[QP]Z 8]U[PcX^]cWT]T\_[^h\T]cVT]TaPcX^]U^[[^fTS QhTgRWP]VTaPcTPaTcWTTR^]^\XReTacXRP[bcWPc SXaTRc[hPUUTRccWTR^\\^]\P]8cfPb?PcT[fW^ Pb 3T_dch 6^eTa]^a WPS X]ca^SdRTS R^]bd\Ta _aXRTb\PX][hR^\_aXbX]V^UU^^SXcT\bPbcWTQPbXb U^a X]U[PcX^] R^\_dcPcX^] X]bcTPS ^U fW^[TbP[T _aXRTbaPXbX]VcWTbdbRT_cXQX[Xch[TeT[T]^a\^db[h X]eXTf^UcWTX\_T]SX]V^]b[PdVWc^UcWTBTeT]cW ?Ph2^\\XbbX^]AT_^acP]ScWTcWaTT_TaRT]cUXb RP[STUXRXccPaVTc8]U[PcX^]WPSWXc%&_TaRT]cX] 9d[hXT!"\^]cWWXVWUXVdaTfWXRWXbV^X]Vc^cXT WX\S^f]c^STcPX[b^UX]U[PcX^]\XRa^\P]PVT\T]c U^a`dXcTb^\TcX\T 8U?PcT[RP]X]ca^SdRTP[^]VcTa\\TRWP]Xb\ c^\PX]cPX]X]U[PcX^]PcPc^[TaPQ[TaPcWTa²e^cTUaXT]S [h³[TeT[X]eXTf^UcWTU^acWR^\X]V0bbT\Q[hT[TR cX^]bX]PR^d]cahX]WPQXcTSQh_aXRTbT]bXcXeTe^c TabXcbWP[[QTPaT\PaZPQ[TPRWXTeT\T]cU^acWT X]R^\X]V6^eTa]^aCWT?aX\T<X]XbcTaP]SWXbcTP\ bWP[[QTPQ[Tc^QaTPcWTTPbhU^ab^\TcX\TcWTR^\ \^]\P]bWP[[UTT[\^aTPbbdaTS^UWXbbPeX]Vb P]S bcP]SPaS ^U [XUT P[QTXc cWT >__^bXcX^] \Ph aT\PX]R^]bXSTaPQ[hSXbcaTbbTSQdbhX]Qda]X]VXcb ST_[TcX]VRP[^aXTbPc9P]cPa<P]cPa CWTbTR^]S_PaP\TcTacWPcSXaTRc[hPUUTRcbcWT R^\\^]\P]XbT\_[^h\T]cVT]TaPcX^]FXcW^dc R^]bXSTaPQ[TQ^^bcc^cWTbTaeXRTbP]S\P]dUPR cdaX]VX]SdbcaXTbT\_[^h\T]cVT]TaPcX^]PcQTbc aT\PX]b \PaVX]P[ CW^dVW 8]SXP Xb ]^f P] 538 UaXT]S[hR^d]cahfXcWS^[[PabaPX]X]VX]P]SU^aTXV] TgRWP]VTaTbTaeTbQdaVT^]X]VcWTXacaP]bU^a\P cX^]X]c^_a^SdRcX^]P]ST\_[^h\T]cVT]TaPcX^]WPb P[^]VfPhc^V^CW^dVWcWXb[TP]_TaX^SaPcWTa VTbcPcX^] _TaX^S Xb b^dVWc c^ QT R^eTaTS fXcW caT\T]S^db cWadbc cWa^dVW cWT BZX[[ 8]SXP _a^ VaP\\Tc^_a^\^cTbT[UT\_[^h\T]cVT]TaPcX^] cWT^eTaP[[bRT]PaX^XbbcX[[Udiih 0]^cWTaX\_^acP]cUPRc^aXbcWTX]cTaTbcaPcTRdc fWXRW Xb SXaTRc[h X] cWT WP]Sb ^U A18 aPcWTa cWT 6^eTa]^a8]cTaTbcaPcTRdcfX[[RTacPX][h_a^\^cT X]Sdbcah Qdc Xc QaX]Vb X] \^aT X]U[PcX^] c^^ 8]Rd\QT]c6^eTa]^aAPVWdaP\APYP]WPbQTT]P QXcR^]bTaePcXeT^]cWXbUa^]cU^afWXRWWTX]eXcTS RaXcXRXb\ Ua^\ TR^]^\Xbcb [XZT 19? 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For they believe that the pellet gun is the strongest visual reference of ‘damning violence’ against Kashmiris. Kashmir’s recent history will tell you that the germ is passed onto a new carrier every time a new wave of violence has been unleashed, be it 2008, 2010 or 2016. This confluence of minds is dangerous for the simple reason that Indian intelligence agencies had managed to break and divide the Hurriyat to keep them apart. With the soft separatism of Mehbooba Mufti being marginalised, violent separatism is once again the flavour of the season. Kashmir sadly has become an echo chamber of the clarion call for self determination/azadi till this day and at the vanguard now are these same Sunni separatists. After over a month and half of a shut down in the Valley, it is good to see the Prime Minister coming forward and taking stock of what is now a frightening situation. As one uncoils history, what is thrown into stark relief is that once the people demanded a Constitution, created not by a Maharaja (as was done through the J&K Constitution Act, 1939), but by the people, of the people and for the people, and since Clause 7 of the Instrument of Accession of 1947 did not commit J&K to adhere to the Indian Constitution then being debated in Delhi, a J&K Constituent Assembly was set up through democratic elections that were witnessed by international observers and were conducted on the basis of universal adult franchise — never mind that Sheikh Abdullah’s National Conference party was the only in the fray with its insignificant rival, the Praja Parishad, deciding to stay away. This was taken to the next level when the Kashmir Assembly on February 15, 1954 under Bakshi’s leadership voted Kashmir’s accession to India, Nehru concluded that no plebiscite was needed as the people’s representatives had spoken. I B0=344?10<I08 FXcWcWTb^Uc bT_PaPcXb\^U <TWQ^^QP<dUcX QTX]V\PaVX]P[XbTS eX^[T]cbT_PaPcXb\ Xb^]RTPVPX]cWT U[Pe^da^UcWT bTPb^]:PbW\Xa bPS[hWPbQTR^\T P]TRW^RWP\QTa^U cWTR[PaX^]RP[[U^a bT[USTcTa\X]PcX^] ^aPiPSX cX[[cWXbSPh P]SPccWTeP]VdPaS ]^fPaTcWTbT bP\TBd]]X bT_PaPcXbcb ?aTbXST]c?aP]PQ<dZWTaYTT\TTcX]VPST[TVPcX^]Ua^\9P\\d:PbW\Xa[TSQhU^a\Ta2WXTU<X]XbcTa>\Pa0QSd[[PWPc APbWcaP_PcX1WPeP]X]=Tf3T[WX^]0dVdbc!?C8_W^c^ But Kashmir being Kashmir is like an onion which when peeled layer by layer only provides more tears and increased pungence. It has always remained open ended for the simple reason that Pakistan cannot treat it as a closed chapter, calling it the unfinished business of Partition. So, Kashmir re-emerged on the Security Council’s front burner in February 21, 1957 when the Soviet Union vetoed in the Security Council the four-Power resolution on Kashmir proposing that Gunnar Jarring of Sweden be sent to India and Pakistan to discuss the question of demilitarisation of Kashmir and suggesting that the Pakistani proposal of sending a temporary UN force to Kashmir be examined. Britain, the US, Australia and Cuba, which had proposed the mission, made another bid in a new resolution introduced immediately after the resolution was defeated. Arkady Sobolev, the Russian delegate, declared that the new resolution was only a repetition of the previous one which was unacceptable to India and he would be obliged to vote against it. These dramatic developments followed two marathon interventions in the debate by VK Krishna Menon, India’s representative, who had come to the Council from his sick bed. He told the Council that India would regard an attack on Kashmir as an attack on India and would take action accordingly. Reiterating that Kashmir was an integral part of India against which aggression had taken place, he said, “It is our duty, under the Charter, to resist the invasion if our territory is invaded, and I am directed to repeat that any invasion of any part of India is an invasion of the whole country.” It was a stunning reversal of events. What was this Resolution? After taking note of Pakistan’s proposal for a UN supervisory force for the demilitarisation programme, the Resolution asked for its president, the representative from Sweden, to proceed to the sub-continent and talk to the two Governments to examine proposals for progress towards the settlement. With Russia vetoing, the colour and text of the Resolution changed and all references to the UN supervisory force was jettisoned. India had won the round. @bQSXQ^TQµccUS_^T Y^^Y^WY^;QdX]Q^Te CWT<P^Xbc[TPSTa^]RTbca^]V[hP]cX8]SXPXbQPRZPccWTWT[\7T bPhbWTWPb\PcdaTS_^[XcXRP[[hP]SfP]cbV^^SaT[PcX^]bfXcW3T[WX ill Nepal find stability under its new Prime Minister, Pushpa Kamal Dahal? Will the Maoist leader, popularly known as Prachanda, steer Nepal better than he did as Prime Minister eight years ago? Will IndiaNepal relations get back on track? It all depends on a lot of things including how he handles the two big neighbours, and how the two neighbours look at his regime. Prachanda, chairman of CPN (Maoist Centre), became Nepal’s 39th Prime Minister on August 3 heading a coalition Government with the Nepali Congress. His first innings as Prime Minister in 2008 were short lived. He is also known for his anti-India stance but begins his current term with the blessings of New Delhi. India’s NCP leader DP Tripathi played a vital role in the back-channel negotiations with Nepal leaders. The result was that Prachanda replaced KP Sharma Oli. Experts feel that DelhiKathmandu ties that had touched rock bottom during the Oli regime, might be back on track with Prachanda. Prachanda has many challenges including completing the peace process and implementing the new Constitution. He also has to pay attention to governance and improve the economy. Above all, he has to recalibrate Nepal’s foreign policy while remaining sensitive to the concerns of both India and China. Prachanda has repeatedly stated that he has become “politically mature” and understands the “compulsions of competitive politics”. He told this writer last year that he had committed some mistakes like not making GP Koirala the President, sacking the Army chief, and not adjusting to competitive politics. He says he will not commit these mis- W takes again. He is also not as virulantly anti-Indian as he used to be, which is why New Delhi supports him now. His first foreign visit this time will be to Delhi. In 2008, he went to Beijing first. Since he has taken over, Prachanda has made a marked departure from his predecessor. He has promised to amend the new Constitution to include Madhesi demands and take all sections of society along with him. He has begun well by appointing his Deputy Prime Minister Bimalendra Nidhi of the Nepali Congress, as his special envoy to New Delhi; while another Deputy Prime Minister Krishna Bahadur Mahara of Prachanda’s own party visited Beijing to deal with Chinese anxieties over the fate of projects connecting China and Nepal that were signed by Oli. This is in tune with his declaration that he will build on the traditionally close ties between India and Nepal, and keep Nepal equidistant from India and China. Nidhi’s fourday visit was to assure New Delhi of Prachanda’s cooperation. He met all the top leaders including President Pranab Mukherjee, Prime Minister Narendra Modi, External Affairs Around the same time, a letter purportedly written by Sheikh Abdullah from Kud jail was smuggled to Pakistan via Gulmarg and handed over to Meraj-ul-Hassan, SP heading Kashmir intelligence and passed onto Security Council members and its President. The letter saw the usual Sheikh, voluble and angry — In March 1956, the Indian Prime Minister made a public declaration ruling plebiscite in Kashmir. It shocked the world conscience and stunned the people of Kashmir to whom innumerable assurances had been held out that they will shape their own destiny through a fair and impartial plebiscite. Reasons advanced for this volte face are that Pakistan has joined SEATO, received arms from the US and signed the Baghdad Pact. The absurdity of this argument is patent. Kashmir is at present ruled by monstrous laws which have crippled all political and social life and paralysed all progress. The Sheikh who stood for nationalism and shared Nehru’s vision of secularism, the Sheikh who engaged UN Mediator and US Senator Dr Frank Graham in a wordy duel and battled the Maharaja Hari Singh for years for freedom and fundamental rights, why did he begin thinking of a middle path of autonomy and distancing himself from the Indian Union? Abdullah’s biggest concern had been the growing chasm between Hindu Jammu and Muslim Kashmir, and he could never get his head to wrap around the problem. Equally his psyche was undergoing a change as he began to distrust Nehru and Delhi. His demand for an autonomous Kashmir, even if it was truncated always stopped short highlighting practical difficulties with regard to its landlocked geographical location. Encouragement from AngloAmerican interests, however, seemed to convince him that he should examine the option of independence. In May 1949, Abdullah said: “Accession to either side cannot bring peace. We want to live in friendship with both the Dominions. Perhaps a middle path between them and economic cooperation with each will be the only way to do it. However, an independent Kashmir must be guaranteed not only by India and Pakistan, but also by Great Britain, the US and the UN.” Were these mere trial balloons, which when Sheikh Abdullah discovered did not find any takers evolved into a fully autonomous Kashmir carved out from the State on religious lines including the Azad Kashmir area? Speaking to the Constituent Assembly on March 25, 1952 and referring to independence as an alternative solution, Abdullah said, “Suppose for the sake of argument that the people don’t ratify this accession, the position that will follow would not be that as a matter of course, Kashmir becomes part of Pakistan. No, that would not happen. That cannot happen legally or constitutionally. What would happen in such an eventuality would be that the State would regain the status that it enjoyed immediately preceding the accession, let us be clear about it.” Validation did come from the Constituent Assembly as we know, one can rest the case now M/s Geelani, Mirwaiz and Malik! %XLOGLQJKRPHVQRW MXVWKRXVLQJXQLWV :0;H0=8B70=:0A Minister Sushma Swaraj, Home Minister Rajnath Singh among others. His prepared the ground for Prachanda’s visit next month and invited President Mukherjee to Nepal. Modi has also responded graciously to Prachanda’s moves, and offered what could be a balm to souring relations between India and Nepal — India’s help in reconstructing the earthquake-battered country. Modi assured Nidhi that, “India is fully committed to support the government and the people of Nepal in the post-earthquake reconstruction efforts.” India is the largest donor to Nepal’s post-earthquake reconstruction efforts. Prachanda had sent a message to Modi, admitting errors in the past, reaffirming his commitment to friendship with India, promising efforts to forge an inclusive constitutional settlement, and seeking closer development cooperation. He also sent a long list of agreements he wants to sign during his visit in September. He has conveyed his desire to speed up development works in Nepal with Indian assistance rather than focusing on political and diplomatic matters. He has suggested that works on the long-delayed Pancheshwor Project on Nepal-India border be moved forward. Modi has responded by striking a personal rapport, according to Nidhi. Nidhi has also explained to Indian leaders the Prachanda’s roadmap and has highlighted that since Constitutional amendments cannot be done without Oli’s support, there are only two options — either to bring Oli come on board or mobilise the support of all other smaller parties to vote in favour of the amendments. C^TUUTRcXeT[h\TTccWTPUU^aSPQ[TW^dbX]VST\P]SQh!!! cWTbcPcT]TTSbc^aTeP\_XcbT]cXaTP__a^PRWc^cWXbXbbdT urgeoning urban population and unplanned urbanization have significant implications on the efficiency of urban services such as affordable housing. The Government has considered affordable housing intrinsic to urban poverty alleviation. But the lack of an institutional mechanism for inclusive planning under such schemes reduces their efficiency. Affordable housing is often narrowly looked at as constructing a certain number of housing blocks to accommodate a specific number of eligible households. What is commonly missed out in understanding the provision of affordable housing is the need to create habitable spaces beyond the mere construction of housing blocks. These habitable spaces provide for holistic development, as they comprise not just living units but a scope for better livelihood and society. The proportion of population living in urban areas has increased from 27 per cent to 31 per cent between 2001 and 2011. Such an increased pace of urbanisation poses new housing challenges like growing gap between housing demand and supply, affordability and the need for effective poverty alleviation plans. Housing shortage in urban areas is estimated to be as high as 20 million units by 2022. The Technical Group on Urban Housing Shortage for the 12th Plan had estimated urban housing shortage in 2012 at 18.78 million units. Thus, the projected housing shortage in 2022 can be much higher than the Government’s plans for provision of 20 million units. B The housing sector is considered an ‘engine of growth’, which has immense potential of giving a push to the economy because of its link with the construction sector, thereby impacting employment and livelihood. Therefore, housing assistance can make a significant difference in the economic well-being of lowincome group households, both in rural and urban areas. In order to meet the urban housing demand, the Ministry of Housing and Poverty Alleviation has launched the Pradhan Mantri Awaas Yojana (Urban) to provide “Pucca” house for every family by 2022. PMAYU is a Centrally-sponsored scheme (except the credit link subsidy component), which encourages States to decide their own policies, as land is a State subject. The scheme covers 500 Class I cities across three phases. Under this scheme, the Ministry has so far sanctioned central grant of C7,545.65 crore for 746 projects with 5,08,902 houses for the economically weaker sections in 544 cities across 13 States. However, urban housing in India has a long way to go in terms of flexible and sensitive design strategies that can be achieved through active participation of all entities involved especially the beneficiaries. Inspite of heavy current and past investments, the irony of urban housing shortage is that more than 20 per cent of the housing blocks constructed under various government schemes remain vacant. This is largely attributed to unsuitable design as illustrated by higher occupancy in projects designed based on the beneficiaries’ E8B70:70970 inputs. The Central and State Government affordable housing schemes focus on providing pucca houses but are insensitive to habitant’s design needs and requirements. Such blocks are insufficient for larger households, lack common spaces and have a higher cost of living. A big proportion of the allocation for urban housing schemes also focuses on certain social segments like BPL households, leading to inadequate focus on low income households just above the poverty line, which comprise a big proportion of the population with housing needs. There are also large portions of Government land alongwith Railways and Defence land that is underutilised. For example, cantonments, some of which are located in the central areas of populous cities, possess surplus land. The Government should look at releasing such underutilised land. To meet the total housing demand by 2022 requires a combination of technological subsidies and greater engagement with the people especially low income groups, along with innovative financing mechanisms and optimal utilisation of resources. A meaningful policy framework for affordable housing requires housing to be addressed in totality and not merely as an issue of attaining ‘secured housing units’. This can help in making the urban growth process more inclusive wherein urban poor would be empowered partners in the development process. (The writer is a research associate with Swaniti Initiative, New Delhi) \^]Th =4F34;78 k5A830H k0D6DBC !%! % CWTaTXbUPXa[hPV^^SRWP]RT cWPcX] SPhb_Ta\XbbX^]fX[[ QTVXeT]c^^_TaPcTFX5XX]cWT 8]SXP]PXab_PRT2PQX]Tc]^S \XVWc]^cQTaT`dXaTSU^a P[[^fX]VFX5XUPRX[Xch^]Q^PaS 28E8;0E80C8>=B42A4C0AH A=27>D14H 2EJJ 6B?= 7?FD 3 3?B@ FTPaTV[PScWPccWTaTXbb^\T R[PaXchcW^dVWX]cTaX\^]cWT bdQYTRcCWXbVXeTbdbR^]UXST]RT cWPcVa^fcWfX[[QTQPRZX]cWT bTRc^aQPbTS^]cWT_^bXcXeT bT]cX\T]ccWPcRP\TUa^\cWT STRXbX^]FTWPeTP[b^STRXSTS]^c c^_Pbb^]cWT _TaRT]c422c^^da Rdbc^\TabP]SfTfX[[PQb^aQXc <4A2434B14=I8=380<0=068=6 38A42C>A24>A>;0=35>;64A 5%,OHWVEDQNVLVVXHPDVDODERQGVWRDFFHSWFRUSERQGVLQ/$) <D<108) Reserve Bank on Thursday announced a slew of changes in fixed income and currency markets such as allowing lenders to issue ‘masala bonds’ and to accept corporate bonds under the liquidity adjustment facility (LAF). “ These measures are intended to further deepen market de velopment, enhance participation, facilitate greater market liquidity and improve communication,” an RBI release said. To encourage overseas rupee bonds market, banks are being permitted to issue rupee-denominated bonds overseas (masala bonds) for their capital requirements and for financing infrastructure and affordable housing. Currently, masala bonds can be issued only by corpor ate s and n on - b an k i ng lenders like, HFCs and large NBFCs. Masala bonds are instruments through which Indian entities can raise funds by accessing overseas capital markets, while the bond Investors hold the currency risk. These will constitute for additional tier-I and tier-II capital for the lenders, it said, adding such overseas bonds can also be issued to finance infrastructure and affordable housing under a current dispensation which applies for foreign currency bond raising. It can be noted that so far two Indian corporates -HDFC and NTPC -- have made use of this facility to raise over C5,000 crore, but the segment was not open to banks. The RBI will be seeking amendments to enable the central bank to accept corporate bonds under the LAF which is used to bridge temporary liquidity issues by lenders, it said. O ut goi ng G ove r nor Raghuram Rajan had earlier said RBI would be announcing a series of measures aimed at bonds and currency markets by end of the month. Rajan, whose tenure ends on September 4, is likely to handover charge to Governor designate Urjit Patel on September 6. Stating the absence of an overarching ceiling on total 6KDNWLNDQWD'DVDWWHQGLQJ 6DDUF)0VPHHWLQVWHDGRI-DLWOH\ 80=BQ 8B;0<0103=4F34;78 ith Finance Minister Arun Jaitley opting out of the W Saarc Finance Ministers’ meet, it is Economic Affairs Secretary Shaktikanta Das who has taken his place at the two-day conference, a top Government official said on Thursday. “Yes, that is correct. Instead of Mr Jaitley, Mr Shaktikanta Das is attending the two-day Saarc (South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation) meet of Finance Ministers at Islamabad,” a senior Finance Ministry official told IANS. The two-day FMs meet is being held at Islamabad from Thursday. The possibility of Jaitley attending the meet was clouded with India-Pakistan relations touching a new low after Home Minister Rajnath Singh was given a cold shoulder by Pakistan authorities when he visited Pakistan earlier this month to attend the Saarc Home/Interior Ministers’ conference. “Ultimately, it is the Government’s decision whether the Finance Minister goes to Islamabad or not. I think this is one way to snub Pakistan,” Bharatiya Janata Party National Secretary Sidharth Nath Singh had told IANS earlier. Apart from Jaitley, Bangladesh Finance Minister Abdul Maal Abdul Muhith is also missing from the Saarc meet, Pakistan’s Daily Times reported. While Das is leading the Indian delegation, MA Mannan, State Minister for Finance is representing Bangladesh, it reported. India-Pakistan ties touched a low after a raging controversy emerged after Rajnath Singh’s two-day visit to Pakistan earlier this month. India had strongly objected to Pakistan”s “restrictive approach” in denying visas to Indian journalists to cover the Saarc Home/Interior Ministers’ conference. Mediapersons who accompanied the Home Minister were not allowed in the (meeting) room and a number of those who had applied for visas (to cover the event) did not get them, India’s External Affairs Ministry had said. “Naturally this restrictive approach by Pakistan even for a multilateral event is not helpful in promoting close ties between Saarc countries,” External Affairs Ministry spokesperson Vikas Swarup had said. SURSRVHVWRUHGXFHEDQN¶VH[SRVXUHLQFRUSRUDWHKRXVHV <D<108)With an aim to reduce risk in banking sector, RBI has proposed to limit exposure of a bank to a business group to up to 25 per cent of its capital, down from the existing 55 per cent. “The Large Exposure (LE) limit in respect of each counterparty and group of connected counterparties, under normal circumstances, will be capped at 20 per cent and 25 per cent, respectively of the eligible capital base,” RBI said in a Draft Large Exposures (LE) Framework. The eligible capital base will be defined as the tier 1 capital of the bank as against capital funds at present, it said. A group of connected large borrowing by a corporate entity from the banking system has resulted in banks collectively having very high exposures to some of the large corporates, the RBI will be coming out with draft guidelines on the ‘large exposure framework’, it said. To give an impetus to the maintain its edge over Cyprus as preferred source of FDI for India as inflows from the Indian Ocean island nation will get concessional tax treatment till March 2019, say tax experts. While the Cabinet on last Wednesday approved the signing of revised pact with Cyprus, which will enable India to tax capital gains for investments originating there, the Government has already revised the tax treaty with Mauritius. The new treaty with Cyprus will remove it from India’s list of “notified jurisdictions”, which currently puts restrictions on inflows from that country. Similar tax treaties with Singapore and the Netherlands are under negotiations for revision. “Unlike India-Mauritius Tax Treaty, there is no concessional transition tax of 7.5 per cent for Cypriot residents, owing to which, foreign investors would still prefer Mauritius over Cyprus for the transition period of April 2017 till March 2019,” said Rakesh Nangia, Managing Partner, Nangia & Co. PwC India Partner (Direct Tax) Abhishek Goenka said this withholding tax rate is likely to be retained at 10 per cent in the Cyprus treaty. “It seems that Mauritius is a better treaty on two counts - 50 per cent concessional capital gains tax rate and 7.5 per cent withholding tax on debt,” Goenka said. Ashok Maheshwary & Associates partner Amit Maheshwari said the Mauritius route will become more popular for structured debt investments rather than the capital gains exemption which was the case earlier as the tax rate on interest has been reduced to 7.5 per cent. “From the Government press release its not clear whether Cyprus has renegotiated for a reduced tax on interest just like Mauritius,” he said. assets are on the rise. Gross NPAs of PSU banks are C4.7 lakh crore as on March, 2015, up from C71,080 crore in 2011. “Since the LE Framework is constructed to serve as a backstop to and complement the risk-based capital standards, it must apply at the same level as the risk-based capital requirements are to be applied, that is, a bank shall comply with the LE norms at two levels: (a) consolidated (Group1) level and (b) Solo2 level,” it said. The application of the LE framework at the consolidated level implies that a bank must consider exposures of all the banking group entities (including overseas opera- tions through branches and subsidiaries) under regulatory scope of consolidation, to counterparties and compare the aggregate of those exposures with the banking group’s eligible consolidated capital base for the purpose of complying with the norms, it said. “Banks must gradually adjust their exposures to abide by the LE limit with respect to the eligible capital base (effective amount of Tier 1 capital)... Banks should avoid taking any additional exposure in cases where their exposure is at or above the exposure limit prescribed under this Framework,” it said. ?C8 corporate bonds market, RBI has also decided to expand l i m it of p ar t i a l c re d it enhancement (PCE) provided by banks. “The aggregate PCE that may be provided by the financial system for a given bond issue will be increased from the present 20 per cent to 50 per cent of the bond issue size subject to the PCE provided by any single bank not exceeding 20 per cent of the bond issue size and the extant exposure limits,” the RBI said. RBI has constituted a working group to review the guidelines for hedging of commodity price risks by resident investors in the overseas markets To promote retail participation in Government securities(Gsecs), Reserve Bank will re move t he re maining restrictions on seamless transfer of these debt instruments between the deposito- 7]ZVcd^Rjd``_XVe `_S`RcU:_eVc_VeZ_:_UZR =4F 34;78) Air passengers may be able to use Internet onboard and even make phone calls, beginning as early as next month, with security issues being sorted out for allowing use of Wi-Fi facility in the Indian airspace. The facility will be available for domestic as well as foreign carriers flying in Indian skies, for which the technical and operational modalities are in the advanced stage of finalisation, officials said. Globally, many airlines are already offering Wi-Fi for passengers, but they currently have to switch off the facility when they enter the Indian airspace. Carriers will have the option to charge for the service though some of them can offer free usage up to a certain limit or in some specific flying classes. Availability of Wi-Fi is also expected to provide local airlines with an additional source of revenues amid stiff competition in the Indian aviation market, which has been witnessing one of the highest passenger traffic growth rates in the world. 0DXULWLXVWRUHPDLQPDMRU)', VRXUFHWLOO0DUFK([SHUWV =4F34;78)Mauritius is likely to borrowing companies will be identified on the basis of control as well as economic dependence criteria, it said. While inviting comment from public, it said, the proposed ‘Large Exposure’ (LE) framework will be fully applicable from March 31, 2019. The Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS) too recognised the need for banks to measure and limit the size of large exposures in relation to their capital. The RBI’s proposal is in line with BCBS standards (BASEL norms on capital adequacy). The exposure framework has been released at a time when bad loans or non-performing Under the amended treaty with Mauritius, for two years beginning April 1, 2017, capital gains tax will be imposed at 50 per cent of the prevailing domestic rate. Full rate will apply from April 1, 2019. But this concessional rate would apply to a Mauritius resident company which can prove that it has total expenditure of at least C27 lakh in the African island nation and is not a ‘shell’ company with just a post office address. Further, interest arising in India to Mauritian resident banks will be subject to withholding tax in India at the rate of 7.5 per cent in respect of debt claims or loans made after March 31, 2017. Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) of as much as $8.3 billion came from Mauritius last fiscal, while only $508 million came from Cyprus. Besides, $13.69 billion came from Singapore, and $2.64 billion came in from Netherlands. ?C8 While the Civil Aviation Ministry has been pursuing the proposal of permitting use of Wi-Fi in flights onboard for “quite some time”, various security issues were holding up a final decision on the matter. Indicating that “good news” is likely in coming days, Civil Aviation Secretary RN Choubey last night said the ministries of Civil Aviation, Telecommunications and Home Affairs have been working on allowing Wi-Fi use in flights. “There is fairly a good chance that in 10 days, permission will be given to operate Wi-Fi in the Indian airspace,” Choubey said, adding that Cabinet nod might not be required for allowing Wi-Fi facility on-board. On whether passengers will also be permitted to make phone calls, he indicated that it should be there. “...If data is going to be allowed, it should be possible to make calls as well. We expect that to happen as well,” he said. Currently, Wi-Fi services and phone calls are not allowed on flights flying over the Indian airspace. About the security issues being discussed, he said the important thing is about monitoring “data and voice transmission” by the security agencies. “Obviously, there are security-related issues. The three ministries of Civil Aviation, Telecommunications and Home Affairs are working on 3ODQWRKDYHIRXU689VLQ ,QGLDLQIRXU\HDUV+\XQGDL 274==08) Hyundai Motor India aims to have four SUV models in its product portfolio in the next four years as it looks to further consolidate its position in the fastgrowing segment. The company currently retails two products -- Creta and SantaFe in the segment. “We have just launched Elantra and by October or November, we will launch Tucson,” Hyundai Motor India MD and CEO YK Koo told reporters here. The company also plans to launch a sub 4-metre compact SUV in order to fill the gap that lies below Creta. It had showcased concept compact SUV Carlino at the Auto Expo this year in February. The model is under development right now. Asked about the timeframe for having a four-product portfolio in the SUV segment, Koo said: “It will at least take four years.” The company thus will have four products ranging from a compact SUV with price starting at C5-6 lakh to over C30 lakh SantaFe in the fast-growing segment. On the Tucson launch, Koo said the vehicle will be launched with 2,000 cc petrol and diesel engine options, priced at C25-30 lakh. Elaborating, Hyundai Motor India Senior Vice-President Marketing and Sales, Rakesh Srivastava said the company will follow a three-pronged strategy, going ahead. “We will follow proper timeframe on full model changes. Besides, we will enter segments where we don’t have presence. Thirdly, we will get into sub-segments which have the potential to grow into full segment, going ahead,” Srivastava said. The company will launch 12 products each year and will have a sizeable portfolio, he added. The idea is to become leading premium and loved brand in the country, Srivastava said. Asked if the company would like to bring in more diesel platforms in the wake of enhanced scrutiny of the fuel, Koo said: “We already have a powerful engine and if we require any more, we can get it imported from Korea.” ?C8 this and in 10 days, it should be possible for us to announce...,” Choubey said. If necessary, agencies should have access to the details and if need be, it can be tracked, he noted. “I must compliment the present DoT (Department of Te l e c o m m u n i c a t i o n s ) Secretary... I have been chasing it for quite some time. I am obviously saying so on the basis of what Deepak (DoT Secretar y) has told me,” Choubey said. Once the government permission is in place, it will be up to the airlines to providing WiFi facility in their flights. Generally, Wi-Fi facility for fliers can be provided either through air-to-ground technology or satellite connectivity and the latter will be expensive. Globally, some airlines are also providing on-board Wi-Fi services free of cost for a stipulated time and then the passengers are billed depending on their use. Meanwhile, Choubey also expressed hope that time will come when providing Wi-Fi services could act as a differentiator among the airlines. ?C8 ries and itself. “This should promote retail participation in the market by facilitating participation by small investors in primary as well as secondary markets,” the central bank said. It can be noted RBI had allowed, for the first time, the retail investors to trade in Government securities from August 16. To ease participation and align regulations, RBI will allow entities exposed to exchange rate risks, whether residents or non-residents, to hedge their transactions with simplified procedures up to a limit of $30 million at any given time, the central bank said. Over and above this, the bank added authorised lenders can also permit its customers take an open position limit of up to $5 million. To encourage more activity in corporate bond market, brokers will be allowed to participate in the corporate bond repo market as marketmakers, beyond the current system of restricting the play to banks, primary dealers (PDs), mutual funds and insurance companies, it said. Foreign portfolio investors will be allowed to trade directly in corporate bonds without involving brokers, in the OTC (over the counter) segment on an electronic platform of a recognised stock exchange, it said. To augment liquidity in G-secs market, a market-making scheme by PDs has been devised in consultation with the Government, it said. RBI also proposes to remove tenor limits or counter-party restrictions on listed companies, which are currently allowed to lend through repos in G-sec for a minimum seven days to banks and primary dealers. The apex bank will be issuing necessary guidelines in consultation with all stakeholders on introducing electronic dealing platform for repo of corporate bonds by the end of October. To improve communication, it has been decided that auction results of Government bond auctions will be published by RBI at a stipulated time, the release added. ?C8 %DGWLPHFRQWLQXHVIRUEDQNV .)$EUDQGVIDLOWRILQGEX\HUV <D<108) In a big disappointment for the lenders for the second time, auction of the long-grounded Kingfisher Airlines’ (KFA) trademarks and logo turned out to be damp squib once again despite having a lower reserve price. Banks also had put on the block some of the moveable assets of the company worth C13.70 lakh lying at the Kingfisher House, for which, too, no bidders came forward. In their second attempt, the 17-lender consortium led by State Bank of India had put the airline’s trademarks including Kingfisher logo and the once-famous tag-line ‘Fly the Good Times’ on the block, to recover a part of their over C9,000-crore loans from beleaguered businessman Vijay Mallya and his grounded carrier. Banks had also put the Flying Models, Funliner, Fly Kingfisher and Flying Bird Device on the sale. “I think the reserve price for the trademark was still found to be high by the bidders,” a source said. Legal experts said the entire brand value of the Kingfisher brand has taken a beating and so bidders remained elusive. “Value of trademark of the entire group has gone down to almost nothing and nobody will like to buy it,” said an expert dealing in intellectual property rights. In April, the banks had made a failed attempt to sell brands and trademarks of the airlines, owned by Mallya. The auction was unsuccessful as none of the bidders came forward due to the higher reserve price of C366.70 crore. In today’s auction the reserve price was reduced by 10 per cent to C330.03 crore, but still no bidders came forward. The Kingfisher brand itself was valued at over C4,000 crore by consultancy Grant Thornton when the airline was at its peak. In its annual report for 2012-13, KFA said, at its peak, it was the largest airline in the country with a five-star rating from Skytrax. The airline’s brand had been registered separately from the Kingfisher beer trademarks. Lenders had also put on sale movable assets worth C13.70 lakh lying at the Kingfisher House. The items on sale included eight cars-Toyota Innova & Corolla, and Honda City & Civic among others. The reserve price of each car was set differently in the range of C90,000-2.50 lakh. Earlier this month, the auction of Kingfisher House proved a damp squib again as no bidder turned up for the erstwhile headquarters of the Mallya-led airline at a reduced reserve price of C135 crore. ?C8 &DLUQWD[GLVSXWH,QGLDKDV WRUHVSRQGE\1RYVD\V&(2 =4F34;78) India has time till November to respond to Cairn Energy’s demand for $5.6 billion compensation in the retrospective tax case, said CEO of the British oil firm, Simon Thomson. Cairn has initiated an international arbitration seeking $5.6 billion in compensation from the Indian Government in case the retrospective tax demand of C29,047 crore is not quashed. “It is important for the arbitration to continue quickly,” he said, after meeting Revenue Secretary Hashmukh Adhia here. While Cairn has filed its Statement of Claims before a three-member international arbitration panel, the Government of India has time till November to respond, he said. “The important thing is to keep this arbitration moving,” he said, adding that globally, investors are watching how India settles the legacy retro- spective tax issue. A tax demand of C10,247 crore was imposed on Cairn over an intra-group restructuring undertaken in 2006 prior to the IPO of its India unit. Together with back-dated interest, the total demand is over C29,000 crore. “We are confident of our position. We have complied with all regulations and paid all taxes that were due,” he said. Cairn Energy sold majority stake in the India unit, Cairn India, to Vedanta Resources, but retains a 9.8 per cent stake which has been attached by the income tax department. Thomson said the attach- ment of shares is “unfair” and it is in the interest of all that the issue is resolved quickly. Earlier this month, Cairn in its half-yearly earnings statement said it has commenced the proceedings under the UKIndia Bilateral Investment Treaty as India’s actions have breached the Treaty by “expropriating the company’s property without adequate and just compensation, denying fair and equitable treatment... And restricting its right to freely transfer funds in connection with its investment”. The seat of arbitration has been agreed as the Hague in the Netherlands. “Cairn has asked the arbitration panel either to order India to withdraw its unlawful tax demand and compensate Cairn for the harm suffered by the seizure of the Cairn India shares, being not less than $1 billion (plus costs) or, if the tax demand remains in place, compensate Cairn...,” the statement said. ?C8 \^]Th =4F34;78k5A830H k0D6DBC !%! % 3`3¶de`eR]SZkeR\VdC*!\Tc YZeZ_#!"&"'UVdaZeVc`Sfde Xc`heY`W('Z_eYZdWZdTR] ?C8Q =4F34;78 hrinking loan portfolio and deposit base squeezed total business of state-owned Bank of Baroda (BoB) by nearly C90,000 crore in 201516 despite a robust GDP growth of 7.6 per cent during the fiscal. While the banking industry saw a loan growth of 9.3 per cent, and 8.6 per cent for deposits during the fiscal, Bank of Baroda’s credit growth rate slowed 10.3 per cent and that of deposits decelerated 7 per cent. As far as nationalised banks sans SBI and associates are concerned, their credit grew 1.4 per cent and deposits 3.1 per cent in 2015-16. The total business, mix of deposits and advances, came down by staggering C87,817 crore in the period under review as against the previous fiscal, as per BoB’s latest annual report. Total business of the bank declined to C9,57,808 crore at the end of March 2016 compared with C10,45,625 crore a year ago. Total deposits S C^cP[X]R^\TSTR[X]TSc^C '&&( Ra^aTX]cWT`dPacTaT]STS9d]TUa^\ C !!#"&!Ra^aTPhTPaPV^CWT b_XZTX]QPS[^P]b\TP]ccWTVa^bb =?0aPcX^a^bTc^ $_TaRT]cUa^\ # "_TaRT]cPhTPaPV^P]S(((_Ta RT]cX]cWT<PaRW`dPacTa=Tc=?0b \^aTcWP]S^dQ[TSc^$&"_TaRT]c PccWTT]S^U9d]TUa^\!& _TaRT]cPhTPaTPa[XTa declined to C5,74,038 crore in 2015-16, from C6,17,560 crore in the previous fiscal while advances slipped to C3,83,770 crore (C4,28,065 crore). Profit before tax also declined to C8,815.57 crore in the said period as against C9,915.10 crore a year ago. There was a loss of C5,395.55 crore during the year as compared to C3,398.43 crore net profit in the yearago period. In order to improve functioning of public sector banks, the Government roped in professionals from the private sector last year. Even during the June quarter of 2016-17, Bank of Baroda posted a 60 per cent plunge in net profit at C424 crore on account of a surge in bad loans. Net profit stood at C1,052 crore in the year-ago quarter. In January-March, it had reported net loss of C3,230 crore as asset quality worsened. Total income declined to C11,877.91 crore in the quart e r e n d e d Ju n e , f rom C12,243.720 crore a year ago. The spike in bad loans meant the gross NPA ratio rose to 11.15 per cent from 4.13 per cent a year ago and 9.99 per cent in the March quarter. Net NPAs more than doubled to 5.73 per cent at the end of June from 2.07 per cent a year earlier. 6T\bYTfT[[TahTg_^acbd_ PQ^dc !X]0_a9d[5H & &2$,DLUVFRQFHUQRYHUWHFKVSHFV LQ862)PRELOHWHQGHUIRU1( ?C8Q =4F34;78 ellular operators associaC tion has approached Telecom Department to ?C8Q =4F34;78 xports of gems and jewellery grew 11.7 per cent to $11.4 billion during the first four months of the current fiscal, driven largely by demand in India's major markets like the US. In April-July period of the last fiscal, exports from the sector were at $10.21 billion, according to the data from Gems and Jewellery Export Promotion Council (GJEPC). Gems and jewellery contribute about 14 per cent to the country's overall exports. The rise in April-July was mainly supported by cut and polished diamond exports. It rose to $7.25 billion during the period from $6.89 billion a year ago. Exports of silver jewellery grew by 51 per cent to $1.30 billion during the four months period of this fiscal. “Demand is gradually picking up in markets like the US, which is helping in E recording growth in exports in the sector,” an official said. Shipments of gold jewellery however contracted by 25.13 per cent to $1 billion during the period under review, from $1.36 billion a year ago. Exports of gold medallion and coins too dipped by 9.51 per cent to $1.48 billion. The Government is hoping that incentives such as 3 per cent interest subsidy and enhanced rate for duty drawback would further help contain the decline in exports. According to GJEPC data, imports of rough diamonds rose by 13.27 per cent to $6 billion in April-July 2016. Imports of gold bars too grew by about 40 per cent to $1.72 billion. After rising for the first time in 18 months in June, exports shrank again in July, contracting 6.84 per cent due to decline in shipments of engineering goods and petroleum products. Gold imports more than halved to $1.08 billion. express concern over network infrastructure specification outlined in tender document for USO fund support for provision of mobile services in the North Eastern region. “The industry believes that the intended objective of the USO (Universal Ser vice Obligation) tender vis-a-vis the technical specifications are significantly distinct from each other. Further, the present specification of the tender would only provide inadequate capacity and will not provide the required coverage in the rural areas,” the cellular body COAI has said in a recent letter to Telecom Secretary JS Deepak. COAI said building up the network along with proposed tender specifications (on provision of mobile services in identified uncovered villages and mobile coverage along national highways in the NE region) would be a ‘sheer wastage of USO subsidy’. The association said BTS specification mention minimum power of 2 Watts instead of 20 Watts as being kept by CWTX]SdbcahQT[XTeTbcWPccWTX]cT]STS ^QYTRcXeT^UcWTDB>D]XeTabP[BTaeXRT >Q[XVPcX^]cT]STaeXbPeXbcWTcTRW]XRP[ b_TRXUXRPcX^]bPaTbXV]XUXRP]c[hSXbcX]RcUa^\ TPRW^cWTa5dacWTacWT_aTbT]cb_TRXUXRPcX^] ^UcWTcT]STaf^d[S^][h_a^eXSTX]PST`dPcT RP_PRXchP]SfX[[]^c_a^eXSTcWTaT`dXaTS R^eTaPVTX]cWTadaP[PaTPbbPhb2>08 X]P[TccTac^CT[TR^\BTRaTcPah9B3TT_PZ DoT for 2G/3G/4G networks. “The difference in coverage will be less than 400 metres versus over 2.5 km with 2 Watts and 20 Watts, respectively, on 900 band, the same difference ratio will be applicable on 1800 bands also. It means that Telecom services providers will be required to install more BTS with lower coverage or there will be compromise on the coverage in villages,” COAI said. It termed the condition on power back up as ‘unreasonable and unrealistic’, and said the same should be lowered from 5 days to 8-12 hours, which is the norm for rest of the networks in the country. Another area outlined by the COAI pertained to the preferential market access/domestic manufacturing clause. “We believe that TSPs should be allowed to decide 9?3d_Y^fUcdC&% SbY^DbY`ebQd_SXUS[ 6^[S\P]BPRWb)?PcT[c^\PX]cPX] VeU\SbYcYccU^TdQ^[UbcfYQ2Q^W\QTUcX APYP]³bP]cXX]U[PcX^]PahbcP]RT ?C8Q 6DF070C8 ndian Oil Corporation will invest around C650 crore in expanding its storage and bottling capacity in Tripura over the next three years as it looks to prevent fuel crisis in the state. IndianOil-AOD, the company's North East division, will also start moving a convoy of 20 tankers by the end of this month to the North Eastern state for the first time via Bangladesh to avoid the dilapidated NH-44 in Assam. “Apart from exploring new routes to supply fuel for ending the crisis in Tripura, we are looking to increase the storage capacity in the state. We are working on both the possibilities so that common people do not suffer there,” Indian Oil Corporation Executive Director (IndianOilAOD) Dipankar Ray told PTI. For this purpose, the company will set up one Petroleum, Oil and Lubricant (POL) depot and a new bottling plant in I Agartala, he added. “The POL depot will incur an investment of around C500 crore, while C143 crore have been estimated for setting up the bottling plant over the next 2-3 years. The investment includes land cost as well and the land parcels have already been identified for both the units,” Ray said. In Tripura, the company has a POL depot at Dharmanagar with a capacity of around 6,000 kilo litre (kl) and an LPG bottling plant at Bishalgarh with a capacity of 30,000 million tonnes per annum in double shifts. “The existing two facilities are not enough to cater to the growing demand of fuel in Tripura. So we have decided to expand our capacities by setting up new units. The new POL depot will have an installed capacity of 32,000 kl, while that for the bottling plant will be 60,000 m i l l i on ton n e s a ye ar, expandable up to 1,20,000 million tonnes,” he added. )RRGFRPSDQ\LQWURGXFHV GLVKHVDVWULEXWHWR5DMDQ BENGALURU: A Bengalurubased food company has introduced two offbeat dishes in its menu to celebrate the legacy of outgoing RBI Governor Raghuram Rajan, who has left his own distinct mark on the Central Bank. Zzungry said it had introduced limited edition of ‘Ulundu kozhukattai’ and ‘Kova kozhukattai’ that are inspired from the cuisines of two states in the country that hold great relevance in the life of Rajan. The dishes priced at C100 and C150 will be available in the menu from August 26 to September 2 just before Rajan's sign off from his tenure as the chief of the central bank, it said. His current three-year term ends on September 4. “This is a unique gesture from Zzungry to appreciate the commendable work done by Dr Rajan. He has touched the lives of commoners and entrepreneurs like us in a positive way,” said Ashish Kalya, Co- Founder, Zzungry. Ulundu kozhukattai is a delectable savoury rice flour dumpling stuffed with medium spicy mixture of urad dal, tempered with curry leaves and spices, steamed and served with chutney. The dish is inspired from the cuisine of Madhya Pradesh where Rajan was born, a statement said here. The other dish ‘Kova kozhukattai’ is a sweet rice flour dumpling stuffed with cardamom flavoured mixture of khoya with dry fruits, simmered in rose flavoured milk, that is served as a dessert. PTI 8>2\d[[bXbbdX]VQ^]db bWPaTbc^XcbbWPaTW^[STab W ?C8Q =4F34;78 ith Urjit Patel set to take over as next Governor, RBI may continue its antiinflationary stance and keep key policy rates on hold for the rest of the year, Goldman Sachs said on Thursday. According to the global financial services major, Patel’s appointment as the next RBI Governor will lead to policy continuity. He will replace Raghuram Rajan and take the helm of the central bank starting September 4, 2016. “In our view, Patel is likely to maintain similar views as Governor Rajan in the inflation targeting, banking sector reforms, overall liquidity, and exchange rate policy area,” Goldman Sachs said in a research note. The recently announced inflation targeting framework sets a headline CPI inflation ?PcT[Xb[XZT[hc^\PX]cPX]bX\X[PaeXTfbPb 6^eTa]^aAPYP]X]cWTX]U[PcX^]cPaVTcX]V QP]ZX]VbTRc^aaTU^a\b^eTaP[[[X`dXSXch P]STgRWP]VTaPcT_^[XRhPaTP6XeT]cWPc cWTU^a\P[XbTSX]U[PcX^]cPaVTcXbX][X]T fXcWcWTDaYXc?PcT[2^\\XccTTaT_^acfT cWX]ZcWTA18´beXTf^]X]U[PcX^]cPaVTcX]V d]STacWT]Tf6^eTa]^afX[[QTd]RWP]VTS their vendors as already being done by them under the licence agreement. The requirement of tender document should compliment the existing telecom infrastructure of the telecom service providers so that it attracts maximum participation with less subsidy during bidding,” it said. COAI suggested that given the current security environment in the remote areas, the Telecom Department can”‘consider dealing with such issues of damage of equipment and disturbance under the Essential Services Act etc.” It had also suggested the upfront payment of subsidy on commissioning of tower and provision of mobile services from an infrastructure site, should be about 50 per cent and not 25 per cent, given the project roll out involves upfront capex spends. µ,QGLD¶V*'3WRH[SDQG E\WKLVILVFDO¶ NEW DELHI: Indian economy is expected to clock 7.9 per cent growth in the current fiscal driven by better monsoon, Government pay hike, key reforms and FDI inflows, Goldman Sachs said on Thursday. The global financial services major said the GDP is expected to improve gradually and for the April-June quarter it may slow a tad to 7.8 per cent, in part due to unfavorable base. It had grown at 7.9 per cent in the previous quarter. “We forecast real GDP to grow by 7.9 per cent for 2016-17, year-on-year, higher than consensus expectations of 7.5 per cent and up from 7.6 per cent in FY16,” Goldman Sachs said in a research note. It further noted that a better monsoon, civil service wage hike following 7th Pay Commission, a favorable fiscal monetary policy mix, the recent passage of key reforms and continued FDI inflows should all support growth. It said key risks to India's growth trajectory include a faster pace of US Fed rate hikes than is currently priced in, concerns about Chinese growth and capital flows. PTI NEW DELHI: Indian Oil Corp (IOC), nation’s largest oil firm, will next week consider issuing bonus shares to its shareholders to capitalise part of the reserves. The board of IOC will meet on August 29, ‘to consider issue of Bonus Shares’, the company said in a regulatory filing. IOC will be the second stateowned oil company after Hindustan Petroleum Corp Ltd (HPCL) to consider issuing bonus shares following a Government directive. HPCL board had last month approved issuing two bonus shares of C10 each for every existing one. This helped capitalise reserves to the extent of C677.25 crore. The Government had written to all profit-making public sector units to consider buying back shares or issuing bonus shares to put their surplus cash to use and giving their owner, the Government, more value. IOC is India’s largest commercial enterprise, with a sales turnover of C3,99,601 crore ($61 billion) and profits of C10,399 crore ($1.58 billion) for the year 201516. It is ranked 161st among the world’s largest corporates (and first among Indian companies) in the prestigious Fortune ‘Global 500’ listing for the year 2016. The Govt owns 58.28 per cent stake in IOC, which controls nearly half of India’s fuel market, 35 per cent national oil refining capacity and 71 per cent of downstream sector pipelines. IOC owns and operates 11 of India’s 23 refineries with a combined refining capacity of 80.7 mn tonnes per annum as well as a pipeline network spanning about 11,750-km. PTI 9^cebUbcd_VY\U S_]`\YQ^SUd_Y^fd ^_b]cVb_]=QbSX >UUXRTabPbZTSc^bdVVTbc 1\\SQbW_339V_b]ce``\iSXQY^:_Y^d RWP]VTbX]SXaTRccPg[Pfb FU^debU+UiUC[SbRecY^UccRi" " NEW DELHI: Regulator has asked insurance companies to file periodical report on compliance to investment guidelines from quarter ending March 2017. This follows notification of Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India (Investment) Regulations, 2016. “As the Regulations mandate certain systems and process to be put in place, the I R DA I ( Inve s t m e nt ) Regulations, 2016 shall be effective from March 31, 2017. Thus, Insurers shall report compliance to IRDAI (Investment) Regulations, 2016 in the regulatory periodical submissions from quarter ended March 31, 2017,” the regulator said. PTI NEW DELHI: In a bid to keep nation’s tax laws in conformity with changing times, the Income Tax Department has created a permanent mechanism for seeking inputs from its officers for changes required in the direct tax regulations. To begin with, the I-T Department has asked officials to provide suggestions for legislative changes in the direct tax laws. For receiving suggestions, it has created an exclusive email ID and instructed officials of the department to provide inputs through the year without waiting for beginning of the annual budget exercise. Traditionally, changes in the laws pertaining to direct tax, which covers income tax for individuals and corporates, are done in the Union Budget presented by the finance minister in end February every year. Now to keep pace with the changing economic scenario that has brought to fore a host of complex tax issues like transfer pricing cases, the Income Tax Department wants to keep the law updated. And so it has asked its officers to bring to the notice of the department the changes needed in the legislation to address particular issues. The officers have to give justification for their suggestions for legislative changes in direct tax laws along with the details of relevant judicial rulings. PTI target of 4 per cent +/- 2 per cent until first quarter of 2021. In addition, the RBI outlined in its monetary policy statements that it aims to bring headline CPI inflation down to 5 per cent by March 2017. “Given that the formalised inflation target is in line with the Urjit Patel Committee report, we think the RBI’s view on inflation targeting under the new Governor will be unchanged,” the report said. Regarding cleaning of bank balance sheets, the report said that Goldman Sachs expects Patel to continue the process and adhere to the March 2017 deadline set by Rajan. He (Patel) is also likely to continue to infuse sufficient liquidity into the system as required and bring the overall banking system liquidity close to neutrality. Regarding monetary policy stance, the report said that it expects the RBI to keep rates on hold for the rest of 2016 as upside risks to the interim glide path of 5 per cent by March 2017 remain. ?C8 Q <D<108 yeing opportunity in the contract logistics space E post-GST, Allcargo Logistics today said it has demerged its supply chain management and freight forwarding businesses to forma joint venture with chemical warehousing company CCI. The JV called Avashya CCI Logistics, is targeting a revenue of C1,000 crore by 2020 from the present C 450 crore, Allcargo Chairman Shashikiran Shetty said. In 2015-16, the contract logistics and freight forwarding verticals contributed around C300 crore to the company's total revenue of C5,800 crore, Shetty said. He said policy moves, especially the progress 0[[RPaV^2WPXa\P]BWPbWXZXaP]BWTcch on the Goods and Services Tax, increase the opportunity for offering integrated end-to-end logistics solutions to companies across sectors for which the JV has been formed. The publicly traded Allcargo will be owning 62 per cent in the joint venture, with the rest will be held by the privately-owned CCI's promoters, he said. The JV is targeting customers in the auto, engineering, retail, e-commerce, chemicals and pharma players, and will strive be the third biggest company in the contract logistics space by 2020, he said. Stressing that it will be an asset-light business, wherein the JV will be renting out space, Shetty said the newlyformed company is targeting to have 5 million sqft of warehousing space to be made available to clients. Shetty said business of the bigger partner Allcargo will not be affected due to this and added there is a complimentary role which it can play. He said even before the progress on the GST, the contract logistics opportunity is estimated to be around $5 billion which is expected to grow at a faster clip once the GST is in place. ²3^f]cda]X]P[d\X]Xd\X]Sdbcah :_UZR_dde`T\C()$!!Tch`ceYf_fdVUX``Ud+DfcgVj BT]bTgcP]Zb!!#_^X]cb TQQX]VRWTP_X\_^acbPf^aah³ T ?C8Q <D<108 NEW DELHI: The downturn in aluminium sector due to overproduction and declining prices is ebbing with prices of the metal stabilising, indicating a revival in global commodities market, a senior Government official said. However, the official said India has to exhibit caution as there has been a significant rise in cheap imports lately that needs to be analysed before devising a strategy for the revival of the industry in the country. This comes in the wake of aluminium prices appreciating at the London Metal Exchange (LME). “International prices are looking up. Although they are still in the process of stabilising, but it gives a positive direction about revival of the commodities market in general and nonferrous in particular,” Mines <X]Tb<X]Xbcahb4R^]^\XR0SeXb^a BdSWPZTaBWdZ[P Ministry's Economic Advisor Sudhaker Shukla told PTI. Shukla added that with stabilisation of prices and changing demand scenario, the capacity utilisation in aluminium sector is bound to increase in the coming months. “The downturn in aluminium has ebbed. Now prices are rising. If the demand in China also picks up further then this (price) will further strengthen,” Shukla said. Aluminium prices have appreciated by 9 per cent to $1,629.83 per tonne on an average in July at the LME as against $1,494.29 a tonne in December 2015. In April, May and June this year, average prices of the metal stood at $1,524 a tonne, $1,556.33 and $1,592.2, respectively. On the supply-demand side, data from Mines Ministry showed that in April-June, global consumption of aluminium was 15.43 million tonnes (MT) against a production of 14.47 MT, leaving the market with a deficit of almost 1 MT. The Mines Ministry attributes the price rise to increasing demand, whereas the production of the metal remained at the same level. Shukla, however cautioned over the rising aluminium imports in the last few months, which can impact the sales and profits of domestic producers. PTI he worth of unused items in Indian homes have reached a whopping C78,300 crore, according to a recent survey. The third edition of OLX Crust (Consumer Research on Used-Goods and Selling Trends) survey, conducted jointly with Indian Market Research Bureau (IMRB) across 16 cities, reveals that stocking of goods continues to rise in the country. “India has a 90 per cent stocking incidence rate, up 3 per cent from the last year,” the survey said. Putting things into perspective, the survey claims that the worth of the unused items can fund the Government's Swachh Bharat’ scheme eight times over. On the flip side, selling of goods has 49 per cent incidence rate in India, up 4 per cent from last year, the survey revealed. The report estimates the size of the used goods market in India >]T^UcWT\^aTX]cTaTbcX]V UX]SX]Vb^UcWXbhTPaXbPQ^dc cWTeP[dT^UdbTSV^^SbcWPc PaTb^[S^][X]Tebb^[S^UU[X]T ebTgRWP]VTSEP[dT^UdbTS V^^SbQTX]Vb^[S^][X]TfPb U^d]Sc^QT^]P]PeTaPVT !$WXVWTacWP]bX\X[Pach_Tb ^UV^^Sbb^[S^UU[X]TbPhb BdbW\XcP1P[PbdQaP\P]XP\ EXRT?aTbXST]c8<A1 BW^__TaP]SATcPX[ and examines key attitudes towards used goods across different cities of the country. “One of the more interesting findings of this year is about the value of used goods that are sold online vs sold offline vs exchanged. Value of used goods being sold online was found to be on an average 25 per cent higher than similar types of goods sold offline,” Sushmita Balasubramaniam, Vice President, IMRB, Shopper and Retail, said in the statement. “This difference becomes even starker when one compares it with the value of used goods being exchanged. The value of goods sold online is 47 per cent higher than those which are exchanged for purchasing new products,” she said. The report claims 27 per cent respondents who engaged in selling of goods cited 'boredom' as a factor, especially for mobile phones, which have emerged as a cluttered category in 2016. The report also says that on an average, every Indian household is stocking 12 clothing items, 14 kitchen utensils, 11 books, 7 kitchen appliances, 2 mobile phones and 3 watches. ^]DBaPcTWXZTR^]RTa]b MUMBAI: Domestic equities failed to sustain the positive momentum on F&O expiry day as fag-end selling pulled down the benchmark Sensex by over 224 points, the worst single-day fall in more than two weeks, amid growing US rate hike concerns ahead of Fed Chair Janet Yellen's speech. The initial range-bound momentum driven by shortcovering in view of August derivative expiry led to key indices ruling in the positive terrain till afternoon. Midafternoon trade saw the market wobbled as jittery investors bridled by caution ahead of US Federal Reserve Chair Yellen's speech on Friday, while lower European opening and lack of direction led the index succumb to selling pressure. The Sensex resumed higher at 28,103.60 and advanced to 28,154.21 as participants indulged in short-covering of their outstanding positions. However, the 30-scrip bundle slipped into the negative zone and touched a low of 27,803.24 before ending at over twoweek low of 27,835.91, showing a fall of 224.03 points, or 0.80 per cent. This was the biggest single-day fall for the benchmark index since August 10 when it had fallen by 310 points. PTI f^a[S ! =4F34;78k5A830H k0D6DBC !%! % 9Z]]RcjcV[VTedaRjW`ca]RjRTTfdReZ`_d BA0906>?0;0=Q F0B78=6C>= FWPcCad\_WPbbPXSXb aXSXRd[^db<hf^aZPb BTRaTcPah^UBcPcTfPb ]^cX]U[dT]RTSQhP]h ^dcbXSTU^aRTb8\PST _^[XRXTbQPbTS^]fWPc8 cW^dVWcfPbaXVWc fter a barrage of attacks from Republican rival A Donald Trump and several media outlets, alleging a “payfor-play” scandal involving the Clinton Foundation during her tenure as Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton has finally sought to dismiss the accusations as “a lot of smoke” but “no fire”. Breaking her silence after two days of relentless salvoes from Trump, who has demanded a special prosecutor to go into the “special favours” for donors to her family foundation, Clinton told CNN on Wednesday that she had never used public office for personal gain. Neither she nor her husband had ever drawn a salary from the charitable foundation, she said. Clinton’s assertion came on a day when The Associated Press reported that at least 85 of 154 people from private interests who had had met with her or had phone conversations scheduled with her when she headed the State Department had cumulatively contributed as much as $156 million to the Clinton Foundation. Disclosures involving the foundation, springing from emails obtained and released by the conservative Judicial Watch, also prompted several media outlets, including The Washington Post, USA Today and The Boston Globe, to demand that the foundation be shut down, with its assets and work hived off to a reputed charity with no ties to the Clinton family. “Mothball the Clinton Foundation,” USA Today said in an editorial. In her telephone interview to CNN, Clinton asserted that the foundation functioned as a global charity with far more transparency than Trump’s business empire, his wealth or his tax returns. “What Trump has said is ridiculous. My work as Secretary of State was not influenced by any outside forces. I made policies based on what I thought was right.” ATbRdTab\PZTcWTXafPhcWa^dVWSTbca^hTSW^dbTbU^[[^fX]VFTS]TbSPh´bTPacW`dPZTX]8cP[h^]CWdabSPh 0? 9dQ\iaeQ[Ud_\\XYdc"$'Qc bUcSeUbcXe^dV_bcebfYf_bc 05? Q 022D<>;8 he death toll from a powT erful earthquake that shook central Italy rose to 247 on Thursday, officials said, as rescuers desperately searched for survivors in the rubble of devastated mountain villages. Hundreds of others were injured, some critically, and an unknown number were trapped under the ruins of collapsed buildings after Wednesday’s pre-dawn quake. Amid scenes of carnage, dozens of emergency services staff and volunteers were determined to attempt to pluck more survivors from the ruins. Rescuers had pledged to work through the night in the hope of finding people alive in the mangled wreckage of homes. Prime Minister Matteo Renzi had earlier warned that the toll would likely rise after visiting the badly hit village of Amatrice. Hundreds of people spent a chilly night in hastily assembled tents with the risk of aftershocks making it too risky for them to return home. Scores of buildings were reduced to dusty piles of masonry in communities close to the epicentre of the quake, which had a magnitude of between 6.0 and 6.2. It hit a remote area straddling Umbria, Marche and Lazio at a time of year when second-home owners and other visitors swell the numbers staying there. Many of the victims were from Rome. The devastated area is just north of L’Aquila, the city where some 300 people died in another quake in 2009. Most of the deaths occurred in and around the villages of Amatrice, Accumoli and Arquata del Tronto. Guido Bordo, 69, lost his sister and her husband after they were trapped inside their holiday house in the hamlet of Illica, near Accumoli. “There’s no sound from them, we only heard their cats,” he told AFP before the deaths were confirmed. “I wasn’t here. As soon as the quake happened, I rushed here. They managed to pull my sister’s children out, they’re in hospital now,” he added, wringing his hands in anguish. Among the victims was a nine-month-old baby girl whose parents survived, an 18-month-old toddler and two other young children who died with their parents in Accumoli. Two boys aged four and seven were saved by their quick-thinking grandmother, who ushered them under a bed as soon as the shaking began, according to reports. She also survived but lost her husband. Renzi said it was too early to consider what might have been done to prevent the disaster. “Today is the time for tears and emotion,” he said, vowing that his government would start reconstruction work first thing today. CdaZTh>__RWXTU $VVDQJHZDUQVRIIRUWKFRPLQJ d]WPa\TSPUcTa µVLJQLILFDQW¶&OLQWRQOHDNV s h i n g to n : Wi k i L e a k s quite unexpected angles, that R^]e^hUXaTS^] Wa founder Julian Assange has are quite interesting, some even 05? Q 0=:0A0 urkey’s main Opposition leader Kemal Kilicdaroglu T said on Thursday his convoy came under attack from gunfire in the northeastern region of Artvin but he was unharmed. Kilicdaroglu, leader of the Republican People’s Party (CHP), said he was safe and well after the incident whose origin was not immediately clear. “There is no problem, we are fine, don’t worr y,” Kilicdaroglu told CNN-Turk television by telephone. Kilicdaroglu had been in the province to attend a rally where he planned to make a speech, private-run Dogan news agency reported. It was not yet known if Kilicdaroglu was the target or if he was caught up in a separate incident. Ozgur Ozel, head of CHP’s parliamentary group, told CNN-Turk that a soldier driving a military vehicle had been injured. President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Prime Minister Binali Yildirim were briefed by the provincial governor shortly after the incident, said a Turkish official, who did not wish to be named. warned that his anti-secrecy campaign will release new documents concerning Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, which could be “significant” for the election. Speaking to Fox News on Wednesday, Assange, who has been sheltering in the Ecuadorian embassy in London since 2012 while fighting extradition, said WikiLeaks was combing through thousands of pages of material. A variety of documents from various institutions that are associated with the election campaign had yielded “some entertaining,” he said. Assange reported the documents would “absolutely” be released before the November 8 election. Asked whether the leaks would be a game changer for the vote, Assange said: “I think it’s significant. It depends on how it catches fire in the public and in the media.” Ahead of the Democratic National Convention last month, WikiLeaks released nearly 20,000 emails gleaned by hackers who apparently raided the accounts of seven DNC leaders. AFP @Q[´\Q]U^dcµECR\_S[Y^W # ]^]Y\YdQbiQYT Islamabad: Pakistan has conveyed its disappointment to America that despite its “concerted and forceful” campaign against all terrorist groups, including the dreaded Haqqani network, the US did not “certify” its actions and blocked the $ 300 million military aid to the country. In a meeting with US President Barack Obama’s envoy Peter Lavoy, Pakistan Foreign Secretar y Aizaz Ahmad Chaudhary expressed concerns over the halt to the military aid. US Defence Secretary Ashton Carter did not give Congressional certification to Pakistan for satisfactory action against the Haqqani network this year. In the absence of the certification, the Pentagon blocked the release of $300 million military aid to Pakistan under Coalition Support Fund. At his rallies, Trump had branded the Clinton Foundation as “the most corrupt enterprise in political history”. Alleging a nexus between foundation’s donors and Clinton in terms of special access and favours, he had commented, “It is impossible to figure out where the Clinton Foundation ends and the State Department begins.” Questioned specifically on the AP report, Clinton said, “It draws a conclusion and makes a suggestion that my meetings with people like the late, great Elie Wiesel or Melinda Gates or the Nobel Prize winner Muhammad Yunus were somehow due to connections with the foundation instead of their status as highly respected global leaders. That is absurd.” In what could be a cause for worry for Clinton, some of the latest polls indicate that the presidential race may be tightening. Her lead over Trump in the RealClearPolitics average of six national polls is now down to 5 per cent, compared to 8 per cent a week ago. Trump, meanwhile, flaunted a new supporter at his rally in Jackson, Mississippi on Wednesday evening in the form of Nigel Farage, leader of UK’s successful Brexit movement that resulted in a yes-vote for Britain’s exit from the European Community and the resignation of Prime Minister David Cameron. Saying Americans face an option similar to that of UK voters about taking the country back from “the political class” and “big banks”, Farage remarked: “If I were an American citizen, I wouldn’t vote for Hillary Clinton if you paid me.” He, however, said he can’t endorse any candidate in the US race since he had criticized President Obama for telling UK voters to vote against leaving the EU. 8aP`X3TU<X] VTcb]^cadbc e^cTUa^\<?b :cRbW`cTVd cVeR\V\Vj e`h_d`feY `W>`df] Baghdad: Iraq’s Minister of Defense has received a no-confidence vote from parliament just as Iraqi forces retook a key northern town near the Islamic State-held city of Mosul. Khaled al-Obeidi is the first sitting defense minister to receive a no confidence vote from parliament since the overthrow of former Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein in 2003. The vote against him comes after weeks of political wrangling over corruption allegations. The Minister received 142 votes of no confidence in parliament on Thursday, slightly more than the simple majority needed for the vote to pass, according to lawmakers Sadiq alRikabi and Mohammed Saadoun from the powerful State of Law block. “I have tried my best to fight against corruption with the means that I have,” al-Obeidi wrote in a statement posted to his Facebook shortly after the vote, “but it seems the voices of the masters of corruption are much higher and much stronger.”AFP Qayyarah (Iraq): Iraqi forces on Thursday pushed the Islamic State group from Qayyarah, a northern town considered strategic for any future offensive against the jihadists’ last stronghold of Mosul. Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi hailed the victory as a key step in the fight against ISIS but hours later suffered yet another political setback when lawmakers impeached his Defence Minister. Special forces, backed by US-led coalition air strikes, wrapped up a three-day operation to retake Qayyarah, a town which lies on the banks of the Tigris river. “We control all parts of the town and managed, in very limited time, to root out Daesh,” Lieutenant General Riyadh Jalal Tawfik, who commands Iraq’s ground forces, told an AFP reporter in Qayyarah, using an acronym for ISIS. AFP 1PaaT[Q^\QPccPRZZX[[b ZXSbX]BhaXP Beirut: Eleven children were killed on Thursday in a barrel bomb attack carried out by government forces on a rebel-held neighbourhood of Syria’s Aleppo city, a monitor said. “Fifteen civilians, among them 11 children, were killed in a barrel bomb attack on the Bab al-Nayrab neighbourhood” in the south of Aleppo city, the Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights monitor said. The group also reported eight civilians, including two children, were killed on Thursday in rebel fire on the government-held west of the city. An AFP journalist in Bab al-Nayrab saw rescue workers and civilians digging through the rubble of collapsed buildings. AFP BXgcTaa^aXbcb ZX[[TSPbbTRdaXch U^aRTbU^X[ PccPRZX]4Vh_c Cairo: Six militants were killed on Thursday in Egypt after security forces foiled a terrorist attack that targeted a security checkpoint in the restive North Sinai region, officials said. The terrorists opened fire on the checkpoint and clashed with the forces in el-Masoura checkpoint in Rafah, the officials said. Four security personnel were injured in the clashes. The injured were transferred to hospital for treatment. Egypt’s North Sinai witnessed many violent attacks by CWTPccPRZbcPaVTcX]V _^[XRTP]S\X[XcPah X]RaTPbTSPUcTacWT^dbcTa ^U8b[P\XbcTg_aTbXST]c <^WP\TS<^abXX]! " U^[[^fX]V\PbbXeT_a^cTbcb PVPX]bcWXbad[T militants since the January 2011 revolution that toppled the ex-president Hosni Mubarak. The attacks targeting police and military increased after the ouster of Islamist ex-president Mohamed Morsi in 2013 following massive protests against his rule. Over 700 security personnel have been reported killed since then. The military has launched security campaigns in the area, arrested suspects and demolished houses that belong to terrorists, including those facilitating tunnels leading to the Gaza Strip. PTI .HUU\3ULW]NHUWR YLVLW,QGLDQH[WZHHN BA0906>?0;0=Q F0B78=6C>= S Secretary of State John Kerry and Commerce U Secretary Penny Pritzker will be visiting New Delhi next week for what would be the Obama presidency’s last round of India-US Strategic and Commercial Dialogue. What started as US-India Strategic Dialogue in 2010 was expanded last year to Strategic and Commercial Dialogue (S&CD) to reflect the “shared priorities of generating economic growth, creating jobs, improving the investment climate and strengthening the middle class in both countries”. The elevation to reflect the growing significance of the US-India economic relationship came about in January 2015 in the course of consultations that President Barack Obama and Prime Minister Narendra Modi had in New Delhi. Announcing the visit of Kerry and Pritzker, State Department spokesperson Elizabeth Trudeau said they will be co-chairing the second US-India Strategic and Commercial Dialogue on August 30. They will be joined by the respective Indian co-hosts, External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj and Minister of State for Commerce and Industry Nirmala Sitharaman, along with members of the US delegation and their Indian counterparts. 6;>14 CA>CC8=6 ?0:?8C274B8=2;DB8>= 8==B60CD= 8b[P\PQPS) <PZX]VPbca^]V_XcRW U^a?PZXbcP]³bX]R[dbX^]X]cWT#' \T\QTa=dR[TPaBd__[XTab6a^d_ Xcbc^_SX_[^\PcPccWTD=WPbbPXS cWPccWTR^d]cahWPScPZT] °TgT\_[Pah\TPbdaTb±c^TbcPQ[XbW ]dR[TPabPUTch ?0:8BC0=C>CA0=B5>A< <8;8C0=2H78C50C0 Trudeau described the S&CD as “the signature mechanism for advancing the United States and India’s shared priorities of generating sustainable economic growth, creating jobs, improving the business and investment climate, enhancing livelihoods, and sustaining the rule-based global order”. “Secretary Kerry will meet with government officials to discuss our growing cooperation on global issues. He will also focus on strengthening our long-standing bilateral partnership on democracy, development, security and human rights,” Trudeau said. Secretary Pritzker will additionally co-chair the second US-India CEO Forum, along with Jeff Zients, Director of the National Economic Council and Assistant to the President for Economic Policy. Pritzker will also be meeting Indian entrepreneurs and participating in an event to celebrate bilateral cooperation on travel and tourism. 8b[P\PQPS) ?PZXbcP]^]CWdabSPh d]eTX[TSPR^\_aTWT]bXeT_[P]c^ caP]bU^a\cWTbcPcdb^U\X[XcP]Rh WXc5TSTaP[0S\X]XbcaPcTSCaXQP[ 0aTPb50C0P]SX]cTVaPcTcWT\ fXcWcWTaTbc^UcWTR^d]cah C08F0=´BCB08>E4AB44B 58ABCF0A60<4B ?X]Vcd]VCPXfP])CPXfP]TbT ?aTbXST]cCbPX8]VfT]daVTScWT Xb[P]S³bPa\hc^X\_a^eTXcb _TaU^a\P]RTPUcTaPbcaX]V^U PRRXST]cb_a^\XbX]Vc^WT[_ d_VaPSTT`dX_\T]cPbbWT _aTbXSTS^eTa\X[XcPahSaX[[b^] CWdabSPh 278=0´BB0A B0C4;;8C4 B4=3B?7>C>B 1TXYX]V) 2WX]P^]CWdabSPh _dQ[XbWTS_W^c^bcaP]b\XccTSQh XcbUXabcWXVWaTb^[dcX^]Bh]cWTcXR 0_TacdaTAPSPaB0AbPcT[[XcT PX\TSPc_a^eXSX]VPbTP\[Tbb eXTf^UbTPbc^_a^cTRcXcb \PaXcX\TaXVWcbQTbXSTb[P]S Q^aSTabP]SV[^QP[W^cb_^cb BCD3H)4G?4ACBBCAD66;4 F8C750;B4<4<>A84B ;^]S^]):]^fX]VP[^cPQ^dc b^\TcWX]VS^dQ[TbcWTaXbZ ^UUP[bT\T\^aXTbbRXT]cXbcbX] 8aT[P]SbPXSVXeX]VX]bXVWcX]c^ fWhTg_Tacbb^\TcX\Tb\PZT Taa^ab^]cWTXa^f]b_TRXP[Xbc bdQYTRcb 1ddQS[_^1]UbYSQ^fQbcYdi Y^1VWXQ^\UQfUc!#TUQT 0? Q :01D; brazen, hours-long militant attack on the A American University of Afghanistan ended today after at least 13 people were killed and dozens were wounded in the assault on the sprawling campus on Kabul’s outskirts, a government spokesman said. The attack underscored how despite efforts by the Afghan authorities to improve security, militants in this country are still able to stage largescale and complex attacks, including in the country’s capital, Kabul. The dead included seven students and one teacher, according to Afghan authorities. Three police officers and two security guards were also killed, the interior ministry said. No group has yet claimed responsibility for the assault but suspicions are pointing to the Taliban. The group’s spokesman, Zabihullah Mujahid, would only tell the media that the Taliban are “investigating.” President Ashraf Ghani laid the blame on neighboring Pakistan, accusing it of supporting the Taliban in sanctuaries across the border, and saying the attack had been “organized” in Pakistan. Ghani spoke by telephone with Pakistan’s army chief, Raheel Sharif, and demanded “serious action,” his office said. Pakistan’s foreign Ministry “strongly condemned” the attack. Ghani’s statement also raised the death toll to 13, saying that a teacher, identified on social media by the as Naqib Khpolwak, a graduate of Stanford Law School and a doctoral candidate at Oxford University, was also among those killed. “Most of the dead were killed by gunshots near the windows of their classrooms,” said Sediq Sediqqi, the spokesman for the Ministry of Interior. The ministry said 36 people were wounded, including nine police officers. The assault began just before 7 pm last night, a time when hundreds of students typically attend evening classes at the prestigious university, with a suicide car bombing at the university’s entrance. The blast breached the security walls and allowed two other “terrorists,” beside the driver of the vehicle, to enter the campus, Sediqqi said. They were armed with grenades. The siege of the university lasted almost nine hours, before police killed the two assailants around 3.30 am, he added. 7XUNH\VHQGVPRUHWDQNVWR ²B^]³^U1^Z^7PaP\³b 6\ULDZDUQV.XUGLVKPLOLWLD U^d]STa]P\TSYTWPSXWTPS Karkamis (Turkey): Turkey sent more tanks into Syria and sternly warned a Kurdish militia to withdraw from frontline positions, a day after pro-Ankara Syrian opposition fighters captured a key border town from jihadists. The tanks joined those which crossed the frontier yesterday in the so-called Operation Euphrates Shield, which Turkey says aims at ridding the northern Syrian border area of both ISIS extremists and Kurdish militia. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said on Wednesday that the offensive had expelled IS from the Syrian town of Jarabulus, and pro-Ankara rebels reported the jihadists had retreated south to the town of Al-Bab. But Defence Minister Fikri Isik warned the Kurdish People’s Protection Units militia — who also had designs on Jarabulus — to move back east across the Euphrates or also face intervention from Turkey. The new contingent of tanks roared across a dirt road west of the Turkish border town of Karkamis, throwing up a cloud of dust in their wake before crossing the border, an AFP photographer said. They were then followed by around 10 armoured vehicles. The operation, the most ambitious launched by Turkey during the five-and-a-half-year Syria conflict, has seen Turkish special forces deployed on the ground and jet fighters striking IS targets. They are supporting a ground offensive by hundreds of Syrian rebels who on Wednesday marched into Jarabulus and a neighbouring village after meeting little resistance. AFP Kano (Nigeria): When the Islamic State group appointed Abu Musab al-Barnawi as the head of Boko Haram early in August, few people even recognised his name. But to close observers of Nigerian jihadi affairs, Barnawi’s promotion from relatively unknown spokesman to leader came as no surprise. After all, many experts say that Barnawi, born Habib Yusuf, is the 22-year-old son of Boko Haram’s founder Mohammed Yusuf. Barnawi’s appointment by ISIS has deepened a rift with longtime chief Abubakar Shekau, who later released a video insisting he was in charge and vowing to fight on. Nigeria’s military claimed on Tuesday that Shekau had been wounded in an air strike on Boko Haram’s forest stronghold but this has yet to be confirmed. Yusuf senior died in police custody following a 2009 military crackdown on the sect in the northeastern city of Maiduguri that spurred the group to take up arms against the Nigerian Government. “Abu Musab al-Barnawi is the son of late Mohammed Yusuf,” tweeted Ahmad Salkida, a Nigerian journalist who specialises in covering the insurgency. AFP ³8]RaTPbTS0]cPaRcXRb]^fUP[[\PhaTSdRTbTP[TeT[aXbT´ New York: Rising temperatures could increase the amount of snowfall over Antarctica which may help reduce the rise in global sea level, a new study has found. When Antarctica’s air temperature rises, moisture in the atmosphere increases. That should mean more snowfall on the frozen continent, researchers said. However, as climate models predict, that trend has not become evident in Antarctica’s surface mass balance. Scientists from Columbia University in the US used historical records and climate simulations to examine that trend. They found that the effect of rising temperatures on snowfall has so far been overshadowed by Antarctica’s large natural climate variability, which comes from random, chaotic variations in the polar weather. By mid-century, however, as temperatures continue to rise, the study shows how the effect of human-induced warming on Antarctica’s net snow accumulation should emerge above the noise. The expectation of more snowfall is something of a silver lining as temperatures rise. Global warming is already increasing sea level through melting ice and thermal expansion, researchers said. The increase in snowfall over Antarctica could help reduce the amount of global sea level rise by 51 to 79 millimetres by the year 2100, according to the study. “Increased snowfall over Antarctica is the sole process connected to global warming that is thought to have a significant mitigating effect on global sea level rise,” said Michael Previdi from Columbia University in the US. PTI eXePRXch " =4F34;78k5A830H k0D6DBC !%! % :DB70=<8CA0 1\\TbUccUTe`Red^_d Y^]eSX_VQXebbi AXbZbTbbT]cXP[ bPhbBdbWP]c BDB70=C B8=67A09?DC WPb ]TeTabWXTSPfPhUa^\cPZX]VaXbZb QTXcWXbbcX]c^]cWTb\P[[bRaTT] ^acPZX]VP_[d]VTX]c^1^[[hf^^S fXcW^UUQTPcUX[\b[XZT:PX?^2WT P]S3TcTRcXeT1h^\ZTbW1PZbWh CWTPRc^abPhbWTRaPeTbU^a TgRXcT\T]cX][XUTPSSX]VcWPcU^a WX\°aXbZbPaTTbbT]cXP[QdceTah ^eTaaPcTS±0bZTSPQ^dccWT caP]bU^a\PcX^]PbP]X]SXeXSdP[P]S PbP]PRc^a^eTacX\TWTbPXSXc fPb°bTP\[Tbb±PSSX]VcWPcXcXbP UP[bT_TaRT_cX^]cWPccWTPcaTbc^ UX[\bXbP]PcdaP[_a^VaTbbX^]°8cb ^da_TaRT_cX^]cWPccWTPcaTc^UX[\b XbP]PcdaP[_a^VaTbbX^]QdcXcb ]^c0bP]PRc^ah^daY^QXb cWTbP\TH^d]TTSc^ _aTcT]Sc^cWT[TeT[^U QT[XTU±7TPSSTS °4gRXcT\T]cR^\TbX]cWT _a^RTbb^U d]STabcP]SX]VXc AXbZbPaTTbbT]cXP[ P]S^eTaaPcTS±CWT PRc^abWPaTSWXb eXTfbPQ^dccWT _a^UTbbX^]^]cWT bXST[X]Tb^UcWT ^]V^X]V;PZ\T 5PbWX^]FTTZ ! %BdbWP]c \PSTWXbaP\_STQdcQh fP[ZX]VU^aPRTSTbXV]Ta <P]XbW<P[W^caP8]b_XcT ^UWXbX]YdahcWPcWTV^c fWX[TbW^^cX]VU^acWT[Pbc bRWTSd[T^UWXbd_R^\X]V UX[\APPQcPWTfP[ZTS^] cWTad]fPhfXcWR^\_[TcT _P]PRWTP]S_^XbT ³CWT\^bc X\_^acP]c R^]caXQdcX^] cWPccTRW]^[^Vh WPb\PSTc^ UPbWX^]Xb UPRX[XcPcX]V PRRTbbC^SPhXcS^Tb ]^c\PccTafWXRW_Pac^U cWTf^a[SP]^dcUXcXb RaTPcTS*cWTaT\PhQTP R^]bd\TaU^aXc\P]h cX\Ti^]TbPfPh´ °<0=8B7<0;7>CA0 0C850B;0< WPb QPRZTS^dc^UWXb bRWTSd[TS_TaU^a \P]RTPcPR^]RTac X]6daVP^]SdTc^ ]^]_Ph\T]c^U SdTb0cXUfPbbd_ _^bTSc^_TaU^a\Pc ;TXbdaTEP[[Th6daVP^]^] BPcdaSPhCWTX]U^a\PcX^]PQ^dc cWTRP]RT[[PcX^]^UcWT_TaU^a\P]RT fPbbWPaTS^]WXbeTaXUXTSb^RXP[ ]Tcf^aZX]VPRR^d]cCWT_^bcP[b^ aT`dTbcTS0b[P\bUP]bc^QTRPd cX^dbQTU^aTQdhX]VcXRZTcb BT[T]PT]Y^hb f^aZX]V^dc 6(/(1$*20(= HQMR\V\RJD DQGH[HUFLVHVZKLFKKHOSKHU NHHSKHUERWWRPWRQHG´6HOHQD ORYHV\RJDDUPGDQFLQJDQG 3LODWHV:HOLNHWRGRDORW RIEXWWWRQLQJWRR,I\RX NHHS\RXUVDPHROG URXWLQH\RXZLOOPRVWOLNHO\ JHWERUHGDQGZLQGXS VNLSSLQJWKHJ\P:RUNLQJ RXWVKRXOGEHDSDUWRI \RXUOLIHVW\OHQRWDQ REOLJDWLRQRUEXUGHQµ VDLG*RPH]·VWUDLQHU ´0DNH\RXUZRUNRXWV IXQE\NHHSLQJLWIUHVK DQGGRLQJVRPHWKLQJ GLIIHUHQWHDFKGD\ 6HOHQDDQG,GR HYHU\WKLQJIURP3LODWHVWR KLNLQJWRGDQFHFDUGLRWR FLUFXLWWUDLQLQJWR\RJDDQG VSLQQLQJ³WKHOLVWJRHVRQµ KHDGGHG6HOHQDOLNHVWR VZLWFKKHUZRUNRXWURXWLQHV RQKHU5HYLYDOWRXUDV LQVWUXFWHGE\KHUWUDLQHU´7KH ZRUNRXWVRQWKH5HYLYDOWRXU FKDQJHGDLO\RQSXUSRVH:H WU\DQGDLPIRUPLQXWHVRI FDUGLRDWOHDVWIRXUWRVL[ WLPHVDZHHN:HGRWRQLQJ DQGVWUHWFKLQJDERXWVL[GD\V DZHHNµWKHWUDLQHUVDLG 0dSX³b]TgcVT]TaPcX^]0#WPbP]X]U^cPX]\T]cbhbcT\ cWPcfX[[Q[^fcWTR^\_TcXcX^]^dc^UcWTVa^d]S 86EE96:?D:56;F:46 2W^^bX]VPWTP[cWhePaXP]cfX[[cPZTPc^[[^]h^d0]SSTRXSX]VfWXRW ^]TXbWTP[cWXTaPVPX]fX[[VXeTh^dP]PRWT1h986H0BD 9>B78 reparing fresh juices is a bit of a mission. We have to select the right fruits or vegetables. Then set up the juicer, put ingredients through its whirring blades and again clean them laboriously. All this effort for a glass of nutrients. It’s no wonder that many of us, instead of doing all this, go for a much simpler route of drinking bottled “fresh” juice. But are the bottled juices we have been drinking all this while really healthy? Are they as good as we are made to believe? “Bottled juices are not a healthier option at all”, says clinical nutritionist Loveneet Batra. “The amount of sugar in those juices makes them sweet candies”, she adds. For all their reliance on phases such as “100 per cent pure” and “pure squeezed”, many commercial juice manufacturers make a processed product. One of the easiest ways for extracting juice is by using the centrifugal juice extractors. Now these use metal blades to break down the fruit or vegetable to extract juice. However, the heat generated by the metal blades destroys the delicate enzymes and brings down the nutrition value of the juice. “Whole fruits P 5>A0;;C748A A4;80=24>= ?70B4BBD270B ° ?4A24=C ?DA40=3°?DA4 B@D44I43±<0=H 2><<4A280;9D824 <0=D502CDA4AB <0:40?A>24BB43 ?A>3D2C are always a better option. We get three grams of fibre if we consume 100 grams of orange. We get negligible traces of fibre if we consume 100 ml of bottled juice. Even the cold pressed juices have chances of contamination”, says Dr Sunita Roy Chowdhury, chief dietician at BLK Super Specialty Hospital. Another industrial method of extracting juice is through the masticator. This uses a slow rotating gear to break the fruit or vegetable and then extract the juice. Though this method is able to retain more nutrients compared to the centrifugal process due to less heat, it leads to oxidisation of the juices limiting their nutrients. Also, producers of pasteurised juices store them in vast tanks. In order to maintain its “freshness”, the juice is stripped of oxygen. Once this process is over, the product can be stored without any harm for more than a year. “People should give more importance to squeezing juices at home. Or for want of time, one can always go for lemonade, buttermilk and lassis, which are anytime better than bottled juices,” says Megha Jaina, Delhi-based nutritionist and diet consultant. E^TUbi_ebc[Y^ CWTUXUcWTSXcX^]^UcWTP]]dP[cWTPcaTUTbcXeP[7aXSPh<P]RW U^RdbbTb^]b^RXP[Wh_^RaXbh8;0 B0=:A8CH0H0= aT_^acb adhekrishna, fondly called Radhe, is a young, handsome R boy who firmly believes that he belongs to the opposite sex since his mother, keen on a daughter, dressed him up like one. But in a cruel stroke of fate, she dies and Radhe is taken in by his uncle and aunt. “They try to change his attitude and take him to psychiatrists to cure him, but all in vain. Then enters Satish Kumar, a psychiatrist returned from a foreign counrty. After two sessions with the doctor, Radhe falls in love with him and wishes to marry him. Radhe’s uncle, on the other hand, searches for a bride for him so that he can pay off his debt from the money Radhe’s father left for his son. But Radhe marries Satish. The play, Radhe Radhe Hum Sab Aadhe, is about this crazy marriage”, says Hriday Manch festival director Ajit Chowdhury. Organised by Sparsh Natya Rang at Sri Ram Centre, the family play kicked off a series that will take a look at social issues and hypocrisies. “The play tries to convey that it is not just the differently abled, but us who are incomplete. The play also focusses on gay marriages and how, sometimes, parents create problems in their children’s lives with a wrong guidance”, he adds. Doosra Admi Doosri Aurat, directed by Ravi Mohan, is all about drifting families. Says the director, “In today’s world, families are breaking up due to the lack of time. When frustrated, the husband and wife start searching for a new relationship. Bholaram Ka Jeev by Rajeev Ayachi, on the other hand, is all about corruption that is rampant in society — be it reservation of a train ticket, admission to colleges or pension. The festival concludes with the play Canada De Nazare directed by Anita Devgan from Amritsar. Says Chowdhury, “It is written by Palli Bhupinder Singh. In this play there are only four characters on the stage, husband, wife, an agent and an NRI. The plot is on the ambitious youth who want to settle down in foreign countries without realising the pitfalls in a comic and humorous manner.” Hriday Manch aims to give an opportunity to those artists, who otherwise don’t have access to a venue in the capital. “Many theatre groups are unable to perform in Delhi due to paucity of funds. So we started organising this four-day theatre festival,” says Chowdhury. The director, who loves folk tales, happy endings and sometimes mystery, has selected stories with different messages and ideas. He concluded, “In all these years that I have been directing different plays, I have not adhered to any particular writer. I have done plays written by different people. They all have their own distinct way of looking at the world. It gives me immense pleasure in reading such varied views and putting it in the form of plays. I like stories which leave an impact on the audience and let them think on a positive note. I am personally fond of comedy and stories which make you rethink and stress on good values and positivity.” he first time I drove the next-generation Audi A4, it was on a drive between Munich Airport and the alpine lake of Tegernsee on the German-Austrian border. Driving the 2.0 diesel with a sixspeed manual transmission and the 3.0 diesel with a seven-speed dual-clutch (DSG) automatic, the cars we drove were not cars that would be launched in India anytime soon. Because there are no manuals in Audi India’s line just now, and it is highly unlikely that Audi will launch the bigger diesel engine option A4 here. However, spending a few hours on both German country roads and the autobahns on what was a dreary day in May with the next-generation (B9 platform) of the A4 made one thing quite clear. First, the new A4 feels a lot larger inside than the outgoing A4 and second, the vehicle is a tech-geek’s paradise but more on that later. But, yes, large, quite large indeed. This feels almost as big as an A6 from a couple of generations ago and surprisingly comfortable at the back too. While we knew Audi India was likely to launch the nextgeneration A4 before the festive season this year, the carmaker did surprise us. Not by changing the date, but by giving the A4 a surprising engine choice, a 1.4litre petrol engine. It would not be wrong to say that Audi, like all carmakers, were caught out by the Supreme Court’s decision to bar the sale of cars with diesel engines larger than 2000cc. Although the ban only impacted the Audi A8 and Q7; the controversial EA189 engine that was the root cause of the Volkswagen Group fiasco globally actually was under 2000 cc in capacity and thus managed to continue to be sold on the A3, A4, A6, Q3 and Q5. The ban impacted the Indian consumer to the extent that the consumer started to rediscover the virtues of petrol engines, particularly for cars that really don’t get driven that much. Diesel engine sales, even of smaller capacity diesel engined cars, began to slow as consumers also began to question the obscene premium that manufacturers charged on diesel cars. So all sorts of minor things changed. Toyota launched a petrol variant of the Innova and began a major marketing campaign around it. Hyundai launched a automatic variant of the petrol-engined Creta and Mercedes, deeply impacted by the ban, launched multiple new petrol variants. But Audi has one step further. They are launching the new A4 with just a petrol-engine option. Not a big plonker of an engine or even a snorting midsize petrol engine like the Jaguar XE in India. No, Audi India in their wisdom have decided to T launch the ninth-generation of their mid-sized saloon with a 150-horsepower 1.4 litre turbocharged petrol engine, dubbed the 30 TFSI. Do not ask me to explain Audi’s new model nomenclature; but rest assured that they have beaten BMW and Mercedes here for utter confusingness. Basically put, Audi has fit a very large hairdryer under the bonnet of this engine and while the new A4 is (spec-for-spec) a whole fat person lighter than the outgoing model, the engine leaves a bit to be desired. It sounds like it is trying damn hard to get the car moving at speed. This is not a car for wannabe racers. Dynamic mode gearshifts are not the way for this car. This, as I discovered on the manic rural roads of Odisha driving back from Konark to Bhubaneswar, is a car that is very comfortable at speeds between 60-90 km an hour — the speed limits on various highways. And if you decide to get up to speed nice and easy, the engine delivers very good fuel economy as well, returning around 12 km per litre on a combined highway/urban driving cycle. And it is a very comfortable ride, the suspension just dulls all but the worst potholes and while roads of all colours are excellent in this part of Odisha, the “Marine Drive” between Puri and Konark seems to have its own speedbreaker factory. Handling is not compromised by the comfortable ride and the little bit of roll is not disconcerting in any way. That said, if you had to buy a petrol car and wanted to have a bit more fun with it, there’s the BMW 320i, Mercedes C200 and even the XE, all of which are likely to be more expensive than this car. Audi India will likely launch a fun petrol version of the A4, but they will likely go the whole hog and get the S4 variant whenever that is launched on the new platform sometime in 2017 with a 400-horsepower option. This 30TFSI option on the A4 also means that the petrol-engine option on the A3 might get a doover, the 1.8-litre engine option likely to be retired. But Audi India is on the verge of launching the refreshed A3 soon, and if the A4 is any indication, this means the amazing 1.0-litre pocket rocket engined A3 could just make it to India. But the hero of the A4 is the virtual cockpit. Let us get one thing quite clear now, Audi’s Multimedia Interface (MMI) System is now clearly, by far and away, the best car interface system out there. BMW’s iDrive is still excellent though, but Mercedes’ COMAND system feels a bit outdated as does the interface on most JLR vehicles (which have another issue). First the idea of replacing physical dials with a 12-inch LCD screen might seem a bit ridiculous, but the amount of information you can pull up just by easily navigating through the steering controls is amazing. Ever since this system came on the new TT, the new Q7 and now the new A4, I have utterly enjoyed playing around with it. Even the central LCD display is angled towards the driver. The A4 30TFSI may not go like beans on the highway, but in the city, stuck in traffic, it will keep you entertained as I’m sure Audi will continue to add features to the MMI. And the inside is very comfortable as well, this car being equipped with all the toys you think necessary in a luxury German car. Along with nice seats, a bit too much plastic though whereas you expected a bit more fabric and leather. But the 30TFSI A4 is likely to be some kind of price warrior, undercutting the BMW and Mercedes. And there is one more unfortunate thing about the A4, the amount of technology aimed directly at the driver will mean that this is a car best self-driven. Which is a pity, because it is rather comfortable at the back. The new A4 will possibly convert some BMW and Mercedes customers and give a nice pathway to upgrade for A3 owners. The way I see it, there is only one problem for the new A4, that is called the Skoda Superb. However, that is where the power of Audi’s brand will come into play, and in that they have been very successful. And Audi will launch a diesel engine model of the A4 in India soon enough, maybe early 2017, likely one that shares the 190 horsepower engine of the A6 as the A6 itself readies for an upgrade shortly. The A4 30TFSI is expected to go on sale in mid-September 2016. < > C 7 4 A ´ B 3 0 H oday, the 106th birth anniversary of Mother Teresa, will be T marked with celebration and thanks-giving in many parts of the world., an online museum for vintage coins, stamps and currency notes, has come up with a docudrama on the history of various stamps and coins released to honour her life, struggle and contribution to humanity. A 45 rupee stamp was released in 1997. The other stamps released in honour of Mother Teresa include the one by India Post in 1980, on winning the Noble Peace Prize, a 30 paisa stamp, and a 20 rupee definitive stamp. The docudrama also tells about the stamps released by countries like Albania, US, Australia, Germany, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Ireland, Argentina and Austria. It was France that first issued a coin to honour her, releasing three gold coins of 500, 200, 50 Euros and a 10 Euro silver coin on Mother Teresa’s birth centenary in 2010. In the same year, the Reserve Bank of India issued two special coins of rupees five and 100. eXePRXchjU^^Sl # =4F34;78k5A830H k0D6DBC !%! % C74C0BC4>5<4F0A FQbaQdDQZ=QXQ\8_dU\RbY^Wcc_]UbUSY`UcVb_]=UgQbbU]Y^YcSU^d_VdXUb_iQ\UbQ2iE>>1D9 :?C89 CVRd`_e`TYVVc 7hPccATVT]Rh3T[WXXbP[[bTcc^\PaZXcb "#cWP]]XeTabPahfXcWTgRXcX]VPRcXeXcXTb he eight-week anniversary celebration has begun for T Hyatt Regency Delhi. Next he former princely state was as famous for its royalty as for its food. The cuisine, which delighted the royal patrons, was reintroduced to us at Varq, Taj Mahal Hotel. We started with a glass of thandai, sweet as it should be with a hint of Rajasthani masala. Next came a duet of Paasley angeera and Murgh Hawa Mahal. The former was a classic Rajasthan lamb chop cooked on charcoal while the latter was a chicken dish in a crust pastry. The dish was nicely plated, the meat was absolutely divine; rightly marinated, flavourful and succulent. Next on our table was Murgh pudina ark, a chicken broth flavoured with mint. We T appreciated the consistency of great flavours. We next found ourselves lost in kacche aam ka sorbet with the molecular concept. It took us down the memory lane and reminded us of our childhood favourite, aam papad. For the mains, we were served Khad murg, which was a game chicken cooked with Mathania chilli and yogurt under sand as told by Chef Rajesh SIngh. It was accompanied by Rajasthani khoba roti, thotri and makkai ki roti. We were then served Mangodi ka pulao and Dal Banjari. The pulao had a myriad flavours coming through, not an easy task, whereas banjari was a mixture of different dals and was delicious. For the vegetar- 2745A094B7B8=675A><C74 A>H0;:8C274=B70A4378B C7>D67CB>=C7478BC>AH>5 78B?;0CC4A0=3C74A4B40A27 C70CF4=C8=C>A42A40C8=68C ians, the menu has a gamut of options, Palak makai, Ker Sangri Wadi, Dhungar Makkai ka raab and Gatte ka saag to name a few. Dry fruits and milk dominate the desserts in Mewar. For the last course, we had a trio of aloo ka halwa, khajur ka meetha and ghewar. We really liked khajur ka meetha with just the right amount of sweet. Aloo ka halwa was brilliantly thought and prepared and the ghewar was not too heavy. Fascinated by the royal cuisine of our erstwhile Maharajas, Chef Rajesh Singh from the royal kitchen shared his thoughts on the history of his platter and the research that went into recreating it. He said, “Continuing our quest to revive the rich culinary heritage of the royals, we are happy to bring to our patrons yet another authentic experience from the kitchens of Mewar. The House of Mewar is acknowledged as one of the world’s oldest-serving dynasties and its extremely flavoursome and aromatic cuisine bears the heritage of warrior traditions and ceremonial repasts prepared with fresh vegetables, meats and rich ingredients of the season.” Thanks to such brave culinary endeavours, royal cuisine is becoming accessible to us mere mortals. And a king’s feast is now being prepared regularly in kitchens across the country. The sumptuous cuisine can be enjoyed at Varq till September 5. 6bUcXV\Qf_ebc 2WTU3TQ]PcW[^^Zbc^a^[[^dc X]]^ePcXeTb_aTPSb 1RWVRKLJK hef Subrata Debnath, who is currently leading Vivanta C hotel’s culinary operations and 7KHDOFRKROLQIXVHGPHQXDW7KH+XQJU\ 0RQNH\LVMXVWDVPRNHVFUHHQ%\-,*<$68 -26+, ow-lit bulbs on an open terrace adorned with a canopy of ferns and L potted plants and tables overlooking the Deer Park....The Hungry Monkey will sure excite you with its New York style décor. Going with its tagline — Eat, Drink, Play — the restaurant is spread across three levels. The first level (Eat) is a corporateinspired space with its bare brick walls, light bulbs and a stone bench with the quote, “The universe is made up of stories, not atoms,” etched on it. The second level (Drink) is an elegant bar serving classic and signature cocktails. The top level (Play) is possibly the best feature of the restaurant. We started with tofu infused with Tequila and mirin which couldn’t change our perception about tofu. Haters won’t change their stance on it. The Mojito spiced fish cake sliders were average but not worth the price. Rice wine sambal chicken skewer was one dish we liked. Maybe it was the sambal after all. The chicken was nicely prepared and was among one of the good chicken skewers we had. The prawn saganaki tasted average. The sauce in which prawns were prepared was palatable, just. Overall, the new WT1TTa2PUTQaX]Vb c^VTcWTaP R^[[TRcX^]^U^eTa$ QTTabUa^\ ']PcX^]b d]STa^]Ta^^UC^ R^\\T\^aPcTcWXb P[[T\QaPRX]V b_XaXcCWT1TTa2PU| WPbQTT]RT[TQaPcX]V 8]cTa]PcX^]P[1TTa <^]cWP[[cWa^dVWcWT \^]cWD_c^" bc 0dVdbcfXcWXcb X]]^ePcXeT1TTa ?Pbb_^acB^WTPS^] c^CWT1TTa2PU|aXVWc]^fP]ST]Y^h[PbcfTTZ^U PdVdbc?aXRX]V)C !$^]fPaSb C boozy menu didn’t excite us at all. While THM has a good selection of wines and liquor, both from overseas and domestic, the wise choice here is to go for their ingenious cocktails. Sample the robust drink, from their summer special menu, Anjum Beach. It tastes really well. Some more good comings from their Martini Bar section of the menu are Gondharaj Lemon and Honey and Muddled Arugula and Pineapple (bartender rocks it). Low cal Watermelon Sangria is also a must try. THM is not really a place for good food but it rocks for its drinks. V^aVTdb WT<TgXRP]bch[TUPbcU^^SRWPX]CPR^1T[[ P]]^d]RTScWT[Pd]RW^U8]SXPbUXabcP[[]Tf R^]RT_c^dc[TcPc4_XRdaXP=TWad?[PRTCWT]Tf [^RPcX^]aTSTUX]TbcWTUPbcU^^STg_TaXT]RTP]S caP]bRT]Sb`dXRZbTaeXRTaTbcPdaP]cbfXcWP]TSVh ]TfX]cTaX^aPd]X`dTcfXbcc^P[R^W^[XRSaX]ZbP Rdbc^\XbPQ[T\T]d\PSTc^^aSTaP[[PccWTVaTPc eP[dTh^dTg_TRcUa^\CPR^1T[[?aXRX]V)C $% C team of chefs, is a much-travelled man. Having worked in more than 10 diverse destinations across the world in a career spanning almost 25 years, he is now helming the Taj Group’s 100th hotel, located in one of the fastest developing cities in the country. “We have four stellar food and beverage outlets and expansive events facilities at the Vivanta Gurgaon and I am truly excited about my journey here.” “Over the past 25 years that I have spent in this industry, I have had the opportunity to work in more than 10 diverse destinations across the world — from Bahrain and Dubai to Kathmandu, Bangkok and Singapore. And I feel privileged to have learnt and experienced something new and different wherever I have been, especially with regard to local cuisines, cultures and traditions,” he told us. Does he think that his diverse experiences across the globe and his passion and love for food will prove to be a lethal combination for Vivanta? “I hope to bring in a taste of all XeP]cPQhCPY6daVP^] QaX]Vbc^h^d²?dQ 5^^Sb^UcWTF^a[S³Ua^\ BT_cT\QTa!c^ ! 5a^\TPbhc^bWPaT \d]RWXTbc^Ud[[Ta _[PcTbcWT\T]dX]R[dSTb b^\TcWX]VU^aTeTah^]Tc^ X]Sd[VTX]1XcTX]c^_a^U^d]S V^^S]TbbPbh^dSTe^da0dbcaXP]?^aZFXT]Ta BRW]XciT[b4]V[XbW1P]VTabP]S<PbWP]S0\TaXRP] 7^c1dUUP[^FX]Vb^aRT[TQaPcTSTbX]Tbb4\QPaZ d_^]PVPbca^]^\XRP[`dTbcP]S_PXah^daVadQfXcW bXV]PcdaTT[XgXabc^T]Sh^daRd[X]PahY^da]Th^]P WP__hWXVW?aXRX]V) 0[PRPacT E few days of the commemoration will focus exclusively on food and beverage. Some of the main highlights include Latte art-making session to complementary coffee on the house. Aseem Kapoor, General Manager, said, “Hyatt Regency Delhi has played host to numerous dignitaries, corporate and industry leaders, film thespians, sports stars and art doyens. We are really proud of our legacy and look forward to the future.” The celebration will comprise different elements like rooms and entertainment to name a few. Executive chef Ivan Chieregatti said, “We are delighted to commence our 34 years of Hyatt Regency Delhi celebration. We distributed 1,000 cupcakes and our patrons seem to be extremely delighted with these activities.” A 4 2 8 ? 4 B 6B954DEB>9@31;5G9D8F575D12<5C F70CH>D=443 ● AXRTU[^da ● FWTPcbcPaRW ● ?^cPc^BcPaRW ● FPcTa ● BP[c ● BTPb^]X]V ● BdVPa ● 2Paa^c ● APSXbW ● 3ahBWXXcPZT<dbWa^^\ ● 7^cFPcTa 7>FC><0:4 ?TT[cWTRPaa^cbP]SaPSXbW 2dccWT\X]c^cWXRZYd[XT]]Tb P]SQ[P]RWcWT\cX[[b^Uc ! B^PZcWTbWXcPZT\dbWa^^\b X]W^cfPcTaU^aPc[TPbc!" 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And as always, I will surely inject my love and passion for food here as well, in all that we do,” he adds. So what are his plans with Vivanta? “We will be rolling out some truly innovative food and beverage experiences for our guests over the coming months including some unique food festivals to thoughtfullycurated events. From a brand new Sunday brunch at Latitude, to a revamped Deli4, we have a lot in store. Do we get to see any brand new development in food trends and fads? “You’ll be seeing a lot of accent on fresh flavours and local produce. There will also be a focus on the artistic element of gastronomy,” he summed up. d__hcWT_[PhUd[ f^]STa[P]SX]P \^STa]bTccX]VQh 03BX]VW³b>[XeT 6a^d_bTaeX]V R^]cT\_^aPah 9P_P]TbTQh2WTU EXZaP\:WPcaXXb P[[bTcc^RT[TQaPcT XcbcWXaSQXacWSPhCWTh PaTVXeX]VSTbbTac^]cWT W^dbT^]0dVdbc!%P]SPfT[R^\TSaX]ZP[[ cWa^dVWcWTQXacWSPhfTTZc^RT[TQaPcT8Uh^da QXacWSPh³bcWXbfTTZc^^h^dVTcc^RT[TQaPcT fXcWPQ^cc[T^UfX]TP]S!$_TaRT]c^UU^]h^da QX[[?aXRX]V) C "cPgTb 6 2^dacTbh)HPdPcRWP PQd[P1TPRW!WPbX]ca^SdRTS C1^cc^\[Tbb1TPRW11@1ad]RW AT_aTbT]cX]VPf^a[SR[Pbb^]T^UPZX]S Bd]SPhQad]RWX]cWTWTPac^U3T[WXfXST ePaXTch^U\TP[bPaTRdaPcTSc^Ud[UX[[h^da WTPac³bSTT_TbcSTbXaTBdaaT]STah^da PUcTa]^^]bc^P]TgT\_[PahBd]SPh Qad]RWfXcW[XeTPR^dbcXR\dbXRcWPcfX[[ PSScWT_TaUTRcQPRZSa^_P]SRaTPcT \T\^aXTbPbeXeXSPbPbd]ZXbbTSQTPRW SPh?aXRX]V) C^]fPaSb b_^ac $ =4F34;78k5A830H k0D6DBC !%! % 5:KKJC@JD6EDFA6?8=2?5H:? -DVRQ¶VTXLFNILUHOHDGV3RPVWRUXQYLFWRU\RYHU3DNLQILUVW2', 05?Q B>DC70<?C>= ason Roy overcame a dizzy spell to lead England's charge to a 44-run win under the Duckworth/Lewis method in a rain-marred first one-day international against Pakistan in Southampton. Surrey opener Roy's quickfire 65 fired England towards an initial victory target of 261 on Wednesday. But after a third and final rain interruption of this day/night fixture at 9:37 pm local time (2037 GMT), the umpires eventually called the game off with England 194 for three. Eoin Morgan, the England captain, was 33 not out and Ben Stokes 15 not out. Earlier, Pakistan were held to a modest 260 for six, captain Azhar Ali top-scoring with 82 after he won the toss. Sarfraz Ahmed made 55 and Babar Azam 40 before he was unluckily out lbw. Pakistan were going well at 173 for three after 35 overs but then lost Azhar before a rain stoppage put a further break on their run-scoring. Roy and Joe Root (61) took England to the brink of victory with a second-wicket stand of 89 in 14 overs. Roy sparked England's chase with three fours in four balls off Umar Gul in the third over of the hosts' innings. His boundary-rush started with a superb vertical bat shot through the legside. Two balls later, Roy worked paceman Gul through long-on and the next delivery saw him force through the covers. But there was a worrying moment when Roy, on 20, needed several minutes' on-field treatment for what a team spokesman later confirmed was a dizzy spell. Meanwhile opening partner Alex Hales, who managed just 145 runs at during the preceding 2-2 drawn Test series against Pakistan, again fell cheaply. Hales was out for seven when he guided Gul straight to Mohammad Hafeez at slip. Mohammad Amir had had five catches dropped off his bowling during the Test series and the Pakistan J FWXcTfPbW]^cT]^dVWU^a 8]SXPc^V^Pc^_C!cPQ[T 80=BQ 3D108 whitewash of the West Indies in the forthcoming A two-match T20 International paceman's bad luck continued Wednesday. Roy, on 24, skied left-arm quick Amir high on the legside. The ball appeared to be heading straight to Gul at square leg. However, wicket-keeper Ahmed called for the catch, only to make insufficient ground and drop the chance despite getting both gloves to the ball. Pakistan may have recently climbed to the top of the Test rankings, but this was the kind of fielding error which had helped leave them singles ?DC8=20;;B10=8=7D<0=4 Moscow: AdbbXP]?aTbXST]cE[PSX\Xa?dcX]WPb PccPRZTScWTQP]^]WXbR^d]cahUa^\cWTAX^ST 9P]TXa^?PaP[h\_XRbPbX\\^aP[P]SX]Wd\P]T AdbbXPfPbbdb_T]STS^]0dVdbc&^eTafWPc 8]cTa]PcX^]P[?PaP[h\_XR2^\\XccTT_aTbXST]c ?WX[X_2aPeT]RP[[TSP\TSP[b^eTa\^aP[b Rd[cdaTfXcWTeXST]RT^UbcPcTb_^]b^aTSS^_X]V CWTQP]fPbR^]UXa\TSCdTbSPhfWT]cWT2^dac ^U0aQXcaPcX^]^UB_^acaTYTRcTSPAdbbXP]P__TP[ B_TPZX]Vc^>[h\_XRPcW[TcTbPccWT:aT\[X]^] CWdabSPh?dcX]bPhbcWTSTRXbX^]c^SXb`dP[XUh ^da?PaP[h\_XP]bXb^dcbXSTcWTQ^d]Sb^U[Pf \^aP[XchP]SWd\P]XchB_TRXP[R^\_TcXcX^]bfX[[ QT^aVP]XbTSX]AdbbXPU^aQP]]TS?PaP[h\_XR PcW[TcTbfXcWfX]]TabVTccX]VcWTbP\T_aXiTbcWTh f^d[SWPeTWPSUa^\bdRRTbbX]AX^ 278=05024B H40A10=8=F4867C;85C8=6 Budapest: 2WX]PXbUPRX]VP^]ThTPaQP]Ua^\ fTXVWc[XUcX]V^eTaaT_TPcTSS^_X]VRPbTbX]P \^eTfWXRWcWaTPcT]bc^bc^_b^\T^UcWTf^a[Sb c^_PcW[TcTbUa^\R^\_TcX]VX]cTa]PcX^]P[[hCWT 8]cTa]PcX^]P[FTXVWc[XUcX]V5TSTaPcX^]R^]UXa\TS c^SPhcWPccWaTTUPX[TSaTcTbcb^USadVcTbcbP\_[Tb Ua^\cWT!'1TXYX]V>[h\_XRbfX[[[TPSc^ 2WX]PbPdc^\PcXRQP]¯XUcWTRPbTbPaT_a^eT] P]ScWTPcW[TcTbX]`dTbcX^]SXb`dP[XUXTSQhcWT 8]cTa]PcX^]P[>[h\_XR2^\\XccTT2WX]PXbcWT f^a[SbS^\X]P]cR^d]cahX]fTXVWc[XUcX]VWPeX]V c^__TScWT\TSP[cPQ[TPcTeTah>[h\_XRbbX]RT !8cf^]bTeT]\TSP[bX]AX^ST9P]TXa^cWXb \^]cWUXeT^UcWT\V^[S ?0:8BC0=F8C>?;0H3=C4BC8=3D108 :0A0278) ?PZXbcP]P]ScWTFTbc8]SXTb fX[[ _[Ph P SPh P]S ]XVWc CTbc X] 3dQPX Ua^\ >Rc^QTa " & \PZX]V Xc cWT bTR^]STeTaUXeTSPhX]cTa]PcX^]P[\PcRW c^QTWT[Sd]STa[XVWcb CWT ?PZXbcP] 2aXRZTc 1^PaS ^] CWdabSPh XbbdTS cWT XcX]TaPah U^a cWT W^\T bTaXTb PVPX]bc cWT FTbc 8]SXTb X] cWT D]XcTS 0aPQ 4\XaPcTb fWXRW fX[[ X]R[dST cWaTT CTbcb cWaTT >]TSPh 8]cTa]PcX^]P[b P]S Pb \P]h C! 8]cTa]PcX^]P[b 8]cTaTbcX]V[hcWT?21WPb^_cTSU^a Ydbc cWaTT >38b P[cW^dVW cWTXa cTP\ Xb [P]VdXbWX]V Pc ]X]cW _^bXcX^] X] cWT 822 aP]ZX]Vb P]S aT`dXaTb c^ fX] \^aT \PcRWTbc^R[X\Qd_cWT[PSSTac^Pe^XS WPeX]Vc^`dP[XUhU^acWTF^a[S2d_! ( 0RR^aSX]V c^ cWT XcX]TaPah cWT SPh P]S ]XVWc CTbc fX[[ QT ^aVP]XiTS fXcW P :^^ZPQdaaP _X]Z QP[[ PUcTa cWT FTbc 8]SXTb RaXRZTc Q^PaS PVaTTS c^ cWT Tg_TaX\T]c ?C8 languishing in ninth place in the equivalent ODI standings. Roy swept left-arm spinner Imad Wasim for the first six of the match before completing a 43-ball fifty also featuring five fours. But Roy's innings ended when a lofted drive off spinner Mohammad Nawaz was brilliantly caught just inside the boundary by Babar, running round from long-off. Root, England's star batsman in all three formats, was untroubled while hitting six fours in 72 balls. series in Florida on August 2728 will still not help secondplaced India climb to the top of the ICC T20 rankings. India currently trail topplaced New Zealand (132 points) by four points, while third-ranked West Indies are on 122 points. A 2-0 win for India, will help them join number one ranked New Zealand on 132 points but the Asian side will be ranked second when the ratings are calculated beyond the decimal point. In this scenario, the West Indies will slip to fourth position with 118 points, one point behind South Africa. A 1-1 series draw will keep India ahead on 128 points with West Indies on 123 points. Windies T20 captain Carlos Brathwaite, who had smashed four consecutive sixes to wrap up this year's World Twenty20 final against England in Kolkata, will aim to help his side win the series 2-0 and move to second place 'LOVKDQWRUHWLUHDIWHUUG2',YV$XV 05?Q 2>;><1> Lanka's opening batsman SOneriTillakaratne Dilshan will retire from Day International cricket after the third ODI against Australia in Dambulla, the island's governing body for the sport said on Thursday. Sri Lanka Cricket said it would dedicate the match on August 28 against Australia to the 39-year old Dilshan for his "invaluable contribution to his mother land". SLC in a statement extended its appreciation to the batsman wishing him all the best. There was no immediate comment from Dilshan. The aggressive right-hander retired from Test cricket in October 2013 after playing 87 matches and scoring 5,492 runs. He has also taken 39 Test wickets. Sunday's ODI will be his 330th. So far, he has scored 10,248 runs in the 50-overs format of the game and taken 106 wickets. 8=3800==>D=24?A>101;4BEB?D4AC> New Delhi: 88]SXP^]CWdabSPh]P\TSP!' bca^]V[Xbc^U_a^QPQ[TbU^acWTd_R^\X]V X]cTa]PcX^]P[UaXT]S[hPVPX]bc?dTac^AXR^fWXRWXb bRWTSd[TSc^QT_[PhTSX]<d\QPX^]BT_cT\QTa "CWXbfX[[QTcWTUXabcTeTa^UUXRXP[X]cTa]PcX^]P[ \PcRWX]<d\QPXX]% hTPabbX]RT8]SXP[Pbc _[PhTSDBBAX] ($$CWXbXbP[b^cWTUXabccX\T TeTacWPcPcTP\Ua^\cWT2>=20205aTVX^]fX[[ QT^UUXRXP[[h_[PhX]VX]8]SXP?dTac^AXR^PaT _[PRTS #cWX]cWT5850AP]ZX]VbX]R^\_PaXb^] c^8]SXPPc $!8cbPWdVT[hX\_^acP]c\PcRWU^a cWT_T^_[TX]<PWPaPbWcaPcWPc8]cTa]PcX^]P[ 5^^cQP[[XbQPRZX]<d\QPXPUcTaP[^]VVP_ <d\QPXPbeXQaP]cPbTeTaWPbQTT]Z]^f]U^a Xcb5^^cQP[[Rd[cdaTP]S8W^_TcWT8]SXP]UP]bfX[[ QTcda]X]Vd_c^bd__^acP]SRWTTaUa^\cWT BcP]Sb8cbX\_^acP]ccWPcfTWPeTPV^^S Ra^fS8]SXPR^PRWBcT_WT]2^]bcP]cX]Tc^[S fffCWTPXUU2^\ 0VT]RXTb F0A=4AC>;4030DBCA0;80 Australia's Steve Smith has been rested to focus on next month's tour of South Africa leaving David Warner to lead the side for the remainder of the Sri Lanka series. Smith captained Australia to an 82run loss in the second one-day international Wednesday which tied the series 1-1. "I hate missing cricket, but in the long run it will do me a world of good," said Smith who returns home with three one-day internationals and two Twenty20s still to be played. "The schedule is very busy. I still want to take on the role in all three formats and do it to the best of my ability," he added. Cricket Australia's chairman of selectors Rod Marsh said Smith needed time off. "Steve has a large amount of cricket coming up in the next 12 months and we wanted to find a time for him to freshen up and these last five matches provide a good opportunity to do so," Marsh said in a statement. "Regardless of the results of the first two matches our plan was always for Steve to take a break and refresh ahead of the ODI Series against South Africa next month. "This is a great leadership opportunity for David, he has really embraced his role as vice-captain and we are confident he will do a great job in Steve's place." Australia will also have to do without injured quick bowler Nathan Coulter-Nile for the rest of the tour. "Nathan had been experiencing a gradual increase in lower back pain which is now preventing him from bowling at match intensity," said team physiotherapist David Beakley. He will not be replaced in the oneday squad, with cover provided by Victorian pace-bowlers John Hastings and Scott Boland. Australia's tour of South Africa begins September 27 with a one-day match against Ireland in Benoni after which they play five ODIs against the Proteas. BPX]PSa^_bc^(cWb_^cBX]SWdPc cW 80=BQ =4F34;78 ndia's Saina Nehwal on Thursday dropped four points to be ninth, Iwhile compatriot PV Sindhu remained in the 10th spot in the Badminton World Federation (BWF) rankings despite getting a silver in the women's singles competition at the recentlyconcluded Olympics. In another bad news for Indian badminton, the women's doubles pair of Jwala Gutta and Ashwini Ponnappa dropped four places to the 26th spot following their failure to reach the knock-out stage in the Rio Games. However, men's singles shuttler Kidambi Srikanth, who reached the Olympics quarter-finals, jumped a place to be 10th, while Ajay Jayaram improved his 22nd rank by a position. Saina, the 2012 London Games bronze medallist, failed to come out of the group stage competition at the Rio Games. And her poor performance led her to move down four places to be ninth as the Rio bronze medallist Nozomi Okuhara of Japan and Shixian Wang of China moved up three places each to be third and sixth respectively. Rio semi-finalist Li Xuerui moved up a place to be second, while her compatriot Yihan Wang, who lost to Sindhu in the quarter-finals, dropped two places to be fourth. Former world champion Ratchanok Intanon of Thailand moved down a place to be fifth and Tai Tzy Ying of Chinese Taipei gained a place to be seventh. Sung ji Hyun of South Korea lost her seventh spot by a position. In the men's singles, Srikanth, who took legendary Lin Dan to the task in the quarter-finals, moved into the 10th spot following his impressive show at Rio. Malaysian Lee Chong Wei, who finished runner-up at Rio to Chen Long, kept his place at the top-ranked shuttler, while Dan was also stagnant at No.3. In the men's doubles, the pair of Manu Attri and B. Sumeeth Reddy were stagnant in the 21st spot. on 127 points and push India to third place on 124 points. On the other hand, India's Test captain Virat Kohli heads T20I batsmen rankings with 837 points. With Australia's Aaron Finch only 34 points behind, Kohli will be looking to consolidate his position at the top. Rohit Sharma is the next highest ranked India batsman in 23rd position, while Dhoni, who had led India to victory in the inaugural ICC World Twenty20 title in 2007, is in 50th position but the likelihood of getting more batting opportunities could see him rise in the ranks. For the West Indies, bighitting opener Chris Gayle (eighth) and experienced batsman Marlon Samuels (17th) will be looking to move up the ranks with Lendl Simmons (31st), Dwayne Bravo (37th) and Andre Fletcher (48th) also trying to climb the ladder. For India, fast bowler Jasprit Bumrah is in second position in the T20I bowlers rankings after a creditable show in Zimbabwe a few months ago when India won the T20I series 2-1. 1228W^_TbP\T]STS B_^acb1X[[XbcPQ[TS SdaX]V1dSVTcBTbbX^] ?C8Q 6A40C4A=>830 nder pressure to implement Lodha Committee Reforms as per Supreme U Court Directives, the BCCI is relying that the revised National Sports Bill is tabled by the Budget Session of the Parliament in 2017 which will save them from undergoing structural changes. A very senior BCCI official said that some changes are being made in the original Bill. "The age cap of 70 years and the nineyear tenure are likely to be changed. There is likely to be some changes in the cooling off period also. But since BCCI doesn't take government grants and till now isn't under RTI ambit, it will also need amendment," a senior BCCI official said. The BCCI officials know that there is every possibility that Review as well as Curative Review Petition will be rejected by Apex Court and the only hope is amended Sports Bill. "The National Sports Bill is the only hope. But it seems difficult that it would be placed before the Parliament during its Winter Session as it ends on December 23. So realistically the chances of Sports Bill being tabled is budget session," the official said. The procedure would be Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports (MYAS) will send the bill to Cabinet, which will then send it to Parliamentary Standing Committee that can seek amendments before it is finally tabled in Parliament. 1cXgY^4XQgQ^2Xef^UcXgQbfYcYd=YQ]Y8UQdc 8]SXP0ebB^dcW0UaXRP0 VP\TPQP]S^]TSSdTc^aPX] ?C8Q 5;>A830 0DBCA0;80) Rain played spoil- head of the two-match T20 series against West Indies, Indian crickA eters, Ravichandran Ashwin, Shikhar Dhawan and Bhuvneshwar Kumar today visited the home of American basketball team Miami Heats here. On what was supposed to be a day off for the Indian cricket team, the Indian trio were hosted by Tyler Johnson and Briante Weber, the latest recruit of the Miami Heats, at their home ground — The American Airlines Arena. The Indian contingent was taken around the locker room, gymnasium and the recuperation center before indulging in a brief bout of play between the five of them. Shikhar and Bhuvneshwar were chatting up with the hosts, while Ashwin seemed to have gone back to his school days of playing basketball. "I've played a bit of Basketball during my school days so that got me really excited while I tried my hand again after so many years. I am thankful to both Weber and Johnson for taking time out and showing us around their home turf," Ashwin said. Bhuvneshwar Kumar said: "It was great to see these guys and learn about their game. I was impressed with the facilities here and it was a learning experience for me to see the amount of technology being used in sports science." Indian opener Shikhar Dhawan said: "It was great fun. I am very happy we could make it here. Exchanging thoughts about how the sports have transformed with the latest technology is always good. While I tried to explain these guys how Cricket is played, they in return taught me the finer details of Basketball." The other Indian players had a field day in the new country as some of them went around shopping, while a few others chose to relax at the hotel. The Social Media handles of players and the BCCI were active with posts and pictures ever since they landed in the USA. The southern coast of the USA was buzzing after the Indian cricket team arrived in the city of Fort Lauderdale to play the two twenty20 internationals against West Indies at the Central Broward Regional Park on August 27 and 28. The Indian team reached the city on Tuesday. MS Dhoni, the skipper of the Indian ODI and T20 team reached Florida on Wednesday with Bumrah. sport as the One-Day match between India A and South Africa A was today abandoned after 35 overs in the first innings, taking the Manish Pandey-led side to the top of points table in the quadrangular contest. The Indians were struggling for most part of the 35.2 overs bowled today after being put in to bat at the Harrup Park. Openers Mandeep Singh (29 of 51 balls) and Karun Nair (15 of 25 balls) put on 31 in eight overs before the latter was dismissed by Dwaine Pretorius. One-down Shreyas Iyer (4) did not last long, edging to first slip off Andile Phehlukwayo, while Mandeep was bowled by medium-pacer Malusi Siboto. India were in trouble at 69 for 3 in the 20th over. Brief Scores India A: 140/4 (Manish Pandey 47, Kedar Jadhav 41 not out; Phehlukwayo 2/23). b_^ac % =4F34;78k5A830H k0D6DBC !%! % *XDUGLRODUHXQLWHGZLWK%DUFD @U`µc3YdiTbQg^gYdX3QdQ\Q^WYQ^dcY^E3<Wb_e`+1bcU^Q\@C7Y^cQ]UWb_e`d__ 0?Q <>B2>F anchester City's new coach Pep Guardiola will be heading back to Barcelona after the Premier League club was pitted against his former team in the Champions League draw on Thursday. Guardiola, who also spent most of his playing career at the Catalan club, steered Barcelona to two Champions League titles as well as a number of other trophies during his time as coach from 2008-12. Borussia Moenchengladbach and Celtic complete Group C. Cristiano Ronaldo also returns to his M <^aTbW^RZbX] ;TPVdT2d_ 0?Q ;>=3>= remier League clubs Burnley and Middlesbrough were eliminated by lower-division sides in the second round of the League Cup on Wednesday, while Leicester and Chelsea were paired in the standout match of the third round. Fourth-tier Accrington pulled off the biggest shock of the night, beating Burnley 1-0 thanks to a goal late in extra time by Matty Pearson. Second-tier Fulham came from a goal down to beat Middlesbrough 2-1, with Lasse Vigen Christensen getting the west London team's winner in extra time. Sunderland needed a late goal from on-loan Manchester United midfielder Adnan Januzaj to beat third-tier Shrewsbury 1-0, while Bournemouth settled for a 2-1 win at Morecambe. Januzaj fired a rising shot into top corner in the 83rd minute to avoid any potential upset for a Sunderland side that has lost both its opening Premier League games under new manager David Moyes. Premier League champion Leicester was drawn at home to Chelsea, pitting its manager Claudio Ranieri against his former club. Manchester United will play away to third-tier Northampton. P first club as holder Real Madrid has been drawn against Sporting Lisbon. Borussia Dortmund and Legia Warsaw are also in Group F. Surprise Premier League champion Leicester faces Porto, Brugge and FC Copenhagen in its first time in Europe's premier competition. The eight four-team groups begin play on Sept. 13-14. thrashed Ajax 4-1 to reach the group stage for the first time. City will play a sixth straight season in Europe's elite competition after beating Steaua Bucharest 1-0 thanks to Fabian Delph's 56th-minute goal and completing a 6-0 win on aggregate. Goalkeeper Joe Hart made what could be his last start for City after losing his regular place under new coach Pep <0=28CH<>4=274=6;031027 Guardiola. "We have a top manager that the club 2AD8B48=C>270<?8>=B;406D4 Manchester City and Borussia has wanted a long, long time, and he's Moenchengladbach built on command- going to have his opinion on things," said ing first-leg advantages to cruise through Hart, who was given a rousing reception the Champions League playoffs on by Cityfans and appeared emotional durWednesday, while Russian side Rostov ing and at the end of the match. "It's a place I love to be," he added, "but situations occur in football. We're men, we get on with it." Raffael and Thorgan Hazard scored hat tricks as Moenchengladbach routed Young Boys 6-1 for a 9-2 win on aggregate, sealing an immediate return to the group stage for the German side. Both Germany and England will have a full quota of four teams in Thursday's draw.City, a semifinalist last season, will be one of the second seeds. Rostov advanced 5-2 on aggregate over Ajax - a four-time European champion - in its first season trying to qualify for the Champions League. FC Copenhagen is back in the group stage CA0=B54A A>D=3D? F8;;0224?C20BE4A382C)1;0CC4A 0?Q ;0DB0==4 ormer FIFA president Sepp Blatter arrived for his appeal hearing F against a six-year ban from football on Thursday, pledging to accept the verdict of the Court of Arbitration for Sport. "I do hope it will be positive for me," Blatter, sporting a light gray beard, told reporters at around 8 am (0600 GMT) ahead of a closed-door hearing expected to last several hours. The court's verdict is expected within several weeks, and could be challenged in a further appeal to Switzerland's supreme court. The 80-year-old Blatter denies wrongdoing in authorizing a $2 million payment to former FIFA vice president Michel Platini in 2011. They claimed it was for backdated and uncontracted salary for work Platini did in advising Blatter from 1999 to 2002. The so-called "disloyal payment" led Blatter to be put under investigation for criminal mismanagement by Swiss federal prosecutors last September. That investigation is ongoing. FIFA's ethics committee judged the $2 million deal was a conflict of interest and initially banned Blatter and Platini for eight years last December. FIFA's appeal committee cut both bans to six years. Platini's appeal to CAS was already judged in May, when Blatter appeared in person as a witness. Platini promised a further appeal to the Swiss Federal Tribunal after his ban was only cut from six to four years. Platini arrived at the hearing around midday local time to be a witness. Both men have denied any wrongdoing. "I came here to repeat and say again the truth," said Platini. The judging panel in his case noted "the absence of any repentance" from the former France great. The three-member panel for Blatter's case is expected to respect the verdict of a separate panel which judged Platini. for the second time in four years, after scoring an 86th-minute equalizer to draw 1-1 with APOEL and progress 2-1 on aggregate. Dinamo Zagreb was the last team to go through, beating Salzburg 2-1 after extra time to advance 3-2 on aggregate. The Croatian team equalized in the 87th minute through Junior Fernandes to take the match to extra time before El Arabi Hilal Soudani grabbed the winner in the 95th minute. City did the damage with a 5-0 win in Romania last week, allowing Guardiola to rest most of his first-choice players including Sergio Aguero — the scorer of a first-leg hat trick. 10A20B86=28;;4BB4=;4C1A0E>6> Blatter's comments Thursday suggest he would not pursue a federal case. Federal judges can intervene only if legal process is abused. "We are football players, we learned to win but also we learned to lose and it will not be the end of the world," Blatter said outside CAS. A failure to overturn the ban for Blatter would likely end his hope to one day be named FIFA honorary president by its 211 member federations. On Sept 14, UEFA members will elect a successor to replace Platini who had a mandate through March 2019. By imposing a four-year ban, the CAS panel ensured UEFA had to replace Platini, rather than wait for him to return. The "disloyal payment" emerged last year when Platini was strongly favored to win the election to replace Blatter, who had announced his departure plans after 17 years as president amid pressure from American and Swiss federal investigations of corruption implicating senior FIFA officials. Arriving at the hearing with his Zurich-based lawyer Lorenz Erni, Blatter said he hoped the CAS panel "will understand that the payment made to Platini was really a debt that we had against him." "This is a principle, if you have debts you pay them," Blatter said. 10A24;>=0) 1PaRT[^]PbPhbXcWPbbXV]TS=TcWTa[P]Sb V^P[ZTT_Ta9Pb_Ta2X[[TbbT]R[TPaX]VcWTfPhU^a2[PdSX^ 1aPe^c^UX]P[XiTWXb\^eTc^<P]RWTbcTa2Xch CWTB_P]XbWRWP\_X^]bPhb2X[[TbbT] bXV]TSPUXeThTPaR^]caPRcPUcTa bTRdaX]VWXbcaP]bUTaUa^\3dcRWR[dQ 0YPg2X[[TbbT][^^ZbRTacPX]c^QTcWT aT_[PRT\T]cU^a1aPe^PUcTaWXb Tg_TRcTSST_PacdaTU^a2Xch 1PaRT[^]PbPXS^]BPcdaSPhXcWPSP STP[X]_aX]RX_[TfXcW2Xchc^bT[[ 1aPe^1aPe^XbZ]^f]U^aWXb_PbbX]V bZX[[bb^\TcWX]Vb^dVWcQh]Tf2Xch \P]PVTa?T_6dPaSX^[P2Xchb 2[PdSX^1aPe^ [^]VcX\TV^P[XT9^T7Pac_[PhTSX]cWTXa2WP\_X^]b;TPVdT _[Ph^UU^]FTS]TbSPh8U1aPe^[TPeTb1PaRT[^]PbUXabc RW^XRTZTT_Taf^d[S[XZT[hQT<PaR0]SaTcTaBcTVT] 0? B270;:4B86=14=C0;41BC0<1>D;8 64;B4=:8A274=) BRWP[ZTP]]^d]RTScWTbXV]X]Vb^U 0[VTaXP\XSUXT[STa=PQX[1T]cP[TQUa^\ C^ccT]WP\P]S5aT]RW\XSUXT[STa 1T]YP\X]BcP\Q^d[XUa^\?PaXbBPX]c 6Ta\PX]^]CWdabSPh4eTahcWX]VXb bTcc[TSfXcWC^ccT]WP\0]STeTahcWX]VXb aTb^[eTSfXcW?PaXbBRWP[ZTb_^acX]V SXaTRc^a2WaXbcXP]7TXST[bPXS1T]cP[TQ fW^Y^X]bBRWP[ZT^]P^]TbTPb^][^P] \PST^][h P__TPaP]RTbU^aC^ccT]WP\ [PbcbTPb^]QTRPdbT^UP]Z[TP]SZ]TT X]YdaXTbBRWP[ZTbPXScWT! hTPa^[S _[PhTafX[[fTPacWT=^ bWXacP]S :XRZTa aT_^acTScWPccWTR[dQbTRdaTScWT ^_cX^]c^\PZTWXb\^eT_Ta\P]T]cU^a !\X[[X^]Tda^b!!%\X[[X^]CWT!% 1BcP\Q^d[X hTPa^[SSTUT]bXeT\XSUXT[STafPbY^X]X]VU^aPaT_^acTS TXVWc\X[[X^]Tda^bP]SVTccX]VPU^dahTPaR^]caPRc 0? A>=0;3> cWT QTbcX]4da^_T 0?Q <>B2>F ristiano Ronaldo has won UEFA's award as the C best player in Europe last season after helping Portugal to win the European Championship and having another stellar campaign for Real Madrid. Ronaldo, a favorite for a fourth world player of the year award, beat club teammate Gareth Bale of Wales and Atletico Madrid's France star Antoine Griezmann. The vote, by journalists from UEFA's 55 member countries, was announced at the Champions League draw Thursday. Ronaldo also received the A^]P[S^PUPe^aXcT award in 2014. Lionel Messi U^aPU^dacWf^a[S (twice), Andres Iniesta and _[PhTa^UcWThTPa Franck Ribery PfPaSQTPcR[dQ previously won the award, cTP\\PcT6PaTcW which was first presented in 1P[T^UFP[TbP]S 2011. 0c[TcXR^<PSaXSb UEFA created the prize 5aP]RTbcPa after the original European 0]c^X]T6aXTi\P]] Footballer of the Year honor, known as the Ballon d'Or, merged with FIFA's world player award. Lyon forward Ada Hegerberg won the women's award. Meanwhile, The goal of Barcelona striker Lionel Messi in the first round of the 2015-16 UEFA Champions League against Roma was chosen by the Union of European Football Associations (UEFA) as the best of last season. Messi scored the goal as a result of collective play with Neymar and Luis Suarez. That encounter, played at Barcelona's Camp Nou stadium last November, ended in a 6-1 victory for the hosts, reports Efe. The Argentina striker's goal received 34 per cent of the vote and exceeded Brazilian Ricardinho's goal in Futsal, which gained 13 per cent votes, while the goal of Swiss Xherdan Shaqiri in the second round of the Euro 2016 against Poland came in third with 11 per cent. Messi is not among the three nominees for UEFA best player in Europe, which are Cristiano Ronaldo, Gareth Bale and Antoine Griezmann. The winner will be announced on Thursday night during the draw for the first phase of the UEFA Champions League. ²9PXbWPbPXS]^c^_Tab^]P[XbTSaTUaTbW\T]c³ 94dVV\d?252dcVda`_dV `_h`^R_ReY]VeVda]VR he controversy stoked by marathon runner OP Jaisha T took an interesting turn with her ?C8Q =4F34;78 ?C8Q =4F34;78 personal coach Nikolai Snesarev on Thursday asserting that she herself had said no when asked by him if she would need personalised refreshment during the race in the Rio Olympics. Belarusian Nikolai said he had told the Indian athletics officials after "clarifying" from her that she will not need personalised refreshment during the race. National record holder Jaisha had alleged that Athletics Federation of India officials did not arrange for water and energy drinks during the race under scorching heat and due 2^PRW=XZ^[PXB]TbPaTeX]PUX[T_W^c^ to which she nearly died while runcoach) asked me whether she ning, a claim denied by the AFI. Nikolai said that Jaisha had (Jaisha) would need individual never used personalised drinks refreshment or drinks for the race. during marathon competitions and I asked Jaisha whether she will use she said a clear no when asked by personalised drinks or normal water him whether she would need them provided by organisers. She said she in Rio. "A day before the race, will use normal water only. Then I Radhakrishnan Nair (deputy chief told Nair that she will not need per- sonalised refreshment and she would prefer pure water. That is it," Nikolai told PTI from the SAI Centre in Bangalore where he is currently based. "Jaisha had never used individual drinks during competitions from the beginning of her Olympics preparations and she had run with only normal water. She used only normal water provided by organisers during the World Championships in Beijing in August last year. The whole of 2016, Jaisha did not use personalised drinks during competitions," he added. "But for clarity, as I wanted to clarify from Jaisha, I asked her whether she will need individual drinks or run with normal water in Rio. She said she will run only with normal water provided by the organisers," said the coach. Latest reports said that the 33year-old Kerala athlete, who won a silver medal in 1500m race in the 2014 Asian Games, has put the blame on Nikolai, saying that he must have told the AFI officials that she will need personalised refresh- ment. Asked if there was sufficient water arranged by the Rio race organisers, Nikolai hinted that it was not so. "I did not run the race and have not followed Jaisha throughout the entire 42km. How can I? So, I would not know the exact situation. It would seem from a distance that the water arranged by the organisers was sufficient. My situation was as good as yours watching on a television. "But I had spoken to some runners who took part in the race, who finished around 70th and below out of the 157 runners and who ran behind the leading pack, and their coaches. They said water was there but after the 25 to 30km mark, it was not sufficient. That is what these runners and coaches said. I have no means to verify what they said," he added. "When I spoke to Jaisha after the race, she also said the same, that the water available was not adequate in the second part of the course after around 25-30km," he added. episode, a national level 2Y^TbQd_XUQT>B19 A woman weight lifter has challenged in Delhi High Court a bUfYUgS_]]YddUU four-year ban on her for allegedfter the Narsingh Yadav =4F34;78) India's first and only individual Olympic gold-medallist Abhinav Bindra was on Thursday named Chairman of a five-member review committee to probe the shooters' Rio Games debacle. The National Rifle Association of India (NRAI) said the mandate of the committee is to "examine and identify in a cold and ruthless manner" the causes behind shooting not securing any medals at the Rio Olympics. The committee is also mandated to recommend concrete steps that NRAI must immediately undertake to ensure that this is not repeated in future Olympics. Bindra has told NRAI that though he would not question any of his teammates, he would remain open to any assessment by the review committee. Other members of the committee include former tennis player Manisha Malhotra, who has also been appointed Convenor of the committee, NRAI Secretary Rajiv Bhatia and two journalists. ly taking prohibited substance, alleging that she was given laced protein drink by one of her colleagues. The High Court has directed the National Anti Doping Agency (NADA) to respond to her plea. Justice Sanjeev Sachdeva also issued notices to the Centre and CRPF Director General on the petition filed by Sumati Devi, a CRPF inspector who was part of the women weight lifting team in 75-plus kg category, and directed them to file their responses by November 21, the next date of hearing. The petitioner, a permanent resident of Manipur, has sought quashing of the July 8 order passed by the appellate author- ity on her appeal against the findings of Anti Doping Disciplinary Panel (ADDP). Terming the penalty of four years as "very harsh", she has contended in her plea that she had not taken the drink intentionally. Devi has alleged that one of her colleagues, with whom she shared a room in the sports hostel attached to Jawaharlal Nehru stadium here while participating in 63rd All India Police Games Championship in March 2015, had given her a protein drink which was laced with "anabolic steroid". She said she was in the hostel room with two other women athletes of CRPF from March 1, 2015 to March 5, 2015, who used to go together for routine practices and have their respective protein drinks and food supplements. Devi said she consumed the drink in the presence of another roommate.
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